Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 15, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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T1I1 or1ri. DATIX BJ1TJDNEsDAY : , iVNj 1 , l89 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- - - - - - -
L COI1EltCIAL ANI ) FiiiTciiii4 ;
r Armonr' Thiyng of Litet'8 Oas
teadiea the Market.
Corn nnL ( ) tt 3tcmnlti Un.Iiiti.g1 ,
I'DrL nnd It II. , , , JLiq'rd
LoJP.eN , ' .VliIIt Ii ru ls tlMt )
ChICAGO , June 1I-re reporteil buying
by Armour ot 1Iter northwcL holilings ,
with the reported dainag by rain In Texzu ,
t ) ieII wheat fairly firm todlky. July c1oei1
: with a toss nt 1c tn.i Reptetnb.r % e. Corn
itii.l oats left at ! tlnChftflgeI. ( l'ork lost 1'c
LlfltI rThM 2V2c. Lard cIoed unchanged.
The flurry yeMtordny seemed to have
, I ciearel ( ho atrno9lthcro un the Jhonrd of
'rrziIe and tatha ) ' there wo little to remind
one of the diRtftr1nLtce except lower prices.
The Loiter ( heal waii generally conSIdered
to be dead and butici , io ( itt US the trading
In deferred futures wui concerned , but the
obcquies of tile ca8h end of that remarka-
, ( 1)10 l4pecuIntiun were stilt to be ; errorrneti.
l'rices were not far from the closing of the
day for the majority of Hales , although ii
tow Hnie8 Were hiado at % e improvement in
eitember and December. July ohd down
3c and Heitemier ntui 1)ecember ithout I % iC
elicti ( luring the following hial hour's triul-
ing. It lecnme ruvnnretl before noon that
besii1e buyiiig ( ruin i.elter all tile Julie
Whent the latter hail coining to hiltil ,
Arniour & Ce ) . hiittl bought nil the cash
wheat lieI.i . by the young iecuiator In Mlii-
fleahiis ( flilU Iiiitith. 'l'hat gave IL little
tOne to the proceedings In the pit. ' ! 'hlu
gathering strength Wits increased when th
rumor referred to received the iUbstaiitiai
Cl ) liii ralat in ii Of tin' Prhlent of the I lii no is
I'rust : L'itIgs bank. To COIflhlCte the btil-
hisli combhliatloti , the weather was still wet
L lit TeXaS , where much of the WheiLt Is In
- zihiock , and it rained hleiLvhly lit 1ahlsaH iiiii
other western itntcs. Liverpool contributed
( a further itefli of hiulhish ncvs by cabling
thnt the wheat throughout CiLSt centrai
Ihisi3it S'liS threatened with ttnl failure
frini ( Irought , iiiiil ( hilt the worst was Proh )
able uniesu rahli relieved thu situation
. - . - - - wltiiiti it week. The l.Ivcrpool ( UOtRtiiflS
wore anything but buhiish , giving clear in-
4 thlcations of the abandonment of fi. threat-
died July corner In that Iflarket. July
WU13 Is 8(1 ( lair ceatni , or the ciliVaient ( of
ISe , a bushel lower this morning than it
closeil yesterday. hut Septeinljer was only
F lower by the eqtiiv&ilent. of "c a bushel
L uid December 5-Sc. July at Civerpool hiitul
recovered about Ge IL bushel of its early
loss luetore the cluse. Atianiie huort clear-
ItnCPs ( If vlwnt aild hour were CIllILi to
tlo,000 bu. ChIcago receipts were fourteen
S ca rs , against fourteen IL year tig.i. . J tily
OpflC11 at 7Si9c. ( ICCIIII'ul to 7ic , milieu to
7TIc.c , tile closing Ilgure ; Septeinier started
. ' , Ltt TO 7-$7l'.c , itid ulo'.vii to 1i9 7-Sc , lirnied
V liii to 7Oc at the close.
F Tue continued rainy weather and the
Inure settled feeilng in the wheat lilt crc-
iut&l a tlrin tuna in corn. July opened 1-Sc
leer itt 32 l-8324e , soul up to 12',4c , dosvn
to 12c , thueii lip ii ) : r2 :1-Se : asked ut the close.
A nor a weak start oats flriuued tip on re-
pcrts of vet weather iuiuii talk of ratikncs' .
Price5 at one tithe showed zC sirglit ILIVIIIICC
zig coiniunreul wlllu the cloie last night. July
14111 neil 1-Sc louver at 23 5-Se , soul ilovit iii
2 3-Sb21.c. ! rose to 23 7-S'bZlc and settled
buick to 23c.
Iteports (1 ! ' all linhirovetneilt In the elluuv
fever situintioli \lIssissIppl , together wIth
light receipts and lower hirlees at the yards ,
hu d ii n liii ! ( bun' I ii lurovisiu ) ns a t t lie start ,
vhi leli reicteui ; lii ter a n sel I lug by 1ii ilslu
) uckiiig colicerniu. Swift viis also it seller.
1'rlc ( IPOIICII ut $9.CO , siuhul to $ ) .7O declined
to 9-lO itliul rose to $9 .1 at I hue ( 'ins. ' ; .Jutly
lard started 5i'c higher at $5.S2l/i3..5 , ( ii.- ?
dined to $5.7O1I5.72 , lirnuel to $5.72'/.4v5.75' ' . ,
the Cli4iIlg ( tigures : July rIbs begun 7c better -
ter at $5.4T'I and declined ii ) $5.l7.
1tIinitted receliuts for ( iu'i .v are :
'Vhent , 70 cars : corn , lo1) ; I ' , 1GO
curs ; higi4. 27,000 luenil.
Leading futures range as L
ArtIclck.TOD.un. [ i 111:1. . I Lthv. Clo.o. ! YOiLY
. " hiat. ' .
Juiuue . . 5S RI sr.
July. . 7itO it ) uI 774 71)
r ' - - s..It. . . 7114 7lli t.lli 7OH 7O-7t }
lice. . 71h 70 703 * 71
Cy1r ; ; , : llh 3134 31
July. . . 32 . . * 42 5i 32 3.e
cpt . . . . . _ ' )4-JI : : lllg : : i2i 1t :13
2l-4 234 2 ( 234
SepL. . 21 21 2ti jj 2t3
July. . . 0 1O 0 7(1 ( 1) ) 4(1 ( 9 9 60
? SClt. . . 1) ) 771.i U 'JO 1) CLI Ii 61) ) U 80
L LMrti-
July. . . 5 S2l. 5 811 1. 70 6 75 5 7 %
Sept O 1)0 ) 92i 5 521i 5 824 5 8fl
Sb'ttlb *
. - - July. . . 471i 5 47'i 5 37 5 37 5 40
Sept 0 5 5 ; I7hl 45 5 47h. 5 50
- N2.
CILShL quotations were as follows :
] . 'LOUit-\Veul : staiiulurui brinds quoted
- itt $5.&O. with vrospects or $3.00 being the
znarket Price. agaitist $ S.00 IL nioiith ago.
whIJA'r-No. 2 sprIng , 78S0e No. 3
spring , 7351t3c ; No. 2 red , S5e ,
CO1IN-No. 2 , 3c.
OATS-No. 2 , 24c ; No. 2 whIte , 2Sc ; No. 3
'whltb 2Te.
FLAXSE11D-No. 1 , $1.14 ,
t 'ri io'i'itY SEIi1D-l'rlme , $2.G5.
1'1tOVlSIONS-i1es Isurk. per bbl. , $9.10
' 19.4. Lard per 100 lbs. . $5.70a5.S0. short
rIlOl sides , $5.25.G0. Dry gaited
shohlideN , boxed , 3.O'Yu3.25 ' ; short clear
sides , boxed , $5.SIfl6.O0.
Artlelea. ltecelptL Shtpmenti ,
hflour , bbi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , ) 4.300
% hiC , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .rilfl ruu)0o )
Corn , liii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,400 5'iL0l )
, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' , :143,300 :
, Ilebu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
iu 1ej. be. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,300 _ _ _ _ 70(1
( On the Produce exchange today the butter -
ter market was lirin , ci , aIuuerIe4 , 14j1uc
. , ( lairles , h11lc. Eggs , steau1y Ceeshu , 9c.
' LIve luou I t ry In gouul (1 exiuaiiul ; spring cii irk.
elu , 12t1Sc ; liens , 7c , turkeys , Sc ; chick-
oils , old , S'c.
Nl1YOIIIC ( l3l1lI.tI. ll.i1tlCI.i'l'4 ,
( ; iel-t 101114 for thi a' 1)su OIL Geiaa'riil
Ci , iii III II al I I I a's.
NF1YOItK , Juiiuo 1l.-FLOLJIt-rteceipts ,
21U0 bbls. ; cilwrts , ) , Sh5 laWs.
COItNMEAL-P.uli ; yell ) W western , 7
\lh1\1'-lteceipts 2S5c.t bit ; oXlnlt.
3517 ; luu. ; l41)Ot ) , easy ; No. 2 red , 03 ; f. o.
ii , flhholit , ( uXilorl gEntle. OlltiIini ( queued
liriner on freigli buying atul helter Liver-
hod cables tiuiiiu t'Xieetetl ; a reiuctlori fol-
lo Cal 411111cr realizing , but faIrly stead ) '
Colol It l'PI. . 0 % ii ii I cii it ii ala ) ' a ) a .iilvcrso trili (
IlV ( ' $ , CO lullh(11t'C a ) % 'CE ii isn Iuieii ru aico of
t1 ialUO's Ct ) II trol a ii ii cx Port vu iuio 114 closeal
iuta'aily rtt 2'tO advance on July , i-Sc tlec'iino
Oil Septenuber and 6-to rise on December ,
the latter gettIng gimul IatIIulwrt ; July , S2 %
j87c , c'loseil 13e.
COI1N-Ita'cehpts , 0S,471 liii. : oxport4 , 212 , .
184 hu : spot1 sttiitly ; Na ) . 2. 34 3.St' . Options
OhCIul ( S ti'iial y a tid svern generali y ihrin nil
( lii ) ' Oil bati ccliii iuusvs imiul cIvL'ri Ru g ; eloseal
partly 1-Sc net higher ; July , 3I'tj37c , closeal
30 7-to.
OA'I'S-lt'C'hlutl4 100,000 ijul.
, , : exports , 19,93S
lull. ; Hl1t , t'iisler ; No. 2 , ? J14t ; ? .o , 2 white.
:13m : ; , Opt lotus verau tI UI I a wea ker I ii t lie
lLIH3ell'e tuf lniylii , liuterest , closing % c net
lower ; July , 2tljilc , closing at 20c.
1101'S-Quiet ; stOle , coIuuilmoru to choice
3f4c.WOOLQuiet ; lleeee , 15j23o ; Texas , 13j
Chl1ES1-Qu1et ; lIght. skiinaa , Stiiic
part kiins. 41j1:5e : full skimi , 24j2Lc.
t'uk ; cii ) ' , 3e ; cotiiitry ,
3 3S(3e.
l11Il-lIrnu ; fair to choice , $ '
Japan , f 7-S@tc.
MOLAI3SES-Stt'mudy ; New Orleans , Opeft
kettle , good to choice , 2731c ;
1a1 i'rA lS-Tlm ( Vail ore of the today's
unarket Was IL further imluroveiuueit iii spei.
icr utah 5)11(11) ) rally in lend. 1'Ig iron wnr-
rnnts ruled easy at $6.50 hal and $ , t3 abkeil ,
1.iuke cohuluer s'aia thou Ivith $ ll.&uJ
' ] 2.C ) , tsled. 'I'm was 0115) ' at 19.15. Lenil was
strolls (1111 hIgher , with bid itaud
V _ _ _ . asketl. Hlueher ( 'ls strong and
rrv , wit h 15.00 hId iind $523 masked. Lead
w us alUoleti lit $ : .G5 h' ( lie iiru nanuing the
scttiiiig lrlm'u for ieaclinc mninerim and
1lU'r1'll-lteeelpts , 15,111 pkgs , iatedy ;
westerlu creIuIluer ) ' . 1tJ17c ; Elgins , ITC
factory. 10'ftm13t' .
. . ' lUtJt3-1teceihut5 , 9,061 jukgs , steutly ; vest-
eri * , 12c ; sutIierii , 1)YJ.411c ) ,
lCaaul'ans ( 'I I ) ' rtai n iiiuul lruiaaiai ,
14 NSAS CITY. June 14.-\\'i I EV'F-Al.
uilost at latanahatili : No. I barth , SOc ; No. 2 ,
tmiS'4c ' ; Nai , 3 , 8S'.jO ( No , 1 roil , tc ; 2 ,
So : No. 3 , 7c : NO. 2 spring , list'l No 3 SOC.
. 'OIIN-Slghtly ! higher ; No. nulied , 311J' '
- - 3lc : No. 2 wlulto. 3lc ; No. 3 , 3le.
OATS-Active ; No , 2 whIte , 21 ( 5c
ltY1'-SIVIIIIY No. 2 , 41 ½ e.
hAY-Timothy and hurairie , $1.50.
1lu"vr1 lt-irmmi ; pralainery , 12J14C
dairy , lOilil2c ,
EUGI3-Firn ; ; fresh , 7Sc.
ll a'rIuoI V1aa ( JIlarIct.
LiV1ltI'OOL. Juiio H.-Operatol S In JUlY
red whiea at the OIOluiflg today were nerv-
owl , The tlrst titisIneii doiuai was at 7LLI
down , eutbidu i1udeJ $ Uilloadlng and shorti
iaelhlng morn cnflalntly It rsuphuhy host Gal
morr. but rtiiiied a $ snny before the enhl
llnhihe,1. During the morning flulnelouS
llLlc'tliatlonu4 eruue(1 nccordlng to the
strpngthi of the buyers and iehIeri , but tile
panicky feeling wn eonflneal to the imm
( hate opening. The tothi ain.y's trading wa
not nInormal-150.OOiY quarters. OiuIflhafls
here regarding the Immediate future are
IIDt , u1tngther unfavorable , n the stoeks
of tenairnble wheat are tiil limited.
Loiter hi reputed to have cantract , in Liv- whiCh are still open and traders are
aniting a1evelopment before closIng engagements -
gagements ,
01.1 HA ( I1.tItTCCT ,
( auia1 U lain ( if Traila niul Qulotlut mu.
nfl Stniuie nvial Fniarr l'roslucc.
EC'.OS-Qooal stock , c.
iltY'I'TFiIt-Commuri to fair , D1iic : sei
Orator1 15c gathered creamery , i3J1io.
VEAL-Choice tttt. SO in 2O lbs. , quoted at
$ ioe : huge and coarse , Glc.
1.IVF1 t'OtJLT1t\-l1en , Gt4c ; old roost-
or. , Ic ; ? 'Pring ch1ekeiu , 1c ; ( luckM , 7c ;
lee5e , ( c.
1'lOEO4S-Llve , uer (101 , 7&430e.
IIAY-t1luhuli , $7.00 ; mi.1lani1 , $6.00 : low-
lQnti , $ a ; re straw , SI.t ) ; color rnmtkc the
puce on ha ) ' ; light bales sell the best ; only
. .oU riieu4 bring top h.rlet * .
ONIONS-New muouther , luer lb. Zc.
J1l'ANS-l lnhIi.iulcheal , luiLvy , ho , , $1.2.
i'OTATO1.S-hfme grown , 8C flew po-
tfltlC5 , per bu. , $ l. ' ) .
TO2dATO1S-l'er four basket crate , $ l.23
lI iii. Iox , The.
CITCtjMIh1lla-1a'r ' 4 bul. ilox. 75c ,
\'AX I1EANS-j-3 lu , box , 54Thc.
STitA\VflF 11111 115-MISSOIII1 ! , $1.50 ; p0(1.
( IIprs' stock , 11.001 Ora'gaun , $2.2. ,
1h1..CK 1ASj'Il11tfl1ES-1'er 21-qt. case ,
$ ii.rI ; 24-tat. ( ' 1150 , 11.1,0.
I I LAC IC 11 E ft It I I1S-$2.00.
I1ID htA5I'flIflhtIES-I'cr 21-pt. ease ,
$2.0) .
OOSFDl1tflIES-pcr 21-qt. case , $1.2MJ
t.'Ii111llIFS-p.ur 21-qt. case , $1.50 : POt 1O
lb. box , $ l.251i1.33.
l1L1CEl.FlIl.i1tltlEMissour1n , vor 21-
qt. Cfll ( ( ' Sl.2i1.rO.
PFACh1S-Som1thuern. [ , box , &c ; Cal-
ifornhit , 2'-lb. ' ) bOX , $1.251.tO.
A1'UICOTS-j'er 20-lb. Case , $ t.75.
0 RstNGES-Seedllngs , $2.50 ; Medlterra-
ban sweets , $2.50J2.75.
LEMONS-California , t.27j4.50 : fancy
Messina , $ .5.50f 6.00.
l3ANAN\5hotco. large stock. per
bunch. 2.00j2Z3 ; ineaiitiin sized bunches ,
$ l.75EI 2.00.
NUT-Almonds , er lb. . lance size. 12 $
130 ; small , lie ; 1lrazll4. er lb. , Otiloc ; E.ii-
11511 walnuts , 11cr lb. . fancy soft shell , 1HJ
lie ; siitlidnrd , Sij9c ; rhlberts , iuer lb. , lU
ileeltils , lOhlshlCd , medium. R17C extrit
large , Zi3c ; large hickory nuts. $ l.OOijl.1U
Per ho. ; small , $1.23j1.i ) 11cr bu. ; cocoanuts ,
pajr 100 , $4 ; peanuts , ras' , 5ij ½ c ; roasted ,
; 1I G.4c.
2alM'Ll SY1UP-Five-gal , can , each ,
1:1,73 : ; gal. cans , pure , per dog. , 12 ; halt-gal ,
can , $3.2 : quart eamus , $3.50.
F'IUS-lnuiuorteai , fancy , 3-crown , 14-lb.
boxes , bc ; 5-crown , 41-lb. boxc , Dc ; 2-lb.
lIXO5. 22't23c per box ; CalifornIa , 10-lb.
ba , 31.
IIONEY--Chiolca white , 12c ; Colorado am-
ter , iOillc.
( ,1ltAUT-Pcr bbl. , $3.50 ; per halt bbl. ,
DA'I'ES-lIaIloreo , GO to 70-lb. bores ,
5'c ; Sair , Sc ; li'urd , 9-lb. boxes , DC.
eIDF1IO-l'er half bbl. , $3 ; bbl. . $3.
II1DIIS-No , 1 grc'n hides. Cc ; No. 2 green
hIdes , 5c ; No. 1 salted hides , Sc : No. 2 green
14LltC(1 1iiule , Ic ; No. 1 veal calf , S to 12 lbs. ,
Dc : No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 hls. , To.
'I'AL LOW , 0 1t11AS E , F1TC.-'l'allow , No.
I , 3c ; tgllow , No. 2 , 24c ; rough tallow , 1c ;
white grease. 2 ½ jm2c ; yello' and brown
greitso , l'Aii2Vc.
Slilil1I' i'ELTS-Green salted. each , 13
75c ; green sahte1 shearings ( short wooled
eflFly skiius ) , ouch , lDc ; dry shetrlngs , ( short
wooleil earl ) ' slilis ) , No. 1 , each , Do ; dry
hlilit , Ftiisa and Nebrauka butcher wool
h'ItS , Per lb. , actual weIght , F1j5c :
dry flint , Kansas and Nebraska unurrain
( VOl ( lelt. per I ? , . , act'ial weight , 31J4c ; dry
lliiit , Colorado butchei wool Pelts , P0 lb. ,
actual weight , 43c ; dry Hint , Colorado murrain -
rain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight. 3
' 4c.
FIJRS-fleau ( black or brown ) $3.00j20.00 ( :
otter , $ i.50l8.00 : mink , 1560c ; { ueavel , $1.00
@ 6.01) ; skunk , 13c , 21c. DOe ; muskrat , 3c , Sc ,
Zc ; iiccooui , l&cljtOc : red fox , 25c0131.25 ; gray
t. , 25j&0c ; wolf ( timber ) , 23c4j$2.5O : volt
( irnlrle coyote ) , l0i3Oe ; wildcat. l025c ;
badger , &j4'ic ' ; silver fox , $3.OOij7).00.
St. t.oiils cuirnl Mat rlct'ts.
ST. LOUIS , June 11.-Fl.OUR-Dull and
lower. Patents , $ i.60114.SO : straigluts , $4.25
4j'4.l0 ; clear , $ .l.i0j4.10 ; metlluin , $3.5013.75. ;
WhEAT-Lower , closing 2c for July ,
% c for Septeiiuiuer atR1 ic for December
below yesterday. Spot lower ; No. 2 regl ,
01(511 , elevator , 33c asked : track , DG1397c ;
July , 72c bid ; St'lutemnber , Gb litl ; Decein-
lar , 6Sc ; No , 2 hard , Cleatu , SSc huul.
CORN-Futures strong , wIth the 1oso at
thin top and frnetlon better than yesterday.
SPOt neglected ; No. 2 cash , lc ; July.
33 7-S(3lc ; September , 31 7-Sc asked.
OA 1'S-Futures quiet , lIrm and fractionally -
ally higher for July. withSeptombor steady.
) ( ) lower : No , Z CaSh , 210 ; track , 2I(24c :
July , 23c bId ; September , 21c bid ; No. 2
% 'Iulte , 29c.
RYE-Quiet at 40c.
SEIlS-Flacseed lower at $1.10. Prime
tiniotliy seed , $2.232.t5.
CORNMEAj-Lowar $ at $ l.701.75.
I3ItAN-Duhl ; 5lc' bId for sacked , east
trac ,
I 1 AY-Easler prairie , $ & 0Ol0.O0 ; timothy ,
$ t.00iI'l1.&O.
BUTT ER-Higher ; creamery , 14j l5l4c ;
dairy , 1O7il1. _ . _
EGOS-Steady at Sc.
\v I I I S l Y-S1 .23.
JJAOGING-6 3-S7 3-Se
- - - ,
M ETA I .S-Laeul , strong at $3.724j3.75.
SPelter. higher at $4.S5j5.O0 ,
PItOVISIONS-Pork steady ; standard
111055 , JobbIng , $9.50. Lard higher ; Prime
I4tt'ain , $5.55 : choice , $5.63. Bacon , boxed
luouhtlors. $ S'Ji4' : extra short clears ,
Ribs , m.S0 ; shorts , 36.75. Dry salt
lUCILtS , boxed shoulders , $1.75 ; extra short
clear. $5.73 ; ribs , $3.37 ½ : shorts , $0.00.
IIEC El PTB-Flour , 3,000 bids. : wheat ,
6,000 ho. : corn , 58,004) bu , : 'oats , 27,000 bu.
SI I I I'M I NTS-Flour , 7,000 , bids. ; s'hent
15.000 bu. ; corn. 107,000 bi , ; ont , 19,000 bu.
Nt' ' ' * orlc " .Vha'cit Uitr1et.
NEW YORK , Juno 11.-Contrary to cx-
Pectatiulus , the Liverpool market opened to-
alny fairly steady on Into juosltiolls and wIth
less alechlno on July thqu the CohlalusO froiuu
tIm huh deal would s.cni . to justify , 'l'lie
result hero thIs morning wiis a strong ole'Il-
Ing 'ltlu foreign hens 's , good buyers itluul
local traders covering shorts. There vas
some reaction from ttitao hurlces , hut the
inlLrket on the whole ruled very stonily ,
cloaltig from 1.Sc lower to 5-Se higher ; 1)0.
ceinl'r . was the feature , leadltug everything
( 'l$4 ( in strt'nthi and for tile llrst time this
your passing thuo , September , ' more
) iciilthiy ccmnulhtion cf speculttioiu , was thus
indicated aiiil lnlyers would aloubtless have
been more prominent in the day's transactions -
tions had It not beohl for the fear of further
iiquI'liltmoiu ' lii thto atljustnucnt of Loiter's
accounts , Foreign hiuui renewed their
export buying : jnuny untiLvorllblo crop re-
iuorts came in from the southwest iund from
Itussii , , while the world's visible siil't'd a
weekaa a1ecreqc of 2,050,000 bushels , All of
these served to offset In Part the dlsturbiiug
Chicago news iiiuil restrained ftirthier aggressive -
gressive vork by learoIdrators. 'l'lue range
Oil Sehutomnier luiiW WAS , from 76o to
7 ; 7-Se , closing ut lie ; December OlOlleul
7-So unler September , luassed It on several
occnsionaa aiulelosed firnu at only 1-So dis.
count ; July sold from STe down to 82c ,
closing at 83'4c.
Ea11i'iare Mnrkei. .
li/t L'rIMOR1 , llhl. , June 14.-FLOUR-
\Venk anti lower western superfine , $3.500J
3,75 ; we'storn extra , $ i.O0i4,75 ; western
fIlially , $5.OOj5.50 : winter wheat $6.0O'ii.G.75 ;
siuring wheat. $025710.50 ; sprIng wheat
strnlilds. $6.00436.ZD ; receipts , 7,220 1)1)114. ; oat-
Ports. 3,270 hibls.
\'IlEAT-LYnsettleil ; spot. tll09t 7-8c ;
July S0iSlc : steamer No , 2 red , b3$1S1c ;
rt'ceflutS , 2u,5T4 ; ho. ; exnrts , none ; southern
vhieiit , by 5811)1)10 SMjD3c ; southern wheat ,
lull grade , ( ,
CORN-FIrmer : spot anal month SWfO
SCe ; July , 35tJj8Cc : stoaliier mixet , 2II.D
2Vc ; receipts. 223,359 bu , ; exports , 231,425
bui. ; southern white corn , S3jj30c ; sontherii
ytllov 334.44354c ,
O.Vr3-Duhl and easier ; No , 2 , 329132c ;
No , 2 mixed. 30fJ30',4c ; receipte , 22,268 bu , ;
cx ; urt s. 111)1)0.
I1l'1'TE1t-Htcady ; fancy creamery , l7c :
falucy Imitation , IGe ; fancy ladle , lIe ; good
lnaiie , 14c : store ibackeul , lOOj12c.
Efl(1S-Steady ; fresh , 1O,4c. !
Chii1ESl1-Stciuly ; fancy New York ,
large tI4)c ; fancy New York , medium.
9'Mjlbc ; fancy New York , small , lO'1jl0c ,
. ( ' , , ltirla'd ,
LIVERPOOL. Juiuo l4.-VI11'AT-Spot ,
dull : No , I northa'rn spring' , Ss : futures ,
( inlet : July. Te 91 ; September. Os 2 5-Sd.
CORN-Spot Ainericnii , mIxed , uiew , quiet
itt Ss 2'd ; July , Zs 3d ; Sellti.'iiuber , quiet
tt 3 44d ,
F1.OUR-St , Louis fancy winter , dull at
12s Sd.
hIOl1S-At Londet ( Pacihlc coaBt ) , dull at
l'IIOVISIONS-Beet , chill : extra India
mt's. 75 $ , prime mess , CSs Sd , Pork , dull ;
i'ritiut ' , tnt's. ' , Iiiu western , 51s 3d ; ilrlnho
11)053. niedlurn western , dS.s lid. JLimn , hort
cut , 14 to 10 lb.a. . lirmn at 32s , IIIICOI , , steady
at 0s : iaiiort ribs. 32. ; long clear iuiid.
dId , light. 31g 6d ; bug clear middles ,
heavy , 3l Gd ; short clear backs , 31b ; elesr
Ii--- - -
l ) lIla's , .12s t4rd. prime wa'tern. dull at
.1a ) 3d Tallow. prime city , dull at 20s Cii.
c-1lIEsrDllhl ; American ihtuest whIte
and c oluareal I ltl runil hew , , 3s Od
OhI.S.-Cottnepi1 nil , LlveTpsi reflnd ,
st'aly at 104 Sd. Turpentine spirits , StPitd3
at 24s Dal. Ilo'.ltu , conunuon , steady at 'as. '
Imports of wheat into Liverul ; for the
week : Frcm AtlailtiC plrtma , 43,100 quarters :
I'aeiflc ports. leone : from other ports , 49,1r ( )
quarters. Imports of corn Into Liverpool
frc.m Atlantic Ports for thuc week 91.000 aluar-
Cina'l aititut I tlnrkct.
ClCl NNATI June 1 I.-WhhI'AT-\Veak ;
No. 2 red , SWl9O : ' ,
CORN-Nomlnni ; No. 2 mixel 314c ,
oATS-I Irm ; No , 2 fliXed , 2.U4J'23c.
ltil'-.Quiet1 No. 2 , 43e.
I'ILOVlSlOS-Lap1 , active at. $ & 5.i ; bulk
meats , mixed. stonily at $5.G2l ; bacon ,
teniy , at $0.70.
WhISKY-Firm at $1.23.
lhtrrTF1n-sten,1y ; FilgIn creamcr' , ISo ;
Ohio , IZOOlSe ; dairy , lob.
SIIOAI1-E.zisy ; hard reftned , $ l,47jO.t0.
EGGS-Steady at lIe.
CIIFI'iSli-Stcady ; good to prime Ohio
flat. , pa4c.
Grain Itec'c'lits at l'rluiclpiil ltzarke ( .
ST. LOUIS , June 1I.-Iteceipta : Wheat , 7
cars.MINNIIAI'OhlS , Juno 11.-ReceIpts :
\\'heat , 31 ears.
t'IIICACO . , Juno 14.-lceIpts , : Wheat , 71
CILtS. corn , 807 cars ; , 21) cars.
I ) tihuTli , Juiuo I i.-lteceipt : Wheat , 100
cars ,
lANSAS CITY , Julno 11.-Receipts :
\\'heat , 28 cars ,
'L'aleala , l nrla't.
TOLEDO , 0. , June 14.-WhEAT-ActIve ,
steady : No. 2 cash , rio ; June , DIc.
COIIN-1)uhl , stenily ; No. 2 mIxed , 22c.
O'1'S-Duhl , stc'iuly ; No. 2 mixed , 21e.
I1YIO-tull , unchuitmuged ; No. 2 cash , 41c.
CLOVIOI1SEED-Duill ; prime cash , $3.i.
I't'VII %
1'EOllA , Juno 14-CORN-Dull , inactIve ;
No. 2 , 31'Ac.
ovrs-DulI , Inactlvo ; No. 3 white , 23c.
\V1IISKY-Flrin ; high Proof iapirlts ,
$1.22 ,
l'lal liialhilaIii l'roaliee ,
I'l-IILADELPIIIA , Juitue 14.-I3t1'T1'fl- !
Firm ; fancy vestcrn creann'ry .tili lirliats.
1005-Stenily ; fresh western , l2'.c.
t1 I'rau las-Is , ' , ) ' .Vhii'nt. tliirket.
SAN FRANCISCO. Julue 14.-WlhT'LtT-
quiet : December , $1.53 1-5 ; Mn ) ' , $ l.23 % .
BARLEY-Quiet ; December , $1. 15 1-S.
wlUC1cs .tNl ) haNDS.
CoihlIhIse alt 01Ylii'nt Ilciul lta'suills Ill
Llii'ai'ttleal S''euliatioii
NEYORIC , Juno 11.-There was a. aIls.
osltion in sPeculatIve circles today to
await the further progress of events after
a serIes of testings by the lurofessional ele-
mont. There was evidently an expectation
at the opening that there mIght be cc-
tievctl lressLlra.u of forced liquidation on account -
count of the chlahso ) In Ohio whueat. deitl ,
The bears were lureparetI for such a ale.
velopment wIth considerable colItilleilce ,
bringing about declInes of it Point In 1301110
0115013. No llefl'y offerIngs \vero encotiut-
ered at Ohio decline , however , ittlil 1)r1ce linal
come back about to Ohio opening level be.
faIre the CuLl of the llrst hiatir. Litter In
Ohio day there was renewed selling on IL
large scale , whichu was attributed ta Clii-
( ' 111(1) account , (111(1 thuI served to reawaken
some apprehension as to the extent of thin
dii ma age alone t e th o lhiiit iicliil fabrIcs by the
collapse In vliont. 'l'lihs toiidoiicy of Prices
UnsettletI the totie of the speculation iiiial
resulted In a rttthuer aluil market for the
rest of the tiny. 'I'hi' streiigthl of Manhiat-
tan and Che'elaitd , Cincinnati , ChIcago &
St. Louis stocks and the firmness of Sugar
ittiil TOlI1CC(1 Oil tIle later tla'mllii.s helpeil to
sustain the market.Vhuhle the Immediate
inhhuenco of the wheat colhiipse is past ,
there are several considerations which
served to keep alive the reactIonary spirit.
Fot' one thIng , there l 501110 anxIety to
llnd Iuy the subseriptiomus to thle luew Pub-
tic loan will larogress. If the bonds itro
taken by small ln'estors tlio effect on tIme
icoiloy market which many result Is an Un-
i3Ol'Cd problem. It is considered probable
&tt all events tlitt millie ) ' svhil beconie
dearer , though iuo actual strlngeiu'y Is
lOllted for l ) ) all ) ' competent observer , The
indicatIons are for another tIming that the
hc'avy grain movement over western rail-
roials iiis P.LSSel Its maxImum and sniiic
falling off in earnings is to ho expected in
consequence. 'l'he now revenue law lit force
twIn ) ' hits one or two features whose of-
foot on the stock market values is a matter -
ter for consIderatIon. Prices of bonds
yielded in sympathy with stocks , but losses
were nut large and there vas no pressure
of lIquIdatIon. 'l'otiti MUlOS , 31.040,000. UnIted
States new 4s , registered , advanced . 11cr
cent ; United States 4s , coupon , 1 er
cent : tIle old 4s , COtilOii , ver cent ; the
ild 4s , regIstered , aiid the 5s Y. per cent in
the bId price.
The Evening I'ost's London financial Ca-
blegranl says : The stock markets here
were stngiiitflt today , the brokers being at
the Ascot races. Americans were ( lull , clod-
lOg at ahout the lowest oq the collapse of
the Loiter wheat deal. ThIs caused a semi-
panic on the I..lverpool Corn exchange and
rencwed rumors as to tIle solvency of seine
flrms hero. The Sehigmans announce tile
, ietalls of the United States government
Icon and that tIme ) ' are prepared to remIt
stbscrlptioii , from hero. It Is understood
that tIme Brazilian funding chieme recently
detailed in these iIispaches wIll soon ho
submitted to tile hiontl holders by a council
of foreIgn holders , acting for the Rothis-
chills. vtmo prestilnabl ) ' dislike associatIon
with Brazil's temporary default. The sup-
ohy of American bIlls offereal fair discount
Ii , again large. 'rho thiflicultles connected
with the recent issue of ChIlean treasury
bills nrc in the course of arrangement.
The following are the closing quotntlon
of the leadIng toek on the New York
market today :
, tchiIuon . . . . . . . . . . I 3 IIt'aII C. C. . . . . . . . .
tb pfd . . . . . . . : ua St. P. . ( flit . . . . . . . . . 77t1
lioltitmuore .11 Ohio lotO do ufe . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Canada PaciSo . . , 854 St. P. hal. & 1,1. . . . . . . . 141
CanaCaSoiitlierzl 51 So. I'ieltlc : . . . . . . . . . 18
Central Paclilo. . . . . . 13 % So. Ituliway. . . . . . . . .
Chics.nlO. . . . . . . . 221.5 So. Railway pf1 21It
CIiIcago&Alton..U8 Toxa .t Paciltc. . , , l1S
C. . ii. .1 . . . . . . . . . . . ( ) Union PacifiC PM. .
C. & E. t. . . . . . . . . . 114' , U. p. p. & . . . . . . . . ai ;
C.C.C.. ¼ St. L , . . . . . 33 SVnhiaah , . . . . . . . . . . . 'lW
, lo fd. . . . . . . . . . 135 % Vnbaaaha . . . . . . . . . . 1815
IJdh. .t lluth'aon. . . . . 10JLu Wheel. & t. F. . . . . .
Del. L.V. . . . . . . . . 100 % Vlieh. . ? L. 10. ld 11
Den. . ' 1010 G . . . . . . . lJ" . Adaiii Ex. . . . . . . . . . loll
ito . . . . . . . . . ' Aiuisrtrahi lIx . . . . . . . 127
ErIe ( iia'Wl. . . . . . . . . . 1:1I : Uiilta'th Str.tea lOx. , Ii )
Erlolstpfd.10 SVells Farm ) E'C . . . . I 113
Ft. Wayne . . . . . . . . lOllimo. . Cot. Oil . . . . . . .
GraatiortImnrn nfih.175 .4. Cot. OIl pfil. . . . . 7l : (
Llocicimir Valley. , , (1 , tun. Splrtt'a . . . . . . . .
IiIhlioIsCiimtr.tI. 10-I SotrIti mifil. . . . . .
Lake Eric & W. . . , Ink Aiim. Toaacco . . , . , , I
Could. . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 iloplu. . . . . . . . . . . . 11'I
LnkoShiore. . . . . . . . 11.11 I'c'oi1o's ( mu. . . . . . . . lliI :
I.oui.villo & NIL'3Ii . 5i'4 Coii'a , I lIlla . . . . . . . . . 21)0 ) t
) Iamlinttaii , Ij. . . . . . 1a)4 ) Couui. Ca'lai Co. . . . . 1 5
Met. St. lti' . . . . lao ; Cot. l' . & lion . . . . . 91
2' ! Ichi Iran Ccii . . 1 119 10 00 01. . . . . . . . . . . till
Mimmim , . ' St. L . . . . . 11P1 1rii , SIa'eirio . . . . . . .
( II ) lstnfd. . . . . . . . . 1)0 ) IhhliiolaSleei. . . . . . . . liii
No.l'aoilie. . . . . . . . . . :1 : ttj l.a Ototme Ua . . . . . . .
Nobiho . Ohio. . . . . 9(1 ( Lu'ath. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34t
io. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 tin plC . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Uii4
Mo.IC. .iI ' 1' Itil. . . . . Jlhl : Nat. i.Ii. OIl. . . . . . . . 17
Clii. . liul. .i _ L. . . . . . 0)4 Oreeoii liitp. Co. . . . .
60 nl. . . . . . . . . . . . 3(1 ( l'aehilc 7'Iahi. . . . . . . . .
N. .1. Conical . . . . . . ( ii l , l'illiiuaii I'aI. . . . . . . I 87
N. Y.Contral . . . . . . 1 1 .l I SlIver Certlileati'a , , 574
N. V. CImI , & St. L . .1' .1 511111(1. Rope & 'r. . . .
Oolst old . . . . . . . us Sneer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1384
thoM lull. . . . . . . . . . 33 do iuttl. . . . . . . . . . I 14
Norolhc.3 Woitorn 13 T. C. . iron. . . . . . . . 2311
No. Moor. Co . , , , , , , 1fl4 U. S. J.'attier. . . . . . . . 7
No. I'aelflc . . . , , . , , , 'JHI ( do td . . . . . . . ' . , . ,
do nfd . . . . . . . . . . . 0815 U , . 11nbber , . , , . . 2 1 15
Oiilario3 V . , . , . , I5l do pid . . . . . . . . . . . . . 814
Ore. IL. Nay. . . . . . . . 513.5 VaHtaril , Union. , , , fti1 (
Or , ' , Short LIne. . . . . 20 Northwestern . . . . . . .25
I'lttsburii . . . . . . . . . . . lilt ) ale lint. . . . . . . . . . . . . 171) )
R"adiiii. . . . . . . . . . . . ltIj it. (1 , W . . . . . . . . .
Bock island. . . . . . . . 1051 , ft. (1 , , ! W' . 11111. . . . . . 1l40j
S. 1. . . . ' S. F . . , . , . , , , 7i $ , Clii , ( it West. . . . . . . 1211
(10 lstpfil. . . . . . . . . 313 lteadliijr 1st PflI . . . , 41114
St. i'iilll . . . . . . . . . . . 09 St l. & S. 'IV. . . . . . . , 5 %
ilo efd. . . . . . . . . . . l48. do. ofd. . . . . . . .
flie total sales of stocks today were
417.400 shares , including 16,750 AtchIson pro-
ferretl. 7,755 Chesapeake & Ohio , 40,135 CIII-
cage , Burtlntun & Quincy , 9,510 Clovehanil ,
CIncinnati Chicago & St. LouIs , 7 840 Louis-
'iiIe & rJashviile , a0SGO Malilmattami , 8,751
Missouri i'Ochlk' , 3.393 Now York Central ,
5.4'J Noriim'g'ii I'uehlle. 9.O3 Northern I'a-
cilia lireferred 10,333 Rock island , 3,455 S.
1'&ttil 23 sr.s hilton l'acillc
& , , 19,750 Tobacco.
4,3)0 Chicago & % 'osterI ) , 41,101 l'eoplo'a
Gus , SJ.833 sugar ,
, , , SlP'ic ( lalutal bus.
BOSTON , June 14.-Call loans , 10i3 per
cent ; time loitmi , 2'4,41 iuer cent , Closing
price8 for tock , bonds unti mining allures ;
A'I' . k S. 1" . . . . . . . I 3 Atciiliaorm 33
AwerlC3n Sugar , . 13131 lioaaton h. . . . . . . . . . . 65
Ani.Sngar Oft ! , . 113 1. E. I . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ilaur State ( ) a. . . 1 15.10 Geiu. EIac. blEd. . . . . . 112 %
EsIl relepacimo. , . 2II5 Aclilaaoui 4s. . . . . . . . 01 %
HOBtOil& . ' .lU-uiv. 220 Gen , Else. 5 . . . . . . 3(13
De.'ton. Memo , , . liii 1Vl. Cent Os. . . . . . 194 , j , Q , , . , , , , , . 101 % Allotaez ! 41n. O , 4 %
Fiteluour , . . . . . . . 01)11 ) AtlahItlo. . . . . . . . . . . . So4
Orneral Electric , , 37 % floston & Mommlaa 21)1
lihiiiola Stool . , Sti llutto& liostcu. , , 2214
Mexiciui Central , , 44 Calimet , hbocIt 570
N. V. & N , 2 . . . . . . 95 Cenlenlllal . . . . . . . . 141t
Oia otoiw . , . , 1138 Frftnkilo. . . . . . . . . . 13
0.8. , . , . , , , , . . . . , 'JO Ocol , , . , . . , . , . , 4(1 %
ltupDer . . . . . . . . . 21 C.uliicy . , . , , , . , , I 15
Illiloim l'.tcltiu . , . . , , 23 % Tanutraaii , , . . , , , , , 1110
IVCBI EOU . . . . . . . . 8:314 : % Yoiverlnes , , , . . . . , 22 %
West EuO old. . . . . 1(15 l'arroit . . , , . , . . , , , 2214
% v , 1iec. . . . . . . . . . . 25 016 Iouiiuion. . . . . .
w. iloc. : Did. . . . . . 53
1'oreIiri I'iimuailulnl ,
LONDON , June 14.-The market for
American ecurtties ruled dull anti inactIve
all day , closing dull. 'Fhe amount of tIlIllioll
taken into 1)10 ) lhitnk of l'1iighitmid ouu balance
tOIu ) ' was 01000 : gold is quoted at 1lueno
A'res today at 161.50. Spanish 4s close4 at
33 3-16 , a 1101 loius of 3-16.
I'AltlH , JumlO I4-iluabiiess was ( 'aim on
the bourse today. Early realizations caused
Ii rei thin but prices loa , 'ii trahitr Silan.
ihi lii ivere heavier anal lImi Tlntous worn
easier , owIng to the decline in the Price of
clulor , Siunnlsh Is closrl at 34't , it uwt hui'
or 1-13. Three l'r cPnt T'eflteai , 103t , 7 ½ o for
the flt'cohilit.
niRLlN , Juno 1L-fluslncss on tue
bc.tmrso toalruy was irregular aluil iirlcs uero
Wenk on New York nilvieps concerning the
collapse of the Loiter wheat corner , which
lowereal American seciultiemi. Internationals
ser.- maintained and local shares vero
Ni. aw ' % ark 3hianilarhel. .
-uiumInnhIv lih5il 11cr Cent.
i'lllalE MERCANTI l.i'1 l'Al'Filt.-.34j1 per
EXCiIANOII-Steady , with
netual btisinosma In Pankers' hIlls at $ t.t54
i4S5 for aIeinand atOll at Sl.St, , for
sixty days : IuOstl rAles $ I to $ i.s5yri
4,6t : commercial iStils , $ L11.'IfIS3yL.
SI T.V F110 CERTT hi1C'ATi'S57ojssuc.
RAP. Sll.VIIt-tatr
MEX1C4N hOLLAILS-4514c' ,
GOVEIONMENTtlNDSIrregulnr : nets'
45 , reg. , lh2Th : uipsv.4a , 4'OiIiOfl , 123 : 4s cog , .
las : 4s coupon , 109 ; 2uic0'Aj : l'aciilc ( bu of ' 99 ,
101. ftl , , )
Closing quotations on bonds tvere as tot-
lows : -
tJ.nnw4s. mr . . .l21''iTh , . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11. 4q COlill 1241 , q . . . . . . . . . . . . 1(1.1
lIS.4ua.rnu , , , , , , . . 11)8 ) % No.l'aetrin .115
Li.5.4.i,00Iiii. . . . . . . 110. Nc. Paclila 3q , . , 02 %
II. S. 2s. rsr. . . . . . . . 0)31 Ne. I'aelfle 4. . . . . . 0 ?
11.5. 5.i row . . , , , , . , . itiui : ) ( , ! 5L L4s.hIhl14
U. 8. 5. , . couui. , . . . . .1 I l1) ) N. a Vt. liP. , . . . . . . 12(1 (
PistrIet u , ( l3 . . . . . I I 4 10 , W. Consoli..1 1(1 (
Alcilas A. . . . . . hO's ? 4W , l.,5.i. . . . . . 1113
A Is. . class ii. . . . . . . I 03 , ( ) "o. Nav.1 mats . . , , . . . I I S
Ala , , 'll5 ' 3. . . . . . . . UI ) ' ) i't' . Ha , , 44 . , . ,
Ala.Ullrrenc3' . , . . ta&hlo. . L , . 'Ii ' , 1. r. . . . . .
Alciiaoim4j. ( . . . . . . . 0240. S.t 5. . 1. r. . . . . 11)0 ) %
Atchison It'iI , 4s. . . . l15' ( ) , Immin. 1st. , 1. r. . . . I Ill
Cfl118085.9ltlS. , . . hOOt t11uau , S'a. t. r. . . . . . 51)
Chicago Tort-is. . . i'aclric b'a qI ' 03 , , 101
( i. 514 I 1414 ltai1tiir 4a . . . . . . . . 8314
(1.11. .a P. 44i . . .IO&1i. It. ( LWoat 1t . , , . ItS
l ) , & It , C ; . IsIs . . . 11)04 ) St. t .1 , t. .51. Cu , 1 0114
n , & IL. (3 , .t'i . . . . . . . t)1 ) 81. 1. . .i8. t'.UeaO , 31)14 )
: a1'r.uiiiu. isis. . . . liI't uc 1' . ( ? oiaols , , . , , . . 14 ? .
Erleucim. 4s. . . . . . . . St. P. C. 1 1' . tsL. . . I 113 %
F. v. p. Is. I. C. 7 I st. I' . o. , ' . Si. . . . . I Ph" . ,
' ) , 1'll"c. b' ' , . . . . . 103 SonLuerum ) lOw. Ss. . , 1)114 )
(1. if. . s. , t. ai. . , . 103 t it. .Si P. Us. . . . . . . (113
( I. II.. ¼ 13. .5. 2t13 , . .105 sotls 91 %
lltT. r.eiit , s .I 0) ) ) t'cx. l'Ilc. 1 , . (1. 1tJ' 1(334 (
ll.tT.U.cmm ( Os. . 101(4 Tex. I'aci. lt. tit1 , 3'IS *
lowi (1 , . . . . . inim. : U I' , P. &O. lsti. . 60 %
Lii. Now (33n , 4. . 10 , ) Wab , I at Sq. . . . . . . . 1011 %
c &N. thu 4 . . . . . 01)4 Wab. ' 2ilaa. . . . . . . . . . .
? , lta'oiirl , ai'a. . . . . . . 101 % Vt Shore 4'a . . . . . 1(11314 (
11 , g , T. 9.1 3. . . . . . ( ( :1 : Va. Ce , , turle . . . . . . . 7111
M.C. &T.4q . , , , 811c Va. 'hef'arretl. . . . . . . . 5(4
N , Y. C. PaLs..I 11331 tJiiiii l'acIIli , phI. , 500
N. J. ( ; . mu , . . . . . . . . . I 1411 UnIon t'aeli'tci 4.a. . . P ,
Sitn trnhIclMba ) 31 liming ( Luotni imis.
SAN FIOANCISCO , .Tunt , l1.-Oihlclnl cbs-
Ing aluotations oil mining stocks today % % ere
118 foliow
. . . . . .
Ait . . . . . . . . . . . . 1li1IcANrerosq , , 77
MbhaCoiu. . . . . . . . . 2 l-tmntucky Coii. , , S
A000s. . . . . . . . . . . . 7 MOxictili. . . . . . . . . . . 12
Ielciiair. ) . . . . . . . . . . II Oeclihciital Con . , . 61)
Reut.t ; Hauheher , , . Ill ) Ojuiilr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Oidlloii. . . . . . . . . . . 2 Ovenuiami. . . . . . . . . . . . a
Caleajonia. . . . . . . . . 18 l'otosl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Cliallruiga , Coti 1 41 Savag. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
C1.ollar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1(1 SIerra Nevada . . . . . 61)
COiifliflhic ( ' . . . . . . . . . . 33 (1111011 Ccii. . . . . . . . . 1(1
Coii.tizii. , e . . . . ' ULaht : Coil. . . . . . . . . . 5
( jiowii Point. , 8) Yellow .iack"L . . 19
6 tin UI .u ( Iurrlaa. . : 1 3 StIiidartl . . . . . . . . . 1 SI )
SIlver bars , 57 1-Sc ; Mexican dollars 46Vl (
4l33' drafts , sight. ISo ; telegriiilm , l71c. !
N.Iv Yi'ir tI In luujr Quuat n * 1(1115 ,
NE\V YOltR , .Tmiie I l-'I'lio following are
Ohio closing nliiliumg quotations : _ _ _ _ _ _
Iboliar. : . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Ontamio. . . . . . . . . . . 275
Crown t'ohllt. . . . . . . 0 ( lunir. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Cl' ! ) . Ciil. .1 , Va . . . . ' lyioonth , . . , , . , . I 2
D13z1&lwoou. . . . . . . . . ( II . ) QuicksIlver. . . . . . . . 1aiI )
UouId.i Curry..S Oiuleisilver eM. . . 20(3 (
hale , ! t 'Jorcros. , , 7(1 ( SIerra NaV.a1t. 53
hloiuiestaice . . . 41)1) ) ) StniutlarJ. . . . . . . . . lit )
IronSllver. . . . . . . . (33 UnIon Con . . . . . . . . . 1.2
! calI. . . . . . . . . . . S Yellow Jaoltcn . . . . 5
Juiiailiui So , k 3uititt inums.
LONDON , June 11.-I P. ni-ClosIng :
Coaie1s. lily. . . 1 1 1 5-lQ N Y. Central . . . . . . . 11014
Couio1ma. te.Ct. . . . . . . I I l4 L'pmiiisvlvaiila. . . . . . .
( :1111. l'acllie. . . . . . . 88t5 htceuhiir. . . . . . . . . . . 11)15
Erie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3414 , ttclilsoii . . . . . . . . . . . 1:1 : %
FrIe I a' . 11(11' . . . . . : l7 ' I. . .1. N . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ill. beotrei. . . . . . . . . 1I Iirititl : Tritlilt. . . . . . . . 835
) lrta'itim ) oruIinarv. 2I ( ) ) Iua. ( en. now 4a. . 66
$1. Paul coimiiu , DII . . . I 1(3 (
'J'huo rate of ( lisc000t In the OIlOfl market
for short bIlls , 1 7-P3 per cent ; three
uulIiitlkS' bills , I 3Sill31cr edit.
hAlt SIli\'Fi1t-2d per otlilce ,
MONEY-SJfl per cent.
l"l iii , ilciuil Noti's.
OIOtAIIA , Julie 14.-The clearings for the
, tIny were $1SOISb.8G ( ; balances. $130,975.17. The
. clearings for 1597 swore $ SOh,741.01 , amid the
I llalailces $173,291.44. Increase In clearIngs ,
circoao , June 14.-Clearings $19,552,564 ;
balnnce , $1,70,397 ; 3 llC'1 Ybrlc cltiitiige. 20c
lureinlum ; sterling , IiqStei , $1.S4014.55 : sixty
(11Ly13 , $4.S20'.j4.S5. Jjs nc'rvQus ; Biscuit ,
3'4 ' : l3iscult hroferroi , 92 5-8 ; 1)Iamond
Match , 138 ; North ( hFeago , 207 ; Struwboard ,
28Vest : Chicago , 12 5-8 ,
CINCINNATI , Jtinrr 14.-Money easy at
2',40j6 ier cent : NMv 'York exchange , 25c
preniltimu ; clearlng8" $9 000,500.
Sri LOUIS. Jund15.LCIearings , $4,525,143 ;
balAnces , $533,521 ; mommy , 57S 1(01' cent ; New
York exchange , 23c pemlum bId , 40c Pre-
mnIimm Itskel , , 'U' '
IIA LTIMOItE , j11j0rj 1.-Clearings , $3,117-
740 : hahitnces , $43IO1.I
- AIETuIPIIIS , Tefi , . , "June 14.-Clearings.
h42,5Q5 : balanceil , $2,0(9 ( ; Now York cx-
change , $1.50.
N OI1LFJANSJune 14.-ClearIngs , $1-
791,561 ; New York.oeJiane , bank , $1 per
$3,000 : commercial. 2.c'per $1,000 premium.
l'J 1lLA1)ELPI1I.A , iJtlno 14.-Clearings ,
$14a:1ITo2 : ; ; balaneos31,262,762.
N U W YORK , Juno 1 1.-Clean ngs , $19,587-
365 ; hitlances $1,95S1l3 ,
BOSTON , June 11.-ClearIngs , $ l9,9$7,36 ;
balances , $1,954,193.
' " ' ' '
CO't"J'ON ? ulAItlClO'I' .
Irra'gaular anal Peerll * 'I'one I're''nihi ,
'l'huraal2jIailt due Ia , .
NEW YORE. June 14.-There was an irregular -
regular anti feverIsh market for cotton Lu-
tures today , 'wltht total sales reLcIliiIg GJl60
bales , aliil Ohio tone lhiiahly steadied at a net
loss of 6j7 IOifltil Oil the summer mnonths
1111(1 1011 PoInts on thmo now CVOI ) losltl ) l13 ,
The Intluences were goimerally bearish and
cables svero dtsltpQIimt1ng. 'J'ho wnttlit'r
mind crop conditIons generally iii the cotton
belt score of a Iuearlsl iLs'ornge and led to
13.llltl local realizing. Thierai tynit an mib-
i3'flCe of otmtslde stacuhatlvtu slmiport , 'Flie
course of August t'omitrncts today led to
further tears of niuuihilujntion 11116 IiiOi'C or
it'ss llltllflldated the entire market. Spot
'Ci's dmmhi ; middling , (3 ( 7-ICe ; net rdC'lllH.
567 bales ; gross , 1,161 bales ; exhorts to Oi'
] lritmtmn , 921 1)310(1 ; to the contInent , 5SIQ
hiles : ; flitles , 660 bales ; stoc'l , 117,815 tmale.
Tatitl today : Net rea'dIhlts , 4,701 bales ; experts -
ports to Great Britain , 5,101 hales ; to ( lie
continent , 6,921 hales ; stlC , 'JGI,79h : : bales.
CiioItdittca1 : Net ra''olimts , 31,865 PitIes ; cx-
pcrts ) to Great IJrltiLiim , 3,301,091 1131dM :
France , 505,614 bilos ; ; continent , 2SSI,799
1)11108 ,
NESS' ORLEANS , Juito 14.COTTONli'im _
tui'es , stonily : sales , 11,500 bales ; Jo110 , $5.91
Ild ; Jury , $5.9705.99ugust ; , $5.lISiiS.9t3 ; Soil-
( ember , $5.S75)3.t8 ; October , $5.GS'1j5.67 : No-
'u'enlbor , 15.5803 5.90 ; lta'eznbt'r , $5.90'45.Dl ' ;
January , $5.93i5,3 ; 1 ; Fobril1tr ) ' , $3.9GU5.9S.
Spot , eitM' ; s:1le : , 451) hualos ; oril lIlac ) ' , 4 a-Sc ;
gosil ordinary , se ; tow XiliIllllilg , 5 7-ICc ;
Imildalilug , 6 11-ICc ; good Inidilling , Cc ; re-
( 'CilItit , 2,745 1)111013 : stock , 1201)56 ) limilt's.
LIV 111t1'OOL , Juimu I4.-CO'I"I'ON-I3pot
1mm mod crate da'miLmul , irlces , 0 iicliamigt'al
.Amerioan flllilhillg , 3 3-16d. 'l'ue ) aIes of the
abty wore 8,000 bCiIe , of which 501) wore for
SPIctliittiOil and export inh ( Included 7 504)
bales of AmerIcan , Iteceipta , 22,000
Including 20,500 bales , ( IC ArlIurican. Futures
opened quiet , with a moderate ale-
1110(1(1 und delIcti barely steady ;
American middling , 1. m , c. , Juime ,
33i-tWh)332-Sid ) , buyers ; June and July ,
3 31-640m8 32-Gd , buyers ; July amid August -
gust , 3 32-Old , bus'er4 ; August anal Septeni-
bor , 3 32.Glal , sellers ; Septemhlalr did Oc-
tohier. 3 31-Old. sellers ; October and NOVCfl-
her , 3 29-611j3 30-Old , salllers ; November and
December , 3 25-61J3 29-OH. sehleis ; Decein-
ber amid January , 3 25-64013 23.64(1 , sellers ;
January and February , 3 28-01f33 23.044) , sell-
cr14 ; I"obruary and halarchi. S 29.OId , value ;
Miirch and AprIl , 1 29-61C3 $ 50-64d , buyers.
Np. , ' Yarlc Iry (3.iols Market ,
NE\V YOI1K , June 14.-There was a moderate -
orate attoiphnnetm of buyers In the dry goods
markets today. Prints and ginghams were
utemuly st'lth mali oraher demand rather
good , Staple cottons shuowd no especial
chmaumge , I'rlnt challis were atm0t(1 for reg.
uinra and other godH contlnueal llrun with
a moIorato demnamual. The aleinafld liiis boon
quiet In time wobhi'lt ( Lepartinents , cotton
mixed being given tIme Preference over all
wool hues.
( ) ll.1irla't ,
OIL CITY , Pa , , Julio 14.-Credit balances ,
$6 ; cortltlcites chliietl1 amId offered at 86 ;
sales , 6 bbls. cash at 55 % ; iahlpunents , 100,316
SAVANNAII. Ga. , June 14.-Of LS-Spimits
of turilenIlume , flrnrnt'lc. Itosin , 11cm icid
WILMINGTON , Ni C. , Juno 11.-OILS-
SpirIts of turpentine firm at 2l'.i25c ,
110am. flrm at Crude turpentine ,
$1.00 , ; 1.&orjl.To. 'rar , rflrm at$1.25. .
Snmir-ljirkets ,
Steady ; open kottlL 3114 ° ; centrlfuguls ,
white. ; ' 5-Sc ; YFIJOW ; la000n(1ma ,
2,41t3 7.Se. Molause aLoud9' ; cclmtrltugal ,
N1W YOlUC. 'TYirno 14.-SUCIAR-ltaw ,
firm : fair retlnIrlg , 3o ; centrifugal , 90 test ,
4 5-ICc : rellueti , * lr/i mould A. 5 5-Ic ; Stan-
ditrd A , 5e : confectioners' A. 5e : cut loaf ,
S 7-Sc ; criiiahtid $ 7'8c ; powdered , $
Erunuiatod , S 3-c ; cubes , 6 5-to.
Becolpt.s rainy Libersl and Prices oii the
Bee-SAW Once More.
tiai.i&'rs Vt'r l'urt lenlur Alpipuit I'laa.Ir
IlCef L'titt'hiiirs , lint Qutite
, tuual.ns to ( let the
l'orlc aIR SILIC ,
SOUTh OMAILA , Jimmie 11.
Cattle. flogs , Slmea.'p.
Recipt tnday . . . . . . . . . . iulai 5ft 431.
Oltielal yoitertmay , . . . , . , , 3,031 2,24)4 64)2
Ulie worn ILgo . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. ( U 9.2b ( 11.18
'i'wo WeekS iigo . . . . . . . . . . ( , 'JIJ 9 , IJ 2Iui
One year misc . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.118 l2l2 42l
Ttro years ago . . . . . . . . . . ] , i23 1eS2 $ 1.5
The omelet number of cars of stock
brought iii today by CILCIL rOlid tyits ;
Cattle , llogs , Shicep. I
C. , 11 ! , & St. I' . Ily. . . . . . . . . 3 . . . I
0. & St. li. Ity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1
Missouri l'neiiie Ity . , . . . . . , . 11 4
Ummiout l'acilic Symatein . . . . . . 'hi 19 1.
1" . , 11 , & St. V. It. It. . . . . . . . 52 25 .
S. C. & 1' . fly , . , . . . . , , . , . , , . , 4 . '
C. , St. 1' . , M. & 0. lOy , , , , . , 10 1
13. & M. H , It , it. . . . . . . . . . . . lfl 2 ?
C , , It. I. & 1' . fly. , oust. , . , I . .
C , , It. 1 , & 1' . ity. , ivest I. . ,
Total receipt's . . . . . . . . . . . . is s I
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows , e.tchi buyer ImUrclmasing the
number of huitil Iltdlcatod :
Imti > 'ers. Cattle. iltugs. Shlc'ell.
Oninlut Pnckiumg Co , . . , . , 50 198 226
0. 11. llmtunmmiommtl Co. . , , 562 1,620
Swift amid COmmlllitmly . . , . 1,254) 1.610 , , .
Cudmthy l'ttcking Co. . . . . . 777 ls32
U. llockair lilitl Degttn . 243
Vitiisitiit & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . 21
iCrebbs & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1
1.ivlligstamn & Schlaler , , 4
11. llmtuniltoii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
\Vhlte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
MyerM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Cudmilmy I' . Co. , IC. C. . . . . 151
Oilier buyers . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Left over . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 . , . ,
Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,103 5,574 223
As'crage ; irlco 3)1(1(1 ) fur hogs for the lust
several days , with cummillurIsoims :
'l'oday's receipts of live stock footed till In
i'tlmW ) mitmumibers 230 cars , mis agaimuat 173 yes.
tertlay , 351 a week itgo , 327 its 0 Wa.'k ago ,
16 % three weeks ago , and 503 four vceks
ago. In other wortis the total itrrls'ais of
stock tOlit ) ' svere'er' iainail for time secofld
dm1) ' of Ohio week , In Ptct the siiiullt'st 1(11' U
'l'uestlay sInce thu mouth of AlIrli. Thu
filling ofl in arrIvals vits plainly tltlu 00
tIme sinialicu' receIpts of laugs IncIdent to the
1101(0' ) ' iielliiu of the lust Ia.'w thuys. ( 'ittlo
receipts acre just about up to time its'turngo ,
CA'I'TLK-'Poilay's rccL'lhita of catt lu ( vertI
just abotit up to the 1it'dlItge for a 'l'uesdiiy ,
111111 , 115 has luceli tIme case on itlunost t's'ery
( lily for tile 1:1st mmiontti or so , time 111(1st of
the ciittho oil stlo wore corn teals , of tt'imIc ii
time gloater proportIon were hiratitled SVeSt-
era steers.
Ittiyer3 were cailmlulalnlng that the uiunhlty
of tIll' tattle iL\'eragetl Poor itliul there rere
no duo bt IL good ninny L'oilrsc aimtl 01 II Ii ii 11311011
loads , 13 1 I I I t hi ore vits tlU I tu ii. .slurl iibci In g of
pretty lair stuff. 'I'Iue immarket as a ss'lui , ,
50'lIM hIlt lii bud shape iuid still It wius not
01111101) ' tu ) tIle hlkllmg of sellers. liuyers
were eviuleiitiy miot very 'hungry for cottlu
ituiihit thlero were quIte a gooul riiuuly hmie
tile ) ' look tlnie to look itlOUt tuliti Is'CrO it
bug while lii Ihliiiug orders. StIcIm cattle iti
luleiied thient they lutight UjI early 1111(1 at
lIl'k'cS thi.itvero not ( ItlotIthuly dIt3ereiit
11Oiii yesterday , Other cattle that Icr SCInC
reasn , or othii'r dId not hind especIal Imttcr
in the'Ir eyes ss'ere easier ulid in soimie cases
fully Sc lower.
it whole tile iliarket svas slow amid tIme
hleavlei' tilt' cattle ulId limo larger tile bruutls
tlit' huartler stork it wus to libya ) t lieiim. At
the Silimie tlnii' ( lie most of the cattle sold
Imi rensoiuuhly good 131'35lI.
Con's iLilul hollers were ill highl 8(11)111) ' ,
Oh I ) ' toil or a ( lozu.'n I 4)1111 13 belmig o liered a nu I
tIle niarkot alld hot siioss' ally quotable
ehlltlige. VeLl ; calves , bulls , etc. , soltl in
about tile i3tlimiO iioteiie as yestrility.
Thu fet' stockers olfored broughiL full ) ' .
stead ) ' prIces amid ( lie demand svias good.
QuIte a gouud iml1t ny hiitlf-fat. cattle 1301(1 for
feeders IllId the mmiarket on timat lcliitl ( , f
stiitT was huracticaily uliclmanged. lOop-
rt'st'uitativo sttes :
, 1. . 810 $3 7i 1..12L0 $1 55 40. . 975 $145
. :1. : .10:10 : 85 12 , . 275 35 26. .1050 4 45
1..IIIII 90 40. .1151 35 2. .1225 4 45
7. . 1,37 4 00 49. .1058 35 14. .1261 ' 1 45
1..1120 00 36..10l2 3. ; 56l339 4 45
1. tIC' ' ) 04) ) I9..1O'20 33 21.1243 4 45
1..ll5I ) 00 46. .1261 35 21. .1191) 4 43
3:1. , 9(13 ( 10 10..i&l8 :15 : 33. .1152 4 45
1,1321) ' 15 4..1412 85 16. .112:1 : 4 15
7..I30l : 15 3 , .1333 : ta 15 , .1248 4 43
1..1320 15 20. .1231 : ms lo. .1321 4 45
li..l106 24) 19. . 987 35 23. .1096 4 45
23. .1006 20 1. .1270 35 39. ,1224 4 45
1..l270 20 5..1015 35 1.1330 4 45
5..Il11 20 1S..124l 4 35 73 , .1260 4 45
12..I265 25 1.1020 35 70. .1310 4 4T14
1S..1300 25 9. .1187 40 1. .1240 4 47 ! ,
3. . 873 25 21..l036 I 10 19. .1251 4 50
5.1I73 25 37..1431 40 21. .1313 4 50
2:1. : . 807 25 15. .1052 4 40 56. .1317 4 50
13. . 220 4 25 20. .1431 40 25 , .1277 4 50
53. .1258 4 25 10..1102 40 17. .121.9 4 50
13..l440 4 34) 20..1138 40 34. .1179 4 50
39. .1156 4 30 20 , .1241 40 4 , .1012 4 50
l..1230 4 30 20. . 1460 4 40 14. .1147 4 55
37.lO53 4 30 36..IilG 4 40 3. .1193 4 55
l..1020 4 20 19.,1128 4 40 16.10'Jl 4 56
6S..1322 4 i4) 37..l2I1 4 40 24. .1071. 4 55
21. .1096 4 31) 44.,14ll : 4 40 4:1 : , .1185 4 55
JO. .liaS ; 4 ii ) 40. .1233 4 40 16. .1150 .4 55
19.1292 4 34) 21..1291 4 40 34. .3452 4 55
6. . 93'IJ 4 30 20. .1666 4 40 33. .1400 4 60
I8..14l2 4 30 3.3. .1152 4 45 20. .1193 4 60
25. .1316 4 30 59. ,1171 4 45 50. .1126 4 50
1.1340 4 50 37..i3'JT 4 45 30.1271 4 00
2l..1330 4 30 21..1I2.5 4 45 1. .1310 4 60) )
30. .112.1 4 30 19. .1145 4 43 21. ,1285 4 T2
33..lOi 435
48. .1190 4 30 45..1197 4 30
1. . 810 2 50 4..lliS .1 1.5 3.1lSl ) 300
1. . 95 90 1..1220 S 55 1.1140 3 80
2. . 720 2 90) ) 4..1160 3 64) 1..1200 S 80
1. . ' 250 3 00 3.l19I : 60 l.,1260 300
1. . 8.20 1 00 : l , . 683 60 S..1201 : SO
1. . 920 3 00 1. . 070 60 7..IlS0 . 85
1.1022 3 15 ) . , l220 I 65 'I. . 840 : 85
1. . 'JOt ) J 15 6. . 871 ' 1 65 5. . 980 55
1. . 870 ' 1 25 l..l:1a : I (15 ( I. . 890 85
2 , . 970 .1 25 I..llt1) ) 'I TI ) : 83
1. . 810 1 25 1.1010 .3 70 l0..1202 DO
1.1050 1 :10 : 1..120J ( 'I 70 .1.114:2 : 03
1.2150 : ; o 3.,1O1o 1 70 2..1385 00
1 , . 820 : m 1.1150 5 70 l..l5U 00
1.1020 : ms 6.1110 1 TO 1l..1I07 00
1,1154) ) 35 1..120) .1 7(1 ( 2..1165 00
l.llO ( ) 40 1..12tO I 75 3. . 97:1 : (30 (
1..IOlO ill 1..1199 I , . 2..1385 00
1..1130 50 1.1390 3 75 llO5Q Oil
12. . 913 54) 1. . 800 3 75 3..1026 00
3. . 00:1 : 50 1 , . 6)0 ) 1 75 2..1260 00
I. .1120 .1 50 6. .11413 3 80 4..l075 05
2. .1035 3 50 1. .1140 3 1,0 l..l5t0 25
1..920 350
2. . 603 1 50 17. .1011 4 20 1 , . 190 4 25
1. . 710 3 55 1..lllO 4 20 9. . 815 130
4. , 861) 3 90 5. . a2' ; ' ) .1 25 52 , . 803 4 34)
1. . 520 4 00 2l.1026 4 25 1. , 740 4 35
1. . 810 4 00 i , . 782 4 25 3. . 6.J 4 35
21.1002 4 10
l..1430 3 25 1.,1lO ( ) 3 50 l..I570 365
1,1140 3 : ts 1. .1510 3 50 l..l&SO 3 (3 ;
1..2070 3 3.i 1.3460 3 50 I..l520 365
3.1356 3 83 1.1160 3 05 2..1400 370
1,1130 3 35 l..144O 3 55 1.1500 371)
1 , .1450 3 40 1.135O 3 55 1. . 820 375
1. .1504) 3 40 1. .1310 3 55 1. .1000 37S
1.1010 3 50 1.1000 3 55 l..1650 385
1. . 770 3 54) ) 1.,1520 3 60 8. . 850 400
11.900 31.0 1..1581) ) 335 *
1..1260 3 f'O 25.,1190 3 80 14.1211 400
1.1000 3 61) 3..16S6 3 55 l.l040 4 00
1. .13)00 ) : i 70 1. .1220 4 00 10. .1272 4 15
1. . 930 375
1. . 410 2 50 1 , . 320 5 40 2 , . 215 700
1 , . 400 3 0' ' ) 2. . 315 5 75 1. . 140 700
:3 : , , 303 4 40 3 , . 250 6 25 1. . 130 700
1. . JO 5 04) ) 1. . 230 Ii 54) 2. . 233 7 00
1 , . 260 525
3 , . Gil 3 85 50 , . 11333 4 30 3. . 903 4 40
2. .1035 3 05 2. . 800 4 30 5. , i.82 4 45
1 , . 760 4 00 39 , . 907 4 35 1. . & , Q 4 45
2..l05O 4 23 25 , . 803 4 35 13 , . 71.0 450
1. . 780 4 25 1. . 900 4 35 3. . 466 4 85
44. . 790 4 25 30. . ' 183 4 35 3. . 490 5 25
1. . 750 4 25
110013-'l'iiere were about eighty loads of
hogs on 51110 , all told , wlmlch svas lmmall
( or a 'I'uesday. A ti'tilc ago there were
138 fresh loads counted In. two weeks ao
Ill nilul thlree svecks ago 174. Tile big break
In s'alues hiit evidently hail time natural
( fect itt last of shutting oft supplies.
Thu moderate receIpts constituted In tue
face of 11w good demand it bull luuiuence ( of
310 small importance , but It was by no
means the chIef. 'I'ho fact tiiut yesterday's
Provision miarket sas bettor and that time
nuarket oil lts'e hogs opened Iilghuer at Clii.
cage thIs unorimiog weru tile most Inlltiemitlal
factors giving strength to this market ,
Tue market ( ) lemIetl just about So 131511cr
and svtta faIrly active at tile aaivnncu , hInt
Is , auilhcieiitiy actIve to admIt of an early
clearance belxmg ioitilo. The close was strong
and everything offered changed hiummd , 'J'hio
bogs solu $ nil the WA ) ' ( rein $3.75 for light
and common loads Up to 3.87 for the bust
boavy amId butCher wt'lgttms. ! 4 he big strip
of lilixed loads sold itt $3,77443.S0.
TodaYs advamice hitj riot quito make UI )
for the loss yeatera1ay , time market today
riot beIng quite us trorig us on Saturday ,
and prMty chose tIl lob tower thin nwo
ago. lloprcmaentntIt'e Salo.
No. At'S Sb. Pr. No Ar Shi i'
21 . . . . , . 262 50 $3 75 S2. . . . . . 157
60 , . . . . . 241 1(0 75 00..21' ; SO 3'S
$5..21G SO 75 . . . . . . 3 "S
Tb . . . . , . 227 120 75 . . . . . . 10 375
64..2.37 , 160 75 71.'z : uj
; . . . . . .215 240 75 Cl . . . . . .2S8 120 3 771/
3ui . , . . . 21 * , , , 77 % ( ; a.t ; 000
i1 . . . , , . 2613 511 ' ( 79 , . . , . . 272 200 77
76 , . . . . . 231 120 aT 55..231 160 ' 7
145 , . . , . 2613 1Cm ) 7715 ( ; S . . . , , . 215 80 31 %
67 . . . , . , 237 . . 774 . . . . . . ; 160 3204
uS ' ' . . 266 8 : ) 7704 73..216 , . .
$6 . . , . . 246 . , . 7714 10..211 . . . 77 %
164 j. . . 215 100 77 % f.9..Ill SO 77 %
61..247 1211 77l4 70 . , . . . . 2'd , . , $0
69..238 IsO 511 Cal . . . , . .2 aS SO . SO
59..219 . . . SO (30 ( , . . , , . 211 . 80 , SO
f's..26.5 40 Sm ) . . . . . . . ; 210 5th
53..276 40 . SO 57 . . . . .214 . . . 3 SO
73 . . , . . 270 . 50 3 SO 63..231 130 3 50
. . . . . . 160 3 80 60 . . . . , , 2S , . , 3 80
62..267 , , . :1 : so ot , . . , , . 2,32 160 3 SO
( ; " " . . 234 ; IfO 3 80 6,1..234 121) 3 SO
TO..283 200 3 50 51..209 50 3 50
75..211 , , , 3 84) 4t..251 160 . SO
26..2)37 $1) 3 1.0 50 . , , . . . 215 5(1 ( 3 SO
TO . . . . . . 250 . 200 . SO 55 , . , , . . 262 240 310
57..112 120 . 50 72..2'h 120 3 SO
T . . . . . . ? M 130 82t4 70 , . . . . . 269 . . . 3 5JL
C'S..25) 82 % 33 237 82S
70..253 SI ) 82 % 66. , , : .233 SO 52 %
70..135 , . . 82 % SS , , . . . . 281 Si ) 55
63).291 . . . 85 67..283 80 355
57..292 SO s : ;
II..166 40 70 67..23 $ SO 3 TS
57..264 204) 75 14..2113 40 3 ' 23
Ti.220 , 40 77 % 75..237 250 3 77 %
ID..245 . ' 7104 2.1.1 210 377 %
75..223 , . . 7'2 % 55..all 120 3 511
75..224 , . . 80 12 . . . . . , 221 . . .SS
54 ; ' . . ' ' . , 134 . . . 1c7114 3 1..280 80 3 5704
26..271 . . . S7ll 15 . . . , . , 295 . . 3 8704
42..221 . . , 571,4
1..470 . . . SO 6 . . . . . .I' . . 3 50
4 . . ' . " 2S0 , . , 61) ) 1 . . . . . .210 . . 370
. . . . . . ( ; , . , 70 9..275 , . .3 .0
5..254 ' , ' 75 1 . . . . . .350 80 375
2..154) , . . ' 75 5..lOt ) , , . :135 :
7..245. . . 77 %
S1i111il-Tlie receIpts of 13110011 and lambs
were lIght and the qomuhloy common , so
that the offerings ss'erou lint eiulcuhutteul to
cr01010 muicim oiuthiuqlmummi itmmumig boyd's.
The dvmnnntl , liosve or. ss'ns its gonl as
uuttial , amid lime ninrket st'iuis flihi ) ' iutenaly alt
( ' 1'011 strmlg 1113 cohilpaI'ed with ye'sterulai' .
Itepresentativo sales :
2 laick.a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .140 $3 00
10 ( ' (1114 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 3 35
115 old ewes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 4 00
101 western yearlilis ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 4 90
CII lCt(3 ( ) IiI'lI S'I'O.ilC MA lOKll'l' .
4tctt'e It'miiuma1 forlhaigpa iltial I'rlees
tre ihlglaa'r ,
ChICAGO , Julie l1.-CA'I'TbFi.--l3uslness
was itctit' In cattle today. l'rlces shioweul
llttbo cliamige , Chiolco SteerS , $3.201t5.3O ;
mmiedluni , $ l,5Ou4.f,5 : beef steers , 44.00114,50 ;
iutoelcor and feeders , $3.S5l,90 ; cows and
heifers , $3.3Oj4.75 ; calves , $ l.001j7.OO ; Texas
steers , $4.352J1.T5.
IOOGS-'l'iiero was an octi'o denlamid for
hogs froni Chicago hackers flint ensterui
sillIlpers. l'rleeH for heavy Ituiti mimedluimi
weIghts were 5m lOc hIgher. Fair to choIce ,
$3.ttflfl.07 % ; Puckers , ; 3.S03i3.92i ; butchers ,
$3.SSii 4.02 % ; mlmlxeal , $3.S0114.UO ; light , $3.S5
3,90 ; iu1gs , $2.5Oif3.75.
Shi1l0E'-1'Iie imiarket was strong for
4hI'L't ) , w'ithi deerciishmmg stmppllt's amid iiii tiui-
usual tidiiilill. ( ( Ctimniomi to lmrlli1e sheep ,
$3.SOSjS.33 ; rains , $ .1.OOtt4,00 ; heavy sheep ,
$3.5043)4.7S ) ; cliquecl ; iUulib.M , $ i.010b4.15 ; shirimig
llUiillM , $5501113.50 ,
IOECI'ill'TS : Cattle , 8,000 head ; hogs , 18,000
hieitd ; shIeL'I ) , 10,004) heaul.
Iuiiuaiis ( 'lt' LI i't. Stoehe.
ICANSAS Cl'rY , Mo. , , Itliio 1I.-CA'I'TLE-
ReceIpts , 5,213 nittives , 772 'l'oxamis ; , ll'C513el
beef steers itlid lnmtciioi' stock , utc'tIve ttt
strolig PriCes ; ColilIliult grass citttle and
camuliers , 131(1w to hOe bowel' ; turlmiic heavy
i4tec'rM , $4.8431j4.95 ; inoillumni , $ l.5OIJ1.75 ; light
weigiit steers , 44.000j4.70 ; stockers amid teeth-
cr13 , $3.GSIj&.bO ; buteller cans's nild liolfers ,
$3.25r4s5 ; raiiuiers. $ L751j3,2O ; hulls , $3.04Yj1
4.00 ; western steci' , 51.23114,00 ; 'l'a'xa' ( steers ,
$3.25@l.25 ; Tt'ns grilss cows , $2.761j'3.5O.
1 1OGS-Iteeolpts , 16,5)0 hientl ; trttdo In
hogs WItH brIsk itt strolmger PrIceS , sales
itvri'agimig Sc hulglic'r ; 1101V ) ' hiug ) , $3.S51
3)71,4 ; niodlmmul pltekers , $3.6551'J.85 ; light ,
$8.35Ib,77 : % ; lulga , $3.OOI.35.
SiiEIIl'-lteceipts , 4,398 lieiul ; tinder tue
imltlliOlice of a s'lgol'us ulemoitmid frolli
mulmnighiterers urices were agitlu higher ; nt- ;
tIt'ai mmitmttoiis , $400415.25 ; cllppeul iiiiiibs , $5.25
O5,72 % ; srIlig laumihus , $ j.soiuio.5o ; 'I'exits
grass sheep , $1.70U4,50 ; Arizona grasserls ,
$ I.100J4,75 ; stockers amul feeders , $2,8Qj4.50.
St. hanils LIe Stoek.
ST. iO1.Ji 5 , June 11.-CA'1"I'b14-Recelpts ,
3,200 head : shipments. 400 heuh , Market for
mmatlves and ' 1 exans I0iU5c lower , Fair to
fitlicy lintivo spring dill export steers , $1.50
5(3.20 ; bulk of salt's , $1.60ii'5O3 ' ; dresseul lIt-of
iiuml butcher steers , $4.OOlj4.S5 : bulk of sales ,
$ l.bOtv 1.6204 ; steers under 1.000 loumiils ) , $3.90i ; ; bulk of subs , $ I.014.5O ; stockers anti
feeders , $3.25'4.70 ; bulk of sales , 54.15.1434,50 :
cows It11t1 helfers , $2.QO434.S0 ; hulk of cows ,
$2.401431.0 ( ) ; Tcxu amid llmdhitmi steers , $3.2O10
4.50 : bulk of mtle , $3.601J4,40 ; cows amid
helfers. 52.55003.50.
I LOGS-ReceIpts , 8,200 head ; shiltInlents ,
800 lmt'ad. Market strong to Sc higher ,
Yorkers. 4:1.7011 : 3.80 ; ptckers , $ J.7iYjj3.85 ;
butehierit , 53.904344.00.
SIlEhO1'-Itecelpts , l,100.liead ; shIpments ,
200 lien' ' ) . Market Stead ) ' . NatIve mnuttoml ,
$ :1,15l.6O : ; iaumibs , $1.40i6.25 : culls and bucks ,
5l.50r4.OO : stockers , 52.85113.33.
1e ) % ' Yaii'k l11'e Stock.
NEW YORK. Juui , ' 14-BEEVES-Re-
Cehptl4 , 65 head ; liOtlilflg doIng ; feeling
steady ; cables , unciiaiiged ; exports today.
Srd ilOiLd cattle , 1,002 head sheep umid 2,300
( hunm'ters of beef ; tommiorrow , 5,22 head cattle
und 3,680 quarters.
CALVES-Iteceliuts , 455' head : market depressed -
pressed and lower ; vents , 44,0130435.80 ; buttermilks -
milks , nominal ,
SIIEIOP AND LA.MS-IteceIpts , 4,708
head ; demand good ; iurhccs steauly ; closeil
Ilrmn for itlI griules of lanhn ; , . Sheep , 44,75 ;
lambs , $6.000i6.S7 ½ .
IIOGS-Itecelpts , 1,176 liestul ; ma rket nomn-
Itiitl at 44,001434.30 ; southerp and western
pigs , nomlnai at $3.OO0j4.J5 ,
( 'IlloimuuItIi LI't'e Siau'lr.
CI NCINNATI , Jumrie 14.-I JOGS-Active at
$ : i.l&114.O0.
CATTh11-StPad ) ' at 12.00111.00.
SHEEP-FIrm at $2.7134c1.23.
LAMBS-Easy at $175116.23 ,
stmc Iii Sight.
Record of receIpts of lIve stock at the
four princilmal markets for Juno 11 :
Cattle. h1uig. Sheep ,
Onualia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,072 5,531 781
( 'lulcago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3,000 18,1115) ) 10,004) )
K11fl141114 City . . . . . . . . . . 6,053 I0S'iO 4,396
St. Loul'u , , , , . , . . . . , . , . , 3,200 8,200 1,100
TotnI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16,327 48,061 16,279
CITa.a. lhai'ha'ts.
NEW S'OIOK , , Juno 14.-CO VFI'E-Optlomis
o'euieal quIet , sVitil lIrIpes unchlahiga'uI to 5
Iloints lower , alcchiil0ul 5 volntiu iiuiui ruuled
gr'llera I I v u' eti vui ; ales I I t u t a' of ItlL'C'lmhii Ii on ,
whitbe spot buyers hieiul oil' In s'lew' of hi&'avy
silhilliles no.1 . ' generally loarlsil new ( 'roll
pointings , chlIlleil barely steiily 51111) ) 1)0111tH
lla't lower. Sales , 13.250 bags , Includimmg
July , $5.65. Slaut COftd ( ' , lOb , dull and un-
ciiiingctl ; Cordovit , 8',40 I5e ,
( ? , ulfnrm. iii lIneal Fral I Is.
1)RIIID FI1hJl'L'S-Qulot , Evaporated ap-
1)1013 , common , 6l18 : PrlmmlI wire tray , 9001
9c' waod ulrieal , lurinu ) , 13c ; choice , 9c ;
fancy , IOc , l'ruuies , 41(8040. AprIcots , rm'itl ,
Sf4lOc : Moor I'urk , 101112c , 1'eache , Un-
1)00104) , 5(490 ; peoie'l , l21lGe ,
2lnu'Jies ( a'r Ta'IIle Fg,1)rivs , ,
MANCHESTER , JunO 14.-Cloths nd
yarns ivoro quiet wIth. yori little business
doing , ,
tIoliIiiaenct'laltiut Verk In ' , Y'oiialmig ,
( iiIIYJNNL , Wyo. , Juno 14-Slueeiai.- ( )
'I'he comomencein nt week at the Unlyerslty
of Wyoiniimg begins on Tiiuirmclay , June 16 ,
On the 16th ore thin exercises of the Olympic
Literary society , 0mm time 17th , those of tile
BCI100I of music and on tile evening of the
10th those of the Lowell Literary society.
On Sunilay , the IliUm , I3lshop Talbot will de.
liver the baccalaureate auldress to the grauh.
imating class. The chess alay exercises occur
on Monday. Tuesday evenilig are the excr-
cises of the Normnau school , Juulgo Corn
aululresses tIn , alumni Wednesuliy : evening ,
( ololwed by a reception. Thursday , June 23 ,
is the conmmnemmeement day proper of the
institution ,
TillS Itl0tI'J' ' MtItI Ii'J' ,
INST1IUMIIN'I'S lIl6CCd on tile Tuesday ,
Juno 11 , 1894 :
WnrrnmiI flecals ,
rat. A.'ituser niiah hushanul ti S. J.
ItotIis'cii , lot 1(1 , block 34 , Iountze
Place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;
? tt. W , Dickson anal wlfam to J , W. liar-
ratt , hot 19 , biock 8 , lhiluiiaeom Place. , 2,500
.A. II. Olson and hllmllUtllll $ to 2.1 N.
Wlnobrewer , ci iii , , . n'4 hot 37 , block
9 , 1onmntzo & IL's add. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,800
1" . If. Voad to M , E. Fis'itns , lot 19 ,
hilock 2 , Cotfler & A.'a add . , , . . . . . . , . . , 150
Zt'vaIs ,
Frank Thiompas an , ( , XeeUtur4 et nh , to
Ettit O'Neill , lots 2 , 3 , 4 , 6 to 9. 11 ,
I ! ? 13 , 16 , 11 and 18 , Bsvctnurn's sub , , , . 250
Total amount of trauisfers.,43,421
' 3hI i"lGSLTii Ml'I' IflIIla
The thal 'cternn'l"hta ) 0s1ult'ul ' I1I
blu 4t'li' 'tariL.
Cry' Noi IthtlR
'etornns of two wars fought ( in opiiOSIifl
shIes of thit Atlantic are Ot 11l0ntituih , boil
you lilight see one whose nafll Is kii01
wherever English or ( lernilimi Is 5poken 5mi
written , t'ere yetl to station yourself on W ii
11am street , near Beckman , tot a little bcfOro
9 any mornIng in the wck ,
Ihmuies. , yotl nm'o familiar with the pictures
of the federal generals in tin ) civil s'ar
luilght not recognIze this hero , for he is flfl
thing but a flghtlng loan In nppCat'ntiCO
' seemeil
Sha'uuler anal soniewhmat stoopc''Ul
face and gray Imair nad whiskers , eliot1 In
the fnhii0i )
bronilcioth soil doctkin after
three decaties past , ho looks exactly like
S013i' .
what lie is , ii busimiess nina on a muiiill
by gao'i ' , hiiifll
iuouk-sthy earning his livIng
scork as a huuI'hishmcr.
(1eumenl Sigel is now 73 , antI , deSPite the
ehenges years hinvo wrotmght , he is still ft
startling likeness of his out portraits , The
flash of hIs eye has been dihnntt'l and lila )
soldierly bearing is gone. bolt the well kmioYu'fl
liroflie is preserved niiil the hair is tIut tX
oct19' as of oro.
( lonerah Sie1's hlllllcntion is a
entitled the New York Molithil ) ' , hrlitch (
' ' In } 3iighl5h.
partly ha flerman and piti'tl )
Its duet feature just muoso' Is a serial fI'Oili
' captioned " } lui flal
the general's own lIon ,
bes Jahm'hundert ; " In English , "A Ilait Celm
tury. ' '
It Is mm. record of his owil eXlCriClieC * ( br"
lag flfty years of an tlnlmStlahhY eventful life ,
yet it ought better , imeilmnimS , have been
called "Memories of Two Wars , " for it
deal. llhiiiflSt wholly with the ( lernlaIi rev ° -
lution at 1849 In Emropo itmiul tIm witr for
the ummilon In America , The gellt'tfll wrIteS
litmgbish nuid ( .ermahi s'Ith equal faI1itY
and the flrst part of his serial , dealing scUll
time itays ( it ' 49 , was In ( Irriminli , for tile
special accomniodatioii of subscribers who
do iiot reaul English. Thu second part , , k'l
lug ss'ith the cIvIl scar , Is in EiigllShi , for
those who do not read ( ) criuamm.
General Sigel Is imltciuIt'I ) ' interested In time
present wsr , mint only as a loyal American
cltiten flint a vuterami soldier , Imuit ohO be-
catmsc he Perceives Its full signIficance CS
tm part of the Irrepressible comilhict betweelt
govornmnent by irresiommilIhe ) rulers ss'lio
crush alitl griiiul the lCOlilC ( 1011(1 ( gos'Criiiiiciit
by the people themselves.
I to ss'tis only 22 whiemo hi began to tabto
hart in Joist stIchi no comithict , prIor to the revelation -
elation of ' 48 , amid he viss a ninior gemiermtl
iii the nrimi3' of the lucople before ho was 21.
Probably mm ) oiimiger 111011 oVer served as
a general oillcer in any svar , und , while tlio
revoluthoim was Imot uniccessful in os'e'rthirow
lug the government , it 1ia never beeii held
that thIs was dole to Inch of bravery or ale-
torinimiatiomi on the Part of those who di-
rooted the nillhtnry cainpislgn ,
SI5eI wan placeti in comimmiuntid of it hial't
of the rt'volutloiiary troops at time begIn-
nlng of tim scar , and time revolutionists coil-
gratulata'ib tiieiiisaulve . that lie si'its whtlo
tbcni , for. thespltc hIs ) 'otltli , ho had the
tralnimmg of a gi'adtmnte of the iiulhltnry school
at Cam'hsrutiu 011(1 lie hind suxo'0,1 Iii ( ho meg-
ulur uruii' . ho so'as not a iticunber of tIme
rc'gtllar uriiiy itt that tlnie , hioss'evor , hiavilmg
reslgmicil hubs comiiniisltiii aftel' lightIng a
duel in svlilcli the other muon svis : killed.
It the old muamu's eyes twInkle withi
mucll of the stail1lc of youth 1(1 talk over
thu days of ' 49.
'al lmad 5,000 mcii uiitlor 111(1 , ' ' lie said the
other day , "oilmen I sins hardly Imioro thiami it
boy. A year later I was put over an army
curtis of 20,000 iiitIi , bei img tlmeii Coliilmiaiider-
In-chief , antI s'u fought na su'oll mis ole kiow :
how. lint , us all the worhul kiiows , it was
a hopeless contest from ) ) time start , for thio
governnucnt hail at ietst : tour r.on to our
0110 , anuS that was enough to beat us hail
there boon mio otier reasons for our defeaL
'BCshlCS , tur opponeults sveOtmntler corn-
niand of excellent ollleer , tile commander-
In-chief being l'rbmaco Vu'llliani of Prussia ,
the sonic who afterward becitne Emiiperor
\'Iliiam I of time Prosemmt Gerioiin eniplro.
Although lie coulil not s'eil imave failed to
wIn wIth the overwimelniing forces ut lila
Coliiiiiamiah , I aiim free to admit that lie
shioss'ed great abilIty on takIng tIme field , and
I have always ndmnlrctl hIm.
" 1 have always been sorry that I never
sass' blumi , Like niost coliiiiiallders-llm.cllier.
especially royaities , he kept Personally us
far away ( rein danger as possible , but I
: mever ascribed IllS course in that respect to
cowardice , lie could hardly bias'o liecut al-
Iowual to make lila uppearnuicti where time
actual lIghtIng svas goIng on , event hmaal lie
desired to do so , for It. would never Ilavo
alone to risk hi falling in battle , That
Would have denioralized thin royal army ,
anti immlght have manila it 1)05511)10 ) for us to
win In HIilto of tIme odds.
"There was one man of royal blood In
tile light ogalnat us in ' 18 and ' 49 who
ShlOV.'CI the greatest darIng and won thmo
most enthusiastic aulmiration of all bravo
mt-mi on both sIaIe thereby. lie was Fred-
crIck Charles Nitholna , the 'Itt'd Prince , '
as lie waa known In the Framlco-Prusslan
contest two decades or moral latei' . lie was
sure to be found wherever the bullets hew
thllckemut and dial most alendly work. lie
SeOmfleb to delIght In flghtlmig , lie had mnany
narrow escapes from death , mmd emi oume oc-
cashomi ss'as severely wotinded by oimr imien ,
while sonic of tmI coniptmnmboums svoro kIhhed
outright ,
"it hits beeii one of thin greatest luleasures
of my whole life , " comitinnoal the sbniplo
51)01(011 old soiulier , "to refresh my inemnory
ceuicernliig those far away ilimymi , as I have
hind to in gettimmg moy narriitIvo togethier. It
hIlts been tIle IlieItIill , too , of may reimiaking
Iliflhmy' old acquahotancea. I hiis'o na'cessarlly
liiul to write to survivors of tlio fIght In
Enroime for coi'roboration of uuy mieniory us
to certaIn llilumgs , iuimd Clel ) for tlotitlheul in-
foriiintioi : which I never 113(1 ( ,
'Oily : the other day I ra'c'ols'cal a letter
( coin a uiia mm I ii iiil stipposeuh t o imo ala'a'i ' I hi use
forty .sjs , auiil ( II , , hotter was nccompammloil
113' hihs'tThotographi. lie vsIuntr.r , ' lt i81'J
to cari'y an important letter thIriilihm ; Ohio
ouleiiiy'S lhties at the risk of lila life , aulil
I llUhlpOaO(1 ho was killed. Althithtighl ( lie letter -
ter reachuil Its destination I ulever hoard
of hmiuii 350111 , Jlut It iiplt'UrH tIlat hu ca-
C3Iil ) ( end Is iiow it proIlilerors ( in
Swhtzorluiid , whhlher ham lied , 111cc amost of
us , after the InevItable defeat whilcii wound
up the war ,
"I remained ama brIefly 118 lIosslille In
Switzerland , pushing Oil tlrst to i'arls , then
to Loodoii and fliiahly to Mimerl a ; otllerwis.
I should have loot hIm there. lie gave mo
tome much imeeded facts In his letfer-thet
that hiavu enabled inc to clear 011) lililehi that
lIes hitherto been puzzilng to iiiu ,
" 1 have never rcttmrnual to ( herniuqy , " esid
the general , at 1110 ClmditiIiOJm ( ( of 11111 talk ,
'although I was granted special uitin'sty * by
the government lii 1863 , when I was fight-
lag In the federal army , lieforu tIle old
Emperor 'a'llliaun tiled I used tuomuotiimmus to
thilimk l'al hike to go hack , it ( or nothIng elM
to set eyes oim tIme nnsmm who was Comllmnunulcr-
in-elliot of the royal army when 'I wee head-
lag the revohutionlsbu , hut mny desiru to se
lilimI sYas hiardhy iatioiig enough to niche imie
cross the seas , "
II , It. Iciuly it ( Ia , ( sueceraNors t
ClhirIstii'-Srert Colal. Co , ) lIml'a , relisoy.
sal to CCCIII 'I. ' ( cw York Iifo lIuIitlhuia ,
'I'eIpIuoiic 1O3i ) , Olnuilhi , Neb
( fltAiN , I'ItOVISIONS lLlhd S'I'OCKS
IIOAIOD 01' ilhAbhi.
fllret wlr. . to (3iiIciijn and New Tor'k.
Corrsspn4nmtsI Julia A. . Vann & Ce.