- - - - - - - - r-------- . ' : - - I I . s- rilirE4ThrAIA. . . 1)A ILY 111 'I1U141)AY , TVNE 7 , , 1898. 7 - - - - - - - - - - - I FROMTHE FARTHER WEST -c FiTE OF' A SPAMSII PARTY . * \ 1aco Found Where They Were Masacrod by Thdian in MissourL f31T OF EARLY hISTORY RECAI1.ED , Jipct1tl Ion f4cnt Diii frotit Sntstfl l'c Ipi I 7 lIP-Out Citin I ) 4roi lid - . % - fllacre tIi LuNt Mmliii WaN 1utdc. Captain C. C. Clay of Seilatla , Mo. . 1)OIIeVO t2iat Iu tiaH found Ip thIs mitate the exact aliot where tim expedition of Spaniards , whlcli left Snntn Fe , N. M. , In 1719 , WflM niassacred by Misantirl Indiana. Tradition 1iR long Iied that this maancre tbok place 00 the Milouri river. Captain Clay Is ure - , ot It. and FflS that the Cflllli ) Of the Spaniards waji in Saline county , ann mile north and a quarter of a mile vest of the railway depot at Malta t3eiiI , Tile Into of this expedition line long been One of the romances or early Spaniah 1iIi. tory in tlu southwest , Vliile most or the old liitorIes refer to It , the references are tiNuaIIy so vague that. they are or littlO his. tone value. "Iteynolda' Iloiicer Ihlatory or hhinoI" ajeaca or it , and ChtnrlyoIx , in his tarratLvea , tells of hiiwing obtained relics of j great Indian mnnsacre of SntiInrda "which toniC hilnee in the north. " The atart fein .Sinta Fe % S,014 made during the governorship t Vnlvorde , It ha maintaiticil by some flu- thiorities that the party wns headed by Cap- - thin Viihnaur , who wna in search of. the Patiatins , or I'awnees , to ciastise them for depredations 1111011 Spaiilsh explor rs. ills command was attacked at night by Indians , who were armed with guns which they had . . obtained from the French , Most of the - - Spaniards , including Viceroy P. Juan Ningues and the French guide , wore killed. It 15 declared by others that Cnptnln VII- Iniuir's party is not the one hilch was do- , - atroycd lii Missouri. - ' - - It i more generally believed that the vie- time of the great ahaugliter were mombere of a colonizing expedition. The Spaniarda had grown jealous of thit coinmorclnl en- croachnients of the French In the Misslsaippl valley. The Missouri trile of Indians were leagued with the French. The Spanlarda ' ! . IUrIOEed to effect a treaty with the Osage ' F Indinn and indice the latter to atinlhilinto - the Missouris , and thus weaken the powcr of the French. The doing ol this vnq entrusted - trusted to the Spaniarda , who heft Santa Fe in tim fiprilig of 1719. There were 1.f00 per- . . 140flS , hid lid I ng ill CII , enl en a ad oh lid ron , In - the long raravan that took up Its mareli toward the northwest , a land of iiavages and wild beasts. Five bundled nicit capable of hearing arms atforded military protectioti. . lliFCIl O i'i m 1ic Pritl iles. Tha inttich toward the country of the Osagea conauincd the gloater part of the inhinmer. The level prairies of Ransas were morn easily traveried thaii the rougher country further cast. Thc guides failed to vter sufliclently to the eastward , vIth the result that the expedition mlssei ( the Osnge.i nuil atruck the Raw rIver in Kansas. The hater IIS followed to the MIssouri river , down which they marched until they reached what they supposed was the' camp of the Osage IndIans. Unfortunately , however , the Indians were the Mlssourh. It is ioiiiewhiat hiicredib1o1 hut the atory runs that the Spali- - . - . - - iardi did , not inispce. thel ; mistake apd con- flcci1 their lilootly plan3 to the very lzilI Otis vhioin they Intended to destroy. The latter were wily enough not to betray thteniselves , but 8et ahiout secretly to d18- patch their enemies. Thin Spaniardi3 were attacked - tacked at iilght. Only one of the exjelItIon escaIcd death. This one person was a prIest who is iiald to have fled on a horse. After great privations ha reached the friendly O.sages , with whioni ho messed the remainder of hii life and dill much to reclaim them ftom savagery. The tradItional story Is that. , io Was known to the Indians asVhlte - beard. " About ten years ago farmers lIving In the icighborhiood of Idaita flend began hear- tog of strniig rcihle that were leizlg found occasionally in a certain field. CaptaIn Clay , who traveled frequently that part. of the country , lieCahilO Intercstcii in the atones and tipoil cxamlnlng snub Of the relics wan Coiivlticeih that they had belonged to per- soils other than Indluns. lie was familiar with the etory of the Spanish ninssare and soon caine to the belief that. the rohics were of SpanIsh origin , Many relics wcre ' 'gntiiorett by iiini , some front farmers and I , others by digglngln the flchih. The objects we're usually ftiinI lii the rIch , Ionniy soil - C at a depth of from three to lX iiiciies. A ' \ surprisingly large' nuiiibc'r of gun barrels were uticartlied. ? daiiy of them were twisted 81111 lent us if the original weapons had ' - - 1WCI wiuitunhy destroy.il. . tiiiiy or the gun barrels vere of quaint patterns. One iow In Captain Clay's lOSt'SSI0hi ) IS ( Lilly five feet bug. Another , scarc'ly lucre than two feet , V115 apparently of the heii-nittzzhe design and haul a caliber almost. an Iiieli Iii ihianieti'r. Ills collection of niotal nxes 1K IiItlcutarly ) rich iiiiil interesting. Most of thi'su axes cre iii fairly geoil condition. lllndcs of knives , liolicycombeti with rust , were dug up , together with long trlggtr- guantia ( or guns , iilt5 ) of iroii kettles , bitt. toit'il t'ctiotia of thtlit copper kettles nitil liaiid-Iorgul bails for kettles. Stone nbc- hint of ililTerent lzt's niiii , hiapos were founil and are iio in the l3tStsshOIl of ( aria- era lIving In the , ncighhoriiootl. Cuiiiiilur- able diver jt'vtlry was titteoverod. It vas sintliecteil that. posidbly the gun barrels lutti becit left in the wreck of some bat t he tong lit on the shot 1 U ri ng the clvii ViiE. Thu writer. to deterinitie this , wrote the Inca who hittil I I ved I it I lie neigh borhiood iiefor , and after the war. 'i'hey were itlinil- I inoiis in unyilig that no hattie had over bueb fonght there , Occasionally hoiiti have beeli fotinil , but the ) ' w're , niere frstgluentH nail so baihly IIUCllyl'l flint only itit export exainnntIon could show w'lwther thiby were IlililILtil bones. 4tor f ( lie lIiiiisiit're1 Captain Clay huts shout much time In carefully oxniniiiing the Iiehii , which lie Is PsitiV0 was the campIng ground of the Spitulards at the enil of their hotg journey ( into Now Mexico and at thu time of their iiiass.icro. lie has set forlhi the topography of thi' ramp In a amp which lie compIled on thit' Kpot null 011)00 thIs unip liv has liaseti a conjet'ttiral story of the nbus.mare' . Two buiulreul yards north of the ennip are high bluffs , forming. the adutlt shore of the MIs. noun river , whilclt iolls Its yohlov waters . - ' turbulently belo' . Two hundretl yards cstwtrt Is a tlop ravine that eiettveii - It vuy through thio bluffs to thin 'river. - - A zigug him , about ZOO yards 1011g. tiIIIiing fl91u sotitiit'ast to northwest , bi. CR1180 of its tiiidtil.1t1on is regtrtIeU by C'ahi. tiin C'la ' ) 19 having iietn earthiworia thrown ) mstlly iii ) 115 hiroicetioli aguilist the atitideli attack by the Missouris , It was close by these slight unduiatioiis ( hint most of the gun Ifarrdla fornitl , lii the ravine niit * . . hour the river i ii big spring that yours ! ' : \ _ . _ ' , forth een now an exhaustless bupihy of piir.i water. iIeav ) ' timber along the ravine 111111 flu exlalislve niendow to the south at- fortleil an ubuiuiineo of fuel aiiti forage foi' the horses tiiel cattle. it VS an Ideal iilco Yor n winter camp , elIcit os the Spaniards iiii0t1ti , but there vas lie auggotioo of nihit- tary strategy in its selectIon. There are Iraces of a large Indian camp several iplirs to the casiwuril. Stilt farther away ais two Ibcuhinr rock formations known as the "Pin- Jiacles loeauso of their dome-like outiluos , It. is Icre that old 1ort Orleans is uppoiei b3' many to have stood , 'Fort 'Or'heus le- longed to the French and was built in 1721 by M. Ilurgmont , who went from Mohile , , It was destroyed and thio entire garrison slaib by unknown persons. The writer haa ft curiously patterned brass pistol with a screw barrel which was tound on the spot. Other persons besides Captain Clay hav interasting relics that ver fotinil on the alto of the old camp. 3. A , l'obln of Malta Iienl has a silver bangle and Mr. Day has a sliver bracelet ant ) guns. The relIes and the ground have never been examined by a person of scientific attainments in ethnology or arch- ' eoiogy. The resulta of such an investigation might overthrow the theories of Captain Clay , bUt at the same' time they-would be of more tlinii ordlunry Interest to persons whb ilfilight in solving the knotty problems of early days. I.tit'u I m Over ill ili ( ' I'rOlli'rt. TIUTTE , Mont. , June G.-Speclnl-Jnmes ( ) I F'orrester of New York and John MeGitinis of IJutto , stockholders In the lioston and Montana Consolidated Copper and Silver MIning company , have commenced an action In the district court against tile cotnpnny and its oflicers for the appointment of a re- eetver and to restrain the ofilcers and direc. tors from transferring the property of tile company in Montana , valued at $30,000,000 , from the Montana corporation to the corpor- attons TecefitI ) ' organized under the laws of tue state Cf New York , A meeting of stockholders - holders has been called 'to meet in Ilutto Monday to complete the ttansfer by ratify- log a ilced executed by the oftlcers , otiti Forrester and McGinnis ilemnud that the meeting lie lrercntctl iiiitl the dccii set aside. They claim that many of the eastern officers of tim company are Interested In the Butte and ihoston Mining company , an alleged insolvent - solvent company , nod that. It Is the Intention to purchase the'property of the latter corn- zrnny to protect these officers of the Boston and Ittontana company , A temporary Injunction - junction has been Issued alit ! the matter wIll be heard Julie 27 , 3liiittiiiiit ( sets Good JililliM. IIELEA , 'Mont. , June G.-Spcclal.-- ( ) During the last six weeks it lies raliied at- most daily , an unprecedented event in Montana. Every stream In the state Is on the rampage and every vaildy is hooded , doing great. damage to growlng crops. Telegraph - graph and telephone wires have become so thoroughly saturated with the resultant In- ( iuctioii that very unsatisfactory service re- suIts. In PrIckly Pear valley nearly every bridge has been washed out. and great darn- 'age done to roads. At Judith , on the MIs. noun 'river , near Fort Iienton , the cable bloke , relonslng a ( cr17 boat with a load of , assongers 'while crossing nod heated soy- oral iiiiles down stream before It could be iiiicliorod itiul tlti' passeilgers rescued. Tile Toton river is higher thati over known be- fore. Tue loss will be very large. Live stock ha also suffered grt'atiy. l'IeiINed , % l m It 31 1s IfCt't'M A IIPIIlil1liI'ltt CIIFiYENNE , Wyo. , Juno G.-Spcclai ( Tele- grain.-Woril ) received here today of tile iloiniilatloil by l'rcsldcnt McKinley of Miss Estehle Reel of this city to the vosi- ' tloil of superintendent of Indian schools , one ! of tile most Ilnilortant positloils In the lit- dma bureau. 'rite appointlllcnt Is said to ; be tile first presidential woman appolntuient ; Iii the history of the collntry. Miss Ileel . has boon state superIntendent of public ill- I atruetlon In , Wyoming for the last three and a hair years , and PlIor to her election was county aupcrirleadeiit of schools for t L.araniie county for two terms. She was endorsed for the positIon of superintendetit of InhlInit schools by the senators of thirty- five states , by tile Indian 'Rights associatIon ' anti by a large number of' promInent etlu- caters auii educational associations of thin country , litneic II filM Colleice Closes. I HOT SPRINGS. S. D. , Jui1o 6.-Speclal. ( ) ' -The Black Hills college has closd for the school year. Commencement week was finished yesterday with fitting exercises. Tue enrollment for the year Ilas been the largest iii tile history of the institution. : The college iinw ranks with any high grade ' Institution in the west , the course of study 4 corresponding with many of tIlose In the east. Financially the institution Is muoii i better off thaii a year ago. The graduating l class this year wn composed of five young I nba iLad women : Misses EllIrna Sihlconson , Luelia Mclonald , Arthur Ladd , harry Stew- p art and Orville Southniayd. Tile faculty for next year wilt ho practicaliy unchanged. Stitti' Luther Li'itue OriiiiIzt'J , CANTQ.N , S. D. , Juno G.-Spocial.-A ( ) State Luther league lisa been organized here by delegates met ( or the purpose from 'cr- lililiOn , Elk Point , Sitnix Falls , Deli Rapids , hIalCc and IIOWIITII. 'rho offIcers are : Pies. Ident , C. Q , Lawrence of Canton ; 'ice Pros- blent , Miss Gunderson of Vermilion ; record- lag secretary , laviti Strove of howard ; corresponding - responding secretary , it. A. Anderson of Verrniliont treasurer , Martin Munson of Sioux Falls. Tills league will ho coililticted on tiio same plans as nit young Ieopiu' so- cleties and will ho to the Lutheran church what tile Christian Endeavor soeIetIo are to the l'rcsbyterian and Cougregatloiial churches. . C , t iii' fl'iiiil lii' l'n a liltitilit' , FORT WORTH , 'rex. , JulIo 6.-Speelni. ( ) -Live Stock Agent Icennedy of the Denver road reports large cattle shipuients' from the Paiihiniuhlo. J. Ii. Nations Is now solId- lag 2,000 head \Vyoinirig niiti Nebraska , S'JiilC Murdo Miel'Ceiizlu of TrIiiidath , Cob , , aitil II. C. Crcswell of Montniia have 100 cars each to shill ) from Estoiiine to Orb JunctIon , S'yn , C , II. 'Wllhiilbinn of Itos. t't'ii , N. M , , htui two hcre1j nit tIle 'trail from NewS Mxbco to Amnrilio , vIicre they vlhl be hut oil thu market. 'l'hoy arc twos alIbi threes. 'i'll % ' * ( ' SIoii Iiiiiiiiii , ST. PAUL , Mirth , , Jumme 6.-lu order to ( htliet. tue approhiomisions of reslihonts near Vort Niobrara , Nob. , amId along the south. crii botimitlary of the tboux racr'iitlon , Ccii. eriti Bacon oiilereci Captain i. A. Fliis anti troop ( I of the EIghth cavalry to Pi'OCoed at 011CC to Fort Niobrara from Fort Meatie , S. 1) . There have been no outrages reported froni tim tinxious district , lInt theme lmvo tisutthly liceil troops at Fort NIobrarn anti the ubspmlce or i'eiluction of 'time garrison gives rise to a certain aliproliensioa U0U the llart of settlers In the vIcinity , Nt' ; lispiiiiirI itniiriinI. JEi F'EilSON Ci'1' ' , Mo. , Jtmoo O.-SiIn. ( cinl-The ) secretary of state hitis chnrtered tile Giant City ' & Southern 'Railroad corn- pamly of St. Jose1lii , cailitni $501),000 ) , The stocitiiohthers , are : 0. Iii. SIlencer , S. E , Cramie , ( beorgo Ii. Junbur , Thomas W. Ilvans nail ( .1. M. Carter. Tue purpose of tile COfli- iauy Is to construct nail operate a standard gauge railroad from Grant City to a point on the St. Joseph & Des MoInes railroad , tao miles southwest of Albany , a dIstance of about 'twenty miles. ' 'i'st'rii Milirti r ) ii't'i ( ' ) ) , SALT LAKE , 'utah , JUIIt , ( $ , ) - Two hundred oxlterieneed beet 'raisers are to be sent to Li ) firande , Ore. , in response to au Jppeat from iio owners of the now sugar factory there , u'hmu illaulta now 1100(1 thminnimig aimil immilesi , experienced miieti are secured th crop will lie e failure , The Litnhi heetcrop wIll be heavy this year , and it is estimated that the sugar output wiil lie 1,000,000 houndS , Uttilt's II I iii tig SAIi'l' L.Ali , 111111 , June 1.-Speelal.- ( ) P111111 arrangements for the mining congress are rapidly approaching conhIlletIomI , and the committees expect the tIaIr to jirove even more of a. SuCCeSS than hail been cx. pecteil , The O'xcctitive committee anti finance committee have both cleareti up theft 'work to 'into in meetings held recently , at w'hich tile ) ' heard Secretary 'J hintnfs to- port to Juno Ii. lie said flint over 700 dde. gates have been appointed to date , exclusive or the Utah ileltigations , with Colorado , California and two or three other states yet to hear from , which 'have selected tide- gates , hut have not anhouncei tiiemn as yet officially. ! ' ! 't''r ) ihiiiiij lii 1iiitnnn , I1UTTI , Mont. , June O.-Specinl.-In- ( ) diana capitalists have orgnnized a company for tue development of an etcnslve pincer mining enterprise on LIbby creek. It Is styled time Soittli Bend nnd Montana Mining and Milling company , Thi company lies acquired - quired 161) ) acres of illacer ground on Libby creek , The ground embraces a mile anti a quarter of tue channci of the creek , with the banks on olther side. Men have been Clllilloyeti In sinkIng to bedrock , nnil tile location wIll be thoroughliy lirospecteti. Mr. Nicrtr , the nlanage , has taken up one tea- turo of placer muffling which has hover becti experimented with in Libby before. lie Is saving time black sand which farina the resIdue In time nan after everything in time gravel except the gold has been wesimed out , The sahd carries a 'high value in gold and Is rich in Iron. The conipatiy wilt put in a Jeffrey dredge to work its ground. Tli'rce of these dredges are now in operation - tion iii llaiiiiock. They are workhmmg on ground that was Prosllecteli anti abandoned thirty years mlgo. The dredge can imllbdie 700 cubic yards of gravel every ten liour , There is ulidoubteilly a vns amount of gold In the bed of Libby creek. Ves1urii l't'o lilt' I ii i i'rest t'il I ii Cii I ii it , TACOMA , Wash , , June C.-Spectai-A ( ) . \ . Bash , Who imaa been three years In China , through the Chincse minister at. Washington has sIgned a contract with time American- China Development company whereby tue latter is giveim concession for constructing a railroad between Ilankow amiti Canton , China , 000 miles , through provinces inilab- ited by tIO,000,000 of i)0OPl0 , Interested wIth hash In the compammy nnineti are Henry W'olcottV. . A. ht 'ed , Samuel Thomas , Ionver ; Hon. Johmi 'IS' . Fo- ter , W'ztslibmigton ; hugh J. Grant , Tlmurlow Wccd Barnes , Calvin S. lirico and Charles II , Costor , New York. The Carnegie Steel compamiy Is tInder comi- tract to time Alueriemul coampany. which nlust furnish $20,000,000 wIth vhiicii to build and equip the railroad aitml $25,000,000 to con- Struet a branch line , for which concessions wlhi ho gbvjmi by China. hash goes east irn- mediately to engage a corps of engineers and railroad comistructors , who vLli accompany himn to China. lie is also securing prIces on 150 locomotives and 2,000 cars nod rails. Two hundred million feet of lumber have been purchased emi tills coast. lmkott llilmr1rs tif I1liitis. WATEPTOWN , S. D. , June 6.-Spcclal. ( ) -The grand lodge , Kmilglmts of Pythmias , at tile 5eolm held here last 'cok ticeldeti that the lodge would macct next' year Imi SIoux Falls. The following officers wore elected : Grand chancellor , F. S. Emner.ton , Sioux Falls ; vIce chancellor , l. II. Bone- tllct , Milbank ; prelate , C. Il. Canton , 11111 City ; kecpor of records and seal , C. aVnr - nor , Fnuikton ; master of echieqticr , J. E. Platt , Clark ; master at arms , 11. C. Ilureb , fledilebti ; inner guard , J. B. Inns , Bryant ; outer guard , F. H. Cuttings , I'ierre. S21I.'i o hl'l'ilit bolt ilt'et I ltM. RAPID CITY. S. I ) . . Juue 0.-Speclal. ) -A letter has been received from lion. S. A. Cochranc of llrookings , state engineer of IrrigatIon and director of the farmers' In- tttutcs , who states that lie , .togetller wIth three or four members of the statIon staff , vIii be Ill the Black hubs sonic time In July to hold a series of IrrigatIon meet- logs and farmers' instItutes in the dIffer- eat towns. About two wceks will bo thus spent. "hull I iimr 'feri'l tonsil Csiphtil , SANTA FI , N. M. . June 6.-Spoclal. ( ) -After a period of Inactivity osving to luck of vroior inaterlai work has agaIn been restimneth on time territorIai capitol building. Tue former plans to finish tue buildiimg In stone have iOefl aballdoned owing to the impossIbility of secitring time proper kInd I and guality , and the buildIng will lie fin- iSiled to the roof with St. Louis brick. I : % k.'M Ii i'lni'e for Ot'riiiyei' . TOPEKA , 'iCan. , Julio ti.-Special-There ( ) Is every indication that Iavld Ovormycr of Topeka wIll be nominated for lieutenant governor by the democratic and populist state conventIons ivimicit will mneet Juno 15. The acceptance of a mijor's cornnitslon by Lieutenant Governor Harvey lc.ves tills Place vacant on the state ticket. 'V'oiliI lilt Iti'iitJI Inii Li'ngiii' , CIIEYENNII , Wyo. , June fl.-SpecIal.- ( ) The annual comiventbon of tue Wyomimig Re- pilbllcan league has been caiiod to meet In this city on July 7 , for the purpose of electing - ing officers for tue ensuing year aliti delegates - gates to the national conveiitbomi to be held July 13 at Omaha. it tilihti ( 'i L II Igli 4t'iittil ( i'iidiimli's. ItAPTI ) CITY , S. D. . Juno & -Speclal ( ) - The graduating exercises of tile city 111gb school wore held Saturtny. ) Those who ro- cetvctl diplomas are. Frmink M. Itenti anti MIsses Bcrthma Qtmlggle , Selnia Sneve and Mattima Woodi ; . l , liNuS i''M vihes. Tim Galolla Wltlst club offers a picture of A titlilt t1 I ) itWey us a first prize. Thmirty cnt'boatiit of lmarve.itors have Just been iihIblpl'ti Into romtiierlt Kansas , The total mltemniel'sllilm of the Soitliora' I-tome for time week entling May 2S was t,342. Dr. Charles Pnrkiturst of Now York Is building two imouttes on lots , ito owns iii To- Ilekil. lCaiisas crop estimate for 1898 : Whient , 100.000.000 bushels : cormi , 200,000,000 bushels ; batbies , 20,000. Thte Pittsbtirg gas aimh coke lilsiflts8' iias ie&'It soul by the receIver to the National hank of Pittsburg for $10,000 , subject to $52,500 mortgage bouth , A recent agricultural rerirt cininis that there are iii Lyon CoUiity 103498 ; huslic'is of v1tiqt 4Rl.1ff himSilnis of corn. 50.000 hirntl of cattle timiti 55,000 of swlima , 264,119 bearIng fruit tices. viz. : Applia , pears , bbeuchICs anti cherries. Tilere arc eighty pianos , 280 organs anti 504 Pleasure carriages distrIbuted around among Poor Atchison county fmirmners according to the recent assessor's returns , Time increase of taxailo hiersommal proberty Is 22 per cent over heat year. TIme fact can be aubstnn- tinted that , nccormilng to population , Atchison couimty hilia 111010 well.to-tbo farmers titan any CoUlity in thin United States , anti many of tlteni landed In tue county ownIng IlotIlimIg on earth but a Itickory shirt and a pair of shoes. J.isiic ! , i''N Not i's , Frank l3nll has won lila suit against Ban- neck county and obtained a $1,000 judgtntmt. The Pocatehlo TrIbune does not believe Idaho should be asked for any more troops , as simo has furnished twice her prnjortlomi already , Shiepmnoll say the wooi is of a high grade tlit year. due probably to tile .mild wlntir. , There will ho about IfO,000 pounds iii tile 1. ewiston neIghborhood timis ypar , Time Basic company still line seventy muon Lit work on the seven-mile ditch on Grimes creek titut lit to be used for electric power for time dredgers at Phacervllle and Center- vllle , The cyanide works at the Camilas No. 2 gold mine , ten miles vest of liable > ' , are nearly COtlliletctl. From seventy-five to ' 100 tomma vlli be treateti every twenty-four hours , Reports troni nil sections of southeastern idaho mire that the abundant rains UIII spring have left ic I ages in excellent con tiiion , 'i'he grs i is t'eporteii six or eIght Imiciieti high an otk is everywhere in prime condition. Sheep are coming in by tito liunflro1s 'bt 'thotni1mt , Ir. Law of California anti associates own ti large tract of lltiCtl' ground itelow the Pay- cite Hike's. at the 'nti or Lomig t 'tile > ' , and have tiecitied to operate them. A contract has been let tor tjjgjng a canal seven miles long anti ton feet wiie at the bottom. The water Is to betak15rornLake _ Fork , Mouth liJi7tn ea's % 'ott's. Ilimu'k hills Pioneers hiniti their amimiuni idenic next Wedn't'sthmry at Whitewooti. The "Memoir3 ftt4\Pt'iillatfl \ Ii , Sterling" is a 400-page hook timtCt iil just beeti lsstmctl , Colnnloncemnemlt week at the lnkota university - versity at Mttcllehl beIns next Thursday. George iteonan , llromlnent democratic Politician anti on of Comtiingtou countie's oldest residents , tiled at. Watertown last 'cimk , . , Alt Elk Creek man cormimittrii suicitie when ho learned that a love letter purportIng - Ing to be tromn all illihIan nitttdemi was a fake anml was wrItten by a boy. Lacey lebong of Sioux 1nlls was arresteti for stealing a wnlitnap from a grain mail's office. lie admitted It , but jimtIfle4 It as a war inemititiro , as lie linti been askoti to get a map for one Cf time mIlitary conmpanies , Ilomiry Ketrlng is developing a now mm- lug distrIct about three milan title north of Deatis'oofi , It is In the i'ieimilty of "Time Rest , " and gives evldemice of becoming thu lleXt lilace to1dcli attcmitiomm will be dircctcth , Arnold' Bronmo Celery cures headaches. be , 25c , SOc. Au druggists. DENVER & GULF MATTERS lteet'Iyer rl'rimjiiiiiIl ' 1'iirii's Sitlii LIihit ( Ill tIii Sintims Of tii Coovnlat itonil , Receiver Frank. Trumiitmll of tile Umiion Pacific , Denver & Gulf has recently thmrowim Rattle intem'estimig light on the reorgmimiizatiomi of that ronti In the foliowinmz stmmmnrv as to the preliminary steps tabten townrd IC- onganizatiomi of tills property : Old accoumits between tile Union Pacific ltniiroad coma- pany anti the Union I'aclflc , Denver & ( , ' uhf Railway colmlpamly , involving between $4,000- 000 anti $5,000,000. hinvo beemi settled nbzo- intel > ' , and Settlelllcmmt has been approved by the United States courts at St , Patmi anti Domi'or , Time Jtmlcsburg dIvIsion has been soul to time Uimioii Pacific ; title to be givemi at timno time Gulf receIvcr litn Is wound Ill ) , rhicht is expectetl to ho about October 1. A contract has boon mmmdc wIth the Colorado & Northwestern Railway company for facihl- ties end exchange of busimmess at iioulder. Tile Umlioa I'aclflc , , Denver & ( luIf syndicate has secureti $2,700OO0 Colorado Contrai 7 per cemmt bonds , forneriy owacd by Ummiomm Pacific Interests , and this gives tile Gulf syndicate control of Colorado Central situ- atiomi , , trackage comitract lisa lleen inatle with the Ienvcr & Rio Gralnie for a limmo between Pueblo \Valsellburg for a tei'tli of years beyond the recciversillp emi a rntm- tually satIsfactory .basis , mi umlderstumldimlg has been arrived at ietweon the Umiion Pa- ePIc , Denver & , Gulf CoIlSOlitlfltCti iOmlIi- holders anti time cothrnittee of time untlcrlyimmg Iontls on hines south , of henrer , 'iz. , of tile old Denver , Texvs & Gulf and lenve'l' , Texas & Fort Vorth mortgages , of whIch niotmt $1,750,000 are stIll' afinat. Again Mr. Trtrtibmmii is quoteti in the NOs' Yoi'k Mall 011(1 ( Express as sayink , In rcgarti to tIle lnoiectIve ; IflLiepefldOmlce of their himios : T1'e Idea that UnIon I'aclflc it ; about to alisom'hiluniomi Pacific , Denver & Gulf Is a great nmistake. The rumors , I pro- sumac , have dev'iopct1 from the efforts the Union PacIfic hima ieeii innklmmg to get hold of that. part of tlq ) tnion , Pacific. Demivcr & Gulf from Juisburg to La Salle. That is nil the new UnIomt.Facihic comimpamy wants of tilat'ltmle , altt.1 , , Jn fact , tbat Is all time Union Pacific , Denver & Gulf cares to part with. " : fti : ' lirhi. en emi H 1ztlt ' % Yu r. SAN FRANCISCO , JulIe 6.-The relimceil passenger rates on the three through south- era routes to PoInts cast wont Imito effect yesterday. but it being Sunday , no marked increase In traffic was noted. There are rummiorms the reduction of rates out of San Francisco by the American lines Is hlkaly to be foliowed by a reduction by the Carta- than Pacific for tue reason that the difteren- tial established by the AmerIcan 11110,1 In the new sciledule of rates is not sufficient , im time opInIon of the Canadian l'ae.ific pus- scugor olhicials , to secure to the Canadian lines a proper proportion of business. ltnlt'nNOt'M iiiid I'ersipltals. Oscar Vammtleriilit of the Northern Pacific's passenger dcpartmneimt Is In tile city from St. Paul. The railroads are doing lemity of advertis- ImIg for Nebraska day at the exposition ammd anticipate a big attomldnace. General Agents Johnson of Denver and Cboate of Salt Lake City , both representIng the freight department of the UnIon Pacific , are at headquarters in tuba city. Excursbomls to tile Black Hills of South Dii- kota will lie run for one fare for the round trIp twIce durIng each of these inomiths : June , July , August amid September. A hiandsoma special train , consisting of private Yt'agner cars , and occupIed by PresIdent - Ident MarvIn Ilugimltt of time Northwestern amid party , is schmeduleti to arrIve atVeh - ster street statioml tills nftormmoon , It Is uimnouncci thmmit. an tmgreenmommt has hiocit reached between the mnanagemnamits of time UnIon PacIfic anti of tue flurhImigtoii roads for tile oltetming of tile Clmtmyemmne gan- vay to tile Burllmmgtomm ummibt'r certalmI comm- tiitIolis. The ngrcenme'mmt wIll allow time Diii- iimigtomi to get bible a stock ntmd vooi coumi- try that has bqmi clct.d to it. for somime tIme. The Wabash firolnoml anti onglmlocra are to ito U mmlormnod , ammd pnssemiger ( 'ommdtletor oh tlhflt roach nie to wear servIce stripe slnmilmir to thoic sorn by sbeoplng car coil- dimctorn hut lOrCrs , 'rime service strIped \vIhl show the lenglim of tulle time mcmi imav b3cmm Iii time comtipamy't service. Omie gold moo stripe vIlI bt ; pinceti on tile loft sleeve for every period of five 'enrs' , service. A special train 'of four cam's , bearing I'resI- tient horace 0. Burt of tile UnIon Pacific amid Mrs , Burt , theIr SOil , Mr. Ittmssell llurt , Mr. alld Mrs. Etlwortj Cudmilly. Mr. ammti MIS. S A. McWhtorter , Mrs. ( limmirhi's Olfutt and Lutimer Drake. ldft' tteVcbster street mitatibmll yesterday afterimttimA'mt 5 o'clock for Farlhault , MimIn , Thu paI'&y1'toimlg to mitteBti time 'otI- dimig of Mr. Ifuftieli Burt and Miss Jean Scandrett at Fam'iwuit Oil Tmiestlay , Tile Union I'luiiflq1jlhade a itanmmem' ruml with Its part of time 1yu troops thlat are hotmnd for tile l'hIiippJmi1 islamlds ( ruin Omlhatma tc Cileyennc emi Similday iligilt. Tile battalion that s'ns hnuletl' ii9'tiie Union I'miciiic ooatm- ploil a 8leCIai traIn of eievemi cars , headed h > alto of the roadjs itggest. emmgimles , TIle Silo' cml left Coumbell Bluffs at 6:50 : p. ma , ummil Omaha about f'fea ' mInutes later. It nr rlvod In Chcynt'm'mI oiI Monday milorlilmig at 835 a. ill. , nttcrtts''hmn lii ( aster titan regtllai express time , Wlme , otiler two sections , 111111. died by the lqttmtgtemi Cmlii Rock Ishmimit ililes , i'OaCiled ) lvepne hate on Monday aft. cr110011. . The raIlroatlip4itIs part of the countr ) believe that tim4ire being cileated out 0 : some ) assembgei tL/euue / tiimit is ilu then through the ( left 'mnanipuiatlomi of drovers passes. There llns aCcOrdilIgly bot'mi a meet ing called for Winesday , June 8 , at Kamisa : City , of nil tile lmics In the \\'estern I'mtstien ger association to comlaider time itbuse of times tickets ummit to devise ways and means of pro vomiting a comitintimince of tile same. Sovora of tile Proinhmlemit jtassenger mimemi of Omalim think tlmoy iluVo scheillea for time absohut ; proveiitlon of tue abuse of tilts troubhesom ; class of tree tickets , aild they are goimmg tlowm to iCamlsas City Itrlmetl vlthi auggemitiomla 'tim cannot but be favorably acceptetl by th mmioetlmig , - SLEEPY FEELING 1ter hearty eating uao ' Horstord's Acid Phosphate it reileyo droweinono , $ hun . tiubStitu i'm UI , omiii Ill b.ttiea. - - - - ' , , ' ' ' ' ' ' Ml'ltAllfN , t'I' 'I'tMI' 'i , . ' ( 'orm'rpon,1entitrietnri's on iit' I mimi'llieiq'iic'y Of A lt.utt'ltrs , Poiitncy hligelow writeS as follows IC hlarper'mm 'Weekly : "The war ntmthorltios Ilavo crow'tieti together - gether Ill anti itbotit. Tanipa sevcrni thousand - sand macn on the plausible Pretext that In a big etimnilof this kimni the ttooits Cotliti be' exercised in lni'go bodies , and the superior otlieers tiltimi get familiar with brigade anti dhi'itmiomual forllmntion , W'C must hear In mnhmiti timnt mimost of our troops have imt'ver immcti the civil wa been brought tagetller iii larger bohie than a few COmpamlIct at a tUne. Many colonels of regimnenta iiavc Imever until this war seen all timeir mcmi togetimer on a liatailo grotimitl. hirignitier generals have' ilCen crcatd 'who have never 50db tile regiments Ilhat Itte in t'onstitimto timeir brigade. We have for this war Isiti otit a complicateti schema of army organi. ZiltiOll , anti intrustetl the vorkIng of it imi most imiatamicos to InCh WilD scarceiy lbllOW tim nhanuci of arms , "Let us tell tile truth , disagreeable as It is. We cr0 strong onoilgil to bear It , 81111 to profit by it. "While tile natIon lisa beomm patrioticnhiy voting mcmi ammil 'mnolle'y for timis emuiipaign of mihbogeti pililailthropy , promotiomla immvvo mInt bcen mantle wholly from deserving ( liii- Cora Whose lives have beoti spent In active mnhhltnry work , but fronm time ranks of iohi- ticinmms , who may itavo hiatt a ammmattering of militia drIll , or may have worms a emil- forlil forty years ago. "Today , thirty thays after time decitiratioml of var , there , iimum IlOt been ibid at Tnrnpa a slngic nmihitary field exercIse likeiy to beef of service to generals of bm'ignilemi or tilyls- ion , ICt ahomir. tilt fll'mll ) ' corps. Tue Ulmilli reason is , mlii doubt , thitit there nrc 110 brig- ndier3 or major generals ill 'l'ninpa 'hio VltId kimow how to go to work iti the mniit. ter. S "Time great lIved .ut present , to prevemit heedless nuffering amllomlgst our mmicmi , is a pm'opor orgnnlzatiomi of the ComlimltitSnry tin- parttilcmlt ammtl staff generally' . Time nrmny Is I lumnberetl UI ) vIth civllhnmi staff-oillccrs whose d'tmty it Is to see tllmit OUt mmmcmi are properly hocateti and taken care of. The colonels 81111 cmiptains of the imitlivltitmal regt- monte are howeriess in this nlatter : they camm but obey time orders of their stmlenbors oml time staff , "Ill himropeaml armIes staff officers nrc so- iectetl frolmi the most htigiliy ( 'tilloated of the army. Timey Imave to iiass special exanmimia- tions iii artier to test their fitness for a 'c'arboty of specIal duties of the most tin- portaimt kimitl : 'anti of nil imrmportant dilLies , the German officer regmirtis tIle care of the 111011'S he'althi as tile mmiOst immiportant. 'tViien a Germunml m'egimncnt mnarchmes to war , the stall officer goes nilend to lay otmt a proper cmtnmiiig groimmiti , to Provide 'ood mimiti Wa- icr , and Ill other respects to make time regi- limemIt about to arrIve 115 comnfortmiitie 115 h)05 slide.'ilen tito weary Inca arrive they iha''O blmt to cook theIr simppcr ammd 'curl imp to sleep. "The tlnitetl States troops Who arrive 1mm Tampa nrc dtmmnpeti out at a raulwmmy sutllng hIke so many emlligrants. No staff oilicer mrebtames nmmythilng ill advance for thmemll , Regilmlonts go oft In aii' tibrm'ctlon that stmits tileul , lookIng ( or tile nearest place i'here tile , ' tilit , ' cook tileir pork mijid beans. ' 't ama lIe pessimist. I himtve b2cti calmly- lug c'lth regulars , lIving thtoir life , catimig their food alIbi notIng their courage anti discIpline umujir fire. In all tile armies of Etirope there are no bettor soldIers , mnymm for uman , thaml thIoso of tile Ummited States Immfmtmmtry , and nowhere have I know'mi officers 'imn commanded wore cheerftmily time respect anti obeiilcnce of their muon. "Oh time othler imanti , ill 110 army of Europe , not oven in Sinmio , have I neon troops so badly treated timrougic time incompetence of staff officers , who totlay are strutting about in iew Unitoriiis , when they ought to be whistled omit of camp as frauds. " " .Viitlm"G A P.tT1iO'l. 1'ii-mi 1)oJiiir for l'itpers Coii iltIiiIll ltt'toi'ts of ImnitInnr' 'be1rii'M. An elderly moami , whoo apearamice betoic- eneti prosperity and wimese gait Imidlcated in- dimigence in spirits , walked down to the ferry at the foot of East. Twonty-tilirtl Street onWednesthay mllght , relates tile New York StIn. A newsboy wIth an armful of pa- lIens got. Iii front of him anti shouted "lIx- tree ! Big battle ! Thme Spammyards d'foated ! " TIle man straIghtened up at the cry anti pulling out a $1 bill gave It to the boy for a laPer and told the boy to keep time chailgo. "Orcat vlc'ry f' us , " ho mnutteretl , as he tried to reati the miapor upi'de down. Pulling out four other $1 bills ho gave them to the boy , who ran off to nnothmer newsboy. "Hey , Billy , scow hat I got from hIs nibs. lie's loaded witi noiiey wat lie's no 1150 for , " he explained to his companion as 110 showed hi ; ; wealth , Time second hey ran In front of tue man wIth hits papers extendemi , crying omt ; , "Ex- traw ! Sampson captures tit' Spanish Iioett" " \Viias that ? " asked the nmamm. Time boy dIlated 111)011 the stmpposetl capture of tile SitilllSii fleet. The news stirreti time patriot. lie took off hmis hint anti cheoreti and ptliilmig out a $2 bill gave it to tile loy for Ills stock of papers , lie then returimed time papers to the' boyd who ran aroimnil the Corner elf a building , mmcd his coat imlaitio out , thu the' sailme with hli Cal ) , smcftret'i minnIe mcii over his taco nmmti again ran in front of the man before time hatter haiti gilt into timm terry ilounA , allouting news of ( Ill imagimmary t'aittmre ; of havana. Time VictinI's Patriotism was again aroused nfttl ho 'gave the her a $3 hilt for ii copy of the miewspmiper , viiich ho put hue hits hiocket without trying to read it. ' ( ireat day f' bbs , ( llor'oisb" he cx- Claillied as be apliroachetl the Opille W'Oillftll near the ferry entrance aliti gave her a $10 bill for some camidy anti apples , whiic'h lie seatte'retl amilong tii boys ( hint hati gafli- ereti ni'otmiiti , lie ilext tOOk wllat ciuauige' he' 111111 III illS pocket and threw it ammiomis the' boys.'Ilemi lie hail ilO imloro silver he fished bills fromu his IOOhCts ) anti threw those to time irnys. i'olieoman loohlng thought it tulle to in- terfera anti arrested the' men for Safe keep- Big. The 'prisoner hiatt $20 heft . In ( ho atlition house ho gavd 'tilO flttilio of 'WIllIam Wihliammis. 'l'hio Best 1,1mm I maclit for lfhmi'iiiiiiit ismm. Mr. V. Keteimnln of Pike City , Ciii. , says : "Bering immy brother's hate miickmme'mitt titan ad- atic rilotmrnntisnl , Chisinberisimi's Pain Ibtilmi ii tilt tile only rt'metiy that gives 111am flil ro- hut , " idaiiy others have le'stifie'tl to tile ilromlipt relief frommi 'paimi wiiich tIlls lIniment flftortls. l'l'Al.'i"M lt ? ' 'l'.tIlS. 'l'lii' i'n.iiilt. of I lii. ( oiilit r ) ' Olmresei A'iiiimst lbi'yuumqi lltdiirnmit'e. The liopuhation of the United States is about ts'o anti one-half titHes that , of Italy , says the New 'iork Sun. Time PoPulation of Italy i'II.S 31,000,000 in 1896 ; the Presdilt Piimmlntlon of time Utmited State's is 77,500,000. Tit ; ; memmanal expommars of Italy for govern- mmlental ltmrpose's are' In excess of thin eqiil'- abent. of $500,000,000 lii American money , or more tiinn $100,000,000 nbovo thin expi'imaes or t1n lTlbg'i ltnt , ' . ' ' , , , ' , , , , , , , I , , nn , % , . mini > ' year , These expenses , however. Immclude 501110 items whiieim bebomig mmlore iirolierly to what many be cahlt'tl the obhlgatinmmmi of the state's Irnprovitiemmt finmincial system than to ordInary reummillg epe1l8cmi ( , btit oven with thIs achnowbetignmemit the milnoimmit of stick ordinary oxitensits to be' rnised from taxation Is Iii cxce'mis of $350,000,000 a year. For its \\'ar tlepartmncmmt Italy spends in a year $15,000,000 : for Its Navy tioparhmiment , $20,000,000 ; lltibhiC immstrtmction , by tile' centrni governmmieiit , $10,000,000 ; Ptmhlic works , $10- 000,000 ; 'tlie expe'ilsc'S of eohlrctlomm' ' ( pembllc officials , ngemmtmi , tax gathel'ers amid clerics ) , $2,000,000 ; nmainte'mmanco of time billowy hut useless ( hebmartllbent of foreign atTains , $ iO- 000,000 ; tile king's civil hint , $2,000,000. There Is , timemi , the miminimal Interest nit s'hnt is kmloii'll iii time commsohitlateth ( or bontled ) Itni- inmm natIonal debt. The' interest nmmmohmmtmi enchi year to neam'ly $100,000,000 ( time Umiltt'd States e'xpemmtled for lmiterest last year $37- 000,000) ) ; $15,000,000 for inte'rcmit cmi the hloatlmmg itnhlnum debt ; $ IG,0t)0,000 ) for what m'l'o known ns ' 'fixed aflIlimIties , " which re- mania "fixed ; " $4,000,000 for time' lepart- mnent. of inimmittice ; $10,000,000 tom' tile main- temianco of potofhices ( for tile loss ( raIn theIr oit't'atitmm ) amid the govenmmnmemit telegraph - graph system ; $ (00,000 ( for the "prommiotloll of mtgrictilttmre ; ' ' $7,000,000 for "general ox- PoIlsen ; " $ C00.000 for tile maImmtenammce of tite Senate amId Chamber of Deputies , an(1 tile balamire for summtiry and umiscelhitmicoims OXlollSCS , anti exact subtilylsboit of is'lmicim , tmmmtber time itnhhnu miystemn of keepIng tIC- commute 1s ImpractIcable. Tile Present debt of Italy Is equivalent to $2,500,000,000 , and as there Is a tleflcit cv 'ry year , mind small provision for a sink- log feud , it Is constamltly on the imlcrease. Tile taxes Iii Italy , whicim Is a poor country , imlelucle many items WhiCh tIm other cotta- tries 'otmhl be exemimltt , Thmere are taxeit on hand , taxes on iitmlhtlimigs , taxes on incomes - comes , taxes emi successions , excise taxes , taxes frommi customs , willchl yIeld in a year'i $50,000,000 filly , ammil octrol duties , imposed oil marketable Jlroperty iirotmghit into eltle , ammtl wilicil amnoummlt In a year to more timami ; 15,000,000. There is time tobacco mnonopoiy , which Is vIrtually a tax on smokers , of $10,000,000 a year ; the salt monopoly , a culinary tax , of $15,000,000 , anti local taxes for the main- tenamica of schools. The state gets revelmtme from telegraph officomi anti prisons ; ( mimi tile mate of state property , leases to Itmdivitiualmi , stamnps ( nit item of nearly $20,000,000) ) , and ( rota lotteries , an item of $15,000,000 more. lint all these taxes , monopolies amid spcctl- hative mneti'ntls of "raising time wlnth" fall short of rtullplyiag tIle full Ileeds of the Italiami government , which falls behimld each year ammO becomes involved iii deeper obligation - tion , In atiditioa to the general taxation by the government , there Is local or torn- fliUtitI taxatiemi amounting to $125,000,000 a year , viiilo tile debt of time Italian corn- munea immoun te , colboctivel > - , to $20,000,000 , Thin marvel to nmmy observer is that Italians Imavo beemi able to meet so mtmcil of this vast nmmd oppressive burden as they have , 1mm view of tIle tact thiat tile per capIta national debt of Italy , lS now $75 , aafi the nbseimco of $75 for its equivalemmt 1mm hIre , ilas been notlceti amnomig Itahlamis generally by all travelers. * : ft : 4H : * * ; 'flk1strtc ( OeI1nJ ( Ddy [ toni % * . _ . _ _ ± - . ' 4' ' _ rJiIue eyes of the world III'O 1O'W il Omaha. 4 , . L 1'r T rl lie ' 1 rans-MlS1ssl1))1 ] I M i * I4lf . r. i Ml1 it1 Ji aiid Jnjeriiatioiiu1 ExJo' I sition has opened it gales aiul every citizen - : : zen of thuis city and ' slate must constitute him- 1 e1f . coiiiinittoo of L + ' ? i. one * to acquaint 1ii3 fi'ioiids out of the city with the t , * beauty aiid extent of 'the exposition , * To facilitate the s1)I'eadiiig of this information , 3 , TheBeolia s isF4ued a Supel'l ) illiistrateii edition Oil' : ! tii'oly worthy of till ) Opunhlig day. It gives a history * ! of the exposition , lialf-toiuo engi'aviiug of the build- : i iIig , 1)01't1'aiIS of the hiGh whose lkal'd work , ( illel'gy ; ail(1 gonhlls have made the oxpositiohi It griuul SUCCOMS i4 . fl'oln a SthIldjOilht of arcltiteelui'o ; , art and ieieiieo. I : ' You aii 11o1j ) to make it a success fluianeially by ' i i soiidiiig a of this PIC11iil edition to your fi'ieiid * :1 : ; outido of the city. ! _ - : : FIV [ CNTS rR COPY. ' ? 4 - - : : tistrateOpeiflugDyffltoii , , ' : , _ _ _ , . _ _ _ - - - - . - _ : : = = - - - : - ' : - ' - - ' : - = . - _ - - - - - - = - : . - : ' ; - 4 * t * * * , , I\ , ! M1TA1E t1TY THE 13XCELLENCI OF SYRUP OF FIGS Is dime mint , only to time orlginmility nml slinpilcity of the comhilmmntlon , litit ntso to tue C8t'O 81(1 sidil with wiilcit It Is mmuiuifiicturetl by sekntiflc procesaii lcimown to tile CAl.TFomtNl. Yb St'iuJ Co. ommly , una we vtsm ) to imllln'css iipoii all the immllmortabmco of PUrcllmcslmIg lIce true and orlglmmal rcmmmetly , As time gemmuliie Syrup of F'Igs Is mllmtnufmtcturecl by the CA1.IFOIINIA Fin Svmui' ; Ifo , only , ft Icnnwiedge of tlmnt fauL will assist olin In avoi4iilg the % ' 0l'timks5 Iimi1tatlon manufactured by other pat- tics. The high standing of time CALl- FOIINIA Vmo S'mwi' Co. with time mimedi. en ) professiomm , mitt ) the smuttsfac'tlomt siilehi time getlUtile Syrup of Figs has giveim to millions of 'fainlilt's mimiiks tile 1181110 of the Colilpatmy a gtinrnmtty of the ecc'lleimce of Its remedy. It. is far In mm'lVlhiiCti of mmli otilef' hiimiti'es , ' as It. ttcl'u on 1.11(1 hchutie3's , livei' and bowels 'itumont irritating ot' vcnlcen- lag tile'iml , anti it ( lot's not gripe mior ilittiscate. Iii oi'dci' to get. Its beneficial effects , please i'emneiiiltei' the mnimmc o tue Colnplimly- CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FmtAUlRC0 , C.I. i.oVma'vmLm.I. Ity iist' : 'YflmmW , 2' . r , W000WORKERSH GASOLINE 2 to 1 00 Horse-Pover. imtt. C , , i.it. ' it..t i , . . , , ' CallaImam1&Day1a eiTh Is vita ONLY : , mg- ; ; tt' E. weannmllm.ordnr .J orv nnEr' ' ' : i' - b , , jinttk Fren. Cnmistmhta. a ' - - ' ' Lion Free. Bx ti8 , o 'a ' 14th and Facemmua Sta , ' : _ . . - . - oasAlLA. frblIfl , Patronize Hoffle IlldllStries 11) ' l'ilm'cliitsilmg Genus hhitcie us tii Fol. 0W111g clrimsItmt Initctoricsm AWNINGS ANI ) TEITS. OMAhA ' , L'EN't' AX ! ) 1tUlll3Jmt vo. ( Sueees.ora Onmabia Tent aim. ! Awning Ce. ) Manufactuners tents , awnings ; joLm.crs madme' , ' nail genIe' MaclcImltosimes. ' ( 'emIts tar rent. 1311 Farnam St. , Oninimi. nnnwgniica. _ OiiAl1A IiltmlW'ING itSSOCIA't'lor' ( , Carlond t.hlpnicnms mace in our own reirig- Cramer cars. huts litI)1Z'lI , iIlte iXljrt ) , Viramma ExIort nilil Famlibmy lxurL deliverol to nil p.i La of the city. 1307L.Elt $ , OM.tmi.t 11011,11K 'OItKS. - JOHN It. LO'ItRY , Pi'Om ) , TioIl"ri' , Tanics anti 14h"et "ma Work . Speclai facilities To : ' doing repairs. etc. Tel. 1259 CORNIer : w'ouug. C. 1 lri'ENl'l'ilt. JIAGIIl CORSIOR % % 'OIlICS , Manufacturer of G'Ivanlzt.I iron C.rimt-os , , ( Ja' . vntttzpit Iron Sicyligitte , 'yin , Iron ani Slate Itoofing. Agent for Kimltltmir' , , Steel CeiIlng , ios.ifl-ia North gmc't't''ti Street CIt/I'K1rt FArTOitimt $ . A3miiItlCAN 1ilMCh1l'I' ANt ) 1Jyi. ; , cci , \S'liolernt Cro"ker Mttnufaeturern , OM.ILA , NEIm , D'F1 wonics SCIflIitMtCht'S ' 1''lX Cm'i'Y 1) 'Ih 1VOmtlS , iaii I'iirimiimi St. Dying nmmil cleaning nr trirmcrmt. ant gnJ , of every , lesdi'iitloim. Cbeumttitg of fine garmments a specialty. FI.O1J11 'MILLS. t. . GlLIAN , i'Iotir , Meal , Veei , imran , 1013.13-17 Nortit 17th Street , Omtthn , Ndtj. C. F : . hijack. Mutmger , Tt'ieplioac 02. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - lItONvorticg , - h.iViS .t : CO V'G I 1.1. , lIt ON YOlt ICtJ. I nut ziuiI llriiss i'miii.it.m's. .ltmiufrtclttrers ; emit Jnlliere or 5ltm'Itifler3' Jon. oral m'ommirlnic U sr"cIally , m0l , 10 : and iO $ Jackion street , Ont'lilll , Nob. LlN8hFJ ) OTT. . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \'OOl)31LN i.iNSlll ) 01 l ' % % ' ( ) It ICS , Manuftcturers , aith process raw lIfle.i oIl , imet- I It ; ) , tiibed ml npec'i oil , tal lioness Iii hull I to ye el caices , ground and 'eenefi tiaxseeil ( Or drug- juts , OMMI.NJmi , _ _ _ -7 - ' - ' ( )11I Iih'71)lINJ CO. i'ftinufacturers Of tmilI gt'atio' Mrtttrt'soei , liii ITirnry i4lroot. ( 'inviha. O\TBiLL. ANt' SlIlilT PAC'l'OiIIIPI. ic . 'm'z-Nii'm CoIl i't NY. M'rz , Clothing , I'afltl. Shirts. Ovri all. OMAiLA. NJut ilhiitT l'M'TOItii8 , ' , y _ im , I'NS , ? EIIii 141111t'I' ( liiI'NY , Rxclusivo custom shirt tailors. 1517 lznrnam vrIlg'L\II ; iNTh T'iCbtblM. II ttmmil.iNN visi.tis CO. ? hlaniiractur"i'6 of \'imm'gnr , Pinkies , Catsup. , Mtitmt itis , ( elr' \Vorrl.stersitJre Sauce , W'AcIONS AN1) ( i.lIhllili4 , S'IhI.Jfr.'I i'IJIilI1ht. For a goon , sutistuittlul velmlc'le of any descrip. flea , for re'ttJnhtng cr rulL.er tires tIn new or 01.1 wheels--the hiest 110cC is 27th and invemmwotth Street. , ; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ - . - - - - - - - - - - ' . - - - - . ClQ'.1t M.NL'F'Ait'1tl7htJ , iircui ; , c : CO. Largeit factofy In the west Leatmiilg Jobers ) of Omsht , , icanas CIty , 1.inctdn and lIt , Jo.p handle our c'c.tis. 1005 Farmism Street.