- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - _ j- - - - : - - - _ _ _ _ _ - - . - - - - - - - " . - TILE OMAJIA DAILY BH1 : IfRIDAY , JUND 3 , IS9S. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' 7 BABES CO11NC 11OIE TODAY Beconstructed risber ramily on Its Own Diamond Once Morn. NEW FACES TO BE SEEN IN TIlE FIELD ! Oiiinl.n Itcirrcite1 by Vtsnt 1ot)1 LI lv n Sti re tiui1t hull lenni- JItItuflM for Siiiite of the Chistes. . I Vane In ( lie city 1I feI perfectly sat1s. fte that we broke even with Columbus even if we bavo host the last two games. That Ii ; good enou1t ( or a tnhlendcr ngaInL one of the hcalera. lint It s dotzra to t1otHh nut , ; that wo whhl not be tahiendors by any means In a month from now , The 13nbte. are hieing trnpzfornied gra1ttahIy Into a InnIng nggregaton. ieveraI nioro tionK bnvo beeli maie-Qerniany Smith aU TwIrIer Vn1sworth-nnd It looks yery likely that henry Clarke vhhI be athied , . too. Thin management will bo gctttng a - - - - - - ' popular man In the latter. With these accretIons the Infield will be changed about a tJht. Itoat , whose throwing lroii * abort has not. beeli of ' .lio hest at all tliiicn. will In nil ; robalihhity he novcd , t ivcoh.l ainl at this shorter throwing dl4- tanco ho ought to ln bettor than ho has. It looki as If Holly souhl ba eniployal UH ft utility man and ilionhl be a good one at that , because 3is ha4 tleontratel that ho ( all PlaY about anything In both ( lie out and infield and at 'a dnclt can be used at the balstop. ' , . ' . ' The flahos and the \Volverlncs will open a aerlea this afternoon and it vill be"a hot game. This being ladles day , all of the fernitilno ex vIll ho atituitted free. The two tatns vhll coniinencc the eiigngeineut at. 3o : ochock with the fohIowhiig lineup : Ornnha. POtItht. . ; Detroit. 1)fl4 . . . . . . . . . . . . .hIIKt ) % . . . . . . . . . . Dhhinrit Jtintt . . . . . . . . . . . . ecnntl teiie. . . . . . . . . . . Ftihier 1tstztcu . . . . . . . . ( liirI btnu. . . . . . . . . . . . . Nyco IrtitIi . . . . . . . . . . . . .Hhmrt t4tOt ) . . . . . . . . . . . . I &iiies ' . ilehi . . . . . . . . . . . . . DztvI : i 'iclu' ring . . . . . .niithih . I e held. . . . . . . . . . N ihiohI : Fleini ii . . . . . . . . ' .righi t held. . . . . . . . . . Dunga it r'- 2\kCttttIey . , . . . . . . . .ittcher. . . . . . . Fishiur or Daub..Pitcher. . . . . . . . . . . 'fhutnaH Other WcHtern league gaines today are : Milwaukee at Minneapolis , Inillanapolis at 3t. Paul , ColunibuN at ICansas City. One liming did the work \VedIeHdays : game. Daub's hhdics and several bad fumbles were a combination suhlteicut to r et the Senators enough scores to win any game. Ileihy in.Ie two of the liliscUeH , whicha bririgI4 the total number of criers he has tuado on the trip abroad to three. k- . llagcrninifa releaae was the result of the lne of form hi has ahown on tile trip east. : Whiihe here lie did nicely at times. hut In oniy one game away did lie denlon8trate atucli ititchtlng ability. That was in thjo game with Indtanttpotls , when only six llit3 vere tflalC off of him. In Milwaukee , however , ho 'as touched tip ChOVOn times for a total of mie'oiitcen basea : In Detroit lie wmut build seventeen tinies for 'a total of t % CU ty-oltu bases antI in Cal minibus fifteen hits vcro mnn.le off of hihimi for a total o aigliteomi bags. lie hias been averaging about tiii error a game during the Inst two eimka. Ills batting was hits redeeming feature , as he has averaged about a bit a game. The team will be back In time city today nntl viii open ' a series with lctroit. k - ¶ hitcy wihl doubtless receive a good recep. tjon , as the Ian scent to be of the opntou that tint aggregatltimi Jagreatly stremigtiioned and wihh Play good ball. The opening day : wlll ho ladici ? day. Tlio struggle between time two leaders has resulted to the advantage of the CincInnati cmrnm , for yesterday the Hoosiers made ft tlirtx out of four by whitewashing the Saints fit what was a pretty even. though a lop- tmilel ( ( contest. This loaves Indianapolis with a suhmstantlal lead , but the Saints finn- ngeii to keep , . , ahead of everybody else , al- thotmlm by tin' very big margin. Time Blues made It an easy three out of four with Do- troll , wimlie the IIrovers acre mutable to do better titan break oven with the Millers. Thu home run made by Pickering Wedneim. ilay was the second garnered by an Infant this year. Time other was slammed out by 3iurnett In this city. , Jolt,1 lifield , who was 1)etroit's winimtng pitcher two years ago. has not made much of a lilt In time big league and the story Is now going the rounds that lie vIll be returned - turned to the WolverInes. .1 Time Nebraskami , flarmies , Is demonstrating lila versatIlity in Milwaukee. In the early part of the season ho held down a positIon & _ In the Infield iii good shape. ItcemitIy lie was tried In time outfield and he liroved to be of great value emi account of his Judgment - emiml speediness. Ito can take a turn with the best of them ha time box , toij. , The Columbus hitters , says the Colunibus Dispatch , feel very sore over their failure to lilt laub afll Fisher In the idomiday gamimes and before the sea- aoit Is over they may be committed uion to take revenge by mnalmlmig both twim I- or.i take to time woods. Oh , I don't know , Columbus Dlpatclt : "If. Malinger FIsher gets .1dB Just deserts time fans of Omaha vtii have to give a reception In his honor on his return to that city. It vns his single st'lmicli laId time foumidatlon ( or wlnulimg the mnoruhmig gtuiitm and Iii time afternoon lie imltcimetl ommo or the best gaines wimicim has brett mmccii emi time loemil field this year. For nine long lmmmmhmigmm lie served up a choice selection of bemidera umiil allowed time Senatorial awatters to secure but six nfo drIves durliig that tiiiiu. In addition he was as steady us a clock amid did not give a single base eu laItmu durimig time afternoon. Of course hue yas assisted by gilt-edged support , . as the inca behind hiuuu were full of ginger as a recult of their morumlng victory amid IIayeui ' 3iko a lot of colts mind could miot see ummythiog 'too hard for themmi to get. " I \Viiey Iavi , the squirrel hunter , was ro- I cummtly released by the Indianapolis club amid ; . . lnui been signed by Manager Loftus. ; t is reported ttmitt Schmuelz , has released ; Rico , but this eeumii hardly possible , as the little maim has boemi playing a brIlliant gamut , for time Millers. ( .tMIS oh. ' 'I'Jlhi .t'VION.tL 1.IIAGIJI ? , fti'mimuiir % VosliImm't Ei't tIme fli'dis lilt iftrmi iiiumihm itt - ' - - NiYOltl. . Joint 2.-Seynioumr , though oxtremnely wild , vus efTeetlvo whmeim ha lmaitred to locate time rubhmt'r. strhlchmig out uilmue htt'iim. lireltemistt'imm . kept the Chants' - - hits well seattemi'd. Scue : iiv YL1IK. I utll.u.A.h : . I \"hi'it'mi. of U 0 3 0 OlMtIIer. r ( . . , 0 1 0 0 0 Tiemmuumi , IC , U 0 0 0 OI1iet4ley. ibo 1 Ii z 0 Jyt't' , II' . . . 0 0 5 0 0mimiilm. If , , . 0 1 1 0 0 Dun. . U. . . t 3 2 1 1 ) luiiI.tumy , ef 0 0 1 0 0 WlImtiom. Il. 1 1 3' 0 0 Ml'iit' . . . Sb , U I : m I 0 . tib'msamm , b. 0 1 1 1 0 toreursum , i 0 0 3 3 1 hlurtmmt'mm , 5b 0' 0 3 I Olttiimr't. St. 0 1 I i o ( irdy. . : . . . . ' ' itr. e. . . . . 0 0 3 0 0 34. ) moor , I' 0 3 0 1 0 Ltmtrmmst'a , p 0 0 1 4 0 -p" . 'l'utoli . , . : , ; ; - ; -ii Totals . , .0 II 13 1 Ntt York . . . . . . . . . , 0 0 1 _ U U U U ' -f I'imnhmmimatl . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O-O lt..urmueti luums : etv York , 2 , Stolen hiumsea ; I $ tt'inkii.lt. 'jt-base hub : Criul ) ' , .Mmmiltim. I $ .irmlitcu hit u ; bacon. Vihmnut. PtlUblt ) ' I I lays ; Ml'iie to Corioruumu to fleeklt.y. I ilrst baito ( iii errors : Now \tmrk I . ( 'iii. ehmiumall. , First baimo out Linus ; Our e- immour , 7. niT hlreitemiimelmi. 2. I'ussotl bails : PtlIL 'hld tmitthmcs : l3o'mmmour , 2. Left tilt bttses Ntv York. 8 : Cimictimmiaji , 13. l'lmmiet Two imours , t'untmire ; iummslfo and .4iudrews. ( thisil to ilect Casrey Agmiiim. PALT1MWttjung:1ho1b5 took kindly to Cnrioy's ctmrvea today and fattened - toned their hatting averages at his ox- Pease. MeJames kept the hits of the vhs- itors s4cattereI. Attendance , 1,14G. Score hJtl.TJMORg. I ST. LOUIS. lt.Il.o.A.FI Jt.lI O.A.1 : . u1Orw. Di 0 1 0 2 1 towd. of. . . 1 5 1 0 0 Qoinn,3t.u 1 0 0 OTtfrmmCr , tf.1 I I 0 } 'esir , mi..l I2OollnYy , if..0 I I 01 Jm'nnlngs , lii I 0 2 0 iiiIn , C. . 0 0 3 0 0 ICehtCy , If. . I 2 4 0 0 Chements , C 0 1 0 1 0 t4ieneI. cr.2 2 1 0 himw's. Th.O 3010 l.mont , s. 2 3 3. 1 0 Ieckpr , Ii , . . 0 Cli 0 0 Mchann. IhI I I OCnxit. , , . 0 Itobn'n ! , c S 4 0 0 0 flail , 55. . . . U ii S ' U Mejanmes , 0 1 1 1 0 tflIeeY. P. . L V t Tntths . . . .ii i7 - Totss . . , . 3 5 24 17 2 flaitimoro . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 1 1 G 0 2 1 -ll St. Louis . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1-3 Stolen base : Ieniont. Two.baso hits Turner. Khley , Itoiminson. iarnel ruins : lkmltlmnro , & : lit. Louis , 2 , Ihacrlhice liltut Jnhilngs , Cross. 3icOann. Double imlaYst Jennlngmi to lemont to McOammi , Crooks to hail to Iecker , First base on Itnllf Oft Meimimemi , ! ; ofT Carsey , I. lilt by hiitchm.i . iull : Jt'mmmmlngs , 2 ; Itlcthumnn , 1. Struck out : fly Mejmtmes. , . 1'tssod bails : Smigden , 1. Left mmmi himuses : Dahtimnure , S St. Louis , 10. Time : Two hmotirs and ten minutes , Umui- hires : McDonald and O'Dny. - ' I ii mm I own of ( loud ! 'mmlh. I'hII.AI)1.id'hIlA , .Timmmm 2.-it took eleven Innhmigs tomlay to miclml the l'hihlndchphia- I'Ittmihuirg gmmmne , time Qumukerit winning nit tlik ii tnre'hzuv er mind Demehmamity s mug tI ) ' to editor , TIme gatno was ii pitvhiers' battle and mibotmimiled wlth brilliant liltH of ileluling. Dti ggleby niid Jamisuri. , l'hul llLtIeh hum hiitehirs , have hicon ( miritmeul otit to the \ hi kemiluarro FaHtermm League club. ttend- - umice , 2t30. Score : 1'ITTHIIt'itti. 1'JIhi.AiFI1'1ttA. mtII.o.A.g. 1.ngan , Si , . , I 0 2 0 0 Onoley. ct. . 2 i 0 0 0 Iuno'an. rf 1 2 0 0 0 iiigiass. lb ii I it 0 0 ( ire ) ' . : ij , . . . 0 1 4 0 0 i I cit. if , . . . I I 2 1 0 M'Crthty , If 0 1 1 1 0 lek'h'ty , It , I ) 0 1 0 0 Davis , Ii , . . . 0 1 9 0 0 i.a.Io'e. lb. . U I 4 3 0 Imromie , ef. . 4) ) 0 t' 0 0 M'FnrI'tl. CO 0 9 2 0 UI ) , . . . . . 0 0 3 tI I i11m'mVl. 31' ' 0 0 2 4 1 Mmmm-mliy , c. . 0 0 4 2 0 Crops. mss. . . . 0 1 1 ft 2 hiIlemm , p. . . 0 0 0 0 0 liatt. 3) . . . . 0 0 1 1 1 Tota's , . . . 2 t'31 12 1 Totiulq . . . . 3 u3t IC I Omue out when winning rout wan scored. i'lttlurg . . . . . 0 0 0 II I ) I ) U 2 U Ii lt- I'lmhimmulelphmia . . 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1-3 Iuurmmeul runs : I'Ittshmurg , I ; l'hmhlndelphln , :1. : Stolen intm.t'mu : Cooley , IumJoie. Two.bae hilts : Ionuvuuim , Cook' ) ' , Lmijoie. Sacrillee hits : hiromihi' Flick , Double mlmtyut : Salami to Elberhlehil to Lajoic. First nit bulls : Ott iCiilon , 3 ; off Plntt , 3. 1111 by Imitcitor : Killeim , I. imntt. I. Struck out Jiy Itl- helm , I ; by l'iuit t , 7. Vild ; iltclm : I'Iatt. Left on basest l'lttslurg 0 ; ' 'hilImuielpimia , ii. Time : Two hours nod tventy-hlvo nmimiutes. Umapires : Curry mimiul Snyder. lemuttmrs Put that % hi'timry. 1VASl11NG'1'O ? , Juflo 2.-The Senatorm continued ' their ImeiLvy batting and today womi ( iaily. Attendmummv. . 10O. Score : V.iSiliOTO. 1JU1u4V1I.1S. 1LIL.U..1. ( lettmmumn , rf : m a a 0 0 ( lerite. If. . 1 1 1 0 0 SeIbcii , ir. 3 1 1 1 (1 ( iL'tcimey , sa. 1 1 4 2 2 1detlumlr.ib2 2 5 2 1 flay. of. . . . . 0 1 3 0 0 Aimdems'n. ef 3 2 1 0 0 ie'ter , rf. . 0 2 1 0 1 i.m-reii . , c. . I 2 7 1 0 Vanmier , iii 1 1 8 I ) 0 Vagnr. lii 0 1 2 2 0 HmmmiUm , 2b , . . 0 0 2 2 0 Iteiti , 2t. . . . . U 0 1 2 0 tilgmn'n , 3b I 1 1 3 1 Wrtgey : , m's , I 0 2 4 \VIlm'on. i . e. . 0 1 4 0 2 .iereer , i , , . 0 2 1 0 0 i'raser , p. . . 0 1 0 3 0 - - . - - - - 1)owiing. p. 0 1 0 1 (1 Totals . . . .13 14 fl 12 2 - - - - - - TotaiM . . . . 4102111 C Washington . . . . . . . . 0 0 1) ) 1 3 0 3 0 _ l.oimhvhhlu . . . . . . . . . . 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 04 Enrumm'ml rumis'umiiilngton. : . , 8 : Lumiiisviihe , : : . Stnivmm bases : ( ] ettnlan (2) ( ) , Seib.tch. TWo-buo hits : Clarke , McUuiroVmigmmer. . 'i'hree-baso hula : Aimderson. First base. nit hnuhhuu Off lulercer , 2 ; orf l'rnler , 4 ; oft iowhlng. 3. Struck omit : Ily Meiter , 2 ; by Fraser , 1. Left out Iases : Vaiuliimigtomm , IL houjmuvllh' , : i. Time : 'l'wo htijura , lJmnlImes : \'oomi muni ri. mmrtvoomI. Orjmhmnums % 'lim mm ( utuiui . NI\V YOiti , June 2.-ChIcago wait to- .ltt)5 gitme l'y tlnmely battIng. Umnimire Cushimmmimn hilt I'ver.'tt alit of the game an,1 oh the grounds for kicking. Sore : 1.uIIO'OKIXN. ClIi4UlO. mt.iL.o.i : . 1l.Ii.O.\.12. C.rifln ! , ef. . 2 3 3 I ) 0 ityna , If. . . . I ) I I 0 1 Jones. rI. . . . 1 1 4 0 0 Iverett. ii , . 0 0 1 0 0 $ tmekard , if 0 0 1 0 0 Chance , iii. ( I 0 C I ) U iucti'mmce , , , s 1 1 2 3 1 Lange , Cf. . . 1 1 1 0 0 Tmmel.cr , Ii ) , . 0 1 6 0 0 1)ihien , se. . 2 2 5 0 Shtndte , : ut , 0 0 0 1 3 M'rork , 3h 2 1 2 4 IlaUmnan , 21. . 0 3 2 2 0 2.le.rtes , rf. . 1 2 0 0 1 htyan.c. . . . . 009 1 UConnor , lb.02 470 Kiimmmetiy , I , , 1 1 0 3 01)oumilue ! , , c. 0 0 4 0 1 Calainmn , m 0 2 1. 0 0 'l otats . . . .f.102710 I Totals . . . . . ; ii 27 mt flrooklyn . . . . . . . . . . . . i 0 2 0 0 I ) 0 1 1-1 Uhicagu . . . . . . . . . . . . . - .Stolemm , bases : Daimlen , I lallmnaim. Jones , TWo.bumse hits : Lange , Griffin. SacrifIce imit : CflhlflhiiLut. Firuit base on bails : Ott Keimmmedy , I ; off Callahan , 1. Struck out : Dy Ki'mmmiemhy , 7 ; by Cutlluihman , 2.VIid Pitch Calluhmami. Left eu luisetu : Brooklyn. 8 : ChIcago , 10. hulk : Cal lilian. illegal delivery : ICenmieuly. Umpires : Cuuuhmiumu and Ileydler. Time of gzmmne : 'l'wo hours utah ten mInutes. At- tendammee. 1ith ) . Ichit NI'hiois iIt'ves 11mm' 1uimtmm I. BOS'I'ON , June 2.-But for a hunmrn' run by Nichols Boston would have beeui shut iumt. Powell svuis Invincible , while NIchmim1 was very wild. 'rime Clovelanils put up a Star gamut iii time field. Attendance , 1,123. Score : CLFWgL.ND. 'BOSTON. jt.h1.o.A.i : . ILII.O..t.F : . llurkett , Ir. 1 1 2 0 0 1-IamnII'n. Cf 0 2 3 I ) 0 dulls , lb. . I I I 1 0 Tenney , lb. 0 0 11 0 0 \vamace. : all .1 3 3 0I.ong. 0021 24eKean. i.,4I I 0 4 ) , . . . . . T'Isu. lb. U 1 14 0 0 Collins. 3b. 0 0 2 2 0 ltlukp. rf. . . 0 0 0 0 0 StaimI , rt. . . . ! j 2 1 0 .ieAleer , cf 0 0 1 0 0 IMWC. II , . . . U 0 4 2 3 ( ) 'I'onn'r. ii 0 1 3 0 0 ii.rgerm , c. . . 0 0 3 2 0 l'owoll , p. . . 2 t 0 3 0 Nichols , 1 , . . 1 1 0 3 9 Totals . . . . C S 27 13 0 'lotmls . . . . I a 27 12 2 Cievolamid . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 2 0 3 0 1 0 0-C itustoju . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 .0 0-1 Iioumte run : Nichols. Stolen haute : llanmil- ton. D imblo play : Stahl to Coihln. FIrst base out baihs Ily I'owcll , 2 ; by Nichols , 8. Struck olmt fly l'owohl , 1 ; by Nichols. I. l'utssed iuuhi : Ilergen. 'limo of game : One hour and hifty-onu minutes. Unmptres : Con- mucily amid Lynchm. . S'1ANDING OF' TJ1F. TEAMS , Played . . , Won. Ldst. Per C. . Cincinmuttl . . . . . . . . . .q . 21 0 75.0 . Clevelaimd . . . . . . . . . . . 'i . 13 G..S hiostoim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .p 23 15 60.5 Ilultimimore . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 19 13 59.1 New Y4)rk . . . . . . . . . . . . 3' ' ; 21 i : ; s : i'ittshlmirf ( . . . . . . . . . . . - : * ' 19 19 50,0 . . . Cimicagn . . . . . ' . . . ai' is 19 48.6 J'imhltidellimia . . . . . . . . 33 16 17 48.5 iirookiymu . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 13 20 39.1 I.OIIISVIIIt , . . . . . . . . . . . 38 12 2d 31.6 Vt'asimhmmctomu . . . . . . . . 311 11 27 2.t0 St. Lotui . . . . . . . . . . . . G 10 20 ( mines today : St. Louis at Baltimore ; Cio'ehmummd at hfostomi ; Chicago at Ifrooiclyum ; Ciumclnumntl at New York ' ' ; i'ittsburg at l'imIl- udehimhuin ; Louisville at W'ashmiumgtoii. .S't'ttm ii A hOCK ISLAND , June . -Score : Il.'II.I , , flock lsiand..1 2 0 0 0 0 3 1 1-8 8 6 Ottumnwa . . . . . . . .1 0 1 0 1 200-1016.1 hut tu'rles ; Bock Island , McGimmnis , DIlloum amid Strauss ; Ottunmwu'cInmer aunt Ioo- lln. - 1'EOflhi , Ill. , Jimmie 2.-Score : l'eorln. . . . . . . . .003222200-11114 St J0501i11.O U - flattemies : Peoria , 1IOLLCII amid QuInn ; St. Joseph. Ilisiey nitui CollIns. I)1JIIIJQUE , In. , Jtmmmu 2.-Score : R.II.F. Dubuqlmu . . . . . . . . . - Iiurilmmgtnmi . . . . .3 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1-5 8 ilattc.rhes : Dubuque , 0. Brown antI liotign : Burlington , Butler , Utatu , , } reig ituiti % Vilhlamns. CEDAII , RAPIDS , Ia. , Jumie 2-Score : It.1 LII. Cedflr Itaplds.,0 0 1 3 2 0 0 0 0-C 13 0 Qulmicy . . . . . . . . .I 2 ,0 0 0 0 0 0 0-3 7 3 Imatteries : Cedar Rapids , Smith anti Bcimrecwmgost ; Quimicy , Parvimi and Lolmumuin. lmmtirtttmi Leugue , SI'RINCiFIIILD , 0. . Juimo 2.-Score : 11.11.11. Springfield . . . .0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 l-3 9 8 Toledo . . . . . . . . . .00120.12fl'-GGO Batteries ; tlpringlhcltl , 'ehls and ar4lhius ; 'toietio Ferguson and Arthur , DAY I'ON , Jumia 2.-Scomo ; n.j 1.11. Daytflhm . . . . . . . .S 0 1 2 2 3 2 0 0-18 16 1 (3. ltnpids . . , . . , U 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0-S 87 Ilmitteries : Dayton. Bates amid flyers : ( Ira mmd itutimidum , Camimphehl , Uurrett , Barber amid Cute. ItuiNtermi Limiu. , , Toronto , 5 ; llutTu.ilo , U. itoelmester , 8 ; Syracuse , 7. hlilil LIglut Sbus liosimig ( omstrst. C1I1CAtIO. Jimmie 2.-Faihumrt , of time ehec. trlcity at 'l'mtttersahis tonIght caused a iost iuminmem1t tuf l'ursen Davies' boxlmmg contests mutter Joe ( imumma of 1l.altinjnru mmmiii Kid Itubinsout of Vhmtcmigo hunt fought two roumuds. 'l'tmo eumtertuuimmmn'umt wilt to gIven tomimorrow imigiut , 'rime other bouts em , time urograumm vilt be iu.itweemi 'MysterIouj' Hilly timmiltim amid hilly Swift amid Kiui uIc- Partlumid amid 'l'wnmy Tracy. ' . Time imarade of tIme Young Mrmm's ( 'hurls- thin AssociatIon . Bicycle climb amid its guests , % vhmithm % .as to have Itceit Imeiui siuveral nights ago , btut wa postponed on mucoumot of time condition of the weather. ot'cumrretl last umiglit. A eouplm of imumudreti vimeeimnen , headed hI' a triplet and a ( lutmil. rouli abeut the streets of time city and ga o plenty of vvideimvo of behum.r alIve. JI..i1I. , l'rofesu&miiiimhiuuua , ( 'AMUILIIUlI , Masi. . June 2.-.It was mutmttotl st'mul-oiilchmily at liarviurti today tinut , CgIttaIui IJIelgw of th 1rc1 ; Icaut had. rum- Of.ivt' rl mm. request from Yale , asking for it conference between the athletic mttnnge. ments of thut universities to cnnsidot their. withdrawal frnnm the IntercollegIate Track association , It lii believed this ictlon I , the reiuit of a feeling ( lint ilarvnril nd Tab cannot muuccessrully compete withi cal. logos wiio look to professionalism for aiim' letic stipromacy , t'ahmtalfl iligitiow admits there will be a meeting of ilarvtrd grail. tmates to consider Ilarvaril's stand in time matter. Nothing , however , knit been re- voIVed from Yale on the subject. iIS iU'I'S ON TIIII ILIINNINU TILAC'lC $ . I.'tre Oimt of SI Puis'urite in1e Vhui- Inirs nt 4)nkhe . CINCINNATI , Jumme 2.-The talent played in luck at Oakley , flve out of 51k wInners tiring favorites. 'rho track was fast and ldeimdld tIme was made lii every event. ito. mtmmlts : First race , live and one-half fumrhoiigs : Nerveru , t'omi , l'oieus second , Obstiumatd SI- 'mien third. Time : 2iW. : . Sccommd race , clx fmrllmigs : Saratoga vom1 , FrminkS'uugtmer Ccomiti , Armor third , TIme : lt1& . 'l'hmlrul race , live furhotigs : 1ntniiza won , Eutumirooke secolid , Vex tlulrI. Time : 1:03 : % . lurtit race , handlcai , , omie mile and soy- ( inty ynruls : Ilrlghmtomm won. Henry i..aulmt St Lond. Itolmiante third. Timime : I:45. : Fifth race , cite mmmhie : Lhiilami lIeu vomi , C.reat flemiti Isecond. Don QuIxote third. 'rime : 1Ii : ! , . Sixth race , six furlongs : Amateur won , Sister Jat.o m'teeommd , Suydnmn third. TIme : 1iC. : 1iC.ST. ST. LOUIS , Juno 2.-Iiaeiumg at time fair gnmimnds tomlay was. ilycly anti three favor- IU' wei'c mimicceasful. Time Ilmilslmes Ivere close and exciting. Tue weather ivuts pietis- hut nhitl tue track fnmtt. iteemmits : First rate , 2.yeumr-oluhmu , five furlongs : Beim ifrainbie womm , Lee liruno second , O'Comi. nor I bird. 'I'Inme : I :03. Second race , shz furlummmgs : ilorseslioc To. laucco tsotm , Jtssn m4ecoimd , Jiarrie Floyd third. Time : 1:14" : . Thmlrmi race. one mile : Sir helm won , her Favor necouid , Elmigs Guard thIrd. Timmie : 1:43 : , Fourtlm race , 3-year-old fillIes. sIx furlongs - longs : Crockot won , 1.nvlmmg Cimp mecomitl , Nuiommt thIrd. TIme : 1:14'/ : . Fifth race , handicap , one and one.eIghmthi miles : Elusive Ivomi , Laureate second , Coiltit.r 'I'emmur thmirftl , TIme : i :51 : % . SIxtIm riuct. , yule utile : 1lliuop Iteeti Wtii , l'rIncti itt India m4ecomid , Tommy I touming tItled Tlnie : 1:42. : ChICAGO , Jumno 2.-Ilark'm results : First nice , six ftmrioumgs : lIrynim vomI , Tom Toimer SCCiflI , Little Slmigcr timirti. 'rime : l:1Ci. Scoimd race , four nail omic.haif furlomigs : Srummtello won , Cambrlmia ecomid , Babe Itob- ertsomu third , TInme : 0:56. : Third race , seveim furlongs : Frammlc Thmomnpsoiu Won. ilouimdlng secommd , Jacka- flutes third. Time : I :2S1t. : Fourth race , ommo amid . , mmo.sixte'mttli imuiles : Mmtcy mon , . Iimdra sccommd , 3. ii C third. 'I'lmne : 1:48. : Fifth race , aix fummiommgs : ? uteuldler wuii. Pursuit sceomud , 1)agmnar tlmird. TIme : I :17. : Sixth race , six furlongs : Ion't SkIp I'de % .omi. Nuttimaason mmecomtd , Douster Swivel third. TIme : 1:15. : N1I\V YORK , Jimmie 2.-Gravesend results : First racc. auto umiile : TIIIi won , hlowmurd S SeCOmil , Emporador thmlnl. TImmme' : L43. Seconmi race , live furiomugmi : W9mlpiash won , Ornamemmtal second , Loiter third. Time : 1o2. : 1o2.Third Third race. Par1cvny handicap , mIle and ii slxteemmtht : Ittirtimfumi womm , Seniper Ego secomiul. Itnad Stag timird. Timue : 1:49. Fourth race , live furlongs : Mr. l'imlmilssy woii. 'i'eum.lresso . second , ilugglmms timlrti. 'J'inme : 1:02. : Fl ftim race , mile niul mm , si xteentlm : halter vomm , Sanders sethnd , hnumdemnatm huh ii. 'l'lmne : 1:50 : % . SIxth race. five amid omma-half ftmriommgs , sell lug : Zutiioo woim , Dolando second , Lecils- vihle third. Time : 1:09. : OltiiOlL .t ItIIlIJCTIOS IN $ , tlAItu11. . % psMiiilImt , Fl muuls It Neces- p. : t , ' ' 4 0 16mm fun i lSt' ii mm o mm. y. C'EDAIt RAPIDS. lit. , Jumie 2.-A meethmmg of tlmVestern amtsoclatitn was held here tc.tluy for devIsing mimeaummu of imlutyimug the s'asoml through. All securities were repre. Seated uimd It was decIded to reduce tlte sat- ary of l'resldeumt lhlckey , umtmirCs amid hillY- era frummi 20 to 54) 11cr cemmt , take down time $ rro guarantee amid continue tIme seasomm. It Is believed ( hut wltim better weathme.r thai assocIatIon uviti be able to lIve the rest of time season. A telegram svmis received front President Jnhntemum of the \'estern league , utaylmig timat orHumIzatIon would protect time assocIatIon , refusIng to slgmi any nlayers who refuseti to accept time cut iii salary. S. . , . . ) ii ml ( t ii iii es a y. NJI\ ' YORK , Jumue 2.-According to time rules goveriming liai in time internatIonal chess tourmunmnent umow In regress in VIenna. 'rhursduy is an oft day. The second rouumd will , therefore. be illaYell tomorrow , the order of imlity lmeIng mitt follows : Burns amid AlmIllIum. Trcnclmnrd amid Tarrasch , Baird mmml Sclmlffers , Cam iumd Jancjwskl , Llpke mund l'iilsbury , Scimwarz nail Iilackburmm , I IaiiImm amid Shuwalter. Muroczy ammO Schlcebtem. Steimiilz mtnd Marco mimic ! TscimI- gorimu aiuil W'albrodt. A Wilt IM 1iOIJGiiP. TIme Chimuimizeri 1mm tIme MoOt. or Ymmrfnre llIimPstrntCtl h.y J'Ietimres. If yeu wIsh to properly understand the war tmcws , it you wIsh to Imave a definite knowledge of naval affaIrs anti the events that are occurriug In the Easi an'est Imidies you can secure no better , no nmoro reliable source of Immformrtion tlman time oflIclal photograplms ot the IJmmited States imavy , just Issued by the Omaha fiso. The price is emily 25 cents. and more valuable and tlmmmely Information was hover offered fcr the ummoney. It is on sale at The Omaha flee counting-rooms , or will be sent to tummy amlclress on receIpt of lirIco. The book consists of nearly 200 pages of views nmada by II. II. hurt , naval photographer - grapher , anti the list of subjects embraces overythtmig of Interest 1)ertainlng to nmmr navy , of which muvery AmerIcan Is justly itroutl. First withIn the covers of thIs immtor- estimig work comes a map sixteen timuetu as large as the boolc Itself , shmowimig on one sIde the Spanish possessions , ammo .su ad. jacent territory , while emi the other sIde the East lodlami vossesslomus are similarly treated , Steamship ilm's. with thu ( his. tamuces intervenIng lietween dhffe'remmt unto is , are sbowmm , and a close study of timee mmmaps uvlil give one a tlmorotmgim unmierstamudlng of this territory , In regard to which the ut- terest of the American public Is mmiv at fever heat. Then follow ' more than 200 rare Imlctmtres of time navy , tie olilcers anti equipimmemmt. Time vIews are all nutbcimuie , and are the latest ofliclal photographs of our torpedo beats , torpedo boat destroyers , cruIsers , battle- elmlps , guimboats , moimitors. rams , dynammmlte cruisers. dtspatcim vesse1 , amid other war craft , lime whole embodying an authentIc portrayal of the American navy as it exists today , A complete description of time comi- structlou , displacement , size , speed. batteries - tories , armor , crew anti cost ( each boat wIll enable the reader to ( cram an atcuirate estimate of our llgtmtlng strength , Included wIth these are phmotographms of time lca1Iimg Sjuiiitsh men-of-war , also fully descrIbtd , By far the imuost Immtoreuuting portloims of the book arc vIew of the Maimme , taken before time disaster In Havana harbor , simowhmig the lIfe and dIscipline aboard a battleship , to. . gethor wlUa porteelts of the oiicors ( maid crew , supplemented by photographs taken after the explosIon , deplcthmmg time divers at. tyorir , and other incldemmtum 1mm commnectioum whim title sa1 amid incnmorsblo event. ThIs work calm' be obtained by cuRing a coupon ( ronu prto two , nad brIngIng It to Time lice oillcu , Omaha , The Ilee buIldIng ; South Omaima-'l'uu'enty-ourtii and N' streete ; Limmeolmi , 1036 (3 stm'eet ; CouncIl Bluffs , 10 Pearl strtch By mali 4 cetits extra for postugo. Addm'ess Navy I'hotograph Depart. went , Ommialia Bet , . 1u.lcs TO 1hlL'IIu1 .i411 ItIITIJIIN % 'Imi B otl Jihuimul Route. Tickets oil uuho Juno 5th and Clii. good to return for 3(1 ( ilays. Trains leave Oummalma 5:0 a. in. 1:30 1) . ma. anti 7 p. mu. ; only llmic rmmmummlng a traIns a day from Omaha to Ien- ver. tor sleepIng cur reservations anti tickets call at 1323 Farmmarn street. 1)Jaieiiiis 1 , iii , C. dt. % Vorlc. WARSAW , lad. . June 2-The second day's session of the Young Mens Clmrlstiamm association general secretaries cOnventloum was devoted to a discmmsslou ut loys' Motk amid nornmal training. . tiaper mas read iiy II. V , Frost of Miiwaukce. ilapeclal car- OIaitty muarked the reception accorded to Herbert Handel of 'l'aummton , thmgiand. Ills reerene to an Anglo-American allIance was loudly applauded , This afternoon % ias : tie. voted to recreation , Tonight army work c - cUpleti the atteimtioim ( if the delegates. Clara hlortomu iiiis to Vashuhmmgiomm. NIIi'OllK. . Jumme 2.-MIss Clara liarton , having completed her conference with. tIme Central Cuban relief eouummnltteo and the Now York lied Cross relIef committee Ia this city anti desirIng to return to Taumps as 00011 as possIble and take charge of the relief shIp State of Texas. decided tonight to go l Washington ot once. SIOUX INDbS PEACEFUL I it ri Sitting Bull the of' the Dangerous , LeadeR o ± 1 Nation , -J. OLD RED CLOUD -HOW NEARLY BLIND . \J1 Vctcriun . Toils of Troimlmles on tin' Plus , ithulge lIes- er'mt4Ion - ( hu1A't Inmmee.s tutu ThiO4I.PuiiIt $ . SEATTLE , Wash. . June 2.-Special.-A ( ) personality carrylmmg oume back to the days of Custer ami1 Indian treacimery imu South Ba. kota Is that of IJo. V. T. M'thiiiycumddy , ( lit , only limami ever successful 1mm arresting time great chief. lIed Cloud , and famimous mix an agent on time Pine Itiulge reservation Iii try- lag titmie . lr. M'Olilycuddy line been coum- imected whim the Soutim Dakota school of iumlnes at itapitI City a imumubor of ycare , hut gave up his Iiosttton there last year and re mmmoved to Stiui Fraumcisco to engage in bust- liesmt. lie Is Iii Seattle , and In conversatIon grow reumilnlseent ever lila seven years' cx- iierleumco wltiu ( ho Inmllans. "I rcgard It. as a u'ery forttmnate tluImu , lie raid , 'that Sitting Bull was killed.'cro lie now alIve he would surely take mu'lvammtago ' of our su'ar with Spain to stir UI ) time fight- ins lilooti of his PcoPle. There is no Other to tnke lila place as leather. Of the alit fighting chide but fletl Cloud reinnimis , and he is almost blind amid is growIng quito feeble. There Is no tlammgcr of aim outbreak so long as the Inmilans nra kept weli fed. Ninety nor ccitt of thu. trouble heretofore imtus been the result ot'an onipty camnmumissmury imulidlmig. I thInk time trotiblo \Vouiuded Ktmco tim 1800 antI ISOt Could have beemi averted had time nimi of United States (1001)5 imot beemu called him. Tue ghost damice was 110 lucre lIable to roltea a var spIrit tlmamu ammy otimer amid lmnul Its origimi iii fact hmi time teacimimigs of ChrIstIanity itself. The trite cause of tIme ghost dnmmco has hewer been clearly aimderstood. Time real explanation , as I heuurti it front time oltI chief , Wounded Kitce. was very simple. As mi ofllccr of the stall of the governor of fioutlm 1)akota I was sent to Plan Ittilge In 1890 to rcpresemmt imlum at ( lit' scene of trouble. The UnIted States cavalry , under General hirooke , had just nrrlvcil at time agency anti I asked his permission to. go among the Patinas amid talk to them. I vent to the couimctl of time IndIan chiefs and asked Wotmmmdcd lCneo why time iuiduimns were dancing. 1)mnieliig fiim (1i rist. "lie told mo ( lint canto tIme before alt Indiamm oameti Porcupimie had cniume douvmu frommm British Celuummbla and had saId , timat In time far north a beautIful anti fair spoken maim , with blue eyes and a golden beartl , had omit day imuet him Iii the forest and saId : 1 am the Christ whom time white reoplo crumchfled , I am , mow come again , but this titime only ill ) ' frIends ) Ahahl know me , for I tear agaIn the tortuir ' And that I may not mistake thmoso m'hO 'hove ate I wIlt abide with the iteopie wimo'ima'b certalmm signs amid a daumee. ' iOccUiI1it had lcarumed the dammee anti ( lie signs anti 'ftmut brought ( hmenu to \Votimtmleti Imtee. Time 61ti chIef ( alit nue iii time mnost sImple nmauij&r nossible that lme belIeved lila ieonlo 1sjoultl dance 'for fear time ChrIst aught cmmi"1thmat way and iiass thmeni by. If they flmtmtil the dance was umot a good timltmg they 'ouil quit. Time intomu- than of time Indians 'u see was perfectly Innocent. had time troops not beemi called in ( lucy would have djummeail mu few months and whemm no Christ npleuured the craze would have dIetI a mmuturnl , t1qth. "Betwecim 3879 and lSSf whIle agemmt on the PIne there were many crises % uhmeui 4i call for troops would have precIpItated an outlircalc , ' but I foummmd diplomacy alwayn effective In averting trouble. I allowed the Indlaims to govermm thenuseives and whmemmever there was danger I called a council and told tIme chiefs that umider exIstIng conditions it would aeon be necessary to call on time White Father for soidier amid ( lint it lmuy In themselves whether such a atoll should be taken or not. They were always open to reasoim amid , rather ( luau have var , made many sacrifices. Not that they were afraid ; time Sioux arc not cowards , but they thought of theIr wives and cimlldren. 'l'rouihle uvi fit iled Ciunud. "Ia time early days , lim order to facilitate matters , the government dealt with ( lie tribes through a head chief. ItetI Cloud was the recognized chltt of time SIoux and wltim him sere made all treaties amid ngrceimmeimts. it becaimmo later the policy to attempt. to break up the old trIbal system anti In- dtvidualize time IndIans. lied Cloud reallzeti that this meant time death of his power and lie fought mc bitterly from the first. Finally , In 18R2 , lie telegraphed \Vashmimmgton that I was attempting to rouse feeling against him as head chIef anti asked that I be re- moved. The ( iepartmnelmt sent to nit for tutu expianatiomm amid out being Infornmed of the trouble semmt aim order that lied Cloud be ar- rested , That was easIer said than done. " 1 called a councIl of the chiefs , told thtenu of tile order I had receivetl and asketi what should be done. They said they vould solid for Ited Cloumtl. A niessemmger wait dlspatcimeul , but the old fellow refused to comae. Aim- oUter tnesseimger was sent and a second time htetl Cloud refused. Thlumgs began to look seriouis. The councIl of clmles ( souL a third message , stathmig tills ( into that Iteth Cloud would either come vohumitarily to time coumm. CII or hue would be brougimt by force , They mussuretl limo of their support. I had about fIfty ItalIan lehica who wore time Ummlted States unlformmi and carried govermiment arnie. They had always stood by nme before amid lit anticIpation of trouble I hiatt gathered thteimi together fronm time dIfferent trIbes. lIe- fore cahliimg the council I had lined thmenm up amid told them they score about to be called on to arrest their head chIef. 'If any ommo feels that hue trill no fight for the govorum- macnt , ' I said , 'let hmlmmi step from time ranks. ' There was a moment's quIet anti thtemm omme nanmed Six Brothers stepped forward and simalclmig rime by time imand saul : 'lied Cloud Is my kiumsunan. I cammnotvflglmt against may own blood. ' lie then weumt Into time 'guard ' house. removed his unIform e and resumed 1Is blanket , The others 'stood firm , arid I eta- For Meg4 : kt Women a dw 1 Children. . . a Is I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I AT. , ' 54 All SEgles. ' All Dealers. honed them outside time council chamber to be on hand when needed. "The thmlrmi messenger hmati hartily heft when I could see that ItetI Clouti hind left his village and was approaching time coon cii. lie WL % JucComiaflled by about seyenty. five of his braves. lie had reconsidered time matter. From other dIrectIons I saw a aunt- ber of young men gathering. There were about 300. I suppose a look of alarm passed over may Ia u , for one of the chiefs said ; to not be afraid , father ; those young amen are ours. ' A Tiurlihi mig hilton I inm. ° Off the council cnamber wits amy omce , and I retired there with may Interpreter untIl lieu Cloud nrrtvett. lie strode into time council hall mu'itIi hits tiraves at hIs Imeels. The place was jammed and It was time toughest looking crowd that ever I have seen. Old Red Cloud was palmmted fronm head to foot a bright green anti was strealteti In hideous foetmlon. All the lmmdlaius mItim luau vero folmled closely In their blankets ammml I know that each had a kimife and revolver - volver ready for instant tme. ' 1 steimpetl imito ( he chamber auth started to speak. All was quIet uvimeum a chief imamiucti lromm hawk juimped tip Iii time rear of ( liii , crowtl fluid , exposlimg his bare chmmtt , begamm I to harangue in a loud voice. I stoiipem ? himim short wIth a gesture numd said to omie of amy pollcenicim : 'I jf nmiotlmer speaks tmumtll I have finlelmed , hut imimit otmt , IC be .retumses to go , shmoot hi liii. ' ' 'That lmrotiuccth time desired effect. itetl Cloud , ' I eatti , looking barth at tIme duct , 'I have orders fromuu time Great Father to arrest yeti , Hereafter youm mm'lll be no nmortu recognIzed as imead chIef. You amulet comu- aider yourself a prlsomier. But I will not halt ! you , for you uure a man of honor , aimml hmuvimig beemm arrested , mmmum' returmi to your village. ' "lie sitramig up aimmi begamu to talk rapidly. I held uuti 1ii ) imamid amid said 1 'licumemnber , it Is mint I whmo ant arrcstlmmg 'ou , but time govcrnmmieiit , nail it 'oum disobey it wIll nicnmm time destm'tmctlon of you amiml hIt your peonle. ' I felt that amy safety bug omm a thread amid ( lint aim outbreak ailghmt conic nimy secoinl. But time chief smv tiuimt hIs POZItIiit m'as Imu- cecUme amid surremilerciL There has mmovt'r been a doubt iii mmiy nmlmmil that neil Cioumtl camlie to that council intemmmilmmg to kill lime. but ha realized ( lie force of amy remark that he mnlgimt get mitt of inn , but epuld never ho away with the ageumt. "Aumothuer crisis canto In 1883 , whelm I stopped tile sun dance. It had beeim the custom for years at time full tuition Iii Jumie to collect the iworihe of all the villages for the sun t1aulc , . It mas intcimded as a test of thm eumduramice of young ImmdIans who asplrc'ml to be warrIors. A hole twenty-tire or thIrty feet iii height was erected amid froimi the top depetithed lomig strlmugs , lIke time stretmmimers of a May pole. The doctors u'ould Iderce tIme breasts of young bravos amid catch up the flesh with skewers. These sticks were tiett on the strings from time pole , anti time In- tunas would tmsng back on the strings , stretchIng their flesh until It wotmltt finally burst. They were Omen warrIors. Often the amen woumltl faint ( roam pain before time elastic flesh broke , Timey were then considered rio good and had to valt for another year. Sonmetinmes 'when a young amen hogan to grow ( tIzzy mind wobble from itk' to side his sweetheart - heart , who would be watching from the crowd , would rush forwarti and elaspiimg tier lover about the neck tear him loose , She would thus seve hIm front disgrace. "I felt that time dance encouraged a war spIrit anti ilocitleti to stop It. Time hereditary chief of the tribes uvuts Voung-Maum-Afrnitt- of-hIs-horses , anti lie imati always been oa iiiy sIde , hecnuso I sumpported hmlmmm against the tmsmirmIng war chIef , itett Clotmd. TIme Maim-Afraid factinmi agreeti to stnmutt by rime tim stmpimresslng time dnmmce , amid it was owlmmg to lmelr aid that I utas able to carry otmt tm plan. ' 'lmcmi Clevelaumd was elected preshleuit Iii lSSl , Isas called \'ashmImmgtomi to nimewer charges iurefcrred against mmmc tmy ltcti Clotid. It , vnt4 emily a liretext to get rltl of a repttb Ilcaim mmgemmt , nmmtl I kumew It woumlti result in but one wa ) . lieu Cloud ncctteti nit , of uutt- therummimiluig his authority as hmeami chmief , I had taken Youtig-Maum.Atraiti-of-iltsilorses \Voslmtmmgtoim wIth mmmc , amiti whemm we miii- bearetl befoi'e St'cretmml y Lmmumuolmt the cimief was miskeil It I hail ever takemu rummy steps to immaltu imint a elmlef , The lmmthinmm mutt lint au- iherstimmid time qumcstioim at hirat , bumt aim Its belmmg repeateti drew huimmmself UI ) lii outiiy alid 138 Iii ; . ' 'Make mime a chief ? lie cummm't make mime a chIef. I was born a chief , ' , , it.d Clotmd was there at time tliume' , dressed 1mm a hmamudsoimie frock coat ammil wearimig a high muhllt lint , TIme contrast betweemu hmimum muimmi time real chIef , who was dressed tim mmntlve cos- ttllime , % ss very striklmig. Imi 1590 , mmlmcmm I utemmt to i'lflc itimlge , itt'ti Cloumti wums time Iirmtt 0110 (1) greet imie as I StOlihied trommm ( lie stage , ' Ommce I dlii miot ttmulcrstniml , youm , father , anti I hinted ) ' ( mU. lhumt umow I kmmow what you tried to do for time best Immterests of ( hi , Sioumx. ' " l'uuIlie ? sil'e. TIme Northiwesterim I.imio Iayllglmt SpecIal hOW hearts tIme U. P. depot at 6:40 : a .hn. ; arrIves Chicago 8:45 : same evemuln ; ; . No citamige 1mm tIme otimer ( collie. The C'verlnmmti Lliuiite'd 4 :45 : p. au amId time Omiumba Chicago Special at 0:45 : 1) ' imi. arrIve at Chicago 7:45 : mid 1) ) :30 : reslectlvehy , mmext umonmimig. Time niost advanced vestihmtmlcd sleepers , dimmers and free parlor chair cars-of coutrec-wimat else wotiiil tIme "Northmwest"rmm" Inure. City Ticket 0111cc 1401 Farnammi et. Get a map of Cuba ammd get tIme best ammil iuOst comitphc'te. Tiu flee's coimmbhmmntlomm hump of Cula , time \'est Immtllt's ammtl of the world. \'Itiu a lice map coumpoim , oum page 2 , 10 celits , at lice 0111cc , Ommuha , South Ommmahn or Council Bluffs , fly mall , It cents. Address Cubiumu Map Iepartmnrmmt. ; ; . ' - - - Eagle : : 11tiiBrand HAS NO EQUAL AS AN INFANT FOOD. ' "INFANT IIEALTII"StNT FREI OH APPLICATION HLwYOI't COlt otttstDthittt Ccttt't 'tvIiSN OTihilils F.tuT , CONV1.T 3ear1es & Searles - 4 I 'i . : . v ! LJ SPECIALISTS Oumi m'ammtee to t'tmre , , ' y imimti mmli- enilr nil i1It'IUS , 'tlIlIt'miG A.1) . I'll I V t'I'lI * 1 Isriust's ut 3i.im It itil is olmucu. WEM ( iEu3 SYPHiL SiXUALLY. cumrctl for life. Ntimt Iimmissioiis , , 1.ost Mnhmootl , liv- droele. Verleocela , Gomiommhmet , Glee ( , tiypim. Ills , StrIcttmm'e , Piles , Fltitla antI hiectal Ulcers , Ilabetee , llrighmt's DIsease cured , ConstiItition Free. Ctived at S2rture and iomn e , by mmcmv iimthioml uvitimout pmti4l or cutting. Cmilloim or address v1th etaumip , Treatnment by mall , ilL' , . 1415 St. DRS. 8EARIES & FAR i.FS . Pe1iu ! if the Complete American Navy , . . . . All the more important Spaiiish vessels , photographs ofDewey , , Samps9n , S'chley , Miles , Coppinger , Bi'ooke , and all' ' the great offlcers of the Army and Navy. ' . . : , . - . . T , cyt : \ O ¼ ? \j 'NI'ffD$1ATh $ NAvY" eIouPr ) ° Ve , 200 Rcire * ' ) v S " \ fficerS"ad . 2 0 V I'fS ! ' befrcd LL FAT UJ 1i Al 11E ' I 1take by ; , ' E.i'U-Iart ; U.S. ? aQa1 Pbotorapuier. , Mth-O-\R \ ( ' . . . 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