Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 07, 1898, Page 12, Image 12

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OMAHA DAILY JEE : flT1SDAY , .TUNfl 7 , 1898.
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"Why , Btter , lsn'L this our birthday ? "
"YC5. I UPOO it IR. "
' I declare .11. completely RIIppd my mind ,
P0 much Iiapperiingt I never failed before
to fitir uT a cake , Ikl ) you remember it ? "
"Oh. yes , -remembered It. . I couldn't
well forget It with such a fine present corn-
log to : "
The z1ter8were Ritting on either Ride of
a wide opnflre in hlrh back chairs. o
exactly alike were they In form nud feature
and .ires that. only ono who know them
well could . have ( old them apart.
Their flngcra were buRy with knitting.
Jano'R work Was a scarlet 80(1 orange at-
gban , Ijulila WflS rounding off the toe of a
pair of gray woolen BtOCklflgB.
In the center of the room by the claw-
legged table a young girl sat , nppnrently
reftng , thoili her eyes rctcd on the two
figures before the ftre.
" \Vliat rcsent did you got , Jane ? "
ulla atopped her work and looked over
her glaRseR. Jane RrnIlcd and nodded her
head toward the young girl seated by the
table.The tall clock that RtOOd on the winding
Rtnircaeo at the end of the long drawing
room Rtruck 1. The three RtltTtCl and looked
around , and the girl throw down her book
nnd sprang to her feet , laughing.
ell Father Time ha come to life , " Rho
eaid , "lie objects to our beiiig ao quiet.
Come , Aunt ilulila , let us do oniethIng to
cclebrate Aunt Jane's birthday. Aunt
Jane , what shall we do to celebrate Aunt
llulda'R bIrthday ? "
The eyes of the two cider ladles were
still fixed on the clock nnd they made no
answer. The girl carne and stood on the
hearth rug , anil , stooping , took Jane's face
between her small , plump hands and kissed
catching the afghan , site
her. Thou , up
ran down the room and up the staIr and
threw it over the face of the clock. The
sisters laughed merrily.
That was the hour we two cflIfle Into the
world , " said liulda. "You can't say but It
was rather startling to have the old clock
ring out that hour. It hasn't tuade a move
to my knowledge since you wciit away ,
Amy. "
' '
'Oh , well , it just liappeited , Aunt Ilulda ,
Amy answered with the happy carelessness
of youth. 'llesItles , It isn't 1 o'clock now.
It is only 7:30. : " She danced across the room
and seated herself at the piano. "Come ,
Aunt Jane , let Us sing something. "
' \Vlmy , child , I can't slug. ' '
"You used to sing beautifully. "
"I'm atrid you forget that we've grown
old slnco you vcnt away. People , don't
sing mticli as a rule when they are 60. '
The girl wheeled about on tue music stool
and shook her finger at the covered clock.
"You have ( lotte this. ' ' site luild. "Yott
pretended to ho sitting tip there doIng noth-
lug all those years , but y0UV0 prove1 tonIght -
nIght that yott'ro up to your old tricks , run-
sting away vlth time years. "
The sisters laughed again ,
"You useti to stand and talk to that clock
when you didn't come up to the drops of
tIm weights , Amy , " salti liulda.
"We've a long account to sett1 , " Amy
answered , shaking her Itcad. "To come home
and fimul you 1)0th so uuiet and comnphaining
. of growing old , when we used to have such
good times ! Shall I get some knitting and
1t down in the corner and grow old , too ? "
liulda roiled up her work and stood up.
"I suppose 'we do sceni changed , chiIld , '
she saul , anxiously. "What can wo do to
amtmso her , Jane ? ' '
"Don't mint ? what I say , dears. You arc
so pretty and picturcsqtio sitting there in
thee high-back chairs by flint grand old
fireplace. Ill get my sketchbook out and
make a sketch of you. "
" \Vo might tianco the minuet , " saul Jane ,
standing by her sister's side. "That used to
atnttso her greatly when she was a child. ' '
"Oh , tb , ' ' cried Amy. "I'd forgotten
about your doing that. "
Situ turned to time piano nnl began the
merry music of the minuet. Daintily the
two little oltl ladles stepped forward in tunic
to the music. Their small faces at first were
gra'e wIth the desire to please , bUt presently
time melody entered their hearts , Their faces
lost the dull line of years nail shone with
the iilcasure of youth.
Jane's hair fell out of coil and hung In
soft silver curls about her face. Ilulda
picked up her skirts anil trIpped airily away ,
showing her trimim little feet In blue em-
brolderc4l slippers.
. \otI (10 it oven better than you used to ! "
Amy cried , clappIng her hands as tIme music
came to an end. "I never saw any one more
graceful nod Pretty than you two hre ! Sixty
Isn't old ! Why , you could go to Washington
and ho the belles of the season yet if you
only wanted' to ! You have just stayed hero
in ( ho country and you haven't any idea how
lovely you are , "
Time sisters looked at. each other anti
smIled. Jane slipited her hand into hlultht's.
"Vo haven't been discontented , or I sup-
P050 we would hare made a venture out into
the world , " site said.
"I vlshi you would make a venture this
winter , " said Amy , seriously. "There is no
flCCl of our staying here. Uncle James says
ho has invited you repeatedly to conic to
lVnsliington. I saId I'd stay all wInter , but
I don't believe I can , it is so lonely. "
" \Vo have never been lonely , " said liulda ,
after a short silence , "but of course wove
alyays hail the thought that yen were cornIng -
' -Ing to live witlt us when you fInIshed school.
It will be dlfferemit when you go away thIs
time. "
Anty ran amid throw her arms around
"It is a beautiful home , dears , and you
know I love you both as though you were
soy mothers , hut it iii so still and solemn
here , anti you know I haven't ' becic used
to it , "
" ityo might recite her some of the playtt.
hIulmhn , " stilil Julie ,
' "S'liat plays ? " asked Anty , eagerly.
"Yes , l'ti ! sure ( hat would mouse her , ' '
said Ilultia , ' ' 1 hope you don't thInk , Amity ,
that we are w omen ilmo settle down anti
pend all ourtimo anii malmuton our work , ' '
Time two IcR the room , tutu imtiy was pres-
cathy sumprised by their returning dressed
in costunle , W'ith the first lines sue knew
they were dressed to represent Portia amid
Nerissaltb surprising nullity In reclta.
tion amid action they rent through time
well known scene front the 'Merchamit oft
VenIce. "
t They could pot have hiatt a more mippreci-
ativo audience.
Amity recalled tlmern again amid again with
a storm of applause ,
'rite two little ladles hail tmsed the years
of their soiltUde and leIsure lit learning
from beglanimig to end a number of lla8 of
Shakespeare , and for smitusemuemit itteit
brought several chests of costumes , amid before -
fore the long mirrors of the drawing roomu
Ji flmi acted mutiny harts together.
Vliun they again appeared to Amy from
an Inner roomu they were in the costume of
flosalind mmmd Celia In the forest of Artlen ,
So perfect was their ireseutution of this
part tltit i certainly entered the borderland -
land of art ,
'llravol" cried Ama ) ' in great excItement.
" \\o'lI not go to W'asimimigtoli we'li immivo
VtblIlmigton conic to us. We'll semid a lot
of Iuttmttiomi imut Intro the gayest bomite
pnrtP ( limit was over limiOwfl 1mm the country. '
To this la1m Ilulda and Juno gave slow
consvut ,
A month lal r every guest chamber in
time flmto old country house 4L 1
'be news of his sisteri' wonderful accout-
- -
- - -
- -
- - -
y' 7 i. - ' ' - 'T
plishments drew the beloved brother In
Washington to the home Ito had not visited
for twenty years ,
They were mostly the brother's frIends
and Amy's , who made the place gay with
laughter and song ,
hut one room trds tesorred for a guest
whom fltiiilmm and Jane lint ? specialty In-
vIteti. It was late one evenlmig after alt
the others had reiied that ho arrived. Amy
was greatly amused mind surprised the next
momnlmig when slmo met on the staIr one of
time nearest neIghbors-an oltI gentleman
who lived just across he country road.
'Why , Mr.Vestpn ! , " she exclaimed , "are
you the guest ot honor ? "
lie was a tnll handsome man with a
most dlgnlflcd ljeat'tig
'i've always beoi'an honored guest in
thIs iioue , " he repiled , holdIng out his
hand. "Tho glrls'hbught I couldn't really
ho one of the party unless I closed my
house and came over bag antI baggage.
Now , If you don't mnIhl Amy , just keepimig
it to yourself , l t timemn thInk I'm a dlgni-
tary from some remote quarter of the
globe , amid tiicy'wiII appreciate mc , but if
they l now I'm John Weston , who lives
across the road , I'll figure for a simpleton. "
"No , Indeed , you wouldn't , ' ' Amy laughed.
"You'll bo the tfc of the party , I imopeti
you'd comb orer'eVery' day , as you always
do , but it will 'to'ao much nicer to have
you in the house. "
half an hour later , when the merry party
imatl gathered at th brenkfast table , the
guest of homier was presented. No one hiatt
, - i : - ; : ; - ; - tih . i iT
T& &
, * : : : . ; 't,14
- / .
evera truer gIftof conversation than John
Weston. lie liaturimhly assumed the post-
tion of hIs long friendship wIth the family
and it was noticed that liultia auth Jane deferred -
ferred to him In all things , as though they
were used to depending on hIs mug-
The following day It was rumored that the
sisters intended giving tim balcony scene
front "Itoinco and JulIet" In their first apPearance -
Pearance before theIr guests.
Amny had been out sleighlng all the afternoon -
noon with a number of the young people
and had not known that her aunts intended
representing themie juvenile lovers. 'l'hc
( IrawIng room was being set In readiness
for the amnusement when the party re-
John Weston , acting as stage architect ,
was hanging a painted screen against the
winding staircase. "I'll have to run over
home and get my screen with the wood-
blue , " he was saying to the man who wits
assIstIng him.
There was a burst of merry laughter in
tile doorway.
"Ott , Mr. Weston , what are you doing ? "
/unmy exclaimed , running forward. "Aunt
Jane and Aunt liulda surely can't act
Itoinco and Juliet ! "
"Can't they ? Wait till you see them try
it. You heard me say that I live across
the road , didn't you ? ' ho added , smIling
at the young people who haul followed Amy
into the room.Vell , we need both houses
to cIrcle around in anyway. "
With a girl op each arm John Weston
presently vent'down the snotv-beaten path
nitul across the road to his own home among
the evergreens.
"I asked Amy who lived hero the other
day , " said ommo of bo giils , "and she said :
'An old gcntlemuitn. who spent all lila time
ivitti his books. ' l'vo been so interested
wondering what yOu were 111cc. What annie
you keel ) it secrjt that you lived here ? "
"Oh , just for sport. I didmt't really expect -
pect to be able to keep It all through the
month. "
"lint this is such a beautiful home ! "
"There isn't a liner interior in the country -
try , " said John Weston proudly.
"Do you live hero all alone ? "
" \Vell , I'mn over the way a great deal ,
and they are over here. "
"Oh , how tirtistici" the other of the gIrls
exclaimed as they pntered the hmimil. "You've
been abroad. Only ncoplo who travel have
houses that look lute this. "
"I have been in avery country that I ever
heard of , " John \Veston replied , stallIng.
"Now just roamu around and make yourselves -
solves at home. "
Ono of the gIrls wandered away , but the
other sat doi'n and fixed her bright eyes on
time erect old man before her ,
' ' \Vcll , ivhtat Is it , may ebild 1" lie asked ,
, ' \'ihi you think I mini very rude if I asic
you somnetlmimig ? ' '
"No , indeed ; you may asic me anything
you iIense , "
" 1)0 yOU hovo.both of them ftist the same ? "
John Weston's face flushed like a boy's ;
sniihing , lie shook hIm head ,
' 'Is that answer suiiicicnt ? " ito asked ,
"Ihut how do you know ? They are just
alike. None of us can tell them apart. "
"They are no moro alike titan you and I , "
Ito replied gravely.
' 'I suppose I hiahi know whirch it is it I
wait patiemitly , " he girl said with a pert
little toss of tier head.
"Never ! " Joi1ny'j5tOp answered quickly ;
but It you live long enough you may know
what friendship is whoa it is free front eel-
llslmness , " ) .
The guests gatiierd in the long drawing
roont that evening i'ero prepared for floUt-
tag merit ammtuaimig than tutulodrania. W'hmnt
could Jane know of JulIet's supreme sur-
meatier dt lore ? 1Io could a ittlo out lady
of CO be other than amnuslng as time ardent
young ? siontagiie ?
The room wa , but faintly Ilglmtod when
from out the gaiden thicket young Romeo
stepped. ills first words held his lIsteners'
attention : "lip . jeetit at scars who never
felt a vound , "
If Jane and IluldaValnrigbt bad eat-
ployed their years In earnest efforts to win
the attemitloim of an admiring public they
could not liu'o succeeded mmioro comuplutely
tItan they had in lilivate study for their own
pleastmrti anti improvement. The old hrnmae
rang with applause as the scene came to an
end ,
This was the beginmiIng of t series of ea-
tertainmente , Sum'ely a mouth like this bait
hover been spemit in the eommntry , The
sleighing was perfect. The wInd bad swept
the river bare ( or miles. Ever3 morning it
party of skaters were sceim gliding in and
out between the ooded backs.
lolirmt'eeton was the leader of the outdoor -
door epots , Skatjn1 ae a itestinlo be lunt
elung to iitb th euithusiasmu of Imis boy-
hood. It wugoo to ice the bale old
- - - - - -
gentleman In his fur-trImmed coat and CIIP
gliding on before with an case of motion
that only years of river skating cnn per-
feet.Thc mystery of untold logo that hovered
about him matte him of continual Interest
to the young pophe. The girl who had
dared to question hIm wove mrmy pretty
little romances , In which Jane sitU Iluida
alternately appeared as heroInes. Shit
watched the sisteis closely , hopIng to road
the secret in one of their faces , ttit the
broin eyes of each wore the same gentle
confluhenco whenever they spoke with their
frIend ,
One evening , when the moon full ,
several of the party had gone down the
river to skate for an imour or two. The later
hours were to be spent in lancimtg , and time
drawing room was being put in reddiness ,
While they were buckling on their skates
Anty itroposed a rape. .
' , l'ii race the party , " said John , Weston.
"Age against youth. If one reaches the
brIdge before ate I'll pay any forfeit ho may
ask , "
They rounded the vooded point , nail were
oft for a clear half-mile to Urn brIdge. After
the first fewmintites the compeUtlon rested
between two , .
Amy and Johimt Weston were speeding on
together. Shouting anti cheers followdd
thmeni. Time white arch of the stone briulge
was but a few rouls abendi Now Amity was
iii advance waving her muff abOve lmer hicadi
A moment inter they had reached the bridge
and were rusting In the slmatlow.
"Vehl , little girl. what is my forfeit to
be ? " John Weston asked laughing.
" 0 , " saiml Amy , breathing hmtrd. "Whom
do you love best in all the world ? "
"That isn't fair. "
'Yes , it is , " she lauglmed "If you lint ?
won I should have paid any forfeit you
asked. "
"When you are as old as I am you wilt
not make a jest of love. i'it pay my for-
felt , but I'm disappotmited in you , Amy. "
lie leaned forward abut * hlspercd the
name 1mm her ear , then turned about and
skated under time arch of the bridge. The
poor little victor flew after him ,
" 0 , forgive iime" she cried , clinging to
his arm. "It was all in funi I didn't cx-
PeCt , 'Ott to tell mnc !
lie Pitt his aria around her , as ( hey still
skated on , btmt made no reply. After a feW
I mnomnents they were oVertaken by the rest
or the party , anti all jotnimig hands , skated
back tip the river.
When time house was reached the dancing
hind already begumi. Amity stood at one
side , vith JoInt Weston's eonfldemico heavy
at her hmenrt , wntching her aummts in their
pretty lilac silks , as they glided by her.
They seemed inoro nllko to her than ever
before. lInt sIte knew eveim better titan
John \Vcston Imow unlike they were.
Shin ictiew , too , how imiseimatable was their
love for each other. It was like reading a
story , unfinished anti very sail , site thought.
lint afterward , 1mm thinking about time
near friendship the three CnjOyel , nail their
life of study and close iiiterest , it ulid not
sccmn so maul after nil.
Ileforo ammothier year Imad passed the names
of Jane and Ilulda W'einright were widely
known , aiim ? their hioimme canto to be in time
a mecca to all artists amid students of
im o'v 'i' ( ) JUS'I' hIit ? t'rt ml 1 ? .
i'emitltu'r liuisleC Shmomuhul Not lit' Useul ,
for 'l'iiere .tru' fli' ( or % 'uyN.
Dust is always a grief of mind to the careful -
ful housewife , vhmo , like the virtuous woman
of holy writ , looketh well to time ways of
her husband.
It lmath all seasons for its own , and tIme
only way to conquer it is to pursue it stead-
uly , says the I'hiladelphia Times. A feather
duster is an abomination except for time tops
of pictures , etc. , simmce it only stirs UP the
dust front one spot in order to nilow it to
settle on another , white wiping witlm a dammip
cloth , which in any but judicious hands is
apt to be a wet one , is too apt to snmear the
furnitmmre. All furniture should be dusted
regularly with due regard to the cormiers ,
where most of the dust accumulates.
The best timimig for carved ftmm-niturc is a
soft , thick paint brush , wimicb will get Into
all tIm interstices of tIme pattern , When
these arc clogged take another brush , wet
with kerosene oil , to clean them out. After
usimig time oil rub dry witlm a soft cloth.
Flannelette makes the best dust cloths , amid
squares of it are mmow sold ready henirned for
the purpose in our large stores.
For highly polished surfaces use chamois
skin. And he sure to keep your chamois
clean. It camt be vashed with very little
trouble , only let sure to bang it up carefully -
fully to dry , wringing well , and then putting
it into shape. Time bamboo beater Is the
best thing for rugs amid portieres , but It is
tmsoless to beat upliolstemed furniture. A stiff
whisk broom should be used , anti alt crevices
should bo welt brushed off after this is done.
It is wonderful how imuich dust a tufted
chair can hold-no wonder maid and mistress -
tress alike wommder where the dust comes
front , for summer , wimiter , whether It blows
in at open windows or sifts up through fur-
mince flumes , like time grass of the poem , it
comnes "ereepimig everywimere , " and finds a
lodgnment in every inch of space exposed.
Now tlmat bookcases with glass doors are
no lomiger fashionable books anit usually open
to the dust and mmeed systematic and careful
attentiomt to preserve them from damage.
They should be timken from the slmelves at
least otice or twice a month and wiped with
a soft , dry cloth , i'hiichm should be shaken out
of time window repeatedly during thin work
of iustIng , Remember always that in
brushing dust front an object yomm scatter
it , but wiplmig it oft with a cloth you gather
it UI ) and remove it altogether ,
t Mmmii of Ciiumi for 'i'i'ui Cemmtp
Time lice is giving its subscribers a chance
to keep posted Oit the mtiovements of troops
and cruisers by nicarms of its coimibInation
map. The map of Cuba slmows alt time towns ,
rmilroauls : and divisions , vimilo from the mmmp
of the \'esL Indies and map of tIme world
you can locate jmmst where the war ships are
itt any time and how far they are front dif-
feremit ports , Cut out a Dee coupon , page 2 ,
011(1 ( brlmmg it to Time flee otilce , Omaha , South
Omnaiia or Council Bluffs. By mmmii , enclose
a coupon amid 14 cents aad address Cuban
Map 1)epartmnent.
'I'Iic ilmitlie ,
Detroit Journal : The air is rent with u
hail of leadl
lImit see !
Our colors flutter from the raniparts of
time cmmentyi
For an instant time intrepid color bearer
stands alone upon the parapet , but only for
an immetant !
Now thin reporters have sprung to his side
amid are intervicim'immg imirnl
Not Made Alone ' Y °
' \cl Soap
I or Won' ' us for you have lost
of Ita value.
"a ; You need rs
pure soap in
yotmr tath-
room and
bcdmoozn ,
Your face is
more lmnpor.
taint titan
wool , \\ool
, - . Soap Is a
' " vtmre soap.
it's the oniyloap
uY MauA I 111514 uirr r'uiInIngnoIniu'
USLO hAD iIt.5 ingredients.
$ Al.T I.AiCII iiiiNl'Ul CON'EyTlOS ,
Antlelmmtioi of albeit Meettuig or flue
Wcuteri UierR ,
SALT LAKE , Utah , May 24-Specinh.- ( )
The following statement of the progress
made in preparations for the International
Minimg congress iii this city commencing
July 6 , has been macdo by W. I ) . Johnson ,
chairman of the executive comnmnittec
, se are meeting wIth hearty support
fromn all over the country , amid tim prospects
are that the convention will be the largest
of its kind ever liehi. We expect about
3,000 delegates , not from this cotmatry only ,
but fromn mnany of the leading natiemis of the
world. The ; irograam comuniitteo is working
hard on the progrnxu whicim will ho ready
for publication in auow weeks. Tlmero will
bo several very itnportnut matters to come
before the convention. whiclm will have a
decidedly moral oiTctt upon the mimining in-
dustry. A comnmitteb' was appointed last
year to present to congress a plan for mak-
lag a Mines anti Muting departmnent , tIm
head of the smun Id have a positioa on the
vresident'a cabimmet. iTbat committee viii report -
port what it baa accomplished.
"Another conmmitte' was appointed to
codify tlmo mIning ibw. This Is a very
important tastier , assli is well known thL
1mm some parts of theumUnited States rntmtimtg
laws are open to icriticism. During the
convention a movemimont will be sot on foot
to bring together thb mining laws of the
ulifTc'rent states mmnml.dietricts , Time idea Is to
have all the laws as. near alike as possible.
Concentrated action i wanted to hiring about
harmony. Some of the features of the
present tarilt that bear upon our products
and mimming mitachinery and also impon articles
Used in the concentrating of ores will be
discussed and an attemnpt vili be mamle to
Intro tiicmn changed for tim bettermncnt of time
"The convention this year will be un-
tmaunhiy important as every line of mining
will be disctmssed. Last year the conventIon
confined itself to time discimselon of a few of
the most importnmit precious minerals. This
year every kimmd of atimieral will be discussed ,
includimig iron , salt , nlummiinum , etc.
"Ammother feature of the convention will
be the mineral exhibit of the minerals front
our state. Specimens will be procured of
every kmmovn muinerni in the stmtte , which
imtcltmdes , besides the vehl kmmowmt mimmerals ,
salt , aluminum , mica , etc. The mineral resources -
sources of Utaim are conimmiencing to attract
the attention of tIme outside world , and
foreign capital is conimnencing to be brought
imtto the state for the developmnomit of tlmeni.
"TIle Mormons have very humidly given
us tue perniissiomm to use their nssemnbly hall
in wimich to meet. If that will miot be large
enotmglm we cami use the Tabernacle. Tue en-
tertaimilmient comnniitteo is making oxtemmsive
arrangements for time entertainmmment of th
guests , one of tim primmcipal events being a
concert in the Tabernacle , durimig wimich
the Mormon chorus of 500 voices will sing ,
'i'4 , ( ) e : : t. a era umi rip r I i m mu ,
When tile young millionaire vhio is visiting -
ing the city , relates tiio Detroit Free I'ress ,
called upon a lady acquaintnmmcc who is a
born match-tanker , she urged upon iiimmm the
necessity of getting mnarried amid settling
down , "I have four eligible nieces , " sha
said , "anti all would make good wives. "
' KSFD'S '
Unsurpassed for fine Linen B
MusJinsand Laces.
Sear1es& ear1es
Goaruntee to cure speedIly nuul mdi-
Oally mill NEflVOUS , ClittONlU . 'IWD
PI1IVATE disesesi .1 Men and women.
SEXUALLY. Cured for life.
Nihit Emission. , T.ost Manhood , iii'-
drocele , Verieooeie , Gonorrhea , Gleet , Syph.
ills. Stricture , Piles , Fistuha and Rectal
tflcers , Diabetes , Bright's Disease cured.
Consultation Free.
Stricture and Ieot. at
by new method without pain or cutting ,
Cahiorm or address with stamp. Treatment
by mail.
fine cireniro v oreniro 14PS.l4ihSt.
IntO , OtlUILLO fi OtitILtmi , t'-U4li4 , KJD
Two Weeks'
. Treatmeni
. '
_ FE\
'VIIE' Ahir : 1)1.1) )
In this of iii
Chronic , Nervous and Private Dsease ! ,
and IlHoRnBns ou'
Catai'rh , sml Disesie. of the Nose , Tlmro&t , ChiM ,
Itomn&ch , Uver , Blood , RItin end XIdn.y Di.-
, s.l. Lost ) .lsnhood , , V.flcoo. I ,
Uonorrh.a. Omeets , sypimilme , Utriclur. . Pmle. F a.
tums and fl.ctaJ Ulcers Diabet. . Bright's D I-
, as. our.4 , Call ou or addee , . with .laemp tot
er , . Boott sad Niw ) sthodi.
Treatment h7 Mail , Conmuitsiton free.
Ouaba iledical aild SurgicalInstitute
.a.o I. WV' Nsrt 16th 51 , . Oso 3sb.
Zrvoua Iflicaae.-yaiitcg Meat'
- em r , IpioWncy , liieom.Iermeu , eto. caumcI
b Abuss o otbur Exoosse anti mdi-
a crutions r/tee euik1p areS urelg
, restore Lost Vitality to alit or Roung. amid
mita msaiorstudy , buineuor marriage.
- t'reeat basally sad Conaunptioa it
I an mu time. Lh.mrw. . showi immediate Itnpros-
muslim and eeots a CURE all other tall In-
alit upoo Saying ( tie g5.aine Aiutx 'i'fthiet , . They
heto cured thoucands aoi willoarsyon. We give a pee.
tiles wriuon gaarante.a to a curs PTQ to
aah caseor refund themoney , i'rtceuu u U mu , per
pack.5.j or sI.x pkcci ( Suit , trsetxnsnti for fttO , Ity
maji , lit lain wra ei. a't of rice. ( 'irruma.r
. , t'7'
For sale in Uutuitma , sb. , by Jmi. ForiyUi , 21)2
N. 1611 , ; Kuluit & Co. , .uiGhu and Dougmasm Lad
Iii Counclh flings hi' O.ll. itrown. flruggtats ,
Iuutstmt Itehtef Cnrelnlfulayi. Never returns
1 a mit ghliy send to anyautterr ha ii l'tMmi sueied
rarehope YI1III a psesarlptlomm Imh html dirre
11051 for a quick pr&uamc'uru'tiir i.tsm MammIuo'i.
lie siniply disavctweul any Intention at
making more thmnmi one woman his wife and
escaped before she rnliied
County at Perklnsngninst Miller. Irror
from I'erklmts county. hteversed anti re-
mmimidsd. Norval , J ,
Thu othiciah bond of a coumity clerk is hot
Void by reason of its being in joint formn ,
instcau of joint and several mms required by
statute , -
2. The ofllcial bond of a county oflicer is
not VoId because It doeR not specify or uies-
Ignato the term for which thin lrimiclpal
obhtgeo was elected or appointed.
3. Amendments to ; iiendings lmoulul at-
WIL'R be permItted tvhion iii furthieramico of
justice amid the rulings of the truth cotmrt
In thai. regard wIll be reversed when the
record liresemuts ft clear abuse of dIscretion.
4. 1mm mm action Upon a , joInt cofltmnet all
who are johmitly liable should be joimmed as
defendants and If service of ettimmonmi cannot -
not but htmttl tilmon all thin action nitty tiro-
coed nraimmet those served ,
Nebraska National bank against Pennock.
Ertor frOm Douglas county , iteverscd.
hlvan C.
VIiero a vnrt3' uhefendnnt gave his promis-
sury note Iii renewal Of hits past dime hole
t'tmiclt hail beehi gIven partly in comisidern-
tion of tIme uonvt'ynmictm to him of certain
hots by the htai'ed mmmcd eu both imoteS , stmehi
maker cannot defeat an action agaInst hint
oil thin renewal note imt the hands of nit
assignee thereof before title l'y ithiowlmig
that. at tIm time when saId renewal note
vmtu executed the payee r'romnised ' to cause
improvements to be made which wotmld
enhance the value of the said lots , tIme
time fiXed for the performmuhtce of such
promise behimg subsequent to tIme dmtte wlmemi
the note , tras , in fact , nsmmigned to phaimitiff.
AhIIng against Fliuimer. Appeal from
Dmtwes county. Affirmed. irvlmte C. I
In time revIew of cases by ahmpelimmte proceedings -
ceedings iii thmimu court , time transcript being
hIetmt as to matters before the district
cntmrt , it tviil be Itreaumeul that the fmmcts
there disclosed were of sucit character as
to warrant the judgmnont reridercu ] .
2. If a bill of exceptions discloses thimit im-
rortant evidence has been therefrom
oniittetl , authicmttlcntinn of the bill thiutt it
comttains all tim evldeneC s'ilt not control ,
nnd in such case the mindIng will riot be
disttmrbed as tmnsupported by thin evideimee.
Twlnting against Finley. Ahupeal front
Douglas county , Afhlrmcti. Norvmth J.
Evidence held insufliciemmt to establish thin
defense of hnymemmt. ,
2. Thio failure of an assessor to attachm his
oath to , and return the same with , tIme
nssessmemtt roll are irregularities mncrehy ,
whiictm do not affect the t'ahlhity , of tim tax.
Leeder against SImile. Error front Doug-
ha county. Reversed and ditniied , Nor-
'uil J ,
In this state a decree awarding lerma-
neat ahhimmommy is enforceable lit thic mmumiic
manner as jimuigmemits at law ,
2. Ordimmariiy the iton-comaplinmice wIth nit
order for thom PaYimietit of hmermmtnnont all-
nmcny Is hot ptmnlshmmtblo as for contenipt of
Darner against Dnmcgett , Error from
Dntvsomt coummty. Atiirmed. Ryan C.
In an muctlomi for damages because of false
re remientntiomia Inmuic by the vendor na to
time correctness of tmn invoice of the goods
soid , held there tvmts no PrejuuhiciuLl error
iii perntittlmtg a witmtess , to testify that cer-
tam goods were old when thmat fact tt'aa
iflhimortaitt in di-termlmiIng their real valtme
tested hmy time Invoice ; amid , that title was
euupeclmthly tIme cnso , 1mm 'iew of the fmtct that
the court afterwards instructed time jury
that it simotmid not take such evIdence Immto
account as tmirmiishing a basis for recovery
bectttio of the qualIty of tIm goods In cities.
tidy being defective.
I'ilger against Mardcr.I.tmse & Co. Errir
from Madison cmliii ) ' , Atflrnteul , linen
Ron C' . J.
In an nctlon of retlevhit ; nil who are parties -
ties are irnuumil by the judgment
2. TIme jtmdgmemit In a rei'levln suit may
ats'nrd a vmmrt of time property to each of
two or more defendants.
3. The obligntiomt of the sumrc'ties In tim
undertaking , by virtue of % vhiich tim plalmi.
tilt in replevin obtains pt'asessloit of limp.
erty takemi tinder time writ Is to the imrt' or
hurtles obhlgec's to whom ( lie jtmdgment on
the Issues necord a recovery.
4 : In meplevin , where there are two or
rncre defendaitte and time llrolcmY has bccmt
tnkcmm tmmttler the writ anti ik-hiveneui to thin
hilnintift after exCuuion by sureties of ( lie
Pmescrlheti ummdcrnkimtg , if , by ( lie jmidgmomit ,
tutu entIre property Is qm'nrded to ( mhtO do.
ftrtlmmnt the rights titus mtccomuleui may ho
cumforceul in run actlomi hi' such defendant
imcmne , without a jointhtr ( if other lairties
him' tacit obligecs in time tmmtdertnking.
Iltish agnimist State , Error front Fillmore
eotimtt ) ' , Itc't'ersed , hyatt C ,
A Idea Iii bar Is , by our stattmte , to ho
utcemeul a waiver of a idea 1mm abatement ,
nutul this Is held to follott' tviiore both Itleas
are hresentctl by it slmtgie pleading.
2. Where the aliegationR of a I'len ' in bnr ,
hilme rally iiimul fairly comitrued , sutitatmimitinlhy
stmitc that tIme iirsomier hue before by a
court having jtirisuhlctian , hind a jutgnmemtt
( .1 acqUittal , time tPumtii of time avemniente of
time Plea must be determined by a jury.
SImpson ngmmimist State himmuk of Coreco ,
Appeal from Satmndt'S t'otlnty. Alhirmeil.
Irvine C.
lit nit ncthtn of tmover against a meet-
gngee of goods by one claiming tim have Inir-
chased from tlio mortgagor itrior to ( lie
mortgage , evidence examined and hiciti to
etistnhmi a flndimtg that the comitmmtct relied
ohm trims executory mind that tithe had not
EoI [ mIIg Use
Perhaps iii your famitily you use
but little whisky , but you want that
httk good-of the best. Tue United
States Govcrnntcnt guarantees the
Age and Purity ofcvcry bottle of
QLftJCRO'ad ?
through it5 Internal Revenue officers
at tite distilk'ries , at Frattkfort , Ky ,
Every bottle qf Old Crow and hlcrmmilt-
age Is tested , Ire attic time Imiternmil 11ev.
eltuc Stamp over time Cork anti Capsule Is
not broken and that it beams the name
aIi is z Goi'esct Guarantee that
toes wi//s flits baIThg.
"For sixycara 1 wit. em Tietins of 1yI
Peimila in fts 'send form I tould cat noihlit
but , milk tomulit , mind at timimesmy stomach iroul
flat retaIn amid dtcst even thimut , . La'ut March 1
began taking CASCAIIETS mind since then I
have tutemuhily improved , until I ama as well as Z
over was in my life. "
DAVIU 11. MUiteny. Newark. 0. A.e.
Pleasant. Paiatbio1 l'oient , Tate Oood. flop
000th , Never Sicken. tS eaemi , or Oripe , tOe , 2actttc.
miarim. , iu..t-eg Iiog. , 5strat , lea TKI , ill
N 0 TO . B'O Soii anti ui'urftnioc'd by nih drug-
- s guts to C1JtnTobncco habit.
Mumthierst Mntlt'ruih iotlters1hi
Mrs. Winslow's Soothimig Syrup hn ber
Uicd for over 60 years by mnlhliomia of motii -
ers for thmcir ciilhdren vhiIho teetitimig tvitit
vertect success. It soothes the child , soft
ens time giimna , allays all pain , cures Wimiul
colic mitid is time Iicst remedy for Dlmtrrhoeht ,
Sold by druggists in overt' part of tint
world. Do stmrn anti ask for "itrs , Vinslow's
Soothing Syrup" and take ito other klmiti.
25 cents a bottle.
5515 sale
_ 4
.1pI1 GREAf R51'ORA1'lVe
It's not a "patent" meediclac but iii prepsre '
dIrect from time formula of E. 1 ? . Ilmirtomi , lit. D. ,
Cleveland's most emmilmient lCClttilrt by hijalmor
0. iiomtuon , Pit. I1. , ii. ii. imA a-bIN is thegreat. 1
cstknownrcstorativemnmd invigorator. Itcro-
ntcs eolld fleet , , humuuuelo mmmiii strength , clears
thto brain , mnakee limo blood
T ljO mitmul nrlt ! mrnmi cantos a
' pm nemal feeling of imealth ,
.u \ , stremmrtlt amid renewed vital-
its' , whmilo limo menerativo or-
- ) gaas are hmcipcti tomegmuln their - -
mmrmnal powers mmmii thmo sufferer -
I m
; ' forer is quickly made comm-
5. . , . , l' t.cious of direct bcacimt. Oaa
, ( "tih't box will tecric wonders , six
% I ' i.imould perfect a cure. Fufl
.ss' , directions in every bar , or mill ,
Lt , q thuD thimigmmetle sheet you
linul cmieloucui , mmii we n ill give
your case pcciai attention itithioui extra
charge , Uht-iiN is ( or mule at mill drums'
stores , mm 6O-doo luux for ( .0 ctimt' , or we will
mnaii it securely icaleul on meeei'tt of price.
LII hiar-Beim hilock , Cleveland , 0.
For sale by Kmmhimi & Co. , 15th amid Dotmg-
has ; J. A , F'nlier & Co. , Ill ? Dotmghmis St.
and Ormuhiam Urtig Co. , 15th ahtti Fmmriimin
Xiitg i'himtmmnacy , 2flhi nini Leavemit'orthtl
I'e'ton's i'iumrmnacl' , I4thm amid Leavemiwortitl
B. J. Seykormi , Soutim Omnaiia , and nIl otiiet'
druggists in Omnalma , South Onmalma , Coumicth
- -
Pietures of the Complete
American Navy
All the more important Spanish vessels , photographs of Dewey
Sampson , Schley , Miles , Coppinger , Brooke , and all the great
offlcers of the Army and Navy. ' -
_ of
NIThft5TATh $ NAy
O9pr5i.9' ? OVer 200 ( ) e5 ' 1'
. ' I ottm
fficer >
' cilo ? , ' ' ' ' V
' IA beforendaftcr I
20 V IIEw the iLtrATO MAINE
, expIoioii of the
'tcttctr ? by
\ U.S.QQI NL . \ 'I
- 'C p. _ _ ( wa : : ± : _ ! , . _ \
All the Spanish possessions , including Cuba , Porto Rico and t1i I
Philippine Islands , are shown on maps 24x18 inche I- ,
Large Colored Maps of the
East and West Indies
Together with mail and steamship routes , and distances to
main seaport towns clearly shown.
Yoii cdii follow the Movements of every War Vessel
And know the construction , cost , size , tonnage , armament , speed ,
etc , , of every ship , and see the Portraits and names of
their Brave Officers and Crews. ' -
Secure this hiconiparable work at once. - - -
You can geL this collection of pictures , with th
CUT OUT TillS COUONII mapi , for
Titus Coupon with 25o will sccuro 25c aiid This Coupon.hI hI tutu , , , , . , , , , , .
The Mailed to any nddreF3l in tile United States or Oanq
Official rhotooraps ada , for 4 CehltB extra postago.
, . TiII OMAilA flEI.
NA'Y PIIOTOGRtPII DEI'I' , , Omaha , flee flmitldlng ; Couticil Bluffs , 10 Pcar3 St. ; Sout
Onuilu * litce. Omaha , ! 4tk amid N. Ste ; Ltucou , 1020 0 St.
- - -
- - -
- -