- - - - - . , - - - - - _ - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - _ _ - _ _ - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 14 THE OMAHA flATLY BE1 : SUNDAY , JUNE Z , 1898. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - : ; AMUSRMFNTS. * 4 The events of the tn.t week have abunt- nntty demonstrated the popu'arIty ' of the stock company at the Creighton , which has drawn packed houses ntghtly , In marked contrast. to the cqtinlly dcervIng entertain- rnenL affortte1 by Mr. Tim Murphy nt _ _ _ _ Ioyd' . which has been attracting only the fliost meager of audlcnce5. This state of Affairs has given a Bbow of color to the assertion - sertion sometimes heard thftt the stock Idca as put into operation n Omaha , is ruining the business of so-called "legitimate" theatrical attractions here , and confirming the alleged evil reputation of this as a 'sliow town , ' It Is not believed , however , that things generally are in such a bal way. fly reason of the ali-provading rapacfty of the notorious syndicate , the term 'icgtt- ' mate attractions" has become almost cx- achy synonymous with "syndicate nttrac- tions ; " anti so many of them have bccn found , when weighed In the balances of poptilar favor outside of New York , to be utterly wanting in nil that goes to make even a transient success , that the public has come to regard the entire output with distrust , and to turn gladly and hopefully to the stock companies for relief. This Is , the case , not only in Omaha , but In every considerable city In the ) and. Stock organizations ore springing up like mushrooms after the prolonged syndicate rain ; and , quite unlike these fleeting fungi , their establIshment bids fair to be icrrna floUt. TheIr ranks are recruited not only from the vcli known members of the the- ntricnl Profession , but from the thousands of young nfll ( clover netors , who , wanting such opportunity , might forever vaste their Sweetness Ofl the desert air of one-night stands in Kansas and the far Dakotas. They offer unsurpassed facilities for all- _ _ _ round histrionic development , and they are rightly regarded as the schools from which shall graduate the most accomplished actors of the futurc. It this be true. the more stock companies the better. Every decent and intelligent i1ny.gocr sviil join with every other In saying - ing , "More power to theini" No one necd fear that the really worthy star combilia- tions vIll fail to survive , as the fittest is apt to do in any long run ; but any move- bent , even a lesa general one , that at ires- ont making toward stock companies , ( Ic- serves to succeed , anti , In a certalit way , is iOUU(1 ( to SUCCOCtI , it it has for its righteous object the purging of the stage of the mass of rot and rubbish which occupies it at pres- cut aIli has displaced decency too long. Nothing in the foregoing should be con- strum ! derogatory to the meritorious Mr. Murphy , whose efforts to please have mt vith a most ( llscouraging response during the week just passed. lie deserves succes , and is bound to achieve it , because he is an . intelligent anti conscientious actor , anti one of the best eccentric character comedians t Present 00 the American stage. Popular approval as a star , however , iii have to be won by him in SPite of the unqut'3tIotl- flIio handicap of a name which suggests nothing to the average piay-gocr but Irish song and dance busincs3 of the concert hail variety , No doubt Mr. Tim Murphy is by- ally jroiI ot the Ilalne his father gave him , as every man should be ; but no one not 4nltiated would expect the possessor of that name to attain genuine artitie eminence by a Performance of the star part in a drama. tizatlon of 'Les i'cUts Oiseaux. " That ho bias done so much in spite of thIs drawback Is Proof positIve that he might arrive in stilt higher pinces with the handicap removed. The death , last week , of Thomas W. iCeene , reilioves from the stage almost the last exemplar of the old school of heavy tragedy. While lie l1vd , the robust methods of tha giants of past time were still inatbo manifest to a public which also cherished the memory of former days and which singled Mr. ICceno out for recognition and substantial - tial patrotiago at a time when the flame burned very low upon the altar of the Shakespearean drama. lie was often in Omaha , anti as joptilar here , as elewhcre , in spite of the unrelieved somberness of his performances , which seemed , somehow , out of keeping with the nervous and frivolous end of the century. In earlier days espe- daily , and , in some measure , down to the thno of his last public appearance , Mr. _ _ _ ICeene's style , in its most striking features , vas modeled upon that of the great Forrest , Who bind been bus master. lie had not the commanding presence , however , nor the tremendoUs physical authority which gave that tragedian a distinction quite apart from that conferred upon him by his intellectual gifts ; antI his 'Richard III , " in the enacting - ing of which Ito followed perhaps most closely the precepts of his early training , and which was without doubt the most popu- bar of nIl his impersonations , was never highly esteemeti by critics. As a matter of fact , a certain rohustiousness in Mr. Keeno's stage manner was ever apt to make tile judicious grieve , although its effect upon the ears of tbo groundlings ss'as quito what might have been expected. In late years , however , he largely inodifleti his temieatuous energy , anti , especially since a paralytic alTection hail somewhat affected his articulation , ito vna apt to "roar you as gently as any suck- log dove , " and , particularly in his really excellent impersonation of Louis Xi , he bad oven been accused of tameness. Some of this totting do'ii was probably due to his bong association with Etlwiit Booth , whom he closely followed lii LOmb of bile tnost satIsfactory - Isfactory work. Particularly in the part of fliclielicu , Mr. Keene had the tricks and manners of Mr , Booth in such icrfection that it diillcult to boilove , at times , that the greater actor was not there under the cardinal's robes , The writer first imulo the acquaintance of Mr. bceeno nearly twenty years ago , tiur- Ing a performance of "itichelicu" at Mc. Nicker's theater in Chicago. Iiootli was the cardinal , anti lCeenu the Mauprat , Many tiine afterward was Booth seen in the title 2 ole , but never again Keene as Mauprnt and one Is not ashamed , at this tlistance of time , to confess that tite deepest impression of that early performance was that left by Lito ilnuassloned declamation of bCeene itt the close of tlto second net , lIe began the terrific invocation , commencing "Incarnate Vengeance , " in tones of concentrated avagery anti as lie ran off It. U. Ic. , crying , "Let those who ralso the spell bewa-n-n.ro the flendl" his voice eoinod actually to rend the dome and set the chandelier a-jingling. No Mauprat vlio ever itlayeti under him when ho himself was liicbclieu over made such a noise ; 11cr. Imps becaube of vocal inability , and possi. bly because in his startbons Mr. Iceeno's own tendency was toward itilitler methods. lie was courteous always , a gentleman , to omo extent a scholar , and a man cordially boloveti by his friends , whose name was legion. A great actor ho itevor was , nor in any sense an originator ; but itt , iept hi way steadfastly and Intelligently In the 3tatli of ( ho best traditions of his art aliti his place in the heart of tbo people will not soon be filled , . Coiiii ii I i'itN , The Croigliton theater this week will offer an elaborate revival of "Jim , tlio Penman , " commencing with two erforrnances today. This play has not been seen in Omaha for a number of years anti an opportunity will be now afforded to compare tue present excellent company with the remarkable cast which formerly lireenteti it. It is not to be doubted that the local people will sustain the test with the utmost credit. Mr. Frank Lea Short aad Mr. Charles Lothian will On this occasion make their first appearance vItb the company , I I'hreo double teams contribute the spe- - - - - - clalty work for the week-LeRoy & Clayton , liryant & Savilic and Crimmins & Gore. Mere1 I'incri , Fanchon Campbell will play juveniles with the I"awley company. Jacques Martin will manage tlte stage for Soi Smith Russell next season , E. S. Willard is almost recovered from his recent attack of typhoid fever. Laura Joyce Deli has gone Into vaudeville , being ( he latest prominent recruit to ilate. The l3ostonlana arc to have a new opera next season , opening at Manhattan Beach In August. Maclyn Arhuckle is to have a loading part in Jacob Litt's forthcoming production of "Sporting Life. " " " " " will "Vtllie" Collier and "Jerry" Sykes spend their stimmer leisure playing base bail in St. James , L , I. Margaret Mayo has joined the stock corn- pany at the Columbia theater , Washington , to play lugeuue roles. Marie Tempest has achieved extraordinary popularity in London , and is likely to remain - main there permanently. Mr. and Mrs. Russ Wliytnh who are spend- lag the sUmmcr abroad , were entertained recently by Ellen Terry. l3crenice Wheeler has been engaged by George Ii. l3rondhurst for his now comedy , " Smith . " "Why Left Home. Robert Downing has been appearing in vaudeville in 13t. Louis , presenting the area scene ( rem "The Gladiator , " Nat Goodwin's physician has been made a Lamb and Is accompanying his patient on ( lie tour of that Sprightly club. Mrs. Annie Ycarnans is to have the lead- lag character Part in lbroatbhulst's now comedy , "Why Smith Left bionic. " The Byrne brothers-the "Flght Bells" people-will have a new trick spectacle iiext season called "Going to the Races. " David higgins has mabo a new vnr drama out of 'iburr Onus , " by rewriting tile second act aitti calling It ' 'A Union Soldier. " Louise liepuer has been engaged as prima donna of the Steindorft Opera company , at ( lie harlem Opera house , New York City. It Is said ( lint "Beside the Bonnie Drier flush" has failed to fulfihi expectations anti will hot ho put upon tue road Iicxt season , Joseph Weaver has the remarkable record of five consecutive seasons with Richard Mansfield , anti has just signed for another. Miss Edith l'ohlock , Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Iligly and Mr. Bert C. Gagnon closed their engagenicnt at the Creighton theater last night , Lansing Rowan , late with ' 'A Milk \Vhite Flag , " hiss hecit engaged to play leads with Byron Douglas' stock company at Peak's island. bteginahd Dt'Rovcii has gene to Lombon to arrange vitli his collaborator. llnrry ii. Smith , for the production of one of their opcintt "The Koreans , " whIch was elaborately anti expnslvely hwoduced In New York cc- cetitly , has proved a failure and has been \vtthtbrawn. Burr McIntosh bms secured a verdict for aooo in bits suIt against Miner & Brooks for breach of contract , and considers his object as achieved. Lillian Russell , at ( lie conclusion of her engagement at the Winter Garden , in 13cr- Un , iioxt fall , will give fifteen performances at St. Petersburg and five at Moscow. 0. 1) . Woodwarti was in Chicago last week anti brought back 'itbt hint several new plays , which will shortly be itrotbuced by the stock company at the Croighton. Mrs. George S. Knight viii revive next season her bate biusbanti's play , "Baron Rudolph. " She will be supported by Harry Jackson and a carefully selected cast. w. S. Cleveland , the cx.ministrei manager - ager , is engaged in mercantile pursuits in Buffalo , where he undoubtedly keeps a bet- ( or store titan ho did a ministrel show. Mr. and Mrs. Kendal have lately pro. ( hUCed with considerable success a new drama called "A Cruel Heritage , " which they may bring to America next season. Nts. Katherine 13. Glenn has Just returned to this city from Chicago , where she signed with Lorln J. Howard to play charncters at thic Great Northern during the cantIng sea- son. "JiiTI , ( lie Penman , " will be the next. play presented at the Creighton , following I "Young Mrs. Winthrop. " The piece has not been seen here for sevaral years , and is ox- pecteti to achieve its former popularity. "Moths" Ivan preecnted last week by the Great Northern Stock company in Chicago , tvitt ! Sarah Truax as Vera. "held by the Enemy" is soon to have an elaborate revival - vival by this company. The great revival of "Shenandoah" in Chicago. with Otis SkInner , Mary Hampton , Grace henderson and other noted people in the cast , has been a remarkable success and the run will continue indetinltely. Kate Terry , a sister of the divine Ellen , recently made her reappearance on the stage , after an nbsenco of thirty years , play- log the jiart of Mrs. Faber in John Flare's Itrotbuction of 'Tho Master. " In London. The Pain fireworks spectacle at Manhattan Beach this season will open about July 1 , and wilt consist of an elaborate reproduction of tbo battle of Manila , as well as a repre- seittation of ( Ito destruction of ( lie Maine , Paul Gilmore huts abandoned his intention of starring in ( ho Snlvini repertory of ro- mantle plays , Ho will make his stellar debut next autumn anti vill lresent two or three now plays , written expressly for him. Josdphi Ilolland has grown a Pointed beard anti is said to have endangered his life re- ceiitiy in Montana by wearing a sombrero , 'hilch , in connection with his dark anti foreign - eign aspect , caused some cowboys to mistake hum for a Spaniard , The veternn Shakespearean actor , Charles I'ope , has returned to the stage , after several years of rctli'cmcnt , appearing as Brutus in a notable Brooklyn revival of "Julius Caesar , " with a cast including Edmund Col- 11cr and Eben Plyniptou. Charles Lotlilan , ( lie husband of Miss Kennark of ( ho Woodwtu'd company , caine Oil front Ndw York last week to join his wife. lie lit a very acceptable actor of bight Juvenile roles anti Is nIcely to be seen with ( lie eonipany hero before long. The only and well beloved Duncan B , llarrison bias been appointed a lieutenant colonel aitd assigneti to the Third United States infantry. having expressed a desIre for active service , Ito has neen ordered to Proceed immediately to ( be front. Charles Ii. Fisher of James A , lierne's conipany has been winning golden words frotti the western critics for his work in "Shoro Acres , " The illness of Mr. Borne has occasionally necessitateil Mr. Flalter's apilearanco In the Imrt originated by George \v. Wilson-Mirror , . ' ( OiflpaTJV including McKee btankin , Nance O'Neil , Rose Eytlnge , ii , A. Weaver , Mrs. John T. Raymoiitb , Lioiiei blarryinoro and others is playing "Trilby. " It is ios- slide that the Interesting Iday may be re- vivetl before bug by the \Voodward corn- haul at the Creighton. Thomas Q. Seabrooko has been residing in Ludlow street jail of late , .being allowed to repair to the theater at night. and play l'onimcry Scc'nd In "The Isle of Ciium. pagite , " under ( lie watchful eye of a deputy sheriff. Iornestle dillhculties with ( ho fair Hivia Crox are ( lie cause. Our own Buffalo 11111 Cathy is mourning ( be loss of lila celebrated dianionti buffalo licati scarpiu , of which Ito was feloniously rehioveti ( ho other ilay In Washington , lie thinks It was tiono by sOme Spanish etnis. sary , who was retnhtatlng in advance for tlio valiant William's threatened descent uIon Cuba , The Wootiward company , Which has been playing for some time at ( lie llroattway theater lit Denver , will shortly close its season - son there. Thus is ( lie company which ( or- Inerly occupied the Crelgitton , tintb includes Coca Ernest , Jaires Fuiton , irfe J'olloek , Queenr. Montrose , \\'ill 1)avis ttnti other local favorites. Horace W. Noble , who achieved a wide popularity last season as leading itian of the Woodwarti company , has accepted a similar position for ( lie summer with the Chase-Lister company , which opens a ( brie luontlIs' eligageinont at Dolnuiy's in Council BlutT8 iiext Sunday 'i'ite Iramalia News iiubhtshes a review of the season just closed , froiti which it ap- oara that all the attractions playing un- 4cr syndicate management hayc been cml- nentiy succesiful. The News regretfully states , however , that all others have been partial Or complete failures. It is no plcts- ure for the News to make ( lain announce- meat , but its uncoaquerablo desire for truth constrains It , Julia Marlowe sailed last week for 1urope , where sio ' * lhi speiid the sumther. She will be joined In London by her husband , Robert Tabor , who may loturn to America with her in the fall , although it is annoqqced that ( ho leading male roles In Mica Mar- lowe's repertory next season will ha car- ned by John I'ierce , a young actor o much promise. There has been seine talk of bringing back the No. \Vootlwarti conipany front Denver at the close of its season ( hero , and putting It Into the Crelghton , moving the No. 1 company to Boyd's , The old company was exceedingly popular here , but the sue- cess of ( ho stock organizations playing against each other in Omaha may be re- gnrded its problematical. T. Innlei Frawiey protests , In this week's Mirror , against a custom which prevails in the eact , of calling his organization the Fraley "Stock" compaay. lie thinks "stock" Indicates now-a-days cheap prices anti frequent performances , and he prefers siniply the Frawley company , The Frawley company , ( lien , will open its season in Son Francisco Monday , Jtine 13 , anti will In- dude the following well known people : Madeleine hiouton , Cora Tlnne , Mambo Winter - ter , Fanchon Campbell , Eleanor Carey , Eti- warti lit. Bell , Theodore Roberts , Samuel Ed- vartIs , Alfred Hickman , Robert 0. Wilson , Alt hampton , John P. Burke , lavid Conger and P. Daniel Frawley , with Fred Williams as stage director. It has been said , anti doubtless truly , too , that there is always good in things evil , Whiiio It may be unfortunate for the bank account of the exposition that ( ho orchestral concerts being given under the direction of Mr. Arthur Mees are to be free to any vhio attend the exposition , it is desirable to impress tile fact forcibly upon the minds of the readers of' the musical department of The Bee ( hint iiew is their opportunity , now their chance , to hear the finest music over written played by an organization composed 0 artists of the first rank anti directed by one of the greatest musicians this country - try has yet produced , An orchestra is a difilcult thing to procure , There are plenty of good musicIans who play solos skillfully , but fifty of thorn thrown together without rehearsal or experience in ensemble playing woulti produce very unsatisfactory results. An orchestra must play as one man anti Iiflist be governed by ono mind. It Is impossible - possible for good orchestral work to result from a multitude of different , although artistic - tistic , opInions. There must be such unity of purpose ( hint every one does the same thing at the same time and in ( ito. same way. Nearly 'everyone who reatis these words has at sonic time or another heard three or four pianists try to play a piece arranged for six or eight hands and has been painfully obliged to notice the dIffer- cocos of opinion constantly vitiating the performance. If four people find it so hard to play together , what shah ho sniti of the difbbcuity Involved when fifty or more players attempt the same composition ? Yeta well trained orchestra will play as one man. It is suggested that those who attenti the concerts at the exposition auditorium take notice of the precision with which all tim bows of the first violins on the left of the contluctor start up or down together. It is but a trifle as compared with the marvelous accuracy with which ( he fingers race along the strIngs playing from a dozen to fifty notes witht one motion of the bow' . Routine anti experience are necessary to this. In- deeti , it is impossible to achieve success in music in any of Its departments without - out experience , and those who have it not must pay well for it before they possess it. The violinist generally begins to study his instrument when he Is only a little taller than the case In which ho carries it , and he works for ten years at technical exercises before he can play surely in tune. When he is a good soloist he Is by no means a good ensemble player. In thp music schools of Europe and in some In this country - try there are school orchestras in which thtc pupils gala this sort of experience as a part of their education. The men who have been playing for years with Mr. Thomas are so drilled In all that goes to make an orchestral player that it is a matter of habit. No one who pretends to know anything about music can afford to let the four weeks that remain of the engagement of the orchestra - chestra pass by without attending the con- corts. It is of course Interesting and instructive - structive to hear the Marine band , but there tvlll be bands to listen to during tue whole period of the exposition , while the outlook for orchestral concerts is not so favorable. Now seems to be the accepted time , and when the 5th of July comes , and it will be hero before atty of us know it , the oppor- tunlty will be gone , and no amount of re- greta will bring hack even the bass drum player. Of all musical resburces an orchestra - chestra embodies most in variety In tone color and also in thorough musicIanship. A singer may bold a place in a chorus and not really know one itote from another cx- cept as guesswork. A player in an orchestra intist be thoroughly traincti in nil that per- thins to his Instrument , so that be can perform - form anything that can be written , and be- sities this , ho must be so thoroughly a mu- siclan that he can read the mmii of the conductor anti interpret as he Interprets , This sort of niusicianship is infectious , anti therefore it is that an orchestra is such a powerful etiucator , It tells the vholo story , It Paints the perfect picture , It looks right down into tile composer's heart amid reveals Its inspired tbrobblngs. liOMElt MOORE. Iiiieu&uritiii MiiHie of flxiiosillon. OMAhA , June 4-To ( ito , Editor of The Bee : Although tim first evening shioweti some little confusion in the general arrangements ( or the musical features they were all sat- isfactoriiy adjusted iutcr , and things ittusical from this on may safely be said to be on a sure footing , Notwithstanding the intense heat , anti the great attraction of the Marlite band playing an tinustially interesting program , the or- chiestra liath a large and appreciative authienco which enjayetl eacit ouinber thoroughly , The opening niniber the Festival March anti blynin tti Liberty , the "Star Spangbetl Banner , ' ' ealleti for special atteatlpn as it ia b. Hubert Kaun of Milwaukee , who is rapidly gaining a place among America's best composers. The violin obhigato by Mr , F ] . Bare In handel's "Largo , " brought out a new artist for tIle Omaha people ; anti equally as delightful was it to listen to Mr , biruno Steintiel In his 'cello obhigato "Les Erlnnyes , " by Massenet , The whole pro- grain was exceptionally sv hl chosen to suit nil kinda anti conditions of people , The coming of Mrs. Ilatiden-Abexnntber from New York will be a decided musical feast , She is an excep- tlonaily tabenteti woman amid one of Macflowell's niost brilliant reliresenta- tives , She will play three numbers by Mac- Dowehl and the Chopin op. 21. in F minor , appearing Montiay evening , June 6 , in the auditorium wIth tile orchestras Owing to the tielay of ( lie orchestral hiarts ( be Exposition Chorus hmas put "lby Baby- lou's Wave" over until , a later ( late , Timero bias been sonic discrepancy between ( Ito band anti the chorus , the ( ornier inchin- leg to drown the latter , but that is because so few rehearsals have as yet takcii place , This is one of the things to be remedied in time early fsture , The chorus is to be con- gratulatetl on its faIthfulness , It has had room unpleasant experiences to go through with , but notwithmstantlimtg all odds It has been constant in rehearsing and sat tbrougb the trying exercises \Vednesday Ia ( lie hot sun without a complaint. 'fito woods are so full of good music 1(18 difficult to say or telteterc one's attention shoulti be directed , The Marine band was never in better trim aui absolutely seems to hypnolo ( the crowth Director of Music Kimball has wisely 1ic'tidcd ' that during these Intensely hot dijysthe band shall not play In its artistic home on the liltiff tract , but shall be comfortahiIlocated anti play tn front of the Govcrnmjbnt building , which is comfortable for both players and the nu- dience alike. Iioth Director Kimi tnnd Chorus Direc- ( or Kehley are surety inrntng their hiving by the 'sweat of 1Ii1r brow , " for the hundred-and-one hi lq aggravations constantly - stantly coming up fotsottlement are among thin trying things thuse1flrst days of the ex- position. - A visitor to the expsition that baa crc- nteti considerable enthusiasm among those who have heard her is Zolia Page Lincoln , She comes as the musical representative from the Institute for Colored People , located - cated at Jefferson City , Mo. , anti it certainly - tainly has a very Interesting exhibit in ( ho Liberal Arts. Professor Dammel , teacher of science In this school , Is In chiargo of this exhibit , anti at his invitation Miss Lincoln gave two or three recitals during ( lie day. She is a young girl , of some seventeen years about to go to Germany to comnploto her studies. Both Colonel Harper and Mv , 'SVhieadeit of Chicago , members of the Illinois State commission , gave me to underatnnd that thio doings on Illinois Day , June 21 , would ho very elaborate cad quite apropos of the cx- tonsivo plans already followed out by the if other of the state buildings celebrating special ilays would do likewise. exposition. It would be an excellent itlea A. M'IVER BR1SUINE. 211iMiCLll ( itCN , This afternoon at 4 o'clock at tue First Congregational church selections from the neconti part of ( lie oratorio "Elijah , " by Mentleissoiin , will be ierformed by the choir under ( lie direction of Mr. Homer Moore. The aolo will be sung by Mrs. G. W , Johnston - ston , Miss Laura Van Kuran , Mrs. A. 1' . Ely , Miss Mary Latey , Mr. Wing Allen nad Mr. Moore. The loc'tl eeeiitire committee of the National - tional Congres.i of Musicians 1158 bea ap- polnteti and organ'ied and is as follows : Mr. Martin Calm , chairman ; Mrs. J. Id. Metcalf , Mrs. 11. P. Whitmoro , Mrs. F. L. Hailer , Miss Arabella Kimball , Mrs. J. 11 , MeJa- toth , Mr. M. A. hall and Mr. M. C. Peters. Two subcommittees have been forincti , of which Mr. Peters is chairman of that on fluiance and Mrs. Metcalf an entcrttinmnent. It was decided at the last meeting to isst'j tickets atimitting to all the sessions of the comigress. The congress will begiti its meetings - ings Thursday , June 30 , anti oUicr reports are mistakes , It will close July 4. A iJitp of Cubit for T'ii. Vent ? ' . The Bee is giving Its'subscrlbers a chance to keep posted on the movements of troops and cruisers by means of its combination map. Time map of Cuba shows all the towns , railroads and divisions , while from the map of the West Indies amid map of th world you can locate just where the war ships nrc at any time anti how fr they are front dif- . fcrent ports. Cut out tt lice coupon , page 2 , and bring it to The flee omce , Omaha , South Omaha or Coumicil Blut ? . By mail , enclose a coupon and it centa , ind address Cuban Map Department. ilitic sti.i Gray Lii lie , COLUMBUS , 0. , Juite 4.-Thio local Grand Army of the Republic posts today joIned with confederate vetrtti1 from the south In memorial exercises at the Camp Chase confederate - federate cemetery. Colonel W. II. Knauss of ( lie Grand Army of the RepUblIc presided. Addresses wore matie by Coloni U. H. Young of Louisville , Governor Taylor of Tennessee , J. H. Leathers of Loqiville. nh conCeder- ates , amid Captain iClbert H. Bragar , Grand Army of the Republic.mc conrecerate Glee club of Louisville anti school children here sang. Flowera front the north anti south were profusely strewn. ICentiieiy Countr lit a Turmoil. PINEVILLE , Ky.,1 June 4.-The Howaiklr Baker feud. is raging Ia Clay county. LIlz linker was killed last night. James Gar- rard bias fled to Middlesboro. Judge Brown will not be allowed to hold court on Monday - day It is said that Governor Bradley has beeii solicited for troops to protect the court , but has none to send. Six men har been killed In the last ten days. - AMUSEMENTS. Phi3 C"'h" raxion .t Liurgcu , AA1 b Uanageri. Tel , 3551. 0. [ 1. Wootiward , Atitusetnent Director. 'I'ODAY 2t1 , TONIGILT 8mm ) . 'l'llld WOODWtItl ) STOCIC tiO. Presenting "JIM , JHrNMAN1" Specialties-LeRoy & Clayton , Bryant & Savihie , Crlmmins & Gore. Parties living out of the city who dcsirc to vIsit the theatre should order seats b3 mali or teiegraphi as seats are sold twc weeks lii advance ; state poiltively what performance and date. Address 0. D. Woodward. L WILL T hO iirners OPEN II Ulli I THEEIt NJ3W TURNFEST PAIK TO-DAY , S minil-tu unit iietween 13th and 15th IIIIUUJ , uII -Uastcdlar & Vinton. -Formerly liuscalis l'ark-- GRAND CONCERT Gynimmabtia and Athletic Gaines. Tum nor habemi fm'olemi elmitritt , . GUILL'S CONCE1' GARDEN Southicut Car. 16th XtIiCI Davenport , 1. N Gutil , Prep. antI . ! anager. Attractions for week Jimmie 6th : Corral anti Gardner , fun makers ; Glliiiian and D'hmore , chinese and tile coon cake walkers Newman and WaldrQn , comedy sketch artists ; the Johnsons , way up dancers ; Clinrhio Lambert , comedian : Mrs. Clyde Rogers , the feature ; Miss May Dayton , champion buck dancer , Don't fail to see tim Dig Cake Walk at 11 o'clock. FILEMONT lIiIFi\VING C03i1'A NY'S IIFLtiQIJAR'I'EIFS. IADILS' GINTS ! CONCRT IILL iisi Clticigu Street. South Side Jefferson Square. GRANICONCER'1EVERY NIGHT ADMiSSl t'ItEE. "it4 lIILltG , Prom ) , B A S EBAL : L lie 4I Today. O P. . ff1. . OMAHA yiDETROIT 1idTis. : - , _ f ! , . T h e B a I mora . . I Itonius Lodgings and , 1510 Ilaraey St. , p,1Creighton Theater amid ConyJnt'4n Hall , VIM. Il.7dORAND. Propr , THE MILLA1D 13th mitid Joiiglas Sts , , Omuislia , CFNTRAL1.YKI.OCAT1D , . _ AlEitiCA4 ANI ) hiLJltOl'EAN PLAN.- .1 E. 31.tlilcFiL . % SON , Props , - -HOTEL BARKER- Con , 13TH AND JONES ST. , OMAIIA ItA'h'FS i1J' ( ) .Nl ) " . ( n ) l'FHt lA % ' Eiectrtc curs direct to exposition grounds. tt'BANK 1L'.ltKlilt. Cashier. . . . , , . , , . , S4.M IAUMAN Cakf Clerk. 1IURRAY H OTLL , 14th aml ifarnoy St. American PIan-'J to 4 dollars per day , Street cars from depots anti from hotel to Exposition Grounds in lifteea minutes. B , SILLOWAY , Maaager , 4 SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements for ( htcme eolnrntis vlll be tnkcn nittli 12 in , for the ev'tilng anti until 830 * for mortiliug nnd Suadny editions. Advertisers , hr reqneatln it Hunt- 1ered cheek , can have nhiwvcrs ad- dresped to i nuisthiered letter In care of The 11cc , Antmtvcrs so addressed will be dchi'erctI on , rcicnt.itiomt of thu check onls , Ithtc. , 1 1-2c ft syord first Insertion ; le a Soril thereafter. Nothinig takeit for Ihinu ii.c for ( lie flrst litter- tion. Thie ndycrttseneitts niust be run conseciitIvei , $ lTUATIOS WANTED. T\vo young lady stenographers lesirc general - oral work or liosition for eventng. . It 33 , lice , , , 't-435 & ' WANTED , situation , by middle aged man ; % intloratands garden , farm , cows , 010 , , good driver , any honorable work. Address It 31 , this ofllce. A-529 WANTED , position as retail clerk In city or country ; 16 years in grocery bUainss , It 2 , lice. A-37 WANTED-MALII IIEZ.P , . CANVASSERS to take oricrn ; new Bite of work ; no heavy goods to carry ; salary or commIssion , C , F' . Adams Co. , & 24 13. 16th , 13-246 \VANTED-Snlesmen to sell perfumes and toilet articles ; $100 per month and cx- ponses ; expericitco unnecessary. Plumer Perfumery Co , , St. Louts Mo. h 1J-MCS&--J-19' AN OLD Chicago wholesale tea , cigar anti spice house 'ivants three first-class snle- men having an etahiltshieti trade in ( ho northwest , WrIte full iaricubnrs to C 13 21 , Chicago 'I'ribune. B-M355 19 WANTED iiiin to ( turn kiln of brIck on slirires. 1' , A. Starbuck , Percival In , H-i3O 9 WANTED1 men at once to learn barber trade. ' 1 lie government hits called impon us for 100 grnduates for tile army ; $15 weekly , two years' cmnplo'nient ; our icc- turcit on hair anti akin diseases make graduates iii demand as regiment barbers , Many local barbers leavimig makes honte demnitti good also ; eIght weeks coot- pletes. Vt'rlte for catalogue. Moler Sys- tern Barber College , Chicago. 13-387-S \VANTED , tailors ; steady work all year itroumid. 'fhia I'antoz'iunt , ii , e. car. 14th aitti Farnam sts. I.t--Mi'Js S WANTED , by Markel CaterIng company at ExpositIon grounds , white men wait- era , Apiily at once umider viaduct , h3lter- initmi aye , B-M89'5 5 STEADY work for a gooti tailor. Apply at once , Stephieit S. Broderick , 1GOJ Var- nani St. Ii-M4O2 5 CA1tI'ENTER preferred ; live man wnnted ; each county ; salary or comniissiomi. Ad- tlress with stamped envelope. 'rop ) & Co. , Mtgrs. , indianapolis , imitl. IIESI'ONSIBLE man to appoint agelits and make cohiecton ! , ExperIence or capItal LmmiIlecessury ; $15 a weclc anti expenses. Adtbress Shieip Co. , 1031-1033 Ciicstittit St. , I'btiladclpiiia ' ' , 13-164-5' : _ . 5,000 APPOINT3IENTSto be made In go'- eminent civIl servIce. Imierensed miumubor on account of war. Particulars its to salaries. positions , etc. , free.Vrite to- ( itt. National Correspomitlence Institute , Dept. E , Wnsiilngton , D. C. 13-463-5' SALESMEN waitted. Free outfit. Several earn $20 weekly caslt. lirattlce , 2t3 I'earl , New York. 13-162-5' A.-SALESMEN to nell cigars to demtlcrs ; salary , $60.00 to $200.00 per month anti expenses - penses ; experience unnecessary ; per- iiiaiient position. The Dc Mora Cigar Ca , , Springfield , 0. B- WANTED , inca and women In every town tO work for us ttt their hiomes. No can- Vassing. We send you work immetiiately. We have se.reral lines of work to give out , some of which requires no experience whatever. If you can't devote time whole day to our work , you cami earn $5 or 6 a week by working an hour or two of an evening. Enclose stamp. We will send you ( till InstructIons free of charge. Standard - dard Art Mfg. Co. , No. S2 Standard buildIng - Ing , 142 West Twenty-third itt. , New York. SALESMEN to sell soaps and druggists' stmntiries : $100 per month and expenses. Experience unnecessary. Canaan Chem- lcnl Co. , St. Louis , Mo. 13-466-5' WANTED , general agent to represent dtmr- lug exposition , lightning seller , 300 per cent profit : entirely new ; exclusive tern- tory. Sample outfit , 25c. Address for par- ticubars , Becker Bros. , room 50-69 Dearborn - born st. . ' , Chicago. 13---161--5' IF YOU are a first class salesman anti have a faIr knowletigo of keeping accounts anti want a permanent and paying position. no competition , liberal compensatIon , npply with references. Atltbress It IC. lice. 11-481-5' MANAGER wimnteti , must ho A-i business man , commercial traveler or bookkeeper preferreti ; $203 to $300 cnhi requlretl ; saittry ( in conintission ; competent men can make $2,500 to $4,000 annually , Address R 15 , lice. b3-4S2-5' SALESMEN , $100 weekly guaranteed , elI- Ing to families , stores , the only reliable machIne iirotiuclng dry cold blast In no- fnigerators , water coolers ; proven 75 per ccitt cheaper , hotter than Ice itself : also ice cream freezer iroduclng tvo flavors instaneously in cake form. Free terrItory anti otittit. Alaskan Itetnlgerating Mn- chub Co. , Cincinnati , 0. 13-419-5' AGENTS , $100 weekly anti expenses gtmaran- teed good men to sell ArctIc Refrigerating Machines for cooling refrigerators : guttr- anteed 75 per cent chienper tItan Ice ; indestructible - destructible , everlasting ; every owner of 0. refrIgerator buys them , as thin saving of ice In ono month more than pays for mnachmlne ; have over 5,000 in use ; 1,000 testi- menials from beatllng merchants of the U. S. ; greatest manopby every ofiered agents ; tie competitIon ; exclusive territory assIgned good salesmen. 1Vnite , today itmiti secure your territory Iet'are It is taken , Arctic RefrigeratIng Co. , Cincimmnati , 0. 13-480.5' GOVERNMENT positions , tue var makes ft tbemnand lb the gnvernrneuit civil service ; examinatIons soon ; ( till information free , Columblan Correspondence College , Wnshm. Ington , D. C. 13-483-5' SALESMAN to Introtlueo atiecesstil souvenIr war maps to largest ntivertlsers ; mienti 2 2-cent stamps ror sample mtnd Particulars - ticulars , A(1lress , stating experience , 3 , 13. Llppincott Co. , Philadelphia. I3-41.5' SPECTALTY anti premium mumlesmen , Something new : quick 5911cr : big proilts : spientbiii side line. 'tV. It. Ibuchinuittit & Co. , 141 8. Clinton St. , Chicago , III. BM523G' WANTED , t'o cnh4ector , Good itay In. quuiro tIm Singer Manufacturing comonuty , 329 Jllroittbway , Council Illuffs. B-M518 7 IFIN wnnted to senti ( or time "only list" or rare books , nimtio itictuires. Art l'ub , Co. , hex 267 , Cincinnati , 0. 13-532 5' WANTED , an experIenced drug clerk , reg- iuiteretb , witlt good references : apply in persozi at iirug dept. Memiday utiorninur. W. It. Beiinett Co. 11-31527 6 WANTED , several first-class pa t tern mak- cr5 at once , Apply Itenimners Ptmttc'rn Co. , 422 N , Main , St. Louis , 13-M564 6' VAN'VEI-Fi1A 1.11 11161.1' , 100 GIRLS ( or all kinds of work ; $3 to 7 week , tanadian 0111cc , 1522 Douglas. 81616 ( ho EiPep corset. 1511 Douglas St. WANTED-Girl for housework. Mrs. ii. D , Ncel9' , 4371 hamilton St. C-069 \ANT16D , 150 gIrls Employment Bureau , 1821 Dttigo. 'r'le1)ltitC ) 116. C-434.Jh2 EMPLOYMENT Ihmirean , 1521 Dodge et. , wants 150 girls. Tel. 7C. C437 312 WASTED-Mangle girls , Model I4team , Lutundry'Co. C-M3O6 J ( , FIRST class girl ( or general Imusewark ; mumnall ritually ; references requiretl , Mrs. Hd B , WiIlimtmns , 22 So , 25th St. C-3)2 ) ICAT folks reduceil 15 lbs. a mouth ; any one cart tasks remedy at home ; sample boX , etc. , maIled free ; it costs you miothlng to try it. Hall Chiemnical Co. , A 34 , lii , Louis , Mo , C.- VANTED-F11MAI.1'l hEll' . ( Contimnieti ) WANTED-Nice , willing girl for dining room at 1404 Dotige SI , C-455-bO' WANTED-First elns cook good wages and every convenIence , Ileferences no- quired , 2020 Webster lit , 1'ANTED-1totisekeeper , Must be a lady of education and .reflnemont whio wottiti have tim Iromer ; moral influence with children , W. 11.Viiite , Omaha Oil and I'Mnt Co. , 1413 Dotigo St. I 0-418-6' LADIES to do embroidery work at home ; rend reply envelope for sample anti I5r- ticulars , Manhattan Embroider' Co. , 128 Water St. , Now York , LADIES to embroider table covers ; work sent to your home ; easy , good paying work : stamlueti envelope for sample and particulars. 3. Ii , 'Wilday , 23 Duane St. , New York , C-46'l-5 LADY lugents e'erywliern for new batliemi' miecemuslly ; large Profits ; ehl oi sIght ; himi- cml intlucemonts. Joseph Co. , 335 Broad- Wa ) ' , New York C-IGS- & ' LADIES to atidresmi envelopes , circulnrs auiti write for ummi at home ; reply wIth self ad- elressed stnmiiped envelope. l'eerless Co. , South Bend , Indiana. C-4S6-5' GOOD girl for general btousework , 1914 Locust , C-4S5-i' 'WANTED , good girl for general hiotisework must be good cook , 1419 linnillton St. C-4S1- & ' WANTED , a woman with tact nail bus- mess ability to till a itositlon for 6 months. Adtlress Ii 31 , lice , C-MbCO 6 LADIES to do neetiio work at home ; $4 to $7 per week , Itoom 39 , Barker block , C-547 5' FOIL ) IENT-IIOIJSES , C1I0ICl houses and cottages all over city ; . $5 to $75. Fidelity , 1st hoer , N. Y. Life. HOUSES. lionewa & Co. , 108 N. 16th St. 13-219 S16\'I'N large sotth front rooms , suitable for lodgers , lSth anti Barney. 13.5. Curtis. OUSES , stores. Iiemnl , i'axton block. MOVING httumseliolti goods , tnil putties. Orn , Van & Storage Co. , 1511 % Farnamn. Tel , 1559. U-hit Ft1illTNU1tI and leaeiioItl of it 7 and 13- room modenit flat. for stile ; bargnimi ; good loctttloii , rent low. ibemnls , l'axton blk. 12-blOOM niotiern huoute , 131 So. 25th St. . hint water heat. J. N. Frenzer , 01)1) . old P. 0. u-tilt ; COTTAGES-I-room , $7.50 anti $ S.OO ; 5-room , $10.00 ; t-room , $12.50 ; S-i'ooni 110.00 ; newly imalnteth anti paperetl : beautiful for shun- ( ion. 436 lloart.i bf Trade. D-9i2 FOR RENT , .1-room house on pa'cd Street , East Ornuhitu , with use of tebephomie ; chienp for the suinnicr , Lamnereaux Bros. , 101 S. 1Ctli. A NO. 1 brIck resIdence. 1029 So. 50 Ave. , 11 roams : keys next door or 3411 N. 27 St. 'IV. D. Mead , jr. D-233 BEAUTIFUL stimnier resutbence In Bemiii ; Park , near 56th anti Llncolmi botihevard. Large grounds ; 10 ( till lots ; large itmtblo for i2 horses ; modern. Bemis , Pmtxton block. D-M337 ii5it RENT , furnIshed house , 10 rooms ; Juhy , August , $100.00 er month ; one block fromn Ilanscom park ; party wantit retain omue sleephiig room ; references re- qilired. idt1reis R 17 , lIce. D-M397 5 362 NORTH 40th street , S ronmas. all mod- era , lawn nnti shade trees , $30.00. Tim Iiyron Iteeti Co. D-M410 S-ROOMS , modern. 15th Ave. , near Farnam. -iv. H. Gates , GIS N , Y. Life. D-M400 6 NEW S-room house , all modern improve- ments. on uiorthi 35th Ave. , half block ( rein Farnani street car line. Apply 1203 Douglas St. 13-152-7 FOR RENT-Strictly modern hahn Say- Idge's hnmiidumitr , opposite city hall. JOHN 'IV. R013131N5 , ag't , 1S02 Farnam st. 13-417 HOUSE-Eight rooms , rent cheap ; party compebied to leave city : wants to sell furniture at bargain : three blocks from exposition. Good barn now rented. H 23 , Bee. D-191-6' FOR RENT-North halt of storeroom at 214 South HIlt St. : for InformatIon Intitmlro at above atldress. D-4S7-6' 3-1100511 house , S. E. Con. 2Sth and Pacific Sts. , 815.00. I-room htouse. Locust St. , East Omahtr , $1. S. W. ( 'or. Mason and 11th Sts. . $23.00. Potter & George Company , 1601 Fam'namn St. 13-636 5 A NO. 1 brick residence. 1029 So. 30 Ave. , 11 rooms ; keys next ( lcor , E. 13. Pratt , j535i4 Farnam St. , 2ti floor. 13-233 IR ItENT-FLIRNISIII6I ) ROOMS. rx1'os1'rION VJSITOIS-l,000 furnished rooms. Write to 1xpesitIon bloomhuig Co Douglas block , 16th and Dodge.E4S4 E-4S4 314' EXPOSITION OfilcIal Tnformmttlon litirenu , 1319 Farnarn ; 5.000 choIce rooms to rent. J-s4u ; Till' ) FAP.NAM 'r16ltnAc1 , 2036-38-40-42 Farnam , new modern bumhtlirmg. new fur- nlshiings : alt elegant outsitlo roomns porches , lawn trees ; within five minutes' walk of business center ; on slight eleva- tion' especially desirable for Intuit and famnfly. E-M93l-Jb8' ELEGANTLY furnishied roomnmt ; modern , 620 S. 19th. i6-M900-J4' MODERN south rooms , transients. 514 N. 18th. Jt-uiti-JiA- ; PURNISIIED rooms. 602 N. 16 ; grocery store E-991-J21' TO GEN'rLErJRN , large rooms , first class motlern , near bmmsImies center ; reteronces exchanged , Address P 48 , lice. ' E-M1lS-J4' NICELY furnished rooms. 2412 Cain street. E.-M207 FL'RNJSHED I100MS , rramisient ; this is your lilace , strictly $1.00 per tIny , wIthout board ; motbern house newly fltte roonts , bath. gooti ittmrroulntiIngs , convenient to exposition grounds sunti Sltermnn ztveuiuo car line , 1802 OhIo St. H-MIll ii V'EitY nicely furnisheti rooms , house all modern ; prIvate fitmily : out car hlmie hear lhanmieoimi park , 1' ( ,5 , 13cc. E-Mi78 1(00MB , all conveniences , 621 ½ So. 19th. 16-155 J2S TilE TJIIIO'W1611-28 good rooms. 208 N. 37. B-MbS2 J2S' FOR RENT , two front roomna. 310 N. 22t1 , b6-M22S J3 FURNISEIID roorne. 524 S. 26t1m ave. 16-51451 329' LARGI'l pleasant rooms cool , sliatbe ; 3 blocks miortit of Ogd'n , house ztnth Ilcoad. tVn3' car line. 144 Grant St. , Council flhuff' , In. b-i'I3l0 J6 FURNIShED rooms , TransIents flCeOni- modruteti , 2102 Cass , 7I13217' PLEASANT rooms ; central ; pri'ate family. 1512 Davenport. 16-Mi'20 50' _ NI6A'i'LY ( urnimihmed rooms , cheap. 626 5. 19th , Fi-5i325 30' LARGE lImit rooms tar rent all parts of city ; oflice open tilt 10 p. m. anti Sundays , Mrs. Jeifnies , bloarti of 'l'nimtie , Htxteentlt and Faramum , lbrst hoer , HM333 13011T11 front room to rent. 2lb2 b6mninet street , one block from exposition grounds , E-1i1331 NICELY furnished rooms by tiny or week , 2010 1)avenport. E-3t5 VOlt transIents , rnqdcrn , Swift , 2610 hiitrney 16-JIG' FURNISIH61) rooms. 1624 Cass : on Slier- mnan avenue car line ; references renuiretl. 16-31160 S PARLOR Bedroom for 3. 1910 Farnttun lit. 36-369 8' . IeurN i ii.iii- ) rooms ; beau tifuil local Ion ; Private fnrnil9' . 1136 Ho. list. 16-M'LI 6 FIN3 $ ; ' for tranelcuits. 520 N. 19. F-M'201 JIG' TWO rooms 1mm inivatu ( mtirtliy , 2412 Dodee , EXPOSITION visitors desiring first class roomne or board call 510 Drown block , Information - formation free , Special utlt'Zmtioit givcui stralif6erL - J3-493 f' - V FOR flENT-FURNIlhIiD ltOOflS , ( Continued ) LAltGh'l well furnished south room , bath , Private family , Sl4 South 'thi lIt. F3-M391 6 _ ROOMS for rent to transients , 2017 hlarner E-.389-6' ' HOOMS-16i1 California ; restaurant near , E-451--Jy-3' . > ' ItOOM to rent to genttcunen ; references. 2114 Chicago lit , fl-45i-G' 1100MS ftmruiimiieti ) or unfurnisheti , single. of eneulte , 1336 8. 25th St. C. F. Clark , El.EcIANTI4Y furmilutlietiroomims , single or enstuite ; by day , week or month ; free baths. 1503 % 'ntes. NICE FRON'I' blOoM by tue veek or month. \'l'iliiarns st. NIChLY furnished roonis , on car. line , sin- , l' gly or ensuite , Itiite reasoiutble. 3520 N. 24th St. 11-519-5' NlCh1L\"furnihett trout room , stently for the summer , $3 week , 807 North 33Ihi Ave. I3-37 5' A I.AItGE , nicely furnished front room. miotltii amid eaSt exumosure "uvitli bath , to one or two gentlemen' only 5 blocks ( rota _ ! ' Address It 15 , F3-M&54 7' FLI1NIS1ED rooms ; housekeeping. 2621 St. Mary'a , E-M562 9' FURNSIh11D room. 2103 Locust ; walkIng ' " distance expesitiott , I1-M848 6' W'ANTED , situation by A No. I stationary engineer iii or out of ( hue city. Ailtiresi It 26 , lice. A-MG 8' NlCi6IY furnished frouth room. 9i5 N. l8thm ave. E-M545 11' LARGE m'oomn , with or without board , in private fnmnil3' ; mtitlern imiipro'ernentd , Call at or nultiress 517 N. 33d St. E-42 5' FIJItNlShihii ) 1(00315 AND ImnAhil ) , TIlE Merriamn , first-class rnmnily hotel , 25th and Dodge Ste. F-SIT NEW ALBANY , 2t16 Blititcy : elegant rooms. first-class bound ; terms reasonable - able : transient tt'ttdo solicited. F-2tI322 J7 PLEASANT rooms , mo.iern , strictly first- class board ; reasonable rates ; traitsionts taken , 522 N. i9thi st , F-M42l 312' T11l1 110511 , 2(20 ( Ihtrtwy ; mic * cool rooms - - . . . . viti * board ; trahisielit utceomninodated ; rates reasonable. F-Ill J2h' PLi11SANT , ' 'ell furnimilteti roont ; nil niod- em eon'eitlenccs , with or wIthout bonrd ; private family ; near Ilanscuiti Park. 1 " . . . , , , 12 , lIce. 'r\Kio do'ii ( lint "for sale" or 'for remit" sign iii your wlnthow ; 'l'liu bloc reachtes tiiore PeoIie in a tla' titan ivhii L'ass ' your wlntlow itt a month ; and they consult .theia' columns when they rmtitt to hutiy or rent. PRlTA'rE fanilly will take it few bonntler3 for stitnimier In cottage at Lake Okolmoji. Atltbress P t _ , liee , F'-M221 JI' ThUG SAI1A'l'OGA 1IOTHI. Is ( lie ; ilace. Amiierlcutn ci' Eurohienmi , N.V. . corner cx- liosItiout ; Slicrinutmi Aye. anti tlte 24th trcet car hues itas ( hit' lmolO.e. Summnnier rt'strt style. FiimilhIc solicited. 3lotlcrmi , tool , commifnrtnhhe , hotn'ilke. , Bttiimi : , gas , ; iimimto nmiti library. 'olepltomte 1931. ' , iiL can act a street car anti hlmith a seat Iii It. Wo hn'o trees , hIrls , green gitiss antI croquet. Double parlors , Vast 'entuitlas , ltmtiiiinocits , jolly lcOPle amiti a 1)et bear. Ihates reasuit- able auth according to accomiitotltttlons. F-Ill iUTIFUL rooms transients , 21St homey' F-230-'J' IOM1ILTKIO m'oorns , with bath , large yard with slit1o trees , near Ftimitam cur. 120 N. Ed it'L' , F-M396 6' TWO south rooms connectetiby foltling tbonms. New meticrut house , witlo Poi'chi. 2316 ChIcago. F'-415-5' NICELY ftmrmtisbieti room for two respectable gemitiemeti lit private faniiiy , near car lIne , board first doss ; price reasonable to right parties. 1323 So. 27. F-M504.6' ROOM anti board for married couple or yoting mitcH. Modern house ; cool amid - - . - . ' . ldcasant locatloim. H 24 , lIce. S-t9)-5' ) FURNISIIIOI ) rooms vltht hmarti tramisicuits accommodated. 2015 Douglas. F-M&59 7' DOUIILE room aittl board for two young mcii on 80th tire. , near Ilansconi park. References required , Address it 37 , lice. 1M365 C' - GOOD board , private family , Clifton 1fill for young uiien ; $1.00 per week. Ii 27. lIce. F-M5i3 7' - - FoiL RIGN'r-UNPUIINIS 11111) ItOO3IS. FOR Rent , nice sotitli front unfurnlshied rooms , 'ttli bath ; \'ithinchl block , F.V. . Carmichael , No. ( I , Withinehl block.GS48 G-S48 UNFURNISIIED rooms ; moaermt. iS2h Leav. Flat 4. . G-MS9I ,124' TWO nice rooms , 1103 F'nrnain.GM492'i' . . . - FOlt ILEN'l'-S'I'Oit ES ANI ) omFmCllS. FOR rent , ( lie 4-story brick building at 916 Farnam St. This buIlding has a fire. proof cemiment baeunent , water on all floors , gas , etc. Apply at the otflce of Tile lice. 1-910 SPACE to rent , suitable ( or job printing or other small business , 'relephiono anti desk , Rent cheap. 1517 Burt. 1-681 ( ROOM , bix2O , suitable for workshop. 1604 Cans , downstairs. 1-51321 30' - , WAI'Tb.D to rent , hotel dining room partly furnlshuctl ; good location , Apply b3OS 1T3s51 * _ : - - AGIIN'I'S W..NTIIU. AGENTS wantcd.--Murat Ifaistead's Great War Ibook , "Our Country In War. " All about Armies , NavIes , Coast lefonses , Maine iisaster , Cuba , W'ttr with Spitin , anti relations with Foreign Nations. Nearly 600 lages. All wnittcr , 5iflC' Maine Disaster. MagnifIcent cohometi litustra- tlomms. Ag'nts making $10 to 839 ier day. No expemienco necessary. Most liberal terms guitranteed , 20 tia9's' credit , pric how , freIght paid. 1Iant1orn outfIt free. Send 9 twe-cont stutniat to pay postage. Etlmicationiul UnIon. 324 Dettritomn St. , Ciii- cugo. J-MlSS Juno 5' OFFICIAL souvenir badges timid hiuttomis of ( lie 'i'ransmisslssilipi Ilxposlttoui. 1 luistlt'ra % vmt It t eti t o itch I tnt expomi I I lou gmotl ntis it a ii in ( lie CII ) ' . Also ot Item noveitic. B. liiimitblin , 410 13cc iluilldiuig. J-luilOl JG' Aai1N'rSs'anteti for " 0mm NutYal War vi I It Spain , ' ' lb itientilul' i' i I I list rated , aol y ittitbientic iiook to ho piubilslted. Fret , outfit uiow ready , act c1ulck. National b'ub , Co. , Lukeslde llIdg. , Chicago. J-Si3J JO' J.IFhi of Vni. 11. Giatbetone ( five years in IrlunrtttiOn ) now ready ; extra terms to tugents ; graritl opportunity for earnest workers ; tt'nti 10 ct'iits ( or complete outfit - fit , or write for circular. 1' . W..t'igler & Co. , 122 Dearborn St. , Chicttgo. J-M406 5' AGENTS \S'ANTIID , We want one shurewti careful man in every toss'ui to make a few titcitlsimnul tiohinrut for himself quietly at hmomne and not work bitiril private Instntic- ( iOns arid S'itiUiullIti outtbt of new gooha sent tree. ) .titlreuis intmetliately. P. 0. Box 5308 , Iboston , iIttsmi , J-Mi03 5' blxi'OSl'rION novelty- , One of tue best elhers. Address 'V. 31. 11OI'ICINIh , 617 Secummi t 3p I I u ii d i gig , lit. LouIs , Mo , J-M40l 5' IVANTbID. hotly atul gentlemen solicitors for a Fraternal organization ; good pay. Atidress It 21 , lice. . J-457.20' , . _ _ - _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - BOMETII ING remarkable ; every woman ; itirchnuteui ; grent hirohlts , 13. Illiison , 1623 l'olymnmtla lit. , New Orleans. J-196'5' W'AN'.l'IID , in unoccupied territory , latheS of gooti atitiress to canvass ( or time l'aris skirt ; fast seller : liberal intiucemnents. l'arla Skirt Co. , 151 Pearl lit. , CievclantlO W/uN'b'IID flow. zgcnts , to sell sash hocks IUIII iloor hcltiermt : eiunple * uimtii lock free for 2e $ titimlh , inmntns&i , : butter titan wt'iniits ; burglar proof ; $10 it day ; write qultek. Atitiress hirohard & Co. , 1)ept. 55 , l'hllntI ci Phi it , I 'a , 3- 13111011'h' himisinens women autO gIrls who are willIng It ) canvass can make more money in a W'tlk eellin MIne. 'Yttle'd celebratetl toilet anti ) teaith rOiflCii's titan they can earn in three months en a. salary. For terms address Matliumne Yale , 521Vabashu ave. , Ludington bldg. , (2imt. cage , . - J- ' . 4 i - - - - - - _ _ _