i- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - . . -P---- - - - - - - - - - . . . : - - - - - ' 2 . , 'l'ILE OMAI.rA. DAILY S\'I'Ufl.1)AY , .TtTNE 4 , 1898. INSERTS BOND PROPOSITION cnate Vethos Majority Report from the Finance Oommittho. ACTION PREVAILS BY VOTE OF 45 TO 31 J'rnII Un Is t bin . , , , , , lii I lip lIeri uici for Hi p ( IltIl img or Oio Sllvpr Sclgnlorngc It * . 4lip l'rpiMIrr. W'AS1I1NaTO , June 8.-A 1)111 ) nuthorlz. ng thc secretnTy of the trenioiry to ketp cvtnln flfo-savInR stntfoflH oil the Atlantic aflt ( ulf coatR Olefl 8)1(1 ( manned iluring Juno atid July and appropriating $70,000 for the necBsary CX1)cnfo WOM 3aiUi1 by thu innate at tin' OtWfllfl of to1ay's pesMion. The cnt ( , concurreil In the ) louse ameTul- inent to ( lie bill removing nil ( tIsatJiittes 1uoe $ ; ( . % the fourteenth anwivtlncnt to the constitution. Consliluration of the war revenue measure was 'cstituei at. the conclusion of morning business. Mr.'nlcott ( rep , , Cole. ) propoieil nit antentiniunt to the amentlinent of the coiii- mittee upon the coitiage of the suigniorage. It was in the nature of ii Hibstitut ( . unit after being slightly ninendent a iBrect vote tiitlI it was renched , Mr. Jones ( 'mitt. ' , Ark. ) giving ntlcu that lie wotiiil move hero- afler siihstittnte the coinmittt'e nitieiin- meet toi' the \'okott ninennirnent. 1r.VoI - COLt'S nineiii1iiiiiL vtis aigreed to , iS to 11 , us follows : Yen-AIlen , liacon. Itatt. flurry , [ hitler , ( ; nIioi. Canter. Chaiullor. Chilton , Clark , Cocki eli. laniel ) , Faulkner , ( b ny , hans- brougli. I Ian is. Ileitfelil , Joiie ( Ark. ) , Jonic ( XCV. ) , 1C'ln' , 1iiihith ( , NeIiieryIc - La ii rl ii , : lii I lory , ii nit I I e , l a rti in , \1 I II , 1ItchclI % , loiioy , Morgan , J'acoe , Perkins , l'uttlgrew , I'ctttis. I'rltcliard , htawlln3 , Roach , Shotip. Stewart , Teller , Tliiirston , Till noun , Turley , Turple'CSL , \Vxirren. White , Wolcott-iS. Nays-Aldrich , Allison , thinker , hJuriovs , Caffery. Cullom , lavinn , Delioc , Fnirb.niiks. } 'orakpr , Gultinger , th ar , flornian , Itnle , Ilunna. hawley , Hoar , L.odgtn , Mc' . unite. MeMlIlnu , Mason , Morrlll , Mtnrthiy , Ncloii , I'lzatt ( Conin. ) . l'latt ( N. V.3 , Prue- ton' , Suweli , SpoonerVetninorehh. . I'X'OtIMIIii ut lii . % iii.'iiilitii'it. The nineinihninent as agreed to follows : 'the secrctnry of ( lie trt'utiry wilt Imine. ( Iizitely ( 'nhis ( ' to he coined ns fast as P0581- Itlo I n to staindard iii ) I I ars an tuniotini t o t not : less tinnin $4OO,00tJ ( ) Per ninioth , which stiall be of I I k weight and litton ess , and I I lo' legni I telniler quality , its tlunst' irovlileit for ttult . i'Xtstliig las , all the silver bullioni now hiel I In tint' t rcastlry. 'l liitt ( lie secretary of the treasury Is au . tharized aiiii clir'etcIl to Issue , as saul sit- ver Is cotneit , sliver certiticates of sinnilni : nieslgn nnii tielloininittlouti , and of the saint uual I ty , lliYithl t' a nil it u ernun bitt I ii I I ki iiiulinc'r tis thee authorized by ltt' , to tim m amount of the gain or sc.lgutorage from tim 3 Purchase of sliver bullion by [ hi' treasur by the net. of July 14 , 1SiO , until the simm o I t2OUOOOO shall have been lsuel , That all said timoiney whIch shall he coined liicludliig a.titottiits of gatnis or selgntorage smith l. t1134'tI Imoth for tine retieniption o treasury notes heretofore Issued by , anti on dt'r the act of July 11. 18)O ) , and for tine re : ( ieiilhtloII or tine Certificates lssucd ulule : r ; this art. Mr. Aldrich moved to strIke out the corn rnltte , amendment providing for the lssti ; of legal tender Iiote and substitute the boin I provision reported by the republican mint - nority of tine finance committee. Upon thi C niotlop he demanded the yeas and r.ay. Tb a suction witS carried by the docl8ivo vote a If 45 t 31 , as follows : Yeaq-AltIrlch , Allison , flalcer , flurrowi I , crr-- , Carter , Chandler , Clark , Cullen I , Davis. In'lioe , Ellclu3 , Fairbanks , Faulkinen . . \ Feralor. Prye , ( lallinger , Gear , Gormnr I , .m Cray , halo , 1Iainia , Ilannibrough. hIawle . hoar , Kyle , Lindsay , I.Olge , Mcllrithe. Mc - MIllini , Mason , Nitehiell , Merrill , Murphy , Nelson , l'erklns , Platt. ( Cotta. ) , l'hitt ( I. Y. ) , 5ewc'hl , Shioup , Spooner , Warren , \Vet . - more , Wilson , Wohcott-45. Nays-Allen , Bacon. Bate , hlerry , I3utIei . . Ciinnmou. Citliton , Clay. Cockrehl , 1)aule. . I . Harris , Iheitfold , Jones ( Ark. ) , Jones ( Nov. ) . McEnt'ry , McLairiii [ , Mantle , Martini , Milk 3 , Moiney. Pn.sco , Pettigrew , Pettu , Rawihu ; , Roach , Stowurt , Teller , Turley , Turple , Ves t. White-al. The commlttea amendment striking ot it the house hood provision was then agreed p ) . .ttt'ti ( t-tM liii , , 'l'iiitilIp , , A imsage at orals , Inure sn'nsationul [ ha a any Incident that hinis occurred lit the rca I- ati _ ' slitce the nuloption of liii' Cuban resohti I. tioun , occurrent hotwceii Mr. Allen and Mi I. Wolcott. In tine course of rome remarks on binnetni ] - hIsm ; Mr. Alleti took a iennhiilsei'nt turn I. lie declared tine bImetallic commission s work had been a failure , as tntei . - inatlonal blnictallism vas a delusion an ii a snare. An alpl-olrIntIoii hind been mail I. ' foi' the conmmlssloii , which had travele ii tint 011gb Europe on a linissloin 'hilch IS foredoonned to ( allure. Mr.Volcott , wino svnis president or th IC lihtmnotallic corunnlssion , listened attentlvel y in Mr. Ailein's remarks. lie was evidenti ] ) . I mid I gin ii rmt ; iiiil he t ook tine floor I o repi y I o his critic. "it Is met PicasaiiL' ' hi' ' ' hogan , 'to a sell r- respecting lIlflIm , to meet such suggestion ma its have been manic , by thti' senator. Tints th - bate has taken a turin which I deprecate , au id FROM LOWELL , MASS. 'Iho Homoof Hood's Sarsaparllin- - A Wonderful Curt , . I , A swelling as big as a large nmarbh a canto under mini' tongue. l'hysiclc.inssaid I t vann a sounI-traasIareut tumor and must h 0 operated upon. I felt J could ziotataintt It ; I amid as spring connie began to take mui V Iayorlte spring tonic , flood's )3ar8sparIle ) [ . 'rho bunch gradually decreased and anahI I , dlsaipearenl. I have had no algmn of ltsre - turni. lam glad topraisehIood'aIaranpa . rtlat' ! Mits. II. M. Conuiw1 Unkmn t i Lowell , Minion. Get IIOOD' ; Hood'ts Pills cm.n th'mit 11c'd&cho. 5o. - . . , : The Omaha 13cc , t ; Mp 01 Cuba Coupon , , , Present this Coupon with , 4 JOc for I a A Map of Cuba. Ie ' A Map ot'tho % Vest 1nd1e. a And a Mapoftho World , a f By Mmiii I'I cents. ' a . . o. ' - " - U CUT OUT TillS COUPON. This Coupon with 25c % tmLL SLCUIZ ( TIlE Olilcial rhotographs of the Unilod Stabs llavy4 Address , 4 NAVY PHOTOOPAll DEPT. ( .MA1IA IIEE , U - - - - - - - - - - - - - I woulil not now occtiy a moment of the se nate's time , whith ought to be hevoted to th e consIderation of the pending bill , were Itfr not that I desIre to Inform ( lie senator fr om Nebraska that the three conmrnlssloners aiti ppointed by tine president aiment more than iti x months in Iurope , traveling whore their db uties took them. They were accompanied do y a secretary , anti tine entire expense was o nly $6,000 $ , and 1 desIre to aild that every m ember of the commission , In accepting [ ho mp mfi osition and in iperforming his duties , sacri- fi cod thousands of ihohlars , "It Is undignified ninth unliefitting to a se nator of the United States to stand In Il ls Place on tints floor and suggest that tine c ommissIon spent money it Was not Justi" , fh cahtn'tnpenthing. "I aiu , getting tired of hearing that sort o f nnuggetlon from tine senator front te b raska. It Is not tine first , the soconti or ti ne third time ho tins throwun It out. Through m mii IL I being circulated in the west by utn eauna of tine 'patent insides , ' which ceati st ituto the bone ala ) sinew , anud most of the b rains , of tue ioiuilst party. hlt'sol' . . 4 , , Curu'r Icumyh.'iIge. "I slipposi' that at sounie crossroads in N ebraska , where nothing is kiio'ni of l-b inopo except that it Is on the map , some of tine leollu have gotten together ninth cc- o lVcd that no country except tine United S tntt'S Is enlighiteneil emiotigh tq have ideas oi l the unmoney question , "They are not aware that. the lneopio of i imginnii , Germmiany , auth other countries , fa vored iminnetahitsnn before the pqpuiist party o n. tii senator mvure ever meant of. For- [ i nnately , however , time binmetnllists of li bilimlit' are not inamuiinmrenl in their work by ti ne loiig.halrc'd cranks wino clog the progress o f ennhfghntumietl financIal legislation iii tints . c otintry. V ' 'TIne exinerlmncmnt 'tulchn iii now being tried i n 1inn1l. In the opinIon not. only of tine hi- n i'tahllmts of [ lie world , hut by ninc-teniths o f [ hi' gold mmmcml of Lonilon , mmlii result in n hnsoltt' failure. Ittiii be lmn1minssiblo to im inposo thu gold stamntimund uipoim the PeoPle o f India , nund In the face of tints comicetied fi net , I say me is an ena'ummy of blmnetulllsinl v hnn stamols tip lii t1ni pmc'semnctn amid talks a bout Initerniatiomial bimmwtahhlsm bring a the- i nslomm aiuui n snare. ' 'Yet it nppeans [ hunt inc has mo argument t o liresemit except that emnihodied iii tine state- in tent , untrue , unpleasant , niuth mnnthigntiteml , t hnt tine bimetallic coiuummuisloin took a. large s tint and squnamnilered it. " Mr. Alleni mmnadim a brief renly , speaking c almly nitmi cody. lie explained that he hail m int charged time comnmmiission vih [ having S titmuimuilered tine motley niiiroprIateii.'liat hi t' thu say , lii' lmnsisteil , Was that. tine effort t o tie nuanie would be a failure. ito eonteunih'd therefore , [ lint tine nmoney o ught not to mayo lncc'n expemided at nil. Y et , because he 1usd held that belief , amid L i timlil It mow , ho wits , he saul immauho tine stun- j ect of time Colorodo senator's sopinoumnoriC : p imilhitnics. lie vas not , Inc concluded a traiil of the senator ( Mr. Wolcott ) , 1mm [ mc m s enate or elsewhere. An effort was then nmanle by Mr. Ahilsoc n t o effect an arratigernenit whereby a vote I c ould be taken [ mis o'emmiiig , but It was unol L s uccessful. Tine senate at 6 o'clockmemit Into secrel s ession and soon adjourimed. SENATE PROVIDES FOR BOND ) t rlcvs.n ! out tin , ' ( lniiist' l'rem.iirciI l. r lint' house mmiii ; mIistItiitt's Ant- uilit'i' of Its Ovut lrmiflitig. WAShINGTON , June 3-Fohlowling is tb a provision for time issue of bonmils lmucorporatei I by the seujate' In the war revenue mess - irq : , 3 'l'hat the secretary of time treasury Is act - thorized to borrow fu-enu tiinme to [ lame , a t a rate of Interest not exceedinug' 3 per con tier animinfli , ruch summu er sums , as in iii JUdgmniemit mnmay be necessary , to meet puibli C exinenditinres. anal to issue therefor ccrtltt - cates of Inidetmtetlness in such fornni as ft e may lrescrlbo unit In denominations c er znr sor.te' inul Tide of ti'um t noun. mine cad It certilirate so issued stmall be payable , wit ] in the Interest accrued timerconi , at such ttnmc not exceeding one year Croon tine date of it ; 1ue , as tile Secretary of the treasury ma V Prescribe. i'rovided. That the certificates of lnndobt . ednucums aUtlntnrlzel by this soctioit small from C tinune to time be ( Inst offered. wbencvcr pr.ic : - ticahie , at popular subimc'riptloni , ummner ) acne i regulations to be lircscn-miet by the secne tnry of the treasury as will give opportmnnit y to tint , citizeuns or time United States to i'ar ' - tielpato itt the subsc.riptloas to such cc'rttii - cateni , i'rovliied , further , that the annount c if such certificates outstaumuhitng shall at mo [ lam C exceed $100O1)O,009 ) , anti nt least $50,000njO at sand certttteates hernin atntborizoch shim ] I ho ismiueii beforq any of the bonds inrovIie mr In this act small be Issued , sold on' ills iOSCd of , anti the vrovlstomms of exisUn iniw nespectiimg counterfeIting alit ! oLin' : 1' tramidulent lmtiCtlCes arc inc'rehy extended I time bonds and certificates of iimrielntednes authorized by this act. That the secretary of the tneasury I S hnerelny autinorIzed to borrow cmi the credi It of tine UnItcd States front time to tlnmm , a a time proceeds nutty be ecquireil to defray cx pemnilltures caused oum account of tine inreseu i var ( smelt Inrocecils , when received , to lj o used only for tiui' iturinose of nuneeting sue in expenditures ) , the stun of 300,000,00l ) . or as much as many be necessary , to pee i- mare and Issino tlnerefor nut riot less [ baum pa r , coupon or registered bounds of [ lie Unite Stntcs In nictehi form as lie unty hreseril mmml in denoamlinations of $2 or sean , minI - : tipit' of that niunan. reilcemnnaijhe In cohn it tine lilensure of tine United States after t a years from their Isiie , amid lnaynibho twemnt y years froun such ilinto , amid inn1erest int'imn patti quinrton'ly at the rate of 3 per cemmt l ) ( ! annummm ninth tine bouiln imerelim authorize t shall ho exennpt from all taxes or dutic ' 5 cit the United States , ins -well ins Ironm txz I- tlnn iii nnn' forum by or mmdcc state , munk : - thai DC local authority. l'rovlded , bonds nuntinorizeci by this ae tion shall be first otre'rctl as a popular loin hi nmndt.r such regulations to be ireseriled Ii y tIn secretary of [ lie treasury as will git 'fl opmortuminIty to tine citizens to pnrticlpate I n tine subnicriptlouns to such mamma , Provided , tinnt such hommds shall be Issue , ( i at par , ( limit no cmmnniiaslons shall be atiowi tinerenmn , nail inn nhlottling inchu bomudni an : : certltientes tine several mnicscrlpllons of ii I- .iivlduals shall ho fIn-st necepteni , amid ti iii suniaterlintlons tom' tine lomvcat aumounts shin II hi' Brat allotted , mind a simm not mxceedlr ig nine-half of 1 er cent of thin hands iner'l ] n Inisued Is hereby aluproimrtateil to lull ) ' [ I OXlt'flso ) of preparlung , advertising , isenjir mmii disposlmmg or thcm cameo. l'n ti'iils Ii , tYestprmn ln''iitnrs. WASi1INITON , June a.-Spectnl.-PaI ( ) i _ emmts have been Issued to western Inveatom ' 5 as follows : Nobiinskni-Josepln A , fluffeabaclner , Yorl Ic. dry mnmeasure. Jown-Clnaries i. Appel , Muscatino , butte a grindiuig nanicidimo : Tinonmant Camnemnden , an I- * nignnmi patenit on grinding mmlii to Day ] Is Unsolinne Emugine Works company of Waten ' . lee Atinirew M. 1)umncaii , asalgunni If liatc'mut on cobonizer to I ) . I ) . Shines , A I- if'rtonn ; Jacob i. Ec-kert , Marengo , nntntc I. burp ; Jainnes N. hinmarine , iarly , wasi n- mailer uttachnmnmt'iit Lyle J. ( iiiiinour. Lee ig ( Irove. tool fon' tIghmte'unlnng wire fn'nnen'm V. Sarnunel M.VIxeeI , Mnnn'cua , corn phantom r ; Jnnnes T. itegan counmpauy , Snonme , Innlerni mu reinmeti ) ' for rinmnmnnatlnimn , South Dakota-Charles ( rliiwa , itap Id City. gold raker ; iidwnnrd S. Rubble Is , Parker , nilsinlay rack. Wyotning-Jamiun' F' . i'hagan , Cineyemmn 0 , bedspring strcteint'r. i-'iiii Jli'iii'il by thip Sa'i.nnf * ' , \\'ASiINOTOt' , June 3-TIne followlu ig iioinuinntinns 'mere conflrmiwd by tine arpa to today iii exeeuiII't' aessloni : Oscar B , Strauss of New York , to b ennvi in ) . 'ztraordIunimry until mnilmuistt'r pleunlpott'xntia : ry to Turkey. i'ustmnaatn'rs : iCansas-Clarenee U , llc in- lane at Columnuinus ; Janmes ii , Clntainanm at Atchison ; ifilwln Foster Lit hmuiepemndene e iiemiry Ii. hlendc'rson at lola ; Sunmuci It , i'L'ternn at Newton. outhi Iakota-ialtt mit A , lirostus at Vermilion. S ICSBEE BEARS DISPATChES w ill Take &port from the fleet to Wanhington in Perilcn. C ERTAIN CERVERA IS IN SANTIAGO ( ' nualit Sight of 'l'to of time Veuspla- i'iikc SlIP l'rl , . ' Stenminer ltstor- tori On t Irtitni Vinier ( lie Utnmns ot tt Fort. NIiSV YORK , June 2.-Tine United States at nxillary cruiser St. Paul , Captalmi igsbce eo mnnmnniilrng , cnnno into Imort cariy today. C aptain Sigabee refused to bo interviewed re garding tine recent service of hula shIp mi ti ne vicinity of Santiago do Cuba , at vin1cit p ort , it has boom said , Captain ilgsbeu ran [ l ien St. i'atnl mvchI immto tine nimonnth of the h arbor and obtained the information of the mr esence [ hero of Admtnirai Cervera's sq uadron. After visiting Cominmodore flunco at the n avy yard , Captain Sigabee relaxed fronnm h is reserve aulhiciently to say to it reporter : " l mail target Practice right along fronnm the O raL day I arrIved at Sunnntlago , out May 22 , a nd wlniie untie of mnny nnmt'mn have becum inn tine se rvice , I ann t'cil satIsfied wIth their w ork at time ginums. We hoive not boom In a ny llglnt so far , but nay tnmemn wIll give it s ooth nccouunt of themunselves , It was Oil tine 25 th wlnc'n we capturcul tine Itestorniel. I k nuow that the Spaularile neehtmil , [ tie coal v ry badly annul I mnmanle every effort to Bee ti nat they dlii not get it , "While off Samltiago with Scinley I saw tWO im more Spanish cruisers anti Schnley saw two t orpedo boats. There is mm question [ intl. t hey arc bottled inp as tIght as can be iii S antIago inarhor. I vemmt in so close as to un iakti skcttiti of their fortltlcat , tvhnlcht I ant semuding \Vaslnlngton , Their gums c ould easily hnao reacimed moo , bUt the batF t ories unmaihe mo nuttenunpt to fire. for winat. r eason I do not know. It may be the Sm iaunmurnis niId not wanmt to reveal tite strcmngth a unt locatlomn of tineir guns. I am going to \ \'anninIngtonm with dispatches fromum tine fleet , n inth as soon as we have coaled annil ll rovlxlonmed we shall put to sea again. This w ill umot liroinably hme for two or thnree clays. A s Loomi us I arrIved outside tine harbor o f Santiago titers toro indicatIons of the m rcri'nice of ( 'ervera's fleet on the inside be- , oed tinc hilts. . . .1 ltuggeil tine mouth of the hiarinor so c losely [ hint It vould hue imnipossiblo for auly- t itling afloat to sineak out withnout our see- l ug tineuni. It was eitiner time third or fourth d ay after our arrIval that I saw two Span- l ith vessels , which I was sure were lii. ' ' 1zcays cmiii the Crlnitobat Colon. They e rc'imt cautiously Into tine stream aind got to t ine mnnlnldhc' of the elnamnnel. Ant seoul as they c aught sight of etc they scamnuperod back as r apidly as they could steaunm. "As soon am ; we arrIved oil tine inurbor I n flhmOlnulcel nay inresence by the cotnrtesy of a sitlute , taking as a target one of tiu Spamnlntim forts. Tine forts evidently did not i mitend to accord nine the courtesy due In cc- : t lmrml , for its gulls remained silenit.Vent I was satisfied with the practice my macn had , I steenmed time St. Paul out of range and re surnt'd scout duty outside the mouth of th harbor. "It was dIrectly unider the gunna of C fort ammd witimhn easy range that I took thi Restormmmel whth 2,400 tons of coat aboard This coal was evidently intended for thc i Spanish fleet and for the Restorxmmel to rue our blockade auth enter Sauttugo harbor . It of itself would have beemu good evidenci 1)1st ) the 'Spanntsh were there. We had te I fire eeverul shots at it hOforo it hove to I put a prize crew aboard and sent tlit collier to Key \'est. "During the Inerloul I was at Santiago. ho . tvceii May 22 and 29 , Schiey canine mmd went L several times , cruising a little to tine westward - ward , but time St. Paul rennaitmed off San tiago harhor nil the eight days. It 'Va : on May 29 that I saw ineavy limes of annoin 3 from what I at first thmougint was fronu tin Spanish squadron commninmg to the relief o f Cervera. There was great excitmennt or I board the St. Paul aimd I Inmnmciiiately mu out after tine fleet. I soon fouind the mokn t was eonmitmg front Sebley's inips returnlmni ; to the entranmce of time harbor. "On this day both Schnley and myself say 1' agate irnsltivc evidences that tine Spannisi n fleet was still bottled up imiside SanmtIngt D inarbor. Wimc'mn I came tip witin Schlcy' : S fleet We both signahlcd-Sehiey to mae mind to mum. ASK TEST FOR THE HOLLANE ) ( ) vmnera of flit. $ iiluin.rliie , until Vntit t tine Nmce lt'jiam ri iitt'iit to lilnice ml 'l'rinci of II. . ' ( 'rmirt. WASHINGTON , June 2.-The owners 0 t tine hlohlanini subniarlnme boat , vhto had pro imsed to go Into Sammtinigo hnanbor and tie stroy the Spannlsh war siuilis at so much n vessel , have connie forward with a reques t for a practical test by tine nnaval otilcerm : of their craft. The Navy department cau : obilgcd to decllmno to emntertain tine firs t hnropcsttlon , as it snmackcd of mrIvatec'rlnng , : anti was lit violatIon of imnternatlonmai law , The mirimncipal objectloni was that tine boa t could not ho in regular conimmnmissionu , zunni I : it coemmimnainci of naval othieers , flcside , tine y . connteiniiefi tinat it lund not been tborouginh I. I.t tested , o % ' the boat's omvuners PCOP5O tile t n mnuval olficer or othicers be ( leslgmmated to g C ) doamu in tine ilollammd , amid thou that It b 0 eommnnisslomnc'd. Notwlthnstandlmmg tine rather inoniitIs'e state nnmeumt coinnmnng from Jamnmaicnt to tine effect thin t the niectIitl Svannlsin iloet fromut Cadiz inn S crossed tine Allnmnitlc mntni Is ubonnt to jol ii Ct'rvora today at Saimtlnngo , tine officers a if aii tine Navy departnnmennt refuse to be frigintomne ii at 'imntt they declare to be a bugaboo. I : t appn'mnrs tinat tine basis of their conmfhdemlc 0 is a telegrapinic report of as late date cm 5 tstt'rday , declaring that tno ! Cadiz fleet I 5 still at Cadlz , Moreover , they know the t tinem'e are met so money as sixteen war ship a In tinat Ileet , ( nmptain Sigabee of tine auxiliary cruise i' St , Paul reported at tine Navy ileparttuem : it todnty and mad a conference with Aetin S Secretary Allen. Mesarni , Thrahl and foniem : the two newspaper corretiponndents lmnpris oiled nit havana and recently exchanged ( a ir Spamnishi omcera , vere also at time Navy de I- IartJniennt during tine day. Acting Secretary Allen , late this after . - noon , appointed a court of Inquiry to es amino unto [ hum collision on Iday 28 betwee in the Umnitoil States cruiser Columbia. auth tl 0 BritIsh steamer Foscalla , off Fire Islant : which resulted In tine loss of tine hatter Vet set , Tine court will consist of Commotion 0 \V. I' , McCamnn , retired , Captain George \ 1 , Sunmnmor , Coinnmander C. II. Sperry and Liot I- tennanmt Doinglas , itobimn , retired , us judge nut 1- vacate. They svIll immeet at New York mmci t Moindmny , Time Navy departnnnent found it nocessar I Id todnny to mnnake an explumuntloun of tine mnmethma d it Iunut employed of advancing ann tine lii it tine eniltaimis of tine vessels engaged in II no battle of Mannila. There nnpeaienI to h no great inconsistency Inn tine rcconnnnendu I- Ian ( ion , Captain Frunnnk W'iitles of iloston , ft In. imnstnmnnco , golmng up only five inumnbors , whit to Connnnamndor Wood of the little i'etr imi Jnnmmmped ten. Admiral Dewey inimnicif won it tninomn two mmuenntnc'rs , Tine reason for tlnl. according to the di n- lnartnmnt'nlt uthheluis , is tEnet a znunnhor lii U no higher gentle is worth nmmucin macro tItan a nntnnnntner Inn [ tnt , lower grade , so that wb : it appears to be inn innequahity is , in fact , en C. act equalIty as nnear as caleuiaiua cool Id unmake It , Tlte advance of tbcse otticers on tue nay : at list hints C1SUBOI1 50100 curious "skips , " sue ] In , for Inatcunnee , as In the case of Calitalu Sig : B- lic e , Captain Croyijjfrshmleit1 , and Captalum O'al Nciil of line ordpp.mmce bureau , who wen'o al l luasnioui over. alA A SSIGNING MIlE BRIGADIERS Nc ecEnry of 'WnrIeslgnncs ( i.e Contiun.mnuia tc'IiIel. , , 'l'ii.'se Ufli- cars Are1fn , it. ' Al tn'hneul , WAShlINGTON'3io 3.-The followIng ge neral orders wde by Adjutant clan- or al Corbln tonlghU. fly directIon of tine secretary of war , time foof llowing nssignnneth , ( of brigadIer generals of 'oltnnitors ' nrc mnhtiouneeil : Brigadier ( ] eieoral. 1'dwlmm Stinmnmor , to eoD nmnniaatl the Delnnirtnmlemnt 01 Colorado , at D enver. UrIg.'ntiior ( leneral Peter C. ilaines , to M ajor ( loneral ilrookcm. Chickannauga park. lirigmuller General Ucorgo L. ( hlllespie , to th e First corps , Chlckannauga park. Itrt'nntiier ( lemmeral Marcus I' , Miller , to M ajor General 'esiey Merritt. Lrlgadler ( lotnerni Jacob Kilmue , to tile F irst coups , Cimicknmmnninga imark. lii Igrntlier ( ' , enerai Oswald If , Rnrmneut , to M ajor ( lemnc'rnl hirooke , Clmickannnmnnga perle , ltrlgniiic'r ( ieunc'rnl Lloyd Whneatoti , to the S oventin etrs , Tninmpmm , iirigadler ( lenmernil Arthur MneArtinur , to M ajor Cennerni'sley Merritt. hirigmuhler ( Jcmnnirah ilcmnry C. iiasbrotnek , to tin e Ilt'coind corps , Falls t'lnurcii , Vu. ilrigatiher ( lc'nrrah mum c. Uhhninore , to h euulqitnrten's of tine armniy. lirigatI Icr ( Jemnural VunIlntet' itamltloilnin , to co rnnnnammnh lIgint artillery. 'I'nmnmpa. Brigadier ( ionien'al Jocelnim ii. t3mtuiger , to Zil aor Ocuni'rnl Brooke , Cinicknmunatmgn perk. hirigadler General Charles King , to Mnijor ( Umiic'rah. Vesley Merritt. BrigadIer ( iennorai Micint'al V. h'hieridan , to M ttjnr Geimc'rnul itrooki' , Chnlckniuinnuiga hark. lirigadier Generni Frc'durlcic I ) . ( Irauit , to tb ' First corps , ( 'lmlckannmmunga park. Brigadier Gemneral hlenmr ) ' hl. hlnmcid , to [ h ue Secoimd cormus , F'ahla Cimurcin. lirignmtUer Otmineral Lmncius F. hubbard , to t ine Sevennii ( corps , Tampa. hln'lgadier Genneral ( Icorgo A. Garretson , to ti ne Secointi cents , Falls Church. lirigathior ( lemnerol W'Iillanu A. Gordon , to ti ne Fourth corps , Mobile. BrigadIer C'onm'rai John A. V.'iloy , to the F irst eonils , Chiekamniunga i'ark. him-igadlc'r Gemmernl'iiliannm A. flauncroft , to t he Seventh con pa , Tnmumnpa. llrignfiler Genterni Vi'llllnnn .1. McKee , to M ayer Gemmerah llroolce , Cinickannmntnga i'ark , iirlgadlemlennerni Frauds V. Greenne , to M ajor Gemmerni Wesley Merritt , . Brigadier Cetieral Charles Fltzslrnnmons , , to t Ine Sevenntiu corps , Tanunpa. BrIgadier Gemneral Jossphn I , hudson , to t ine Fotnetin corps , Mobile. Brigadier Cemnerah Jntmies flush Llnncoln , to th e Fourth cores , Mobile. ibrlgadien' GOnmeral James it. Vntles , to M ajor ( ieni'rai lirooke , Chickanmatnga l'ark. Brigadier Gcnmc'rnl'Neison Cole , to tine Sec. o nnti corps , Falls Cinimrcin , BrIgadier General \\'Iiiiani C. Otis , to tine ; F ourth eon-ps , MobIle. I'n'Istiiit'n'ni i , lip llt.ii'msei. NRWT YO1LK June . , 3.-Thirty-nmiunc Span- l ain inrIsonnes. captured on the Spanmisin s teamship Rita , off Porte Rico , on May 8 , a rrived 1mm thIs city today oni time Clyde hue s teaumnshl1) Semnmlmmoio. Tine ) ' \vero turmned over t o [ liii Austriinnn consul for shipnnic'mmt back to S painm. T O DISCUSSMONEY QUESTION ' 1'i'iiii.imlnr Mt'k-iVi to lit. lichil Imi Oitinlmt st'ir Seitt'mnilvr C Ises I'rtiniise of Ccciii literewt , CHICAGO , Junk'E. . V. Snmahley , gent o ral secretary of 'the ' Nationmai Sound Momney la l eague. says [ ho prc'Ilnmlnnry arrangetuent a re complete for tinti miational monetary con- v emntion to be mclii attine Omalna expositIon o n Septenmber la14 mttnd 15 cnext. Leading ecolnoirilstsi journalists , bankers a mid social reformnerzr'nepreunentlnig all 8111CC o the nmonoy question , , mayo promised [ C I al ttend , deliver addresses , and take hart Ia l ine debates. . . The three days-wIR.tme devoted successivcl. r t o gold. sliver amnd paper mmmoney. Lively coin- t roversy Is to be expected , as sonic luronu l unent. mnmenm onn all sIdes vlhi defemnd them prInciples. Imn order to 1mmsuc perfect falrnmess n resolutions xviIi ho Inassed , nor will any tee : L votes he takemn. On tine opeuning day Horace White , odltoi ref of tine Now York EvenIng r'ost , will spea1 : omn the histery of tine gold standard. Ex' Sennator Joseph Carey of Wyoming will tic l iver an address on "Thin Interest of tin W'cstermn States annd Territories In Souni Mouney , " Homn. 3. Sterllmng Mortem of Nt' hranika wIll also speak oni tine gold stamndar side. ibm. W. J. flryan mind lion. Charlo : S A. Towmna no expected to upheld the all ver sIde. Amunoag those who have expressed trlolnhly Interest In this mnlat' of free dhscua stomi are : Secretary Gage , Governor Sinav I' of lou'a , lion. Carl Schurz anti Wiiilaom E ' Dodge of New York , Henry A. Peabody 0 : t Boston , Louts It. Ebrich of Colorado Smringnn Cob.V. ; . C. Cornwehi of Buffalo , N. Y. M. ii. Imngallni of Cinclrmnatl , U. 1' , Itoblnn soni of Chicago mmmd Conguesanneum McClear : , of Mlninesota , Fowler of New Jersey ant Walker of Julassacinunsetta. Tine inivitatlon to the convention , Secrotart Snmmalley says , Is genmeral , no credentials be Inmg needed. TEST A NEW ONE-POUND GU Said to lie ( 'gjuiinip of FlrIing ( liii Ilumitlrril nuind lIgIty hi us Iiniintt. , - NEW YORK , June 2-The Navy depart nnennt teihi mnoke nun exhatnstivo test tinint weal at tine Imndlau inead proving groumnmds of an automatic one-pouimnder nut' , said to hi [ I capable of firing 180 idiots a nnnintnto , sayn tim \'nsinIingtonn corresinommilemnt of th S Tribunne. Tine tremendous ndvnnmntage to hi gained my ueim a wcimpomn nnmay be appreclatec when it Is ruth tinat the best guns now in 'I tine nnnmvni service capable of thnrowimig omno . Pounnil Inrojuctilens are operated witin well thrilled CrttV'ni nit a speed meyer exceethInnj fifteen to twenty shots a ummimnute , anti a [ lint rate for a very brief period. TIne terrific effects on ligint umrnmor of suel :1 : a gun cain inarchly be overestImated , cape - chilly In action against torpedo boats , which n would be renitlered altogether useless in tin In tIny tlnmc nund por,9ins at mutght if a vlgllan wnittdn was munlmntjInmqd agaimnat their closi 13 approach. Thu eftctfi'e range of a torpedi a scarcelY half z-tnite. and until a torpodi a boat can nnpproach'iwitbiin [ lint distance of it battiesiniin or other object of attack , it ; B preec nmnny be practIcally ignored. Pro - jectiIes front a onym-pounder , however , can penetrate any miu'tjJL has yet been fount :1 : feasible to place on torpedo boats or do stroyers. and a qii lnat. can throw over a icuntired one-pound shells within mc mInute would annnihtlate ninny existing torpedo boat before it ; could enter-tine roqulatto half unnlle cIrcle. Ad.tr.'as 1 , ) ' I'rrntlIPmnt f4s'snrnl , GALIfSHUitG , .11k , gjuuno 2.-At the open. Ing of tine Natioflal $ ynod of the Swedish Lutineran church today , PresIdent I' , J. Sw'ard of Onmnhmntl'reati ' mIs amnnual mmnessago , Tims synod nummnbrs )81,124 members nunni 847 churches , eIghty-two of which wore ilodi. cateci In ttue last year , A connatantly Inn- creasing demand for the use of tine Emng. hish language 1mm churches was nnoted , Tine synod will uuntiertake tine estabilsinnment of cinureines inn the Trammnnvaai. lii , , . Jou'in in , ' mm Fs't'igImt 'I'ritlni. KANSAS CITY , Junne 2.- SIx boys and a mum , sitting onn tine edge of tine MIssouri I'aciflc hnridge in Kansas City , Nan , , thIs afternoon , were run down by a frelgmnt tralmi Onm that road , Time nmann. a Iisincrmnmun , namnme unknown , mail hIs bead severed from his hotly. Four of the boys , Albert flight , Hugh hlnnnnnnn , ( tinamlent Lynch anti Robert hart , wore nnora or less seriously hurt. Tine otiner two boys junuicd into tine river below arid esrahned unhurt. I hn I Ir 'i'rn'tnasmry $ mitrmucun t , WAShINGTON , Juno 8.-Today's state- mnnent of tue treasury shows : Avallabie casln bnnhaince , 1f15,11392 ; gold reserve , 171O53- 5O , i si A UNION O1 RACES A nglo-Alnorican Banquet Given in London Develop : EntiinMazm , T WO FLAGS RECIPIENT OF EQIJAL HONORS , % Ifnlr Is Striethy o.i-1'ihItit'suh aunt Alt lii. ' .MciutI.incmus lisiurcss,1 Favor it Closer hinluit He. tirceut the VouimitrIes , T.ODON , JUno 3.-A most uniqino anti sl gmmlflcant , a.q well as omit , of tine inmost en- th ntnsiastic , hamnqinets ever given Inn iMnmtlonl , w ait the Anmglo-Annerlcamn hanrjuOt givemn thIs ev ening nit tine lintel Cecil , Six inu.ndretl . liritons anti Americanis as- se nnubieti fratoemnally , the purpose of tine en- te rtalnnnhemmt hwmnng the promotion of good fe iiowsimlp hotivoenm kImntlreil races. imngI lsiu- nnn c'fl , many of whom imad experienced [ mner- le nin inespitaitty , were [ ho moats , uhnil real- ( l /niirmricnimms were tine guests. i'oiitical , in tisImmes amid literary circles were well reIn- re semnted , lint tine inurnoso of nmmaklnng tine c linic aponitanienus anti a wholly uunofliciai e elebratiomn exelinded time embassy. Aminerlcan and British Ilagni u-crc draped o ver the talnles , nt wimlcin were both nunen a nti womnmen , with ' 'time hag of tine finturti , " th u minIon Jack nnmni the stars anmd stripes , in lemnicti Oii coats of arias. All w'oro buttonnu i em nnblazonncfi with tine two flags surmunouLntimng i [ l ie Cannadiain beaver. , \mnunmg tine bannqueteri vero tine Earl of C arlisle , Viscount l'owerscotnrt , SIr Norman L ocyr , SIr Frederick i'ollock , Sir Itlcinard T enuphe , Lord lieresford , the ileaui of ticre- f ord , tine Ite' . Newmnnaun until , hliramni Mnxlnn I a nd George W. Ward , manager of the Coun- nn nerclal Cable connmpammy Literature anti journallsni were repre. s einteul by Sir Jolnnn itohninnsonn , immamnager oh ] ti me Jaily News ; Aifroti liarmmnsworth , prorn li rlotot' of the DaIly Mall anmil Rvenmlmng News ; W Illlanum T. Stead , editor of tin' Review 01 ] lt ovlews ; Sir \\'aiter Branmt , Anmtinouy hope , , D r. Conman Doyle ninth MIss Beatrice harm- , cl enn , Lom'd Bernard Colerhige ItresInheth. Toasts t o the queen auth to tine presiulonit of the U nited States were honnoreil. acconnpannieti b y tine stralnms of "God Save tine Queenm" and , " The Star Spangled hiammmnn'r. " Lord Coleridge , iii proposinng tine health o f Presldcnnt Ilciclmniey , mlii : "Where can t ime old world sinew such a hue of rulers of m mcmi as inave been the free choice of tine A unerican people ? " . A tt 1I'p iuiniun' Sent I I jitelits. "Fraternity anti tine future alliance" per- v aded all tine speeclnes. The speakers were t ine hilmulnop of Itipon ( time itt , Rev , \Vlhllani fl oyd Carpetmter ) , Lord I3rassey , Colonel T aylor , iresldennt , of tIne Annnerican society i n Londomu ; Sir George Witliann Votmunx , New- l oin Cone , the formnmer Inresitlennt of tine Arner- iA i society itt Lonmdomm ; Earl Grey , Prof. A lbert von Ileey , George W. Cable ann ! Sir Fa retlerick Pollock , iwofessor of jtnrisinrudencu a t Oxford. Tine Emighish aleakers laud the achieve- nments of the revolution as ennthusinsticahly a s it they mad boom their own vlcton'Ics. \ 'hiere null tine sermons vere inracticahhy upon t he same text extended quotations would be monnotonotns , "Motin 'r Coumntry" and "Soils i leyond tine Sea" were vhrases reiterated by all tine speakers. The bIshop of fliponm elIcited great en- t huslasni by a pointed reference to tine ivar , s aying [ Lint although both nations had beenm accused of worshIping tine dollar , "we both kmnow whent to .spemmd our money and we know winat causes are worth spenmding any inrice for't Lord Coleridge prayed that vIctory mlglmt perch on tine American banner , "Imn the iii- tercst of AmerIca , In thmO interest of Spalnm ainci in time Interest of comnnomt inurnaumlty. " "Twice Amnierica hums fought with all ( tnt might , " inc sail ! . "The first fight was forced imy the imbecility of time kIng. anti it was rigint. ( Cineering. ) The seconnd time it ( ought for the freedoni of slaves , anti the same slnlrit is with it yet. " ( Trenneunilous clneerinng. ) He advocated a permanent tribunal for the setticmnmenit of lntermnationnh differences. Lord Brattitey said there were closer ties than a writterm alliance , ties whtcin could not be broken. Mr. Taylor raised a ijurrlcanno of cineerimmg by saylmng : "As you have stood by us mt our dniy of trial , when ypur day of trial comes count upon usa. " Sir Frederick Pohlock replied , predicting thucre would be "one fleet umider two flags to keep the peace of tine world. " A number of telegranns of coungratuhation were read ( corn Iirltlsin and Annmerican bodies lucre and nbroad. IlliU'i'ItiN.tN'I' ] l'lihtlt ? nniitnmi'.l Assistnnsnt ( tnunirtu'rninnLsnt.'n' . ss'Itin Itniuila ( If Cuuiutuulo. WASHINGTON , June 3.-Licutennarit A. V. I'erry of tine Ninnth cavalry , now on tluo stuff of Major General Copplmmger , inns bc'emn nonnmhnnated assistant quartermaster , with the rank of captain. i'iiNSiOS FOil. tVCS'i'EiIX VH'I'Hll.tNS , S.rs'Ivors of Lnte % 'lnr Itn'mii'iiibereui my I lit' ( eicn'utl Gos'i'rui uint'mit. WAShINGTON , .rumme 3-Slneclal.-Penn- ( ) abuts have been Issued as follows : iSsue of May 21 : Nebraska : RestqratIomn amid lnmcreasa- ' ilnonnas ( I , McLatmghl inn ( deceased ) , 'l'abie Roche , * 8 to $12. lmmcreanse-JiIisert Masenu , McCooi Jumnctlon , $8 to $10 ; George W. hhle- vinma , Ahblonn , $ i4 to $17. ion-a : Originmal-Joinnn it. Pumninhnrey , Ma- on CIty , $8 : John Id , Oertel , Sherrili , $ U ; George T. Rails , Spencer , $6 ; Noaln hioonm , Clinton , 8 ; Royal VlIsnn , iockford [ , $111 : i'entiuunn A , Sinaw , Soldiers' hounne , Marshall , $1 ; , huncrease-MIIoa D , Halter , Marshall- town , $6 to * 8 Marcins If. Jirowum , Ciinntonn , $ lU to $17. Orlglmmuii witlows , etc.-itebc'cca \'Itsoui , Muddy , $8 ; Suannmma S. Comuley , Di- agoital , $8. Colorailo : Original-Spocial ( , May 23) ) Charles ItobIusonn Las Amituuaa , 8 ; Aitnert ii , iiunnmtston. ioldtura' borne , RIo ( irammilo , $8 ; Jose1ii1 5 , Loug , ( .ireedo , $10 ; % VIIhlarn j , Moore , Durango , 16. OrIginal wIdows , otc-Martina E. CanurtlaIn. South iakota : Additioaah-Joinun W. liweat , Edgemoimt , $0 to $12 , Muujorily 'Vote for iliNhial , JiroWi. CLFVELANt)1 0 , , June ,3.-Archbislnop lirowun , coadjutor.blntlmop.elect of Arkansas , today received the ( ollowiung tolegrauni from - the e tnlaluop of Albany , wino In' the' aetlnng hneul o f the church "Forty luIinlns eonseimt , lIe" c elveti tolay ( , V. C , tonne ) , ' ' B URN A NEGRO AT THE STAKE h "rlEIii'nuI i'mtnisiinieii ( tlpcnl ( Ii , a Cnit.rcul lies' I miner i , ' a .iiuhi iii lnui Insiniunt , IAL1.AS , Tox. , June 3.-A special to time N ews from Sinrevoport , lit. , says : A tiiouununth veople gatinered at Doyllne , w iulcii Is stttlntetl on tine Vlcksburg , Sinm'eve- hi ort & i'aclflc railroad , atout eighteen nnnlles ( coin here. to witness tine bunrnlmug at tine s take of WIhilani Street , a negro wino mit- sT st t f'uulntel ( tiio ruilmn cmliii murder of Mrs. Parish. T he crIumno was connnnnlttcni ont thin mIght of M ay 30. The people erected a Post incnmr tine railroad t rack mmpar time lenin , quIetly mlii [ hue light. w oed ninth klnmdlinig sattnratcnh wIth coal oil , m mii cinnlmieth Street to tine ; oaL Street is at glumger breed colored malt about 2 8 years of ego. lie conufeanieci time crinne to a colored nnniunIster , hint saId a colored nmnaui mn mimnicti Jeinmi Itinodes was Immmhnllcateii , m S'hic'ii goting to the stake tie Inokeil t f rigittenmed mmmii refused to iunve aumythinig to . s ay. I he was tied to time stake minut inttoretl m et a worth as tine craekilnmg Ilamnns shot a bove hIs mcml , Thu liannes were started at. 1 o'clock , It uvam ; it itlckeinimmg sight , m'inlchi i nsteil toni nunlunutes , winenn Street was a I c harred unmass , \'eil kniowni lawyers inuulc speeches warn- l ung tine crowd of unegroes tinnit stick a crlnnne I voinitI inot he tolernntent inn a civilIzed conmn- mtnnmlty. , Tinu wounnut whonii Street assaulted Is hut c c critIcal cointhitloni. TRXAIt1cANA , Ark , , Junne 3.-YesternIny n mcornniung little Jessie Scott , claughitol' of tine ; ciretnit clerk , J. V. Scott , was outraged by a mnegro nmaunieni hut ilmiyulcnm mncmtr F'nirvlew. ! lie uuts arrested until lotigeul hi jail last n night. I At high mnoonm today a connnmniIttee of sevemi I of tine best mmcml imn tinls localIty took Iitnynienn to Mrs. Scott's rcslnlt'nmce until placed mmii I u n the barn winere tile crlnnme was connmmnmlttt'd. Tint yotnug girl mas taken to th'e scenic , auth I uponm emnterimng the hiurnn saId , "That's tine , n nnamm. " lie was handed over to tine noah. A roie PIneed itroinmnd mis imeek munch tine crow'ti lnegamm nnovimng , Ann opennlmng isas innnnie amid tinroughn tine limes tine unegro was dragged , annul everybody hilt mInim as inc weumt. Tine I mime was fixed so It would nnot cinoke mimi , mitt a ruin uas nmmndnm ( or a tree. Fimunily tl'e erowtl hnaiteil nit the Ironn ; Mounntalmi crossing unnul tine relic was thnrouvnn over a Ilinnin of a tree wink-In stood wltinimn a few feet of where Eu Coy muns hnirumeii for a like ofk'ntse , iii' was then jemked lunto [ hue aIr , tine rope tied , mmd as the iomly os- cillatd It us'as rltldlc'I , witim binlli'tnt. Tine crowds Inncreast'tl even'y nmnomnnemnt , anti t an lrcnnn liloinuutaimu train u-as held an hour , I as [ lie crowd refinsed to get oil time track. , r ' line hotly swunng fronun tine lImb several incurs anal was viewel , by thousands of people. GETS READY FOR MERCHANTS Lurgi' Al ( emi.luuieejtapcn.teui in t Ft rat ( 'omnst'uif lout uil Soun ( It 1)nnkoti lta'tnII..rs , HURON , S. H. , Juno 3.-Speclal-Tinls ( ) city Is time accrue of activity imm anticipation of tine first annmuul mnieeting of hue South Iakota Retail Mercimmnunts' associatloun. Mayor Cleaver Is pUttlnng inn mIs spare [ mime on tine weicomnniung nipeccin ; inc Is ahnio having I Sleclnii heey nnmnde : for tine city , tinIcii will be gracefully snirreumdered to the visit- lug nmerchannts , Juino 8 ninth 9. This nasociatlon Is now onnt' year old. It has 725 usid nnnemmnhc'rs , eonnposed cit all classes of retailers. Its object is to promote - mote [ be business of its nnennbcrs and the welfare of the state , to keep tine retail trade mit bonnie nni Inn it natural channels , to inrotect its nienthers anti [ lie hiubhic from frauds annd immjunstlce and to stiunulate frienndly lmntercourse aunnoug merchtannts. Mucln Interest is taken mu this m.uovennent by nuauufacturers , jobbers until trade journals throughout the counntry , Several exhibits will be nniade at the mnmeetIng by mironmnluent nmnnnufacturers and It Inn expected that zimany inca of eninluenice In tine world of trade and Journalism will attend , 'ofrir % 'utaflhi on , Itulipisi 'J'runii. PIERRE , S. D. , Juno 3.-Speclai.-Tho ( ) harttes in thus city wino have been working upon the lnrolect of pumtthmmga motor wagon on the road inetween mere amid Rapid City have itt last received assurances [ mat tinelr wagon will soon , an' here. There inns been a great deal of delay Inn securing the wagomm , hut It is prornnlsed mow by the middle of the nnmonmtin. There is a great deal of enurloslty as to how the wagon will work cnn tine trail , Oh winicit tinere are a nurnnber of sharp grades , but it is guaranteed to work on amy grade winichu exists along tine trail , aund it It Praves the success y'inicii the Ironlnoters expect of It , there is a great deal of bush- muss ( or It on tine line. fun llerui of mmuira.'a. P1ERII1 , S. D. , Junme 3.-Speclai.-Omme ( ) of tine largest inertia of inorses wlnlcin inns : been drivemn through thmls niectlomn of tine cotnnmtry for years Is on time road somt'wlnc're betwecmn hero and the Hills coummtry. Tine herd counslsts of about 1O0 heath , and be. longs to W. I. Walker of Onnhahn , They are expected inn hero sounno tlmmne thIs u'eok , anti will lie driveni east for sale theonnghn tine ' country , hocus of tints size have mnot been seen inn tinis sectIon of time state for years. .ttiguisdgiii ii t'oI leg. ' Ctuuin miuemnn'euuiu'uu * ' CANTON , S. I ) . . .Junmo 3.SinecIal.Tin ( ) class of ' 98 , conmsistlng ; of five younng wonton : amid tinnime young much of Augustanna college , ' gradumateti wIth high inomnom's , Tine elaborate comnnnencemniennt exercises were mdii in tine college chapel at 10:30 : in. rim. Jim tine even- lung the AlumnI association served a banquol at Hotel hiarlarn. liii nient , , , J mual I I lit Innua ( nmnaniluhmi Ic HURON , S. D. , June 3.-Ulpeclni 'l'ele. grann-Thna ) South lnnknta PresbyterIan Syinoni this mnfternoonn voted to coimsohidate the Scotlamnd academy amid Pierre unIverait aund locate time santo here in [ mine ( or tine September term , Tine Hoard of 'rrunntt'cn was named to superintend thuc removal. JIomtnn'sttlc ( lInii Up. LEAD , S. U. , Jimmie 3-Spt'cIal ( Tehegranm , ) --Tlne Ijonnestake , couopa.ny . hues just iimmndt Lion largest two weeks' clean tip inn its his tory. IMPRISONED FOR INFRINGING UPON Aftoiin a ris "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS.8 A Piiladolphia ) party ss'ho i1111)OSCd U3)Ofl tim ptibl'lc by' refilling Apollinat'is bottles bearing the genuine , labeis , 811(1 ( also used counterfeits of tim Apollinai'is labels , was i'ecoutly lomiged in Moyahhlonsiug Prison , Philadelphia. Complaints will roco'ive vigorous attention if addi'assed to UniLoti Ageiicy Company , t03 1'ifth Avenue , New Yovk , Solo Agents of TIlE APOLLIiV54RIS CO. , LTD. , LONDON. - ( pUPOFfl t'vk ' ( 11113 EXCELLECfl OP SYRUP OF FIGS c Is ( Itue not. emily to the origimmality anti siiuiphielty of the c'ouumbImnnttouu , hut niao to tine care nmul hicill with vhiIcln It hi nmanmifmucturcnl by tvIt'nitile % hroeses ) hcmnoivmu tin flue C.iIIl'omntl.t Iiu Si'itlJl' Co. ommlj , ' , itnmch V.'O i'isit to huupre.'s upon nh tine Imuulwurtantc : of tureinnna1img tluo true mutti oi'iginmil reunnetly. iin tine geuutnlnn , Srunis of 1igs is iiuuu iunfactun'ed his tim t.Al.Ii'OitiIIA i'iti St-until' Co. omni , ' , uc iemnowletigo of tiuit fueL will " " nsslnt cue in nvohulmig the wortinless Iimtltnttiomus utmunufactiurcul i' other Par- ties. 'line high standing of tine C.tIh- FtltNiA ) i"hl ( SV1IUL' Co. wmtht tine unwell. cal prinfession , atitl tine hatisntetiomi ( shiiein tine gennilune Syrup of Figs bus g'cveii to mucilhiomis of fnmnnilies nnnnthces the nmnunne of the' ( ommmpmiumy a gnmnirnimty of tine ext't'lieunetm of its neunnedy. I I us far iii nudvunnec' of uihh othici' lnxnth'es , Its it itc'ti emi tine k'uiimneys , liven' utmid bowels without irritat lung or wcuiiceu. ' immg tbemnn , anul It ilot'g not gripe nnor mnnunsemtte. Inn order to get. us bent'tlc'inl effects , m1omuPit ecmneninber tine mnununc of " 1. , tine Cointpany- CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. $ .N PIi'tCZniCu ) . ( 'ni. t.ormR't V t ' ' - - - ' , . . . . . . . . . 'i'm ; , y , y , - - DUFFY'S PURE MELT Wll1SKY ALL. . DRUCQISTS. - - - A til FS H M H 'l's. ' I - QMAIIA MUSUM AND TIIEATR [ , iiin-iuiv : : lrgrnijtnu Sript. 0 l'13N I ) it I l.V PR iitl I 'I't ) It ) 1' . M. \\'mli. I I. 'i'moost , Mmnnmniger. 's Grout 11111 for LitniaIIiiit VeeIa o ( Mita' _ miii. Omen I , Set teriche Fa mnnll ) ' I ianiil , elgint pen. 1110. dtrec't fronn limiope ; i'mIincc Kntrlo 'I uio Circuteslitnu lirimnet' frormmn.Lu .lInmor ; \'IrgIi Ora'er4 , sIttitteth tiny ; tllie. OlIR'ette. Intinrunun gal' . let ; Kit'ist hirmtllt'r4 , , eie.'trle bILek ant. I mu t ft t' ' .h'Inea I , ) run tim-i .1 i t I e llc'i n , t ft us n-In liii ontl i'n' , I in her Ctiint in-A nm en'ic'mi in tin mcc's ; Inlack mcmii I hoard , enunnethimunis ; J'nof. lnur- : unell J uggler ; ( 'lityt umi ititil Dintiutt , t Inc ( 'oh I until time inetmbrt'tte ; Electn'o llltnmnnlnated vu- ettiiet. I ( It' Ad iii I Is In , A Ii. Senitil t' enid ( ) e , 1' 6rand Opening , B 0 yu Ixposition Week. Ttl. 1919 , 'l'Ul'V , i . ' ' ' ' ' : :811. 1'Ot Ihi'l' t4mI 'i. Ii'I'INlI SA'l'UltlAY. ntt'tiirut hiiiniiuJ.ctitit'mi t If MR. TIM MURPHY iii OLD INNOCENCE aihU srn HINRY IIYPNOTIZD. I'rlcps-iower hour , $1.00 , Tie. flal. 'l3c , Me , Matlmnee-Lower Floor , 50c. limmi , Mc. 21c. 'ri- , ' l'tixiiui .C iItnrgeai .iase V.SL5SLUiJLI Matiagerm' . Tel. 1531. 0. ii. 't\'toti wtrd : , A inniusc'mnnt' n t. Di ri'ctor. 'l'OD.t'i' : , UI C ; . 'IUNIDt'i' IlnOO. 'i'i11 VOOiflVAIIl ) $ 'u'UCI ( CO. I'resenntlmng Young Mrs. Winthrop - SI'I6CIA lJI'l Ei4-'I'hie Ilitumifici is a nud ( in. ViPRiuum.a. sici.t : t'-.l 131 , 'l'IIli i'hiN3I.N , " Speelmtities-Lehtoy & Cltl.'ttlmi , Ifrynint & Savilhe , t'rimnnumltus & ( more. I'nrties Iivimng nut of time city wino destr to 'istt tilil theatre nilmnnuld under sests : b ) mail or telegraph miii seatS mire soul two ii'eks Iii nttl'nninee ; state Poitli'mlY iiutt ierfrimnnnmle amid tiut. Addrus 0. I ) , \'oo(1wurtl. ( - . . ' G U I LL'S ( : ONCI11'l' ( l A R lEN Siuuuthientat Coi. I ill ) . a nu,1 mu vn mnport. 1. N ticntji , i'rop. and Mana5er. Antrmuetlinmn , fir week iicy : 'JO : thl' ( Iydt , Itod rntI I 'npunn ' Inn' I mi.tn . ' ' . 1 g u rnt- memttg.t n'n'm.'i ( ia n n-tnt i : md in or'l wtinitior iv ii ti's t Inn inn it t cc iv I m In liii r ; ' ' 'l'Ii ii , Jnnln mn'.oni'4-Vmiy in m song in un ti il alien , nu m tI-ni ' 4 ; Nm in inn un ii & II tim re -itit II mn ed alcu ic , Ii nnrtl't- . : ( Jlliilnamn & ht'Itinnnrn--'i'Ino ) fncvunrit cit Icewu I be n' ' , ; h'rt'uI i' I mini ) misc in - - bn : nngi is go in L- ly , N. hi.-'ltnn't fall to .eo oume great First I 'it rICa Ic a- \tn I ItFl un a Ic. lnt I ly ) inn t I muecs t'XL'ejnt iioi ) tintys au : ftt ) n no. ' .1 , am-n ) . BIJOU THEA'1'Eft 1lli ninth Cutmiltol . , i.s'e. .7 , 13. HENRY. MANAGER. 111011 CLASS VAUDEVILLE AN1) SI'1'Cl.t I.'i'IES EViitY NIGh' ! ' ANI ) SUNDAY , 8:30. : AdmnminmsIon Ito , i'uihitlIoN'I' : lIW'l NU COi l'I % V'S hlI ? . % IQ I . % iI'l'i1ltS. tADlLS' ; ct ULNIS' CONCIRT hAIL J am 1 ( 'I , ( ' , Sr'I. f4tnutii Skit , JeiTen'soim Sununre. ( lANiONIi1' ' V "s'1C hi'I' AMlSSIO FI11ii. A. 1'hiIiltG , l'rep. BASE BALL Today. 3:30 : P. M. OMAHA vs. DETROIT BASE BALL At Old Fort Omaha Everj Sundaj. it IM ISSI ON FR EE. , liO'IlIint. ( hlnnrnpeamn.i ThB BaImoraL4dIII. 1510 hlarzney lit , , opp. Crelgintomn Theater and Convu'sntiomt Iluli. \\ti. : II. MORAN ! ) , Propr , THE MILLARD 1 StIn amid 1)otnglus Stut. , Omuaiiiu. c'iNTitA14-.Y LOLATSD. . _ /i.3I11llhlLt ANt ) llhiIIOJ'Ji4N h'I.t5 J It. 3l.tltlDl. C : SO.1 ' , J'rolIs , -HOTEL BARKER- Con , lIT ! ! AND JONES St. OMAHA. 11.85'1'1:8 : ii.ro t'tn tm.oii l'EII n&y , ltlecirIo cur. dIrect to ennpositiomn Eruuud. . FRANK liAltKlClt , Cuu.uicr. } . . . . . . : . , SAM iJAUMAN CaIsI Cieric. M URIt'A Y 1 IoTfl.L : , i4tin mind llarney SI , Amnmcrlcaa h'irtui-3 to 4 dollars per day , Street cars frommm depots and ( coma hotel to IixioSIti0U , Croumnds itt fifteen minutes. 13. SILLOWAY , Managir. . _ - ' - - - - - -