- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; _ _ L THE OMAHA. DAILY BEE. . , . I _ _ _ \ ESTABI4ISIIEI ) .1UNJ 1) ) , 1871. OMAhA , WEDNESDAY MOJt1NG , JIUNE 115 , ISUS-TWEII\TE 1'AUES. SINGLfl COLY FiVE CENTSS . ALL hONOR TIlE DAY Dedication of the Nbraka Building a Pronounced Success. IHOUSMDS PASS TIlE EXPOSITION GATES a Wonaer an1 Astonisbinent Upon the Orand Panorama. PLACE SEAL OF APPROVAL UPON THE WORK , - An Event Oommonaurato with the Dignity of the Great State. AN OCCASION TO BE LONG REMEMBERED ! ) ( ' $ III.II $ ( Pt rtzit Coh1tbloIITnIt I 1.I&L In Iiay ( iiIis IJpoit the IIN- pIu3 of I'rDdletN of the 1'rIInN- IIIINPIMMIIRI Couutry. * Nobroaka day at the exposition brought ' % It ttio biggest crowd that has yet bven on i1o ; grounds and In spttc of the ( lasti ot rain that dampened the enJoyintut of the - afternoon , it was an event commensurate wUli the iUgnty of a great state and worthy ( ic'P ' of long reco1IetIou as one of the great . . - - - - Occasions connected wtth ( lie exposRion. - ( u Yesterday Omaha was the objective point toward which nil true Nebraskans Journeyed . , . flflI thousan(1s of them Ioured through the E - gates to honor at once theft state and Its r proudest enterprise. The ceremonies of the clay hinged on the format ( lediCatlon of the Nebraska state buIlding , but. asIde front that It was the occasion oii whIch the people placed their seal of approval on the mngnlfl- - cent panorama that. represented the arts , the : . resources , the labors and the hopes of the . . , western halt of the reiublle. All day and , I evening they thronged the vast enclosure , and reviewed all of utilIty and beauty that , hail been gathered together under the roofs : of Its spacious buIldings They saw much to zulmlre and lIttle to criticIse and they con- L . - - gratulated each other on the siiletttlId F achievement that had developed wIthIn the - borders of theIr state , SI IzItIp'rs Iiit'Ii In 1'.IpIeiic ( ' . . The forenoon was most delightfully adapted for cxpo3ition sightseeIng. There was just a sutilcient haze across the sky to minImize the heat antI save the eyes from : the full glare of the sun on the whIte buIld- lags. The atmosphere was Just cool enough for the inaximuni of comfort and a more comfortable looking lot 01 people than those . lto swarmed through the grounds could scarcely be Imagined. 4\a litost of the special trains were not . scheduled to arrive until late in the afternoon - : noon It was not expected that the people would begin to come In large numbers until towar1 iuldlay. But a surprising number of out-Of-town People were In eviilence from . . - early morning. The motor trains bowled . - along on a two-minute service and most of them 'ere well loaded , After fi o'clock there ' was a constant inflow train both ends of the maIn court and by 11 o'clock thcre were apparently - parently as many visitors in sight as at any time during the iirevlotls tlay. The majority . of thcm were strangers and most of them brought their lunches for an all tlay'3 boll- I iby. They rapidly distributed themselves over the grounds to see what their varying taste3 ( lesignated as most worthy of their first attention anti none of the .myrlnd at- tractlons of the big show were neglected. Toward noon the contributions of the special trains from Nebraska points sweiled the arrivais anti for a couple of hours tue gate keepers were kCIt OPt tile hustle. From each entrance stretched a ( lease line of pCoIio which was lost in the crowds that + Popuiate.l the more central parts of the cii- . - closure , Many of the arrivals went oit to tue Bluff tract to witness the ceremonies tbat - attended the formal opening of the Nebraska - . -braska building , but thousands of others preferred to occupy their time In seeing the 13XiOsitiOfl. 'l'ho buiidlngs were not unconi- tenably crowded , but every aisle was full ' and the exposition guarils had their first experience In leeilng them from being blokzuled In the vIcinity of the more popular 4 exhIbits. .tIl Fiij. . , flit. SigilM. The ircfercnces of the crowd were cvi- . , ' dentiy as varied as the attractions of tue exposition. The ieople were distributed all ov'r the grouiicli tilid there were about as many of thoni lii one piace as another. Tue ( ] overnment buuidlng was crotvtleil uli day and so svere most of the other maui struct- tires. The Illuff tract fairly divided honors withi the mclii court iiiid both Midways were contlnualiy thronged with Interested visitors. Nearly au the concessions did a teavy busInez8 awl crept the raIn that driz- zleul dowit in the afternoon scented to lmv' no appreciable effect on the spirits of the crowd. Hut It was In the cvning when the dcc- trio lights cast a ilooti of goiden rndanco over dome and colonnade that the exposition Ulost effectively caught. thu crowd , Most of tlieiii hail read of tbe beautiful effects that were wrought by the illuminations. but their most sanguliio Imaginings i'crc eclilujed by the magnificent reality. They lingered by thousands to watch the pretty picture brought Into grand relief by the radiant. bulbs. 'rite spectacle was imleserib- ably fascinating and the expression was hearth over itnil over again that this In it. ecif was amply suihiclent to reward theni : o their journey. While the effort to have every exhibit complete by Nebraska ( lay WhS not successful lii every ilutali , It was approximately ac- coiliiihishted. The crowil found everything complete in ( ito majority of the buIi4Iiig tutu in others so uittlo was lacking tb4t It was searceiy PrcePtiblo'orkmen were still inittiug the finishing touches on sonic of ( ho exhibits in the Agriculture building , tutu some of the heavy machinery In this ] htichiIncry hiuuiding was not fuiiy inutahieii , A little material for the mining exhibit is still on the road , but aslile front these shigbt detaiis the exposition is compiete. I'Vit ! ( ( If d lie Siiti. - . % .p- Fully an hour before the time announced ( or the comluenceinent of the tledlcatory cx. crcises the ieOhlle. ) inaile their way to the Nebraska - . - braska building aIIII sulelit the intervening tinie very Iiicasantly in Inspecting the hand- onIo structure. ThH Lrdtts' fountain In the center of the rotunda flashieti gently , the spray falling on the broad ieaves of the Iuiims anti jiotted plants ii'hich made the fountain a bower of beauty. The central IiortIofl of the floor was filed with camp stools and settees. seats being hirovided for kt 600 ieolile. niple aee remained about time sides of the roont and In the balcony on this recond floor to accomumoilato several hundred cople in addition to this seating capacity , The crowd passed about from room to room , delighted with time beauty of thi deco. rations and thu tasteful manner In whieb the entire building was arranged. Cut flower - er nod potted plants Ia each room added to this attractiveness of the building , About 10 30 a procesilon of carriages halted before the west entrance to the buiIdhn and the IstthuIabed Euests of the occaslou arrived. The party comprised aovernor hlohcomb and his staff , the latter in fuui regimentals , the state omcers , l'resldont Wattles of the cx. position and V. ' . J. Bryan. The party were usder thie escort of Chairman Nevihie , Sec. retary Casper and Assistant Secretary Campbell - bell of the Nebraska commission. The peo. pie iii the building soon gathered about the state omeers flfll Afl impromptu reception was soon in full blast in the governor's rooms on the second floor. The Omaha Military band was installed in the west balcony sod filled In the time with a number of aeiectlons. On lime SeaLccrs' Stnnd. The speakers of time ocasion occupied the dtila at the north end of the assembly room. A small tabie served na a speakers' stand and in front of it were palms and smnaii iik American flngs grouped In a very effective manner. Suspended from the balcony un- mediately nbove and In front of the speakers - ers were large portraits of President Mc- Kinhey and Vice President hobart , draped with the national colors. lvery foot of standing room in the spnc- bus building was occupied when Commissioner - sioner floydston , acting a master of cero- ninnies , heil the way to the platform at Ii :15 : followed _ by Governor hlolcomnb and st'aff , Senator Alien , I'resident Wattles , \ % ' . J. flryau , W. 1" . auriey , Chancellor MacLean. ox-Governor Aivin Saunders , ex-Uovcraor Crounse , ox-Governor floyd , the members of the Nebraska Exposition commIssion , Attorney - tornoy Generni C. 3. Smnyth. A burst of applause greeted the appearance of the little procession and Master of Ceremonies - monies lloydston raised his hand for silence as soon as all were seated. 110 announced that the exercises would be brief and introduced - troduced Chiancehior MacLean of the hal- versity of Nebraska to deliver the invoca- tion. The chancellor wes iii good voice an1 hIs prayer to the Almighty that the Divine blessing might rest emi the building , the commissioners , the state anti all Its Inhabitants - tants was a literary gem. The vocal music for the occasion was furnished - nished by the York Glee clubunder tIme direction - rection of Dr. B. F. Lang. The Personnel of the climb was as follows : flr. 11 , F. Lang and wife , Edwin Deli and wife. 5. W. lhhesell nail wife , \V. L. Kirkpatrick , F. ' .V. Stihison , Winnie Stilison. It. V. Clark , Mrs. Charles Gilbert , Wilson Tout , Mrs. J. P. Diffen- bachier , Miss FMsio Beck , George Fair , Mrs. \v. D. Cocke , Miss Belle Warner ; Mrs. liar- risoim , idanist ; Miss Edith Lang , assistant pianist. Time first number rendered by the club was "The UnIon of States We Hail. " The other numbers sung by the club were thiee : "Now Tramp O'er Moors and Fell , " ' 'I'Iiu Ncs hail Columbia' ' and the ' 'BrIdal Chorus , " trout the "floso Maiden. " JmipIpc NeI lie's AiuIrcNN. The formal dedication of the building was In the hands of Judge William Nevihie of North Platte , chairman of the Nebraska commission. lie spoke briefly without hates , saying that Nebraska welcomes the world and Invites it to come and see the feast which bus been prepared. lie attributed the great imrosperity which the state is experl- cooing to the bountiful supply of air and sunshine with which the state is blessed , dectaring that Nebraska products excel time world. Referring to the building , the chaIrman - man said it offered headquarters for the secret societies and all other socictics , as well as PeoPle of all politics and creeds , all of whom are at liberty to use the building as a idaco for ventilating their views. lie InvIted all to come and make the Nebraska building their borne. Judge Nevlhle advised all the people everywhere - where to come to the exposition , referring especially to the children , saying that a month of studious observation at the exposh- than is worth ( flora to the rising generation titan five years at school life. He compll. mnented the exposition management for the great things which have been accomplished , lauded the government officials for the splendid exhibit which has beemi prepared. In closing Judge Nevihic Introduced Governor - ernor ilolcomb as the real representative of the state of Nebraska. Governor hiolcomb was vigorously op. plauded as lie stepped to time front to address thu gathering. lie spoke briefly of time progress of time great west In the development - mont of its material resources. referring to the period when time section of which No- hmraska is time center was regarded as a bar- roll spot. and sketching sonic of the hard- im1lms experienced by the early settlers of time state. The growth of time exposition sentiment - mont in other sections was referred to and the speaker declared that time culmination of expositions had been reached in time great fair now being held In the lirimmclpai city of the regIon. which hiatt beeti trammsformed froimi a desert to tue most fertile spot on the face of time eartlm. lie cited time yield of cereals imm Nebraska duriimg time last two years to support lila statement that the state is one of the greatest food producers of any section in time world anti coamplinienteti the people of tIme state for time energy mmd constancy - stancy which bad accomplished such vast results. A poem entitled "Nebraska" was recited by the author , Mrs. McKcover of Stroms- burg , who explaimmed timid tue poem had been written and read tit time meeting of the W'estern W'ritcrtm' associatIon atWarsaw , 111(1. , one year ago. Shmo said if more time hmad beemi given her she would have rc written time Poem. but hmavimmg imad but a brief notice she hail been ummable to do so , I'reNicleIIt Vim t ties'Vt'ieouime. . l'resitlent'attles was introduced by Mr. floydstomm to accept the building iii the name of the expositiomm. lie said : Iii behmalf of the manngemnemmt of the Trans. amississipimi timid lmmtc'rnntiomial Exposition I accept this beautiful building dedicated here today for time comfort and convenience of time citizomms of Nebraska. I commend time wisdoimi of Its voimceptloim , time came amid econ- amity 1mm its erectlomm amid time beauty amiti calm- venlemire of liii deign , Time mmmanugommmeimt of time exposithomm npjmreciates the broad amiti liberal imoalmltality of the stats' bocid of dimec. torim in Imrovuiilng a home aim these grounds. hot ommiy for oimr Owit citizens , soeietie aimmi imistitutions , but for time representatives of othmer states ammil territories. Time comuforis this buihtiimmg ivihi nifori to thiouslmnis of strmmimgera wbo will accept its Imospitality will (10 mnimeh to OCCOliilliiShi ommo ( if the gm cat ob. jects of thmis iOitiOmm ) , hiteh is to cemmmeut time ties of fricimtiship ammti good feeling amiti bimmil together with imhcusant niemnories amid conimimon Immterests tue citizens froimi all harts of this great coummtry. This east imas muisun. derstooth the ivest aimd has not appreciatcil its resoumees , its citizemms mind Its immagmmlmlcezml opportummitivm. To time state of Neiiraka time ftmtmmre hlstorlami ivihi give this cretlit of erecting lii ( hues of adversity a great uxpo- sittomi destimied to brcak down hmrcjulices , build up comnumerco and iwomiiate vencc timid good will throughout time land. \Viieii our exceiiemmt govermmor recomnmendeti Iii his last biemmnioh rmessugo to time legisia. turo of this state liberal umppropriatlomm lii aid of tlmlmm expositinmm , pm. discussiomi of the immerits of this emmterpriso was precilmitated timrouglmout time state which for several mmiouthms grow iii iimtemmsity until a bill iita finally pnsed ammd itecammie a hew providing for a state buiitllmmg nmmd a imtatu exhibit. Mamiy of time speeches 1mm oppositlon to this measure ircuid be mimmmusimmg if r.eimroduced hero today. But wheim we consider the coim- dtthomimt whichm prevailed three years ago in this state itm caimnot wommtler thmat mmmany questioned the advisability of the enterprise. A great ltflmitm ) hmaid ptralyzeti our business interests ; two crop failures limel discouraged our farming commummities ; munimy of our ciii- zens in the westermi harts of time state hail but recently received public charity anU 1115111 bath abandoned their lands to seek hommies in southern climes or to go buck to ( Continued on Fifth 'ae. ) I TROOPS REALLY UNDER VAY After Annoyirg Delays the Transports SUU for Cuba. WILL LAND BY TIlE END OF TIlE WEEK It is lstInmntel ( limit iItli ItcnMoimnbii Good himek the VeMtutrn 'I'rnhmn- Sports % % 'iii Iteneli Mmiiiihmi lii ft F'eiy 1)mis , WASHINGTON , June 14.-Without reference - ence to the exact hour at which th United States army left Fiorida for Cuba , It may be safely said that before the end of the week General Shatter will have landed with his 15,000 United States troops on Cuban soil , mind that time investment of Sammtingo by iani wiil have begun. There was sonic contusion in the omcinl mimlnti imero today on the tinme of departure of time transports , thought assurance was given that they had all gotten away. The confusion on this point is easily aceounted for by persoims who know imnytiming of time ulimculty of nmovlng a nimmnerotms fleet eom POSei of vcssel of all sizes unit classes. No less thman three times , beginning Sumi- ( lay , wait a defimmito houmr selected for time start , aimd time War department so notified. Yet in each case some ummtoid obstacle was encountered that required notification to the department that a postponement had beemi emmtorced. Sailors say such delays arc in- evitabie and rarely does a fleet get off as at first intended , Ilowever , the department oflicial saul this afternoon that they believed time last of the trammsports had started for Cuba. After all the delay of a ilay or two in the start is not calcuminteti to make any aiaterlal differences in the plans anti the only persons to suffer will be Sampson's marines , camped on Guantimnamno , anti obliged to maintaimm the greatest vigilance in repelling the bushwacking Spanish ir. regulars , whio swarm In the thickets This foe gIves no trouble iluring time daylight hours , owing to tIme presence of the Marble- head within easy range , but at night , whemm time war ship is unable to distinguIsh their oivim men from time enemny , the lot of thi marines is an exciting ammo. Geimural Mem'ritt has hirought the secommd instahlnment at his force into readiness anti sails for Mammila tommiorrow. It is believed that time advammco guard , the timree traits- ports which followed time Charlestomm to lion. oiulu , mmmet the cruiser there , and sailed in its eonmpany for the l'hmiiippiimes about the first of timis immontim. In this case it Is rca- sommable to expect them to arrive at Manila within a week. SOLIJILi1IS M.titcmm OS IIO.titU 4imml' , S(10114 Exieim I thou to itmti liii ipi Get- tiiui. iteimI to i.viive , SAN FRANCISCO , Julie 14.-Thirty-five liummdrcd oldlers left Camnim Merritt this mnornimmg to march to the transport. steam- era which are to take them to th I'lmlilp- pities. Early in time tnormmlng the troops , who lied received thmolr orilers to depart , were alive and stirring. l3lammkets , overcoats and other accessories to oitlIcr life had to ho packed anti breakfast imnd to be eaten. Tue camp Presented nit exceedummgly busy scene , but there was an air of orderly excite- mnemmt muhout time wimole timing. The men , who have becim waiting so iommg for the order to enmhark , vero delighted at the chance to imrepare for time Jourmmey anti the prospects of goimmg to time front. At lust evorythmiag ias ready for the five- nub mnarchm to thc water front. The men % vero lined up for the journey in heavy inarcliimmg order. The streets presented a wonderfully realistic military scene as ammo by one the companies were nmarclmed to the imrado ground , and the last evolutions in Camimp Merritt gomme through vitim. Tlmo comimpamiies all passed iii limspectiemm , and as they zimarched through the camp time 9,000 soldIers who were to be left behmimmti gave time departing soldiers cimeer upon cheer , amid these were ammswered by tlmeir more for- tunata fellows who are to make up time see- oliul expeditIon to the Philippines. One by one time different commmpammles took their departure , amid it was nearly naomi Whemi the last soldiers heft the camp. Most of the eomimmnnnding officers took their mcmi down Golden Gate avenue , which thoroughfare was lined with people anxious to view the parade as it IiisSCd , amid to catch glhmmmpses of frientis iii time ranks. As they mmeareti Market street the spectators immcreased. 'The crowds were not as ommthuslastlc as whemm the first. expedition ileparted , but timen the mmmcmi who left today were not fathers antI brotlmors. Nevertimeiess the soldiers of the second expedition were given a splendid sendoff and one that they will not forget , The business houses were all decorated for time occasion amid sommme hail hired bands to play vatriotie airs and the immusic fur- nlmihed was almost drowned out at times by the noise of exphotltmmg bombs. Time miteanmers China ammd Colon nrc lying at time mail dock and the mcmi mnarcimed dowmm Third street to Brammnnn , timenee 'to their respective vessels , Those who boarded tue China were thie first regimnemmt of Colorado volummteers , two Utah batteries of iighmt ar- tihlcry nimii half of time Eightventhi regular infammtry. Om board time Coiumm arc the Twemmty-tlmirii regiment of infantry anti a portion of time Elghtccntim , Time Tenth regi- mnemmt of Penmisylvmmmiia voluimteers amid the First Nehmraska go omm time Zcnlammdia and Senator. It is generally expected that the fleet will get away toimiorrow , Brigadier General Greemme will commimand the fleet and hmis ad- jimtammt gemieral vill be Captaimm Bates of time Sevemmty.flrst New York. UI ) to 5 o'clock this evening none of the transports had heft their docks for anchmormtge in the stream , thme work of assigmmimmg tT'o soitilers , loading of supplies and the trim- nmimmg of cargoes mmot hmaving beemi comimploted , but time vessels will imrohabhy go into timc streaimm somlie ttmmmo this evemming , It has beemi given out that the vessels will got awa' for Manila sommmo tiimmo tomor. row , but fromn oflicial sommrces it is learned that mimucim Is to be doimo before the fleet cams take its departure , amid thmat Thursday vthl be the tidy finally set for the comnmmiencememit of time journey. S I ' .t N I S Ii : i ( 'i'I L.'l'ii 'i'i I H II It I ) . A.i mu I ml SimmIINPms . 'oiiitrmlmN ileiiprts , Pf fist' i'rt'NN , WAShINGTON , Juno 14-Timmi Navy tic- partmmmemmt today posteil the following html- ietimm MOLE ST. NICOLJtS. Juno 13.-Lieutemmaimt Blue just rcturmmed after a detour of sevcimty statute iimiles of observation of the harbor of ammtiugo do Cimba , lie reports the Spanish fict Is nil timere. Time Spanish attacked vigorously tIme camimp at Guantammammmo , An outpost of four mmmarimmes were killed anti their bodies vero muutiiateti barbarously. Surgeon Gibbs was killed , SAMI'SON , ( 'r.t rytl IN I tiI ted It ) i.eimii , , MAIRID ) , June 14.-it was officIally an. mmounced today that Semmor du hose , thu former Spammish charge d' affaires at Wash. Immgton , and Lieutenant C'arranzim , the forrne Spanish naval attache at Wastmimmgtoim , imave been "luyhe1" to leave Canada , the Cana- tuna authorities having Intercepted a letter which Lieutenant Ca.rranr.a. tidilrcssed to tIme minister of marine , gtvimigan account of the condition of the Amariclmn fortifications. . BLUFF BY THE IZ FLEET Vcsscis Will Stnrton Crulise , but iviii ! iit ( iii Purtimer 'ilitimi time Cnm.nriM , copyright , Th98 , b'I'fcSs Publishing Co. ) CADIZ. Juno 14.-Vhm. ( Gibraltar.-Now ) ( \'ork World Cabiegratn-Special Telegram. ) -'iVimen I left Cadiz last night the authentic report in naval circles was that the Peiayo , Caries V. three destroyers nail the unarmored - mored cruisers Itiupliho and Patriota sail Friday under sealed orders , but It is fully believed only for the Canaries. Tlmo Pelayo , owing to boiler detects , emma ommiy go under halt steam. Time saliimmg of the fleet , if car- ned out , Is mm. mere device to satisfy popular clanmor for action , as the ships are inatle- quateiy stmpplled with stores amid amnmunl- tion. Alphonso XIII will be left behind , its engines bcimmg wrong. Marine Minister Aunon visits Cartimagena ani Ferrol before returnimmg to Madrid , memeiy for purposes of delay , having confessed himself qumite helpless - less to deal withm the confusion , incomupe- tence amid corruption of a mmviii situation , CADIZ , Jumme 13.-Via ( ibnltnr.-New ) ( York \Vorld Cablegram-Special Telegram. ) -There is much nib about Miimister of Marine - rine tmimon being interested in the discov- cry of a new explosive of trernommdoums force amid very smdll volumnhi A Spanish scientist has been trying with the naval ofllcers nail artillery engineers and experts with mm. 'view to use it promptly In time present vnr. I must reheat. tlmere is no toundation for thmo exaggerated reports floated by European anti American Iress agencies about time reserve fleets of Spaiim. The minister of immnrino only found ready here lime irommciads Pelnyo , and Caries V. three destroyers , two small Unprotected cruisers , to nuxli inry cruisers , the Metero anti Girara , amid two out of five Trammeatiantic steamimers , Absolutely no other vessel was viSible in Carthmagcna and Ferroi arsenals. The Lepanto , the Cardinal Cisneros , Princess Asturias and Moiimma cannot be got ready before late autumn. There Is much anxiety in Spamilsit Ports coimcermmimmg runmors of the contemplated sending of American erumisers over durimmg the simnmmmmer. Mammy ports offer to pay time ox- 1)0050 ) of submarine defenses. Sevemm steanm- ers chartered by time goverunment start with supplies for Cuba this week. PREPARING FOR rORTO RICO It iN iti.iurtet tiiztt i"trdmeiu ltegimmmeiits froiti CiIIeInmmmimLmL Iiitve liceit , Ordered to tIi F'rmpimt , CIllCIAMA1JGA MILITARY I'AltI , Ga. , Juno 14.-It is stated that orders were re- ceivetl toda from tile Var department that fifteen or the best equipped regiments lii Gemmeral Brooke's army bt designated for imtoveiimeimt to the front. It Is untlerstooil that the regiments are to make up the expedition - tion which will go to I'orto Rico. No information - formation would lie given out at General hirooke's headquarters as to which regimtmemmts wuultl be selected for titis expedition , very few hclng sutliclemitly equipped at this titmie for actual service. Captain Rockwell of the ordimauco depart. memmt stated today , how i.r. tlmaL ime hail received imotico that rifles and othmimr equip- meats micetled ivero on time way to timis point sulilcient. to fit out twemmty reginmemmis , ammil ho tmxpects the' consignment will begin at- riving by Thursday. Two troops of tile First Kentucky cavalry today received their supply of horses , ammd these will be distributed to time amen to- morrow. it is said that these two troops will be assigned to Colonel Grig3by's comim- manil of "Rough Riders , " which hicks that number of imien of being compiete. General Grant has mmot yet been assigned to any comnniaimti iii the First corps , thouglm the order for his transfer imas been receivcil. It is said that Colonel hills of the Second Nebraska vIhi take provisional cominamid of tima First division of 4timo Secontl corps mis soon as General Grant's transfer beconmes effective. . ' ' ' ' ' ' FINANCIAl. Sl'l'UA'l'1O IS ACU'I'l. Mjmtln's FffortN do 'Sceptre j Foreign Lomim a I'n I imi ro. ( Copyright , 1Ed. by Press Pubilahimig Co. ) LONDON , Jumme 14.-New ( York World Cablegram-Special Teiegram.-A ) Morning I'ost Matlrld dispatch says : "I Imear on good authmority that SPain's effort to raise a loan abroad imas failed , and the financial ques. lion , consequently , is becoming acute. Mar- shah hlianco's latest telegrams warn tIme gov- ornmmmeimt to take urgtlimt steps to nmeet the needs of Cuba 1mm the matter ofsupphies , as he amiticipates time Instiution of a much stricter blockade titan that. miow in force. Some articles of food' mire already running short , thought time bare flecessaries of life are still piemmtiful. In consequence of these miispatches time goverimmtnt is takimmg steps to transmit supplies to Cuba and Minister Aunon's visit to Caihia as to a great cx- tout due to mmieasure , now In progress. Senor Lacasa , former nttaclie to time Spanisim iegatlon at Washington , has arrlvc'tl at Madrid anti conveyed to qeneral Correa , minister of war , utojue oxtreameiy valuable information rcspectinj preparations for 'ar in the United States , " I , % i'hZitS iomt iNI.m ; Shi CONS IlL. Stzit lute iJii iiti tiiIer n Plug of 'i'rist'e. ( Copyriglmt , ISIS , by time Asociuted Press. ) hAVANA , June i'J-Ieiaycd ( iim Trans. misslen-At ) 11 o'clock this morning time senmapimore of Morro emisUe signaled tlmat a vessel flying a flag of irice was in sight , lmnl the Spanish gunboat , La Flechma , with Cal. Geipi of time generaj staff , Dr. Congosto , the secretary general of thic governnment , and Alexander ( ] ohlan , the I3ritislm consul here , on board , went to . , rneet time vessel , ivimicli ( mmmcd out to tie he United States auxiliary gunboat Mppie Au ofllcer on hoard of It imamuieti Colonel Gelpi a sealed documneimt addressed to 'tlr. ( iollan. Time Spanisim gunboat returned to this harbor atlpnm. 4 Gefs Nip 'SVortl mt Mjiimilmm. LONDON , June dislmatchm front Madrid states that time goyernmnemmt has re- ceiveti the following tcl granl from Gen- erai itlos from Ililol Altiinugim I imavo sent mueven steamners to Luzon , I ama still without. jiqws from Mammila , as tue enemy ima cut aft commummication , During time imighit o ( Jmmrmu 6 , arm American cruiser entered the harbmr at iihlo and after reeoimmmoiterlng , left , takimig mu southmwimrdiy course , Since then I have rcveived urn news of time enemy's squa1romm , I ant taking measures - ures to suppiy time troops and Inhabitammts with necessities from time resqurccs of the island. The mtpirits or time troops aim Vizcaya's islammds arc excellent , Ctptiirt'i i5eIiprti'r IN , eu , CLARENION , Ark. . Juno 11-Rev. Moses flicks , a negro liremicimer uOd retfgtous cx- hotter , well } nown among time immembers of his race 1mm thds vicinity , was taken ( roam jail and lynched by a mob of 300 citlzeus iii the sotmtlmern portion of this ( Monroe ) county , at is o'clock last night. 'i'lmo body , perforated with Wimmchesti'r bullets , was left dangling in the air wRit a htlaard pinned on inc clothing as a warning to tither negroes. hicks was under arrest ( or outraging a farm. er's Wife , lie confemis d his crinme. 'l'he fiend was 25 years of ue amid was to have be ordains next Saturday , S11PSON SENDS DISPATC11ES St. Louis Arrives at Mole St Nicolas with Word from the Fleet , MARINES AT GUANTANAMO RESTING Slxt Cimluitit Sentitum Cumin , to Their Aimi nmiul vimi proeitt Anipthter Stir- 1riNe--IIItreuiciImIieimt . .re lhciiig 'l'iirns-n lIp. ( Copyright , 1SDI , by Press 1ubiisimimmg Co. ) MOLE ST. NICOLAS , hlayti , June 14.-i a. rn.-New York World Cnblegranm-Specinl Telegram-Tiie ) St. Louis hiss just arrived hero with mimessages from Mimnirni Sanipsomi to the Navy departnment. The St. Louis left Guantanatno at S p. tim. yesterday. The ofiicers say the Spammisim Imave ceased fighmtlmmg for time thins beIng , hut arc likely to rcsmmnme battle at any tinme. Time imiterval has enabled - abled the Amimericami marines to obtain nmuch mieetied sleep anti rest. As a result they were In rnuchm better fornm when the St. Louis left than at ammy llama siimco hmimidhmig , Aiommg with the revival of their spirits has conmo a fierce desire to revenge the horrible killing of their four comrades by the Span- lards. Omme omcer who saw the bodies said they were mmmutllated in a way too hmorrible for description. ' Sixty Cubamm scouts are doimmg exceiiemit work. The ) ' will probably prevent aumotimer surprise by time guerrillas. Time marimmes are at work throwipg up hreast.works amid stroimg fortificatioums on a Imulltop behlmmd time promon- tory. Timree miles totho eastward is a little fishimig villtmge. A commsiderable nunmbcr of Spaniartla are statioimcd there. It is a base of operatioims in time attack on time American nosition. Yesterday afternoon ( Momiday ) time Dolphimm shelled time Place and practically destroyed the village. From time Ioipblmm'S ( heck Spanishm soldiers could be seen ruimmming pamiic stricken in all directiomma. It is believed - lieved a mmumnber of Spaniards vcrc killed. it'p4tiiig ( iii 'i'imelr ArmitH. PORT ANTONIO , Jamaica Juno 14.-Omi ( hhoari Dispatch float Off Guantalmammmo , Maim- day , June 13 , 2 p. nm.-Neu' ) ( York \Vorlil Caumicgram-Speciai Teiegram.-Tlme ) corn. hmatammts are restlmmg on timeir arms. There Is firing front the Sprtimlsh omm shore. Our va- liamit. marlmics expect ammother mmigimt of sore trials and desperate fightIng. Tlmey cmiii be relied upon to do nil that. mmmcml can tb , but the odds against theimm are heavy. Time imavy ceimsures the arimmy's dIlatory mimethods. The lmtmrricane season is at imitnul anti a port of refuge is absolutely necessary for smmmauler crait aimim commmers. io ounuti LoiS iviu5e LU army's co-operatloim is essential , but tlmero is mm sigim of a junction of forces. The ljoiimhmifl wemmt out. timis ( Monday ) morning lii order to destroy a Spaimlshm well wlmmdiniii. A dispatch boat aeCoilllailyiimg the iJoplmin signaled time presence of a small baud of Spaniards ashore. The Doipimin replied - plied "We ar&huntimmg wimmdrnihls , mit Span- iards. " Time Texas has completed coaling anti has sailed for Sammtlago , heaviimg time Marblehead ammtl I'ortor emi guard. No chances are to be takmi that will allow Cer- vera to escape. l3iockading simips needing 'coal leave Santiago singly at mlayhight , conic here , rettmrn at night and comae back again Oii time morrow it the bumimlters are not filled. Time hospital shmip Solace arrived this evening - ing ( Moimdny ) . 'Ihie collIers in port are time Abaranda amid time Scimmdia. itelim forced 1) ( ' ! iiiiiN. PORT ANTONIO , Janmaica , June 14.-COn Board Iisimatchi Boat Triton , Off Guanta- mmanio , Jimmie 13.-New ) York World Cable- grarn-Smecial Teiegramu.-After ) timrco sleepless , anxious nIghts and days , being bushwhacked frommm the densest undcrgrowtlm , the first marine battalion is strstcheti him groups in the stupor of wearimmess under busimes , blaimkels , boards-anything for site- ! ter. A few ama conmpietimmg the entrencim- moats , which were not. begununtil after the macn hmati passed two nights undefended on nit exposed hill. Time Inca acted bravely ammd caimnot be too highly praised. A paralleio- gram imas beeii laid out on a small plateau s'itii shallow trenches. the dirt bammketl oimt- wartis anti patched with lumber mmii barrels. Field pieces tire at the corners facing time mmmd approacimcs. Two Colt automatics are at the sides. Leo rifles are stacked in two himmes. Time colors are flying fromim time top of tue foumidation of the burnetl Spanish block house. 'i'irctl macn arc everymsimere. The oiflcers now realize what the Cuban mauigua is. Tonight ( Monday ) no close attack - tack is expectctl. i'crez's Cubans , well armed whIm navy rifles , have arrived. Thmey wiii take the guard , supported by three platoons of marines. The line will ho thrown vehl out toward the Spanishm posi- tloii at , a well. Timis our nmen expect to take tomorrow nmrnlmig , destroying time Spanisim water supply amid renderiumg further annoy- mince in snmai numbers unlikely. Time ma- riimea long for Maximu guns. Timeir two Colts broke dowmm. They are now iteiumg ra'- pairoti , Lieutenant Colonel Ilmimmtingtomm's position is backed by time ioiphimm amid Mar- bhelicatl. It Is practicably iimipregumable. No tmttemutts to burn time undergrowth have been made so far. The cable ship Adria Imas grappleil the emmd of the French cable. Iii- strunients ore expected Wednesday , when the line will be 01)000(1. S\'IV ESTER SCOVlL. Stzirmmfloim Pit Smipitimigu , . ( Copyright , lbit , by l'rcss Pimbiitihilng Co. ) KINGSTON , Jamnnica , June 14.-Nuw ( York World Cabicgiamn-SteCimml Telegrammm , ) -DIrect Santiago dispatches almow that the Anmericans tlummrmaged time fortifications coumsid- erably. Time immiutbitaum4s arc terror stricken Ia anticipatiomi of a coimihilned attack of in- surgemmts antI time nrniy of invaslou. TImu sitimation is critical , I'cOIiC arc starving , but are cowed by the trescimce of the simips nail tue arumy , The conditions are wretchmetl , the city lmelumg very tmnbmcaitimy. The Spaniards imopu disease will supplement their efforts tmgtmiumst the Amncricaa invaders. Tim SpaniBh ship l'urissiuna Concepcion will start tomorrow with $75,000 worth of meats nmmtl vegetables aboard. It is pro- fessetlly clearing for a French isiamul , but is really going to Clenfuegos to send time provisions - visions to Biammco. ImmHnrgu'fN Siirruiiimii . 'tluiiiIIim. ( Copyrlgimt , lftO , I ) ) ' Prcs I'Lmlahlshmimmg Co. ) LONDON , Juno 14.-New ( York World Cmi- ltlegrmumm-Special Telegrimmn.-Thio ) Ciiron- ida's special fromn Simangimni says : The rebels arc two kilometers outside of Mammhla , The towmm is emmtireiy surouuitled. Every night timers is flghmting. Tue rebels arc cimilc'avoring to immake Manila estabilsim amm iii- dependent government before time trrival of tile Americana. Time Amerlcammmm wIll bombard thin toivim when time troops arrive , Time Ger- maim consul bus transferred to imla stenimmer 300 Germnana. iiitimisu' lIN'ry iii litiituisi , ( Coimyrighmt , 1Si , iiy Press Pubilsiming Co. ) KINGSTON , Jampica , June 14.--New ( York World Cablegram-Special Telegrimnm. ) -11cr majesty's steamship Taibot has just arrived from Havana with Corrcspontlcimts Robinson and \'bmIgbarn aboard , also thirty. eight refugees Mammy BritIsh subjects Pm lie- vaima were uimxious to leave. but etcalmmema iveru ummavailpbie , iimteimse umlacry exists there , THE BEE ' ' ETIN. \Veather Forecast f : m l"mtir War _ . . utlmeriy Winds. P'igt' I vcurnmka flay IixiopItIomm , 'I'runuD , ( PIT to ngo. Simuiioui item ) _ , ( P % 'nhlmmgton , Siuthit iiit1ie ' - ssimc , ' 2 ( ' 4'rs'rn'ss Sumi im , Sigimicti. More Fight ii mmmiii tnnnimio. Pimsinti Cuimmv ' for Ltfteoin. 8 M'Irnska ( ' State I'itM I iii's liclit. Wntiier ( 'r lit-tilt. .4 lI.hitnrini miimd , ( mimnent , i'ohiriiaImi tipIlviui Society Mects , II ( 'umnuit'Ii lhltifTpm 1qipiti Nntt'rsu , ? ( ' 1'N pupil ( , mmimmmme.md. m'ruNertt , iii time IVest. 7 Smnrt Immir lviitpm of it Itimy , I hlimmols ui-un Iii balm Coiimeimtiomm. Anal rs at Simt Ii tinnlit , 8 ii i'fnmmm l'ress ANMneimm t iumt 1)ntmmgN , Meetimig or Simt. Mitii t'it'rli. . I ) ii fl' ' ieim of U (0.'Ilt Pimbi lout itms , Eiimi'ittIimiiti um.Ii mmmiii Coumimmiemit. ielter mimmd ills % 'hient leiti , I I t'imim nii'reinl mitmil Finniii.ini es pu. lh liuNtIt'N timimnmmit ii 1)epot , 'i''mnmsrmitpmre mit ( ) mpmuiimnm hour 1)'j.r. Ilusmr , Ieg. a mm mit . . . . . . 4I.1 I u. in. . . . . ii a. mu. . . . . . . till 2 m. ) 7 8. mu . . . . . . III ml I , . 1mm . . . . . . 67 S mm , mm ) . . . . . . 011 .1 P. tim , . , . . ( IT I ) a , in . . . . . . St I 1 , i. mmm . . . . . . 651 in , , mu , . . , . . si : ; 8 p. um . . . . . . SIll I I a , mit . . . . . . (10 7 i. iii . . . . . . lush 12 mum . . . . . . . . . ( IT S p. iii . . . . . . 1) a. . mit . . . . . . Iii 'l'Ol.t t' , .t'i' 'i'iii 1X L'OSi'I'ION. At time GrommudNu C'mIZ'lremm's 1)mi ) ' . I 11m81) mm. mu. , 3mmsruime limimiul Couicert. U tu. Imp , , immrIime Iinmi.i Cmieert. S ii. iii. , Tliuuumimi& Orehiestrmi , Audi- lorlumim , 1)ovii 'Eom't'ui u l'oiuutlst SitS Cuimmiumil ( fee Slcet- lug. t'reighittii 11011. ( I ra iud IupI , ge up f e brmu skim himi PIP Ii N 31 mmu.nim i ( 'I''mmiiit' . : citt immup nI Ass.Iuit Lou upt liii liwny Mmiii ( 'i'mks , Old m drzmu IiuuIIuiiiig. \i'Iimmsimt Simi to ( Imti Suelet y , 'Flimi rtnmt It I iI'M' .1 miiuury , Iii terst ue 6 rmii ii iiuers , Comummier- alit ! Chili. ltmmiliviim Spe'imti Ageiits. HONORS FOR HOBSON'S CREW iiiit'li of t Ito i.h'miteuiutmut'N ( ' ( PiutIlmill luuiis ii C0I'CN Sii liille i'romimot lout fe , ! ! is ! I eroismip , WASh INOTON , .Tuimio 14.-Suhmatantial recognition has been mmmdc by the Navy tic- pmrtmncnt : of the mmmemmbcrs of the crew who took the Merrimmmac imito Samitltmgo immtrbor ttmmd snimk it across time ciiammncl umider the nmum- zies of tIme SPaimisii guims. Thmls evening official recognitiomm was taken of their vnior 'imeii Secretary Long smgued time orders to Admiral Sampson ( llrcctium , time prommiotiomm of all time niemmmbers of the . crew. Lieutenant llobson's reward will commie later through eomigrcrs. Time orders sent to Atimniral Samupsoim tonight - night direct time promotion of the mcmi mis follows : Daniel Montague. master-at-arms , tn be a boatswain , front $50 a month to $1,300 a year. George Oitarctto , gunner's mate , to be a gImnmme , from $50 a immantit to 11,300 a year. ltudnlph Ciauscn , Osborne Delgnan amid - Merpiiy , coxawaimis , to be ehmief boatswains - swains mates , at aim increase of 20 a month. George F. l'imlhhlps , rnaehminlst , to be chief machmimmist , front $40 to $70 a month. Francis Kelly , 'ater temmder , to be cimlef mimelmimmist , fromn $37 to $70 a month. 1mm additIon to time promotions steps imavo beomm taken toward time prcsemmtatfomi of immetials to Constructor Ilobson and members of imis gailammt crew , W'Imat new honors muvalt Constructor Bob- soil , who itlamined anti executed the brilliant cour , , have not yet been disclosed. TO FORCE SANTIAGO HARBOR Arrivzii of I in' Yrsuiv Ins itt tii. hhinek- mitling Stuillini Is So lIe i'oIiowcd. im 'I'OrieuIo Jlouifw , ( Copyright , 1898 , by time Associated Press. ) KINGSTON , Jamaica , Jumme 14.-1l:40 : a. iii. -Orm ( Board Associated Press Boat lammdy , Gimzmntammanmo hay , JUmme 13.-Tiio dymmaniitc , cruiser Vesuvius , wlmlcim joimmed Admiral Samn 1)50)1'S ) fleet off Sammtingo this mmmorimhmi , is to be followed by time Ericssomm , Foote almil otlmer torpedo boats , anti time arrival of the torpetlo fleet will commfirin time opiiiiomm that i'itiuniral Sanmpson intoimda to force the imar- bor on the commming of Limo troops. FIGIi'I'ING B'liitY 1) . ' . V A'I' sitNlmj t. Iii ttirguils linjie I u ( 'uimit ii ri i t Iheftpme .tuui.riesium 'i'r.ps % ni vu' , flERLIN , June 14.-Advices received from Simammghmai by time Frammkfort 'Zeitimmmg say news has been received lucre from .ianila to time effect timat there is fighting every .algimt around time towmi , The insurgents , It seoumma , are trying to capture Manila anti cmi- tabhish mmmi lndepenlcnt govermmmnent before time Arnomicans inntl. Thme German consul at Manila , it is further reported , imas 300 Germans mimi Swiss on hoard a refuge steamer in the imarbor. Stuam , isti Sft'iu uuiers Sum II. LONDON , Juume 14.-Timrco Spanish steam- ( 'ra lying at Liverpool recently , the ( iahlego , Nuvarro antI Paicntiiie , re-namneti time Coma Ia Juno anti I'aiestro , aalheil for St. Johum yesterday. CSatelI p 1m1 i'i I ) ks Ii Is Izm ii , ( Copyrights , 1SCS , Ill , ' i're54 l'umhmlisiiiimg Co. ) PARIS , Julio I 1.-Ncw ( York World Cable- grant-SpecIal Teiegramn.-Timu ) Castellano- Tuiot duel was fouglmt today ott the right bank of tIme Seimme. Turot is editor of limo Petite itclmubllqtme. Time duel arose out of atrietmures lassei oil Cimetellammo for imis treat- mont. of a servnmmt mmmniil iii imls emumploymmment , In viiicIm ho was miccimacti of murdering file. gitlmnato twlmma ammd throwing timcnm to be do. 'oure'i by a watch miog. Cmmsteilnmie'mi see- 011(18 vcro Conmte ledion , a heading auto. immobmhle mmmamiimfacturer of France , ammd Coimmto do Alymi. Timrot's secoumths were Gerault Iticharil amid Vlvlana Also , First round : Turot nttacked anti Castel- lane gave ground , but soon re overc'fl amid a tahIti hut umarumiess iimtercimange pass took place. Second round : This shioweti Cnsteliammo to be the bcttem swordsman. lie mmow wommmi.led his adversary In time hmaumd , Thmirul roummd : Tprot yielded anti Castel- lemma's blade darted about his opimommemt'jm , imeafi amid breast , mm'mmtl at lust stabbed Iihmmi deeply imi the forearm. Blood spurted out amid doctors lnterlerimmg , the combat was stoimpeil , . ( ) ( .hui.PiN ( Pt fI'Oi ii V'NN'J 4 , , J ii Ut' 1 'I , At uirenmomm-Arrivetl-ii. Ii. Muir. fromim liultlnmorc3. At LlverpoolrrlwodSylvammia , from Dos- ton. ton.At Ilaitimoro--Arrivet-Dresilen ! , froimm hirenmen , At New York-Saiied-'Iaurhc , for Liver- hod ; Lahmn , for hhremnemm , At Southnmu'.ptonArrivetiiCalser wil- imeim tier Grosse , train New York , At Nuples-Saihesl-liohIvia , for New York. _ - - II DODCINC I lIE ISSUE Spain Seeks toSecuro Peico Without Boltily' Facing the Inevitable , SEEKS TIlE AID OF GERMANY AND FRANCE Hopes They Will Call the Americans Off hi the Philippine Islands , LEADERS STILL DELUDE THE MASSES Endeavor to Make ThCl11 Believe that They ( Jan Resist Much Longer. OSTRICU POLICY WILL RESULT IN RUU4 Giuvermmmncutt At S euuil'tP4 to 1iu11 ( hi. I'lu Ii Immuluie Ishiumul , . iii ClteeI by Agreetuig to ( 'murry Out Luui- IJeiutei 11e1irmnM. ( Copyright , lS9 , i ) ' l'rt'53 l'ubhimthlng Co. ) MAiJIthl ) , Juno 14.-New ( York World Ca- ilegrammm-Special Teiegraumm.-Spnimm ) is now evitleimtly coqnettlimg with ( hernmnmmy tutu Frmummce. Ituisslmi. is 'ni time backgrouiid not at all displeased to see tIme kaiser show a disposition - position to hook after Spammishm anti Eimropentt immterests generally in tIme Philippines. Spamm- ishi duimlomnacy wnuitmi a concert on sommie pretext - text for sauving their forcc3 iii Mtimmili front tIme imummniliatioii of a surremider to thmo Anmer- leans or Agtiinaitio iimmtler a cloak of piaciimg iill Emmropeamm rcsitleimts amitl immterests tinder ( lie lrotectiomm ) of foreIgn war vessels lyhmmg iim time hart of Manila. This tilil be rcjectett PCI emnptorily , as expected , imy the Uftiteti States , Simalmi ivoimid 'gladly gi'ammt Gerimmmmmy : time long desired coaling station in time Caro- hitmas mitt Piullipphmmes , ( lie lirice bclmmg Its active immterveiitiomi to curtail the imretemm- sions of tIme Uniteth Slates amid emmd tuevar exactly as Germimammy , hhtmssia amid Frtummcc iwo- 'cnteui Jmipami beimmg too exacting of Cimlmia , . Time governmimcnt considers that time kaiser auth Gerniammy are best able to raise tlmehr volc in favor of Shmaumm , luartlcuhmmly as re- gartis the Pimil Ippimmcs , wimcre they wommltt tlminht aim Amnemicaum irotcctorate detrimmmcimtal to timelm commiinercial mmmd political iimtcrcsts in Oceamiica ; iii fact. time peace party iii lmrhii- cipally kept 1mm check by tIme cmicouragcmmiemmt given by the imress of ability by time gay- ermmmmmemmt for proiommged mesistnmice. It. is next to Immipossible for Simm anti time powers to commie to aim imnulerstanulimig as they reason tronm very tilstiimct and Opliosite Pre- immises. All the Etmropean goverimmmmommts take it for grantetl timat Slmain immust hefurehiammil zmssemmt to tito loss of Cuhumi , PaY' . war in. demnimity ammd rctaimm the Pimillpphmmes , If re- tainul at all subject to extensive comicca- shuns 1mm trade , local uuc'lf-govermmnicmit ammul 'ehighous toherat'lomm ummfior a guaramitee froumi tile Ummiteti States amid time powers whereas a immajority of tIme Spaniards have so little sense of the realitIes of time sittmation that it Is rommsltlercd limmitossible to brimmg about Europamm nmetlitmtlon , This explaumma time tottering positlamm of time immommarchy and time govermmmimoimt , who even how at the elevc'ntli lmutmr , with certain flmmal. reverses starimmg timcmmm iii thmo face , are firmly resolved to go aim with tile war to time bitter end amid othlcialiy deny the exlstemice of mme- gotjatlnmms with fnreigmm goveruimmicimts. Every- hotly iim Matlrid , time dlplotimatists , gemierals numul fricimfium of time quecmm niiil her mmmiumlsters every dimy avenk of thIs publicly md the climbs auml , saloomis. The uimfortmmnate result of timia ostrich POlICY is to eiente atm atummospluere of liliisiomms amnl tmmii'eah imm'mumressiumms , tvimich iimcmcases ( lie imremicii iietwc'eii the umatlomi amid public opinion aim omme sithe amid the liresent rulers on tIme other. I'rumii Ises I it limi liiieul _ Senor Uriahm , time Spnumhshi deputy who line takcmi time lead iii ( lie debates imm time Curios mm the Phillpplmies , amid several general ofli- cers mmmmtl clvii itervammtmi recently retimrumeil train timero assert that Mnrslmal Prima Iti- vera , omm mmmakiimg iCmiCC vItim Aguiumnldo mimi about. twenty other Immsurgent chmiets , hot emily Paul several Imummdred tlioimsaimti dollars iii gold amiti bills on hung Kommg bankers , hint lrolmmlseil theumi : FIrst-Local self-goverimmnemmt and adummin- istrative refornm. Secomid-iteformmi imm taxation aim tue juosi- tivo uimtlerstamitllmmg that tim vast estates mind incommme of religious omtlcrs of Jesuits be no longer exeunpt ( rain taxatioim. Timird-Commmplu'te reloram iii the imrivllegcs antI vower of religious orders of time Span- ishm priesthood. Fotirtim-Ethumcatiommiil reforums 0mm lay prin- cipies. Fhftii-Itepreseumtation in the Caries for 11am arcimipeliigoes. None of timese mcformna were even imegun auth wimemi time Aamericammmi appeared aim time seemie after time Cavite disaster 1Generat /tmigusti asked nmmil time gavermmmnemit grammteil hlerummission to hurriedly pronmise time mmativea a part of timese reforms , withmout. toucimimmg time rciigloms orders , hoWever , because they yielded smmchi immfiuemice at cotmri. Time itica vns to move time 'aticaui mmii time Catimohlo powers to exert pressure on time emperor of ( lormnammy tlizmt Sluahmu muny metmmin the Pumiiiim- lilflcS aumd preserve in part at least time me- ilgious mimi unliltary syStemim of Spain In thme archmlpelmmgoes. Somnc. weeks after ( ito Present war hogan a umowerful mmymmillcate of Germmmamm bankers of- fereti to loath ipmlum : $100,000,000 if Smmgaata woimiut grant a gomitral mnortgiugo on time Phmii- Ipplmmes to servo to Jtmstlfy intervention by limo ( Ierzmiamm gavu'rnmnemit iii delouse of Oar- mitsui trade and fiumamicial immtcrests agalmist time Unutetl States. Sagabtit iii writing ticcihmmeml thu imroffercil loitum fearing on time ammo iuaumd to give ( lie Germans a ticcisivo looting in Shiammisim Oci'aumica and on thu oilier ( curing to give offense to France amud htmmasin , ( minim wimommi ho expected more tiumim lie does now. SInce time Fremmehm gnvcrnnmcumt ceaseti to show ally disposition to suimhiort Slttiimm agaimmbt time United States now Sagasta anti Duke Alnmo tiovmmr are trying to induce time people to be hove they are actively excumanglmmg coimmmuni- . cationmm witim ( hernmammy amid Austria , aol yet witim a view to iac. imut to umecimre some pract teal protests , t'velm naval ( leimmonstra- tlomms , by ( lie Eunmpemumm iowers at Manila to iurevemmt time occupatioum of time city by Anmeriramm forces , In ( act , thmero are itoimics iu'hilspcrings of visits amid canferommeos goln ( ma hctweclm time hanisim mnhimluituur anti limo forelgmm amnbassadumrs at Mau1r'i and lmemvetqm thmo courts , ( lie umummclo nail time vatieau au ml ireiuilc' to action by time } uropean peters when limo Cubamm imrumlmmticu question Is de- ci tlel. VIENNA , Jimmie 14.-Na'w ( York Woriti Ca- luiegraiui-Special Telegranm. f--Time Euroumcnmm I.oWCrs imavu been requested by time Sinmumlshi goverzmmemmt ( o lmrcvall Upoil thu Amnoricon governuneimt tlmat wlmcim Manila capItulates time occupatiomm of ( lie city simoulti he carried out by Ammmerlcamm troolms nail mnat thu insur- genie on imo account be allowed to occuiur limo city , as atmocitiemi iould thou be us.- avoidable