- : - - - - iT'I I ' NEWS OF INTEREST FROM _ _ ; outh : ; 1L BLUFFS. iiicou. : MINTtO. CttI at The 13cc ofllcefor Cuban maps. lOc cach. , J. 1. Johannpcn , a promtnent bnkcr of Vn1nut , 1st. , wn th the city yctcrday. LoUtU A , ! .cClalre , Jr. , of the Hock 11and Daily Union va In the city ycterday. tynity Guild will holit It , regular meeting thiR afternoon nt ( ho resWence of Mrs. Iain on Vine trect. Itegular me tIng of Ficieflty council No. 1fc. Royal Arcanum , will bo helti this oven- Ing at 8 &clock. : The mrirrlage of Thoman Treynor nnd Miss : Eugviiio 3Iyter ii& announced to tnko place Tue8lny. 3(100 14. The tvans laundry l ( ho leader In fine work both for color and lIni8b. & 20 Pearl Street. Phone 1O. The wedding at Mr. I' . P. Schott and Miss Katlnrlno Ilnser is announced to take pliwo on Wednesday , Juno S. Carl Ileitseli of ltiidclifl , liardin county , is visiting his daughter , Mrs. .1. 0. lInker. while taking in the exposition. Thomas Mason of 814 Twcfltyflrst fly- enue Is reported to be seriously Ill and fears 'arc ntertninctl of his rccoery. Tlireo cniR of bonded chinaware imported from 1nginiid were received at this port. yesl trday for SV. A. Maurer ot this city. Tim Ileaky of Avoca was in the city yes- terilay visiting friends while on his way to Butte , Mont , , where he expects to locate. I With a lice oupon and 25 cents you can 1 secure the official photographs of thi United States navy at the Council fluffs offlce of t The lice. flont you think It must be a pretty good laundry that can please so. many hundreds of custolilersVcIlthnt's the "Eaglo 724 Broadway. Lewis Wliiteliend , a grailuate of this ycars % I high chaoi cIas. has entered the service 1 of the Burlington as stenographer InV. . J. Davenport's olflco. -J A iiiarrlnge itcetso has been issued to , & 4 , Clyde A. Elliott of Kansas City , Mo. , aged 30 , and Catherine E. Dougherty of Kansas City , Kan. , aged 23. 'rho Women's Christian 'cmperanco union Invites the public to its opening at No. 15 l'enrl street this evening. Iteireshments will be served and admission will be free. Al Tnwnsotiil. a colored nmn , was arrested yesterilay afternoon for vIolating a city or- tlinanco by riding his bicycle on the side- walk. Ito gave bail for his appearance In police court ( lila morning. 'l'lierc wIll be no nicoting thin afternoon of the Loyal Tenipera co Army. AU the i ; jUnIQr nm1iern fire Inviteil to attend the reception gireti by the Vomens Christian Temperance unIon this evening at No. 18 Pearl street. Thu women of Relief Corps No. 180 will liolil their annual memorial servIces In the : Grand Army or the Republic hail tomorrow evening , to which niciahers of the Grand : Army and their famIlies are cordially In- viteti. E- Yesterday afternoon a team hitched to a k dirt wagon belonging to Contractor Mark ; \ViIIInnn ran away. Portions of the wagon were Ectttcrcd along the Street for several blocks. Tue teant llnallv ran Into a tele- grail1 POiC nod was brought to a stop. , Prof. A.V , llrctt. t'aclier of science In the 111gb school , rcccived i telegram last evening announcing that he had beeii elected principal of the North 111gb school of Des Moines to succeed l'rof. tV , N. Clifford , recently - cently elected principal of the Council Bluffs high scheol , Ycstrday afternoon Chief flixhy drove ! 'I the nIilit force in the Patrol Wagon to the itlo range on the outskirts of the city , vliere an hour was spent in revolver prnc- tice , After the practice the trees In the vlcinIty of the target looked as if they hail beca "blazed. " The Chase-Lister Theater company , which opens a summer engagement at. the Dohaity theater next Sunday night , will present the I four-act comedy , "Lynwouti. " as the opcnin bill. A number of pleasing pecinlties between - . tween the acts , making the performance s L continuous one , arc promised. As there has been an unforeseen delay in the preinration or the senior class book the distribution arranged for this afternoon tc ; the pupils nt the 111gb chiool will not tnk m piac. . The juilior rceeltion to the gradti. . atlug class will be lield this evening at tlu I residence of Mr. ' 1' . 11. Cavln on Park avenue , , Mary Vnuglui of 123 East I'lerce street : has flied a complaint in Justice llurke'e I cUtlet charging Joe 11111 with malicious mis chief , 11111 is the Omaha man who hat i trouble with his wife and kIcked in tb ) door of the house where lie was stoppl'a in thLi city and was arrested for dIsturbln the peace. Charles Utterback of Mapleton , Ta. , is it t the city visiting his son , W , C. Uttcrhack , and W'ednesday attended the opening of th I exposition. While watching the iarado a enterprising pickpocket relieved him of hit roll. consisting uf $11. Mr. Utterhack heln . ft stranger in a strange city , was compelle i to borrow from an obliging storekeeper sum . . cleat to pay his way back to the hiluffa , C. 11. VInyl Co. , female remedy ; conaulta- tioti free. omco hours , 9 to 12 and to Health book furnished. 32-327-3ZS Mer. : riain block. Money to loan en city property. Kiune. N. Y. t9uinbtng company. Tel. 250. Ntt lee to the 1'iiItlI. Notice is hereby given that the businest i boretofero conducted under the name of 11 . 24. Smith & Company will be hereafter con tinued under the name of The CouncIl flluft ; Art Binporluin , Mr. II. L. Smith having rn ) longer any connection with the business . D. W. OTIS , Agent. June 2. 1895. FOR SALE-Good second-hand bicycle al a bargain. Call at The flee offlo , Council L hulls. Storage , \Vinn & 1Conlgniaclie , 236 Bwy . ttEcniiit on Ilsi' tsIrsII.h'M iiIll I. Th omelals at the Federal building are I ranch tnystltled over what appears to be I an attempt to blow up the vault in tlt I UntIed States marshal's room , Janitor Univ in tanking his rounds Tuesilay night dis. covered that a hole hail been thrilled in the I lock above the handle. The filings droppel I by the thrill were found on the floor , Tli I Whole affair is wrapped In mystery , us dur- lag the absence of the deputy United Statct m niarshnl the recta is always kept. loCked anl i there .s nothIng kept in the , vault excopi the records. of the 0111cc. . Map of Cuba , West Indies aetil the Vorl i at The lice 0111cc , 10 each. Irving ltotei , 2759 WiI'y ; rates , 1.fio. Mi. . lIerI.r Court Nott'N , In ( ho superior court yesterday the trIal I of the damage suit of Jensen against Peterson - son occuptetl thu entire day. It will go te I tIm jury some time this morning , A motion for a new trial in the case ol Scott against Gregory vas lllvt yeaorday , , , : Try Moore's tle'ntlI to liceanel mIe ( , htcitI I1wtttt i'riiisfcrs. The following transfers were tIled yeater . day In thu title. abstract and loan utllce of J.v , Squirt' , 101 l'earl streets Couiity treasurer to A. IL'zilker IP.4 acres In noi iiv l-75-40 , t 1 , 4 8 A. 11. 'ii1ker nnd wife tu Vrnnk L'ike ' 2te nw'/4 12-75-10 , q c d . . , . . . . , , . , . . , ' A , J. lfiiiii untl vitu t Matilila Madi. son lot U. block 1 , Oak Grove add , v d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . % 'ilI F' . Diedcntopt atitl wlfti to James Swanson , lot I. block 10. Ferry filth , tv it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . County treasurer to Andrew and An- draw l. Jensen lot 8 , block 9 , Craw- ford's ailti , t it. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Ellaubeth Uudowskt and husband to \VllIiasmm C. 1t.ss vart lots 3 , 9 antI 10 , uriginiti liltit of Council tiluils , % v el . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3IIaa ltoa Adult to John 0. Wilson. 1(110 8 anti 6 , block 6 , Stutsinan's lirat add. sy d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,431 tiuisriff to I.opls C. Nush , lots 1. and 2. block 7 , 1erett'5 acId , u ii. , , , . . . Ilght : transfers , total. . . . . . . S TAB TO SAVE IllS FATHER Wood Wdght Uses ills Knife thi1d loden's ' Anatomy. O UTCOME OF A HAYMARKET QLJAflRELt I njurcil Mnt * Was Clunking the ] Bdcr ' , % 'rlgIi1 auth Iluc hltmit 'rotk VIu- ; lcmm4 , tIeiiits to S"i' ( * l&e 1'rue&Iin , TIme hay market at the junction of Pearl a ntI South Main streets was the scene of a s erious cuttIng affray yesterday afternoon i n which Ed lIoden , a farmer , living south o f Manawn , was stabbed in tbo abdomen b y a clasp kmiifo in the hands of a young n ina named Wood L. Wriht.'right , was a rrested unit lodged lit the city jail , while h is victim vas taken to itoiico headquarters I n a hack , ( . he vas attended by City l 'hiyslciai , Lacey and Dr. Barstow. Ex- a mninatlon showed the cut to be about three i nches long on the right side just above the groin and about two incites deep. The b ound Is thought to be a dangerous ooe. Itoden , who does not bear the best of r eputations , and Is deemed to be somewhat o f a bully , become involved in an nltcrca- t ion with ' 1' . A. Wright. the father of the y oung man who did ( lie cutting. Ifoden , no- c ording to the testinmny of a number of I b ystanders v1io witnessed the vhoio affair , , n lused Wright , sr. , calling him offensive n ames and attempted to pull hint out of the b uggy In which he was seated. lie had h is hands on Wright's throat and was . c hoking him when ( he son , Wood t. Wright , viio was standing on the sidewalk , jumped t o his father's aid , 11 hail been whittling a piece of wood with a clasp knife , and this knife he plunged into Iloden's rIcht side. I foden sank to the sidewalk crying out , "he has stabbed mae , " while young \'rtghL stood by and made no attempt to e3cnp quIetly submitting to arrest by omeor Albro , who h appened on the scene at ( lie time. Wright evidently used his knlf In n meat of excitement and wIthout consider- tag the consequences. When aeen at the city jail ho said that when lie saw Iloden have hold of lila father's throat his first I mpulse was to go to his father's asI'tnuco , anti having the knife in his hiand and know- l ag Iloden to be a reckless man when lie hail been drinking , he used it. The \Vriglits l ive at Seventh avenue and Fifteenth street. liodep was removed last evening to St. Ilarnard's hospital , His wound , although dangerous , Is not necessarily fatal , provided blood poIsoning does not set in. Wright , sr. , was arrested , but gave bail for his tip- penrance , hlOtV ' 1,0 hilAC1i 'I'IIB EXPOSITION , Scseral I'lmtus N.y mm Foot VhiIehi I Prolse Veh1. The matter of direct transportation to the exposItIon grounds from this city is at present - ent one of vital Importance to the c1tizen of Council Bluffs , and realizing this the transportation committee of the Council lilutis Exposition association has taken II up with a view to try to secure the desired L end. At the meeting of the executIve corn- mittee of the associatIon last nIght a special I committee was appointed to watt on B. L Lornax of the Union PacifIc railway anti ri- quest that his road put on passenger traint between Ninth street and liroatiway ( stopping - ping at Fifth avenue ) and thc exposition L grounds during the life of the exposition , The committee was instructed to assure Mr. Lomax that. the service would bo well patronized - ronized and it Is believed tbat.the request : will be granted and the trains put on In the near futurq. General Manager John It. 'Vbster of th I. Oniaha Iiridgo and Terrn1nai omnpnny has as sured the committee that his company Ii ' : prepared to provide a direct service betweer m Cobncil Bluffs and the exposition ground m In the event of the city furnishing the neces . sary terminal facilities at this end. If thim is done the Terminal company will arrangi a frequent antI rapid service between Court : cii liluffs and the exposition grounds direct The Terminal company has tacks to th : corner of Thirteenth and Locust streets ant i the southeast corner of the exposltlor I grounds is at the corner of Fifteenth ant i lunacy streets , two blocks west and oar I block north of the company's present ter. : minus. Mr. Webster informs the committe' that the exposition management has grantec his company permission to enter tlu ' grounds at this point. The company is al present negotiating for rolling stock anti at aeon as this is secured and the terrnina facilities at this end. the service will be I Inaugurated. Mayor Jennings , It is understood - stood , 'wili bring up the latter matter al tlto meeting of the city council next Mon. day night. President Graham reported that the last L iristahlitiont of $500 of the $1,000 for thu i ground for the Pottawattnnuio wigwam win iail by 1dm this week to the expositior management. The pay roll for the last week , amounting to $173.50 , was nhlowe I and ordered jald. The association gave its official endorse- . meat to Campbell's Illustrated Journal , W . J , Levcrctt's Trnnsrnlssisslpplnn and a spe- cml issue of the Nonpareil. The matter of furnishing the wigwam win iliectissed at length and several suggestiont I offered , among the number being that thu i citizens of Council Bluffs bait sulllctenl L furniture and oilier decorations for thu I building , It was also suggested that tIn , local merchants bo offered an opportunitl to furnish It as an mulvertisement for thern The matter was finally laid over untIl tin I next meeting , when I'rcsidcnt Urahinmn sak ho tbougitt the vigwatn would be about completed. Tli executive comrnitteo of the Iowa ox. . losttion conimission tuijourned yesterda3 without completing all the details of titi I program ( or the dedication of the lowe state building on June 23 , The ladies of the Women's Christian Tern. . Peranco union solIcIt. donations of furniture , dishes nod books for their rending antI lunch I roomli at No. 18 I'earl street , They also tie. . sire persons to furnish hiomo-inatlo bread , , cakes an'i doughnuts on commission , Appi r , at livmtdquarters , Ilotfmuayr's fancy patent flour makes tin t best amid most bread. Ask your grocer forit , Tim Semitl 3Iiivs to llximusi 41cn. There are a number of pupils at the I Institute for the Deaf whose meant ii.iIi hot Itertmtit them to visit the exposi- tton , In order that all such pupils shall ho affordeil an opportunity to spend at least one day at time exposition Superintendent itotliert has decided to charge an admissIon of 25 cents tt.Is year to the commencement exercises of time Institute. Ailmmmissioa to time exercises has hitherto always been free , but. Mr , Bothiert believes that time public will not comultiala at paying this small sum for such a laudable purpose , Itgi.rs hiild ass fi I'IeICIime1e1. A luau giving the nanme of James htogcrs Is In custody at the city Jail with the clmarge or being a fugitive from justice booked aguln him. it is alleged that Begets Is a vehl kuowa Chmicago pIckpocket and that be is one of the parties wlmo worked tmo street cars in Omaha Wednesday during the open. lug of theexposition , lie was arrested by Detective VeIr yesterday morning in flay. hiss park while in company with two other supposed crooks who managed to get away. itogers when arrested at first pretended to be a business man and was very Indignant , ll ie refused to go to Omaha without. reqitisi- l ion papers , h lB ) IAU A GUN TWO PhIliP LONG. I I iu1twns.mnmm hluldstlt , T'so hlelntcml I'umittry' Ienlcrs. F , 11. Tucker and S. Shoemaker of Atlan- t ic. , In. , two young men who travel about t he country buying and selling chickens , to- p orted to the polIce about 1 o'clock yes- t erday morning that they hint been boil up a nti robbed by a masked highivayman s hortly after midnight at the east oral of the motor company's bridge. The knight of t he road whoa ! they described to be of short s tature nail thick build , relieved Shoemaker o f $65 and ft gold watch , while Tucker was I fa orced to yield up likewise his gold watch a nd tmis entire 'ealth consisting of $20.75 , T he highwayman had his features concealed b y a red bandana handkerchief anti was a rnicil with a revolver , which in the moon. l ight , looked to them as being at least twa f eet long. The robber made them stand b ack to back with their hands up while h o went through their pockets. Tucker and Shoemaker had sold a load of p oultry in Omaha Wetlimesday morning antI drove back to this side of the river antI tnblecl their lanai in a barn near time water- works. They went back to Omaha to take I i n the sights. They started back afoot I t end just as they reached the end of the bridge , the highwayman jumped out of the bimshmes at the side of the trestle anti or- m iorcil them to hold up their hands , an or- t ier which they stated they promptly obeyed. After relieving thorn of their valuables the robber disappeared into the undergrowth s outh of the bridge. Tucker lived In Coun- oil Bluffs untIl about eighteen months ago when he moved wIth his family to Atlantic. C. , . T. Ntmgont has purchased a League bicycle - cycle from Cole & Cole. Stilt ittir1 itl ief Conmnmlssiom. The menmbersliip of the Council Bluffs Women's Sanitary Relief commission is steadily growing. At the regular business meeting of thme coimirnisslon yesterday afternoon - noon the following new members were en' rolled : Mesdanies D. W. Bushnell , It. B. Montgomery. Mary L. Ilolin , Fanny Pardcy , Sarah Cochran , J. I. Andersom1 L. . Tucker , Li. V. Wilhiamims anti the Misses Dora , Celia and Dawn Anderson. The measurements for the abdomlnnl bandages for the members of the Dodge Lhghit Guard have arrived and the comnuis- sion has decided to procure two for each member. These bandages will not be made by thme womea of the commission but will be purchased Itoni a medical supply house. The weekly box was packed and ehipped to the guards at Des Moines and another box will be sent next Thursday provided the guards are stihl at Camp McKinley , If In time meantIme the company Is ordered elsewhere - where a box will be shIpped in time to reach the boys before they heaveDes Moines. lmtsnIc -i ; ; ; , for instruct Ion , TIme grand lotigo school for instruction will be converted this morning at 9 o'clock in the Masonic temple by Granti Lodge Cus- todiaums George B. Van Simm of Ccdam' Falls and Judge C. T. Granger of Des Moins. The local committee has arranged that the address - dress of welcome by Mayor Jennings to the visiting delegates be in time evening at the entertainment for the delcgatcs to bo glvemi L In the Broadway Methodist churcb. The i committee In cimaige is arranging for an : excellent musical program and a number of addresses by prominent men , among thme . number Judge Walter I Smith of the district - : trict bench. , . ' J Corfiwood for sale cheap. Address W , F' . , Bee oflico , Council Bluffs. Found-Pocketbook on Pearl street. Ownem . cat ! get it by calling at Bee office anti payIng , for thmis notice. . . iIsoot'rs a lhlgX itimimnmimy. SIOUX CITY , Ia , , Juime2Speciai. ( . ) - - Securely packed In a bivybox , which hmam I been set. alone in one corner of the loca I It freight house of the Chicogo , Milwaukee t s. Paul ltailway company , is tIme mnum - milled body of a giant negro who i said t I have belonged to one of the savage tribem 3 I of South Africa and killed in a battle durimi ; I one of the Jameson raids. The hotly is I 1 an excellent state of presorvati ii , the heighi I being seven feet nine inches. Time oni clothing is the skin of an animal around thit I hips. The mummy is said to have a history . It has been shmippcd to Sioux City to P. A Older , formerly a partner with I' . T. liar - in the circus business. Tile box lmat i been shipped as "notions. " bitt is wam 3 3I opened by an inspector , Older says ho ivil I keep the mnununy as a curiosity , ho beirmi I quite a collector. 'i'i.iu ijernitce I.pt I tire. ATLANTIC , Ta. , June 2.-Special.-Mrs ( ) . Isabel Plumb , tile national lecturer anti or - ganlzer of the nonpartisan Woman's Chris - tian Temperance union , was in the city to - day and gave a varlor lecture at time horn a of Mrs , Alfred Green , A reCeition irat given in her lmonor at the borne of Mrs . John Cary this evening , vhtI h'Iztmit lJi ( Exmtsltiii. ATLANTIC , a. , Juno 2.-Special.- ( ) - Tlmrotmgh Arthmur Chase tIme Atlantic Cit t band received word today thrnt time lowi 1 Transmntsslsslppi commission had sehectet it to furnish the music at tIme dedication a time Iowa building Thursday. Julie 23. Inivs Vol i t Intl No Ii's , Republicans of Ida county will have i t convention June 11 and catmcuses will be heht I the evening of June 7. Thu Baxter New Era presents time flaunt i of lion , B. J , hlartshorn as a eanlldata fo I , tue imonminatiori for tnte nuilitor , Decatur county will hold its republicat I convemmtIon June 4 at Leon to name tide . gates to congressional and judicial conven tIoiis. Townsldp caucuses are being beid It I Eleventh district caimnties , with Porieiims Brown , Cole and Thomas the heading emitli dates. Denmocrata antI otimera will have a "joint' , convention at Creston June , 16 to nornlnati l U candidate for congress In the Eiglmthi ills - trict. Candidates arc numerous. The Davenport Republican reports tha t Judge hayes last week offered to bet tla t George lit. Curtis would be nominated ii ) succeed himself as congressman in the Sec antI circuit , despite lila refusal to ho a can : didato. Judge Hayes wants time fusiar I nomination , Th4 Keokuk Gate City is not disposed ti ) believe that Tlmormmaa hedge of Ilmmritngtom , yilt be the republican congressional mmmi - nec in time First simply because lie won It henry county. Judge Stutsrnamm may ye I got. les Moines county , which is tlio bomi a of both candidates. Jpi'g Pr.'ss Co am mni'mi 4. Des Moines Leader : A Des Moines mat has renarneti imis yellow dogs-one W'eyle'i amid the other Cervera , for one amerely barki S ammd time oilier runs , Sioux City Journal : The arrangement per mnitting soldiers' letters to go tbrouglm the ; flUills withput lireltaylmiont of ostage is i C good one. The folks at Imomne will gladi ( i'ay the post to hear fruni time boys. Sioux City Tribune : Des Molnea doesa'S care whether there is a state faIr there tlmi : S year or not. Time papers complacently figure - uro that Cammip McKinley has been wortl more to the town than tma state fal eve was. Iavenport ) Denmocriit : No man who Is op . posed to paying the soIdirs in gold dollar 8 can be elected to congress in any distrie I itt lows this year. There may be some sligh differences of olminiolt. on ibis paint for it ( ow wceke , but time election will deuloastrat ite the truth stated , POPULISTS A TICKET Rosn1t of a State C6tienton ! ileltI at Do Mojncs , OMAHA-ST. . LOUIS-'ftATFORMS ENDORSED l't ' Seat of Attprns,1frl $ tipon the 'War vilIt Smm Iii , ) ilifrhi1 'fiit-y Say , Should Ite l'rsceiite.l ; ; ; ) . DES MOINES , June 2-Spcclal ( Tele- g ram.-The ) liopuhiats hail their state eon- V ofltioii here this afternoon nominated a f ull state ticket. as follows : l"or secretary o f state. U. M. Daniels of Wnrretm ; for audi- t ar , A. C. Wicks of Dcoatur ; for treasurer , A. M , liutchinson of I'ottawattaniie ; for j udge of the suprermie court , L. 11. Weller of Chickasaw ; for Attorney general , J. A. Lowcnberg of Wnpelio ; for railroad coinmis- a bner , John Ash of I'olk ; for clerk of the supreme coUrt , A. lived of Mtiscatine. Rcolutlons ivere passed endorsing the Onmaha and St. Louis itiatfarnis opposing fusion , contlerumming hond issues , in favor of free silver which the resolution calls "scleumtlflc mnoney , " in favor of government I ownership anti in favor of the war to , a cer- I lain extent , The resolution relating to the war with Spain Is as follows : "Vo endorse the liresent war with Spain upoum ( ho sentiment expressed In time joint resolution of lImo American congress ; that time people of the island of Cuba are , and of the right ought to be free anti indepen- dent ; anti we deummnnd that the same be von- ductitl upon that theory , To this end we therefore immsist impon a vigorous prosecution and pectly termination of the war anti limo esta'blishment of pence and local govermnent upon the island. W0 cannot consent ( hint this war , comrnencel , for the relief of etif- feriumg imumnanuty tlmerc , shall be made a pretext - text for the maintenance of a large stand- lag army , or for the territorial aggrandize- mnezmt or time cultivation of a vainglorious military spirit with the attendant burdens of increased taxation , jmerpetunl interest bearimmg debt and inevitable tendency to- vard a monarchial government. " The Forty-nintim Iowa , time last at Iowa's fommr regiments , was musteretl In today anti witlm the Fifty-first will leave here about Monday for the front. They at&t & simply waiting now for their equipment. Governor - nor Simaw will not permnit thorn to leave until fully armed , eqmmippeti anti paid. Sliav Culls ( tim' Yphumiteers , Governor Shaw issued a proclamatIon to time citizens of Iowa thmis evening inviting them to enlist untier the second call for vol- Untetirs. Ills document says ( lint the volunteers - teers go to fill the companies of the four regiments now In time service to time wax- imumn number of ilOG. amid that volunteers will know what. company ( hey are to Jill when timoy enhist..011Im1has apportIoned time : number by couumtigs1 1according to military strength , antI tho5tountics whelm did not furnish volunteers upper the first call will do so now as far ji iracttcabie. Colonel Loin' ofimqFifty-Jirst , Iowa vol- ithteers , rnustoret1./Ionday / , anti origimmally assigned to Cimickantaua , received an artier I late tonight from .tijttant General Corblti to report at ouice i } ! ' Francirco to lien- eral Merritte The 11icgtimient will go Satmmr- day , 'ir. ' . ( itnrre1 It&ttimls IlL LENOX , Ia. , Ttinet 2.-Special ( Tehe- granm.-George ) ltflinger , ' a farmer living : n few miles souti ? f Creston , became en- gageti In iti contrdvsm'sywith his neighbor , Robert' Wood , eta they were ireturning from Creaton Saturday night aM aicording to the I report of Mr. Wood , proceeded to draw a . tUrk and threatened bodily injury to Wood , I who made his escape and was about to entot his lmonme wimen Manger was observed to he following him closely. Upon npproachmimw i iI Munger assaulted Wood with the dirk ant ] I in return Wood delivered a crushing bioii . with a neck yoke , which fractured the skull I of Munger anti From tIme effects of which in i died in Cattago hospital yesterday morning . After the trouble Wood is reported as hay. . immg put Munger in his wagoum anti sentlin him homne anti therm goimmg to Creston ant giving lminmseif up to the authorities , but in was still glvemm his freedoun after the death m of Manger , The authorities have Wooc I under arrest and lie is confined In time Urmior I county jail. I.ttitt'tl , ivt tim VciLltii hUh StitretI SIOUX CITY , Ia , , June 2.-Loaded witl m wealth , hut ileserteel anti starving. Johi m Rochel , once a iveli known manufacturer iv Sioux City , perislicil last April on the trai between Dawson City and Talya , Alaska Time news of his ticatli reaclmeti hero in a lot . ( or to his widow. written by Richard lien . tirickson , from Seattle , under date of Mai p 24. The details of Rocbel's tleatim art I meager , but from what can be learned I I appears he was returuming from ( lie mine n after disposing of a valuable claim. Th party was simort of provisions , antI as lloclme I was an oltl man , it was dcciiled to abandor I hIm. From all ccoiints ho wait among ttmt I luckiest of the minors at Dawsomi City , bu I was unable to bring lila wealtim back to civil Izatlon. his body will be brought here fo r burial. ; m is ititmury Irimiiil. BURLINGTON , Julio 2.-Speciai ( Tele. . gram.-Among ) ( Ito ssseIigcrs drowned Or tint schooner Jane Gray , ninety mmmiles wosi of Cape Flattery , May 19 , were Rev. V. C . Campbell , wife and child , of Winfleid , Ia lie was a mnissiommary enrotmte for time hicrint - sea to spread ( lie gospel , lie was well knowi 1 in this part of Iowa , arid those who were no - quaintcd with him say ho was not time mar I to refuse to tivo imis wife and chilti if it weri I possible , and they entirely discredit the re . hart to that effect in this morning's papers jmtiiit.Iiii Cnsiiltlntcs Noiuliizitt. j , OSKALOOSA. , In. , Jiiii 2.-SpccIal.-- ( ) At the Sixth distriot judicial conventior I held intro John T , Scott of l'owesheik , W. G . Clenments of Jasperi and A. It. Dewey o t Washington were nominated ott time firs I ballot. , David Ryamn'of ' , Newon ( , C. W. hat . forty of this city1nuid ti. lii. thrown o Sigourney each rOCeiviTfi a large vote. Judgi L. C. fllnnchard of this city presided auC the convention was fLIp of enthusiasm , Fttnier l4frjI Ity u ilitil , THOR , Ia , , JuntiU..1Simeciah.-i1enjarnir ( ) I liockel , a farmer living six miles north' C ( lila place , was killed Monday by a bull , lit vent to the ham to dy the ctmores and it ii supposed found t mimal loose in tlii 1 Ytirui with other t' anfi was attacked hi ( it. When found.b 2 ° anti wife lme win I death , having hf boulder broken , ulvi I ribs brokeum ott th I stile anti seven or Im thu rigimi side. - ) ; : , % c howllete4l. I1IVEI1TON , In. , Juno 2.-Spccial.---Tlmi ( ) I new city ball amid ait. are aow completet I and ready for oecupan y rJmo jail compriset t two cells about eiht fcet square and thi m ball is 32x22 feet. Timotmsand 'of bu4hels of corn have beer I shipped ( rorq.tbis station by ho two buy - cr5 , J. Ii. Sarnea gad P. Townsend withir I the last. ten days. I'leimsnmlt $ urprlse , ATLANTIC , I'a , . , June' 2-Spccial-'W ( ) J , Archer , an old veteran , was agr cabl I surprised last gyening by his sisters , ides - dames Itobelyer anti liarpett , of Topeka 1 Kari. , arriving on the late train to 'isi t at his borne. Mrs. flobelyer he baS emot seem for thirty-five years , or since be went to the front ! ! : m 1863 with ( be Twenty-fourth Indiana btrttery. t'n4ciivl 40 llnuit. OTTUMWA , in. , Jtmno 2.-Speclrtl ( TeloE g ram-Peter ) Kintlreti , who murdered An- gd d rew Alley at Mercer , Mo , , just across the lit ne , has been sentenced to bang at Prince- t on July 8. kindred Is the second man to r eceIve the death penalty out of twenty m urders commItted in Mercer county. Si itebnion Iqseg ii i"oot , BOONE , Ta. , June 2.-Speclmml ( Telegram. ) - Frank flrlggs , a Northwestern switchman , hy ail his foot caugimt in a frog in the Carroll y ards last night and his leg was crushed s o batlly that amputation was necessary , lIe l ives in floone anti bad commenced work o nly yesterday morning , l'nriiier i..tpi , ills Mommey. CORNING. In , , Jumie 2.-Specinl-C. ( ) Ii. D ewees , a wealthy retired farmer of this C ity , was robbed of $32 at ( be Tranamissisa a lppi Exposition on Wednestlay. HYMENEAL. % 'iitiiii' rid I Iirs.t'r. . ( Copyright , Itt'S ' , by l'rcmis l'tibhisliimig Co. ) PAIIIS , Juno 2.-New ( York % \'orhd Ca- b legrmun-Special Telegram.-Thu ) weil- d ing of George VanderbIlt amid Catherine Dresser was cehebrated today in ( lie Amnerl- c ami clitrrch arm avenue Be Lalrmma itt arm ntis- t erely sinmplo manner , but tIme best Possible t aste. The flower of the Americami colony in ParIs , lncltmtllumg Auimbassador ummmd Mrs. I'or- I ( or , were prcseimt , as well as the duke and r itichess of Marlborough anti Chaunmct'y lie- The bride , who was given away by her I b rother , Horace Dresser , was simply attired i n white satin wRit a long court train I draped whim the finest of lace mmmi ivearing on her head a tiny crown of orange bios- I from which liming a. veil of Princess I i irtisel point lace. The bride looked tug- I r mlflctl antI self-posessett , in contrast with thei , bridegroom's Apparent nel'vomusness. Time bridesmaids , Miss ilcitI anti a young French wonmimt : vliose attune is vitliimeltl owing to f amily mourning. were handsomely gowned i n Emttm tIe Nil silk , trinimneil with \'aiemm- elenties , wearing black and white hats nail carrying boquets of wImite orchids amid lilies I of time valley. The costumes of time invited I guests represented the sprimmg tritmmpims of I boycotted l'arislan atohlers. The duchess of Marlborough was pro-eminently conspicimoumm by her height antI distinction amid looked slightly delicate. Site voro a iiantlsoune his- cult colored costume with a deep cape to umatchi auiti a black hat turned up in front. Among tue britlegroomu's relations who occupied tIme right hand side of the chtii'cim vere : Mr. and Mrs. Crmrnehimms Vanderbilt , Mr. anti Mrs. Twoxnbloy , Mr. anti Mrs. Sioami , time latter a sister of time britlegroonm , Mrs. Shepherd , also a sister of lImo groom , the duke anti duchess of Marlborough arid Mr. DCIiCW. The Dresser group on the left. itt- chatted : Mrs. Horace Dresser , Mr. ammd Mrs. Nicimolas Drown from Providence anti a few I'tris frIends. Dr. Morgan , D , D. , arid Rev. Richard hayward - ward , M. A. , assisted 11ev. George Grenville Merril , a relative of the brIde , vlto per- formmmed time ceremony. After tue ceremommy time melatives antI guests narneti drove fast to the bride's house in Rile Vernet. There probably was never so uumostentatious a "VanderbIlt tvedtiing" sInce thio ( nummily made Ito immilhiomma. Ii oil gerM-i1. . rite. CLARKS , Neb. , June 2.-Special.-1toy. ( ) A. J. Rodgers , pastor of the Congregational chiurch of Columbus , Nob. , married Clara Morse , ( lie daughter of lion. W. It. Morse , at the tesitlonce of time linde's parents here today. Tue wedding ceremony wa very tm- presslve , being performed by Itcv. Rodgers of Lamberton , Minn , , the father of the bride- groom. Mr. and Mrs. Rodgers departed for the cast. on the. peen train and after visit- lag the Id imornemof the brIdegroom at Mtim- noapolls , will return to Columbus as theIr future residence. ItysIlerg-ltroitllt'lte. KENESAW , Neb. , June 2.-Spcciai.-- ( ) ' Miss Laura lirnulheUe anti F. lI. Rydberg were marrieml at the Presbyterian church in this city tonight at 8:30 : , time father of the i bride , 11ev. C. H. lirouilette , officiating. Mr and Mrs. Rydberg will waIte their future hone In this place , each being well knowu In society circles here mrolt-Glnitimltil. FALLS CITY , Neb. , June 2.-Special.- ( ) Wcdmiestlay evening at S o'clockV. . It. Bolt was uniteti In marriage to Miss Eva Giannint by Rev. Terry. HAVE A CLMM FOR DAMAGES , : .eii t S for li'seml , UriC Ishm Steitumer \Tlileli Coil I.1i.i vit It the Cuiiiiii- birt. Ilimilmit' Slit' CruIser. NEW YORK. June 2.-TIme owners of the flritisim stenttnslmlp Foseola , wlmiclm was sunk by the cruiser Coiunmbia oft Fire Island on Suntlay last , will soon present to time Navy department a chaimmi for damages mm the sum of about $200,000. Time lawyers retained by time agents allege - loge that the evimlence brouglmt out at the sessions of the naval board of inquIry went to show ( lint tIme Columbia was entirely to biuinie for time collision and ( lint that view seemneti to imave been accepted by tIme board , In steautiing along without lights or aig- nals of any kinmtl ( lie cruiser hail manIfestly vIolated time international maritime laws , nithougim there was little doubt timrmt its commander was only acting unrler orders. . FIRE RECORD. Foi r 'I'Iioiiitiiiiti hloiiitt'K. JIOMI1AY , Julio 2.-A conmllagration at I'eshinwlr , whicim not mmmastered for twenty-four Imours , has destroyed 4,000 houses , mioing danmogo to the amount of about four crores of rtmpe s ( about $20,000- 000) ) . Tlmis Is supposed to ho Limo record fIre of lmmtiia , SIiim : lIsiiIcis Immimimtgci. SIOUX htAh'IiS , ha. , .uno 2-Spe- ( eial.-Tlme ) Sioux Rapids Electric Light Imlant anti Sioux Itapitis Mill company burned this morning , Loss out time mill , $20,000 ; Electric Light pistil , i,000. Instir- ammee is small , DEATH RECORD. Aim 01.1 ltt'ptidemit of l'l-erre , PltIitltB , June 2.-Sepciai ( Telegram- ) Mrs. T. 13. Anidrews , one of the old rei- dents of timia city , diet ! this afternoon of cancer of time stomach. She came here from bioux City about fifteen years ago and has lived hero ever since except for a few ummormtlms spent in Iientlwood. Stt.t'I h'iitmi t for Cuileogo , CIIICAIIO , Juno 2.-The Economist will tomorrow : . Samuel H.Vaddell of Plttsburg , Pa. , acting - ing for others , baa bought 300 acres of land at East Chicago , fronting cmi Lake MIchigan antI time waterway from time Calumet river to tIme lake , and it Is learimeti from Pittsburg that on this site is to be erected one of time largest steel plants mm time world , consisting of hiast furnaces , steel rail arid structural steel wills and other appurtenances of a great concern of that class. This works should give employment to 2,000 macn at first anti later on to twice that number. lImit iii Imitlimi , BOMBAY , Juno 2.-Serious rIots occurred yesterday at Multmtn , a city of l'unjuab , between - tween Mohammetlamis and Jews. The disorders - orders arosd In connection with time Muhar- ram festival , Knives were freely used anti thirty-six persons were more or less sen. oushy injured , litany arrests were made , S CIILEY PLAYSA COOD IIANI ) E vents Prove Oorroctncc of' Ills Gunnsc Concerning Admimi Ocrvorn. T AKES TIlE CHANCE OF COALING AT SEA l 'cnt .comtiii1siicd % 'itlmont Aet'Itlnt flint Thou with hits Sqmimtulttin lie Tiikit Ut' hll.t L'isItlun ltcfure Smutlnhi' ) , ( Copyriht , 1108 , by limo Associated Press , ) , OFF SANTIAGO Il CUi1t , May 29.-'ia ( l 'ott Antonio , Jamaica , June 2-Four ) weeks a fter the victory a ! ltemtr Atlmlm'al Dewey a t Manila , Coumniotloro Scimley , In otmimmmaimtl o f the llytmmg squadron , lent his lireivtliie a rmti pertinmacity reismiletl by fladimig time S patmisli fleet in ile : lmnebom of Smmnuingo do SC So ubit. For ( tim dey he had , in time face o f tonflietiaff rtmnmor. nnud sonmo c.tees of a ilegtt verltit'ntlotmtm , insisted ( lint the atmipa o f Sliejiri wtm C I rylimg to immake a lntiitmg on t he eoutlicnm coast of Cuba. This was cvi- d eftly not in cOm&OastItO with ncwepor a nd olIlcIal informnntiomm , nhlti his opinion wrts not given much ptmblic weight. itt fact , it i n believemi that semite tiaa before Ito lmroyed ( Ito eornectmmess of his dlamgmmosis of tIme situ- a tion be was ormiereti to return to Itey \ \'tnt. however , mtcw facts gntlicmcd by hmium i ii timi' mnenmitiumme gave imlimi still nmore ground for indict as to his proximally to time Spaim- l ards. Time cnitain of tIme liritislm steamer Atlula , which was intercepted at Cienftmcgomm , told of seeimig tIme Spanish fleet in lie vi- cimmity of Santiago tIe Cuba , evidently await- l ug an opportummity to get in. Captain Sigs- bee of time St. l'atmI related how imo had capttmreti a Spammish coal vessel going into t ime harbor of Santiago do Cuba anti Commno- tore Schley argued train these two mci- t lemms ( butt the fleet of Spain was awnitimig i n some imaren near Santiago , until mmcli tirmme as a visit , fruitless in Its resells , should be mmmdc there by tIme Arnenicaimi , when , upon their departure , the Spanislm fiet would run into the harbor. Pn ) _ It Social Cull. Conimnodoro Schley determlnmetl to umiako ( lint visit , nmmtl on Frithay uiigimt lie ran within six miles of time harbor. Time St , I'aul was t lmerm tietaciieti ammtl sent back to keep out of sight , with inmstrtmcttomms to ho ready at a twcmmty knots clip to bring uiows to time corn- nmotlore itt any nmoummenmt , From the Amerleami ulmips time Svanlsim batteries were in 111am view , but no doubt untlcr preconcerted tin- raulgernent , for tlmey umado no ntteimmpt to l ire , aumfi the hying squatlromm , aGem' circling arommud , slovly stearmmetl away 1mm time three- tion of Key West , as its coal supply wns be- coumming short. There was a collier with t ime squatlron , but timenti ivas no friendly harbor iitim smooth water , and there wns serious danger of summnslmiimg time collier if an m ittc'rmmpt was made to coal time heavy battle- Siiii)8 at sea. Resourceful anti tInning , Coin- i imotlorc Schhcy sailed forthwith , however , and at dark , with a rigging to protect time s imip , the Marblehtead anti Texas bogaim to coal. Tlmey worked all night , aumd at daybreak - break imad filled their bumikers. At mioon on Saturday the converted yaclmt Vixen bath also oaletl , inmtl at 1 o'clock , rot : I mavinig imeaud from the St. Paul , ( lie Amen- c an war ships mnoveth again towartl Santiago. First standing off time coast about fifteen m nllcs , the squadron afterwaril circled in f rent of Morro castle , btmt not close enough i n to get a view of the inside of time harbor , guarding carefully against the possibilities of a torpedo boat nttack. At mmlglmt time s quadron lay off a loIht ) of land , anti in the morning , Sunday , the St. Paul came along , bitt did riot renont any knowledge of the Spanishm fleet's whereabouts. Consequently Commodore Scimley tleter- mined to find it himself and with time flagship - ship in the lead he stareod toward tIme hdr bor. Tue Spanish troops at the earthwonks and batteries could be seen tlmrough glasses prcparimmg In haste to give the Anmerican ships as warm a reception as Possible. When about. five nmIheit from the batteries time l ookouts reported the masts of tivo ships and Lieutenammt Sears inmd Ensign McCauley made out the first one to be time Cnistobal Colon , Two torpedo boats i'cre also made out. and ft econt1 vessel of the Vixcays class wtr * s een , st All this time Commodore Selmicy was upon t he after bridge of the Uroolelyn making good use of his btnocmdars. Arrived at the harbor entrance , where the ships were sighted from ( lie deck , ho turned his eyes fromim the glasses long enougim fo wink , antt mmliii 'I told you I would find them , They wilt be a long tIme getting home , " ( ltn-erii mimelmt ? $ itijnrl t' Smnnhl. 1'AhilS , Juno 2-The Chamber of Dcputien totla ) ' On the ceontl ballot elected lit. ic- c1mnnet president of tIme house , The vote stooti 2S2 for ietrtimnflet nnti 278 for M , Uris- son , the former presitletit , a majority of four , ngaiimtt ft majority of one yesterday , lit , le- schmanet was the govcrmmmmtent cantlirlato nntl. a former vice president of time Chamber of Deputies , SIIAKE INTO YOUR SHOES , Allan's F'nt.laee. mm powder ( tit the feet It cut-os l"mtntui , sivoliru , ttmutm iitiic , 11mrvtmtmu. feet nmtml lnstmititly titie Ilme stinq , ttmt of ct'rmis and btmnutmr. . lt'e tIme gmeatcstCiii - funt ilht oy.ty 0 t the eye. Allen's rot-it- 1-inm'o tttsk'e tight en now sii'm feel emtsy. It It ; , certaIn cute fat' , westiumeniluu tI.I html , iii eu aching fe&t , 'l'ry It tinlmtv , Sttil by all di mmggltttn , iiitl slice ! ttnr's. li , imimmil lot lie itt u'tnnilis. 'I'iiiml miaclemig. ) ' Ilt1i.n. : Address _ 'ilen 13. Olmntieti , I.e Itoy. - . ( ai1 FREE BOOK ' ° ttWEAK MEN. imly liitl book , "Three CImsses of Men , " sent to men only It toils of may 30 yemtra' experience as a specialist hi nil imervoul disorders resuiling frouum yotitimitil iutthlsct'e- tlrnis Lame Uncle , etc. timid toils why ELECTRICITY cures With my immvention , time Dr. Sammtiep Electric Hell , known and used tue woriti over , I restored last year 5,000 umicum , yotmim and old Beware of cheap iniitatiomus Alitmva book explaimis all ; sent seahcdVrite todayd Dr. A. It Saiideii , No. 183 S. Clark St. . Chicago , Ill. I r L i Do YOU BIO1 ' - n. FELIX I.E I3RIJN'S : r Steel Pennyroyal Ti'eatmon ' ( Istlunonigiptil autmoniy PIIF.NClT. safe anti rclimtblei earn on time mar. ket. ( 'rico. 1.O ) ; sent by mail. ( lormulimo at I only by Myers Dillon Iirtiic Co. . . E. Center 111th anti li'itvmi arimi Slit. , Oniitimi' , Nd , . SCI1DtJL EXPRESS Euns between Council Bluffs antI Oummalma. Now in effect. For pron , it tle'Iivery , call on \ Vm.'eicii. . Bluffs 'piioume , ES ; Onmalma 'phone , 780. RATES LOW. For carriage or express wagon. call at No. S Norhm Main Etreet-or tihove telephones. DOHANY TH1ATRE Coimmtnoncing SUNDAY. JUNE 5 , ( lie tiui't preme fumm'orites , ChIASE-IlS'I'Elt TIIBA. ,1lllt CO. , In a. almecial mirodiuctitOm of tla Famous \Vnr Commietil' , Iii fottr nets , . .LINWOOD. . . Note-SpecIal aumnmer vnlees for reservei ! eat5 , jOe. i'.trqtict . anti boxes , 5e. Scatt go on saic at theater box ollicu for rmhl uueai son , tiimti ntiy mmlglit. c mnmetmi'iiflc 10 ii. tn Thiurmitllmy , Jummo 2. TeheiiiiOnc No. 410. SPECIAL NOTICES COUNCIL aLUFP8 WANTB. DWriL.LINOS. V'ftUl'i. ; i-R5 AND GAuIDulI hands for sale or rent. Day & lIe. 55 Pearl sit-fit. ' : * * : Hft : : * * * : * * - g * * : * * * : * i fliustruted Openio Dy [ dillon. : : The eyes of the woi'ld + aI'o 110W 011 Omaha. * I The * ! i and Interiuat'ioiitl ; Expo. itioii has opeited ifs : gates aiid. every citi- 1 _ r , loll of thuis city anti 'tAt statenmst constitute Ililli- * o11 : a coiiiiiiittee of Oiio , to acquaiiit his friemis out of the city with the 4 % . beauty aiid ecteiit of the exposition. * i $ To facilitate the spreading of this inforrnat'ioll , * true Bee has iSSUel a superb illuStI'atel ( eclitioii Cli- tii'ey worthy of the opening ( lay. it gives a liistoi'y ! ; - of the Oxpositiohl , hidf-toiio ongraviug of the build- , illg , portraits of the IliCli v1iosci liat'd work , citorgy i'll11(1 genius have lfla(1O the OXIOSitiOil ) it. gi'Zlill I31ICCCSS from a standpoiiit of architecture , art aiid SCIChlCO. You CILJI 1)011) ) to JiIIiICC it 8 S1ICCOBS I'miiaiieially by ! ! sending ft COJ ) of titiB Fq)1CI1lid edition to youi' friends outside of t1i city. E - : IIV [ CENTS [ R COY . _ _ ! P - . IIiti'iitI OiiinO Day [ dition. . * : ft45 - * * - - - - - - JOHN U. WOODWAID & CO , , Council Blttffs , Iowa. WtIOSA [ CANDY MANUFACTURERS Jobbers of CRACKtRS , NUTS , CIOARS and FIR [ WORKS. . Selilmig itgent KA T1 PI1LD CHA S. S UMNJ R JOiCIj-iarm , , ) flu OS-tig'u - - - -