Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 03, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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S - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ p OMA1L DAILY ] EEfli : FJLIDAY , JUNE 8 , 1898.
Drummcrs Eco1vc that rho I3rokera Should
Go Out of Busine8s ,
LeiitI.y fl(1flC on Use ) lntter lie-
unit , . In lnaor of the Itnitrond
CDIIIl1IIteC'M ltilarscment of
the Aitti-Scnipiiig lUll.
As soon as PreslilentVallersten called
the national convenflon of the Travelers
l'rottctlvo aocIatIon to order for mornIng -
Ing dellboratlon In Creighton halI National
ChnlaIn Itoy. Homer 'P.VIloii. . who I pan-
tor of the llrst Chrifttlnn church at Fort.
Worth , Tex. , caIne forward and ahl he
wanted to make a little statement before
prayer wafi offercd. What ho said had reter-
once to the gentlemanly character of the
members or the T. P. A. The day previous
had offered every reason for a trespass beyond -
yond the bounds of a good time , but every
lolcgate had demonstrated the fact that the
modern American commercial traveler is
every inch a gentleman and the brightest
nn.l cleanest typo of an energetic business
hustler. Chaplain Vllson said :
I have been around the hotels a great deal
and on ovary hand I have heard It said that
this was the soberest body of business inca
ever assembled together. I was talking to
some ladies of this city and ( lie conversation
turned upon the characters of ( lie traveling
men , and I tout them ( lint from my knowledge -
edge of the traveling mcii It was my opinion
that no nien were more represvnntive of a
) ilgln'r order of Intelligence , sobriety and
real1 genuine righteousness than ( ho coin-
rnerclnl travelers. They agreed heartily
with this sentiment and I nod that this
Is the estimation in which tlc knight of ( lie
grip is generally held. I simply tell you
( tile to congratulate you upoii ( lie good tin-
Pression you have niado by your gentlemanly -
manly conduct , We arc not so well known
In the vest us in seine other places where
we have held conventions , but the time
may come when we shalt hold a convention
and will have jlfflcuIty In finding a hail
large enough to hold the delegates and
lie ielated an incident showing the graceful -
ful manner In which one of the delegates
had nianaged to lend kindly assistance to
an old gentleman. who had been rendered
hors tin combat by a combination of en-
thuslasm , patriotism and refreshments.
A Iit itli Must lie EidorMed ,
After Chaplain Wilson's dootlons a reso-
lotion caine from W. A. Ryan of Indiana , requiring -
quiring all appeals for charity made to the
T. 1' . A. comivemition to ho properly en-
dorseil by local charities or relief organiza-
( Ions , as a condition of formal recognition.
It was adopted without discussion ,
Seine immatters of a Private mmaturc covering
certain expenses vcre thiemi ( lISiOSCd of aimil
l'meslmleimt J. F. Johnson of time \VisconRin
division amid J. W. Hudson of the Louisiana
division submitted their reports. Wisconsin
has nine 1)05(0 ( In good working order. Its
membership has increased from 780 to 815 ,
nmitl tIme division is in splciitlld financial con-
Iii time Louisiana report occurred the following -
lowing : "Our I > huslcal condition is above
mar. Our flmmaimccs arc good , but havimmg con-
tribtmtcd $317 to the overflowed and drouth
sufferers ( applause ) . leaves us with about
enough cash emi humid to build an ironclad
for ( lie gailatit T. P. A.'s to assist Uncle
Sani to settle this question. " ( Laughter and
applause. ) Two new posts have been organized -
ized in Louisiana amid the membership had
Increased to 291.
Messrs. Sam P Jones , I ) . fl. Wilder and
1' . 11. 11111 , tli Commnittei on time report of
Clialrmaii Benjamin F. Itorfman of the mma-
tional hotel comniittce , recomnimiended that
' state secretaries mail the mmmc of the chair-
maim of each post to ( lie national chairman.
It also mcomiiinended a vote of tlianlcs to
Mr. hoffman. The report was ummaninmousty
flit the Aiitl-Scziljir' 11111 ,
TIme question of favoring time anti-scalp-
ore' bill , now before congress , ( lien came up
oil time report of ttmo comiminittee to which
immi been referred time report of Chairman
M , W. l'haicmi of the national railroad corn-
'fhie special committee. which consisted of
George \V. Cohlins , W. A , Ryan , C. A. Shar-
imiborger. It. J. Angamar and J. V. Orman , in
itmi report "regretted to say that It could
not romicur in the iecomnnienilation" eon-
tamed in Chmnirmnmi Phmalon's report to the
effect that time convention pass a resolution
favoring the anti-scalpers' bill , It. was the
conmnittcmfs belief that the position of the
Trmtvelermm' Protective association should be
one of strict ni'utrality 1mm tlio fight between
the raliroads and the scalpers , "particim-
larly mis time contest had been going on so
bug ( lint mnenibers of the association bud
formed ohimiOflS % one way or time other. "
' Time subject stIrred imp considerable die-
ctmssion , but tIme sentiment seemed largely
with Mr. l'hmalen's recommendation. John
A. Lee of St. LouIs , who is emma of time flu-
tional ox-presidents of the association , at
once took % mp the side of lm. Pimalen and
the railroads , and offered ami nniemdmnent
to thin report , to the effect of having
Mr. l'halcii's original repprt adopted instead
of the special committee's report.
As the debate progr ssod it waxed warmer ,
but ( lie friends of time scalpers wore fInally
routed , and Mr. Plialen was sustained.
lctnli'm * ( if time Iehate ,
During time early stages of the discussion
II. L. ( lenten of Tcxas thought the
Travelers' Protect lye association should not
take sides in time controversy. W. A , Ityam :
of Terre haute. hid. , one of the members
of tim apecinl committee , explained why his
commminittce had taken ( ho losiUon it hail ,
but several delegates expressed themselves
against "carrying water on boths shoulders. "
E. C. flurrowB of Peoria. Ill , , enmiorsed ( tie
reimmurini made by Mr. Lee mimul observed ;
"Time salvmitiomi of the traveling muon is with
the railroads and not with the scalpers.
Time railroads make time rates , not time scalp-
eis ; " and C. ( I. Y 'lrn of Lafayette , Intl. ,
stromigly contended ( tint "time titno lmati
coimit vhicmi time trnveilimg nen : should staimil
on one sub or the other. " lie favored Mr.
Phmaien's report ,
"TIme permmmammcncy of limo inrercimangeable
Ulmoli time interchamigoable mmmiieage ticket.
Mr. l1tuiemi hiiiiseif made it stnteiimcnt , tic
epoko of the expense to which ( tie railroad
passenger associmitiomis were mit iii the iminin-
tenaiice of their niiieago bureaus-"it costa
the Cenlral l'asscngcr association 3,3OO , a
nmontlm amid tYic Western assointion 5ooo a
noiitlm"-aiI simply to keep the mileage bus-
jibes straight mmmiii to iirotec time railroads
ngailtht time scalpers. Mr. Phiaiemm coutimmmmetl ;
"Time pernimmnency of ( lie iflterchangembio
mileage ticket is threatened by ( lie eximeimse
ciitailetl on Iho nilleago btireaus , caused by
.tho necessity for tIme restrlctiomis limit about
tiiis ticket ill Prevent the scalper ( rommi using
It , I bciieye ( lit' rniroads have it in their
power to kill ofT the scalpers. Of course time
acaiper sifl ua3 literally die , but he would
lie dorimiant 'untfl time restrictions are re-
zuoved aimil jbe' rutliroatis .ceaeo to bemlgc ( ho
ticket ahoit witit every safeguarti , and them ,
lie would come to life again. Hence ( liii
J zccessiy ( Jpr tlses mileage bureaus. The
trouble with th southern roads today is that
you caupot ot an limerciuangcabie ( inilemmgu
ticket emu then ) . Time reason Is that time
putb.astcrn association does not wish to
u betty ( ho extra expense involved. So bug
' Is the scalper's business is not unlawful fl
'wlil interfere with our privileges as con-
stauit travelers Iii some way or otimer. "
l'i'idcimt Vitiirstci n's t ti ( nile ,
The ccond vice president , Chambes 11.
hart of Denver , Cobo. , occupied this chair
during the debate , and this nave National
1ree1Ucut'shierstetu a ebaimee to tulme time
floor on the side of the railroads. lit , be-
iiovcd the raliroada to be the friends of
the traveling men , lie had given the subJect -
Ject considerable tumir in his state , Virginia. ,
as chairman of the assocIation's railroad
committee there. Said he :
I think if we consider our interests and
( hose of the railroads as mutual , inside of
sIx months we will have a satisfactory In-
tcrcbangcabie mileage ticket , whereas we
have nothing to gain on the other side.
howard Peek of Texns ako wanted the
"association to record its protest against the
fraud of ticket scalping , " It time , he
said , ( lint the "drummer ceased to be a
party to this fraud. "
Upon Moys Jacobs of Denver asking :
"have the railroad associations ever asked
us to help them out ? " Mr. Burrows moved
that Chairman F. C. Donald of the Central
Passenger association be allowed to address
( ho convention , as he was present. This was
quito agreeable to the convention anti Mr.
Donald took the platform to explain the p0-
sition of time railroads. tie haul been nu-
thorizeel o speak also for the Western as-
sociation. lie had rend Mr. l'hnlcn's report
nnmi had found it "fair , tlispasslooato and
intelilgent. " In substance ho said :
The question of an Interchangeable ml-
leago ticket had received the most careful
attention of tue railroads when it flrst camne
up , but It was then a revolutionary piopo-
sition. Eventually the matter was takeim up
in earnest , and after the Chicago mass
meeting a 6,000-miie ticket was issued , that ,
however , had to be dropped for lack of
patronage. The forty-five railroads in the
association , through their representatives ,
had discussed time question from March to
Septeimmber , with the result of the introduc-
( ion of tile 1,000-miio interchangeable ticket.
Our restrictions are not intemideil to embarrass -
barrass you , but ( lucy are for the protection
of the legitimate business of the railroads
and arc atmed solely against the scalpers.
% 'iiimt Oilier , , lIne ioime ,
Mr. Donald enumerated a great nany nn-
tionai bottles that. had gone on record as endorsing -
dorsing the anti-scalpers' hub , notably the
Grand Army of ( ho Republic , Epworth
league and ninny others , and tie hoped the
Travelers' Protective association would do
likewise. It was about the only important
orgammization ( lint had not , ho said. In reply
to J , M. Irwin of Quincy , Ill. , ho said the
bill , it it became a law , would cut down
( lie expense of the mileage bureaus of the
railroads one-half nnd the traveling men
would get ( lie benefit. As to the rebates , i0
per cent were iaid within twenty-four hours
after prpscntation , 75 per cent vithlmi forty-
eight hours and all within four or five days.
When ha fInished Mr. Jacobs said it was
the "first time the railroads had come to
tile Travelers' Protective association , " but
the Travelers Protective association stood
ready to extenti the right hand of fellowship.
If ( ho railroads are ( ho association's friends
time Travelers' Protective association should
favor them , He accordingly was ready to
favor Mr. Phalen's recornmrendatbon. Delegate -
gate I'ortor of Kentucky wanted the same
courtesies extended to the scalpers as to
time railroads had received , hut noime seemed
to be present. Mr , Yclin remarked that
imoboiy had worked harder against the Interchangeable -
changeable ticket than time eculper.
Finally Mr. Lee's amendmnent was carried
and ( tie Travelers' Protective association
lint itself on record as favoring the anti-
scalpers' bill.
A short report from the press committee
was received , amnomig other thiumgs thanking
the newspapers for courtesies , and the report -
port of the committee on constitutiomi and
by-laws was taken up for consideration. It
wmms a long one amid its recommendations of
various changes were considered seriatim.
Time convention reftised , to adopt its recoin-
inendation of the admission of life and
fire insurance solicitors to muember-
ship in the Travelers' Protective as-
sedation , and among other recommendations
rejected was one restricting the selection
of natIonal directors to those states only
which have a membershIp of 1,000 or over ,
but one empowering the national board
to make an assessment whenever time in-
deninity fund falls below 5OOO succeeded.
During time cccii recess ( lie members of the
association were photographed in group by
time omclai photographer of time Transrnis-
sissippi 1xposit1ofl.
.Alvectliiti Stutii of ) leiImlCVN.
On the question of mnemberslmip an amend-
meat to ( lie constitution was agreed to ,
barring front the association members who
go into ( lie iotzmii business. This amenmi-
mont and ( lie one proposing to make eiigi-
blo life and fire insurance solicitors , vere
nniomig four submitted by President Wal-
lerstein. The Holland proposition to nd-
mit business representatives of mmewspapcrs
was lost.
All of Secretary Louis T. La l3eaumo's
proposed mmmentlnients were acceptemi. Among
( lucre was that empowering the national
board to levy aim assessment in case the in-
deinnity fund fails below 3OOO.
Action on the proposed constitutional
amomidnients took up much of the afternoon ,
Ommcm which vent througim all right raises
the secretary's salary tromu $2,100 to 2,1O ,
Another provides for a quarterly inspection
of aesoication's books by an expert account
ant. Still another does away with time re-
quiroineiit ( lint time association stationery
shall ho secured at cost.
An effort by Chairman George W. Smith
of time imatiomial enmpioymnciit committee to
have the "members" as well as the "chair-
men" ci' 'time imational committees included
In tile comiventiomi's expemise account failed ,
A similar fate befell the proposition of
C , S. a holland of tIme Texas division to
exclude fromi time convention pay roll the
cimairmen of the national committees.
. MI time ilollamid amendments were ro-
Jecteil. These iumciuded time ono to limit the
seloetiomi of members of time national board
of directors oniy to those states having a
membership of 1,000 or over. Likewise one
td raise tIme national secretary's boumd from
$25,000 to 6OOOO.
Time J , F. Adams amendment , divesting
time national presiulciut of time office of na-
tiunni organizer , was accepted , Subsequently
was voted down a proposed amemidment to
imeovido for time ahlPotfltmnemmt of mu separate
national organizer. This was offlired on time
floor by George W. Collins of Portland ,
Ore. , but found very few friends , as tIme
Imst experience of the associatiomm has not
been very encouraging in thu respect of an-
tionai organizers ,
l'ri'osI * hums ( liii t Flu lie ii , ,
As soon mis time iast propomiitiomm contained
in ( lie coinnittteo's report hiad been acted
impon aim attempt , before final action tin ( be
report as a whole , was made by John S.
hiarwooti , one of the Virgimmia delegates , to
have a lrovision in tie , constitutloum which
would have il Ivideil the initiatory membership -
ship fee of $2 anti made a disposition of it
tlmums : One rloilar to the local post , 10 cents
to time state tliiiom : audIO cents to ( hue mmmi-
tiommal association. ills object , lmc miald , was
"to kct'ii thu hosts from downing the state
Ioariis" thuroumgim lack of proper support. II ,
1. . . fleumeomu of Texas rcmiimde'l ' ( ho conveuitioum
( lint the whole nmatter hind been fully ills.
cussed amid settleil at Saim Ammtoimio sommie
years ago , Nutiunni Secretary La Iieauine
cxlmlaimiei ( butt time effect would be to cut
iinwn one-unit time 4,000 receiveil by time
imt'iit'flL fund fronm time membership fee
source. Time proposition was iiccorilimmgiy de.
fenteci , Nor was any change , as intended by
John M. Liglitfoot of Terre haute , lad. ,
ugri'eil to in time disposition of the 1O mmmi.
imual dues.
When ilme order of hew bumsiiicss was
reached Clerk \'elmmi reati a resolution. train
Nasimvllim , Tenii , askimig time T. P. A , to
raise a fund by comuiu-lbutlon--$10 tronm cacti
imiemmmber-to be doimatet to the government
for time bumildimmg of a first-class war ship ,
On a fiction by E. W' , Donbamu of Ohio it
was received mind vlaced on file.
Messrs. Ii , L. iiensoit , Texas ; Warren Suit-
lilT , iilliiois , anti A , Ii , hush , Missouri , were
alPointed ) a committee cii resolutions , Au
it was feared the committee would hardly
have time to draft resolutions in a
desirable shape before the convention ait-
Journed for the day another committee was
appointed , at Mr. Ilenson's suggestion , to
pass upon the resolutions and report at the
Mihiard hotel this morning , rhis committee
coasista of seven , as fol'ows ' : 'J , 0. Thomas ,
Indiana ; . .1V. . McDonald , Missouri : Aloa
Jacobs , Colorado ; Nelson aray , Kentucky ;
John S. Ilarwood , Virginia ; B. It. lievener ,
Minnesota , and C. 0. Stone , Qebrgia.
Tnkes Ill , tiivctinn of Ofileer. , ,
There being rio more new business at ( lie
( lain demanding attention , the convention
at once proceeded to ( ho election of omccrs ,
Messrs. A. ii. Ilush of Missouri and Alfred
Ieickman of Texas being appointed tellers.
The method in vogue is to have the roll of
states called and give each a chance ( q
naimie or second a candidate. Joseph Wailer-
stein of Itichmnond , Va. , failed to be reelected -
elected president.
Colorado being among the first in the
alphabetical order , Il. M , Simon placed in
nomination for reelecLion Mr , Wahlersein ,
who had held the omce for a year. ' , V. A.
ityan of Indiana presented the mmmc of
Charles lt Duffin of Terre Haute. 'Ihese
were the. only candidates. The name or Mr.
Wallersteia received a warm second from
Ii , L. ilenson of Texas. indeed some of the
Mratory would have done credit to an en-
thuslastlo political convention , As the mom'
bership of the association imad increased froimi
11,000 to 13,000 umler Mr. Walierstein's
admimmistratton , Mr. llenson remarked facetiously -
tiously that a..chango of president might
mean a change of luck , Another secohd for
Mr. Wiulborstein came from C. ,3V. Saunders
of Virginia. S. M. irwin of Illinois , however ,
put in a good word for Mr. Duma. John S.
Ilnrwood of Virginia ibid the same for Mr.
Walierstein , "Virginia's favorite son. "
It was apparent a contest was imminent
and that the central states would support
Mr. Duifln , lie hind been a imationnl director
and his friends felt ( hint his work for the
association should receive due recognition ,
limit on behalf of Mr. Wahlerstein C. W ,
Saunders told of ( hat gentleman's standing
in Richmond , Va. , where he is a member of
( ho city council-chairman of Its financial
committee. Hinting , however , that "combi.
nations" were being resorted to by tile
other side In a scheme to "swap places
around like politicians , " Mr. Saunders said ,
"all Virginia wanted was justice , " To ( he
tenor of these remarks Frank H. Putham of
Indiana ( cole exception , considerimig the in-
sinunion a "personal Insult to every dde-
gation on the floor. " No further acrimony
was permitted , as the convention at once
proceeded to a ballot. Time states having time
big votes , Missouri twenty-two and Illinois
and Indiana vith eighteen each , went soul
for Mr. Dutlin , and their votes were received
with wild demonstrations. The result was
that Mr. Duifin was elected by sevemity-eight
votes , Mr. Wnilerstcin getting fifty-seven.
Mr. Duflin was escorted to the platform by
the retiring president and made
speech In happy vein in appreciation of the
1"llIluig ( lie Other I'IimeeM.
For ( tie omce of first vice presideimt , J , M.
Porter of Kentucky named E. E. Smith of
Atlanta , president of the Georgia division ,
and A. D. Young of Missouri seconded the
nomination. No other candidates were pre-
scrited so he was chosen by acclamation ,
Time 135 votes of time convention were likewise -
wise cast by Secretary La fleaumo for Alt
Deickman of San Antonio , Tex. , for second
vice iresident , , who had been put forward
by Jolmn A , Leo of St. Louis with an eloquent
second ( rein IL C. Benson of Texns. Mr.
Benson said Mr. Deickman imaul pulled imi
229 members durimig the year , amid altogether
sluice 1891 , had been ( tie means of ndduumg
700 new mnemb'rs to ( he association.
For the oiilce of third vice president there
was a close commest between M. 1) . Johnston
of I'eminsylvanin , and ( he present Incumbent ,
James Id. Giasspeii of Davenport , Ia. Time
muaine of the former was presentei by E. C.
Burrows of Illinois , and President Wailer-
stein , beiimg on the floor , nominated Mr.
Giasepeil. The balloting gave to Mr. Giass-
poll the victory of a re-election , 67 to 62 ,
J. D. Ellingsworth , of Providence , It. I.-
name presented by Howard Peek of Fort
worth , Tex.-was chosen fourth vice pres-
lulent by acclamation.
Three candidates were named for fifth
vice president , and ( tie delegates were given
an opportunity to remember time Pacific
coast. George W. Coliins named Frank P.
King of Portland , Ore. , president of ( lie
Oregon and Washingtomi post. J. P. Lovett
hut. forth Max L. Liner of Georgia , and J. 0.
Thomas nominated C. A , Sharinberger of
rennessee. "Illinois is all broken up , " one
of her delegates informed ( lie chair , "and
iins divided her vote equally among ( lie
three-six eachwhmicii produced a gemieral
laugh , Mr. King was ciected. tic received
77 votes , Shariiiburger getting 33 amid
lIner 20.
Tue micxt thihg to be done was to fill ( lie
vacancies on time natIonal board of directors
caused by Ernest Robyn of St. Louis , George
Fisher of Quincy , lit , , and Chance It. Duf-
an. The three new directors selected were
J. W ; McDommaltl of St. Louis , J. F. Johnson
of Racine , Wis. , and George Fishier of
Quincy , 111.-the last named being re-dee-
All the chairmneiu of time national comnniit-
( ccii were re-elected by acclamation as tel-
lovs ; Railroad , M.V. . l'lmclan , Chicago , ill , ;
hotel , hleuijaniin F. Hoffman , Lafayette ,
Iiiui , ; legislative , .Joimn S. Harumood , Ricim-
menu , Va. ; emnploymeiit , George W. Smith ,
St. Louis and press , E. P. Evuets. San An-
tonlo , Tex ,
Chaplain Homer T. Wilson was also reelected -
elected by a rising vote. lii a brief speech
tie observed ( lint ( he storm o' a little while
ago had , hen place to a ioc , fezst , iii'
promised to iiiake report oi ; tii spiritual
pIOgit'i4 of time Trnveiimrs Protm'ctlva asso-
ciail'.fl at time end of ( ho yeui. ;
As the national secretary anti treasurer
Is elected for a two year term , and Louis
T , La Ileaumo of St. Louis was chosen last
year to fill ( hat important position , ( mc 1101db
C'lmoiisi ui5 ii 1'Ine for Meet I tug ,
Finally ( ho next. place of meting lmad to
be selected , Prcsimlent it , C , Timomupson of
time Arkansas division liresonted imi an eta-
qucimt mnammner ( lie claims of hat Springs ,
and on boimalf of its citizens extended a
cordial Invitation , With Kemmt uicky oratory
5 , P. Joilea described the charms of Louis-
yule. lie imad invitatioims from Governor
Bradley niuui Mayor Weaver. 3V. . Iluilson
of Louisiana handed up a big batch of In-
vitatlorma , sonme of timein telegraphic , froma
Now Orleans. One came from tIme eectmtIve
mansion of his state , Mr. fludsomi , as he
saw time possibility of Old Glory IL.nmtlng
over time parapets of Morro cm'stio at havana -
vana anti time advantages whelm migimt accrue -
crue to Now Orleans , ho waxed eloquent , 1.1.
v , Dommhnm spoke for CinciminnU , 0.
lim time oratorical line the boys did themselves -
selves proud when picturing the beauties
and enumerating the advantages and in-
ilucemeate of the respective cities , Howard
Peels of Fort Worth and II. , L. Benson of
San Ammtonio were two verItable Texas
steers Imi stirring up the delegates , Wimilo
the balloting was going on Cincinnati was
withdrawn tim favor of Louisville , Time hal-
lot resumltemi in giving time choice to Louis-
yule by ( ho following vote blot Springs ,
0 ; New Orleans , 40. and Louisville , SO. M.
hudson said New Orlenims gave her forty
votes to Louisville , and the cimoico was
suede unnainmous.
'l'itle' , for timu' lime l.iu1el.
Just before ndjaurnnment Organizer Smith
of the Cigarmakors' International union uas
given a chance to speak for the blue label ,
Tue president-elect , Charles It. DUITIn ,
iioved the endorsemeat of time blue label ,
but on motion of J , W. McDonald of St.
Louis It was tabled.
The busineba of the convention is prac-
ticaliy finished , All that yemaina is time
resolutions this morning , Immediately alter
acting upon themnlhme dehegates will pay a
visit to the SouthtQinaha packing plants.
VIes nn4 DsiMerM of lime lele-
gattu Vl.uLttlIe Art ( nIlcrr
The reception mtendered to the wives
and daughters oto the visiting dde-
' 'Iraveiers' Protective
gates of the 1'
association' yoatsrrdtuy niornimmg by
George V. Ltningei'nt his elegant home
iund beautiful artzgallery was one of the
distinct successes loftho ninth annual con-
ventlon of the saicamen. All of the visiting
women expressed ahtmnselvcs as greatly delighted -
lighted with theircordial , reception and
found much ptenaure in viewing the many
works of art at the well knowim gallery.
It was somewhat after 10 o'clock yesterday
morning when a party of about fifty of the
visitors , uniter the leadership of Mesdanies
l3rammch and 0. C. Holmes , arrived at ( ho
gallery , They were received by Mr. Limmlnger ,
hiR daughter , Mrs. Fr'ank hailer , and Mrs.
ileth , Mrs. Lininger was unable ( be pres'
ent. on account of Illness. The visitors were
shown through the art gallery and annex ,
formerly used as a conservatory and miow
filled with a rare collection of old cnns ,
Mr. Lininger anti the regular attendant
pointing out the mOBt valuable pieces in the
several collections , After time guests haul
spent a plensant hour in time gallery they
were conducted to the dining room , where a
refreshumig luncheon was served them , Social
intercourse for a half hour foliowcd , during
which time time visitiumg women admired ( ho
parlors , library , galleries anti other npart-
meats of time spacious residence , all of whiichi
have recently been handsomely decorated In
honor of the exposition guests. l'ottetl plants
and palms were in evidence about the rooms
and time front of the house was liberally
decorated with a large American flag and
smaller flags of all nations.
ltceeitd Ion itisul hall ,
Time visiting delegates to the convention
of the Travelers' Protective association ,
their wives and dauglmters , were entertained
last cveniimg at mu brilliant reception anti enjoyable -
joyable daimce , Time reception was lmeld iii
the inviUmmg clubhouse of the Tranamisals-
sippi Traveling Men's club , on ( ho iiigli
bluff at Sixteenth amid hlarney streets , The
groumids surrounding the old manatoa were
tastefully illuminated anti were the scene of
many a stroll during ( hue evening. Within
( lie clublmouse all was brilliancy , An efli-
dent reception committee extended a cordial
welcome to the visitors , a bevy of handsome -
some young women assisted them , a fine
orcimestra played pleasing music , hundreds
of sweet flowers gave forth their delicious
perfume and a delegation of fair southern
women dispemused those beverages that are
best known in that section of tIme country.
The reception at the clumbhousc lasted front
somnewhmat before 8 ummil a little after 0
o'clozlc. It was attended by over 100 leo
pie. The foilowing reception comnmitee
was on dmmty : Ciaremice W. Close , chair-
mnn ; A. II. hluchstalT , Robert Dinford , C.
0. Leake. W. A. Stone , W. 11 , Butts , W.
flelphrey. E. S. Streeter , E. IL Drew , It ! .
Meyer , Fl. 13. Branch , E. E. Elliott , ft. F.
lioulgin , Dudley Smith. It ! . Wulpi , 0. 0 ,
Holmes , M.V. . Rayhey and J. L. Houston.
All of ( lucre gentlemen were ably assisted
by their wives anti 'Mr. ' anti Mrs. E. E , Dry-
son , Mr. amid Mrs. 1l. J , Penfold and othmers.
Followimig time reception there was a pretty
dance at time imall of the conventiomi , Creighi-
ton hail. Tue grand march was started
about 9t80 o'clock , tinder time direction of
Prof. Morand , and was composed of over
200 couples. Time halt was prettily decorated
with imationat colors nd time emnbienis of the
order. Excellent music was provided antI
though time weather was somewhat warm for
dancing a program of twenty dances was
ommjoyed by nearJy nil who participated in
. ( iie grand mnarch , espeqially the younger
folk. Refreshments. were served during in-
( crmnissiomi at 11 o'clock.
Sit iii
One of ( he resoiutions to be adopted this
morning will be on ( be death of Janice T.
Drummimond of St. Louis.
Five hundred Cape Jessaniine roses were
distributed amnong the knights of time T. Itt.
T. It ! . club boumse last evenimmg.
The chairman of ( ho committee on con-
situticim l amemidmnents tas II. R. Smith of
Atiammta. Ga. , anti ( he secretary was A. H.
lluslm of St. Louis.
In seconding the nomination of Louisville ,
ihowartl I'eek of Fort Wortim , Tex. , sang
, , OlI ( Kentucky Hommie" whenever time other
delegates 'would give him a chance.
California , Connecticut , the Iistrict of
Columbia , Massachusetts , New York , North
Carolina , Pennsylvamiin and Utah hmavo not
beer. represented In title year's convention.
Post A of Mason City , La. , tins the larg-
Oct post meummbersimip of any in time associa-
tloui , camisitierlmmg the population of its ( own ,
6iOtL It has 163 mmernbcrs ; in good stammuhiug.
Organizer Smith , of time Cigar Makers' International -
ternational union told ( lie convention he iuad
conuum 700 miles just to personally ask the
Travelers' l'rotecttve association to endorse
time blue label.
in time mmmater of ( ho Florida commtcst-
two state conventions hmavlng been held ,
one at Jacksonville amid the other at Pen-
sncoia , the Jncksonviie delegation was roe-
ogmuized by time credentials committee.
Time first national vice president , \V. It ! .
Cassety of Nasli'iile , Tcnn. , could miot. bm
present anti ( lie secommtl vice president , H. II.
Hart of Demmver , Cob. , timercfoi'o bore time
brumi I. of relieving President Wahierstelmu
when occasion required.
\v , I. . . Flanmmery of St. Louis is time om-
cliii stesographer of ( lie comivention and be
does not have time even to sigh during time
rimpitl debates wimichm characterize the pro-
ceedings. Spealcers are lImited to live-
minute talks and rail oUuy spealc once on
any one subject. Consequently they try to
talk at a 300-word per minute rate so as
to get in all their ideas.
Editor P. C. Cashman of time Southern
Travelers' Protective Association Journal is
in attendance as a delegate from Georgia ,
Time paper made its first appearance last
mnontlm anti Mr. Cnsbmnnn hlootled time con-
ventiomi with ( heal , Atlanta Is the place of
publication of ( imis new Travelers' Protective
associatiomi journalistic enterprise. The
frontispiece of the salmitnory issue is a par-
trait of i'resithent E , E. Smith of time Georgia
The mimoney hmantiietl by ( he Travelers'
l'rotectivo association rimne up into time hun-
tiretle of thousands , including the balaitco
or 'J,744 on imand last year , ( ho receipts
up to May I ci this year footed up $1i ,
ts7 ; , , 'lime disbursenmelite nina uiteii to
i31,758I6 , of wimlelm 1i1,6i7,7'J was paid for
Indemnities , anti $35,00 for death claims ,
The expense account for ( be year reaciietl
a total of $23,018.47.
W'iuen Cliairmnmn 'Dommald of the Central
Passenger ussoclatton ascentletl time pint-
form anti commfroumted time delegates , preparatory -
atory to making hiis stntonmcimt on ( tie sub.
jet of the inerchaiigeable miienge ticket ,
a delegate cried : "Simake , iet'a sliukeb" and
at once all time delegates arose and up weimt
( heir right lmanths In an Imitation of time lat-
eat imported style of haimtl-eiiuko at Mr.
Donald , 'this umutle the speaker quite at
home at the outset ,
Georgia ( bis year shows tima largt gain
In mnembereimip , bIug 54 , lurliana conit's
next ltim 289. Seine years ago l'sxas of-
fereil an iniummense tmir of lIne bmmlioek horns
to time state mnakingkiie best almoiviug in liimm
respect. For a tong time Missouri kept time
iiorna , but l'onnsyltadia secured them inst
year. Timis year the prime , accordlnxly , goes
to Georgia. The Texius increase this
Is 2& ' m'xmtltbat for Missouri 170 , Thu total
gain tImis year is 1,961 , .nii iim'm total mom-
tmeruihI , now jiumimbera 13,130 , TIme announcc
macnt of l'rosident % Vablermmtitin awarillmut time
horns to Georgia was received wlth , , vigor.
ous hand clapping
Amumerlenum Itledleisi AuIJttJtTimtJIm , lIeu-
'cr , June 7th-lUlls ,
ijr , Montgomery of Chicago will run a
special train oJer time Rock Island route to
Denver accouui of above , This train tvill
itavo Omaha Monday , June time Gtim , at 1:33 :
p. in. For sieepini car reservations , etc. ,
call at Rock Island city ticket oitice , 1323
Fmurnam i. ;
'i'Ise $ uperm lIigtuIjsumieumt
anti quick time of limo Union Pacific makes
ii the popular line to all principal western
resorts , City ticket office. No. 1302 Far-
asia et ,
Grant11ct SLIO of Remnants , Silks , Drcs
Goods and Gotten Goods Ever held ,
FriuIn- , time Ilensunni lay , a htniiie-
hiolut Vurul-Todn it Seiuinetlomsat
liatiterimig of Timnumnmmilis of
htcnmnnmmtN of All iCinils of
7iC ! MOUSSEljNi DE SOlE. 110 YARD.
New silk mnoumsselino do solo for waists ,
entire summer suits , trimming anti fammcy
work. These are light anti ulark grounmis ,
all new floral designs , new fresh colorings ,
in remnants from a yard imp , sufliclcumt to
match for entire suit and on ale at iSo a
Remnants of wool. bunting in light blue
nod cream only , In hemmgims from 2 to 5
yards , all of them snatch , worth ISo , on sale
at Cc.
itemnnants of silk , thousands of yards , new ,
fresh silk , bright colors-plaids , checks , In-
eluding blacks of all varieties , gros graimm ,
peau do role amid Clilima silks , go in remnants
according to size at ic , 3c , Sc , 25c , 49c for
entire renmnnmits.
Remnants of silk by time yard , from 3 to
10 yards In length , all grades , all qualities ,
a 25cand 49c yard.
Now imported uiress goods remnants , all
womttm fromn $1.00 to $2.60 a yard : miew bright
coiorimmgs , pure silk antI wool materials , 3
and 5 to match , on sale at bc , 15c , 19c per
remmmant ,
An immense collection of cottoim goods
remnants oim sale today for first ( line.
Otto iinimmenso counter of all kinds of stand-
nrd dress prints : im4c a yard.
One immense counter of all kinds of coni-
forter Prlmmts , 2c yard ,
One big table fancy drapery denlumi rein-
imants Sc a yard ,
One imimfltenBe lot of heavy , plain coloreti
dvimlnm , the 25c quality , in remnants mit lOc a
One big lot of nil kinds of llkohimo remnants -
nants 2c a Yard.
i-imiciu ; Wide light colored percale remit-
mmammts Sc a yard ,
Omme big counter of French percale rein-
naimts iii light aimul ( lark colors , worth 12 ½ c ,
at S'e.
One big lot of fancy corded gflmglmams , the
20c kind , in remnants at 6ic a yard.
One harge tot dotted Swiss anti fancy plaid
wiiite goods remnants 8ic a yarti ,
One lot of Fruit of the Lopum mimuslin on
sale in ( lie afternoon , ommly Sc mm. yard ,
One immmmenso lot of gooti standard 7t40
lheaC.hdd inuslimm emi sale all day long at 3 ½ c
a yard.
One big bargnin square remmmants of all
kinds lawn dimnities , organtlies in long
lengths , wortim up to 25c , go at Sc a yard.
Ilundretis of rcmmmammts of bleacimed , half
bt'mtehc'tl anti turkey reti table tianmask , nil
qumalities nail iengthus : those are the accurnu-
hatlons of our great linen sale ; prices today
will be just about i time regular price.
N. W. Car. 16th mmml Douglas.
AstoiuIlsI uu Sit'elitl zml cii Friday.
Time greatest 'nhtmes in fine goods ever of-
fered. Time largest nssortmmmeitts in time coun-
try. Men's line iaundered percale shirts ,
worth 73c , at 35c ; very stylish.
Mcmi's extra fine colored simirts , in all newest -
est patterns , worth $1.00 , at SOc.
Ladies' fine black and brown seamless
hose , wortim 25c , at 3 pail's for 25c.
Lattice' flue vests In assorted colors , worth
25c , at 12 ½ c.
Fine baibriggaim shirts anti drawers , in
plaimi and fancy colc"s , suorth SOc , at 25c.
The largest variety of dress goods west of
Every day a new unto 0 ! special bargains
on our bargain tables.
Novelties 12 ½ c , luic , 2ic , 25c , 29c , lOc , 49e ,
up to 31.00.
Coverts 39c , tIc , SOc. SOc. 70c , Plc.
All wool chaliles llgumred 3'c. '
Black dress goods for dress and skirts
lic , lOc , 29c , 3'Jc , 'tOe. SIc , GPc , 79c , SOc Up
to $4.50.
Fxeluisivc agents for Priesticy's black
goods for Omaha.
The very newest fabrics in wasbabie dress
goods in the greatest varIety of styles anti
patterns. Nowhere iii Amnerien can you lintl
such aim elegant assortment and sucim low
prices as we are making timis week.
Dig bargains in every departimmemmt.
Transmississippi Headquarters.
Beginning Juimo 3 the lintel Dellone wilt
be Aimmerican plan , rates 2.O0 anti imp , same
as before Jimmie let.
Beautiful Krug park , band concert Sunday
3 to 6 o'clock. Walnut lull cars.
FIi'E Sliolls AT iiOS'l'tN S'I'OItiI.
Everr New Style-tlvei'y New Cila.-
Jvt'r' N& ' % 'I'luliig iii Gonil SIIOCN.
Made by time best Rochester amid New York
ehoo mnakc'rs.
this week
N. W. Cor , 16th and Douglas.
A fortunate purchase of fine shoes from a
imard up jobber emmabhes Us to offer 16,000
pairs of extra fine anti custom made Itocimes-
( or and eastern mamho
Extra salesmen have beemm engaged for
this sale : comeearly totlay.
: o salesmen in shoe department.
J. L. Brandies & Somme , Props.
N. W. Cor , 16th and Douglas.
Free comcert Sunday 3 to 6 o'clock at shady
Krug park. Take Walnut lull cars.
' ' ' 'i'itAl'S
l'RIVA'i'FI ltOOMS ON ? ,
Viii l'eiussylvnumiui Moult' for Cinchm-
is mit I.
New Pullman Compartment SleepIng Cars
imave jttet been Plutced in service oim i'ennsyl.
vonia Short Line from Chicago to Cincium-
nati.rrho compartmumentum are luxuriously
finished anti contaimm nil accessories of a
modern bedciiamnber. The now cars leave
Chicago daily at 815 p. in , aiiti go througim
to Clnciimnati , reacbming ( limit city in tinme
for breakfast. For further information apply -
ply to hi. R. Bering , A. ( I. P. Agt. , 248 South
Clark St. , Chicago.
A Nev l'sirlc.
Ktumg hark Oil time hiensorm car line just
beyond time termnimmims of time Walnut 11111
car line , wilt bum thrown OPCfl to time pmmhmiic
on Sunday , The immrk : use been fixed up in
elegant style for a flrst.class fammmiiy resort.
Smirmday band concerts from 3 to C o'clock
will be a special feature. No atlnmlsslon wilt
ho cimarged ,
The beach nierry.go'round , with rlhgs ,
open day and evening , iltim amid Capitol ave.
' ' ' ' 'l'O COI.OiAi ) ( )
I.tYlIGI t'i''l' 1i. % IN
Vhs hut'S. lNiimuuil itiuii It' ,
Leaves Oummnhma 520 ; a. m. , arrives Denver
amid Colorado Springs 8 p. in. 'I'ake timid
train anti save sleeping car rati of $3.50 ,
Ticket office 1323 Farnamn street ,
'I'usuirlst Ituite's
via the Union Pni.itIc to time famous summer
resorts in Colorado , Utah , California ,
Itlaimo , Montana and Oregon ,
For rates and atlverising ( matter call at
city ticket office. No. 1302 Farnamu et.
Cooiest place for family plcimics. Bnntl concert -
cert Sunday 3 to 6. Krug park ,
Pieasaimt hmotel lmitclmliig antI feeding eta-
lIes , 24111 and Speacer , One block from cx-
position grounds , Good accolnmodntlon , bow
rates ,
Only family resort. No objectioaatulo char-
aters. Krug park , Sunday concert.
BENEDICT-Dr. 211.0. . Wetinemitlnty morn-
log. at D:30 : o'iock , Will be buried at 2
o'clock , p. in , Friday. from residence of
isis sister , Mrs. Lee hiotliselmilil , 2215 Far-
namu street , Cimicago jiapers Imleusu copy.
lice , June3 , 1898 ,
ZT e ea's isz s/ore
. I
In the world .
There iiii't a store eu top of God'i green footstool
where it is easier for arnan to trade titan in this very
I 'Nebraska" store , 'Tis ' alniost too easy , We have no
clever iaksineii to coax you , ' no smooth talkers to
cajole you , nobody to urge you , or to button hole
you , or to hoodwink you , or to make you buy any-
tliiitg you don't want. Goods sell theinelves here ,
All we keep ialespqople for h to Bhowyou whatever
you want , to find your size for you , to answer your
questiotis and to assist you wlieii you ai1c their as-
i31stai1ee-11ot before. Every article in our house is
lnarkel 111 plain figures ; ] llflrlce(1. so aitybody can
real it , marked as low as it can be marked-if it isn't
low enough to suit3iwe _ can't (10 business aiid you
will have to look elsewhere , 'l'liat's an easy way ; to
do business. For you it's better than casits safe.
rj.'ullis inoriuigVO \h1 have ready several lnuuIrcE
iiiore suits , to take the place of those that went out
yesterday , and the prices will be the same as yestei' .
day-5.OO , 5.50 , G,00 , G.flO and 7,00 a suit. Speak " ' '
ing of Cervera what (10 YOl tliiiik of the now sti'aw
hats for a quarter ? llaveii't seen 'ciii yet ? Say !
See 'cm. They're a cinch.
And 20 mmiore tBffert'uit mnmukemi-ali : tt strictly tinimhiut' in'lcei.
100,000 Piuii'S : ' , lmiuitufut'tumm'ed : : amid unhd by mummy one
iiuikci' , , imitlicttes vl tim vlnut olmimilomu that idnlmn is lmehti by
time iti'tiuuts' , mmmuiuic' ten'hmt'm's amid iimiislc'-lovlimg lmummiout. ' .1.
C . I"ic'imer eimj 1)3' tim e (1 ( 1st I mm et on of ln'i mm g I lie oimlt' mmiii mm ii fue. :
tiirers uvlmt have rea'lmeih : ( hum iOO)09 ( ) mmmam'lc. Tlmt , Flsu'lmei'
I'iii ml t idi ) ihlig I lie ii u mmm Ijimi' I 00.000 I m no ur on cx Ii lid 11 on Iii
our immuisie i'ooimis mind is ulniilthes olme ot' tilt' hiamuisomimest 1mm-
stu'imnmemmts evci' muctomnihlslied , iii imtito bu lithlmug. You : ui'e
C')1'limtllt' ( veleoiiie to out' imiusie ruomims , w'ii'rt ive 'uvilh Imuhe
great hlemlim'e ) : iii slmovimig ymui this bemutifmil : 1,11mb , and
jueseuitiimg voU , fi'e t'hiui'gt' : a copy uf time Mmri'ii : uf Pi'og.
rt'ss , eemmimoed : hF' . Fimuicluhli , ulirt'ctor of time Ummilt'd
States Itlurino Iinnl ( , ammul ili'tllcatetl to Itiesi'4. .1. & 0.
FIscher umImon time eommilletion ) of thme'lr 100XO ( Pinumo.
i'iice t Exhibdrs00101.5 , Etiamels , Dry
© . III Oil , or
1)isteinpei' , Stains , Varnishes , ? trixed Ptti iits , Plate Glass , W1 it-
cIow Glass Brushes etc. as etii I mis iii I St a lull's I ii ( ii u ) a I mu I , ii no , can ho butmgim t. t
, , , tmcstitdvantiigu of
JI A. FULLER , & CO. ,
14th aiicl Douglas ,
- Ir&-- - -
tursumfl treatment CS Turkiutu Cm"iiulc ,
. . . 'fler , . , JtIQuus by' 'rurktl ,
f.'rEOO. Kivlmt Looe. Pay' Lor'ei , . .
llycfluii $ Cure , uie.r ( Liii.
orlir.ilatruub . . ,
: Curei aiierec a you ' , . .
. i'ulltreatnucnt wilt glm. : an.
over were , W aLiue our own in.iicrnri , . . .
. to ' , SiD.5) 8luigiolou. ( , 52(0. (
you can rolyon Sttmn well. W lipuo i
wrItten guarast. . wIth rail cut. . 8lnIe HAHN9 PHtiUMACY ,
lior Ii OOhy mal BA , , ,1'l , l'IIAnsAcy.
_ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . - . . _ _ _
ld Sodd Wdter.
, ( \ro dm11 thmese svurin thmt'n contimimme to
serve tIme COLDEST odu water mnmule with
time iluirest of Crtielmeii Fruits , Our hiUY-
LER ChOCOLATE ice cream odn. is mmot
cilumilietI in time city ,
2llunrVmttt'r ilmig ( vitrrnneuI ) SOc
Quart bottle Port or Sherry iVimmo . . . . . . Soc
25c Vermont lIed. h3eer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14c
25 i4mxmitive hlrumo Qtmhnimme , we nell. . . . lie
25c Ciucitiets , sue neil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . h9u
25c hiromnu Seltzer , we sell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lIe
2Stm Alien's I'otmtcitle. we sell. . . . . . . . . . . .
250 lttliY I'euri 'J'ioth Soul , , we still . . , . fl (
lie Cimrter'S Liver I'ills , we sell. . . . . . . . He
2c : ; Ailt'oi'k'mi l'cmrous l'inmiters , we sell. . IC'
25c Meimnen's Timicmlnu Powder , wo sell. lIe
Soc Syrup of Figs , we eil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SOc Yale S i'itCO Powder , we coil. . . . . . . . . . lc
$1.00 Scott'S imnuisioim , we sell. . . . . . . . . . . .
81,00'ino Curuini , wo such. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 610
$100 i'ierct' $ Fiuvorite Prescription . , . . CIa
' 5o Crab Apple , we ccli. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SIC
Sherman&McOonnell Drug Go.
Ouuinisi , , ( t'h , . iim liohixe.
( Itiitldhtm of hibocic , )
- .
Lawn Hose
We sell is guaranteed-the prices range from
7l,4c to 20c lid foot , I
imii : F.t1INAM SI' .
, , . MANUrACTU1tED liT
rap-i O'lI .l'u
For iie higher suluention ( if yuuog
vornen. Classical and 13tIentiibo course
( if study , also 1'.c'miarntOrY miami OIltIOIial ,
I Year beglims Uel't , 14 , 1b98. Apply to Miss
1 liii ( , Alien. L'rin , , lirudford , .lauts.
Tdke ;
' : Time ;
'ro look
over our
' - :
, O1oks.Ve have theiii in
? Il'oml , ( alley trhimimmmi'l tmitI iui'eeluin 4
, - t'llm'l'3' IL imlee limmo o fmtmicy
I gl I t cloci i4 II Il ml n I it t'ill s , eliuI a
fe' imihimumit's itt our ItOI'O.
, ,
, The Jcwclcr , l5ifi
' - ' *
- -a. .
z _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fl
0 _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
0 _ _ _ _
: _ _ _
No Dutontlon From Uuolnca8.
' ilvimniisfls I'ATICUT Cumuns
'Ave refer to or $
In Seven to Ten Days YIthiout Pain.
Osm TMmmATnCNT 1)05.1 711EVosmc. .
( sca.ior. to TUE 0 , E. MZLLE.U 00. )
D32 933 New Yorl' Life 13 Omaha.