' 1'fE C/,1 Al AUY BTU : ATWtDAY , TUNU'4 , 1898 , : , 'v C C vc SS S :5 5S5t5 U5v v 'S 5v5 5 "vo Lvl . . , MeetinO COUSID A9uthd. . . By ANNIE HI DONNELL , , _ jr S 55S"v 55 555" c CS .5&s - - - - fl t ( Copyright , 1819 , Tha S. R. McClure Co. ) " 1eartseale ! ? " flu had comu back tor Another goodhy klEs and loomed above her Impreastvcly. She put up her fragile finger aml caught his coat lapels , "You won't make a masB of it dear boy ? You'll keep your whole mind on Cousin Agatha ? ICeep saying , 'Catkin Agatha- Cousin Agatha-Cousin Agalha' over nod over , so you Won't forget you're going to meet her. " "Cousin Agatha-Cousin Agatha- ' " 0 , no , you needn't ' begin uoW ! 0 , Porn , it mnkcs me have the told sblvers-If I could only go Instead of gout" Tha face of heartsease against the pillow was wdstfut and distinctly anxious. Prof , l'omcroy Pettlnglll Leo regarded It with whimsical tenderness , "Iou't worry , little Ivoman , " ho cried cheerfully , " 11n on my goad behavior this tine. You shall sco how 1'1l distinguish myself - self , lloper mi1nydic 1f I don't. . " "Well , I'II trust volt , Porn. Now , let me review you once more. She's little tike me- "i.ltllo tike me , " murmured the big man meekly. "Ami(1 doesn't ' wear glmscs-most everybody - body does , ym1 know-and has light hair and smiles , When we went to school to. gelher she always smiled. I should know her just by that. Now , say your lesson after Inc. ' lie repented it gravely. "There , now you may go , dear boy. If he only doesn't get things mixedt" she thought , following the hag , square ftgilre acrols the room with loving eyes , "If lie ohIy does it right ! I'oni , l'om ! " "At your service , 'm : ' "No , don't costa back. Are you certain sure you read the letter all through ? " „ "Roper-may-die if 1 didn't , little woman ! " " 0 , dear , " still worried lleartsease softly , "it I'd only read ItVhy ! did I have that nervous headache just when it came ? And then why did Porn lose It ? 0 , dear ! " McmIWhtle Prof. Pomeroy Pettiugill Lee was owingng ! down street with painful alertneas in every motion of his big figure , lie was keeping his nand on cousin Agatha. Wild horses themselves should not drag it away. 'rim city clock clanged loudly , insistently in his cars and remhmded him of the flight of time , lie hailed a passing car and settled - tled himself comfortably on one of its cush- loned seats. Might as well ride and reserve nil his strength for cousin Agatha. There was a trifling hitch hh his complacent - cent self-resignation when the conductor came around for fares , Where in the world was that change ? Confound it , a malt had nil many pockets as a centipede had feet ! Au , there ft wets , and something else , too- coustA Agatha's lost letter , 'I'll review ft again , maw it's turned up again co handy , " thought the professor , smoothing out the crushed , sweet-scented sheet on his knee. "My dear cousin-m-m m-m m-m-and reach you at about three forty-five in the afternoon ( amt's all right side up-rnan- what ! " The professor straightened himself , aghast with horror. lie ] mil never seen that part before. Heavens , no ! He didn't read that to Heartsease. Now , why by nil that was mighty must a woman tack on a postcript to everything she wrote ? And this post- script-The poor mnn groaned aloud in his extremity - tremity and the meek little man beside him was moved with pity. "Are you fn Pain , sir ? " he inquired softly fn his ear. "I'ain ? pain ? I'm In the last extremity. I'm nearly gone. " And he was obliged , out of sheer gratitude for the little man's compassion , to accept one of the little white lozenges he proffered with nervous cordiality , "P. S.-I shall bring baby with me. Of course I could not leave him and besides I know he will amuse you. he Is so cunning. ' She was going to bring the baby with her ! Cousin Agatha was going to bring time baby ! And Iiearlsease hadn't known U , to tell him what to do ! ifs half rose to his feet with a wild idea of going back to little heartsease for dl- rectlons. Then ho sank back on his seat again , for the city clock was clanging half past 3. Too late ! "You have had bad news , sir ? " crooned the little meek man's kind voice again , "Yes , 0 , yes , certainly , confounded bad news ! Cousin Agatha's going to bring- that Is-er-I will bid you good day , sir. I-will get out here. " No need of imposing Cousin Agatha's baby on everybody else , lut confound it , the little meek man didn't look as if a baby would throw ldln Into a panic. Ile probably had plenty of 'emtat home. And they hadn't known-Ifeartseaso and he hadn't-that there was any baby in Cousin Agatha's quarter of the world , But of course they might have Imagined It-well , + n I s t . d 1 4 i 4'y ' 'y ' ; Tl1E MEEK LITTLE MAN BESIDE HIM WAS MOVED W1Tli PITY , there was nothing for It now but to no. edit the Inovllable-and tha baby , One to make ready , two to start , three to-got The 346 ; express was just steaming into the great station with grunts of dlsnp proval at being pulled up , Crowds of out- goers were eddying toward the long chain of cars , to be presently met and jostled by the incoming throng , Cabmen were shouting with hoarse persistence snit hag' gage was being methodically maltreated , Confusion was rampant , Prof Pomneroy Pettlnglll Lee , whim great presence of minl , wailed near fine entrance of the ladies' room for Cousin Agatha and the baby , They would have to go lu through that door and out through the opposite - posite one-they could not escape hmi ! lie felt a wild Impulse to accost all the women us they approached with "Are you Cousin AgalliaT-or you-or you ? " Fortune favored him , for in all the steady stream of tntvel.stalned , weary women filtering through the door past him , there were only two babies and one of those was a little shiny affair iii ebony , The other one was , of course , Cousin Agatha's baby. "here goesl" muttered 1'rof. Pomero y Pettlnglll Lee , setting hla teeth and brush- lag past the babyless womeu with a stifle d groan , and fortifying himself with tb c memory of little lieartsense. The white baby'i mother vu "I1tUe" - he docked off the items on his fingers men- lnlly-"didn't ucar glasses" ( or did Cousin Agatha wear 'em-and ) "smiled. To be inure , It was a very faint , tired smite that , It was evident enough , was entirely for the ( baby's benefit lint a smile's n smile , and this one served to Identify Cousin Agatha. The little woman sank down on a seat near the door , and proceeded to rearrange the baby , whose soiled little clothes were' ' . in a tumble. 'rho professor , wailing to reinforce his courage , heard her crooning to it In the fashion mousers love-"There , there , it shall be nil amoolhy-smooth again , yes it shall ! Mother will drive away all the ugly wrinkles-.so , " The baby crowed appreciatively , The little pink , creased face swayed , and wriggled into Its bonnet , "Let me take the baby , " the professor said , plunging in without foolish waste of ceremony , There's just time to catch the 4 o'clock car tip. " The weary little mother looked up at the lowering bulk of the big , strange man , with a gasp of meek astonishment. lie was clutching at the baby-he hind him ( n his arms ! Land of mercyl But his eyes were honest and kind. "Arc your l'om ? " she stammered , eagerly , searching the resolute , mbrtyr-like face for possiblepolnts of resemblance to her ! den of 1 "Cordelia's husband. " "She said he'd meet us at the depot. " "Certainly , certainly , " assented the big t little woman , the poor little woman ! Would ' she ever trust him again ? ! 'ell I'm In for it , " groaned his thoughts , "I've got to see It through-the baby , anyhow. The little flushed , Bleeping face appealed to him and not in vain , "I'll get hlni landed and then I'll set the town crier'on Cousin Agatha. We'll find her between - tween and betwixt us. When she's landed. I'll sail for Europe ! I'll ' get 'em to send me on a scientific expedition to Africa-the north pole-anywhere. " A little later he "landed" Cousin Agalha's baby. Striding through the bail toward hlenrtscaso's room he heard voices-the little - tle woman's , low and sweet , and brisk , clear- cup , unknown tones-and a little gurgling voice keyed to high notes , "flush , baby ; hush , time clear-cut voice said chidingly , lieartsense had companyl-was ( hero no letup to n man's misery anywhere ? But the door opened and the lilllti woman cano slowly , painfully toward him. " 0 , Ponll" and her voice had reproachful echoes In It.Valt till Bhe knew the worst ! In the dusk of the little ball the baby escaped Instant notice. " 0 , Porn , ehc's come-she took a carriage amid just got here a minute or two ago , " "Who's come ? Not Cousin Agatha ? Tell too quick ! " "Yee , of course-Cousin Agalha. Did you forget she was coming to see tat ? " The gentle , reproachful voice tried hard to be stern and cutting , butt he dad not heed 1t In the least , lie was pusldng by her holding out a limp bundle fit arm's length. "The saints be thanked ! " he was ejacu- hating heartily , "Let me pass , little too- mnnn. I've got herbaby-It's all safe. " "You've got what ? " "Cousin Agatha's baby-here it is. No , you can't lift It. I'll carry it in , 1'se got to face it out , and the Lorlt help nm ! " 1 oneroy I'etlingii ! Lee , you Stand stock 1 , ' A A Y t N II 1I mfvvy , , i , M . _ - 1 a / . : ( . f Won rfrlU i HE STRUGGLED ACROSS AND DROPPED TILE BABY INTO hiElt' LAP , man briskly , thinking cousin Agatha a lit. tie familiar with pet names. No one but Heartsease called him Porn-he did not notice - tico the changed consonant. But what did it matter ? It was the baby that mattered , and the baby was adjusting himself to the broad shoulder and crowing like a young bantam. His grimy little fists were porn- meling the professor's cheek bones with tin- partial thumps-the baby was quite at home ! "Iiere abe goes ! Your bag , ma'arn-that's right. I can take it in my other hand. Now then , well have to step a little bit lively. " And they were presently crossing the great room and making excellent headway toward the 4 o'clock car up , Prof. Pomeroy Pettingiii Lee was conhcious of feeling a modest degree of pride al his own handiness with the crumpled , squirming little budget on his arm-It was easy enough , if you shut your eyes and plunged in. how proud Heartsease would be ! In his mind's ' eye ho saw her pale little face Itghling up approvingly - ingly and in his mind's ear Heartsease was saying ; "Splendid , Porn ! You're doing it like a hero ! " I'oor little Heartsease , in his mind's eye he could not see the wistfulness in her face that crept in always at the sight of little children-and In the "dear boy's" arms ( Cousin Agatha's baby plunged wildly and was caught with a neat trick that presented itself for the emergency out of the mist of old base ball days. The danger was over for that lilac. Julius Caesar , ltd all the babies have St. Vitus' dance or was It an affliction monopolized by cousin Agatha's baby ? How often did time fits come on ? Would there be time to get to the car before the next one ? A group of the professor's students looked up in undisguised amusement as the little procession swept.by them , and one of them collapsed weakly Into the arms of the others , "hold me ! Save me ! " he gasped. "The old chop's picked up somebody's kid in an absent-minded fit and Is making off with it ! " Half way down the long station the baby's mother made a discovery that filled her with dismay. "Land of mercy , I've left my little handbag , " she cried , but in the din the professor did not hear. , "I must have left it right where I was sitting-I'll burry back-I won't ho gone more'n a minute ! " And the crowd swallowed up her rusty hilly figure. On the corner outside of the station , the professor and cousin Agatha's baby balled it wildly , r "Hurry up ! " shouted the conductor , crossly , milt fingers twitching on the rope. Time professor stood aside for Cousin Agatha to enter , and then followed time stout , unwieldy female down the aisle unsuspecting - suspecting and serene. St far , everything was going on finely-tho'saints send a pros. porous eliding to the enterprise ! Ile settled himself and readjusted the baby with an air , of olt'hnnd case that' tallied oddly with his perspiring , anxious face. Ile got out hie watch and Jackllnifo for playthings , opening the knife'abaonlly 1)11(1 extending 1t handle , foremost , with a slight , courteous inclination lotvard the small grasping fists. Fortunately It dropped to the floor and Cousin Agalha's baby's life was saved , The car jolted on block after block , making ing slops and jerking into motion again , it waa well "up" before Prof. Pomeroy Pet. tingill Lee suddenly realized that It was incumbent - cumbent on hhu to converse a little with Cousin Agatha. Certainly , certainly-what bad he been thinking of ? Thu baby had fallen asleep and the immediate danger of ammolher fit was over-he might look away safely for a moment , "Er-it's pleasant weather " he very , ventured - tured cheerfully , "It's raluhhg , snapped the stout lady beside him , tilling her nose In palpable scorn , ny all that was mnlghty-she wasn't ' Cousin Agatha ! Where was Cousin Agatha she searched the car witht eager eyes-ho e'en looked omit on the platforms , Nobody Was Cousin Agatha. And Cousin Agalha's baby purred In gentle slumber on his anal Hu had left Cousin Agatha's baby's mother behind-shades of mighty Caesar ! A wild desire to raise time window and drop the baby out seized him-another wild Idea of rushing back to the station surged tvitb kindred Ingiulses through his brain , A cold perspiration broke out all over him. Walt-he mutt reflect. lie must be c oi. , What would Ifeartseaso advise , the poor still where you arc. Don't move Now tell me everything-whisper It , " She hovered weakly between him and the door. The shrill little voice within kept ooh insistently and helped then out. The professor deposited the drowsy baby carefully on the floor and laid his watch on top of it with propitatory Intent. Then he faced the little woman boldly. "I didn't mean to run away with it. I thought she was there , loo-Loper-may-die if I didn't think so , little woman ! But the little chap is safe enough. I took care of him. Now , let me preseotnrms and get ft over with. I'd rather face the cannon's mouth , " , . - "But Porn-0 , Pomeroy , Pettinglil Lee- but she's got It now , this minute. Of course , situ's got it ! " "Got what ? " thundered time professor , regardless - gardless of caution. "Tile baby , Cousin Agatha's got time baby , 0 , where di(1 you get this one ? What have you done ? " She was down on the ! Poor beslmle the soiled , tumbled baby , peering Into its little puckered face and fingering the tiny moist hands. It was a baby , anyhow , however it got there , Cousin Agatha's got the ' baby-this isn't Cousin Agatha's baby ? " mumbled the professor - fessor stupidly , "Then , " reviving suddenly , "hers was the black one. There wasn't any other white baby but this , I guess I can count two ! She had this one when I spoke to her- " " 0 , Pont , watt-do wait ! You've got it all mixed up. You didn't speak to her-you spoke to somebody else. Cousin Agatha wafted and wafted for you and then she took the hack up , Now , wait , let me think- " Heartsease rocked herself back and forth In a wild attempt to unwind the tangle. Suddenly elm stopped amid gazed up at the looming figure sternly , "Which way dbld it come , Pom-the train ? Did It come from the west ? " "I-It came from the east , " stammered the professor , getting a mental view of the puffing train into focus. Hla hair rose in languish-lie hadn't thought of that before , "And Cousin Agatha's train came from j the west , " the voice ofrfeartseaso was say. lag in his ears , like the voice of fate. For a minute they gazed into each other's ' faces In horrified silence , Then they laughed , Cousin Agatha's baby , on the other side of the partition , laughed , too , i The professor came to himself first , and picked up the disregarded baby stolidly , arranging - ranging the little clothes with a certain proprletary concern. "I'll carry this one back , " he said , aol- emnly , "I'll find cousln Agatha-his mother -or something will break. " "I should think so ! " cried Heartsease , "Hie mother's heart will break , " Ile tramped down the hallway with a resolute tread that Inspired poor llttl c Heartsease with a minimum of courage. , "Goodbye , Porn , " she quavered after kiln , "amt don't give ) dm to the wrong mother again , " "Iioper-nmay-die , canto back faintly to her from the front door as it close upon Prat. Pomeroy 1'otthmgill Lee and the wrong baby. Outside fn the.cooi air the baby woke up and walled in distinct rebellion to existing circumstances. "There-the-re I" crooned the professor wildly , tossing the little bundle of clothes up and down till the baby in very astonishment - ment slopped crying amid eyed him out of round blue eyes. Instinctively ho seemed to appreciate time professor's distress of mind and gurgled sympathetic little remarks intended - tended for comfort. lie did not cry again at all. To take a car and go back to the station was the professor's first thought , lie bad a dim idea that the baby's proper owner might be there waiting for hlni to bring it back , Anyway , ho would go there-It was some- timing to do. Ile hailed a car and established himself and the astonished baby in it. In a corner opposite sat a little woman in evident distress of mind. Sine was agitated and uneasy lpd seemed to be searching for something , fumbling about her anxiously , The professor's gaze lighted upon her and his heart gave an exultant leap. It was cousin Agatha looking tor the baby , The baby's mother was still "cousin Agatha" to the professor's dazed , uncertain mind. "She's little and anxious , and she's look. jag for something-by all that's mighty I've ' rqa against her oho first lhlag" he thought In inexpressible relief , JJe staggered across f i to the little womnnla roorner and dropped the baby Into her lap , "here It is , ma'ami"'he said , eagerly. "I was just going to flnd : ' The little women recoiled In evident amnsement and diBPlensnre. "Land ! " she cried , "Take it away , quick ! " holding out the wondering baby to him , "i-nh-that is , I thought you had lost something , " murmured the diniinished professor - fessor , tucking the wriggling infant meekly under his arm again. \'e11 I have , but 'taint n baby-land ! " cried time little woman , sharply , "I've lost my best pocket handkerchief.-ht was the one Ann Sophy gave me Christmas. The other passengers were smiting broadly among themselves. Thd little woman edged further into her corner and regarded the poor professor distrustfully' , She seemed to be expecting another attack at any moment , amid oily breathed freely when he and hia unwelcome little charge got off the car , "The plot thickens , muttered Prof. Pom- eroy ) 'ettinglll Lee , despairingly , "I reckon we're In for it , little chap , " lie hovered weakly about the waiting room for a while and then went to the ticket agent , "isn't there n place here where you leave -aim-things that have been lost , until- he began , "Certainly , certainly , air ! We lmuvo a room where any lost articles are kept until called for by the owner. If you will pass it to moo- The professor applied the rumpled baby to the small square opening , "I guess It'll squeeze hrough-it's limp , " he said , cheerfully' , "Mighty Caesar , man , it's a baby ! We don't keep tint hind of property ! ha-tako It back at once , sir. I-it's going to cry- aharp or you'll drop it ! " irop it ? Oh , no , there was no danger. There wasn't shy place on the lop of the earthu to drop it into. lie shouldered it again with n ntuflied groan and turned awn ) , The tiny head nestled against his cheek in drotvay content , A little thrill of uvnkeiing tenderness set time professor's hcnrtstrhmgs to vibrating gently , "Poor little chap ! " lie found himself think. lag. lag.The The next plan tens to 1,008(10 the streets , in the desperate hope of running upon the right mother among nil lime mothers , "She ought to conic toward it like a needle to a magnet ; reasoned Prof. I'omeroy Pettinglil Lee , wisely , "By all that's mighty , I'll give her a fair chance ! " But time mothers who met them and passed them and jostled them were all the wrong mothers. Once he spied a little woman , in earnest conversation with a taller one They were in evident consultation , 'W'hat would 'you do ? I'm at my wit's ' end. I've tried everything'the small woman was saying , rather excitedly. Ifer clear-curt , distinct tones reached time pro- fessor's car Intact. "I'd ' advertise , " the toll woman sand , promptly. "That's time way I found mine. " By all that was might-tine professor hurtled - tled up to them eagerly. In hia ow glimpse of the little woman's face lie was sure it was Cousin Agatjmat Beside , wasn't site just on the eve of advertising for the baby ? "There is no need of it , ma'am , " he stuttered - tered hastily. "I've got it right ] mere. I've been looking for w ou ever since I-nit-ran away with it acclduntaiiy , I assure you , ' - ma'am- Ire was pressing the baby upon her , regardless - gardless of the fact , that time small red face was In inverse ratio to mother nature's plans for it. The bewiilicred little woman stared helplessly down at the back of the baby's head. "Why ! " she gasped. "Of all things ! " cried the taller lady , Then they both laughed. Time professor's ' crestfallen , despairing Into was too much for them , "Give It back , " he aid with a groan , "I'vo' ' lilt on the wrong one again. I've been hunting all over everywhere to find its mother. I'm not certain now it ever had one. There isn't anything certain ! " "I'm sorry , " the little woman cried heart- ily. Her sweet , pleasant voice cheered him unconsciously , "But , you see , It Isn't my baby. Mine's at home in Its cradle. I don't see what made you think- " "You spoke of advertising , ma'am. " " 0 , yes-was that it ? I was going to advertise for a cooly "But really , " interposed the other lady curiously , "I wish you'd tell us how you came by time baby. " "I ran away with It , the professor said gloomily , "and with your pelmission [ 'it do so again now. " And once more he was continuing his hopeless hunt , shifting the sleeping baby from one tired arm to the other , and peering - ing anxiously Into all the little women's faces , "If I found her I shouldn't dare to hand the little chop over to her , " he mused. It's mighty risky husiness ! " But help was at hand , It came from the quarter least expected. Time professor met two of his college boys and in the frenzy of despair stopped them , "Boys , ho said , "if you had somebody else's baby and didn't want it , what would you do with 1t ? " "Drop ht , " said one of time boya promptly. The otlmer one's face was suddenly enlight- cned , "O , I say , professor , you come along with me , I know where she Is , " ho cried , and his voice was music in Prof , Pomeroy Pettln gill Lee's ears. "I was down at the station , you know , I saw her when she got hack and you weren't there , Jill didn't she rave , though ! Then somebody came along that she called "Tom , " 1 heard 'em say they were going to the station to set the police on you , " The boy laughed , Ho was hurrying the professor along , "Here , lot me take the little kid , You look ail used up. We'll find her all right , professor-don't you worry , Hero's time sta- tion-and , hero you are , professor ! here's the kid's mother herself ! " This time the baby and time right mother came together with perfectly satisfactory results , Prof , Pomeroy Pettlnglll Leo never rev membered what explanations he made or how he got home , his memory leaped a gap there anti begnn ngain.at time front door where pale , anxious little lleartsease meet him , " 0 , Porn ? " Ifer voiceland limo upward Inflection - flection asked cverythming , Ills voice answered her ; "Yes , lleartsease , " She laughed aloud with relief , "Then Como right sin , dear boy , and ace Cousin Agatha's baby. " lie stopped at thu threshold , "Never ! " he cried grimly. "L've , seen all of Cousin Agatha's baby I wept to , " Arnold's Isromo Celery cures headaches , 10c , 2Gc , 60c , All druggists , 1'AVOnI'I'17 OF 'I'IlLS ii IliIaiBNT , A Wonutn Dlsfrlhulcs the Vlutvers on II or IDiI Anunrg Vuluateers , When the soldier boys left recently , ro- hates the Denver Throes , there was one bright-looking girl standing on the depot platform. Sine wore one of rho fashionable hats which appear like a garden of flowers- As she stood there , witb tears coursing down her cheeks , she saw the other girls burying the bravo' boys in literal forests of flowers , One of the soldiers , stepping up to lice , asked : "Please may I have one of those flowers on your hat ? " She look his hand and , In a voice almost womanly , said : "Yes , sir , and many God bless you. " Then she told them all to come and en- lect a flower from her hat. The boys , with hands grim and bronzed from camp life , carefully culled them from the straw frame until they were all gone. Then she put on what was left of it , and , stepping back to- wnrti the car said with emotion : "Boys , I wish there were more , i hope you will come back again , and that those flowers tux- remind you of the ilensanl Beetles of home , and guide you as your dear old mothers would have taught you to go. " There were sevcrnt girls standing close by who whispered : "I wouldn't ruin my hat that way , " but the wiser heads remarked : "There is n loyal American woman-lod bless her" Finest Flavor an Fragrance ' I 1 nro found in a cup of ) . tt JapanTea Absolutely the Purest , Cleanest , Most Wholesome. 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Ihevents quick. ac at of dlcciiargr , which if ootcherked leads to Spermnt"rrhtra and BEFORE RND AFTER alitbo , ( 'Ill's n1NCcleansestbuliverL o and the urlnnry organsul all Impurluea CVPIDENii nlrengthens and restoraumnil weak of flans The reason softer , , , are not cured by lnctnrs ) 11 btrnuseninety per cent mire troubled with I'roslalltlaCUPIDENPIstbeonlyknown rcm'dytocureu , ihuutmtopcratlunt000icailmnni ail , A written guflrnnteoglvenaud money returned it six box's does nut died t a permaucotcure. $1.00 abox , EixfurfSWbymail. Send for rnsrtclrcularmWtesummdats. Address DAVOLIIL'DICINECO.I:0.fioxm70SanFrancisco , Cal. Sate bii all'I311SDILLODIt.UG CO. , s , E. Cur 10th It , d Faranut , Otiutlma , - a "THE BEST , AYE , THE CHEAPEST , " AVOID IMITATIONS OF AND SUB- ' S1T'UTES FOR i RBEN , Met MM ' 1111 CftEA1 R1f ! ORA1IVS' It's not a "patent" medicine but Is prepared direct from Slid formula ofLj..Barton ? .1D. , Cleveland's most eminent specinlirI by lijallner 0.IlenaonPhD.II.S. itAlt I.1.Nlathecrest- eat knownrelt4rativonmlinvicorator , It ore- jo atee solid llosli , nuucls nett strength , clears' the brain , makes the blood , ' , I mine nett rich and causes n \ gnerol feeling of health , smrngth and tenewed vital-e v Ity , whllo time generative or- * , l gmulcnrohelped wrccnlntheir ! n lmal powers and the set- gt 'r fercr is qtrickly nmado conk - scous ! of direct batetil. 0 0 k a t box will work wonders , ail I hould Perfect n cure. lu1 directions In every box , or tilt is Omit. the din noas ! sheet yea find cnrloced , and irc a ill give charges UAIt IiCN Iss fors ale.atuall . cxtr drl ga stores a OO dose hex far ff0 etuty or we wilt mallllsocurely tenled on recel'ltet ' price , . - " ' B1tS. JIAIVI'ON AND BBNSON , ' 91 itar'llei Block , ( 'Icvelnnd , 0. For sale by luhn Q Co , lbin and Doug' Ins' J , A , 1'ulm' ! ,4 , Cu. , litre Douglas St „ aul tirnlhmn Drug Cu. , Ibtlt mud Farman ; icing Pllnrmncy , 2hthm amid lenventvorth ; Pevton'n l'hnrniacy , 21th amid LettvcnworUm 1 ? , J , Seykora , South Ouiahu , and lull other du mggiats In Onuthh , South Uninba , Councll ilium ita. ita.MADE MADE Ili ) E A MAN AJAX TAIILIiTS POSITIVELY CURE ALLNet1'aua 1 l.eaaes-Fsllln Item' " 1 orrlmwleuc7aloepto.neetc. , can amp by Abuts 0r other Etoe..ca and 1ndle' crellon. They qu cAlp and narelp te.toro jo + t1'Itnllt7 In oidorrosnR unl atamanforsludr , buiaresor mn ris n , l'rraat Insanity and ( 'onenmption If tx nnnUmo ! , Thelrtnohowa Immdiato imptore. moat sail effects s lUllffi : wbem all other fill In. 51,1 upon hoeing the gtnalae Airs Tblot. . Tlrer have cured thoutsuda and will care ron , We gln n pos. itlrowrillenanatantoatoellactaruro5OCT In t'ackase , or six eke ( full ttretmenlI for t210. Uy rnsliin , lainwtnpeer , nonrocnhtot riro'Ireolar Itch , AJAX R111 DY COr'ithlarletalb ram P'or sale In umalut , . by Je , Forsyth , 2d3 N , 16th ; [ Calm R to , , 16th nail Douglas ; And in Councll Illuffs by 0 , ii tlrirwn mmr lela , yyWytit1 ' mvtNwVtN , tA , , ' 'y IlelieeS Kidney , tlotibles at once , t 1 Cures in 48i1Oursnll URINARY DiSCIIARGES ( 1tchi Can. . 1 Sufic heats tilt name t 7 II UI li"tvart of n.ettst emmttrfri" tlwvwtrtNtnnrnr + vutntrn v _ vutn- _ .y CU1' E YUUASELRf tUlt6 Ui O for unn.lnrri ) 1.1 ds.r. _ dlcbsr elsaamtnaiios p . . r Irrltattcnt or alrentls o.l. . rtdtan , el mUCOSmembreses , rnnvol.rlon , l'stimleu , and not atrln. s. TatErtttCdtmcmtGo , Imr r tonoaeut. OisetaNtti,0f7Sold b7 DruQirtaas , n , s. or mat in akin wraryt 61,00 1 b ' Ise ' , cr , ; a'sacks ! seal a' + 6 tlf. Complete American Navy the more important Spanish vessels , photographs of Dewey , Sampson , Schley , Miles , CopPingeriBrooke1 and all the great officers of the Army and Navy. T Ht cvv\cv'- OI c/LLOTO\\ . NI'ffD3TAT NAy ti i i ' e cooprSio a u e . er 200 dare c \c \ ' ) Y .S O ' er rd v : . SU 1' ' also I IA before and after VIw file -rAILD I ' NAIN > , ciplosilln , of the rctkct1 by .l'Iliar-l' 1 .S. oval l ? oho raPer. , f ° $ ofja , s . W.B. , C1ACA6(1 ) ( CONKFY 4UdUSHEaS NEW Yetlri } w C0t1dAMY All the Spanish possessions , including Cuba , Porto Rico and the Philippine Islands , are shown on maps 24x18 inches , - Large Colored Maps of the 4 indhs Together with mail and steanihiP routes and distances to ' main seaport towns clear ( shown. You can follow the Movements of every War Vessel And know the construction cost size tonnage , armament speed , etc , of every ship , and see the Portraits and names of their Brave Officers and Crews. Secure this incomparable work at once , o s This Coupon with 25o will secure The Official rhotoorophs of TIE ( UNITED STATES NAVY , Address , NAVY P110TOGRAI'II DEFT „ Omaha Bee , You can get this collection of pictures , with the maps , for 25c and This Cots on. Iti { a ile(1 ( to any address in the United States or Can ala , for,4 cents extra postage. . , r . NAVY PHOTOGRAPH DEPT. TJIIr OMAIiA BEE. . Omaha , Bee Building ; Council Jllufe , 10 Pearl St , ; Suutb Omaha , 24th and N. Stn ; Lincoln , 1020 0 St. I.