Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 13, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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. T1I ] oitir DAiLY ] tLE : MONDAY , JU E 18 , 1898. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
SttLt43 ilOtiSe Gang Looking Into the Future
for Bomo euro Sign.
Attnrnry ( Zcicrnl $ * nytL ! Mnhil u Itnuk
Very I.uav on the List of
'l'IIUNC VIu ) % VlII lie
LINCOLN , Juno 12.-SpectaL-A8 ( ) the
tnie for the state convention npproachcs
the Iflernilers of the popocratic party at
the Atato house , tm well ni the ) iaugcr8-ofl
who make the state butiding their polltthal
Iicailqunrters , are freely dIacustiig the
chances of thu precnt itato olficinis for
renominritlon. It li pretty well agreed
among them that State Superintendent Jack-
EOfl IIM gone through the past eighteen
1U011t1U with the lcnt friction. on account
4)t ) his keeping his office freer from politicat
icllcmee , nnd that. of all the omclals he
10 the moat uro to succeed in the convention -
vention , The chances of the othcr8 are
placed ifl the following order Meserve ,
Porter , \VoUe , Smyth and last of all Cor-
: hell. ( overIIur Ilolconib and his intrigues
for a third turin form such an unknown
am ! II1Ileflflite quniitity that the Political
prognosticators have not agreed upon his
place in the table of chatices.
Cornell Is put. last on the list because
. of the opposition he in meeting In lila home
. county nnd because of the fact that many
of the lending pojocrntic Pnlers of the
state have dcnounccd him mid foretold his
defeat In the election it llOminrttCl. ( III ( net
the other meinber of the stute house party
have agreed that. Cornell Is a sort of Jonah
who must ho thrown overboard nnd have
concluded that in the storm of the tn-
partite convcntlon Is the time to do this
Slstt ! In haul oiler.
The objection to Attorney General Sinyth
has been growing for tim vast year. espe-
daily among the PoPulist leaders of the
. fu.ioii crowd , although there are plain signs
of disaffection in other quarters. ht is
: agreed that Smythi has been over-zealouj in
crovding forward a multiplicity of suits for
Political UOSCS and that the resuht3 are
small in proportion to the energy and
funds wasted , On the other hand , they
complain that his SOliCittIIe for the welfare
. of certain popocratic defaulters ha been
overdone and that In one or more instances
Pohitica1 inhluenco has vrotected from prosecution -
; ecution men who owe large sums to the
state. The attorney general is also being
. openly accused of having purposely flog-
looted the interests of the state in the case
against Ebnight at Nebraska City. Another
( lifliCUlty in the way of Sinyth's renomina-
tion is the impression that has gonc abroad
that r einity Ed I' . Smith is by far the abler
attorney of the two and that it would be
well to select the best inca in making ' ( he
" nominations. This latter theory , it is under.
stood , has received the endorsement of'Dep-
tity Smith himself ,
' Commissioner Wolfe has lost favor among
' the local popocrats on account of his ap.
pointments , while his manner of handling
the delinquent school land tdises has given
. - ' him much political trouble , especially among
those who believed tbat during the last
year of general propeiity among the farm-
era a large proportion of the canceled leases
'could havi ben paid up. Then it is under-
: atq.oil , tlutuncie Jake" does not enjoy the
: " cofliidek friendship of the Holeomb follow-
ens " oyer , thy , state , , and that there is an
effort being made to bring out u candidate
, ' . for a state omce from Lancaster county
' : who will interfere with Woifes chatices to
' secure tlio home delegations in the conven-
. . S tion.
' l'orter lln Ills TrOIIII1CM.
- . Secretary Porter has hail lila troubles nll
; along , but it Is expinined that many of
his mistakes have been made from sheer
: awkwardness. Ills connection with the no-
- count business and his act in destroying the
tally sheets are expected to give him the
. most trouble in the election. although In'
- waa aided and abetted in both moves by
the 1)oPocratia allied of all colors and brands.
' His illegal opening of the returns last fail ,
the mixup of the political affairs at the
" . . Beatrice institution , and the secretarys connection -
: - nection with a number of unpopular au
'i ' loiI1tmen that have been made in the last
year all contribute to lis troubles.
Treasurer Neserve as an individual is
not very well understootl by the state house
politicians anl ( ( or that reasoii they hesl-
tate abont pronouncing upon his detects as
an official. In board meetings the treas-
I uror has usually disagree(1 with the other
. & ' members on all subjects , but has talked
yery little to ouliiIers. In the business
T of , bts olilco ho. has kept his own counsel ,
often to the annoyance of other popocrotic
I statesmeU. and it ho has iuaiio serious mistakes -
takes he has not committed the further
error of giving time 'Rminp' away himself.
k 'the Icnown weakness of his olhicial bond ,
I shiIch svill be troubieomne in time election ,
will not be held up against hini In time con-
, - vetition , nimd it is migreed that as mimatters
LJj univ tand the treasurer is euro to be re-
- nominated , As to the chances of election
for nny iart of tIme ticket time vopoeratlc
piophiets are not venturing any guesses.
They udmuit that tIme sailing will not be
amnootit m1nd that time hrenhcers increase as
the ( lays go by.
, ' , . .
" S'ait' ii. lIiorce.
, ltIlRSON , Neli. , June 12.-peciai.- ( )
Lesetto Ilicke ) of this lilace lmas comumnenced
' 4 a divorce suit mmgatnst Ii. Fl Ulekel , md-
1 legimig drunkenness mind cruelty , and asking
, time cmisto'ly ' of the three nminer chmiltlren ,
: - They vere mnarnled at ( lienwond , In. , tim
1831 nimil are considered wealthy people. A
1eaimnt3 fuU , nimtiomm
" of time hnsveI , du not irriI r
' tt3 or immflauie. limit leave
i 1'r $ ; - . t'I' '
\ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
, t
The Omaha Bee t
Map of Cuba COupOll
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I fly Mmiii 1t1 cents.
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This Coupon with 25G
Official Photographs
of the United Slates Wavy.
Addrcsi ,
. _
-rs :
few weeks ago Mr. Bickel bought the Von-
dome saloon in Sioux City.
The divorce case of Mrs. S. 0. Cord
against C. E. Cord , before Judge lans of
I'oncn , resulted in the divorce being granted.
Mr , Cord hjng the boy and Mrs. Cord the
girl and $2G alimony. About twenty-fIvo
Emerson people were summoned aa wit.-
nesses , but there waz no sensational tosti-
sew Crcnniery et Callnwn.
CAIJLMVAY , Nob. , June 12.-Speclal.- ( )
Callaway's now creamery was completed
yesterday and turned over by time builders
to the stockholders. It is a fine plant ,
equipped with the latest anil best machin-
cry and will go into operation Monday ,
June The stockholders are farmers of
the 1 lity cmiii the prospect for an abundant -
dant 'iijip1y of milk is good. At a stock-
holders' meeting yesterday the following
ilircctnrs'woro elected : Johmi Moran , F. I.
Ilaycock , 3. II. Smith , It. W. Welch , Jo-
sepli hewer. At a directors' meeting in
the evening the following orncors were
electcill John Moran , president anl ( trena-
uror ; F. 14. Ilaycock , secretary.
'I'eni'meis ! ( iii l'nmiem ; .
PONCA , Ncb. , June 12.-Specirmh-Tlme ( )
school board tins tiected the following corps
tt teachers for the ensuing year : Prof. M.
C. Mayimanmi , principal ; Miss Mary MeKin-
Icy , assistant principal ; Mrs. Everett , advanced -
vanced grammar ; Miss hattie h'omeroy ,
first grammar ; Miss Edith Iluse , second
intermediate ; Miss Lizzie O'Connor , first in-
terniedlato ; Mrs. Mary Myers , primary ;
Mrs. Wiliiaiii l'orter , East Ind primary.
Itmerjmipi 11mm II rend Cuiiammmiy.
DAKOTA CITY , Neb , , .Iumio 12.-Specimmt. ( )
-The corommer'mi jury , which investigated the
death of Charles Alcxnmider , who was killed
by being run over by a dirt traimi on the
Chicago , St. l'aul , Minneapolis & Omaha
railway at South Sioux City oim the 8th
inst. , has returned a verdict to the ciToct
that Alexander Caine to lila death through
carelesartess Oit his own pnrt iimul exonerated -
ated the railroad company.
L'itmm'itmi Synod.
NIimASK CITY , June 12.-Special.- ( )
The Nebraska district of time German Evami-
gelical synod has been in convention in this
city simmcc last Thursday. Some thirty-six
ministers and delegates ( roam all parts of
time state nrc in attendance. Thu ofilcers
arc : Rev. John ICroehnke , Lincoln. prosi-
( lemit ; Rev. J. Raniser , Falls City , secretary ;
Rev. F. French , Plattsmouth. treasurer.
Time meeting will terminate tomorrow.
Cmadromi 'I'emielermi.
CILADRON , Neli. , Jummo 12.-Special.- ( )
The Board nt Education has selected the (01-
lowing teachers for the coming year : Prof.
\v. B. flackus , Florence , Nob. . principal ;
Miss Florence S. Smith , Lincoln , assistant
pnincipal Misses Galloway , Ada 13 Brown ,
MinnIe J. flerdixon , Ethel 14. Mason , Nell
I ) . Julian , M. A. Lute. Limlu Kendall , Margaret -
garet Morgan and Miss Clark.
liii mghmmrM iii a l'ustomllee.
WATERBURY , Neb. , June 12.-Special. ( )
-The Waterbury postoillce was broken into
last night anil stamps to the value of $4
taken. Mr. Connors' store , at the same
Idace , was entered by burglars the same
night and goods to the value of $50 taken.
No clew.
'r , , ! n ii a' , ' rs 1 iim I ,
WAKEFIELD , Neb. , June 12.-Special. ( )
-Company G is improving rapidly in miii-
tary appearance nuder the direction of
Drillmaster Lieutenant II. B. Nelson. Mr.
Nelson won the medal at the State university -
versity for elliciency and knowiedge of miii-
tary t cttts.
GeniI Crum. Outlook
MILLER. Neb. , June 12.-Speciai.-The ( )
rainfall tins been abundant in Buffalo. Dawson -
son and Custer counties this seheon , and the
prospects for crops were never better at this
nine of year. There is a phenomenal growth
of wild grass everywhere.
NelIrmIslmL NCTM Notcu ,
A now school house is being erected at
Stanton is talking of extending its water
oi ks system.
A Nebraska man recently caught a hundred
pound catfish in the Missouri river.
There vIil be an imumemise crop of Iwaches
and every other kind of fruit in Furnas
county this year.
The Auburn creamery has ceased Thaking
butter for the sunitncr and is converting all
the milk received into cheese.
C. C. Horton of Genoa shot a fine specimen -
men of an American eagle which moasimreri
six and one-half fct from tip to tip of Its
It is meported that Eugene Cashmnan , defaulting -
faulting ox-treasurer of Greoley county , has
settled his shortage by turning in a see-
t.ion of land and $ l.000.
lClmbali coumity and the Union Pacific
railroad have reached a compromise emi the
tax question and as a result time road has
paid about 7OOO of back taxes.
IH the westbound , assenger train on
time Eikhorn was stnikiimga lively gait about
four miles beyond Wood Lake the engine
struck amlt butcheict1 thirty-threa bead of
cattle for a atockmnan amid imijured a imumnbem
SI ei itejiti hI ii'mimM I'm. , ii.i iincl. .
MALAD CITY , Idaho , Jmmime 12.-Speciai. ( )
-At it called meeting of republicans amid
silver repimbilenmis luhl in time opera house
in this place a complete reunion of the republican -
publican rarty wils eflict ° d. Strong speeches
for reimnion were niade by nmmmo of the niost
poimmlmmoilt silVem relamblicaus in the county ,
amuomig them Joseph Coburim , who was last
camnpaigmi U candidate for representative imm
the legislature emi the silver republican
ticket ; Ifoim , W. 13. Tlwws , ex.siieaker of
thu territorial imnmmsu of repiesentatlves amid
cnmiiiiditto in 1J6 ( or state mienntor on time
sliver republiran ticket ; Martin Johnson , a
immommmimiemit eiivor republican of l'restomi , and
lion. David Lapray of Vstomi , On behalf
of time rcpuhicani , Prof. Wejber of Dayton ,
Prof. Box ofVeston amid it , IT , lavis spoke.
There was the liest of feeling anti ierfcct
imarniommy throughout tIme , mmeetimmg.
Tlmero ln"ing ii vacanc"y in' thiecommnty cha'lr-
mnutmship , hlnmiV' , , M , Leigh , cummdtdate iii
1896 for state reiireLmmtative on the silver
ticket , was eiectci. Mrs. Annie Sawyer. an
active end intelligent woman. was selected
for the postition of tate conindttoewomnamm.
The commvczttOn for eIectin ] iegates to
the state conventiom will be hold attmim ni-
can FmiIi Augost 0 , the coumty nominating
comiventlon at l'reston September 8. By
this action factional lines lmavo been prac-
ticaily obliterated lit Oneida county ,
A P.tEOUS hJili ,
' ? ili a Ne mmmiii Smianry Pinor.
Chop beet , mnutton or cork into a bash.
Take m' . cpmummtlty of Grape-Nuts equal to halt
the ammiount of meet , Mix into the Orape-
Nuts a raw egg ammil what milk it will take
iii , .
Salt amid popper to ta3te.
Now thoroughly mix meat unti all into a
hash. fomimi into patties like sausage antI
place 1mm a hot ukiilet with only enough butter -
ter oil bottom to prevent stickimig. h'iuce
cover over the skillet amid cook until done ,
i'ut a little piece of butter on top of each
patty if they tend to become dry , but do
hot 1110 ent.ugit to make greasy ,
Serve hot amid you wilt discover tbmtt the
meat has acquired Lt miiOS savory flavor from
the Grape-Nuts and at time same time it has
been rontiered easily digestible and time ole.
mnents iii ( Ito Grape-Nuts furnish most. viii-
unbie nourishinemit for athletes as well its
Urocers sell Oralme-NutL
: i-
Omaha Humbles the Mighty Hoosiers Ln a
Bed fiat Strugglo.
3imtmuger of tbc lInh.e.i l.e.hs Ills Flek
(0 ( Horloims 'iotor7 in ft
tlimtt Is Veil nf Fine
Vl ) rk.
The Babes won't stand for any ball toss-
log aggregation like the Hoosiers to make
it two straight , big leaguers or not , That's
why they soaked it to them yesterday to
the score of 3 to 1' in another game that
was mientIfiiily aprimikied with iretty and
briliiamit iiiays.
And it ought to have been a stint out and
it would have been a skunk , sure as shoot-
lug , if Umpire Cantiilon had not come to
the rescue of time chamnplomms amid saved them
that humiliation. lie threw out the iife iino
in that eighth inning , wheim the Hoosiers
made their lone tally. Quo milan was out
when McFarland waddled tmp. i'isher banded
imini two strikes. and the next that ho tossed
over was as pretty aood one as ocr crossed
time iiiate , It ctmt time rubber square in two
and it wait' a good distance above time knees.
It was a thrd strike and out , but Cantilion
hollemed , "Ball. " McFarland did not take
any chances after that and he marked his
appm'cciation of the gift by hapging out a
two-bagger , 'lIe was brought liomne by
Deady's single.
1mm fact , emi several occasionS Mr. Camitliion
might have hind his blinkers packed away
in his vglie at time hoti , for they appar.ntiy
did him mm good emi the fielti.
Manager Fisher was the boss mmmii , for ho
twirled a masterly genie. Iii oniy one in-
utmig thu the 1-looslers get two hits , the rest
being scattered. lie did not give a base on
halls mid struck out five mnen , some of the
hard hitters , ton , And he , placed these
stnikeotmts in time right liaCCS , too , For Instance -
stance , in the fifth with one mann out atid
Aliemi on third and Kaltoc emi secomul , Man-
rmger Fishier took timings hr his own hands
and famined both Hawley and hlogriever.
YoU'd otter heard the redhiots holler.
Twirler Hawley was very effectIve , too ,
except iii the third when we bumiched four
hits on him and womi the game. lie struck
out one mami and gave only one base on
baits and only one by hitting the batter.
That's pretty fair.
Fk.1IiiZ Viis Superb.
130th tennis fielded brilliantly with the
odds on the pretty work in favor of the
Babes. There was very little that conid
get away fromn our outfield and infield both ,
amid semisationni stops an catches were the
order of the day. Catcher Mae 'vHs feeling
his oats and he went after everythimig In
sight like a terrier goes after a rodent.
The Indians came up first and hloggniever
rapped out a single in a very comifident sort
of way. Ia fact , they seemed to have it in
their nut that they could pluck another. tot'
little McFarland sacrificed lioggy around
to second , and the latter purloined third.
That's as far as it went , however , for Mac
gobbled Deady's foul and Fiahers benders
were omie too many for Hoffnieister.
\V4) commencd more mildly. Preston
flew out to the garden and l'ick and Flemn
both died on first. Three successive Iiyout.s
dashed the hopes of the Indians in the see-
In our halt , hQwever , we sounded a lit-
tb warning of what we Intended to do.
Lyons drew a base on balls , the only one
iii the gme , and go second on float's nice
sacrifice bumit. Eustace and Holly tried
hard , but they both tiled out.
One-two-three once muore for them in the
third round of tIme contest. But not on us.
McCauley banged out a nice simigie over
to the left , but was caught trying to steal
second. Fisher got a hard rap in the back
and got to first. Then Preston amid Fleming
sent him around to third on a hit apiece.
Pick cent a ripsnorter to Stewart that never
left the ground. It went through the Indian
amid Fish amid l'reston caine home , while
Fleni aquntted on third. Pick tried to get
to second nit the play , but was caught out.
'rhat wan enough. Roat filed.
Three rims to the good.
Sone IVurmn Ruse huh ,
In the fourth they made a hit and so
did we , but neither did any good. In the
fifth Stewart flew out to Fleming and Alien
got a base because Lyoims juggled Roat's
throw. lie got clear around to third on
Kaiioe's two-bagger , but Hawley amid Ho-
griever both struck out.
In the sixth Hofmnelster' single and Eus-
taco's two-bagger resulted in nothimig , and
the seventh , too , was uneventful , but In
the eighth they got their lone taiiy , 110-
griever went out to Preston and after Mc-
F'arland should have been caied omit on
strikes he banged out the' leather for two
sacks. Deathy hrought him home on a simm-
gb. ioffineister went out to Preston and
Motz fanned , with Dcady reclining on see-
That ended it. Score :
ALL It. I1.SB.Sh1.PO. A. H.
I'rpttnn If .1 1 1 fl 0 t it It
- - - - - - - - - - -
l"lemning rf. . . . . . . . . . 4 1 1 0 0 2 0 0
i'ickering of. . . . . . . . 4 0 1 0 0 i 0 0
Lyonshb. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 0 2 0 0 5 0 1
itoatss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 I ) 0 0 i 1 3 Ii
Etistace , 3b. . . . . . . . . 3 0 1 0 0 ' 2 1 1
iThlilmig8worth , 2b , . 3 0 t U 0 2 0 0
McCauley , c. . . . . . . . 3 0 1 0 0 9 1 0
Ffiier , I , . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 u 0 0 0 1 0
Total . . . . . . . . . . . .23 i S 0 1 27 6 2
AU , It. I1.Sli.S11PO. A. hI.
Itogriever , rf . , , . , , . 4 . 1 1 0 0 0 0
Me1'itrianth , of. . . . . . 2 0 1 2 0 0
lendy , if. . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1 1 0 1 0 0
hloffmolster , 3b. . . . - I 0 0 2 2 0
Mtitz , lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 12 0 0
t4tt'wnrt , 2b. . . . . . . . . 4 0 0 0 3 3 1
Allen , m'i. . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1 0 0 2 1 0
Kitbte. C , . . . , . , . . , . 4 1 0 0 2 1) ) 0
ilawley , it. . . . . . . . . . a a 0 S 0
'Petals . . . . . . . . . . : ; 2 1 21 15 1
Ittimis by hnmiimigs-
Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 3 0 Ii 0 0 0 -3
Indlanmtpniis . . . . . . 0 0 U 0 0 0 0 1 0-h
Ilitis by hnniiigm3-
Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 4 1 1 1 0 1 -3
lmuiiulmalmllis. . . . . . . l 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 0-7
llrrurs by Immnimigs.-
Omnimmi . . . . . . . . . . . . 000110000-2
hiudimmimapolis . , . . . , 0 j I 0 0 0 0 0 -1
llarno'h rumisI imiillnnapolis 1. ' Two base
lifts. Ilmistace , Iilmoe , IdoFariarid , Double
IIIiLYS : Jloffmeister to Motz , Ilamme on bails :
By 1-inwicy. Lyomis. First imatm on errors :
Otamilma I , , 1 mid lumialinlis 2. 1 lit by pitclmeU
ball : B ) hlawioy , Fisher. trtmtk out : By
t'ishtr , hloifliieister hinwitty , liogriever ,
Mets , Sttmwuurt ; by lfiLwley , iouis , Left on
bmtmes : Omiiithma 5. luidimmumapoiis 7 , 'I'inie ;
0mw hour mmmiii twemity-itve minutes , Urn.
hire , Cantillomi.
Notes of the tini.te ,
Iii time ninth usher tmtrtmck out Stevart
on three imitlmeti balls.
Lyons threw the emily base on bails and
strikeout to the credit of IIiuvley.
Mi three of the fielders did seine great
work , taking in eight tiles mimiti seine of
themn craclccrJneks ,
From his playing iitro Allen has been
overtoutemi thmiu 'l'hero has been very
little ginger in limit play.
It is rarely that a first baseman gets
only live limit oUts to imis credit as I.yomis
thtd , lie hmad cmiii' mmix chances.
Time lloomders are great johliers , They
jolly t'achm other time opposing team , time
biescimermi and the grand stand. It's fun
for time ( aims.
Boat's work ivis fine. In the Ilrst in-
nimmg ito mmuie a great run and got Mntzs
( oui miear time biencimers mind on several
ocemmsinns Ito made circus stops.
A man in the grand stand dared to ques-
thin mimic of Umpire Cantiliomi's deeision
Oil strikes amid iaiis iii time early imimmimigs
uimitl the "enipire" ordered him ejected , but
releitted ,
! lmmwiey's slow baits were hard to bat
out of time diamond. the outfielders huivimig
only three clianceum. hawley gurnered
'eight assists hmimniuclt and severni vcre
Boat got a juecr assist in the seventh.
Kahmoo rapped a liner to him , which was
so hot tbut , lie dropped It , The bait Toiled
- -
- I _ _ _
- -
towanl sceonti rind Holly succeeded in
elongittimig iiinnif aim extra foot iii llama
to get it iiefoO'I Ailem ; ticceedeth 1mm reach-
lag second fr iii first ,
McCatik'y did some great trnckstoppimmg.
After a hard run -he caught omme ( ciii lint
two feet from the grand stnni. lie ran
into the stanitt ; the leather was safe
in hi mitt ,
Umpire Cantii1M was way oft on some
of his balls and strikes and iii roimbeil
Ficniimig ( if ft hit Ifi the eighth. The
leather iandod.ig.htt on the right. foul tine ,
but it VtUi CfttJ&md.a foul ,
In time three games in which Fisher tins
pitched since tIme temcm rettmrne.l ) mmcm he
has given one i.tmoiilmaii5. That one was
liresented in time mitat Detroit gmmnme in the
last inning Att' tWo men were out , in the
last two gamea.tse . hams not made a gift.
Tliitt Indicates his .atmost perfect control
of time ball ,
( ) Tiilllt lISTlIhtV LItGUl SCOitI.
iCmtmmsn' . CIt , Ummnl.hi go Io liuislimesil
ms-ltlt i r , htetlger.
XANSAS CITY. Mo , , Jutmo 12.-Miiss'aukco
tnmmmchieti their hits while time ilbies couldn't
lilt 1tetter. Scorol
ICansas City . , I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-2 4
Milwaukee . , . . ¶ 3 1 0 0 0 (1 ( 2 18 10 1
Batteries : 1'tmmsas City , Stmiii'itn timid
\Vilsnmi : M Iiw.tiik'c , llettger and Speer.
MiNNiIAt'OiIS , Mum , , June l2.-'l'he
Mihiers tied time score in ( lie eighth by a
tliree-lutso imit by RIce , hut in their Imaif
tIme Stars worked a' nmnn over tile Plate
amid vomi mimi exciting Coittest. Score
IL 11. II.
Mimimmeapolis , . 0 1 0 0 0 u 0 2 0-3 8 6
Ctmltiintmuq . . . . . . 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1-4 ii 6
hintterie ttlminimitpoIis , l'lmiliiiipi .and
ititter : Columbus , Friend and Buckley.
ST. PAU1 , ltlinmm. , Jimmie 12.-Shugart's or-
m-urs In time first imtmtimmg mrncticaiiy gave
time game to DetroIt , Score :
St.I'aui . , , , . . , 001200000-373
Detroit . , . . . , , , , -
flatteries : St. Paul , F'rlckomi and Spies ;
] ) etrolt , Mtmiiitmme , hirthu timid Twineimamn.
Played. Won. Lost. 1' . C.
limdianapohus . . . . . . . . -12 29 13 6i.0
Colunminm' . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 23 15 i.5
St. l'atmi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2l 18 GO.9
Friimisiin City. . . . . . . . . . 41 25 18 OS.1
Mllwatmleo . . . . . . . . . . 45 21 19 67,3
Dntm'tmit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 i
Minneapolis . . . . . . , . Ii 13 30 3.2
Onmnlia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4) ) 11 27.5
Oniiieii today : Iuiiiitniipohis mit Omaha , hut-
wnukee at Kansas City , Detroit at St. Paul ,
Columbus at hhimineiipohis.
Clmteumgo Gels 'l'riimmmeeit by the' i1rovuis
n.m he hluimmi' ruuuiiM.
CHICAGO , Jummo 12.-Time Browns defeated
Chicago totiny iii one of time prettiest games
of the seasuim. floUt Pitchers were lilt hmnrl ,
emily the nmost brilliant fielding keepimig tIme
5CC re dowim. St. Louis secured its rmmmms
by tIme bunchmlmig'uf hitm4 , aided by two bases
emi balls. Attendamicti 11,400. Score :
chliCAuo. ST. LOUIS.
Ryan , it. . . . 1 2 2 1 0 Bowl. et , , . I 3 0 0 0
I'erett , lb. . 1 2 10 1 0 QuInn , rf. . . 0 1 2 0 t )
liboim.ct..0 1 1 1 OiI-mriey , lf..1 I I 11.
DUmlen , st. . 0 1 2 6 0 Cros , Iii. . 1 2 3 1 0
' ' ' , lb. . 0 2 12 0 0
M'C'nm'k , Si 0 0 2 6 ml 1)eier ,
Mertei , rX U 1 1 U 0 Sugtien , C. . 0 1 3 0 0
L'onnor , 2b. , 0 1 3 3 0 Cruciat. 21 , . . 0 0 1 ' . 0
IfltilmIme , C. im 2 6 1 Ii Smith , its , . . 0 1 5 2 0
Callahan , m ° 0 0 : m OTaylor. p..1 2060
Totai . . . , 2 1027 20 1 'l'otal'i . . . . 4 14 27 ii I
Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000000020-2
StLoui'i . . . . . . . .0040O0000-4
Enroot ! runs- Chicago , 1. Left on bises :
Chicago , 9 ; St.i4toUis. 8. Two-base lift :
Taylor. Sacr1tic bit : Isbeli. Stolen bases :
Dowmh , Taylor. D iubie imilts' : uamilemi to
Coimnor to IIvIittt Struck out : By Calm-
han , 4 ; by Taylort 2. Ilasti on balls : Off
Callahan. 4 ; of ) Talor ; , 3.Vild hitch : Cal-
Inhaum. Time ot , m.mme : Two hours. Urn-
Imlres : Ilmithie mind Curry.
Clouieii1)o ½ mm tue Lenders.
LOUISVILIAIIj June 12.-Wagner's home
run with a mitu onbases won time game for
time Cohomiels In timt eighth Inning. Attend-
mince , 4,000. Scare :
LOUISVllA2 crcm-vni. I , lt.ILO.A.B.
Clarke , it. . 1 I.2 I' 0 SmIth , If. . . 1 , 1 2 0 0
ItttcIm3' , s. 0 0 4 1 2 HcciIey , lb 1 2 5 0 0
11m ) ' . Cf. . . . . 1 23I 0 0 Mel'Imee , ! b. 0 0 4 2 0
Dexter , rt , . I L-2 0. . 1 Curcoran , ss 0 0 1 3 0
Staff'rd. 2b 4 , ir.,4.IhI , 1 Irwin. ib. . . 0 0 4 0 0
Wam ner. lb. 1 , 1 1 , , 0 Mmilo , rf. . . I 2 1 , 0 0
C1'gmran , lit 0 0 ! 3 10 M'itrtde , ef I 2 1 0 0
i'mvers. C , . 0-hi I .O'Wooii , e , . , , 0 0 5 0 1.
Cun'gmm'mn , I ) 0 --th0 ! .t 0 Iir'i.'nst'n , p 0 0 0 2 0
Tents i. . . S 8 27 24) 4 Totss , , . . 4 7 24 7 1
Louisville . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 -5
Cimmclnnati . . . . . . . . . 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 0-1
Earmied runs : Louisville , 2 : Cimucimimmati , 2.
Two-base hits : Clarke , Cuimninghnmn. Home
rumma : l3eckley , Wagner. First base on
balls : Ofl Cummningham , 2 ; off hlrettemmsteln ,
4 _ Struck out : By lireitmimmtelmi , 2. Double
plays : Wagner to Rltchey ; iulcPhee to Cur-
conan to Beckicy. Passed bail : Wood.
Left on bases : LouIsville , 5 ; Cincinnati , 2.
Time of game : Omie hour and forty-five
minutes. Umpires : Swartwooth and Wood.
' : . ' I , le , , . l.iiae on Simui , ht' .
CLEVELAND , Julie 12.-Time first Sunday
game here tImlit sensoum was played tills
afternoon at Euclid Beach Imark , nine miles
from the city. A crowd of 6,000 was vresemita
A severe thunderstorm iimterrupteil the
ganie , but thiere was no interference by time
authorIties. The latter hart of the five In-
nlngs wmts played in tue rain. and tIme bnhl
was so wet the pitchers could do nothIng
with it. Score :
It.ll.O.A.B , ILII.O.A.E.
Iiurkett , It. 0 0 0 0 0 Donovan , rt 0 0 1) ) 0 0
Chimils , 2b , . I ) 1 4 4 0 OIJrIen , Cf. 0 0 3 0 5
Wnitaoe. 11,0 0 0 4 GUnny , Ib..1 1 1 2 0
McK.nn , ss. 0 0 0 1 0 M'C'rthy , It I 0 0 0 0
OC'mmnor , lb 1 1 5 0 0 iavft' , hb..1 2 4 0 0
nmamce. m-t. . . 0 1. 2 0 0 I'al.Ien. , 21u , 0 1 1 1 0
Meieer , of 0 1 2 0 0 fclirmver , c. 0 0 3 2 0
crmger , C. . , 0 0 2 0 0 ily , s . . . . . 0 1 2 0 0
i'oa-eml , . . 0 0 0 1 0 Cinnilner , p. 0 0 1 2 0
'rotals , . , . 1 4 1 10 0 Totuli . . . . 3 5 15 7 0
Cievelammil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 1 0-1
Pittsbimrg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 3 03
hlarimeil runs : Pittsburg. 1. Left emi bases :
Cieveinnti , 5 ; Pittiiburg , 6. FIrst base on
balls : By Powell , 6 : by Gnrdmier. 3. Struck.
alit : fly l'ouvehl , 1 ; by Gai-dner , 1. Two-
iniso hits : l3iake , IlLvhs. Sncrillce hilts :
] liak , Mc'Alet'r. 1)oubio play : Wallace to
Chiids to OCmmmiior.Viid pitch : l'owelh.
Umpires : Smiytler mmmiii Conimohly. 'l'imne of
game : 0mb hout and temm minuteit. Attend-
nno ( , G.fi00
Played. Won. Lost. Per C.
Cimmelmmnatl . . . . . . . . . . . 44 1) 14 OS.2
Cloveianti . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 0 16 r5.2
hlnltimnnro . . . . . . . . . . . . 4(1 ( 23 15 625
BOiltimi . . . . . . . . - . . , . . , . 45 B 17 62.2
New York . . . . . . . . . . 41 . 2:1 : 21 62.3
Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 23 22 61.1
Pittsburg . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 21 23 61,1
Plmiladeiphia . . . . . . . . -ii , 18 23 41,9
ilmoolci'im . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 16 23 39,0
St. Ltiui' . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 ii : 2S 3ii
IMuisVillo . . . . . . . . . . . 41 15 31 32,6
Washington . . . . . . . . . 4G ii 32 39,4
Games today : St. Lotus mit Chicago Clii-
cinnati at Louisville , Pittsburg at levo.
land , Pliihatielimlmla at Bostomi , Brotmhlymm at
New York , Baltimore at Wnmshmlmigtoii ,
uiuuie 'l'lI4 itftermiimoum.
It will bo ml. tight thuis afternoon ( romn
time mnonment ttmo is calied , because the
hoosiers tie not want to drop another.
while time ilimbes are just as determimmeil that
they witmit time rest of time series. As a re-
stilt another tluphication of time great
games that are ) ? put up is In prospect
0,1(1 , jill you runs 9ugimt , to turn out , TIme
lineop will be
Oimiiiiia. 'Poitiomms. lndidnapoiis.
Lyoiuii . . . . . . . . . . .iP'st base
I lollingswurtlm. tlecp'nil bztrtu..Stewart
ilmmstaco , , , , , . 1'1'hi1rti base..Iiofme1ter
itoat . . . . . . . . . .1Shfmttstoit. . . . . . . . . . . . . Allen
Preston . . . . . . . ' 4.tLdft tlehd.u..1)eady
Piokurng , , , ,1hIktuilo Iieltl , , , , . McFarland
Fleming . , , . . , , , 11g1mt held..logritiver .
McCauley . . . . . ' 1.C'1tebmer. ; . . . . . . . . . . . . Kahioe
'Daub or iIimtl5.1 itehmer , , , , , . , , . Foreman
Ori-fm.nmH Itefiuse to LoNe ,
The Origimmuisi wmmu their fifth victory of
the st'uistmrm yesteriiay by doimmg it to the
hlaytlc'mm ilros',4wun by a score of 8 to 7 ,
wimimming in tiio pinth. Score :
hlityden Bros. , ) - i 0 3 0 1 2 0 0-7 6 1
OrIginals . . . . . _ _ at 0 1 3 0 1 0 1-810 4
Ilatteries : himtydn Bros. , Bowman and
'Vt'elclm : Originals. bawler , Scully until Siman-
nomi , 'l'wo iastu iiIl Doreas , Wel'hm , Struck
out : By Welch , by Lawher 0 , by Scully
I , llmplro , hawley' of tile Indianapolis
ifosfomi Sorsm Wiuis liimiuillly.
'Vim. . , llostqn Store team deteated tile Pros.
lect 11111 team at file grounds on Twentieth
nimtt Paul streets , Time ' ( sututuro of time gmLme
was time imitciming of Stanuleid , strikimig out
nimmo mmmcii In seven iqnings. Score :
110310mm Store . . . . . . 0 0 1 0 2 2 0-S 9 1
I'rtisptmct lhil . . . . . . . 0 0 i 0 0 0 0-2 0 3
hiatt sriems : Boston St-ore , Stimnfiehtl and
Aim-'rn : l'ruspect. 11111 , Murray and huh ,
'i'hi I3otttt Store uyouhd like tc hear from
some anmateur team nmummgiiig from 15 to 21.
AdIrcss JJ lit , Manmming , care Boston Store.
Mess lire , . . 'WL Assimm.
'rime Mctz Bros. avoreil 'a victory by de-
( eating the South Omaha Giants Sunday
aftermmoon by a score of 15 to 4. TIme tea-
tune of the game was Snyder's home run.
Score :
Meta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 5 1 2 0 5 215
South Omnaiuu. . . . . . . 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0-4
Ihimse hilts : Metz 19 , South Omaha 7. Two
base bits , Snyder , Bowbes. Home yuns1
-i-i . ,
- - -----.i-- - - - - - - - - - - -
Snyder and flyers , Base on balls' ' , by Sny-
( icr 4. Sullivan 2. Struck omit : By Snyder
10 , by SUili'zmn a. hiatteryl South Onmniun
Sumilivan timid Fitzgeralti , hIetz , Snyder amal
Sage , Uumpire , Ihimleiths. ,
ST. JOSII1'iI , Mo. , Jimmie 12-Score :
ItII. 1.
St.Josemh.000000000-014 ;
Peoria . . . . . . . . . . 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 -G 10 0
hiatteries : St. Joseph , McDonald and
hlatisomm ; i'eorun. , McGlnity and Quinn.
OTTUMWA , In. , June 12.-Score :
Ottmmmwa . . , , , , 1 0 4 1 0 2 00 0-lG2
itnek Imlltimid . , 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0-2 6 2
Batteries : Ottumwa , Nonemacher anti
Kt'efe : Bock lslnimd , Walsh , Youumg mummi
Strauss ,
QUINCY , Ill. , June 12.-Score :
Quincy . , , . . . . , . 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i-ll I
Dutmuqtie , , , , , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0-2 a 3
flatteries : Quiney , l'arvin and Lehman ;
Itmbuque , Cimrne3' nail Hodges.
llecomid Game.-Score :
, It.1I,1I.
Qimimicy . . , . , , , . 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0-2 4 2
Dubuque . . , . , . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 5 1
Batteries : Qimincy , Cooper amid Lohimmimmn ;
Dubtmque , htcl"ni-lammd timid I lotlge ,
iouier % 'iict'inim'n .tre l'uist.
DIIN\'Fiit. Coho. , Jimmie 12--Two umipaceil
bicycle recerils wore lowered totlay at
Clmutes I'itrk iii thii city. V. ' . W' . Ilaimmifton
rode an unpaced nub in I :56 : , imimih A. hi.
I lugla'mi vomit three amihes mmmipacctl 1mm 6:28. :
No snmmetiotm himitl been misketi for tlmeso roe-
ordit , and tlmel' will them cinre imtmt go eu
ri'eomih its olilciuth , Time regular ummeet wIll
liii held imext Simmitlay , wiiemi the above ridems
will agiulmi atteimipt to nitlo tIme respective
dlituiiiceii as they did totlay ,
Ui It ) mm. mum. , Si miii mu , tim. , 41-li * ) a , in ,
6:10 : A. hi. , Ii:40 : A. lit , ,
6:40A. : fit.
The Northwestern line trnitm to St. Paul.
lihimmncapoiis , Spirit Lake , Dultmtlm nmid alt la
kota imiats , from the Union Pacific depot ,
865 dmms every year. "Thirougim by daylight -
light , '
1401 Farmiamn St.
'lIme a.mperit . ilimumiminiemit
anI quid : tlmmmo of the Ummlomi Pacific makes
it the lopumlur ) line to all mniimcipah western
resorts. City ticket office , No. 1302 Far-
namu at.
lteport himmrt'mtu ci' Slmmtisl 1cM Slios
ii l.mirsct' I miereumse.
WASli1NGTO , June 12-TIme chief oftime
Bmmrmnu of Statistics reports that tIme exports
of domestic produce from the United States
for May nail for time eleven months for 1898
as comnparetl with simnilar exports for the
same period of the fiscal year 1897 wore as
follows :
II nio.'s 11 mum's
ended elided
May 1 , ' 9' ; May 31 , ' 08 May 31 , ' 97
llremulstuffs , , S 3t,210,997 $295,603IB 1,0.6,672
Cotton . . . . . . . 12,1413S69 222,4S1ISO 221,9il,01i
MiitermLh oils. , 4,57lS26 60,198,715 56,077S'32
C'tlo timid hogs 2,42S,301 32,11ih8 ( 30,0ti,0X4
Provisions . . . 15,240,668 141,778,827 115,9S9,306
Grand total. $72,668,607 $742,072,92S $607,572,920
The increase of exports Ia May over those
of the same month last year was $30,520,725.
ImidICfttIOmmN Are timmmt it ' % Vlll lie Sigueih
WAShINGTON , Julie 12.-Time war revenue -
nue bill will hot beconme a law umitil next
Monday. Owing to a rule adhered to lii both
houses that the presiding ofilcers shah not
sigmi such nmeasures save when the respective
houses are 1mm sessIon , time bill stiil lacks
the signatures necessary before the president
aflixes his approval.
While tile house was in session yesterday ,
the senate was not , and it was thought best
to attend to these details together. Accordingly -
ingly , when the two houses meet tomorrow ,
time bill will probaidy be rushed through for
the signatures of Vice President Hobart and
Speaker Reed , and the necessary enrollnment
Time Ciinnges in the 3Iodq , of Varfmiye
Iliustrnted by Pictures.
If you wish to properly ummderstand the
war news , if you wish to have a defimmite
knowledge of naval affairs and the events
that are occurring in th Easi and West
Indies you can secure no bettcr , no mono I
reiiabie soui Co of informnaion than the
offIcial photographs ot time United States
mmavy , just issued by the Omaha Bee. The
price is oiihy 25 comits , and more valuable
anti timely Information was never offered
for the money. It is on sale at The Omaha
Bee countilmg-rOomns , or vlii be scat to any
addresmm on receipt of price ,
Time book coiislsti' of nearly 200 pages of
views made by E. H. Hart , naval photo-
grapher. and the list of subjects embraces
evrytbimmg of Interest pertainimig to our
navy. of which every American is justly
proud. First within time covers of this inter-
eating work commics a map sixteen Linmes as
large as the book itself , showing on one
side time Spammishm possessions , anti an ad-
jucent territory. whll.i on the other side
the East Indiami potsessionb are similarly
treated. Steamship lines. with the distances -
tances Intervening between different poimmts ,
are shown , and a close study of these maps
will give one a thorough umiderstamiding of
this territory , in regard to which the iii-
terest of the American public is now at
fever heat.
Then follow more than 200 mare pictures
of the navy. it.s otilcers and equlpnment. The
views are all authentic , and are the latest
oflicial pimotogrimpims of our torpedo boats ,
torpedo boat destroyers. cruisers , battleships -
ships , gunboats monitors. rams cynanmito
cruisers. dispatch Vessels , anti other war
craft , the whole enibothying an authentic
portrayal of the Amnericami navy as It exists
today. A complete 'Jeseriptlomm of time con-
structlotm , displacement. izn , speed , bat-
terles , acumor. crew and cost of each boat
will ommablo the reader to forimi an accurate
witim these are phmotograplms of the leading
Spanish niemi-of-wor , also fully described ,
fly far the nmost interesting portions of tim
book are views of tIme Manic , taken before
the disaster iii Ilavamma harimor , shomvimg the
life and tilsclplimio aboard a battleshIp , together -
gether u'ith Imortnimits of time officers and
crew , supplemented by photographs talcemm
after time expioslomi. depicting time divers at
work. anti other immcidents in connection
Witll this antI antI mncniornhle event.
This work can be obtained by cutting a
e.oupomi fmomn page two , and brlngiumg it to
The Bee 0111cc , Omaha , The Bee buiiulng ;
South Omaha. Twenty-fourth and N streets ;
Iincohum , 1026 0 street : Council Bluffs , 10
l'earl straet. By snail 4 cemmts extra for
jostage. Adtlresa Navy I'hotograph Iepart-
meat , Omaha lice.
Atteittiumi r'iL'l&lImiiurs , M W. A.
Time annual vicnic of time Onmaima District
Log-Roiling association will be Imeld on
Weduesday , Jumie 15 , at Arlington. A ape-
cial train has isocmm 'chartered for the occa-
i'on , A good band wili acconmfany the ex-
ursion , and it is immtcnded that all Modenim
Woodmen with theIr families and friends
shall have a royal good quiD. The train
wIll leave the Webster atree1 depot at 8:15
Wodumesday immomning , Time fare for the round
trip Is'onhy 5 cents , Tickets can be pro-
curodofany of the following imamned parties ,
also at the tralar
C. H. ' 1' . Riepen , 1217 Jackson street.
George B. Rice , 606 South Sixteentim street.
liugimes' grocery store , Twenty-fourth and
Cumiumg ,
C , L. hopper , 524 Paxton block.
F. L. Brailey , Seveumteentii and Cuming ,
J , L. Pierce , 1024 New York Life.
Parke Cooke , Ummiomi l'aeifte freIght office ,
Vcteran of the Oiyil War Hold an
Encampment an&Oamp 'iro
hlepom'ts. frnnm time Oflleinhs h'rescitl
at the llimcniuiutuieiut tat Canton-
Ilifleer. I'1leetcil nimil I U-
rilihleil for Your ,
CANTON , S. D. , Juno 12-Spocial-The (
.lepartmneht encanmpmont of time tirand Army
of the lteimubhic of South Dakota held hero
during time last few ilays was one of time
ploasaimteat ever held , The attcndammee was
good anti the reports showed that mint oimly
the Grand Army lmropor but the allied or-
ganizatioiis are all iii gooti comithitton , The
report of Colonel 11. 0. Walton , assistant
adjutant gemici al , showed that at time tiimme tko
report for 1SDT-8 vmus nunule tIme total mmmciii-
borship saa 2,200 : during time halt
year the gain by niuister was seventy-
three , by transfer twenty , by reiiistatemmmemit
seventy-lIve , naking : a total gaium of 259 , ag-
gregatiimg a total mnenmbershuip of 2.469. LosfeB
sustained thtmrimmg time year : fly death thirty ,
by honoratilo discharge seveim , by
suspensiomi thirty-eight , by disliommora-
ble discharge two , by delimmquemmt. reports
oigmuc , mmmaking a total of 392 , leav-
lug a nmcmmit.ershmip Oim 1)eeomber 31 , ISOT ,
of 2,067 , To this mt'.rnbi'r should be added
gaimis lmy delinquent roportmi amid orgaimtzation
eighity-omie , immakimig a total tneimmbershtip at
this date 2,148 ; total mmumuiber of Posts iii gcoil
atmmmmdimmg miimmcty.five , hosts retmmuitatetl tluriiig
tumo year , five. Omme post surrcmiiiercd its charter -
ter mmml one new ; mst was immsttttiti'd. The
net loss iii mnemubersiiip tluinlimg time year was
140 , of uliicim thirty was by death ; loss from
nh causes was thmtity-one mimore thman tlurlng
the year imrevlous. TIme receipts from per
capita tax were $781.55. ( roam sale of suplmhies
Departimment Cliaplaimi 0.V , Deumiarest
atateih that Posts observed macmo-
rial services with approprIate exercises amid
that 1,290 soldiers u'ere present anti tlmat
thirteen ox-soldiers preacimeul nienuonial
scrmmmomms on Mcimmoniai Suimuhay ; fifty-six rests
observed Memmmorial ( hay , In which 1,613 muemim-
bera of the Gramid Army took part , nmmd the
graves of 613 ex-umiiomi soldiers buried In
ciglity-sevetm cemeteries were decorated ;
there are 139 graves of ox-soldiers in Sotmth
Dakota cemeteries unnmarked by headstones.
Public scimool chmildremm to time mmumuber of 8,881
attended and partlcipateti In time exercises of
time day , aiding time Grand Arnmyof time Ito-
public amid Woman's RelIef corps and Sons
of Veterans and citizens geimeraliy to the
number of 43,332. Of the addresses delivered
on Memorial day fourteen were by ox-sot-
diers amid thirteen by Sons of Veternims.
Front the report of Colommel C. L. Sumunmens ,
assistant qtmartermmiaster general , it appears
that during the imast year there was received -
ceived $887.24 and time expenses of the year
-were $215 less than time previous year , an
item that reflects credit tipoim the nmannge-
macnt of time ollice.
Itellef Corps nhuI Momma.
According to reports submitted by the
president of the Woman's Relief corps , Mrs.
Sue C. Moulton. that organization now has
forty-nine corps with 1,235 members , the
mmet gain In membership for the year being
sovemmti'-flvc during the year just closed
- olcvcl r-"mhmers died ; time total receipts for
the ) 'Om' were $1,100 , of whmich $200 was
given to lOSt to enable tlmern to defray
expenses. The corps arein , prosperous condition -
dition and gradually increasing iii numbers
and Influence. Sev rah corps have 'tdoptemi
time "flag drill , " wfl'lcit was faultlessly pre-
seated to the dopnrtmemmt gathering by Mrs.
! F. A. Munson , Miss Emmer Cook , Mrs. Hattie -
tie Drake and Mrs. A. F. Pay.
The Sommmu of Veterans' organization reports
progress , but its ranks have beemm sadly
depleted by enlistments of Its members in
time First South Dakota regiment and
, Grigsby's cavalry.
The following are department officers of
the Grand Arnmy of the Republic elected
and installed : Commuander , Colonel 11. P.
Farr of Pierre ; senior vice coinmnaimder , Colonel -
onel B. F. Bowman of Ipawichm ; junior vice
commander , Bailey Madison of .Sturgis ; mcd-
Ical director , TI. W. Foster of Armour ;
chaplain , Oranviiie Demnarest of Watertowmm ,
The foliowimmg are time officers of the
Woman's Relief cam-ps elected : President ,
Mrs. Violet Murphy of Yankton ; senior vice
president , Mrs. Martha DeLong of Canton ;
junior vice presitient , Mrs. Peters of Mitch-
eli ; chaplain , Mrs. Howard of Lennox.
The Sons of Veteraums elected oflicers as
follows : Colonel commanding , IV. A , Mor-
nit of Redfield ; senior vice , lii. II. North
of Watertown ; junior vice. B , 11 , Millard
of Canton ; division council , It. J , Courtmmoy
of Okoiiojo , C. C. Harmon of Canton , Nd-
son Tookor of Leola ; ilelegate.nt.iargo to
Omaha , lit. B. North of Watertowmm ; alternate -
nate , C. It. Fishier of Itedfield ; delegate ,
Nelson Toolmer of Leola ; alternate , 0. C.
Baker of Alexandria.
Gold illiu.i , for * hie ! ird ,
CENTRAL CITY , Cole , , Juno i2.-Spo-
ciah.-Aiiotimer ) strike
of rich free gold ore
has just becmm inatle In fluiuoi1 , . , , mni. 'em , , .
tinme In tIme lion Ton rniime , owned by Roy.
J. 11. Webber. amm Evaimgehical minister , who ,
something like a year ago , just after pmmr-
chiusimmg tIme prolierty , invited his friends ,
anmomig whom were prominent imuinisters of
this city , amid held religious services in time
shaft house amid dedicated the property to
time Lord , Time ore body was cut while
driftimig only a few feet west of the shaft
at a depth of 265 ( cot. The mIneral iii coin-
posed of copper , galena and zinc , carryiumg
wire gold In abummdance , and epecimnens
ahowmm in this city are exCoptIOnaIly fine ,
Sonic of the gold wires are halt an Inch
long , while masses of gold imt other forms
showed on nil sides of time rock.
I'tmliN of the l'opmulisga ,
TOPEKA , ICan , , June 12.-Special-At ( )
the national conference of time muiddlc.of-
the-road populimmts at NashvIlle last yen a
plan was adoimtod for ascertaining by time
retoremidurn metimod whether or not a mma-
tionah conference of that party was desired
this year , Ballots were sent out. anti It Is
claimed that in Texas 200,000 votes have been
cast , of which 175,000 am Ia favor of hold-
'ing a iatIonmml convention July 4 , 1898. Ia
Kansas 'the Vote wa solid. Ia other mop-
ulist states a omisimlerablo sentiment In favor
of a national meeting was also developed.
TIme conimittee appointed to cummvamts time vote
will meet at Omaha Juno 14 , and It is prob.
able that tIme national convemmtioa will be
calieti for July 4 at Omaha. Time populist
iiational comnmittee , which the middle-of.
thme-roaders claim is dominated by fusion
democrats , will also be In session at Omaha
next week , amid it is expecteti timat the prop-
- "There's the rubmIet. )
r3F ) The 'I rub" in one hand , and the effect
of it in the other. Good design for a
I. ' '
\ " " '
soap ad-isn't it ? Question of
I- " 4- health , if nothing else , ought to make
- you give up tills wearing washboard
I ' rubbing with soap , and take up the sent -
% t/ sible way of was ing wit i Pearline-soaking ,
boiling , rinsing. The washboard rubbing , done
in the midst of soiled clothes and tainted steam is harmful to
any woman. If you think it isn't , you'd better think again. o
- : - : t _ ri-- - - _ _ y - - - - - -
r ositlon for a. Juiy convention will create ft
bitter fight , wiuicim may dIsrupt the party ,
Those wimo favor the conventiomm In July nlG
favor time nonmination ot time preshleiltifli
candidate at that time for the national pop-
tmiist ticket in 1900 , in order to prevent A
fusion in that year with the democrats.
Smile of Colorado ( ntIie ,
FORT \'ORTlt , Tox. , Jmimme 12.-SpeCifti ( , )
-One of the largest cattle tieSla made since
the boom t1ny of 1883 has just hiccu con-
atimumimmated. Time sale entaileth the transfer
of about $350,000 in casim for two of time old-
eat brands of cattle In time state of-Colorado ,
heretofore owimeti by Iheatty brothers. The
sale was imiacie to II. S. Boyce of Kansas ,
anti includeil 12,000 head of graded cattle
auth 18,000 acres of pateimteul land.
hlomight a Smuinil l immo ,
1lAli ( ) CITY , Itlaho. juino l2.-Slmeclai. ( )
-A syndicate of Siolano amen hums pti hnsei1 , . -
the New York maine , six mimiles north of Idaho
City , for $16,000. Ten men have beemi hut to
work , ammti It is lmroimosed to ruim 2,000 feet
of tuimnels. tIme lowest ammo 650 feet liolow
the smmrfnce. Wherever tripped' time ledge ii
large , belimg ( mmmi five to Ilfteemm foot wide
antI time ore rich imm free gold.
limitel for 1l iii imi 'l'oVIi.
CllII'i'lINNlI , Wyn. , Jmmne 12.-Specinl. ( )
It Is reported that a aymmtilcato of New York
capitalists , reimreseiitcd by Cleumeral Boyce ,
imait mmiailn a big dcci witim time ( lramimr En-
Ciimiilimielmt Towmmsite commmimmml. It will
build a hotel to cost $ IOOOO , a water anti
electric ligimt systeumm nail reduction workS
amlahited to the treatament of the ores of timat
mmiimmiimg belt.
l Issim mmii Cnnl 1ul mu. - '
SIIDALIA , Mo. , June 12.-Spccimil-ClaUI ( )
Ileiimammianim bus strmmck a remmarkabl- : rIch
'eiii of cannel coal n his torah on hiaw
creek , soumtii of Smith ton , Tile slmaft imns' "
pemmetrateti six feet of hiigim grade coal antI
the bottom has mmot yet imecim reacheti. Lead
lies also boemi foumid iii great abmmntlamice in
thmt satimmu vicInity. Pure ore itmnmis weiglmlmg' : '
twenty pounds antI upward are commmmmmon , , J
iiai mu ii I ii I lug C.mmmmmn mmu f Colurnihu. .
IENVIIR , Jumno 12-Special.-Thc ( ) cer-
tilleate of incorpoi'atlomm of time Northwestern
Iowa ( laid hUmming ammmi Milling company , with . , , , ,
a capital stock of $200,000 , to operate imm Ftc-
nmont coummty , was filed yesterday with time
secretary of state by 3 , It. Hail , J. F' . llwen , ,
0. Cimae , W. A. l'rlce , 11. Ii. Hcnmlersoim , S.
A. Winey , G. 'A. O'Ferrcll and 11.V. . lmmmntmmi ,
( 'n.M 'Vv1ls 1mm iCamismis.
INDIIPIINDENCII , Kim. , June 12.-Spo- (
cial.-C. ) L. Blooni of the Irmdeimendemieo Gas
commmp.iily has made contracts to drill gao
wells at Mathisan , Icaim. , auth at Bonmmcr
Springs , micar Kansas City. Tlme wells are to
lie drilled 2,000 feet tud work will coiimnmcnce
on thmeni at once.
' % V'unuimig evs Nutes
The Wyoummimmg itemublicaim ; league will meet
In Cimeyemmno July 1.
Eumory Litmu' of La.amnio will go to Aim-
ilapoiis tim tlm fall as cailot ( roam Vyomntng ,
'Pm , , , 1-.i , , , , t n. , . . A I .1 .n'i ft ' , . , r.t lv ( nv. .
enumor Richards 680 iiammimel abdominal lirotee-
ton to time Wyommmimmg battalIon.
Laramnie friends of Morgan F. Knauler of
the Laratnic troop 1mm 'i'orrey's regiment
have smmlmuwiiimcd $100 with which be can pur-
chace lilt. emimmipmemmt. Ho Is ecood lmeu-
H. G. Wright , formerly of the Oregon
Short himme , has on behalf of a imarty of Dmm-
Yen immimmimig men. secured a lease of the lmhncer
i'rolerties ' of time Oveninumd Placer comimpammy
on Foot creek , umear Itoekdale , Wyo. Time
moIerty coimsists of 1,100 acres of rich imlacer
groiinti containing gold-lmearimmg gravel free
frommm clay and bowiilers , showing rich val-
tmcs. 'I - '
An expert Iii the enmploy of 3lamcus Daly ,
the Moimtamia ummimmc amid simmolter owner , spent
two days nt the Nevimi mmmcli , near Rawlins ,
durlmmg time last week , examuminimmg sammmpies
of coal from the newly discovered vein at
that place , Time tests were made to tie-
termnioe time coklmmg qualities of time coal. Thmo
expert , Mr. Younger , sent the report of thu
tmestigatiomm to Mr. Dmmly'ii Anaconda office
anti Is reticent megaiullmmg hit , imivestlgatioa.
ICamisims Ne'a. Notes.
Time rainy spell tins socompllsimed one good
thmlumg. . . it has revived the good roads agita.
0mm a recent Sunday time collection in tlm
Preslmyteriami church at Emporia aggregated
James Brown , a negro , tiled at Troy the
other day. He hind lived thmo customar ? lOG
Th intenal revemmue collections for the
Kittisas cYrtrict for May show an Increase
of about $10,000 over May , 1807.
Platte county farmers during tIme yeas
emmdimig March 1 sold $31,920 worth more of
aninmals for slaughter than they did in the
precedimig year.
Time town of Glen Elden lreselmtcd a high
ached novelty iii time shape of a graduatiumg
clnsj consisting of two farm boys. Where
are the Kansas girls ?
ficorge ltemnsburg. a reporter 0mm the at-
chmlaoim Cimanipion , possesseii time largest anti 'r
nmost valuable arehmaeoIigical collection in the
-state. He has over 3,000 8peCiimiim5.
Time Stocktomm Record says that if time wheat
fields of Rooks county average tweimty
bushels to tIme acre. time county will imrothmce -
1,200,000 imuslmels of wheat this year. But
everyone expects the yield to rcacb twenty-
five bushels.
_ _ - .
- - - - - .4.
I was suffering tortures fromim a diseased' '
Scahim. I was acratcimlmig immy bead from immtmrn
Immg till nigimt. . Little lmimnplcs hz-nice oimt all
Over my lmcail , I hail no rest. I wasimeti amy
inmail with imot water ammmi CuTmaummiA SeAm' , smith
alillileil Cmrnicumts. as a tiressing , Now may
head hiss lmt a , hmlmimplti ( ma It , amti , amy hair iS
growing jilonillilly. ADA C hLt'ltltlII.L ,
330 Gramnl St. , J2rsey City , N , 3.
I thmouglit I would go ( rammtlc with 1tchIn
scalp hmimrnors. I lost eonaiiierabhtm of nmylmair
of wlmicim I hail an ahmendanee. I tried several
remneiiies , titer fitilemi , 1 trfaii GluTmoimmu SeAl'5 " '
relief iiummneiitate , Itching comnlmietely gone.
I4rs.M.JlII)4'th,2l6 liallitlay St.Jersey City.
BeIithr.9hitiia , nrI4 , riTTlR . & C.C'np. Situ
rop..Bu.mut. i..w cm k'iducs iuiziutiiui Stair , ire. .
' /1:4tt- : .
' ° 'tWEAK ' MEN.
Ml' ' little book , "Three Classes of Men , " t
sent to men aimly it telis of niy 30 years
expeniemmce us at specialist In au nervous
dIsorders resuihlnsl from youthful indiscro.
tiona Lame iback , ete , and tells why
cures With my inventiQfl , till Dr. Sanden
Electric Belt , known and used the 'world
over , 1 restored lumit year 5.000 memm , yoummg
and old Beware of vheap imitations Above
book explains all ; sent salud Write today. f
Dr , A. ft. Sni-ideti , , ' -
No , 183 5. Clark 8t. , chicaio , Iii. I