- - - - - - - - - - - - -V - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - . - - 6 : _ _ _ _ - - - - T1flh OMAHA DAILY fl1iE , UtTESDAY , .TiTN1 7 , 1898. t NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. . COUNCIL BLUFFS. 2l1OR MINTION. I Patrolman A. wntmon Is on the sick 1It. Cidl nt The lice omce for Cuban maps , lOc each. George T. Hughes left for Anaconla , 71ont. , 1a.t cvenng. FurniAheci roome for rcnt , with or without $ boaril , 221 South Seventh Street. Mr. ApfIe and MIsS Dickey of Des Moines nrc visiting the family of Mr. John Wood- ward. The Fan5 laurniry Is the leader In fine work both for color and finish. & 20 I'earl street. Phone 290. George II. Nash of Contur township , one of Pottawattamie'S prosperotis farmers , was in the city yesterday. The funeral of the late Thomas McAdams will be held at S o'clock this morning from St. 1rancia Xavlers church. A marriage license was issued yesterday fo T. C. hicks of Neoln , aged 30 , and Viola Ruth Duncan of this city , aged 26 , J < nighta and Ladles of Security wilt meet In regular session in Royal Arcanum huh tonight. i full attendance is desLrd , Prof. and Mrs. 3. 0. lilsey left for Clii- cage Inst evening , where they expect to remain until the middle of next , week , In the superior court yesterday Judge Aylcsworth overruled the motion for a flew trifil in the case of 0. II. l3cott against 0. A. Gregory. lon't you think it must be a pretty good launlry that can please so many hniiidrotls of customers ? Well-that's the "Eagle , " 724 llroa'Iway. ' ; William Green , arrested after midnight Sunday for using obscene language , was 'I flned 16.1O in police court yesterday morn- log. log.The The LfllleS ( of the Mnccahecs will hold a ipeclai meeting tomorrow afternoon at the : home of Mrs. Foster , corner of Nitieteenthi utreet and Fifth avenue. Michael Dunn , who ransacked John : Quinn's residence on Eighth avcnue sunday afternoon , was bound over to the grand jury yesterday morning by Judge Ayicsworth and his bond fixed at $ O0. The opening session of the Juno meeting of the hoard of County Supervisors yesterday - day afternoon was lcvotcl entirely to ox- ninluing and allowing bills. The board will ho ho session the entira week. All menibers of Park City lodge , No. 606 , Independent Order of Odd Fellows , are recluestecl to be Present tonight. Election of oficcrs anti reprcsentatives to the grand lodge. Visiting brothers welcome. The motion for a now trial ho tim ease of Frank Crawford against the Athletic as- socintion of the University of Nebraska was argued in the district court yesterday and taken under advisement by Jutige Smith. Tha family hero has received woril that t Lou C. Squire , vhio is attentlhtig the Marble- head ( Mass. ) academy , line been elected cap- tam of the cadet company there. lie is exitected home for tito summer vacation about July 1. Tito management of ( lie Dohany and Messrs. Cliao ahicI Lister have extended to the High School cutlets an invitation to attend - tend the performance of 'Lynwoocl" in a - body title evening and. the invitation has 1)0311 accepted. l'rof. Clifford of Des Moines , . recently elected principal of ( Ito Council Bluffs 111gb Echool , will not take up' his residence in ( his city until tile latter part of August , as lie is engaged in Institute work the entire - tire summer vacation. A inait giving tue tiame of Emerson was nrrested yesterday by Diputy Sheriff Welglitman arid Uctective S\'eir on a warrant - rant ciiargiiig him with grand larceny. It is alleged ( lint h tole a set of double bar- ness In Crescent City. t Al Banks , a colored man , has filed an Information - formation before Justice Vien , charging . John hoffman with the larceny of a cook ' stove anti a bao burner heating stove , the two being valued at $7.0. A warrant ha8 becu issued for Hoffman's arrest. Thu hearing of tile injunction suit of Mrs. Metcalf against Itoad Supervisor I3enson to traiq JI1IB r" ' ltlihlIIig a certn1 ; ' . Yljejie ! alleges wouit Lrn var ont ; her ILIIIU , W1t commenced before Judge Smith in ( lie district court yesterday. . Mrs. Martha J. Thornton , wIfe of Ehias .v , Thornton , died yesterday afternoon at her resIdence , 400 South First street , of inliammatory rheuinatisni , aged 78 years. Mrs. Thornton was one of the old residents of this city , having lived hero since 1853. The funeral will be beld tomorrow at the rcIdenco at 2 o'clock. C. 13. VIavi Co. , female remedy ; consulta- tlon free. Office hours , 9 to 12 and 2 to 5. Health book furnished. 326-327-328 Mcr- slam block , Money to loan on city property , ICinne. N. Y. PlumbIng company. Tel. 250. FOIl SALE-Goo second-bend bicycle at bargain , Call at The Bee oI1le , Council Biuffe. Irving hotel , 2759 B'd'y ; rates , $1.50 , Try Moore's death to lice and mites. litterstule SlierilTs' AKHeliIti.ii , The Interstate Sheriffs' association will lioltI its annual convention In Council Bluffs Tuesday , Wednesday and Thursday , Jutie i , 22 and 23 , anti Sheriff Morgan atiti his deputies are busily making preparations or ( lie reception and entertainment of the vIsiting omcers. The association Includes the states of Iowa , Nebraska , Minnesota , \Visconsln , Illinois , South Iakota , North Dakota , Montana , Wyoming , Missouri , Kansas - sas and Colorado , and with the double attraction - traction of the exposition it is expected that at least 500 members of ( lie association - tion will attend ( lie convention , Tue officers of the association are : ( 'resident , J. E. Stout , Des Moines ; first vice president , J , J , Troinpen , Liflcoln , Neb , ; secretary and treasurer , W , C , Davenport , Sioux City. The ladies of St. John's Engiisli Lutheran church will furnish meals , lunches and leo cream during Juiui at 405 Broadway , next to the Boston store , (1 , It , Stapleton has purchased a League bicycle from Cole & Cole. t miii tt' Leiilers 1lct't , A joint coiiventioa of the marble and grunito dealers of Illinois , Iowa , Nebraska , Kansas , Missouri and South Iakota will be held in this city next Tuesday tinder the auspices of the Iowa antI Nebraska associa- tionti. Thu call for the colivention lies been issued by F. B. Alderman ofS'est Point , Nob. , lireshlelit of thu Nebraska 0850cm- tif and J. M. Graham of Ios Moinc , president - dent of ( ito Iowa association , S lt'nl Esiit TratiNferN , The fohiowing trunsfers were tiled yesterday - terday In ( lie title. tLbstl'nct itial loan olhlco of J , W , Squire , 101 I'earl street : D. E. Ciatterbuck. iiiiti hiutlband to Martha lIe'adley , hot 1 , block 15 , Central suhitliv , , sy , tl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; Alice I ) , ltt'tlinun and huisbatid to i'ritiik 1' , Bradley , iw4 : iw , ri % % ' auth ii ½ 8v4 2 and w nw % 33.77-44 , w , d , , . . , . . , , , , . , . , , . . . . . . , , . . . , , 1l,2O a. A , i'ountler and wife to First Na. tioniti batik of E'ertitt , huilt of lots 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 , hilock 6 , i'lercu's sub. dlv , , ( ) UIit'ii liltilT , ' . d , . , , , . . , , , . , . . 931 Juint's ' Cl. Megt'utli ittiti wife , 0. 'IV. Ivg ( itihi tutu wife ttiitl J , L. Drusun tinil wife tO L. 'IV. Cones , lot I Itltik 3l ( , Central subdlv. , ounciI iliurrs , s. w. ( I , . , . , , , . , , , , , , , . . . . . . . . , , 20C Jntejiii 'IVeiNhilIrtiliger and rie to iiiiIl Lurst'n ' , lot I , block 6 , F'erry uiiI , , tut'II ilIiifs , % V , ii. . . . . . . . . . . . JIhicriff In Mary K , Mu8ser , lot 12 tilf k W , iIyatt' subdlv. , ouneiI 1IIIffI * , it d . . . . . . . . . , , . . , . . . . . . . . , , , , ' . , J Y litVtui 1411(1 ' ' ' ( wife \S'Iihiittn 'I' ithiiw4 , IfIIN 6 , 7 , Is , II itliti 10 block I % YIJ Ii ins' a dii , I u I in Ilcocic , It iitl : it , AudIlur sulidiv. st 8-76.2' ) , ( I . . . . , . , . , ' . . . , ' . , ' , , 4 I" jIust . st'it''r , ti Jua1'hi Vels. IM f Uuii. , . Pat , block C , lerry ittiti , , I ' .tifg JI lilUffS , ii . . . . . , , . , , , , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ! . _ _ _ _ _ . jtl I ttsaIfvr. , . , , , , , , , . , , , , , . , ; , < IO\STA \ IASON1C CRANI ) LODGE rifty-rifth Annual Oommunicaton ! Will Begin This Morning. DEL.EGATES ABE NEARLY All. ON hAND Cretlen t lnhi Comm itlee 11aM tt flhiis ) ' Tithe 1'reinriiig J * , ltoNtcr for I liii SCNMIlti'l'hitiiN for the DL8)'N Wori , The fifty-fifth annual communicatIon of the grand bilge of Iowa Ancient , Free and Accepted Masons , vIll be convened this morning at 930 o'clock in the Dohaay opera house by the Most Worshipful Grand Master Aitnon It. Dewey. At 8:30 : o'clock , the grand and past grant ! officers together with the members of tue grand lodge will fls3einblO at the Masonic temple , front whcnco they will be escorted to the opera house by Ivanhoe cotritnanticry , No , 17 , Knights Tcinpinr , assIsted by Mount Calvary - vary commandery of Omaha. l'ioviding the weather will permit of the parade , the line of tarch 'silt be from thte hall to Main street , down Main street to 'Willow' avenue , on Willow avenue to Penvl street , on I'earl street to Broadway antI then to the opera house. F'ollowing the formal opening of ( lie grand lodge the grand master will deliver his annual address. The afternoon session will be held at 2 o'clock at whIch the retorts - torts of the grand secretary anti other offl- ccl's will be made. In the evening ( lie members of thin grand lodge. nod visltiiig members of ( lie order and theit' wives will attend the entertainment at ( lie hlroadway chiurch at which Mayor Jennings and Judge \S'alter I. Smith will make addrelscs of welcome - come and a musical program will be rca- dered. This afternoon the wives of ( lie delegates will be taken in band by the entertainment coninmittee and given a carriage drive arouiid ( lie city , which will include a visit to the State Institute for the Deaf at time special invitation of Superintendent Roth- crt , who is a past grand master of the Iowa lodge. A miumber of private functions have also been arranged for tItle evening among the number being a reception to the wives I of ( he delegates at the resideimce of Mrs. J. B. Atkins , at which the Apollo club will I render a program of musical numbers. The committee on credentials composed of It , It. Ansbach , Clarinda , J , 13. Atkins , Council Bluffs and John Crockett , Ridora , had a busy day yesterday registering time delegates and furnishing them with their credentials. Time office of the committee was ( lie bulsest place in the whole hotel , as delegates continued to arrive the entire day up to the last train at night. Lust night several hundred delegates attended - tended the meeting of Bluff City lodge , where a candidate was Initiated in the mysteries of time third degree , time work being exemplified by the grand lodge custodians - todians , Van Saun and Granger. At the closing session of the school for instruction yesterday afternoon , it was estimated that some 500 members of the order were pres- emit , The badges provided by the local corn- mittees for the members of the grand lodge are the handsomest ever gotten out at any meeting of time lodge. Attached to a bloc ribiormL liflfljlflJfroma bayti ! th words Council Bluffs on it arc the lefter G ai , I the square rind compass with the words "Grand Lodge of Iowa , 1898. " The balges wbleh arc about three inches in length are mnade"ot white metal slivered , - ' NaifleM o ( th DelegneM , In addition to the ohllcers of the grand lodge , the following past grand officers and delegates registered yesterday with the committee on credentials. Past Grand Mastcrs-T S. Parv'mn , 1812 ; It , 'IV. Ilothmert , 1875 ; 0 , 13. Van Saun , 1881 ; C. T. Gramiger , 1881 ; E. C. Blackmar , 1887 ; J. D. Gamble. 1884 ; L. E. FeliowB , 1893 ; G. 'IV. Bali , 1895 , Fast senior grand wardens-Crom Bowen , 1879 ; J. F. Martin , 1887 ; 'IV. S. Gardner , 1895 ; Thomas Lambert , 1896. Past Junior grand wardens-L. J. Baker , 1884 ; T. 13. Lacey , 1893 ; 'IV. L. Elmlers , 1895 , Past grand treasurcrs-L. C. Blanchard , 1879 : John M. Zane , 1884. \V. 'IV. Atkins , 50 ; 'IV. H. Alden , 36 ; T. 13. Alien , 4 ; 0. H. Addison , 455 ; L. 11. Augovine , 43 ; B. Anderson , 26 ; 0 , S. Archer , 239 ; 'IV , 0. Atkinson , 198 ; M. It. Ausback , 140 ; J , II. Annundson , 145 ; L. C. Adams , 292 ; J. S. Alexander , 410. C. S. Ilissell , 124 ; C , H. lleckett , 266 ; J. B. Brooks , 385 ; F. hloimrne , 334 ; T. F. Boyd , 382 ; 'IV , B. Butler , 422 C , Ii. Brook , 331 ; J. M. Bruner , 207 ; T. 11. lliggs , 553 ; 'IV. Ilaime , 442 ; J , Bryant , 169 ; L. Li. Blackman , 301 ; B , A , Baker , 225 ; F , B , Iktiton , 472 ; T , P. llenco , 14 ; 0. Bentley , 374 ; L. Block , 208 ; L. J. Baker , 16 ; C. T. lllasler , 326 ; F. L. Bright , 333 ; Ed Bodie , GO ; E. N. Beadd , 393 ; ' 1' . 'IV , Bennett , 143 ; J. llocekt , 144 ; 13 , L. Blackburn , 373 ; II. C. Jiroughton , 38' ) : J. 'IV. Barr , 62 ; J. 'IV. l3eaeb , 427 ; V. H. Bourn , 544 ; C. B. iieaucharnj , 217 ; J. L. Brooks , 355 ; J. M. Booth , 6 , B , Colvin. 550 ; J. A. Campbell , 60 ; 'IV. D. Cable , 48 'IV. N , Crane , 79 : C. D , Clark. 53 ; A. F , Cook , 1 ; J. Crowley , 212 : B. 'IV. Chase. 147 ; J. Caliender. ( ' 25 ; J. Casforci , 250 ; C. 0. Cray , 110 ; J. C. Crawford , 154 ; J , C. Crockett. 117 ; Ii , Ij. Coleman , 379 ; C. C , Clark , 318 ; 'IV , Cowloy , 74 ; F' . Carlrnamm , 424 ; 0. N. Cap- pehl , 110 ; A. F. Chester , 297 : 0. T. Cary , 373 ; C. B. Crlssaman , 401 ; 'IV , Crawford , 276 ; C. Conklin , 421 ; 'IV , L. Copeland , 198 ; II , H. Colwehl , 138 , 0. C , ialey , 108 ; 'IV , A. Downing , 149 ; J. 13. Dooley , 542 ; B. Dewey , 28 ; D. B. Dls. bran , 137 ; T. J. Dgyis , 459 ; Airnoa Davis , 351 ; Dr. Dinning , 504 ; ii. Ii. DIiitck , 342. C , E'iiler , 79 ; 'IV. 11 , Ellis , . 245 ; 11. F. East , 313 ; D , Ehliva , 219 ; J , II. Easter , 505 ; T. It. Ercanback. 46. B. M , Fuller , 462 ; A. Flynn , 301 ; J , Ii. Parrington , 192 ; L. 0. Fochit , 245 ; B. 1) . Forshay , 380 ; 13. F , Fiddeler , 5.17 ; C. N , Fisher , 368 ; K. Falkinser , 533 ; 1) , J , Frost , 184 ; J , B , Frauds , Ill ; J , C. Ferguson , 155 ; 13. F , Freoburger , 384 C. B. Frost , 466 ; M. S. Frlsbie , 198 ; J. I. Farloy , 37. 'IV. 'IV. Owlon , 83 ; C. A. Gibbs , 386 ; W. ( loyton , 382 ; 0. il , Green , 148 ; J , ( Ireenlec , : ts ; If , J. Uttlr.ilrmgs , 16' ' ) ; J , 1t1 , Graham , 22 ; \v. D , Gibson , 37 ; II , Giiinore , 557 ; Ii , 13. Oranger , Cl ; J , N. Gamble. 184 : Ii. C. Orini , 193 ; 5 , dribble , 193 ; George Gregory , 416 ; Charles ( larilere , 222 ; C. Grifey , 336 , Jo111 ! hell , 229 B , hawley , bll ; - Herinso , 120 ; T , C , Harris , 341 : L. S. liarrlngon , 281 ; 'IV , II. Hardy. 21 : C. T. Huff , 420 ; T. L , liar- vey , 147 ; 0. P. IlUpter , 70 ; 1. C. Ilulce , 42 ; C. U. itUston , 263 ; L. ii , Ilmnkley , 182 ; hastings , 1Gb : J. Ztl. Hull , 375 ; Charles iiinieli , 172 ; B , liermiman , 49 ; T , J , Ilarned , 357 ; T. II. huff , 335 A. 'IV. lloffmnan , 317 ; A , II , Harris , 374 ; 1) , J , hloulien , 255 ; J. M , Hail , f'l'J ; L , 13. hoyt , 52' ) ; 'Vhmoimmas Hoyt , 52(1 ( ; 0 , 14 , Horton , 315. H. It. Irish , 213 ; B. C , Irmgleduo , 469 ; Il. A , irwin , : toi. C , 5 , Jenks. 218 ; F. 'IV , Jackson , 3 ; L. II , Jones , 371 ; (1 , II. Jckou , ISU ; 11. Jones , 114 ; J. ii , Jormtiail , 4W ) ; 1) , fl Jay , 351 ; 1) , it. Johmiiso1m , 206. F. II. lceebls , 55 ; - Knott , 149 ; 0. Kxmaul , 123 ; W , ii. Ktllpack , 423 ; N. U , Kendall , ; 196 ; L. , B , Kiimeaiij , 417 ; A , 'IV , Kinkead , 8 ; 14. 'IV. Icnowitoii , I02 - Iculback , 18. B. F , Lee , 484 ; W. 111. Lamb. 58 : 'IV , T , Laidicy , fO3 ; J , 1.1 Liper , 1S9 ; 'IV , S. Luse , 95 ; F , A , Iusk , 377 ; Jacob Larson , 488 ; M , ' F , Leroy , 15 ; A , It , Ladti , 325 ; (7 , 'IV. Lipe , ' 71 ; J , It , liiitlsay , 125 ; 'IV. Lester , 175 ; ' 1' , Laythaimi , 400 ; 11. Lee , 339 ; B , T. I.aimgdou , 400 ; Iii. I , Lowtbcr , 42 ; B , Ii.Latham , 511 ; II. lb. Luke , 241 ( t , J. Lackey , 241 : J. W , Lee. 11)7 ) ; 1" , V. Lake , 100 ; B. It. Lacey 107 ; 14. 13. 14)0118. 159 ; JV , LewIs , 526 ; B. N. . Long , 391 ; J. A. Lewis , 450 , N. 1L Memisinger , 149V : 'F , Moore , 123 ; I F. Mason , 407 ; 11. F , Miller , 263 ; WIlliam - . . . - - = - - Mctzgcr , 450 : M , F , lIhier , 26 : C. N. Myers , 49 ; 1' , K. Miller , 140 ; 0. Monaco , 142 ; N. Mallen , 101 ; V. 14. Mackey , 466. CL McKinnio , 230 ; 'IV. 1,1. McFadden , tie : 3 , Itt , McChintock , 449 V. ZcCrary , 480 ; F' , MoNnir , 442 : B. M. McCall , 99 ; 'IV. S. Mc- Donehi , 504 ; William Mehlogan , 132. 14. C. Nokes , 240 : L. 3 , Norton , 406 ; J. Needhamn , i25 0. Nelson , 422 : J. B. Nash , 456 ; 'IV. II. Norriss , 165 C. 'IV. Neal , 304 II. A. elton , 234 ; 1 ! , II. Nolan , 264 , A. Oswolrl , 507 : A. 0. Ogren , 470 : A. L. Orr , 48O J. F. Overmeycr , 387 ; 0. lii. Os- borne , 364. .1. II , I'itchforth , 2 ; 11. C. PhlhhIp , 270 : Ii. l'ayno , 470 ; 'IV. II. Park , 4&4 I' . Ill , Phiinmti , 548 ; N. A. l'ackard , 303 ; J. B. I'ernindohi , 78 ; B. T. I'erry , 430 : B , C. Pfaflhe , 322 : A. C. Peckhiarn , 484 ; 0. 13. Peterson , 75 ; II. Pfeiffor. IS. 14 , 1' , Quirk , 390. J , 13. hid , 3.15 : J. F. Rend , 146 : C , II , Read , 303 ; .1. A , Richards , 350 ; C. T. Itckh , 3o : 13. L. Richards , 400 ; , J. II. P. Robinson , 52 ; Ii. ltoes , 29 : II. Ii. Robinson , 165 ; A. 'IV. ltnmnsey , 363 : J. N. Riggs , 11(1 ( : 'IV. Il , floop , 236 : .1. Il. Robinson , 112 : 3 , 13. Ralston , 268. A , Schuvelfey , 53 : 0. C. Schiummncitorig , 53 ; (3 , L. Search , 103 ; A. C. Savage , 449 : J. 3 , Sunnier , 3&6 II. C. Schultz , 509 ; Ci , C. Spotswond , 349 ; A. 0. Sciiipper , 182 ; George Sinclair , 508 ; 8. L. Shireves , 539 ; 'IV. ii. Sprague , 539 ; 0. 'IV , Scarborough , 169 ; A , 14. Stout , 43 ; J. F. Shatter , 283 ; 1) . 0. SmIth , ti : J. B. Sharp , 252 : 'IV. L. Spencer , 116 ; J. B , Smith , 258 ; J. It. Small , 304 : J. S. Smith , 228 ; B. I' , Strolmtleiir , 221 : V. II. Swan , 48 : F. 13 , Stthrns , 420 ; J , Stokesberry , 217 ; F , 'IV. Snow , 223 ; C. B , Staynor , 364 ; J. T. Skid- more , 414 ; I. It , Shmeparri , 86. Thomas Thmornpsopm. 481 ; G , .1. Timrny , 271 ; II. P. Tainbly , 164 ; J. B. Tohhlver , 258 ; ' 3 , ii. I. 'l'honipsnn , 43 ; J. ii , Tate , 291 : 1. 11. Troy- nor , 71 ; F. N. Taylor , 205 ; 'IV. B. Toinhinson , 268 ; Charles Tucker , 79. II. F. Voorhmls. 547 ; J. 1. Valkin , 221 ; G. U. Van ilouten. 343. 0. N. Webb , 520 ; F. 11. WjmIttnkcr , 541 ; A. P. Ward , 284 ; 'IV. 'I'oothwai'tl , 509 ; J , C. Watornman , 71 ; J , It. Wnhcott , 470 : 0. C. \\'nll , 456 ; Timonmas Witworth , 287 ; C. 'IV. Walton , 49 ; J. L. Welchm. 1D5 ; L. 'IValton , 163 ; 0. 1''chIs , 490 ; J. Williams , 453 ; 0. L. Wright , 61 ; 'IV , 'IVoodside , 365 ; 3 , 'IVatter- son , 216 ; 0. N. W'ngley , 59 ; F. D , W'immri , 5l ; M. Wllsey , 142 ; 'IV. 11. 'IVohes , 170 ; 0. B. White , 324 ; A. II. 'IVeitzell , 113 ; P. D. Wal- ston , 323 : 'IV. ii. 'IVoods , 420. 'IV , II , Young , 485 ; C. M. Young , 123. J. ? tl. Zane. 110 , Cordwood for smile cheap. Address 'IV. F , , Bee office. CouncIl IilimtT. Iloffnmayr's faftay patent flour makes the best amid most bread. Ask your grocer for it. Map of Cuba , West Indies amid ( ho World at Thto Dcc ofilce , lOc each. Storage , Wino & Konigniacher , 336 Bwy. I'itOClIBllGS 01" 'L'IIH CI'l'Y COUNCIL : Iiiitlel huh PgithiL'rN hIMpoNt' of it Lrtrge Aiiiiiiiit of I1IIMI lieNS. Th city council held Its regular monthly heating last night and thispo3ed of a large amnount of routine business. The ordImmammee asked for by time Omaha Bridge & Terminal company , qrnending the ordinance granting it a right of way over Uimion avenue. pasmcd December 19 , 1894 , was introduced and laid over under tIme rules. One of time provirions of the ordi- fiance is tlmat the company shall run at least ten ( mains daily between this city and its termiminus In East Ommialma , beginnIng not later than July 1 and during the entire tibmo of the exposition. Aim ordinance granting the motor corn- pany the right to lay an 1S-inci pipe along avenue A from its power house to empty into the slough at Thirty-seventh street to carry off the water from the condensing cimgimme was passed. Time city marshal was Instructed to notify the Milwaukee railway company to remove the tracks which are not used from Seventh street , between Twelfth and 'Phirtecnth , and fromi Twelfth avenue , between Seventh and jlhUi strcQtsL ut14 m Eighth ' Street , be- v'en EleVnih'and ' 1wefft'avenues. . ' The city attorney was instructed to appeal freni the award of the appraiscr in the con- demnnatloa pceediogs EFought to open Sixteenth - teenth aveuue and Third street. The notice that Mrs. Robrer had also appealed from the award was received and placed on file. In view of the fact that the Omaha & St. Louis railroad had appeared before the appraisers and been awarded $150 damages In the same condemnation proceedings , Alderman - derman Casper introduced a resolution that the streets and alleys committee be in- stroctcd to se where crossings are needed over the company's right of way in tbe city and have them ordered placed in. The reo- lution carried and a copy was ordered sent to ( lie general manager of the road. C. Christensen nd J , C. Wyatt were appointed - pointed special policemen without expense to the city. The cIty attorney was instructed to close the deal to secure the needed land to widen Twenty-second Street from Broadway to Cochran park , The contractors , F. H. Gunnella & Co. , were ordered notified to at once make the necessary repairs to the macadam paving on Lower Broadway , which' urmder tlmcir contract they are bound to do for the term of one year. Time bids of the Council Bluffs Coal anti Ice company and Gilbert Bros. to supply the city with ice at 40 cents a hUndred pounds were rejected , as soimic of the aldermen - dermen were of the opinion that the two firms had entered into a pool. The corn- mitteo on cIty property was empowered to make a conttact for the supply of ice. Bids for ( be repairing of thiw North Main street brIdge were received from Berger & Co. , J , F' . 'IVlse and C. B. H. Campbell , They were laid over until next meeting and the city engineer instructed to report as to ( ho probable cost of time city making ( ho repairs itself , The contract for supplying time city with oak lumber was awarded to A. Overton , while all blue for the . supplying of pine lumber were relected. ' Residents in thovicinlty of Avenue 0 and Eighth street Petitioned ( be council to 8(01) ball playing there on Sundays. Time flatter was referred to the mayor , Mrs. Mary 13. Lotigee served notice of ( leinmmnd for danmages for chiaimge of grade on Avenue F' , A petition to fix the grade on Damon anti Knepher streets was referred - ferred to time city engineer anti streets and alleys committee with Instructions to draft time necessary ordinaimees , As none of time bills or time pay jell for the the departnient hail becim sIgned by the proper committee the fire boys canbot get their warrants until after the next macct- lag. Aldermen Casper , Johnson and Sayles vere appointed a special conimmmitteo to haves. tlgate ( ho matter of conipeimsatlon ahloweil by time ordinance to the 11011 tax collector , The council adjourned until Thursday rmighit. tii.I tIi i1tJlNi I Iii , lii time opinion of ( lie Davenport leinocrat "Iowa will be more ( lion paul by sending to Omaha during time comnimig tmmOnths inure visitors ( Iran ent from ( hits state to Clii- cage in 1893 " Time Davenport Itepublicaim says that "time management has reason to feel vritlo in tIme lwrt.cL result of its untiring elhiorts , as illiiin iii time success of time inauguration of time , seat exposition. " 'the Maraiiaiitown Tlmes-RepubLi'an says of the exposition that "It is a vestrn c- p0bitCRL for westerli pcop. ? , 011(1 ( as It can. corns Ilawkeyc welfare time people of the state will doubtless visit it in large nuin- bers , ! Thu Ileil Oak Express refers to the fact that time Burlington road carried 1,500 train southwestern Iowa to limo exposition on opening day and adds that it is "almost as duo as the World's fair itt Chicago , Omaha's \VLtt City is a beauty , " tiP oh PASSING OF : : A" ; BAI ) TO\VN \ 1' fl Oompleto RogeneratjoxI" of time Nebraska Btibuib City , COVINGTON NOTT / IT ONCE WAS IteNlIrl' . of tIII Ihleiiteiitn Are Now IeNertclt and Ihie ' 1'ivi ii 111 iet-lbs'et uN flhltC hIRN hiecit Lot , SIOUX CI'l'Y , In. , June 6.-Speciai.- ( ) Eight years ago Covington and Stanton , Neb , , were believed to be about the wicked- cat towns in the Umilted States , Since that time the hand of destruction hints visIted them and avenged tIme insuit of their cx- istence. Today a lIttle hamlet lies sleeli- ing , snuggled among the trees , on time site where wicked Covington was built , Seldom tlocs anythimig happen to mar its quiet anti serenity , At night the drone of frogs and of crick- eta in the lirairlo grass lull tIle regenerated Covington to siceil. Covtmigton , time wicked , slept but litfuily , and slmots. curses , tIme rattle of ganmimiing outfits and music front ( ho glaring dance hails disturbed its nights. People now point and say , there lii the town of Covlogton. hut the Missouri river swallowed up blocks of , the old town , in- cinching that. part where tIme saloons , ganib- hag derm nun dance hails stood , Stanton , its mate , was wiped dlmt by fierce thames. Covhimgon ( and Stanton are now but meal- aries of tIme past. Coviimgtoit of today-no lomiger the Coy- ingoii of sevcmm or cighmt years ago-has passed thirouglm a period of regeneration. ThIs little towim , which , only a few short years ago , was a modern Babylon , is now a quiet , peaceful village-about time same as It was before It was made thm dumping ground for tlmo hmtmman refuse of Sioux City. There wars a time whmcmi this Iilace wait kimowa to be one of time very toughest , worst and niost dangerous towns in time United Statso. This was when time laws of ( be state of Iowa were such as to vrobmlblt the sale and manufacture of 11- qitors there , The licople of Sioux City , or at least a large proportion of thmcrn , had lots of money in those days ; they lmatl "mohicy to burn , " and as the laws of the State prohibited Its dtotrtmctioa in saloons , dance halls anti gamnbhing houses in Iowa , those of time young men , or even time old inca , with sporty inclinations , bath to go to Covingtonm , Neb , It was one of those places where there was absolutely no effort to prevent law- lessness. Murdorn theft or bunco were simply passing evetits of the day. It is true timere was a town marshai-a digni- tury wearing a large tin star and carrying a big gina in his hit irncket. But it is said It was seldom tlmat' hoacted iii his ofilciat capacity. ' , , There are peoplq liing in SIoux City today who do not know what a wicked lilace Covlngtomi really was. They. did not visit the place , and only knew of it by hearsay. That was , enough , Open lug it Nev Bridge. It was on May 19 1889 , that the exercIses attendant upon theopeiing of the pontoon bmidge train Stantonto Sioux City were Imeld. It was made quite an ev'ent and it was esti- mnated timat fully 10,000 ' persons went over front SiouxCity to the Nebraska town thint day Stalnt 1m anti COv1mgton were tWo 'Lf- I ferent places. The hatter is about as old a place as Sioux City , but the former * as a town built for the obasion , Stanton was built up Inside of a few weeks anti was r sImply f9 the purpose oCtehingthe , bridge trade. 'rho principal thorouglmfare--about the only one with any uildlngs-was known as Bloodgood street. It was not much over I two blocis long anti about evejy room was I occupied by a saloon , chop house or whole- I sale liquor business. Upstairs were the gambling houses and some dance halls , but most of the latter resorts were a few blocks to the west. SIoux City celebrated the opening of the bridge with fitting ceremonies. It was a big ( lay and bands of music paraded the streets. It was all in honor of the completion of the bridge , for the busIness amen of Sioux City know that it would result In securing a great deal of trade from Nebraska. One Dakota - kota county , Nebraska , citizen expressed his sentiments about the future relations between - tween ( lie towns as follows : "What the saioons and other places rake in from the Iowa and Nebraska people will be carried to Sioux Cliv and will be spent there. What- crinilnahity is perpetrated under the influence of liquor will be confined' to Dakota - kota county and will become a part of its hlstom'y anti record. " Then began the history of Covlngtoa and Stanton , Neb , They will hive hong in the memory of those who knew of thio places as being bad ones for a man to visit with imioney In his pocket. lIe would surely come borne separated from Imis wealth-if lie got home at all. Sonic who went to tIme Nc- braska side of time bridge did not conic back. But time life of Stanton was doomed to be short , Like the biblical history of time fate of Sodom and tlornorrnh was that of Stanton - ton , Nob. One cold zmighmt in the winter of 1890 an alarm of fire was spread in the towns ; Stanton was burning , That night a pillar of flames rose to tine heavens , arid the next morning found one side of Blood- good street lit ruins. Jtmst how time fire started was iievcr definitely known , but at any rate it consumed many thousand del- lars worth of property. So business was carried oil for some time on tIme other side of the thoroughfare. Aside front tIme cimarred ruins across time street all traces of the fire imati been dIspelled. But one night the alarm of fire was raiseti , a seconti time In Stanton , This tirni1iteet of ihame swept over the other si4o rht , , time street , and it , too , was left a mnasvpf blackened rulmiB. That was time iaseaofiStanton , aside from the White house , 'Whhiihm stood away from the river front and'ihorved ' for some time as a cheap daneo'WOtJe. Tlttis Covington was left alone in , , or rather , its ebamo , amid Btantomiya8 wiped from the taco of the earth , high 'l'iiIe ehi Crimiie , lii IF The residents of94 ill-fated Stanton moved their elfecta mi'qd from time blaze to the town of Covingltn ( only a few blocks away , Then egafl &t1i&i & wildest periods of timat town's cxistenL""V1nero was then imardhy a respectable every store room or Imouso bciuj i saloon , gamnbhimmg ( len , dance hall or hop AOqlI , A Chinarnmtn was running a entaIl ft3Jpdfy business , but ho went to the bath , here time lawless reigned supreme , Tlmey controlled time town , the electiomms anti everything else. It was a town given up to simi. I is doubtful it It ever had an equal , i'erbons who saw Covirigton in its talrny days say t was worse than any of tIme ruining carmiii in the west over dared to be , Alt this within a utIle of Sioux City. About ( lie only bed persons who really proftteii largely by tIme town across ( lie river vero iiaekmnen amid time owners of tine bridge , To time good Nebraska farmer wIno was obliged to drive tlmroughm time town the oummd of the harp , violin and old piano , mingled with the clink of the fiflSSe8 and time laces- sant rattle of time roulette wheel , soon bc- caine famiiihlar. This also becanie so fammmiiiur to the ears of the people living in time ( awn that they would mtot feel comfortable if it should cease for awhile ; all day and night it kept up , including 'Sundays. But every Sunday could be heard above all the toll of . , - - - - the bell on the little white church near the outskIrts of the town where Imeolile from the outside attended. Such lftwlessness , however , could not last. Time laws of Iowa were changed , the city administration - ministration passed into other hands and time residents of Covington came back to Sioux City , They were allowed to resume business on the Iowa side , but were under ( ho strict control of the authorities , This killed Covington , but for years some of the resorts continued on that side of the river. It was only a few months ago that the last saloon closed , after eleven years of contin. tmous business , both days , nights and Sun- days. Thm pontoon bridge business went when time combination bridge was put in and was finally abandoned , SMITII iUhtDHit CAI4II IS NO'iV Os' . ' 11.'Otltnia to lie Uiennt St'comid Cbniice for 11cr Life. DES MOINES , June 6.-Speclai ( Tele- gram-The ) retrial of Betsy Smith , who hints been serving a life sentence for the murder of her husimand , Michael Smth , be- gnu this morning. It took till 3 o'clock this afternoon to get a jury and ( lien Cotmnty Attorney howe made a very able hrcsentntioa of time case for the state. For an hour ho gave an outltne of time circurn- stnmmccs which lie will present , in proof that time defenitlant committed the crime alleged. He declared that tue State would prove by evidence that Betsy Smith administered the loisOfl on the night stated anti that sue dith so for the purpose of securing time Insur- amico of $3,000 $ , held by her husband in time lhrothierhooti of Firemen's association , All tIme clrctmrnittances leading tip to tlenthi would be proven as Indicative of a deep seated lamrposo (1 , commIt time murder. 11. F. Dale opened for time defense , lie declared that tbmt defendant was innocent of the crime ; that the tlaughter would confess - foss to having committed the crime herself anti acknowletlge that her mother hind nothm- lag to tb with it , anti that Betsy Smnith would go on time wltmmess stnmmd herself amid testify as to all ( ho circumstnmmces in time case ; that her anxiety with regard to the insurance , as expressed by the stnte , was emily natural and that the defeuse would absolutely - solutely prove that the relations alleged to have existeti between a certain young mart named Bellaire and Betsy Smnithm were false amid ( lint Beiiaire as vell as Betsy Smith wouiti testify to that effect. , Sheriff Stommt started to Fort Madison to bring the ( laughter , Corn , who whit be a witness in tIme case. Cora is now serving a lIfe scntcmice in time state penitentiary for ( lie commnission of the crime which it. is alleged that her mother committed , The presentation of evidence commences to- morrow. Mrs. J , B. Ilicks , who damns Ofi attempt was recently made to poison herself and child , today wrote n letter exoneratimig her neighbors and husband fm'omn alt blame on' stmspicion. hicks Is an officer on the police force. TIme case is a most peculiar erie. William Gabriel , 18 years old , ( lied at the home of his father on a farm north of this city today , as the result of falling out of a tree yesterday. lie broke an arm anti a leg amid was injured Internally by the fall. Ilo' irowiiel. MUSCATINE , In. , June 6.-Spccial ( Tele- grnmn.-John ) 'IVickert , aged 12 , was drowned while bathing in the Mississippi river a few nmiles above here this afternoon. He got beyond his depth anti holing unable to swim drowned before hits comrades could reach and save hini. A sad thing about the ncci- dent is that his widowed mother lost her husband three years ago by drowning. He was rowimig in a boat when the swell of a passing steamboat overturned it and being unable to swimn he drowned. The body was recovered. Mrs. William Deerlng was terribly btmrned by lime. She had a pall of air slacked limo and addIng some water , she began to stir it , with a stick. The lime exploded and blew up Into her face. Her head antI upper portion of her body are terribly burned. She will lose one eye and the shock is likely I to end in death. Teleplmomie War FInns. DES MOINES , Juno 6.-Speclal ( Telo- gram.-Time ) war between tine Mutuai and Iowa Telephone companies ended today when the city council passed a resolution order1n the Iowa Telephone company to quit busIness in Des Moines , and ifstalls to obey the order tiIrccting the legal department - ment 91 the city to begin action to oust its poie , wIres tid plammt from the streets. The resolution contemplates the annihila- ( ion of the concern , apparently , but it is thought the company can secure the right to do business in Des Moines by making the desired concessions to the council Imi the matter of public rates and compensatIon for its frammchiso. The resolution was adopted for ( ho reason that the company has no franchise , but has used the streets for a year or two by sufferance. Cht'rolen'e Coimlit ) ' Cnucn , CHEROKEE , In. , June 6.-Specini.- ( ) ' The first gun of the congressional campaign in Cherokee county was fired in Cedar towmn- ship Saturday in the shape of a caucus , Cedar sends six delegates to the county convention - vention and Ed. C. Brown of Sheldon captured - tured them. They go to time convention in- structed. This caucus may have great in- hiuence on time balance of the townships that hold their caucuses this week. Although leizrr Is claiming this county for Gcorge 13. Perkins the oUmer candidate's are waging a warm light anti think theIr chances eqimal with his. Cherokee county is looked upon as the mania battle field of the district , l'm'uinisn's ml Seitsini mmii. MASON CITY , Juno 6.-Special ( Tele- gram.-Colonel ) J. H. McConlogue , attorney for the defense 1mm the now famous ilughmes trial , promises to spring a sensation in the preliminary trial tomorrow , Mrs. Iiughmes denies the murder of her husband , denies writing notes or letters or making arty propositions to the young man Goudo that wotmld ho tmnhjecorning a woman , Time state has riot beeim idle anti It is said that letters incriminating will be offered in evidence , The niefeimso will use every effort to enti time case in time preliminary court , Stilt' of ScliHmi hionniN. GLENWOOD. In. , June G.-Special.-Tho ( ) sale of time $1,400 bonds to be issued by tIne Independent sclmool district of Glenwood hai been arranged by contract , the securities to be sold for $14,157 and to draw 4 ¼ per cent interest. Tlmis cheap rate and the premium secured Is considered to be omme of the most advantageous arrangeimments ever made iii this county. F'oimmiil 1)Iiig hieslik' thin , 'Vrstni. CLINTON , In. , June 6-Near the railroad track at Eliwooti , In , , today it young malt was found unconscious , with his skull crushed , dyiimg two moors afterward , lie is said to he the only son of I ) , A. Wynkdop , a Iirominenmt attorney at Maquoketa , Ia. miwit NtVN i'imrs. 'IVarrea Deckwithi , mmow whim time Flftttfm Iowa regiment at JacksonViile , semmt home to Mount Ple&mmt a l&rgo alligAtor tot thu amusement of the boys. The tonn hail at aiIx wilt be formally opened cii Friday evening , June iO. lndI'viduai glasses for communion service fire being used in the Baptist Fburch in Tied Oak. A class of thirty-two young persons will be gi'aduated front the Sioux CIty high school this week , The graduating class at the Ottiimwa hIgh school numbers twenty-five , the largest iii time history of the school. Time Vcst Waterloo hhigh school grmmthmat- lng cla is evenly nintehetl , there being fourteemi boys amid sixteen girls. Among the men in the Fifty-first Iowa regiment of volunteers there is a Dewey , a Sampson and an Flvamma , also it Satan. The Spaniards In the l'hliippines can take their choice. Iowa still has nine living governors and ox-governors , nammmcly : Samuel Merrill , Joshua 0. Newbold , John ii , Gear , fluream II. Shmerrmnan , WIlliam Larrabee , Horace Bois , Frank ii. Jackson , Francis Itt. Drake anti Leslie M , Show. FIx-Governor Waite of Colorado is not now residing in Iowa. 'Fhie Leon Journal cx- plains the situation thus "Governor Waite resided iii our county several months pro- cetitag last November's electIon , but finally concluded not to locate hero permanently. lie Is residing at Katy , Tax , , where he owns a large tract of land , Governor 'IValto is a very affable anti coimrteotms gentleman and matlo many frietidu iturlng the short ( iwo inc resided in our coummty. " lovn l'rcNm Comitiiieiat. Davenport Doniocrat Iowa is not far from the commtinemntal divide , Troops from this state will find their way to the Atlantic and to tIme I'actflc-to Porto Rico antI to the l'hmlhippine Islands. Sioux City Journal : The average dweller in England may not. know vhmether Iowa iii east or west of New York. but he feels wimeit ho gets Iowa butter on his bread that this state cannot be far from Beulahm land. Des Moines Register : in speaking of time miomination of L. F. Weller for supreme judge by the hloluhists the Waterloo htejmortcr cx- claims : "Great snakesl Think of Calamity Weller for supreme judge of Iowa ! " That exclamation just about expresses th feel- lags of the peolmle at large. ICeokuk Gate City : A mmorthwestorn Iowa paper suggests the possibIlity of a gentleman - man , well known in iowa Politics stepping into the congressional ring in ( ho NInth cils- ( net "tie a dark horse anti cnrrying oil the watermelon. " Do dark horses really prefet' 'atermelona to oats amid hal' ? After nil the competition at the World's fair , Cook's Imnperlal Champagne took the gold medal. It's extra dry , t'S'M for the Arimny. WAShINGTON , Juno 6.-Speciai ( Tele- gram-Army ) orders are issuemi as follows : Major Edward 13. Moseley , surgeon , anti Major Edward Field , Second artillery , are tiotailed us members timid FIrst Lieutenant David J. Rumnbough , Third artillery , as recorder - corder of the board convened at. the Presiilio of San Frnmmcieco , Cal. , 'ico Captain Emmeiid B. Frick , assistant surgeomnLletmteuammt Coi- onei Willlnmn H. Bisbee , First immfantry , amid First Lieutenant Frank 0. Ferris , First infantry , respectively , relieved. The following omcers will report to Col- and Mnrcus I' . Miller , Third artillery , pres- blent of the board appointed to fleet at time Presidio of San Francisco , Cal. , October 2 , 1898 , for ( ho examination for fitness for Iwo- nioion : F'irst Lieutenant Thomas Conncliy , First infantry , First Lieutcnamnt Francis J. Kernan , Twenty-first infammtry , First Lieutenant - tenant 'IVihilant II. Sage , Twenty-timird in- fammry. Captain Frederick Fuger , Fourth nrtil- lery , will report to Lieutenant Colonel henri , C. Hasbrouck , Fourth artillery , president - ident of the board appointed to meet at Fort Monroe , Va. TIme following assignments of duties anti stations of officers of United States volumi- tecr signal corps are mnamle : Secomid Liotmten- omit William 0. Bailey , is assigned to duty at San Francisco , Cal. , and will report to Major Richard B. Thompson , United States volunteer signal corps , for duty with the cx- petition to the PhilippIne islands ; Captain William 13. Allison , Jr. , assistant adjutant general United States volunteers , recently appointed , will proceed to Chlckamnaoga National park , Ga. , and report to Gemmeral James H. Wilson , comnianding Sixth army corps. - The following changes in duties anti sth- ( ions of officers of ( lie medical department are ordered : Captain Charles F. Kieffer , assistant surgeon , United States Army , will proceed to Tampa , Fla. , and report to Major eGneral William ft. Shafter , United States volunteers. First Lieutenant l'owefl C. Fauntleroy , assistant surgeon United States army , will proceed to Tampa , Fla. , and report - port to Major General 'IVihiiammn It. Shafter , United States volunteers , First Lieutenant Phitiip J , PerkIns , United States volunteer signal corps , will -report to Richard B. Thompson , United States vol. ummteer signal corps , at San Francisco , Cal , , for duty withm expedition to Philippines. First Lieutenant Alynratlo M. Fuller , See- oral cavalry , is granted leave of absence to citable hint to accept cormimission of major in the First regiment , Missouri volunteers. Captain l'lmiiiip lI. Lydig , United States Volunteers , will proceed to Camp George H. Thomas , Chickamatmga Notional Park , Ga. , anti report to General Wihhiston , United States volunteers , First army corps. Captain Ogden Rafferty , assistant surgeon United States army , will proceed to Key 'IVest and report to Major William It. hall , surgeon , for duty at the United States general - oral hospital , Captain William C. Gorgas , assistant surgeon - geon United States army , will report to Major George T , Torney , surgeon United States array , New York City , for duty on the United States imopital ship Relief , The foliowing namned officers are relieved from duty at 'IVest l'oint , N. Y. , anti will join their troops ; Second Lieutenant - tenant FrancIs LeJ , Parker. Fifth cavalry ; Second Lie.utenammt Samuel 110ff , Sixth cavalry ; Second Lieutemi- ant 'IVhlhiam P. Pence , Fifth artillery ; See- end Lieutemmant Horace itt , Iteeve , Third infantry - fantry , The secretary of war relieves Caimtain George Ii , Stotmclm , Third Infantry , as acting - ing Indian agent at the Crow agency , Moo- ( ann , The foliowimmg assigmments of stations amid duties of officers of time United States voi- unteer signal corps : Major Josepim II. Max- field , now at Tampa , Fin. , will assumnme corn- mmmd of war balloon sectiomms at that point anti report by letter to Lieutenant Colonel James Allen , United States vobimmtoer signal corps , staff of general commnaiimhirig arrmny at Key 'IVost , Major Mtixficld and bnllooim do- taclmmnent vIli rcnnaiii nittachetl to time Fifthm army. corps under orders of General Wihiiam U , Shmafter , United States volunteers. Major Frank Green will report to General Williamn ft. Shelter , United States volunteers , Tnumiima , Fla. , for assigimimnent to duty as signal - nal officer of Fifth army corps. ( I ii fl i'y 'i'tikn's itmirri I y's l'lttee , WAShINGTON , Juno 6.-i. M , Guffey hmas been made the representative of time state JOHN G. WOODWARD & CO , , Council Bluffs , Iowa. VflOSA [ CANDY MANUFACTURERS Jobbon's of CRACKLIS , NUTS , U6ARS and FIR [ WORKS. Selling Agents KA TR PI13LD CHA S. S UMNI3 RICa . . ICa OIurma. o OIurt. of Pennsylvania on the themoeratlo commit- fee to succced William I" , liarrity , Messrs. hiarrity anti Guffey weto notified of the change by Senator Jones of Arkansas , whme is chairman of the comrmmnittee , The substitution - tution of Mr. Guffey's name Is time result of a poll of the national conimnitlee matlo through the mail by Senator Jones. ( Get a malt at Cutat and get the bc'st amitt most complete. The IIeo' eommi'iination nma of Cuba. the West indies anti .f ( ho world. Whim a Bee map coupon , on page 2 , IG ( cents , at lice office , Omaha , South Omaha or Council illuffe , fly mail , 14 cents. Atidresa Cumban Map Department , ; _ - - - A5LIL'I" Nothing so ap. " peals to ii mot n. : 7 er's heart as the - Si Itt of her baby aseetr , Tlmta is ' tloub y true whmen time white lips , : : , bI , . . time fevered brow , 4 thme bltme lines . _ _ ; beneath the eyes . , anti tlmc thin lit- tIc lmandt tell time pathetic .tory ' . . that baby Is Ii - 1 To the child that conies into time world robust and healthy , time ordi. ' " nary ills of child. 'l" J i Imood are not % -a serious menace ; - bitt to the weak , nInny baby with the seeds of disease mi- plati'teti In Its little body even before birth , they are a mcrioua matter anti frequently mean baby's death. Time woman who wants a strong , healthy baby must see to it that hc docs not stiffer front weakness and diseit.cc of the important - ant and delicate organs conccrmaed In ninth- erhood. Dr. Plcrce'm Favorite Prescription acts directly on these organ" , allaying in. fiamnnmatlomi lmealhmmg ulceration anti soothm'mmig pain. It tts a woimnan for wifchtootl amid motherhood. It bammjshmes tine disconmforts of the period of anticipation rand intakes baby's ditTy to time world caiy and almimost paimiless. It immstmrcs time mmewcomnter's hmealtim amid an anmplc supply of mmommrislmrmient. It rids mnaternity of its perils. It has caused many a childless home to rinmr witlm tIme happy iatmglmter of healthy cimiltirerm. Over ' , ooowommmcmi have testified to its niarvelous ' merits. It is the discovery of an cmmmimient - . amid skillful specialist , Dr. R. V. Pierce , fmr thm'rrty years eldef commsultimmg Physician to time great Invalids' ' Hotel anti Stmrgical Institute , at Bufflulo , N , V. All ntethicinc dealers sell It. zilimmg womileim u'hio 'ritc to . . . . Dr. Pierce will receive free his best advice , Scores of wonmemm wino have been cured of obstinate amid dangerous discuses by Dr. Pierce's nicdicines hare told tbir experiences - ' ences In Dr. Pierce's Coninnomi Scmmse Med. ical Adviser. It commtaimns mooS pages , over 300 cmigravlngs amid coiorcd plates , anti 1mm free. Senti 21 one.ccmit Stalmips , a corer " cast of , , : ai1n only , for p'pcr.covcred copy ; clothm binding t stamps. Address Dr , R , V. I'ierce , Buffalo , N , V. ' Health is Wealth , DR. E. ( . WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT I THE ORIGIUAL , ALL OTHERS IMITATI0N , Iesoldnndor positive 'rlttems Guarantee. byimathorizod agents only , to corn "ieak Memory , ' Dizzinmoss , Wakefulness , Fits , Hyateritm , Quicic- ness , Nitht Losses , Evil Dreams. Lack of ( , onti. doimcoNervoosness , Lassitude , nil Dmina , Youth. Cut Errors , orExcessivoUsoofTobaccoOpium , or Liquimr , wlmlch leads to Misery , Consumption , Insanity and Death. At store or by mom ! , $1 a box ; six for $5 ; with writtcngunrnnteo to . . . . cure or i'atimncI monet. ptamplepachi. age , containing five days trozmtmentwith full instruction , , 25 cents. One sample only oki to each person. At store or by mnami. Label Special 'L' ' ' Extra Strength. ' , ,1 : pny For Impotency , Lose of I l'oWcmr , Lost Manhood , l3tor'ihity or flarrermnoss.t cL4vj45 ( a box ; aix for $5 , with 1'wr1tt n gtmarantee ' . Atatore Myers Dillon Druir Co. , S. B , Corner 101 nun it Fairmint mm S I I. . (1 nmnlmn , ? n'cb. Ihe Ladies' Departmentof the New Hygiene . Institute Is now open for business , anti fully equipped with two new apparatus for giving the most hmealthnfui , pleasiimg batims kmmowit ( to the world. The INSTITUTE has among its patrons , . the best known ladies iii Omaha. We asIc you to give it a trial of two baths at least , . ( and if it is not found as represented , we wilt f refund your money. Rooms , New Quarters , 216-218-220 Bee BuiIdIn I' New lIyiene Inst. ' ; i 'I DUFFY'S ' PURE MRhT WhISKEY I ' I ALL DRUCCISTS $4 $ - _ _ ) WiRIflfl I VflI dIscharged. In fqr .mmmmgtloaa uuim.Iiir4 , m ii S dsi . irrititiesa or U r.r.Itoj OiuuI.'J . ' . luftierl. f Zn n a p U IimIWt'&DSS. .m GE , anti SQl II * 15. . . vstEvwCmucttGO. Jmnmu "r iotsonotm. * ; a S cismIssATiO. N.Id bj ZIru1a , . . met Ia pisla U a. .151.51 , P1P wrsp7 Lta. Cr I bat NIL HE ; . NEW : COLLAR DOHANY THEATER C'ilASh'I-L113'I'illt 'I'i I l'IA'I'iIIt ( ' 0. , in a. sPecial Production of ( lie famous war comedy , in ( our acts , . .LI1VWOOD. . . Suimnhuy timid Suttmrdti > ' ntfternnnimm'S mnrttl- rice rt t 30. I 'rices , Ik' ( ni ittl iSI Noto-Specintl sumnmer Prices for reserved Seats , itic , SertIs go till tI'iilt at thmeitter boic " ( milieu for till itensoim , itnd ami' night , 'Feb. . 1" ' imlionim No , 410. CIALNOTICES lLflLUFP8Ny& FOlIIIiINTbutchiem' siiupwitbtoois , No , 136 hiroutlway ; good locution. Day hess , agents , It _ - - - - - - - - - -