Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 04, 1898, Image 10

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itic ri , ' , , tN fnr tII'e ( ( IltlIttI'
1 III bt lnl't * tin t I I 12 Psi , for ( lie
* IiL 1 * IIIL tutu ( II 8o , : f r ppiupr , ' Ing
nhld Mimiiiliy il U Iiiuis.
A i1ert lsprM1 by reil ite hi g , i iIitii-
) J'rVI ( 'liPJ , cii ii lini' till 1t iri titI.
1P4PPip4l ( I , ft iiIlltl1tPlt4I It Et r I n
Elf ltie Ilef' . A nti rt so nilil ris't'iI '
T1II hi. dcl lsere.1 oti jireselt * ii * ) E
Hit , citeik only.
ILflteM , I l-u it Tnrul ilrit ltiserflnn
in il atoril tircttfter. Ntil Ii I ug
for 1cuts 2k for ( lic Ilrit ltlti'r.
( kiti. 1liii. n.l * ertMrtllCii tN lUtiSt be
run cnhiNe4itUvcl7.
l.rt1Iofl , 1V.N'lll ) ,
1I1C1IA NIC'A I. ilrattimniiwanti loMltlon :
ran mnke working drawlligM of uiaehliury
or eornplett , IJIUIIM for Incturics , uIectrlO
llht l'1itflt ' , water works , etc. Athre
1' 65 , lIce. A-211-3'
VA'l'll-3l.tlI1 llL1.l' .
CAN\'ASI3EItS lii hike or.liii ; new line or
work ; irn 1itivy gools to carry ; siiliity or
cointnlsiIofl. C. F. Ad&trnii Co. , t,21 S. lCth.
\'ANT1t-SriloHtr1en to idI , crtt2ni' and
tolict nrtlelei ; $101) P' mTIth ( 111111 ox-
l1i'fles ! ; tXoI'liflCO Hfl ncEiiry. 1'Itinitr
l'erfnmery Co. , St. Lotds , .l ( ) .
COVlflNd1NT vosltlotis. The war mkei
a dotnaitit for rflti In thu government
els'II mervIco , jxntnlnntlnn4 10)01) ) . FUll
In tot mat In ti free. Cal nm lilito CotresImoncI-
emwo College , Wnslilriton , I ) , C.
ii-d ith- ! '
\VANTFI-aiol tlnnc'r. ezLnillnnvbll1 1r
n erreil % vl cnn lii it Y In Inuid Ai14lrtM
1.Vl Box 3 , Newman Grove , N1.
lliliOJ ! - 1
. 1 N 011) ( imlcngo whnlernlo tea , cigar nnd
iplt e liouttovntltm tlirt'e llrt-clus : Izttm4-
nen luiving an estzillllieil triLile Iii the
iiorthvet. lVrlte full patttettlitrs to C U
21 , Chlcngo Tribune.
EXf'Fit1 1NCFD trci meilrineti vint'tl to
vork on t1ztry timid eoInhIiliO4lott. A(1i1ro4S
Stark Vat Icy Nursery , 1'lnln'lew. Nob.
lt-M 19' ' ) 4
WANTJD , man to burn kiln of brick en
sharcH. F. A. t3tnrbuelc , l'ercival. ( a.
1-M35O 9'
1VANTJl ) , men nt once to learn harbor
trade , 'I'hn government 1imim celled upon
Ill ; for 100 gradl1mito4 for the army ; $16
veelly , two years' cin > 1pyinent ; our 1e-
tUre8 (111 haIr and skiti 4l1ienioM tnale
graduates lii ilimintnt as regiment harbors ,
? dtiiiy local barbers leaving mukes home
( leintind good nlo ; eight weeks coin-
pletes , Write for catalogue. Moler Sys-
thin Barber Cohhigo. ChIcago. 1-ST-S' (
WAN'1'JD. ? boys II to IS years old. to work
on mnongles ; no experience required ,
1ii1el Stetin : Laundry Co. , 1110 & 11l2
Dodge St.
'iVANTED , tahioN ; steady work nit your
nrou tid. 'l'la' l'itntori u in , H. e. Of ) ! ' . I It ii
itilil Fnrimatn sts. IiMJ f
\ANT l'D , by Mrtrkel Catering company
at ) xlslsitiofl grounds. white men vait-
cr8. Apply at once under Viatinet. Slier-
man avi' . B-MU5 : 5'
WA NTED , uecessful cnnvnssers in any
line to act as closers : $50.GO a nmontli and
( 'xhenses , Luke Brothers Conipuny , Chi-
cago. J-M 10-1 .1'
STEADY vork for a good tailor. Apply
at once , Stephen .1. ] 3roderiek. 16O tear-
nam St. fl-14O2 5
. _
1'ANTll-FlI.l.l Ii
100 GIRLS for all kinds of work ; $3 to $7
week. Canadian , 0111cc. 1522 DougIa.
fE the Epperly corset. 1511 Douglas St.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
WrANrEIGlrl for houework. Mrs. II. D.
Neely , t31 hamilton St.
IVANI'll ) , 150 girls , Employment I3tireau ,
152 ! Dodge. ' 1'iIepmnnu ) sn ; . C-4-Jl
] tlI'I.OY\lENT Bnreaii , 52l Dodge st. ,
J % vants 150 glrI. 'I'd. 876. C437 J12
WANTED-Inii1o girls , Model Stonm
Lmtuiidry Co. C-M300 J6
GIRL for general housework in small
fanihly. 1003 I'ark Avenue , C-339---3'
FIHST clius girl for general housework ;
email family ; references required. Nrs.
Ed \Vllhiarns , 522 So. 29th St. C-92
LADIES to do needle work at home ; $1
to $7 lCt' week. Room 3S , Barker block.
. . C-M-1OT 4'
' \VANTil. ) . lady assistant In bath varlors.
at omice. 119 N , 10th st , , room 12.M413
( ' -M413 4'
I'O1t ilN'l'-1IOUSthS.
CHOJCElmoiise and cottages all over city ;
$5 to $75. Fidelity. 1st hour , N. Y. Life.
. .
hOUSES. flenowa & Co. , lOS N. 15th St.
S1VFN large south front rooms , ultahle
for lodger , , 11th and Itarney. 5.8. Curtis.
: II0USES , stores. liemis , l'a.xtun block.
.1OV1NG household goods itiiil idanos ,
Oii. Van & Storage Co. , 1511 ½ Farnani ,
I i'i. 15t. jj-2u1
vu1u'rNultl and leasehold of a 7 and 13.
room modern lint ( or sale ; bargain ; good
location , rent low. Bonus , l'axtun P1k.
12-ROOM ninilern lmou3e , 111 So. 25th St . hot
water heat. J. N. F'reiizcr , opp. old P. 0.
. Li-thb
corTAr.Es-a.rooiii. $7.50 anil $8.00 5-room
$1OUO ; 6-room , $12.5O 8-room , tlS.tu , ; newly
lflhIItCt itrut lnP'rei : beautiful for ; itun-
tion. 4311 hoard of ' ( 'rude. I-912
101t TtFNP , 8-riwin liouii 00 ) ' ( street ,
East Onuilin , with use of tOiUiitI)110 cheap
for the uummner. Litniereaux liros. 102
S. 16th 1)-9G1
A NO. I brick residence. 1029 Sn , 10 Ave. ,
, 11 rooim4 ; keys next door or 3114 N. 27 St.
\v p. Mead , Jr. D-233
I I3EAUTIF'UL. summer reskienco in Bemli
pui'k , near 31t1i anti Lincoln boulevaid ,
Large grounds ; 10 full lots ; l.rgo hiable
for 12 horses ; modern. 1)emls , Pmxtoii
block. 1)M337
FOR 1tlN'l' , furnished liotiso , IQ rooms ;
July , AUguSt. 1I0.0O Per nmonth ; out ,
I ldoek from lianscum liurk ; party s'miiits
1 rotniti one sleeping room ; nCcrenes re-
quireti. i\u1ilres It 17 , Ilee. D-M397 5
562 NOItTI I 40th street , K rooms , till ninil.
em , lawn anti hade trees , 30.OO. Th
Byron Heed Co. ' 1)-M4i0
8-ROOMS. . . modern. 5th Ave. , near Farnam ,
\v. , ii. ' ( ntes , iS N. 'V. Life , 1)-lIO0 C
lOfl It 0ri'-FtJ : INiSlh1l ) IlMS ,
BXI'OSt'J'ION ViSl'FORS-lQoo ( urnislicil
rooms , \S'rhto to J'XIOt4itti ) Sootnlng Co
Dougiam block , 15th and Dodge.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I EXPOSITiON Ohilt'lnt Information Ilureati ,
EJ19 Farnuni ; I0O ) citolcu rooms to rent.
! i'llD lA1tNAM TJitltACE ,
Fartmuii , &ie' & mnoilerit buIlding , now fur.
, nisliings ; it I I clegant ou t side roonumi
, porc1as , lawn trees ; within live minutes'
, walk of busiries eeimer ; on llglit cieva.
tioti' especially destrabio for moan hint
, fanilv. (
I IiL.EGtNTL.Y furnished rnoinn ; modern.
G * ) S. 19th. F-ll9C.J24'
M0lt'fltN south rooms , transients. Cli N.
I ] ? U1tNISI41D rooms. Cd2 N. 16 ; & ? cerratoro
TOOiNThld1N. large rooms , ( It-at ciaigs
modern , imeur business center ; reterences
exeliangeti , Addresii P
lCBI.Y ( urnihed roomii , 2111 Caistreet ,
- lcEry furnished rooms for thanm4icIits ,
1911 iuuglus. l-l17 Jl'
) 't.ltNJSllI1) ROOMS , 'l'rnnsient : this Is
your ldttcu. trIetiy $1.00 l'or tilt ) ' , wIthout
board ; niodern hmouit' , newly tlltct % rooms.
Ijatli , imod surroundIngs. convenient to
espositititi grounds and hherniiiii nvenuo
car ( lao , 11.04 OhIo St. I-ifl53 1
- - - - - - . -
I-oiL it 1I1) ltOfll4 ,
( ( 'omitinimeil I
s , i.tY ; tik ly turni.dit'tl rooms , 1nuo nil .
? tiotk'rfl. iri'st , family ; oil ear lint' mit's !
1I.insietn ltd-k. 1' i'- , , 11 ' b Ml5
IU'iiS ) , ili on L'OICIICCS , 2I' ; ii i.tli
1 , D'J-8
j'111 , : r1llL0\'l:1l-.2s : iootl room' , 2fr1 N. 17.
J'-Mi'2 J2'
roli RFNT , iwo ' ; : ; , roorni. ' : tin . 22i1.
- - : ' . .13'
_ _ _ _ _ _ ?
F'U1tNIHhIlD rooni. 524 5 , 26th ave.
i-i lii JD'
hATtfll l'lensntit roonis , cool , 'shade. : 3
lIO . ( ks nortJ of Ogden house tilli ltroad-
' .tiy cur 1lm , , 141 ( irahI St. , Ciiiflt ii
flhifl's , , itt. . F-M1IO .36
runNlHIlfln rooms , Tratislents tict'tim-
IfltlfleJ. ( ( , 2102 Coss. t1324 7'
1'I1'AI4itNT rcttiis : central ; irl'ntn fitmily.
1l2 fla'ejliort. , F-M320-90'
N1ATi.Y furnished roomns cheup. ( .2I S.
19th , F-M:2 : : 30'
JA1tr.1 list rooms fur rent nIl 1rnrt of
city ; 1)11100 OCfl till 10 p. ni , unit StiinlitYi4.
't1rs , JeiTrIom , , Board ut Trade , SI xtotitli
titid 1'arnatn , ilrst floor.
S0L ril front room to rent. 2112 l'nuiet ,
street , one block from oxposltitmn grotitids.
- - . -
NlC1T ftmrnlslied roomnit Ijy t1Lt ) flt week.
2010 Lnvensirt ,
F'Olt transients , mntnlorn. SwifL 2fllO llmLrnc'y
F1'ItNISIIBD rooms. 1G21 ; ( . Shoe-
milan avenue car line ; references reqtiiretl ,
, F-M3r.O
FIIONT room for remit. 11 C'nldwc'll St.
F-3i2 4'
p4 flT.Ofl Ilotlrootu for 3. 1916 Fni'tixitn St.
. . 1-3C9 S'
VVltNlSll 11) rooms : beautiful . location ;
iirh'nto romhty. 1136 So , 51st , 1'-d8S3G
llNF cool rofittis fti' , trnn.sient , 520 N. 13.
1'-\l:2E : ; .J1t'
rvo rooms in pri'nte family. 2112 Iou1o.
: for rent to trnisionts. , 2017 llnrnt'y
LAUGJ volI furnisheil , tniith room , bittli ,
private fitmnily. 814 South 2'tli St.
1-Mi9l C'
FIII1NISILIB ) LOOi $ ANI ) 11lAIt1) .
TH1 MerrIam , flrst-cls family hotel.
29th and Dodge Sts. F-SIT
_ _ _ _
1v ALIIAN % , 21113 Blnitcy ; elegant
rooms. llrst- lass lmird : : terms i ( 'ascii-
able ; transient trade solIcIted.
F-M122 .17
PLEASANT rooms , inoern , strictly first-
class hoard ; reasonable rates ; transients
tflkefl. 522 N. 12th st. F-M 121 J12'
'iiTE lOSE. 2021) ) IIariey , ; mco cool rooms
with hoard ; trauslont3 accommodated
rates reasonable. F-TilT J21'
I'LEASANT , vcil furnished room ; nil 101)11-
urn conveniences , with or without boird ;
private family ; near ] Jiinscomn am k. 1'
12 , Bee. F--.792
'J'A1li down tlittt. "forsale'ot "for rent"
sign in your window ; Tue lIe reeches
inure Iloolile in ii. day than will ias your
"tvIni1o' ' . ' In month , ; and they consult
those C0ltiflflS w'hen they want to lilly
or rent.
UTOPIA. 1721 Davenport st. ; rooms , first-
class board ; transients ticcommnodateil.
1'ItIVATE famIly wIll take a few loarders
for sUmmer in cottage at Lake Oknboii.
Address P 62 , lice , F-M221 31
2211 1IINNEY-Itooms and llrst-clnss hoard ;
transIents accommodated ; reasonable
rates. F-M220 J4'
I'L1\SAN'1' rooms , outsIde , bath , modern
Ctn'OflleiiCOS , porches , trees , Iltie 101)10.
212 S. 25th St. F-31311
PJtIVA'I'E fiimliy will tnke a few boarderj
for summer In cottage at Lake Okoboit.
Address P C2 , 13cc. F-M221 35'
American or European. N. W. corner cx-
iositIOfl Sherman Ave. and the 24th street
( 'iit lImit ; i1ni.i the house. St'mnler resort
style. FamilIes solIcIted. Modern , cool ,
COIfl fort miile , licin ci I Ito. Ila this. gas , phi no
anti library. 't''lepllone 2931. YOU Cliii get
IL street car 1111(1 lInd a sent in it.'o
have ti'ees , hIrls , , green grass and croquet.
Double parloru. yost veratulas. hanmlcks ) ,
jolly p001)10 tintl a. pet lCill. ihttt's reasonable -
able ttittl according to accomtnoilatlons.
\\'AIcI'ED , a lady roommate. 2001 Burt.
F-137S 4'
BEAUTIFUL rooms transients. 2I homey
1hOMEL1Kl rooms. wIth P11th , large yiril
with shijilo trees , neor Fnrnnm oar. 120
N , 12d ave. F-M194 C'
Ii.oIt Il EWV-UFtJflNI Smi 141) ROOMS.
FOR Rent. nice south front lmnurnlshed
rooms , with bath' ; Withncll lilock , F. 1.V.
Carmichael , No , C , Withmnell block.
UNFLYI1NISIJED rooms ; moaern. lS2t Leav.
Flat 4. ' -MS99 .124'
FOIL 1t1' -S'l'OltlhS Awl ) OJ'1"H'lS.
FOP. . rent , tl" 4-story brick building at
9t6 Farnam St. 'rhis building has a lire.
proof content basement , vato' an all
doors. gas , otL. Apply at the 081cc or
The Boo. 1-910
SI'ACF to rent , uItab1a for job printIng or
other small business , 'rolephone and desk ,
Rent clicap. 1517 Burt.
ROOM , 15x20 , suitable for workshop. 1631
Cass , downstaIrs , J-MIZI 30'
DESK root ) ) , 309-10 Paxton 131k. 1-th361 4'
W'AN'I'El ) to rent , lintel dining room lartIY
furmilsimt'd ; good locatIon , Apply i)5 )
Douglas. 1-3S5-5'
, % ; EIS ; V.T11iD.
AGENTS wanted.--Murat hlaisteati's Great
\'nr hook , "Our Country inVr.r. . " All
about ArtnIes , Navies , Coast Defenses ,
Mtiitia Disaster , Cuba , War with Spain ,
Still relatIons with ForeIgn ntItins.
Nearly 600 iflges. lI written biiiei Malno
Disaster. MagnIficent colored IIlustrs-
tiOlls , .Ag.'nts makIng $10 to 3.'ti per lilly.
No experience necoss&ry. M st llb.ral
tornis guaranteed , 20 days' credIt , Price
low , froiht paId , Ifandsome outilt free ,
1end 11 two-cent stampit to pay ( lOl4tltgO ,
Edticationa Unlon..a24 Dearborn St. , Clii.
cago. , JMlstune : ; 5'
FI"ICIAI4 snti'enIr badges tinil buttons of
the 'Fransmlssissliqii hixposltIumj , hhtistit'rs
% S'll it t Oil t 0 cci 1 on cx posi t Ion gm u itils a 0(1
in the city. Also other niiveitIe , U ,
MIndlIn. 410 Boo iiuihuliig , J-Mi 36'
AGUN'r vanted ( or 'Otmr Naval lVitr
vlttt SpaIn. ' Sid ondld ly I II list rat.'d , tin I y
authentic book to be 1)UIIIIIIIed. 1'rcc
outlit now renily. ti.'t tiuick. Nntloiutl
Pub , Co. , Lkcsido Ihldg , , Chlcaeo.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J-Mhtui 36'
LIFF3 of Wn , 1'3. Glatistommo ( five s'ears In
PreParatIon ) tiosv ready ; extra terina to
aients ; grand OpportunIty for earnest
wnrlcers ; , 't'ntl 10 collie for ( 'omilleto out-
ill , or write fur circular. 1' , 'W. Zeigier
& Co. . 322 1)oarborii St. , Chicago.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J-MIOG 5'
AGlNTS'ANTEH ) , W'e vamtt one shrewd
careful man In every town to inaice a few
tliousamid tilIllitIli for hImself ( IUICtIY ( it
lionie and not work hmuril : PrIvate Instrite-
tlona and 'valtiablo outfit of new goods
sent free.tdilremi , immedIately , P. 0 ,
hiox 530S , Boston , Moss. J-MIO3 5'
One of the best sellers. Adilrt'ss
\v. 11. IIOPKINI4 ,
517 SecurIty BuildIng ,
St. Louis , Mo.
J-MI01 5'
PACIFIC Storage antI Warehouo Co. , 903.
910 Jones , gelicral storae and forwarding ,
OM. Yati & Storagot51 Farii'm. Tel , 1559.
- lit,1 , _
iF , You are In heed of attythiing. try time
\ \ ittit Colinnn ' '
of 'I'ito 1-leo ; they wiil
bring you what you wunt.
- - - : = L : ! : : : : - - : - - - - -
1'Olt S tLR.
I I A I 1.Tltll ; ; , tnhk ( use vnrpel st'ou h1
sli ( ' 5 , lIrtlir , 14 et , for snie c'hoali ? l9. ; ,
W'ouisortIi Ave 0MIII S'
_ l' ( JR il. ' rita 1uirgiIrl. i3 pillnwn and SOIl
hull I resses , miosv lIllow , , 25 Cents itli , 110W
inlttrc'sscs ( , 75 cools iii , . 1108-10 ludg'
'J''c ) SCnll-elit55 .httel cooking riliges ,
bntgtlmis. 40 $ S. I lth St. O-32 S.
FUJI 4.t l.i-IlOIt4l' , 'VAiONS , 14't'C.
TJIF liest 1dac to buy a gomi carrIage
ehettli ; bargitinmi in first tlass second
humid cart Iiige. 14Z1-ll iodgt' St.
. 1'-Mi23.J4'
I h.Al)1IS' thrIving horse and line i4lntfloii
I piiaoton , ti0 S. 21st. 1'-ii21S-J I
0001) work tcnmn. hlnek horses , chcnp :
weIgh 2,500. InquIre i' . l'tirdy. 2htii and
Burt Sts. 1'-3i1.--3'
I'Vtt , t lli-M1MCI.Tl.t % l1OLJS.
I I IOU amid lioultry femice ; iett&'r tItan i'lrc
itettitig. l"ltio SllVi'diiSt for IIoor , Tel.
45S. 1)01 ) iotigln. Q-Di.
IlOItSIC clipplti" machInes , lctiI' amid me.
111111 Ii , till slumianrd inikes : cmi humid ; gritlil.
lag razors , sliellr4 , clippers ; iroinhmt st'r-
let' . A 1. Undelinul. Q-2S ,
FOIl SAI..i'-Toii lt.l.i.A.NS. for S cents
nt drtiggIsti one gives relldf. Q-29
ioit S.hF3-'j'Iiree return 'l'uhular boilers ;
0Iitirso power cdclm. Apily ( I , the sImper
Intemi.lonI , 105 11cc' hti1idIIi , Q-S'i.
l1ALl'H Stiles-now nod 4eeomiii-iiand ; safes
repaIred ittid rc'nteil. 1116 Fatmnim.
U-SI III11 )
SIN Sr.cltmil.liiLiId steel rniitcs , suitable f .r
restnlirm , itt or htoartlimig bOtIsi's , fur cab
at gicat biirgnliisiiiust ; be quid. 1110 loilgc'
Q-S'i.J 1
, il I l' hst mteii 11(111115 ( lit Sitormnin &sli'-
Coiiiieil Drug Co.,151 intlge St. , Ontlii. , ,
Q-Mt.i.J Li
I lOG , l3iIiltr3' antI lawn fences ; all wIre ; Is
Iteet. 'lre'tirks , 14th amid I bnriey.
FOlt SAli' , ery clieitp. 12 liare I' .iii
LIfe I tisuratice Co. of Cnmuha. I' . 0. 13 . .x .
IIIC\'Ct.FS thwii to $5.00 ; mt'v 1SN
model liitl los' ii mmd gen ts' bleycbes ii ii' i I
hil ng sold cii ctss' : c anti I t 4 115 IL ) % % ' Its
$5.00 ; others outright sit $13.0 , ittil high
grittle at $ l3.'J5 itittl $22.50 , to lie liulil for
tilLer recelveil ; IC you will cut thIs notice'
nut iiiiti send to Seitrs , floeburk & ( 'n , ,
ChIcago , they will semI you theIr ISB hi-
cycle catalogue tind full itmtl'tit'tillti'14.
'rni Spanish possessions in liiith the east
ititil s'nut , In nap forimi , with nearby 200
llllotugrhiihIC reproiltietions of tile Atnerl.
can 1111(1 Shah lab iliLvie i , mmaval comma ml-
cr5 , etc. All for 2 cents , itt tue lIce
oilIer' . If ordered by mall , address Navy
l'hotogrnph 1)epartment , Omnahzi. hiec.
A1'l'OMAJ'iC Jrinklng Fouiitniii for stle
'J'eii AiIomntic' Drinking FountaIns , dig-
housIng at will a variety of tomileramice
drinks , such Iced tet , loininmmt(1e ,
cherry Pho8iiLte , ate. . by tlropilng it
l'iliiY in It glot. Just the timing for the
1xitsltbon. I'roiltg Immense ; for mnLr-
tiettlars ( lc'sc'rihing fountains , ternis , etc. ,
address George Ziegler Co. , MblwlLttkee ,
Wig. Q-99I-3
50.010 CELEItY Plants for sale at a very
low Prlc' . St. Joseph Celery Garden , St.
Joseph , Ste. Q-MIItJ-J $
FOR SAJF , a young burro. i'ell lrok ( ' and
safe for ehlliiren , 51.V. . Lee , 1)tnlai' , , Ia.
F0tfl-UOltSU iower motor. Omalit. hay
( Lad I'ress Co. , Room 40 , Doughis 111k.
Fort SALE , fresh Jersey cows. Address
box 2.35 , Omaha. Q-M35I 8'
WOOI1FZACHARIA line bought out l'hIllp
Nathan nod is now at 1207 F'arzmam ;
World's fair furniture for sale.
Q-373 Jyl
\VI1 now ItILVO U IlmIteti. number of United
States standaril wool buntIng hogs whIch
we are ot'ferng ! at about oime.thlrd less
than othc'r dealers. Omaha School Sup-
lilY Co. , 11th flnd I larnoy sts. Q-M1l2 10
ANPr-MoNouoLr Oarlagi' Co. , cleans
eU4Spoois & privy VILults. 621 N. 16. Tel. 1773
T\'ENTY-F'lVh1 cents viil hus'tlie latest
liUbii'RtIOn illustrating the l. . S. nitti
Simnlsh miuvies , nivui ; commanders , etc. ;
almost 200 iiliotortiiihiIc rei'jductiomis * ,
With a large map of the East ; iiiiiVet
Indlen. at Lii , ' tihlico of 'flit' lIce. If or-
iiere(1 by mnitil , ailtiress Navy I'hotograph
Departnient , Omaha Bee ItS70
M..SS.iJ1 1I.TIIS , lh'l't' .
OItTENTA I Turkish baths for ladie. ztnii
gcnti4. 107 So. 11th , Tel. lStJh. Open all
nIght. T-M201' JO'
tl FITCA'1'rD baths 1(0(1 lLi3Sfl0. Itline.
Brisson , ( coin Paris. 107 N. 12th St.
'r-L497 Jil'
lAURA Elilson , 119 N , lCtliuieitalrs ( ) ,
room 12 , Turko.Rus.lan and jilaln iatbis , ,
massage. 'r-Toi J19'
11111 $ . Dit. 1E0N , electric massage lot tii
larlors ; restful and. curative. lIT S. 11th ,
tipstnirs. T-M226 J5
MAIlS. SMITh , 118 N. 15th , St. , spring
and vapor baths.
'dSl l1 4U\l ES , SI ) ? 5. 13 , it. 10 mnassait' Pt , Lb
' ' '
1'-iiIhl 10'
! 't4llSA1 , .
\TIA\TI for uterIne troubles , 346-SlIce bldg. ;
lhysIciaii consultatIon or health 1)0(1k
free. . , U-261
flVt'lIS , massage. Mine. 1'ot , 2l9 S. 15th.
$33. ItUI"i'UItE ctireY for $30 , Noiletentloti
frini liii sl ii ( ' 55 ; C years I n 0 inttita. Call
hr vrito for c ii riinrg. , 1nipIre htupture
Cure , Vl2.I33 New 'York J.ifo hiltig. , Onmahiit ,
Nob. U-2''J '
'I'll 11 Pantorluin , clothes cloatied , lressel
Ii iid root I roil , tia y 0 0 ii ii I git t ; iiectal care
glveti , Ititiles' tailor niatle gois'ns ; dress
cults for hire. N. B. cor. 14th & Fariiiia. ,
Tel fiG3 , U-26i
A lA11GU Tilnp of tli Woild , one of Cuba
atiti another of the entIre Wet Imidies ,
showIng Cuba , I'crto ltico , hlayti , Sun
Domingo , ilnrtlnhiun and all the other
Vegt litthlun Isiuntis ; 10 cents , at Tilt' lice
0111cc. fly tnLil , 14 cents. Address ( 'ulzLn )
Map Delt. , Ounalia floe. 13-SOS
III OliY 'Vt ) J.Ot1-ht14AL ISS'l'A'1'14 ,
WAN'FflD , elioie farm and city louiiis. It ,
C. Peters & Co. , U , S. Nat'l Bank hihthg ,
$100,000.00 $ IN'Iutl ) futmil to loan on mirsi-citiss
Ilaproveti Ormmabti property , or for buIld-
lug lUi'POSCS. ' Fuieblty rrtmst Company ,
LOAN on Improved ( hId iitiInillroved city
l'OltertY. , Farnuizn SmIth & Co. , 1320
C 1'Fht ( 'pitt ( 'lt ) ' amid farli ) 1011(15 , Gutrvln
hirou , , 1511 i"arnutzn St.
AN'i'IIONY L.otin & 'l'rust Co. , :115 : N. Y. Ii. ;
(11110k ! nOtiL' at bow mates for choice form
bttimihut in Iowa , Northern tIlsollri. 1ttst-
em Nebraska.
MONFY , fi loan ( lfl iIflbiroVel Omaha meal
egttite. lirenimo-Lovu Co. , 219 5. 16th.
, , -21u
1'ASTEitN niiney ( or western iiivest-
mnontm ; aelid for circular. htit't'stors' 1)1-
rectory C'o , , New York. W-29'J J7'
\vAN'rID. to loan , $2,500 ; coo bull lbr& ' .
ferroti ; also want to 10th ) $500.00. F' . U ,
'VCtd ' ( , 16th 1111(1 iougbas ,
5sl 11lt coat money , 1IemI , l'axton PhIf ,
2tlONhiY TO LOtN-CIl.T'l'llhS ,
l0 TO 110.000 TO LOAN ON
hl0h7Slh1Ot.D FUhtNl'I'UIIFI ANt ) PIA.
etc. , ut loWest rates in
Om iha , South Omaha and CouncIl Blurf.
No removal of goods ; strIctly conlkiential ;
you can pay the loan oft at any LImo or
iii tiny 1iflOtifltS.
300 South 16th St.
1SION13Y loaned salaried people iloitlini !
Ilormanent positions , wIth reBponsIbIu
concerim upon their own name , without
security : 005) ' Payments. Toimati , Ii.
7o. N. 1' , 14. bldg. X-57Z
hiLSlh' CII.CE.
M4C1lTNl sloi , khii not'eity workit , t1oiti
ii gocttl lnlsln'ss , for sale at a bmrgnhti on
netotint of IU iictiljh , Adilreniu 1' 01 lice.
Y-M213 J4'
. - _ _ _ _
FOil sob' , rt lrnrnIn , my entire thu
titock , show ( ftt ( , soda fountain encounters
counters ; als will rent stnrn at renomi.
able rent ; bocnttetl tmilon 1.t'POt itotl , otto
hilock from u : . l. and Burlington ilepota ,
Irnest Stumht , proprietor. Y-i79
1110 list hlnt,1q , , itestaurants nail itoom.
lug 1oiion ( , Onutita hitisinoss hXehiaitge1
CI , ! , lull ' -MU7 34'
FOIt SAt.i , S'11Qin'itnil ( hotei,26t11 antI M
streets , Soult OInnhin ; a laragin ,
' Y-371 4
lIVATOhtS fr , inh'nlIme : of six ole-
'hLttr $ CU tit ' fleiitiIi1lifl Vgliey branch
or tile 'U 1' . 11. It. , extelidlmig out1i from
Lincoln , Nd , . , through an excellent grain
producing tt'gioii'Ihi P0 soul together
or separately , as desired. iii good repair
auth Ittip Working order. VIii lie solil ott
easy tornis. AhIll' to l'd S. ? illlber. Itca-
Neb , Y-M234 .13)
TO GIh'r in or mit of htmslnes go to .T. 3.
, 511 FIrst Nat'l hank. Y-56
- _
t-Y1 ! . . It estnlihislieti cigar btislnt'ss. liar-
guhli , One of ( tie Iieit locations lit Omaha
I'uirties leaving city reanmi for selilni.
hnqtlire tlrmu. JofIrtc. Board of Trade , 16th
anti Futrnnnu , OflIco 011011 till 10 ii. In. nOd
Sundays , Y-M332
TO exhilititors , ve will lIght free of charge
one or t\'o lirlfl,1lieflt , : oxhiIbIt or bootbiii
durIng the exilOsItloti , uisilig the boautlftmi
iit'etviennu lirhmt , Citlcitm : Light Gas Co. ,
40l I'ttxtonltllt.
_ -M39U C
roit l3YCIlAG1 ! ,
\'AflIOtJS pieces ot' property and farms lii
I'elirziskit to ttxti for iiierchiamhlse. Ad.
dress i. 12 , Ilet ,
4 NF\V Vilrnx & W'Itito cnhltiet organ
for it gocil lmusint'ss ( lriVIttg horse. 4pply
to 3.11g. Imi Dr. Vnrren's ofhico In Tizurd
hihoek , 221 N. 2'itl St. Z-3OS I
FOIl 1CliANGiL $10,001) ) or $20,000 vortit
0 1' Otilti Ii a itt sitl'ss lt'OPe i't3 , ci ear , 1)8 3'i4
I 0 ItCh' ( 'cit t for i'csltlence or farm , ro p.
erty , 'V. P. Grnluumn , .Agt. , 606 lIce lliilg ,
/-363 38
Ft.It SALii-.itI5tha iIM'I'Vi'E ,
Piacc bargains $2,600 , $3,750 to
$6,500. 3. 3. Gibson , 514 1"lrsL Nat'l batik
bldg. 1t1-StU
IIOUSES. lots , farms , lands , loans , also fire
hlisuance. Bctiils , l'axtomi block.
FOLLOWING desirable property : BusIness
lot corner , GOxlSO ft. , in So. Omaha , itaved.
Business lot , GOxh&0 ft. , improved , South
Omaha , street raived ,
Tract (24 ( lots ) , 36th St.
Tract (20 ( lots ) , 30th St.
Ii'ot' Particuiars ahy 1012 Farnam St.
DESi1tADLE reslilence lots , , 124x130 , first-
class bocittioti ; 10 mninutes walk from court
house ; cheup for cmtglt. Address 0 61 , lIce.
hAVE you some hots to sell ? 1'.ow is the
tilno In dispose of them ; let thu P001)10
knoul that ) OI1 wmutt to iliSliosO of tlimn.
Th lIce' teaches the 1)00Db who have the
money. ItE-SCO
iF YOU loire real estate for 3aie and
vauit it 01)1(1 , lIst it with ma aini I v1ll
s'll it-if I otto. I I you wIsh to lturclaso
anti ui'niit u Pig bargain iook over my
list. 3.11. Sherwood , 422 N. Y. Life P11g.
FOIl sale , leIraie residence lots , 121x15 ,
In Ilrst-clnss location ; ten minutes' vL1l (
frOm court -hrnie ; cheap for cash. Ad-
tirets 0 ol. ' Jfl'e IttlC91.Jl9
F'Olt SALC , one ( If tlt fev fine suburban
rt'sideitees ueiir Oznnhui , located on the
hills ivest of Iiorence' ; house contains
eight rooms , nQt couliting store room ,
buLb rooni , (1t ( . ; ' fInIshed In hard voods ;
first class )1utnbIng , llivicluai ) gas Ilamut ,
two bunts , gardener's cottage , ice house ,
flue trees , grasi and shrubbery ; reasonable -
able priCe and easy terms. Wuitem (1.
Ciarl ; 121 I IttTIIe , ' St. , , 1111-160-4
l,0b0.00 FOIl'5roorii itouse , iiearly new ,
and large lot. near exposition ; cIty vater ;
$230.00 cisii 1111(1 $ O.00 a m iith on balance ;
ilL ) interest. The Byron lteed Co.
IIOMEShtlrrtesIiolnes , let 1H 5110w them
to ytlil. rwo good ones fl1)(1 1)00 niiatlee
1)11 \\'C.t Forum mn , delightful places.
Five In liansconi Place. PrIces to suit
lth ) . 000.
Out' seveim-room house In north part of cIty.
Fine lot. I'Icasamt Place. ilake offer.
: uI. j. Rennard & Son , Sole Ageats. 310 anitl
311 Urou"n Block.
p.30 acres located lii Tiolse valley , Idaho ;
vill Proiltice over 2,000 ton3 utlfulf.t yearly ;
good cattle raii'e convenient ; this Is a
hargain for any one intcr.ested in stock.
l'or ijutrtlcularo atltlress ' 1'at & Stein ,
liaIse , I iluho.
7-It. hiou4o. corner lot : cheap. 2411 N. 24th.
RE-503 314'
S02-93l SO. 20111 St. . 5 'ooni hiotuses , pire
1,500 each. J. N. Freuzer , clip. old P. 0.
wr : hAVE a large lIst of Nebraska lands
for sale for cash , or wIll exchange for
Onialia 1)roPertY.
Room 411 , 1st Nat'l Ihank Building.
FOR SALE. 105x121 feet N. Tt. corner of
SherInan Ave. iiiitl Locust street , Omaha ,
Nd , . , hirlet' , $3,800. .Adliresu4 Thomas Fitzgerald -
gerald , Independence. Mo. JIE-MIOS
j.os'r ,
STIIAYEI ) or stolen , \Vednesday night.
Julie 1 , hay mare , 1)03 ) lbs. : 1 white hlnrl
foot ; reward for information. tl. lIeu-
, 23115 N. 17th ,'
- _
LOST-White l' ' ° flY mare ) , long iron gray
mane ( Lull tail. Return to 2601 Capitol
avenue get reward. Dr. Swartzlander.
! i. 0 t'N I ) .
TAI11N up. bay mare , weights ithout 1,100
Lewis Dunn , 7 miles west on Dodge road.
i4Ii)1t'l'IIANI ( ) i Nb ) 'i''l'Il'1tl'I'IN ( .
VAN SAN'l"S School , 717 N. Y. Life. 'flie
)4chiooI ) whose itudctits get employment.
Conducted by an experIenced reporter.
: : S3
AT OMABA lbs. College , 16th & Douglas.
SiiOrL'l'-IIAND , Ull-tO-illLt ( ' , taughitby court
reporters. Boyle3' Schitol , 403-5.7 lIeu iddg.
Q1lAlIASlmortliahid and 'fypewrttiiig cal-
logo , lloyd's t Ijenter , -M422.312'
'i's : i'li'tVltI'I'IhllS.
TYPJIWRI'rllflS for rent , $4.00 per month ,
'I'iio Siuii th-T're'inier Typewriter Co. , 1625
Farnam St. ; TtuJephiOile 1281.
OW'ING to ' ; PoPularitY of the new
mumodctls , Nos. , 7 111)11 8 , rteniington tyio.
'su'rlterm. they Iavn had to secure moore
i'othii find huvt removed to 1619 Farnant
street. Call 4n4 non them , 674J-1S
1lA4.iS AND COtiI'IhS ,
hIACIS nnd'cotipes riromlthy furnished at
utll hours , tipy or night , Ity I Iucklncn's
unluui. A. B. ' 1' , . Tel. 177 , 863 : tntl 770.
- -M391-J-I1'
MI'S" ' : , ,
PROF. M131t14..IIR , zither school , 505 Sheely
111k , , 7 years oXltt'rieflCC , florinaui mnetliod ;
51)10 agent Schtwatrzer zithiers , hlcho. lIar-
wood giiitarsuid mandolins , -M409 Jy3
. _
1titETUIt11 ; l'.tCEllI ) ,
M. S. WALICIJN , 2111 Cumning , Tel , 1331.
'l'AJ1.OItlN(3 ,
MAX FOGh1T makes , cleans and repalri
clothes. 907 5. 17th. 43S-ji2
1' . J. KAI11IACII & SONS , 1312 liouvutrd.
'I'ebephono 1102. -XtlZ11.J17 (
DItESSMAKING In fumlliee. 2301 flaven-
port. -M'JU-Ji'
1.i VNB It OI hIlt S.
11. MAIIOW'I'I'Z loamts money. 418 N , 16th
_ 7 - - - - ' - , , -
ltiNhIY TO
ii GItOSShoans &watchrnakcr , tlS N. IC.
. - lS9l-.J.2l
C. _ z = -4 ' _ . - -
jt S'il ( II Ol 'I'lliI l'li 'it'll.
U. Ii. IIOP&1 , 330 iCnrbaehi lhboek , 283
S'l'h5fl ht.t i'll 11115. ,
Wil SOl.IOIT and ftlrnish Positions for
st'nogrtiphers free , Tue Smltli.l'remier
Typewriter Co. 'ICl'lhOflC 12S $ . 2S9
( ) , ItXl'OSI'i'iON 'II'I'Olt4. !
\'XtITI'I IXlflRitiOn hhureitu of ( 'omfort ,
Onmahm. , Neb. , for all ae&'omnmodatiomms ; mit )
feea. . ff6- .
liAltllSS ANI ) S.tlIIPIItY.
S. I ) . CASAD , 519 N. 16th ii43-J.22
ii OIl M II V.1 S'I'tl It B.
ALFALFA la.9t11r0 , bonrtlfene.s , A , " , \ ' .
I'llehlS & Scum. , 207 N. Y. L. Illtlg. I'd. loSt.
It iIS'i' A I'll A'l'S ,
IIOitl meals ; till hours. 11319 . 'Dodge.
IClI ) (1lVtt ( 'l.lltNl % ( ,
U. C. M1DIihIITON' , PractIcal glove cleaner ,
813 N. 20th. -MS90-J-21
Shill3ilCilll'.t. )
LYONS & llEhtlQUl'ST mntved 307 5 , 17th ,
l'attersomm block. - IIIJ12
lb I I' Y ( ' I .1 4.
11/i ltOA INS in new uttitl second hinuti hi.
cycles ; enS ) ' terms. 'rite Safe Stare , luG
htrniimti , -'il I iI.1IS
W'lTflN11LI liro. & Sniitlm , paving , sewer ,
lnilldiig ; enbuielty 100,000 a dity ; 22d 111111
Ilickor ) ' strectg. Tel. 425. 290
- - -
Feral. War
cr5' pays
; : : FarfflLands
( p-4
lZ ,
, r Is
ltC IN ' [ 'lIE
L 209 So. 15th tr. ,
I'OSTOIi'li'lCll iOTI11 ,
( Should be rend daily by u1l irltt'rested , as
ehmnuges may occur at : iii' hub. )
Foreign mails for the week ending Juimo
4 , ILlS , will close ( I'flOML"fLY in all cases )
II L the Getieral l'ostoflice Us follows : I'Jt it-
CELS POST ltlAhl..S cbommo one hour earlier
than cbosinz tlmu shiowui below.
'I'i'nnii-.ttliiii t Ic mnIls.
SATURDAY-At 7 a. nt. for FRANCE ,
EGYI'T and BRITISII INDIA , per s , s ,
La Bourgogne , via Iiavre ( letters for
other harts of Europe ( except Spain ) must
be directed "per La lloiirgognt' ' ) ; at 8 a.
a' . for NE'J'IIEILLANlS direct , Per ii. s ,
Spanrndam , vIa flotterdom ( letters must
liii ( lirectOti ' 'Per Spaarndanf' ) ; at 10 a. in.
( supplementary 31 :30 : t. m. ) , for 1113.
ROPE ( except Silaiti ) , per ii. s. Luc'nnIa ,
via Qiucenstowim ; at 12 ni , for h'rALl' ,
her s. s. Kaiser WIlhelm II , via Naples
( letters YnUEit bO directed "per ialser
'i\'Ilhiehmn II" ) ; at 2 1' . in. for sco'r-
LAND direct , per s. s. City of Itomime , via
Ghisgow ( hetter must be dIrected "per
CIty of Rome" ) .
After tIme closing of the Supplemeatam y
TraumsuttlnmmtIc iLlails imamneti zthori'e , aildl.
tlonal SulpplO(000tiIry inutlis are oienOl ( on
the jiler or tile American. English ,
French anti ( lermurin stc'anmors antI renitimi
oIil , until withIn ten rnlnutcs of time hour
of sailing of steamer.
311 % I is toi' Situ thl uind Ceit t rat A , mn'rlcum ,
\Vesl mules , JIb.
FOUNDLAND , per i4. S. SiberIan , from
Ph I itulel Plila ; a t I 0 a . in. ( siipphenien La ry
10:30 : it. nb ) for FOrri'UNE iSt.ANI ) ,
( lENA , er 14. 5. Atlirondaclc ( letters for
CostiL ltlL immust be direct'ii "per Adlron-
ilack" ) : at l030 ; a , rn for llAi'I'I , 'per s. us.
Prints F' . I icmiiirlk ( letters ( or Veiiezticlui ,
Curacao. 'J'rlnithul , BrItish rind Dutch
GuIana immust be directed "per Prlns F.
Ilendrik" ) ; at 11 a , in. ( supplementary
Il :80 : a. mit. ) for VENEZUELA : timl , CIJRA-
( 'Alt. tlso SA\'ANILL.A and ( 'AIt'I'IIA.
GENA. via Curacao , per s. s. l.aightoi ;
at S:30 : P. am. for NEWFOUNDLAND , per
steamer from North Sydney ,
SI'NDAY-At 1 p. m. for BAIBIADOS dl-
rect , also NORTH liltA'/JL , . via i'at'a
and i1anaos , imor us. s. Sobraioaso.
2'tails for Ncwfoundlnnt , ny rail to Itoh-
fax , and thence by usteammier , close at thIs
ofiico tlaIl' ttt 8:30 : 1) . in. Muttis for Mi-
queioa , hI' rail to Boston. anti thence by
steamer , cIoe at tltts odice daily at 8:30 :
p. am. Mails for Mexico City. overland ,
unless specially nddressetl for tiegimatehi by
sti'uimntsi' . eloM , ' at thIs Othil' , ) .1rtlI , ' at 2:30 :
a. m. and 2:30 : p. am. "itegistered mali
closes at 6:1)0 : ) 1) . rn Previous lilly.
'i'i'itmut'tl'iiel ' tie ttztIls.
Malls for ( 'hiitma , Japutti antI hawaii , per
K , 14 , China ( from San Francisco ) , cboe
hero daily up to Juno 2 at 6 :30 : p. in.
MnlI for ( 'hilima anti Japan , per us. s. Vie-
torin ( (101mm Tac.nimaj , close here dully tip
to Julie ' 'G at 6:30 : 1) . in. Malls for Aug.
tnilIa ( except those for \Vest Australia ,
whh'li are forwarded via Euirtpe ) , New
Zealand , hawaiI. FIll and Srtmnoam Is-
lut mids , per S. H. Iiionmiit ( ( coin Situ Frau-
clusco ) , chose Itere tiitil' up to 3 line ' 90
at 7 a. m. . II a. to , and 6:30 : p. in , ( or on
arrival at New York of us. us , Campanla
wIth British malls for Australia ) . Mails
for Chlmia amid Japan ( specially addressetl
only ) , per 0 , 14. Enmprt'ss or .Inpnn ( from
Vancouver ) , close here daily up to Juno
" 13 at 6:30 : p. rn MaIls for Hawaii , per
8. /enlzindia ( frtiuim Sami Francisco ) , '
chose hero daIly up to June 23 at 6:30 : p.
Iii , Mrills far Australia ( except \\'egt
Australia ) , New Zealand , hawaii nittl
Fiji Islands , per it. us. Miowera ( from Viumi-
cotiver ) , close hero tinily ntft ( r June " 10
and tuii to Juno 23 itt 6:30 : 1) . rn MnIlus
for time Society Islands , : mer ship Tropic
BIrd ( ( roumm San Franeisco , close lucre
daily up to Juno 21 at 6:30 : p. m.
Trans-Pacific mails are forwarded te port of
saIling daily and the sc'ltedulo of closIng
is , trrztngLol tom thu presumption of' their
tinintc'rrunted overland transIt. " 1tejis-
terod immail eboes at 6 jI , in. pres'ioiis duty.
Postoflice , Now York , N. 'V. , May 27 , 3893.
lthl'WiY 'l'lMi ! C.iRl ) ,
_ _
: ; sIc. UNION PACII'IC - "Thill
'd4i4 ( ) yt'rliind ltoiito"-4'eneral Of.
flees , N. W. Corner Ninth and
u.4rjr'\lI1It Futi'niim Streets. City 'l'icktut
4.tJY1-'jtJ Ol1'c 1102 Fnrnam Street.
' 'eioplmoito 216. Dtulot. 'L'omitlm
amid Mason Streets , Tciephiono
Leave , Arrive.
1'Thie Overiami1
LImited" for 1)en-
ver , Salt I.ako ,
niud western ptJ. . 8:50 : am I 4:45 : pm
Thu Colorado 93pe-
cliii. for Demiter &
all Colorado p'ts. 11:55 : pm 6:40 : a iii
Fast Stall Train for
Salt Lake , l'ucitlc
coamt and all
wc'atern ( ) Oifltti , . . 4:35 : m 6i0 ; ama
Lincoln , Beatrice &
Stromsburg lIx , ' 5:00 : pm " 12:29 : pm
Fr'qnoiit , Colum-
lm4 , Norfolk , Ge tl
lshauid & iCearnoy 4:35 I'm ' " 12:20 : pm
Ursnd .jiJlilfld 11x , , . 'S 5 ; Q pm ' 12:20 : I'm
1)alIy. " 1)ahiy except bunday.
South Omaha Local I'ass.-Leaves , 6h5 ; a ,
in , ; 700 ; a. itt. ; 9:15 : a. ma. ; 3:10 : p. in. Ar-
rivcs , 10:15 : a. in. ; 330 ; p. ma ; 600 p. m ,
Council liluffs Local-Lenvt's , 5:55 : a. ma. ;
6ti0 ; a. io. ; 7:40 : a. ma. ; S4 ; ( ) a. ma. : 10:30 : a ,
m. ; 2:15 p. m. ; 4:35 1) , m. ; 5:1,5 : p. mn.8:20 ; : p.
ma. ; 10:05 : p. ma. . Jtrrlvtai , G:3.5 : a , ma , ; 7:20 :
a , ma. ; 83. ; a. ma. ; 11:30 : a. no , ; 3:10 : p. ma. ;
5:40 : p. mu. ; 6:30 : P. Zfl. 0:05 : p. m. ; 10:45 : p. ma.
ItAII.W'AY 'rIi1'3 ( ' 'ill ) .
( Contiumimed. )
' 'lttfltlINOTON & MIII.
I Patti I River Itnilrond-"i'lio
Bot'llngtouu Itoute' ' . ( len.
oral Oi1lei N. " * ' ' . ( 'crime !
I A auto "I'C'iitii timid Farnain Streets.
'i'leket ( . ) iilce , 1502 Farnntn
Stm'ect 'I'elephmouie 2Z0. Do.
hot , 'J't'flhhm anti Mason Street5 , Telephone
1mivo , ArrIve ,
LIncoln , Ihostitigs
nod ZuhcCenk . , . ' S:35 : nun 9:5 : omit
iilwhti , Denver ,
Colorado , tJtutIt ,
l'alIfornhii , Ulak
IlIlls , Momttn &
l'ogi'u Eutinii 4:33 : POt 4:00 : pot
1lnciiln I.oetil . . . 700 Ptfl " 7:10 : pot
1.Iimt'l Fnst Mall " 2:63 : I'm 'llIO : am
Denver , Colorado ,
Uttmhm , CalIfornia
aimti I'uget Sound 'ii :55 : inn ' 11 :55 : pm
'IaIby. 'D.iIIy ( ixcelit Stimuhuty ,
IiCAct ? , 1tUitllNUTON &
iE3urIin1on Qtihiicy Rhttlroni.i - "This
ltutt'llngton ItotltO"-Tlekt
1 Oiilee , 1102 1"arnnn Street.
11 oute Telephone 2..O. Depot , Tenth
huLl MulliOn Streets. Teic-
; thioiio 123.
I.eavo Arrive.
Chicago Vestiltilfed
Express . . . . . , , , , . , , 5:06 : m 8:10 : am
( 'lileitgl , . I 9:15 : aiIm 4:12 : 11111
Chmlcmttto & St.
l.ttig , Express . . , 7:15 : PlO 8:10 : ant
Crestttt lm'nl 4 :00 : 1)111 ) ' 10:15 : 11th
Pacllle Junction
Lnenl , . . . , . , . . , , , , , ' 1i:50 : tint 5:10 : pm
Fast Mall S 2:50 : hifl
Chicago , Special . . 92:05 : am ' 11&0 pm
DaII' . " ] ) ally except Sunda3' .
U sephi & Ccoiiie'il Bluffs ititil-
. ' ' ' '
road - 'l'lic Ilurl I t gt on
itotitu"-'i'Ic'kc't Oilit'e , I5L (
. R 0tJID Fiutnutmn Street. Teii'phioitc
251) ) . 1)t'pot , Tenth miumilit. : .
. _ . : _ . . _ . _ . _ _ S I ttttt iS. 'l'eh'phioii t' 125.
t.eavc , Art'Ivc ,
Ransa s City Day
Exltt'eg't I 9:05 : am 6:40 : inn
Fnmisms : City Night
. ' Express . . . . . . . . . . . ' 10:00 : iimum 6:30 : am
'Il I litsi t Ia ii Flyer' '
for St. Lttuiq. , . . . . . ' 4:10 : pm 92:50 : you
1)aIii' ,
flMAILA & S'F. lOU1S itAlt. .
road-Oniiiiiui , 1auistis city &
I ] Eu s I em'n I iii I I rattil--'t'lu , ' Port
4t'thltti' ' ' ' '
liOlie'-'l'iOkt3t Office ,
R2LIc : : 4i.i 1"ariinin Street. 'lobe'-
lihione 322. DelIol , 'relutlt itilti
Masoum Stre As , 'l'eht'phiomin. 125 ,
Leave. Arrive.
St. Louis Cannon
Ilall . 4S : 1)01 ) 1i:3O : am
Kntiig , '
( 'Ity &
Quibney 14101(1 . . , ' 7:40'atn : 0:0 : tmn
Raimsag City E -
7:30 : nun
P0l't Arthur ExPress -
Press , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:30 : pm
Daily ,
. _
- - -
- , & l'at'iilc Itaiirond-'h115
. Great Reek Island Rout.u' '
. City TIcket 0111cc , 1323
. I ' '
_ aritani Street. 'l'elepliomio
4s 1)eimt , Tenth anti
. ' '
Streets. 'l'clelhtbito )
. ( :29.
Leave , Art'l' ,
hooky Mountain
Linilted , ( Inst . . 1:30 : nun 1:25 : nun
Rocky 2thountalu't
Llimiiteil , vet 5:20 : aiim 5:15 : am
C'lmic'ago & St. Paul
\'estiiubed 11 x -
Pros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:00 : pm 1:25 : inn
Lincoln. Colorado
Springs , l'uebbu ,
Denver omit ! west. , 1:30 : inu 4:25 : pm
Cii I esIgo , Des
MoInes o flock
Ishruuid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 : pn ' 11:25 : am
Atlantic Express ,
for Des Molnea
anti eastern loiiitS ' 7:00 : ama ' 850
Colorado . Flyer . . . . . . ' 7:00 : pm ' S:50 : am pm
Daily. ' Daily oxciutit Sunday ,
lIlC.GO , M1l.rAUN:1E : &
csc4c St. Paul Rtil'tvay - City
MILWAUII'EE 'I'icket (1111cc , 1501 Fau'n'uumm
. - itreet. ' Tclopone 281. Delict ,
'reuithm and Mason Streets ,
' 4 , Telephone , 629.
Luava. ArrIve.
cagoLImitea ,
Express . . . . . . . . . . . 5:15 : pm 8:20 : am
Oniutita & Chicago
Exprcss . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 11:00 : ant lI5 : pin
Sioux City tumiti Dc
Moines Express.'IhOO : ann " 4:16 : pm
'Daily. 'Daily except Sunday ,
rnatl-iencral Olilces ant
TIcket Oihlce , Southeast Cor-
nor 14th timid Douglas Streets.
Telephone , 101. Depot , 15th
, : tnii Webster Stmi. Telcphono
. 1iS.
1.CitS.C. Arrive.
Krtmsas and Neb.
Limited . . . . . . . . . . . S 3:03 : inn 12:55 : vno
Kaiisa4 CIty & St.
Louis Eqress . . . 9:34) : ) pm 6:00 : am
Nebraska 1ocal . . . " 410 11am ' . 11:45 : am
Dail' . 'a Daily except Soiiduty.
_ . , _ . . _ _ _ _ . A B. . . ' , . S H RALI.TtOAI- .
TIcket OllIce , I 115 Faimian ,
u\ \ Street. Telephone 892. Depot
- . ' 'loath mid MOgOfl Streetg.
Telc'phiono 125.
Leave. Arrive.
St. Lotus "Canon
hiumlI ' Jlxpn'c's'3. . . . . ' 4:30 : pm 11:30 : nun
a Daily.
. . . - - - - - . . . . . - - . - - -
lL.'iu1.tY Tl3ilh (1.t1tD ,
( Cllitifltlei
(1ilCAOO & Nolt'rIi'BsT.
, ( 'ci' Itailuvity--City Ticket
, Oillee 1101 1' tmrminln 5tc'et ( ,
' ' . ' 561 Icimt ,
'A't'ltIlt ntu Mason Streets.
! l'elOlhiOnO , G2.
leave , Arrive.
layligh'.t ( 'hitoagn
Snerini . . . . . . . . . . . ' 'PlO aim ll:50 : inn
Mt.'ni'ey . ' , Sioux
Miiutit'tmliOliS 555 ; omit ' 10:45 : Puil
City. St. l'imul &
Mo.'nliey , SIoux
CIty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 7:10 ama ' 9:05 : pm
It'nition , Corroll ,
\'nbi lnlc aunt
Council flli.ffs , " 8:10 : ala " : i5 ant
Ilitmuterli hIx. , Des
liioiiies , iitrhua1l.
touvim , Cedar Ititi , .
iiis nttd ( 'Imiengo. , 1O30 am ' 433 ; pm
Atlantic Flyer , Ciii-
' outgo nati Eaqt . . . , S 443 ; ItOh 4 u33 urn
FOeL 2tIitIl , Chicago
to Omaha 3lhO pm
ltit'ttllev , , Siouy
( 'thy , lit 'i'uilll uiimtl
Mlnneapoli5 Lint'ti S 4:33 : pm 8:50 : nnm . : . .
01mmChicago She-
cml . . . . . . . . . . . . a 45 P01 S50 alum
1)aii ) ' , ' DaIly except Bttntha8' ,
, ttenyolis & Onlahirt hallway
, -Getierni ome , Nebraska
hIvisioim , FIfteetith 111111
- Webster Streets , city
'fickctOihIce , 1401 ] earnnmn Street. Tole.
hliteuit' , 661. lepot , Fifteenth muid 'obgter
Streets. relehihione , 1,453.Leave
I Leave , Arrive. '
Sioux cii ) ' rcom. , ' g:6o : omit " 3h20 IOfl
SIoux ( 'ity Accom. , l 9:50 : ituii " 8u20 put - - - -
lilttlr , Enu'rsiiui ,
SIoux City , 1'Onca ,
I I It i'tiii l mi ii flint
Ihloouumltt'ld . . . . . . . . 'S 1:00 : pm 'l1 : ltn %
t3iitux , City , Man-
hoito , lIt. l'iitit &
StItmii'nllill14 . . . . . . 'a's :55 : pin ' 8:20 : nm
Eiimet'uqt : t'zusseumgt'r ' 510 am ' ' 8:4 : omit
, l'tii iI' . 'S ) "
laiiy except Stilulay. Stmtt-
tIny only , * 'l'hils ti'utlli stoifli it stuttiotig
h"lou'enee I 0 itili I hi I Ihul i' , I itch 0 ci ye , Sit ii-
tIns is eutl' ; out wet'k thltys , hloutli Ilbalt' only.
' Nissoturlnlbey Ituiluvay.-
, i' ( ioni'rnl Oillces , Umilteil
I StItti'S Nationuil hluuiik ltldg
Southwest ( 'orner Tiu'eh ft I
itlitt I' ( Lrn'mln ' Streets. 'l'Iekct ( tIflee I ii
hittnuuun Street. Telehihiollu , 561. lSeiiot ,
I.'ittt'enttlt auni W'cbstvr Streets. 'feiuIiit.pi . , ,
1,453. Leave , Arriv0 , y '
Black hIlls , ieni- ,
wood , Ihtit HprI'gs ' 3:00 : pin 5:00 : pm
\'youmiiimg , Casper
and Dougln'i . . . . . . . . * 3:00 : inn 5:00 : inn
liastluge , York , 1)a-
uil City , Superior ,
( lonevmt , Exeter &
Sen'nrd . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 3:00 : Iifl ) 6:00 : pro
Norfolk.V. . I'otuit
niiil Freitmont . . . . . " 7:50 : am " 10:25 : nat
Lincoln , \'ahoo &
Frcmouit . . . . . . . . . . .4 7:50 : am " 10:25 : nun
Fre'mnoiit h.ocnl . . . , " 7:50 : utiii . . . , .
S lally. ' ' lnil' except untlny , " Stuui.
(1113' only."a litlby except Saturday , * '
"ii' Daily .
except Monday.
ShOUX C'l'Y & I'ACIF'IC " 4
, Itmtlhroad-Ceuiem'itl Ouhlcrg
, I 'ii i t ed S I a t es Na t ioui.i I
flunk UullilIiig S. 'IV. Cot'-
ncr Twelfth and F'nu'uiummn '
Street. Tiket 0111cc , 1401 Fttrmiauu Street , t ,
'll'elcIhbon ( ' 561. Ie'pot , 15th tumid \Vobster.4 , _
Streets. Telcphouic 1435. 'I .
Leave. Arrive.
Sioux City , Man-
lcatt , , St. 1'aul ,
? itiitiieniolls . . . . . . :55 : mm 8:20 am
S Daily.
Fi rN ( Adteiiimt of lti''etiii , ' ( mitt'r hear
it F'itlhii cc , ( liii img ii , ilcii'
lee Pieltis.
SEATTLE , Julie 3.-The schooner hirlxamn
brings news that the revenue cutter hear ,
coumveybng relief to the iuiuprlsoneii wlmlerut ,
is at Dutch harbor. The officers of thuo
hear recently attempted to form a couinee-
tbon with the overintid liarty under Licuten-
ant Jarvis , but got only 200 mumlk's north of
Iutch harbor. There thte ice uu'as found
Packed solid across ( hoeing sea and all
further iihnius hail to be abandoned , No
news was receivcil froom Jarvls.
A hurricane , u'Iiichi serIously tlireatc'nel
the cuitire shIpping of that localIty , swept
over IMitcht Ilarhor and Unainaka on May 22.
Durimig the. storuim thu. ' schooner lichen was '
drIven ashuore , thought not seriously injurcil
( lie ship \\'anchitusett draggel its aumcliorq
amid but for the timely assistance of thi
hear the bark Barmy Morse would have
beemi hurled upon the rocks and brokeum to
pIeces , According to time olhlceis of tlio
ilu'lxamum , thai schooner Fischer ilrothiers lund
arrIved at Uialaika : after an exciting cx-
Peric'imco iii Bering sea. It tried to rtush
its ii'ay through the ice pntk sonic 300 nilies
north of Unalaska , amid for a I butte it hooked - - -
as if it wouhl never get out. For nearly a
week It was In the ice 1)00k tiuiahihi' to get
away. A sudden s'Ioul opeumed up a chianmiel
and relensed it.
I/li I 1 A&i.3t' : 4 I
/1//f / / / .2ifr\ \ " % '
III I I t I \ . ' ,
III I I ! 1 ' I " -Z
hLLL-J ! L E"1' I I'
/ / , -
, :
Foulards contInue to be popular , partly because of their itdaplablllty to flOUnCe ,
and other touches of decoration wimIch re0ulre ft soft , clInging texture ,
A dainty creation of violet and white foulard is made wlUu thi favorite clrcuhar
ruffle , ithtbehi borfiers ( hue skirt , and Is carried up thom front In decreasing wIdth. it
cdge also this gulmnpe waIst front and bask and tIme wrist of the small , close sleeves ,
Quaintly Pretty Is tIme corsage , whleb lit trimmed about the bust , with the enclr.
cling frill low in front , one altie crossing tIme other atarI passing over thai right shoulder
to the back , where It Is carried down antler the turin to meet tue croised-over hart
of the front , The left sleeve I , decorated with a drnmhlo frill. , , . - -
French embroidered batlste In crean : white Is used ( or the gttlmnpo and sleeves , "
which is a desirable nuode for thin materials. This corsage Is a simple full waist ,
tight-fitting In thuo hack. alid the collar i a straight close band , Time seven-gored
skirt hangs smoothly lii front , wIth full fouls behInd.
The iroier cut for this gown can be obtaIned only fromi : tue cut taper patterns
publIlied by Harper's Baser , where it
QuantIty of material for gown-otIk , eleven yards ; embroidered batiato , ouo an
one-baIt yards.
. . . - - . . , v'
- -