- , - - _ _ - _ _ - - - - - - - _ - - _ _ - - - - . - - . - _ _ _ - - - - . - . _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * - - - - - : u---------- 1 . rlJiI OMAhA DAILY 1Ii1 1ltl1)A * , d VNE to , 1898. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - June 10 , 'Os. , t An Exposition of Desirable Dry Goods. Hosiery Ladies' black cotton 1IO8- ( In out with ribbed top9. very geol quality. 2 : ; pair. Aho a viry good one at ti c. with maCe I4flI ( $ . We have a few 04(1 ( ilze' left In chl- dri'n , black flnn ribbed cotton lioe only lOc Pair. c:4z1 : 1 I't ' 1)eeii ) aikiiig ' ( . ) :1' : yi ) I J for are now . : liivo i .liut ; 1'tOI\'OI ( 01' . ; I ' inoii'o : Douhl fnce1 snttn ribbons , corded eilge I n w'h I t , hI ack aII colur4 , al wIdths nnil eolor Iii all silk , satlii aitid gro4 grnlii ribbons. : Underwear Ltdies' Jei'Jy cot- . toll ribbed vests- V front , short sleeves , fancy open s'nrlc , Ii lush ed necic , sli k tape , in w hi te tntl 1 ecru , 2c cacli. Ladies' black Swiss rilhl ( vests , square neck nud sleeveless , silk finished eiige Itilit iiik 1111)1' ) , 25c each. Mlsss' jersey riiled vests , ecru , low neck arni sleeveless , 5c cacti. Misses' richiehicu rlhbt'd rests , low neck . aiiil aleoveless. white niid ecru , finished neck and tape trimmed , lOc each. . Men's Uurnishings String Ucs in vt1i ; goo(1s , 5c , 7c , lOc alid 1.5e each- : SIlk string ties at lOc , 20c and 2c each. , ' String or bow t'fl's for Indies , 2n cacti. 130y14' white unlaundered waists , 2c former lirice , rjO Notions Little things-usefuL These are safely the best of their sort , ( ohil wire waist Pills , 5C each. Pearl Shirt Ituttons at We , t2'c and 1fc tier dozen. Iresoiiig combs at from &c to SOc , Phi cubes , ngorted colors , at &c , lOc , 12c 1ic and Oc each. Trioth flrtishcs at from c to 35c eaCh. CorsCt Laces , yards long , best inaile , 1o ( each. Undermiislins Lulies' ; luh131i1l (1 ( 1'8.WO1'5 - Umbrella ruflie of cambric , heinstitthi fiiiishi , extra value. at. 30c per pair. Ladles' skirts of muslin , canhrIc I 111110 edged , with flleditlfll width eiitbroIil r , at $1.00 each. Embroideries New Swiss em- bl'Oil ( M'iCS fluici insertiiigs- Just receive1 In liiflfly handsome Pat- ( eras. I'riccs nioderatu to suit all grades of materials , LininJs ! Halt' botie 'for bottom . of'skirts - jlivays rctLtil1 Its stiffiiess , Is thoroughly shrunken , not alTected by dampiiess or iuoisttire , tS Inches WIlO at $1.25 per yard. Summer Wash Skirts fOe even for a nicely inad Linen Colored Skirt , is cheap , tile ) ' & 11C not ihl1tl1. .O ( ) CVCII buys nil excellent linen col- 0re41 crash skirt , cut good nitil wide ( tech ) hem , well niatle. Tilts vh11 give 1)erfec ) satisraction. New Waists Au the new IMultOl'lIS are hOW llOl'O. If you watit ex-//i\ / / , elusive styles , which you will no ilWet at every street corner , iee the 01105VC 1ltV ( to show. I. _ THoipsoN , ELDEN & .COa LOCKING TIlE STABLE 1)0011 ) enato Discussea the Disposition of Money Voted on a Olaim. MR. LODGE INTRODUCES A RESOLUTION JL It Is Itepired Ihstt L,1ililsts Seoii'i' .tjiiiit Ilitif tin- t1iIIrlIrIiiIJ1 tiir jut' 1I'tIIOilI $ ( Ilouk ( :41 II ¶ 't'Vii Mu ii t Ii. f WASHINGTON , Juno 9.-At toilays' ses- ' iihon of the senate Mr. Carter , in connection with the rejection by the government of tlll stta1nahii ) Centennial as a transpurt , inaile . . . 1301110 ugly charges against tile ship owners Oil tile l'achilc Coast. : lie said they hail been endeavoring to haul lii ) tile goverlinlent 1111(1 compel it to pay Inordinate - ordinate and extortioiiiitc' charges for ships to In' I1SeI to transport troopa to tlu' Ihiil Ipplnes. Mr. l'erkins ileiiied tlii stntenlentl4 of Mr. Carter , declaring that the owners of StIll i'raiicisco lied ilinCel their shitps at the disposal of the government at a rate fully ro per cent less than they llsuahiy received for them. Mr. Lodge made souuuo Selisatloluni disclosures - closures concerning the dIsposition of the money aPproPriateui by congress a short + ; time ago iii PaYIflL'flt ( If the Cmliii of the Book Concern of the Mthodlst Ipiscopal Church South. An "OflliiiI)1l5 bill , " cnrryin something Over $9,000,000 , forty private pension bills. and several lileasuires from the general cal. eludar were passed , Mr. LoIgo precipitated a lively discussion by offering the following resolution : That tile committee on claIms lic uiirecteil to iliquiro and report to whioui the inoiiey was Paid titiilcr t1ut eInin of the MoththIlst Ji01)k Concerii SouitI. aliul also as to all dr. ctiiuistaiices canneeteil with ( lie iahsage ) Of tile bill providing for the paynuent of soul . cit I in , a nil w I th the subsequi cot iuayinei t Ct the liucucy liidei' uiui act of congress , Mr. Lodge explained ( lint viien tle 1)111 nplrolrlatlng $28S,000 to Pay flu' c'laiun of the Methodist itook Concern % II5 before the Sell ate lue hail ofTer'il au a nuu'ii1uiien t i ro- 'iuliilg th.ut not mcre than $5,000 shioulul be paid to uttiy agent or lobbyist toe \vol'Ishiu tot' ti'e ' luill. . ii : is a in eiui I un eat had bc'en received wti h indignation and au a reflection upon tha honor of men wluu were rendering to the Netliodist Ciiiir.'h South a service. . % geiitN Vi'rt' tip xt i i "We were assureil , " saul Mr. Lodge , 'that cm part of tIle sum appropriated was to be paul to ngeiit , hut it now develops that a contract existed for ( lie payment at 3 per Ee5lre fiil , regular action Cf tlue boo "ii , Ill ) not irri. tale or iiihltrnt' : , but. leave I I I he i1li'it .1lgetIvi or. gi liiuui tt "rfi"t con'I't'i' Tr , tt.'rn. unt % . . . . . . - , , S . I . p ' , . . . - , The Omaha lice , ; Map 01 Cuba Coiwon , Present this Coupon with 9 e lOcfor ' A Map ofCub. I I A Map ofth3 West Indies. t I And a Map of the World , 2 By1nil 14cciits. CUT OUT TillS COUPON. This Coupon with 25c - itL SECURE till : Ollicial rhotooraphs Of the United States Navy , Addv.us Addv.usNAVY PIIOTO6PAII DEPT1 LM UIA DEE. - cent of the proceeds of the claim of the loiuliyists , ali1 thut one maii had leceived the iniinense sum of $100,800. ' ' Mr. Lodge then presented several news- PfliCF clippings tending to roro thu claIms. 10 response to a suggestion he said lie uiiade 110 charge against. the Methioullst Church Soil tli 1)11 t In ( lit' dhill ) I II ga w'h I Cli ho Presented - sented there were serious charges agaiiist ( lii' accredited agt'lts ! of the church. Mr. hate , who had strongly advocated the payiulent of the church claim , svas much exercised over the disclosures. Ito denounced the action of the agents as an outrage oi inthlvIdilal senators aziul upon congress. 110 fnvored a thorough investlgatioli ' ) r the transaction to tilL' enil that the respon.ilble ilersons iiiilzt be exposed. Mr. flute read a telegram from Barhr'e & : Siuilthi , agents of the MethoiIst. l3ook , on- ctrn , sayIng ( lint nobody was to receIve a commissIon for working for the bill. Mi' . l'asco riuade a. stntcmtht simIlar In I tOiie to that of Mr. Date. 2ilr. Tilinlan inquired of Mr. l'asco it tie did not think such ' 'thievIng pracUces" vould operate against the laynuent ) of other southern claims pending before congri' . . Ito declared the traiisactlon was an outrage and a swindle. I Mr.'ilion said the proceeding was an outrageolls one , and It was evident that the I goverlulnent hind been buncoed. Mr. l'aseo saul the government himI Ilot , been cheated out of anything , as no iuiore was jmltl than should have been jald. It was the southern Methodist church that ' llad been beaten , Hi' thought ( lie church ; i3ilolild alalce the investigation. I \Vithiout disposing of the Lodge resolution the house took up private pensIon blil. BANISHES ENGLISH OFFICER ( ( fli'iiUIl' of l'iirtu It li'o .te'lis.s Ill in of Vu ii , lsiiliig In I'ua iiiii t lu ii to tiit' I'ii I t'Il u tlIt'M. NEW YORK , Juno . -'A copyrighted apr'- clah from St. rhuoina , Ianish West IndIes , reports that Macins , governor general of Porte hilco , has isIlIlsiled ( rein thii island \'alter Diitts , secetnryot the British con. sultate at San Juan , after subjecting hIm to fifty-six hours imprisonment auth grossly lnaltreatiilg him. Tue BrItish consul gent - t oral , Ml' , Crawford , has rel'ortclJ the affair to his government. Itetts was accuseil of revealing Spanish mIlitary secrets to agents of ( tie tJnitct States. I Nl\V YOR1 , lone 9-A copyrighted ape. eial from St. Thomas , Daiilshi W. 1 , , to thin Ivoi2lng journal , says : Suspected of hay. lug furiilsheih tue united States wIth infer. motion of tim mining of San Juan harbor , \'nhter B& ' , uwcretary of the l3rltlsh con- suilto at that port , has receIved his l)153. ports and been banished from Porte Rico I ly order of ( iovernor General Maclas , Mr. Ilott i'as Imprlsoneil in a dungeon for lift1- six hours , untl iluring that time was sub- jeet'il to gross maltreatnient , British Con- sill General Crawford has made formal iwo. test to the government and serious intorna- lionel complications are iniinlnont , The ( lay iifter ( ho hainbaidinent of San Juan by the Shihis of 4IiuIrah Sampson , ( h'tlcriui Macins caused an extensive systoni of iniiios to be Installed in the outer harbor , in anticipation of a return of the ships niid a Jiubseqilent bonibardrneii t , Al though ( lie greatest care and secrecy were obs'rved by ( lie Spanish In mining the harbor. thin dr'- tails of the work were conveyed to Consul flennruil hlaiinn. lie .ls now nluiciiig an ex- teoiiivo report of the opt'ratloiis to ( lie Navy .iopztrtnient. III seine way General Maclii ieurzicd of thIs , and , ai the BrItish consulate - ate iiis : ia'un guarding Aiiu'ricaii ilitt'rests to i'or'a Rico since the vfthtliavai of Mr. hIana , he at once suspected ( lint Eiigilsh- lOCh iii. I ( ' ' ( ' ) ' ? ( ( lie news to ( lie Ilaiteil Slates olik'Ials , lie Pereinlutorily sununoiled thirty hiritisli siil > Jt'cts before him antI hut tiii'in through a searc'iilng exailllnation , utter Which several of them were ( 'flat into prison fa , . twonty.fotur hours , Upon Secretary Ifet General Machis vis- lied most of hils wrath. 'Flit , British olilelal was Practically accused of having revealed t I , n ii I i I tii > ' p rolls ra t ton s ii ui.h lie \VU S iirnggc1 nfl' to a dungeon , Thorn Iii' was hel > L for 1tfty-ti houirii in fao of the tui .1- I tests of ( ouisiil ( helioral Cra'vfordVhit'ui he wa4 rciea3t'll Mr. lkutt was preseliteil with his liatsForts and ortlerctt out. of I'orto Rico. ho bis left ( or St. ! i'Iiouiias. A9" jj is the strictly hiues extract of malt suit not I a stroug , dark beer like other ao.callet % malt extracts. Aialt.Nutrine is prepared by the fainou Aahcuser.lluseb iirewlng Ass'n , I which fact giiitrsiitees the purIty , exccliezice and merIt claimed for It , AGREE ONTIIE REVENUE BILl ) Conference Oommtttees Reporb the Now Measure to Congress. hOUSE ADOPTS IT BY VOTE 01 154 TO 101 - / 111 ! ! I , . .tl 111,1st 4uii-p to lil'l'lIli ( ' U liii Its 111)Mt ( if tlIi liiiturtuilit Seut. . nit' t n.'uii , ui'nl , . .re Iietiiiuit-l. WASIDNOTON , June 9.-The war revenue bill. as agreed uipoui by thin conferees of the 110030 atitl seuinte aiui which ilassed ( lie house today , will no doubt become a law. 'Flic following is a eoiiiiilcte nb3tract of the bill , giving every item aiid rate. ailli con- ( nina everything save details of adniinistra- tie features. Suniniarizod ( lie bill is as follows : It iwovides that. thio act siiail take effect cii the day succeeding ( ho date of its ifl sage. except Its otltrwise specially lirovided for. for.A A tax of $2 on all beer , lager beer , ale , poitii' tutu other similar fermented liquors , ircVeil 01111 iuiaiiuifactutrui and sold , at' storc'l In 'nrtuhotlse , or removed for couisuinptioii or sale , foi every barrel couttniuiiuig not liloro tlmii thirty-one gallons , and at a llk' rate for any other qualitity or fractional harts of it barrel - rel , wth ! a dlscoiiiit of ½ ver cent on all nie by collectors to brewers of the stahiipa provided for ( tie payment of the tax. Au additional proviso vas adopted us fol- lowe by the confercuice : That thin nddl- ( tax liiipos2ii iii this section on all fcrmdntel liquors stoicuh Iii wareliotlse , to which a staiiip limi b'eli nihixed , Bhall be asse ased aiid collected in the iiiauner now irovidd by law for the cohiectlon of taxes not lualil by stanips , iiiedinl taxes from July 1 : Itaiikcrs eta- ploylng IL capital not exceeding $25,000 , $ oO ; euliployiiig a capItal exceedIng $21,000 , for every additiouiah $1,000 , $2 , surplus Included iii capItal , too amount of such atuuiuuil tax to be COifllUted Oh tile basis of capital flInt surplus for thio hrcccdiuig , fiscal year. Say- iuigs bauiks ilavtng lie capital stock and whose business is CaillIlie(1 ( to receivIng deposits - posits and loaniiig ou' lnvestluig the same for the beul.2fht of their depositors auud 'hic1i do 110 otller business of baiiking are not subject - ject to ( lila tax , 131 okors , $50. iUt aliy vorson linvilIg paid tile si.cclah tax as a bauik liaii hot be ro- iItiircd to pay ( lie slueciah tax as a broker ; pawn bioln'rs , $20 ; coiiinicrclai brokers , $20 ; ClIstoin house brokers. $10 ; iroiirietors of theaters , iinuscuiiis 011(1 concert halls , in clt- lea of niore than 25,000 population , $100. This does not Iliciutle halls rented or ilsed oc- casionaliy for Concerts or theatrlcat rjure. eiitations. Circuses , $100. No special tax paid in one state Is to exemlt exhIbitions from the tax Ill another state , though but ouie 5i3c1a1 ( xix Is to be iuiipoaih for exhilbitions wlthilli fiIi 0110 state. I'roprieors or agents of ahl otluer litlUlie CXliibltiOlls or siios's for money , hot CiitInlUitte,1 , here , $10. Dowlliig alleys and billiard rooms , $5 for each alley or ta- blo. ? l411i00 ( ) , Clgztrii aiiI SiiuiIT , In lieu of the tax flow ilflhiOsdl by law a tax of 12 CelitS per pouuid UflOfl all tobacco and sa uff , however prepared , mauiufac'tuired and sold or renioved for consumption or sale. 111)011 cigarettes unauiufactured or sold or removed - moved br Coiisiiliiption or sale the foilowi.lg taxes are to be paId by tue Inalltlfacturer ; $3.60 Per 1,000 on cigars weighing more thali three pouindsper 1,000 : $1 per iooo on cigars weighIng not more than tunic poutnis per 1.000 ; $3.60 ier 1,000 on cIgarettes weighIng more than three pounds per 1,00t ) and $1.51) PCr 1,000 oii'.clgarettes weighing not udore tiiaui three pounds per 1.000. Provided , that iii lied of the two , three nliil four Qiin e packagespf tobacco , and.snuir how authorlpeui by law there may b. pack. ages ( tiered' contaIning oui,11 anJ two-th1rds 'OUIICOS. two , and on6half ounces and three inrI one-third ounces , respectively , and in addition to Packaies now authorized by law there may be packages containIng one ounce of sluloklflg tobacco , The compromise provisG in regard th the taxation of the stock oui hand Is as follows : There shall be assessed and coilccteti with the exceptlnuis berelnafter In this sectIon proviled for upon all the articles eliunuer- ated iii ( lila section which were manutac- tured. imported and removed from factory or custoili 1:01150 before the passage of this act , bearIng StaflIps atflxed to such articles for the Payment of the taxes tliereo ruin calicelied subsequcllt to Airll 14 , IS9S , nail which articles Svere at tile time of the passage - sage of this act lucid and intended for sale by lilly person , a. tax equal to one-half tb's ( hf- fOICIICO between the tax aiready paid on such articles at ( lie (11110 of removal ( rein tile factory or custom house and the tax levied in ( lila act 111)011 such. articles. 1)ealers hiivhni : Oii hand less than 1,001) ) PoUflI5 of manufactured tobacco aini 20,1i00 cIgarettes on the ( lay SucceedIng the date of the passage of the bill are iehi'jyt"I from the necessIty of unakiiig returns and thiUSl are reIieve. from ( lie necessity of paying thin' tax. For the expenses connected with the as- sessinent nail collection of the tobacco tax there is appropriateul $100,000 , The commissioner - missioner of Internal revenue Is authorized to euiipioy iflterIial revenue ngons In adiition to ( lie number now authorized , tuisirsiii. p l'ulleli.s. Llfo Insurance-On each policy for each $100 , 10 cents on ( lie alulouuut tllsilred. Poll- des on the Industrial or weekly plan. 49 iier cent of tlur' amount of ( lie ttrgt weekly lire- miurn Is chiargeil. Fraternal , beneficIary so- 010(105 mid orders , faruiijrl ( 'and 1)01011 Iocai co'operativo coinpaulles , emplayes' relief as- soclaions ( op'laei OIl ( lie lodge system or local eo-olnratis'e ) plan. "orj.auiized and con- iiuiced solely by tue niembers thereof , for tile L'XClLiSIVl benefit of Its members and not (01' profit , " arc exempted. Mortar' , inlauid and Fire Insurance-Each policy , 0Iie'illIlt of 1 cent on cccli ( holier. Co-operative and mutual conipanles are cx- einpted , 1idehity and Guarantee luisurance-Fachi policy mini elich bond for thu lwrtormarico of thin duties of ally oflice or Position or oUier obligation of thu nature of indemnIty , and euich eulitract or oilignioii guarantee- lag ( lie valIdIty of bouiils or other oblige- (10115 isiied by any Btate , county , municipal or other public iody , or guaranteeing tltle to resi estate or mercantile credits , eXecliieih or gtiaraneeit by any surety Couiipaiiy Upon tim anlount of prciuiiuin charged , one-half of 1 cent on each dollar , Lease-Land or tenement , not exceedIng one year , 25 cents ; exceeding one year and not exceedIng ( hirer' years , 50 cents ; exceed- lag three years , $1. Manifest for custom hiouiso entry or clearance of cargo ( or a foreign iort , If the regIstered tonnage of such ship , vessel or st'anier 'does hot exceed 300 bus , $1 ; exceeding - ceeding 300 tons and not exceeding COO' tons , $3 : exceeitliig COO toils , $5 , Mortgagoof real estate or versonnl prop. erty , exceeding 1,000 and not exceeding $1,5O. ) , 25 ceiits ; and on each 500 iii excess or $1,500 , 25 ( ( 'ilts. l'ossage ( telnet ( rein a vort iii the UluitC(1 States to a foreign port , if costing not ox- ceedlng 830 , $1 ; ( 'osttiig more ( loin $30 and not exceeding $ GO , 3 ; costing nioro ( hui $ u0 , $5 , Pu'oy for voting at any election for olD- cers of any incorporated ( 'ompany , except religious , charitable or literary ocietle , putilia eoowterlt's , 10 eents. I'ower of attorney , 25 cents ; not to apply to the eollction of old soldiers' clainis agaiiist ( lie govt'rnuiueat OB account of ( lie military or naval s'rvice. I'roestiuig notes , bills of exchange , an- coptauice , vheek or draft , or any marine lirotcat , 25 cents ; wurehiollse receipts , 25 cents , 'i'hio stanhh ) dutIes on manIfests , bills of lading anti passage tickets do not apply to seanituoats or oilier vessels plyiuug between hiort at ( lie t7iiiteii States end ports In Ilrltisii ortiiinit'rica , 1ntr'i't Mc.hI'iiis. Medicinal Proprietary Articles anti Prep. arations-Upon every iacke ( , box , bottle , pot. or piiilil , or oilier inciosure , containing any 1)1115 , powders , tlnctures. troches , svruimi. eoriiiais. bitters. iiodyne. tonics. ilast cr8 , iuiiments ( , salves. oilimoitS ! , pastes , drops , waters ( except natural spring watord and carbonated nauruh spring waters ) , essences , spirits , oils , and all medicinal preparations or compositions whatsoever , mode and sold , or removeil for sale , by any 'e1Ii1n , wherein thi person inaldag or prjiii'ibg ( he sanin clalnis to have any Privb' forihula or any excliisR'o right , whora ufthi Inueket , etc. , ( lee not cx- coed at tile retuiIiprIcr' . 5 cents , one-eighth of 1 cent. tax ; i.Men the retnll price Is between - tween 5 nnul lQqqents , one-fourth of 1 cent ; I between 10 nn1i , IA,1cent.'i. thirc'c-clghtils Of 1 I ceiu ; botween5 , aad 25 cents , flve.oighflhs I of 1 cent : anil' fo' each a.iblitionsl 25 cents iii value , flve'iihis 'ol I cent tax , Perfumery nttI'osnittcs { amiii other simi- mr nrtieles UsI a5' npphications to ( he hair , mouth or slciitntothierwise iseil , where i ( lie packet , bix..botthc , etc. , does not. cx- cctl at. ( ho rqjtIL prIce S cents , omie.eighth of I cent tax ; 'ht'ii ( lie price is between 5 ' of I. cent ; be- anil 10 cents , onquartoi' tweeli 10 and 15 cents three-eighths of 1 ccitt ; each additional 25 cents lii value , fIve- eighths of I cent tax. Chewing ( lum--Eacli packuge of not more thou $1 retail value , 4 cents ; mid for each n.tlditioiiat dollar , I cents , Smrkliiig or other wines , whinui bottled foi sale. upon each bottle rontailuing one Pinter or less , 1 cent ; mom tuna cue pint , 2 Cellt.S , The ( lix is to be aiilxed whieii ( lie article in this schiedule is sold. l'eroiciini aiiul Sugar Itoflners-EVCrY per- souk , flrau , corporation or coiiipaliy carrying Dii or doing bttsiness of refililuig petroleum or rcflnhuig sugar or owuihiug or cOlitiOlliuig auir idlm line for transporting oil or other prothiics ( whose gross innuinl , receipts cx- cecil $250,000 is made subject to pay annually - nually a peciaI excise tax equivalent to one- quarter of I ier cent On the grouts ituilotint of all receipts in e3thcss of tlnt suun. Returns - turns are to lie innd montills' . 'l'lie PenaltY is a Blue of froiii $1,000 to $10,000. A stamp tax of I cent is to be collected on every' seat sold in a palace and parlor car and on every berth sold in a sleeping car , ( lie stamp (0 be alDxed to the ticket nut ! vaid for by the compaliY isstiiuig it. 'I'itI ; 111 Iii ilni'ilLiit'14. 4 ( fiX Oil inheritances and legacies , cx- ceeding $10,000 oh iersonal ProPerty. is Iwo- vided ItS foliowafOn euuis between $10,000 and $25,000-Firul ( , on bcuiellts to real issue nliil lineal ancestors , brother or sister of the uleceased , at the rate of 75 cents for every $100 ; Si'colid , to ( lie ( lCSCCiihlllit of a broth'er or sIster , at thin rate of $1.50 ( or every $ l0 ; third , to the brother or sister of ( lie father or mother or a deSCCltdailt of It brother ou' sister of the father or mother , at the rate of $3 for every $1OO fourth , to ( ho brother or sister of ( lie grandfather or grandmother or a. dc'scdIidault of the brother or sister of ( lie grandfatiier or grandmother , $4 every $100 ; ttfthi , those of any other ( legree of collateral consanguinity or strangers iii hlool ) ( or a body politic or corporation , at the rate of $5 for every $100. All legacies or liroporty passing by will or by th.i laws of any state or territory to husband or wIfe are exempted front tax or duty. On sums inuiging betweoii $25,000 and $100,000 ( lie rates of tax are to be multiplied by one flint one-half ; on those ranging from $100,000 to $500,000 ( lie rates are to be niul- tlplied liy two : on those raiiging front $500- 000 to $1,000,000 ( lie rates are to be multiPlied - Plied by two and one-half , and those above $1,000,000 thin rates are to be multiplied by three. Time tax Is made a lieu upon ( he property until ! iiii(1 auiul it is required that ( lie tax shall lie satisfied before time legate Is paid. Certificates of Indebtedilcas-Thie secretary of the treasury is authorIzed to borrow from time to time , itt , a rate of interest not ox- ccediiig 3 per c9nt , iiich sums as in his judg- flleii ( may be necessary to Iticet public ox- lienuhiturea andlo lstie cotificates of inilebt- edumes in denouiliatioIus of $ O or some 111(11- ( hue of that suun.eaclj certificate imiade hiay- able at such tiie , : not exceeding one year froln ( lie date of Its issue , as tile secretary of the treasury ua prescribe , provided that tlm anmotunt of such certificates outstandiiig "in V not exceed sioooooooo. ; Dealers In hMf 'tobacco , whose annual sales do hot exCeed 50,000 pollnils , each $6 ; those whose annual sales exceeil 50,000 and not 100,000 pounds , -$12 ; and if their annual sales exceed 19,0.000 lOUIids , $24 ; dealers in other tobacco w1mose annual sales exceed 50iQt ) luouunds , $12. tiioe selling thlcir own products at tli p1icc of Inaliufacture are exelmipted ( I 001 this tax. ilut.iiifnul .irers of 't'OhIl'D , Maiiufactur.ars of tobacco whioso annual sales lo not xeeod 50O0 ) pounds , $6 ; manufacturers - ufacturers whose sales eceed 50,000 and ilot 100,000 pounds $12 ; maitufacturers uvhioso sales exceed jOO,000 pounds , $24. Manufactur.rs of cigars whose annual sales do not exceed 100,000 cIgars , $6 ; menu- factururs whose sales exceed 100,000 and not 200.000 cigars. $12 : maiiufacturers uvhiose sales exceed 2(10,000 ( cigars , $2 ! . Any lrson wi'o carries on the hiusiness for whIch special taxes are imposed by this act without havIng paid ( lie special tax is 1110(11' guilty of a fllsdellmealiOr ! , the penalty being a fine of front $100 to $500 , or lam. prisonnlent for not more tbami sIx months , or both. It is Provided that until appropriat.i stamps are imrepared and furnished , the stamps heretofore used to denote ( lie pay- meat of the internal revenue tax on fermented - mented liquors , tobacco , snuff , clga and cigarettes , may ho imprinted with a suita- bin device to denote ( lie n w rats of tax , and shall lie ailixed to all packages con- taming such articles on which ( ho tax lot- posed by this act i paId. Section 7 provides that If any person or persons shall make , sign or issue any in- strumellt or paper of any descrIption without - out its being stamped , he shall be guilty of a niisulemcallor , the Penalty being a fine of aot more thiali $100 , at the dlscrtiout of the court , SeCtiOll S provIdes ii penalty of a fine not exceedIng $1,000 , or imprIsonment [ or a term hot oxceeuihilg five y7ars. or both , for counterfeiting the staiiips , and tile penalty is made to apply to all PCS0IlS Ilaving any conuiection with time coulmter.miting. Proprietors of proprietary articles are given the privilege of furnishing their own dies or designs for Stamnps , a failure to Perforni which lict ! s made a lnhmnlemealior punishable by a. flue of iiot less than $0 , nor bore than $500 , or by lmprisonumment of lint to excecul sIx months , or both. It. is also inaihe a misdenicanor by see- tioum 10 to evade ( lie provisIons of tIm atmmnip law , punishiablo by a fIne not exceeding $200 Other sections following ralato to tile ad. ministration of thin law. Section 12 provIdes for thin distrIbutIon of stamps , ( ' . 'rti. I ii ll.iids % ( , . Section III exempts government. state , county niiii municipal bonds froni the operation - ation of time law , nimd niso time stocks anti houids issued 1)1' co-olerntlve building and loan LiSoCilitioliH whose capItal stock does not exceed $10,000 , aiid buihdiulg anti loaii assachmttioimM or coflihlillles ( lint amIne lonims only to their siarehiolilers. , Section 18 hlrflvides for a tax stamp On telegraph 1imessaiCS. hut exempts messages of officers anti employes of the government cn official busipees , and also tim nessages of telegraph au railroad conipanles over their owli line Section 20 bakes it a misdemeanor to evade the p15115 Ot sehedulo I ) relative to drugs , nieclheins , perfumery , oto , , vunisii- able by a fiuieaot to exceed $500 , or Im lirisonuliolmt miot ( Ot exceed six months , or both. I IJumeompoundeil medicines , or those put up and sold at rtalIas prescriptions , are not Included in tho' taxable articles , leavliig it to apply pari u4ry ( p proprietary articles. Section 24 allilS the tax on proprietary articles to the duty on them , requiring tim affixing of thle'intrnatiolia1 reveimue staiimp hr'iire wltludra.vul for consumption. The couninisIonr of internal revenue Is authorized to pror.tre , Ulitil January 1 , 1899. nov of thin staiIPW ( provitleul for by contract whenever timoy cinnot be speedily prepared iV time lmuireaiL,9 timigraving and prlnting. N.'hit'tl ItLI , , ' of i4tiiuliii 'I'it.'s , Bonds , detmeuitUres or certiileatea of in- debtedfles liy aumy association. company or corporation. Oh each $100 of face value , or fraction thereof , 5 cemis ; and on each orig- hid issue , whiethit'r on organization or re- orgauizatlon emcertiticates of stock , by any such assoeiatiOn , comimilany or organize- tion $500 of face value or fractloii thereof , S Celits' miii OIl ll sales , or agreonients to sell , niemnoralida of salra , or ileltvorlea or traiisfcrs of uhiar.os or certlilcates of stock. on each $100 ofacu value , or fraction , 2 con ( a , Iui case of sales where evidence of traits- for Is shown outhy by time books of tile corn- P501 thin sumnlp shall be Phaceti on such books. amid where thin change of ownership is by transfer certificate , ( lie staumip shall be placed on thin erlitie4ttes. and iii c.mea of au agreeuneuit , to sehi , or whier.a the trans. tsr is by delivery of the ertiticao sasigneti in blank , there shall be made and mieliv- ereti by ( be seller to the buyer a bill or nmcimioraaduni to such saii to whIch thin stamp shall be atflxed. i'eaalty-A fine of from $500 to $1OO and imprisotirnent for six months , or both. tljmon 'ach sale , or rugreenient to sell , of ally hiroducts or mumerchamidise at atiy cx- change or board of traulo , or oher ( similar 1)15CC , eIther for Present or for future delivery - livery , for each $100 in valtia of said sale , or ngrcetnvumt of palo , or agreement to sell , 1 cent ; maul for each additional $100 , or fractloimal hart thereof , in excess of $100 , 1 edit. l'rovlded , ( lint on every sale , or agree- inomit of sale , or agreement to sell , there shall ho made 811(1 delivered by ( lie seller to the buyer n bIll inmoranduuni of such sale , to which there shall be alfixuM a lawful - ful sammmp or Stamlia in value equal to thin amount. of ( lie tax oil such sale , Ilamik check , draft or certifleatea of (10- hOSi ( not. drawing interest , or order ( or ( lie layunen of any sum of imiomey drawui upoil or issucd by any hank , trust coiopaiiy or any persomi oi' persons , cotmmpaiiy or cor- Imoration , 2 e.eiits. 'i iu ( iii iliiik ! 'nt'i'r , Eachu lull of c'xchaiige ( inlamid ) , draft , ccc- tificate of deposit drawing iuiterest , or or- dcc for the iiayment of nmiy stmni of money otherwise than at sight or eu demiiaiui , or auiy hmroniissory note except bnimkimotes is- 5(10(1 for circulatIon , and for tiett renewal of the satni' , for a BUilt not exceediiig $100 , 2 edits ; itnd for each additional $100 or fractional part thereof , In exc.m55 of $100 , 2 edits. lulls of exchiaiige foreign or letter of credIt drawn sluigly for a stint hot exceediiig $100 , 4 celitll , nail for cccii fractional hurt thereof In excess of $100 , 4 cents. If drawn in sets of to or more : For every bill of each set , whom ( lie stun does not execed $100 in amiy foreign curreulcy , 2 cu'nts , anti for each $101) or fu'actioiial hilirt iii excess of $100 , 2 eeumt. Bills of lading or receipt ( other thaii charter PartY ) for any gooiis or mnerehutmuilso to be exporteul to aumy foieign Port or place , 10 coiits , it is intiule time duty of every railroad or steaimituoat colmipauly , terrier , express cm'i ' Pany or corporation , or Person whose ocett- 1lutL0li Is to act as such , to Issue to ( lie shihim- lmcr or colisigumor of a bill of le'iiuig ' , nmalmi- fest or other ovilcncn of receipt uimd forwarding - warding , for each ab ilnncumt received , vhetiicr ill bulk or him boxes , bales , packages - ages , bundles , or hot so imcloscd or iimcludeil , 1111(1 ( ( hide ha to be attitehied nut ! Cluncehleil to each of said bills of liuhilig , etc. , it stnuimp of thin value of 1 ccitt ; provideil , ( lint but one bill of ladIng shah be requIred aim builidlOs or liackngeu of nevspamers when iumclosed Jut one general bundle at ( be time of slilpmneuit. Peuiaity , $50. 'h'CIeiiiiiiie al'MMiIges. A tax of 1 cent is iliipOSc'd for every tote- 1)110110 ) iiit'ssage ( or vhmicIi over 15 cents Is chmargetl , Aimy telegraphic message , 1 cent : hiiIlitimlmif3'iilg hmonuis , 50 cents. CertifIcates of imrolit of any associatloum nuid OIl all transfers ( hereof , on each $100 of face value , 2 ceuit. CertIficate of damimuige or othierulse , issued by aiiy port warleui or marIne surveyor , 25 ceimts , Certificate of auiy other dcscrlptiolm , 10 cents. Charteu' Imarty , if time registered tonnage of thin vessel does not exceed 300 ( oIls , $3 ; exceedimig 500 tolls and not exceeding 601) tons , $5 ; exceedIng 600 tons , $10. Contract , brokers' miote , or mnemoranuhimumi of sale of any goohs or merchmaniiise , stocks , bomids , exchange , notes of hand , real estate , or property of amiy descriptIon , Issued by brokers , or persons acting as such , for each note or Imieunortmnduni of sale , 10 cents. Conveyance or deed for real estate ili which the consideration exceeds $100 mud does not exceed $500 , 50 edits ; amh for each ailditiolial $500 , 50 cents , Entry of goods at any custolmm house , hot exceeuhiuig $100 In Value , 25 cents ; exceeding $100 alid not exceeding $500 lii value , 50 ceumLa ; exceeding $500 hum value , $1. Entry for ( lie withdrawal of goods from customs bonded warehouse , 50 cents. The secretary of tIme treasulry is authorlzel (0 borrow Oh ( lie credit of the United States front (11110 to time , tile proceeds may be required ( o defu'ay eximenditures authorIzed OIl account of tim existing war ( such proceeds - ceods when received to be used only for time liurpose of maeetliig such war expeliditures ) , the sum of $400,000,000. or so much thereof as may be necessary , and to prepare aunt Issile therefor coupon or registered bonds of the United States in ( lenomlilaions of $20 , or some imiuithplo of that sum , redeemable in coili at thin pleasure of th United States tufter ( en years from ( hue ( late of ( heIr Issue , tutu payahmle twenty years ( rome such thate , aumd bearIng interest Payable quunrterly iii coin at thin rate of 3 per cent per aumnum. The bonds are to be first offered at imar as a popular loan. The conference added the followIng pro- vise : Tbat any portion of aumy issue of said bolmds not subscribed for as nbovo provided , nmay be disposed of by the secretary of time trees- tiry at not less than par , ulmder uchi regulations - lations as ho may prescribe , but no counmls- sions shiahl be allowed or paid thereon ; and a stum not excoeihhng otio-temmtii of 1 per cemmt of tIm lilmioUnt of ( lie bonds aim ! certificates hmcreiui authorized is apportlotied out of atiy nmotiey iii the treasury Imot otherwIse appro- lmriated to pay the expetiso of lmreparltig , advertising an1 Issuing time santo. C.,111iirof iei,4uirn.Ce. Following Is the provision in regard to the coinage of silver bullion : Time secretary of the treasury Is authorized - ized anti dIrected to coIn Immto statmdard all- ver dollars , as rapidly as the puhdlc In- ( crests may require , to an amouiiut of less than $5,500,000 in each nmommth , all of the silver builloim now Itm ( he treasury purchased In accordatmce with the lmrovlslona of the act nlproveul July 14 , 1890. ntitlet1 "An ecu. directing the imurclmase of sliver bullIon aiiui the issue of tronsury mites tbereon , and for other purPncs. " and nail ( 1oIlar when coh tu ed sim al I al 1 lie used timid appl I ed I it time immuliumel. amid for tue hiurimoses named In said act , A suhmmutitute Was ailoiteil for tile senate irovisioti for a tax on nmixed flour , but tile nmaterlal Pohuits were ratnitmcd , TIme substi- tilto reqillres ( lint persons euignged In mak- lag , packing or repacking imilxed flour , shall lilt ) ' Ii sliecial tnx at the rate of $12 per alintimu , limit ! time Ilcanse granted is to be posted iii accordance with the provlsloums of sectioums 3212 amid 3229 of time revised stat. UtOS , ( lie lInes Cliii penalties to be. thin saran as IlumhOS.l iii those sections , They are re- niulrcd to mark cehu package as miiixed hour , emit ) it is to be hut UI ) only in original packages , Iii addition to the annual lIcense a tax of 4 cents per barrel Is levied upon null mixed flour mimamiufactuireui , sold or ra- riioved for sale , The nlo rate Is proper- tiotmahly levied oa half barrels amid smmialii'r packages , There shall be leviuh , collected and haiti upon tea , when Imimported ( roumi forelgum cotta- trios , a tluty of 10 cents per pound , Thin changes regartiimmg tea malta ( ho duty op.r. ativo with time act Instead of July 1 , us It hiasseth ( lie semiate. iiii'ht'zt4i.s ! Iii , II.l te.i Sfuidt-p. , ( CopyrIght , 1898 , by the Asmtot'intetl I'ross , ) CAI'F : IIAYTIEN , llaytl , June th.-Presl- dent Ulysses Ileiireaux of ( lie republic of Santo Ioiningo believes lie has thlacovi'reth hiroot that the steamer Fatmita , forimierly of the Clyde line , whIch was hued by Jinilnex anti Moruuhlo in their unsuccessful attempt to overthrow ( lie Dominican govornnieui ( , loft tln linitetl States with the countenance of thin AmerIcan govcrmmmmment , umuier a lucre lmrctvxt of taking war tnaerhala ( to Cuba , O'hlrhen ( tumr'st hums t Ii , ' ( . , vi.rnieiE. LONDON , June 9.-l'atrlck ( ) 'hirIotm , Irish nationalist , nmemnber ( or Klikrnmiy City , questiotieti the governunvmmt In ( hue hloiis of Commimons today as to whether time hlritlaii ambassador at Washilngtoum had ( alcan steps to had out from President MeKlnley the ( crams of peace Wilidhi thin United States would grant to Spaimi. 'Fun h.arliamenhmry . secretary for thin foreign 01)1cc , Mr. Curzon , lii relily , said there wtts no foimndaioum for thin report current to that effect , iu'.rip.tE' . ( II' ( it'eiiiu ' 4'Ms'ls , J 110 1' 9 , At tltettin-.Arrlyed : Norge , ( moot Nest' York. At liotterdam-Arriveth : Amsterdam , from New York. At London-Sailed : Minmiewaska , for Nets' York. Arrived : Mohawk. froiim Now York. At South lhuiumipttmim-Arrivetl , Vuerst Ills- nmturck. fromum Now York , At New York-Arrived : ColIc , ( room Lts'er- pool ; Lalin , front hhmeunenVerkt'claam ; , froimi Rotcrdutmn. ( Sailed : Michigan , for London ; Bromiten. for lirenmen , At Phmihuutleipiiia-4'rrlyed : Ssvltzerlutnd. Iron Aumtwerp , At Napiec-Arrlvod ; Werra , from New l'ork , At Quiennatown-Sailed , Pennhami.l. ( or Phil adelphmiu ; ( lerumiania , for New York. At Liverpool-Arrived ; 'l'eutonic , froni New York ; Nomadic , tram Jew York , I SPECIAL IIA\VAIIAN \ 1ESSACE Report That It Will 13cm Bent to Congress lu a Pew Days , URGES ANNEXATION AS A NECESSFrY l'ru'sideui ( Comisliu'r , . lslniisls of ( lrt'n $ SI i'uttt'it' I am h,4)1'tuuiice lit l'res. uint W'ur-VaItini' to Sec S'hiii ( 1t&'ctt % 'Ill liii , WASIIINtITON , June iL-The imresitlent has in contemplation , according to a semmntou' wlmo wes In coumsultatlon with hint today , tim submission Of a slut'cinl message to tiio two hiouies of congress , calling for immimuiediate niunexation of iltiwait as a mnhiithry micros- slty. Accorditig to thus senator , tue mtiessage % .ill be delayed for a few days to await action that may be taken by Speaker Itecul anti tite Coiuiiuiittee oh rtllcs , but Is very likely to go iii tvltli Os IRtIn delay as I' ° - slide , linsihiiY curly mmext week. Time hitli'Port of the r cssago IS a Slieclat imWt : for sliecIuil nciotm , ciuliluig nttcmmtiomm ( a ( hie strategIc imit- I Imortunice of time lahtiumils , thin great uulvnntage that wouiid accruue In time liresest war sulttia- thou thtroiugh securing thieni nmid other tinints lii ( lie hawaiian policy already kntiwii. Al- tiiotigh the hlesldeuit ) has not positively ami- lmotimict'ti lila imuuriuose to Beumul (110 uilcssttge , ( lie senator witum talked with hilun says thin hiresitleilt is very favorabie to this imiami auid it vill likely be mulolitcil timid a stroumg iiia ilmadum to congress for Iiuiimieuiinto action. The iimatter has not been gemierahly discuissc.I nnul a mmiemmihier of the foreign rehntiuuis coniunit- tee , wiiu.'ti nskeuh ahiotut it today , said ho liatl heard ( lint It was hliopoSt'Ih , but ( lint so far as he klies' hind not been limmihy do- cideti cum , DEBS FOR POLITICAL ACTION tiigt'i4 St'huil ileiuiut'rnis I ii it.s.i rt II ) hue htihint to . iist'l loiau 'I'ht'Ir ' ' ! ( ( , , . ChICAGO , Jtmmmo 0.-At touluty's sessioum of ( lie social lomnecras' conventtotm , it was the- clded ( hint ( lie lieaduhularter of the social deniocracy shall be llm St. Louis Instead of Chicngo. TIio coIoumlzatloti dohiartluciut will be Imlaced uiitler the comitrol of the hlrohcrhiood of Cu-operative Counuuiomiweahtb , whIch iii return will sumpport ( lie political ' ilarty of thu social detitociats. Eugcuie V. Dolts ( hit ) uliost to clear up ( ho Iiioi'ts of the sociey by ! celariiig for po' litlcai action nail urging ott the colonlza- ( Ion scheme. lie said : "Ecoliotimic freedoln is what. tvc are fight- lag for-thin right of a mann to live. At prs eat , Ulider ( lie relgui of capitalists , this Is Iuimposslblc , auth the omie way lii which we can get control of ( Ito governrneninl .na- chmincry is along ( lie lIne of iolitical actiomi. Tile ballot Is our only wcaIolm , , but if we flout this has no emcacy , we mimust try SOIfle- thIng else. "Lct us begin our plan of cohonization by uniting iii a colnmmy in a far western state. Ve can , little by little , show our power and fluially take couitroh of ( lie government. of a state. Then we will be tirmmily emutretiched for our itatlouiai campaign. ' ' Resolutions were adopted declaring tima ( strikes amid boycotts are "historIcally necessary weaimomms of tratte unions , " advis- imig organized labor to combine iii mmatiotmai anti international tttmiomms mid iumdorsiumg all Union labels. Today's proceedimigs verc con- eluded by time singing of the ' 'Marseihlmii.se , ' ' durIng whiich. some of tIme ilelegutes waveth red hautdkerchiefs auid stirred imp iuitemise enimuslumsm. iimmu icoit KILLIrG itis 1A'i'lmI1hL hCiiiisn' . Yuiiig ahstii .t rrestcd fur ii S'i'iiitis Cr1 lot' . TOPEKA , Kami , , Jutmo 9.-Tue shooting of .1. S. CohIIlms , a tragedy which hias agitated Topeku for four weeks , culminated tonight in thin arrest of the dead maIm's SOli , John Heuiry Collins , who Is charged directly with ( lie timurder of lila father. The youth , vho is a student at ( ho State universIty , is hold at the county JaIl , Johnson Jodoum of Topeka anti Johum liar- per of Lawrence , negroes of bad rejmutaion , are also under arrest. Both negroes have cotmft'ssed that Collins hired ( hem to kill lila father and that they backed out after acceptlmig hIs pay. The detectives have recovered jetvelry gIven by ( 'ohlhmis to ( lie negroes and Jordrmim has saul that after he weakened young Col- hilts went ciway declaring that lie would do ( lie killing himself. As motive for the crime it Is charged ( lint tIme young man was heavily In dehit , as a result of fast livIng nail ( hat lila father's life was insured for $26,000 , of which about ui,500 ss'a4 in favor of thin son. (11 I en C 0 ( ' , , i , gi.sui ( . ii I i t' ii . , iii I ii ii t , 'il. CHICAGO , JuItme IL-Congressional district comtvcntlommuu held by thin repubiicauis of Cook coummy today resulted as follows : First district , J. It. Mann , remmoniimmaed ; Second district , W'iiilain it , Lorritner , remiorimiuiatech SIxth dlstm'hc ( , Henry Shierniamm Ioumtell ) , re- mmolliinuteth ; Seveiithm distulct , (1t'ou'ge I. Foss , m'cnonmiminted for third term ; Timlud district. hugh I ) . llelkmiap , reuioumiiumated for thIrd tcrmn : Fifth district , George II.'lilte , re- noummi nutted , ' ' . ' ! ! , ' Fes'ei iii 3hissisNhipul. JACiCSCN , Miss , , Jutme 9.-Gt'tioral J , F. lhiulmtr , secretary of thin Stttto Board of health , gave cult thin followIng atatenmommt at 10 U ) o'clock ( olmiglit : "It hmavltmg been ririmorteth to me by Doctors hinmalsoti antI Folkes , sanitary Itmspectors of thus board , that seven cases of yellow ( ever exist at Mellenry , Miss , , I hlerehy declare tile town of Mchlotiry In quarantine , uuidt'r charge of lr. Ilarnlsoim , who will observe the ( lumararltillo and suimiltary rules anti rcguiu- ( ions adOhmteii by this hoaril , ' 'Mlssiattiplil Stutn hoard of t1'ttithm. " , , J , F. hUNTER , Secretary , S 'ii.ii1 31t'ets I ii Mt. l'ii ii I N. ' t I t''ii r , ( IALESIIUEG , Iii. , Jmurir' 9-The Swedish Lutheran synod compiet'd its amiuitmal sea. idori here today , It will meet next year iui St , Paul. Thu day was occupied for thin most part with a discussion of the ease of ( hue Rev. J. Salcen of Limitlsboig. Xan. . director of Ilethirimiy college , whose uxpimhsiomi ( room tlue church was sought cmi charges growing , uu of a laud transaction involvIng hiroiirty at Dolt C'ity , Ill. A resolution to suispenti Sn- ledri temnimorarily wait dettiutteil tinil it was do- citiod to leave thin ruse to ( Ito civil courts. lu1 It Pslum St rim lmxim t Ihig4' CILICAGO , JimmIe 9-Linen of lImo central passenger association have decided not to VtLI'It Ol' C1tli.ti , As ( ( , iii mnre.i % I I ii 3eimt , One of thin most vutituablo 1(01)15 in ones dIetary is good. rich ( 'roam , The remark Is frequently made that "t'rc'ini Is too ox- ptuumafvo (0 use freely. " Such p001mm tltlmmk thtey mimuist have meat every uhay at 10 and 2.'i cents per pound , nn.l . do not realize that S cents worth of iure cream ( or hireakfast will do more to put on flesh than 25 or 30 cents sorthm of ziit'at , Art Ideal portion of breakfast is ( hint olitainril ( roam say , four teaspeons of ( lrape'Nut3 and a little , jiiire thmlk : cleam. This Is one of tim most delicious dIshitt. inmmiuginabio and is served vit1uout cookIng or trouble of any kind and cannot be eqtiuthed in point of fooul vaiun ( or the lmunian body. The Urapo.Numts. consistimig largely of grape auger , have imased through irocsses similar to thin fIrst. act of digos. ( ion and are therefore moit easily digested , utiti in combination with cream , ( hwy render tbu cream itself easy of digestion , Gr'cer seli Ur4m-Nuts. _ - . uiso ( lie straight edge which constitutes ( tie latent of W. A. ThreE on thin mileage book uiseil by titotmi , Printers uldiliantled an extra half cent for the books as a result of court decisions suistainimig Thirali's claims. Today ( lieso hues voted timat ( lie book vas Just as useful witlrnut ( lie straight edge anti do- clued not to use it hereafter , 311MM lhi'c1' Sl'eessor. CllFYENNIC , Wyo. , June 9-Speciai ( Tel egrauii-Ooyertmor ) Richards today ap loiiitel Carroll It. l'artnaiec' , a lawyer of fluilTalo , Wyo. , to fill the vacancy in thin oihico of state stiperintentient of hiubilo iiisttuitioui diltuROt ) by ( tie appoiuitiuiemit of M las Esteilo ltr'el as national suiporlnteiiinnt of I miulliuim 1iooi , [ USMNTS. , - . . . dl The opeimlng of ( lie Trocaulero thit'att'r mmdxt \lOiltiny \ evemmimig is an tuvcmit to be cotislul- cred by thin nmnuisu.'iumemit going hicople of Onmaiiti : it vill iirovn an iuiiportant factor lii nmtitusemneiuts durIng ( lit' eximositioli , utii,1 , tvhthi thin highest salaried uurtiuuts lirocurabie , Uie perforniant''s siih lie s'eli worth con- sitherimig. Tin' nti\'nuire sale ( if s'nts opeumi at I ) a. In. Monday , June 13. SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES .A 1 Ic ui it F'ii , t . tu. hRtVII er ( tum' I hit' ( ( 'Ct , I t t'ui rca it i ii fui I , ss'ui I . 'um , Miliui rt iii g , iiOi'ui5 feet amid Iii8titmitl % ' tuik.ut ( lit' uutiumg hut of ' .brIi s tu miii liii ii io its , 1 t' a t hi t' ; m'eit test cmmii , - fort uhit'ot't'r' of ( lit' age , A liens Fot- i'.iiu. ' limal's , tight or iios slums , , , . 'tisy , I t I a a ( t'u't ii i mu cmi it' for tw'eti I I ii g , ca I ions tiuiti hot , ttrt'h , , at'hming f . ' , 't'i' i' it tihuu , V. Sell , 1 , ' ii I I ul iulggist t. a iid sliie , t oi'cmu. 11 y mimuuil itti' 25 , ' in tltaiiihis. ' ( 'cliii lu'icutgu / ii ; t lE. . 's.d d it'ss , I' I S. 01 itirit , 'tl , I , t' I to , - - - lliIft't'I'htNtI , BrowneD UH Opens Sept. 19th , lSflS. Jtoardiiig uund 1)1 % ) ' S(31Ht ( for Gft'ls. lltider ( lie direction of Itt. Roy. George \Voi'tiihiigulm ( , S. ¶ 1' . 1) . , I ) . h'miiriary , lmrehmuirlttor3' a mIll ( 'iii I eghut t e .iu . rites. Cii mu- hettmmt corps of tt'uuchiet. Isiiuhermm muethi- otia emit ) ev.'ry iudvttumtuigo oIl'ered. Strict a t t cii I iiiu iii ( ii I ii , ' ilior' , I , mu e a t ai atmh , hliYsi'uil vt'll-hmiiug of tim stuul&'mi tiu , liiil. , . 111115 ruuitfei'retl. l'it'iitres for till crilieges ' " 01)Oli tim % s'oimmnn , Shmecial courses in I ugh. er En gi ishi , St ii'tireru , 5. micii'iu t it uiil . ( l , , , 'rti - - Lniiguiuiges , .tlltsit' tunui Art. 'l''rmuis hind- orate , I liii Ill I rig rehtdrel ii mitl I ii ( 'x'tul leii orulet' , Sit iii t ii rp id ii mull uig. Stu t isfite tory sti'uttmi hut'atimig , Pmiri'tituu and guurt1iujn : desiriimg tim cutter I , uiluil a tvl I I imiCai4 ( ' scud for cut ( iii agIle , or - - ttipiy liersommally to Mrs. L. R. Uptoii , Priti. lhrn'micll Iluuhl , Ounuuhia , Neb. B T1ADFOIID AC'Al ) l61'tY ' - l'ouritieul 180.1. For the higher t'duu.'ation of young t C niptt. ( 'lasalt'n I niutl Sc lent t I lIe cutm , rat ) (5 r stitul y , ut 151) l''elltitt tar ) ' a miii Olititi mliii , 'Car bt'ghmiut Sept. I I. hSlS. AiuhIiy to Miui Ida C. illomm , Prltm. , llruttiford , ' , Iuis , .tIt. SEm ii's. THE TROCADERO Cor.I4th hiarney Sti _ Lefts & \\'iiilarns , Prnip't . 'tnth Mgrs. \ v.v. . COLE , Act. Malinger. CONE WHERE IT'S ' COOL. Grand Formal Opening MONDAY , JUN [ I3 JrIN1NS A'J' 8:15. : Mttimices 2:30-Summidas' , "iYcdmicsdmty and Saituirday. l'rt''ui tluiv No t itl img hint I I cad I I mm ors Itt 111611 1ASS VAUDVft [ BAEtNLY UAOAN AND iGiAtiTYj : IILNRILTTA BYRON 4it.t'l' & vO1ITON-httamzo & 'mmli.i trot It .tNGItLt SIS'Fiihtui. hilihtN.tlti ) I'i.it'N-i6.t 'l'.tNaILtY. 'nm ) iw ' ( ) ( 'h'IXl61) ( ) 'm'itmo. 'l''I : 5. ' . % I , % m'm"m'R 'i"vhs Si S'h'iliuS , .t.'cim iit.ii .immiil.amtxN's ehi.t Lm.i6X 16 ( lit ( 'Ii liS'I'ILt , All t'ents reserved. l'rhtuu , 25-35 ceuit. _ . . Itefrt'shiitii'iitmu Served , 'ph- . I i'nttnii & ilurWeas , I ansnagprs. TI , 1C.3L 0. \'oothwarcI , Atti'ioiiiiuiit , 1)Iiector , 'i'NnIi'l' , Su(1P. ( 'I'Iii ) ' * VOiflVtItI ) t4'i'ClC ) CO. Preu4en t Ii I , ' "j I at , 'i'm I I ) h'll.VM A N. " Spet'ialies-l ( . 'R .v . & 1 'Iaytlmtl , Jlryamit & Seville , ( 'rimimrii'- . ( ir. ' . Sutiiluiy.l , I EID Jh' 'i'll E ENEMY. Slwciiulth's-ltobettut utmuh 1)orcttui , Llzzto ittLynlolul. . . - - - 13O1v , l'AX'ION & ni'nngss , . . .1 5. S 31anens. Tel , 2119. U ME WEEK CW1MENUINU i'Nh1.V , .jiTNl 12 ZilA'i'i rll'i SA'i'i'htlA V. 'l'lmo lt'i'oul , , iitemiit'r r-gTh7rt' , iI .i. i Jtt.il CoutIy A TEXAS STJLJ3J ? Fu'oni I hiYt'ii 'I'hui'ritt.'r , Now Ytmtk. Semite mw cii 8alo , I'i'Ices-Losver 1'lor , , $1.00 , .15-TlaIcutiy , : ± _ _ . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Gui LL'S CONCCI1'l' ( ARlIN Suit I ia'iis ( ( , r. I titli n ii. ! lii'i'iipi.i' ( , 1. U auth. h'rop. anti Mtinager. A ( ( nun tiomis ( 'ii' w'ck , .hmtuiu ft Ii Corral anti ( himilitni' , futu timuiiuems ; Gliiihluiii iiiiii Jt'l iii' ' i ri' iii I mm.'sr' , , ri hi ' t : iOli ( 'it k' tVlI I k ( 'rut I't'Wlflu * ; miii \n Id ron , remind y sic o t t'tm ii rt 1st mu ' t hI it .1(111 nutomis , Syit ) ' ii mu d Imeurs ; I 'lit , ci in Launh"'ri , cclii i'd Iti mi ; M rH Ciydo ILognis , ( lit , ( eattule ; liss htty Ia > 'toni , C hut iflhiiOui buu.'k d a micer. Ioii't fail to utec thin IlIg ( 'itIco 'ttlk at 11 o'clock. The. . . . PHYWS Arlists'Model ov ON Sl'llh.tIt ltXlIiIhI'i'iON SI E1 Cor1 Board of Trade B uHding As it work of Art It has mm superior Itt u this country. 1)ON'T 1e.hI , TO $ iil l'l' , BASE BALL Today. 3 P. lvi. OMAHA VS. COLUMBUS I.tIhI1S' 1).Y , , - ' ' , lIO'I'IIM , . - THE MILLARD 13th iimid Ioimgln.'i St&i. , Omnulia. IXNT1tALLY LOWiTICP. . _ .thElti(1.t ' . . % 'l ) ltlIhtOPIdt'V I'L.tN , . . . . J ( , 31.tlilCltI. .t EON , I'ropi. -HOTEL BARKERs 4- COR. 13TH AND JONES S'1 , OlIAIIA , II t'J'htS ifIlt ( ) .til1 ! & ( ) O J'Llht hAY. lmcirlc cars direct to rapoaltion ground. , i"tutNK Jl.t1IKiiiiCithlei' . . . . . . Cnisf Clerk. MUURA Y 11-TIL1 ; 14th emil hiarney lit. Attuorieaui Vlan-3 to 4 dollars per day , Street cars from depots sad from hotel ts ExposItion Orounuls in tifeeui minutes. L SILLOWAY , M&hm.a.it.