- - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IQWA. Co UN.CIL BL UFFS. 3IINOlt ENTJON. Call at The flee office for Cuban maps , 100 each. Miss . Jonnic Ftimhflng of the Christian IOnao ktL yesterday for Oberlin , 0. A , fl , Morgan of Wright township Is visIting - Iting his brother , hriIT John Morgan or this city. The Ivflns latinilry Is the IcaIor ( hi flno work both for color nn finish , 520 I'earl street. I'hono' 20. A marriage fleenso was iastte0 yesterday to J. W. l3owcn , aged 32 , antI Myrtle E. Ful- icr , aged 18 , both of Omaha. I'atrolman J. II. VinLt has been assigne' ' to ay duty , taking .1. 1 % , Tnylor's boat. while Taylor has boon assigned to the night etaii , Vith a flee coupon and 25 cents you can secure the omcini photogralhs ) of the Unitc'tI Itates navy at the Council fluffs office of The 13cc. Don't you thiftk It must be a pretty geol Iauiitiry that can please o many litindreils or customers ? \'eiI-thaL's the "Iagic , " 724 Iiroailway , F , L. Sliugart Is vl9ltlng In Princeton , Iii. lion. J , It. 1100(1. ( chlf Juatice of the court of irivntc Iani1 clalin , left last evening for innta Fe , N. M. , to hold court. Fnoch ( Illiliski hnI harry lieu , no cm- ployc at Younkcriiinn's feed store , nrrcstel y.btertiay on an nitsault 011(1 battery charge. lieu gave ball for his appearance. Jantes Itogere , the nhlcgel Iickioalet , W11t ) was BUSleCtCd ) of hitv1lig turneti several tricks In Omaha thu oIenlng day of the cx- 3)o3ltlOtIV1.b Ulsclinrgcd from tlt i.ly yr- terlay ( , A Petititill clr.Mlinte(1 ( yesterday ask- tin. ; thu mayor unit city council to hay. ' ] iloa.lwny . from the Ni.rthweslvru . depot to ( lie motor bridge thoroughly lighted during the expOItlofl , j'iie hearing of Voo.i . L.'rlght , the young man v1io sIashIe(1 ( 1t I IOiefl ( With ) a knife i'htirsdny afternoon , has been con- tifltle(1 ( Until next Monday. lie has been rc- 1 rn n.l nfl lit. ? . .1 A tree ciitertatntnent rIII be given by W'iilto Itose Itebekahi lodge , No. 2St , mdc- pcndiit Order at Odd Fellows. this evening I at the temple. All Itebekulis are cordially inviteti to attend. The GIrl's' Industrial school vlii meet this afteraoo , . al 2:20 : o'clock In the rooms in the Jhft ; inaii building. Every girl that Ljitoiids I to JOltS ( ho excursIon to the exposition must b In attendance. 'l'hie wIll of the late ( Icorgo Canning was allmltted to probate lii the district court yesterday and Edvard Canning , the son , and ox-Chief of 1)011CC ) , WflS appointed execUtor - Utor "tlthuut bonti. harry Leland , who a few months ago was m sent to the asylum at Clarinda , is rapidly Improving and Is now able to be about. Ills UhtnnaLc recovery , which at Hrst was do- si'tIrcti : or , seenis now to be assured. There will be a meeting Monday night nt 8 , o'clock In the Fariuci's' huh In the county court house of tlio inca recruited by Major L. I , Eden to form a coinpaity of Infantry. 'l'he company Is not recruited to its ruii l strength 'l'ho Cliase-Llster Theater company will ppcn a sunitner engagement at ( lie IJohany thentet tomorrOtv night , presenting a special . 3oductloii of the great war cOinctly , "Lyn- wood , " with all tile accessories necessary to coniploto a realIstIc battle scene. . , 1.1,11(1 ( suIted Instituted a few ( lays ago by 1 DaIryman J. L. Ellsworth agaInst John Boil- son , OflO of hIs drivers , who tried to cross the Union Paclhc tracks In trout or a : ; lrelgllt train backing down and hati lis 't'agoii smashed , was dismissed at llaintlit's icost In the superior court yesterday. 'l'ho case against Al 'l'ownscnd , arrested for riding his bicycle on the sidewalk , was dlsinlsseti lii pdIiLo court yesterday morning , 'Iilo ertilnancu lrohlbling rIding of wheels on sklewaiks was not incorpbratod in the recently complied city ordinances and on thin accO'urt the cite was dlsmisssed. 'l'lie damage suit of J , C. Jensen against JanItor T. J , Peterson of the High school for alleged unwarranted arrest was con- eluded In the superior court yesterday ztft- ernoon and given to the jury shortly before 4 o'clock. After being out itbeut ltv hours the jury. brought In a sealed verdict , which t It is understood Is for the deteijdant. Articles of Incorporation of the l'resby- terlan church of Ilancocic , In , , were flied yesterday In the 0111cc or the county re- ' corder. The Incorporators are : howard \Vll- ! on , A. lu. IlulT flail .1. S. Whited. The three eliers Who will ilavo charge o ! the luslness of the church for the first year are : I John Fletcher. Robert J. itlartili and Thomas ijool. 1 The attorney for Il hIe Pillow , the negrcss charged with robbing inaii In Omaha of V ; 720 , dId not get an opportunIty yesterday ti to argue his apvlication for a writ of habeas corpija before Judge inith in tite district court , The requisition lUPCS granted by t3overnor Siiaw arrrlved yesterday mornIng 1 and the woman was turned over to 0111 or flhlion of the Onialia force , who last no t tlilIO l taking 11cr across the river. 3 C , IL Viavi Co. , female remedy ; consultation - tion free , omen hours , 9 to 12 and 2 to 5 , l Health book furnished. 32-327-328 Mer- t riam block. ( Money to loan on city property , Kinno. N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 25O. lloifmayr's fancy patent flour makes the best and most bread. Ask your grocer for It , CHhiipt'll'N CliMe Coal hiiiie.1. C , L. Campbell , the ox-school teacher charged with the seductIon of 15-year-oItl Nancy W'ade , one of hIs former pupIls In the Garner township school , had his lire- hlmlnary hearing before Justice Burke yesterday - terday , The taking of evbience occupIed ( lic entire day and ( lie hearing was contInued until Monday morning for the attorneys to make their argunwnts. Campbell Is a married iiiiiii with a falinly , and the testi- moiiy pt the girl at yesterday's hearing waste to ( lie effect that he t'ns guilty of nit even worse crime than that wIth which lie stanils charged. 'The ilefeinlant Introduced no cvi- denco on his own behalf. lies. I ( , * 'Erit iIsf.'i-H. 'l'lie following transfers were iilett yester- . ( In ) itt the title , abstract and loan 0111cc of , J , \v. Squire , 101 l'cari street : Ci.istav . hahn niul wift' to N. W' . \Vchls , lot t ; , block 7 , lienscin's 2.1 a(1l , ( , C , ( I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 E. A. howard and t'lto to N.V. . \Vtiis , lot I ; , block 7 , liensoii's 2t1 (1(1(1 , 'I. C , ii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 IIIIIa (1 , Fre'iii'hi it ) J. 1' . Stiigenuin , , " lot 5 , block 14 , GrImes' itiltI , w d 1,230 J. A. ltttlltviii in I , 0. iltOile , Part lot 59 , orighinti Phtit , ( if Council BIUITs , W ii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,500 3 li' . I Inriati anti liusbitini to A. (1 , Ilough. , s , SC se 32.75-10 , ittiti v 20 fet't ii $ Cl. iiss' sci , 12. 75.40v ii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 500 , 'llllnm C. liattillo and VlhIiiiin J , ldartin itlitI 'It't' . . to trtiHie of l're.- . b'terlaii cIlul''h or I hancock. iota I , a lid 2 , lIOk ) 2 , ' \'hl I Iii nIH 2d iitkl , ty .1 10. . ) I3ln'riff to Stuto Savings haiik , lots I , 2 , : t , 4 , 5 , It ) nnil 11 In 5 , l'rospcet ) 'l.ii'o . mlii , s ( I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' to F' . 'I' . ' ' I Coulit } trenKurer 'I'rue , lot 4 , l.hk 3 , lhtiliiii's subdiv , alici lot. . 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , flfli 5 , block 1 , Ituilrond 11,1(1 t ( I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ari14i tO 5flhil ( ' , lOt 7 , blnck 59 , 1ti'i , stibti lv. a iitl In ts 12 , 1t nii.i I 1 , biock 7 , St echo & \Id'H (1(1(1 , t .1. . . . . . . . . . Ilttiflti to & 4LIflt' , ( ) t 14 , block 3i , l'erry , ttiiiI t .1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 3t Stiltift ( ( I saint' . lOt 15 , bloelc 2 , itit.- . 1111(11'S 2t1 add , I .1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 I3iiiiti I. ) slime , lot 0. block 7 , Mc. Zliihioui , COOlC& & Jefferil4' add , I d. 136 I3IIITmU ti , ) ililifli' , lOt 20 , block 24 , i.nd lots j * 7 aiiiii 10 , block 39. Ferry ii.1.l , t d. . . , . f3aiiio to sum. ' , hot 13 block 47 , Rid. dl. . ' . , nibthiv , i..itl fat ii , block 6. vt I3tiitsinan l..t tuld , t ii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Haiiio to I'ItIfle , lmrt lot 14 , block 15 , , _ , Ferry : ald , I ii , . . . . , . . . . , . . , , . . , , . , 63 4 13lflie to lUne , lot 12 , block 15 , Ferry , ailti , t tl , , , . . , . , , hlziiiit. to t'Iune , UiitI ' , ' lot , block 8 , l'atter & Cobb's t.ili1 , I d . . . , . . . , , . , . . , : i Hattie to suinc , hots 2 antI 3 , block C , llensoj.'s , it1cl , t d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 14J v County rea8tircr to . A. Oorhiiin , lots 4 aiiiti & , block H , Ciiciirtui'i add , t ( I . . , . . , , , . , , , , Nineteen tranators , . . . . . . . . , , , , , . - - - 1ll1IT ; CUAItDS co1xEST ( ; \ Oonpany Will Paza Through Council Bluffs Sunday Afternoon. . RECEPTION BEING PREPARED FOR TIEM Cllzen % 'hll Glv n Velc.iiiu lo tile 1iu , s M'hio Are OIL 'l'helr SViiy to ANMISt Aahitlrnl The fledge Light Gtiards , who now form one of ( lie cunipaiiies of the Fifty-first tog- iment , Iowa volunteer Infantry. will pass through Council llliiffs tomorrow nttcrnoofl on their way to San Francisco. Sub was the news received In a telegram iare yester- tThy afternoon from Captain IV. Ii. i'ryor , anti ( lie nunouncemeut as to ha expcctcd cl-eatcl no little excltemnt among Lb. . rei- atives anti friends of the soldier boys. l'rep- orations ware At once comnionceti to provldo ( lie soldiers with a good warm liiiicIi to be served tlteiii tInting the stopover at the Transfer (101101. Thu Second battalion of the Fifty-first rcg- iment , coininIsing soilie 350 inca , Including ( lie boys of ( lie Do'igo Light Guards , will come In over the Northwestern toad. The omcials at this cud have not. yet receIved any definite information as to the ( tine the train wIll leave Dc MoInes , bttt they ex liect that it wIll reach Council lilnits about 2 o'clock in the aftcriioon , Several of the jiarents and relatives at the members of the Guards will probably go to Mlssquri Valley to meet the train and come In wIth the boys. When asked yesterday as to whether 511011 would be permItted , Ticket Agent Mitchell of ( lie Northwestern stated that he thought no objection iould be made to the Immediate relatives of the men joIn- lug tlme train , but It too large a tiumber vent It mIght possIbly result In none being allowed on board at Missouri 'i'ahley , as lie oxpectel that the men of tile battalIon would about fill the traIn. Mr. Mitchell said he would advise that the frIends of the men itiect them at the Transfer depot , where mm stop would undoubtedly be made of at least forty minutes , as there would have to lie a change of crows anti engInes made which would occupy - cupy at least that time. As soon as the news was receive. ! from Des Moines ( ho members of ( lie Council Bluffs Women's Sanitary Relief commIssion held a meeting at the home of the secretary , MIss Beatrice Tinicy , and commenced ar- rangeiiients for serving the soldiers with a substantial warm lunch on reaching here. The commission ashs that the citizens fur- nislm baskets of Provisions tomorrow coo- tamIng sandwIches , hot coffee and other plaIn food with plenty of fruit nati either bring them to tile depot or else leave them at the following grocers : Bell & Son , Frank Peterson , .1. K. Cooper , James & liaver- stock anti l'at Gunnoutle , and they whit be gathered by the commission. Mrs. R. E. Montgonlory and Mrs. I ) . W. Bushnell were appointed an executive committee to look after the serving of the lunch and the corn- mission has asked the High school cadets and members of the class of ' 9S and ' 99 to assist. Later In the evening word was received from Des MoInes that a change had been made In the arrangements for transportIng the Fifty-i1rt regIment to Saii 1"i'affcisco , although no confirmation could be. obtaimird. The report wa& tliat the first' battalion would probably come through here over'th Rock Island and the thIrd over the Northwestern - western , but that the second battalion. of whlch the Dodge Light Guards formed a company , would go around by Plattsmouth over the Burlington. Lieutenant Matt Tin- icy arrived from Des MoInes last night , but know nothing of the reported change. Whemi lie left Camp McKinley it was with the ua- dcistaridlng that lie would rejoin the coin- pany hero today on its way west. Dertto these rumors the preparations for feeding the boys is tlmo0 come through were con- tlnued antI late last night the wrnen n char.o . had sufficient promised (6 provIde 000 wtthlunehes. M..SONIC SCHOOI 013' IS'VRUCTlON , First St'.Nioll of lli l'reIiiiie to the ( rnii.1 I..ig.aleetiii , The Iowa Masonlo grn.niI lohge school for Instruction. which precedes the meeting of the grand lodge proper. was convened yesterday - terday morning at Masonic temple by George B. Van Saun of Cedar Falls and Judge C. P. Gianger of Des MoInes , custodians of the graiid lodge. Two sessions were held , one In th mornIng and another in the afternoon - noon , both being well attended. Many of the delegates to the grand lodge arrived ( lurIng the day and In the evening attended the meeting of Bluff City lodge , where a candidate was Initiated Into the first degree - gree , the exemplification of the work being suierintcnheth by the grand custodIans. SessIons of the school for Instruction wIll be held today at 9 a. m. and 2 p. in , , and in the evening the delegates wIll be the guests of Fxvelsior ledge , when a candidate wIll be Initiated Into the second degree. Two esslons 'wIll also be held on Monday , and that night the delegates , of whom It Is expected a large number will be in town by that tIme , will be ( ho guests of flhuff City lodge to witness the inItiation of a can- OPIate In ( ho third degree. Tuesday morning the fifty-fifth annual communIcation of the grand lodge will be convened at the Dohany opera house by Grand Muster Alnion hi. DLII'CY \Vashlng- - ( eli , In. , who. accompanied by his wIfe , ar- rlvetl yeMerday ufternoon anti is quartered at the Grand hotel. The local commIttee on decoratIon , of which W , C. lstep Is chairman , yesterday issued ( lie following request that the citizens - zens of CouncIl Bluffs decorate in honor of the visitors : The gronti lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted - cepted Masons of the state of Iovn wIll meet In this cIty on Tuesday , Jam0 7 , to be In executive session from that date to and Including ( lie 0th , during whIch perIod It is very nLtici , desired that our citizens will decorate their residences and places of bus- IIICBB in Rn npproprlnto manner. You are very earnestiy requesteh ty the coiinltteo on decorations to iriako such dls- play of flags and other decorations as you many have at lined or ijiny be able to procure - cure , Iii order ( hint our ylsiton. may feel hint they are royally welcomed and wIll be hialulsomnely entertaIned , A parade will take 1iaco on 1'uesday morning at P o'clock , and It. is therefore sUggeBte that wherever hiossibie all decora- ( Ions be In lilace not later than Monday evening , Juno 6-earlIer in the day If con- Ytlilielit , Patriotic displays wIll be ( lie most appro- llrlato for time occasion and your efforts wIll be fully appreciated by the local Masotilo bottles AS tycli as the visitors. Illelmibers of tIme order are particularly en- joitied to lomul theIr assistance In this work wherever possible , C , T. Nugemit hia liurchaseth a Leogpo hi- cycle from Cole & Cole , Cordwooti for sub cheap. Address W. F. , 13cc 0131cc , Council Bluffs , htelIrN l rIINer'M Alihil Ititi 14)11. In the dIstrIct court yesterday afternoon Judge Smith heard the arguments for and against tii application for a receiver In the case of Wliiiam A , Mynstei' agaInst the Insurance - surance Company of North America , Cer. ( sin Iroperty bciosgtiig to Mynster was sold ' under foreclosure of mortgage and he brought suit to have the nle set nsIile nl leglng Irregularities , The appointment of a teceiver for the property is asked pending the disposal of ri suit. Juilge mnIth took his decision tiniler advisement. l'N.-II's % l ; .slo house , Coiiiicii iliuff , . . Opening Saturday evening , June 4. Mti..lc by sclectei orchestra , Comic songs , band pieces , etc , , tiy gramophone , Refreshments , AdIniBsion free , Corner llrotulway 011.1 . North Second Street. Entrance on North ecolid street. % 'anteth , ilrst-ciasa carpet layer and up- bolsterer. I3tockert Carpet company , 205 and 207 Broadway. ' F. Ainsworth has purchased a League hi- Cycle from Cole & Cole , l'iiOCl1lllNS Oh" CtT COUNCIl , , Slt'i'iItl Si'siiii lielti to CotisI.ler Se'- ( 'tlt I III iInrIii..t 3tisltcrs , The city councIl met In pecinl session Inst night to consider an Ordinance smili. mitted by the Onialimi & Council Bluffs Bridge and Railway cornlany granting It the right of way for a side track or turn out across Broadway and Avenue A between - tween Twenty-eighth anti Twenty-ninth streets aliti across the alleys between time annie streets , The motor company content- plates buIlding Its new power house , ( lie contract for which , Involving an expenili. ttitre of over $20,000. has already been let to Wlckliani lirothiers and C. E. It. Campbell , on Its property vest of the oflhce building at the ear barns. In order to haul coal aini other materIal to thIs building the company asks permissIon to build a track conliccting wIth the tracks of ( lie Burling- toil , Northwestern miami flock Island roads. ThIs track will cross Broadway and Avenue A , but for the rest of the dIstance wlli be over property recemitly acquired by time motor company. The motor company will build , owil and control this track. In submittIng the ordinance Superin- tcmmtlent Dlmmuock stated that If the corn- pony could not secure the permissIon to build ( lie track across Broadway and Avenue A it would be compelled to abaiuion the idea of building the new power house , and instead - stead would Install Its new machinery recently - cently purchased , In tIme present mower house. None of ( lie aldermen were op. iosetl to granting the ordinance , but were not disposed to railroad It through , so after passlimg it to the seconmi reading it was laid over tinder the rules untIl a meetIng to be held at 10 o'clock tills morning. Following the special session the council met as a committee of the whole to listen to the transportatIon conimnittee of the Council Bluffs Exposition associatIon on the matter of grantIng time Oninha Bridge & Terminal company terminal facilities In this city so as to enable It to furnish a direct ervico between Council Bluffs and the cx- liositlon grotintis. After an Informal dis- cusslon it was decided to pOStpone con- slderation of the questIon until the meeting this morning , at which General Manager Webster of the Terminal company was notI- fled to be rrescnt. FOrt SALE-Good second-hand bicycle at a bargain. Call at The Bee otl1o , Council Bluffs. Storage. WIan & lComtigmachcr , 336 l3wy. Map of Cuba , West Indies and the World at The 13cc office , lOc each. rvlng hotel , 2759 13'd'y ; rates , $1.50. Try Moore's death to lice anti mites. CRACK A POSTOFFICE SAFE hlurginrs Seciirei5t4Ol ) or i9OO in MOlte ) ' hit , ! Itlank PoNtoillec MoiRe ) ' Order , , . FORT DODGE , Ta. , June 3.-Speclal ( Tele gram.-Burgiars ) entered the hardware store of H. IV. Ross at Lehigh , In which the post- olllce is located. nd blew open the safe , securing between $80Q.and $900 and a bunch of blank postal orders. The safe was corn- pletely wrecked. DrIlls and braces from a neighboring blacksmith shop were used , fliirrInrs Itt Lehigh. LEhIGH , in. , June 3.-Speclal ( Telegram. ) -Burglars entered the H. W. Ross hardware - ware store here last night , blew open the sate and secured $ UO0 in cash and a bunch of blank postal orders. One hundred dol- hors in stamps were left behind. The post- oilice was in the adjoinIng room. Drills and braces from a blacksmith shopt were found on the floor. No clew. Lede'rer IIIIyN n I'am.er. ATLANTIC , Ia. , June 3.-Speclal ( Telo. gram.-Charles ) I.ederer , formerly with the New York \Vorld as staff artIst and well known In Chicago , but who resigned and moved here because of poor health , has just purchased ( ho Weekly Messenger plant In thIs cIty and will take possessIon Monday and conduct an Independent paper. Ioyt Fg.rni NotcH. Stock dealers at Woodward are reported as doing a rushing business. Farmers of Wright county say they have bad all the rain they need [ or some time. The ( lax and barley In northwestern Iowa counties give promise of good crops this year. Crops all over the Missouri slope are look- lug better now than they have for many vnnr nt thiR timrl liomne growers of strawberries at Musca- ( mo say they will beglmi marketing the crop in about two weeks. Iowa farmers are carrying hall insurance policies to the number of more than 14,000. It Is said that 2,20,000 acres of crops are covered in this way. The wheat crop of Iowa this year will be much larger than it has been for years since Iowa ceased to be reckoned among the wheat states. Director Sage estImates thio total yield tl.is year at 20,000,000 bushels , an increase of about 80 per cent over the yIeld of last year. - A horse buyer tehi a correspondent of time Mai'shmalltowii Times-RepublIcan ( hint lie is now liaylimg $20 to $30 per bend more for horses than lie did last year at this tIme , 'flits refers to heavy horses , weighing 1,300 to 1,500 , and also horses ( lint will vass cx- amuinatlomi for cavalry use , such horses as weight 1,000 pounds and upward. But they have got to be without spot or blemnlshi , Or. tllnmiry driving horses , livery stock , is worth no mrmoro than a year ago. lie mentions as umothmer tact ( lint , In all of his experience in buying horses In Iowa. I , e. , thirteen years , he has never seen as few 2-year-old horses 118 at itresent , 141t11L l'rl'HN Coi.int'iit. Sioux City Tribune : Canada is tooling wIth ( be question of iiroiihtbitlon of the nmamiufaCture anti sale of intoxIcating liquors. She should look up ( lie record in Iowa on ( lila question as a horrible oxarmipic. Cedar Rapids Republican : Iii a short timno now the Iowa troops will oil be in the field remuiy for duty. They have been a little slow In getting ready for action , but they are .ehi prepared for servIce now and will acquit themselves like mcmi. Des Moines CapItal : The signIng of ( lie pay rolls developed ( lint nil the Iowa troops are able to write theIr own names , The muster roll of a Kentucky regiment con- tamed over 400 crosses , indleatitig that many of ( lie boys were obliged to sign by making their mark , The Keatuchy troops In the hate war were likewIse deficient In education , but there was no complaint as to ( heir lIghting qualities , Keokuk Gate CIty : A mnember of Corn. iiany G , Fiftieth Iowa regiment , writes home to ( be Ottumowa Courier from Jack- sonvhhie that a numnber of the soldiers In that company have decided to locate in the south after the war. lie sa"s Kentucky seems to be the favorite state with the mmiajorIty of the muon , although some of thorn are rapidly taktog up wIth Jacksonville , They are beIng treated royally In time Florida capital and hail the heat to be no Worse ( harm In Iowa in Auust1 ; IIU ) OF' CkfROL ) AF1lS ; 0th Attorucy General es an OpinIon On KflOzrointa. TRUSTEES SI1OULLP1JRCI1AsE SUPPLIES 1' C.I.-o for the piiiiil itt Viiil.iii 'ihl . . " Ht , ( ? ( lilii'il ii , ' ft t'ertgiIi I'ros'isi.ii of ' . ti . DES MOINES , In , , June 3-Special ( Tel- cgram.--The ) law creating thio State Board of Control requireB state Instiutiomis to make estiiiintes to time hoard before the flfteemithi of eaeii ninlh , tn- , , tnllr. , , fnr I following month. The hoard docs not as- sumac control of the InstitutIons until July 1 , and ( tie trustees have no authority after ( lint , This lea'es tlmo Institutions without all ) . supplies for the mouth of July unless ( lie hlrcseilt trustees have authority to buy these Silplilles In advance and leave themmi In the itistittition for use during Jily. In au opinion given to ( lie Board Of Coii trol today , Attorney General itcmnley holds that ( lie trustees lmnv authority to .10 80 nnci sliouitl do so. General Itemuley also replicate to several other questlomis propounded by the board , tending to lIberalize time law and makes Its actIon possible. He 1101(15 that the college for the blind at Vinton cannot spend mote than $10,000 for furniture , books , maps , commipcnsations of lirincipah , teachers niul other employee , nlthotmgh au allowamice of $85 per capita Per quarter is made for current - rent expenses. lie says this money cannot be used for tIm iturposes sliecificil In the $10,000 npIlrOlirIfltiOll. The Board of Comi- trol says this 'Ili seriously cripple the Insti. tution. On Ilnc.lii' , Ste IT , Iowa men will he appointed on Brigadier Gemmeral Lincoln's staff. Ashho from ( lie two nides'de-camnp , there arc several appoint- melt for details to be mantle by ( lie adjutant general of time United States , but the recoin- niemidatiomma of the briizatller generals cotint in such details. General Lincoln says lie Is going to make It hits endeavor to have Iowa nteii itt the nrmny detailed to these offices. For ( lie details'as brigade quartermaster anti conimnlssary there are Iowa men who have appointments In these departments : M , M. Marshall rind D. E. it. hutchins , of ( lila city iii the commissary department and Lieutcn- ant Colomiel C. W. KIng of Fort Dodge Iii the quartermaster's department. General Lincoln sold today ( itut ho would enheavor to have Lieutemiant B. F , Ely the- taIled to act as assistant adjutant general emi his staff. Lieuteimnnt Ely , although. a regular army mmiii , is an Iowa soldIer. He was formerly a member of the Iowa Na- tlonni Guard and vent to'est Point fm'oIml Iowa. lie has be.i . In ( lie regular nrmny service for about t11yqars , being it lteuten- nut in the Twemityraccozid infamitry. lIe has been at his home tovn Iowmt City , detaIled as military instructo't lmftlie State university , for several years. George C. lIenm of' ' , Burlington will be one of General Limcoiqs aides-dc-camp. He has temidered lila sp yi q to the general as a volunteer aldc-de-amnp , to pay his own e - penses. General bincoln has accepted the tender. Mr. IIenri'is 'the son of Dr. Henry , a promInent physlclaw , lie Is a mmmii of wealth , who has 1ved extensively. lIe received mIlitary 4aing at college. Harry Polk of tIlls city will be the other aide. General Lincoini expects his assign- memit to duty as brIgadIer general tomorrow. The Western Muttah LIfe o Chicago today began suIt again'th UnderwrIters' 1t- view , an hiisuranc ournal published in this city , for $25,000 dam&gcs for'mmn alleged libel. C. B. 11111 began suIt against the Rock Island railroad toay ) , , in which he asks $40,000 damages. Last September lie was run over while working for the Rock Island as a switchman anti had both hands nnd one arm taken off. He says that he was getting $1,000 a year 05 salary from the company and that he expected to work for It .it th same rate for the next forty years of htia life , and for that reason asks for 40JO0. ( The petition Is one of the most unique ever filed In the local courts. The sum of $20,274.77 wa drawn by the Iowa paymaster today to be paid to the Forty-ninth Iowa regIment at Camp McKin- hey tomorrow. ThIs makes $75,274.77 whIch hs been gIven the Iowa troops as pay for their services to date , The FIfty-first Iowa regiment heaves for the front tomorrow , fully uniformed , equipped and paid. The Forty-nInth goes Monday , Every soldier sent out by Iowa to the front has gone with a new regulation uniform on lila back , new regulation shoes on his feet , fully armed and equipped in every way , IIIOTOUS CONVICTS Ahill TAMlD , l'erinlttc.l to Go Without Poo.i Until , 'l'hic' Hccoiiit' Quiet. DES MOINES , Jun i 3.-Speclal.-Oov. ( ) ernor Shiaw has returned from Anamosa , where he was called on account of a mnutiny In ( be Iowa state penItentiary , About 200 of tiio convicts had rebelled against the orders of Warden hunter last Monday for the observance of Memorial day. Heretofore - fore it has been time custom of the wardens to allow the iirIsoners the freedom of the yards on holidays , permitting them to cmi- gage In amusements , games , etc. , and to- train from work , Warden Hunter changed this program somewhat. lie had arranged to give ( lie men a nIce talk. give them a bountiful dinner and allow them to refrain from labor the entire day , but decided to keep them confined during ( lie entire day. When he announced the program a number began hooting amid yelling amid raising a frightful disturbance. Those who took part In thIs domonstra. tlon vero mnarched to theIr cells amid told they would hnvo (0 ( remain there , wIthout bread , meat or water , until they had decided to abide by the rules of the prisomi , This emily tended to make matters verse , and all day long time ) ' kept up ( heir booting amid yelhimig , Some windqws were brokcii by ( lie inca throwing thio tiInt8 they have to light their pipes. ' tyI'vls Monday night Governor 51mw was here and lie \\'ardem11iunter walked Into ( lie yards. Some of Itlen recogimized ( lie governor amid iiodJ1 , antI 'hissed them. Tuesday morning there was no cliamigo , The men were as rebeiliiflo as at first anti kept up their unearthmiyItiOlses. The tact ( hint they had hind miothlltigt to cat or drink since the 'mnprning beforg ! imed to have had no effect upom to make them worse , Warden limiter , howeyer , was firm and Tuesday afermhQfl ( lie rebellious con- vicEs sent worth toidni that they had emmough of it and that they -'Woeid be quiet and peace. ahlo hiereatter. ' 1ime were brought down at supper tIimie hialEafiIisiied from their long fast. Every man as meek as it lamnb and mio further trqtje ) is anticIpated , Ohj..c * ) hIeiim.ivui , Sioux CITY , Ia. , June 3.-Speelal ( Teie- gram-The ) Sioux City Commnerclmil asso- elation this mornhmig wired Senators Wil- 11am B , Allison amid John II , Gear and Con. greasman George D. Perkins to use their 4nhiuence to prevent the passage of any bill by which the \'innebago Iiidian agency would be removed from Its present location near homer , Neb. , to a location near Pen- der , Neb , InformatIon that a strong effort is being made to change the location of ( be agency was received this morning fromu per- Ions living at Homer , RealizIng of what great commercial Importance this agency in its prevent location Is to Sioux City ( lie as- soclatlon took immediate steps to prevent any further progress of the movement tmntli it had time to make a fulier Investigation of the fatta. It declares ( hint Sioux City will inko a vigorous fight against any such action as has been propose. . ) , ! ' , ii'r for IiIiiMhI trket , SIOUX CITY , In , , June 3-Spcciai- ( ) Ie\\'Itt. ( lootlrichi of Climbing 11111 shiippc. ) from ( lila sntiomi ( Inst s'cek twrnty'omie boxes of butter of seventy-five pounds each , making 1li75 pounds of butter , the tiestina- ( ion of which was Manchester , Cng. 'rIte sliipnient was under special order of See- rotary of Agriculture James Wilson , nut ) ( ho object is to lirove to tue Ruighisli people that ( lie best butter mule in th Unite. ) States is. fully equal , Imi ever ) ' p.irttculnr , to that miiatio nnywhero in the world , thin otiject the secretmtry himis in inmihlng thin slmipniciit Is to find ant just whmmit style of butter , ( lint is , in regiti'ii to color , armlting , etc. , best suits ( lie iuiglirii market. l'Iiii-l stg ti I I I flu ru. , ' SIOUX flAPIi ) , In. . June . -Srecinl.- ( ) Thu Sioux Rapids EletrIe i.iht cohmiliatiy'a hihitlit nuid ( ho iiau : Itepitis Mill colnhiliY's ilumit burned yestrrthiy : , iosm to ( lie miii , 0O0 ( ' ; to ilie Iilmt company , $1.u)0Q ) ; iii- stlm'alwo on time miii small and oil the light plant , $2OtlO. - Crc'etnui II Igh Sehiolrnduitte. , CflESTON , In. , Juno 3.-Sprcial ( Tele- grnm.-'I'hie ) twentieth amtnitiil eomumncmice- niemit exercises of ( ho Crcston flIght school were hieltl this evening , a class of twenty graduating. REVIEWS AT CHICKAMAUGA First lIvi..ion of 'i'Iiiruh Ammiiy CuriH , Shtiui. Uti % Vt'hL % hhlii Out OiL h'zti'ntle , CIIICKAMAUGA. June 3.-A two days' review - view and inspection of ( lie First divisIon of the Third nrmmiy corps was begun at 8 o'clock this morning. General Fred Grant vas Iii cemmunnul of ( lie division anti 9,000 Inca Wete In line , The immspecion was comi- dticted by General llrecklnrldge anti Colonel John Jacob Astor. The men showed at theIr best in the exercises thus morning. Iii addition - dition to the review , a nummiber of battle exercises were gotie through , anti seine uhf- flctmlt ntmimteimvers were executed. Both Gemi- cml flreclcinrldgo amid Colomiel Astor cx- lressed themselves as pleasrd with the shmowiag made. The Inspection wIll be con- timilied tomorrow , TIme secmmilngiy well -founded report that Chiickaniauga is to be ( lie camping gromumni for 75,000 volunteers during the summer has set tue vlmole arniy to talking. The oflicials refuse to discuss time report , but it is be- hieved it Is correct. General Brooke Is now shiendiiig nuch time seeking atldltiomiai available grounds and it is generally be- hieved that he has been notified that ( he nuniber of his men will be doubled. Mamty excellent locations arc being offei'ed and there wIll be no difflculty in accommodating 100,000 inca it this number shtouulti be semmt. There are now 41,000 soldiers at time nmtrlc amttl this number wiii be largely hmicreased durimmg tiio next few days. The hospital of the First division , First armay corps , hns sixty patients , ot which twenty nrc Iii with iiieasles. 'rho mcii era Isolated. The hospital corps is mnmidc UI ) US follows : Captain V.'akeman , surgeon in charge , assIsted by Captain Grannis of tile Third Wisconsin , Captain lVrigbt of the First Ohilo antI Captain Sturret of the First Illinois. Dr. Thomas C. Clarke has beemi appointed to have charge of the hospital of the Second dIvision of the First corps. Dr. Ciarke was tahcn from the Twelfth Minne- sota. Pneumnonlmt is prevalent to a considerable - siderablo extent , but none of the eases are believed to lie dangerous. An order has bean Issued from corps headquarters directing the divisIon corn- manders to instruct the brigade comnmnmttl- cr5 to appoint an officer in each regiment ns'midge ' advo'eate and try nil offenses which lo not come undcr the death penalty. Colonel J. S. Cmilvcr. commandIng the Fifth Illinois Infantry regiment , has been named by Division Commander General Wilson to command the First brigade of the First division. First army corps , sue- cceding Colonel Hunt of the First OhIo , who has gone to Tampa. The appointment is effectIve at once. Colonel Culver is now In charge of ( ho brigade. The board of army horse buyers , corn- nosed of Cautain Carsomt , Lieutenant Blunt , T.InItnnnnt WInn nnI flr Ponlnrntrnncl last night from Its tour of mIddle Tennessee amid Kentucky. During this trip it purchased - chased Soil sent to the park 450 horses and fifty mules. It Is announced front headquarters that during the next few days a sprinkling sys- tern will be established In the park. TIme dust nuisance has become so great that it mnust of necessity be abated. Many of the lumen have been made Ill by the clouds of dust constantly in the air. 'l'he work of paying the Ohio voluiitcors was completed last night. The amount paid was 1125.000. This baa been the most active day at the park since ( Ito volunteer army assembled - bled , every regiment anti brigade on the field hiaving spent from four to five hours In drills. The men are becoming acus- tOrnCi to camp thoroughfare , and are being 1)'Jt through ( lie routine of Instructions t'Itli more vigor each day. Every open field at ( ho park was covered during the morning antI afternoon with regimnents brigades and divisIons , amid every command in camnp was engageti at one time or amiothier during the day. Numbers of regiments as yet are omthy partially uniformed , antI a miuunber have not yet received their guns , but Captaimi Rockwell - ' well of thie ordnance department is distributing - uting arias anti ammunition as fast as it is received , anti he hopes to have every regiment equIpped within a week or ten days. An entirely new comnphlmemit of arms is being supplied as fast as ( lie department can turmi themn out. Steps were takemi today to begin as early as possible Instructions In ( lie use of fire nrnts , anti orders were issued front head- qtuarera ( to divisIon commanders to detail three men from each brigade to select and prepare rub ranges for target practice. This branch of millimiry instruction has been neglected because of ( lie hack of arms. Prac- ( Ice will begin In all brIgades as soon as they are eqtuliiped. I'rehiminary work was begun today on Health is WeaItIi . DR. E. C. WEST58 NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT I TilE ORIGIUAL AU. OTHERS iMITATIONS , Is eoldunrlor positive WrItten 6urantee , Iiyamithorirod agents only , to cure Weak Memory , lJ'mzzlnoa. , WakefulnoBuu , Fits , lii.teruci , ( Jtiick. 0985 , Nijilit LoaeO , 1viI Dreams , buck of Conh. mienco , t4oryouanosa , Lassltudo , all 1)raine , Youth. ful Error. , or Lzcessivo Uo of Tubacet , , Opium , or Liquor , whIch heads to MIsery , Cvmisurmpttoa , hriaanIt sad Death , At store or by maul , $1 a box ; aixforl5wIthiWritten guarantee to curt or s'eruutl 1U0flC7. ptniuplojaclL. age , coatelning five days treatmoutwitli full instruction. , 25 cents , Ono rauplo emily aulti t' e&ch person. At .tore or by melt , Label Special : - ' Extra $ trenth. For Impotency , Loat of ' 4 Power Lost Manhood , i3teriliy or Barrennes.4 l a boI six for $3 , with , written guarantee . Atatoro - - rr Myers hihlon flru Co. , S. 10. Corner lath mind 1"nruumn SI. . , Omuhu , Neb , I remodelling the Park lintel for a corps hen- pital , amni ( lie work will be rapidly pushed uuuitler the dIrection of l.ieuitenauit Colomtel h1nrtoff , corps sUi'gcon , on. ) assistant stir- goon genersi of volunteers , Nicholas Seiin , ( lottlieb Schmcren , private Tliirti Penn. sliunitia infantry of Phiimuhelphiia , left herd on the sIck list. died ( lila morning at the hiospitni of tile First division of ( lie First corps , of typhoid fever. The body was semit to Philatleiphirt for interment , Iomiaitl McDonald , lirivato First Missouri infantry of St. Louis , was drowned last nIght while bathing In Clticknunnuga creek , Inaklmig ( lie fiffli maui who has been drowned iut the same vnters. His hotly is lying to. nIght. In tin iuntic'rtnklng estahilisluimuciut iii this city , flnti 110 thircctiomts have yet becti given as to it tlirpoaitlomi , dtmtant Gnuieral Autltur ? .imme.rtlnir , on ( kmiornl'u4adtt'a sttttf , rcCCnIIy appoInted a brigadier , left today for ( aim 1rnmiet5co , hay- iuig becti assigned to ( lie ecuninniul of a btigatio to go to the Pid1lpIiics , lIu ii ) ' ( It-.i'r. Fl y iu I Unluhic , MOl3hII , Ala , , Juine 3.Orders Auid cotta- ( or orlcm'a caiqo fast at Ucht'mnl Ceppltugcu"n iieeuiquarter.q todmiy , 'rho uulovettlent of troops WIll ut nil Itrobattihit ) ' begiut tnmumit'- row. General Coppinrer left this afterneomi for 'l'nunpa , it is said 1w will return in a fo' uhli'S 85 ( lie foriiiatton of his corps I nuist be perfected hierci ummitler his iersouni direction , Tue Third , flievcuith and Twenti' ethi ' , utfnntu'3' i'eghmiicnt nie iv.'bet rcatty to leave. 'l'Imo Ninciu'cnth lnfmuii ti'y muimI time Fifth cavalry uvero ou'tlered to itroceed (0 ( San FrancIsco to einbarlm for ( lie Philip- pluies , but ( lie order was couiitermimnmttleth today - day , Itjj ; : : See That Stamp ! It Is thmo Govcrnmncnt Internal Revenue Stamp over the Cork and Cap. . . . ' sub of every bottle of OLDCROWd JiFMITA \ ' 'WHISKIES"/ Certifying to the Ago and Purity of time Whisky. NOTE.-Tt Is time Govcrnmncnt's Gear. antee ( hint goes with thit bottling. 5cc that time minnie W.A. GAINS & CO , Is priuted on time stamp , ALL DEALERS SELL IT aciway's a PHI Purely vegetable , mnhlth and reliable. Cause perfect IIgestlon. Complete absoi'p- ( iou anti healthful regularity , Far ( lie cure or mmii thisorder of.thte Stomach , Liver , how- els , Iitlmic'yi. , Bladder , Ncrt'oims DIseases , Torpid LIver , sic-Ic 1113A1)ACIIE , lNDlGlSTlON , lii i1t'SNl3S ' , CONSTI PATIOS , lYiL'tiI'Sr.t. Observe tim following 53'mptorna restmlt- lag from Diseases of the Digestive Organs : Consipntlon , inward Idles , fuul Imiess of lieOi in the hicami , iicidity of the ton1aCh , non- mIca. hearthurmi , dii.giust of food , fullness or weightin the stOinmiChi , sodr oructations , iniclnj or fluttering of ( ho heart. , cimoking Cu' stmffcicatlng ezmmiiotis , t'Itemi in a lylmig poi4tUrc , dimness of vision , dots or s'ebs before the sight , fever nnd dull pain In the head , deficiemtcy of perspiratIon , yellowness of the skin and eyes , ham in the side , chest , llntbs , rind m.uthien littaltes of heat , burnimtg in the ileshi. A few dose. of RADWAY'S PILLS will free the system of all ( lie above-named disorders. Price , 25 cents per box , Sold by druggists or scmtt by mall. Send to Dlt. IIADWAY & CO. , Lock Box 365. New York , for book of advice. ------i U , - . _ : _ - . CONSTIPATION "I hIve gone 14 daT. at a time without ninvement nC th. toWeis , fltit Icing atle to ittOVO ( bern ec'ept by usIng hut atcr Injections , Chroimlo cOflItltittIOul , for seveiu years placed me Iii limlI tettiIie , coi.ditflii , ittirlag that time I diti 0 ? . eTythluig I bc'sri of hutimOlet fotiumd reiif * sech Wft * 1(17 C)0 until I t'etmfl iiing CAt'CAlth'TS. I flow lM , ( . from one to threc laMea a ulay , seth If I ( " ' .rt rich I woulti gito 1100(0 for osch motemooth II is such toilet , ' At'i.iIit Ii. h1VtT , itJ Ruscll st. . betroit. , Mioti. CANDYRTiC RTiC YRADI MASPI PIOmSItRID I'lcaitnt. I'alftt.tbiut l'otsit , Taste ( hM , Do . Good , Never Sick. . , iC&er , or little , lUc , 5'C , 100. , , F . . , CURII OOtSTIPATON. $ . . . Itrlls1 Re.dy t..rl. , , tL' fc , t.'s'riI , 5 , ' , T tk , 52 % 4 Ae 3i1 I ' ' I i't G.w. Pangle , M. D. TIIR GO"JU S.tMARITAN 25 s'tR'S EPIRIENCB , JteLtler of fliHmtses of ptcut usid PROi'iIlTOht OP TIIR VorItl's 1lerbl ) ) I.Jleuihi.ry of Ill e.hlctwi. I CUIIII-Ceittu'rhi of hleati , Throat nii.1 ftmuigs , lii.u'ases ) ( ii l'e nra ) ¶ ar , Fits utnd Apotlcx3' , ilemtrt , lIvcr amid Khtimie ) ' Ilu'cmues , lIiubeti' ) , Ilmighit'u. lIseai' ) , tt Vitti Inmice , Iimeiiniiitltuit , Sei'il ui is , Lrol.sy ) . cmi red wit htnut Iiihiiiiuig , 'l'uth'O'ortns remmiou'ed , alt chiouio Nervous anti Private Din'mmses. ' MANhOODn1t yrniuug' LOST Ill u-ui luitlie iugcd itmeui. _ Oiml ) Ph13'SiCiliit who can S YPHLIS U puOIitlrl3' cure S1'lthi.li4 without ( iestrn3'imig' teeth nmmd bomie. No met. cli I' } ' or Ptisnhi In luiend im se.I. rho emily I'iiyslcluti tulmo Cttit tell whimit mmiii you wIthout nakimug mm qtmesiomL ( 'Ihmoso at a distance seiii for qiicatiomt blamik. No. I for niemi ; No. 2 brvimuCn. . All correiliontienco strIctly conitdemmtial. Medilmio sent by express. , Atl.ircs nil letters to G , W. PANGLE , M. D. , O6 Urommulway , COUNCIL flrITFFS , ' . siammili for muir. - _ Gas and qk A Gasoline _ _ _ _ _ in Engines , _ . - . Power. Call oa us or write for prie nail dtriptlOna DAVID 'Il1t'AmmEY ' CO. Coiincit hihiitTs , Iowa. - DOHANY THEATRE Commencing St'NIAY , JUNE 5 , time miii- promo fnvoritc , ( 'FIASF-I.ISTFllt ThEA- 'FElt CO. . in zt milmecial prodmictiout of the Famous War Comedy , In four acts , . . .LIIs WOOD. . . Noto-SlieclOl summer prices for reserved . seats , hOe. Parquet mtri.l boxes , 25c , Seni go on sale at timeator box 0111cc fur all semi- son , mtntl mtum' imight , comnnicmmcing 10 a. in. Thursday , Jumie 2. Telephone No. 410. SPECIAL NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFB WANT8. DVa'L.INOS. FIIUI'I , , "ATtJt puNl ) aAntncN land. tot isis or rent. Bay & Ue. 55 Pearl stre.t. - * : * * : * * 1 ; j Illustrated Opening Day Edition. - : . - . ' . , ' ; . The eyes of the world . : ai'e 110W 011 Omaha. . ' 4'- .aM JUI r I r ' ' ' " . + Ihe .Fralls-MlssIssl1)pl ! I and International EXIo- , t' ,1 ' sitiori has opened its j * ; gates and every citi- ! ,1 zen of t1ii city alid * ; . - state inut constitute him- ' se'f a colnmittee of one * , to acquaint his friends out of the city with the beauty and extent of the exposition. , ; : ; To facilitate tile spreaflilIg of this information , : t Tliel3ee has ilslIel a su1M31'b illustrated ClitiOR eli- tirely worthy of the OC11hIg ( lay. It gives a history ¶ ; c the expositioii , half-tone ehigi'aviiige of the build- ii1gI , portraits of the iiieii whose liai'd work , energy :111(1 : geiliuS have made the cxoition ] a gi'and S1ICCCSB 1 * from a talLlpOilIt ol : ai'cliitcetui'e , ai't flll(1 CiOllCO. ¶ t1 You an help to make it a ueces fiIIahlc'ially by enc1illg a copy of this S1)lOfldid edition to your frieh1d i ! outside of the city. . ! i. , : FIV [ CENTS IR COIY. ' ' . . _ * : j ; Illustrdted Opcnin Day [ dition. , ' _ * 4:4 : : * : * _ _ , ' - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - JOHN G. WOODWARD & CO , , Council Bluffs , Iowii. WtIOSA [ CANDY MANUFACTURRS JOlbei'H of I' CRACKUIS , NUTS , CIOARS and [ 11ff WORKS. SeIIiIhg Agents KA TE PII3LD CIIA S. S UMNi R Jot , ( ) , iru , L3o CIjuirie , . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -