Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 05, 1898, Editorial Sheet, Page 11, Image 11

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TItE OMAhA DAILY fl1E : SVN1)AY. .TITNE , , 1898. ' Ii
obbra All Report a Large Movement in All
1i jIrget . ( tteidince nf Out-o.Town
Itirer In ft ( uod ManT Yenr-
JotIlIl&r nnil HrnII IIntiue , ,
Crusciled sth Vnatomer" .
'The opening of the expoIton nn
ay had a most mwrtant bearing upon
the trade situation Inst week. A great
runny retail merchantA took ndvantagc of
the opportunity afforded by low rates to
visit the city at that time and In adilltlonme
to seang the exposition called Upifl their
frIends in the jobbing aIstrtct. Every joblla
bing house was thrqnged with visitors and
they nil bought with surprising freedom ,
showing that the , dtuatlon In the country
hs certainly most encouraging. No one dee
pnrtment of trade atipeared to enjoy a
monopoly of thu busine. hut nit came In
. - for their * hnre , staple and fancy goods of
nil kItid being in demand. There irubabiy
has neter becn a time in the hiMory of the
city when so many country merchants vls-
iteti the jobbing district In the space of
two thy and left orders for such a large
amount of merchandise.
The retail merchants nio had the same
experience as the jobbers. A great many
e.fosition : visitorm remained over a daiy or
two on purpose to do a certain amount of
5hOpiflg nnd every retail estallishment In
the city was crowded. As a whole it was
one of the best weeks experienced by the
Iccal trade In a great while.
( rueery Market .tctive.
The market for wholesale groceries con-
' .c tinues tO tie very active. The volume of
buncis % tranmnvted from week to week
Varies little , but stilt the jobbers report
they have about all the trade they can
l'rlces have tCCfl ) steadier for the Inst
six ( lays than for m.omo time Iast. A few
lines. toweVr , continue to go Up time Scale
of values , while others are sinking. Among
; tbii'o that are being ( tuoteti higher , both
- - sisal and manila rope ought he mentioned
Pxeent prices show a rise of 1c over the
schedule of a week ago nnd there Is every
indication for a still higher market. As
: present quotatton are higher than they
have been for several years past , an Interesting -
' - - esting market may be expected In the ( U.
h----- ture. As yjg lirvtIiCteI last week , fruit
jars have advanced $1 per gross. Canned
tomatoes , corn nnd Caiit'ornia peaches are
also flrmer than a week ago Farinaceoum
geods , however , on account of the lecline
In wheat and aLLIS , are easier. The decline I
on flour for last week nmounts to $1.50 per
barrel zmml on rolled ont9 to about 25 centm
per barrel. Time sugar market remainm
practically steady. but Friday morning II .
opened a little firmer with indications fem
an advance In the near future. No changem
of any Importance are reported in other
, lines.
No variations as y have taken place Ia I
the' iuotmttlons on hardware. There is
however , ueh an active demand ( or nil
; kinds of seasonable goods that a continu. .
- since of present conditions is very apt tc
lring about some advances. Local ( lealerm
are more than pleased with the trade they
are having. Last week was an unusuali )
heavy week , owing to the ( act that th
usuni number of mall orders came In , wimIc I
made the orders received from vtsitor
The dry good3 trade is also reported am , .
being beyond ripronch. This Is timO menU 1
when there Is an enormous demand for sea
sonable gooth. and the fev warm days 01 ;
last week made them move in good shape
Laces , ribbons. veiling. hoskry and al
kinds of summer underwear are In Imarticu
lar demand. Dry goods merchants wh )
came to the opening of the expositlor
found quite n interesting a display In th
dry goods houses as they did on the ( au
grounds anti consequently jobbers thu
rustmtn business.
Orders for ( all goods are all in ( ran S
those intending to buy early and consequently -
quently the trade is confined to seasonabii t
goods and odds and ends.
Prices remain , firm , but no quotabl e
changes are rCorted.
Liberal Order , , for Slices.
Trade In boots and shoes continues ti
move along at a lively rate. Business ii i
the country Is good , whIch means that cut : u _
jobbers are busy. Merchants that come b m
town all give favorable reports from theE r
localities and place very liberal orders to r
stockS without any coaxing. They seem t
know what they are after and lose no tim
In getting it. The leather market continue S
to be iirm and there is no doubt but tha t
It vIil remain in that condition for sam
time to come. A rise In the price of shoe : ,
however. is hardly expeeted.
- The lumber trade remains practically ur I-
changed. Local retail business and C5 urt -
daIly the exposition branch of it continue is
to be very satisfactory. The last few da ) .5
before the opening there was a great rus tt
for lumber with which to put on the Ilnimil
ing touches and as a result the dealers haiii
a lively trade. which still contInues , as e t-
hibitors and concessionaires are aitli ic
anxious to complete their work at an earl ly
date. Business In the country continues I 10
be quiet. but not unusually so ( or this se It -
mien of the year. There Is every reason f r
thinking that trade wilt open up earili tr
thls. year and be heavier than for seven sl
seasons past and eonseiuently lumber me : r-
chants are well ; ) leased. The news of U me
location of Admiral Cervera had a stimi 1-
laming effect upon the yellow pine marke 1 ,
as mill owners fIgure that it means tt mete
Oening up of their foreign and coastwli to
trade , which has been practically destroy id
by the war. Cedar shingles are also cor ii.
aidered good ProPerty.
FrtIt and
Commission men report last week as b e-
ing very unsatisfactory to them owing bto
the fact that Wednesday was a hollela y ,
HolIdays are a geed thing , but they iii re
rather hard on dealers in perishable good 5 ,
I.- 130th flOw and clii potatoes are reported is
being In good ilemanil. especially old one 5.
which are selling at from SO to S5 cents p
bushel and the new ones at from L. pto
$ I.&o per bushel.
The tomatoes that are coming on tl ie
market now are the best seen this ya r.
Four basket crates are quoted at 2 and I
bushel boxes at $1.25. They are sellir ;
fairly well , but wilt doubtless be more po I-
ular this 'eek , as the receipts are expecti
to increase and consequently prices w
be more moderate.
VaX beans and Peas ito not seem to I b
reatly sellers and heavy losses wern su 5-
tamed in these lInes last week. Grace rs
(10 an immense amount of damage to U mis
market by refusing to pay reasonali le
prices as soon as there is a slight surpi US
of stock on hand.Vhen they force car n-
mission men to selt goods for less than th sy
are worth it stops shipments to this poi nO
anil in a few dayS up goes the price , on iy
to fall agaIn , In that way an uncerta in
and flfl unsafe market Is created. which is
U5t the kind shippers tear and try to
A few cherries from Missouri commor ily
called sour cherries , are beginrmng to cot na
in and are quoted at $2.50 $ per twenty-fat Ir-
( luart case. Gooseberries are also comi rig
in good quantIties for this season of he
year and are selling at $ per twenty-fot ir-
quart vase. Lemons , as predicted , a re
going up and are mUoteei at 23.50. T he
s'arm weather makes them rapll sellc trs
nnd they arc next in popularity to stra s-
There is beginning to be a slight weake In.
Ing in the egg market. owing to thu ft let
that the old rate on shipments betwe
- ( 'lilcago and New York has been restorm ? P
This adds a cent on every dozen shipr
between these points.
There is practically only one kind of b U -
ter in the market at liresent. namely , ca .
try butter. The frequent ralims have m 40
+ a luxuriant growth of grass and they ha LC
also caused a rank growth of weeds. '
a result time quality of butter is not as gc 9
thin year as usual , or as butter men s _ ,
e it's weedy.
L I'ouitry is not in very good demand ji Umit
rf at prestmmt owing to the abundance of
, fruits and vegetables , anti consequently I LEt
market is ft little weak. liens tell ort
cent last week and spring hickemms are a I t ; ,
. - - - U little lower ,
cm Icrimises Cl ts e rain cud ' % ( , )
KANSAS CITY. June 4.-WIt FAT-Stro .
2c higher ; No. I haril , .S4je ; No. 2 , 1
- . 4c No. 3. . ( % , : No. I red , 98c ;
t : . 4fidc : No. 3 , iti6c ; No. 2 spring. t
94c : No. 3. Ej9lc.
CORN-Steady to higher , closlrmg we ale ;
No. mixed. ) tjmc ) ; No. Z white , Ij
3lc : No. 3 3)tc. )
OATS-Active , about steady ; No. 2 wim ite ,
oi 3ie.
ItyE-Veak ; No. 2 4c.
hAY-Lower ; choice timothy and pral ne ,
IIUTER-Weak : creamery. ztj15c ; dal Ir ,
. . . _ ' _ 1 IGdjti2e.
ry FiG-Stendy ( ; fresh. Sc.
ltF.CFIPTS-\Vlieat. ) .C ) bu. ; corn , 3 .000
: - bu. : oats. K.C(4) bu.
, : SIIIPMENT2-\Vheat , 3lS ) bu. ; corn , as , .
2i ( ) bu. ; outs , Lw.
st. I.outsGenergil 1nrkrts.
ST. LOITIR. June 4-FLOt'll-E.isr r at-
ents. $5 3'd6.5O stratghts. . cli nor ,
' 425.J44W. medium. $ a4i4o.
l'lIEAT-Declined for the want of
buyers , closing at the bottom , with J uy !
1 I-Sc , september 1 74 and December 'AC
low er than yesterday Spot , a shadem betterl'
No. 2 rpi rash , levntor , 11.01 track , slot ;
Jun e , * 1 02 ked , July , 5.1 7-Sc bid , Septem-
her , 5 v-Sc asked , December , 6c ; No. I
harC d 4c : ; ,
C OtN-Futures weak with wheat , closing
wit h buyers I-Ic above the bottom , but 3-Sc
bel ow yesterday. Sr'ot firm and in demand
No. 2 vn5h , 3l'c ; June. 3lc July , 311-Sc
ask ed ; September , z I-Sc bid.
O ATS-irregular. but about steady for
fut ures , which closed fractions either side
of yesterday , Spot higher ; lo. 2 cash , t4c ;
tra ck , c ; June , 2e Juig , 24 1-Sc ; Septem-
ber , 21'4c : No. 1 whIte , 3lIc.
ltS YE-Dull , 4e sellers.
S EEDS-Flaxseed , nominat. * 1.18. Prime
tim othy secil , $2.rm)2.r. & .
( ' OIt'M IA 1-Steady , $ l.S541.94) .
li liAN-Dull ; sa ked , not salable above
SOc basIs , east track.
h AY-Fairly active with prices well sOs.
tti ned ; prairie , l3.tOIjjlO.&O ; timothy , 7.SOQ
il tTTE1l- Quiet ; creamery , l431Gt4c ;
dai ry , lPtii4c.
1 GGS-quiet. 9c
U AGOING-4 34T 3-Sc.
M ETAI.S-Leaii , fIrm , $3.f1. Spelter , firm ,
" 'I s.
1 'ItOVISIONS-Pork. lower : standard
me ss , jobbing , lO.tlO.tO. Lard , qpiet :
rI mo steam , ; : choice , 3i3.S714czG.CO.
lla con. boxed shoulders , $5.S7 % extra short
cle ar. ribs , S6.3 : shorts , $7. Dry salt
me ats. boxed shoulders , Ss.3 ; ; extra short
cle ar , .I2'4 : ribs , $6.23 ; shorts , $ G.5&
; EECEII'rs-Flour , 4,000 bbls. : wheat , 74-
o bu. ; corn. S3oci bu. ; oats , l4OO bu.
S itll'MENTS-Flour. 2,000 bEds. : wheat ,
I9 , ( bu. ; corn , lZ3 , ( ) bu , ; oats , 9tO bu.
( ) mtAlLA GlI'IltAb M.tItl FITS.
Co ndition of Trndennd Quotations
on Sinimic nimil Fnncy Proilnee ,
E GGS-Good stock , 9c.
1 -1L' fair. 9tlic : sap.sto
itt ator , ISa : gathered creamery , Ilijite.
VEAL.-Choice ( at , SO to IO lbs. . quoted at
Sti 9. : large and coarse , tjc ,
LIVE POULT1l-1Ien , 7c : old roost-
er s , 4iGc ; spring chickens. IGIPSc.
I 'IGEONS-Live. per doz. . S1.O.
I lAY-Upland. $7.10 ; midland. $6.00 : low-
la nd , 3.5.50 ; re straw , StXo ; color makes the
pr ice on hay ; light bales seli the best ; only
to t , grades bring to ; , prices.
ONIONS-Now southern , ver lb. , 3c.
l tl.ANit.Iinnmi.pieke.I navy. per bet. ,
POTATOES-Ifomo grown , 55c : new poce
ta toes , per bu. . $1.50.
TOMATOES-I'er basket crate , $2 ;
1-3 Lw. box , $1.25.
BEETS-New , per bu , box , $1.C.
FEADISIIIS-I'er 'loZ. bunches. 230C.
LETTUCE-Per ilox. iunches. 2Oij2sc.
GIIEEN ONIONS-Per iloz. . be.
CUCIJMI1EI1S-Per bu. box , 3c ,
WAX BEANS-b.3 bu. box , 75c ; per bu. ,
$1. 50.
PEAS-Per 1-3 bu. , &Oj0c ; larger boxes.
$1. 25.
STRA\VDERRIES-Missouris , $2.00.
API'LES-renetons. S3.T5.
GOOSEI3ERIITES-P-r 2.qt. case , $2.
CIIEI1IIIES-l'er 4.qt. case , $2.10.
ORAGES-Seedlinp , $2.50 ; MedlterraSe
n ean swects , 12.Z01j2..5.
IE\ION3Clifi 5,3.50 ; fancy 2Iesum
si na , $1.5&lj5.00.
ISANANAS-Chotce. large stock. per
b unch. 12.00132.25 ; medium sized bunches ,
SI .72.00.
NUTS-Almonds , per lb. . large size. I2
lI e ; small , lie ; Ilrazll3 , per lb. , J10c ; Eng-
ii sh walnuts , per lb. . fancy Soft shell , l1
ti c ; standards. S9c ; tilbertS , lb. , 1te'
p ecans. polished. medium. Iz7e : extra
la rge , SR9c ; large hickory nuts , $ l.fOij 1.10
p er bu. ; small. SL21j1. per Lw. ; cocoanuts.
p er 100 , $4 ; peanuts , raw , rdjs ½ c ; roasted ,
ri i64c.
MAPLE SYRUP-Five-gal. can , each ,
l2 .5 ; gal. cans , pure , per doz. , $12 ; halt-gal.
c ans. $ i.25 ; quart cans , $3.50.
FIGS-Imported , fancy. 3-crown. 14-lb.
b exes , lOc : 5-crown , 44-lb. boxes , I3c 2-lb. .
b oxes. 22i2Ic per box ; California , 10-lb.
b ox , $1.
1IONFY-Cholce white , 12c ; Colorado nm
b r. 1&uI1c.
1Cl1AIJT-Per bbl. , $3.10 ; per half bbl.'O
DATES-IIalIocee , 60 to 70-lb. boxes
5 % c ; Sair. Sc ; Fard. 9-lb. boxes , 9a.
CIDER-Per half bbl. , $3 ; bbl. , $3.
HIDES-No. 1 grecn hides , 6c ; No. 2 greer
hi des. Sc ; No. 1 salted hides , Sc : No. 2 greet m
s alted hides , 7c ; No. 1 veal caif , S to 12 lbs.
90 ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 lbs. , 7c.
I , 3c ; tallow. No. 2. 2'4c ; rough tallow. 1c :
w hite grease , 2jZc ; yellow and browi ;
wg rease. bti2'.c.
SHEEP PELTS-Green salted. each , 15
73 c ; green salted shearings ( short wooiei I
e arly skins ) , each. lIe ; dry slmearings. ( shor t
w ooled early skins ) , No. I. each , Sc ; dr V
fl int. F " .nsas and Nebraska butcher woo
p elts. er lii. , actual weIght , 4J5c .
d ry flint , Kansas and Nebraska murrati a
s 'ool Pelts. per lb. . act'iai weight. 3U4c : dr : y
( l int , Colorado butthei wool pelts. per ib
a ctual weight. 4'gsc ; dry flint , Colorado mur :
r ain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 3
t Ic.
FURS-Bear ( black or brown ) , $5.00'R20.0e .
o tter. $ l.SOBS.00 ; mink , I5.60c ; beaver. 1. e
00 ; skunk. ISc. 25c. &Ic ; muskrat. Sc , 5 < .
7 c ; raccoon , iSbilOc ; red fox , 25cit.25 ; gm
f ox , 2&50c ; wolf ( timber ) , 25c$2.50 : wol t
( pritirie coyote ) . 10j50c ; wildcat. 1025c : .
b adger , &Z140c ; sliver fox , $3.0G75.00.
Daitijimore Marketa. .
Weak and lower ; western superfIne , $3.5i
1 .75 ; western extra. $4.J4.75 ; western fani
u ly , $5.00i5.50 ; vinter wheat , $0.00I6.7i ;
s pring wheat , $6.26.50 ; spring whea , t
s traights , $6.OORG.25 ; receipts , 5,625 bbls , .
e xports. 1.Cd2 bbis.
\vIEA'r-Firm ; spot , $1.12 ½ t71.12 5-I
month , $1.11 asked : Juiy , 9C9c steame
No. 2 red. $1.03 bid ; receipts , 29.123 bu. ; : -
ports. 112.102 bu. ; southern wheat. by sair t.
i de. 11.07(11.14 ; on grade , $1.03.1.I3.
CORN-Steady ; spot and month , 3l2i fi
3 4 7-Sc ; July. 25 7-Sl37c : steamer mixet 1 ,
3 34iiZ'c : receipts. 205.E3 bu. ; exports. 191Oi ; i
bu. ; southern white and yellow , 3ti37c.
OATS-Duil and easier ; No. 2 white , 251 l4
fj3lc ; No. 2 mixed , 32j32c ; receipts , 17,2 13
bu. ; exports , none.
RYE-Dull and lower ; No. 2 nearby , 54 ' .
No. 2 western , 56c. nominal.
hAY-Steady : chOice timothy , $ l2.5R13.0 0r
GItAIN FREIGhTS-Dull ; steam to Lt r-
erpool. ver bu. . 4d June ; Cork , for order S ,
per QUarter , 3i June.
BUTTER-Steady ; fancy creamery , 17 .
fancy tmitation , lIe ; good ladle , lie ; sOot e
packed. 12ii13c.
hiOGS-Firm ; fresh. I11I1.c.
ChEESE-Steady ; fancy > .ew York , C , .
large , 99-c ; medium , 91j10c ; small , 10 .4
_ _ _ _ _ _
LI'erpool Market ,
red. northern spring. Is Gd : futures , Jul y
Ce ! ; September. 7s 1 1-Sd ; Decemnbe r .
65 S4tI.
COltNSpot quiet ; American mixed , nei 5'
4'4d futures , July , 3s 4d ; Septembe r ,
FLOUR-St. Louis fancy winter , dull at
ILOPS-At London ( Pacific coast ) , dull at
per pound.
PROVISIONS-Beef , extra India rne 8
tiuli at 553 Sd ; prime. CIs oil. Mess per k'
prime mess medium western , 52s Gd. Bare Is'
short cut. 34 to 16 lbs. , dull at Is. Ilaco n' '
dull at SOs Gd ; short ribs and long dc ar
middles. light , 2s ei ; long clear middli is
heavy. 32a ; short clear backs arid clear be .1 :
lies , s ; shoulders , square. dull at 2 is
Lard. prime. dull at Is Sd. Tallow , prim UI ;
city , firm at 21s Gd.
clIFESE-Dull ; American finest whit te .
Ms ; American finest colored , Iss ,
011.5-Cottonseed oil , Liverpool refine
Steady at lOs 9d. Turpentine spirits , stea : )
ills 9d. Rosin , common , steady at Ss 1 t
Cincinnati Market ,
fancy , * 5.10135.50 ; 'famIly , $1.SOtjS.10.
V1IEAT-NomInai : No. 2 red , $ I,03l.i 1) ,
COIIN-Dull : No. 2 mixed , 35c.
OATS-Dull ; No. 2 mixed , ? c.
ItYl'-Ensy : No. 2 , 45c.
I'ROVISIONS-I..ard. quiet at 55,5.5. Be ilk
meats , steady at $6.15. Bacon , firmer at
whisKy-Firm at $1.23.
BUT'TEIt-Firm and higher ; Elgin crea m-
ery. lIe : Ohio. lIojiso ; dairy , jOe.
SUGAR-Steady : hard refined , S4.47Q6. 10.
EGOS-Steady at 9e.
ChEESE-Easy ; good to prime Ohio II at ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Grain lteceipts at Prine'llmal MacIce t , . .
CHICAGO , June 4.-Receipts toUt my :
Wheat. 35 cars : corn , I. ( cars ; Oats , 19.4
cars. Estimated cars tar Monday : Whe at ,
Si ; ; corn. 1.250 ; oats , 2(0.
ST. LOUIS , June 1.-Receipts ; Wheat , 16
June 4. - Receip Os :
\'heat , 1(6 ( cars.
DLTLtYTII , June 4.-Receipts : Wheat , 59
1ANSAS CITY , June 4.-Receipts : Who at ,
c cars.
Toledo 3inrket ,
TOLEDO , June 4.-WI1EAT-Quiet , wet ek'
No. 2 cash. $1.11 ! . , : June. $1.13 , I
CORN-Dull. steady ; No. 2 mixed , 3114i 5.
OATS-Dull , steady : No. 2 mIxed. 2Gc
IOYK-Quiet : No. 2 mIxed , 41c.
cr.OyEIOSEED-Dull , steady ; prime Ca sh ,
Sun Frnnei"eo % iient ) inrlcet ,
Quiet : December , $ l.407-S.
hARLEY-Quiet ; December. $ l.19i.
l'l. I I ird ci oh ut I'rotl uce.
Easy . western creamery , lGt4c.
kXIQS-St.&dy ; fresh western , lIe ,
Snu zhine and Warm Weather Knock Out All
the Markets.
Co rn and OMs Are LikIse Artected
naiL Close at Los. , While
l'roslpslons of All iUntls
Sliocr Declines ,
C HICAGO , June 4.-The sunshine and
wa rmth that were quickening the growth
in the fleld withered prices In the pit tothe I
day . July wheat cloaed with a loss of 1c
tur d September 14c , Corn left oft c and
oat s 73-Sc lower. Pork , lard and ribs
she w declines uf $7c , Sc and 7'.4c respeco
tiv ely.
T he predominating factor in wheat at the
sta rt was the weather , and that was favor-
abl e for the earl > ' maturing of the crop. erpool was 2td higher for July and d I
UI ) for September. I3eerbohm cabled that
the weather in France was bad. These I
lat ter items of information received no conIt
shl eratlon from local speculators. The sunin
shi ne and clear ky that could be seen from
the Board of Trade windows had too
po tent an effect to permit of other in.
Ilu ences at that time. There were bug
sto ries from } Canaas of a most harrowing
de scriptton and reports from liuda I'est
of rust In wheat. In about forty minutes
aft er the opening September which closed I
Ie sterday at I4i1O0-3e , had sold down to
,9 i4j79 : 3-Sc. There was a rather nervous
fee ling in July , however. Shorts were in- ,
di ned to cover and there was some demand
fo r Joily. At the close nearly all attempted
to liquidate and the strength which had
ru led early in July was lost. Near the
clo se the bearish feeling gathered in In- I
te nstty in September and that month sufan
( c reel a still further decline. Chicago reca
ce ilitS Were 35 cars and 70.0' ) ) bushels were
in spected out of store. Minneapolis and
D uluth received 15 ears. against 310 a year
ag o. The seaboard clearances of wheat
an d flour for the day were equal to 32G ) I
bu shels. July opened cent lower at .
94c , sold UI ) to 9Rc , down to 93tc , up to
91' 4e. fell off to SIc and firmed up to 92c ,
at the close. September began 3-Sfi-.e
lo wer at 9 0-S1JSOmc , sold down to TIe , ral- p
lie d to 79 5-Se declined to 7S4c and rose to
7 $ 0-SfJ7Sc , the closing tigure. I
An easier feeling was expressed in corn I
inab early cables. large covering and favorI
ab le weather ( or tIme growing crop. Ex- I
Po rt demand has ilisappeareel. July opened
1- Se lower at SPIllS 1-Se , sold down steadIly :
to 32 5-Sc , then steadied to 32 5-S32c at
th e close.
There was some changing from July to
Se ptember Oats. July started I-Sc off at I
2I L1C , sold up to 2I24 i-Sc , the resting fig- :
um e.
The demand in Provisions at the start I
w as based on small receipts ta hogs and
an advntue at time yards. Selling by pack- .
cr 5 turned prices downward. July pork :
st arted Sc higher at $11. olml up to $1143 ,
th en dropped steadily to $1O.G at the close.
Ju ly lard opened unchanged at $ I.1 , sold I
do wn to $ G.07. July ribs began 2'c higher
at $5.S2t , advanced to $3.53 and dropped tc I
$6 .3 at the close.
Estimated receipts for Monday : Wheat , ,
Se ; ears ; corn , 1,230 cars ; oats , 55' ) cars ; hogs ,
30 .000 head.
Leading futures range as follows :
L'S rtlcleL.l Opti. fitch. I Low. I .
'S ' i.t' - - - -
Juae. . 1 1i ! 1 14 1 ii I 22 1 1214
July. . . 93-tl4 OIL , P2 o
5ept. . CC1 4 7.4 soi'j
Dec. . S34 L > ) 7St 77t 7I4 79
'C ant-
June 'iItI 32i ( 3lTi : t2 3214 .
July. . . 33iI 3dt 5214 2kt"4 33Ot4
' Sept . . . 35It'24 33t1-34 331i 3t'I3 ° i 341aI ) I
'O ats-
July. . . 2414 214 2e4I.4 24t5f 24 .
SePL. . 2i421ja 21h .Et.s :11
I ork-
July. . . 11 00 11 05 10 0714 10 674 10 05
Sept. . . 11 174 11 17I 10 bS 10 8714 11 10
July. . . 6 1714 6 17.4 II 0714 6 0i4 6 17
Sept ' Ii 30 6 30 6 15 6 13 u I
% h'tRibi
July. . , 3 2 % 5 55 5 85 5 7 : ; a 521. '
5 90) 5 821.4 5 5214 3 90 .
No. 2.
Cash quotations were as follows :
FLOUR - \\'inter patents , $3.7341e.00 .
s traights , $5.5&5.71 ; spring specials , $6.50 :
s oft wheat patents , $5.&JXJS.75 ; bakers , $ L7
Ij 5.50.
WHEAT-No. 2 spring , $143 ; No. 3 spring .
95 cj$1.10 ; No , 2 reel , $1.14.
CORN-No. 2 , 32c.
OATS-No. 2 , lGc ; No. 2 whIte , 29c ; Nc I.
3 , % i25c.
RYE-No. 2. 49c.
BARLEY-No. 2 , 3314OC.
SEEDS-No. 1 tlaxseetl. $1.21. Prime tim -
o thy seed , $2.7&2.S0.
PROVISIONS-Mess pork. per bbl. , $10.4 0 -
I1O.70. Lard. per 100 lbs. , $6.10jG.I74. Shot t
b sides ( loose ) , $3.GORS.93 ; dry salte 13
s houlders ( boxed ) . $3.C05.25 ; short clea r
s ides ( boxed ) . $6.254O.I5. $
WHISRY-Distlliers' finished goods , po Ic
g al. , $1.22.
St'GARS-Cut loaf , 6.02 ; granulatet ,
$3 .52.
Artleirs. Receipts. Shipment , - .
, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 10.20 ; -
, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142.o
C orn. bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sooo epmjc C )
O atsbu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2SO.0ij 3139,00
i , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
U.arley. _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . isuo , . . . . .
On the Produce exchange today the bul I-
t or market was firma ; creameries , 1i13c , , .
d airie' , 11iJllc. Egrs , steady ; fresh , 9' . a -
Cheese , steady at 7tl4j7c Live poultr ,
market active : spring chickens , 13i9e : ;
d ucks , G6e ; turkeys , G7c ,
Qnojntions for time Day on Gener , al
Conimoditics ,
NEW YORK , Juno 4.-FLOUR-Receipt S
2 5.4113 bbls. ; exports , 22.091 bbls. ; weak am UI
l with wheat ; wInter patents , $6.40 rower - '
6 .65 ; winter straights , $6.103G.23 ; Minnesol
patents , 3G.COi7.lO ; winter extras , $4.SlJ5.3 ? , ;
Minnesota bakers , $3.lGfj3.35 ; winter lo w
grades , $2.0O'ijS.W. Rye ilour was dull Ot
$ J.c4i 4. ( ) .
CORNMEAL-Easy ; yellow. 75e ,
RYE-Veak ; No. 2 western , gin.
BARLEY-Dull : feeding. 42c.
HARLEY MALT-Quiet ; western , Gj C.
WHEAT-Receipts , 21,373 bu. ; exiort 5 ,
bu. ; spot 11mm ; No. 2 red , $ l.1S f. o. b.
afloat , export grade. Options opened fir in
and near months were supported all tI iio
forenoon by covering , stimulated by high em
LiVerpool cables , European and westel rn
crop damage reports and light interior r 0-
ceipts ; closed 7-Sc net higher , with Ia te
months under realizIng , 3'S45-Sc net lowe r ;
No. 2 red , July. $1.01 34j1.t12 ; close d ,
COlON-ReceIpts , 10,125 bu. ; exports , 191i 15
bu. ; bpot easy ; No. 2 , Z34c. Options open ed
easy and sold ort under liquidation , igna ring -
ing bull news. and closed 1-S.fJc net lowe r ;
July closed , 3734c.
OATS-Receipts , 146,400 bu. ; exports , 25l , .01
bu. ; spot steady ; No. 2 , Ha ; No. 2 whit a ,
3314c. Options Inactive and ens > ' with cot a ,
clcsing ic off ; July closed. Soc.
FEED-Quiet ; bran. 70'ZlSdc ; middling ,
j93c. rye , > 0c.
hAT-Quiet ; spring , 335j40e ; good to
choice. 44m7Se.
1101'S-Quiet ; state , common to choP .0 ,
18)1 crop , ui4c ; 11213 cmnp. 54j7c ; 1597 crc Ip ,
22fiiIc ; Pacltlc coast. 10103 crop , SJj4c ; 11 tOG
crop. 6i)7c : 1 > 7 crop , lltjlIe ,
hIDES-Firm ; Galveston , ICc ; Texas di 1' ,
lIc ; California , lIe.
LEA'L'llElt-Steady ; hemlock sole , Be me-
nos Ayres. 19fi25hc ,
lie. WOOL-QuIet ; fleece , IC.1j22c ; Texas , -(1 1
lie.PROVISIONSfleet ' , steady : family , flI 1.50
4'j3.00 ; extra mess , $ lO.SOR11.00 ; beef ban s ,
1i3.5ti14.0O ; packet. $ I1.5G(1.C' ) . Cut men
( lull : ickIed bellies , $6.506J1.23 ; jickl ed
shoulders , $4.5 ; pickled hams , $7..34j8. (5)
Iard , steady' Western steam , . , , :
closed at $4 . . .a
t6.4O : refined , steady. I'omk. quiet ; inc as ,
$ ll.04ll.75 ; short clear , 112.504314.50 : fami ' 1'
$'41l3.S0. ' Tallow. firm ; city 4 1-Sc b Id ;
country , a 7.1414 1-Sc , as to quality.
OILS-Petroleum. dull.
Rosin stea ( iy ;
strained , common to good , $ l.42'l,45. Ti ur-
Pentine , easier at Cottonseed i :11 : ! .
steady and moderately active ; prime cru de
21ts22c ; prime crude , t. o. b. mills , 17(11 Sc-
prime summer yellow. 25i25e : err aumn ie
yellow , IS4j25c : butter oil , 29'1j30c ; pri me
winter yellow , So'ifS2c.
RICE-Firm : fair to extra , 7 1.Hj7 iC. '
Japan , 5 7-MiCe.
MOLASSES-Steady ; New Orleans , o : ) en
kettle. good to choice , 254435C.
ton b' steam. 23c ; grain by steam , 3d.
METALS-Pig Iron Iluiet ; southern , $9. ; &
11.21 ; northern , $ lI.Olb.75. Copper stone ii '
brokers , $11.75. Lead , quiet ; brokers , $ . C .
Tin plates quiet.
IILITTER-Reecipts , 8,023 pkgs. ; mar ket
firm : weatera creamery , I3(1lOe ! ; Elgi as ,
IGn : factory , l04fj12c.
EGGS-'Itcceipts , 8,799 pkgs. : market tIm P112'
western. lOl1c : southern , 1O1JIOc.
CHEESE-Quiet ; light skims. & 5 I _ 4c. ,
part skims , 5Ijfdc ; full skim ; j3c.
Ncsv Orb-aims ) Inrtee ( ,
NEIV OIOLEANS , June 4.-ShOAl R- ,
Stead > ' ; open kettle 34e : centrlfugr mis ,
white. 4ttj45-6c ; yellow , 4tI4'e1 seron Us ,
2t4.413 7-Sc. Molasses , steady , centrlf u ,
5(1 lIe.
NEYORK. . June 4-SUQAR.-Rt ow.
firm ; fair refining , 3c. centrifugal , 56 ii 1St ,
4 5-Un ; refined , firm ; mould A , 5-Ic ; st1 Lu-
ilar il A , 5'4O , confectienerp' A , & ' . * t cut lent
ST- Sc , crushed 57-Sc , tiowdercel , & ' 4C ;
gra nulated , 534c , ubcs. S5-Sc ,
Pectin Itnrketa ,
P EORIA , June 4.-Cpt-Market slow
andO lower No. 2 , 3k' .
O ATS-.larkt firm ; No. 2 hIte. 2tTc
W hISKY-Market ,
Str ength ot Anmriens London
Stops fleelirm. on 1imis Side ,
N EP. ' YORK , June & -The't4 wa no trace
lef t today of the renctIonarytendency manliIm
ife st in the stock market late yesterday ,
Th e change might be seeourted for in two
wa ys. First , the adoptk1nmb' the senate of
the section of the rerenuetbill authorizing
an issue of bonds and treasury certificates ;
sec end , the professtonal speculators who
sol d stocks and took their vroflts early In
the week and were anxious to get back at
low prices. The second explanation is more
lik e ! > ' to be true. It was evident before
the opening of the market today that it
o uld be diflicult to effwct any further deAiT
di ne in prIces. as London had advanced
Am ericans a large fraction all round. tonAn
do n made much of the action of the senate
in adopting the bonding Itrovision nail was
als o influenced by the persistent rumors
fro m l'aris , and even from Madrid , that
Sp ain was seeking ft way to peace. Paris
bo ught Spanish 4s heavily on this rumor
an d effected a sharp advance In the price.
It is probable that the buying of Americans
inrc London was in part on cabled advices
( rc m New York b > purchasers too eager to
ma it for the opening here. No account was
ta ken of the reported sinking of an Amer-
lea n collier In the mouth of Santiago barr -
ba r , as it was accelited as a measure for
blo ckading the harbor. The rumor of the
de struction of the Spanish fleet hail more I
ett ect and prices advanced buoyantly all
th rough the list. When the bank statement
fir st appeared there was some pressure to
se ll by traders who make it a rule to ni-
wa ys sell stocks when the banks' surplus
re serves show a ( lecrease. Hut a better an-
al ysils of the return soon led to renewed
bu ying. The use of money reflected In the
lo an expansion Is a healthful feature of the
bu siness outlook. The closing was active
an d strong near top prices , net gains in the
ca se of most active stocks ranging between
141 2 points , and in exceptional cases above
th at. The announcement of the decision on
th e Rock Island dividend on Tuesday' had
th e effect of making this realizing Parttctt-
ta r ! > ' marked In Rock Island and Its group
of allied stocks. The newly awakened outSt.
si de demand was sufllclent to absorb these
rca lizlng offerings anti to broaden the spec-
ul ative Interest and bring Into action nearly
th e whole of the list. The taking ot liroilts
de veloped a bear party which was anxious
fo r lower imrtce in order to buy stocks
ag ain. It worked for a reaction until it
su cceeded in achieving it on Friila > ' . but
it : bought stocks today again under the con-
vi ctton of the general strength In the gen-
er al outlook. Attntton is attracted by the
go vernment' ! statement of the amount of
m oney in circulation in the country on June
1. whleh is stated at $ i.S3jJl.256 , exclusive
of time holdings of the United States treas- ,
u ry. This is a circulation per capita of
$2 1.73. The increase in the circulation iii
M ay alone was $33,116&Ii , of which $32,525,371
w as of gold. For the year the circulating i :
m edium was expanded SlSO.l64,36l. and of
th is $129,349,153 is of gold. The country's net
go ld imports of nearly 1100.000.000 In liquida- :
ti on of the trade balances appear in the
ci rculation. But that this amount of net :
im ports of gold conies anywhere near effect- .
in g a final settlement of the trade balances 1
o f the year is not conceIvable. The trade I
b alance for the fiscal year In our favor will I
ce rtainly approach n'arOO.CO,0J0 , comrn .
p ared with the greatetit previous favorablc I
b alance of less than $ .10.(00. ( Bonds have 1
dI stinctly shown the bvc'alening pressure
o f idle money , seek1namploymeflt in en. .
la rged business and lilgber prices. l.nitonlI I
S tates new Is have atlvttnced 1. The olil I
4s , coupon , 1. the 2 , 4' the Is. registered
3- s. and the Is. coUpon'j on tIme' bid price .
The Evening Post's joniion iiroancial Ca- .
bl egram says : "The stoc $ markets here 1
w ere 'lull today. The tnC was etCady. but :
c onsols and Indias were a shade lower.
is said that coneols"imave been sold hI .
h elders in order to reTertz funds for th
p urchase of the new Grsc loan recentl > '
is sued. and which is 'now' beIng sold tc
L ondon at about er cent premium ,
T here are rumors that'a large Indiami loam
is imminent , but the mpnprs are probabi >
p remature. London was quite a large m
b uyer of americans. Americans won ,
s teady and quiet and mostly above thi :
N ew York parIty. Spanich bonds wert ;
Nq uiet. The London money market is 1 5-1
' er cent. "
The following are the closIng quotation : S
o f the leading stocks on the New York mar -
k et today :
A tchiOti . . . . . . . . . . . i314flaaiiC. C. . . . . . . . . I
doptd . . . . . . . . . .134 St P. & Oum . . . . . . . . .
ll alttmome& Ohio , 301.1 Co pta . . . . . . . . . . . .140
C anadaPacifle . . . . . SflI St. P. I.I.JiM. . . . . . . . 144
CC anadaSOutnemn 524 So. Paciec . . . . . . . . . 1 $
C entmalPacifid . . . . . 14 So. Itatiway. . . . . . . . . (
C hs. . ¼ Onio. . . . . . . . 23" So. Itailvay p1.1 .1.I ! C
C hicaCO&AltO3..ISS ! ITexa a Pacific I
- c..1s. & . . . . . . . . . . . % Pacific. . . . . . . t
C .E.L. . . . . . . . . . tntju.r.D.ko ; . . . . . . . . '
C .C.C..ISLL. . . . . 374rWahash . . . . . . . . . . . )
dopid. . . . . . . . . . . 70 ( VtCbJ'Ih hId. . . . . . . . . lOT I
I leL.k flUd'iori. . . . . IlOWhel. . ¼ 1. . . bI. . . . . . I
Del , L. .1 ; % V. . . . . . . . 154 Wheel..k L. E. pfcl 1 L
l 3en..k RioG . . . . . . . 1'1'4 ' Adami Ex. . . . . . . . . . lot )
do pfC. . . . . . . . . 43)i American Ex. . . . . . . 124
Erie ( new ) . . . . . . . . . 1:41-4 : United States x. . . Ii )
E rtelstptd. . . . . . . . . : )7 WelisFarro Ex..31 $
Ft. Warns . . . . . . . .lOS Ama. Cot. Oil . . . . . . .
'reatyonthernfi.174 A. CotOiI pfd. . . . .
f locCinr VaUny. . . . 54 Am. Spinit . . . . . . . lltli :
I tlirroisCentrai. . . 103 Am. SiniIs p11. . . . . . I
Lake Ente& W. . . 13)4 Am. ToDacco. . . . . . jOel' '
dopfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . 33)4 dofd. . . . . . . . . . . . 117 .
La'Shoro. . . . . . . . . II ) People's Gas. . . . . . . lUlTi
Lot' vmlie.kNash. 504 Con.Gas. . . . . . . . . 190
Marmgattan L. . . . . . 103)4 tCoisl. Ca' e Co . . . . . .0
S tet. Si. Ry. , . . ISO Cal. F. A Iron. . . . . 4
Michigan C.nttma1. . . 104 130 plC . . . . . . . . . 00 .
M2nnkSt , L . . . . . :0 Germ. F.leetnc. . . . . . . S
dojstfti. . . . . . . . . S000IUlnolsSteet. ! . . . . . . . 53
Mo.Paniiic. . . . . . . . . . 3So4'LaClede ' Ua . . . . . . . 4
3 dobuIeAOhio. . . . . : : O lLcad. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Mo.K. & ' 1' . . . . . . . . cii clii. . . . . . . . . . . . . lOll ) 4
oio.i. k T rifti. . . . . 35Sat. ! Lin. Oil. . . . . . . . 19
Ciii. . lad. J L. . . . . . Dli Oronton laip , Co. . . . . 29) ) I
Uopftl. . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 lpsciflcMaia. . . . . . . . . 1
ic. .r. Central . . . . . . 9614i Pulman Pal . . . . . . . 3S71
N. Y.Centmni..llG4 SiiverCertitlcalt' . . 50'
g.Y.Chl.. ¼ 5L L. . 13 IStttnd.Rope .k'l. . . . 43 4
dulst pro. . . . . . . . 63 Sugar . . . . . . . . . . . . 1(31 4I
dodprd. . . . . . . . . . 34141 tb pM. . . . . . . . . . 1(31C
NorfolkA Wetero 15 T. C. & iron. . . . . . . . IC
No.Amer.Co. . . . . . . ti U. S. Leather. . . . . . . I'
hOPL015d.0 do pfd . . . . . . . . . . 03
00 pfd . . . . . . . . . . . UST4 U. S. bobber . . . . . . 201
Ontanio4 Vi' . . . . . . 15)4 do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7st
( ins. Short Line. . . . . 30 Western Uaion. 02
Pittsourg . . . . . . . . . . .165 Si L. .ScS. SV. . . . . . . . -1'
Reathnr. . . . . . . . . . . 1904 do. afd. . . . . . . . . . 101 .4
Rock island. . . . . . . . 10GiClti th. WeSt. . . . . . . lii
S. Li S. F. . . . . . . . . 8 lt. 0. A IV . . . . . . . . . 241 it
(1oitpia. . . . . . . . . 64 R.G.tV.pfd. . . . . . 050 4
St. i'aul . . . . . . . . . . . 1004 R.nuilnr It pfd . . . 47Li
. lttjtiU.P.coinmnon..24i Li
Total sales of stocks today , 250,2(0 share S.
i ncluding : Atchison. 5,123 ; Atchison pr S.C -
( erred , 1,225 : Chesapeake & Ohio. 5,165 ; flu r-
lingion , 6,015 ; Cleveland. Cincinnati , Cii .1-
cage & St. Louis , 11,130 ; LouisvIlle & Nasi 5-
yule , 3 115 ; Manhattan , i'.620 ; Missouri I't it-
chic , 5232 ! ; North American. 4,700 ; Northem n
Pacific , 30.436 ; Northern I'aeillc preferre U ,
14,122 : ltock Island , 5,410 : St. Paul. 3,72 2 ;
Southern preferred. 4CO ; Union I'aclllc mm e-
ferred , 15,130 ; Tobacco 3.320 ; Chicago , &
Great \Vestern. 3,1(0 , : i'eople's Gas , 5,76
General Electric. 6,0S5 ; Pacific Mail , 4,12 . , - ) I ,
Sugar , 16,630 ; Leather preferred , 5,125.
iew York Sioney Mnrtcet.
-Steady at 1@l1 iter cent ; last loan , 1 ii
per dent.
per cent.
STERLING EXCHANGE-Steady , sell th
bankers' bills at $4.S ½ for demand am 14
4.$3b ( or sixty da > 's posted rates , II. .55
and .14.81 : commercialtidtls. $ I.E1.fJ4.S31.I.
BONDS-State bomlsuitiqutet ; railroi id
bonds , firm ; governmnqa3bonds. irregula r ;
new Is , registered and coupon , 123 ; Is , re g-
istered , 1Oi ; coupon. lIt 2s , 95 ½ ; Is , re K-
Petered , 111 ; coupon , ILl ; Pacific Cs of ' 1 19 ,
Clslng quotations o'n1Jnda , were as f ii.
lows :
tJ.S.new4ure.123 TtYitls. . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 -
U , S. new 4s COIp.l25 It. ' ( s. . . . . . . . . . . . IO
U. S. 4srec..IiS1'i ( h'Q , Paciflo luti. . .114
. . . . . . . . . . Ho.1Pzciflo Si , , Cl 4
, , 2s. re . . . . . . . . . i4sL41p. P.eciflc Is. . . . . SIT It
iJ.S.S'i rer . . . . . . . . 111' , 3JY0.&Sl.L.4'i..101
u s. s. . coup . . . . .I El U. .k'W. 115. . . . . . . . . i''e
Dletrici , tiSs. . . . . 114 ' . , tV.CQn.ol . . . . . . 1)4
/.ia..CiaiiA. . . . . . 110 :4.l % Ue.5s. . . . . . 1l %
Aia..eiama . . . . . . . . Oie.'Haylutii. . . . . . . 111
AlaCLeC. . . . . . . . 90 flseIav. Cs . , . . 101
Ala.Ciifl'CnCy. . . . 1)0 ) D.S.b , de..r. . . . . . 124 1 %
AtchiAOziCS. . . . . . . 113 O5L Sc. I. r. . . . . 121 %
Atcitmionail , Cs , . . Cd 0. lain. lets. I , i. . . lit ] II
CanaaaSa,2ni * . . . , 10814'O. Imp. 5' , . I. r . . , . 51
CtmicaCoTer'l45 . SC 'iPacitiobs of'03 . , 101
c' . . . . . . . . Ii4Iteadtnr ! is . . . . . . . . 51 lit
C. ir , & p. ( 'ja . , .IO404 K , G.Wes ) lstq. . . . .
D.klt. G.lists . , ,1O1304S.LAti. ; > l.Co ) D ;
D.ZLQ.t5. . . . . . . OL4 St.L.AS.FGa3. lIt tot
aast'reaa. isti.1117 St. 1' . Con.ole. . . . . . . i4
rnleaen. 4 , . . . . . . . . 743 ( Si. POJk P. till. . . ii
I ; IC D , Ii. I , r. 72t Si , P. C. .k.P. Cs. . . . . III
biiec. b'i . . . . . 102l Southern RI. Is. . . . I ) t.
G.E. , A.ti. ; . . , iuao s. n.'r. is. . . . . . . 71
' A , 20i. . .10 Itt setS. . . . S 1'I
lf.eP.Csrmi.Ss. . . . . 109 'rex. Pee. L.G.Esm 10
U. 1.T.O.con Os. .104 . Tsr. Pzc. It ; . 2ti. . S 114
Iowa C lsl . . . . . . . .4 0. 1' . Ddeo. lila , . S 411
La.NewCon.4.l02 Web , jells. . . . . . . 20 04
1. k 13. tInt , 4 $ , . , . , 5014 WaD. 2.2 S . . . . . . . . . 04
Missouri Cs . . . . . . . 103 Wid Sb ore 45 . . . . 10 t
M.K.k'1'.2js. . . . . . 03 S'.Cezmiunie * . . . . . . . ml
11. K , .T.4. . . . . Sfl. Va. , itmf.resi. . . . . . .
N.Y.C 1st . . . . . . . .118 UotoziPsclflepfd. . C. . iI
l.J.C.3s. . . . . . . . . 114 UnlorkPalflc4i , . Pi
' . % 'celcly Ilaimic Statemimemit ,
NEW YOIOK , .Iune 4-The weekly ba nk
statement shows the following ehang est
Surplus reserve. decmease , $1,454,100 ; lea as ,
increase , $ ll.9Su,9' > ; specie , inereuse , $1.0 to , .
100 ; legal tenders. Increase , $2SSSuo ; dep. Os-
its , Increase , 213,413,200 cIrculation , I tie-
crea5e , ; 6S0G. The banks now hold 1 12-
211 , 700 in excess of the requirements of the
23 per cent rule.
fln.ton toek Quotstioul.
B OSTON , June 4.-Call loans , 2(134 per
cen t ; time loans , SQl per cent. Closing
pri ces for stocks , bonds and mining shares :
AT .3.T. . . . . . . . 1S4Wi.Cen . . .
Am erleen SorSr. . l43i'Atehi.On . . .
Am , Stigst erO . . . * 15 liosion . . . . . . . . . 34
Ray 30IM Q * . . . . 14 F. 1 : . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . iso
sel l Z'eleptmon. , 275 f3en. ) lee. pM . , 994
Do tonAlbiiv 225 AtchIson 4s. . . . . . . 914
flo ton Mamas 1614 New Fnrlad Ss..I2l' (
C. . B. Q. . . . . . . . . . 1034 Alouez MEn. 0. , . .3 7-he
flie bbur ? . . . . . . . 954 Atiantle. . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Gn er&I metno 574 Sosoorm.k Month ) ) 2054
liIm noi Sicel. . . , 55 Butt.k Poitce. , . , 24 %
Me zlcanCentrL 5 C2lurnet liecil. , 562
Pt. T. N. Z . , , , , Pt ; Cezitennl&u. . . . . . . , 10
Ole Colocy. . . . . . IRS trank1In. . . . . . . . . . 134
flits . Short Line. , 30 Osccoia . , , , , . , . . . , 60 %
Ru DDer. . . . . . . . . . 0 Guiney . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Uni on PacISe. . . . . 25 T&marse' . , , , , , 162
We , it EiiO . . . . . . . . . $4 Wolcerines , . , , , , . . , 22
iv. Elee. . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Old Dominion. . . . . . 274
iv. F.Iec.nfd. . . . . . 54
S an Francisco Mtnn Quotationu ,
S AN FRANCISCO , June 4.-Oillciat clots-
lag quotations on mining stocks today Were
as follows . . . . : . . . -
AiT i . . Justice. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Al hCon. . . . . . . . . 2 Mezicas. . . . . . . . . . . lii
An aes. . . . . . . . . . . 5 OccIdental Con. . , 05
flel cher. . . . . . . . . . . 01 Ophir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Itc SiADeichcr , , 23 Oremman. . . . . . . . . . . . I
Du llion . . . . . . . . . . 4 Potosi. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Ch aUeneCon. . . . . 23 Sacage. . . . . . . . . . . . S
Cb oiir. . . . . . . . . . . . I 4 Sierra NetaeL'i. . . . . 64
L'5 afldCflC , 40 Union Con. . . . . . . . . . S
Co n.Cai.Ya. . 47 UtaliCon. . . . . . . . . . 0
Cro wn Point I 1 Yellow Jacket . . . 21
flo uio.Cums. , : 17 Startdaril . . . . . . . . . 153
3I . le .1. Norcros. . , 97 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
S ilver bars , Si 5-tic ; Mexican dollars. 4644jt
16 c ; drafts , sight , Sc ; telegraph , 174c.
: 'ITe' York uining Quotations.
N EW YORK. June 4.-The following are
the closing mining quotations :
Ch oilar. . . . . . . . . . . . . it ) Ontario. . . . . . . . . . . .
Cro wupotat. . . , . . 10 . . . . . . . . . . . .
Co n.Cal.4 Va. , . 40 Piynnouth. . . . . . . . 12
fl' adwoou . . . . . . . . . 6(1 Quicksilver. . . . . . . . 1013
ro uld.t Corn it ) Outccsi1ver nU 203
ila 1eLiorcross. . o siea4eca4t. , 2W
lto meatas. . . . . . 4000 Stanciar.1. . . . . . . . . 155
Ire nSiiTer. . . . . . . . 50 Union Con. . . . . . . . . IS
Me xican. . . . . . . . . . . 15 Yeltewiacksi . . . 21L
I.snden Stock Quetrationu ,
LONDON , June 4.- 1 p. m.-Closing :
Co n'ols , ' . . . . . . . . Central . . . . . . . 1104
Co nso1 , neat. . . . . . . 3114 IPena'ivlvanla. . . . . . . 30 %
Ca n , l'acific. . . . . . . 81 % Ueadtnr. . . . . . . . . . . . It )
Er ie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13" , lies. Ceo.n0W45. . 0.4
Er ie let ptd : :37 : , ( Aubison . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Ill . . . . . . . . . . lUS't L 3. N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 674
M cXIcau or.llnarv. 20 Grand Trunk . . . . . . . . 94
St. Piui common , , .1034
l IAR SIIXER-Stead > ' at 2d per ounce.
MONEV-4tji Per cent.
The rate of discount in the open maiket
fo r short bills I 5-SITJ1 il-IS per cent ; for
th ree months' lulls , 1 ll-l0(11 per cent.
Fltiitneini % ' , ) tes.
OMAhA. June 4.-The clearings for thc I
da y were $ l,0S3,43t.DIT : balances , .
T he clearings for 1197 were flSSOib.17. and L
th e balances $46,016.35. Increase in clear' . t
in gs , * 200.393.51.
The clearings for four days and a
ha lf of business and compar'sons with live I
fu ll days last year are :
1093. 1597. Increase.
M ay 31 . . . .11.106,441.23 3SS4.40'2.d $220443.5' : ,
Ju no I . . . . l,1'a.2t)5.46 ) 007,222.46 309,913.01 ?
Ju ne 2 , . . . 6s.53.4G 5tWj'.3I ) 2,753.11 ,
Ju ne 3 . . . . 1,231,766.15 721,211.53 522.534 S )
Ju ne 4 . . . . lOS5.431.90 513,041.43 200,393.5 L
Totats..5ISS.61O.25 10.173,510.72 $ l.314.7So. ( , :
CHICAGO , June 4.-Clearings. $1S.573,5013 ; ,
ba lances , $2,110,000. New York exchange
5I : ' c premium ; sterling exchange. posted
ra tes. $4.S54.S7' ; actual rates , S4..SU ' .
4. 541i. ; sixty days , $4.S3iri.s3' . . Stock
tl rmn ; jliscultt 29 ; Iliecuit preferred , 59 % : I
D iamond Mat h. . 139 ; North Chicago , 2131 : .
St rawboard. ' 7t. West Chicago , 94 % .
ST. LOUIS. June 4.-Clearings , $3,9'6.7S3 .
b alances , * 475.993 ; money , 14t9 er cent I
N ew York exchange , 25e premium bid ; 5 ;
it remium asked.
NE\V ORLEANS. June 4.-Clearings
$ l .lO3.20' : Sew York exchange. bank , $ 1
p er 31,00' ) premium ; commercial , 23c per
* 1 .40) nremlum.
CiNCINNATI , June 4-Mones' , % pci r
ce nt : New York exchange , 2S33c premium ;
cl earings. $1,447,000.
PhILADELPhIA , June 4.-Clearings ,
31 3.300.437 ; balances , $1,132,214.
MEMPHIS , Tenn. . June 4.-Clearings :
$2 15,137 ; balances , 544.677.
BALTIMORE , June 4.-Clearings , $3,251 , .
53 4 : balances , $572,132.
NEW YORK , Juno 4.-Clearings , $ l40,14S , -
15 9 ; balances , 1lO,29G52.
BOSTON. June 4.-Clearings , $17,267,766 ;
b alances , $1,372,667.
Foreign Financial.
PARTS , June 4.-Firm prices prevailed a a
t he bourse today , The alleged small sac 1-
c ess of the Spanish fleet at Santiago fi e
C uba caused many repurchases of Spanis h
4 5 , which favored other internatIonal se I-
c urities. Spanish is closed at 36 , a net gal n
o f 9-16. Three per cent rentes , bOlt lOc to r
t he account.
LONDON. June 4.-The market for Amer . -
le an securtties after a dull nail rather wea k
o pening was firmer but rather inactivi .
T he early weakness was due to New Yor k
s elling. The closing tone was firm and th e
d emand moderate. Gold is quoted a it
B uos Ayres at 101. Amount of bullio n
g one Into the flank of England on batanc 0
t oda > ' , 7,000.
BERLEN , June 4.-On the bourse here Ic ) -
d ay international securities were firm. Tb e
b uoyancy of Spanish 4s was a sped : ol
f eature and was occasioned by the ar I ,
n ouncernent of the payment of the ne : t
c oupon in full and in gold. American se I-
c unities were weak and Canadian Pacific is
w ere maintained.
A fter a Generally Dull flay time Cbs e
I'imimls I'rices higher ,
NEW YORK , June 4.-The cotton marie '
.O ICfld dull , with prices unchanged to ' 1
p oInt higher. The nearer deliveries in 1'
p roved 2 to 4 points shortly after the en
o n a few scattering buying orders an I i
s carcity of sellers but traders soon di I-
s erted the pit , leaving the market in a nei r-
v ous condition. At 11 o'clock speculatic fl
was fiat , with prices 2 5-8 points over U me
fi gures yesterday. Sales to that tin me
r eached but 2.100 bales. Crop news lack d
s pecial new feature , while cable aceoun Os
r eiected ( stagnation in both spot and futut re
d epartments of the Liverpool market. Ti me
market was flat up to the last moment am ed
c losed quiet with prices 1 point higher to 1
point lower. Total sales of futures wel no
l imIted to 21.100 bales. Port receipts est .1-
mated for the ila > ' at 4C'Y ) bales , again itt
1 ,059 bales last week and 1,157 bales Ia St
year. Port receipts estimated ( or the wet k
at 23.O ( ' ) bales , against 3.3S3 bales last wet k
ani , 12.299 bales last year. At Memphis 3:2 :
bales , against 17 last year , and at Ilousb ) n
1t bales , against 51 last year. Spot inn C-
tive ; muddling , 7c ; net receipts. non e'
gross receipts. 1,550 bales ; forwarded , IS
bales ; sales. 412 bales ; spinners , 54) bale .
stock , lZGS45 iales. Total today and co
solidated : Net receipts , 4.SC bales : expor
to Great Brltatn , 5,111 bales : to the exporIs con ,
neat , 7.095 baiee ; stock , 420,722 bales. Tot l
since September 1 ; Net receipts , 8,379,1 ,6
bales ; exports to Great Britain , 3,335,1 1t
bales ; to France , 5(0,631 bales ; to the co fl-
tlnent , 2,529.103 bales.
, - - U-
tunes. quiet : sales , 6430 bales ; June. $3 .93
bid : July , $6.COiiG.O1 ; August , $3.99)G. ® ; Sc : -
tember , $3.l3R5.94 ; October. $ S.92j5.93 ; N 0-
vember. $3.10f5.95 ; December , * 3.90135.1 > 7 ;
January. * 3.99136.01 ; February , $6.O2J6. 04.
SlOt , quiet and steady ; aIes , 550 bales ; in-
dinary , 4 5-Sc ; good ordinary , Sc ; low ml Id-
dung. 5 7-ICc ; middling , C l'lGe ; good ml Id-
dling , C 3-Ic ; middling fair , S 3'Se ; receip ts ,
2.037 bales ; stock , 1G,9S9 bales.
4.-COTTON--Sp cml ,
quiet ; prices quiet ; American micldltr 1g.
3 9.1(0. The sales of the day score 3 , 000
bales , of which 300 were for specuiatl on
and export and included 2,300 Amenict en.
Futures opened quiet , with a moderate Ic-
mand and closed dull and Inactive. Amo ni-
can mlddmmng , L. 1. ! . C. , June , 332-5 411
3 33'5Id sellers ; June and July , 3 32-5 lii
333-64d sellers ; July and August. 332.5 41r
325-Old buyers ; August anti Septemb em ,
332-6413333-Old sellers ; September and C ) c-
tober 3 31-64133 32-54d sellers ; October a nd
November. 3 30-64133 31'Gici sellers ; Nove m-
her and December , 3 211-54133 30-Old selle : ri ;
December and January. 3.64fi330-54d ? s tll-
ens ; January and February , 3.C41z33O-t lid
sellers ; February arid March , 3 30-GItI cmiii ie ;
Starch and April , 3 30-64113 31-64th buyerm I.
Wool Markets ,
BOSTON , June 4.-The prices for leadi tng
descriptions are quoted as followi :
Ohio and Pennsylvania' fleeces , X ii nd
above , 23132cc ; XX and above , 231330c ; ne-
lame and No. 1 combing , 3Cc ; No. 2 con iii.
lag , 2tte. Michigan , Wisconsin. etc.-Mi h-
linen , 23c ; No , 1 MichIgan anti Illinois con rib-
lag , 29c ; No. 2 MichIgan and Illinois con rib-
lag , ? Sc ; X New York , New hampshire r md
Vermont , 23Jj24c : delaine anil Michigan , 'Sc
Unwashed medium , Kentucky anti lad ! : ma
qtiarter.blood , also three-eigliths-blt ) OdI
ccmbiirg , 221.j23c ; Missouri quarter-b ! , : i I
and three.elghths.blood combing , 21131 . _ .e.
Luke itnd Georgia , 191320C. Texas wet
sprIng medIum ( twelve months ) , 15411 .0 . 1 .
scoured. 304342c ; spring tine ( Ewe me ;
months ) , 1Ml7c ; seourel , 431j45c. Terrlti Dr
wools , Montana fine medium and fine , iet
iOn. scoured. 491 ; staple , iSo ; Utah , Wyc rn-
lag , etc. , line. lIlilSe. scoured , 434t45c ; s ta.
pie , 45e. Australian , scoured basis , cor nb-
lag superfine , 704j72c ; good , 051351c ; avera ge ,
624165c ; Queensland combing. GSc ,
Cuilliarmila init'il Pruits ,
IIOIED FRUITS-Strong Evaporated an-
ides. common , GStc per lb. ; prime wire In fly
MmO'4e : wood dried , prime , % c ; Choice. 9
OmlOc , fancy , 10c. Prunes , 4135c , Aprice its ,
Royal S41iflo , Moor Park. I&hl2c , Peact mes ,
unpeeled , 5c ; peeled , UitGc
We ek Ends with a Pretty Fair Run of Cattle
and Hogs ,
fln stnrss Dull itt Just About Steady
Finres-.Ilogs Get flnck it 6ickel
tend Sell Ilriakly-No
Sheep on
SOUT1I OMAHA , Juno 4.
Cattle. Hogs , Sheep ,
Re ceipts today . . . . . . . . . . 1,320 4,593
Ofl icial yesterday . . . . . . 2,2 5.716 37
On e week ago , . . . , . , . . 1,314 6,936 3,517
Tw o W eks igo . . . . . . . . . . 1,341 3,519 772
On e year ago . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,598 5,7i 2(9
I leCeilitI for the week with comparisons :
Cattle. tiOltri. neep.
W eek ending June 4..I2,927 35.011 11,453
W eek May 25..15,343 43.906 33.523
W eek ending May 21 . . . , 13,942 43,900 21,653
W ' eek ending May 14..15.916 42,205 31,500
\ eek ending May 7..16,335 40,911 26,529
Sa me Week , 1597. . . . . . . . . .15,753 42Cei 10,5 > 7
Sa me week , 15 % . . . . . . . . . . 7,073 38,822 3,514
Average prices paid for hogs each day
of the week compared with IevioUs years :
159 $ . ii > . . 1506. 1593. lSSi. 1593 1592.
M a > ' 30. . . * 410 $293$429$453654l63
M a > 31. . . 4 14 3 313 4 36 4 15 6 69 4 ii
Ju ne 1. . . 421 340 2813 430 453 673 4(3
Ju mie 2. . . 4 12 3 32 2 13 4 49 6 Si 419
iju lie 3. . , 402 336 216 431 672 454
Ju no 4. . . 4 tO 3 32 11 57 4 39 4 41 4 43
Indicates Sunday.
The omcial number of cars of stock
br ought in today by each road was :
Cattle. Hogs. Il'ses ,
O , &St.Lfl > ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
M issouri i'acitlc fly. . . . . . . . . . 4 3 . .
U nion I'nciflc System . . . . . . . 27 18 . .
C. c N , it > . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . ,
F.S. . , E. & 53. V. it. It. . . . . . . . . . 9 20 . .
S. C. & 1' . Ity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I , . . .
(2. , St. P. . 31. & 0. Ity. . . . . . 9 6 . ,
Ii. & 3d. ft. It. It. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 17 3
C. , It. 1. .Ic P. liy. , % vest. . . . . . . . I
Total receipts . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 66 3
The diposltion of the day's receipts was
as follows , each buyer purchasIng the
n umber of head indIcated :
Buyers Cattle. Ilogs.
O maha PackIng Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 > 15
G . 11. llamnmonoi Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 S
S wift and Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257 501
C udahy I'acking Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23S 1,463
It , Becker and Degan. . . . . . . . . . . . 51
B oston & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 . . . .
K rebb & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 . . . .
L . F' . Iltisa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 . ' ' .
orth P. & P. Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
. S wift from country . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
C udaiiy F , Co. , from K. C. . . . . . 26 410
O ther buyers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 . . . .
- .
Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,063 4,5S
Receipts today were 125 cars , as agaltisi
i 18 3 yesterday , 190 a week ago , and 115 twa
w eeks ago. It was a entail run even for
t he last day of the week. There was , how'
o ver , a fair showing of cattle , but the fuel ,
t hat there were rio sheep and less than tht I
a verage run of hogs accounted for the fall. .
la g off itt arrivals. it was a. dark , rain > .
d ay , the fall of rain in the morning beint ;
v ery heavy , so that It was late before any. .
o ne really got down to business , and the t
m arket was slow and late all day.
CATTLE-There were no cattle to speal' :
o f at the other large market points. but
m est everyone Vas looking for a large run 1
e arl > ' th'e coming week. 'rhe' market as ti I
w hole was dull and uninteresting.
Time most of the cattle on sale were hcav3 r
w esterns and they were as slow as usual
b uyers not caring apparently whether 01101
b ought them or not. Shippers took sono I
w hich helped to clear the yards. Prlce
w ere not much changed from yesterday
c ertainl > ' no higher.
Sttllers who score fortunate enough to hay C
h andy little cattle found no diiftculty in dis -
p osing of their holdines at strong price S
a nd It was not long until everything of tha I
d escription was cleared train the yards.
The few loads of butchers' stock sold a 0
a bout the same prices as were paid yester .
d ay and the same thing might be said 0 f
w hat few stockers and feeders were In th 0
y ards.
'fhere has been a good deal of samenes S
i n the cattle trade this week , the condition :
f rom day to day showing little change
T here has been a good demand for hand : C'
l ittle native cattle all the week , and the C'
h avu sold well every iay , and at satisfac
t ar > ' prices. Still there was toward th S
l ast a Ilttlu easier tendency to the marke t
b ut the loss wout not amount to mor e
t hfl Sc. On the Other hand , heavy medlun
weight branded westerns have been pee r
s ellers on ever > ' day of the week. Tha I
i s the demand hut been slots' and Oh e
worse the brands and the heavier the cat -
t ie the harder the work it was to dispos e
o f them. As might be expected undo r
mi uch circumstances the tendency has beet ii
s teadily lower and the decline for tb C
week can safely be hut at lIe.
\S'hfio beef steers are lower for the wed
c ow and he1fer have been firm all tb 0
week , and are selling as high as an > ' timc
I n fact. as compared with steers , it ma : :
t ie said that cow stuff is bringing yen : ,
s trong prices and buyers complain thu t
t hey are short of supplies all the time.
Stockers and feeders have been in ugh t
s upply all the week , and as the demun :1
f rom tIme country hat been of liberal pro -
pa ortions , prices have remained 11mm nIgh 0
a long. In ( act , It is hardly possible 0
qd uote any change for that kind of cattl C
d uring the week. Representative sales :
No. As' . Pr. No. Ac. Pr. No. As' . Pr.
2..l0 > O $4 (41 6. . 993 * 4 30 l..1070 $4 40
9. .1101 4 10 29. .1365 4 30 Cl. .1448 4 40
1 0. . 963 415 IS..1202 430 2S..l090 440
1 4..1230 420 37..1232 435 16.1263 440
4 2.12119 4 15 17..llZQ 4 35 8..l217 445
1 8..l345 425 23..104S 435 14..1120 445
1..2lGO 425 2..llS3 440 14..12l3 445
11133 4 TiO 2..1421) 4 40 20..1293 450
3 1..llOl 4213 9..12i ) 4 40 4..1295 415
51435 430
i. , 830 2 40 1..llSO 3 SI ) 33. .1136 3 95
j. , 930 3 cml 1. .1290 3 50 5. .1091 3 95
2..1145 340 1..1l50 350 2..1245 40)
3 , , 990 3 43 1O..i159 3 55 2..lc4 4 Cl )
10..lll2 350 6..1126 355 2..llZS 400
6. .l2iS 3 50 1..llSO 3 55 1. .1420 4 10
6..1131 3(0 1..lIS0 390 I..l320 415
1. .1210 3 60 7. .1271 3 95 7..1394 4 15
1. .1130 3 10
4. . 730 3 50 2..1140 4 25 6. . 916 4 23
1. . 510 4 23 9. . 711' ) 4 Si ) 6. . 718 4 34
6..SOS 410
130 500 1. . 110 623 1. . 160 654
1. . 170 623
i. . 750 3 25 1..l350 3 40 2..1370 3 61
1. . 720 3 33 i..l9J ) Ti 50 l..1150 361
1..I1i3' ) 3 33 l..1640 3 60 1..15lO 3 70
1. .1330 3 3.5 3..1440 3 GO l.1270 3 54
1..1290 340
, .1130 3 25 1. . 100 4 85
1. . 400 3 60 20. . 564 4 23 1. . 750 4 (4
, , 520 3 65 24. .2021 4 35 5. . 625 4 (4
i . 91) 3 75 2. . (00 4 40 1. . 30' ' ) 5 Cl
i. . 170 4 P1 23. . 890 4 40 3. . 496 5 11
, , 75) 4 25 1. . 770 4 50 2. . 400 5 14
1..750 423
6. . 925 440 82.1100 445
100(55-The hog market was in pret ty
good shape once more far the selling I
terests. that is , prices looked up age L
after the sharp decline of the last fi IW
The market opened 54i10c higher and w as
fairly active at the advance. Then ( or a
time it became rather slow , with buye Ire
offering lower prices , but finally pick
up and closed very rme'arly where it 01)0111
The most of the hogs sold at $4.07iiI.
as against $ i.03z443 yesterday. Eo'erythi
Ia the yards was sold and weighed up t
( ormt 10 o'ciock in the morning.
The prices at which hogs have soul tit
lag the last week would have looked hi Ti ;
a month ago , but , as they were consid em-
ably lower than the prices which p : me-
valied one and two weeks ago , they lie va
been to that extent unsatisfactory. 'r 'he
week opened with prices at an advance of
about 2.c over time chose of the Pres'lc
week. dn Tuesday the market gained
other 214c and 'onVednesday lt'.c , Ti in t
prove.1 to be the high day of the we
hogs selling on that ilay at an average
$4.21. On Thursday there was a drop : !
1 , which was followed by a similar
dine on F'rlday. In aililition to being lot t'er
the market was unusually iow on so me
days. but largely owing to the reluctam lea
of sellers to accept the lmnices offered , ' 1
demand all the week has been good a
the receipts , though liberal , none too lat
to meet all the requirements of the mar8
the close of the week the market v as
only a shade lower than it. was on Mono
and about where it was at the close of I
previous week , Representative sales : ,
No y. Sb. Pr. No y , Sh. F :
79..218 250 84 06 'iS.- 110 14 I
. . . . . . 25 $ . 50 (45 56..230 120 41
1910 200 O7l 77.,214 40 41
, , , Of ; ' , . , 64..3711 120 4 I
gi. . . . . . . 80 ( i75 . . . . . . 281 1(0 41
4 . . . . .i 40 U7t4 71 . . . . . .265 160 4 I
12..300 10 071,4 84..231 5' ) 4 I %
c.s..s6 iO (17 ( 1.9..290 120 4
56..2 > 1 . . , 10 19..377 . . 4
64..261) , . . 10 71..264 > 0 4 g
76..205 320 4 10 06..271 50 4
79..228 49 4 10 58..300 200 4
IA . . . 275 . . . 4 10 72 , . . , , 252 40 4 i
59..2(7 120 4 10 50..293 40 4
67..246 . , , 4 10 81 . . . , , 231 1(0 4 10
Li . , , , , 250 . . . 4 10 50 . , , , 278 40 4 10
57..275 1,0 4 10 71..242 160 4 10
J9.,210 .i I t _ . $3 , , , , , . 245 140 4 10
43 . , , 233 10 1 10 15. . , . . LS4 10411
60. , . . 271 1:0 : 4 10 K. , . , 250 10 4 16
71 . . . 247 40 4 10 74 . , . 273 160 4 ii
73 . .276 160 4 10 74. . . . . ? 6l 160 4 iS
Eli. . , . , 230 220 4 97)4 ) $5 , , . . . 233 160 4 0714
62. . . . . .2Q . , . 4 074 63. . . . , Lc uo 4 o
7l. . . . . .260 40 1 10 . . . . . . ? , , , 4 10
69. ' . . . . .256 . . 4 10 80 1 10
65. . . . . .237 . . ' 4 10 64..243 140 4 10
64. . . . . 2I3 SO 10 57..300 . . . 4 l24
67. . . . . .253 , . . 4 15 13..329 80 4 15
19. . . . . .294 80 4 13 52..3.51 120 4 16
76. . . . . .211 , . . (6 (
I. . . . . .165 , , . 35 ; 5..278 . . . 4(0
I , . . . - . 19) , . . 400 1..320 804(0
9. . . . . .ill , . . 4 Cl ) . 1..ISO . , . 4 ( )204
S HEE1'-There were no sheep here to
ma ke a test of the market. It looks now
as It thete seould be a good man > ' ( ml's
du ring the next few week ; when the same
thi ng would be true , as all accounts agree
tha t the supply of sheep In this ternitor7
is practically exhausted.
li otte Are In Goodlleinnnil with Ad.
nnce Iii l'rlces.
C HICAGO , June 4.-There wets a fairly
go od demand for cAttle today. Prices were
ab out unchanged. Lc. than 40,010 head
we ro marketed here this week , against SO-
075 last week. Choice steerS , $1.9Cl1l6.35 me-
diu m $4.50134.65 ; common , $3.(0d4.tO ; cows
an d heiters , 85.40194.50 ; canners , $ i,8Cl1f3,25'
we stern fed , 84.00414.85 ; Texas steers , 83,36
4j4 .65 : 1alves. $5.c.btLG0.
h ogs wcse In good demand and prices
str eng at an advance of 54J10C. Fair to
ch oice , $4.lTfj4.fl , % : ietckvrs. * 3.90414.11 :
bu tchers. $4.004m4.33 ; mixed , $4.k)1j4.25 ; light ,
* 3. 75114.20 ; pits , * 2.75133.91.
T he few oftenimigs of sheep were readily
dl peed of at Ieaii ) ' linices ; native sheep ,
3 , r.i4r.3 ; ' 'exfl5 , * 3.50414.06 ; clipPed 1amb ,
34. 00135.C0 ; os'ooled lambs , $3.00 spring
la mbs , * 5.75116.50.
I teceipta : Cattle. 300 heath ; hog ; , 13O' . '
he ad , sheep , 2 , ( head.
Knimsits Citylis'e Stock ,
CC iPtS , 10 head ; ( or the week , 24 01.01 Iieaii
be en Ho material change in cattle condi-
lie ns the Inst week ; prime hcav steers ,
$4 , 709J4A0 ; medium , $4.3(14.63 ; hamidy steers ,
$ l. OOlul.G5 ; stockers and feeders , * 4.00414.70 :
bu tcher cows and heifers , $3.3&j4.75 $ ; can-
ne rs. 52.10133.30 ; veal calves , * 6.11416.50 per
1(1 0 lbs. ; bulls , 13.35414.10 ; Texas steers , $3.10
134 .50.
flOGS-Receipts , 5,350 head ; ( or the week ,
81 , 54) ) head ; tihIlo receipts of hogs continue
lIg ht , owiitg to continued decline in iinishett
pr oIudts , hogs are mnateniall > ' lower than to
c eok ago ; market today somewhat im-
pr oved : majority of sates today ; lieas'y'
tie rs , i4.05r4.12t4 ; mixed , * 3.85414.00 ; lights ,
* 3 .7014 4.00 ; pigs , * 3.00133.70.
SiiEEl'-ltec.'iptt' . 317 head ; fur time week ,
i4 , ( t ) head while the stippl ) ' is same as last
w eek quality of oftetings of sheep was
ho ver as gooei : market active at about ISa
ad vance for week ; spring lambs. * 3,23416.50 :
na tive sheep , 34.23135.00 : clIpped lambs , $4.75
41 5.00 : 'cool lambs , * 5.77416.00 : Texas grass
w cth/rs , $ % .1O'ui4.40 ; grass ewes. $ L2StuS.r0 :
A nlona grass lambs anti yearlings , * 4.49W
.4. c ,
_ _ _
St. i.iiIs Live Stoek ,
ST. LOUIS. June 4.-CATTf1S-1teCCiPtS ,
1. 00) head ; sliipment . , 700 ht'nd ; market
st eady : lair to fancy native shipping and
e xport steers. * 4.23115.10 : bulk of saks , $4.55
1t 5.00 : dressed beef and btmtcher steers , $4.30
0 : 4.50 : bulk of sniet. $4.50111.75 ; steers tinder
1. 000 t'js. ' . $ t.2W4.63 : bulk of sales , 14.23W
4. 50 : stockers anti feeelcrt * . * 3.60414.55 ; bulk
o f sales. * 4.0)134.35 ; cows nail heiters. $2 Cl )
'ii 1.70 : bulk of cows , 52.85413.75 : Texas amt1
'iiI ndian steers. 33.1913 4.33 ; buik of sales , $3.65
6m 4.lO : cows amid lieiere , $ .53113.S. ) .
IlOGS-liee.ipts , 592 heail shipments ,
1. 30) ; marlet 51310c higfcr ; yorkers ,
* 3 .75114.10 ; packers , $3.991J1.10 ; butchers ,
$4 . IIYTII.213.
SlltEI'1eCelpt5. IC' ) head ; shipments ,
n one. rimarket iluil anti steady ; native null-
t ons. 8.1.3513 4.50 ; lambs , $ i.491i6.00 : stockers ,
12 .5t50 ; culls and bucks. * 1.3541443.
N.U Ionic Ll't' Stoek.
c elpts , 656 head ; no trailing : exports , 1,146
h ead cattle and 3,995 quarters of beef.
CAL\'ES-Receipts , 92 head ; lower ; good
v eals , $6.
S1IEEI' AND LAMflS-i1eeipts , 3.5(0
h ead ; good lambs , firm : medium lambs and
s heep , stead > ' ; sheep , $3.75414.75 ; lambs , $6.75
41 7.23 : ore mleck , * 7.50.
head easier at * 4.23
I100S-'ReCeiPts , 1.904 ;
41 4.0 ; southern and western pigs , $3.59J
4 .10. .
Climelmiunti I.Ile Stuck.
83 .23414.47 % .
CATTLE-Quiet at $2.I'414.75.
SHEEP-Stead ) ' at * 2.75416.00.
j..M1iS-Steady at $3.75l4.S5.
Stock in sierhit. .
Reconti of receipts of live stock at the
f our Principal markets for June 4 :
Cattle. blogs. Sheep.
O maha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,320 4,553 . . . .
c itteago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 13,000 3,000
K ansas City . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 5,230 317
t , Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000 500 100
- - -
Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,550 23,763 2,417
Net" ' 'ork Iry Goods Market ,
NEW YORI June 4.-The week has
s hewn a gradual gain in the market for dry
g oods. There has been added strength In
p rint cloths and this has a beneficial effect
o n the staple cotton market , particularly
i n the better prices which are quoted all
a round. Export goods. on the other hand ,
a re attracting less interest than formerly
a ntI the week's sales have been light. Other
s taple Cottons showed unchanged results.
I lieachetl gOOils are clUtet and without tea-
t ure. Sellers have succeeded in removing
t heir heavy stocks of these goods to some
degree. but there Is still heavy supplies
hanging over the market. The sales of
print cloths during the last week have rig-
grt'gated enough to counterbalance the cur-
t ailed vroduction. The quotation on extras
i s still 2 cents , but sellers are very firm
and refuse bids for all futures and man/
spots at this figure.
010 Markets.
OIL CITY , Juno 4.-Credit balances , 8Cc'
certificates , no bIds ( or cash oil ; closed n
STe bid for July : no sales ; shipments , 47-
( (7 bIds. ; runs. 45,935 bbis.
SAVANNAh. Ga. . June 4.-OTLS-Tur-
; entine. firm , 2Gc , Rosin , 11mm ; quote : A ,
13 , C , $1.00 ; 39 , $1.05 ; 13 , $1.10 ; F , $1.15 ; Ci ,
$1.25 ; 11. 1. , $1.45 : K , M $1.50 ; N , $1.70 $ ; VI' ,
G. $1.75 ; VI'V. . $1.55.
WILMINGTON , N. C. , Seine 4.-OILS- .
Spirits of turpentine , steady at 244123'c.
Rosin , steady at 93c43$1.0O. $ Tar , firm at
$1.10. Crude turpentine , quiet at $1 , * 1,40
and * 1,70.
CotTec Market's.
NEW YORK , June 4.-COFFEE-OptIons
opened steady at a decline of 5 points ; ruled
inactive and featureless , with weak under-
tone. European and Brazilian cables being
bearish , spot market weak menu there being
absolutely no outside speculative support ,
Cioced dull , 51310 pointS net lower ; sales ,
25,0e ) bags , including December at $3.95.
Spot coffee. Rio , dull ; No. ' 1 invoice * 6.37 % ;
? . , o. 1 , jobbing , $6.87 % . Mile ! , dull ; dordova ,
$8,5414115,50.Mth - BOYD & 00. ,
't'clehoiic 1039. Oimlallt , Neb
Dlre't wire's to Chicago and I4.w Tort ,
Comr'sipontlefltii John A. Warren
u , ii. Penny .t Cc , ( s000eIsors l
ChsrI'stIe.Str's'et Corn , Co. ) bne rewoyd
ed to rooni ' 4 , New York Life lIuiIdiiiW ,
- - - - , -
I. TI1 [ SUNDAY B [ [ . .
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