_ - - _ - - - - ; : ; . I F. i- ( . _ _ tAa DAILY JEMON1)AY , UB O , 1898 EASILY BEAT TIlE BRE\YERS \ ; Othaha'a Bjnenatcd Ball Tentn Obci After Milwaukee Vigorously. FISHER'S ' PITCHING WELL SUPPORTED Tnnngcr ) , JuN ( jnntnnr ( Clesin j dull , tnil liii' ) leti Uclilnul luau .1 Ilnil In the loaat Aja- & , roeil InsIaIuii. The luabes made rlngtallcil monkeya out of Cornelius Mcatllucuddya batch of brewery workera yoaterilay atteroon. We won te ttilri out of the senoR of four by the easy Icoro of 7 to 1. ant we tlldn't need to half try , It was nearly a Rhut out , too. Tlio 13ate , won because they clearly out. hatted and outflelled the llrewor8. They : put. up a beautifully fast and clean game , In 4 WhIch the outflehl tahono particularly. Tlilr- 'I teen of the thirty-seven chances offered to tia ; were out In the garden , twelve of them olng to l'lckerlng and I'rcstou , Iloth dis- ' tlngulaatied thetnseIvca. with l'reH BR the favorite. ThIs battlc-ecarrwl veteran acted like a frIAky and giddy young colt. In the 1 alxth Inning , for example , t3chock knocked a hiort fly to him , Pres made a dIve for It , got hala fhnger nails In It , turned a cotnhote somersault and alighted on his feet with the leather In ht handa. . That's the way we played ball and that'a why the lhrewers could not do anythIng with F'islier'aa benilers. fly the way , Fish gave another bairn on ballia , but for tht little mistake he ( atiaied a couple of them anal Jet them down with only five liit. Oil the other hand , the lhrewera idayed in I way that they'al go about stirring hopa at home a good many times In the game. Their PUJIkflCs became evident , too , at the very ' time that the Babes wore lambasting ltott- ger Into a aahapeles mass in the fourth. In fact , it ve Mr. ltettger's porformancea that started them. 1'Iiey steadied ( low ! ) a bit ILter IJarnei went in and really ru up Lotnething like a game of ball. The game svaa called at 3 o'clock in orUor to enable the lhrewers to catch a train out lit town. In order to got them away us quickly as 1)O8SlblC , the Ilabes played fast and the contest was Pt1liCi Ott in record time for the home grounds. The deed was did in exactly one hour and twelve tninute. l.aiae f4laone for u l.iiiaeaat , Again the victim3 were Bent out from the wire ' 1th nopes of victory burning in their breasts. After Nicot gave up his life Fisher gave Schoek a base on balls. The boor-slinging , third basmuan got to second on laly's out anal Caine sailing home on a two-base hit byVaver. . StnTord died on first. That's how they got their only run and they did not got even a smell of a tally after that , not a nian suece. ihing in getting beyond first bsse until the ninth and. only three seeing the Initial bag. Only three mcii were up for us in the I first shah for Lheiii in the second. In the third each got a lilt , Fisher getting the prize for us , bt nothing resulted. The fourth was one-two-three for thorn , but they got their \Vuterloo in our half. ; it did no starE out veiy propitiously. for Eustace dieti trying to bunt himself to first. , float caine UI ) nod niade a nice lilt aiad got around , to third on Pick's two'.bagger. Then sturdy old Denny Lyons banged an awful L long one along the third base line. It hit I L the bag and bounded up in the air and be- , . foru Scljock got it F'rcdthio was in , l'tck was on thtrd axial Lyonn on first. Then I'rcs brought Pick home on a hit and holly did the same turn for Lyons by means of a two- I bagger. :1 : That was three earned runs and tben the rest of the push helped things along. I McCaul y cracked one to Daly. who threw , . - to catch Preston at the ulate. Thu throw was a little wild , but Speer ought to have gotten it. lie dldift. That scored l'reston. And that wasn't all either. ' Holly was not losing any chances and he was coming in like a bird on I'rertons heels. Speer classed after the flying bail. , tore a hole in the earth picking it up and fired it to Rettger at the , idate , The twirler diti a little Juiaaneso ovcrttire with the 'I loaLer and before he got through holly slid in under him and was safe. , ! And that. wasn't all yet. I On nh this mixup McCauley vent way aroumi to ocond. Ho lighted out for third anti 811)10 it CICIU1 as a whistle. ltettger Ia- bored under the mivtakun belief that he COUld catch him and throw to Schiock. cheek made a cteaii fuinbic of the throw ' iind before ho got the ball again Mac scored. That was six runs as a result of ix hits and three errors. It was a cinch then and 1 _ did not try any more. After Fiher i went out nt first Fleming got a hit , but was forced out an Eustace's grounder. I'ri.I.Iy ! $ * rnI $ liii lauproveiticati. Mr. Rettgcr had enough jind Mr. Barnes . - weiit in. The ex-university lad ( lid much better , only two hilts being made oft bini in the next four lainliags. They counted , j though. They came in the seventh , One ' ' wile a two-bugor by Eustnco , who was ? brought lionie on itoat's single. aj Errors nearly gave us another In the fifth. ' 1 After two mcii were out Schaock fumbled LyoIim3' grounder niaah stafford mulled t3chock's low tlimow on Preston's grounder , , holly kindly flew out , however. 'Fho sixth a and eighth did not result in getting a man , . on bases. Peewee. Leewe got a base on a hit in the fifth , but was doubled up. In the cventh. with no juan out , Weaver muds a base on 4 a good huut..but he got no farther , taf- . ford , \Vaidron and Leowu all flying out. In the ninth It looked like a Iaossible score , After Sehiock dew out to Plckeriug , : ood's Cure sick ileadseIfe , bad \ tJato in the booth , coated toiiguo , ga'a in tha .toniach , d1trcsa and Indignilon. lie 11c4 ( ea1eIi. but liars junta etTert. IS csnta. 'rhe only l'ihIa to tik. tia Uooai's BaTlaparlith. . . ' - - - - - , . , The Omaha Bee Map 01 Cuba COHpON , Present this Coupon with e lOc for 4 A Map of Cuba. : A Map ofthe West Indies. And a Map of the World , a 8 Mull 14 ceiits. CUT OUT TillS COUPON. This Coupon with 25o I'- WiLL SCURL JIlL Oflicial rhotooraphs of the Unilod States Navy1 _ _ _ Addr.h NAVY PHOTOORAH DEPT. ( JM thlA BEE. - . - " - : : - Daly manIc a two-bagger and got to third on Itoate muff of Weaver's bard drive. Stafford and Waldron , however , both flew out to Pickering. Score : OZIIAIJA. All. It. 1l.STLSIf. 0. A. I. Flcmlng ft. . . . . . . . . . 4 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Butnce , 3b. . . . . . . . . 4 1 1 0 0 1 3 0 float , eu. . . . . . . . . . , , . 4 1 2 0 0 0 3 1 Pickering , mf. . . . . . 4 1 0 0 7 0 0 L3CflC , lb . . . . . . . . . . 4 1 0 0 8 0 0 l'reston If. . . . . . . . . . 4 1 0 0 5 0 0 hfohlingeworthi 2b . . 4 1 0 0 2 2 0 McCauley , C . . . . . 4 , l 0 1 0 3 0 0 1'ieher , . . . . . . . . . . 4 0 3. 0 0 0 1 0 . Totals . . . . . . . . . .3 7 1 0 27 9 1 MILWAUKI I. All. It. 11.511.811. 0 , A. i'l Nicol , tnt . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 1 0 a Sc.h ck. Oh , . . . . . . . 2 1 0" . 0 0 3 2 Inly , 2b . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 , 0 0 3 3 0 \VCflVOF. If 0 0 0 3 0 0 I5tnfforl , lb . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 14 0 1 W'nldroai , rf . . . . . . , . 4 0 0 ( P 2 0 (1 ( I.eewp se . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 2 0 3iicer. C . . . . . . . . . . . . p o a i i i ltettger , . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 4 1 IhirneH , p . . . . . . . . . I 0 u 0 0 0 2 0 . TotniM . . . . . . . . . . .tl 1 5 0 0 21 35 flUOM by Innings- i Omaha , . . . . . . . . . . . . a 0 0 1. 0 0 1 0 ' -7 1Mliwnukee . . . . . . . . . . I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 lute by illfliflgs- Orinha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00160020'-9 Milwaukee . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1-5 I I aBrrors by irzaiings- Oninha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o a o o a o 0 0 I-i 4Miavnukeo . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 8 2 0 0 0 ' -Er I lsarneal rains : Omuha 4 , ' Two ni'e hIt3 : l'iekering , Fustnce. 1InhiIaIgaavartla. laiy. Vi aver. Double Pln3 : float to I lollings- vurtIi to Lyons. Ihases on lrnlls : Oft J'isher , h'Iioek. 'iret huiie on errors : Omaha i , Milwaukee 1. Struck ( alit : By Fisher , Stafford , \Valdron ; i ) . ' Barons , Me- Cniih'y , Left on biao'H : : Omaha 5 , lUll- waaulcoe r . 'lime ( al guano : One hour unit twelVe minutes. Umpire : Cnnhlilon. ( Biter ' % % eMeru l.oujrime ( StiIt'N. lIANRAI3 Ci'l'Y , June lU.-'I'ho hoosiers lust tuilay in the first inning. Score It. I I. B. lCrina City..1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -5 6 4 htidizLnapuiia . . . .0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0-3 7 4 Ibattericia : l'lzimisns City. Bgan itlitiVii - son ; I nil IUIII1 iul I s , I I ey , Phil I 11)5 aiRl L.yiich. , WI . PAUL , .lune Il-Columbus PlaYed a gooal iahl roumad guano todity nnd shut the Saints out in the last game of the series. l3core : 1t.11.E. Columbus . . . . . . .I 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1-h 7 3 fitl'aui . . . . . . . . .000000000-064 Batteries : C'oluanbus. Jones and Beckley : St. l'nUI , l'Iiyie natal Slabs. Id INN BA1'OhlS , June l.-1'lae Millers took ii batting streak today niul kiaocked I hatlimi out of tue box III the second , winning tile third guano from the Detroit. Seute : It. U. B. IUiflfleflIOliij . . ,1 3 0 1 1 1 0 1 ' -8 12 3 Detroit . . . . . . . . .1 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-2 7 2 Batteries : ldinneanolis.Vrieht _ l'iiiiiliatai nod ltitter Detroit. hahn , Erwin aiul F'oi- a icr. STANDING OF TItid TBAMS. l'iatyed. Won , Lost. I'.C. Indianatiwlis . . . . . . . . 47 31 jg Coluanbu $ . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2 IS to.o ; ltansas City . . . . . . . . 50 80 20 G0.0 St. l'nul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 31 21 59.6 lalilwaulcua . . . . . . . . . . 51 27 24 52.9 Detroit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 18 3 31.3 Minneapolis . . . . . . . . . 50 17 33 34.0 Oniuha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 14 31 31,1 No games scheduled for today. GA.lJiiS OS' 'I'IIlI NA'1'lN.t1 LLLGUIJ. ( 'ialeaago Give. . duel atianti Aiauther Sinrat J'iaisli ) ( lie 11111. 01110400 , Jut10 19.-The Reds could do nothing with Grifllth today. The locals found lhreitemistein rather easy iiid hit hitit hauril throughout the ganie. The crowd was I a recorh breaker. Attendance. 22,109. Score : ChICAGO. ClNCflNATl. R.41.o.A.E. Jt.iI.OA.B. I Ifyan , It. . . . I ! 4 0 0 i4anith , If. . . 0 0 0 0 lver'tt. lb. 3 3 5 1 0 Ueciley , lb. 0 1 9 0 l.une , ct. . I 3 : i a ) 0 McPhee , 2b. 0 e2 U I 0 hahlen. s. I 1 2 i 1 Miller. if. . 0 0 2 1 M'ni'k , lb I 0 0 2 1 ' rcor'n , ss 0 0 4 5 Ma'i-tes. rt. . 0 2 0 1 0 Meilrlde. ct 0 3 5 0 Conmwr. lb. . 0 0 6 1 0 IrwIn , 31a. . . 1 1 3 2 lonatiaie. C. I 2 3 0 0 Vaughn. c. . 0 0 2 1 Grilutli , p. . 1 1 1 3 1 l3r'L'aattri. p 0 0 0 4 'raataic . . . .10 ll 21 ir 3 Totals , . . , I 7 21 14 Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 0 0 3 O 2 3 -1U Cincinnati . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01 Earned rains : ChIcago. 5 : Cincinnati , I. Loft on bases : Chicago , 5 ; Cincinnutl 7. Two-base hit : McPhee. Three-baa c tilts : ltyain. Mertes. Donahue , MePhee , Irwin. Sacrillee lilt : Dahien , Stolen bases : Dniaien , irwin. Double play : I3reitonsteln to Cor- I cairan to Iieckley. Struck out : fly Griffith. I I , ULsa ; on balls : Off Griffith , 1 : off hfrelten- stein , 3. Wild pitch Breitenstin 'l'ime of I gums : Two hours. Uiupireaa : Swatrtwood and Wood. CIeV'ltliiaL Vliiu and Gets .trrenled. I I CLEVELAND. 0. . Juno 19.-Thu authiori- ties of , Collinsecod village atoppeil the Cieveluud.Pittsburg game at Boa cli Park this afternoon. but not until after the home tetm hail won a victory. In the eighth inning , with the buses full , Gardner lilt the hatter and forced in the winning run for the home team. At the end of that inning tIme marshal of Coliinwooil appeared on the grounds with warrants sworn out by 11ev. George It. Barry , LL village clergyman , and liltCed all the C1veiand players under ar- rest. They were taken before Magistrate Elton In tue village , who released ihem on $50 bail each for a hearing iiext Saturday afternoon. Tue I'ittaalurg iilaers were not Interfered with. Score : CL11VlBAND. f 1'ITTSifUIIO. lt.ll.O.AtL ILII.O.A.E. ; llurktt , If. . 0 1 0 0 0 Donavnn. it 0 1 a ) 0 0 I OVonnr , It , a ) I 12 1 0 ( Vilrien , cf 1 0 1 2 0 \Valliace. 3b 0 0 2 4 0 Grey. lb. . . . 1 0 1 3 1 llcKean , as 1) ) 1 4 1 0 alCarthy , If 1 2 5 0 I ) Tehenu , ib. 1 0 0 3 0 i.tvls , lb. . I ) I Ia i i illalie , rf..O 0 4 10t'tulden , 2b.O MeAleer , er 0 I ) I 0 0 tloweratn , c 0 2 ii ii ( 'riaL'r , C. . . . 2 1 0 1 0 giy , cc. . . . . . 0 1 1 3 0 Vliion. p. . . 1 0 1 4 1 Gartina.rf n. 0 0 0 0 0 'rotals . . . . 4 3 24 15 1 Fotais . . . , 3 1O'23 14 2 'Two out when vinnlng run was made. Cleveland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 2 0 1 I-I I'ittsburg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-3 Earned rumis : Cleveland , 1 ; I'Lttsburg , 2. Left on laitacs : Cieveinnil , 6 ; I'lttsburg , 8. Ilaso on balls : ByViisoam , 1 ; by ( lurdmier , 9. Struck nut : By Gardner , I. Two-base hits : ( 'rigor , Davis , Donovan. Stoicii base : 2.leICcala. Doubie illiSs : Ibbulce to O'Connor ; illalcia to O'Coniuir to Davis ; O'Brien to l'ialahcn to 1)avi , hilt. by pitcher : By Gardner. 1. lJmiire3 Snyder nod Connolly. 'rime of game : Quo hour nod lilly-live mm- utOS. Attendance , 3,000. JIroaa.i siiiil CuloieIs 1)Iv iii. ' , 5'I' . LOUIS , Juiae 19.-The Columieis and the Browns broke even toilny in two of the hardest fought itiiiles of the season. Neither of the gualici was over auth the Inst 101111 % ILS out. 1)owhing Pitcheal a so- Pt'rb game for the visitors. Score , mlrst game : ST. 1.01110 , I.0tIlS'lLLl. lthI.O.A.B , lLhl.O.A.1I. Rudgen , Il. . 1 2 1 0 0 Ciaake , If. . 2 2 1 0 0 Steflzei , cf. . 0 1 2 0 1 lt'tchey. . . 1 2 3 0 ltariey , it. . 0 0 3 0 0 iiaay. ef. . . . . I ) 0 1 0 0 Crc. . , lb. . . (1 ( 1 1 0 2 hester , rI. . 1 8 3 ( I 0 iclaer. ) lb. . 0 1 5 0 1 Stafford. 2b. 1 2 2 2 0 Ciauaaents , C 1 0 10 2 0 'agier , lb. I I ) I 0 0 Quinn , ss. . . 1 2 0 3 0 Ciing'sn , 31 , 0 1 1 0 3 Creels , lb. . I I 4 0 0 l'owa'raa , C. . . 0 1 4 2 0 'l'uyior , a. . . 3 2 0 4 1 Muee , p. . , , 0 0 0 2 I ) Totals . . . : ii--i ; ; Totals , . . .61P2093 \Viiamiing run was made with two nut. l.ouiovilio . . . . . . . . . . . 0 3 0 0 0 0 2 0 1-6 St. Lotus . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 1 0 4 0 1 0 1- ? Two-base hit : Clarke. Beefed rains : St. 1.1)010 , if l.ouiaaviiie , 4. Double lila ) ' : Stafford to ititelicy. Sacrifice hails : Quinn. Citmemits , Ititelacy , Boy. Stolei tiase : iexter. Three. basu tilts : Quinn , Taylor. Ititchey. Powers. lilt by pitcher ; Crooks. Ihase on iaalls : Oft Magee , 4. Strike outs : By Taylor , 3 ; by Magee - gee , 3. Uanptrea : Bmsiio auth Cprry. Tirpo of game : One hour and itfty.ilVu minutes. At- temadance , 14.000. Second gaane : Sr. 'LOUIS. LOUISVII.LI. 11.liOt.i2. ltliO.A.I. i4ug.ben , rf , , 1 0 0 0 0 Clerlie , If , . , I 1 2 0 0 Sienei , If , . I 2 1 0 a ) Itlichey. as , 2 1 1 3 0 henry. Cf. . I 0 1 0 0 htoy , ci. . . . . I I 1 0 1 Crea. . SI , . , . . ft U 4 3 0 lextcr. rI. . . 0 0 1 0 0 lecker. lb. . 0 h 31 1 0 Stefforil , lb. 0 1 0 5 1 ( 'lt'aiienIa , C. ( I 0 4 1 1 Vautner. lb. 0 U 14 0 0 Quinn , i..i.0 0 3 4 0 ( 'ilng'an. IbO 0 1 2 0 Crook. , Sb , . 0 0 3 2 0 Snydir. o , . . I 0 5 0 0 ( ) iimaatr9c. p 0 0 0 0 1 1)owling. p. 1 1 0 4 0 hiuchey , p. . 0 0 0 2 0 - _ _ - . . . - - Totals . . . . I 27 14 3 Total. , , , , I S 21 II I 2.uulaaviliu . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0-6 SLLouio . . . . . . . . . . . . 000030101-5 Earneal rimmis ; Iaulsvihie , 2. Sacrifice hits : Ciements , Cross. Double play : Cross to Decker to Cross. Stoical bases ; Quinn , -4 Decker , hloy flitche ) Three-base haitsf Stonsel (2) ( ) , iiit by pitcher ( 'rooka hose on halls. Oft Gilpatrick , 3 : otT hiughey 1 ; oft Dowling , ' 7 , Struck but ; Ii ) ' ( llipatrkk. 2 ; by hlughey1 1 ; by Bowling , I , . UlflI$1re0 J'msllo anal ( urr ) ' TJma.pfgama ? . 'Ii'yo hours anal thirty minutes. . - STANDING OF Th1t TIVtMS : l'inyed. Won. l.nst , . , C. Cincinnati . . . . . . . . . , . 51 34 17 ' floton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 l2 19 62.7 Cleveland . . . . . . . . . .I _ 5 31 19 620 Baltimore . . . . . . . . . . . 47 2Y1 19 50.6 I'itta'hiirg . . . . . . "a' ! 5Q , 2'h 22 Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . , , 52 z i I New York . . . . . . . . &Qj. . _ . .26 21 52.0 llrooklyn . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 . 21. 2'l . . 4L9 h'hiiadohphia41 . :0r 27 . . 43,6 Washliagton . . . . . . . . . 51 19 32 e $7.3 St. lMtlis . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 19 32 " 373 Louisville . . . . . . . . . . a 55 15 40 . ' 21.3 Gaines today : IloIon at .Ctieago Ihaiti- morn at Cincinmuiti ; lmrnoklyn ht Cut'yeiitnal : Washington at Louisviiiti ; New York at Pittslaorg ; Phaiiaaleiiaiaia at St. holds. % 'ctcraa . .ta.iaelnt lai , . . ItOCIC ISLAND , Juaie 13.-Score : Iloek lMIflflh . . .2 2 1 0 0 ' 0 0 1 0-6 12 2 'Otttiinwa ' . . . . . . .0 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 0- ' S 1 hiattterie ; : Rock Island Smith .nnd Htraisaa Ottumwa , Nunaaineaer ailal hee. IUIIIJQUB , In. , June 19.-Score : U. IT. B. 1)ubuqtao . . . . . . . .0 2 0 0 0 0 1 2 0-S 9 . 0 St.JOSeihi . . , , , . - htatterbcs : 1)nlniquo , J. Thrown atial Iludge ; .51. . Joseph , McDonald iLiad Iinuseai. laterslu it. l.i sagur. rohBDo , 0. , Jumie 19.-Score' : 1t.IT.B. Tpldo . . . . . . . . .0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0-3 hO I Saringtieid . . . .0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-1 2 3 Ilatterles : Toledo , h'eennn rind Arthur : Sprimagilelal Crathulh aand Gratihlus , nAy'ror , , Jimmie 19.-Score : , R.llB. Dayton . . . . . . . . .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 l--i 4 3 Maiisflld . . . . . . .2 0 (1 ( 0 U 0 (1 ( 0 ' -2 6 1 ilutteries : 1)ayton , llrown and flycrs 1l a fl 0 fIeld , Bell ii an lenl ( Del t. 11i13'cla.iIM ! hen ( I ii. letraa. For the third time this 4e115011 the hhiay- da'n lImo , team beat the Nets Bros. act the old fort grounds yeterday , Thu features of thu gamlie were the battimag of Lewis , s'1io allude it lilt every tinit. lie WitM UP , iiil ( thu catching of O'Connor. Score : IL'eYlL'INH. 01TZ. lt.hl..thI. ltll.O.II. 'Thibot , s..1 2 2 3 Iltoarney , hb.0 I 321 Lewis. lb. . . .3 5 5 4 0 thwies. If..0 0 2 0 a O'Connor , c. .0 1 7 3 0 Satie. C. . . . . . . I 2 8 2 2 I Kelly , ct. . . . . 1 1 a ) 0 1 iggles'ma , 21,2 U 3 4 1 2ieinaaianai. 11.1 1 2 0 0 liiwman , II , . I 1 1 1 l.siTerty. ir..o i 1 0 1 i4cuily , cfia. . ' ) I 2 4 0 ilarrison. thU 1. 8 1 0 tiackias , 5&.0 U 0 3 0 \Velch , C..1 1 0 5 1 aef.a ) 1 1 4 a Siain , Sb..I I 2 2 0 Johnsufl , rf..0 2 1 0 1 Totals . . .9142711 I Totals . . .4 02720 7 Haydens . . . . . . . . . . . . i o 4 a 0 1 0 0 0-9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . - : Earneal rains : 1 laydens , 6 ; Mvtz , 1. ' 1'vo- luio hits : Lewis , Johimisajit , Sage. ' 1'Iiret- hiase hits : Lewi , Mell ) ' . Bne on balls : Off Welch , :1 : ; oft Scully , 1 ; oft Smlyahcr , 4. Struck ( lot : By Snyder , 4 ; by Scully , 6 ; by \Velcli , 7. Umpire : Cliaumicey Shields. 'l'OM 3llClclli.'S th'1ti2t'l' SCO11CII. Ciii , ( a I ii of I lie ( ijainliac % Vlceet l'iiha llMCS II Is OIICIL L'rooI * iaia. All roads led to Blair yesterday for thic local wheehinen , and any titlinber of them availed themselves of the opportunity for a fine Sunday ride and a chance to witness the fInish of two good road races , the much talked of Muentefering-Fleseher niatcli race and the Mickeh scorch. As early as 7 o'clock In the morning the wheelrnen who did not care to scorch , but preferred to enjoy an easy spin to Blair and be there in time to see the finish of both races , started , anal from this time Oil iiiltil almost noon threads roads were dotted all along with wheelmen all with the same destination in mind. Tile Tourist wheelnien started from theIr club house at 8:30 : and reached Calhoun. , where they remained until the scorcher4 came along , after which they contithied on to Blair. The Mickel scorch schealuled to leave the Omaha Wheel club rooms at 9:30 : , but it was welt on to 10 before tiey finally got under way. There was a fair sized cro of them , who essaycil to win a dinner of the Omaha Wheel c1Ub cajabiin by beating him into Blair. and after the crowd was photographed they ivere started on their tray. Mickel immediately took the lead and started at a merry clip down Bightecnth street. turning wedt to , tbe.bqilevard. lie was closely followed by 'CeOge Meirsteill and 13t1 Proulx , two vehI knowia local jaro- fessionals , with the balance of the riders following along. Mickol was setting a three. IfliliutO ilace , which he cutUowia to 2:40 on reaciling the Florence cycle path. hie'was riding nicely and had succeeded In shaking all of his followers but the two professionals when Florence was reached. Passing through Florence the irnce was showed a triilo , as this hills Just north of the water works town are quite steep iinil long. and soon begue to tell on the boys. On the second hill Mickel was takeli with cramps iii his stomach , aiial Melerstein and l'roulx vullod away from hini a block or two before ho began to feel himself again. lie was beginning to gain on them rapidly when coniing down a steep hill he struck a rut and vas thrown heavily anil quite badly bruised. Under tile circumstances be was foolish to continue , but being game to the . core. he remounted and took after the two I flecitig limos , who were by this time some dIstance ahead anal changing piace with each other every alliS , while the captain was compelled to do his own acemiiakiiag. To make a long story short. lie dial Ilot Sue- Cecil In heading them , but closed up the gap considerably , Meierstein amid Proulx reached Blair in just oiae hour and twenty-Seven minutes , whIch is record time for this run , which Is just 'twelity-scVeil mIles. Mickel was three iiilntates bcllimld them , iiiid sue- cceiled in lowering his own record of 1:33 : by three midutes. The Fleschier-Mtivntefering xiintch race , ivhicit was' over this same course with the exception that the start was niade at old Fort Omaha and was for $25 Psi' side , allah not Start UIItii nearly half peat 3 o'clock. Tue riders ivero accompanied by a crowd of chub mates anal rooters , irhin went along to see fair play. Muentetering tact most of the iiacu amid it was a hot one , so hot that. rhien within six miii's of Blair l2leschier could no longer follow it amid hie was losing giound raidiy. when his wheel got into a rut and the front rim collapsed aimd ltIt hini out of the rare. lie was already beaten , however , as Muemitefering fresh icalil riding 111cc a ctreak , while Flcschaer allah his work laboriously and was practically coUnted out , Ifleeclior was loaded Into a carriage antI rode halo 'hair tIlls way , while Mtientefering finished on his wheel In the splendid time of 1:10:00 : : , sehaleha is an icver- fl9 ! gait of 3:22 : to the Iflio uud silenalld time , considering the condition of the roadO , All Blair turned out to see the rialers finish and 'with the added lot of Omaha wheelmen who vent up there was actually ft mob present at the flutabiag point and the little burgh presented a circus-In-town- today appearance. The heehmen reiurmfed to Omaha about half past 7 In the evening and repaired to their different club houses to talk over the events of thu day. There is comisitlerable talk of some return matches and Captain Tom Micket says ho Is like Corbett anti wants Just. fl' more chance. Among thu ( aId-time local.wjieelmen vbo mnado the to Blair "Doc' run up vere Coal- nor , Ed Lytle and Len Livesey , all of the Omaha \'heeh club and who were scorcbers Iii the days of the old ordinary , . oodgtttk , 7 ' UWeitSIwe' BOARD CSES ( ( ) TEC1IERS Persons 'VTho Yeitr Will Wield the Birch In : ; Pubilo Schools. Wi ELECTIO NS INTHE MAIN SATISFACTORY 'i'ivo cw t tuI.ers of ( he unnail ' 1ieota'.l , , Not l'erauit- ted do : l'ntt in ( lie D1tUh lit' mt i ( a PlC. LINCOLN , Juno 1D.-Speclzal.-The ( ) Lin- coin Board of hiducation last. night selected 109 grade teachers and seven assistant kindergarten teachers. The selections are in the iminin satisfactory , although the action or thio boarah in hohdimi a number of secret meeting ( luring the week hami subjected it to censialerable criticism , especlaliy from the friends of the teachers who failed in election. The two new niembers of the board elected last spring were nut allowed to laarticilante in tIlt ) mneetiiig. The divorce case of Iteblmason against Robinson in the district court yesterday - terday furnished two sensations. One was when the plaintiff , Mrs. Itoh- laison , faulted f'oan nervous exhaustion anal had to lie taken hmomnam and PhflCed under care of a hhaYsiciatfl. Thie other was when Attorneys Barnes anal Volfenbargei' acecused each other of * anprofesstonah and uiigentlo- manly conahuct , allah liatianated that the ( Icier- rd could' ho settheah by a little "passage at arias" outside the court room. J. B. lImits , the internal revenue coilec- tor for Nebraska , North and South lakuta , is innklaig harelasratinne for the collection of the alut lea timider the new revenue hew. lie estlmnte's that the measure will affect 10,000 tnXiamytrs in , th.is state , That' largest sources of revenue will come froni thin tax ( iii tobacco , liquors and on lamlk capitals. His estlmato is that beer alone viii annually - nually iiicy $200,000. The caeo of the city against the street car conptany for the collection of a large amouaat of taxes due from the cor.pany for the paving hctween the car tracks , has 02- ctmpied the nttentiomi of Judge holmes in district court for several days , anti the ar- I gianirmits now conimt'nced arc expected to last well along Into the coming week. The contention of the conapany is that when the fr4nchaiso'as granta'd Lincoln was of the second class and hhd no ordinance or an- I thorlty to riravide' for the paving or tor the taxation of the company's lines for paving PurPoses. and that a large part of the tax now alleged to be due is barred by too Stat- late of limitations , Two or three hues upoim which taxes have accumulated have been abandoned by the company , it having been found that their operation ditI not PlY. and that the tanpaitl taxes amounted to moore than the vurtii of thea lines. The indictments against Mayor Graham ihiich acre aeturnahd by the last grand jury , have been taker up by the district coutt. Judge hastings being on the bench in idace of one of the rdshhi'nt judges. Tue attorneys - neys for Grahnth arC mnakiiig an effort to hiave time iudictr ents quashed on account of irregularitIes in foaan. anti arguments on this feature of the case were made yesterday. The case arises 'froml the charge that Gm- ham accepted a imonoy consIderation in return - turn for the upliollitmont of subordinate officials - ficials of the city that he levied assessments - ments against the oiilcers of the irniico and fire departmcnts'and that he knowingly allowed - lowed certain unlawful occupations to be conihucted within I he city limits. 1let'r 1tM fua tj.mci rt. FALLS CITY,4Neb. , June 19.-Speciab- ( ) Arthur Ii. Vickwspcorporah of company F , First Nebraska , arrived in the city last week , from San Francisco and Captain J. N. Klitan , company IC , caine Thursday for the hiiPO3C of recruiting the First regiment up to the regulation number. As soon as the office was opened iaien from all over the county hastened to sign. The recruits heft Saturday for Columbus , where they will WI- dergo the final physical examination. From there they go direct to San Francisco aiial leave about July 10 for Manila. A thinner gh'eml thlen1 was served by the \'oman's lie- hief corps in the Grand Army of the Itepub. lie hall. which waaa prettily decorated with iiatioai colors and blowers. Captain Kiiian manic the after-dinner speech. Then caine the march to the station , headed by the Mihi- tory hand , followed by 700 citizens. Follow- lag are the names of the boys who euiisted : George Overman. ilerbem t hay , Frank Forbes. Burt Purse. 'Fhomnas Gout , lOan Crawford , Charles Denimore , Auburn ; Paul l'aaigburn , Chester Chambers , Jamiies O'Con- nell , Table Rock ; Sciplo Stingiieid , William Siiow , Stelha ; Waltemjones , Waterloo ; harry Cole. Grcaham ; htoy Pachion , Wilber Pach- ion , Omaha ; ChampIon \\'right , William PlLiilot , humboldt ; Joseph \'oodo , Viiliaui Ailanis. Salem ; Junics 1)owns , acorgc Sears , \v. L. Gilbert , Leonard GIbes , Walter 1' . Sto2kton. EmIl Oberet , IOU Fisher. Ira John- Eon , Qua floss , Fred Foehihinger. Charles Fishier , Arthur Aloss. lOinil Sanl , Joe Smith. Hubert hedges , John Smith , I0alis City ; Joseph Gruntt , St. .Joeepla , Mo. : Janice Cask- Icy , Osleahoesa , ho. ; 10. W. flaIl , Aspiuwail , Nob. ; Jacob G. Aibright , 1-folta Vista , Ken. Stint Ii , ' tiia lmaa.aa ilo liii ii. l3L.OOMINGTON , Feb. , Juno 10.-Spe- ( ciah-Itubc'rt ) Glenn , postlilauter at Till- clrcth , Neb. , iVail shot through the heart ivltlm his on ii rovolvtr at 1 :50 : yesterday afternoon amid ditch instumathy. Albert Oi'ips- key , a bachaslor , who lives a few iiiiies in this country , who becomes iaasane at timaiss , but never contalalercal tlnmigerous , did the shooting. Gaipskey came iimto town about 11 o'clock in the mnornhiig to iaivt : his Picture taken. lie acteai very strange 110(1 his eyes % .e1.c sun ialaimig I ike a ma en maged ei Id nmilinai , hut no eliecial attention ii'as paid to him. Alter eating diiaaier at thie hotel lie ivalked up amid clonic the street , as If aleep in thought. Ho went Into the bank and Cashier Slitnit aillt'll what % c'as ivanted. ( inlpsliey , after staring , screamed : "Oh , Oh , you are trying to ciilornf9rm me ! " amid dashed out the door aiial acMsma hio street to the ilost- oillce nuil ivemit ljehihd the counter , whore ho comnlaienced tbteli I'ostmastcr Glenn his' troubles ; Gleniil4CptOn working and openIng - Ing a drawer w'hue his revolver was got some vaters andt tamieal his back to thu crazy milan. Tilprlter plekeal up ( tie re- voiver and when hIi. Glenn faced hUnt lie flreal the fatal stint , Both , loll , butt Giemm never to rise agami , aripakey , after ii hard struggle , was tlmIitly bounal anal the sheriff brought him hcr'd this mnornimig. Glenn sas a married macit und is one of the oldest citizens of the jinty. ( ( 'Ii ma ma 4 y ! iaaai ru A aIim , ruM , FIIIOMONT , NI'h ' , , Juno 10.-Special.- ( ) TIme County hioard adjourned yesterday af- tcrnooa after having been In session ammo Tuesday. A lamjta ainoumit of busIness was transacted , all of which , however , was of a routine nature. Matters vero pretty lively with thu hoard for a few mInutes yesterday aftrnoon. Charles hlera , an old former of Nickorson township , was before the board to get a section line road opened and when they continued the matter he got very in- dhgnaaat and used some language toward a riiember of tllo board that he construed as a reflection on his honesty , Thu inesnber left his seat and atarted after the old gentieman , The chairman ioundod lustily for orler and the deputy cleric got between the two men before any blows lied beea exchanged and iwacu prevailed. For a minutu or two It as lively as a aessioia of the legislature , Company F , with the exception of the North Ihend squad , met here together for the first time last evening and wiii remain hero withalmi call until ordered to Omaha. They will iut In considerable time at drill. though U they have no arms It will be wholly with I the marching movements. The boys nr anxious to go to Omaha mind receive their equipments. The 's'eitther lhie last week has been just what tas racedml for coca. Most. fields sic no ; ; . dry cnougi so corn can be cultivated , 501110 fields of small grain are reported badly hoalged. tubers are looking well. hay has beert % ery scarce and high here for the last weel , sel'ing ' as htgh as $10 a ton. New hay ii. expected on the market this week and is ltkehy to go down to $3 or $4. lLouignntinac VIthilrssavaa. ( fl'1NlVA , Nob. , June 19.-Speclah-The ( ) Board of Supervisors mat yesterday. DurIng the cat'ssiomi they considered the resignation at the cotlnty suprlatendent , the ex-"ltcy. " Peter Ii. lines , hacat along with the reslgna- timi they were forcel to consider also a withdrawal which hail been fihoil imi 'the clerk's OfiIe on Thursday evening by the nalvice of some of his friends , The room cronded and after a debate ot four or five hours , during which time lila bondsmen no- quested the board to relieve them fromu all respoimslblhity , which was promptly refimecal , lIe was permitted to withdraw his resigna- tioa , I'nivat0 boy Cobb lane fifty or more me- cnamits , thiti requisite number hieing only twcntyflve , and he Is anxiously awaiting en- ilers to leave for San Francisco , ? ! eVl&'kt'r ( iPtN ii Catalnlaaey , WEST I'OINT , Nob. , Jutie 19.-Special.- ( ) Homi. W. J , TilcVicnr , a former resialemit of Ctmnalng Ltmil at one time a Inenliler of the Itgislature from here , has been elected cap- taut of'comupany F' . Bryan's regiment. It Is a l2reoiomit comlipany amid tins several \'est l'oint ' boys lm the ranks , Youiig Penrose htoniig attenipted to go to Fremnoalt this week for the hurioso of enlisting - listing In Bryan's regiment , bait a atromig lLti'Critnl veto mat ii atoll to furthler proceed- imigs. imigs.Art Art and Urnest Sexton , sons of II. L. Sex- toil of this city amid Arthur Sehoeho , have enlisted In company F' of Freinont , 'l'hitrd Nebraska regIment. Some half dozen or more of Vest Point's young Danish citizens have gone to Omaha niad enlisted iii Captain Neuvo's company of tile 85100 regimnent. Ictllcl Ia tan l0icjalimiit. GTONOA , Neb. , June 19.-Speeial ( Tele. gram , ) -Whiho Canlpbehi brothers' show was being sot up at this vlaco this inorraliag tin- dcrhecper Young was killed , It seems lie was casing the elephant \'cnus to push wagons under the tents. Young hail the beat by Its trunk directing it. The wagon the elephant was isorking with became en- tniigied In 500)0 ropes and Young stopped anal started ahead to see what the trouble was. As lie turned his back to the beast it struck him and knocked him down anal before any oiio could move was oai top of hahn with Its heath nial cmushical the life out of him. Venus was drivomi oft and captured anal is now chained up. This man is said to be its fourth vlctini , lh.it . . PnhI " .Vlii-ai ( , DUNBAI1 , Nob. , June 19.Spccial.Fall ( ) vhacat that promised so large a yIeld a few weeks ago will only be half crop and if the rain contintaes will he ruined entirely. Thin rust has struck a number of pieces. One of the largest potato growers says the out- hook fur a large potato crop is very dts- couraging and looks for prices the equal , if not better , than last year. There is a large growth of vines but no potatoes 00 the roots. Corn is ill fine coaidition except etc time low places and the last week has seen the fariii- era get all over their corn on the uplaid , killing naost of the weeds. ( 'nart Coses ! at 1InMtlnts. HASTINGS , Neb , , Juno 19.-Special.-- ( ) Thct June term of the dIstrict court closed yesterday aftrnoou. Mrs. Hattie Pay Tan- her was granted a divorce from her has. band. Charles Tanner , and given the cus. today of her child. MAIZE PROPAGANDA MOVING I'r'Lan t'i alj to C ' Corn a I'asrt lii ( Ia.'l'riiiiiii iNNiPiMilIl EXIlE- . MitlOfl , Secretary Utt of the Nebraska Maize Propaganda on Saturday sent out invitations to a number of leading citizens antI versons interested in ihie lalatter , of which the tel- lowing Is a copy : 't'oii are invited to attend a meeting of these Interesteal In tim promotion of the uses of corn , at the Commercial club rooms next Thursday , JUI1C 23 , at 2.30 p. m. Don't fail to be present. Please advise. The ob. ject of the meeting is to adopt rules and regulations and transact other busIness. One of the Prinripal objects of the meeting is to comisider thin fohiowimig The obpject of the American Maize Propaganda - ganda and the Nebraska propaganaha as nuxihiary is to promote the uses of the products of corn , At a late rneetlig held by the Nebraska organization the hhaiii ) of hold- log a corn Jubilen in Omaha emi the exposition - tion groumials from Saapteniber 10 to October 31 was endorsed. The opinion as expressed at tha meeting was that It would require about $10,000 to erect an attractive corn building amid conduct this enterprise. The buiiahlng it is iiroiosed shall ho soiaiewhaat , oJt the vlau of the Corn I'niace at Sioux City , eX.elt it ii'ihi be smaller and iviil cost about $5OPO , The exhibit will comprise thirty-eight corn products made at glucose factai'ics. , audi as olive oil. rock candy. grape sugar , starch , glucose , rubber , etc. . also the vrodlicts iiiado Irma glucose. inclual- lug jellIes , maple augur , corn syrups , etc. , again , spirits , gin and malt liquors , pipes , etc. , coral meal , conic flour , feed , gnitz , horn- lily , etc. , also tIm nroalucts horn corn stalks , now beimig ustil in the imlanufacture of nu- morons ii'tiCiCs frojii a buttuml to a iiian-of- var. Further , corn Is thie basis of our hogs , cattle and aheep , poultry and dairy liroducta. The Corn Jubilee anal Corn l'alnco at Sioux City drew inlineimse crowds of people. it ilIac a haractical iwoposition and ( lecpiy Interested th railroads. Thousands of PeoPle eniace froni New England LIce east and nanny located and Invested their capital. This Coral Juiail0o would attract Peoie to the exposition , In thu little city of Atchl- soil , 11mm. , for several years past 21.000 Peo- 1)10 bayta visited their Corn Jimbiiee each tall , Topeka , llama. , has adopted the Idea of holding a Corn Jubilee. The benefits to aiariweci from tbti Coin Jubilee aria unques- tiOilllhihe. The difllculty , however , is to devise ways and imicena to raise funds to carry out. ( lit , eqiilren1ei1ts. and on this subject your opinion is varticuianiy invited. hiow can It. baa alone ? One item of revenue suggested was the posslbllty of selling a neat book contain- log a historr of (11.7 exhibits nod recipes for cooking corn goohs to those that partook of our hospitality. I'rico of the book , 15 cents or : whatever may be agreed upon ; cost , 7 cents. h'Is.lc"s Iiiirie i4aaleaa , A brand new Andrae racing bicycle , the property of W. A. I'Ixiuy. was left stamaling 'clJtS , ilOhihOht ON ( IOMI'I.IONION. , h.lt ii $ lace'r 1)0 Outward Applicit- Mrs. Itorer answera In the Ladies' home Journal , an eaquirer about good complexion , reciting that it Cfl only come from a healthy condition of the entire system and that it is not a matter of outward uplica. ( loll , flolbiliilg with the statezacent that "your food canaiot Ilassibly agree with you if you have inuscuimcr rheumatism and a bad corn- plexloo. " it is a known fact that many ieople fail to properly digest time starchy oart of broad and other food. ( Irapo-Nuta ( a delightful breakfast food ) are made of the grape sugar which results froul preparing the starchy iaarts of the cereals , in the satme way arti- tidally ( tS the body should do by natural processes. Therefore , ( lrapo.Nuts give one fooel all read , . ' . J-"rnediate assimilation into blood nd ifL5q1 , ¶ "e , ' era ready iro- pared , require no 'cfr1 , ad will be found most villuabic hr hIram worker or Invalid. Sold by grocers. ' ' AMUS1MEN'1'S. . . TH1EL NIGHTS ONLY. - Chiedgo ApOlloCitib Concert Expositioii Auditorhim , ACCOMPANIED BY Theodore Ihomiis Orchestrd. Tuosay , June 21 , . Wednesday1 info 22 , Thursday ; Juno Admission 50c-No Reserved Seats. CONCERT BEGINS PROMPTLY AT 8 P. M. The Ladles' Department of tile New Hyeiie Cnstitute ha now. oiaeo for business , anti fully equipped with two new apparatus for giving this most healthful , pleasing baths known to the world. The INSTITUTE has among its patrons , the best known ladles in Omaha. We asle you to give it a trial of two baths at least , and If it is not found as represented , we will refund your money. Rooms , New Quarters , 216-218-22011ce Building New IIyienc Inst. wm' % OTIIISILS aA1L OOULT fUJCTOHS 3ear1es & Searles . t . .p SPECIALISTS Ounraut. . to cure speedily email mdi- onily all IRVOV5 , CIIRONIG AtD PRIVATE diseases of Men and women. WEAK HN SYPHILIS 5EXUALLY. cured for life. Ni.&ht Emissions , Lout Manhood , 11 - drocole , Venicocehe , Gonorrhea , Gleet , Syp ills , Stricture , Piles , Fistula and Rectal Ulcers , DIabetes. BrIght's DiseaSe cured , Consultation Free. Strioture and OIee. at by new method without pub or cutting. Callon or address with stamp. Treatment by mail. ann orani no v ursnm ro LIPS. lJtI. St ullo , dUIIILtO fi dtStItLtI. VMALIAA11fl EDUCATIONAL. r ownell Odi Oaeiis Sept. 19th , 1S98 , BOitl'dhmg ItLiel Day Sahi o oh for Girls Under the direction ofRt. Rev. George \\'orthiiaigtori , S. ' 1' . D. , LL , D. Primary , preparatory and collegIate courses. Corn- ietCilt corps of teachers. Modern methods - ods aind every advantage offered. Strict atttvmitioii paid to the moral , mental and idi'sicul well being of the tudcaats. Diplo- anus conferred. Prepares for nh colleges open to women , Special courses in Ihighi- or lingilaah , Sciences , Ancient anal Modern Lumagougell. Slaisic amid Art , Terms flied. crate. hluilding repaired and in exeelloait order. Sanitary plumbing. Satisfactory steam haeatting , l'nremit $ and guardiatno desiring to enter . iUhlliS wihi picaso send for catuiogue , oa. apply laersomcalIl' to Mrs. L. R. Upton , Priii. Iiros'neii 11111 I , Omaha , Neb B'w ' ° ACADEMY-FoUiided 1803. For the higher educatioji of ) 'ouiig women. Classical and clentiflc caaurso of study , aciato iirenratry aitid optional , Year begins Sept. 11 , 1(90. Apply to 2.Iisa . Ida C. Alien , I'rin. , hiradlord , IUa , iii front of.Tho lIce building a tow mimi- utemi Saturday evening , said emu thief ap- iaropniated it while the owper was in the building , amid so far has failed to rqturn it. Its number is 21.527 and a reward of $10 is offered for its return. (1340 it. uI. , Ilmil ) a , an. , ( laiD a. ju. 0:40 : A. $1. . 6:40 : A. lal. , 6:40 : A. Iii , The Northwestern line train to St. Paul , MinneapolIs , Spirit Lake. Duluth mind nil Ba- kate points , from the Union Pacific depot , 365 days every year , "Through by day- light. " 1401 Farnamn St. 'line aaileru lltjuipnienE and quick tiiaio of the UnIon Pacific makes it the popular line to all principal western resorts. City ticket 0111cc. No. 1302 Yar- nain at. % % ' , aiiaro 1)efemaM ICsaaismcais. WYMOItIO , Neha , , June l9.-Siecital ( , Tele. graoc.-'rhae Wyniore .hiicli clui , , accom. laniated by about 300 rooters , elmartorcil a ape. cliii train here today anal went to ilaniover lOan. , where % 'ymorc anal Ilamiover ialaycd ball , It wile one of the baicrilest games Wy- more bias haul this year timid faar nix incacings the Kaaaisai boys hiacd high iaopcs of wlac. fling , taut the cliamnplnmcs froaji Nebraska braced up acid made a good tiiilsh , winning by a score of S to 6. Score by imcniaigia : hanover . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 3 0 2 1 0 0 0-C W'ymnoro . . . . . , , , . . . . , 0 0 1 2 1 2 2 0 ' -8 LOCAL BREVITIES , Qeorgo C. llaiieywas brought to thii city yesterday from St. Joseph , Mo. , to answer to ( lie charge of statutory assault allegeal to have been committed upon Clara Blue of hliil.dale , IL Th girl is 14 ycamI old , T.IILTROCADERO Lenitz & W'ihllnnns , Props. and Mgrs. \v. W. COLE , Act. Macmanger , 'I'lkE COOIlOS'I' l'l.ACII IN 'I'OVN. MONDAY , JUNE 20. 'l'hllh ClLhlll 10 OF 'tUlhO'tl.1.1I. Silica , Icittie miacal Churn Ioiilse 01111 MORTON I I hO.t I ) 1,1 N IC II S. _ _ EIEA COld.INS. CAititilO l0'F.lIaiht. Tue Wilson Faitilly. LILLItN % ' 1Oi'1'lIltN . . . . . . lllOSShlO l'llll.LlL'L Carroll and Crawford - .AXH. . La Petite Adelaide. Trit'iaIero ( iianhlenge Oreharastmn , Priii.z Ailel niamin , Director. Jittiii't' % 'rshiat'sahiiSnturdny Suittias , . 2n80 , I Matinee I'rlces , Adults , 25c ; children , hOc. ltt'fre'slaiaac-ii ( , iii 'I'hieiacm acaid Gnrlen. Ilvemaings , 8:30. : l'rices , 25c. 35c , SOc. have you unit her ? Have you met her ? Au instantaneous success , An iiiatamitanieoumj success. OERMANVILLAOEI ( Deutsehios Iurt. ) The Calety ltcsaart of ( lie l0xiaosttiuaa , An amazing bill of Vaudoviiho Talent , In coanectioa with KIRCHNERS Famous IiulyOrchestra. - - , Try one of our celebrated Vienna dishes. J'omnilar 1'rice , l'oiuimir i'ricen , B 0 PAXT'N S - Mflnager 'rem , 1115. 'l'ONIifl'l' , 8n15. Matinees \Vedacesduy mcml Saturday. HOPKINS TRANS-OCEANIC STAR SPECIALTY CO1 The only ilighi Class Vaudeville Company in America. headed by. FIIANIC ( LtltlN1OlL Ancd his trained riding Baboon J553l5 and Toni Other lug Acts. I'nlces-Lower floor , $1.00-lIe ; hiatt. 75c-SOc , Mactimices-Lower ihoor. Sue ; bail , GOc-23o. rn. I l'nslon .1 flurgei5 .aiiO i eJL5IAI'JLA Macnasger. , Tel. 1811. 0. 1) . Voodwaird , Aa'ausomncnt ' Director , 'I'tNlCIL'V , 14n8 ( ) , TIlE 'OOlWARi ) S'I'OCIC CO. 4 Presenting = rcc- Biographa and new war views. J Prices hOc atmad 25c , GuiIi's Concert Garden , S. Fl. Cur , I hilt ninal 1)iive-icpaart. lit(3ciIil , l'ropirlcor , JIONY lt'lh IIAI.m'lN , The dancing tramp , in an original act oiititied "HUN' ! ' N. ( hit till. " Also Miss Agnes Icthierton , Miss Macad Kramer - mer , Miss Warren , Camnpboll and Camp- hell , Giiliban and Delniore , laIrs , Clyde Rogers. BI\SE BPLL TOMORROW , 3:30 : P. M. OMAliA VS. ST. PAUL LION . . . , A'J' 'filth. . . MERRY--GO--ROUND - - - - 1 5th mihId Capitol Ave. Capture the Brass Ring and TIlde Again PRIdE. JON. MLINCJIOICIC , Lessee uaal Mmsamuea' . . . - - - - . - _ _ IIOTEJM. THE MILLARD 13th timid Jotiglns Sts. , OmlItsila. eSNT1tAI4Y I..OCATZD. A3liOiIlCA' AND ldIJhtOl'3IAN I'LAN. . . . . - ' - _ 2M.IIK1OI. . . . SON. l'rop. . - -HOTEL BARKER- Con , 18TH AND JONIOS 5 ? , , OMAHA. ' ht/a'l'lCS liSO ANI ) : f.4) ) ( ) l'itJt DAY , hfiectnic esra direct to exposition grounds , "IIANlL lIAlthClOlt. Cashlr . . " , . SAM 1JAlIMAtCnI.t Clerk , , , . . ; - MURRAY 11OT1L , 14th and Barney St. AmerIcan Plani-3 to 4 ( holism. per day , 4 Street cars from depots such from hotel to Jlxposition Grounds In fifteen minutes , hI. SIiLO\VkY. Manager , . 'l'eieplaoiae 1058. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ -J Laks Mlchi in laid Lake Supedo , Tamcspoistion C. . LAKE SUPERIOR STEAMERS. TIIE OREAT LAKE ROUTE , OS. 'ri. , ow 54..I lie..hlp NeIl.ti. ForMackluam $ aJlifl5. i.la.'i , u.tr.a From , Chicaip tjI..i.,4 , , ( ueaIoT ( aUto tVi Tue. % l AJ4Wsd. II l'l'I iu.hl A.hiL4sI. ( P. j ) , ( : harI.oiz lirbar IlIiig. J'.toke ; , . .s.t Tue:9A.5l.Tbur. hA M.Hat. fM. * : 0 ! 3iai.ju.p. , Iipuvaak , Uuubtes , A.kieed , paalutb , etu.i it.,1 , I I' .