Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1898, Image 1

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. . _
_ Daily Pitz on Mere ad More f
Extiior Love3ine.
UnfaTcrable Weathr Not Periitted to &
tard It M.tra1 : Growth.
, ' Ideas Boz from Othu Expotaz Take Pull
Life Eere.
of TehnnIcn1 1.III Combine
i'iItIt Triumph' . uf .trtIi.tI Crenlion
* 0 1nLe the Trnn.ntII"iP1'I
Fair ft I'rrfee * VboIe.
As the promoters or the epostUon de-
-tIued to be daunted b' dIcvutathg ondi-
Uans when the Idea was suggested. o the
enterpre 1teLt refue5 to be retarded by
the unfarorable coadittons that. haTe pre-
Tafle4 during the 'ast days. In spite of
the a1iost cease1e.s rain tt Is forging rapidly -
- . idly ahead tn antklpaUon of the eentuai
sunlit days and star-bedlened oigbts , when
its rttttora wifl tock In eyer-lncreas4ng
nuniber to admire Its detailed perectton.
Every day adds new beauties and the workmen -
men who labor in the btg buildings through
the night tease material eidence of pro-
ress behind them In the znorntug.
The promise of the superinteneU of the
Tarions butMths that their departnents
'will have receired the ftnIh1vg thi.icieS before -
fore ebraka day s rapidly approachI ;
? Zulflhltne&it. , and the Indications are that
wbcn the peitpe of the atate coae to edo-
brate the otcason they ilI ftid nothint
lacking that can Lmpress then with the
mngnttude and Interest of the great enterprise -
prise that has grown up wtthin its borders.
- As it S , the eideaces of toznpleteneS3 are
g eTryabere apparent. and what remains to
be done wIlZ iierely emphasize that which
has already been accomplished. What is
being done In the way of additional p-cpra-
t.jon is not suieent to Interfere In the
slightest degree with the enjoyment of the
visitors. and although there wlU be nee
features cOntinually Inatalled during the
next few days. there Is already amp'e ' em-
p1oynent for the time of all bo come.
To tho.e who are on the grounds every
day the rapid development of the artistic
cnucption5 that serve to set forth the aia-
terlais ot which the rarlous exhibits are
comocd Is a etudy that never 1oes Interest -
est The epos4tieits of previous years have
given birth to new Ideas in decorative ar-
raagenent which appear here for the itrat
time. The big buildings are replete with
novel ad inenious dealus which can best
r- be appreciated alter the last touch has been
given and the whole ensemble appeals to
sr the eye and tma1n3.zi022. Nowhere elae
1ave the comnon aater1aid of mmercc'
been Invested with 50 much ta-ste and beauty.
The decorators have not depended alone on
the Incidentals whieb are usually atllized I
to give an rtisUc effect to the exhibtts , btit
eozne of the most striking booths contst
merely ol comuon merchandise so arranged
and beautiftei that It needi no further adorn-
meat. The tremendous -ansormatioa that
12aS been aecompliahed stare the opening day
is approximating completion and In a few
days ' ! nre the workmen will rake up the
framents of decoration and icave behind
them scenes of beauty suggestive of visions
of fairy'and. '
ln.ln..trle. ruileseloped or Ira Embryo
Drnwn to Poblic NuCIe.
One of the features of the ex-
rosUon that Is pecuIIaly interest-
tog as an exponent of the yet only
partially counded resources of the western
country Is the exhibIt from the I3lack Hills
of South Dakoia. which occupies a prom- !
nent position in the Mines building. The
N most striking elenent In the exhibit Is a
very pretty miniature of a residence. which
Is constructed cntirely at minerals fouud Ia
Custer county. which have been collected
- and merged into the artistic design by the
womea of Crater City. The significant
feature of this design t the lact that it
eontains more than two-thirds of all the
varieties of mineral omnton ! that are
found In the United States. Commiseloner
flay. who has made an extensive study of
the mineral system of the Black Mills coun-
try. says that it is Impossible to assume
at this time 'what possibilities for future
development are represent-ed by these sped-
sneos. Many of their conEtituent elements
are only just beginning * 0 be nttllzed , aud
they afford a basis for the Introduction
0t new Industries not only In their irozue-
diate vicinity. bet . .ll throegh the dieeort
Prof. Day says that in the beginning this
territory was as Ieel as Nebraska , but a
volcano upheaval that may have consumed
1boasands of years in Its operation turoed
up the strata and formed the pree.ent sue-
face. From that tUne the tendency of the
nattrr4l forces was to ilatten. sad the hills
have been materially reduced from the alt-
itides to which they were raised by the or-
ma ! eruption. The rocki that carry gold
have been dsc.atpoeed and washed down and
these havb left the deposits of placer gold
in the gulches. OrigIaalLy the rock was not
'crtli mlsig but Nsiure has mined Lbs
gold end ieosLte4 It In ith form that
It can be jrrotaWy worked.
: w and aInot equsily valuab'e deposits
have be4k ( OI5I$5d by eIeoica1 secion .Lace
decompo.llloa Wok place. Amoag these is
suiphide e 1ru'hIch I ! the bawls a te
, maufactur * sZ a caroti el cesesl. 1w-
' I cI dIng su1burlc acid and eota. Dr. Day
contends Lb-at the develoes o this die.
, A cocery niight evewuasijy aake Oaa a
' , great chexnicsl.pro4seiag ecoter. aM iie
1 deposit-s of fullers earth th * are wow hi
course of eveiopwewtaI.o oer a
of new indu1d.e for ttt atethin ot the
country. This * roduct is ali.s eztci.Ively
. . used fee ewIa caLLow seed eu aed hibri-
' - ratio ; oils It La new lryely tw4orted tro
England. but as the Iftack HULa peoduct hi
' csual to the Imported artde I.e auo * push -
h poeeo Dr Tay siaggste tirat t.e eu
leg Industry ay yet e aae am epuetaa
4 factor In the lndustrlal actiiUo. at thi.
I part of the w5i
In this eonutLinn Dr. Day calls atezrthiu
to the fact that wbooeTx say ieeral de-
- - postt of uilrerm coinpoeUe hi discovered
It * not 1si45 ; bofag. a wee Is hinad for It.
The volcanic ash. wbic3i is teuwd woer tt
Bad Lands sad ala. 1w Neiira.ka. was ap-
" pareatiy useless. but now it is p.IM ; woritod
into the manufacture of semewi 1 * lar4te
) qttantltlet. and Is rapidly becocolng valusUs.
The mica Industry of the 1ack MiL1 e at"
ready * aau1ag large proportoas anI I r
Day suggests that the fe1dsar wh b s sei
tar the glazed surfiwe of pot'ery e ret tr-
1.kely to lezd to the bu4dng 'p of a vast
pottery Industry in Omaha and other
fretn wbeh the deposits are easily avaibble.
The deposits of clay impregnated with alkali
are also being largely utiuised Lb the maau-
feeture of soap. and as the 'various de , oelta
In this territory are developed there is
practically no lImit to the industries which
they may assiet to develop.
flfllTlll-C..tIH. N C1.CIVS tVOll K.
Orxnnlanilon l'rnto.ea o ) tnk , It
I'Ien.nnt for VlItIng UrIlI.hrrw.
The liz1tkb-Caisa4an club baa opened
permanent beedqnwrters in rooni 41 ol the
Rags block. The object ci the club is
to extend courtesies to those of British and
Cana 1wn extraction who may eoic to
Omaha this summer to attead the expesi-
The club has pleasant headquarters corn-
fortabty furnisheiL Ilundeeds of dreulars
baTe bee sent to all part of England , Scotland -
land and Canada. and to many newspapers
throughout the land , oertng the courtesies
of the club. Headquarters Wilt be oien all
day and the person in cbare will give any
and all Information to those who call. .
register has been opened where all mar regIster -
Ister their names. shere from , Omaha ad.
dress , length of stay. and such other in-
tormauon as will enable Inquirers tO readily
find them. In addition there will be kept
a register of hotels and rooms hIch are
available ice visitors. showing their location.
rates and , such other Inorniatlon as may
be neceasary. The club Is doing much to
advertise the exposition. having sent with
its cireulars pamphlets and large illustrated
views of the buildings , etc. British and
Canadian papers will be kept ott file and together -
gether with many goo.t books will furnish
visitors with sucient reading material.
Dr. T. J. Mackay. rector of All Salnts
church. was to address the club at Its reg-
niar meeting last night. but owing to the
Inclement weather it was indefinitely post-
lntere1n Eahibit l'rcpnred by the
.rhr-kn SnCietie % .
A Interesting exhibit of an historical
nature Is being lnstaiied In the ebraka
building. by a joint committee appointed by
the state chapters of the Daughters of the
American Revciluuon and the Sons of the
American RevoluUon. Mrs. S. C. Lang-
worthy of Seward is chairman of the joint
committee and the exhibit is being Installed
under her direction in the space in the southeast -
east corner of the rotunda assigned to these
societies as headquarters. The collection
Is contained in glass cases and comprises a
large number of the most interesting and
rare relics of the re'volutionary period. same
of them of great a1ue in the eyes of a con-
I nolaseur. . Nearly all of the articles ax-s
I family heirlooms belongin ; to members of
I the societies and they include garments of
I various kinds. some a ! them possessing an
historical value. miniatures on ivory. swords.
I old fashIoned firearms. State papera of
various Unds old newspapers. books , fine
specimens of needle work. etc.
The societies will bold a joint celebration
in the Nebraska building on the anniversary
, of the batle of Bunker Hill. June 1 , st
which time the exhibit will all be in place.
A program will be prepared. comprising ad-
I dresses. music. etc. . and the celebration will
be concluded by a banquet down town in time
I evening.
li.onrt Pztrlflennd St. Jo.eph .k
Gd t.Iand Iake a Deal.
The Missouri Pacific and the St. Joseph
& : Grand Ialwd raIlroads have effected an
Important combination for through train
servIce between t. Joseph. Mo. . and Omaha.
The new train service over the lines that
have just joined hands will gn into effect
th = orrow Saturday. .lune U. General Passenger - '
senger Agents Townsend of the Missouri Pa-
cifie and Adsit ef the St. Joseph & Grand
Island bare been quietly working together
on the scheme for some time. and the re-
cult of their eorts was announced here
yesterday afternoon on the receipt of tale-
grams from both passenger octaIs.
A through sleeper for Omaha will be attached -
tached to the train Icavin ; St. .loseph on
the St Joseph & Grand Island road at 7 :
p. in. daily. At Hinwatha. Kau , the sleeper
will be dropped from that train and attached
to the northbound express , train No. 1. of
the Missouri Pacific arriving in this city
at G oelock every morning. Returning the
St. Joseph sleeper will be attached to train
leaving Webster Street station at t:3O p. in. .
and the expotitian grounds at 9t p. m. ,
and arriving In SL Joseph the next morn-
lag at 6 ocloek.
Over Fifty Cnsr".s . % lready Atteudeil to
the tiutT Therd.
Not the least of the fearores of the ac-
ministration service of the exposition is the
emergency hospital. on Twentieth street.
which oocupies two building's. one used for
the office and Iiv1n rooms of those in
charge. Dr. Caintbell Is chief of the staff ,
'with Dr. Lee medical director. Dr. Strader
ambulance surgdou. Miss Nelson bead nurse
and Mrs. Donaldson matron. The hospital
contains everything necessary to care far
any or all partents that may come under
, its supervision. There is the female and
male wards. well lighted and ventilated.
containing bath and toIlet room. and six
cots to each room. The operating room
contains a complete set of fine instruments.
together with appliances and apptrru'naaees.
all these being furnished free by a Chicago
' firmS
.lready over fty cases , the majority of
, u bich have bean oX eey minor importance ,
have come under the care of the bospital
corps. and all have received pramp.t uea-
ItnIouloIoaiezLi Venture.
The decorations of the room in the e -
braska building devoted .i the edueaUaaal
departniewt bays been auguseuted by the ad-
dillon of a tarie frame cotaloIn ; a coflec-
tI.oo of buterIea. June bugs , moth , ste. .
"sbkh Gi&ii&h ft Xebraska. The teecte .
are arranged Ia te form or a kuge buc1erfl
-Itb the aiwes outspread os a blark back-
i troi3ad. They ate so * rsuad with rear4
, to ie4r co&or that a psrfsct butterfly Ii is-
Wed. Thi ? eothietioa is the property of
' 11. P. eaad this city.t lo kscsad it toe
! ow aocouat el its situsa tiou
' -shi. . It It td ID O5tiP a SfisClm5iZ 0 !
every species w kb Is found hi ike stazo.
tn.Jwduag eacas yeti rare btaaeersee.
coiceu ci tIfl. ( 'n.lxio.
The merutaw cooeett [ pj Issad
was gio is the eMao * .dy 1 * Yqtw f
1 the sloppy * .oadLzoa .1 the G 9az.
Frs thhi pofot the xowek was
audible i * every pert s ( the grousde aM
I wtsftaes were aWe to sao' It wjbout
segleaftog the other hites.esag
' the icrouods. The pawgra 'was hitro4scti
wiak woe 01 &coaas sdrrja marc wli
* s followed by 1w. avoItase. Xlas
Li.ut..aM. ' by Titi. a soleeis ft
t flegr Aw4esn. a coceert 'je
I Gawas , awl several ter eaj.- '
I Noloblr IIS0r , . Iros xl.- n , ( .
I A party f s2 least i peu wiI wise
hi Oaka July 1 Zrct * liasoweixasetta ensoul.
to Portland. Ore to attcs.4 Ike actual
nmtet'ng of the mtonat rocfernes of Con
gr'gatzoaal eburehes The demegatlon w.l
a r.imber of men cf z-tmnenx-e a
ax enal n i-a , among them be ag Sakc-
I Crnsed on FfthI'agt-j
Suprcme Oort Reaffirms Its De iou
Eod1ng Elm Guiit.
Jepiltee ltnrrt.on WrIs the NeST
O.luioti. Which Fully Supports
tb One OrIriuntly handed
Do v ii.
LINCOLN. June L-Speclal Telegram--
The supreme court , In an opinion written
by Chief Jshee Harrison , today rea1rmed
the judgment sad sentence to the Bartley
case arid a mandate has been Issued for the
Immediate transfer of Bartley from the
Dotigias county jail to the penitentiary. The
syllabus of the opinion states that the provisions -
visions of section 4O of the criminal code ,
to the extent thai they relate to rn.tcr of
proof. held not governable of the question
of proof In this case , arid that the conciu- ,
slona annotmnced In the former opinion are
approved and adopted. having been then and
therein fully stated It was a snbject of
complaint In the brief flied on rehearing that
sueIent time had not been devoted to the
exaralnatina of the record and the preparn-
tion of an opinion. It Is true as stated In
the brief that the record is quite large. con-
' tainizxg l.t'O pages. and that extended and
elaborate briefs were filed. But it must be
here borne In mind that to the argument
I In such briefs and orally considerable more
than the tsual time was allowed. for the lat-
I tee were of great and material assistance In
the consideration and decision of the points of
complaint which were discussed. Moreover
and finally. It Is not a question of a number
of hours. days or weeks consumed or to be
taken in the easminatlon and adjudication
of a cause. but of such a due consideration
of the litigated matters , without reference
to the time employed as will result In a
proper and just disposition of them and
render true right to the litigants.
Wit-t flurtle" ' EmIezxlr-d.
The opinion fodcws aosely the former de-
cLsion of the court. In reference to the
argument that no actual cash was used in
I the transactions of Bartley It says that PC per
cent of the business affairs of the country
I Involving the transfers of money are con-
, dncted without the actual exchange of specie
an1 that when a treasurer makes use of
this same means it appears without
controversy that his purposes were served ,
that he had the money and used It to as
full an extent as if he had passed it in kind
I through bts fingers. It says further : "I :
' is true that there was no physical transfer
' of cash money in the specie. but the mental
I processes were all fully existent and active.
and were through regular recognized
inethods of business procedure carried out
and the money taken for the individual
benefit and not for the state.
"It may be said h&e that aside from and
additional to what has been formerly sad
I on the point of payment of the money drawn
by the check. that it has been futiher ad-
m-anced in the brief for the state and was
I of matters discussed on consultation. that
the warrant in question bore the endorsement -
ment of the plaintid In error , by which he
became liable and the money was applied
to and effected theextlngimishment of this
as it may be tyIed conttuzeat liability. "
Meeting another point presented In the re-
argument of the case the opinion says :
"Under the proposition that the district
court of Douglas county had no jurisdiction
of the action , the constitutIonality of the
depository law is argned at this presentation
of the cause and ft Is in this connection also
urged that the court will not apply the
doctrine of estoppel in a criminal cause to
any portion of the issues. We must again
for the reasons stated in the foriner opinion -
ion and which 'we deem entirely sucent ! ,
decline 1.0 enter upon a discussion of this
tnry of Hartley's Crime.
Joseph S. Bartley was elected to the office
of state treasurer and beprn his term In
January , 1h93. He was re-clecLed two years
later. serving two years. At the extiratlon
of his second term he failed to account for
more than $ &OOOO. Part of this was a
warrant for comae $ lS1OO to reimburse the
sinking fund. Ott April P. IL7. Bartley was
arrested In this city and charged with em-
beaxiemeat On the day ef his arrest he
was taken before Judge Gordon of the pa-
lice court aimd waived examination. The information -
formation and the papers In the case were
filed with the clerk of the district court and
on .lune S , ISI. Bartley was called before
Judge Baker. who was then on the criminal
bench. for trial. The trial lasted until June
. :2 , ben the jury returned a 'verdict of
guilty. A motion for a new trial was tm-
mediately filed and argued. On June G
Judge Baker overruled the motion for a new
trial and sentenced Barliey to a term oft
twenty years in the penitentiary , at the
same time imposing a fine of or
double the amount that the jury found
he had embezzled. On June the case
was taken i-a the supreme court , 'abere that
tribunal fixed BarUey's bail at flOtIO
pending the final hearing. Having been unable - ,
able to give bail , Barney has since re-
malned in jail.
While Ia jail Bartley has been a modal
prisoner and baa never given the sheriff or
the jailer any trouble. WhIle he has refused -
fused to discuss the outome of his ease in
te supreme court. to hl Intimate friends he
ha. aleays said that a new trial would be
- Then seen last aibt and after having
been apprised of the de.elslsmo f the supreme
court Rertley said that he bad nothing to
503' 101' publIcation.
Sber4 : bleDosiald said that e did net
I kaow when be would take a.-dcy to the
pewimentiary. tot yet having received the
order. 1.'eually. he said. th.s mandate would
be carried out ith1n thirty days. but in
this instawee. be said that IT aiiht be zu
Instanter order. in is brim event Bartley
would be i&ken to Liucoin at once.
"UI , i'rnnel-i , l'ier .t..t'rt. It Is
( luin fl , , thlnri 1.lnuxi. ) ned
I , , , . -In ,
SA ) FRAtCI"O. Juwe S.Tb. . Ecenlug
' Poet esya Today that the ensUes Ckarles-
tow aIM not go to te l3tppLae UI-
aMa hssossd.auiy. but that as destisxazioe
Ia the Island .1 Guaas , La the Ladrowe
wcp. nisb I. sooftofled $ the SxaMeb.
aM hkk t l.d mndes from Masula. and
&J miles Siam Howotulu. The chief city
I ° t Gus.u is sa'e.41niy weil tortied ! era
a isasil plate and * forda wc of the
t kit srban sad q.aIag siatiows in the
Petc. Abowi Mx swonthe ao the
; towe were atregtined by Le Spanish to
present a ! ortsidzbIe reeletance In ease ot
attack. Th. Poet saja that thx t'ssted
iaLcs wj1 estee the group and ise the
isdand of Gusban Seta ? ani.k caal * ; eta-
tl.0 In additlow to any otht'es U may seize
in the luture lbs ( 'ixarlestew , the Pos4
coauaes , was ordered to wait a ; Honolulu
fcc lh first flt-et ef transports thM Iefl this
r : t and to take hipi , jo the Ladrones.
It is asserted "s re a' wh. h went
cm ; th , Pek a was rear intended * o
1scr the fo.-tz atthaa , and that sUer
quiet is restored anti the ttiMs are under
control of the Enlted Slates , that the
Charleston will , with the ansports. go to
Manila. U Is saId that the ) onaduuck Will
net star at lionolult ! . but 'stfl proceed to the
Ladrotmes and there rerna.lts as a permanent
guardian of the Interveti .f the United
Tln-tun anti AIhIsln Ha'v a Confer-
core About the tuclian Con-
rrss .pprprIntlo.
WASIIINGTO. June i4.-Speclsl Tale-
graurj-ot until the war revenue measure
is entirely out of the way will there be
any attempt to close tp the Indian 4lls ,
now in conference. Two or three attempts
' ; see made this week to get the conferees
together , but Senator Allison was tied up
in the nance eoczxnlttw and that necessitated -
tated postponement Sentor Thurston had
a long talk today with Senator Allison t
relation to the amen4mtit to the Indian bill
appropriating $4o.&O to ; an Indian congress
at Omaha. in relation to amending the
' amendment making the money Immediately
available , and a-leo providing that any
, money spent in preliminary work Is to be
paid back to those furnishing same. After
ully discussing the merits of the amend-
meat both seanthra agreed that as the
time Is now short when the whole appropriation -
priation becomes avatiSble , It would be
tempting Providence to lbstst upon any
t change In the wording of. the amendment
in 'view of the antagonisms that might be
Brigadier General Colby has gone to his
home In Beatrice preparatory to assuming
the duties of his position -with Major General -
eral Brooke at Chickamauga , to whom he
baa been ordered to report White It is not i
known what regiment. 'Will be assigned to
General Colby. it is expected that the See-
and Nebraska will be placed under his
charge. and should the Third ebraska be
sent to Chickamauga , It will be also .
signed to Colby's brigade. There is a
rumor that Bryan baa asked to be &ent
south. and this may be done. but the best
opinion obtainable is that be will go to the
Henry Glasser has been appointed assistant -
sistant to the weather observer at North
' Platte. Neb. . vice John Alexander. re-
The secretary of the interior today af- I
finned the decision of the land comumis-
' stoner in the case of H. 5 % Fletcher against
General B. Tracy. invol'ving lands In the
Watertown. S. D. , land district.
Nas'nt Construetur" lnke Their
Monthly Itepart on Condition
( If in linniL
WASHiNGTON. June -Steady progress
Is making on the shIp under construction
by the government at the several navy
yards. as revealed by the monthly report
from the various yards tc 'hlef Gonstructor .
On the battleships thr Newport News
people are ahead. having th.s Kearsarge and
Kentucky 4 per Cent ad.t.eed toward corn-
petion and the Illinois . -46. s cent
Cramp & Sons report the' . &lahanra per'
cent along. and the t'non Iron works have
prorressed S per cent wlt2lthe Wisconsin.
Ten torpedo boats are under construction
and bare been cempleted to the folios lag
extent :
The Rowan. twenty-six knotter , building
at Moran Bros. ' , Seattle , Wash. , I4S per
The Dabigrea. thirty Iceotter. building at
the Bath Iron works , B1th. Me. , per
The T. A. . M. Crewen , thrty knotter , Bath
Iron works , &O per cent
The Farragut. thI8 icootter , t'nlon Iron
works. San Franctsro'O per cent.
The Davis and Fox , tsoty.two and five-
tenth knotters , Wollt& Sewicker. Portland ,
Ore. . SI and S2 per-cent. respectively.
The Mackenzie. tweut knotter. Charles
Hiliman. PhilaelphIa.i per
The Strlnghamn , thirty knotter , Harlan &
. Holltngsworth. Wilmington , Del. , 2 $ per
The Goldaboro. thirty knotter , Wo1 &
Sewicker. per cent.
The Bailey. thirty knauer , Gas Engine
and Power company , New .Tersey , j per
cent. ' -
I The submarine boat Plunger , building at
the Columbtaa iron works. Baltimore. aim-
ilar In many respects to the Holland , is
I said to be 7 per cent adveneed.
Ohtiolni Notice toQnit Seat In Car-
rnuzn end Dxi Uo. ' . ' to Lea e
MONTREAL. Oat. , Jine i'-Word has
bean received here froin qt&awa that a messenger -
senger has left there mrth the notice of
expulsion from Canada at Lieutenant Car.
ranan and Senor du Bose. recently attached
to the Spanish legation at .fashing'.oa.
' -ChlLitY I'RAISIJS tlu-ON'S Y.tLOlt.
Sn , . . the Lleutenunt Will lie
iierett . % uIonir the WtrId's hero , . . . ,
lCopyrigbt. 1 * . , by the A'.o1wt'd Press. ,
KINGSTON. Jamaica. June
tOn Board the Associated Press Dispatch
Boat Dauntless off Sant.tago le Cub.s. June
5. 4 p. m.I-CommOjora Sclal y paid a beau-
Uful tribute to the valor d lIutana.nt Hub-
' son and the gallant of ' .i.e to'Her Mar-
rimac as he eat aol on th ter deck of Ibe
flagship Brooklyn , lying Lee miles off Santiago -
tiago de Cuba. on Sunda afternoon. Pt4ut-
I In ; toward the gray mratms of Jia-ro castle
where Ueutannnt Hebsea and his brs-e
: teee said to be aae.aeratad. the cent-
' mMore spoke as foliewsi
"History does not r.i ; an itt of finer
heroism than that of the xilant smen ho
are peisoners over there. 1 the
Merrntac as It made Ip . .tY it' th
$ of the harbor. and frssg saal ; an I saw
ike perfect bell of i've thai lell upow ibes.
' devoted amen. I did wet thtk It v a
. his one of them scold na , , : .ae throng ! '
it alive. 'ZIsay wentiuto tui jaws a !
It was 3ilaklava oser uata. without tb
ouns of defense 1db the Uht brigade
had. Hobsou Led a wiorn b4pa without the
powsi : to cut his way IMit. Bet ( ortnae ouc ,
more tarored the brace. eadi hoge be at.1
, have the r sQgnItIou aM..4wvahton he de.
serves. His name a ill Vee aj Iog as th
I heroes of the sand are sciaeeabereL"
' V.- . . , r # ' . Sutlotrss Tieu.
sC'pyrigbt. 1114. . by the. AIOOt4mLOd Pre. i
CAPE HAYTIEN , llnjd. Jsiwe $ L-S:4
' p. a-A man 'aba at-rised hege inday is a
sebooner from Turks as4 , awe of the
Bahantac. ar.4 atont I ! nillia worth s.f
' Hayti. said it 'was ; epeiM th ow Tuo-
dab- that Seating. de Ouba had been taken
' hy the Aer1ats. Cae eommnaieahin
between Cape RaytUn and Cohn is cull ia-
O't'5 to ltrtwrt to Merritt.
CHEYENNE. Wya. . June . -4Speeai Telegram -
egramAlger Light AreJiery , the crack
m.1tai-y organization of this city tonight
received ox-dera to racru.t to l men and
rer.or t With guns to General Wesley Mzrrlt
I San Francisco.
- - - - - - -
AEluicaBt nd Oabamz Pressimg Be1eague
City front All idcs.
I'uud is Scares anit Troops and Sail-
oi. Are o'v tb- unit italluns-
ierrtnuic's CrCTV All
iCopyright , litIS. by Press Pubitshing Co. )
LONDON , June . -New York World
Cablegram-Special Telegramm-A ) Daily
Mall Cape Haytlen dispatch says :
Frequent skirmishes are reported as ink-
In ; place between the Spanish and Cubans.
who were recently reinforced by the marines
' at Daquiri. The Spanish are making but
feeble resistance. The Cubans and Amer-
leans are pushing steadily forward and bare
already gained many points of vantage. in-
eluding a small fort a few miles east of
Morro castle , which was captured on Tuesday -
day under cover of several ships. The fort
Is considered Important because it corn-
' mands Aguadores bay , where It is contemplated -
plated General Shafter's forces will lend.
The marines hate landed and mounted say-
' erai guns on the fort. The Cubans under
Garcia number L000 and are rapidly in-
creasing. They mntntan ! constant coin-
I umunicatlon with the American fleet , which
has supplied them with a large quantity of
arms , ammunition and stores. Recent reports -
ports State the Spanish forces under Un-
ares have been weakened by desertions , and
now number only 4,500 , including sailors
from the Spanish fleet and volunteers.
Santiago Is on the 'verge of starvation. Food
is being seized for the army and navy. The
troops and sailors are on half rations. The
Spanish are now encamped on the hills on
both sides of the harbor and are fortifying
their posItions.
"errlme" . ( 'rOsy Safe.
PORT ANTONIO. Jamaica. June 9.-4New
York World Cablegram-Special Telegram- )
-The l.'nited States dispatch boat Dolphin
on Monday shelled and struck a railroad
train on the coast. The train was full of
Spanish troops. Many of the soldiers were
A constant communicatIon is kept up between -
tween the Insurgents. who are besieging
Santiago by land. and Admiral Sampson's
fleet After the engagement at Guantanaino
the Marblehead and the Yankee returned to
the fleet blockading Santiago. The cable
steamer Adria. , alter cutting the cable. returned -
turned to Key West. Its Norwegian crew ,
frightened by the fire of the Spaniards , refused -
fused to work longer.
By direction at the admiral the Vixen yesterday -
ter-day entered Santiamo harbur under a flag
01 truce to arrange an exchange of the
Merrirnac prisoners for some Spaniards cap-
lured on a prize made by the Marblehead.
Admiral Cer'vera asked for time for consults-
Lion. Today he sent word that the matter
I had been referred to General Blanco. The
I Merrimac men are safe. .
I Time blockade of Santiago and Cervaras
: fleet kas developed another hero. Admiral
Sampson commends the courage of Ensign
Palmer of the New York , who ran within IO
yards of time Santiago batteries Sunday night
in the launch under fire. Oadet Powell took
the launch into the harbor for information
regarding the Merrimse's crew under a ride
fire. Neither suffered harm. Ensign Palmer
' learned that the Spaniardt were tnakth ; attempt -
tempt ! to repair their disabled batteries and
, remounting guns. Admiral Sampson be-
' licres that more than ball of the enernys
1 guns were dismounted by the bombardment
' ' . , et.nd Hunnluir 'tory a Fake.
KEY WEST. Fin. , June 9.-iNew York
World Cablegram-Special Telegram. > -
There Is no truth In the story seat out from
here that Spanishwar ships have been seen
on the north coast of Cuba. The report
I originated in a inlitake in signalling.
The story brought here was that a govern.
ment tug from Ca.rdenas joined the fleet cit
' Haranu yesterday afternoon and reported
that on Tuesday night an anaillary gunboat
sighted four vessels , which It took to be a
battleship , tto cruisers and a torpedo boat ,
between Salt Cay and Padre del Cruz light.
When within speaking dlstane the gunboat
hoisted the private fleet signal. The strangers
answered with three mast-bead lights , which
I was not the required signal. and then put
t out all their lights. The gunboat cruised
sitar the strangers for a while and then
abandoned the chase.
It is thought one of the vettels was the
British cruiser Talbot , which left Havana
MUt1.'Es it.tVtl ILE.tCIIEI ) SAMPSON.
First of the i.uiIlug Porehonid
, : ( . , . H , . with The Fleet.
WASHINGTON. June 9.-It is be-
lleve4 here that the first rein-
fox-cements for Sampsons fleet have arrived
today off Santiago. These are the OO
marines under the command of Ucutenant
Colonel Huntington , who sailed three days
ago from Key West on the steamer Panther.
These marines bad been encamped on the
beech at Key West for several weeks. under-
4 going th most severe drill and military
training. They are Intenfico , tot ( or dis-
tributlea among the fleet. but at a landin ;
force pure and simple. Naval ocers are
I confident that with :1111 mall tut well dl-
: ciplinod landing lox-ce Admiral Sampson w.ll
' lit. able Immediately to take possession of
such pox-ta on the coast in the aeIghtoroa
of Santiago as be may deem nocesasry to
serve as a base tr the occupation at the
I regular United States ( coops when they art -
rive. With the marines in possession of the
beach and the American war ships with
ther ! shells clearing the country behind of
I Spaniards there will be little danger In
I efie'ctIeg the Landing of the troops.
Though no oitldai conrmat1on has yet
reaches ! the Navy deirtuient of the newspaper -
paper reDurts that come from Sampson's
I est. to the eact that be landed marhisa
at Cscaaera and that they are still In
pGasaion of a strategic stronghold ow tIc
blUe nearby. the naTal oliloers hem-s are in.
, . dined to accett as eurze the reports.
They feel a. pride in the fact that the navy ,
. tkrotigk its marine aduagt. has esraud the
dtsL.tnrtlow tst beinc the rst to occupy 1 *
force territory Iii Cube The marines who
edeeted : thIs sotable fs'-a were drawn , it Is
1 belIeved. frost the entlyc beet and were
: tboaoughly capable and pel-fochy dIsciplIned
ttfl'TLYC ilhi.ti ) .tG.tlS TO .tii , . ,
! hl t-s' of Ut'riu.Gee' . to ( 'itilla Ii ,
! ' --r- the
MADRID. Juw.CspLa . % us.ow , ea-
ise.r of marIne. Macted for CMz at ii
; e'cIk this evening. Ai tho' mInoinvw as-
eopnied itint to tat ? ri1way ataUow Re
: Will remain as CMI : until Adnda *
t Camera's e.qua4iow is ready to sad , Gswwal
Cu'rsa in the twosatias fulWiag kM
at the minIstry of marine.
, The ! dteen vessels forming the squs4rot
will start together under sealed oriere ,
whih will only be cpened when the squad-
ran s well out to aaIt La u-dcrstood
that the fores will then be ii" , ed.
The cabinet count .1 was.x ; .ed wth a
I long discussion as to the m..ry a.iawa
Weather Forecast ! orNebaska-
Fair : Northerly Winds.
I CpnsiiIn ticauty lnerea'es.
Pstrtler Must Ga to ir1-iut.
Suntinun to 5ore StraiT
pnin % rnrty ilenily to
Senste PrneeelIne. .
Outline of Nec .
:1 NeI.raska : % es. . .
Stste rnI'e.itComninent. .
4 Editorial sind l'onine .
- - . Dait.aDour 1'r the
Snutti Slile SelionIs' hn4jlumnt.
Affair' . at South
( I Cunnril Bluffs Lenl 5zlers.
louxi Necs nnt Con5t
Sportini Eens of a
Geniti Western
S ur..errmert Adjourn.
0 Pruits of ' , 'e'.tern Cnertt7.
China's Troulites .tre ( ruvins
Sealpor Tnke. Out a Lleensc.
Finn. Wne Daily In Omaha.
it C..iitimierclnl and Pinanoint sevs.
1:1 Mnnufneture of Torpeilut- . . .
Tcniprntu at Omaha :
Hour , 'iei. hour Deg.
: ; . . . . . . . , r a p. in . . . . . .
It a. ni . . . . . . tnl .t i. in . . . . . . 70
7 0. ft . . . . . . a-s 3 p. so . . . . . .
S a. m . . . . . . 4 p. tit . . . . . . 01)
9 a. in. . . . . . tit ; g , n . . . . . . 73
I I ) a. ut . , . . - . OIl t ; , . u . . . . . . OP
I C n. UI . . . . . . ( IT 7 p. us . . . . . .
iii U , . . . . . . . . . US s : . . in . . . . . . 117
ii . 60
p. at - - - - - -
At the Gruuuts
flanhl Concert , 10s10 a. a : .
inrine ilitnil Concert , 0 p. sn
Tbuuir' . Orchestra , Auditorium. S
a , .
In the Philippines. General Correa. mm-
ister of war , denied that Captain General
.kugustl's position wits desperate. and Senor
Sagasta added that Manila had means of
defense until the arrival of reinforcements.
The council then adopted important meas-
urea , which are kept secret. Captain
I Aunon. minister of marine. was authorized
¶ to take whatever measures he constders
, necessary with reference to the PhilIppines.
and Senor Puignerrer , minister of finance.
was authorized to come to an agreement
with the leaders ot the majority In the
chamber for the passage of the budget
Gucrnor of the PhIlippine. . in Fit
of Ue.pnir. TrIr , . to End
ills LAte ,
( Copyright tillS. by Press Publishing Co. )
MADRID. June ii-iNew York World
Cablegram-Special Telegram.The ) latest
rumors are that August ! . in a fit of despair.
attempted suicide. but tas prevented by
Adinimal Montejo and other generals who
still wished to prolong the resistance. Au-
usti is married aimd took his wile and tour
little children with him to Maniln. The old
archbishop I a most resolute advocate of
I the resistance of the heroic Invaders. Chris-
I thin is deeply alarined and grieved at the
' news.
On receipt of the alarming telegram from
' August ! the imprsion In political circles
was that Manila had either surrendered or
was on the eve of surrender. The cabinet
' considers u.s own position so compromised
that it only allows parliament to know a
. small part of the truth. concealing the tact
! that the whole Island of Luzon Is in arias ,
I The natives are sparing Spaniards of - not
t age or sex and are displaying the most fury
against the priests and friars. Dewey is
' said to be trying to oblige the rebel chief
to show some respect to the property and
lives of Europeans.
' Everybody believes the Sagasta cabinet
and liberal party viii soon make way for
Campos. Sil'vela and the conservatives will
soon make a last stand in defense of the
dynasty against the despair and bitter rage
of an angry nation by a pathetic appeal to
the pope and European continental powers
, Immediately.
CADIZ. June S.-fVia Gibraitar.-New
York World Cablegram-Special Telegram- )
' -In naval circles there are strange rumors
about Admiral Montejo and General Au-
t gusti baring gradually sent out of Manila
crews of the ships destroyed by Dewey In
order to take over In a Chinese port three
powerful ironclad cruisers that will cud-
I denly pounce upon the American fleet Ia
Manila. The Chinese government is said to
I be handsomely paid in gold for said cruisers.
The rumor requires confirmation. Camera
and his reserve squadron are still at Cadi :
Governn.-nt Is GettIu After Men
Whoe Selling Coal to
the 'runixirds.
PHILADELPHIA. June 9.-The Press will
tomorrow publish the following :
United States District Attorney James M.
Beck and Chief Mc3lanus of the secret service -
i-ce bureau are busily engaged in conducting
an Investigation shlch they believe will re-
, suit In sending several prominent coal deal-
' era in this section of the state to jail. The
olfictaLs are in possession of 'valuable information - i
formation regarding the sale of large quan1 1
titer of coal to the Spanish government by
dealers in this city. and the district attorney ,
it is said. is s4mply waiting for certain other
: dershipaicots before taking acitan.
Chief Mr3Asaui made aemerni Important
discoveries today in cooneeton : with the
' searching investigation whIch was begun
I last Monday. Late today he held what was
i reported to have been an important confer-
I cane with AasIJtant District Attorney Kane.
I Ul the ocials are reticent Assistant
District Attorney Kane retweed to make any
statement , but adaziued that a moat rigid I
Isreetlgetien bee Sees conducted. The secret
ee.rvie lcoraed tohiy that since the war has
beast In progress hundreds of ions o ! coal
; isave been sliIp ty brokers In this locality
to the Spish agents. ,
it I. i'ru'S.e Shut ii. , Si-ecitid Cgic-
dUIt. : . to 'tnutllri % fl lie
SAN FRA"C1CO. June L-It Is an-
toucod that the Morgan City and Senator
wtli be added to tb , truaport beet of the
s..cowd M.aIttI& ezpe&tthia to saji on
dair stat The Nebraska ter.ijt 'will
prs.hohiy o slab the eicod. ,
The sld gwas of the t'tah battery will be
mused to too iIpo. One ua ow eseb ship
wilt .e hiMallad ow ttck for Ike purpose at
otewsa. It wtfl not he removed front Its
wkeeli outciage. but Ul be Mayed In pro-
oat the recoil ham pitching II About the
An isa macbloc. with a czpstity of twa
and one-half tons a day , will be sent to
I Manila in a few dayc Itt eb.arge of thret
I cwpete'nt tuhcists
Government olilcers hart' inepe'trd the
Pa".flMa.l . '
I oinr.ys s'eamshp Brig"-
sad it ina' be "bar'ered for the ccTayanrs
I of troops.
Oastilian5 Now FvJly Realize the Eopde-
et of Their Struggle.
Making Acthe Advances for Help froui the
Europenu Powers.
Maze Now See the Shallowuets of the
Preteises of the Minittry.
Oeen urgent Ia .tbandone.l to Dc. , nail ltepilrlP .tr' CIrca-
Inlet ! that Slit , has .tclnnily
l'ted front Madrid.
tCopyright , li'S. by Press Publishing Co. )
LONDON , June 9.-New ( York World Ca-
biegram-Speelal Teiegram.-Tbe Daily
Mail's Madrid dispatch says :
There Is now little doubt that Spain , see-
lag the hopelessness of further continuIng
the war. Is approaching the powers to enlist -
list their good oees In Its behalf toward
obtaining honorable peace. The cabinet
council today discussed the international sit-
cation at length and finally authorized Duke
Almoadovar. foreign minister. to expedite
diplomatic action. In consequence the duke
4 is now conferring with certain ambassadors
! and ministers in Madrid. Instructions have
been telegraphed to the Spantab mInister at
Vienna and orders likewise have been given
Senor Aguera. Spanish under secretary of
state. to proceed at once to the AustrIaa
capital. Spain is unquestionably looking to
Austria for assistance. It Is not likely any '
appeat will be made to Jbe pope , as earlier
intervention by his holiness met with a discouraging -
couraging reception in AmerIca. Events
have been greatly precipitated by the crisis
In Manila. Probably General Augusti will
be ordered to make the best terms be can
with Dewey. Lepanto is still at Carthaena
completing his crew. Orders bare been issued -
sued for : .oo men to be assembled at Cadi :
in case Caznaras squadron may lack a full
complement. This squadron is on the eve
of leaving under sealed orders.
The Morning Pot's Madrid dispatch says :
The news from the Philippines has produced -
duced a feeling of stupefaction in Madrid.
People are realizing the lnmmtnent peril ot
General Augimati's troops and the Impose- !
bility of securing them- Grave disappoint-
meat is alto felt at the complete ditsipa-
tion of the idea that a part of Cervera's
squadron is now hastening to Manila. The
general lone of the papers is that Spain's
colonial empire is lost. As to military
$ and naval reforms they declare that Spain
has done its duty and made sacrifices
vainly. the old system of mnaiadministering
affairs being too deeply Implanted to be uprooted -
rooted suddenly , though Sagasta has done
I his best. General Careen. as he wns lear-
In ; th palace today , informed the inquirer
' that General Augusti had telegraphed to the
, government that be and the authorities of
the city had withdrawn within the walled
portion of ManIla.
Reiint F111pi1 with Dissony ,
I Dispatches received in Landau tonight
tram Madrid renresent the condition of a-
fairs as acutely petilou for the govern-
meat and dynasty. The Spanish people
have declared for the first time , admitting
the true conception of their hopeless pro-
dicamnemit , and are bitterly Incensed against
their ruler. Sagasta , it is asserted. is in-
I sitting on his resignation to make way lot
a military cabinet The regent is said to
be abandoned to despair. The rumor was
prevalent in Madrid that she had actually
fled. not having been seen for days. but
Sagasta have his sord of honor that the
regent was still at the palace. though not
well. The belie ! is general In diplomatic
circles here that Spain will sue for peace
wIthin a week on the basis of the surrender
of Cuba and the return of the Philippines.
MADRID , June 9.-New ( York World Ca-
blegrarn-Special elegram.-Time bombard-
macnt ut Santiago. as the details become
I knows. creOtes a painful sensatlen. a d.een-
! chanunent and a disappointment All dasecs
of people are slowly awakening to the real-
I that in the long run they are playing a
losin game. Their phantom squadron is
looked up In Santiago whilst the city Is
threatened 'by a flank movement of the
.AmeriCans and insurgents as soon as all are
sucient1y combined for a simultaneous
bombardment to dash It to pieces.
The people are aware that the court and
oflicial world Is profoundly alarmed at the
unfavorable lntelIigence received from
Augusti and tire increasing dlldculties be-
catalog hIm in beleaguered Manila. He is
between the insurgenuiaho are cutting ait
land supplies and the Americans on the eve
of being reinforced. Popular Irritation
against the government and existing lash-
tutions is assuming more formidable pro-
PARIS. June 9.-INew York World Ca-
bleramn-Special Telegram.-Spanlsh partisans -
tisans here are reluctantly realizing that
Spanish dominion in Cuba is doomed and
CC endeavoring to find means to save Spain
( rem Inevitable defsat. Augustin Tblrrey ,
writing In Lii Jour. proposes that Cuba be
administered by America under suzerainty
from Spain and paying a tribute to the 1st-
tar power. Paine urgently calls upon the
g'owers to mediate in behalf of Spain.
Cnrt..t. .tre Aitise.
LONDON , June . -4New York World Ca-
blegram-Spedal Teiegranm.-The Daily
Cbroulcie'c Paris dispatch sore the Carllcis
1 are very active just now. notWithstanding
1 the declaration by Don Caries Iltut he has
no Intention to ibterire with the reigning
dynasty and its guardian , Queen Maria
Christian. The snore militant adherents of
the duke at Madrid consider their chief
ought to take Immediate antou or stall-
sate lam favor s.f his cow. Boa Jaline de
P.i&a. The family to bkh the wife of the
prtes.dt belongs strongly ubjocta to gay
transfer of his tights. .
I.oniuers ! Are ln.Ilu'nnn * ,
iCopi'righit. i , by Prose Putdishing ( 'ii )
LOxDOi ; . Jtpse t.-tgw York \VorId Ca-
W.'giato-Seecial Telegram.Mueb ) Indig-
nstioO I ! excited here by the reported ill-
treatment of British subjects at Lao Juan.
Mr. fletu. itho baa been expelled and Is
4tsci-lbd as Ihe secretary of the British
coneajait- not known at the foreign alOes ,
hats. ; 0hobl ) a personal uwrctary to the
soweul. Under Secretary Curzssa atli be in-
tcrgoiT.ted luiwarruw In the house of Corn-
e centetralag the circaimMancea. He
Matd tanlgbt that he had reedved no die-
patch so the subeet. A protest will be ad-
dta-.sed La Madrid immediately
hteurns asiti. itsTorpc.Ioes.
II tf'RID June ii - A mail steamer , hich
was -arryi.'g torpedoes destined for the
e.a mre of Man4a , has returned ho Bar-