I - ; 7 _ _ : ; : MONDAY , ; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i - - PREC11ES \VO1AN'S \ ' FIELD Dcan rair Discusses the Spbero for the Gentler Sex. SAYS WOMAN MUST BE EVER WOMANlY Ife Trtnls fit 11cr UN % % 'Ife , i1oIlicr , Zsiiglttr , StMtt r ntid 1'rIcHd , , ltIt CIlzthni' . Of . ' 1tnIfuIi1 CiiiuiblIItIeM. Availing htincelt of the presence of flu- meroU club women In the city , Dean Campbdll Fair yesterday mornkig preacheC to a crowded congregation at Trinity cathe- thai on the highly anpropriate theme of 'Woman asVifo , Mother , Daughter , Sister anti Frlcntl. ' IJurilig the iorvIco a beautiful duo was rendered by Mrs. Cotton , soprano , and Mr \v. \VIlkins , tenor , Mr. 3. E. flutter pro. aiding at the organ. The tvxt was selected from First Corinthians - thians , x , 11 : "NeIther Is the mcii without the womnn neither the woman without the man , In the IMrtI. ' lie said : "Thin is the ne of the Intellectual Amen- can woman. 11cr throne Ia high and honored , and on It. aho reigns with dignity , power mmd brl1Ilanc. Witness today the womui1's reading circles and intellecttini clubs throughout the land ! See her mark upon the whole line of literature's extended progratn There is not a department without - out her Impress and power. The I3attle Hymn of the Republic' was written by a woman. The great reforms and e1vating movements of today are led and directed by vomnan's heart and mInd , MIss WIllard and her follow vrkers have raised the fallen. Clara I3arton has nursed the wounded , while women of refinement have worked to in- sPlratlon the 'College Settlement. ' "Today the kiimtergarten teacher of America , with her training of the child mind , Is doing more than the statesman for time republic's real greatness in the coming days , In education of every form , in accomplishments - complishmonts of the most varied charm , In buslne.s the most trusted , In exploits the most intrlcaie. In questions the most coin- plex ; and even In government lUcBtlons the most subtle , woman's brain and woman's hand have done their part to make the an- tion great and the people liuro. "Hut privileged as Is woman's intellectual strength , is thcrc not something hIgher and grander for her to perform-something ten- 4cr , sympathetic , elevatIng and inspiring ? \ % ' hat is (10(1's provIdence for woman's destiny - tiny ? Her creation answers my question. I fill old-fashioned enough to believe thu origin of voman as recorded in Genesis. Woman Is from man , for maim , and to be 'with man. humanity Is nut complete wiLl- out the two. 'Neither Is the man : : a man without. the voinan ; neither Is the woman a woman without the man. ' Iloth make up the Perfect humanity ; no clash or opposition - tion , harmony with a perfect melody. GenesIs teaches this. "Some one has written : 'Woman was not made from maim's head to surpass hInt , mior from mann's foot to be trampled on , but from man's sub , to be his equal ; from tattler his aria to be protected , and froiii miext hIs heart to be beloved. ' In the same strain Tennyson - son sang In his 'I'rincessVoman : is not undeveloped mann , but diverse ; could we make her as the man sweet love vero slaIn. ' "Aim (10(1 sent forth woman to travel life's journey , his destiny for her was that. she 8110111(1 be that loving wife , the devoted. mother , the obehlent , daughter , the thoughtful - ful sister anti the trusted friend. - . JIt'iiIi'cs AlL iIi'r I "To be all her Heavenly Father intended I woman to be requires the full strength of her clear mind , uru heart and strong body. "AmIdst tIme inamiy practIcal vIews we mIght take of this most interesting topic , I conclude with thmlsone important consider- I atlon. 110w Cftfl we preserve for woman the throne on which God has placed her as I wife , mother , daughter , sister and friend ? _ _ _ _ The answer is three fold : "Ilrst. she must ever remember , and we inca must ever remember , ho Is woman ; we dare not allow any bunion folly to so _ _ _ commIngle the sex that we cannot distinguish - guish the gender. Innocently we may ask I concerning a babe , 'Is It a girl or a boy ? ' . but a woman is never to ho so ambiguous on a vhecl or elsewhere , in dress or anything ' that we are forceti to ask , ' \Vhat Is it ? ' "Voinan is different froni man in thought , i In feeling , in aspiration , in voice , in language - guage , In lhmysiqtle , in dress ; In evoryway the distinction should over be made clearly manifest , Woman totters on her throne of I powimi. whici : we fall to Instantly recognIze she Is a woman ! "Secondly , woman's purity and varied avo- , catlons are protected when time fatally , as an Institution , is reservcd. The family Is the unit of humanity ; Its expansion makes a tribe , time tribe enlargea Into a community , and a multiplicity of communIties makes up tIme nation amid buIlds the republic. Imuita- tion and heredity mould the childhood , mini ? as father nnd mother , so sons and daughters. I Transmit a pure humanity of physIcal health. moral rectitude and spiritual Integ- liLy to your offsprings , train them in the well disciplined home , make theni obedient In tile properly governed family and woman's honor can never bo lost and never can her crown be tarnished. . "All this Is to be done 'In time T..ord. ' It is a religious duty and as such time cement of God's grace nust Imohi ? together the whole fabric , the sap of God's holy spirit must keep throbbing the lifo of tii heart and time iurity of the instItutIon in every iart Without the religious power there cannot be real stability , but with God's command- meats recognized anti oieyed the individ- _ umml , time family , time nation , are indeed safe. 21 "True was the volici of flint statesman who lroclainmcml ; 'I'iace imromnlnemmtly throughout the length ani ? breadth of our land these three commands : 'honor thy father anti thy mother , ' 'Thou shalt not connmit : adultery , ' 'Thou shalt not covet thy neIghbor's wife , ' t..J ehrii t . ' , . ii a .i ii a I verNn rb' , The First Methodist Episcopal church of South : Omaha celebrated its twelfth anmiiver- . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . , . Low RATES1.1 IcIm'i'r ziid itt'urn-ii1P.OO- r Jill , , : It ; to ? nm. Sii.i lr1tncINe'o amid lielursi- . muohso.J U U ( M ii a ii : , t , , lint SairhssgN , 14. 1) . , hush lieturn- . * l.iO-JUiie. 8(1 ( and July . I , Salt I.nku iiimi mteturu-3m2.OO.- . I Jill ) ' :1. t J'orthiiiisl .iiiil itt'iirii-(1.Pi- ( ( ! Jaui 80 itisil July 1 , I % ' ; ishitnwtnmi ilitil hIi'tIiri-3 i.u ' I . -July 8. .1 iiimii IS. . Nniiiiyihlu iiiiii itcturu1i2I..gS I , Jill , . U , .1 unit , , 13u11ilu miisii hteurn-2d.IZS- I . ) uI' 11 iiiiii im. t I'iilI Information at 'I'ichc * 0111ccIeswt - 1502 Faffifim SI , IOL Meson Sis , . - . . . S. . ' - _ t - . " - - - - - - . - . - - - - - - - - - - - - sary yeterdny , and the pastor , Itev. .1. A. Johnson , was nsslted in the servIces by Dr. ' , Id. Slason of the Ilanscom Park Methodist church add flr. C. N. Dawson of 'Walnut 11111 MethodIst church. Dr. J. U. Maxfleld , presiding elder of the Omaha district - trict , was also present. During the last ten years this church has been burned twice , and the especial object of the servIces yesterday was to clear the present structure of debt , l3eforo Ir. Slsson preached the morning sermon he succeeded in securing subscriptions for $3ZOO of the $3OO inuleht edness , and Dr. tawson , with the aid of the pastor , secured the remaining S200 at the evening service , thus clearing away the debt completely. The subject of Dr. Sis- son's morning sermon "God's Providence - dence In Individual Life anui National ills- tory , " and ir , Dawson preached in the evening on "Sin. " ' ittblfliON. lrscIthimIes NA'VURAli' ILe' Ci'hhmt l'nrkeriVuole ) ' ( if Chicago Occupies 1te' . ir , Muiftit'N i'iiliiit , "Natural Religion" As an epoflCnt of one of the wbrnen of time F'euleratlon of Women's Clubs stopping over in Omaha while en route to Denver , Cob , , Rev. Celia Parker Wooley of the Liberal Independent church of Cica.go , fhilemi the pulpit of Pas- ton Newton M. Mann at the Unity church yesterday forenoon. Per a prelude to the sermnbn Mr. Mann read l'rof , lilacklo's version - sion of the prayer of Socrates and a poem by Adam ilede , The purpose of Mrs.Vooiey's discourse was to show what Is real religion. She , therefore , selected for her texts the deilni- tion given by the ancient sage that "Pure religion is to love mercy , ito justice and walk uprightly before thy Cod , " and that of the Apostle James , to-wit : "Pure re- higion and unilefiled before God anl time. Father is this : to visIt time fatherless nni the widows in their afflictIon and keep mn- spotted from time world. " "Nothing , " said she , "so well expresses what wo men : : by the term natural religIon than these two texts from the ancients. Therefore , natural religion is not a product of the nineteenth century. All the religions of time present are but the external signs of thu inner spiritual life ever dwelling In mankind. Natural religion still remains to many minds a paradox ; they seem to feel that religion must. be a thing of revelation , to be superimposed upon the mind , and the question that arises in my mind is whether wo can go ahead with natural religion and conjure with it as with the old supersti- LionS , buildIng churches and living lives of prayer , praise Rfll activity. "The present is a time of great mental activity. Humanity Is seeking for facts , Itt is the real that is sought. Thus we have the realistic schools in art. and literature. Itenliant does not exclude idehlism. The true antithesis of realism is not idealism , but romnanticisni. Though George Elliot refused to give expression to anything of a religious nature for fear of appearimig to ally herself with some set of believers , yet what great incentives of duty we find in her works , what beautiful aspirations , what promptings to self-sacrifice. I 'Tho rejuilsm of today is the product of the scientific spirit of the ago. . We inquire : What is religion ? How much ot it , is fancy ? 110W much of it is fear-thu fear of a God vimo will punish for sin ? 'Men are not to in for fear of punishment. ' This seems to be the funmlummmcntai postulate of nil re- hlgious systems-that old belief in an Unknown - known God that exists only to terrify. But \vo are beginning to get out of that state of mind , nmmd time ! : ve are inquinimig if there Ia any other-if there is any true religion. We are tired of the false conceptions of theology - elegy , and there is a vast dif ference between religion and time- ology. Religion i the mainspring of aspira- tioiu of the human heart , while theology is made up of all those old creeds , forms , nt- uals and ceremonies by which man has sought to give expression , definition and cx- pianation to his conceptIons of real re- ilgion. Time truly religIous spirit is that which searches for the good everywhere and In everything and then chooses it , refusing the evil. There Is some good in all creeds and systems , but time mistake lies in saying - ing that all truth begins and ends In any one of them. "lit the past mankind spent too much of Its time contemplatIng outward forms , with a perfectly honest purpose in tue heart , it Is trite , hut with a false conception of everything in its mind. It was too much to expect of the humanity of the past that men would conttnuu to conceive of Jesus upon tim human plane , for it was too much aim ago of credulity ; so there gathered about time story of Jesus munch that was mystical and miraculous. lIe was considered a performer - former of miracles , and It was said of himum that he arose from time ( lend , and thus nien Caine to adore himn and to look upon him as haviimg been specially commissIoned by heaven , amid time consequence was time great scheme amid systenu of popular ChrIstIanity. Jesus was exalted abo"o all oilier men and likewise his mother , Mary , was exalted amid we had the story of the immaculate concop- Lion. She was exalted as though she were the only holy mother In time world , when time fact is that Mary was holy because alma vas a mother. Time same extolling tendemmcy made the bible the word of Gail from a series of detached luroductions of literature , upon time mere declaration of an ecciestas- tical hotly. It is a book that possesses very mnuch of the spirit of wisdom and of hIgh muspiratiom : , but we are beginning to under- atgad It better wimemm we study it as literature - turo and soc Its iiumuan sIde , We arc beginning - ginning to see that it is not so much time bleeding sacrifice of Jesus on tue cross for the whole world 'ye need , as the fact that He was the great human exemmiplar of a life of love. "Men say this Is an age of great skepti- clam , of gross nmaterlallsnm anmi unbelief , when tlio fact Is timat it Is an age of great belief.Vo ere comnlng to tmike time bible as time record of the human hmu'art in the progress of the race from time old bestial conceptions of the past ci' to time Ideal of the model life of Jesus. Thus tIme realism of the i.resent . Includes idealism , but cx- eludes romantIcism , \'hmat we now want is a worship that is to 1w an expressloim of time uvoriimi : spirit. " On Suim.Iay afternoon , July 10 , 11ev , JenkIn Lloyd Jones , pastor of All Souls' church : of ( iminago unil editor of th New Unity , Is to iu'eacim at time CXlom3itiOim auditorium , lIss i'I' ' ' ' .tMfliIhGAN 1'IMt'I.E ISit.iiI. $1. I' 'rel I s of Ii ft ( I ri gI ii iiiiil C ruvd ii of Ci.uiuiimit of Jt'mvlshi ' % Vunuii. . Time congregation of Temple iracl was addressed yesterday morning by Misa Sadie American , secretary of the National Council of Jewish \\'omeu , amni a wonman known for her connection with : the \\'oman's club of Cluicmgo and oilmen edimcattonal amid bemmevo- lent organizations of that city , Miss Amen- can is a persuasive and forceful speaker amid dt'sclbed in mu very interesting way the origin amid growth of time CouncIl of Jewish Wunicn , It was at the Chicago exposition , Miss Aimmerican saul , Unit time Council of Jewish Women hind been brought into being , When time exposilon ( was first thought of the t Utopian chinmo was conceived of bringing together upon one platform the representa- tivcs of all religious , not in polemics , but ; In concorml , This was the imuost remarkable 'I ease'nbly the world tins ever seen , for there , shoulder to shoulder , um'ere macmm of every creed ammil color. of every ciiimie omit ? cpdi. lion , realizing for tim time at least the brutimenimood of moan. I this gathering there uvas ; .o recogmmltlomm of sex aimut um'omen were received on time same Plane with men. . lii liroparatlon for the participation of Jewish wonmim in this event letters had i becim Lent to all parts of the country and I your's corrcspondeoco hail succeeded in 4 bilagimig together fourteen women , repro- 4 senting as many sections of' the nattoil. It was expected that these women would merely take part In the parliament of rehIgion , arid there was no thought of'i or organization until it 'Wmls fouffd that some congestion 1mm the program yould onl'uhhow them twenty minutes in a sesIon of weeks. This was felt to he. insumcient .amh a separate convention Wfl5 held , which proved in every way successful andwasthe beginning of a permaneht organizatIon. The women felt that this first effort toward an organitatlon of JawIsh womanhood Wati too valuable to be altoed td 'as as temporary InCileflt , 4eVei' tefore , eiccpt In' the Ghetto , a bond whicu % yast lt qbo'hiii lie way elevating , had Jowjsh wotheq' met for council , and h was bellpveml 4iat only In organizeml effort could the Jewlsh race , "the miracle of the ages. " he penipa- nent and valuable , . - i The council was not formed Ius a propa- gaimdist body anti advocates the. obseryation of neitiutr Saturday or Sunday , hilt otfly a sabbath , Its work is not In the ethbIih- meat of charitable organizations , but t'ather In unitIng those nirehily' tbrrtmed. ' vo 'the real cure of the world's misery ft , l oks rather to kindergartens and Sahbah schools for the training of those whose IIv.s are as yet all ahead of them , The mission of the council , Miss Amen- ! can said , , had been spoken of as , notsumflh- , clently practical , but she sAid It Was ntnst of all practical in that it pointemi out the ideal. One of the subjects * as t'lu tthly ? 'of the bible , a work which it was time hIheat privilege to understand. Another purpose of time council Is the study of Jewish history and the atihl , nmiomaious position. of the Jew in the present. It is the duty of Jews , the speaker added , to uimderstand thenuseives and their rela- tionshlp to the world , so that they may occupy their own place aimil receive the rights whicim are their mIne. Pho object of the council has not atoppel at time theoreti- cat and It was one of time foremost organizations - tions to start a movement In behalf of time soldiers mmd sailors at the front. The sixty-two sections of the council responded quickly and a great deal of relief work has been done. It was announcel by Dr. Franklin that tue Sunday morimimig lectures during the summer would be of a popular character and such that those of any creed could enjoy being iii at'tendance. That for next Sunday will trsat of "Prophets and I'ropheclos in Ancient and Modern Days. " [ MU5NTS.I. Love affairs , whcim they get iii a tangle , form a conmbination which is confusing enougim anti difficult enough to straighten out when only one couple Is immvoived. Two coupies , with the wires of their affections crossed , are worse , but when timree of them succeed In mixing up. not only their love affairs , but. their identity , it fornms a. social problem which one evening would scarcely afford suilicient time to solve , Such is the situation presented in the three-act farcical comedy , "incog , " presented at the Cfeightoa by the stock company. The'chatmtcters around wimich this amusing nmnze of iove- making revolve are twin , br ther's , wh look so much alike that they have to cohsult memorandum cards In their pockets to tell which of time two Umey mire. One has a wife ammul the other a sweetheart. This would'gen- orally bo considered sumcient lirovocatiorm for an eveniimg's fun , but time author has gomme one better anti made the son of a rich limit irascible old gentleman , who disapproves of his son's cimolce for a vife assume a disguise the counterpart of the twin broth , ' era. With such a comblnatgp ! 'it is no won- der that the author could 'find no way tq , evolve a solution of 'the liiTlcultics with which the characters fInd themselves sun- rounded than to land them in a sanitarium for the mentally dIseased. Time entire thing I is "decIdedly fummni. don't che.r know , " and is very cleverly done throtgidut. , ; Time specialties and the biogripi' , pne- semmthng war pictures , arc a , ery , abcept- able foil for time coimtlnuous rpn of amu- ing situations of the play. "Ineog" will he the hill for the week , with the usual . matinees. ' ii Time hopkins Trans-Oceanid tar S3dhmulty conipmuny'opencul for a week's eimgagcment at time floyd last evening. This combination imas been a regular visitant to Omaha playhouses - houses for several years and as a rule has some clever things to present. This tInme it is no exception. Not all on the bill Is new , for time gamut has beemi pretty thor- oughiy run in this line and the best that can be done Is to offer some new things witim variations of the old well 4one. Time oveimilig's program pretty thoroughly covers the field of specialties , opening with a fine piece of work with : mechanical figures , ( lown through : the lines of music , character sketches , acrobatic feats aimfi winding up with a novelty In time aimime of an 1equcs- trlan baboon who rides a pony with the grace of a Fisim and the skill of'a Robinson. VInnie Be Witt contributes a fine cornet solo with vocal selections , Mr. and Mis. Arthur Sidman a cicu' rcomnedy sketch , Lit- tie Luitm a trapeze act of considerable nmenit , Morton and flovehle an anmusing convem'sa- tionnl sketch with sonic good songs , Jummo Salmno a contortiomi and equilibrIst act of mmmore than ordinary merit antI Polk and Collins selections on time banjo which reveal possibilities of these instruments wimleim they are not generally supposed to possess. Taken all In all. a very pleasant evening's entertainment is provided for those whmo admire timi class of performance. 'rho Viiloiu l'acliI.s will sell tickets at time vFmY LOW ItATi OF $19.00 for round trip to Denver for Biennial meet. ing of General Federation of Women's chubs , For dates. ilnmits on tlkets and full infor- nmatien , cmiii at CITY TICKET OFFICh , 1102 FAflNA1. ONLY $10.00 TO DENVER. COLORADO SPRINGS ANt ) PUEBLO ANI ) RETURN. JUN11 ii ) AND 20 , VIA ROCK ISLAND ROUTE. CITY TICKET. OFFICE , 1123 FARNAM ST. 'l'oi.rkst Jimmies via the Union Pnt.ltlc to the fanmous summnem' , reso'ts , in Colorado , Utah , California , Idaho Montaulmu and Oregon. l'or rates amid udvertislimg matter call al : ity ticket office , No , 12.02 F&mrnamn at , lCxeiirsIoiis to Cuiiirn.lo Ima lti'k isiund lIomo , ' JUNE 19th & 20th. Denver antI iteturn , $1900. Colorado Smnings and Returmm , $39.00. l'iieblo aiim ? iteturmm , $19.00. Three trains caclm day , and only line ruin- ' ning daylight trmilim , Get tickets and berths at 3313 Farnnmn St. STBANOAATW-Sidnoy. aged C0'yemmrs , Pu- neriui Monilay at 2 i' . pm , from late remI. $ ' ilence , 1007 Ncmrthm Twentyimiimthi'street , Friends invited. St. Joseph amid Denver ideaso copy , PaPr , , , . KEEPS CAN1ALISI ALIVE Object of' an Ordoft' that Ijxjst Aumong an Afrktn TiThe. TWO SIERRA LEONE SECRET SOCIETIES' Omit' Exists for 1Nh ( ) th.mr I'mmrposo Thmnm. to 'l'erpaltmlmlo Maim-Eating , time Oilier ii'hiimiiee IJevil rmuhuip. The further reports of massacre In the 'Sierra Leone province , on the. eastern .coast of Africa. contain but little detailed informa- 'tion and Omaha people who are peraonahlD acquainted with time work there are as yet uncertain as to time fate of nmnnY of their friends , Among those iii thin city who hmiuve bad actual experience with conditIon& there are Mrs. W. I' . ilarforul and Allen McCullough. and they are able to judge tronm the habits and customs of time natives time dangers whiclm surround missionaries tt. that post. post.One of the chief sources to which : the mis- 'slonary there looks for trouble Is La the secret - cret orgntmizatlomma , time members of which bind themselves by lasting vows amid carry out fanctical and inhuman rites which do not pause at murder. One such : society ( he- scrihed by Mr. McCuhiougim Is among a small tribe l&0 miles from Freetown , time principal seaport , and its member are time only really accredited cannibals In time vicinity. . .They are time disciples of some unknowmm religion which : prescribes feasti'at stated Intervals. On these ocensiofms families belonging to thetm otgaillzation settle by lot .hich shah fumrnlsh the provisions. Seral menmhers of chosen families disappear on the day of the banquet. Any clansman who sitowa weakness - ness from age or injury vanislues in the same mysterious fashion. and the society Is likewise k'ept free from surplus women. After these feast days , which are celebrated far back in time "bush , " the tribe observes a fantastical ritual" whmiclm gives courage , to the "war boys" to commit excesses in the surrounding towns mind it is then that the missionary mtmst look to the security of imi quarters. The society has no chief or clan hilegiance nnil is simply bound together by a cannibalistic vow. , flaSher l'ecuilinr Society , Another organization of a less dangerous type , but considerably morO'extcnsive , Is the "Porno. " Thin society is not confined to one tribe , but has a general membership among the natives on that Imart of the coast. A lodge is located in all the principal towns in the native kimmgdomn and corresponds in many respects to secret organizations in Europe and Ammmerica which adopt barbaric symbols and rituals. The l'orro mcli , however - ever , have time unique fashion of abducting wayfarers ammd either lmohulimmg them to ran' som or selling them as slaves for the ac- cummnuiation of " , gin money. " Witim time Proceeds thmcy have riotous festivals far away In time forests In mu mmmanner not umm- like their civilized brother. The society progresses timrougim three do. grees and comisifierable preparation Is mmcc- essary to attain fuiimmenmbersimip , Its final object is tlmo worship , of time devil and ime lids an incarnate representative in the persoim of the "Porro dcvii , " a creature in fmuntas- tic garb wlmich springs out upon travelers and vith the assistance of its minionmm car , nies them away to time lodgcs. The flrst degree - gree is imparted miuarly in the life of the camudidate , when he is taken immto time bush at the age of 6. years and put through a courseS of training until be is coimsidered a mami at 2i years ofiage. , . . , oiiln Intervaimim'.of thiee' 'yedra 'grand'dodd munetimugs are , bold 1mm. time capital cities 'ammd on timeso occasions time children prejmam'lng for Porro membership arc permitted to visit their faimmiites. Often time Inquiring nmothmers are unable to locate their children anmon the others and are Informed that the devil Juan eaten them , or , Iii Eimghish , they bra sold as slaves'to arovide whisky. 1'rVON Siiamewiint ItestrnuiieiL The law' of the British protectorate has Inter'ercd to some extent with these proceedings - ceedings ammO with the abduction of travelers , so iii order to give the latter what is considered - sidered a fair chmanco Porno men hang large signs made of woven grass on roads leading to Podo camps as a sign that those goImmg timat say nmust suffer the consequences of the trespass. The raids are all made at night , and a pecuUar yell , which acts as the Porno grip , is given to warn time way- tarer that time mhread kidnaper is at hand. Time Porro make an exception of Europeans to avoid the vommgeance of the nmounted patrol and also pass by Moimammedaa tern- 'tory ' % here they are under a religious ban and the population is a unit against them. A corrcspoimdlng society among the women is time 'i3umndo , " which Is a sort of ladies' auxiliary to the Porro and hiolds allegIance like Its brothera L. time evil principle in nature , Their theory on thhs point is that time good power is already amiable , but limo evil mvust be propltinteml. Their lodges are also icattered through the hanger towns , witim retreats in the forest for time inculcation - tion of good Iiuimdo doctrine , Time Cuntlimeim tat Lilmitteil. , The new Wabash solid vestibule train of day coaches , sleeping and dining cars. t train for tourists and oil classes of travel , Will Leave Chicago ( daily ) , 12 noon. Leave St. Lommis ( daily ) , 9:10 : a. m. Arrive New York via \Vest Simoro , 3:30 : p. m. Arrive Boston via Fitchburg , 5:50 : p. in , All agents sell tickets ( or this train and xviii tell you all about it. Ask him or write a. N. Clayton , N. Vii. I' . Agt. Wabash II. it. A. D , T. Co. ; me"eenmgera furnished ; baj- gage delivered. 1302 Doug'as Sti- Tel , 177. Two GAMBLERS 0111 OF JAIL Johmim lu'3er nmnlJohtim flue ( ive hull for 'I'heir Appenrnumt'e 'Ilils 5lormij , . ' , John Dwyem' and one who gave the much- used name of John'JJoe , two of the four gum- biers arrested In theraid on the police pro- tecteil gamhhlng ganme. at 314 and 219 North Sixteenth street Saturday night by Sheriff McDonald , were released on bonds of $500 at nuoim yestortlay . The other two are atlil in jail , their fniemmds failing to come to their rescue , Judge Baxter ve y a comnmodatlmmgly vent to the county jail to sign lwyer'a and Ioe'a reie .ses Froim : time tiimmc time macn were locked up ' Saturday iighmt up until noon yesterhay the gamnblermm kept the jail telephone - phone ringing vigorowdy to their friends. Jailor Shand dimi not lock time men up in cells , but gave them the freedom of time jail otfico amid corridors. Their preiimnlnary heam'immg will be imeid he- fore Judge Baxter this forenoon , The ganm- blem's are non.conmrnlttal and will not ( his- cuss their arrests , Chief Gallagher Is In time same mood. - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Trri-1-jr , a _ _ _ _ _ ' ' ' ' quality , flavor , and taato of this beer I . 'lu so exquisite , that 2 trial order will - - , gain ue your permanent and enthusiastic A _ _ patronage , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 _ _ _ - VAL.RLATZ BREWING Co. MiLWAUIU , U.S.A. Foley Bros. , Whoksae ! Deale of. flee D1lone Hotel , 124 N. our- . * JilJi.LLW q iqi tetntb Street1 Omaha , Nd , . . , - 4 DO NOT' BE 'IMPATIENT. ' , . . . .m ' ' " , & 'rxifttsuiii.flct' Stilt % 'aIt until time , ' ) Venhhtcr Is Settled , . , ( ' % I turn rid of those things 'f6i mm 'while. ' " the man who casts aside his ImeA'YIer f thing to hut Oil his summer ml- trtttitm ' lie' guemi to business on some treacim- emouaiy fine day , henvlimg Imla waistcoat be- , hlnd blm , Towam , evnimmg fu coolishm breeze spniqga , up and o ( coirse you know what , hmftijemmrjnqt. , 'lhe man in tutu clotlmcmm Is cm. 1)re' % o a. suqmmcr cold , which is more Ikely lo n.a i time stomach mummd bowels I thud the 'tir4dt % itrid ltimmgs. And tIme sum- I + m'u- ! o1f e'r whit as dangerous as time ii1nt rlcb1d.i it' 'must be immediately corn- ' ) &tikl' ot' thIttlter 1ohiows sooth , 'l'hylieiiun's "who d& not always lmrescribo alcohol order their patients to take a sound purewhislc ( on time bowel eomplrilnts so prevalent. in sunmnuer. Dotty's l'ure Malt Whiskey has ammd dearves time roptmtntion 9 belmmg esiwciaily valuable iii these ensem. It hemuthfuiIy stimulates ; it checks dirur- rhoen mmimd general uetfect Is heartening iImil , , ujmliftitmg. ' ' Any one wiut usesit will feel its strength- rung qualities tlmrougim and throumgim. Nkturmuhly ItO fmutmmouis and umsefuml a lmroduct Is unscruimulommuly itmmitated , See ( lint you get the teri IulTy'a mind no substitute. CLOSE.OF1HEOMAHA PRELUDE Cliii. 'Jomneim ( lather at time Comigre'- gmutloiizti Cinmrt'lm. . for a Very 1mm- teresting l'm'ogrmtin. ' The final sessioim of time Women's Club iongresS was lucid at the headquarters at time Congregational chtmrchm yesterday afternoon - noon , Mrs. Il. hi. Stoutcmmhmorough , president 'of time Nebraska Federation of Women's 'Glubs , presiding. It was a very immtercsttng meeting. Mumalc was supplied by a quartet consisting of Miss Helene Wyman , iisa Itene Ilanmilton , Mrs. A. I' . Ely and Miss Costar , A feature of the muslcai progranm was Mrs. Ely's solo , "Timoay of l'eace' " which was vell no- celved , Prayer was offered by Rev. Mary Garard Andrews and Miss lichen Cola of Clmicago university gave the scripture read- lug. Time address of time occashomi was delivered by Rev. 'Celia Parker Woohiey of the l'eo- plo's church , Chicago. lien thought was in a particularly timely and interestIng vein mmd received nmnrked attention. 11cr topic was "Modern Religious Tendencies. " Time speaker introduced her remarks by referring - ring to the conmimlaint made that time "dumb' ' Is taking the interest of time womuerm from the church. She timought , possibly , that if this were true 'it might be the fault of the church , "wlmieim did not give SCOPO for wonman's activities , " , Timd church life of this tIny is largely made a social life , 11ev. "iVoohley said. The club is time democratizing element of time eocial life of time tinmo. rubmie ? * iii lee , Tile Northwestern Line Dayligimt Special mmomv'.ltnves the U. P , depot at 6:40 : a .m. ; arrives Chicago 8:45 : same evenin. No chamuga In thu other trains. The Overland L1nited 4:45 : p. mu. and the Omaha Cimicago Special at 0:45 : p. ma. arrive at Cimicago 7.45 and 9:30 : respectively , next nmormming. Time 'most advanced vestibumled sleepers , diners a'mmd free Parlor chair cam's-of course-what ' eiso would the "Northwestern" have. City ff'icke * omce 141)1 ) P'rnam at , Just received , a large consignment of stylish - ish phaetons , carriages , buggies and traps. Have jtmst OpeflL'l anotimer new sample room. I . \Ve \ offer you over one hmumndrefi styles to luooso frpm1. come before the assortmemmt is brokea.1"e nell at retail from otmr whole- 1e stock,11ur lmnices will surprise you. One block from the east each of time Harney street car line. LININGER & M'ETCA LF COMPANY , . TleI.ets ( ) heii'ver. Thq ilurhing't'on , p oposes to put on sale t1cktu 'Jimmie 20' for time Denver commventiomm 'of 'the Sational Federation of Women's Clubs. The sale of these tickets was to imavo been confined to Jutme 10. 17 mind 18 , but so many of the prospective attenmlammts kicked on being comnpelled to go to hen- von so long in advance of the meeting , wimicim oonmmnences on June 21 , that the other date - was addedo , . % , Iim , t.hlr&'ss lime Voiimnii's Cliii. . Mrs. IV. E. Fiscimcl of St. Louis , who caine to time city to attend the Woman's Chub congress , wIll remain a day or two to discharge - charge imer duties as a member of time Mis- nurI conmmission for tIme exposition. She lies accepted an invitation to nddress time \Vgnman's climb this afternoon on "Domestic Stience , " at the First Coimgregatlonal church at 4 o'clock. Mrs. Flachel Is con- ductirmg an Imnportmmnt experiment In St. Loumis in tim trairming sclmooi for girls , v.nd she is glad to describe her methods to mummy woman who may he Interested In them. FOR YEAEIIS OURE _ TWO fIEMARKABLE CASES. . I have been an intense sufferer from Eczema for tire 'ears , 1 tried medicines , roumr doe. torS , 0mb a speciall.ut iii skium diseases , u'ith no immiirovemmiomt ) ; , and setting me almost framitie vItim ilreauhful itchihmmg. After using three bot. ties of CmsTmcmjirA hicioLvanT , and ommo box of CUTICLIRA SALvE. I ices compictely cired , ( lEO. A. LOVE , 007 Market St. , i'imIiPa , I had Eczema for seven years , anti may scalp was In a hail state. Three hmmchmes of amy iacic , was covered with a dry scab. .Thmo itchmlmig uu'aa so lail I iimomigimt Ij voumhtl drive nmo mnai. ( I triemi all remeulles but could mmotgetcured , I used lire hotties , o Cu'nlct'RA ItaSmLViNt , Ova ealces of CUTICUIA Soarand five boxes of CUJ'IcuriA SALVE , and I trIU cnn'lctey ! carol. C , LONG , 325 Wilton Aye , , Toronto , Cat , . iirrny 'rsiT'r rnit TosTrmm''i , I'Iric , . rams , , Jliswii , , I.omr 1111. , Vaj1 , i.lti , with , Cvrucia , SOAr. gflt ? ( wIth ( 'um ucma , in.t mnid : do.101C01vrnsJtEmLr.mt. , 5,14 thrn'tioit , , lb. wnrl I l'OrTrit flsi'n ( SecurM , CtILI' , t'oi. , Uo.tou. how :0 Cu , . Sc , . , , . , rndled ftmo , Hornopathic Medicine. _ so rune time emily house iii Nebraskmi. whicim mmulntalima a fuil-lleuigu'd , " 1 1Ou1EO. I'A.T.UIC pIIAItMACY. " ' 1,0 better ( maui- tate the hpmdiing ; of IIOMEOI'A'rhhlP MEIICINDS u'u have one floor 1)EVO'i'1D EXCL1JSIVE1 " to timem.e goods. 'fhii tocI Iii him ' of mm trimmed I Innmeolmmm. i Ii is t ii mmml ' 'i4 lark I n u vim Icim tim u hi hmosslbhy hue I by Pmitient or hmrmuctl- tiommer. ' 'J'hm'r , no miltogether in time do. partment X . . . i. t' 20.tJIJO uhifcn'tmt remedies - dies , comiunImulmm ml COil'LETI1 ilium of time mnateniru immedicu iii misc by I lonmeumpathmie idmyIetans , itm 'nriot ) ' from A to 'h muimd 1mm iuotemtey fmvmnm tlmmcttires to 200th t'etm- tesltnmii tlliumtion. Timen there arc CORNS , lhiElt3 , IALS , luouvuler Imuuhuers. giobuies , .1lskm , tuhletm4 , llomeuimttthmle alcohol , "Corn. hirmrutioi' , ' tmiblet , SCIIITRSSLEIL Ti 551311 RIIMEIIIIS. tml mull time 'uuniouis 4uiIdnIen nmmti iuecimultics whIch go to mnnkn imp I ho murinametmtarlumni ( it the I IOM ilOi'A'l'l I IC i'itACTITIONIIIlS , Visiting Physicimmims auth timc'ir friends are invIteil to ViSit our IIOMI1O1't'l'Ii IC II1I'.t1t'l'.ii1NT nail coo ( or timemselvea , Sherman&McConnell Drug Co. . iiizm : flo.isce St. , Omimmilin , Nd ) , , , A UL SET OF TEETH 'de lLi Umt3i ; .Juathfllybe sure anti leave 'lImo time expires and re- these imrices. All other st'oE'k iit i'u reduced inices. Teeth ox- trdctcl 'i,9jltivi'i.y without pain-ISO , . IETISTS , ' 12OomJb ( 14th St. , ( 'or Douglas , over Drug $ ' ' until b , Sun'Jmuys 8tOre' fThtIi * 'emj'ings p. in until 1 1) , fll. lice. Juno 20 , 1898. ' .171'greaE crash. . greaE . . FIiere iievor was a gi'eater crash in the ClOtlliIlg biiiiiies thun tile light gOsilalhier crash wo are o11ihig this week for tllree do11ar , Otitsli what ? Orashstilt-coat _ , vest , paiith. It is a tilill , airy stilt , lighter than the average lincii suit atid it . is a lorL of a greyisli smoke or cobweb color-neither ' dark nor light. . 'I'Iiese suits were Ihulde for 115 by a first c1nst 1lOUie , iii a first class lhlahlilel'1 made to fit alid tovasli and to wear , and made fi'oin pure liiiOii threads.Ve \ have crasil suiti as higli iu 4. 50 aiid as low as 2. 50 , al1(1 we have 501110 still 1over titan that , - but they're cotton , not crash. 'I1liero's ' a big ( lifter- , , , 011CC betveeit cotton iuid 1111011 as ' OU cail tell wlieit , Tohl goto buy handkerchiefs , or as your wife caii tell you if she ever bought towolH. Of com'so we COUll adveitiie tlioni as crash but that WOUIlll't ' lfl1lk.3 ( hell crniIi aiid we fiuic'l it easy enough to sell goocl without lying liei'e , , ' ( I . . Do You ea11y Want a Fruit Laud Home : That will give you ; 1,5OO a year ? If you do now , is the timt to get it. We have them fully prepared - pared ready for delivery , with the crop oii the trees. trees.A A FREE TRIP TO LOOK AT THE LAND before you select it. ( This free trip applies for old customers as vell as iiew , ) 'I1hese lands are all located within sight of ' the city of Portland , the New York of the Pa- cHic coast , The bridge across the Cohuinbia betweeii Portland 1111(1 YRUCOIlVel' vill be lillisheci withiii a ye .i' , vlien all 'land oii the north side of that river vil1 pi'oinptly double in value. If you really 'want to get a home and au iii collIe lii a country where there are ito killing frosts , no grasshoppers , n liglitniiig , no hail , no high winds , no really hot weatliei' , no cold. 'weather , no failures of crops-none of the i1I of which you COlflp1u i't-tli i S yOUl' cliaiiee. . , . ' If you doii't waiit a fruit farm we caii qter . - you a wheat farm , ready to harvest 10,000 bushels - els of wheat , and a dozen smaller places to choose from. STEARNS FRUIT LAND CO. , I 323 F.triiumia St. , Oinuhn , Neb. 275 Stark St. , Poi'tlastJ , Oregon. . , - ' . - - - . . . - _ _ _ _ " . , SJUY6O6RAPflY Most people in these war tiine find themselves a trifle ' \e51c in their geography. The old geograph- jes and at1ase are not complete enough , To supply this demand there hts ; been issrnrd 'Jill : B'S COMBINATION MAr , # ' ' A II(17) Of Cuba. ' - I1 Map of I'IaTana. A Map of the West Indies. arl(1 3. Map ol the World. 'rime Map of Cuba and time Map of Limo \Veat Indies are each 1,1x1. ! ncimes ; limo Map of time World Is 2x20 Inches , printed in colors from the latest mnap of Rand , McNally & Company. They arc aceurato and complete. ' The Bee Coupoll The Omaha Bee , of Cuba Map Coupon , and 10 cents will et It. Sent Present this cou mon with 100 ( by mail ' ) for by mail in tube , 14 cents. imii of Culmu. Mmui of the Vcst Indies. Address , : Mup of Poilo Rico and 5 Map of thu World. - CUBAN MAP DEPARTMENT , Time lice Publh1iing Co. , Olluhils. w * WE fIEN CURED IPHILISOR AND Ug'UGHT ) TO PEHFEr BAD BLOOD. b ; uurtuim ' tr&unimt or Turkll , O.ilri , . fur , t 00. Nlvht io.i' . , tsy , , , , , ) J.ra , cured , tj , . 'Amrkll , , . .ruaumtrou Curol si ou HyaIalim Cure nv.r tall , , . uvrrwere , We , nke our use , . . 5uhttrainua tb ( . , tuU,00i smusloltoie.em.oo. wittu gu.xaa anl um can reI7m ma'ttmna well W' iu.ue Lion wdtIn , cuu.ruute. llh fml , cure. Slnls HAHNa PHAflMA0V , Itot , Sm &i lv ) IAw's , l'uI4ku.Acy. 1511 , a , , I irns , m OwlJIat. - - Beware of Imitations . Tim ; ; r ; ° I&t : : _ lVikcs'tci'i'liii'o 'i 44IJO1 , , . oM DUCA4' $ l ( 'Te suw yoR ( _ - - - - - - - - ' - - . RUPTUL CURED ' ° ° ) -i ( a0 0 z U Iii I ' .T' ziJ No Dotontlon From BuainoB , Ye refer to IIUNOREO ; OF P.vm'ZUNT5 Cumurui PILES CUREI ) In Seven to Ten Days Without Palii , One Taz.tTmauT Dons Tin \Vosic , THE EMPIRE UUPTURE CURE . AND , MEDICAL INSTITUTE , , . ( Bacc.aori to TillS 0 18. MILLEU ( JO ) 933 New York Life Building '