Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 07, 1898, Page 10, Image 10

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. : i 0 ' 1'IIE OMAITA DATIY BIE : 'PIES1)AY , JlTN1 7 , :1898. : '
Ad-i'rt IsnIrtIN fur l1'Me CIIU Ill tI
% .Ill hft tkrn until 12 ni. for t.r
VsiIn nniI , inII MiflO fnr
flTt1 cdItIoni.
AutvertIr , Ii , . r.tntIng IL
IersI r11Cf41. ! nn 1ln4e nh.NUl'rM nil- Ii , ft , iut.iIcr'l1 Icti'r In
- of TIi fl.C. in nddreMvll
, tflt I , d.tIserrd un ircntnflun * 1
tIi cIiecl iiily.
Itnt , I l-c n sTnriI flrt ItNrlIflhi
i ( ft i4)r.I lliprenftrr. iiIiIiig ttk'ii
for Iei , , tlinhi 2 fur ( lie flrst lnftr-
1l.ii. TZI4.Ni' fliI'XtINCfltttI iflit 3)0
Thu CDfliCCtlthCI3.
SILJtTIOS ! wt'riu.
YOUNQ mnniTirIghL year , oxerknco ;
In mcrcnntllo 1)UsInPSH lesIte
Best retereneen. 1t .4 , flw. A-21 0'
wANT1D , Runtion by A No. 1
ngInf.or In or out cC the cIty
B 26 , 1300. A-410 6
A1.T kInlM of typewriting nnd copying iono
In flrt-las Rimpe ; rates renMonable. Ati-
drcis It 40 , flee. A-M.91
WANTFD. 3)OIttO11 ) RR houRknepcr. Call or
flddres 11otaNekcper , 1512 Davenport St. ,
Omniiti. A-M590 8
Vt'1Jifl-MA1.Ii II IL1' .
CANVASS11tS to tnkn ord'rii ; new hue of
work : no heavy goociM to carry : salary or
comrnIsIon. C. F. Adam8 Co. , S. 16th ,
WANTED-Sa1enen to , o11 perfiimoi nnd
toilet nrtklo3 ; * 100 per month and ux-
lenen ; axPvrIence unneceMuiry. I'Iutncr
1'orfumer1 Cu. , St. LotIi , o.
AN OLD Chiengo wholwnle tea , cigar nnd
Hptce house wnnt , three ftrst-clnss rntles-
nien ) invng ml etnilIHhed ) trailo In the
nortliwt'st , 'rUe fLit ! 3)artlcultr ) * to C U
21 , Chlcftgo Tribune , B-M333 19
WANTED. man to burn 3fln of hrlck on
shareK. 1' . A. Stnrbuck , l'crclval , lii ,
n-Maio 9'
' 1VANTlD , men nt once to letrn barber
trade. The government hn9 cuileI ( upon
us for 100 grnduatei for the army ; 16
week1 , two years' emjloynlcnt ; our lee-
ttire on hair nod RkIn slIsenes make
grnltInte ) n 1eflItfll ai regiment barhor.
1lany local barbers leaving innkea home
demand goO(1 also ; eight weeks corn-
, lettu WrItP for cntn1ogut. Molar Sys-
tern Barber Coflege , Ch1cno , I1-337-S'
% \'AN'rlD , two colk'ctors , Good pays In-
uIro the Singer 1\lanufucturlnR COIIlaIlY ,
2S ltratlway , Coulicit 151ntT. 18-l9l8 7
IIOYS wanted at Murphy , Wosey & Co.'B
chair factory , Z12d aiol Spauhlloc Et.
Il-3 S
WANTED , gootl htistllng man to Introiluce
flrV article among stort'keeperH at1 sta-
bk'men of Omaha and every city itid town
or Nohrnktt tflI 8urrltIntIIng states ; live
man can cam $8 to IO a day ; on c'ompeti-
tion. Alilrt's with stamp , AmrIeIn ilnO-
ufacturing Co. , 431 Ibtce St. , l'hIlalf'lplttn ,
Pa , 3I-il52 b'
.A.-SALESMEN to s'lI cigars to deuIcr ;
oiliiry , O.Ol ) to 2OO.OD er month and ex-
( 'xperIt'nco ' -
PeIIn4 InIic'cPsMnry permit-
m'nt P4iti(1)l. ) The Do P.Iora Cigur Co. ,
Springilehl , 0 ,
: 'i' ) '
. tl-IIiUA 1Ei II 1l.l' .
100 GIItIA for nit klnd8 of work ; 3 to $7
week. Canailian Ofilce. 1522 Iouglas.
EE the llIerlY corset. 1511 Douglas St.
C-7'JS-J-21' '
WANTEI-Cilrl for houiework. Mrs. 11. D.
Neely , 1371 hamilton St.
WANTE D , 150 girli , Employment Bureau ,
3521 DoIlie. 1elepbone S7t. C-437-312
EMPI.YMlNT flur'an , 12t Dodge st. ,
yaLnt3 l ( ) girls. Tel. 876. ClIT 312
FJ1lS'r clt1H ) girl for general housework ;
small family : referencc req utred. Mrs.
Eu II. W'lltlnrns , 522 So. 2th St. C-392 ,
; VAN'rED-NIce , willing girl for dining
room at 1104 lolge St.
WANTED-Ilousekeeper. Must be a lady
or tlUC8tioft LLnd reitnement who would
have the proer moral inhltienco with
children.V. . It. 'Vliitti , Omaha Oil end
1nint Co. , 1419 Dodge St. CIl80 *
GOOD girl for general housework. 1914
Locust. C-4S5-7'
tEN and women to work for u at your
home. ( my or evening ; $3 to $12 weekly ;
no cnnvnmdng or t.xperienee required ; lull
partlcIIlarH and work rnaiii'd on applica-
tIon. Brazilian MIg. Co. , New York City.
C-M5S3 S'
GulL forgnerat housework. 1817 .1ackirnn
. St. C-M5S1 9'
CIIOICP1 house and cottues nil over city ;
5 to $75. F'ldclity , 1st floor , N. Y. Life.
ilouSls. Benewa & Co. , 1U' N. 1tli St.
HOUSES , storc. Iltunis , I'axton block.
D-:5o :
tOV1N(1 hous.'hold goods .nl , ; iinno ,
otn. Van & Storage Co. , 19i1 irurnani.
'rd. I&'J.
'tJ1t1TNUlti and leasehold of a itiul 33-
mob modern hat for sale ; bargain ; good
location. rent low. Ilemis , I'axton blic.
U-rtoor modern lioii , 131 So. 25th St. . hot
water heat. 3. N. Frcnzer , opp. old P. 0.
. j-I..lJ
COTT4G Etl-3-rooni , $7.50 ailli $ .O3 ; 5-room ,
$10.00 ; G-rtjom. l2.tO S-rooiii , iLthJ ; iiwly
iiRintcL atul lal)4'rc(3 ) ; beautirul for slttni-
tiUn. 411 Uoarl or Tru1' . l-912
A NO. 1 inicIc resIlPrieo. 1029 So. 30
11 rooms : keys next door or 3111 N. 7 St.
\v. D. l\load Jr. i-231
UEAP'l'iFtJIj summer resid'nce In 1ierni
lfliVk , neur 16th and Lincol ii iiiiil etrd.
Lurge grninds ; 10 full 10tH ; largo * .lablo
fur 12 horses ; modern. licinis , ri.tou
block. 3)'sl317
3C2 NOlt'l'l I Iltlt Htim't , S iiiifls , all xnntl-
cr0 , lawn n4I liliiulo ti.eei , $30.00. The
Byron Itoed Co. l-M410
N1V b-rOfl1 ( ht,104e , nil noderii iniprove-
ifl.11t14. OIl north 5thi Ave. , half block
from Forliam * troct car lint , . ply 1203
Douglas St.
FOlt 11 l.NI'-Strict ly nitnlern hiatin SavJ
ill go' s I I1 i n g , , , iihosh t 0 ci t1 lie II.
JOHN \V. . ltO1tl3IN , ug't , 1U Farriuin st
A NO. 1 hufrlc resitleice. 1029 io. i0 Ave. ,
11 rooms ; keys ncxt door. 1. B. Pratt ,
1515 rninain St. , 2l Iloor ,
0001) 4-r 111)080 5.11(1 ( nice large gurdt'n. F.
U , \'cad , 16th aml Douglas Stti. 1)-M5SO 9
Volt Ii F -3'UllN titli tIn JZQMS.
IXl'OSiT1ON VI SI'I'ORS-loOO furnhsln'Ll
rooms. 'rito to FixlnHhtloii ) ltooiiing co
DtiiIns lilock , 16th and Dotlgci ,
li-4S4 ,114'
U'OtllTiON Ohflchai Information ltureitu ,
1319 Farnam ; 5,000 choicu roonu to rent ,
Til 11 1j' ItNAM T13t1tACl , 3O1ti.3..40.I2
Farnhtin , new nioclern hIIiIthfl , lCW ) fur.
nhHhings : nIl eikgniit ohItNhio roon8 :
porcles , lawii trees ; within hlvo mhnutcii'
wiilk of btlstness cnter ; on slight nova-
tint , : 'Iieclahhi de'lrabIo ( or inati ulid
tumIi' .
EL1C1 NTLY turnIhied rooms inodi'rn.
OIQ 19th , i0-M90d.34
7iiODlUtN south rouiiu *'rits. 914 N.
1UBN1SI111) rooms , 602 N. 16 ; grocery itoro
- NlC'1lX furnished rootn. 2i2 Ciis street.
Fl."ItN1SIl1D U0CTh114. Trnnsient ; thia is
4 vJur vlnee. titrhoty $ l.VO Icl IlU1 , without
olLrd ; modern liotw'e , newly hhtteiooin ,
lathI .oiiU surroundings. IOliVeiliitt1t II )
tlXlOHttlOfl groutitis and Sheiinztii ii'nu
car hue lbtJZ Ohio St. l-t153 it
'JBY tdcly ftijiihuui , rooms , liotie aU
nodcni ; pri'zito ( emily ; cii etr line near
liuiiscoiu vark. 1' 55 , Ilee , I-hi78
ItOONS , nih convezihncus. 'CZ1 'tto. 19th.
T3l13 T1Ilt0ViR.-3 good roolnL20 N. IT.
11-43151 J6'
- - -
- - - -
I'it htl1NT-FlittlMII IU 1tflM.
p ( Contlntied , )
rp1uHSlIFD rooreM , 1624 Carni ; on Sher.
man iit'enuo car line : referenOe rqtlirf'(1 ,
F.-M3f.0 S
VU1tNUilI1t ) rooms , 524 S. 26th n. .
r-M4n : 329'
PURNISITEI ) rnnmi , Transients necom
tnoQatel , 2102 CaSs.
V1iM4ANT rooms ; central ; Private fntnhhy ,
1512 Davenport. r-iI32O i0'
N1ATiY furnished rooms , clwap. C2i3 S.
19th. 10-M32 30'
1cRGE lhRt rooms for rent all parti of
city ; omco open till 10 i. in , and Sundays.
Mrs JtTrles , Board of Trade , Shxb'ctith
1111(1 11'ftrniun , llrst floor. 1-\I9.U
SOUTH front room to rent , 2112 1niinet
street , one block from cpositlon groundn.
. li-M231
NiCITY 1urrlsbeii rootn by day or WNk.
:2010 : Davenport ,
FOfl transients , . motlern. Swift. 2610 Ilarney
- .
PAitL0R13cdroom'for . 1916 Farnam St.
. E-t69 : 8.
1rINIO 'cool rbdn 'for tran5ient. 20 N. 19.
, . . 10-M297
flOOMS for rent. . o traniunts. 2017 Itarney
. . ri--o'
ItOOMS-iGIS Calhpriia ; rt'Mnurant nr'ar.
ItOOM to rent to gentlemen ; retercnce.
2114 Chhcaib St. 10-451-0'
NTCIO VI1OT flOtM by the week or
month , 403 WIlhinm st. IC-459
A LAROIO , nicely furnished front room ,
south atiti eaSt cxpoture with bath , to
IIie ur two gentlemen : clii ) ' 5 blocks from
p. o. Address ft 35 , lice , ] 0-M5I '
NICELY urntshed front. room. 1115 N. 2ttli
ave. E-M545 11'
FUltNlsItii : rooms , single on 3utte , 1)e-
sirablo location. :13T Itarney.
TWO Nicely furni.hod rooms ; convenient
to P. 0. ; bath ; references. A1des It 9 ,
13o. 10-574 '
TI-HO Merriam. flrst-elass family hotel.
2th and Dodge 5th. F-47
N10\V ALBANY , 2116 Iiinney : elegant
rnmi , llrst-class board ; terms i e.tson-
able : transient trade solicited.
. F-M322 37'
PLEASANT rooms , mcern , strictly first-
class board ; reasonitbie rates ; transients
taken. 522 N. 13th st. F-M42) ) 312'
TItl 11OSF1 , 2020 llariwy ; ce cool rooms
with board ; transienu accommodated ;
rates reasonable. F797 321'
I'I.TOASANT , veIl filrnislietlrnnm ; nil mod-
cmli conveniences with or vithnut board ;
Private family ; near liitnscnmti park. P
12 , Dee. F-,92 ,
'TARE down that "for sale' 0 ? 'for rent"
sigmi in your window ; The Bee reaches
more PeoPle In a mlnv than will 3)itSS your
window hit a. . month ; and they consult
these coIumn when they walit to buy
rent. F-SI3 ;
_ :
TIlE SARVl'QGA JIOTIOL is the Pince.
Amerlrui or European. N. V. corner cx-
l'shtiomi ) ( ' ; Siirnitn Ave. andtho 24th street
cai mines Piss : toe imommmc' . amlnn1'r , r.4ort
st yb , Families solIcIted. AIolprn , cool ,
comfortable , homelike. 1titths. gas , piano
aiitl library. Telephone 1934. You can get
( I. street car and hInd a seat in it. We
hnvo trees , hiird , green grass and croquet.
Double imarlors. vast verandas , hammocks ,
jolly people and a pet bear. Rates reasonable -
able and uccordlng to accommodations.
I3EAUTIFtJL rooms transients. 2St llnrney
FUItNISTUOD rooms with board ; transients
accommodated. 21)15 Douglas. F-M559 7'
DOII8LE room and 'boarl for two young
macli on 30th are. , near 1lnnscon jmrk.
References required , Address it 37 , lIce.
. l'N505 6'
GOOD board , private family , Clifton 11111 ,
for young inca ; $1.00 per week. it 27 , lIce.
F-M5l1 7'
for rent , antI board if dcired. 1117
North 26th at. , South Omaha. F-N566 9
ROOM and bonid for young lady ; furnllied
room for gentleman ; rivate finally. b02
S. 22d. F-M967 Jy5
FOIIIt furnifflied rooms for rent by day ,
veek or month , Call 1911 South 27th St.
Call messenger at our expense.
. F.-571-S'
DOtflTtLE room nnl board for two young
men on 30th Ave. , near 1-Tanscom park.
References required. Address It 37. UtO.
F-.t535 8'
FOIL flT-UNFUflllSlIr1l ) MOOMS.
UNF1JRN1ITED rooms ; mocern. 1321 Lcav.
Irlat 4. G-M99 .121'
, ,
,1WO nice rooms , 1809 Farnarn.GM4927'
FOTt rent , t ! ' 4.story brick biiiIdIn at
016 Farnam Sc. This building has a fire.
proof cenlent basement , water on all
floors. gas , etc. Apply at the othlco of
Tim Bee. 1-910
Sl'AC0 ] to rent , imitable for job printing or
other small business. 'relellioflo and desk ,
heat cheep. 1517 flurt. 1-0141
IIOOM , 15x20 , suitable for workshop. 1604
Cuss , m1oviitaht , l-M321 30'
WANTED , lady and gentlemen soIhcItor3
for IL l'raternnl orgmiiiizntlon ; good pay.
Adilress it lice. J-117.10'
W.NTflD , reliable canvassers , mules or
g'ntIemen. to lmmimi1h , ' the latest novelty , it
plutogrnpli frame that magnums your
picture 60 ver cent. Everybody that imees
it tants one. A grc'nt iIIOrhlmnity to
main' money iltmrhng the fair. Semi 25 etc.
for sanipin or write ( or circular. Time Star
NI'IJl(9 ( Co. , 23 MarIne llank llldg. , Ilal.
timnurt' , Md. 3-11510 10'
AGEN'I'S wonted , ivo want one shrowtl
emueful mitit in every town to numki a few
thotisii.tttl dollars for himself quietly at
11(11110 and nut work hurt ] ; hirivato Instrime-
tiona iiii.l vnluahmle outfIt of it'v ) goods c'nt
fret' . AImlress lmnrnedhimtely , 1' . 0. Ilmix 5i'S : ' )
Bo.ton , Muss. J-M379 7'
% VA'1'i0i-T ( ) ILIJIN'l' ,
W'ANT1D-4' , remit , small cottage or onen
two roolils for light housekeeping. S. It ,
Grabill , .Klondyc hotel
WA NT 101) TO 1UONT-ThIr't. gentlemen
Want two or three furilislIell rooni:4 : iii
i'rlvnt' ' , family , yhthi or s'itttotih tinanil.
l'ernmnnent. Altiit ho I1riit.eIns In every
respect , Give full particulars. Adt1rm'c
It I. J3c. _ _ 1-5l7
SVAN'l'tI ) , to remit 7 or 8-room hoot's
elhSiti0tl ) ( ; will lIiy part ( tirnittiro. Ad.
miress R 21 , flee , l'-MSIl 7
WI'OltttG 12.
PACIFIC Stprago iltiti V'arcImomm.o Co. , 001.
910 3ones. gemmernh storage unit forwardIng.
OM. Vai' & Storage , 111' 1'arn'gii , 'I'd. 1559.
Y.tN'l'30l-TO 1111 Y ,
IF You are In mieed of nnythtrig , try the
'ltImt Colunin. of 'J'he lIce ; tlie vIll
. _ . ? ! : ! _ ° you 2'Itt % Vulit.
Fl ) II S t 1.lPU11lTUh110 ,
II A LL'l'ltlO 10 , bookettcs , cii rpets , couch ,
I4tO't , picture's , etc. , for sale cheap , 26J
\Voohworth Ave. O-M411 b'
1'Clt sale at a bargain , 500 idhlows anti 600
mnattresseB ; new pillows , 2 cents up , new
iiiattremumei , 76 Cents UI ) , 1401-10 Dodge.
O-M57 .J23'
TWO hotel cooking ranges ;
bargains , 401 tI , 13th tat. 0-372 8'
ICR StLtI-SiO1tN10S , WAGONS , I0'l'C ,
AI11 kInds vehicles. No nuitter whut you
want. 34cc OUt' . stuCk. Wu trade your
Way. Prices wifl suririso , you. Terms ttr.
1ourbl. 3 , Cr4twlurd . Co. , 1311 Jolies Ht. ,
' . , imaba.
l'olt :
I 10(1 ( mititl toultr ) ' retire ; better thhh wIre
nntthng , line sawdtlst for floors , Tel.
,5s. , 901 Ioilglft.
31011810 clippIng macblues , knives niil re-
pailS , all mtnnmlnrd makes on hand , grind.
tog razrs , , shears , elippets ; prompt serv-
Ice. A. 1 , . Undeland. Q-21S.
FOlt SALIO- Ten fl.l.P.A.N.S. for 9 cents
at druggists ; omit' gives relIef. Q-lt'9
FOIl SALIO-Three return Tubular boilers :
80'hmorc. , owcr each. Apply to time sttiier
intetident , P53 Ilee himlhmling , Q-SS5
1IALI.'S Sztc5-new and econd-hatu1 ; sates
repaired 1(11(1 rented , 1116 1'itrii.tfli
SIX Sncnnml.hmatul steel ranges , suhtnble for
restnhtrantti or lmxtrm3Iiig houses for sale
at great bftfgnlnsinuSt ; be Bold , 1lO Dodge
T1113 best mixed pnInt at Sherman & McConnell -
Connell Drug Co.,1513 1)oISe St. , Omaha.
Q-M6.114-J 17
31(101 , poultry coil Inwti reiices : alt wlre Is
best. Wire Works , 14th and Ilarney.
1S9 1l1CYCMS ( IOWII't ( ) $5.00 : new 1fS
iiinlt'l ladies' fled Cents' lilcycles crc now
being sold on easy condlttoii as low as
$5.00 : others outright at $13.95. nail high
grade at $19.93 anti $22.90 , to be paid for
after received ; i ( you 'will cut thmh notice
mitit and scud to Sears , Roebuck & Co. .
Chicago , they with send YOU their 1893 lii.
cycle catalogue and full liarticulars.
TillO Hrumnl.i ) iossessIons in both the east
amid west , in map form , wIth nearly 200
photographic reproductiobs of the .Aineri-
call and SPaflisli llitVIe4 , nmLVltl communnil.
ers , etc. All fur 25 cents , at time Ilee
ohilce , It ordered by mail , address Navy
Photograph Department , Omnalia lice.
Poll SALII , a young burro , well broke multi
safe for children , M. W. Lee , Dunlul' , lit.
iR i4ALl , fresh Jersey cows , Address
IMX 236 , Omaha. Q-M951 1'
\VOOLF'ZACHAIUA has bought out PhIlip
Nathan and is now at 1107 F'itrnahim ;
World's fair furniture for sale.
sale.Q373 Jyl
\s.1.i now have a limited , number of littitoul
States standard vuml tainting ilags which
we nm oItcrng ! at about otis-third ls
than other dealers. Onutha t3clmnol Sep-
1)19' Co. , 11th mulid Ilnrney ste. Q-Atll2 10
10OTEt1 liar , good paying , for sale. Ad-
( lres4 James \'llhlamc , 304 So. Dtll strvt't ,
Ommiluit , eb. Q-M403 7'
AN'1'IQUIO wardrobe in best condition ; lack
of rcom reason for selling ; cost $59 , wilt
sell for $20 ; must sell this week , Call 221
Locust St. Q-502-7'
COTdJMflIA dental chair and outfit ; good
as miew , itt a bargain. Address it 19 , lIce.
rort SALE , independent newaptper 111000
of the best county sett : towns of Iowa ;
wIll be Sold at a sacrIfice to early buyer. '
Address It. II. M. , Boone , Iowa.
Q-M550 7
IIAIIDMAN plnan , slightly used , 250 ; Vosc
upright , large size , $125 ; cloven other fill-
ferent lflhlkCs at luwet jiricu's. Mueller
Plaim & Organ Co. , 214 South 114th street , '
Omaha , Nob. Q-M54S 7
A GOOD iihat'ton Chioul ) . Call at 4E01 Da.
vcnpurt , or room Z0 , Douglas hihock.
Q-M949 Ii
iOn SALE , very ( ' 1151111 , itli elegant ) Olectrc I
Vnpor Ilath Cmillmiet ; suitahhe for iiiysl.
cinims 0131cc or invalid's use itt home. Address -
dress P. 22 , lice. Q-457-4'
i'Oll SAI..II , COl ( second-hnn(1 typewriter.
Address P. 20 , lice. Q-M5Sl 14'
FOR SALTO'er ( heal ) , an elegant eleetro-
vapor bath cabinet stitttble ; for phyci.
( daft's otilce or invalid's use at hine. , 11
22 , Bee. . Q-M 157 7'
M I SCI lI. . % N Ii (3 I'S ,
ANTI-MONOUOL.Y Garbage Co. , cleans
C sspoolmi & privy vaults. 621 N. 16. Tel. 1779
TWIONTy-l'IVE cent will buythio latest
pulhication Illustrating the U. S. nod
Spanish nn'les , naval comnianders , etc. ;
almost 200 PhQt9g1aPllic reproIllctinns ,
with a large mip Of the .ust .004 Wct
) nile-at tIme ottlce of Tllft Bee. It or-
ulcrk'd Iy lIlitil , address Navy Photograph
Department , Omaha 13cc LI--.0
MIND reading , magnetic rubbing. advice
gIven in bu1nes and love affairs. Mme.
hubbard , 1921 Cumirig , B a. m. to 10 p. m.
S-15S9 8'
I1IDICAT11D baths and massage. Mmo.
liriscon , from I'aris , 107 N. 12th St.
T-M4117 314'
LAURA Elilson , .119 N , 16th ( upstaIrs ) ,
room 12 , Tuirko-itussian and PlaIn baths ,
massage. T-701 319'
MME. SMITIT , 118 N. 15th St. , hot spring
null vapor baths.
? btMEAMIIS , , 607 8. 13 , It. 10 ; mnmLssago bath
T-M414 10'
MRS. DTh LEON , electric massage bath
Parlors ; restful and curative. 417 S. 11th ,
upstairs. T-M568 12'
i'121tS0N4 % L ,
VIAVI for uterine troubles. 316.3 Bee bldg. ;
1hlYsician eomirnh1ttion or health 1)00k
free. U-26I
$30. 1IUI"l'U1t13 etired f'r $30 , No detention
from luslness ; 6 years in Onlahja. Cult
or 'rite for elrelmiarm4. Empire ltupturo
Cure , 932.933 Now York LIfe bldg. , Omaha ,
Nd ) , U-263
TIIC I'nntorhttrn , clothes cleaned , pressetl
( I ntl 101 UL1Ieul , do y anti n ight ; sIn'cial care
given , ladles' tailor made gowns ; tIre
stmltc for hIre. N. 10 , cur. 14th & Farnnrn.
Tel OCI. U-2f11
: LAUG1 MILl ) of \Voriclomjoof Celia
and unothcr , of tilt' entire \Vnst IndIes ,
sliovIng Cuba. Perto Ithco , ilaytI , SI1) ;
1)onilmigo. Martinique rinil all time oilIer
\'est Ilidlan Icianuls ; 10 cents , at The Uco
( ihltco. 1 t ) ' , 14 cents. Address Cuban
Map 1)ept. , Omaha lice , U-S6S
010011010 JIASCOMUE , WItliteul iltfoi'inatlon
respecting tIlls p'rson ( , forroerl ) ' of W'ey-
CloUt ) ) rind ilin'l'ton Mithltit , lIiugImuul , lilid
I act llemurd n f mu I 1 < 1111511 14 ( l ty , 1 ito . , In Sop-
ti-OilIer , 114h.S ; heIght imliout 6 feCt 7 Imichics ;
coin p1 ox mlii rk ; ( mm II heard , nod stoops
slightly ; uuimut 59 years of age ; a rew'nrd
of twenty-live , lolhmms svhlt ho imahul for hIs
1)ltSemIt ) nIdrt'ss , and of SIlty dollors for a
certificate Of demuth iimiil declaratIon of
Identity IC dc'venstl. , Alldress I I. A lOdg-
bill , 2.lmiyvood , Frontier Co. , Nt'hirnskt. ,
U-NStt ) 8'
LAD1ES''l'urkishm baths. Mine. Post. . 3hI'4
S. 15th. U-uI2G2
lllX10' 'I'D.I. . . ( ) % N-It l0 % I , E'I''I'II ,
WANTIOD , choice farm mmml city locus , It ,
C. l'etciti & Co. , 13. 5. Nat'i Ihmnk bldg.
$100,091.00 special fulud to henri on lirst-ehass
lInprovell Omnahin property , or ( or hiumliti-
imig urpos.'s. Fidelity 'I'rust Coinputny.
LOAN iii improved and Unhniproved city
iroilerty ) , . Irurmuulu SmIth & Co. , 13211
1'arminm. \-e :
6 l'lIlt etilit t1ht' and lanai loans. Gamvlmt
liros. , 1013 Farnam hIt. \V-268
ANTIIONY Loan & Trust Ca. , 315N. Y. I
qtlick money at how rates for huIne turin
) anlim ho hewn , Nortlsel'n lh.sourI , iust-
cr11 Nabram.lcmt , \ -us
? uIONIOY to loan ott ILupruvemI Omnahui real
netate. llronnimn-l.ove Co. , 219 5. Iflthm ,
EAS1'.F RN mooney for % % Cstnrll Imis'est.
scud ( circular.lmu'octors' )
l,1ert4 ; or - % 1)1-
rector ) ' ( ' ( I. , Ne'v Yolk. W-290 J7'
\VANTIOI ) , In lenfl , : : .tG9 ; euii luitmi ir"-
fervud ; utica vuiit to loan $500.00. I" . I ) .
\'ead , 30111 itlimi Douglas. % V-s14l
5 % J'IOlt cclii liim1t' ) ' lli'inhs , I'LtXtnl tilk ,
, ,
' ' '
i'vI0vit h'I'ilil $ ,
' 1'Y1'l0V1t1'i'I0lS for r.'nt. $4.tslitur mouth.
'l'lIu Limnltht.h'romler 'i'yiie'rltr Co. , 11423
Fuirnain hit. ; Telolihiono i2tl , vu ,
OWINt ) to tIme iomuinrIty of the Ut'w
ininlels , Nos. 6. 7 and . l1emulhmItoI-pii-
wrttt'rmu. they have hind to suctirt nauro
roam anti have reinoveul to 1019 1"nrnamui
street. Call and $ ee thIulmi , 074Jl
MONlI' 'I'O .
lMAX-CIt.tTTEl. .
$10 TO $10 000 TO LOAN ON
NOS , 1tItSFlr , 5'AGONS ANt ) CAll-
ItTACIES , WAftll touso nr.c'ioivrs ,
ete , at lowest rates in
Omahun , iOtlth Omshri and Council Blutfs.
No removal of goods ; strictly enflulent1al :
) oIi can pay Iho loan off at any time erin
in any alnounis.
306 South 16th St.
OMAHA. .X-603
MONflY1onnc1 nlarled peopho holding
permanent lOltion , with responsible
concerns lIon theIr own name , wIthout
securityl easy ) m1yments , Tolmnt , It.
700 , N. Y. 1. . . t)4T ; X-672
1iISl4 tJtAGiiS ,
Foil sele , a 4jnin , niy entire 'dru
stock , show , qpt's , soda fountain an
counters ; a1somwhhh , rent store at reasonable -
able remit ; IocrmtIhqjnIonDepot hotel , one
'block from Up'9 mmcci llurlington depots.
.I0rnest Stuht,1prtirietor. Y-479
11IiiVAT0ItS Tur sale , IL llmie ot tlx * Ole-
vators on thie1b'pubII'zin'alley liranch
of the U. P. 3ltR ( extending sotuth from
Lincoln , Neb.tthrstmgh an exCCiIOlIt grail )
iroilucing regqnmi'ill be soul 'together '
or sepnrateiymts ilusirod , In good repair
antI ( the workqgerd.'r , Will tie sold tin
as ) ' teruns. Aity tO Ed S. Miller , Bea-
trii'e , Nob. i ( Y-M296 330
, ITO - .
TO ( IE'l' 10 or .slt at litIsiness go to 3. .7 ,
Gibson , & 11 rNat'i bank. Y-867
lt 1NVIISTIOIlelurns 35 ior cent weekly :
, .stmLIhislIel ) 18tltlt.1 thiril year ; partIcu-
hr'rq f..n D. Si0ane , 110 St. Paul , haIti-
Inore , Md , I Y-M376 7'
_ : . _ _
VARIOUS pieces of prolierty and Tarms in
Nebraska to trade for merchandIse. Address -
dress 1 _ 42 , lIce. Z-MSCS
- , .tt- ,
FOR MXCIIANGIO , $10,000 or $20,000 worth
or Omaha btlstht'ss 3ir01)erty , clear , PILl'S
10 ncr cclii , for resiulciuce or uuirm prop-
erty. V. T. Graham , .Agt. , 600 flee llhdg.
7-363 .18
VO1tSAIJI-.11 i0A1 JOSTA'1'10.
KOUNTZIO Pltce bargains , $3,750 to
6,500. .7 , .7 , Glbon , 514 1'lrst Nnt'l bank
FOLLOWING desIrable property : lluslmiess
lot corner , 60x159 ft. , in So. Omaha , Paved.
Business lot , GOxl&0 ft. , Improved , South
Omaha , street hnVed ,
Tract (24 ( lots ) , 36111 St.
' Tract (20 ( tots ) , iOthi St.
For Partictilars apl)1' 1012 Farnam St.
I1OUSIOS , lots , farmslnnds , loans , itlo flro
tnsuranco. Bemis , Paxton block ,
DESITtAUL1O residence 124X130 , first-
class location ; 10 millilteS' walk from cotlrt
house ; chcap ( or cnshutldresc 0 61 , lIce ,
. fllO-M691-J-19
1lAV10 YOU 500)0 lots to sell ? 1".ow Is the
tille tO dispose of them ; let the iiCOi'io '
know that you W'LtlIt to (1151)090 of theni.
'rhmi 11cc reaches tlii people who lint' , ' the
money. 1110-SOd
IF TOll lma'vo real estate for nlo and
Wflflt it sold , list it wIth me and I wIll
sell It-it I can. 11 you wIsh to lfllrchlnse
and Witlit a big bargain look over my
list. J.1l. SheIWO0d , 422 N. Y. Life 1itlg.
FOIt SItledeStnlthhi , residence lots , l24x132 ,
ill llrst-ehuics hwatioa ; ten ninutcs' V11 rut
from court Ililusu ; L'lleal Our 00511. , 'ui-
dress 0 61 , 11cc. ItE-ilC9l-.119
1IOMIOS , homes. homes. let us shots' thuenI
to YOU. TV'O good ( ) lI'S nUll one 5011(1101'
Oil \Vest Fmtrniurn , delightful plitoes.
Five In Ilanscom Place , I'rlecs to stilt
1)01' 000.
Omii seven-room house iii north part of cIty.
Fine lot. PIt'aant 1)11100. ? ttmtke miller.
I. 3. Kt'uinmirul & Son , Solo Agents , hO nod
111 Drown Block. lti-121
7-It. hou3e , corner lot : cheap. 2114 N. 24th.
nb-Sb 314'
102.904 SO. 20Th St. . b room hiatuses. price
$1,500 , each. J. N. Frenzer , opp. old P. 0.
it 10-619
WF hAVE a 1arg' list of Nebraska lands
for sale for cash , or will oxohailge for
Onutlut propel , . . .
TillO CGLU7lWp. TNVE't1'S1t0NT ' C' . ,
Room 41I,1it. , Nat'l Bank iluiluling.
I ' ' 1tI-MI77
160 acres. improt'efi , 5 miles from .LYmlls ,
Burt county , .Xeti , , prl'o $30.00 per itere.
840 acres , Iielncmiue , of the best marmnc in
Burt county , 'eh-mpto'eul 101(1 two niilo
from Lyons , NiboPrIce , $36.00 per tcre.
160 acres , .Durtrcollnty , Improved. $23.00 per
Lucre. lit
210 acres , B 2nik southwest of 1.yons , Burt
county , Nebrnk1t , well Improved. Price ,
$30.00 lO acrei I
120 ncrea near Calhoun , Washington county ,
$35.00 per acre' - -
40 acres four mtlcs from postofilce , Omaha ,
2,600. 1
\Vo iilso have ival well improved farms
In Suirpy , DmhcIritt rund WaMhlngton counties -
ties Icr sale at very low figures.
11 , i. 1601 Farmiani St.
RE-M531 8
6-ROOM hoiismi city water , , 1022 N.
21st St. , South Omaha , * 1,000.00.
5-room house , southeant corner Sthi and
Pacific Sts. , large lot. $2,000.00.
i-roum house , 0421' Burt St. , $1,200.00.
10-room house , 2125 CalifornIa St. . 51,100.00.
ill-room house , Georgia Ave. , near Ilii'lcory
St. , $3,500.00.
S-room momlorr house , S. 35th Ave. , near
Howard St. , .4,000.O0.
3 hnime5 on one lot on ear line , two miles
from poctofilce , houses rent for $11.00 per
month , $550.00.
Potter & George Company , 1601 F ° ' " ' ° t.
1tE-53 7
IIOUSIO , 7 rooms , walicluig (1151110CC of I' . 0.
Full eaSt front lot , large elm trees , all
modern except furnttce ; $1,030. small emishi
poyment , 1tlanei : inonthl' . 5-rnun , emtt
front cottage , lmrat lIttle home , l5'iO , easy
PIL'mnts. Neat house. hull bIonIc ground ,
alirinulance of fruit. SkI ) . Some Ilnu No-
hroslcn laiuls mit f2 ncr nero. Lymuui
V'aterman , 82:1 : New York LII. ' IIuthlhing. ,
1ITOAIYTIFUL I0-nc'o tract for $750.00.
'X'wly lHiIlItCil 8.i' cottage , numo 11101 Ic ( rein
CitI' , ( 'aSI' termus , $325. F' . 1)Y'atl. . 16th
aiiul Douglas Sls. fl10-1\15S7 9
LOS'l'-Omi FrhIlI : ) ' , thiit'e luc 011 l'Iflg , lo'
ti'c'emt ilostoillee ttuiul No\v York I Ale
biuhitling. Iteturmi to ltnnni 2 , Ninv York
I.1o htmilullmig amid receive revnrd.
Lost -572---6'
IF TilE person vho was seeii to
pnektitboolc In I liii Ilostomi store niilhlnery
department vjll return Slilfl ( ' to lieu of-
ficc , nothillig nioro 'hll lie said.
Liist-575 6'
PU IlNh'I't' IC II I'A rl III ) ,
Ir. S. VALKlIN , 2111 ( 'timIng. Tel. 1331.
IlSIC , 4tII' ' tNI )
l'ltOF. PETERS1'N'B music st'hlol. 1111(110 ,
vIol I ml , imia midol I ii , go it or , zI t her , Gi'rnian
method. Ternis reasonable. 1.1 i Uhmcely
Iiiock ,
1jjMU10LIA33I , zither school , 505 Shisely
111k , , 7 years exIu'rleue ( ' . ( lerunmili inetliotl
stilti ags.lflt Uchmwurzt'r zitimers , Echo , 11)ur-
wood gtmltar itlId ipiuliuimilincM40i 17'
TAKION 11) , 1 > a' mmure. weights about 1,100
LewIs Juuitt , 7 IllileS vcct on Dodge ronul ,
$ IlOlt'l'IIANI ) A1"1) 'l'YJ'lI't''It I'I'ING ,
VAN HANT'S chiiml , 717 N. Y. Life. Tue
school % i1tSU sttIihttiihmt gut umulImlo'oient.
Culiilticted by 'nit' exlmurlemieetI ruijiorter.
, i
A'I' OMAhA uhf. College , 16th & 1)cuigham4 ,
.7 _ _ _ _
SI lOltF.l IA ND. ulito-mlute , taughitby court
reporters. iloylel 41c'itu > iil , 403-5-7 lieu li4mlg.
'I ' .
OilAlI.t l3hmorlliinih miimii Tis.ivrItimlm cal.
leg , ' , lloyd's tiiui tor. -Til W-.112'
I hACKS mUlti c'oupen Promptly ( uruiluihied at
all hours , dnyt u night. ly limuehcinun's
Uiiitiii , A. 1) , ' 1' , , Tel. 111 , 14G3 umith 770.
_ > . . . . _ _ _
- = - : ; ; - - ; : - ; ; - _ = p. - - - - -
J1wI,1,1 , : ojc' ' * 1t'i 3'10.1(10
p. ii , 1IOUCK , ' )0 ) T'itrbch 13loci ,
t1131)lCtL ,
IAflhi0S1 Clilchiester'sBngllsh I'ennyroyal
I'hhls ( Diamotul bratitl ) are time best ; safe ,
rc'Iiaiile ; take Iii , oilier ; seliul 4e stamps for
partIculars , "Ilellef for 1.rullcs , " iii letter
by return mail ; at druggists. ( 'hlchester
ChemIcal Co. , l'hilndelphia , l'a , MentIon
lIeo ,
3. n. 31ACY & Co. , nur'tioneers , rooin'41r ,
Karbaehi block , svant your auction sales
of real estate , merchandise , furnIture , lIve
ptock , 'etc
% 'AN'I'i3I-1' ( ) 11(11titO % ' ,
'WANTIOD In borrow l,500 on good Inside
htico1n 'real etaho 3 to I' years , 7 tier
cent : li0iii cahlitaf lirererred. Auldrcss
Soot ) U 307 , lIec ,
1"DIt P.Xl'flSt'P1O4 YISiTltM ,
'iVIlITIO l0xiiositlon Bureau of Counfort ,
Omaha. , Nob. , for all aecolnmuodations ; no
fees. 996-
'I'll l'A"I'l1 IltSIITAL.
flit , L1101111fl , cancers , tomato diseaseS.
1912 Lettvc'nworthi , 550 3y4
1iilt1SS ANt ) SAIlIlliLV.
S. U. CASAD , 519 . 16th S13-J-22
MAX 'FOGIOLu makes , cleans and repnirt
clothes. 307 S. 17th. 43S-'JhZ
, CAI1ltl.iUJ3 MAHING ,
1' . 3. 1A1tBAC11 & SONS , 1312 howard.
Telt'Iihlone 111)2 , -MuiIl-J17 ;
flIt l0SSMAlgINr ,
DflIOSSTttAKING In flLilllIleS. 250 $ Daven-
port. -M'J1U-J7'
1'AYNI11LilCI0ItS ,
11 , MAI1OWI'l'Z Ioalis money , 413 N. 16th
liloxlOr TO LOAN ,
11. GROSS , loans & watchmaker. 918 N. 16.
S'I'IONOG 11 % P1 1 Iifl S.
'W'E SOLICIT and furnIsh POSItIOlIS for
stc'nogralllern free , The Snilthi-l'remlnr
Typewriter Co. Toleliholle 128 $ . 219
11011511 1'tS'I'l1lti1.
ALFALFApiisturo , board fences. A. W.
Phelps & Somi. , 207 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. 1054 ,
H I4STA1't.IN'I'S ,
JIOMIO iiieals ; all hours , 1619 Dodge.
hill CLOVII Cl.lO.tNiS ( ; .
D. C. MIDDLIOTON , Practlcitl glove cleaner ,
813 N. 20th. -MS'J1J---J-24
ShI)1121ltlCflltS ,
LYONS & IIEI1OQUIOST Ilioved 307 S. 17th ,
Patterson block. -139-3-12
\VITIIN1OLL Bro. & SmIth , paving , solver ,
buildIng ; CIIIIIL'itl' 100,000 a day ; 22d alld
] Ilckor' streets. Tel. 45 ! , 290
BARGA3NS iii new amid second hand hI-
cycles ; CR135' terms , 'l'hie Safe Store , 1116
Farnam , -M443-J-13
( F't'10ltNMES't' ' '
Oir.ahin , Nili. , .lumie 6 , 1193. Semiled proposals ,
In lrlplhemtte , will he received here and at
otilces oj' mlunrterlnastcrs at stations iiamed ,
tlitll ; 11 o'1oclc a. m. , cemitr1tl time , July 6 ,
illS , amid then oliened for furnIshing oats
bran. hay nail Straw during (1szul ( year corn-
meiring July 1 , ISOS , at Forts Crook , Nb-
brara mual RobInson , Neb. : Onialia Depot ,
Neh. ; Jefferson Barracks , Mo. ; Forts Leu' .
enworthu ILi1i lilley , Kanc. ; Fort Logan 11.
BootH , Ark , ; Forts iteno al1l Sill. OkIa.
Proposals fur delIvery at. other Pollits will
be entertained. U. S. reserves right to reject -
ject or accept any or all prolosnls , or any
hart thereof. InformatIon furnished on mp-
ldlcation lucre , or to quartermasters of tmj-
tions natneti. Ilinvulopes containing proposals -
als should be Thnrked "Proposals for Forage -
age , " and adu1rcsstd to uimlcrslgned , , or
qulmurtermustors of stations named. JOHN
IIAXTJOII , Jr. , Q. 3d. JTdltJy4.SM
( Should be read daily by all interested , as
changes may occur at any tlmc.
ForeIgn mails for the week ending June
115 , 119S. will close ( PRO3iIPTLY In all cases )
at the General Postoflicu as ( allows : J'AIt-
CELS POS'I' MAILS close one hour earlier
thall closin time showa 1)010w ,
'l'rnhus-AtimIiLtIe Itimilis.
T1l0SDAY-At a. m. for EIJROI'E ( ox-
Ctilt SImain ) p'r c. S. Servia. vIa Queens-
tS'ul ( letters must be dIrected "per
Servla" ) ; mtt 6 a. zn. ( or EUBOI'IO ( except
Spain ) iier 14. 14. NsisorVllhmelm uler
Grosse. vIa Southampton and lInemen.
'd'IODNESIAY-At ii a , Ill. ( suppleunemitary
10o : : ; it. in. ) for EUitOl'E ( except Spain ) ,
11cr 14. 5 , Iirltanmlie , via Queeuistowti ; at
II ) it. .ln. for F1IltOl'E ( except SpaIn ) iicr
14 , 14. Kcnsimigton , 'izt Soutllnmuptom ) ( letters
must be directed "per Kemislngtrmn" ) .
SATLl1tIAY-At 6:10 : II. Hi. for FItANCE ,
I TZEItLAND. l'i'LV , ' 1'tI1lJ 1iY ,
EGYl'J' amid BRITISH lNlIA , per s. 14.
La 'i'otmralmie , 'lu Ila'rn ( letters fur
other hurts of ] Otmropm' ( VXCtiht Spain ) mumi.t
lie dIrected "ln'r Lit 'I'uimrnhnu' ' ) ; urt 6:30 : t.
iii , ( or IOUIIOI ' 10 ( except Sleuiml ) , 1)01' 8. 14.
Etrurla , 'iit Quiei'miumtoss'n ( letters for
Fm mice , Sss'Itzerhiuimd , ltm(19' , Turkey , Tgypt
rimiul British 1Ti(11L intact ho dimeet ed "per
lOtrurlit" ) ; at S a. a ) . ( or NE'i'IIEItLANDS
ulIrp't. Pr H. 14. ilamstlmmmi : , vIa Ilottcrdamml
( letters nitiit * lie ( itr'ctei ' 'Icr l'iimuusihmimn' ' ' )
at 11 mm , iii. for NOIIVt'.AY direct , per s. s.
isliumil ( letters mulct lie ulimected "per
1141110(1" ) ,
Aftem' the Clrn4iiig cit time Sumpplemnonlai '
1111 IlSult imtlitl ( ' I nh In mm ii lii eu Ill't' . mu ulul I-
I iomittl 5111)1)1 tinClit 1r ) ' 01 1 I I s are 011(01011 Ofl
tim e I mheu'3 III' tlic. in u'i'bciu ml. 10 minI ishi ,
lCi.emm ii muid them' unit ii m4teli mini's a liii i'eiiitiii
open until t'ithIn ten nilmiutemi of the hour
of smuilIiu of steamer.
81n I I is I'i' 5 , , ii t 1 , ii mmii Ci'mi I ml & , aie'Itmi ,
. Vect lndl14 , Ilie.
'I'tlIOSIAY-A I 12:20 : p. ni. ( supplemnontiury I
p. mti. ) for ST. TllOIilAS , S'j' . C1tOlX ,
LEEVi.'Altt ) \VINI\\'AIll ) 1SI.ANIU4 ,
lieu' 13. 5. CiirIhdieo ( ltitt'rs ( or OreulululIm ,
'I'd Ii Id a ml mm mid 'rabago mu list lie il im't'eteil
"PCI' Clumihilice' ' ) ; mit 14:39 : i' ' iii. fur NE'-
FOITNILA ND , iier 14t'urller froni Norlhi
Ilyilriey ; at hO I ) . ifl. ( or JAMAICA , per
m4tea 10cr from Phulad t'l ' ph him.
\ \ ElNESJAY-At 8 ii. imi. ( or 1lltAZlL aliti
I Lit. 1'l/tTA COITNTI1IIOS , lo'r s. c. Olbers ,
vIa l't'z'mum un 1)0 no , I Iii Ii in ii lid Rho .1 ii nelro
( letters liii' North llrazil must hui ilirt'cteul
"I'er Olhers" ) ; Itt 12 ill , ( s4tmliplcnieuitum'y I
I' . ni ) ( ci' CENTRAL AIIEIIICA ( exeejit
Ccstn lUclt ) cliii South l'iiclhlc I'urts , ier
5. 14. Alvnnce.'ilt.CohIn ( letters ( or Cluato.
malt jilUl4t liii dIrected "Per Amivamico" )
at 11 p. in , ( or JAMAICA , Per steamer
froni ihiltIniurel.
¶ l'iiITittIlAY-At I n. mu. ( or ( 'AMPlOCIIE ,
( .1 thAl'AH , 'I'A I1ASCO and YLICA'I'AN , icer
S. 14. lthmqka ( letters ( or otlme'r hurts of
? eltixit'n must la , Ihreetoil "per I thmtkri' ' ) .
SA 'I'IJltlAY-A t 10 mu. ni. ( mnmliplnmentmtry
10:3.1 : ii. in. ) ( or ll'Olt'l'ITNIO JIILANIS ,
JAtA1C'dt , IA'AN1LhA huh GREY-
'lOVN , ier 5. ml. Athos ( heitters for ( oshn
111cc nmust toe directed " 11cr Athmos" ) ;
II iu. Ill , feir ' 10\'FOt'NPlANI ) , icur me. me.
l'trtlIu ; at $ I ) p. iii. ? ir NE\\'I'OITNI ) .
S IAND , hmr iete'almier ( ruIn Nurthi flymhimey
mit 8:0 : : i. n. ' ( or S'I' . l'l IOIIIUO , Tel IQillI-
1.ON , jeer stealflftr ( ruin North Sl'hiiL'y.
11 oh Is ( Or New lemumnil I mm ii 11 , bY cliii to I lid I- IIi
( Ii x. 1(1111 tlmtimiee by stea miter , chico at I Ii Is
nlhlm'o tInily at 8:39 : P. 111. ! eInI's ' ( or sIi.
CilIclQfl , 1)5' I'll II t mi 1Iistemi. , ii nil t Ii emit's Ill'
stoetulOr. clco iii thui cemllre daIly tut 8:3) : )
I ) , lU. 2elailee fur ' , iexheo Cliv , o'emlamitl ,
U miuisa ii ltt''lmtl ( I ) ' mullet r , , - for ' ' 'me 10(1(11 liv
, ete'terner , I 10.4' ut thehi iithi.i ,1"t' ' . I' ' I
U. Ci , .iuifl 2l3) : ii , m. ' .Re'isterec1 , mall
t2pleue LU WI1J II , lCi.jH'Ul'bOU $ eimll.
'I'i'iis-l'ne'I : lit , Mn lime ,
ltniite ( or Clihtimu auiel 41(1)1111 , hiC 13. 5 , \lt.
erill ( ( romn 'l'ui (11111(3 , close ht'rt , ( I iti I s' iiii
to Juiiti "Othi let (11' ( ' ) 1" 10 Malls ( ortmei. .
tralia ( cxi ( 'iii iluete for 'est Australia ,
which are ( orwa riled 'iue lluroiwi. lJvw
? .eLUaiul , Iliuwnib , Flit amid i4amnoun InlIumills ,
iir . s. 2,101(101 , 1 from San 1"ranchiico ) ,
cbom'e here tinily CII to Julie " 10th at 7
POS'l'Ol'V I ( ' 10 ( O'l'l ( ' 11 ,
( Continued. )
a. rn. , 11 n. in. end 630p.m. ( or on arrIval
at NOW York of me. s. ( . 'ampanla with lInt-
ishi mails for AustralIa ) . Malls for Chine ,
JaPan and llmns'ail per s , s , l3elIc ( from
San I'rancisco ) , CIo here tly till to
June 12th at 0:30 : p. in. Mails for China
and Japtn ( specially addressed null ) 3 , per
5 , 5 , Eunpress of Japaii ( from Vancouver ) ,
close hie'ro tinily tip ( I ) Julli. ' " 13th at f30 ;
p. ma , Mnlls 'for Atmstrnlin ( except \Vet
Auslralla ) , Now Yealiuinl , I imtwnti iiiid FIjI
islands , tier 5. s. Mlowera ( from Van-
Cott'cr ) , close here chilly after Jtutie ' ' .10th
and up to .htmmm 23e1 at 6:30 : p. ci. Mails for
the Society Islaitils , per shIp Tropic lhlrtl
( frolii San Prminriseo ) , close here daily up
to JUlie 24th at C:30 : p. in ,
Trans-PacIfic nih1 ant forwarded to port of
smtIltnz daIly itilil thin 5'iif'lUlo ( Cf closing
Is arranged mi the hmrestllnptlon lf theIr
ltillntcrrupted overland t1'lunstt. 'lte4is-
bred malt eloss mit 6 p. mu. lirovloims i , tV.
tOltN30tiUS VAN C'tVl"l'
l'ostmnIister ,
Postofilee ; New York , N. Y. , Juno 3 , 1895.
, era 31ailway-Cty Ticket
0111dm 1401 Fiirnmun Street.
' Teicphone , ro1. Depot ,
1'elitiand Mason Streets ,
Tolepimone , 629.
Leave Arrive ,
Daylight Chlctgc.
Slioc.tal . . . . . . . . . . . ' 0:40 : am .litlO pm
% lo , Valley , Slqux
.MIniienioII . . . . . . ' 14:55 : utmn ' 10:15 : i'm
City' . St. l'aiil &
MO. Valley , Slotux
City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 7:10 : am ' 903 ; pm
LlenliisOn , Carroll
1'ahl Lale and
Council BlITs . , . _ ' 8110 am " 3:15 : am
Ilnm4tcrli lOx. , flcs
Moines , Marshall-
tewli , Cedutr itap- .
hIs and Chicago. . ' 10:30 : am ' 4:35 : pm
Atlantic .1'1yir , Clii-
cage and East. . . . ' 4:45 : pm ' 435 0)
Fast Mmdl , Chicago
to Omaha . . . . . . . . . ' 8:10 : pin
Tile , \'alley , SioUx
Cit' . St. .l'ttml % ait !
Mlniicmtpoiis Ltm'd 4:33 : pm 8:50 : am
OInChicago Ujie-
cmi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 6:15 : inn 8:50 : am
. DaIly. ' Daily cxceut. Sutnlay.
nelipolimi & Omohirt Railway
, I -General Ofllee , Nebraska
DIvision , Fiftoemitli atid
. , \'eiister Streets , City
Picket Office 1401 F'arnam Street , Telo-
phiomie , 561. Delioi , Fifteomithi and \Vebster
Streets. Telephiomle , 1,453.Leave.
Leave. Arrive.
SIouX ( ' 1t3' Accom. , ' 880 itni ' 8135 1)111
SIoux City Accomn. . D50 ( on " 833 1)121
, Biitit' , .Eznt'rson ,
SIoux City , l'onca ,
ilartiuigton amId
Illoomhleld . . . . . . . . , . 1:00 : pm ' 11:55 : am
Sioux City ' Man-
lcnto , St. 'l'aul &
Mluliucapolls . . . . . . " 6:00 : pin 9:00 : am
a Dolly. ' Dall' except Sunday. " Sun-
clay olul5' . "s' Ioes
not udtol ) utt. DeSotit or
CoI'f malt.
- , Missouri \Tnllcy ltailwity-
G'norul , Obllces , Umiiteel
' . 5111105 Nntionitl Ilnolt Bldg.
Soimthrwest Cornet' 'l'V'lftl (
and 1nri"im Streets. Tlckot 0111cc , 1401
Furmmnln Street. Telephinime , 661. Depot ,
1"illeenthi and \Vebster Streets , Telephone ,
1,458. Leave. Arrive.
Black hIlls , fleimfi-
\l'Ooh hot i4linl'gs 3:00 : ' 5:00
\ ( , pm : P112
IVyomilig , Comelier
itlitl Douglas . . . . . . " 3:00 : pmn " 5:00 : pm
ilastiuigs , York , Da-
'itl City , Stiperior ,
Geneva , Exeter &
.Sewmil'd . . . . . . . . . . . . ' , 3:00 : inn ' 5:00 : pm
Norfolk , W. Polar
1111(1 ( Fremont ' 7:50 : am " 10:25 : am
Lincoln , Wahoo &
Fremolit . . . . . . . . . . 'S 7:50 : am " 10:33 : am
Fremnont Local . . . . " 7:50 : ani
' Daily. ' 1)milly except Sunday. " Stun-
dn' ( lIllY. " DILIIy except Saturday ,
* 4 * . . DaIly axcelit Monday ,
, IlmLiiroad-Genernl Ollcc !
, l'iiltt'd States NatIonal
Bltok liutldhiig S.V. . Corner -
nor Twelfth 1111(1 Farlinln
Street Ticket 0111cc , 1401 Farnam Street.
Telephone 561. Delict , 15th Oliti Webster
Stl'OfltS. Telephone 1458.
Leave , Arrive.
Sioux City , Man-
kato. St. I'auh ,
lttlamiemtpolls a 6:53 : pm 8:20 : am
' D1Lh1' .
Ticket 0111cc , 1415 1"armiain
Street. Telephone 1492. Depot
'l'tiltth hod MitsumI Streets.
Telephomie 123.
Leave. Arrive.
St. Louis "Canon
flail" Express. . . . . a 4:30 : jim 91:30 : am
S Daily.
road-Omaha , Kaasame City &
Eastern Railroal-"The Port
ATHUR Arthur Houte"-Tlckct 0111cc ,
I ROUTE. : .415 JOLrIiiLm Sircot. 'l'ele-
phone 322. Depot , Tenth and
Muiiomt StVcCt , TolephlQne , 123.
Leave. .Arilve.
St. Louis Cannon
Ball Express.135 pm 1130 am
IIlailas City &
Quiticy 1neal . ' 7:40 : am 9:05 : pm
Hnnsmus City lOx- .
press . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 7:30 : am
Port Arthur lOx-
Jirc'ss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 2:30 : pm
Daily ,
'l'lt113 ( 'Alil ) ,
. . . ' _
- - - - - - - - - - - - - I'
( Contliiued. )
I meotini River llaIlronel-"Thte
I BurIin4 llurlimugton 1loiltti"-Uen-
I cml Ohilees N. "CV. Corner
Flout Tenth anti Farmiani Streets. / "
I a Ticket Ofilco , 1902 rarnamn
Street. Teilephionce 250. Do.
pot , Tenth amid Mason Streets. Telepllone _
Leavo. Arrive. z
Lincoln , Iiammtings
mind McCok ' 8:35 : am . 9:33 am
Lincoln , Denver , '
Colorado , titch ,
California , Black
Ilil ! , ( IOlitltilt % &
l'imget Souild , . . . . ' I :35 : inn 1:00 : 1)112
Linohn 1.oectl . , , , . " 7:00 : pin ' 7:40 : IinI
Licol Fast Mall , " 2:53 : iuttm 'IllO : ala
Denver , Colorado ,
Utah , California
and l'uget Sotind 'Ii :55 : pni 11t.5 : yin
'Daily , D.til' except StitieIy.
- - - -S _ _
- - - - - UlC'MlltiltL1NGTON &
I BurIin ( ) iiimicy Italltoaui - ° Thmci
iufl itiunlinglini llotite"-Tlcket
-----i 0111cc , 1502 Parnam Street.
II aut ° TolelillOno 250. Depot , Tenth
U nmul Mason Streets , Tolo-
lihioule 12S.
lenvo Arrive.
Chicago VcstIbu3el
lOxpress . . . . . . . . . . . . pm ' sio : an
Chileitgii l0xliroes . 0 9:43 : ama 4:12 : i'mut
ChIcago & St. S
Lou1 1xiress ' 715 pm 1:10 : am
flresteimi Local 4:00 : irni 10:45 : ala
Piuclhle Junction
lonl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .i10 : l 6140 PIfl
P41St Mail ' 2:80 pm
Chicago Special . , 12:0 an 'll&Oprn :
a 131111) ' , ' Daily except Sunday.
n sepli & Council ilIuiT flail-
lull ronul - "Thin flurlimgtoa
! htntite"-Tk'ket Ol3lc , ISIU
A out Fnriian Street. Teleptiolie
U 250. Depot , Tenth 1111.1 Mit-
soil Streets , 'releptmtlie 123.
Lcavo. ArrIve.
ICnna s City Day
Express ' a am ' 5:40 : PlU
} flhisaS City ij'i
Expiciis , . . . . . . . . . . .10:00 : inn 6:30 : inn
' 'lOx liuisitiohi h"i 5'er' '
( or St. I.otiis. . . . . . ' 4:10 : lila 'i250 pill
a Dcliv , '
UNION l'ACIFIC - "t'lllf S
c'cnland ) ltutmtu"-e'noral ( Of.
Ilces , N. V. Corner Ninth and
Fnrumnni Stree'ts. CIty 'l'icke't
. Otl'cC 1302 lrmrnmtmn Street.
'l'clepliono 210. DV311)t , 'l'tmmith
' ' amid Mason Streets. i'elotihioti .
Leave. Arrive.
i "Thio Overland
Itmnltotl" for Dcii-
'er , Salt Lake ,
and western 1"tm. . 8:60 : am 4:43 : m i. _ . . _ . ,
Tha Colorado 51,0. ,
dILl , ( ui Denver &
I all CelIontde : i'ts. ' 11 :55 : pin 6:40 : a in
I Fast Mmiii Tralim for
I Salt Lake , l'acitle
cooit ( tuid all
westorli hitilIltS , . . 4:35 : tim 6:10 : am
Lincoln , Ileatriee &
St"ornsburg lOx. , 5:00 : iimn " 12:20 : 11111
Fm'aniotit , Colimun-
Iiu4 , Norfolk , Grit 0
, ' . FCextm'iit' 435 "
Islitild 4. ; 11111 12:20 : pm
Granul I slitmid lOx . . . 'a 5 :00 : 1,111 , ' 12 :20 : limit
a Daily. ' 1)ail' except S1tli(1Il.
South Oniaht : Local 1'itss.-l'ii'e , 6:15 : a.
in. ; 7 :00 : II. 01. ; 9:15 : it. in. ; 3:10 : ji. ln. . , tr-
rives , 10:15 : it. mit. ; 3:30 : ii. iii. : 6:01) : P. III.
Council Illuffs I.ocai-Leave'ie. 5:55 : a. III. ;
6:1,0 : a. Ill. ; 7:40 : li 11. ; 8:40 : a. mmi. ; l0l9 : : mt. - -
nt. ; 2:15 p. iii. ; 4:33 : ui iii. ; 14:55 : I' . mn.8:20 ; : P.
I III. 4 IOKJ5 p. iii. . .Ai'rivos , 6'JS ; Ii. 01. ; 7:20 :
a. iii. ; 8:8.3 : it. ma , ; 11:30 : a. mu. ; 3:10 : p. iii. ;
9:40 : p. 111. ; 6:30 : 1' . In. ; .1:05 : Ii. 10. ; 10:15 : ; i. mu.
t'mit'lIlc llaiiroiul-"I'liu
. c- -
. . ; ' Great Itonl ; llamid ilotito"
I City 'J'ielet : 0111cc , 1321
S r ' '
Fuirimimumi . Street. 'l'elt'lilioiln
- 4' : ; 1)01)1,1 Tenth 1111(1 (
-c Keiioit ; Streets. Ttilephiorto
1.eave. Ax'rlvo.
Itocky Mountain
Lirmilted , vast ' 1:30 : am 1:25 : ama
Ihielty ? ilUlitItli'a .
lAmniit'd. ve4t a 5.20 am ' 5:15 : mum
Chicago & St. Putt !
Vesttliuled Fl x -
3i1eSS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 5:00 : pin ' 1:25 : jIIfl
Li ncol Ii. Colormtd o
Sjlriilgs , l'tleilO ,
Denver almd vc3t 1:30 11111 ' 4:25 : pm
Moines am flock
Island . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 : Plfl ' 11 :25 : are , , , . _ . , , ,
Atlantic Express ,
for De Moines
and eastern iOiIltS ) a' 7:00 : cm " 8:50 : urn
Colorado Flyer . . . . . ' 7:09 : linl " S:50 : cmii
Daily. Daily eXm'ctut Sunday.
3.t. Pmutml Ititiiwltv - City
' ink e't cm iii 1501 1'mtrnamii
Al . /LWAIJ'XEE . itreet Telephone 2Si. 1)opot ,
a. 'rentlm mmmi Mason
T4i Streets.
; ilL Telephone. 021) )
4 Leave. Arrive.
.Chlcago Limited
lOxiircss . . . . . . . . . . . a 5:15 : pm 8:20'am :
Onintia & Chicago
l0xprcss . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 11:00 : am " 4:11 : Pm
Sioux City and 1)es
Moines Express. . . . . "II :00 : am " 1:15 uirn
"Daily. 'Dally except Sunday.
. I'&l. . MISSOURI PAc'lF1 RAIL.
roael-Iemie'rnl Offices and
, , C , ' TIcket 0111cc , Salltheast ( 'or-
rer 11th and Douglas Streets ,
Telcplioite , 10-I. Delict. 15th
q..qfrne.' ' nmeI Webster Sts. Tclephonu
Leave , Arrive. -
ICansas and Nob.
LimIliteil . . . . . . . . . . . S 3:03 : pm 12:55 : pin
Kammmeae City & St.
Louis lOxoremes , , , 9:30 : inn 0:00 : am
Neliritska Local . . . ' 4:39 : urn " 9:49 : tint
Daily. " Daily except Sunday. S
. _ . . . ?
/ , . ( Jflfl '
I 1I : - F
d t ' , , , . . , a ' ' - n I
aEbr4' '
1 'U'7 ' '
Pat Party ( after several ineffectual attempLs to get Into his pockot-Iny. )
It seems to me you retulro a great deal of room for a man of your lzoI
. '
- "
S 'me
i- :
hto-I shttli never marry 4giIu , but 1 thInk I .iiaIl adopt some orphan
Si lIstead ,
'Fbo Itejectei-Dcar lady , civ fortuiz1ne , I am 'an oflhjAtu.
' . . - . - - , . -.S