_ : I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T1fl OMAJI4\ DAILY flflThLtNDAY , JUNE Z , ' 189g. . . i : - AZFT3 VANTIfl. ( Continued. ) . tkONTS wanted to sI ready made novelti ' igii3 ! (11x14 ( Inchc ) ; bg profltM to ageflt. I _ Va. ) Schreler Mtg. , Milwaukee , WIL Q - fig. outfit for 23 & centi mIIed 'worth $1.O rctaI1 quick nntl " eftsy e1Iers ; new beautiful color-type pit- ttire o battle ship Maine brU& ot the a I Amcrcan nag , Genn-n1 Lee , , % dmlral DcWfy. , Amfta1 Sampson , anI DeWCYA t VIctory ( bntth ) ; nothing Ike them ; on heavy plate paper ; reaiy for framIng , 19 : iample of either , ncIiiIIng lOxil zes of Maine , 1're5Iknt TcKInUT , I victory , nfld Dewey end ) ii uiuaron ; I flvo mngnflleent pIcture all 25 centS. ] Iegant line of 10x14 sIs matted with b s silk cord , s.r.o per hundred ; 22x28 Iewey. Hnmpson anti Schicy crayon llthographs , $2.&O ier hundred ; twenty new styles glass pictures with chain , gr'at wnr atlas , war inas , window flags , buttons. badges. ntriotic novelties ; lowest rrIce : sthrt at once. The Patriotic Art ( .o. , 67 S. Clark Nt.I Chicago. Iii. AOFiNTS to iandlo the greatest lIne of aluminum novelties : send &c for page critnlogue prices reduced 50 p'r cent ; , 10' ' ) per cent commission ; Mtinc" : aou- venir spoons 90c dozen. Reymond & Cottlob , 331 flroadwa. New York.J AOENTS-Lumlnous signs , name plates and street Nos. Iteadable darkest nights. . Samples free. Thomas Co. , 1nglewood. . - Ill. AGENTS , $7 daily selling Specialty Soaps. gi'Ing cUstomera double vahic in handsome - some presents : exclusive territory sample outflt free. Lease Soap Co. , Cincinnati. 0. . J-43-5. BTATE agents wanted as managers for use- fill novelty ; lised the world over : patent Just Issued : look U Up flfl ( write. don- roe MZg. Company. East. Stroudshurg. I'a. ; jDO NOT WANT boys or loafers to write us , hut men of ability. $200 to ) ) per month. Salesmen anti general agents. Salary or commission. Itacine Fire Engine - gino Co. , L'td , Itacine , W18. . AOINTS make big money selling automatic - - matic , screen door catches.'rite for Information. Automatic Door Catch Co. , 13 ; Lake St. , Chicago. ioit SALE-Second band typewriter. good condition , $ ZO.OO. Address It 20. Be. . I - WANTED. agents and solicitors for our glnas plcturt's of the Maine. Mlmirai Dewey , bnttlo of Manila ; war noveltieS of all .tlrids ; agents are coining money. IVestern Ulns Adv. Co. , SOT Van flurcu . st. . Chicago. J-i2 i ; - _ - - CLOTIIING saleimen wnnted to take or- dots lor our made-to-mpasure suits at $ : ) .ly to $23.0' ' ) . pants $1.75 to $1.0' ' ) . Active men make .3.t' ) to $ &MO a (1) . Write at once for agents samlle outlit. Chicago Woolen dilIs , Chicago. J-f3 5 1VATED , rllnbIe canvassers , ladles or gentlemen. to handle the latest novelty. a photograph frame that magnille your picture &O ler cent. Everybody that sees It wants one. A great opportunity to make money IurIng the fair. Sen,1 2 ets. for sample or write for circular. The Star Novelty Co. , 2 Marine Iank Bldg. . Baltimore - timore , MI. ' . J-'l:3o : I - W.NTIl-TO I1CNT. A TEN or more room furnished house. with all inoti&rn conveniences.Vell located , within easy distance of Exposition. To be useil for first-class lodgers. No meals served. Best of reterenee given. It IS. Bee. WANTED-Tn rent. small cottage or ore o" two rooms for light housekeeping. S. R. Grabill , Klondye hotel. LADIES , if yt desire to rent your furnished rooms to Exposition visitors . .klndly call 510 Brown 131k. E-5Oi-5 V'ANTED , to rent , one roller top business desk for summer. TransmtsSiSSllpi Room Bureau. 142' ' ) Douglas. WANTED TO RENT-Three gentlemen want two or three furnished rooms In private family , with or without board. Permanent. Must be first-cIas In every respect. Give full particulars. Address - R 2.1 , Bee. . IC-517 WANTED. to rent 7 ox S-room house near exposition : will buy part furniture. Address - dress B 2 , Bee. IC-Mt1 7' WANTED. by young lady , place to work for room and boari ; private family pre- ferreti. Address It 29. Bee. K-M5iO G STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. . SOS- 9i0 Jones , general storage and forwarding. M-SO OM. Van & Storage , 2311 ½ Farn'm. Tel. 1539. M-851 - WA'I'Ei-TO lIllY. iF You are in need of anything , try the Want Columns of Tha Ree ; they will bring you what you want. N-S&7 Fofl S.tLEFVItNITlJflE. flALLTREE. bookcase. carpets , couch. stoves , pictures. etc. , for sale cheap. G03 Woolworth Ave. 0-Mill S' ICR sale at a bargain. 500 pillows and 500 mattresses ; new pillows , 23 cents up ; new mattres3ea , 75 cents up. IJOS-lO Dodge. O-M857 JZ3' TWO Second-class hotel cooking ranges ; bargains. 404 S. 15th St. 0-372 5' ' \ FOR SALE. one 8-foot steel hotel range. Apply at 319 North 15th street. M. .1. 1'ranek. O-51 5' ) OR SALII-IIORSES , WAGONS , IlYC. TIlE best place to 'buy a good carriage . cheap ; bargalnt In first class second hand carriage. 1409-il Dodge St. ALL. kinds vehicles. No matter what you Wttllt. lice our stock. We trade your way. l'rices will surprise yoti. Terms arc yours. J.V. . Crawford Co. , 1531 Jones St. , Omaha. FOIL SALE-Beautiful and latest style flockawny carriage , best make , nearly new. cost $1,200 , price G23 cash ; also double seated leather trtmrnel open jark 1)hUCtOI with lolt' and shafts , nenrly ne % ' , cost $450. prIto $ O cash ; also douhi& set rubber trimmed harness , new. Cost $123 Per set , $50 cash. Room ] 0'J Burr block , Lincoln , Neb. I'-5L-5' LADIES driving horse and tIne Simpson iihnetofl. 11 * ) 5. 21st. 1-552 5' - roh S.tI.lI-MIt'III.tEOtTS. 1500 and PoultrY fence ; better than wire netting. Fine sawdust for iloors. Tel. 4. 501 Douglas , IIORSII clipping machines , knives and re- pairs. all standard iiitd'es on hand : grind. lag razors , shears. clippers ; prompt sery- Ice. . A. L. Untieland. FOIt SALE-Ten It.l.P.A.N.S. for 5 cents at druggists ; one gives relief. Q-2t FOIl SALE-Three rutura Tubular boilers : SQ-horse iower each. Apily to tile SLIPCC iniendent , 103 Bee building. Q-5S IIALI.5 Safes-new and second-hand ; safes repaired and rented. 1116 V'arziam. U--.Sllil-J13 5x Second-hand steel ranges , suitable ( or restaurants or boartlixig houses , tar sale at great bnrguinsmUst : be soii. 1410 Dodge TIlE best mixed paints at Sherman & M. Connell Drug Co.,1513 ) otlgo St. . Omaha. - . - (4-IcJ4-J ; j iici , poultry and lawn fences ; all wIre ; is best.'Ire tVfrks , 14th nod Ilarney. L Q-G0. iiss IllCYClES dovrt to $5.00 : new 1IV8 model mules' anti gents' bkyci. * uro iaiw being 50111 Ol easy cofldltiont as low us $5.00 : others outright at $1.93. and high grade at $ l.50 nuI $22 10. to be paid for after received : IC you will rut thit flOtlee out and send to Sears. Itoebuck & ( 'o. Chicago , they vill sdnti you their lt.93 hi- cycle catalogue and full TillI Spanish possessions In both the east and west. in map form. with nearly 00 photographic reproductions of the Anlerl- can and SPanish nav1e. naval coznnuind- era. etc. All for 2 cents , at the Ilee otXlce , If ordered by mail. nblress , Navy I'hotograpli Department , Omaha l3e. - -a CEf.RY rlants for sale all a very : low price. St. Joseph Celery Garden , St. Joseph , Mo. FOR SALE. a young burro. well broke and sate for children. 2d. W. Lee , Dunlap , Ia. Q-.Il5-JT - - POlL .tl.i3I2f'ElV.tiIOtS. . . , . . ( Continued. ) - Fort stii. fresh Jersey cows. Adlress box 236Omaha. Q-M351 I' woot.r ZACIIARIA has boueht oit Philip Nathan and Is now at 1207 } 'arnam ; World's fair furniture for sale. sale.Q373 .Iyl VE now have a limited number of United States standard wool bunting flags which we are offerIng at about one-third less than other dealers , Omaha School Sup. ply Co. , 11th and Jiarney sts. Q-M1l2 10 flOTEL. bar , good paying , for sale. Address - dress James \Vllliams , 30L So. 15th street , Omaha. Neb , Q-M503 7' ANTIQUE wardrobe in best condition : lack of rrom reason for selling : cost $50 , will eIl for $20 ; must sell this week Call 1 Locust St. COLUMBIA dental chair and outfIt : good as new , at a bargain. Address It 19. 11cC. Q-i.l3-1l' FOR SALE-Our Sterling 1233 pattern high grade wheel ; also two ladles' wheels. I' . OIIox. 841 , Omaha. Q-S00--5 111011 ORADl bicycle. good as new , used three months , less than half price. Address - dress ] t 32 , lice. Q-326 5' FOR BALE , inciepenient , newspaper In one of the best county seat towns of iowa ; will be SOld at a sacrlflce to early buyer. Address It. It. M. , Boone , Iowa. Q-M55G 7 HAUDMAN piano , slightly % 15041 , $ r,0'oSO ; upright. large size , $125 : eleven other different - ferent makes at lowest Prices. Mueller PIano & Organ Co. , 211 South 18th street , Omaha , Neb. Q-M55i 7 A GOOD PhtetOfl ) cheap. Call at ISOI Da- enport , or room 30 , Douglas block Q-M519 11 - : ii I 4 CCLL.t EO US. ANTI-MONOIJOLY Garbage Co. , cleans ccsspools & Privy vaults. 621 N. 16. Tel. 1773 fl-W1C' TW'flNTY-ltVE cents will buy the latest jiubllcation illustrating the U. S. ant : SpanIsh navies , naval commanders , etc. : almost 200 photo7raphic reproductions , with a large map of the East and Vest Indies. at the olitee of The lice , If or. dered by mail. address Navy Photograph Department , Omaha lice tt--SO MASSAGE IIATIiS , ETC. ORIENTAL Turkish baths for ladles and cents. 101 So. 14th , Tel. 1231. Open all night. T-M200 JO' MEIICATED baths and massage. Mme. llrisson , from Paris. 107 N. 12th St. T-M497 314' I U1tA Elilson , 119 N. 16th ( upstairs ) , room 1 ! , Turko-Itussian and plain baths , massage. T-701 J19' MRS. DR. LEON , electric massage bath parlors ; restful anti curative. 417 S. 11111 , uPstairs. T-M26 35 MME. SMITH , 118 N. 15th St. , hot spring and vapor baths. 'r-ns-c' MME. AMES , 507 5. II , B. 10 ; mas'tae bath T-M414 1 i'EItSN.tL. VlAVI for uterine troubles. 340-S Eec bldg. : r.hslcian consultation or health book free. PATHS , massage. Mme. Post , 219 ½ S. 15th. $10. RUPTURE cur& for $30. No detention from business ; U years in Omaha. Caller or write ( or citculars. Empire Rupture Cure , 332-913 New York Life bldg. , Omaha , Neb. THE Pantorluni , clothes cieaned , pressed and relalretl. , day and night ; special care given , ladles' tailor made gowns ; dress suits for hire. N. E. cor. 14th & Farnnin. Tel 963. U-4 A LARGE ap of the World , one of Cuba and anothcr of the entire West Indies. showing Cuba , Porte Rico , ilayti , San Domingo , MartiniquE' and all the other West Indian Islands ; 10 cents. at The 11cc otflco. By mail , 14 cents. Address Cuban Map Dept. , Omaha 13cc. U-S A000D-LOOKING. highly respectable , young southern widow , worth $37,0) , with income train hotel. wants to marry. Address - dress Wedding Bell , 219 North 8th St. , St. Louis , Mo. U-174--3 SEND name and deacciption ; object matrl- moay or correspondence ; no charge. Mutual EXchange , 910 Wyandotte Street , Kansas City , Mo. U- NUDE IN ART. taken from nature , IC beautltul colored pictures , all nudes , 23c prepaid. French Art company , 5 Locust street , Philadelphia. U- PHYSICIAN of unquestionable character and immense income tries this novel way to secure a charming wIfe. "Make- peace , " 135 10. 65th St. , New York. WANTED. the names of nil persons desir- lng to study personal magnetism : insures health. happiness and success in life. Address - dress Prof. Waldermer , Waconda , Nan. U-612-5' " 3r.UIIIY. ' Denver Corresponding Club members worth $100 to $1t00 ; no $5 fee ; lists IDe , sent. sealed , B. L. Lore. Denver , Cob. U-511-5. itins. CRONYN , specialist , superfluous hair , moles , etc. , permanently removed by electricity ; references given. 3311 Douglas U-510-5' ENLARGE your busts , ladies , 4 to ii ) Inches. at home , with Dr. Conway's flust Tabloids at trilling cost : $1,000 ( or a case we cannot - not ; those developed in lat 12 years prove 'tls perautnent : sealed facts Ic stamps. Conway Spiflc Co. . 113 Tremont St. , Boston , Mass. U-509-5 COUNTRY maiden , 0 , interesting. hand. some. owns large estate. $150,000. seeks suitable life companion. Miss Phllliplne. 20) K 51st , New York. TIlE young man who was seen leaving the V. 31. C. A. building with the front wheel of a bicycle l'riday morning will do ve1l to return it and avoid prosecution. U-M531 C \v4. ' have estnblished in your city a matri- menial bureau , which shall conduct in a first-class maimer ; panIcs registering with us vill be treated with confidence : give us a call. Room 531 Karbalt block. U-033 5' MISS BOSE TI. and Miss J. F. G. , please answer again to "ad" P 59 in last Sun- day's Bee. U53 5' MONISY TO L ( ) tN-ltE.tI4 ES'l'tTE , WANTED , choice farm and city loans. ft. C. Peters & Co. , U. S. Nat'l Ilank bldg. Y-to $ lO0.0'I0.0) ' special fund to loan on lirst.class improved Omaha property , or ( or build. log PurPo. FIdelity Trust Company. LOAN on improved and unimproved cit' property , \ % . Farnam Smith & Co. , 1820 Farnam. w-j1 : C l'ER cent city and ( ann loans. Garvin hIres. , 1613 Farnam St. .tNTIIONY 1.oan & Trust Co. , 315 N. Y. L. ; ruick money nt low rates ( or choice farm lands in Iowa , Northern Mhsouri. East. ( 'cit Nebraska. MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Love Co. , 119 S. 10th. - _ _ _ EASTERN money ( or western investments - ments ; send for circular. investors' Dl- rectory o. . New York.V3) 3 ; ' W4NTED , to loan. 82.500 ; one loon pre- ferret ) ; also want to loan 500.00. F. D. Wend , 16th and Douglas. V-t3 5 1EIt cent mOney , 11emis I'axton blk. \-271 91 ONIJY TO LOtN-Cll .tTTFILS. $10 TO 310,000 TO LOAN ON 11Ot'SEIIOL.D FURNITURE AND PIA- NOS. IIOUSEb. WAGONS /ND CAR. RIAGESVAIIFRIOUBFI RECEIPTS , etc. , at lowest rates in Omaha. South Omaha and Council Bluffs. No re'moval of goods ; strictly confidential ; you can pay the loan off at any time erIn In any amounts. OMAhA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 30.3 South 10th St. TIIR OLDEST. lARGEST AND ONLY IN- COHPOBII.TED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. MONEY loaned salaried people holding permanent positions , with responsible concerns upon their own name without security : easy ; aymenta , Tohnan , Ii. 706 , N. ' , L. bldg. HUSINIIS CIIAICIIS , FOR esle , fttiargttn , lay enttre dm stock. show ases , soda fountain an counters : also will rent stors at reasonable - able rent ; located Union Depot hotel , one block from U. P. and Burlington depots. Ernest Stuht , proprietor. Y-479 - El.W&TORS ! for sale , a line of slt eft'- 'ators on the Republican Valley branch . of the U ' . It. fl , extending smith from Lincoin , Neb. , throuch an excellent grain producing region. Will be sold together or separately its desired , In good repair and tin. worzlng order. Will le ell , on easy terms. Apply to Ed S Miller , Ben- trice , Neb. Y-MiG 320 TO GET in or out of bulness go to 3. .7. Gibson , 114 First Nat'I bank , Y-467 - S-YEAR established cigar business , lIar- gulit. One of thohest locfttlons.in Omaha. I'arties leaving city rcstsnhl for selling. Inquire Mrs. Jertrie , Board of Trade , Ith anti Farnam , Oftbe open till ID p. m. snd Sundays , Y-M332 TO exhibitors , we will light free of charge one or two Prominent exhibits or booths during the Cxpositlon , using the beadtlful aebtylenc light. Calcium Light Gas Co. , 403 I'axton 131k. Y-M399 S FIRST class farm land in eastern Xe- brat'ka to exeliang general merchandise or hardware stock , Address F. Van Ackeren , flurnphrey , Neb. 1'-513-5' A TELIGI1APIT Ol'IIRATOR CON F'IDCNTI.t I.T.T EMPLOYRI ) lIT A PROMINENT WALL STREET HOUSE WISHES TO FORM CONNECTION WITH A GENTI.EMAN WHO 1VILL TRADE LZBEI1ALI.Y IN TIlE STOCK MAItNET ON INF0IIMA'rroN WIIICH CANNOT GO WRONG , I IIAVE ONLY TIME TO TANE CARE 01" ONE TRADER AND 1111 MUST IIANDI.hi AT LEAST 100 SIIARES FOIl MV ACCOUNT NO OTlIElt I'ROPOSITION WILL. 1111 CONSIDERED. ADDRESS I' . 0. BOX 1374 , NEW YORK. $150 INVESTED earns 3.5 per cent weekly : established IS cities : titlE ) year : parti- eulars free , D. Sloane , 110 St. Paul , italti- more , Md. , WAIl BOOM-There never was a better time to make money from conservative Investments - vestments in wheat , stocks and cotton than now ; only small capital required : open correspondence with us ; we will not ilood you with worthless literature , but tell you how to succeed in the speculative markets. SpecIal advice sent free to cor- respondents. Our special advice last week made money for all who acted upon it. 'The G. W. WYLIE CO. , 11 Wall sL , New York. ' Y-t75-5' WAR ASSURES big profits : $100 invested by my "Snfc Method in Grain or Stocks" will pay 31,000 wIthin 30 days ; write ( or particulars. Richard Oliver , banker anti broker , Chicago Stock Etehange , Chicago. Volt EC'IANr.15. VARIOUS plces of property and farms In Nebraska to tr.de for merchandise. Address - dress L 42. Bee. Z.-.MSGS FOIl EXCHANGE , $10,000 or 120.030 worth of Omaha busIness property , clear , pays 10 per cent. for residence or farm nro- erty.v. . T. Graham , Agt. , 600 Bee Bldg. Z-103 38 Fort EXCHANGE for from one to five months. new modern furnishetl house , at Colorado Springs , ( or one in Omaha. No children. Inquire Munsous ticket office , _ 1509 Farnam St. Z-44 5' r&It SALII--ItEAL ES'l'ATE. KOUNTZE Place bargaIns , 82.500 , 83.750 to 56.500. 3. 3. Gibson. 514 First Nntl bank bldg. RE-SOS JIOUSES , lots , farms , lands , loans , also fire Insurance. Bemis , Paxton block.J . J I l-S7i FOLLOWING desirable property : Business lot corner , GOxItiO ft. , In So. Omaha. paved. Business lot , COxIS' ' ) ft. , Improved , South Omaha. street paved. Tract (24 ( lots ) , 56th St. Tract (20 ( lots ) , 30th St. For particulars apply 1012 Faroam St. RE-.870 DESIRABLE residence lots , i2IxlIO , first- class locatIon ; 10 minutes walk from court house ; cheap for cash. Address 0 0 , 13cc. RE-M68l-J.13 hAVE you some lots to sell ? Now is the tIme to dispose of them ; let the people know that you want to olspose of them. The Bee reaches the people who have the money. IF YOU have real estate for a1e and want it sold , list it with ma and I will sell it-if I can. If you wish to purchase and want a big bargain look over my list. J.H. Sherwood , 422 N. Y. Life bldg. FOR sale , desirable residence lots , 124x120 , in first-class location ; ten minutes' walk from court house ; cheap ( or cash. Ad- dres 0 Cl , Bee. RE-MOSi-JIP FOR SALE , one of the feW tine suburban residences near Omaha , located on the hills west of Florence : hguse contains eight rooms , not counting store room , bath room , etc. ; Iinishd in hard woods ; first class plumbing. Individual gas plant , two barns , gardener's cottage , ice house , line trees , grass and shrubbery ; reason. able price and easy terms. Waiter U. Clark. 12.14 Haracy St. RE-100-4 $1,000.00 FOR 5-room house , nearly new , and large lot near exposition ; cty $ water ; $250.00 cash and $20.00 a mnth on balance ; no Interest. The Byron Reed Co. HOMES , homes. homes , let us show them to you. Two good Ones and one smaller on Webt Farnam , delightful Places. F'Ive in lianscom Place. Prices to suit any one. One seven-room house in north part of city. Fine lot. Fleoisant place. Make otTer. M. .7. Kennard & Son , Sole Agents , 310 and 111 Brown Block. IRRIGATED FARM- 430 acres located in Boise valley , Idaho ; will produce over 2,04) ) ton3 alfalfa yearly ; good cattle range conveni nt ; this is a birgain for any one Interested In steel : . For particulars address Tate & Stein , IioIse , Idaho. 7-Il. hou3e , corner lot ; cheap. 2114 N. 24th. RE-509 JIt' P02-904 SO. 20TH St. . S room houses , price $1,500 each , .1. N. Frenr.or , opp. old P. 0. RE-GIS WE HAVE a large list of Nebraska lands ( or sale ( or cash , or will exchange for Omaha property. TI lE COLU3I IIIAN INVESTMENT CO. , Room 411 , let Nat'i Barth Building. FOR SALE , 11t3x124 feet N. 10. corner of Sherman Ave. and Locust street , Omaha , Feb. . PrIce , $1,00. Address Thomas Fltz- gerald , Ir.depcntlence , Mo. ltE-3l405 5 FOR SALE-i cottages at 15th and Cass , to be removed at once. A. I' . Tukey , Board of Trade. e ROOM house and lot 43xEfi fet , to ex. change for house with large ground. 53-foot south ( rent near Jones anti 38th St about 4 blocks from new Cudahy rest. dence , only $ B0.00 Good tck ( arm. 1,0-10 acres , uflder 23-year lease from the state , Price , $ L200.00. Three full sized lots at 12th & Webster for $1,500.00. flItt Peters & Co. , U , S. Nat'l Bank Bldg. RE-45S.5 YOUNG man with eight years' experlenco in mercantile business desires position , Best references. U 31 , Ilee. A-SB 5' IC' ) acres , improved , 8 miles from Lyons , Burt county , Neb. , price $30.00 er acre. 840 acres , being one of the best farms In Burt county , well Improved and two miles from Lyons , Nob. I'rlce , $36.00 er acre. HO acres , Burt county , Improved , $23.00 1) ' ' acre. 213 acres , R miles southwest of Lyons , Burt county , Nebraska , well improved. Price , P,00 per acre. 120 acres near Calhoun , Washington county , $13.00 per acre. 441 acres four mIles from postofilce , Omaha , 12,500. We also htvo several well improved farms In Sarpy. 1)ouglas and Washington counties - ties for sale at very low figures. POTTER & GEOIIGII COMI'ANY. 1601 Farnam St RR-M514 S C-ROOM house. city water , etc. , 142N. 21st St. , South Omaha , $1,000.00. 5-room house , southeast corner Sth and I'neltlr Ste. , large lot , S'rn.m , house. 3421 Hurt fIt , , $ l.2t.00. 30-room house , 2123 California St. , $1100.00. 10-room house , Georgia Ave. , near hickory St. , $ I,500.00. 8-room modern house , S. 35th Ave. , near howard St. . $4..O0. 3 hous on ont4 lot on c.i line , two miles from postnilee % , houses rent for $11.00 per month. $150.00. Potter & George Company , 1001 Farnam SL RE-tlSIS 7 I'lIINtTVIIE PA'ICIID , M. 8 , W'ALKI.IN , 2111 Cuming. Tel lilt ME8I ( ' , .tlU.'fl ! , , tNfltiAG1. con. doctor ; Instrucrdr df 1)lano , organ. sing- tag , harmony 4 , tomposition ; musical manuscript revis d and nrranRed. ltesl dence 1912 I.estt'eftbrth St. - 1'ItOl. . I'ETERSIS1'CI music choot , piano , violin , mandolin guitnr , zither , German methods Termsffasonable. ! 511 Sheely Block. tlq r GREATEST resulfjn shortest lImo' spe- cml rates for stitdTher term. New ehooI of MusIc , 190 $ 1"Inidm. tJ.S 5' -.I 1sr ! , tt , ' LOST , hip pocket'b'Ik containing trip pass on C. 11 , & Q. , to Chicago two tom- munitation tickets on N. % . Ry. , and other papers : llbc'rai reward on return to Utopia hotel. I..ost-&IC-5' LOST , ladles heavy hiawl , between Farnam and Windsor I'lnco : retura to M. H. O'Toole , care PacIfIc Express office and get reward , Lost-415.5' TAKEN up , bay mare , weighs abou 1.100 Lewis Dunn , 7 mites west on Dodge road. FaU . SIIOltTIIANl ) AND TYI'EVR1T1Nl , VAN SANTS Shoo1 , 717 N. Y. Life. The school whose students get employment. Conducted by an experienced reporter. 23 _ _ . AT OMAHA Bus. College , 16th & Douglas , SIIOUT.l lAND , up-to-date , taught by court reporters. Boyh' ' School , 403-5-7 Bee tiItlg. OMAHA Shorthand and Typewriting college - lege , Boyd's theater.M4.J12' TYI'R'.VIIITIIII S. TYPEWRITERS ( or rent , $1.00 per month. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 3025 Farnain St. ; Telephone 1281. OWING to the popularity of the new models , Nos. C. 7 ant ) S. } tetnlngton typewriters - writers , they have had to secure more room and have removed to 1619 Farnum Street. Call and see them. g14-J-l5 hACKS AND COtrI'115. RACES and coupes promptly furnished at all hours , day or night , by Hackmen's union. A. D. T , , Tel. 177 , 503 and 770. -M33t-J-11' % ' .t'Cl'ED-TO 11011110W , WANTED to borrow $1,500 on good Inside inctme real e3tate , 3 to 5 years , 7 per cent ; home capital prererred. .Atldress soon ft 307 , Bee. -.531 MUSIC. PROF. MUELLER , zither school , 501 Sheely 111k. , 7 years experIence , German method ; solo agent Schwarzcr zithers , Echo , liar- wood guitars am ) mamlolins.M409 J13 i'ltlVAl't1 stosri'r.ti , , DR. LIEIIER , an ers , female diseases. 1912 Leavenworth. 550 Jy4 , 'I t 1 1.0 II I co ; . MAX FOGEL makes , cleans and repairs clothes. 501 S. 1Rh. 423-312 C.tltltRI1 : 3l.lcISG. P. .7. KARIIACH & SONS , 1312 Howard. Telephone 111)2. ) . -Mgn-J17 DHCSSM.tICISG. DRESSMAKING In 'families. 2304 Daven- . ' ' t . port. -alBu-JI. P\thlolgS. ; _ _ H. LOWIT5JOii moiy. it ) N. . 10th MONEY TO LOAN. H. GROSS , loans & watchmaker. 518 N. 16. -MSS1-J-24 - - - - - JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. D. 13. HOUCK , 50) Karbach Block. 2.83 STENO ( fltAPll 1.1118. WE SOLICIT and furnish positions for stenographers free. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. Telephone 1254. 239 FOR 13N1'OSITION YISITORS. WRITE Exposition Bureau of Comfort , Omaha Nob. , for all accommodations : no fees. . hARNESS AN ! ) SADDLEIIY. S. D. CASAD , 518 N. 16th 43-J-22 11011813 1'ASTLJRIO. ALFALFA pastue. board fences. A. IV , Phelps & Son. , 237 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. 1004. C1S-J-22' HESTAtRANTS. HOME meals ; all hours. 1019 Dodge. 401-J-11 IClI ) Gl.OyIl CLIIINING , D. C. MIDDLETON , practical glove cleaner , 313 N. 20th. -31890-3-24 SIIO113I.tH tIltS. LYONS & BERGQIJEST moved 107 S. 17th , Patterson block. -439-J-12 IlUiCK. WITIINEIA. . lIre , & SmIth , paving , sewer , buildIng ; capacIty 100,000 a day ; lId and hickory streets , Tel , 423. 290 BAlI . - , BEAIUNO . , DNSMOfl , ; ; Used exc1t- I : , . . sively by the . . . . . . exposition. We soil every - . . . - tiling tru1y - good in typewriters - writers and SllllIICS. UNITED TYl'lI'RLTl3Il & St1I'I'LIES CO 1012 Fnrnism St. , Omaha , Mada11 "Put your b9t1'oot forward" into one of our 1i'IiUT1FUL , VEIZI- CL.ES. Buy ft-before June 1st , the opening day. Traps - Ph1ns ( - Novelties Rubber Tires always. .0 I'- DIIUMMONO'43tBRIAGE ? CO. , 16th and 1nn'ey , Opp. COurt House , Public Library , County Jail. I (1 la rm. 'nor Crs' pays dsy the returns FaffliLaods Is rmo r - , - , . -4 -0--- COO : -t- ) . LARGEST . n.n. . ' LIS'l Ice . u5Ci ' ' N 'l'IIE STATJ - 0 n. -0- ? 1IlR1CT AGENCY ' 'a ' , . ) ql G. W. cMLoCI , 1'lO 0 0 2095a. 15i1Sr. , ! O)3All. F P F - _ - - - .t1JCTIO , AT NO.262oSherman nrc. furnltur , car. pets , Chairs and hnuseliod goods , chIna ware , cut glass , flue silverware ; also a large consignment of Japanese ant ) brie- n-brat' , These goods must go Tuesday , June 7. Sale to commence at 10 a n. 11. 13 , .Athcrton , Auctioneer. 0-31563 6' 3. it , MAXCY & CO. , auctioneers , room 416 , Narbach block. want your auction sales of real estate , merchandise , furniture , live stock , etc. -313 IIIOlYCI.IIS , BARGAINS in new and second hand bicycles - cycles ; easy terms. The Safe Store. 1116 l'arnam , -M143--T-13 HAII.VAY TIME CA III ) . -'BthILINOTON & MIS. I n , .i' Al I sourt Iliver I uUiitflwtOflt Burlington Route"-Gen- I cml 0i1)ees ) N.V. . Corner UrtI + n I Tenth and Farnam Streets. ilUUltl I Ticket Oilico , 1502 Farnam _ _ _ . _ Street. Telephone 230. De. pot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone ilL Leave. Arrive. Lincoln. Itastings and McCoek . . . . . ' 8:35 : am ' 9:35 cm Lincoln , Denver , Colorado , Utah , California Ulnck lulls , Montana & Puget Sound . . . . , 435 pm ' 4:0' : ) pm Lincoln Local . . . . . " 7:00 pm " 7:10 : pm Lincoln. Falt Mail , " 2:55 : pm " 11:40 : am Denver , Colorado , Utah , California and Puget Sound ' 11:53 : pm ' 11:53 : pm 'Daily. "Daily except SunsaY. 13-HCAGC , , BURLINGTON & 0 ' A Qulncy Railroad - "The oul IIIl.JUJI I Ifttrlington ltoute"-Ticket 0111cC. 1502 Farnam Street , Untito Telephone 230. Depot. Tenth Iluutri and Mason Streets. Tele. phone 113.Leave Leave Arrive. Chicago Vestibuled Express . . . . . . . . . . . . e 5:03 : pm 3:10 : am Chicago E1iress . . ' 9:43 : am ' 4:12 : pm Chicago & St. Louts Express . . . ' 7:45 : pm 5:10 : am rfeston l..oenl . . . . . ' 4:00 : Im iQ:45 : am Pacific Junction Local . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'll:50 : am 5:40 : pm Fnt Mall ' 2:50 : pm Chicago Special . . . 92:03 : am 91:50 : pm , Daily. " Daily except Sunday. KANSAS CITY , ST. JO- 0 ' A seph & Council Bluffs Rail. iiUf ! 1IitDfl : road"The Burlington r Route"-Ticket 051cc , 1502 Wniitn Fnrnnn Street. Telephone uluuw 250. Depot , Tenth and Mason - son Streets. Telephone ES. Leave. Arrive. Kansa a City Day , Express . . . . . . . . . . . ' 9ti : am 5:40 : pm kansas City Night Express . . . . . . . . . . . .l0:00 : pm 6:30 : am " } .xpnsltlon Flyer" ( or St. Louis. . . . . . 4:10 : pm 12:50 : pta . Daily. .Ipw1 : . UNION PACIFIC - "THE ' ,1taj : Overland Route"-General Of. fices , N. IV. Corner Ninth and jy r Farnam Streets. City Ticket 8klr : . Ofl'ce , 13.11 Furntn Street. Telephone 218. Depot , Tenth ' .o. $ , . , ' and Mason Streets. Teleohone 629. Leave. Arrive. "The Overland Limited" for Denver - ver , Salt Lake , and western p'ts. . S50 am 445 pta The Colorado Spe- cml , for Denver & all Colorado l'tS. .11:53 pm 6:40 : a in Fast Mail Traiti for Salt Lake. Pacific coast and all western volnts . . , 4:13 : pm 0:40 : am , , , , . T4'ntn Th'nt'h-n ftc. Stromsburg Es. . " 5:00 : pm ' 12:20 : pm Frmont , Colum. bus , Norfolk , Grd Island & l-Zearney 4:33 PID " 12:20 : pm Grand Island Ex. . . 5:00 : Pta . 'tI:20 : pin Daily. ' Daily except Sunday. South Omaha Local Pass-Leaves , 6:15 : a. in. ; 7:00 : a. m. ; 9:15 a. m. ; 3:10 : p. In. Arrives - rives , 10:15 : a. in , ; :1:30 : P. m. : 6:0) : p. m. Council Uluits Local-Lea.ves , 5:55 a. in. ; 0:50 a. in. ; 7:40 a. in. ; St0 : a. in. ; 10:30 : a. m. : 2:15 : p. in. ; 4a ) p. in. ; o53 ; p. m.S:20 ; : p. in. ; 10:05 : p. in. . Arrives , 613 a. m. ; 7:20 : a. in. ; 8:33 : It , m. ; 11:30 a. m. ; 2:10 : p. in. ; ! ° ' in. ; 630 p. in. : 9:05 : p. in. ; 10:45 p. m. _ _ CHiCAGO. ROCK ISLAND . - . & Pacific Rallroad-"The Great Rock Island Route" I City Ticket 001cc , 1323 . , . Farnam Street. Telephone 413. Depot , Tenth and . S Mason Streets. Telephone 09. Leave. Arrive. Rocky Mountala Limited , east . . . . 1:30 : am ' 1:25 : am Rocky MountaiO Limited. west ' 5'0 am 5:15 am Chicago & St. Paul Vestlbuled E x - press . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5:00 : pm 1'5 pm Uncoln. Colorado SprIngs , Pueblo , Denver and west I j33 ; pm 4:25 : pm Chicag-o Des Moines ez Rock Island . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 : pm 11:25 am Atlantic Express , for Des Moines and eaStern points ' 7:00 am ' 8:50 : pm Colorado Flyer . . . . . ' 7:00 : pm ' 8:50 nra . Di1y. ' Daily except Sunday. . . - ' . -C1IICAG0 & NORTHWEST- era Railway-City Ticket ecfl 'l'lJ2a5 ' Office , 1401 Farnam Street , Pfii'th Telephone , 561. Depot , LII- _ . . , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , 623. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Special . . . . . . . . . . . ' 6:40 am 'llaO pm : lIo. Vaily. SIoux Minneapolis 5:5 , , am 10:45 : pm City. St. Paul & Mo. Valley , Sioux City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:4Oam : 9OSpm flennison , Carroll. Wall Lake and Council Bluffs . . . " 8:40 : am 3:15 : am Eantera Etc. , Des Moines , Marshall- town. Cedar flap- ids and Chicago. 10:20 : am 4:35 pm Atlantic Flyer , ChI- cage and East. . . , ' 4:45 : pm 4:35 : pm - Fae Mail , Chicago to Omaha 3:10 : pm Mo. Valley , Sioux City , St. X'aul and Minneapolis LIm'd 4:33 pm 554) am OmChicago Spe- cia ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 6:45 : pm 3:50 : am Daily. Daily except Sunday , ' ST. PAUL , MIN. . nenpolis & Omaha Railway , pCHICAGO Offices , Nebraska DivIsion , Fifteenth and , Webster Streets. City Ticket bmce 1401 Farnam Street. TeI- ithone , 501. Depot , Fifteenth and Webster Streets. Telephone , 1,453.Leave. Leave. Arrive. Sioux City Accom. . ' 8:50 : am " 5:33 : pm Sioux City Accoin. , " 9:50 : am ' 8:35 : pm BlaIr , Emerson , Sioux City , Fonca , llarttn"ion and Illoomlield . . . . . . . . ' 1:00 : pm l1:53 : am SIoux City ' Man. kato , St. 'Paul & Minneapolis . . . . . . " 6:00 : pm ' 9:00 : am Daily. ' Daily except Sunday. " Sun' day only. " * ' Does not stop at DoSota or CotTman. - FREMONT , ELKHORN & , Missouri 'alIey Railway- , General Offices , UnIted Staten National Ilank Bldg Southwest Corner Twelfthi and Fariatm Streets. Ticket Office 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone , fO l. iSepot , Fifteenth and Webster Streets. Telephone , 1.453. Leave. Arrive. Ulack Hills , Tead- wood. Ilot Spri'gs 3:00 : Pta 5:00 : pm Yyomlng , Casper and Douglas . . . . . . . ' 3:00 : pm "u' 5:00 : pm hastings. York , Da- rid CII ) ' , Superior , Geneva , Exetcr & Seward . . . . . . . . . . . . " 3:00 : pm 5:00 : pin Norfolk. IV. Point and F'remont " 7:1. : ) am ' 10:25 : am I Lincoln , Wahoo & I Fremont . . . . . . . . . . ' 750 am " 10:25 : am I Fremont Local . . . . " 7:50 : am Daily Daily except Sunday. " Sun. day only , ' Daily except Sfiturday , . , . . 5. DaIly except Monday , SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC ' Railroad-General Olllces , , , united States Notional I Bunk Building S. \ % ' . Corner - ner Twelfth and 1'arnam Street Ticket Otllce , 1101 Fornam Street. 'l'eleplone 501. Depot , 15th and IVebster Streets , Telephone 1438. 1438.Leave. Leave. Arrjye , Sioux City , Man. bate , SL I'aul , 3ilflflefllOliS . , , , . . 6:55 : Pin $ : am ' DaIly. \8'AIIASII RAILROAD- Ticket Ofilce , 105 F'arnam . Street. Telephrnu 192. Depot a \A. \ Tenth and Mtiion Streets. . : : : : : : . 'relejhone l2i. Leave. Arrive. St I outs "Canon I Ball 11xpress , . . , . ' 410 pm i13 am I Daily , 1t.tI1.S'A' TIME ( A1tl ) . ( Continued , ) _ ( ' & ST. LOt'lS RAIL. PQflI runti-Omaha , Rnns.as City & _ Eastern ltailronii-"The I'orl S. ' Arthur floute"-TIc'.ket Otfloe , RQTC. 1415 Farnam Street. Tele. phone 822. Depot , Tenth and Ztlascn Streets. Telephone , 123. Leave Arrive. St. Louis Cannon Ball Express. . . . . . 45 ; pm ' 11:20 : am Kansas City & Quincy Local . . , . S 7:40 am 900 pm hansas CIty ExPress - _ Press 3 am Port Arthur P.x- pros , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:30pm : Daily , II1CGO , M1L'S'AUKRE & St. Paul Railway - City A , Ticket Office , 1304 Farnam mILWAUKEE itreet. Telephone 331. Depot. 1 St,4 , Tenth anl Mason Streets. Te1ePhone.i2,0 Arrive. Chicago Limited Express . . . . . . . . . . . 5:15 : pm 8:20 : am Omaha & Chicago Express , , , . . . , . . . , . , " 11:01 : am ' 4:15 : pm Siotta City arttl Des Moines Express , , . . ' 11:00 : am " 1:15 : pm Daily Daily except Sunday , MISSOUItI PACIFIC I1AIL. road-General Olllces nnt ' i Ticket OffiCe , Southeast Cot'- ncr 14th and Douglas Streets , . , Telephone , 104. Depot , 15th . anti Webster Sts. Telephone 1458. Leave. Arrive. Kansas and Neb , Limited . . . . . . . . . . . S 3:05 : PIn ' 12:53 : pm Nansa Cur & St. 1..ouls Express . . . 930 pm ' 6:00 : am Nebraska 1.oal . . , 'S 4'hi ) Ptfl ' 9:05 : am S Daily. ' Daily except Sunday. - - - _ - . ' - Asan Advertising Meduium The Bee Is Unexcelledu , Rates on application. ItlILlGIOtis SlOlt'ICES. - Ilnptist , IJETH EDSN CIIUIICI ! , Oil SOUTII Tt'RNTY- nttth Avenue , Ite. C. 11. .lin , Jr. , 1'5str- Servlc s at 10:30 : a. in. and I p in. ; Sunday sehoel at noon ; 13. Y. P. U. , 6:30 : P. in. C.tIXARY C1IURC1I , TWEN'I'Y.SIXTII AND Seward Streets. Rev. Thomas Andron. Pastor -Services at 10:30 : a. in. and 7:35 : p. in. ; SunU.y school at noon. I'IltST CIIUIICII , TIIII1T'Y-FIFTII AND FAll- 1)501 Strcet. 11ev. ' 1' . 1. . Eciman. Pastor-Serv- Ices at 14:3. : ) a. in. and S p. in. ; Sunday schol at llC. _ : a. in. ; Junior union. 3:33 : o. rn ; It. 1' . t ' . U. . 7 p. in. ; atl'sln Sunday school. Twenty. eIghth av.'nue and Farnam , 3.3)j. in. G5111.OAN CIIUIICII. TWIINTISIXTH AND Sewsrt .Streets Rev. August Doiter. Pastor- Services at tO:30 : IL in. and 7:30 : p. at. ; Sun-Jay school at 9:15 : a. in. GE.C'II ( 'IlCItelI. TuNTII AND APrIolt StetS , ftc ) , ' . .1. 0. Slaplss 1.tlnizster-Srvlce , at 10:43 : a. in. and S p. m. ; Sunday schonl at noon ; gospel meetines. W''dnesday evening ; Young l'eople's meeting. Friday evening ; read- Inc room op.n 'very eveninc. 11IMA'iL'EL C1IUIIC1I. IIINNEY AND TWUN. ty-fourth StreOts. PuIpt ! suppIld teinperarily ; services at 10:10 : a. in. and 7:3' ' ) p , in. ; Sunlay school at noon. MOL'NT I'ISGAII CiIL'RCII. Ttt'ENTY.SEV. enth nnd Cs's Streets , lIes' . Robert : anuary. l'astr'-3ervtcea at 11 a. ft. and 7:50 : o. in. ; Sunday ehcni at 12:3' ) p. in. ; prayer meetIng Wednesday ereniag ; YCunt ; People's meeting Frkiiy evening. Or.VFT CIL'RCII. CRANB A\'ENL'E ANI ) ThtrtY-eigh'h Street. 11ev. A. J. Fleming , Pastor-Services at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. in. ; Sunday school at noon. S'EDISII CitililCil. 618 NORTH EIGI- teepth Street , 11ev. P. Swartz , l'ntor-Servlcea at 11 a. m. and : Z0 p. in. . Sund3y s1too1 at 9:30 : a. in. lON CII1IRCII. tIll GRANT STREET. REV. T. T.Vtud , Pastor-Sertces at 11 a. in , and :30 p. m. . Sunday school at 12:30 p. m. C Ii r I , . I I ii a. FIRST CHIYRCII. COnNER T\VIINTXETII Street and Capitol Avenue , 11ev. J. 31'anter. . l'nstor-Services at 1038 a , at. antI 7:30 : p. in. : Sunday schOOl at 12 in. ; Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor at 6:30 i' . rn ; prayer meeting Wednesday at 7a : ) p. in. GRANT STREET CIIUJICII. T\VF.NTY-SIXTH anti Grant Streets , kiev. cares Taylor. Pastor -Services at 10:3' ) a. in. and 73d p. in. ; Sunday school at noon. WALNUT 1011.1. , ChURCH. 4413 NICHOLAS Street. Rev. Joseph Nichols , I'astoi . . .Servlcei , at 10:30 a. in. and 7:20 : p. in. ; Sunday school at 3 p. in. Congregational. CIIEI4RY HILL CIIUIIC1I. nl NORTH FORTY. second Street , Rev. I. . . S. Hand. Paitor-Sery- tee , at II a. in. ; Sun1ay ecimot at noon. FIRST CIIUI1CH .N YETHENTIt AND DAY. enport Street. . Rev. Franke A. Wariteid , Paitor -Services at 10:50 a. m. sni 7:45 p. in. ; Sunday liooi at noon. IIILLSIDE CHt'rtCIt. THIRTIETH AND OHIO Streets. fle' . Jamb Flot.'s. ' ' , at 10:20 : a. in. anti :3' ) p. in. : Sunday school at non ; prayer ) CIVI WedneAay at 7:54 p. m. PARK \'ALE CIIU11CII. 2344 CASTELLAIt Street-Pulpit supplied ; services at 10:30 : a. in. an' ) 7:30 p. in. ; Sunday school at anon. UILOHIM CiItJRclI , iCI NOitYif PORTT-FXRST 'Street , 11ev. Frank Ii. Jackaca , Pastor-Service. at 11 a. to. and 7:1. ) p. in. ; Sunday school at anon. a i.TMOUTH CIIIJI1CH. TWIINTIF.TII AND .3psncer Streets 11ev. howard lXieeAi'eal , Pastor -Services at 13:30 : a. in , and S p. m. ; Endeavor society at 7:18 i' . in. ; prayer lneeilng Wedne- day at 7:30 p. in. ; Sunday school at noon. Vt' . MAI1Y'S AVENUE CiftIfleli. TwENTY. ieventh Street and St. Mary's Avenue , Rev. 8. \S'rlght Ittitler. 11. I ) . . lastnr-Servlc-s at 10:3' ) a. in. anti 7:3O p. oh ; Sunday school at noon. IARATOGA CHURCh. TWIINTY.F1I'TII Street and Ames Avenue , Rev. I. . S. hand , Pator-Serv1ets at 10:30 : a. in , and 7:45 : p. in. ; Sunday school at 2 : p. in. lO1)iaCOIn I. ALL SAINTS' CIWHCII. T\'ENTY-SIXTU AND iialt.llowsrd Stre.tz. 11ev. Thomas .1. Mackay ht.ctoruloiy communion every Sunday in the month. excct the first , at 7:11 : a. in. ; sermon at 11 a. in. an 7:20 i' , in. ; Sunday cnooI at 9:3. ) a. in. CIEIJECII OF TillS GOOD SiIIIl'IIERD. TWION. tie-tb and Otlo ; Streets. ltev. George EItrsij Walk , 3.1. . . . Iteetor-Services at I a. in. , ii a. ni. and 7:10 : p. as. ; Sunday school at S 45 a. in. ST. ANPHEW'3 ClIt'flC1I.CO1tNItRC'hl.RLES and FOrt-flrst Streets , 11ev. C. II. Young , l'rieat-3ervleea at 7:30 a. m. , 11 a. in. and 7:11 : p. in. ; Sunday efiiooi at 10 a. in. Frlday at 7:45 : p. in. ST. At'GUSTiNE'S CHI'RCII. TIIltTI'-TIIrfln ! nnh I'ranel , Stieets. Priest in Charge , Iv. S. hlowarti-Servicea at 4 p. in. ; Sunday clieol at 2 p in. OT. ntBNADAS' CIlL'RCU , 519 NOIITIT NINE- tecnth Street. Pt-v. John William , , Rector- Services at 7:30 ii. m. , 11 a. in. 50,1 3:30 p. in. ; Sunday , . 'hoi al 9a : ) a. in ST. JOhN'S Cl11'fl0r. TWENT't"SIXTII AND Frnkl'n Streets , 11ev. tV. :4. : howard , h'rlest- Srriceo at 1:30 : arid 11 a. in. anti 7:41 : p. m. ; bLinds ) ' school at sf0 a. in. ; daily cervices at C:45 : and 7:1' : ) a. en. and 4:11 p. in. ; Vt'edne.- days at 7:45 p. in : Fridays at 7:34 p. in. ST. MAYHIAS' CIUIC11. 1123 SOIITII TIINTII Street. Rev. 1. . F. Potter. I'riet In Charge- 8erylce at 7:13 a. in. ; IL a. in. and 7:3. ) p. in. ; Sunday CClJl at It ) a. in , s-r. I'AtTIJS ClIPflI'H. 3311 CAI.IFO1INI.t Street-Put ; it eutplIeti temp'Maril > ' ; aerl ices at 11 a. in. sad 7:30 , in. . Sundsy school at 11) a. in. ST. 1'IIIlL1P T1111 DEACON CI4URCII , 1123 North Tw'eit-tlret Street , 11ev. John AIbert WilItom. lte.'ior-S.rvices at ; 1S a. in , , ii a. in. and S p. in. ; Sunttay icilool at 10 a. m , ; daily morning prayer , 9 am. ; 'eniru ; , S p. in. TRINITY CAThEDRAL CAI'JTOI. AVlU and Highte-enthi Street , lIt. Itev. George-Worth. infiton. flume ; iti's' . Canildiell I'atr. lcan- Services at 8:33 : a. in. , Il a. in. and 7:45 p. in. ; Sunday school at 10 a. m.and I p. m , Ilvnniti'ilciti , EMANUEL CIIUBC'lI , 2002 MAIt(9 ' STUI'.T1T 11ev. 0. 3. Sirelchsr , I'.tthr-.ServIcts at 10:30 : a. in. and 7:3' ) p. in. . Sunday school at 11:10 : a. at. PIlES ChURCh. Tt\'IIIf'TlI AND DO11CAS Street , Rev. P. Il. W. flru"chert , l'aainr- Services at 10:90 a. in. and 1 ; ) ' ) p. at. ; Sunday ichnol at 114.1 p. m. S'EDJSII MISSION CIIUTICII. 2225 DAY1IN. I'rL Street. Ite. F. 0. Ijultman , I'aztor- Serlees .iL IOV ) a. at and 7:30 : p. at. ; sunday 10.IitJflCII. CL' ! 131'IlAOtIIt Street , Hey. Ernest Mclii , l'atoor-ervicea at 10:80 : a. in. anti 7:30 p. in. ; Sunday school at 11:3. : ) a. in. Luthierait , PANISII CliUflC'lt , 118 SOUTH TWENTY. aecon'i Stst'et. Itet' . I. C , i'oujan , Pastor- SrvlCes at 19:3' : ) a. at. and 8 p. in. , except last $ un.tay iii the meoth , uhen titers are no even. iii ; : ersices ; 1 ° unday aciicol at 9:11 a , in E.9111AN17131. SWFrnsu rIlultell , NINS. teentli are ) Cat. . Strecis , Hey. P. 3. Svard , PuLor-SsrsLees itt 11:45 : a. in. and 7:45 : p. in. ; Sunday seh-.l at noon FIRST GEStEAN CIIL'RCH , 1003 SOuTh Tuentleth Street , Rev. II. .7 , Frese. I'astor- Service , at 30:15 a. in , ano Tt , p. in , ; Sunday . ictiotti at 2 p. in. KOUNT'/.lI MEMORIAL. CIIVRCII , StIr- teenth and hlamey Streets , stay , A .1 Tinkle , l'astor-Servtc-a at ItO a. in. unti 733 ; p at , . Sunday ahool at ; ; aa. GItACIt CHt'ltC'lf. TWb'NTY.HlXTfl STREET atid Woolworth ATenue , 31ev , tuher $ 81. Robes. lstor-Sert'tcee at 11 a. m. and 730 ir as ; Sunday school at 12:15 p. in. NohltvrOIAN AND DANISh ChIt'HCR , 1311 North 'i'wenty-glzth Street , Hey. 3 , It' . Antler- bolt. i'isttr-Seryicea itt Ii a. in and 72IJ ; p , a' . Sunday )4'tU'Ol at h9lS p. in , PCLI. , % IJANISII Clirlicit 2213 NORTH Twenty'sizth Etreet-1"fi5' , suppleo : tern. poraroy , arryicca 51 21 a at , and 1 ; ) p rn Sunday achc.oi at noon. ST. 3.lAltK'S ( 'hIt'RCU. TIVF.NTY-Fflth4T AND Iturdetie Slresti , 11ev , Leonard Grub , Pastor.- . bvrtt'Vs ij 10:48 : a. in , and 730 p. in Sunday ichool at noon. 'tT. 81Arr155rs CIIUIICI ! , FOURTEIINTIL . - 4 1t1Il.1tihOt' iE1t'lCE , ( Continued. ) LJ _ _ _ _ _ ' _ _ _ _ . . . _ _ ; ntt Center ; ; ; : , , , A. .1 TuikI. , I'ator- Sua,1y ehts-.I at 3 p. in. fiT. rAttl.'S OEIISIAr4 Citt'RCII , 2738 l'ARtltlt Street , 11ev. .hohn P. 8. 11cr , i'astctt-rvlesa 'at 10 a , in and 7:80 : p. re. ; Sutiday sChool at I it. in. sTrainS. ccond anti fourts Sunday in eCh month at 7t : p. in , SAIF.l1 EVANGIt.1CI. SWEDISh CItUItC'll , 1215 South 'I'w.nty-thlrd Street. fir , C. L flfrlng , 1'stor-8ervlce at 10:30 : ii , in. and 7.30 p. in , ; Sun-ly schonl it neon , 3IethsoIst , Pins , , t'itt'ttt'ii , TWENTISTII AND bAVhi1. port Stteta , 11cr. John 3.tcQuoli. 13. II. , raster -1erviees at 10:30 a , in. and 7:30 p. in. . Sundag school st noon , FiRST ( hERMAN Cllt'RCII , il.IIVINTII AND Center Streets , htev. Otto II , Kijege , I'astoi'- Service , At i030 ; a , at. ant L30 p. rn Sunday ehooh at noon. ll.NSCOM h'.flSC CUt.'itCll , TWIINT.I4INTU Street snlVoolwcrth Avenue , lie , . r. .i , Sheen , liD. , l'sqtor-.htert'k + s at 19:39 : a. in , and ) de p. at. : Sunday school at noon , MONI.IOUTII i'AIlN CIIPECI : , flhlnTr- fourth Street sfll Isirimore Avenue , Itey. } 'tnk V. firca. , I'aM t-45pi-t'ic , ap B a. in. atil 1:30 p. ni ; Sunday ch'ol , at noon. NORWE(11AN ( AND t'AXISlI CiitfRCIt , 1813 Nerth Twenty-sixth Stret. 11ev. ) iaamti. tVli- tielmaen. l'ator..itri-ioce ' at 10.11 a , m. and 'LbO p. itt. Sunday school at noon. ST. JohN's AFII1CAI4 Cllt'flClt , ) IlOhlT. seath and Vebtter Streets , 11cr , Jme , C s. Owens , I'nstor-Sers'ices at iOis : a , at , and 8:30 p. at. ; Sunday chool at 1:15 C , in.I } 4perorih ls'sg'i every Sunday evenIng on , hour pre. ceding , preaching ; prayer meetIng every Wedneeday eeri'tg at 7:30 ; class mtttg every l"rilny at 'ha' ) p. in. BEWAI1D STREET CIIUBCIT , TW'IDs'TY.SJlC. end . anti Seward Streets. 11ev , Johifl 23' , HeWn. sot. ) . B. I ) . . Pator-.Servici , at 10:3) : a. at , anti T31 p. in. , Sunday ahnoi at noon , sotrrot TENTh STREET C'llt'ltChl TIP'rrII and i'lerc'e Streots. Ret' . George A , Lure , Pa , . br-Sect ices at IL a. in , aThl 7:80 p. in , ; Stilt. day i'ehctI itt fleet ) ; Junior league. 4 p. in. : worth learue , Sd. ) p. at. SOUTI1WEST ChttJflc'lt. 5.12 : II1CHORY Street. Rev. H. 14. ilendereon t'aptoc-.ilervtc'e , St OCt45 a at. an,1 7:50 p. in , Sunday seool at 11:45 a. in. St'E1)hS11 ClittflC'lI. 115 NOR'flt EIGHT. sentli 8tH-st. hie' . Carl 0. Narlson , I'astor- ServIces at It ft. in and 7:30 : p. at , Sunday 10:30 : a. in. nnd 7:30 : p. at. at the' rooms at 114 S.uth Tilrtcenth tr-eet. t\'I-ST O3.IAI1A ( 'iTUltCir , TWIINT'r.SfIV. eath anti Marcy Streets , 11ev. hlaynes , I'astor-Servloee at Ii a. in. and 7 : :0 p , in , : Sunday school at noon. TRINITY CIItYRCII. T\'ENTV-'IRST AND flinney Strcet'i , Rev. Freti 11. Saner.on , D. 11. , Pastor-Sert'Ic'ea at 10:30 : a , at. linti 7he ; p. in. ' Sunday stho4 at noon ; Eportft league at 8:3'S p. at. 1 % . % 1.NIJT 1111.1 , . FOI&TY.FII1ST & AND ( Tharlea Strett , , 11ev. C. N. lawaon , II. P. , r'astnr-Services at 10:30 a. at. anti 7:30 : p. in. Suniag peiol ) at noon , .3 , 11. ( lIlian. euperin- teitlsnt ; Kiworth Ieagtie at C ; 3t p at. SOUTI ! OMAI IA rIfl.T CIIII1"I 1 , T\t'ENTY. third anti N strests. Rev. 3. A. Jihfl.rri , Paitop , ALHRII1IIT. REV. 3. Q. A. F1.EIIARTY , PH.D. , Pastor , Pro alt y 0 er I a a. AMPLER PL.tClO eltUflelt. I'ORTY-gECOND anti 2tartntja Streetstl'uiiit SUIiiletl tent. pernriiy ; services at 10:30 a. at. ; Sunday , chool at 21:30 a. at , 1tr.DFORI ) l'LACE ( 'llt'flC'II. sf21 LALTC Street , 11ev. Knox 11oulg. i'atstor-Servleca at lit-so a. at. arid :30 : p. in. ; Sunda' school at noon. CEN'fitAI , IINITET ) elhitItCir , Tt\'IINTY- fourth anti Dodge Stroeta , 11ev. AIeniitier till- chrIst , l'.tstor-Sert'lce. at 10:30 : a. In , ant 319 p. at. ; Sunday , tchot'i at noon. CLIFTON 3111.1. CilUltCi1 , 4333 GRANT Street , flee. James 1) , Kerr , Pastor-Services 30:29 : a. in. aiid 7:30 : p. at. ; Sunday school at noon. I'IRST C11t'R'iT. SIOVIINTEIONTII A ND Iotlge Streets-Services at l ° :70 a. at , and 8 p. m. ; Sun.iay sehool at noon. rIttST OllitliAN ( 'IlL'I'tClt , 913 NrRTB RIGIIT. Penlb Street , 11ev. lanlel ( irieder , l'astr- Services at 10:30 a. in. anti 7:3C , p. at. : Sunday school at noon. FIRST UNITED CHURC1I. TWENTY.1'IRST and Ilatmet Stre-ta , R'v , Frank P 'oeter , Pastor-Services at Ii:0 : a. at. anti 7.3. ) ii. in. Sunday achol at noon ; Christian unlun meet. tn at I p at. Gn.w5 : MISSION C1t1'flChh , t.07 WILLIAM Street-I'ulplt iupplied temporortly : u'rlces at 10:3' : ) a. in. and 7:30 : p. at. ; Sun1y school at 'loon. ENOX ChURCh ! , NINETr.C'T11 AND 01010 Streets , 11ev. A. Christie Erown. l'astor-Serv- ices at 10:30 a. at. and :3t p. at ; Sunday school at noon ; Young I'eople's nteettng at 7 0. 0)- t.O'VEAVENI'E ( 'H t'flCit , FORTIIITII AND NIchol $ Streets , T. S Hawley , 1'a'tor-Srt. ices at 10:41 a , at. anti 7:45 : p. in Sunday school at I ! in. Young l'oople's Society of Christian Enteavnr , 8:43 : p. at. ONTARIO STItIOFT Cltt'ltCit , I23 ONTARiO Street-PUlilt supplied tt'iiI.'rarUy : services at 10:30 : a. at. and 7 : ' ) p. at. ; Sunday school at noon. P.11151 AVENUE Cllt'RCH , PARE , \\'ENI'H and Jacksun Street , Il's' . 1Iignr Sla'itIll. l'attor-arvlccg at 10:59 : a. at. and 30 p. in , ; Sunday school at noon. SECOND CIIPIU"II. TWIINTI'-FOT'IlTII AND Nlchols Streets Ret' . Samui 23. Ware , I'astn' -Serrlces at l'i : ) a. in. and 7:3) : p. in. , Sunday school at noon. SOUTIIWEST ritUnchr , TWENTI CTII .ND 1.eat'enworth Streets-Suniay school at noon IVESTMINSTEII C1lt'lt'lr , TvF.NTY-NINThl anti Mason Streets-Services at 10:30 : a. at. and 7:30 p. at. : Sunday school at noon. Iloninsa Cii tlil Ic. ChURCh OF TIlE HOLY I'AMIT.Y , ERIE. te'entli ard Izartl Streets , lie-i' . John Fitzpatrick Paator-8erices at 7 , S and 10:30 : a , In , and I' at. . Suntlri' school at 2:30 : a. in. Cltt'llCII OF TIlE SACRIOl ) lilIART , Twenty. second and flinney Street , , list' , 1'atick .1 , Judge. Pastor : Ret' . 3. 'McNamara , Asaistant Paetor-Ser''ieea at 7 , 850. 9:00 : antI iO:30 : a. in. ; . Sunday school at 2:30 p. cm. ; week day niasa , .7 and 8 a. at. ST. CECEOAA'S CIIURCII. 4117 HAMILTON Street , Rev. Timothy O'Calialtan , l'astor-5ery- ices at S and 10:10 : a. at. : Sunday school at 9a.m. ST. JOIIN'S ClIt'r.CiI. 7WIINTY-FIFTII ANT ) Califtrnla Streets. lIst' .isepti It , 3.telTi , , , , S. .7 , , Pastor-S.'r'tces at 5 , 6 , 1 , 8:3.3 , 9:30 and 10:10 : a. in. ; Sunday school at 2:20 : p. in. ; vespers at 3 p. in. antI 7:30 r' . rn. ST. .JOh4EPIt'S ( IlliIMAN CIluTteh ! , SEVEN. teenib and Center Streets , Ret' . Miuritlus Jiaukkett , Pastor-Services at S an. ' 10:30 : a. rn Sunday school at 3:30 p. in. ST. MARY MAGP.LENIS ( 'Ittltrlt , lOll Douglas Street , 11ev. George 3. Olauter , Pastor -Services at S and 10:30 a , in. ; vesper. at I o. at. ST. I'ATJUCK'S CHURCH , 1104 CASTELLAR Street. Rev. John T. Smith. Pastor-fierricea at S and 1030 a. in. and 7:20 p. at. ; Sutiday school at 2 0. ft. ST. PETER'S Ch101P.ClT , TWENTT-3IQIrrlt anti Leavenworth Street , , 11ev. John 5 , Enet- lish , Pastor ; 11ev. IV. 33. McNamnra , Assiet- ant Pastor-Services at 7 , S anti 10:3' : ) a. a , . ; vesper. at 7:3' ) p. at , ; Sunday school at 3:30 : S. if. ST. 1'lIiT.OMENA'S ( "ATIIEDRAL. 104 SOUTH Ninth Street , itt. 'tev. Iticharti Scanni-Il , hiisliop ; 11ev. 3 , II. Mcfletitt. Pastor ; 11ev. 'n'lIlItm I6eily Asaistant ' ' , Pa510'-Ser'ICC , at C. 7 , 8 , 9 anti 10:10 : a , in. ; Sunday sctoolat 2:33 p. m. SD. WIINCESLAUS flOI0F.MT.tN C1TUIU"II. 1432 South Fourteenth Sired , 11ev. John Vranek , h'astor-Servlc"s at S and 20 a. in , ; Sun'J'ty school at 2 p. in ; vespers at 2:39 p. in. ; treeli day mass at 5:33 a. m. . , l littte'l In s. t'oii 5. A3.TIIIIICAN VOIA'NTl1EjtSSEflVIryp 'l' 10:50 a. in. antI 7:3' : ) p. at. at the iooaa itt 114 South Thrteentli street. I'iItST PNiVEltSJ1lST Chht'flCII , NINEteenth - teenth and i.othrnp fttr.et.--I'ulplt titippi tetl teniitorsrlly ; services at 10:43 a. in and 7 3) p. at. ; Suidav eciMl ) at anna. CllAI'EL Oh" TIlE CU1'IoNThn , Shf"OND . anti SVilham Strects-Serycr5 ) at 9 a. in. anti 5:39 n. in. ehiulten 01' JESUS ChiroisT Or' ] ) a' Saintt-Servlt'es Sunday at II ti in anti 7:10 i' . at. at Knights of l''tlii,4 ball , North Twenty-rourihi Oath Chilies 'Ircere , 11t1111 MIITIIOIIS'r ) CIl1'1UhI. 1730 SOTITII Eleventh Street. Rev , \\'ililai , at. A.tain. h''ia. icr-Services at Ii a. in. and 7:10 : P. at. . Suli'1y schtool HI 945 5. 01. FIRST CIt1TIt'h ( OF CultisT ( lIC'1115'TIST ) , 2051 81. Mary's . % "t'flhJf'-t4.'rvic'tt Ii ii. 'ii nonalsilny Ut Itltle rt'n'iinga anti c"trlnnsttry r&'adlns ( rt'tn the Chirtititin $ eence. : l'eat Ito'tk. Sunday sv1.ooi . at noon. Teitintiflial pvctiiga , cneIi I'ldRy E'yt'nln at S o'clock. NORTH OMAII.t i'NION' 1.1158105 , Ill' hJTlF.it. titan AVefihlt'l'tititit 5il'plic'i tenivsi .ly , ser' ( . Ice , . St II a. m. ; Sitniay , echiol at noon. O3.IAIIA J'IihJ.OSOl'Iiht'Al. ' SO 'I fly. L.A DOn 'j'enii.ic. $ . .u'li Seventeenth anti Iuglaa Streoti -Seryces at S p. at. I'AItK 30hllO8T MISSION , 1110 1) STREET- Services a' ii a. in. PIOOPI.1H Chli'ItCiS , Ill linitTlO RIGOr. t'-nti , Street , 11ev. Chars-a V. ' . Ssvftic , Pnsii -Sert'ict'a Ut 10:30 : a. at. and ' ; 3u p. ni ; Sunday selo..I , nt 2B p. in. HEOIIGANIZIl ) CII1JIICII OS' 31131'S CUltIST , 1.nlter I i.i ) ' Sainta , lilt North Twt'niy.hhi at Street. lIce. Fred A. Smith. rascc , Service , at 9:13 : and 11 a. at. oral 7:3' ) p. in. ; Sunday c1ictoi at 2:30 : p. , , i. ST. ? dftPT'i4 Ghl1IIK C1IURC'II. NiNTH .8NI ) htuwani Strests , 31ev. Elba .tbuuti , Pastor- Sesvict'.a at 9 a. at. nd 3 p. in. SAM'ATION AIIRY , lJVIHION NO. 1. lIAR. racks , Sevenlentlt and Oavenporu Streets- $ ers'lce's itt 11 a. a , . , 3 an.l 7:30 p nt SALVATION AIIIIY. DiVISION NO. 2 , lIAR- rack , . 1411 North Twentieth Slreet-Servicea at 11 a. ni. , a ant 8 p. itt , S1'IlIISll P8115 811881030 CItUBC1O , :7(0 Leaventvorlt Street-Services at 11 a , in. and 7:11 I'fli. . Tltr.oSol'htTcAr. SOCIETY , BOOMS 5(4 Sheeley lilock , outii i'itleenth and B wail Slreets-.Serrlcs at P39 p. in. TliSiI'13'3 ISIt. % 'I hI,8IINI3Y STRIOR'l' , Street , 11ev. l..o l'niiikiigt , ltal.bl-iteryice , rn SRVEHTJIRh'TIl AND Gaas ticeta , Itci' . Newton 3tann , 3.Ilnlter -Services at 10,43 tj , at. ; Sunday school at noon. The Bee Leads all competitors In live Sporting News. For all The Sports of the Day Readu The Bee. JiI