Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 21, 1898, Second Section, Page 6, Image 10

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I DAILYB1EfULSDAYflJNE : 2 ! , 1898. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- -
, Whcat Bliowa oine Strength on Importhnt
Bnybig by hort&
tHjier tnrIets Are Ah'u Mtrisger ,
Cnrii , ( uN full tII Itiscs lit
1'ritIslipiuii SIiii IiiU .iln-
terl&1 (2nhii.
. ChICAGO , June 20.-On linporttnL buying
b $ iihorts wlicni ( otlity more than ieeoV-
uted ( runi ( iii early iiltimi , , July cluRed with
ii. ( ) $ it C , atiii $ opt'mher ift oft with
ttn ndvnheo ( ) t Sjt' . Corn nliil ontR ro o
34c titCI ) , pftri ( gained 25c , lard ? 4u and
t lbs lOc.
Untoundtii rurnor that some one in tim
lrittn lUSiiiCSI4 III Ilic nortil'eBt VitH LU
4U&iilie. , the clear weather arni tim demur-
alizcii rorlgmi mnnrketm , mtitrtcd wheat wenk.
or nbout lifteen minutes a nufficlent nttm-
) eL' ot shuns were induccd to cover to keel )
time irleo within the ilmnitH of the oieitlig ,
rllm1g ( . Iltit rcporlm of harvest uperations
hUng restlmned wlwre they Immtve been Inter-
rimpted by rnlnH ittid every indication ot a
; ignntic cr01 , , together with the extreme
t ( fthliCUitP ( IC mnnrketlri&f it nlirond , cauied it
, ( IIliCk lr'mtk. , July whIch iotil at. the di)14o )
3ittnrdity at 72e ii1 , ticcilneit to Oc ; $ ep-
I. . mnlwr ioMt t I.c ? , m4eiiimig lit 6 7bc , ittimi Dc-
vnmher ijijid oft 1 3-te at \VItIiIn mimi
hour iioweer , tli emitimiieUt iiiiowed ii
clmamige. 1IiO inrket hero pniil no further
nttention to iJemiriMil ncvm , n Hlmortmi WeIC
viilen t I ) I iii ple8I4ciI % I t ii iu Ideit tilL ) t t he
prleI3 IlUd milienily ( IeClLiICl Hullic ieii I I y. Omi
I liii t I henry mUlti itt ) eniphtt t It denin I
the miimrth'c4t of nil the rumor8 thnt limt
been current ctrl , together with ( lie ile.
ye lo Piticilt 0 f a gii I citIi 11(208 ii ii , Hilort S
liutight rmceIy. anti kC'IL tit ) lirice rising
tthtil the 'uriy insil wits mum u titami recov-
ci't iI. I.Ivcrpuot 14111rte11 itt 2td decline fimt
July alid l'ii ouch rr 3ciitemnher itntl Ic.
eemnhtr , mm nil 8tihseii ( e n I. ( itItim tb its fm ni
( Ii rre eu me I tVit itlimi ) uver Li ii t ii the Ilital
r'nrt siiieii miioved ) July 51/411 lower fir
liii' ility. mmml tiit litter delIveries h1 iover.
'i'iiii woridH simipimielits s'erc 10,117,000 bit. ,
i'ittinreiI , with , lJ9OOO bu. tii simnilur week
of IWJ7. ( 'iilcnm , gut ten cari and Minneap-
iii Is a nd 1)tm i ii t Ii 'i gil I y-seven , ngai mm t timir-
ty-ommo RI. ( Ito two itttter iilnres inst year.
July ( ) lICtitiI % jIViC lower at 7li7le , oid
( lOWil to liii to 70)4c. dOWil to Oc , ad-
VIllietil to 73i , tict ) tell niT to 72c bid , time
kiOSim1g Prico. SCiitVmIbl'i itartet1 l.Se hiwcr
tO 1-Sc higher mit 1G 5-STi67 7-Sc. fell to 65 7.8
@ ( i' , untied tmi to 67 7-Sc amid voId itt 67 5-8
@G7 Yt' at ( ItO close.
'l'iu } ltnhiruvemnellt in the vcather had a
vezi hemmIng i ii ii tiii on corn a t ( lie ope ni mig.
Later it recovered nil time ettriy declimie anil
tuore oil lnhlirtnmtt buying by shorts.
July Omiefled 1-tc ilowit at 31 5-S412e , do-
chIiod to : ii 5-Sc' , then rose to 32 5-kb12e
nked , t lie closi ng cc.
Favorable ciop reports anti weather fore-
CliSt created ii voitk fecihitg iii omitS iii the
m4imrt. Later , however. the loss was all re-
cuver'iI oil general fldvttflO in curmi. , ltmly
( ) ICflel 1-8c lower at declined to 23 5-Sc ,
rese to 2lV2i 3.Sc , then settied to 2ic at.
the CloSe.
'l'hie tiuyimig of horovislr1ms vas much better
tmn ! n tito se Ii I mg a nil hiriceS , It fter yieldiitg
a little early. recovered shiitrmdy. Jtmiy tork
Cl started 24c highmsr at $9.S74J , declined to
$9.55. thou liriflell imp to , the closing
lorico. .ltily Jarol bC'gIiTI immwhanged to ) 2c
lower at $ ,7O amid ( , hil at $5.80 itt the ciose.
Jolly ribs ( ) ICmCil SC hover at $5. 10 am ! rosu
( ( I mtk'il , I lie ( lOsiig % Ilgure.
Etimnitteil roecilots fur tomorrow :
fl cars : corn , 573 cars ; oats , 200 ears ; hogs ,
27,000 hend.
Leouling futures range as foihows :
. % 1-Thu
. '
.1)00)0 . . 75 , t 'a 75 130
JollY. . . 7m.t4 7:1 : ; o 7 7' ' (
G SCIt. , . 1175 * il7 ; . ( : u'L n7
1)ec. , fl7i.iJ13 m18).O ) ( , ( JOlt ti3 ii7T.U8
Crn ml-
.Tiuiu. , 31' ' , .12'S ' :3lS : 3'4 : tht
Job' . . . : m I -i : : l2S63 ; : t I ) t : h2s : :2s
Seth . . :44h : 5iS : ! :125t : 5314 .
_ _ _ _ _
July. . . 2It : 241 23h
Selfl. . . 20h ( Oh : i 21
Jolly. . . I ) ' 74 ( I 1,2.4 , ii t ; : ; so e
&Pt. . . 0' O ) 10 00 1) 7t ) U U7t I ) 71&
.Tiily , , . i ; o S t2 ti 70 ti FO t 7'14
1PI ( 5 b24 5 921.4 5 CO 1 $ b : %
, ho'i1ttbo'
July , . . 5 10 : t ; 40 5 15 IS 45
emt S 110 _ _ ! S
'No. 2.
Cash itimatations were as follows :
FLOULt-hiuli : winter latents , $ i.SOi.0
straights. $1.roftlG0 ; clear. $ i.4Ozi.5Q ; spring
iieeioih4 , S5.115O.
\V1llA'1'-No. 2 sprIng , GS7Oc ; No. 3
nirlmig , G4i6c ; No , , 2 red , 7G4ic.
COHN-No. 2 , a2i32Y4c.
) ATh3-No. 2 , 2'/lJ25 ° .4c ; No. 2 white. 2S
j2S ° 4c ; No. 3 white. 27c.
RY1-No. 2 , 41c.
Ih i11Y-No. 2 , 31cljlc.
. FLAXSEE-No. 1. $ t.1O'4i1.12. '
TIMO'I'iIY SEFl-Prirne , $ .6IY.
PItOVISIONS-Mess pork. per 1)1)1. , h.S2
GNe.0o. Lard , per 100 lbs. , $5.72u1'S.OO. Short
ribs sides ( house ) , $3.40116,00. 1)ry solted
sitouhihors ( boxeolh. $4.75ij5.OO. Short clear
ithes ( boxed ) . $5,75iiG.OO.
StJGAItS-Ctit lout , G.O2 ; granulated ,
L $5.52.
I I Arttcle'o itecemptii. Shipments.
flour.bbh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,70(1 (
Yhoent. tin..4.1)3(1 ) ( 39.'Oi (
' Corn. Do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8211,7(10 740,1:00 :
Oats. bit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222.5tl ( , 241,500
ltyebu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.lU0
Iiariej.bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f,201) ) ,7l0
On the I'roduco exchange thu butter market -
ket was itrni creameries. 1431Gc ; ( httirleS.
1ti1a4 ! . Eggs , liron ; fresh , jOe. Live
poultry , fair demand ; spring chickens , 141J
iSe ; liens , 7c ; tiucks , Gi6c ; turkeys , Gj7c.
-volt mc ( L.NllLtI MAltlCIfl'S.
QimotlitlomiN for lltt'iui ( III ( .emtermtl
( bIlIIiilltOM.
NE\V YORK , June O.-FLOUR-Rcccipts ,
17,020 , bhhs. ; shipments , 20,0-il bbhs. ; imiarket
( heCll000l early bitt afterward steadied UI )
wltii wheat.
i COI1NM1AL-Duh1 ; yellow western , 72c.
BARLEY MALT-Nominal ; western , 62
r 70c.
70c.WILEATRcceipts , 203.500 bu. : cxiort ,
3l.t.92 bu. ; SPOt mlron : No. 2 red , 83c , f. 0. I ) . ,
ammoat. OitIOmS laid it venk opening mimul
sold off further Iti answer to demoralized
I CUhItI I1CYi4 timlil ticartshi weather. Loiter
tim short interest alarmed over outside
buying , co'ered vigorously anti lirovokeol
a bib rally , which closed tue market ltrmn
at c IIIIVIIIICC over Saturday's curb , but
1112 1-So niT from the rigttlnr chose ; No. 2
roil. Jill ) ' , 75i/78o. closed itt 77c.
COItN-Itecoiiots. 339.6SO ha. : exports. 144.-
548 bim. ; P't ' ) lirmn ; No , 2. Mc. OptIons
. oiu ° oietl vciihcr vIthi wheat. but rallied
later eu it gooil demand from shorts tiiil
( ' ) $ ( ' ( mirn 101(1 ( umochoummged fron Saturday -
day : July , acril3G3c , ( 'i014e1t Ut 36C.
I OA'I'S-Iecuipts , 315.700 bu. exports. 203.-
ll9 Lam. : spot mimnier ; No. 2 , 3Cc ; No. 2
white. 32c , Options quiet but fairly steady ,
closimig ummebtamogeil ; July ciuscol at 2Ic.
II hlOt'13-Steinly ; ootittt' , C0Oflitofli to choice ,
1st : crop lil(4c ; 1(56 crop , 67e ; 1897 crop ,
121 * lIe : I nellie coast , 1t9 cmi ) , 3i4c.
VOOI-Qulet ; itevce , 17J23c Texas , I3
I F1S1-F'irmio ; light sklmns ,
latm't Hkiioit 4to5c ; fail skims , 2fl2'/e.
city , 33.c ; coumitry , 3
'J ' 6i.
1tlC1-Stenohy ; fair to extra , 5j7c ;
.Titonimo , 7.SioGc.
MOLASSI'S-Stendy ; New Orleans 01)011
Iftottit' , gao-ui tO'ChlICO , 251133e.
cO'rToNSlIU 011.-Prime crude 20i21c :
oioouimial ; irlomio crimole. r. . t. nihioo , 17'
I iorlmno slimmer yellow. 23c ; ulf tmmo1mer
fl yulow , 2I(24tc ( : butter oil , 28c ; prime 'in.
ter 'ellosi' , 301131c.
Ml'1'AlS-Vitii time exception of the bud
t iepartmnept , vboiclm roiled stromog , the mdiii
market slmoWH upnthiy and genermil absence
or feature. Pig iron vuirrumots closcil dull
' 1t It $61i0 blot iimiI , $ t.5 mitikeot : lake copper ,
very titmil with $11.75 bid and $12.01) tisked ;
thu. quiet with $15.10 bitt timid I520 nkot :
siwlter , miomnimiah With $5.ts ) blob amid $ .2 ( .
nskod ; lend , strong s'ithi 3J)5 hut ilmoil $4.00
muubu'ii. 'l'iiu mhrxn ( lint lhxes the setthimmir
prjcu ( or mnimiers amid smnelterou ctuoIcs lead
itt $3.70. ,
1StJ,1'Tl ll-flect'lptim. 14,211 PkgS , ; steady ;
westurn cr0111Ut'ry , 13'4tj1Te ; 1IgImis , lie ;
factory , hht h24c.
E1(1H-hteveIptmi , 9,641 phcg. moteotdy ; west-
crii , 31 ½ ( ul2c ; southern , 1Oi11c.
I.I'crmiiiuI Muorket.
I LlVEhtIOOL. Juno 20.-WI ! EAT-Spot ,
I dull ; No. 2 red winter , 7. Futures. July ,
Li ; 04t1 ; Septeonber. Ss 20d ; Decemmiber , ta
S h-Sd.
CORN-Spot , fIrm : AmerIcan inizeti , 2ii
. d ; futures , sutetuiy ; July , 3s 2 7-Sd ; Seiitmmi-
bier. 3ii 25-Sd.
I FLOUlt-t3t. Louis funicy winter , duLh
us ( Id.
1 101'S-At London ( Pacific coast ) , dull ,
1'ItOVISIONS-bieet , casy ; rImnq ioiess ,
650 lid , l'ork. dull ; vrimo mtWSS. i'estrmm ,
3bs 3d ; irimne mmwss , ) mechiumn westerum , 4Ss
I d. humus , short cut. 14 to 16 lbs. , dull , 31s.
liucon , steady 's short ribs , 31s Gil ; iooig
dear mnlddles iglot Gs 2d ; slmr ; clear backs ,
$ jJ chuar bellies , 82a 6d. liou1ders , quirm ,
'I ' .
I _ _ _ _ _ - - - -
str1y , 2js , 1nti1 prjme weato'rn , dull ,
2I 'b'nhlaw. lirime city , ihimli , l * Cob ,
CIIflEBE-Stenily , AmerIcan finemit white
anob i'oIOreI. 3lr ; Cd.
. ' r'flned , dull
Obl.S'-'ottoiised , Liverpool ,
lCq fsl. Tumrlentlne uiiIrt , , rtettoly , 24s 3d.
liciiiti , omrrmol1 , Rtenoly , Sot ,
( alA lL.t Cl lNltAb2tlAIt l ITS ,
tomm.1 I I of 'Vruihenmiit ( timol itt Ifl
Oil .EI1 ill , ) nn.b lnuioy l'ro.bomoe ,
l(1s : ( booth stovk , S4jitc.
l1UTTKit--Comnmooi to fair , 9Ltlc ; sep
muutor , lSc ; gathered creamery , 1lj1i' ' .
'LA l-ho1ce flit. tO to 120 bht. , quoted at
S139I : lflTgC amid coarse , 6i7c.
1lVl l'Ot'l.TltYliens ( ( -aid "roost.
cr5 , 3Ae ; spring cimlkenmu , i2jlc ; ducks , Cc ;
gNl4e , Coy.
l'llENS-Lhe , POC doz. , G0'd7&c ,
ITAY-UlilAnd. $7.00 ; mI'lboin4f $ fl.00 low-
Imumiol , $ J11 ; r > o strtt' , $4.CQ color makes the
lriVO on buy ; bight la1e sebl the best ; only
tom ) 'grailes bring tub ) iirics ,
vLGwrA13LTs. :
Ol41ONH-New muoutimemn , per Ibi. 2c.
hhlI. NS-llanob.plcked oiiiVY l''r liii. , $1.25.
I'OTATOES-lbomne grown , SSc ; new po-
tatouus , , hOC Slim. , $1.00.
(2AIII3AOE-1 or crab' her lb. , 2e.
TOMA't'OEh3-1'r tour bnket crate , $ l.00
1-3 lui. box. COljiSc ,
CUCLJMIII1I1S-hlome grown , per ohoz. ,
SOc.WAX IJEANS-1-3 ho. box , C0l75e.
ST1tA\'flfllt1tb ES-.Orezon , $2.A0'fi2.25.
Dt.ACK ItAS1'IJEhtItlES-l'er 24-qt. n8C ,
$2.50 : 24-pi. ( 'asi' 11.3Mm br'u.
hmT.AC I'hlElt1 ( I FS-$2.003 2.25.
1tD ltaS1'IiEItItIES-l'er 24-pt. case ,
(300SEIIEI1ItIES-l'er 21-031. "cloSe , $ lOO }
c'i lFltit1ES-1'er 21-itt. CaRe , $1.0O1 i.2
Cuthiforimins , per 10-Ui. box , $ t.S0 ,
I LUC'lChEhm llltlltES-Mlssoutrls , per 24-
lit. CILSO $ l.0o'bl.25. '
vlAci I ] 'S-Sotmiit'rmi. 14-bti. box , 7&c ; Cal-
I formolzu , 2J.l ( I , . box , $ i,25ij 1.3.
Al'ItiCO'I'S-l'er ' . & .
- 20-lb. case , $1.35'iil.&O.
0 IANG ES-Seedlings , $2.50J2.75 ; Mediter-
ramovnml sweetS , $2.501i2,75.
lllONS-CnItrornia , $1.50 ; fancy Mcmi-
shoot. $5.5JiEG.00 (
llANAN.i4-l'imolce , large mituck. per
lnhtic'bi. $2,00ij 2.25 nicilht.ttii sized bunches ,
$ l.75i2.OO.
ih1SCELL.ANEOUS. , ver lb. . large size. 12
13c ; mnnll , 11e 1Irazhi3 , ver bb. . 'Jij10e' Eng-
ilshi waboutmi , per lb. , fancy soft ottieli , 1l
11u shotmoubards. 8jIc ; : ilbtorts , per lb. , 1Uc
lecamlH ) , lohlShCl , medium. Chic ; extra
large , 8PtJc ; macgo hickory nuts , $ t.00l.10
Per bu , : 51)1011 , $ l.2i1,3 tier Lam. ; cocoalluts ,
1,1cm' leo , $4 lcaoiuts , raw , &j3.0c ; roasted ,
M Al'lfl SY RUP-FiVe-gal. can , each ,
2.73 : gab. cans , mire , iier i1oj. . , l'2 ; built-gal ,
coins , $ G.2 ; iiulart calls , $3.50.
lIGS-Imported , foincy. 3 ctown ,
boxes , 10e 5-crown , 4-bb , boxes , 13c ; ,2- ! ! .
1)ixmi. Per box ; Cabhiornhot , 10-lu.
box , $1.
11ONl1-ChoIce white , 12e ; Colorado non-
her , lOtvlhc.
1cltAur-rcr bbl. , $3.50 ; per biabf bbb. ,
1)ATES-itnllo.veo , CO to 70-lb. boxes ,
5 ° 4c : Satr , so ; Faroh , 9-lb. boxeS , IC.
tlIEIt-11er IonIC hbb. , $3 ; bbb. . $ .
SlIDES-No. 1 green hidemi , 7'c ; No. 2
green htdes 6 ; No. 1 sAlted iiiih'S. Ic ; No.
2 salted blues , Sc ; No. I veab calf , S to 12
lbs. , Oc No. 2 veal cojif , 12 to hS lbs. , .c. .
TALLOW , U ItEASE , ETC.-'Fouliow , No.
I , Ic ; tuiblow , No. 2 , 2'c ' ; roimgh totliow , 1c ;
is'iuIto grease , 2 ½ 0ii2c ; yellow and brown
giensu , 1fl2c.
SIIEEI' 1'1Lrs-Grcen moalteol , each , 14t
73c : greclo salted mihmearimigs ( short 'wooled
early skhmis ) , each , lIc ; olry stwartngs. ( short
veoIcd early otklnmi ) , No. I , each , Sc ; dry
tlioit , Kotoominmi and Nchrasbtot botcher wool
beltS , per lb. , nctuuil weIght , 4i&e ;
dry hint , Kansoimi anih Nebraska mnomrrtihn
Wool hells. Pd II , . , nct'oal ' 'cight , 31J4c ; thy
ml I Ott , Col orottlo tam t ibiet % vool 1101 La. ier lb. ,
actual weight , 4J3c ; dry ihint , Colociumo mior-
mlii i'ooi pelts , lC lb. , actual weight , 1
( j Ic.
St. 1.01) IN 31o , rki't.
ST. LOUIS , Jilome 20.-FI.OIJIt--DUbl anol
easy ; jtttel)1S ) , $ l.50P4,70 straigbits. $ iQOii )
1.23 : clear. $3.60i3.00 : nlIxed , $3.25i3.D0.
\1 I E.'r-l rregombar , closing snone us Sat-
uurduty for July , 5-Sc higher f3r September
amid December % c hIgher ; a jut , lower ; No.
2 red , elevator. iOc bId ; trod t , 9iS0c ; July ,
CS 3-Se ; Septomuber , 65i'zG5 5-Sc ; December ,
67e : No. 2 hard , casio , bIle.
COlON-Futures cIool lirm within 1-Sc
of the 'tom ) Ruth 1 1-Sc above Saturday ; spot ,
steady ; No. 2 cash , 11.4c ; July , 3L 1-S3J3P4c ;
September , 32 1-Sc.
OATS-Futures closed strong , tonchuangeol
fur July , wIth September Iie higher ; spot ,
lower ; No. 2 CaSh. 23C track , 21c : Juiy ,
23c bid ; September , 21c ; No. 2 white , 28
ItYE-Lower at. 3Sc.
S ED-Flaxseeol , lower at $1.07 ; prime
tinOtlIY secil , $223012.63.
II1IAN-ritntteob ( ldmfloilid , scanty ofreringti ,
restricting sales ; sacked , cast track , & 2@I
53 ½ c.
hAY-Easy ; prairie , $5.0OVS.75 ; timothy ,
$7.50'iI'll.OO. -
BUTTER- Quiet ; creamery , 140316c ;
olairy , 10j'14c.
FX3GS-Ilrmn at S3c.
I1AGGING-G 3-SOji 3-Sc.
ME'I'ALS-Lcad , fIrm at $3.S0 ; spelter ,
$ i.bOSjS.00.
PIIOVISIONS-Pork , better ; mitundard
mess. jobbing , $9.75. Lard , better ; brimo
steamn , $5.53 ; choIce. $5.63. lbncon , boxed
hotmldcrs , $5.50 ; extra short cicar , . 5612 ½ ;
ribs. $6.25 : shorts , SG.37 ½ . Dry salt meats ,
loxdo1 shoulders. $5.00 : extrmi short clear ,
$1.50 ; ribs. 53.621,4 ; shorts , $3.75.
RECEII'TS-Flour , 3,000 , hibls. : wheat ,
4,000 bu. : corn , 60.000 bu. : oats , 42,000 bum.
SI I li'MF3NTI3-l'lour , 2,000 bbls. : wheat ,
5,000 bu , ; cormi , 80,000 bu. ; oats , 31,000 bit.
! iiStli.morc Market.
BALTIMORE , Md , , J1100 20.-FLOUR-
Weak and lower ; western superfine , $3,50 [
3,75 ; western extra , $4,0O04.75 ; western
family , $5.00Z5.50 ; winter wheat , 6,00010.75 ;
spring syhicuit , $6.25U6.0 ; spring wheat ,
straIghts , $ G.00016.23 ; receipts , 161,865 bbls. ;
exports , 13,555 bbbs.
WIIEIiT-Dull noel lower ; spot and
mnottthl , 71) ) 7-S01bOc ; July , 74m4c hid ; steamer
No , 2 veil. TIc asked ; receipts , 5,522 bu , ; cx-
Ports , 81,930 ho. ; southern wh'at , by soimn-
plc , 7lcujSlc ; southern wheat , on graibe , 3 %
jjS0'Ac ,
CORN-Steady ; spot and month 8501154c ;
5uly 33S125 ½ o ; steamer mixed , 3Ihi3pc ;
receipts , 172.500 him. : exports , 351,225 iU. ;
southern 'ivhmlte , 3G'c ; soutlmermi yellow ,
33 ½ c.
OATS-Quiet : No. 2 white , 328132 ½ c ; No.
2 mIxed , 3001301hc ; receipts , 26,675 boo , ; cx-
iorts. 20.000 Itum ,
13U'rTbolt-Flrm ; fancy creamery , h761Sc ;
fancy imitation , ICe : fancy ladle , 136J14c ;
good Iaoblcmi , 12c : store blacked , 1O'7111c.
EGOS-Firm : fresh , 12',40'l3c.
CltFES12-Steathy ; fancy New York , 9j )
t3c ; New Yrk macilium , 9/.010c ! ; New
Yurlc tomnail , 100i10c.
Ctneiminntl ftiiurket.
atoil casy ; famicy , I.25i.C5 ; famnlly , $3.70
WhEAT-Nominal ; No. 2 red , 7fr1176c ,
COHN-Quiet ; No , 2 mixed , 3.l0133 ½ c.
OATS-Euitoy : No , 2 mIxed , 2GlZ27c ,
1tYF-Q1llet ; No. 2 , 4Cc.
PRQVISIONS-Laruh , firm at $5.50 , Bulk
meats , quiet at 55.G2. Bacon steady at
WhISKY-Finn t $1.23.
BUT'l'llfl-Stcaohy ; ElgImo creamery , iSo ;
Ohio , 120115c : dairy , hOc ,
StO , it-Iluisy : 'hard refined , $4,470J6.1O ,
EGGS-Quiet at Ic ,
Sam ii Frmiiielsi'o Vlmo'mit Iiirket ,
SAN FR/i NCISCO , .1 one 20.-WI ! EAT- . .
Eiimov : leeener , $1.30 5-8 , sellers.
h1ABl11Y-Enslcr ; 1)eccmber , S1.b4.
, ,
SItcis 4il ) 1INlS.
'I'here IN it Genermil A imirccItt lomi In
Vflhllt's i4htiVll.
NEW' YORK , Jimmie 20.-Stock values gen-
ertulby iippreciittt'd In 'ahuio ( tibtty , to the
exteoot ot Important fractions ii ) the stuil-
olarol shares , while the improvement wait
comumilderabby greater In some of the spu-
claltles. At the opening the bears itt-
( cunoteil to repeat their successes of bust
week timiti in the ibrst titturter of an hour
brought about rect'smoiona lii the Prices ot
iloiflO bt'utdimlg 55)cCiulltIeS , hioit the railways
ltiioWtiih resistance to the si'bhlmlg movement.
The carmilmogit of the railways fur ( lie second
week of Juole gemoorally shIoWCot increases.
There 'VON evidence of uenvy purchases by
houses rdlbrcsentlotg substantial bmlerests ,
wbicii imutckly iott'ttdhed the market and
uvemituoully brotmgiit uiboumt advances well
above Saturduty's closing. although reouliza-
thins Ut times retarded the improving ten-
democy. Covering lot the grangers was
Iiuurtby attributed to the clear weather over
much of ( he crop area. The rising move-
macnt in stocks was partly credited to the
imtatilitY of the bear ( action to tiring about
biqumidoution anil the cbosimog &is strong.
Metropolitan in the late dealings rose 3
110)11118 ( Ill jIoibadebnhIa udvices that thu di.
rectors would authorize the Issue of athbi.
tlomooui stock at par to the irt'sent holders.
Other sptcIaities , after tin early momnemitary
beavimoess , also moved UI ) sharply In corn-
onomi with the ilronoimnet'ob tendency of the
general umarlcet , People's Gas was a comi-
SPICUOUS ixamnplo amid utter dropping to
91 3-8 on heavy offerimigs by a bear Pool
subsequently boumidett iii ) above 1i oti imldi-
( ' * 1(10115 that the toek was beini necumu-
isted by substantial imoterests. Trading
was dull amul largely centered In the spec-
uluttive issuemi. Fluctuations uriloK tbio
torn0on were slightly bower , 'but the market -
ket lubmicquently galno.i trvngtb u4
c1oeoh flrrn Quotations for government se-
euritles Were Uneltnngt'.b for mnott imttumeot ,
but ohi r.'giuitered tu were eonpIeulhls fOr
aol Improvement of 5-S 'er cent , while ttoo
old 4s , eOtmlflfl , lost % 1CI' cclii iii 1110 blob
lriee. l'ulrchniteit of tboo obih 4s coupon ,
were made at an nolt'fln ut ti pohhf , * htle
the s , registered , suft ret cm bQm Of 3-S
per cent.
The following nrt the clotting qumotatlons
of the leading stocks on the New York
rnnmket today : . . . . . . , ,
AIehion . . . . . . . . . . 13 iSi.1'.k ( Jill . . . . . . . . .71)
llomr.l . . . . . . . . 32l * 11 , nri , . ; . . . . . . . . . 110 .
ltaltlmote. ' Ohm , II St. 1' . U. & M. . . . . . . . )41
Cftnaohi Ptciflc , . , 824 50. I'neiflc , , , , . . , IR %
CatidSoutiurn hi So. . . . . . . . .
Central l'aci Ito. . . . . 1 3'4 So Ratmway pCI 2P4
Cbea&Olima. . . . . . . . m2TS1Tex : * & l'aetfle. , lIft
Chlcaro ¼,8 Ijiilon , I'acifle pfd. 69
C.,1I.4Q . . . , , , . , . , 1(114 (1. ( 1' , common . . . , , . li. I . . . . . . . . . . U0' Ii. I' . I ) . .t U. . . . . . . . 74
c..o., ¼ SI. 5. . . . . . 414 VAbflloht . . . . . . . . . . . .7
010011) . . . . . . . . . IS Wabatli fi1. . . . . . . . . It . )
Del , , ilimdoioui , , . I I ) i Wheel , & S. . . . . . . I U
PcI. 1. . ¼ W. . . . . . 1&t L. K. pUl hi
1H'n. . ' 11.10 0 . , , . . , l'.4 Mimiuuo . , . , . , , , .
ito . . . . . . . . . . Mnerlenn x. . . . . . . 127
S.rie blew ) . , . . . . . . 13 ( Untied .Stute'm3z , . , 49
Erlobstpfol , . . , , , . , . , 13)4 ) Welharnro lIz. . , . 120
II. % Vitvnn . . . . . . . . billS Ama. Cot. Oil. . . . . . . . 20
flrcsotNorthnrmopt.ll77 A , Cotflil hId. . . . . 734
tIoctnr Valley , . . . Oft Mn. Splrti' . . , . . . , ,
lmlhlioIRCntr3l. . . I05 Ama , Pilrttt pld , . , , 100
LOke lrlnAW. . , _ 110 Ala. ToOaeO1) . . . . . . 11515
tb 'lcl . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 oho pri. . . . . . . . . . . . 319
l.nkemiuiore . , , , . . . , bfiuI4 PeOthO'tl (1n . . . . . . . 07 %
Lotuttytile ,0 Nash , 5'2pI Conit. thiit. . . . . . . . . 11)0 )
Manhattan 1. . . . . . . I040t Corn. ( 'le Co. , , . 170
Mel. SI. 1(7 , , . . 102 1701. 6' . .Iroio. . . . . 21
Mlchittuui CcntatblOi ole PlO. . . . . . . . . 1130
? , tliuit , & St. L . , . , , 27 % flea ; Electnc , , . . , , , 57 %
do IRt plot. . . . . . . . . 01) lllhiioDStet. . . . . . . . ti0I
hitoPaciflc , . . . , . . , , SIll Lafleea Us . . . . . . . . . 48)4 )
lltobite&Dhio. . . . . 2(3 ( L-nd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mo. lV & P . , , , , I l' co phi. . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 %
Mo,1C , o T plo ) . , . , Ss' 4nt. i.tmo. Oil. . . . . . . . IS
Cbs. . litol. A r . . . . . t Oreiron mop. Co. , , , , 211 %
00 1)1,1. . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 I'nelflo Mitt , . . . . . . . . .
N. J. cetitesi . . . . . . tat I'otloomalo ; Pal. . . . . . . I 870-4
N. Y.Central..1)034 SlbverCertitlcnto'o , , 108 %
W.Y.ChI.&St L. , 18 Stauilltopo .tT. . . , (1 (
010 1st p14 , . . , , . , , ( . IS Iiisr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
dothi . . . . . . . . . . ) ( ii ) Prol. . . . . . . . . . S 1215
Norlolk& Wemitori 14 ' 1' . C. . % iron , , . . . . . . 25)5
No./tnier. Co . , , . , , (1 ( U. 8 , Leather. . . . . . .
flo.l'actflc. . . . . . . . . 214 % do phi. . . . . . . . . . . , Oil
(10 alit . . . . . . . . . . . (013)4 ( ) U. S. Itubber : . . . . . . 2:3)5. : )
Omomarto .k 'IV. . . . . . 1 5 ole 11(01 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:0 : %
( Ire. Ii. Nuur . , , , . , . . 5(1 ( % 'Wesieni ( hobo. . . 01'S '
Ore. Sheri LIne. . . . . 28 Northvosttrmi . . . , . .
Pltlsburg . . . . . . . . . . . 1013 ( Ii ) 1)1,1 ) . . , , . . , , , . , . . I 71
Ro mhmmug. . . . . . . . . . . . bulls It. 3'V . . . . . . . . . 20
Itoclo island. . . . . . . . 1011 % ii , (4. & W. phi. . . . . . 1)1 %
S. l. . & S. 1' . . . . . . . . . 7 % Clii. G ( Vct. . . . . . . 14)4
(10 hit 1)1(1. . . . . . . . . 0:3 : % Itenitliog I iii Pto1 . . . . 41
St. i'atul . , , , . . , i. . . 1)11)6 ) St. 1. . , : S. 3V. . . . . . . . ( 'IS
do . . . . . . . . . . . $ do. 1)111. . . . . . . . . . . 11)4 ( C . . . . . . . . 2214 _ Tlostomo It. T. . . . . . . . _ tiU ' 4
1x.i1Iv. , - -
The total aleot mitocks todnywere 274 ,
200 shares , ineluabing : Atchison lreCerre(1 ,
11,315 ; BaltImore & Ohio , 5,080 : Chesuopeako
& Ololo , 4,09(1 ( ; Chicago , 1lumiImigton &
Qutbacy , 21,070 ; Cbovehutiool , Coltimbus , Cli- :
Coigo & St. Louis , :1,7:10 : : ; LouIsville & Naiobo-
'hblc 7,170 ; lulanhoittamo , 0,630 ; ietiopohltnn ,
12.S'J ; Nortboern l'aciitr , 3,915 ; Northern I'ui-
ciibc preferreob , 6.0S4 ; flocklslttttd.9,024 : St.
I'atml , 17,190 ; Amerletut Spirits , 5,555 ; 'l'o-
bacco , ; Chicago Great Western , 3,310 ;
P00)110'S ) Gfli , 34,770 ; Sumgiur , 33,0S7 ; Itubber ,
York MoIeMmirket ,
NEW YO1tl , Jumie 20.-Mottey on call
eas' at1qil4 per cent.
P1tlIi11 ' ' ' -
MEICAN'rILE I'AI'ER-3-j4 per
actual business In lamlkers bIlls at S4.S5 ½
( ii4.S53 for obemano ) , and 51,84714.8404 for
sIxty days ; llOSteiI rates , $ l.83fi4.83 % amid
$4.S64(4.S7 ; commercial hIlls , $4.83.
hAlt S1LVElt-riSc.
GOVERNMENT BONDS-Irregular ; new
45 , reg. oitiib coupon , 124 ; Is , reg. , 108 % ;
C000jiOfl , 1hO'i , : lot , 93 ; 5s , reg. auth coupon ,
t11' , : I'acilhu Cs of ' 99 , lOlMj.
Closing qimotatoomos oIl bonds were as fol-
Ion's : . -
U.S.iiew4.'t. ro , . .121 N. (7. 4'i. . . . . . . . . . . . 104L4
01. 8. miew 45 eO'Il ' ) , 1210 No. l'aeimlo , Ists. . . jill-i
U. S, , . . . . . . . .1011 % No. Paclite Si. , . . 0I4
tJS.414.Coitp..lit No. PacIt1 Is. . . . . 11715
U. S. ' 48. rsr. . . . . . . . ii : , N. V. C. .1 St. L. 4i3. 1040-4
13. S. Is re . . . . . . . . . 1 124 N. & W. Us . . . . . . . . . .20
U. S. ls. coiui , . . . . . I 12)4 N. % V. Con'iols. . . . . . 140
IJistilet : i , lij , , . . . . . I 14 N. W. Dob. Is. . . . . . . I 1015
AIn.elauis A. . . . . . 111 Oro. Nav.1st . . . . . . . 10.5
AIa..ctass Ii. . . . . . . . (10 ( ( ire. . . , . till
A1a..lsss f' . . . . . tilt 0. S. i. . os. t. . . . . . . ' %
AIu.Ciirreiic , . (1214 ( 0 S.L. 13-s. t. r. . . . . 107
Atehtr.on o'i. . . . . . . . (11)5 0. Imo. liii , I. . r. . , . 114
Atcitsc,11a&i. , 4R. . . . 1044 0. hoOp. Ils. t. r. . . . . . 6(3 (
C. .1. . N. 1' . 4 , r is. . 1311 Pacttbe bs of 'til. . .11)1 ) %
C. & 0. llM . . . . . . I 1.1 Itcadtnu 4i . . . . . . . .
C. II. & D. 4'4i ' . .1O46 It , ( LSVut 1sii. . . . . 85
l ) . & It. (3. 1st-i . , , 10(1 ( % St. L. . ! i 1. M. 3 0)4'S
D. & IL. 0. 4' ; . . . . . . . . 1)1 ) % St. L. .i S. F.G.l.t3. 1'4il %
Eaerroio , . lti , , . . 101714 St. P. Con'uts. . . . . . . 143
ErteGen. .15. . . . . . . . 7l)5 St. P. C. . P. intl. . . 120'4
F , IV. &D. ii. , ( . r. 72'4 St.P.C..kI'.3s. . . . . 117
' : .eo. . ILec. ( ii. . . . . . . 103 Southern lii' . Ii. . . .
6.11. .S. A. Oi. . . . lois s. it. &T. Ci. . . . . . . 07
a. ii. , s. A. 2iFi , . .1O3 Toioin.iety , ieti.i. ; . . Ill
1i.& . . . . 101) ) Tex. i'itc. I. G. to b03i (
Ii.&T.Q.c'nn IJi. .103 Tqx.l'ac.Ir. 3t1'i. 3S"
Iowa C. isis. . . . . . 1(01 ( U P'l&U. lst. . 61)5
La.Nowcou.4.,10J Wab. 1stZt . . . . . . . 109
r &N. Utal 49. . . . . oo1 IVU1J. 20tH. . . . . . . . . .
Mis'oouri Us. . . . . . . 11)11 ) IVeit Shore 48 . . . . . 11184
011. 2.-ti. . . . . . li3l Va. Ceiiiurles. . . . . . .
rim. K. .0T,4s 8735 Va. , teTerrud. . . . . . . .
N. Y. C. isti..I It ) uiimoii 1'aiSc pM. . 59
N. 3. . us. . . . . . . . . I I I % Union ( 'acute 45 . . . ( ' 7
Jooton , SIuik QuotmiSions.
BOSTON , Juno 20.-Call loans , 1'012 ° per
cent ; time loans , 21,4014 per cent. Closing
prices for stocks , bonds and mining shares :
. .
A.T.&S. il' . . . . . . . . 1:4 : IloijiouL. . . . . . . . . . . 04
Americain Sutuar. . b32)4 IS 13. I. . . . . . . . . . . . . SIlO
Aoii.Su'rar ' out. . , . ( is Gen. Ebec. ld. . . . . . 02
Omiv State ( las i4 Atcttsooi Ofit. . . . . . . . :4234 :
Sell l'elepnono , . . , 271 Atehtsooi 4i. . . . . . . .
flotton&Atbtnv 225 Ccii. Nbc. Is. . . . . . 103
Hcitomt.t 10iaino 101 WiBconslo , Cell , III 41
C. . Ii. .lt Q . . . . . . . . . 1(0434 ( AIIoiez , 2.tla. U. , , . 4
Flichoimri. . . . . . . . . 1(111 ( % AtlantIc. . . . . . . . . . . . 251)4
Central Electric. . :47)4 : ) floturi , k 0-Ioooai t SUit
Illinois Steel. . . , 64 liitte.0& , iIotcn , 23
Mexieoi Central , , 414 ( 'abuonotii mIect , & . , 55(0 (
N. V. c 34 , P . . . . . . . 91 Ceoutennla , . . . . . . . . 13 %
0101 qoioity. . . . . . 111(1 ( FranklIn. . . . . . . . . . .
0.3. i 211 Oaceott. . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . .
Utucoer. . . . . . . . . . 23 Qutucy . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Inloa ) Iaclliu. . . . . 23 Tamaraelc , . . . . . . . . . . 151
West 1ia . . . . . . . . . 8:1 : Volvcrinei' . . . . . . . 2111
Ivest EatS or' ) . . . . . 103 Parroti..1)4
lv. E1e . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 014 Iouuloolomi. . . . . .
sy. Elec. otiS. . . . . . ( .4
iIr FrutebNeo , MiiiIng Quotadiunag ,
SAN FRANCISCO , Jimne 20.-Official clog-
lug qumotatlomis on ininimig stocks today were
t follows : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
AI1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 lIsle 4 Norcros' , , , 7T
AlDblaCon. . . . . . . . . 2 JustIce. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
A0110a. . . . . . . . . . . 0i } CittticIcy Con tO
fleicher. . . . . . . . . . . 4 Mexicam , . . . . . . . . . . . 10
l'eSu.Oi Itelcher , . . 13 OccIdental Coti , , , , (10 (
iliolltooi. . . . . . . . . . . 2 OliIlr , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Catedonig. . . . . . . . . 17 Overman. . . . . . . . . . . . 3
ChallcmiaCon. . . . . 13 Potoit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Cttohlar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Savage. . . . . . . . . . . . 4
CooillUemice.10 Sierra Nevada. . . . . 52
Con.Cat. 'is , . , , 24 Umuton Con. . . . . . . . . 13
Crowot Pomni 7 tliiili Ce , , . . . . . . . . . . 3
Exticqtio'r 1 Yellow Jacket . , , , Ill
litOija &Currme' . . : 8 Slaimidaril . . . . . . . . . 150
Silver bars , S7c ; Mexican dollars , 46 % @
46e ; drafts , sight , 17 ½ c ; telegraph , 20c ,
1'tti. York ltilmlmg ( timulutlomis ,
NEW YORIC , Juno 20.-The following are
time closing mining quotations :
Chomtar . . , , , , , , , . . . , to Ontario. . . . . . . . . . . 2101) )
Crowoit'elnt. S ( Thhr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Cmi.Cal. & Vs. . . . 34 ( 'tyniouth. . . . . . . . 12
Prathvooa. . . . . . . . . 110 Qutcksilver. . . . . . . . 101) )
Goti1dCurry 8 Oulckstlyor p1.1 , 2100
llslejiNorcrou , , SlerraNeyalt. , ,
IIomestKe , . . , . . . 401)0 ) StanOard. . . . . . . . . 1 (10
IronSllver. . . . . . . . (1(3 ( Union Con . . , . , , , , 13
Mexmcaui. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1oii.lomi Stouk ( tuotutloims.
LONDON , June 20.-t p. m.-Cbosummg :
Consols.m'v. . . . . . . I I I 16 N 'i' . C-mtra , . . . . . . . 118
Consuls , sect , . , 1 1 1 7-16 l'enoiviyanta , . , , , , . 5014
Cait , Pacloic. . . . . . . . 81005 Itcaclmnr. . . . . . . . . . . . 80)5 )
Erie. . , , . . . , , . . . . , , 15t4 Mex. ( ; .n , new 4s , , (1(134 ( (
Nrto 1 st ' . . . . . . . Atehtioo . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Ill. Centram. . . . . . . . . . Iii . ) 8' . . N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:3 : %
Mi3eau Ortimnary , i : ' ( Irand Trunk. . . . . . . . 78
13t.I'IItII common. , . li3t
10/ill SlLV1R-27 I-Sob ICr OZ.
IiIONEY- per cent.
Thou rate of tlitocoumit in the open market
for she t and three months' bills is 1.3-8i
1 ½ per ceoot ,
' F'innmmvlnl Nnt's.
OMAHA , Juioo 20-The clearings far the
day ycro $ l,154b22.I6 ; balounces , $111,810,310.
'rho clearings for 1897 were $78t3,215.S4 ;
balances , $ SS.722.16 , Increase In cbearimigs ,
ChICAGO , Juno 20.-Clearings , 17,432,000 ;
buianceto , , $2,171 1)00 ; New York exchange , 25c
lreonltmm , : moterlimig exchoimoge , posted rates ,
54.S30j4.bG ° .6 ; oicumuul ( , $4.84 1-hSfS.810 5-8 : sixty
003'S , Stocks , steady ; Biscuit
30 7-8 ; llisciiit preferred , 02 ½ ; Dinmoomol
Match 135 : North ChIcago , 207 ½ ; West Chi-
( 'ago , l 7-S.
ST. LOUIH. Juno 20.-Clearings , $5,035,951 ;
brnllinees , $313,030 : mnomley , 5ltS per cent ; New
York exebiunge 3001 llrt'rnium bid , 310c nmokcd ,
CINCINNATi , Jii10 , 20.-Money , 2',4046 ; , cr
cent ; New York ( ' ( ! ! flflge , var antI 25c dimi-
count : clearIngs , J,220,2Q0.
NEW YORK. June 20-Cleurimigs , $ S0,039-
186 : balances , 58.034.308 ,
hloSrrON. June 20.-Cicamings , $ l32l9,975 ;
hoilanecs , $ I.2101.S1.
I'IIILADFiLPIIIA , June 20-Clearimga , ,
$7,766,322 ; balances , $1,323,539 ,
NEW ORLEANS. June 20-New York ox-
ehamige , , $1 per $1,000 premium ; commercial ,
25c ler $1,000 boremium ; clearings , $341,776.
Vurclgu FlmmnmcIuI.
LONDON. Juno 20.-'l'he market for
Anoericaii securities moved but little all
day amiol closed dull. There were ow spe-
cia ! features. Time mutnoumit of bullion gone
Into ( ho Bank of Englanil on balance today -
day watt 6,000. Gold is tmul0td at Ibuenos
Ayres today at 164.80. lSialIIsii 4s closed at
3I , a net gain ( if 7-S.
i'ARlB , Jtooiu 20.-Prices on the bourse
were ) ttCtby ( toobay and Sunfish Is were In
demand mund harder on Vague rumors of
Intervelition lot the war between Spain and.
thou Ilitited Stittets. Brazilian seutrities
closed strong. Sliuunish 45 closed at 31 5-16 ,
a net gain of 7 l3-lti. 1'hiree tier cent remites ,
lost & 5c ( or the account , Fxcboangu on Len-
don , 210t 1c tom' checks ,
I OIA11A LIVE SOC1 ( 1Ali1ET (
I1nY ) '
gi vi
Week Starts with Run of Both
Cattle atid 'hogs.
t ) b , & .
_ j _ I )
hlners ImoclImoelt 1I4e OlItlflhi tiiiut
All l'rices Ar"T14ik bIlK1' , int
4ut Mm , ! , Ciinmmie
8i N3)tOt ,
SOUT11tThSAI1A . , Juno 20 ,
iCattle. Ilogmi. Sheep ,
) tCCCIltil today e. , . . . . . , . . ,427 3O.S4 240
Olileiul Suittirony , . . , , . . l.6b4 5,214 667
One week zmgo . , . , . , , , , . 3,031 2,201 602
Two weeks ago , . , 1,385 5,23' ' ) 541
Oflo year ago . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,341 1,5b7 IS
'i'tvo years ago . , , , . , 928 I,11 . . . '
Average price ptiilI l ° qr hogs for ( boo InSt
few days , with cotnpoortmiomis :
Jumue 0 ' ' ' ' 3 921 3 2 3.041' t ,
Juime 10 . . . , 3 9S 3 27 2 93 4 38 6 41 466
Junelt. . . . 3821827 291444 457 461
June12 , . . . j331 300 43614611043
June 13 . , . , 3 . 741 3.03 .4 3f 4 4i 6 46 4 (0 (
June11 . . . . .37111329 * l4 40 628)473 )
Jim , , , , 15 . 3 7i 3 32 2 IS 'I'll 4 58 6 19 4 35
June 16 3 SO 3 22 301 ' 4 59 6 10 4 75
JUlie 17 . . . 3 82 3 18 3 1)8 4 II 6 02 4 81
JuooOIS , . . . 3 10 3 21 3 10 4 43 ; 4 Cl 4 82
Jumlo 19 . . . . I 15 b tr21 4 48 4 30 , 6 01
indicates Sunday.
Tue olhlcini number ot cars ot tock
brought In today by each roud vuia :
Ctitlc. hogs. Sheep.
0. & St. 1. , fly. . . . . . . . . i.- . . 1
Mimiuoiurl , l'aclhic Ity , . . . . x. . . 2
U. 1' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 9
C , & N.V. . ity. . . . . . . . . t. . . . . 2 . .
F , , E. & M. V. it 1t. . . . . . . 22 0
S. C. & 1' . Sty . . . . . . . . , , . , , . . . . . 1
C. , St. 1' . , M. & 0 , Ity , , 10 3 '
11 , & 10-i - , It. H. It. . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 19 1
C. , IS. & Q. Ity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ' , .
ic. C. & St. J . . . . . . . . . . . . ( .1 2 . .
C , , It. 1. & I' . lty , eastt. . . . . 4 . .
6. : ' , , it. i. & i' . it. ) ' . , west 2 1
- Total receipts . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 45 i
The disposition ot tue duty's receipts was
nit foibow8 , each lumyer purchasiotg the
number of beau indloflIed , :
I3uyem's. Cattle. ilogut. Sheep.
Omaha l'aeklmig Co. . . . . . 118 ( ' 40
( -I. Ii. IIalflflI)0lll , Co , . . , , 202 453 . .
Swift tillit CmnianS' , . . . . . . 632 t'JJ . . ,
cuilouhly I'ackimig Co. , . , . , 223 1,163 210
_ It. Ilecker and Degan. . . 40
vallsuimlt & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Lobmattli & ltothscbuiltbii. 203
ICrebbit & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GO
11111 ' & lluntzinger , . . . . ; 8
1. . . F. Ilusz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
IAvlmugston & Schaler. . . 14
Otiier buyers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Left over . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .303 3,060 240
Iteceipts of stock or nil kinds were light
amid the general onuurkt't was without any
very lICtV or Interesting feature.
CATTLE-On Saturday South Omnoibia had
about otbl the cattle that were on oile , bimt
today Chicago load ( lie , big rub cml In coil-
sequence broke the market. Early oudvices
from ( lint hlolmlt ( iuoteil the market it lInt
SOC lower , which created it bearish feeling
here. 1-
'Ihie local demanol for- handy bight and
Inetlitmill t'elglot cattle wits 'ery acttve anil
Iii 51)1(0 of reports from qthcr markets ( limit
kind of cattle sold at 'fully steady Prices.
1'hle Sill'ih ' 3'VflS I ImtItol a ad eve rytbi in g
that would mumiswer % o that itescrilittomi mts
sld , .amith weighed UI ) at mitt early hour.
lietivy cattle , which constltuteol the bulk
of the offorimogs , did not mauve off as freely
and buyers were ( heciiletliy bearish on that
kind of stuff. ' ] 'hlel'I did nut. succeed , , loow-
e'cr , in forcing the market down immure
titmiti Sc , as a general , thimug , hougii miii
ml onatter of course 'thvre , were instamtceil
where rattle that were , ougbi mumil for ( lint
reason not PurtlCitlmrlYt tIsiruubbe , may have
olib as much as SOc boiver. Sellers were
ot little slow to part'owlth their hobdimigs of
imdit , cattle at thil tirlees bid nutS for ( lint
reason the morning was vcil advanced before -
fore ii , clearance tvnO effected. in the en,1 ,
however , prictlcalli everything changed
hands. 'I . ! , '
The offerings of j'bumtcjiers' tock were
very bighit only tours or-live lpads oCoW5 ,
naiL iielfux.JjeIjig. . o1tcr.e1. Qkusiiof.
li0mt'y ( itt helfers , part of them sputyed ,
brought $4.40 , showtng'tliat vell Ihmilshed
mitimff viil bring good'prices. Buyers were
talking tbout prices being too blIght nail
claiming ( lint cows were elllng for miii
maticli here miii they would bring In Chicago
timid it iii probable that linuS there been oiiiy
number on sale they would have pouttided
the market goqd nmitl PlentY. As it was ,
with OUlyti. few loads Ot fat cows here , the
market was weak to a little lower.
'I'lie supply of stockers anol teedenit was
cooisidcrnbiy larger thait has been the case
on most dmij's of Imite ; In addition to the
usual run of odds and ends there vuos a
train of Oregomi cattle. The Oregon year-
llngs brought $4.55 and the 1 and 2-year-oldS
$430- The market on that kind of cattle
Is hardly as strong as it was anti it Is
coming a time of year when It wouid be
only natural for them to sell a little lower.
.At the high time the yearlings would Prot-
tibby have brought $5.00. 'rime market is
still .biigh , for iitock cattle and ( lie cuumntry
t1eonund is all . , right. Itepresemitottivo. sales ;
No. Av. l'r. No. Av.'Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1. .1570 $4 00 33. .1157 54 85 3S.13S9 $4 50
i.1200 4 00 51..1llGr4 35 30.1367 4 50
3.l313 4 10 14..IOSO 4 40 21..1309 50
4. .1320 4 10 1. .1160 4 40 47. .1529 50
1 ,1140 4.35 2..1300 4 40 36..13S0 55
22. .1104 4 20 11..1520 4 40 1.1410 55
16. , 891 4 25 7. .1253 _ 4 .40 40..1236 55
2..l375 4 25 26. .1503 4 45 22..1108 60
26. . 933 4 :30 : 22. .12611 4 45 69 , .1301 60
2 , . 953 4 30 37. .1431 4 45 18. .1290 60
18. , 047 4 30 2..1I33 4 45 103. .1314 65
7. , 057 4 lO l..1490 4 45 38. .1345 70
18 , ,1013 4 30 18. .Ik)3 ) 4 50 93. .1443 70
2 , .1115 4 35 352. .1070 4 50 13..1073 70
5O.lI62 4 115 9 , .1367 ' 4 50 28. .1362 75
4. .1132 4 33 43. .1282. .1 50
I. . 940 2 75 3 , , S76 3 23 . 2 , . 775 350
1'2. . 864 : i 00 1. .1000 3 50 1. .1180 3 60
I..1070 3 10 1..1000 3 50 6..1OSO 360
8,857 310 2I140 350 2..1420 375
22. , 9(8 3 10 2 , . 0610 360 1. . 790 3710
1. . 930 3 10 1. .1000 3 5n 1..llO 3 50
2. . 895 3 15 8. .1081 3 50 1..1120 3 00
5. . 944 325 6..1116 350 5..1230 400
1,8S0 325 . 3 , . 806 4010
1. , 870 3 65 7. 755 4 00 8. . 9312 4 25
3.C0.1 375 6.7l8 403 26..11O7 440
1. .1260 4 00 1. . 9204 15 1. . 080 4 45
- . BULLS.
1.,12.Si ) 3 10 i.135O 3 30 1..1760 3 60
1. 960 3 10 1. .1120 ' 3 3.5 1. .1760 3 65
1.1260 325 l.,1300 .340 l.lSlO 370
1 , . ISO 3 23 1 , .1830 3 45 1.l540 3 75
1,1540 3 80 l..l010 3 tiC 2,1430 375
l.,1651) ) 330 1..1600 356
1. . 460 5 25 3. . 213 7 ( iO 1. . 100 7 00
I , , 230 675
6.,1333 :170 : 2..133341)0 )
:1 : , , 480 3 50 1. . 760..4 20 1. , 490 4 50
1,1030 3 50 4 , . 702 4 25 1. . 700 4 50
13 , 692 4 00 30. , 804 4 40 1 , , 630 4 65
I. , 810 410 1O..603 4100
2 , , 9810 290 38. . 96$3 210
FEEDEJt8-U ll FEllS.
44 , , 715 4 05
2.,1135 3 60 10. . 0(72 ( 3 75 3,32513 4 00
No. - Av , Fr.
140 steers , 1 anti 2-yetr.oJds , , , . . , , . 849 $4 ( .0
154 steers , yearliomgI44vI. . . . . . . . . . . . . , 475 4 55
SIOGIS-Thero wustilmittia ( air ruoo of bogs
for the thrst day of the week , though uir-
rlvmibmi weru oonesvlus.1rger than a week
ago , As Is very apt tO ) bo the case on a
Mumoday when the r'cqlpts are bight ( lucre
was very little of Ipt0'i'eiit iii the mnourket
to liiCUk about , BVyqr started out talking -
ing easier prices thaiyd Satumrtlay , but ( ho
market mis a whole was'vcry little chumoged ,
Thu hogs sold at tile samne range out au
Saturday , that is , , oxtlS.7&4uj3.S5. with the
long string at $3.80 , but the proportion of
good bugs wait not ( * tti.50 large as at the
close of lumit week , iL was not 1101(0 50
easy to get the jtriceilu4 , out Saturday , but
there Was ionrdly 1mugh difference be-
tweemo ( lob two olnys to admit of nmy differ-
omoco Iii quotatiomos. . . .C1w..buyermt ailparently
wanted the hogs at tile money amid every-
t'oimog wait mioid and 'welgheil u lot good sea-
soil.Tue wc.ek 0(101)3 ( with the market a good
Se higher than It wait at the opening of
last week , but. ZOc JoWo..tiltt&i & it was two
weeks ago , and SOC lower titan three weeks
ago , hogs arc now selling ( Sc higher than
omm year tigo and SSc higher titan two years
ligo , 1tepresentnti'o mimics :
No. As' , Rh. Pr. No , y. Sb. Pr.
65 , , , , . . 211 40 $3 72 18 . . . , . ,3' .17 40 $375
64 , , . . . , 235 , , 3 75 ' 78 , , . . , 2'25 SO75
26 . . . . . , 233 . . . 3 75 63..2'O . , . 3 75
Cl..2105 1.0 3 77 ½ ' 74 . . . . . 211 160 3 71
65 , , , , . , 252 50 3 77 ½ 70 . , , , . . 251 .140 377
( .1.251 b0 3 774 " 71 , , . , , . 221 . . . 3 77 °
64..215 50 3 80 60.237 160 3 50
6.1 , , , , . . 2S8 40 3 50 GOs53 120 50
70 , , , , , . 2(1 120 ' 1.0 &lh.Io.229 40 50
64 . , , , . . 267 50 50 ' 'GO.261 SO 80
rio , , . , , , 224 40 80 75,230 50 50
62.303 . 2b0 50 C5,253 80 80
'is..248 120 80 74 , . . . , , 240 . . , 50
61.23 80 80 79 . , , , , .2 65 240 50
65 , , , , , . 22 $ 50 50 60..235 , . , SO
611 , , . . . , 225 . . . SO &O , . , , , . 320 , , ,
641 , , , , . . 212 120 80 ° 51..251 . , , 3 80
76..242 120 50 1O . , . , , . 211 , . 3S0
71..26G 160 50 , liI..21)S 120 350
bi.2vJ 200 350 6G,18G Q 3S24
14. . . . .9 160 35214 14 2.80 .
12 . 332 , . , 3 5314 CC' . , .288 200 3 S2t
53..2103 120 10S2'
14 . . . . . . 'too 40 3 83 12i ) , , , . , . 299 , , , 355
23..SIR . . . 3.810
I..2GO . , 2100' 1..540 , . .
1. . . ,43O' . . , 2 75 5..IbO . . . 3 25
. . . . . . " . ' S..1610 . . 370
2 . , , . , . . b0 SO ,5 , S..212 , . . 3 .5
6..183 . , 'hIS 2 . . . , 200 . , . 375
C..ICC . , 710 8..204 , . , 375
4 , , . . . 167 . . , 3 7i1 5 . , , . , 220 . . 3
3..254 ; . . , 3 50 . . 3 . . , . , 230 . , 380
3. . . , .340 . , SO. 4..h75 . . . 3 80
6..233 . 80 6..236 . , , 3 80
6 . . . , . . 275 . . SO 7..2lS . . . 380
7..237 . . , : So 5 , , . , .2 I I , . 3 80
C..1025 . . ' . 380
RhIEFSI'-Tbicre was only omm bat1 of
mixed littlIf in tIme yards milool it miobd readily
tot Wn3' UI ) prtes , 50mm , sioring lambs bring-
imtg $5.00. The bim'ermi here are htmoigry for
utimplIhic's flUll they * 10 nut let amoytloing slip
through their Imuunolmi , Indications art' ( boat
receipts will continua liglot for some days
( ( I COifli3 nnd ihlpplrs , having nio'tholng Ito
the vnr of ileslrzubtlo mumttomi otioCel , or
lambs can make no mistiuke ho eornioog ts
( ltl market. Itepremiemitiutive sales ;
135 esen . . , . ; $0 $4 flu ,
31 lnmb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . , , . 104 4 (0
71 miptiag lambs , , . , . . . , . , . , . . . , , . 57 600
Sleel , Are In .Ao.'llce lemtnil amid
Prices Are ! , o'oer.
CHICAGO , Jutno 20.-Tiocre was it very
good general demand tom' cattle today , but
the ommoncr klmubti - ISt1 the big bormivy
cattle were SifllOc lower ; faIr to cbolce , ,
$4.DOlJ5.25 ; meihlumin , $4tiOiil.67 % ; beef steers ,
$ t.OOQjS.45 ; stockers mind feetberot , 53.50015.15 ;
bumbl , $2tOl4.2O ) : etiws , und bicifers , 53.3001)
4.75 ; emulVes , 3,230j7.210 ; westermi steers , $1.20
( tI.00 ; ' Teht steers , 4.OO4.75.
There w105 a good focotl itold Millpling do-
110011111 for hogs. Early prices were strong
to 5c higher ( halt Saturoimiy'M close , blot
lveotlmoeo.og prevailed better on iimotl the mar-
krit elisCl toolsatisfactory for ii&'llo'ns fnir
to chodce , $3.ftO3I.010 ; lmukenii3.750i1.S7 ° , ;
buoteliers , $3SO01.G0 : onixed 53,75013.90 ; Uglot ,
53.000j3.02' : rigs , $2.804io3i3.
Sbocel were lii active tlcmnaoool nnil priceS
rtoicd stromger , , to lOc hoigloer ; amutive sheep ,
53.00315.25 : eVes , 54,65016.25 , : Texas gratis , 53 :
lambs noah yearlings , Sl.lIOiG.5O ; spritog
lnonb. 56.00010.60 ; 511)0)5 , 53,60014.00 ,
Receipts : Cattle. 22,000 blend ; bogs , 33.000
head ; sloeep , 10,000 hetud.
iCitutsios ( lit3 Live Sok. (
} CANSAS CITY , Jima. ' 20.-CA'r'PLE-lte-
celpts , 1,02:1 : ointIvc itlod 2,2SS 'l'cxuois , ; m0-illlihY
ligiot ; deoioaoiob so , ( lb e iemo t t o qul I dC iy otbsorl ,
offerings ; prIces ruleol stemidy ; no fancy cat-
tIe were on sale ; heavy tlitiVtt ( steers ,
54b1 , 1,83 ; inethiutni $ l.rd4 , I.iS ; llgimt liauoohy
weigiot steers , I.00114,75 : suoclt'rs timoth feel- ,
cr5 , 5.1.23013.00 ; buteboer cows amid helfens ,
3.20j-1.75 : canmoers , * 2.2510 1.10 ; bomlis , 5.3.OQo
4.40 ; weltermi steers , $1.003t4.75 ; 'rcxmts steers ,
$ .1.7574.6O ; 'rexis cost's , $ .1.5Oi'i 3.75.
11005-Receipts , 6.377 hcmoih ; trmiIo , brisk
at strong Prices ; sales averaged 2'613e
hlgboer ; heavy , 53.0011 1.00 : mIxed. $3.GOij 3.00 ;
ilglots , 51.35013.50 : pigs , $3.00'io3.30.
SEIEEP-Iteceihits , lIIOS heitol ; active do-
ninnlh mumid smnaii receipts mimickiy tihisorticil
mit stromog Prices ; spring hitnibs , $5.OOlmG.i1'J ' ;
muttont , 51.25015.35 ; Arlzomma grass sheep ,
$ m,30i14S5 ; Texas grassers. 53.7501 1.73 ; nmitlve
stockers and feeders , 51.25014.50 ; 'rexas ojood
Arizona feeders , 1.1801.1.50 ,
St. ! .ooils 1is'i StoeLt.
ST. LOU ! 0 , Jumie 20.-CATTLE-Rccelpts ,
2,400 hoemid , locbuuhimog , 1,760 'l'exiouis ; sloth-
inent , 100 bead ; muurluet barely steudy for
natives ; 'I'cxmimi a shuttle lower ; faIr to.
fancy native sbolpplng mind l'xlort , steers ,
$ i.5i5.2O ( ) ; biohk of a-l&ct 50.607 , 1.90 ; dressed
beef anti butehoer steers , 54.10015.05 ; bulk of
sales , 54.45114.75 ; steers uoider 1,000 lbs. , $1.15 I
( (4.23 ; stockers aOi,1 , feeders , $3.53314.C5 ; bulk
of sales. l.C0i4.SO ; cows niub heifens , * 2.0001) )
4.80 ; bulk ot cows 52.50013.:33 : ; Texas muoid In-
dlmimi steers , , 53.1574.5O ; bulk of sutleot , 53.50'J (
t.00 ; COWS mimotl Ioeifcrs , 52.65013.50.
hOGS-Receipts , 4,200 loeail ; shoipmetots ,
4,200 biad ; market 5011Cc holgloer ; yorkers
5:1.710013.55 : ; packers , $3.5053.9O ; butchers , * S.'J
SIIEEP-ltecelpts , 1,000 boeaoh ; sbolptnomots ,
1,400 hiemul ; market strong ; otative mnuttons ,
51.50014.75 ; lamabs , 55.00016.00.
( Jltielnoimitl ll'o' Stock ,
CINCINNATI , Juroo 20.-IIOGS-Activo
amiol strong at $3.000u:3.90. :
cvr'1'r1.-steaiiy at 52.50011.7.0
SIIEEP.-Easy * it 52.75414.10. -
LAMLIS-Steniby tit 55.00016.40.
Steel In Sight.
Record of receipts of live stock at tIle
four principal markets for Julie 20.
- : - . tattle. itugs. Sheep.
'Otn'tiii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,427' 3.084 . 240
Chi6tgo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22:000 : 38.000 16,000
Kunitas . , CIty . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,211 6,477 1COS
St. Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,400 4,200 1,000
Toths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31,038 51,76t 18,841 ;
: cs. 'York flry ( ooiols Mirket.
NEW YORK , Jumou 20.-Today'ii dry goods
market showed firmness tliroultouot. In
iitnplc cotton lutes time demand is fair at
the , nices quoted. Bleached goods have
solol quite freely sincu the iat reductions
nnol fair-sized mail orobers leave come in and
are still arriving , but the results have fallen
far short' of ( Ito holoeii of agcoots mind Corn-
mroIsslon men. In. brown goods there is little
change. Export goods are Irregular imi demand -
mand and oulet. In prints excellent re-
suits have been obtained lot fall fancies.
Every promimient muinuifacturer has foillemi
Into line and -all are achievIng good mules.
Other lines of loriolts have gained stremigtlo
imt sympathy s'itbo ( lou movement In dark
fancies. The market for ginghams and
simIlar himies of woven colored fabrics continues - '
tinues strong , and In good sboape. Cotton
dress goods mIre imi fair ( bconand , tbough ,
irregular in prices. Napped Printed fabrics
sloow continued iuctivity notl some strength.
ltnimsits Cits ( rLi , fluId I'rovlsiouts ,
Irregularly lower ; No. 1 hoard , 760177c ; No ,
2. 700175c ; No. I red , 750177 ° ; No. 2 , 72(1770 ;
No. 3 , 70c asked ; No. 2 spring , 737J75e ; No.
3 , 65(1lOc.
CORN-Lower , fairly active ; No. 2 mIxed ,
31(13Ilc ; No. 2 whoite , 31 ° 4(132e ; No. 3 , 3l'SJ ) I
3I ° , c.
OATS-Fairly active , slightly hiigboer ; No.
2 white , 2Cc.
ItYE-Stendy ; No. 2 , 40e ,
IIAY-F'irin ; choice prairie , $0 ; cholca
( iniotloy , $8.50.
BUTTEIt-Firm ; separator , 12(114c ;
( lairS' , 107712c ,
EGGS-Steady ; fresh , S'hc ,
COffee Market.
NEW YORK , June 20.-COFFEE-OptIons
opened steady , with prices 5 points lower ,
following a declioto of 3-Sd to 701 lii t..a
rate of excbmnmtge tit Rio , bearish European
cables antI foreign selling , Speculation
moderately active and well distributed
thorough ( lie list ; outmilolo inlblic still maul-
testing Inohltterent spinit cbosd steaoly at 5
points lower ; stiles , 14,250 bags , includIng
July $5.55. Siot coffee , 1110 , dull : No. 7 ,
Invoice. $6.25 ; No. 7 , jobbIng , $6.75. Mild ,
slow ; Cordovn , 58.500115.50 ,
Somgtnr MurketS.
Steady ; open kettle , 3514c ; centrifugalmi ,
wboite , 4 ° ,4014 5-Sc ; yebiow , 4'/QT4 7-Ice ; scc-
ofltlii , 2 ° hS'J 7-Sc , Molasses , ottendy ; centrifu-
gab , 40113c.
NEW YORK , June 20.-SUGAR-Raw ,
thorn ; fair refuting , 3e ; cemitrlfugnb , 95 test ,
4 5-iCc ; refuted , 4 7-So ; mould A , 4 ½ c ; iitand-
nrdA , 5 ° 4c ; confectioners' A , 5c ; cut loaf ,
5 7-Sc ; crushed , 5 7-Se ; Iowdercd , 5 5-Sc ;
granulated , 5 3.Sc ; cubes , 5 5-Sc.
Grain Iteceimits lut l'rlmeiptl 10lnrketN ,
CHICAGO , Juno 20-Receipts today :
\'iomit. $7 cars ; corn , 293 coins ; oats. 132
cars , Esimate,1 , cars for , tomnorrOW
Whemit , 9 : carol , 576 ; oats , 200.
lIINNFIA1'OLlS ( , Juno 20. - Receipts :
\'ltcat. 154 curs.
hIT , LOUIII , Juno 20-Receipts ; Whocat , 5
DULU'rII , June 2O-Recelpta : 'Wheat , 66
i'eorimu 10lmirkels ,
PEORIA. Juno 20.-CORN-Market stealy ,
inactive ; No , 2 , 3bc.
OATS-Market dull and lower ; No. 2
whims. 2Cc.
WIIISICY-Market firmer ; high proof
spirIts , $1.22'4. '
Yiuille ( ; ruimo Suiimily.
NEW YORK , June 20.-The statement of
the visible supply of graioo , iii store antI
alboat. Saturday. JuDO 18 , as compiled by
the New York I'roobuco cxcbonrmge , Is as tot-
lows : Wiocat , 19.081,000 bu. ; decrease , 693,000
bu. Corn , 22,172,000 bu. , increase 810,000 bu.
'L'eleplmonc 1039 , Ommiahtu , Ncb
130A111) OI TRAUB.
Bleirt wtrea o CImicapi sold Ntw York ,
Corr..pondsnti ? ohoi A. Warne Li Co. ,
I-I , R. PINNI3Y 6 CO. .
hlootuti ' 1 , N , Y. JJfe Jiboig , , ( ) nnhmu , Net. .
Stocks , Grain , rrovisions
Hirect WIr.s New York , Chicago and
Weit'ru , ru1uti ,
Onts , 7,002,000 bu. ; ilcraoto , 21,000 LIII. ltye ,
I ( LIt t00 bum , . decrease , 139,000 hO , Barley ,
& 3obo bu , ; fuocrenmie 26,000 bum.
' 1'bll ltl3.tI.TY IOiAbIl5.b3T ,
INSTRUMENTS PIneed on t'ecord Momluty ,
Jtmno 20 :
S'um'inn' ( ' 1)ec.bu.
M. E. flimrnwster nmoob hummihanil to
Atlnni Maclit , lot Ii , 1lck 10 , Jet-
( er's nthui . . . . . . . . , , . . , . , , $ I
C. A. blymin to ( ) ntnboa Sitvitot IjUtik ,
lot 42 , rn'bors add . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,400
henry Join's II ) 1i1. F. Iloumrkek , lot 2 ,
liloek 8 , l'arker'i fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . , , ,
0. CVilsout (0) 1) . C. Iluolson , lot 10 ,
block I , ( 'rest oil mmlii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Iitvruro1 trbiic'li to Eniebia Urbuocho ,
lots 5 and C , block 1016 , SontIt Onoaltut , I
0. Ia. Crnmoo and bouiothnimtd to U. S.
Iheioats'a , v 10 fi'e ( of C SO feet of ii
1100 feet of 1t 12 , tibock 5 , Park
l'lacu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Samooc to Colurnilt , l"liimineo cornetn' ,
lot 2 , block SO , Omnabia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,000
Tiio.lotii h hiomosemi to Aolobpb , I lanscmt ,
* midiv , % of part Of hot 1 $ , block 1 ,
llniolcbmt , , add . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
M. L. ttlrkbtt toV , 1. Barr s % of
lot II. b'lock ' 1 , Ilammonol llnce. , , , 50
8. J. ilam-ry to U , L. Crane , but 1 $ ,
bloelt 1 , l'OlllCofl ) Panic. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000
Anton ' Itneek. iul000iioistralor , to Frank
I'OItliiibl , f lot 5
, biCek 2 ,
ICiuilltzfl' : iof nilil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,800 ,
Shonrity to itt. A , J , ICinter , it 25 feet
of n'.4 of lots 19 and 20 , block 2 ,
Drumi-co's add , , . . , , . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,1000
Total nmoiumot of tranmifermi. . . . . . . . . ii3
- - _
- - -
- - - -
That It Ieads Like a
Fairy Tale
When we tell yoto that we can give
3 oto
A rriiilLaod Hom9
lii tlte Oregon country for a very lit-
the money tlmut will
Give You
$2,000 a year
Incumoin Imi returmi for your care of it ,
butt we know timut it is trite.
Hooco Wo Persist
In cabling tboo attention of nIb men
svloo work In cages , iilao in bunt bac-
mneiits , ruho eyes anob health over
liouhcS , , destroy nerve multi 11(0 amnlol
thee duost and rattbu of mnneliinery ,
Atul health of a. fruoit Jmio'un htonio iii
our beautiful Pacific coast ilintI.
Bec-auso It Is True
\Vn invite youm to ( alto this year's va-
cmutiomt for a trill out there
To See With Your Own Eyes
And feel witlo your own senses ( boat
\ipo boavo been telling tile trutlm all
tlmeso years.
The First Excursioii
Goes July 1st.
Via Rock Island flototo , Denver , Salt
I.nke , l'ortlaotib , to Astoria , the I'a itlc
ocean , over whiich our soldi nii ball ,
to tii Cascade hikes-the biiggcst on
earth-a work tboat' cost the govturn-
" 1t'flt niilliiimus ( If unney , amid tn'onty-
fc-omr years to build , to the \Villaon-
Otto I , utlis , ( hoe largest on.enrtbo . , vboere
clear nioumituuim ) waters fall imito ( lie
tilns , of ( ho sea , anti yiehl os , tloey
fall a ltundreol thousand horse jot'er ,
to the eomnpht'to'ob works of Mum ; to ( he
farfamedVlllnniette Vmtbley , rhere
roses bloom twelve menthes in the
'ear luotol wheat yields SX'I'I bimshoel
to the mocre.
To Clarke Co. ,
. Washington.
Thin peerless , rIchest and fairest rural
district of America.
Retunroimig by choIce of lIve rommteit ,
for ooio ( mire , including every expense.
For particulars address
ruit Land 00. ,
1323 Faruarn St. ,
C. 'A. Rutherford ,
Gen Agt , C1 R. I , & P. fly. ,
Oitialia , Neb.
The Ladles' Department of the
I nstitlite
Is now open for business , and fully
equIpped with two now apparatus for giVIng
the most boeaithful , pleasing baths kooown
to the world.
The INSTITUTE has among its patrons ,
( ho best Isnowa laoIie in Omaha , \Vo ask
you to give It a trIal of two baths at least ,
and If it is not found as represented , we wIll
refund your money.
Rooms , New Quarters ,
-218-22011ee BuIIdInq
New Hygiene Inst.
115 Monroe St. , Chicago ,
l'ublislics iii pahlhplllct tOrn ) tile
IICiV I'CVCIIIIC itiw. Price , 10 ceIlts ,
Jiiscouiit On ! QVC ortIcr
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
For FmIIll Use
Perimps III youir famIly you use
btit Iluic wlo'msky , 1)101 ) ol wallt float
little good-of the best , The United
States Govcrnmcnt guoarantccs tlIc
Age ( told I'urity of every bottle oE
CR0 ;
throtigh its Internal Rcvcntoe officers
at the distilleries , at Fratlkfflrt , Ky.
livery hattie of Old Crow nnil Hermitage -
age lii temited , lie Mire the Internal Rev.
antis Stmiliip Over ( ho Cork and Cnp.ulo IS
l-iot brnlco'n nn,1 ( hInt it bears the annie
. .oIt is , i ( et'rsui Guarant'oe t/ia
goei ot'it/s ' I/ifs botiling ,
- - -
TIio 0. S
wants GOYE1tNtENP strong men in its '
icrvice. Witbo one no-
Ocril the Army anit Navy
eatiort.o IIAIC-lilIN a'm
the grenoest kotown
oitrentliamicr , invi2orat-
t or amid rc'dorattve. It.
creates t.oliui Ylci.h. mus- t2-
do amid strcnlltbm , clears
the brntn , strengtbemis ,
the nerves 6.t1 CIIISCS
the gemierativo orgnn't to
qioteblyregatot their nor-
Onil : powers. For uocrv-
OeM 1roMtf6tiflfl , ' over- #
tvork , irniulred : 'vltnllty
in cluhersoxorcxrcs a iuqo of opium , llq'or ,
or tobacco , it. I ) sttlveiy e.imtnot. 00 cxceti'l. , -
I One box vllt work tnmo1ors. Six will curo.
hIAtt-lIEN iq for morilo by mill ilrugglsti , ( It ) ( iii-
I lets , 61) Cetut' . On ) to Lirt ) ouumothmM' treaonemit. (
I Fill out aod : imrihi uit the dhogti'iis : shoot. Imi each
box , autfi vo 1 % ill glvo yotor cuso : nu'clal ; oittea-
. ( ion without oztrml cbonogo. itAlt-IIEN is lire.
pared by ) Ijalmoicr 0. Ilcnr.nmu. i'll. 1) . , hI. S. , dl-
I ruuct train the formula 01 B. 11. lhurtoa , ? it. B.
I Cievolattit's uboSt otiiiaciit specialistMailej. .
in cboccd llClCllCO on receipt ( 'I hlrll'O.
BitS. ISAIt'I'ON A'ID 1111N-ON ,
Bar-Ben lihoek. ( lcveiand , 0.
For sabo by 1)uhumt & Co , ISIm , antI Doug.
las ; J. A. Fuller & Co. . 1402 loumghns St. .
mind Cirihnu , Drug Co. , 15th itmoil Fnrnmuool
Nimog 1'lo rrnac3' . 27(11 ohIO heaveomworth ;
1'etoo's I'lonrmnacy , 2 Itbi mud L.eaveuo.wortho :
1)3. 3. S'ykora. So'ztht Onortha. amid all oIlIer
I druggists In Omaha. Sottit Omaha. Cotmncbl
'A s1titt II X
r "
4 ]
loi'Innt Relief. Cure In l3cbit8. Never retumrnmi
I ivttl gln,1l V i'nb to tiny .lma'ri-r , I a ii plnln , ' , ' , , Ieoi
( 'iii chpe FR I II a . l"uilo I , ( iou I ( lIree. . .
tlntii ; ftf , mu quick1 pr rate clreft'r , l.oiot 10-nnlooil ? ,
Nuli ; , u-e : llIIlle. Suiehl , i\'si
, l'lrt\'nrmeccto'ue. , (7. II. 'utr0 , ' . 1Sliilc
31. * 'flI'r. I3''t _ _ _ 1.51t , 8lnr.In'I ,
' - - ' - ' - -
I " ' CUIE "PUfl,1
4 t'IlES Itii : U tsr uon.tiir4 ,
. , . , dlchrg.i. tauhimm.Olos ,
irritatleni Cr uleeratio.
S10rf'tt 0UlI'1 i
R t m 'a ' e 0 U I
PIIiU c , lOIiol. , l't5lIi , anl not isirin.
a THIEVAS5CHSCAt5O. ) jlnt nr t'et.oito'ta. '
1.Iil bi flrnt3taf ,
. ent In piiln
, . .
V. S. a
5 xpr.u , propsld , (
\ ur I h'aIIiis. $2.1.
)5 u.rrnj' , 4 .U P1U
Hoie Industries
- -
ml , , 1'toreiausing'Goot1N 3liile of ( Le Vol.
; , , Nelrm..ka Factoriesm
03.t lIt 'i4X'L' ANI ) ltUmImmJmt GO.
( Scees.oroi Oonalimi Tent and Awning Co. )
Mamiurmicturer icon ! . awnings ; jot mers ladiet
anti gents' 10Iacklntohies. 'rents ton rent. 1111
Farnamml St. , Oninlia ,
CarlonI , , hlpmcnts mason In our own refrig. '
erator cars. Idue Itlb1iOi , llIte txpom \'lCoinit
ExI.ort nail Fanitmy lCxpurt ileiii'ereb to all paris
or the city ,
. _ -
JOhN It. 1.0 'lUIY , I'rnp.
Hollers. Tanks numd Sheet eon Work , . 8peclaL
fncllttlritflr doIng re'alnii. etc. 'I'l. 1351
_ _ _ - - - _ .
- - -
IL F. tOt'ISNF'l'llIt.
Manufacturer at atvnniEo1 Iron Cnrncci. Ca' . .
viuiolseil Iron Skyllglmts , Tin , Irun sItu l4Iat'i.
Roofing. Agent ( or Iinnenr's Steel CeilIng ,
lOt-O012 Norob ElcverilIo street ,
CI1AK111t FAC'TOItmllO.
.4.MllItIC..N IIISCUI'l' . ' .NF . ) 3mF'G. CO.
\S'loohera , Cracker Moinufacturers ,
voitics , irit ' , , , St ,
Dying oimid cleaning at garment. unit gooihs ae
- ever3' tiemcniptlon , Cleantog ot lIne gmirooents &
epec.aity ,
S. I" , ( fli'tl.N ,
Flour , siesm , Feed , hirin , 1013-15.17 North 17th
Street , Omaha , Neto. ( S. B. black , Manager.
Tekphone 592 ,
IhION WOltl6S.
DAVIS . .0OVGIl.l. : ; . , IIION VOltIS.
I roil i mm (5 Il rim is Fou. ii .1 i'rs.
Manutittturcra nn'b Jobbers of Machinery. tSen-
eral repairing a pmeelgiy. sIll. isos .ns iso
Jackson street. Omaha , Neb ,
LIN8ig1) OIL. I
W'OOlMAS l.m.\sl3i-noll - : ' , S'OIILCS ,
iIanurnctUrera old lirocoss raw lInseed oil , kit- .
tie bolleb llnuoL4 all , u,1 Iro's guuoid , limieed.
cakes , ground amid screened llaz.'el for ! ru5- .
jliti. OliAllA , NSll.
( )3i.tliA lII1lII(4 CU ,
Manufacturers or 111311 gra4u Mattre.iel , liii
muarney Street. Omaha.
liters , Clothing. i'nnta , tOhort. . Oveall , - -
OMAhA , 24101) ) .
.5 , II. EVANS , SIlllI'I' COlli'ANY.
ExcliosIva custom shirt tailors , 1517 Farnam ,
lIAAltiANN V1SEG.tlt
sinnufacturers of Vinoguir , l'k'kie. , Cul.upi , .
Mu.tard. , Celr ani % 'erCeJteraIoire Ilauce ,
wAaoml AND C'AItfllAflF.S ,
% 'Ibt.JA51 l'O'IOIl'il'Eit ) ,
For a good , ubitantiol , vehicle of any decrip
( ion , for repainting or rubber lire. on new or olt
wtieel.-tima best place is 17th and Icevenwoith
CIfi/IB MAN(3Af'.gjl55(9 ! ( ,
JJENI3 .t GO ,
Lurgeit factory In Slit west , Leaillnc Jotber
at Omaha. Kon.a. City , lIncoln sod St. Jostlib
lisnal. oor jodj , 1005 3'aruu.ns lOtret.