Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 20, 1898, Image 6

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    g , . . . . r . . . . i _ I
pecu1fttor8 Drive Down the Prices that They
May l3uy In.
fliiIneNN (2iernIl 1u ( oo.1 nti.l t1u
OntI.iuk fur Crops I'rdhii N'M flit
Abtiuitltti ( 1InrcM t , hut yIt Ii
Lttcr Pricci ,
NEW YOflK , Junc 19-Henry C1cw8 , bond
of the banking house of lEenry dews & Co. ,
wtIts of the situation it'all Mtrcet :
In our letter of last week we celled at
tciitloii to ( I rcactlonnr3' totlCnCY In the
stock tnnrket end Ititlinated that It might
be contiiiuel , The businss of thu last
iveek 111tH confirmed those Iorecastiiigs.
Aaling ( OlCtfltOrS ) who had realized ml
their holdings of the higher grade toeka
Were ttllXiOUS to 1epress prIces in orthlr
to buy In again for a fresh rise. At tills
juncture , another set undertook to advance
thu 1o or grade stocks , which 1111(1 1101.
risin Prollultionately with the higher priced
securities , This einbnrrasscd the Echelile of
the influential operators who vcro trying
to reload at lower Ilgures ; anti , In self-
tICtOIlSO , t1ity have tiji. , wcek directed their
attack tIllohl the market lnllacrlnhlnateiy ,
thu result of which has beeti an unsettled
market , causing considerable realizing on
all ClitlOles of Rtocis and a general fall In
prices , This movement. is purely it iq.ectl- .
lativo maneuver , directed tuvRrdtl a readjustment -
adjustment of the rouge of irices , so as
to nihnit of a fresh campaign , starting vItti
.iower prices iittl thoreforu affording better
opportunities for profit and an lntlucrnient
-to fresh activity , At present , this 1110V0
ment IS too sticcessttil to be abandoned
and 5001115 1101. tinllkely to be contintled
until a still lower range of valuc iita iieeti
: CStflbiIStlCl ( ,
, ( icncritl CoOditlolls are hot wholly favora-
bie to a IllovenleIlt of this character , There
'Is 110 abatement of the tevived prosperity
of the ruilroails , On the contrary , the
crop irospccta lromlse another harvest of
Unusual abundance , anli though the prices
of the new crops IORY not rule so itigh as
tbosc of thio Past season , yet the results
to tile raihloalls siiotlld equal those of the
crops of 1Si7. Tue war ge. steadily on towards -
wards tile 1111111 SUCCeSS of our arms. with
a reasonable Prospect that next fall tue
: SPanIsh Posressions in tile \Vest IflIieS anti
: tile Piilliititlne Islands svlhl have been formally -
ally tralistcrred to time United States. The
feeling Is taking strong hold of the Public
. that , costly as this brief war may
1prore to be , It will yet result in a great
awakening of the American pcopio to Ii
COOIICIOUSI1CSB of It tiestilmy broaier und
t 'itigimer ' titan they have dreamed of , and that
it will result in new Pohicied which must
largely develop tile Commerce of the coon-
" try and eluvato our etnniing ItillOll the
' imatloims. This "bull"
I' is a factor which
11111151. ittitl cOIltiIltlollsIy to coniithence in
Alilerican lIlVCtttIllClltS amiti enterprise. The
1grnwlng strcngtht of the financial situation ,
1whlcim immniks time providing of GOOOOO.OOO
for itniietiitt war expenses a matter of
secondary concern nimmi productive of no degree -
gree of mnonetury disturbance. carries with
.11. a Illost material contribution to inibhic
'COOIItIOIICo and immahes any really irnimrtalit
reaction III the securities market almost
tilnposslitie. The statumnemmt of our foreign
trades for .Iny exhibits another surprising
uhtiltlon to that excess of exports over ha-
ports whicit has been for many months
past iihlng up an extraordinary italanec in
otmr favor duo front nttlons ; which have a-
Witys been large lenders to us upon open
Condltioiis like the foregoing do not afford -
ford much 1101 ! ) to operations undertaken to
'depress values , and they may soomi prove a
bar to thti' systematic marking ( iOWfl of
prices now In process. Exlerieilcei operators -
tors of large means , however , are able ,
.wltiiin certain limitations. to force the
Inarket In a direction contrary to its nat-
urn1 drift : and when there is a comparative
ttbseiicu' ' of sanguine otitaide Support , their
success is nil time easier. My own view ,
however , is that the present artificial presSUre -
SUre on prices is not likely to proceed
much further vlthoiit tloreioplng buying
Wimicit may obstruct the tactics of those
Wile , for the Inomnemit " "
, are playing a "bcai"
Time breaking up of the great Leiter
pcctliation in vlteat is not unlikely to head
to solne revival of operatlolls in stocks.
Time iXlllllCIISO transactions in grain have
drawim elf speculation front the stock exchange -
change for several months hiast , and both
at Chicago anti hero tile uncertainties about
1(110 wheat SitUIttioll nmmty be expecteth to ( II-
vert attention back to stocks under the en-
cotmragement Of the current tlownward drIft
5of prices.
It has Ilot stilted the purposes of the sd-
hors of Stocks to take much note of another -
other remarkable foreign commerce statement
mont , ( lIld the figures , pubhisimeti on Wednes-
clay , cons'quently gave no &timtmhus to the
market. 'fiio ( nets of the official exhibit
are not , however , to be depriveth of their
effect by conveniently ignoring timem , Time
May exports of merchandise exceed tilOse
of 1S97 by $12,400,000 , and are $5fLO8O.000
in excess of the vnIue of the month's Itn-
) orts. For time first eleven months of time
liscui year the merchandIse exports exceed
time lmnlIorts of goods by $57l,8i9OOO , wimichi
? eonfirmns tile expectation heretofore ox.
Ilressed in 111030 advices that time surphims
of exports over imports 'will reach fully
$600,000,000 , If we add to the BllpiflOfltS !
of merchandise those of silver ( amountimig
to $10,967,000) ) the total excess of exports
for the elevemi months will nxmlount to $612.-
scrooo. tim liquidation of this creditor hal-
, itilco , we imavo imported $97,040,000 of gold ,
lllmtklllg tile net creditor balammco for the
cioveim IflOlIthis $515,825,000 , Making time
Ilmost liheriti ailovamce ATIlllftSiblO ( or tile
Items , debtor flllii creditor , not included In
tlmese Purely trade returns , and also for time
net debtor balance on account of tile foreign
movement in our securities , It hardly seems
allowable to estimate the balance now duo
, to timi country by Europe at hess than $150-
000,000 to $200,000,000. As the present rein-
tivo rate of interest at New York and Len-
tion 11110r1i13 no stmlllclejtt Immduccmmient for
buyIng 1)1115 of exchange on Etmrope for 1mm-
vestmmwnt . here , it scorns not unlikely tlmat
, \.o may Soomm t'itness a resunmlUnn of lmmm-
1mar18 of gold The ommiy tiling timat dIll
Prevent tillS IfilIst be a greater disparIty
between time local auth time European immoitey
rates than now exists , The rapid immcrease
of gohi in tue hank of FnghaimcI would CII-
nbie that immstlttttlon to Part whim a liberal
ltlllotmlmt of gold without nulcim iliconven-
, Thu mmcw gnvcrnnIelm loan attracts corn-
Paratlvt'hy little interest an element lit
\'ahl street inovemnemmts. It was wise to
mmlcet the Pollillar hemnmtntj for gIving small
imivestore aim Opportunity to Put their say-
4 limg limb tlii'so lilvestimmemitsVc simall now
rco ! lOt % ' far this class are mllsposed to pro-
( er Imol d I ug LiOllIls I 0 Iliad 1mg timel r means
ill 1110 ClIslotly or tIme savimmgs banks. The
class Who lmlthmt'tto limivo leefl ) accustoimiemi to
Lake Elteso iimvetinent wihi lIe foumd , willing -
ing to tUICO 511 IlliIOlmmt % largely In excess
of the remnnnnt not taken by time smaller
class c4 investors , \'nIl street oitinlomi does
'IIUt ' attach Ifluelt iilllmflrtallce to this mmetv
sulply of investmnemmts S flu element af-
focttmig the value of CXlstiIIg securities , For
a lommg timimo past there line beim a coimm-
ItIratIvc ) scarcity of Imew issues of socuri.
t ties of 111(3 hIghest grade , adapted for trust
funds almd time reser'e funds of finammclai
Ilimttllutiomts , immmti a large ammmount of iIIOOCY
11115 lit'em Iihuce'mt on tiejmoslt or otltrtylso
tclmmporarlly emmiphoycti ulmtll bonds of long
( hate itmid ttl > soltttehy securIty are forth.
colullmg , These waimtu will take up all the
lldt % ' tiensury issues tvlthmott , dliplaclimg muty
outer e'xisting securities.
Tliit tirllhjummt success of our navy hmns es-
titlmhishieti such uimlvcrsal Comlfluiemmce tito
world over that nobody outside of Spain
raim losslbly believe otherwise titan that
our nmmtagomitst is already signally defeated ,
atmi hint any further action on Spaimms Iart
lisimimply to COUrtaIldItional terrible
All Wlt ( ) mardI walk or bland shmouhtl
IIItktI into theIr 5h5 Ahleim's Voot-lase , II
3movtitr. It cures tdliiimg , tIred , sore , swol.
4 CII feet 1.111(1 makes tight or IISIV ithmot's tltsy.
It absorbs lmtoim4ture amId pruvdlmes cltmting !
Itot , smarting , blistered , sweitting feet , All
time regular mmrmmiy troops anti navy macmi usts
it , Vomunteers in hot dIifllIttCm ( Can't exist
It ) cuamfurt wlthmout it. Allen's Ioot.ite
I. sold by itil drugIsts ltfll slloit storm's.
2e. littilIPlu sent 1' R11. Adtitstt , Allen
' ih. Olnisted , LeRoy1 N , Y.
icr It Is for that reason that the war is
nnir deprived of terror to the American
people. When the war started it wa sup-
lIosed It WOll1t1 be prIncipally a naval con-
filet This was based on the number of
tnoilcrn gtifl * and bsttteships of tht Lao
navies , whIch were considered to be shout
epini ; but the qualities of the men In ceoi-
rnnntl and of the gunners amid sailors were
not taken Into cnnideration , for neither
had been tested in battle. it was soon
fntmnd , however , ( lint scientIfic skill and
gederniship weiit vnstly superior on our
side. No stronger evidence of this is eu
record than Admiral Dewey's victory , which
has no Parallel In the worhmh's history. It
Is nowsrecagnlzeti timat Spain Im , ito bagel
a foe on tue water , What more there s
tn ho done to bring the war to c. cioe will
lehong mainly to the army. wbmlcii wilt also
lIhVC the valuable aid of tbm. navy. Dooms'
lye victories , timercfore , may be expected at
Santiago , Porte Rico and r.Ianlla , Time end
of the war should timen be near at hand ,
It is title showitig , together with this coun-
try's great wealth and unlimited resouces ,
that niakes a govortimnent bond bearing 3
11cr cent Interest look desirable as atm investment -
vestment , and why tile subscriptIons to time
$2tJ0Oeo,000 war balm are likely to reach
at knit $1,000,000,000.
Vckl' SIneuiscnt S'liot N ft
iii lottns ,
NIYOILIC , Juflu lO.---The Plmmnumcler
saymt After seven weeks etintitmilotis 0-
Illinslun In lounH dtll'illg whIch time total
Imlerensed * mornetkluig like $30,000tPU , time
stlttelmleltt of tIme New 'York banks hiows a
cIecrert'e ft $2fl,000 ( 'ir time week ellchltlg
Julie IS , It cannot be 5111(1 , hiowev.r , that time
shrInkage was dtme to general clmUmes. On
tIme contrllr3' , It detnlicd conilIarIsuim Of tile
itidiviihtitth IteinR reveals thu fztct tllttt 0110
bnllk decicititeil Its hoauis nearly $3,000,000.
rlte other sIxty-four intitutioui therefore
must Ilztve gIthmled III tile nc'ightlinriictctd o
$200,000 1mm 1011115 , TIme bank reportIng time
ilea'y mlecr0ato iii 101(1111 lmmeroastt Its dIudil
almost imi itroPortloim , but tlte total exiulmi-
$1011 of $6.G5,000 in the depolt runs gemm-
emily through the list mint ! time mtvorltge re-
scr'es are higimer thmmmit One vet'k Imgrt. 'l'hlo
total gain In cush svn $7,123,100 ltn(1 time ru-
ser'o stands at $ & 9,22S00 , tile illghedtt re-
curthed for over it year. Time lotliks are
gailibug largely from time Interior , 0110 cc-
slut of timis is tilflt legal tender lmldlmlgs
are llmereuMing rapidly , tHe guilt for time
week IlLVIlig becut $3JSS,000 , undoubtedly a
iargo Itart of tills mono ) ' coaling mmt of the
N v York blInks during Macelm amid April ,
wllen wltillhrllwmtiH vero larger. 'l'lie CR1411
reserves of tile bnmlks vcre mmever larger
timnut at lrLcImt , tlmougim the loan reserve
hIlts often bmt higher. Conservittivo opinion
in fttct ( muvors tilt' belier that rates art'
going ImIglIer anti tllrtt the how ilOlmtt htt
ldJCml reacheth. 'File l4tIttenICllt mIty OUt be
favorable fruill IL strIctly llltitklil& view-
IOitIt , tmut lii II. largem' sense it Is a source
of fltisfuetlon to know tilItt the banks were
never better prepared thrum at present to
ztld In the tlomtting of tile fl0S bonds , and
that IL illtltlldlul operation Wilich herctufore
hits reiulreml interlmatinimlth assistance will
Ito colflplett'd witimout nIl ) ' disturlmnce other
thuit a pomtiImhe tumIornr' , miuetuatIolm and
certainly without iilml fu oifl gibroad , 'rile
Imext fev weeks will bring about 501110
heavy chrtngcs In the IthoWiuig of the bItmIkil ,
hut the fact. dlcIoet1 by the dlirremit tnte-
meat forestalls any apprelletlsloa over
Itrobable rejults. 'l'imo situatiomm today 111(5
never been eqtlIIeI in the history of Now
York bunking.
1'estttirm's of the Tritlliig itumil CIoNLmi
I'I'l'CM ( dii Saturday.
ChICAGO , June 1S.-Demnornlizatlon of
tile foreign IllttFketS umld the all-pervading
feelIng of a I4lgltllttC C10l ) here weakened
wheat today. July left off with a loss of
Jc amid Selltemher I 1-Sc. Corn closed 3-Sc
iligller and 011(14 unchanged. l'ork closed
Oc lower , lard 2m4c dowim and ribs'unohmanged.
The holders of July wheat were thlrowmm
Into sornethmlmlg of a iItfllC at time start by
time IIetVS from Liverpool , where speculators
\vLre said to be demoralized. At une thmmle
tile lInde of July there vas tiuoted S'c 11cr
iu. below tile Price last milglmt. For 1401110
clays the feeling in July imere imii been
steadily growIng weaker , millti wlmen the itti-
% 'ersu news froln Liverpool was receIved the
Price of July foil oft tO 72c-tt droll of Ic
from time chose last night. A comisitlerabie
Portion of thmi dechinq was recovered on
gemmoral 1tt.'iiig. Scptcznber amid December
showed' a fal degree of strength and sold
sonmewilat higiler at the start , but finally
hrcke on tIme demoralized feelimIg In .Tuly ,
Septemnbcr sold do'tvn to 67 5-Se , or ' 4c be1ow
tile close yesterday , whIle December de-
chIlled to 65 5-Sc. Time rally' in July caused
SqillO Improvement in thsc lommgcr futures ,
and they got addltlomlul hme1j from the ilb-
oral buying by shorts wimo took advamitmige
to buy in and secure profits , and under
tllese ImprovIng conditions there was a
good rally. The contInental markets vere
'eak , nhld when the declines for the day
were nnnltmnced front I'arls tIni Antwerp
time prices hero had linother severe .setback.
WhIle more rain wa rt1orted in tile northwest -
west the weather south and southwest ,
whore Wimeltt Is In its rIpening stage ,
Is amll that could be desired. Tile
declines at Paris were 5c a bu. for
Jun41 Ilflti 3)c zt bu. for September and Do-
comber. Antwcrp WUi4 miown tIme equivalent
of 5140 ftmr American red amid 2 5-Sc a bu.
for Californian. The reported prolongation
of the period for free Importations of wheat
into Italy VIlS contradlc't'd. Tile time wIll
expire July 1 , as orlglnnhiy intended. Domestic -
mestic receipts were Ilgllt-15 cars at Clii-
clmgo 101(1 ! 3 mtt Minneapolis nod Duluth ,
The week's receipts at tile two latter places
1vere 678 cars , agaInst 1,522 tile correspond.
ing vek of the year before. The.Atictntic
port clearances were small , amounting in
Wilelit and flour to 145,000 bu. July opened
lti2'c louver at 7373 ½ c , 501(1 down to 72c ,
advanced to 71c , declined to 72c. then
fIrmed UI ) to 72c bid at time close. Soptem-
her started I-Si3-Sc imiglier at GSttj6S ½ c ,
sold dowim to Cl 5-Sc , rose to CS 7-Se , then
weakeneti to GTe bid , the closing figure.
The strength In corn was due to time Impression -
pression largely prevailing among Influen-
tint corn traders that tile OFOII cannot turn
otit well without most oxceItioIlahly favor-
111110 weather from now till its maturity.
Heavy ruins lii the western states during
the last twenty-four ilours tended to maIn-
taimm tit courage of tile bulls. July opened
tc iligiler at 32 I.Sfl32c , sold up to I2'4t ' )
32 1-Se , timen declined to I2'4j32 3-Sc , tile
closing figure.
Oats derIved a firmer feelIng in sympathy
witim corn. July opened 1-Mi ' 4c higher at
24 l-Si21c , declined to 23tj23 7-Sc and
closed at 23 7.Sc itid.
Influenced 1)y the strength in corn provisions -
visions mtllosveli a slight improvement , July
irnrk stttrtedi 2e imigimer at $9.621h , ohd up
to $0,67'4. then declined to $9.55 , time closing
price. Tue range Iii lard and ribs was on-
Estimated receipts for Monday Wheat ,
13 cars orml , 320 cars ; oats , 130 cars ; ilogs ,
35,000 head.
LeanIng iutures range as follows :
iitc1.I : . : Open. I IlIit. I Low. I oso. YcsL'Y
.w Iirm.l.
311110 . . . . . . . . .130 50
J1mly. . . 734 74 ( 72 7'214 7014
Sept. . , llMt14 11831 (17 ( . . 07 tIt4i
Dec. . . ( itifl ) ( 001.4 071k 67b1.68 ou :
JUlIO , , 3I 32.t14 5lI 31U 31 %
July. , 32L'I 3'-14(1q ( 211 12uGlg 31h.:12 :
St'pt . . 3Jat1 ( 33 33 113 % t2
'Outs- .
July. . . ' I1't 2414ieb 2l(4 : ( 2311 231
Sepm. . . ubg-2I 9ILS % 20l4Q * . 21 UH
I .rk-
JIliy , . , 0 1124 0 0714 9 115 (1 ( 511 0 tlO
Sept , , , 0 82.4 II 85 9 72l It 7j ti 73
L cml-
.TtmIy , , . 7714 6 7754 3 7'214 6 72 % 5 73
t'I't ' 0 t5 S 110 5 b21 5 b.1 % S 83
July. . . 6 43 5 4714 5 45 5 45 3 .15
Sept 5 5714 A 6714 5 62 % ft 3214 5 0204
'No. 2.
Cash quotations svero as follows :
FIAUR-Utlhl ; uvinter IatOlltS , $ I.S0 1,00 ;
tttrmtlgllts , $ I.50P4.G0 ; clear , $1,4UijlJO ; sItrImIg
BIt'ClltlS , $5.23j6.50 ,
VIhlAT-No , 2 sprliig , 74ii76c ; No , 3
spring , 7OPSOc ; No. 2 red , 823181c ,
( 'OltN-No. 2 , $1/c : No , 2 yellow. 32c.
OATS-No , 2. 25c ; No , 2 wIllie , 2Sj22c ;
No. :1 : willie , 27c.
1tYF-No. 2 , 39e.
ISAIILEY-No , 2 , Z0i35c.
Sll'DS-FIaxseeci , No , 1 , $ i.12 ; prime
tinmothy seeti , $2.C.
I'ltO'l3lONS-1'ork , mess. imer bbl. , $9.55
4I9.C0 , Lord , uer 100 lbs. , $5.75iiS.77I , ; ullort
ribs sltle ( loose ) . S5.301i5,10. Dry saItcil
mtlmoultit'rm4 ( boxed ) , $1.7545,00 ; short clear
lthcs ( boxed ) . $5.75Ej6.0Q.
StIGAIIS-Cut loaf , $6.02 ; granulated ,
Arficius. Itecoipta. SImIpIllunts ,
Fioumbbla , . . , . , . . , , . . . , , , , 7.lltIm 0,000
Wheat , Oil . , . . . , , , , , , , , 21)titiO 301,300
Corn , Ott , . . , . . . , , , , , . , , , , , . , 20J,000 3U'.TOO
( ) ltts.bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I85.tltj ( $40w0
ftebu . . . , , , , . , , , , , , . . . . . , . 7011
Uarley.bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,210
0mm tim l'rodtmco excilange today the bmmt-
ter dillurket tuttu Ilrm ; crealneriei. l4tjlGc ;
dairies , li4fl1Ao , Iggs , firm : fresh , 9c.
CIleette , dull ; creunlerles , 74t7c , Poultry ,
dull ; sprimig chickens , litjlIc ; Ilells , 7c ;
ducks , 6IG'4c ; turkeys , gj7c.
! itllIlu1lttr * ' 1'e IiiFitbrit's ,
MANChIlS'1'ii1t , Jummo 19.-Time lust has
been another week of small things Itil
mtrouunl , The looms Imavu been occutmleil
Immostly witim thIn worklng.orf of back orders ,
'File uildtit'tllle is still llrm In nmost direc-
tiolls , Imut the tiiiIIlllllg order books jmro.
( hUdil irregularIty lit 501110 quarters. Cal.
euttn. rernutineil idle , lull It is e)1)ectetl to
resume Soul ) . 'rho IflOtldOOIl IdrollIlses uvell
fur lmmdiamt vsois. liomubay nd 1urracheu
sen,1 , a COfltthiCrnblCd number of order , hut
the limits are too low in many cztses There
haS been a moderate busbnyifor thsian
flgilrel slightly beloW Ltmrrcn1-rathi ( . 'Sduitfl'
America nnd other markets are doing lIt-
tIe. Tile home trade Is rather uhIudaJpolnt-
Ing Yarns are generally stciuby at S cents ,
They follow cotton ( loWn more readily than
two months ago. The'weeks t1usImQ'was
of time ham ) to motmth order. , Oernpuny 1111(1
France TCIort little flew blmsii'tcs144 , with
prices steflly. . .
OMAhA (1 b0I3IiAl : , , .lltltTS.
Contiltini. of 'l'rnIc andi
on Stnmle niid l'Itt1'y Produee. '
IOOS-Good stock 8'A1fC ' ' "
flUTTFMt-Comnot tfair , 9fl1c ; sep-i
atator , ISo ; gathered creamery. 13iie ,
'iAI-Choice rat , SO l 120 lbs. , quoted at
S9cl large lund coarse , 6537c. t . . . . i
Ll'E I'OULTRY-iln 'ohti ro2st.
era , 3c ; spring cimIcken
geete , Cc.
1'IUFONS-Li'e , 11cr tldz. , 101j5c.
hAY-Upland , 17.00 : mIdland. 0PQ ; . h -
land , $5.30 ; re straw , $ t.v ; &Iarmftnkeiiio
Irice 0)1 llay ; ligilt bales'e1h thc1ytst ! haly
i0) grades brIng toll Prices. . . .
ONIONS-Neuv south'eth ; ) b't' lb. 2c.
llIitNSIItnl.pIrked navy , 'er bu. , $ l.2.
I'OTATOES-iImo ) grown , e : no P ° -
tltiIC's , Per 1111. $1.00.
CAltl3AU1.-I1er crate ier lb. , .2e ,
TOMA'L'OES-I'er four basket crate , $ i,00 ;
1.3 be , box , G00178c.
CUC1miIiEItS-l1oma grown , Per tloz. ,
\'AX 1i1ANS-1-3 bu , box , 00j75c.
STIIA'I3FMtIh1 h-Oreeon. $2.00'I2.2.
DLACK I1APIIFH1I1IES-I'cr 21-qt. case ,
$2.30 ; 21-pt. CItse $ l.33iI,60.
1tIAC1 ( I3EltItf l S-S2. ® 2.25. .
LIED RASI'llEjlItlFS-i'er .
- 21-pt. case ,
000SI6IJEItRIES-Per 21-qt. case , $ t.0G
Oh I Etull ES-Per 24-qt. en so , i,00u1,25
Cttllfornlns , llC 10-lb. Ilex , $1.30 ,
lllJC'FC hFliR Ill I.8-Missoimrls , per 24-
Itt. case , $ l.00ul.25.
1'IAC1lES--.Snultilerml , , box , 75c ; Ccii-
iforala , 20-lit. bt , $ l.25'1.35.
Al'IIICOTS-l'er 20-hi ) , CR50 , $1,3u1l.0.
OflANGES-SeedlimIgs. 2.50j2.75 ; Mediter-
raneaml sweets , $2.0i2,75.
LEMONS-Caiifrmlill , $4.50 ; faimcy ides-
51011 , $5.3tJG.00. ,
ISA NA Nt S-Choice , large ztock , , per
bunch , $2.00fj2.5 ; methltitu sIzed bundleS ,
$ l.75i2.00. *
NUTt3-Almnnds , per lb. . iare size , 12
lIe ; small , lie ; llraziia , per lb. , 9ii0c ; Lag-
llsh walnuts , per lii. , fancy ot shell. 11ij
lit' ; IdtltltdItrdS , S9c ; ; : llbcrtu. per lb. , lQc
Pecans , Polished. medium , - 'ti7c : extra
large , Sfj'Jc ; amigo ilic'lory nuts. $1.OOtIi.l0
11cr bid. ; smlrnhl , $ i.23'ijl.5 11cr bu , ; cocoalmuts ,
per 100 , $4 ; 1IetLllUts , raw , &b3c ; roasted ,
itt APL.fl , cacim
SYRUP-FIve-gal can , ,
$2.75 $ ; gal. cans , pure , iev ( lox. , 12 ; half-gal.
calls , $3.25 ; quart enmis , $3.5' ) .
FIGS-imported , f1t11C3. ' . 3-crown , 14-lb.
lmxe , bc ; 5-crowml , 41-ib. boxes , lIe ; 2-lb.
boxes. 22i23c per box ; California , 10-lb.
box , $1 ,
IIONFi1-CIloice white , 12c ; Colorado ala-
her , 10'ijlic.
KRAUT-Per bbl. , $3.50 ; per half bbl. ,
$2.25.DA'i'E5flahlo , -e , 60 to 70-lb. boxes ,
54c : Snir , Sc ; Fard , 9-lb. boxes , Oc.
CitEit-1'er half bbl. , $3 bid. , $5.
HIDES-No , j green hIdes , 7 ½ c ; No. 2
green 111(1014 6m. : No. I Hltit'lI 1mIde , Oc ; No.
2 salted hides , Sc ; No. 1 veal calf , S to 12
lbs. , lie ; No , 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 lbs. , 7c.
' ! 'ALLOW , GREASE , E'rc-Tallow. No.
r , 3c ; ttmhlouv , No. 2 , 2'c ; rough tallow , 11Ac ;
white grease. 2tj2c ; yellow and brown
gi 01150 , 1t.tj2t.c. .
SIIEEI' 1'ELTS-Groen alted each , IMI'
iSc : green salted shearlngs ( shOrt uooled
Cllriy skins ) , each , 15c ; micy shearings ( short
Weohed early skins ) , No. 1 , each , .c ; dry
Ilint , KLiflSllS and Nebm'aslca butcher wool
Pelts , per lb. , actuol weight , 4j5c ;
dry flint , ] Canas enc Nebrtthka lnhltrnhI
Wool ielts , per iti. , uct"al wehht , 3114c dl' )
IlIlIt , Colorado butdlmet woOl plt.
lttitiul welglmt , 4t5c ; dry 1iIn1 Coldr'tdo murrain -
rain wool llOlt5l , per lb. , actual 'weight , :1 :
clJ lc. *
- , . .
- -
St. J.iuiM Gemuerni Mnrkets ,
ST. LoUIS , JulIe iS.1'LQURDtmll untl
st ady ; patents. $4.50i4. . , : straights , $1.15
@ 5.10 : clear , $3.730J4.00 ; medium , $ I.4Q'13.G0
\,1I EAT-Lower , ClOSlllg fq1Jll "lq
for September , 1ic for the itccOuflt b lo
yesterday ; spot , lower ; No. I red , cash ,
elevator. 75c bid ; track , SOc mtmtked ; July ,
GSc bid ; September , 61 7-Sc bid ; December ,
6G1c bid ; No. 2 hard , SOc. . *
CORN-Futures firm . anti , . fractlohhl'
above yenterday ; spot , lQve ; No. 2. ctLtm
3lm4c ; July , 30 7-Sc ; SeltteInber/32'
OATS-Louver. for with. 5)O
steady : 1"o. 2 , cash , liondn , 24c ; track
241c ; July , 2.3c ; September , 20c asled ;
No. . 2 whIte , 29l291c.
RYE-Nominal at 40c.
SEEDS-Flnxscecl , nominal , $ L10. PrIme
timothy seed , $2.25i2.65. , *
COItNMEAL.-$1.701.75. * , . tip.
BRAN-Scarce and strong ; , sacket , east
track , 55l/c . , . * ' ,
I lAY-Dull ; prairie , $6.00010QQ ; ' timothy.
$6.5ciu12.S0. *
BUTTER- Quiet ; creamery . . 14tJdGe ;
dairy , 10i4c. 1. . ,
EGGS-Steady at Sc. . . .
\VI1lSiY-i.23. * -1 * .T.'rjt * '
COT'rONTIES-70c. , "t
UAGGING--6 3-S0j1 3-Sc. . 'I.
1'ROVISIOm-Pork. uteady ; standard
mess , jobbing , $9.62 , Lard , louver ; jrlmdl )
steam , $5.52 ; choIce , $5.G2'Bacon , dull ;
boxed ulloilhLIers1 $5.60 ; extra short clear ,
$6.12 ½ ; ribs. $6.2a ; shorts , $8.37. Dry salt
in ats ( boxed ) , shoulders , $5 ; extra short'
clear , $5.30 ; ribs , $5.G2 ; shorts , $3.75.
RECEIPTS-Flour 2,000 bbls. ; wheat , 10 , .
000 bu. : corn , 51,000 bu. ; oats. 14,000 bu. '
SiIlpMEN'rs-Flotmr , 3Q0U , bbls. ; whpat ,
6,000 him. ; corn. 103,000 bu. ; oats , 15,000 bu.
Itmdon Ilommm'y 3tnrket.
LONDON , June 19.-TilOre ilLS been a
slightly better demamld for dIscount as the
half year mtpproachmes , but tile improvement
Ia rates Is purely telnporary. rime Stock
exchange Was (11111 and prIces relapsed
generally. Tile chief feature was time eel-
lapse of from 2 to 3 per cent lim Drazllbins
on the publIcation of the funding scimeme.
AmerIcan railway securities showed a distinctly -
tinctly all around decline , but the undertone -
tone was strozmg and any favorable war
news would undoubtedly imILve IL quick of-
( oct. Amnollg the irlmmclpal declInes were
St. l'nul.2l,4 11cr cent ; Union Pacillu pro-
ferreti , 2j er cent ; ErIe iirsts , 2 ½ 11Cr
cent ; UnIon I'acille , 1 er cent : Northern
i'RCiiC ! , 1 er cent ; Northern Pacific jive-
ferreti , 1)01' ) cent : Loulsvllie & Nllsllvilie ,
1 % per cemmt ; Southeril preferred , 1 per
cent : Atchison preferreti , 1l. her cent and
Norfolk & Western preferred , 1 per cent.
OIlIer American railways dccli neil ( coal
to 1 POint. Grand Trunks sold largely frouiu
tile provInces , Ilrsts 2 5.8 llC C4llt lower ,
* tecontis 1 ItoInt lower , thirdt 1 7-8 per cent
off 1111(1 guaranteed 1 5-8 per cent oft. Cantt-
ditto I'itclfics show a decline of 24 per ceimt ,
Southern Amncrlcaum railway securItIes
shared In the depression.
Ll'etjooI 111rke't.
LIVEEPOOL , Juno 15.-WhEAT-Spot ,
dull ; No. 2 rod winter , 7s.
CORN-Spot , firm ; AmerIcan mIxed , 2s
d ; futures , steady ; July , ls 2d ; Septern-
her , Is 4 5-Sd.
FLOUR-St. Louis fancy winter , dull ,
us Od.
1101'S-At London ( Paciilc coast ) , dull.
C2i5 ,
1'IIOVISIONS-Beef , easy : irlmo mess ,
GSs 3d. Pork , dull ; prime mess , western ,
818 Iii ; prIma mess , metlltmm western , 48s
Od. 1Jan15 , silort cut , 14 to 16 lbs. , dull , 31s.
uncoil , steltdy , ZOs ; simort ribs , Ils Gd ; bong
clear middles. lIght , OH 2d ; short clear hacks ,
Ils ; clear bellies , 32s Gd. Shlolilders. square ,
siady , 24s Gd. Lard , prime western , dull ,
! 4fl , 'l',1Inw. rrlm , . , ltv. clitIl ia cl
CIIEESE-Steatly ; American Ilimest. whlto'
1111(1 colored , 34s Gd.
01 LS-Cottonseed , Liverpool refined , dtmil , '
lOs Gd , 'rurpentina SPiritut stcmdy , 24s 3d ,
Ihoulmi , coommon , tendy1 Ss , . . . .
1CIIIINRI4 Ci ( ( : rsmhtm Itfld 1'rfjmIHJkl ( . .
KANSAS ci'ry ' Julie I8.-WIIIIAT-Mar-r
1101. lrregtilar Itllt'i lower , No. , , hlar l150 ' ;
No , 2 , 75.80c . ; 0110 car yellow bby , 70
No , 3 , cUhi7tc ; No. 1 roth , 0C No.79Vc ;
No , 3 , 75c ; No , 2 sjlrlumg1 Th75c ; No , 3 , Ga
GSe.CORNitlaricet lower ; No. mcii , 31'c , ;
No , 2 wlmlto , lIe ; No , 3 , 3232c
OATS-Market slow and about steady ;
No , \VilItCt 2G'c , , , .
ItYE-Market steady ; No , 2. 40c
hAY-Market steady and actlvo , ' ' ' .
IIU'I'TEIt-idltrkot steady separatdr , ' 12 ,
iSc : dairy. i0ijltc , . . , .1
EUCI S-Market firm ; fresim , Sle.
RECEI1"IS-\Vhettt , 12.000 bim , ; coril , IS , .
800 ho. : 01118. 0,000 bu. *
SIIII'i.lnNrS-wlmeat , SGQO. bu.l corii , 14 , .
304) bu , ; oatn , 11,000 bu , .
( 'lilelumilttti Market , '
CINCINNATI , Juno 1S-'V11E4tTNoml.
xml : No. 2 red , SOc. *
CORN-Easy ; No , 2 mixed , 3i33 ½ e. '
OATS-Easter ; No. I mixed , 27e ,
IIYE-Nomlnal ; No. 2 , 40 , . .
1'ItOVISIONS-Lard , easy at $5.50. Dmlk
meats , quiet at $5.62 ½ . 13acon steady at
\\'IIISKY-FIum at * 1.23.
1IUT'r181t-Ste'ady ; ElgIn realnor' , ISo ;
Ohio. l2tilSc ; daIry. joe ,
SITUA il-Easy hard reflmucd , 11.47110.10.
EGGS-Steady at Sc , '
l'eurla M8rICCIN , , .
IE0R1A , .1 una lS.-CO1IN-Sow1 ! , 8teady ;
No , 2. 31c.
OATS-Slow , easy : No. 3 whIte , 254o ,
' \11ISKY-1irmm ;
I 5 41
Week Winds Up Wft4ffifI Pir1y Liberal Run
I it
' * it'I
,1)um'crs ) .Ahl % 'ilIilK * 0 P117 ft LittlO
More for , . - ( ) ( lo
ft Slmnde 'iPi't'o , ( ctt
IJan'er. '
0 ! 'tI
Average price pliijor imogs for time last
few tlltys , Witil Cofll parisons
: : : : . _ iiS *
June 8 , . . 3.SS 3.31 3.OS 4.36'41 6.36 4.61
JUlIO 9 . . . 3,92 3.29 3.01 4.53 6.87 4.62
JulIe 10 , , 3.9st 3.2 2,33 4.33 0.41 4.66
June 11 , . . . 3.521 3.27 2.01 4,41 4.57 1.63
Juno 12 . , , ' 3.11I 1IiI 1.tb ; 6.45
; Ttmno 13 . . ,3.74 3.u3 4.32 4.74 6.45 4 ( ,
June 14 , . , 3 79 3 29 4 3Sj 4 0j 6 28 4 73
JUlIe 15 , . . 3 77 3 32 2 OS 4 44' 4 3 $ ( 6 19 4 75
Juno 16 . . . a . 90 3 22 3 UI 4 59 6 10 4 75
June 17 . . . . .l,82 3,1S 3.08 4.41 6.02 1,81
JUI1O 18 . . , , . 3S01 3.21 3.10 4.46 4,63 4b2
Indicates Sunihay.
Cattle. hogs. Sheep
Itecelpis today . . . . . . . . . . . 3,681 5,214 667
Ohllcittl yesterday . . . . . . . . 2,012 6,437 . . . .
One Week ago. . . . . . . . . . . . 2,313 7,6cr2 29
Ttvo weeks ago. . . . . . . . . . . 1,320 4,5S3
Otme year . lmgo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 935 6,343 . . . .
'l'wo 3.1I $ ago. . . . . . . . . . . . 1,422 10SI2 1,431 ,
Total rceelltS ) for tile week with coin-
parisomms :
Cattle. hlogi4. 5110011
\'eek ending Jtmme IS , , . . 14,533 3iS00 rD2
\Veek eluding Jimmie ii. . . . 15,108 42,519 4,634
\Vefk eiltilimg JtItle Ii . . . . 12,927 35,011 11,453
' . 'I ( eittllrmg May 2S , . . 15,31) ) 43,866 23,528
\\'eelt entiin May 21. . . . 13.942 1,060 25,653
Same vt'ek , ISO ? . . . . . . . . . . 32,929 13,678 10,388
SlttmlC ucek , 1106. . . . . . . . . . 8,761 42,638 5,4t5
'I'iIu Olllc'lai ItiltIlber of cat-s of stock
blougilt Iii today by each road was :
Cattle. hogs. Sheep.
C. , M. & St. 1' . fly. . . . . . . . . . . . 1 , .
0. & St. L. 1t' . , . . . . . . . . . . . . I 3
Missouri I'ltciIle fly.'I C , ,
Union l'ncijlc System . . . . . . 21 21 1
C. & N.V. . lt' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 , . , .
F. , l. & iti. V. it It. . . . . . . . 15 . 17
S.C , & i'.Jty..1 2
C , , St. 1' . , M. & 0 1t' . . . . . . 18 2
11. & It , 11. ft. It. . . . . . . . . . . . 15 17 . .
C. , 11. & Q , Ity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
C. , it. I. & 1' . 1t' . , uVost i . .
, JTOtlth receIpts . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 73 3
TIle diSIOSItiOfl ) Of the ilay' receipts was
as follows , emiclm buyer purchasing time
nulllber of ilead Imidicttted
Jinyors. Cattle. hogs ,
Omnahma. l'ticklng Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4)
G. ii. Ilnmunmmtimd Co. . . . . . . . . . . . ISS 585
SwIft anti Colmlpally . . . . . . . . . . . . 2'3 1.115
Cudalmy I'llCkillg Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32S 1,10.
It. Ilecker allul Degaim . . . . . . . . . . 13 . . . .
kreblts & Cu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :13 : . , . ,
L. F' . llusz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .
Livingston & Sdilaler . . . . . . . . . U . . . .
Meyer4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . oo . . . .
Coos' & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463
Cudahy 1' . Co. , ( rein K. C. . . . . . CS 59
Plallkillgton 1' . Co. , Mihu'mUkec : 113
OIlIer buyers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 . . . .
Totni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6S7 5,103
Today's receipts % verc somewhat below
tile flverlige for tll laSt day of the week
Itild the total for the whole \veek 'uvas was'
sIllaIler than for tile lrovlous 'Week. In
L'Iittie thieve uvts only a small decrease , but
tile receipts of bogs showed large hosbes ,
us compared with tIme previous weeks of lIme
Past month or two.
CATTLE-Ciilcaq copqrted about 100 head
of cattle received tltfs morning and I'ltiIsas
City about tIle sante number , so about all
tIle cattle that We54l.qn.5phe voro at Oniaha.
TIme receipts Itt thIs' : lt4nt were consIderably
Jighter tll1Lll a rqec1 tigo , but It was a fair
us erage rtlim fur tim loimlg dmt' of tile veek.
Silippers were very mutIdhi in evidence tlml
meriting alId werR'mtu5element , of stremmgihm
in the market , so thattime trude was active
imcl the lfl'tt of * me itttle cimumigeI illtlILtS
early In slIte of .11ldl. fltct of its being tile
Iltut day of tllC uu'cjik1 1'ime imrlces PlLli svore
fully steady on m&t1lcInds witim desirable
kintis Oil wilhelm there wits Inure cumpc'tlttou
a little stroilger. iSozila lrett5' good black
cattle brought $4.S0awhlch were out. of tile
salne lot tliltt $ OldtIVJCek ago at. $4.70 , but
% vere a little Iigllter veigllts.
Couvs aiIm ! ilelfers.were In light smipply and
tile market was % VItlldJdt change , 'l'ime 51(1110
% VllS true of bulls , -stags , calves , etc.
lNo stock cattle of any importallee were : . in tthe.-.i
test of tile market. UlId , there been ltilY
tilIng imer' It' woti1' doubtlesk 'have brought
good firm prices.
The week has witnessed a fahlflmg off in
cattle receipts as e5mpared wIth tile week
before , still arrivals have been wall up to
the average of tile last four or live weeks.
TttkIitg the week as a WllOie fat cattle imnvo
shown some little Improvement , thlaDis
imandy. light lInd medium weigimt stuff. TIle
market has had Its ups and downs , but the
downs of the early part of tile week uver
more than made up by tile gains toward tile
close. The total gaimu for ( he week. how.
* eyer , has not been sufficIently iargo to
cause any very noticeable change , and 11cr-
haps the situation would be best described
by sayillg that tile market on an average
is just a little stronger than a week ago.
nOd in extreme cases 510c higller. One fact
wot'tiiy of notice Is that Iiea' ' cattle are
better shlers than they wore a week ago.
Iteceivers tie 1101. meet with as much dliii-
cults' in ( ilsIloslog of their imeavy cattle as
11105' did ailti prices if anythlIng are a little
stronger. hlamldy cattle are still time best
sellers , but buyers seem to have more use
( or the heavy cattle than they (11(1 R week
or two ago , I3utcilers' stoek has sold In
about tile same notches all tile week and
there ore no important developments in
tilmit mlepartmm'nt of the cattle trade to
wimicil attention can be called. Stock cattle
Iitte been ill very light supply all time week
ItIlil lrlces have onlnud tlm.
lIOC.b'-'fiic receIpts' of ilogs were con-
sidermbly Snlaller than a week ago , but
about 011 a par with two weeks ago. Yes-
terday's break 011(1 ( tIle fear that Iuyers
woull take adu'nntitge of the last day of
time week to PoUtli ( Prices ProbablY Coil-
tributed to keep tile reCeIlts ) dowli.
Adviecs from ChIcago this mornIng In-
( liCfltei II declIne of 5c and tIle mnrket here
opened a shade to Sc lower. flight on tile
opening some llogs sold close to steady
nod others very little lower , hut there were
IIhdtIltY ( If loads that sold fully Sc louver ,
Light stuff 3ld largely at $3,75J3.77mA , tile
big string of mIxed hogs went itt $3.60 , tintl
tile best heavy totu'hetl $3.85. Yesterday
tile llogS solti mit $3.S0iI 3.55 principally ,
Tile niarket s'as fairly active at tile tie-
chine , tile siliplairit helping to clear tile 110115
atlil everything wait sold anti weighed up
at aim early imour.
Tilts itas been tile low veek of time mmmlii
to date. ttnd ImrlCe14 ilave jumled about con-
simleralihy. Buyers wile imILvo operated on
tIle market for a good many years are
elmmelmtlng 111)011 the fact that tile market -
ket during tile past Inontil or nlore Imtts
been very uneveim ( or the summer pmtcklng
season , It is lip one day and dowgm 1110
next. and Limo ri es and rails ti timnes are
quito large , uvillle a5 a rile tiitt market
changes but slowly durIng tile summer , 'l'ime
present week 01)0110(1 wIth a slmarp iremtk ,
which ss'as fohloss'ed 1) ' . ' a rally of Sc on
TUosrlll5' , On W'ednesiiay the market was
a allude louver , but on Thitirstitty there was
a reaction amounting to l2l.c , but 'alttes
drolipetl back agllln Oil FrIday aild Saturday -
day , At the close of tie weOk time market
is'mts Sc higher tlIItIi on tile ollellilIg miny ,
whilcim wits time low . day of .thu nmopthl to
date , hut It uvum , hardly us strtmng 1114 Oil the
last day of tile Preu'JlllM iveek anti 40i loweF
tllall on tile llrstJllf tile month.
* SIIEFIP-Timcro wiltil only 0110 lotul of
western lambs , rather on tile commonisil
order. so that titeiwus nothlilg to make
IL trial of tlmq mnItrlc. 'rile ( i6flland , however -
ever , was good , IIYII there Is 110 * doubt bmmt
what anything desirable would have sold
all rIght.
While tile receIpts of sheep have been
slightly larger thim-8tm'st wi'ek time quality
limm not averaged very good , anti It can
be truthfully Omnimu 111(5 not ilali
a real imrlrno bail-of muttons on sale dur.
log the last six tIny51 : Although having to
tiO uvltht an interior quality of stuff , Prices
cit tills Point llavg.s.ltawn up fully as well
as 0111ev selling IOmflt5' As COfllparcd with
a week ago tito Illariqit on slIce ! ) migllt ho
quoted lOc ilIglmer wimllo lambs are about
where they were.3 ,
Week Closes with Stroum I'rieeM for
. &tWe.
CHICAGO , JunoJ.-Thlo week closed at
strong prIces for ca.tio , 'rue best demand
, was for lIghmt tnd medium uvebmjhmt ( ivy fed
cattle , witim a comporatlvely lmarraw rungo
( or ithl good tat utCers ; choice Steers , $1.IIO
ais.25 ; medium , $1.004t1.64'4d beef steers , $1.10
4.75 ; stockers anti feeders , $3.59hj.'h3 ; cowu
alIt ! imelfers , $3.30@1.63 : canners , $2.5fli3.25 (
calves. $3.2Mjl.25 : 'j'exas steers , * 3.75014,90.
Trade WItS activO for hogs. Prices opened
about Sc lower , but ruled stronger litter ;
fair to cimolce , $3S76i4.00 ; lla'kers , $3.75ij
3.85 ; bu tellers , $3SOfj3.95 : rnedlmn , $3,751j 3.90 ;
light , 3.6b13.90 ; pigs. $2.501i3.75.
Sheep slId Ittallis were In gooti dellllind
at birolmg lirlces ; nativu sheep , $3.00i5,00 ;
'texans , $5.20 : rams , $2.30t4.00 ; clIpped
ianlbs 14.00016.10 ; spring lambs , $6.00j6G0.
ItEdEl PT-CauiIe , 100 hand ; hogs , 18,000
hlend ; simiprnentmt , 3,000 imead ,
I6aimIMsts ( 'It ) I.I-o Socl. ,
'elpt5 , :20 head ; Cur the week , 25,530 head ;
. , . , , - * , * . , * OF OMAHA. * _
ar1in , Orendorff
i , . . . * * & fartin Co
J bbcrs of 'Farm Machinery.
vlsj1liiI nd Ilugglel Cot. ith slid OliL
.M G0003
r. .1osPL ! !
F iciurc : A1oldins. ,
'Mirrors , Frames. flacking sad ArtiE
Materials ,
Drake , WIson
& Thllhams
Suiecusmrs 'II'.oii .t 1)rtmk a.
Mlmnufacturorid boilers , $ lllllkd' stacks and
breechingi. , pressure , rendering , Sheel ) dIll ,
lard 1111(1 svILtcr tltllks. holler ttl1te ( ) II-
st mu nti ' CII 111111(1 ( , 5CC ouiti 1111 ii ho Ilem's
bougllt and void , SpecilfI II mId PrmI1ut to
repairs in city or coumiutry , I9thl itummi . Pierce ,
- _ ,
merican Hali ;
Sewed Shoe Go
1'frs ' Jobbe's o/ Foot Wear
wxs'itltr Aouwnsromt
The Joseph Banigan Rubber Oo.
Sprague & cs ,
Rubber5 and Mckintoshes.
I 107 ILovtti-d St. , OMAhA
E'.r. renaII & o
Roofs , S/ices a.nd Rubbers
Siesrooms tO2-i1O-h1O6 Ilarney
cv.v1 Morse Co
Boci's , Shoes , Rubbers ,
Office and Saisroom 1119-21-23 howard St.
gorns ag © o
Importers and MllJlttflmdIUrorf
614-16-IS Soul/i zr/h Street
The 'Ai ' 'rica
' Chicory Co
4lrower. ani $ manufacturers of all foiins ot
. , . . . ,
tri i ' j - . ' .
ChIcory omaha.Freinont-O'NeIi.
* -
M H11 Bliss ,
-he ) % . lniporttr and .Tobt'er
Croc/ery. Chiur , Glassware ,
silver Plated Ware Loolcing Glasses , Chal.
delies , Lamps , dhimaeys , Cutlery , Etc.
T h Shares omany
Creamerj' iJac/tiizery
Lad Supplies.
Boilers. * 1inglnes , Feed Cookers , Wood Pci-
leys , Shafting , BeltIng , Butter Pack-
Lie5 of all kinds.
ao7,909 Jones Si.
F't. ' E Smith &
Impotters aiiii Jobbers of
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods
While tile week's supply utaH fairly liberal
orferillgs of dry lot cattle hmmirdly etmlwlied
tile ( ienmailml ILild pi'ices were lmiglter ; t'tmoIce
heavy mttt'er , $4.01jb.OO ; moditlIn , $ l.30'114.S0 ;
lIght lllindy weight steers. * 1.0014.75 ; toeIc.
cr5 and feedt'rs , $ 'i.&O'ijSSO ; hotelIer cows
and imelfers , $3,2Mj4S0 ; enumlmers , * 2.251)3,10 ) ;
hulls. $2,70'uI.90 ; uvesterit t4teertt , $4j51)4,5
fed Texas steers , 3.75'74.fQ ; grass rCd
'I'exas steers , $3.00p3,70 ; fed Texas cows ,
$3.701t4.25 ; gramser $ , * 3.001)3.50.
llOGS-iteceIPtI4 , 7S70 head ; for week ,
75,725 hmeui : ; light receipts and slight mid.
vItilco of vrovislons .hiavo chiecketi , ledhlmlo.
l'rices LIiflttit So hIgher ( lain ii week ago ;
heavy iloglI , $365111.00 : mixed imrtdleri3 , $1.70
1)3.95 ; ligilts , $3.451)3..5 ; pIgs , * 3.001)3.40.
SIIEE1'-ltecOIPtS , 203 imead ; for time week ,
14,625 imeatl , While receipts are immcreaslng ,
timejr are not suIfidleilt to SIlpllY tIme do-
mund anti Prices ( cr the week are a * lilitdO
hIgher : sprIng iprnbs , $175116.50 ; ytirllngl4 ,
* 5.001)5,75 ) ; best nittiu'e amid fed westerns ,
1.8015.30 ; ' ifledItlIll gra(1to4 , $ i.75'l.25 ; An-
ozuR grass sime'p , * 4,30144.55 ; 'j'exLs. $3.751)
4.75 : ArizOna tUld 'roxas fectIer , $ l.15U4.30 ;
native itimil wstcrim stockers unl feeders ,
30111.30. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
St. 1,4)11tH Idi't ? 5100k ,
ST. LoUIS , JulIe 1S.CA'I"I'LI-ReCCiPt it ,
700 Imoad includlfli GO' ' ) ! I'exanit : shIp-
mfltliltS. 30 head ; market dull ttri'1 '
temi1y ; ( aIr to fancy native shut-
111001 &Vmd export steers 11.501)5.20 :
bulk Qf sales , 11.60474.03 ; dnessed beef
ummtl butchtjr micers , $4.351)5.0 ; hulk of sales ,
$4LQh4.S' Secri3 under 1.000 pounds $1.lMt
4.201 sth kera mind feeders , $ I.S&1t4.G ; btlhk
of sales' $ I,00ii1.I0 ; cows Itilli licifers , $1.WIJ
4b0 : bufic .06 cuW , 12,531)3.75.
4.500 Imead itllilmlfll'Iltl
1iQCI-fleeelImt14. '
'yorkers , $3.64S
2 7011 1mtziti ; placket So louver.
0 , ; , ' packers , ; 3.751iI.63 ; butchers , $ i.S01j
Ill I EEL'-ltecCiPtS 300 IleadI ; silipu000ts
none ; market stemud' ; nutivo llmUttlIlS.
tzi.75 ; lambs , $5.t1Yi4G.25 ( culls and bucks ,
$3.001)3.60 $ ; stockers. $3.33. _ _ _ _ _ _
Cliit'I ulimlil I Iie
C1NCINNA9'I , Juno 18.-llOUS-IUll at
$3Q1) 3.92l.
. . .
cjA'rrli-HteItt1y at 12.50114.65.
511 EEPSt0U1lY lit 12.751) 4.15 ,
LAMI3S.-t3ieadat _ $ & .01fliL40.
Stoei to lIiitl.
flecorti of ret'elltS of live stock at time
markets ( or JulIe IS ;
four principal
Cattle. flogs. SIleep.
Omalma , , , . , , . . . . . ' . ' ' ' . . . . 1,681 5,211 667
ChIcago . . . , , , , . , . , , . . 100 18,1)00 ) 3,000 ,
I'itilsa $ CIty . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 7 570 205
St,1.ouls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700 4:500 : 300
Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2t01 35S4
CuSiforil Iti 1)rlrtl iruiI tN.
I NEW YOltI' June 1S.-'A1lFO1tNFA
DRIED 1.1tU1T3-Aj'ples , steady and uuIc't ;
Jitiardson Drag Co.
902.906 Jackson St.
7 , 0. RICIIAnDSON , PreeL
: Y' 'WflLiR. , V. Preat.
The Mei'eer
& hmio ! Co
' ' . . ' , , .
U'f'r. .l5it2Ii I'hariioetttieat rreptirl.
lion. . . 'i.e4aI Forntultit' Prepat'e.l 10
UrdCr 8eitlfor Cnlologse , ,
Laberstorr , 1111 iiow&rmi St. , Omnsh&
, C.E.
Druls1s and Sftt1loncr ,
'Quitn Lice" Spetisitle. ,
Clsaru , Wlna and llrxtndle. ,
mc : 10th snI llsrn.y Streets.
\ Vestrilornpa
JWCCt'Ctll Su1ties.
lee t i'k'Vh'Illt ! Bulls and cmts ; Ltglttlitg
a , v. .O0IINS'ror. ; , Mgr. 1510 Iloimurd lIt.
1kJoIf EriaI
SppIy Co
V4 1lsvnazs 01 ,
- -
Brih &
Commission Merchants.
S. 1'O. Corner it1i and howard StL
Nembecs of the ? atlonaI Lioi&Ue of Commlz.
iton , t.rchint. of till DflhIeii Stst.s ,
J"4cord.Bra Co
lath and Leavclns'ortlm St.
Stablc and Fancy G'oceriss1
hA AND corr ROASTERS , Etc.
I4 eyer & Raapke ,
, I Tea. . Spces ( , 'robacc sn CIgars.
I 3(03-1407 Ilaraey Bared.
jaxton , arnl
c ; Galiagher Co
'I'siephoim. UI.
J . Iiiny&Co.
Jobbers oLcafIier. addlcry Jtardtvare , Etc.
Wo solicit your orders 1315 Howard St.
sector & Wilherny Go
Wholesale Hardware ,
Qinulia ,
L eeaGlark Androesn
Hardware Co
Wholesale. Hardware.
Bloyches &nd SportinfQoods. 1210.21-28 Usi
evaporated nlmphes , conirnon. GliSe ; prime
vlre tiny , .01)9i/c ; wooti dried , lm'tlmle , 'J'tC
choIce , 9c ; fancy , JOe ; pi'une , 11)8c , njtnl-
cots , Ih'ltl , 864 bc ) Moor I'ark , l01)12c
Ileaciles , peeled , l'I2c ( ) ; unpeeled. 81)9c.
. 'VOi . , IiirledH ,
nOS'rON , June 18.-Tile following are tue
qilointlons ton 1011(1111K tiel4crl fllolls ;
01110 and l'enmlsylu'anllt I cores , X 01111
lihIove , 251126c ; XX , 26c ; XX linti above , 29
IOc : : ; dellilile , Ito : No , I COIflililIg , 29t' ; No ,
2 colnllitlg , 20c. MichIgan , \'Iscoilmtln , etc -
x ii icimiga Ii , ISO ; No. I iii Icimigu It CO lilbIllg ,
20c ; No , I Ihilnoiti conlijlng , 20c ; No , 2 itilehll-
gn ( 'clImbing , 2S' ; No , 2 1111110114 combIng.
28c ; X Nets' York , Neuv lltilnllsilirn ztnii
Vermont , 221123c ; o. I Now York , New
11(1 \ ' ' 28c tieltI I . ' ItI ii' It-
I haip Ishir ( , II \'el'iflOIl ( 1 , ; lIt.
iglull , 2Cc. Umlwnitilel niedlunm , etc--Ken-
tucly 01111 lmmdiana une-quarter blood comb-
log , 221j Dc ; I'euitucky ttll(1 iildlllIllL thmree-
eiglttima iloo(1 ( combing , 221)21c ; u1 issourl
0110.11 U11 rI or blIalli coinlti og. 21111 22e ; braid
cc milbing , 20e ; Iak.i . antI ( jeorgilt , lOii2Oc.
Texas wooIs-SIirlng lflf'tlliIin ( twelve
montims ) , 168i5c ; scourcil , 40tl2c ; sprIng 11110
( Luveive flIolItilIt ) , 1GijISc ; sclurd'd ( , 431144c.
'i'e'rrlt ory uvoo la-itI 01 I t a on II it e iimetl I ii ill II nil
fine , 151) l6c ; scmtmred , ISa ; stIlImle , 48' ; Utah ,
\'yumning , etc. , Ihilo nmediunm tOld hue , 14b1c ;
scoured , 41V ISo ; $1111110 , 4tc , Aumttrnllall ,
scouro.i litsii' , coimiltlllg , supcrllne , 701)72e ;
good 631JGSe ; average , G2hjGSc , Queenslltlld
combIng , 67k' ,
(1 ra I , , It i't.I pits ii t l'rl iu'Iill I 31s1 rlel .t ,
ST. LOUIS , Juime 18.fleci'iIlts'lleat : , 13
iii I NNFIAVOLIS , Juno 18.-ReceIpts ;
'Wilt'at , G cars.
ChICAGO , June 18.-Receipts1 Wlmeat , 15
curs ; corn , 508 t'ars ; outs , 158 cars.
I'lNSl ( ) Nil Volt \VitS'i'Elt.14 S'lI'l'IIIttXS
Suirvi 'ur' of I I.e lam Is. ' % ' , ir II eiim'iii-
iii'rt'l l , time Gt'tit' nil (1u'erIl puiemi I ,
\'ASi IINGTON , June 19.-Speclal.-- ( )
I'enalnns have been Issued as follows ;
Issue of Joule 8 :
Nebraska : Onlginal-Ilonry Nelson , Plymouth -
mouth , $8 ; SpecIal , June 13. ( Special Act ) ,
Sarah E. InglIamn , nurse , Tecunluoll , $12.
AddItIonal-Thomas Flanagan. Lushmton , $6
to $8 ; Moses ( iaughelibaughl , lmmet. $8 to
$10 , Ilmcrease-000rga 11. Fltcheti. Omaha ,
$10 to $12. OrigInal Widows , etc.-Qliar.
, lotte E. 111(1. ( CimaIco , $8. Renewal and Ito-
Issue-Special , Julie 8 , ( Sjieclal Act ) , Mary
C , Case , Ilobirege , $11.
Iowa. Origioal-W'lhilain F. SmiUm , Coun-
dl Illtmffs. IS ; Janlelt Gaston , ilamnpton , $8 $ ;
Epilralrn Koukell , Osksloosn , $8 $ ; Joel A. J.
PrIor. hickory , IS. locreaee-lsaac 8. Pa.
vie , cimna , $8 to $12 , James II. Echlciberry ,
MartLusbur , to $8 $ ; Joint Clerk , Des
WalterMoise & Cq
rropruetors of AMtltiC.tN ( 'lOAn ANI3 OL.AS '
214-tiC Soutlm 14th St.
- - * -
fQBrothers ! ,
! 'V/olesat'
Lfquors and Cigrs.
1118 Farasin Street. .
jiarIlt ; age Gin
Ease India Billers ,
OoidSn fihea ? yore fly. and Uotmrbon WimiskeT
\'iliow Opimgs : Ilistillery , Ilu' & Cc. , U.1
Ilarn.y Gtraet _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _
, . . . . -
1J"ies , Liquors and Crars.
411.415 8. Uth Otreet- 0
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - -
hIcao Lumhor Oo _
( ,
i.AJMBE. , .
trtIOil ! ! ! Co.
.5. A. Molfet , itt Ylec 1'nes. I. . S. Drake. U.n MM 4
. . . .OILS. . . .
. , , 11tC.
Cnromne , Axle Grease
Onlall.u Ikanch and imgencles , John Il. Iltmth MeT.
rpenterPaper Co
Printlig Pafter , ' c
Wrafti : Paer , Stationery.
Corner 11th tail Uowzzd streets.
_ _ _ -1
Crae'OhrhilI Go.
IOl.t.I06flougltts Strcot ,
Manufacturers and jobbers of citetum , Oil. &i4
Water Supplies of All Kinds.
Jnited Stat3s
Suppiy Co .
zro8-zzw .flarnev St.
Steam Pumps. Engines and Boilers , Pip
Wind Mills , Steam and Plumbing
Material. hieltiag , Hose. Eto.
. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ - - - . - - - - _ _ - !
tEjt Weten
Type Foundry
Superior Copti. ? MIxed 'ryp. I. tile best oh'
the ni.rket. "
1114 howard iltroat ,
Strangers in Omaha
Ar invited
To inspect
The Bee Building.
The most complete
Newspaper plant
In the 'VV'est.
'I _ - *
' ' 4P ! ' 1
Till 'i Alt , . : UI I )
In th. trealmedt of &lI
Chronic , nervous and Private Diseas ;
std all WIIAKNH23SBS ,
sad lISlflIjfl5 01' '
Cstarrli. ali Dlsea.s of tile No. . , T.'troiit , Cl
8tomtch , Liver. ijiuod , 8kb etad KIdn.y 13
. &u , . l.Amt i.leahoocm , llyilro'cel. . V.rlcoq4 _
Qonorrimee , Oleete , SyphIIi. , StrIcture , Pile. . YI ,
tlllc ammd flectal Ulcers Ulab.t. . BlIght. Die.
sac. cur.d , Call on or address wIth tsmap to
'r.s Iloolc and ew Methad ,
'I'reiitiietmt I , Mall , Concultellon fr.e
Oniaha Medical and Surgical Insututh
z.o I. W ) Iaett , 15th St. , . OMm. Ms
Ittiiim 'I , 7' , V. LI fe 111,1g. , ( ) nmiiIi.m , Nd , .
Stocks , 6rain , Proysions
IIreet % Vi roN N.'i 't'orlc , ( 'Ii bingo umtmj
% Vt.M I ens il Ii I
JaEs E. & OO , a
TCk'jliOhie 16)31) ) . Omiialia , Neb
, *
liQAlil ) OI TRAUSI.
DIre't wire , to tiliicai. and New 'hork ,
( 'nrrlapnndent,2 Jolla A , u'arrn 4
Athjourned to Monday , Jmmno 20th , 1898 , at
2 o'clock n. UI , I'
Moines , $1I to $17 ; Montimer Jackson , I'e-
erIe , $11 to $17. $ OrigInal Widows , etc.- .
1..oulba it , Lutllt'r , Tracy , $8 ; Murtimit 1)orgn ,
Conway , $8 ; Jail0 C. liowen'auhjeek , fl2 ; I
Aimlile E. Tilayer , Marsimalltowmi , $8 $ ; Emrtilj
Lowry , Keukuk. $8.
Colorado : OrigInal WIdows1 etc.-Mar
garet Ickhlant , TrInIdad , $8.
Vyumulng Atltlltlonul-V.'Ihilamn 11 , if.
ReId , Cheytmine , 0 to S , ,
/ '