Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 05, 1898, Part I, Page 4, Image 4

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    . . I
- - - - - - - - - - _ JBB .
w - TiI :
3ventfi of the Week Give a Ivelicr , ! Tone to
the Local I3ituation.
OiunItig of Iac Big 1epv ilUl
tt tt'ptil n It i I eii 1,4 huM It flirect
jIT&I ( ! L III (
ninl tt1ir
. clilcen Society held pair of openet last
Arck. There ws the opening of the po.
altion nnd the ojunlng of the June wed-
iling sca5on. What with opening tlle5e
nttraction and ilivers otticr things. enter
taming the flrt Inocc of vtlng rea
fives nntl frtcnls nnd prepsrthg for inDre
hi tlio nnr 'future , socicty WaR kept 2norc
thatt Itlsy ) lur1ng the vek. The cyonlUg
i conceits t ) thc ! United tntca Mnrlno ) nnt
have pruveil n real trnt to those who enjoy -
joy nnrtIiI nrs and ) jtwe bcefl wefl at-
tenhIel by ocIcty folk , whose Ofll iegret
has beew that ( lancing to such lnsjilrlng
niticdn nu1t1 not be enloyctL One young
-Ci-Y ; : WOtflflfl OS overhenrd to
otter the third concert : " 011 , dear , 'lvo
only ot forty-seven nthnfislon tickets lf'ft
In toy 1)00k. ' ' TIio ollve-skinticil folkS from
: te ) Orirtit , In another pnrt of the exposi-
tloii , have nuide a large number of ac-
iuaIntnh1cs anong tlt ioc1ety
nfld a few of the supposed princes and
irticesses have IeCI hnndsomey enter-
taltied at unc1ieons and other nttnlra.
; ; ; ; ; ;
he wcddIii of Anna MflInrd to
Mr. N. herbert Milton Rogers last eventhg
I wa the one real society event of the week
that brought out a large rcpresefltatlOfl of
the first famflles of the city. The reception
. following was a brilliant affair and the
numerous email affairs given in honor of
the 1)OifltIaI ) bride vero ( luito aK eujoynbe
a13 any functiolia of the ieaon. Mrs. Yates
, ontertriliied for Miss MilInrd on Monday
niternoon niiil Mrs.VlIheltn gave a dinner
uarty In her honor on Friday evening.
4 There were also t number of other home
I weIdings during the week and several more
are aiinounccd for the coming fortnight.
The rapid promotion of Oxnahans anU
I other Nebraskans In hoth the regular and
the volunteer army has caused much re-
joking among their countless friends at
lionie. Tim latcat piotnotlon of local Inter-
czt that has been announced is that of
Lieutenant Alexander I'erry of General
Coppinger's staff. lie has been nomInated
to ho assistant quartermaster of the Ninth
cavalry with the rank of captain. lie has
Iivel In Omaha about two years as aide
to General Coppliigcr , has sccii some hard
campaigning on the indIan frontier and is
now at the front. I to Is very PoPular among
a large circle of friends here.
To the Society Editor of The liceVil1 :
you please tell inn in next Sundays paper
ilietlier the gentlenizin or Iad shotilil
lirat in going dowit the nisle of a thr'ater
to their seats ? AGNES.
\'cll , Agnes , youre a trifle out of season
with your finery. but 11s one that has been
niucli discussed in local soolcty circles and
Is renliy vorthy of unto. If custom inake
I law then surely the man precedes the omaii
In going dowii the aisle of any theater here-
abmits. l'ltat's the custom that has been
generally adopted among society folks here.
Observation shows that Mr. James l'axton.
Mr. acorgo Palmer , the Kountze brothers
I and the other sneicty leaders always go down
I the aisle s ) ightly I n advance of the . young
woman whom they accompany , while Mr.
Mosher Colpetzer marches down at a high
rate or $ jeet1 anti about three parasaiigs In
ndvaucu of the rest of the party. At thu
1nIIvay theaters there is a noticeable tend-
cncy for the young me ! , to go very iiitieli
I in advance of the young women , presumably -
bly to secure seats as near the front as
vosslble. So far as custom Is concerned ,
thoicfore _ there Is but one answer : the man
- goes first.
But it may be doubted whether local so-
I cicty is altogether right on tills point. The
' custom lire Is certainly different from that
in vogue In some other lvaIlng ( cities of
t tile country. In most eastern theaters the
usher Is deenied comletcnt to lead the way
dowim the mmisk , time woman following Imini
and her male escort immediately hack of her.
. This also is the forni usually seen In
churches. and why there should be any
I difference in the manner of entering a place
of amtisenment is difficult to see. An cia-
mnentary principle of etiquette is that the
! woman lmreceles the mmmam , and there appears
HO good reason for reversing the rule In
the maummer of entering a theater. If the
- usher were not at hand to Point out th
seats and arrange for their occupancy the
matter would be quite different. The con-
tioversy , which Is not a new one. resolve.
itself Into the question , Wheim in Rome
1ml1 , we do a the ltonmaiis do ? It mmma be
that local society is wrong ofi this Point.
: but It Is a question whether It is altogether -
together wise to adopt a contrary rule tronm
that generally accepted here. Perhaps it Is
; beet to do as the Itomuns do , when you are
In theIr city , even though you tony think
the Hommmaxmt are wrong.
- With a few notabloexceptions , society
_ _ _ _ ( luritig the Inst week has gravitated toward
_ _ _ _ the exposition grounds. FIfty-three of time
1 ] eadlimg vomemm of Onmahma , who compose tIme
exposition's Bureau of Entertalnhllent corn-
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ inittee , began their dmmtles of entertaining
cilatinguisimed vIsitors \Vetlnesday iast , in
theIr elegantly allollmted ) suite of rooms lim
time Mines anmi Zmlinlng Iluildimmg. 'lucy wilt
serve in Eelays of six during the season.
On next Saturday they will give their first
large reception. While hostile Ileet arc
PloWing time mmmiii , the usual crop of traims-
atlnmmtic visitors will probably contcmmt them-
: 8 ( ) ! ' ( ) IS oi
: tIiimImr fur Phi limii.
To secure somno desIrable limformnatlomi dl-
rcct fiomn the peojile , it is Proposed to s iid
a trim little box containing f gold dohiams
it ) each of 30 icisommshio write the limost ill-
tcrestiimg description of their experience amid
observation on time fohIovImmg topIcs :
110w have yon been affected by Coffee
1)4) ) OU kilOW any One Who has iceim driven
_ eC away from Jostumn because It caine to time
tntmlo veak arni chmaracterless at tIme flrit
trial ?
1)1(1 you se sucim a person right regardIng
the easy ay to mmike Postuin clear , black
amid with a crisp , lUlmKermt ) taste ?
have you ever mIiscoycreI a better way
to mnahu It hum to note the clock at the
tinie actual boiling comimnlences , ( hot vImt'n
Pot is first lint Oil stoVe ) anti keep it boil -
lug immoderately for full 1 molimutes , using
2 lmenpltmg tcasloolmsful ) ( or each cup of boy-
crage ,
G lye imaimmes 1111(1 account of those you
Iimow to have breim cured or hielped'in hicaith
by time ( hienmIssal of coffee and the daily use
of time Food Coffee 1mm its place ,
Admiress your letter to the l'ostum Cereal
Ca , , Limmm , . hattIe Creek , Miclm. , writing your
own mmnmmio and address clearly.
lcclmlon will be imiudo amid the 30 little
boxes of gold sent out on Jimmme 30 , next.
lvem-y frietd of Postum is urged to write
and each letter will he hmehml In high esteem
by time company , as aim evidence of such
frit-udsimip , wimilo the little boxes of gaLl
will reach immany a immodest writer Whoso
Plain aimtl sensible 1.tter conjaimma the facts
desired , although time emmdcr may have but
smmmail faith ha wlnn1uj at the tUne of writ-
eives with th , inoummtains , vahleym' . 1n3es anil
Inland resorts of their native land , With
this condition at affairs In VIew , 50(1 ( the
many receptlons balls. dInners and your-
tesics to vIsitors , the women of tlmI coin-
mittee expect to find their Pmirnmmmer vork
no aitmecure. There is no fear hut that this
program will ho well carried out by the
wonmen who athnd at time head of this XeCU.
tive bureau of entertainment. And to nilil
to the social program comes the great stole
of Illinois , whose 1mroveriia1 hospitality vlhl
be royally ( lispeulsed by General and Mra ,
Ilambleton of Clmiczmgo In their superb state
building. Mrs. Ilntnhleton , nssisted by a
number of Onmalma women , wili Imold reccp-
tiotma every Tuemday afternoon.
Time marriage of Mias Mmna tlhiamd.
daughter of time late Ezra Millard , to Mr.
lierbert Mihtom Rogers last cvenimmg at the
residence of the bride's mother , 1818 Cup-
itol avenue , was one of the notable society
events of time post-Lenten season. Time ceuc-
niomiy aa Imerformod at 7 o'clock by Rev.
Thomas .3. Mackay1 rertom' of All Saints'
Protestant Episcopal church , and vas alt-
imessemi by only the melatives nhl lime In.
titnate friemmils of the bride nmmml groom.
Miss helen Millard , sister of the bride. at'
tended her as buldesomaid , nmd the groom
was supported by lmls bmotlmer , Mr. Vs'Ilhiam
S. Rogers , as best maim , Messrs. Edwar. ]
Morsumnu of this city amid Edward Swobo of
Chicago neted tie usimers amid stretched the
ribbons. TIme bride wore a lmanlsome gown
of white IOlflt d'esprit emnbrolmlemcd In
festoons of ilattenburg lace , with ar. exquisIte -
Ito bee veil.
Time mnorringo cercimmommy was performed umi-
dcc a beautiful floral bower that stood In
time bow-window of time parlor , the bride and
grown staniling under a huge bell of wimite
carnations with a clapper solid with pltmks.
The house throughout m'as tastefully mice-
orated witlm peommies , roses auth other beautiful -
tiful flowers.
A reception was Imeld between the hours
of 8 antI 11 , and was attemmdetl by over 300
guests , i-cpreseimtntives of the leading fain-
Ilk's of the city. All of the faimmihlam figures
of local society were present to congratulate
the grooimm and extend their hearty good
wishes to the bride. In addition to time brilliant -
liant decorations of the house , time spacioU3
lawn was Ihiunminated with Japanese lamiterns
amid colored incandescent lights. Refresh-
meimts ere served 1mm time yard under a large
teimt that Imad been spread there. The pres-
ants vero numerous , beautiful and valuable.
Mr. anti Mr. Rogers left at midnight for
aim extemmded wedding trip. The groom is the
son of one of time oldest families of Oimmalma ,
is an nlunmnus of l'rinceton and a rising
member of the Douglas county bar. Time
bride is an estimable young woman , who
holds a high place in society circles aimd
Is v1dely knowim through her indefatigable
charity vork with the Visiting Nurses' as-
socintlon , whiclm almo has organized.
Yt'r ( Is t.l i'mer-Itei'ker.
The marriage of Miss Cora Becker to
M r. Samuel \Vcrtiieimcr , Wednesday even-
lug , at Metropolitan imall , wus one of tim , ,
largest weddings of time season , Tbo cere-
moimy took place at 6:30 : o'clock , Rabbi Lco
M. Franklin ofliciatlng.
The decorations of time hall verc superb.
Time reception roolmm was banked with ialnis
from floor to ceiling. Wreatlma of smnilax
garlaimded the stair roll and lingo palms
stood on every step of the great stalraay.
Time entire wall of time parlor a-m lmuimg
vith draperies of sinilax. A canopy , occupying -
pying one side of time parlor , \as formed of
anmilax nod nlpimetus roses. Suspi'ndei froam
tim center of time canopy was a largu vhIt ?
hell , under which stood time bride anti greonm.
The wells of tIme dining ron 'vera coin-
Pletely hidden with Paiis and simtiiax. The
orchestra was stationed at the eni of the
roonm , belmlnd a screeim of palms. liv a
unique arrangement the tables lomimmeil tlm.
letters BV. . In time center of the Table
a high Pyramnld of Amnerica'i heatmtlei ,
tiaimked lmy a jmlnteaui of bride roses , vImiIe
two hearts formed the B arid small ones
the \ \ ' A delicate tracery of maiden-hair
fern ran on time edge of the tables. and roses
wore strewn In graceful profusion.
Time bride wore a white duchese satin
gown , 'mvltli a m'tile Irish point beitlia around
the neck 811(1 ( reaclmiimg to the floor , held iti
front at time waist with a diamond buckle ,
time gift of the groom. The maid of boner ,
Miss Jesslo Lobman , wore wimite moussc'immme
de solo over white satin , and the bridesmaids -
maids , Misses Werthelmer and RothscimIlds ,
were white orgamidlo over silk and carrIed
sweat Peas. Mrs. Becker was assisted In
receiving by Mesdarnes Maurice Degemm , ] .
Werthelmer. Sal flegemi. L. l3ecker (111(1 Miss
Werthelnmer. The costumes were elegant.
% , idliiWs i'flt llim4I F'iitimre.
Tue wedding of Miss Margaret Hoey ,
sister of Mrs. Henry Markel , to Mr. Josiah
Ii. Relll'id , Jr. , was solemimized at 277
Burt street on Wednesday evening at C
o'clock. The ceremony was vorformmied by
itev. Thomas J. Mackay , rector of All
Salimts chum-cu , who Used time Protestamit
Episcopal ceremony. Time bride looked
street iim a gown of white silk niuhle over
tnffcta. She carried bride roses. Miss NellIe
Ayers was bridesmaId , nimd was becomingly
gowned In yellow. Mr. Frarmk J , llaskehl attended -
tended time groom as best luau. A aeceimtlon
between the hours of 8 atid 10 nffoidcd aim
opportummity for 150 friends to congratulate
time bride amid groom. Time bride's boquet
was caught by Miss Kittye Vincent. Timose
who received ylthm Mr. and Mm-s. Rcdflcid
were Mrs. Markel antI Miss Jennic Rail-
field. Mr. and Mm-s. Redileid wihi be at
imoimme after Juimo 15 at 2775 Burt streeL
Time 2mmarriago of Miss Alice Slaughter ,
daugimter of lion , Iliad D. Slaughter of Liii-
cOIn , and vchl known in Omaha society
circles. to Mr Joiiim Lottrhlge occurred at
Lincoimm \Vednesday , Miss Ttutim W'cilcr
of thIs city acted as bridesmaid.
TIme mnmmrriage pf Miss Gusslo Stratmanim
to Mr. George Junk of Chicago. Is to occum'
\Vctlnestiay , Jilime 8 at tIme home of the
bride's imareumts , Mr. and Mrs. George E.
Stratnianum , 9C4 North Twenty.flfth avenue.
The mnorrhmge of Miami Katherine Tyler
Prsioim of timis city to Mr. Silas hyde Duum-
caum of Bath , 31e. , svlll occur \Vednesday ,
Julie 8.
Time marriage of MIss Jessie PatricIa
Lawrence of Duummbartomi ammd Mr. Thomas
Wilson Battimm of Glasgow , took imlace at
Iumnburton , Scotland , arm Wednesday. Mr
liattium Is a soum of Mm' , lsane hlattimm of
Omaha ,
Thu uumarrbage of Miss Julia Alice Warimer ,
daughter of time late Seth Warner of James.
10mm-ui , N. Y. to Mr. Cimarles Colmmmnum Roie-
water , comm of Mr and Mmd , Edward Hose-
water of Oimmaima , wtii be solenuimized on
Wedumesthuy evening , June 15 , at the resldenco
of time bride's uncle , Air. Mamtln L. Feimlon ,
&ol l'renihcrgast umvcimuo , Jamestown , N. Y.
A very Iretty weddimmg was solemumizeti at
time resimim'umco of Mrs. Frauds Brown , at.
Shmliioum , Ia , , out Vcdnesday noon , Time con-
tractiumg 1arttes vero Mr. W'liiiamu Fetzqr.
formerly of omaha , aim. Miss Alberta
Ilomiumlffeld of Simehion , Time ceremony sm-as
hmorforimmed by 11ev. J , W' . Lotlmlamm of lila
Omme of time Prettiest wemhliumgs of time last
week was celebrated \S'edmmesday afternoon
mit 2 o'clock , at tiut. residence of Mr. ammd Mrs.
Vi' . ii. Illeeltumman , 2020 North Twentieth
street , whm their sister , Miss Jdithm M.
Baker , smami united in marriage to Mr.
iwlglmt ) Williams. Time ceremony was per
forimmed by Rev. Frank \Varilelul , pastor of
th First Commgregational church. 1mm tIme lres-
dIce of eely time iummnsediate relatives of limo
coumtraetlng parties. The bridal party was
mmtteumcled by Miss iohiiu Pray mis bridesmaid
amid Mr , I' , S. imlcMalmoum mis best mmtazm. Jitr ,
and Mrs. W'iIIlanms left ( or an exteimdod trip
through time east. Time young peolmle are
smell anti favorably known 1mm tlmls city , Tlmt'y
have time best wishes of mm host of friends.
On time evening of Juno 23 Metropolitan Imali
will ho thu sceumu of it double wedding , TIme
high commtraeIumg % parties 'viii ho Miss Minnie
Lobaman to Mr. Louts Wolf , and Miss Elwa
r L.obman to Mr. Emmanuel i"I1me. 1h proa-
lTeCtire brides nra sisters
'uluIiu % it'I thu. Iii .
The arrangements for Woman's Club day
sri' going forward \villm rapIdity. nod nit
pious are being perfected toward mimaking it
a successful occasion.
The following women eonstltmmtc time corn-
mittee : Coimgres committee , Mesditunes A.
3. Sawyer , ttmairnman ; N , 1' . i-'eil , W. II.
Ilanelmett , T K. Sudborough , J. It. Reed nntl
F' . P. I'ord. General cotnimiitteo of arrange-
meats. Medarnes Z. T. Lindsey , chairman :
CV. . liymnn A. S. Stiger , ii. S Jaynes amul
S. Burns , itCceptITmTm comnnilttee , Mrs. C. W.
Lyman , chaim'rnnmm : Miss Jessie Millard , Moe-
unties C. Offimtt , 11 , 5. .lnynes , S. Burns ,
( Itmy Barton C. IC. Content anti Levi Car-
ter. Entertainmucuit cornnmlttee , Mestlames Z.
T. Lhunisey , chairman : C. l' Smulrcs , 11 , F' .
\\'ymunn , C. Oiutt , II. ( lilTord , Ii. Pennock
anti G. Tilden. Press end advertisiumg coin-
mitteelcsdntn's A. S. Stiger. elimmirman
C. ii. Mmmrplv , P. M. Iticharilsomi and J. W.
Grimtim. Commmmnitteo on Imotels , Mrs. 11. S ,
.Taynemi , elmuirumman. Decoration committee ,
Mestlamimes ilninuel Btmrns , chairmnnmm ; A. B.
Smmmittm , C. T. ifommntze. Vi' , J. Connell , I ! . B.
Smith and J , W' . Griffith. Progmam committee -
tee , Mrs. F. P. l'ord. Advisory committee ,
Mesdames lraper Smitim , 0. Nattinger , 0.
A. F'crguesofl , C. Itosewitter , C. C. Ileldemm
amid 0. C , Timounpson.
Mrs. 11-i- ; ; Flimtcrtnliis Sohalk'rM.
Mrs. Mnma H. Keith , fornmemly of Omaha
and nosy a resident of San Francisco. has
been doing much to entertain time Nebraska
soldiers mmow emicamnped on the coast. Time
foilowimug is from a Smum FrancIsco paper of
recent date :
The splendid resitlenco of Mrs. Alma H.
Keith , at 2624 California street , sYas tlmrown
open last mmight and lImo boys in blue were
her guests-Immvitcd there to eat , driumk amid
be merry. It was one of those rare
occasIons ss-horo nil rank mind distinction are
leveled ; time private was jtmst as welcome ,
Jtmst as mntmchi thought of as he sm-lie wore time
golden stars or chmevromms Time affair was getup
up by Mrs. Keith chiefly for tIme beumeltt
of time Nebraska , Kamisas amid Mimimmesota
troops , but all svero welcome. Time hostess
feels for the Nebraska boys cimiefiy. as her
father was sonic years ago laid to rest jim
that state by time Grand Army of time Re-
FumtertnhuiuiieumM of time " .Veek.
Mrs. B. L. Bimidwium emmtertaiued in Imonor
of Miss Kate l'reston 0mm Friday afternooim.
An interesting nmuslcal program sm-as ren-
A jolly crams-ti gatimored at Ehmuwood park
last Simmutlay aumil imud a most enjoyable jiic-
mile. TIme day was ahmmiost perfect nfl. time
young le0Ple immtide the most of It.
Mary and LeslIe Krleder entertaIned about
thirty-five of timeir young friends on Timurs-
day evening at thLir home. Gaines of all
idmids svcre inttmiigcd In by thi' chlldreum.
Last Thtmrsday evening time Itiding climb hail
a competitive race out to Florence. There
It was clmnrunlmmgly emmtemtainctl by Mrs. hunt
sm-tthi refreshineimts and an impromptu dammec.
An immfermnl pam ty svas giveim by mIr. and
lrs. C. L. CimatTee. 1015 l'ark avenue , on
Fulday mtlght. A large nummibor of their
frkuuls svere liresent and a very pleasant
avcumlmmg was spent.
On Thursday Mrs. ltlngwalt gave a prenuptial -
nuptial luumcheon In honor of Miss Amino Millard -
lard , It s5ms : one of tue daintiest luncheons
of time season. The decortmttomms consisted of
ferns amid roses. About forty guests were
Miss Yates gave a 5 o'clock tea on Mo-
morlnl day in imonor of Miss Anna Millard.
Miss Yates was assisted by time Misses Mi- !
lard and MclCentma. It sm-as alma of the most
pleasant ltmnclmeons of time week , as the mactm
were immcluded amnoumg the guests. Twenty-
dye were present.
Mrs. C. M. Wilhelm on Friday evening entertained -
tertained a imuniber of liar fmionds at a red
ilhimner. ' The decoratiomms svere ummlque amid
displayed much originality. Red carnations
smere used in ProfuSion all over time imouse.
CovCrs for tsvelve svere laid
The imink amid whIte bullet luncheon given
by Mrs. C. M. Willmehun at lmer residence on
Thursday afternoon was one of time moat de-
ilgimtfui fumietloims of the sglc. Tile de ora-
tioims throughout the house svero hunk.
Lunch was served at 1:30 : o'clock , The
guests numnbered twenty-fls'e.
Captain II. L. Roblnsomi entertained corn-
haul' B of the 111gb Schmool cadets on Thmurs-
( in ) ' afternoon at his home. Twenty-sixth nail
Capitol avenue. He was assisted by Misses
Myrtle Robhumsoim , Edna Robinson , Lomnux
amid Jackson In entertaIning. Rcrresimmnents
were served amid a good time enjoyed by all
Time Mu-Sigma chub finished up Its year's
work smith a real old-fashmioneti picnic at
Bernie park. The niemhiership of time club
is thirty-five ammd it has bach iii existence ( or
six years. An elegant lunch svas served
mlurilmg the afternoon and the rest of the
time sm-as 5Ieflt ssithi charades relating to
last year's study of French history.
Mrs. So ) Degea of 518 South Twenty-sixth
avemitmo gave a green and white dimmer on
Tuesday evening In honor of Miss Cora
Becker. Time dimmIng room was beautifully
decorated ss-itii palms , ferns , smnulax and
roses. Time table sm-as brilliant svith cut
glass , sviiile tim the center svas a large heart
formed of ferums amid roses. Covers for sixteen -
teen were laid.
I'imsirti iii PmHNpect.
Time flIght School alumni hop will be giveim
at Metropolitan bali on Monday evening ,
Jtumue 13. TIme executIve conimnittee , Messrs.
Kemimicdy , Otto Batmimsan , Charles Elgutter ,
L. litlwurds amid MIsses Jessie Tosvne amid
SumiUlm , sm-ill be assisted in cmmtertaluiing by
time Misses Kelley , Cassle Arnold , McCague ,
Duniont , hierberta Jaymies and Houston.
: ( ) - ( - Of' l'4'iiit' .
Mrs. liolden Is visiting at Norfolk , Neb.
Miss Jones is time guest of Miss Warner ,
Miss Julia Tahiaferro is home for the sum-
Mr. Rollins Atwehl of Milms'aukee is in the
Mr. W. A. Nothmrop of New York Is in the
Miss Koutitso returned from Denver on
Mr. W'atson te time guest of Mr. Johmm
klorbachm ,
Mrs. Watson of Chicago is time guest of
Mrs. Ilorbaclm ,
Mrs. Tarreltomi of BaltImore is time guest
of Mrs. Gifford.
Miss Claudumie Foster returned from CImI-
cage last mm'cek ,
Miss 000dricim is eimtertalmmimmg Miss Kimball -
ball of Chicago.
Dr. Little of Bloomnington , Ill , , is time guest
of Mr. Johmmm Cleric.
Miss Carita Curtis is cxpected hommie frvn
51-11001 On Juite jO.
! .lasli'r Can l'lmelps of Lincoln is tIme puest
of Master Ralph Cole.
Mr. Robert Tarroltoum of Baltimore Is time
guest of Mr Oanumctt.
Mr. II. S. Knox of Chicago is time guest of
Mr. Arthur K. Squier ,
Mr. Joseph Oberfehtier was in time city last
week ( rain New York.
Mr. hhimu-kness of Clevelaumil is tIme guest
of Mr. Luther lcountza ,
Miss Rose Dommahitmi ) hmrnm meturuied from a
visit 1mm Springfield , III.
Mr. miumil Imir.m. Bruce Collard of LIncoln returned -
turned hmammie last night.
Miss i.oBoutilhier of CincInnati is visit.
imig Miss Fiorelmce Morse.
Mys , Frank Ijarimam-il of Lhmicohum is the
iuest of Mrs. Jay Burns ,
Mrs harry Wilkinson of Chicago is vie-
itlmmg friends in this city.
Mr. Ltutimcr Irako ) 1mm cmmtertaimmIng bile nleo ,
Miss 1)rakc of CalIfornia ,
Mr. Joseph Garneau , Jr of Chicago is the
guest of Mrs. J , It. Ringwalt.
Miss lidlaicu of Leximmgtoum , Kamm. , is time
guest of Mrs. J. R. Rtngwait.
Mr. amid Mrs. Osgood Eastnman are guests
of Mr. ammil Mrs. Sanmuel Burns.
Mr. L. 1)egen of Ottamm'a , lii. , was time
guest of Mr. M , legeum last week ,
Mr. end Mrs. J. 14 , Jordan are guests of
their daughter , Mrs. J , J , lhckey.
TIme Misses Dixon amid Hayward of Ne-
braslta City are the guests of Miss Hattie
Misses Nellie and Fara Hawk , Owendolimmo
Larsh and Norn But ? of Nebraska City were
guests of tIme Nebraska State cozumuission
durlug limo Inst week asrtsting Miss flutter-
. . , .
- - -
- 4.- - - - - -
field , imostcs. in rceelving visitors to time
Ni bm-nka btmiidlni,0 ,
hir , t. \Vinstilm f Boston , editor of an
educational Jotmrnt. 1j In limo city.
Mrs. iiookr ot .74nic3town , 4. Y. , line
beemm the guest ot 'jtf. A. I' . Tukey.
Airs. L. A. Paxmr t Fremnommt , Nab. . re-
tiurneil imomo 0mm 'f'huday afternoon ,
Mr. l'hmihip Shmeth3i Brown , Jr. , left for
hmI homime at KnnasCity on Thursday.
Mr. 'tV.V , Mor1ili , t hromimlmment citizen of
iCaaszms City , Sheuitlnt week iii Omaha ,
lion. William J. hmj4imm smith Mrs. Bryan to-
tunic. to Lincoln on Thursday mormmimig.
Mr. and Mrs. llbml3arnln Joseph are now
at hmonie at 120 Nohhs Twemmty-flftim street ,
Mr. and Mrs. Meuette 1"o.e will be at
Imonme after June 1 at 3017 l'acific street.
Governor Silashtileicomb anti Mrs. Itoh-
comb returned imorno on Wednesday night.
Miss Alseimel , scimosyas time guest of Miss
Becker , returmieul to Chicago on Thursday.
Mr. Gurthomm W. Wattles loft yesterday to
bo absent froumi time city for about ten tlas.
Mr. and Mrs.V. . II. Clerismutmn of Maple-
ton , In. , nm-c visiting Mrs. Cimailes I ) . 1)osrns.
Miss Ida Sharp lies returned from a visit
whtbm Mrs. Harry McCormick , at Sheridan ,
Mr. amid Mrs. J. IV. htnymiolds ale v'sitlng
Mrs. floymmolds' hmnrotmts , Mr. and Mrs. iulmicl
Mrs.'ilftani it , Butler of Salt Lake City
Is in time city and is stopping at 1721 Daveim-
liort Street.
Miss Mnud Posvehl of Kentucky is visit.
immg tim the famimily of tier tmumcie , Judge Climi.
tomi l'ossell.
Mrs. J. Feinherg of Chicago Is visiting
Mr. anti Mrs. hlene at 120 North Twenty-
fiftim street.
Masters laim Pime.litg , Ralph Cole amid Jay
Katz are at home ( \Vorthmingtoui Miii-
tory academy ,
Mr. Frammlc Iheachi of Minmienpohig arrived
in time city yesterday to .spcmiml a few days at
time expositiomi.
Mrs. A. A. itamitlmmll of Maremigo , Iii. , Is the
guest of hmer father , 11ev. 8. l'imelps , at 3Si5
Se"nrui avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. hem-muon Frectinmamm ammd son ,
Girard , have removed to 1821 Case street
for time summer.
Mrs. Itigehumman of Des Moines , ha. , svlmo
hmas been the guest of Mrs. Hiiier , returned
home last. week.
Mrs. George Spangler , jr. , of hloldrcgo ,
Neb. , is in the city visiting liar parents at
2214 Wirt Street.
Rev. Dr. John hlenipimili mmd svifo of Sun
Francisco are spemmditig a few days in Onmatum
at the exposition ,
Mr. anti Mrs. Daniel Eiler of Ackley. ha , ,
are in tue city visiting relatives amid attend-
lag the expoItiomm.
Mrs. Charles H. Sawyer of lCammsmms City
Is a guest of her niotimer , Mrs. Kicffner , al
2921 loughas street.
Mrs. . 'i'aiter T. I'age anti Miss Nammmmic
l'ago leave next Vi'cdnesday to simend time
slmmmmmer iii Virginia ,
Miss Edith Smith has returned froni Ciii.
ciimmmati , wimere she has beemi attending sdhoo
iluring the last year.
Mr. Victor 1'Iatpr whnn lb. . , , - , ni
Mr. Sal Degemi , returned to his home lim Ciu-
cimimmati aim Thursday.
Mr. nmmd Mrs. C. F. Scovihle are tue guests
of Mr. multi Mrs. W. S. Rector at 621 Park
UVClUC for a few days.
Mrs. J. F. Coad emitertained last \Vednes-
day Mrs. I , . A. I'axton and Miss Maud Dami-
iclsun of Frouumommt. Neb.
Miss Alice i'o"ehl has returmied from
Emerson she has been pur-
suimig a commrse orStudy.
Mr. Jolmn Malikaul of timis city left for
Chicago on Friday evening to visit friends
there for a short--tJmio.
Miss May fluhluurti of Jacksonville , Iii. , will
arrive in Omahut on Timursilay to be time
guest of Miss Taiiaferro ,
Miss Carrie Mprcqr has returned from
New York City , v1merp she line been attend-
lug school since last fall.
Miss lilnud Danielson , who was tim guest
of Mrs. J. F. Cou , returned to hmer hiomime at
Freutiont , Nob. , on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Edn ' ard Porter Peck and
fanmily on Friday removed to their country
home , hlihieroft , barijalhaun , Neb.
Mrs. H. W. Gttemi nila daughter accompanied -
panied by Miss Eaythm Chtney , left emm Thursday - .
day afternoon for Sumdy lull , Saratoga , N.
V. . to spend the sumnmer.
Mr. and Mrs. James H. i'reston svere in
tomva fromn Denver to attend time opommumig of
the exposition , Mrs. Preston will return
next month to remain a fortnight.
Mr. J. W. Houder , nosy of Columbus , and
formerly of this city , has returned to Omaha
to stay dum'iimg time gm-eater portion of time
whiie time axpositioli is rummning.
Mrs. M. H. Latey at St. Louis , svho ts In
time city to attend time Rogers-Millard sved-
ding , will sing in All Saints' church this
morning at time 11 o'clock service ,
l'resident Lyons of Monmmioutii college ,
Moummuouth , lii. . left for home on Wednesday ,
having beemi in attendance at the ilmmited
i'resbyterian commventlon in this city.
Miss Margaret McKell , formerly of this
city and mmow a resident of Des Moines. ha , ,
is here to remain uimtIl time close of the ox-
IOSittOfl. Slum is stopping at The Georgia.
Miss Rena Strung , daughmtor of Mr. A. L
Strang , formerly of this city nosy of Sedalia.
Mo. . is in the city , time guest of Mr. and
Mrs. George Stramig at. 20G0 Woolworth aye-
Messrs. anti Mesdames L. Becker. N. Wise.
M. Wise , S. Rauh and George \Vise of Slommx
, City , wimo cumne to attend the svedtlimig of
Miss Corn Becker. returned home on Thurs.
Miss Mao Burr of Lincoln , svoll kmmown in
Ommmaha society circles and svhmo has spent
time mat half year in musical studies in New
Yomk , will be time guest at Miss Lydia Tukoy
this week.
Colonel W. II. hfam'per , Mr. Wimeaden of
Cimicago and Colonel Carr of Galcsburg. Ill. .
immembers of the executive committee of tIme
Illinois comimilsumlon. left for their homes emi
Thursday mmight.
Mrs.Vntson amid 80mm , Mrs. Joseph Oar-
neau of Chicago amid Mrs. Tarroiton amid soum ,
Mr. Robert Tarrcltomm. of Baltimore arrived
in time city aat week to attend time marriage
of Miss Ammna Millard.
Mr. amid Mrs. hlospe have beoui entertain-
iuig Mr. iunfi Mrs. H. S. Consvay and Miss
Consvay of Chicago during tile opening of
time oxposttlomi , Mr. Conway is time vice
presIdcmmt of the Illinois State comnnmission ,
Mrs. Francis B. Crawford of New 1jul01)-
shire , : miothmcr of Mr. Fraumk Cramvfortl of this
city , amid Mrs. John W. Dmomm am'e tIme gmmests
of Mrs. H. H. Drew at 2037 Barney street.
They are cmi route home front Caliorumimu (
amid svihi lie lmero ( or about three weeks.
Time frontishmieco of tlmo current issue of
time Saturday Iveumlmmg Herald , a society pa-
icr of Chicago , is a fine plctimro of Mrs.
Ciemneat Cluaso of timid city. Thu mmmmnmhier
also contaimme aim article on the work of tile
bureau of emmtertalmmmmmemit at the Transamis.
sisstppi Expositiozi ,
Mr. aTmil Mi-mu. AugUstUs 1)rexoh. Miss lIen-
retta Drexel , Mr.hud Mrs , W. C. Cole. Mr.
timid Mrs. 0. F , liqrgper , Mr. amid Mrs. Fl. F.
i'ntrick amid Prof. M. A. Corbett spemit Sun-
tiuty at ' 'Maple ( ] rQvq , " time summmimmer hmommie of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert \V. Dummmim. Mi report
a mmmost delightful tithe.
, I
- . - - r.1 -
'the iloymmi Is time hitujhtt ejrade bakIng powder
Lusommim. Actuehlusts show it ejoes one-
third further thou coy other brnnJ.
AboIutcly Pure
Ilehiipmit of Viik'lut1it ! flntlgt' 1ihit
(4. . . . rtl i'nrumi a I'iirt ( ) rtIt'ri'ti
In , iuu I"rztui'IMCU ,
It is likely that the reglnment of Iowa
volunteer infantry that is to Joimm the other
ttoopa at San Francisco for the expedition
to time I'hmthippine islands will pass through
Ommmmmhmn early this morning. Just sm-hmemm the
three 1iecial trains carrying thmc regiment
left Des Moines is hot knomvmm. Captain
Baxter , acting quartermaster of time 1)epmmrt-
ummemit of time .Missouri , U. S. A. , remaimmad
at hmls omce uimtil a late hour last evening
waitiimg for a telegram announcing ( lie do-
imarture of the troops , but it did not come.
it Is thouglmt that time regimiment mm-as delayed
iii time bailing of its cars.
It is rummmorcd ha army and railroad circles
tlmimt time Fifty-second Iosa infantry smoulil
leame Des Moimiemu omm Monday for San Frau-
cisco. Reports frommm time Iowa capital are
to tlmat effect , but they nra mint confirmed
by numy official immformmmatiomm at the Imentlquar-
tore of time Dcpartrnemmt of time ? ilissottri him
this city. Time Fifty-second Iowa regimmient
is tIme fotmrthm amid Inst raised euler tIme first
call for troops.
A comnpmumy of flume looking recruits for time
regular service of time Uniteil States nrmmmy
Passed thrommghm Omalma on Saturday morn-
lag , occtmpyliig special ears attucimed to the
Union i'aciflc'n "Overhaul Limited" trmmimm.
The recruits cumumme from 01mb , antI are cmi
route to San Francisco to Joimi tIme cxpcdhtiomm
to the I'hiiiiimpimie isintmds.
Commipany C , Fotmrth New York , went
through on time Burlington , bound for Semi
Major Gemmeral Merritt Ims applied to time
secretary of scar to have Chmiet Clerk H. I.
1)avls , Department of time Missouri , semit
to Imim at Semi Francisco for duty us chief
clerIc. Delmsrtmnemit of tim l'ncific.
Mrs. Cox of hlermuan , Nab. , was hero Inst
sweek visitimig Mrs. Ida Kindred.
Miss Mottle Ttmcker visited friends imm
Onmalma inst sveelc ,
Mrs. Ed Greemi of Blair is imero visIting
relatives for a fesv days.
Miss Leaty King svemmt to Sioux CIty Tuesday -
, day , smimere she will remnahmi for some timmie.
\v. H. Rose Is having Imts grocery store
paimited and several other repairs nmado this
Time tanners amid gondolIers him thus section
are jubilant over time pmospeCts of large
Time town was nearly depopuiatetl Wedmies-
tiny , em'eryomie goimmg to the openimig of the
: exposltiomm.
Quite a mmumnber of Mrs. .1 , G. hlunt'u
friends from Omaha spent time evemming at
Imem imommie
Mm' . KIndred of liermiman , Nob. , is hmer *
visiting imis somi. James Kindred , timid at
tending tIme exposition.
Tii Misses Clara Nelsomm aimd Louise Es-
telle of Ommmaha spemmt Saturday amid Sunday
visiting Miss Mattie Tucheer.
Hills flierimosmer , presidemmt of time Onmahma
Water comnpaiuy , was bale Vi'ednesday in-
spoctimmg tue phmimm at this 1)111CC.
Most of time citizemis of the towmi partlci-
Itlted 1mm tIme decotation excmcises Monday ,
going to Forest Limsmmi cemnetemy.
Four cammdidates for the King's laughters
still be Initiated Immto time order at time
Episcopah church Sunday , June 12.
There is an athditiomm being built to the
Presbtyeriamm chtmrcim , to be used for a has-
tor's study amid Sunday school moommi.
\v. Chapmnau ammd his sister , Kate. of Per-
sla , Ia. , are visiting the iammmily of Mr. W.
A. Wilson amid attend the expositiomm.
Mr. harris of Blair , Nob. , spemit. Wednesday -
day vlsltimmg his semi , W' . C. hiarmis , and at-
temmilad time opemmimmg of time exposition.
Mr. amid Mrs. Frank Cox , svlmo have imeemi
visitIng hugh Stmttie the last week. returned
to their home at Streator , Ill. , Momuday.
Mrs. linus Wolf of Blair , Nob. , a formimer
residdnt of this place , was a business visitor -
itor iii towmm Friday , looking after lmem' property -
erty interests here.
Mrs. Iii. T. Belt , in charge of the vaults
of the Fimet National bammk , will spend time
summer in tosvn , making hem' home smith time
Ianmily of Mr. 0. J. hunt.
Quite a miumnber of time menibc'rs of time
Kmmigimts of time Forest , at bilge No. 1 of
Ommsaha , wore Present at the mmmeetimmg of the
Flomemuce council Tuesday night at time city
hall , timers beimmg time imiitiatiomt of candidates -
dates ,
The school term svihi close Friday for time
summmmer vacatlomm and this ss'ihl probably be
thu host term Prof. Bachcus will lie at tue
hemui of thue school , na ime has becen elected
princpal of time Chmadmon , Neb , . schools. lie
has been hero for the last three yeam-s amid
do'me : emciont svork.
Pt. JIM it II I I t' hiM.
Miss Lettte Smnitim returned to I'Iattsmnoutim
last Monday evezmlmmg.
The qtmarterhy comiference held a sessiomm
at time ciitmrcim last Tuesday Osening.
Miss Zeila Snmitlm ammd Miss Flora Martimi
Wem O UI ) from I'lattsmrmouth last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. it. Willianma of Elk City
VlSitei smlthm friemmds in Bensoim last svck.
Mrs. Ed H. hoffman amid Mrs. James A.
hiosmarti made a s'isit imm Council Bluffs last
Time Ladles' Aid society ss'lhl mmmeet at time
home of Mrs. Ed B. Hofinman next Wednesday -
day at 2 p. mu.
Mrs. 0 , 1) . Beilns sister arrIved frommi Clii-
cage last Momidny morumiumg to mmmake liar it
vIsit for sommie tlmne ,
Miss Mary Hillyarti of St. Joseph , Mo. , ris-
ited at the imommme of Miss Ada 1. Steiger
dhlrimg , time last wceok ,
Mrs. 0 , Lasvsen returmmed to imer imommmo
Momiday evenIng after a week's m'isit with
liar sister , Mrs. Morgan.
Irwimm II. 'mVatvmmpatmgh amid fatimer of Gib-
bomm , Nob. , visited at the imommmo of Mr. amid
I l'i'odtid-
$ G.5 ( ) II 1'I'S for 5 .00
ISihiEL CASSIIY enuumploxion
ClCltt'Ci'H miow Oil sulo-Timeso ace cii
im'0'Cd mrorthm miami uuoal no rceoiim-
inemidaton ,
1511 Douglas.
Showing the correct
Lot' the sti 111111(11' ( SOitI4Olh ,
just ; received.
203 SOUTh 15111.
Mrs. 1W , .7 , Joseph whmil imere taking in the
opening of the expositIon. I
Mr. end Mrs. A. ( 'lough and cimihtiren of' '
Stanton visited with reletives In flcnsomm last
'week , sshmlie attending the expositlomi.
'rime citizens of Benson held a mneoting in
time town hall last Tuesday evening iii to-
garth to the itnprovemnents of time town , anti !
the mmmotor iimie , but nothing was decided
deflumitely ,
Services smiii ho hid. at the M&'thmodlst
chmtmrch at the usual hour this evening by
time pastor. The ' pupils of time Sunday
school are proparl mig cimilulron's thay exercises
to take Place on the emenimig of time l2thm ,
TIme hmirthitlay patriotic social given by thmet
svomnen of the church last Monday evemmiimg' '
at the hall ias a itmc'ccsn socially amid fhmman-1
daIly. Nearly 23 were cleared , wimichm wihhl
be imaid on tha etmureb debt. A fine
smii.s given at 8 p. ni.0 comisistimmg of a imtmnibcr
of lnmtriotic sommgs by the tiotible quartet amid
recitatiomms by Miss Cogeton of Ommimihma. Miss
Mae i''tersomi amid Miss Mnud iiihbarul of
trviimgton favom-etl the autliemmee witim ducts ,
l'llSItS ) IIt % 'hS'l'IlltN 'll'm'llhl.t $ .
SumirM iii lnteVnr hhcmuut'uiuIeretl
I , , ' lhi 41e'umt.rui flueruitneuut.
V.'ASIIINGTON. Jummo 4.-Speeial-Pcui- ( )
sioims hove hcemm isstmeth as follows :
lsstme of May 23 :
Nelmrmmskn Original - Charles Mcntzer ,
Sclmimyher , $ G Plmineas ii , lrake , Ommmmtima , $ S.
Atitiitinnah-heorgo W. Ogg , Geneva , 6 to
" . liemmess-nl--Wihlimimmm M. Love , York , $6. in-
cmenso-i'ati-iclu Owemma , North ficmmd , $8 to
o. Omiglmmal widosm' , etc.-Mimmors of Martimi
Gregg , Ommiaba , p12. Orighmmni restoration aim.
rclssue-iiarriet N. Gregg ( ticceaseil ) ,
Omaha , $8.
Iowa : Originnl-Syhvcstcr 3. fleck , Shen-
ammioaht , $8 ; Henry I.mces , Mimic , $ G Jmmhlus
C. ihiggimis , Ida throve , $0. AtIditioimn1-'t'il.
linmus If. ( ioodm-ell , Iowa City , $6 to $8 1mm-
crease-Morris II , Warner , Ahiertomm , $3 to
$ s , Original siulOw , etc.-Annio M. Taskay ,
Farregut. . $8. $
Colorado , Reissue-Edgom' Sawdey , htousu' ,
W'3omnimmg ineretustm-ilenry C. Sanders ,
Cbe > 'vmmnc. $2 to $30.
North fmmkota Original ( special May 2- $ )
Cnthmmrtmimo Leery ( nurse ) , hllstnarck , $12.
I3oimthm lnkotn : Original-Clntisa .1. Al-
mum , licrmnosrm , $8.
11.'mm _ 'laleii Shicei luidtustr' .
FOLSOM , N. M. , Jimmie 4.-Sliecial.-Tiii ( ) ,
ima beeim nmm excehient spring for lambing
tlmc loss imelmig scarcely liar eemmt. The weob
prospect Is also good , hum tact , batter th
for years.
11111 Itll.ti.'i'Y ' , i.tltiCll'I' ,
1NST11tTMIINTI3 llflrtti oh rt'etmrd Satin'
(15) ' , June 4 , 1S93 :
S'nrrnuu3 ievdts ,
New Eumalmunil l.oaum & Trust eomamm'
(4)t. ( . 'F. Simyles , hot tI. block " 8 , '
Simiumum's hti mmii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S 1.GO
v. b. Shelby uitiul svif lii I" . 0. Oisnii ,
lot G , itlock 3 , \ ' . h , Seitmy'mm 1st nil . .
Smmmithm hiruwmm timid % mlf. , to H. 0. F irk-
lrntrick , sso 32.15-10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
( leorgu Joimumsun to t' . P. Coy , s 70 feet
hot 7. blink 2 , Wimteulno. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ti. h. Mitlghcy at al tu Schmtmol listrit't
( If Ommiumlmn , 5 S feet lot t' , block 2t ,
Ommimihmit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,000
i-ihium hirinriiy amid humsbnntt to sammme ,
mm ii ui'et lot ; , bloek 23. atuumme. . . . . . . . 5,000
'i'imommmmts iloctor imimil sm-lfo to Jiie1mli
l'oter i ; lot 17 , block 7 , Potter &
:1. : nil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 100 $
ituilt Clniiit IeClN , _ _
.J. II. ( 'imristhamiseim nuti ivife to lb. H ,
Griilitlm , lot 12 , Iteihi'k' 2i1 nil. . . . . . . I
Ieails ,
Sheriff to 0. N. litiarthmnnmm , lot 4 ,
hmhoek 2 , Slituil's 1st tmtl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,700
Sheriff to lttitiolphm Reppler , inirt tax
lot iS , 1mm 10-15-il. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 677
Total anmoumit of trnumsfcm-s.$20,203
_ _ i ,
? : nii 1JtCi'CL1 SUII'S .INi ) S1C1 RTS-iteprosemitimig
: _ ' tiit new mimmttt'm-iahs for wilealimug Cotti nme't-
\ _ Iii black amid navy blue-just. time
I \ , thmitit for uXiam-itlntm ivear titmrimmg
I hot mecallier. i'm-ice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0
. - i'hUVttt4er"nfltLothtr1iopuIar rt1e r5 0 -
\ aimd Limmen Skmrt't'imito i'lquu Skirts
mmmmd Suits , mmemv Silk \'aist.s
I at each , i.C0 mmmi. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
We keep the goods thatpeople like.
- ch CLtth&SUITCO.
1510 Douglas Street.
1 ?
A. ; ! s
16th and rai'nan , Streets.
I-las just received the .
- - - fcx finest selection of solid
( pI s'ilverwii'e : - cut - g1ams-
c..ras"J.ISV- JA IIJJl.J. Louwesa wai'e-toilet ar-
tides-silver Ilovelties-
go'd ' wa I ches-lancy pillslorgncttes - chaiiis -
waist Sets-falicy belts-purses-opera glasses-
Iliflll'OIlIIS iii hi.ll colors-diaiiioiid rings-pins and
studs-ever 1)rougllt to Omalia'--tliese goods are all
new aiid for
' Call on us before ptmm'chamuimmg-mmo tm'onbhc to show gocda.Vo
' ' for souvenir .
arc headquai'tcm's spoonms.
, 7ffff ) g9c
MRS. J. BENSON , 1\ \ '
210 and 212 South 16th.
For C' ' aduating Classes
'Nhmhtc silk and gauze fiunti , yjcummi , lmoiio amid 1vom'vstiek8-decom'utotI
w'ithm snumgles , imammd painted immmd lace Im'icos 5Si , 75c , $ I .00 , $ 1 .25
Aim oiegammt 11mm of Sash Ribbons anti ummtdo : up ou311 , in white amid ereamum ,
'sS'liito ( ; ros Guitimi Sashes ynm'ds , seveul imiclmes s'Ide , vlthu
hnvy frimige , special price $2.75.
\Vlmito Ribbon , umiolro at' bntln , fomim' iminhmni ivido , :13u : a yard.
Special iumlces ( mu hmamidsommie lIiuua1kci'uimieft.
Ilmmndsomnc boo trliummmied Hummtlkoi'ciulofmm fat' 5t1e.
Fimuu embroidered linen Iiaruulkou'e1mlof , worth -l for ChIc.
Very imandsomno ammmbrohlorod hiumorm llandkcm'uhmiufs , wom'tlm $1.59 , lot' $1.
flCal Duiehiotstm Lace llundicerelmk'fe , $ l.2i up ,
\\'hlte I'thilIlam'y I3uIts ms'Itim gilt buckles amid am'mny buttoumt , 83c GOc.
Plain Wimito Bolts , 25c.
\\Tlmite ] lulL'm sm'lthu Jiuwuleti buckles , * 1 nun $1.25.
? ilotiul flelt $ l,2.i , 1"Iimu out SIis'or lioitti , $3.
Pm'ctLy while Kid GIovem , from $1.00 "Ii ,
- - - - - - -
- - -
- - - - -
- - - - - _ _
I q1 ' . ' ( t. ' . " ' ; , , / i 'm' . If
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