Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 03, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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I wSEWATEfl. , Fthtor
" FLJLI1DbJkRT 1'jflNIN' ]
- - - - - - -
TEU1 $ I ) ; ' seu1urTiu7.
t)11y fl&e 4 WIthOt 1iday ) . One Ye.r.flJ/
I 1Mfl 11atil Sis. thit Y'.r .
ZWx ) nIkS
rbT . , q 3tbHtha VII
$ tay JJ. Yemr
, Eir4& ) Ik.d r u,4 Yer . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.1 M tety 1k ! . O8& Yr . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Omb Th DuHMnr.
J ' ' .uth rJ : $ Iugr ljieek. Cern.r
! sr4 24th & 2eta. .
. Covndt illufli : 10 P.rI tret
( Thktto Oflk'4 : Chrnbr of Co
e * York : TezwLe C.rt
% ashlngton : l rourtenth Street-
Ail conimun4etIotu r.ktIng to flW !
3ftotal mtter .hv1d b a4dre1 TO
the J.Utor.
All buu4nii'rs an4 r.mtttafl
phovid ls ad4r.'I ts , Th. D' P b1IikIfl
CefnImfty Cmeha. Drulti. . theeki. oZVTI
ltbd Jmt'af2c4 usrny , rdts to be znadi
p ) * b. tb. ' , r'r i , ( tb tumpafly
TimIIfJvuJ J81 flG coMI'ANY.
1tat of ebrakL Duug1gt County . :
Gcrg11 TzduJc. rtr7 of The D
: : 3'utAtlln I nnpay. bdng duly wocn.
ra ) . tht the * uumbr of ffl , * nd
I cqrnp.te eip4e of The 1)dtr Mwflh.
WtIn ; kMl 5lIn4 , ? 1k. pf1fltd during
, the month ot 1y. 3. W & folIoW
t I . . . . . . . . . . . : . ; .lfl $
4 2 1
; 2
2I . . . . . . . . . . ! S . . . . . . . . . .
" : w$7 : i . . . . .
C . . . . . . . . . . . O.77 ! . . . . . . . . . . . -
? . . . . . . . . . . . . . : .l E 2 , . . . . . . . . .
I : .t.Io , ! $
, . 8IIt
10 . . . . . . . . . 8II7)
21 . . . . . . .J 1.U1 27 . . . . . . . .
1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i , : ; : : . . . .
i : . . . . . . . . -I
34 . . . : j.i : . . . . . . . . . . .
U . . . . . . . . . . . 'JJ1I 21 . . . . . . .
_ _ _
, Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lioc rvturn' and uno1.
: et tot1 rniles
: cet daily nTer.lge . . . . . . - 3O,72
( ; Eo1uI- . T7SCIUCIC.
Sworn to Lore zn. urd subrIls4 In
my presnc' thIs Z1t day of 31ay. Wit
j&eal.J s _ r. FIL
Notary Public.
( ) jimha will II.sten to all eoixipIlineuti
TItIuJut blushing.
It wa , a good 5ttrt-tIIat Is conceded
by everybody who witiiesed the peU
lug day cerexiionles.
There is no we waItii for Jlnrnum
this year. The TranoiilsksSjpl Fxpo.
oltlun Ij the grettet show on earth.
0 ni-aba 1311Uld leu lrelJar.tioa )
forthwith for the iilgg-t. Fourth ol' July
( , ! lelrdtIoli IIeXt IfldIltb In IL wbIe hl.
tory. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Roth ai a eomuiauder In elilf of a
jreLt army utiil a , ; an expurItlai lUtiOIl
Ireser J're.'ddexit MeKuIey is a great
tIiCCe. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Tlio'e who were unatoAlubly 4Ietahled
and eould not set the exioItIou tile
lirt day arc reinindeti that there are
oilier days.
At last nceoLl1i1IVeyler had gone as
far as SaIllnIlar tin IlLS boasted tn.
UII11)ltaUt cros-oUUtry ziiarch ( ruin New
Orleans tO York.
lf ? a cold dny In the trcIe when the
tjfltUls1l np-inters ( ; 1I1IIJL ( turn evny cx-
121illlge or , 'iiots jilt' ) l rout of the Anier-
It. aJft' , tit Ieat on paper.
'I lic lIlYtsIJfl ; of Cuba : is commenced
Fc'lth ' 1111 InIiI of 14) ' ) , but ihc Spaniards
wiil Ilial out It cas nut the is ( ) the o-
clety reporterzi tell lL1JUUI.
Illustrative 'it the sort. of IlatrIutIslil
that prvltIls In tills eutiltny th case or
' no IlIIa.I $ cotIlpdtly ( ornially applying
( or all1IIsifu to a Icazisas regitileut
tuiglit Ix eItpl. (
'l'lie Nebraska 4)IIl1It4M1 LIre IeUly to
gi to 31iiilht with or wltiiou t IIjIit ; duck
unIoriij. 'fliey sou1d 1) ( lii a ; gOO4i
' zipar&1 its sonic r the natives oven there
It tla' ) soIe iiothng but knapsa'l. :
I r it Is pr1q ( or I nIled StitUs mar-
ImillIls tO ( hlsjlOSC 4)t cmptimred : Spanish
tmhihiis Itt auction HnImaps they vhhI try
In schl to 11w hhghst hhFIer thu captured
pinIs1i : Ihialids : iiid other triiiets. :
'Fhii hIIImImlhmmmmtIiem alt the 'rrmmasmnls-
, ckbiJJpl Expusitlomi lxceI amiythmiimg of
the khlal ever Ia'tore Irolecell. No vis.
lion should go away vithiout spmmtIhmlg
a ftY eveilliags at time exposition
grouiids. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Iamhhhiag time mmuveiaIr exjsItola : 1111111-
her of Jha1 lice to ( illt-1.tufl friends
- Is time best waiy to give tiit iai miii aide.
1111:114 : enet pl 11)11 of I lie 111:1 : U ties of the
t.xinishlion timid the ltiljisslv character
of time opening exereies.
'Ilie rsuht. of Jemiving timmi iiohlee work
of I Iii , xpositIom , to time iocmI imuhIem ( orct
timmihi nii r 11111 tiatv , s :11111 graftens 111th
gltI.1l ( In their ( ijaclIllIg * iiiy vork is seen
iii that long list of reimlIrted losses by io
him , vIio tvere tumiclacal.
'i'Im e ( ) regoim ( ) : t Icati cam ' 1)1)11 ) ) Igim is
dramvIng to 8 cIot , vithm e1lIhiiilLtes ) : UlliI
5i1V1111'Es of IiiIhi tOlltelllhIllg itltIh $ ui , .
mamummilimig vigorous jamuisecialloma ( If tilt ?
vaI r a aid ii i mhmgih.ihai . t hi& imreslclvlm t I ii Ii is
prepiraitlimais : tom nmmshihiig the Sptiiards. :
Sommie of thms&b $114M(11(5 iiuimhui In thu
Nel ira simi Ii gI simi t i ru' vhieii hit , ox jiusi-
Ion appriqirhat thou lull was up , aisent1lg
that tutu gfltis votiIii liovur ( au.lI ) IIJ5)I !
I lit. jmroju.eieih l4hiOV , vuiii1d lie interest.
lug ruthliig aaow I pro ( of time famet that
lilmubsighit Is mthimmys longer visoiieil ! timmimi
rort'slghit. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
No 5IIt ( ( r uhimi Senor ( 'aistelamr ( xprss
hi Is I iii III5 I V htVs tnt IUI 11111 ! lila t t ( .1.5 t U
Sjat ) I a t ha a ii lie vai s bu set on t vemy hmmuii ii
amid uleimumimitced as a traitor. hut Cats.
I tIat r a gmeat mimas ii I ii i5jmai mm ma miii limid
I hit'tii piu'sluleait of a Sliamilsil ieiiiihihle be-
J ( tre Qiitcn Chirhstlatat set foot on the
penhiistiha. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
lhhitI1l ( o I Issotirt predicts an iii.
ci ttsetl hhelliflhlhl ( or sh1'ei Oil aie-euulllt
f of time war mmiii ! ii great victory "for
! l4hl e1" in 1sm1It1t next ( mill in coilsu.
. - lmammct' , . 'Jut , resubmits of time P11111 ! ) .
: imilies 111 ( ) sailul to he' inirtlath to silver liii
U IIIOIit ) iiietai1 bUt they v1ll hot get to
'i'ItO ) Iii the cougzusouaI ! elections thimi
; 3'CLlr.
i -
Tilt f1jr M4tD rn rFltfl1T'flt4L
tht stntimen1 in fAor of t.i.
: tor1 ngranuLv.nent TigorjuiIy and
pnrsktrntiy cuwbtd tbri l danser
tkit It will bom p't.t and oier.
whftlrnhlg a , to the Dation away
frotu Itic tThJItkflIa1 puhIi7 and lab a
tire wj It may be i.i-olnd In
4'tid1..u dImhUhtl. Tbe fact mnn't b
admitted that there i a pow'rfid at-
iurep ut to mnot eOpeIfl tbe id of Mfl
Jwlbcrbl uluiuumin , of the possecivn of
fll1lDb' terzithry ien lam war. W * re
esqmmtla1iy IL comwrein ! -opie and the
jJT1)1IIIP Of itn eitrnIon of tr.tde through
the sequimilllon of outi'Ide territory is
exceedingly ieducthve to rnay. So.
ai.q. Iii ( he thought of olnrng $ n.
tlouni power anti Inliuemeo. A con1dur
: iblc mmumntsr of our isoD1u ts'Ikve thmail
tht ( ' tliiii' luijt eoDw to break away ( ruin
th4 I1atWu lflfllntflIliuM1 ( or more than
:1 c"ntury and take part In th afYalrs
of timi' world-that h , , to become a
'W0r141 powu'r. " Thu'e who take this
iew are ready to t askie the lPTcl
t1It. ; of the ( ovnders of the republic
and the teach1ns of all the great Amur-
It an statetflefl of the PL Tby corn.
i1ucently declare that iiowever admit.
able the wisdom of "the ( atht'r' and
theIr great succcsors , ( or their Ume' .
It is not applicable to time present. wIth
it ehiamiged tnditIOn and its
ziaandw _
ThIs element I. ; aggressive. in con
gress , Ira the lmress. In time marl' of cow-
r1ICrV. it i Iuh4JElflg Industriously and
prslstu'utiy In cultivating the entIment
for territorial aciuh.lUual. The duty of
coiisea-ativt turn to combat tials nmu.t
not be put off. Tli. y nmu't , act at once
timid eirnestly : , if their rk is to be ef.
feetivi' . Jt Lu gratifyIng to note that
time Veteran statesanail. ux-Secretary
Shiernian. 1ms taken a decided , 'innd
in ojlpsItlOfl to Wrnlturlail acqul4tion.
lie has declared that we do not want
time 1'bhhiipInes as a permanent
son. nor any forebn outposts which
will reiuire ib nmaintemianee of a 1are
navy to defend. lie also raid that the
Jaittd ) States WaUt no entanglement
t-ith foreIgn nnt1un , such : uu would inevitably -
evitably result from our 1srmtnen't Oc-
eupation of the 1'hillpptnes. Mr. Slier-
luau exiiresscd the oizi.n : that our
trad4 ? treatIes with every civilized nat-
tlon on the globe are sufilcient. Thought-
( oh men will give respectful eon'idera-
thou to the vIew , of the distinguished
statesritan , who s1MtkS wth the authority -
ity of experience and. with known foresight -
sight and abIlity. The enilnent an-
thority on international law. I'a-ot.
Voolsey of Yale , Is a 1mroamoune ( ] 01)- )
punt'iitt tu rritorial : leuiulsltori amid
gives mnst co.unt rem-oats for his po-l-
tlami. .mong tlee lie says : 'hoiit
effort Is necessary to Imlettmne to ourselves
IJie elaamzigc. of military and naval estab-
1ishiintit which would be nece-sary if
time tati : itttes iscnmuu' a colonial
Jmrn. This "wt of anibltlon grows by
what It feed.uiofl. . l'orto Rico. Ha-
ss-al ) , the l'hiIhlpiIis. VuJUhhl olily vliet ,
not satisfy the tateVe should re-
ulilire a foothold in ( imlun ii , conipete in
trjile ( ac:1itius : with other V ( .
should Iimsit tipoal time exclusive c-ontrol
of a Central Auxierli-au Imiteroceanic
canaL We should need Cuba us time
key to the eastenm approach to this
cu'ii. 'Wehaould , need usulhii sin-
tioais and (117 uloeks-In oilier vords ,
fortltled and garrls.ined rta-t con-
s-cnieijt 1,0:1)15 : In the l'acilie and south
Atlantic. All this ijicaitis more tern-
tory to defend , Immure soldiers to defend
tvilla. rnor shilii-c to ki.'ii Uj ) tha , cuziace-
( ion. Not oaiiv mamure , but very malay
alone. " l'rujf.Visley poimits out flu
IliefliUs : inii stroiig objectiutas to a P0tCY
ut ternilorlail 1'Xthilsiu ) ! ) _
'Ihe deanamail that thIs govenamument
shall ciambairk uienm sut-Im a jailley must
be vigorously coanisited , otherwise it
amy attailim foramihulalle ) ( ) ! _ The
gieojhu liiust be imiade to susa eieam-y vhmat
territorial aeijtilsition zinnias In added
hurdcais and Increased dangers.
IMI'noz'fm TIW.iTi1J7 liP I'J LOXEJtS.
I t votihih si'u'aii that at chaamge of olieIals !
at. Key \Vest Is ulesiramhilu' it time state-
liatmits are true in regard to time treat-
lament of prisoners taikemi tiaure eta caiji-
ttii-is1 vesseLs. Evideiitly t1m Unted
Statics district attorney mit Key \Vest is
hOt time iiiimt : for time place and should
not be vurzilitled (1 ( , rumania in It any
ioaagtr thai , Is maceessary to aipjsjlimt a
successor. vhihie thiere appears to lie
utiier ahhhi-Jamis whmoaim It would be vehl to
replace' .
'rime captives ( lU iires seeiai to hi
regairdt'ui by tlmi ohlielails at Key \Vest
as cx-hiiiiimails , bitt eveim it they-were erhim-
immails thaey simotihil receive himizimamie treat-
macait atiiil deL-emit comislilem-aitloam. .himIs is
atm ) eiilLghteiieul imatiomi , with a due regard -
gard for time retlUreiImQimts ( it civII'.7.11t1011. '
\Ve mire imot at vhmitmielive ieihi' ) ) , t2tlahIig
phctstmrc in immamitrentimig our eiaemnie.u.
I I is ihmnibthueis trite that Aimieriramis guam-
e-aaIiy have it very hacamnty 411.4111(0 of.
Sjim am in ru 5 , hu t t iii s is imot to be am iii-
tested by imaiproiienly treating Sjaaxilslm
iirisoamers , vliethier caipttirc4I oil time hiatt -
tht'ti i'ld or taku'am ( no aim a ve-eel I hat t hams
tat I icam haatu ou 1 iii : miii s mis a rize. ilmere
11 i4' feti I I ii gs IUC1I mm u-n I I i at am ti mu II i-i ieai t-
1mIIit of i'rumis Iii camltivity ) umiil It hi4 at
ili'spleiihilt , naitule that vhhi uho It. 'l'hieru ,
amlist be at thorough hmmvcstgntlomm of Ilmu ,
ioamijiiaiiiits Ut i ( ' ) Vest and If f'iiaimd
Irno thu repoiihh ! , otihials mhiinmld lie
iiinde an exaliiiIdO of.
( ; o1t.v1S ; ( ; ( I'IS.I.
'Ilie 1ImII't 11)11 ) of 11 goverutiie'ait ( iia
t .11 mm , a ft i'm. Slum I ii ham s , , ii ni veil otit
of liii' islaiiil , iaiay l1i04 at little perjiiex.
I mig , ; hiomgh 1 1 shut , ii I imot pni'sen t it 1a3
ii jill cii III i's I hiai t v 1 I I I e limi ni I to ovi're'iimme ,
'lime limiter Iii aihri'aiIy Iehimg eiiiiIuiuntil
by t ha e S tat it' ilt'i al ri iii i ai t am aiil I ii e ml t-
tonimey gelii'nail 1111(1 ( tlitme ( aiim Lo imo ub.IlIL
thiU : at ? olutiomI , saitisfatettiry alt lutist to
thiO . ' % iiiPittZi lft'0h1Ih' , hii 1)1' reneliu'il.
'I'lme uhhili eu I I y to I ic ft jirt'i iummiIt'i I I s Ima
silt istyjmig thu iaismarguuts , v1mo hirbambl3
tvhll hiIt5il * that their ao.t'tIhi-ui govenam-
imic'Ilt shall he ne.t-.gmmizeil aitil planed iii
po r , 'l'In'y st ; il u1i : un to ha vu aiim or
gaumaizeil govermmliieaat itimil it 114 to be cx.
iitettti Ihmait they vhhh imsk that the out-
tiam is whose a utliority ( hwy aiekmmovht'(1gti
shall be vemimmitteui to admimluister nifatirs
lit Cubit wheat time Spummiurds are cx-
lk'lCul. !
It -ill be time duty of time Iizihtt'ul
States , however , to 'sue that a goveram.
ImlOilt is estaibhislmetl iii time ( ormuathoam of
-hiichi all , thu peOlO Ut Cuba shall hinvu
opportunity ta psrtkpte. Admit
tlni thdt the 1n'UrntR hai-e a go'ern
weDl. it wfl.A trIlit'd by a minorU ; of
th peo4e aiei it , tonid nut b just ior
( niItPflt on the irt of Ibo Inited ,
atte to for'- this government U1)ofl th,1
whole tePie Jl4ftty to rpuHkan
1WIfl(11iIe1 requh-i' that the idpendunt
goTertirnent whk * witi b s'et p ha Cuba
siffihl be thoroughly n'IircsetmiUve-aot
a zoternmit onlalned by a ( aet.on. but
ae rsutlng upon the will of the major-
1t31Vhatyer vonk1ea-atkn the Cubans
In artn may be entitled to for thelr
fortitude and their zaerf1Iee In the ef-
tent to ghe Cubai. ( redom. ken It
comes to the queston of the lnlted
States pru-Idlnir for a mtabie govern.
macnt there all the wople of the I1and
must stand on an eqvI footing. Our
gorernnwnt cannot do otkertv1ce without -
out disregarding the vital harhaicilde upon
which It Is founded.
L7JhJ Ittx ( ; win ! nw i'xc.
It 1 the buineaes of a fence to shield
and harbor thieves. A fence b not
ncec'urily lb rc-ort wbere tbe thieves
cungregate or vhero stuen property Is
I iught and exchanged. A uewspapir
whirh tries to help the thiei and ekic
to protect thietu from the penalties of the
law is as umuch a fence as any pawnuimop
or den that trades with thieves and
k-eciis them out of the clutches of the
I law.
} Tery professional pickIoeket , burviar
awl sklngame worker In ( lie country
kzios long before h enters Omaha that
Omaha is a soft town ls.cnuse its polIce
force Is not only harmless to thhvs
btmt on ( he most friendly terms with alt
the fences , including a newspaper feflc
that holds itself ready to liroteci them
at all times and suppress news that
would Interfere with the lursuit of tber
When it was nunouzacu41 that an efil-
dent force of experienced detectives
would be brought to Oniaha to protect
time exposition grounds and the guests
Tislting the cIty , the newspaper fence
IflaImed.ntely r4led a howl against Ian-
iioa-ting detectives in violation of
law. As a mnatlcr of ( net , vi9lations 'f
the law do not shock time ca-e.hiarhlemieMI
eowclencu ? of time fence , but th employ-
aitnt by tii expo.ition of competent tie-
tecUve threatens to iutenlerecr.owy
with time - L-d :
are-agree4 prg-an ut
by the police reform gamag to Import ile-
tectives ftotai varIous cities who could
be depended on to join withi them In
irotectiug the thieves for -hare of the
hlaiving dIeovercd that expert tictee-
tlves had aetuthly been eragatged. time
newspaper fence at once sruad the
alarm to t ; Off tiacir arrival and idemmthty
to the profuss1I. r1ie most ludicrous
Iimrt : of this scniiuL-iiou ; pentornaaairt ii
that on one ) : lge the i.tic uleaaoianees
all relhectiQfls upon tlae etheeney of the
Gallagher isilice reglimie. whhch everybody -
body knows to be' at farce' , and on another -
other page of the same hsue' tells how
( Wick at hunch of crok4 amid m.neamk
thiuves sere flushed 1w the lamaported tie-
tectives within a fi'r hours oI their amil-
vent Into ( imaha. If half a duzn cx-
ieniinctd deteet1ve tn wthmln three
hours after their arrival (1isler.e thm4
seOnus of thibeve t-ngregat&ul here lie-
( -aU-e they laud ziothlag t frean
the reguiir ia.ihice , time wisdom of the
( xpositon iaUiIaOgeiiielit in refusing to
rely tapon time pollee reforamers for pro-
tictloii is apparelit.
It is ii ) be hipe4l. hanvev.'r. the ( emice
imuhi time iiit'im behind the feuce sii : : t5-
stitimi ( roam Interfering with time omai- _ real
police the people have at tii
i)1e'Xmt ) 1haame nail commilame their .iperat ens
to proteetliig guaambhing : deais atmail resorL-5
or- that clitr.aeter.
Esami omace sold imis hintimrlghit for a
mess of pottage. Time relmlliljran state
coammmnittee barters away the hmam-t's
cimnimees ( if success for a few stmtet ear
paSses and free htirmeimes. That StM.IIIs I ! )
lie the oniy rational explanation of the
foolishimess exhibited In cahLng the next
idato convention to meet at a alnce
vhiere It cannot gain a vote for tii iaart
and at a tiaime svhaeim time till-u on the farm.
schiose votes are zilost wanted , are aat
lIi.I3tii participate. 'fime sti-augest Iiatit
of It amli is that this ( uioll-li ziet.omm Is
taken alt time Instance of a anna whii in
scaLsOli nail out of season opemmly : iserts
time IiflOsSiIiihity ) of ruiimlllieamm staec-es.
Foremen 31 mister lVonla mmmii Suveti Igii ,
lather coxamijaissioiier of uimtler its
Inst hle.nIermtie : mdanamisti-atloam have
to uiovt , again if lie is to renmaimi in jnil- !
tics. Time hOItihistS ef % rkima'ais : in state
couvematloam dei&al , himim as mimenmbutof
the imathoaiail ji1juhist comamuiittet' tvIthm
even less cereinoamy thiatmi Ime wat hIrolwd
liy time JCmigiits , of Labor after hmavhimg
aminile a failure of hIs seimemmu' to Use
than ! . order as at popiahist adjunct.
Scores tafsti-amjgem-s 1111(1 theIr hOt1aets
iiiekci opeiiiimg ulaty hiy the iighit-hlngem-emi
gciitry vimo mire ojiemitting iii Omiiatimtt
sttimoiat jgilIe mmmolestntlori amail miima- : of
tlih' h)55e14 went' m-epom-teul to tIit , sti1tiiim.
but time isilico board oagitmm does lailt
u-b motm huh' ii may of t licimi. 'Fli I s Is s mimply
at hirt of tisi' prgrtaai of imewit 8mIae5. )
siomi amiloptcii by the vohiee to hide timcm
immeoaimlmeteamey Iti glvo the city amilequatte
hsleC jitettIQl1.
'lImo usual imimatiliur of visItors vihi
hhnmthatlecs ( ( i mtvamy fi-tmai 'Oiiiimiimt kicking
hii'e-ttmu : tiii'y ham cc net beema aecorih'd
all time ( miam priviiiges they tlmlula tlmt'iu-
st'lVhs , e'amtlthed ti ( _ httmt IiiTht of time kick-
IrI4 e8iih' to that , expositIon diti'rzaaimicul
t ) haul soiiicthilimg oam tvlmlchi to misc coimi-
pin ti ts at mmii mmiii mm t Iii.vo : hiieii sa t is-
11II I imo limit t ter te liii t iii ( ' 11 SU Vu ( it ha OSPI.
taUt ) tiii'y nh'e'iVthi.
'l'hit , loiimm ! liomidsammemi t-e1mt surety t
hit' Iaixjmaiyh'rs of tmmmahimt for mmii.iimmuumat
tiii' th13 amiglmt. ! iimse iy rein-Oat of tIme him
coIiIieit'1mey or uiiiionesty oflr. . 111)111k
Ntihioily waimits to mmmt umijust timimdt'ns 0mm
iilb'It VimOs ( ' ( 'OUl1t1eiItI ' .VltS mimlshIIICIMI ,
bitt there Is ito good reiauoim w'li3' they
should aillotsed ti ) rt'ltitilate their ob.
hlgatiomis 1J3 settlimag at 20 cents on time
tiollar. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
SnIuhlssw Ilit. CPIIU,111.
itt. IMut. Republic.
Nothing has yet ocqUrncti to mar the ooi1
tceiIng between UI uamd our Canadian neigh-
bora. They dithrmt Invite Polo to stop with
them , aimid as genteel folks they could not
order him away until they were convinced
that ho wea iot a gentleman. As soon as
they dtscovened that be was doing the work
! &iioak and 'p7 thea a bii his
ts papers. rb8 Otxiucki are our vo4
friendi and there ta no teihug but tb&t
thu-i ifl get Into ? tP family rowe flno 3ay.
( intety 4j the inemir.
Lou1rit1e 4o unier-Jouni&1.
The ps.nIa-rd.s , ar. jobthtth amer ths
ditrt.etion of ovr .riaa4 the bornb.rdrnetit
by tbo4r ships of Bosten. Galveston , dabL1e
aM Peaaacola. I3erh4&r it teeaes more
evident that the apheze ci these dehlghttul
people i opera bee &nd not sr.
IIt-und # Gun or tiilon.
Chk'r nide.
After all. ' ayIti astmIsr. republican
leader in the panlftaCones. "the Yankees
mga7 blockade our'iathmds , but they cant
blockade osr bonca' indeed. senor. It
reqslres mmethtnsit1east etsible to the
asked eye to forvmhe hash of a blockadttag
Pnpulation it , Putt Erous.
PhUadehphta Record.
Dephte the war , and the west's 1nteret
in the Manila eampaln. there Is no reason
why the expoaltton should not be a success.
Within a radius of SOO miles of Oanaba there
is said to be a popiiThtion of about 5.OO.OOO.
Omaha ) tMU is l4 rnUei ti-tm Chicago. and
I 476 mIles from St. Louts , the population
i of hieb latter c'ty Is not included In the
figures 0 ! Omabas entonrige. as esUmated
A Slatuttlcnn tirrceziirut.
Detrlt Free Pnie.
The conduslon of a commercial agreement
between ri-ance and the tJited SLates at
this particular juncture when French senti-
ascot is supposed to be strongly anti-Amen-
lean. coupled uith the friendly tone of M.
l4anotaux. the Frenth minIster of foreign
aaairs , in announcing the agreement at a
cabinet meeting. seems to indicate a change
In French feeling. France no doubt zym-
pathbed strongly with Spain at the begin-
niug of the present war. but hate events In-
diente that she Is beginning to realize that
the friendship of the United Statea Is worth
Vindleulum n Voile ) .
Ph1lade'hia l'rti ; '
Now that ti. ZZ been bought home
definitely to every American that the United
States goernmnent in Invading C'ba must
act as if it had no allies at all , the rcgard
lot the president cannot but be inteasthed.
Had it not been for the presideflt reogni-
than of a phantom government ouid have
created a situation so Intolerable thu even
the thought of it mkea an American winCe.
it is. however. unfair to blame the Cubans.
That they are not In a position to give the
United Sinte adequate support for regular
warfare La the result in part of theIr guer-
nIhlat methods and the enionahization of a
three years contest. In time they will
doubtless meet the new conditions and they
as well as the United States should be
thankful that the .1cKinhey policy roles to-
GorIatl Crit-s' "Ceiontli.
Philadelphia Itecord ( dent )
Senator German 1s a democaat who at
least 115.3 discrcicn enotgh to stop when I
ho has got near enough to th gates of
perdition to take hIs beanlns and find
"where he is at ? I1e has turned intl on
'Cbicago ptatfonin' thmoracy. and is opposed -
posed to the funtb tdilutlon of the currency -
rency by Issuing iioe 'greenbacks or coining -
ing more 4-cent b1fars with hlch to
carry on the war.L , Tue Record has not
been able to go rltha enamor Gorman in
seine of his excua ! d totard protection-
lam and populiam.but it balls his return
Into the better y , . of old-fashioned tie-
mocracy with sincere gratilicaton. lie has
set his demoratlc4wiIeaxues in the sedate
an eznrnpie of patriotk regard for the higher
taturesu of the nation htch they bhould be
swift to fol1ov -
Tlucii rraty Lui ( , t-utIon.
SprInrfieid daa Republican.
Ex-Secaetary J 3tr1ing Morton or Ne-
brnka Is getting .apn monetary congress
or convocatIon to be held at Omaha late in
the summer In coar.ection with the Trans.
misiltslppm } xposit1on. He is the most on-
compromising of gold men. but would make
thIs an aflair for the presentation and din-
cession of all thrones. giving to the silver
men a day. the gold men a day , the paper
money men a day. and no on , with Bryan.
Bland. Weaver. etc. . fraternizing with lion-
ace White. Edvard Atkinron anti other
procotnctd gold men PresIdent McKinley.
ex-Prcnident Cleveland. es-Secretary Car-
limle. Henry \Vattexton and others of all
shooIs 01 currency thought are said to have
indorsed the scheme in letters to Mr. Mor-
ton. That the convocatIon will heave the
question right where it was taken up will.
however , admit of little doubt.
A yi.t It 01' m'ItusI'illtmrY.
Business .t.lva.eitia DeNIItp the nm.-
turluuee ( if W1r.
St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
A record of wonderful commercial ac.
thity and progress in the United States is
assured for the ilseal year which ends with
acxt mouth. I'roapenity Is here. In spite
of the temporary disturbance of war gen.
era ! business Is advaucing. ForeIgn trade
shows an enormous balance ! n our favor.
Our exports for the year wiil reach the en-
oxamped ) total of $ L2c0.COO,000. with im.
ports of lCJO.000.000. Icaving a balance in
our favor of $ 'O'J.OOMOO Each working
da ) of the year we have told to foreign
countries nearly lOOO.2&O ' more than we
bought morn them. We are exporting three
times as much bradstuIfs an in 1S135. The
total for the last ten months is 100.CIOO.000
grcater than for the corresponding Ier1o
a year ago. Exports of ruanufactured an-
tides also are steadily growing. The Ira-
ercaso of all exports for the year will be at
least $ IO.GOO.CCO over the fiacal year ending
June ii ) , lSti7. though the aggregate then
was remarkably large. It is no figure of
speech to call the United States the provider -
vider or the world. and In many respects It
Is hcc'omlng the worlds heading mechammician
a well.
Prior to the year 18 the balance of trade
was almost invariably against the United
Statt3. Since thtit the scales have ua'ualiy
hehirmed In our favor. The excess of ex-
pont3 omc r inipontil since lSO ) has been In
anund figures : lb'JQ. StO.4OO.OO ; ISh1. lGJ.
000 ojO ; 1SI ? , t2O.Od.Otd ; 1894. $27.O)0MOO ;
i1J5. 151,000.000 ; I8t6. $83O1)O.000 ) ; l8,7.
$ : :09.rioo.000 : ; ten muths of ISt. $514OUO. .
I . In only one year1of this decade. liii
have Importa exceeded exports , and the dir-
ftrence was less tia$3OOO.OOO. The z'et-
centhg" of exorPI 'tser Imports last year
was 'J.ii2 ; for ten months of this year thu
percentage has gen , ' to 100.5P. We have
been sending abroaI thIs year an average
or in mer&landise every day. and
every dollar receIved is the equivalent of
a gull dollar. In April , 187 , we were exporting -
porting gold , but in April of this year the
tide of gold baa runarrongly In our direc-
In the presence of such figures the Ca-
ianitty croakers muat necessarIly be ci.
lent. . The favorablh showing hi too vast to
ho assailed. Fnc coinage baa been tried
by its own favontip lest of thu price of
wheat and found a. hollow delusion. As
( or the war , It. will clear the atmosphere of
an old disturbance to business and publIc
tranquility. The friction for many years
between tIme tJniteJ States and Spain in
regard to Cuba Iia not beca lii the nature
of peace. It. was an irritation making war
immInent at any time. Spain can not goy-
em itself and its colonial misrule has been
a most serious danger and impediment to
this country. fly forcing Spain out of our
neIghborhood an em-a of real peace will conje
and the business of the United States leap
forward. reaching a volume tar beond anything -
thing known In the past. For peace with
JustIce La the aspiration of our people. and
the motto of good will to man goes with
our earnest pursuit of the arts of industry.
nLi1-o WAR TALK.
omo inchlet * tbtfln the flloek-
ad , of the ( Cnaor.
Pa.ragrtpbenl dizpoeed to extract hilarity
from solemn ecenta with marked onanir.it7
anbeertbe to the proposition that Commodore
cbIey is a corker ' No other name belag
given that distinction does not mean that
be alone oceeplea that pinnacle. Not at all
There are ather-mevera ] of them. and they
are crsxkerjaeks in their line. There are
the censors , those genial geritlesen of the
sword ube for the tIme be4ne , are giving
the pen acute paralysis painfi to bebold.
The latest of these corkers is scoring for
, a record at Tampa and his name Li Bridy , a
captain at that. The war be fattens the
waste basket seggests training as a city
editor , but the anspIelon Is puoeted by
the statement that the captain sports red
hiskers-a luminous sunset bush designed
to liithten his labors. Captain Brady has
powers to bum-n. On inking charge of hIs
shop the other day be called in the war
correspondents , talked to them in a fatherly
fashIon , instructed them on their duties aDd
I reminded them that thetr lsture troubit , us
! not in running down news but to getUag it
out of towu. Tampa Is chock faIi of neL
but It grows stale said stars there. Not
only are the commercial and railroad Isle-
graph lines under the ban. but the mails
alco and the local newspapers hare be-en
given a hint to talk less on penalty of be-tag
edited with a gun. A correspondent write-a
of the censorial condition or things :
I ' 11e-reajter , gentle reader the censoring of
I in this e-eli-sanded and carefully
heated flat known to geography as Florida.
will be conducted in a thoroughly mode-rn
. and scientific way. The result will be that
I yp will have a hard time ndlng out hnt ,
I the army Is doing down here until days after
I the orders have been Issued and carried
into effect. "
I Another correspondent pictures the melancholy -
choly aspect of reportorial work at Tamj'a
in tIe-as hard lines "Nothing but minor
camp gossip can be sent by wire or malL
It is hard lines 'ust now. for tbcr.jc big
1 news here. and iota of it. It seems ridien-
I bus to state that the most important piece
of news that can pass the censor Is the fact
that Govertor I'Ingrec has wired theThin -
ty.ecoaid MichIgan volunteers that be bad
dote-rnIned to shoe every man In the corn-
mann. All day the men have been cutting
twigs to show the size of the-In feet. An
omeer wants steel naila on the outside of
each heel to prevent interfering. One man
wants a 5 and an 8. as his feet are not
mates. The shoes are to be nussets , made
In Cueeraor i'lngrees russet shoe factory.
This is war newa. '
A symposium of short letters in a New
York paper shows thit sverai tamlhles
hare exceeded their quota of recruits. Mrs.
Thoams Slerrett. a widow. of Erie. pa. .
has three sons In Company A , Fifteenth
I ennaylvanla volunteers. New Yorks
rori-aeenth took flee male members of
the Kfrhley family of Brooklyn-father. three
on anti a non-lu-law. Three brothers
named Key belong to the Second regiment
of New Jersey. In the fighting Sixty-ninth ,
New York. Company D. are four brothers
named Phillips , and three brothers named
Walsh , the youngest 19 years of age
At the dinner given In honor of General
Stewart L. Wootiford b the 3lontauk club
of Bronkiyn , St. Chair McKelway , editor of
the Brooklyn Eagle. made a patriotic speech ,
declarIng that if legislators did not stop
their bmckerings , which interfered with the
esreutive conduct of the war , the indignant
public would begin holding meetings and
crejte a fire which would reduce those leg-
isiatora to ashes. He so aroused the en-
thu.Lum of shone present that they rose
tn masse and elerted Mr. McKvlway an
honorary member of the club. an honor
hitherto rcserced for eminent men not residents -
dents of Brooklyn.
"Even In soldiership , " said Colonel Henry
Watterson in his addrems to Kentucky vat-
unteers at Lexington , 'there is a right way
and a wrong way. The famous confederate ,
General Forrest , said of war that it means
uighming , and fighting means killing ? lie-
also said of aucceas in battle that it Is 'get-
ting there first with the most men. ' Soma
of us are old enough to remember the delusion -
lusion that once hart a certain vogue among
the unthinking. that one southerner could
whip six Yankees. We got bravely over that
and now that we are all Yankees let it not
be imagined that one Yankee can whip six
Spaniards. It is always better to overrate
than to underrate the enemy. "
A soldier in camp at Chickamauga gives
some timely advice on letter writing to aol-
diem. "Allow me , " be 'writes , "to advise
the pCOIiO at home who have friends here
to vritc often , but do not whine ; do not tell
thcan how bad you want the-rn to come home.
they cannot come ; do not tell them your
troubles. they have troubles of their own ;
do rot tell them of the good things you
have to eat , it dOeS not assist them in digesting -
ge-sting the army rations , so do not enlarge
on the , artIes. dinners or picnics you may
attend , they cannot attend. WrIte them
cheerful letters. Tell them bow proud you
are of them ; tell them how you love them
for being brave men-do not pity them , but
be brave yourselves and do everything In
your power to dIspel homesickness and your
boys will make such soldiers as you may be
proud of. "
St. James , alias St. Jago , alias Santiago.
beIng the patron saInt and champion of
Spain , It is interesting to recall the legend
concerning him which Ouida tells in "PasO
card ; " "St. .Jago got a bladder filled with
wind. and put in it the heart of a fox and
the fang of a wolf , and whilst It puffed and
wehied like the frog that called itself a
hull , it was dispatched to the world as the
Spaniard. "
VvItstiN.tJ. Al ) OTIIFlt'ZSH.
It Is raid that Piper F'lndlater of Dargai
( nine is now piping ira a London uslc hail
at $125 a night.
in order to observe the war Shmu TIng. ( ho
secretary of the Chine-se legatlon at Madrid ,
hans caine to America.
One of the oddest bequests on record is
that of the Lute ( leorge liussehl , the well
known sculptor of Aberdeen. lie left $75-
100 ( on the- benefit of aravengers and police-
macn ,
Until a few days ago two mae-n named
ileave-im soul lie-lie were members of the St.
Louis ihicu force , The former has resigned
and the jokers are taking full advantage of
the fact.
Munkaccy , the painter , Is still confined in
an asylum at tmienlcia , but he is reported
to be improving so rapidly in mntal condi-
( ion that it is hoped lao wIll soon be able
to return to Hungary.
I'nince Ilmsraarck , it is said , has a strain
of Jewish blood train his mother. whose
father , Anastaiuiuii Von Me-rake-n , one of the
favorite bureaucrataof Frederick the Great ,
was of Hebrew parentage.
Two of the most famous living Scotcbmcn
are cripples-Lord Kelvin , who is the greatest -
est living Scottish scientist , and Dr. James
Macgregor of Edinburgh , who is said to be
the greatest living Scottish preacher.
When hear Admiral Dewey has received
nil the presentation swords which admiring
Americans are talking about giving him be
will likely have enough to furnish 140w-
shares for half the farmers In Vermont
needing them.
Matthew J. lie-i-ron , who has written a
new constitution for Maryland , was dishonorably -
orably discharged anal then drummed out
of Camp Wilmer , near Baltimore , last Tuesday -
day ( for inciting insubordination lie
chapged his pitnd about going to war anal
trIDd to change the winds of his company.
Ot'J1ti 01' Tlml lXVOlTlON. !
An Au.pietunu Oe-caPie * .
) ( lnfltpu$2 ! JounLal
It must be uphill work to stir up any tat-
terest in seeb a tsne affait as Sn
11911 ira the-es war times. But Oxaha has
already alerneastrated her up-achy ton up
bill work , having usdertaken this ester-
grime durtng a urns of ? tvtte be4sess de-
preesion. when It. eeecrz * seemed improb-
able. and having carried it through to the
, p1ettd proportions which have
the eosmtrl fleres hoping that the opt's-
lag may be suspleteus and the venture a
full sutee-ess.
Vroc.e-rrlt' hula.
Sarta&Nk ; tasa. ) Itepat4tceJ.
It was proecIs-i $ at a. temasieretal aeagresa
of re-preaeataUvel from jwe-ey.fOsr states
snd territories wi-at of the Mlss4sstppi , be-W
at Oasba in lii4. ad has since then been
in the bauds of a special corpt'rstiea with
I a tapital of $ LG.6'.4. The UaIted States
gnvernmeiit tti eeetribvtt'd $ 4Iii * for a.
federal bI1dIag sisal xhiW the state of
nebraska hlt'OOOL the city 01 OhI Y.
009. sad Other estsrn states havegeser -
ously pa.ntdt1ed It ( lh1 be the most
extensive aflair of the kind bu4d stare the
I Columbian exposition. and ( lee-re Is no nez-
Jon why the war should preCe-Ot it from
being a great seecess In PetaL of atte-adiose.
The rse't proaper&a part of the vratry
toasy Is that of which Omaha Is the ce-n-
A iciI.-ntli.l CrrnliOU.
Chiemgu Reoord.
One of the beet effects of the World's
fair In Chicago was the Improvement of
taste In the matter of arehitheture , and it iv
I' fact that since the people of the nation
had an opportuatty of studying the a .me-
tunes In Jackson taark there has be-en a tie-
dde-ti tendency to higher ldcal in the tie-
signing of both public and private build-
lags. This tendency is exemplified Ia the
buildings at the Omaha exposition. and a
review of the plans and designs of She managers -
agers will show that good taste- has jire-
, eai1ed In the construction of the various
placc of exhibit. The exposition will show
again the immense advance which the
'American people have made. not only In
the line of science and invention. but In the.
eld of art.
The pople of Omaha are to be congrat-
iiiated on their splendid creation , and ten-
tainly no elton will be spared be-re to give I
them encouragement and support.
1101,4- . . for Sucve' . . .
Des ) dolnes Register ,
If the exposition succ eds during these
times of war it will be a tribute to the
pluck and energy of Omaha. for which the
exposition is in a great part an advertising
scheme. Omaha has had the pluck to carry
the big idea to completion and for that
reason is entitled to the suess which s-Ill
probably come. Omaha , hike Des Moines ,
has a number of jealous towns in its st5te
which are continually throwing slurs and
doing everything in their power to bold it
down , anti If for no other reason Des Moines
today sends word to Omaha that we how
to see it down the Jealous opponents and
win success.
Chatice to mI.alz , i'ntrmi5u3.
St. Joseph Herald.
The people of this country who have no-
solved not to attend the Paris exposition In
l.oo because of the hostility of France could
do nothing better than to attend the Omaha
exposition this summer. They will have just
as good a time and will show their patriotism -
ism to better advantage than if they re-
maine-ti away train the Omaha exposition
and went to Paris in l.OO
D-rvc.s 5tee-ss
Detroit rre Press.
This exhibition of enterprise on the part
of the states heyoud the Mississippi tie-
serve-s to be crowned with great saccess.
as there is good reason to believe that it
wilt be. Our ecuniry is so laige and pros
ieroue that the existence of a state of war
with a foreign country ought not to prove
particularly detrimental to an industrial en-
terpnise. cenCered in the heart of the great ,
west. Omaha is the nucleus of a populatia
of five or six millions of people situated I
wmthin a radius of &OO miles from that
It is by such magnificent enterprises an
the Tennessee centennial of last summer
and the Omaha exposition of 1S98 that one
comes to realize the magnitude of this coun-
Cimre-ls-yilv niiI ite'ir.-.enlzttlse.
Chicago Times.Herald.
Beyond any question this enterprise deserves -
serves a hearty and liberal support merely
upon the basis of genuine merit , and when
it is remembered that the exposition project -
ject has been carried through to a successful -
ful termination In spite of the warexcite -
meat and other obstacles which seemingly
were almost Insurmountable public indorse.
meat of it become-s an agreeable duty.
All accounts agree that the Omaha expo-
slti3n , within the limits which It has plainly
outlined. is one of the most comprehensive
and representative enterprises of that
character ever undertaken in this country.
Every part of the nation is well repre-
aerated and the displays are first clans. Of
course no attempt has been made to rival
either the world's fair at Chicago or the
centennial at Philadelphia , hut the present
exposition deserves to rank with the best
of the iesser enterprises of its kind.
The peoplc of Nebraska who have perfected -
fected these exposition plans and put them
into practia1 effect deserve great credit for
their courage and pluck under adverse cir-
cumstonces. Only one thing is now lacking
to crown their efforts with success-public
patronage. There should be no room tom-
doubt on that score , either , for the exposition -
tion deae-ryes to win.
11'1uh1 71111 IiUIlTI.j.
( "biesgo TimesHev M4 A abori i
tad decisive eampaiga sod tbe
we : se'IJ ' I.e wttefl Peace must
' ices the fI.t&I geteteuctit ; is be-st . _
tale wad 4ewtructi.o.
Chicago CbIesk flatter eu L.
lt4i beams d tubs tbe e-strs'mlte-s
of tbemoelrszThtfe ii a * Xvrthe-i
for a. forward sevpraont wps ht.e&
vatil Havasa Is takes the war 'ilm a 1
1WIth the tell of Havat eoos the is
pesee , aed net America. zk.e. .t
I world. will ws4osusae peace. Whit . '
Os to Ilaranal
New York TrStne : Th Iw -
The zs&tloo has wakeet te It bag
! hi vain. The pre.ideoi. ib. wai te , g
to be stampeded Itite war bddp tb.
ts-y was reedy for It , is laet too w 1
order an advancebellec Its e-e-
was utdl amvre4. The sct thing .
get tteepL Thv they ) so4 to be dri'I. ' I
eutpI7q'dThes the laod hod to be-
out. Then the iae-mi meet had o .
x , , ( 0f. 05at least & .ar&oeq. g& ii
itwevWbt'ial'tloh&bd. Asdth.
blew. The predimisary mosres h.
S beta taken. Iew eee-e the last r ,
! order a ! the day
, Kacass City $ t-ar : Mi-wLfle
Ten ! . iavisg maswvvered so as to g
. rasge and attcagth or seanly erery t. .
on the Cohen ct. are prepared - , .
the most efleetive ieletae-e to our
It seess impoosiWe that there sbo.
I any eeottagest'y to iatt'tive-e , 'enlousls s
the prose-at niov.mesat eo Cube. 'm
crisis of the war , the-relore. se.nir
Sillit. and news of vital imp.rt *
be expected Ia the bear future. 1'
will be tidings of one Amealcia
another is hoped by every me-a- :
though the campaign must Iara1tstt a
tended by conedderaWe- of iii
I side as cIi as tam the ranks of th. -
Dewey phenomenal achievement ma
made us opttrntMlc , but it has aot ma
I'oi7'l:1) ithi.tmi , s. .
_ _ _ - ,
Chicago lie-cord : 'Vhy do you n
I ; ls-e that blind man a ntcke-mr
'lie knows me , and be- always wink at
Detroit JournaH' 'Amenica ba but t
stamp her foot. ad her treasury is tu $
Then svhy znustwe stamp nil tiies other
I things ? "
. Somerville Journal : Every woman
writes verse is a ioetuis of Passion wI , . at
the editor aenda h'-r firar I'uem ba'k
jndlanapoIIsJournal : 'Wataorth
I mae as being eame-what patriotIc. '
Someuhat ? lie Is as Patriotic as a
man with a wooden he-g ?
Dctroht Fi-ce Press : Father-WL.t e
of stockIngs are there ?
The Daughtr-Cltscka.
"Alarm ducks , ain't they ? "
th-ooklyn Life : Mrs. Mishaw-You a' "
yourself too much. my dear. i' I
appreciate you more- . and would tell .t
If you were to euitivate a Uttle mide r. -
Mr. Mlshaw-The-re-'r ivhere you an- - -
I did that for ye-era and nobody to'-k , 'I
notice of me but you.
Boston Traus'nfit : Dr. Jalap-I h.t. $ .
Mwttk of It. AIr. Stikkum , but seeinr tr. '
it's more than a year Mnct- atte-nOed a
anti the bill ii' Mlii standing , i
that you are' rather iow pay.
Stlkkum-But you must remember It s
a slow fever 1 had.
Washington Star : " \Va that mar , . r
a farmer _ _ ? " inquire-ti Mrs. Corntosr-i
'o. answered her husband vry a - -
"But he's aiways 11km' about the tie-
lIghts of iIvin In the eountry. '
Thats what shows he never was a
Iarmer. "
I ( 'hkaro Tribune : "Going to do any
fore-fgn travel thI summer ?
"Yes ; a lot of It. "
"Where ? "
"in-say , don't tell anyorae. The-re is to
be a Midway at the Omaha exposition. sn
there ? "
"Of course. "
"Well. that's where rm going. It may
not be any chealr. but it's safer'
IN TIIH voe1.I.Y w'isT.
Denver l'ost.
There's health and vigor in the air
Out in the voo1ly west ,
The breezes clip the- wings of care.
And that's no Idle jest.
The sun-rays dance upon the hills.
And sparkle In the mountain ; llls ,
Anti life- and inspiration fills.
\S'ith gladness every br-vast ,
The people are in love with 1ie
Out in the woolly w.-st ,
Th.-ir days are ire-u from every strife ,
Their nlrbts are nights of rest.
They're full of jollity and ( urt.
Start In just when the day's bgun ,
And keep It up from sun to sun ,
A sort of froliefest.
Th're are no men of "terror" grade
Left In the woolly west
With boots on the- have all been laid
To their eternal rest.
\ve all are high-grade Christians now ,
To Sstnn we no ionger bow ,
No sins new corrugate the brow ,
No troubles weight the breast.
The pistol of the early day
] s missing from the- west ,
? den never meet in deadly fray
With anger-swollen breast.
If we have that need redress 4
\'e seize the pen tith eagerness.
And battle through the daily press
Till assion is at rest.
Our loyalty is out of sight
lie-re _ In the woohl- vest ,
\\t' whoop for country day anti night
\'ith patriotic zest.
Jtst turn a flag loose in the air ,
Our yells raise old Oem Satan's hair ,
And start the echoes on a tear
lii jangled-up unrest.
0 , ye , who for Contentment yearn ,
Conic to the woolly we-at ,
w--e joy and happiness to burn ,
Anti warrant it the best.
Here you can sip from pleasure's bowl.
Find manna for the troubled soul ,
Anti not a wave of care will roll
Across at peaceful breast.
. -
Our Daily Bulletin
hIWl.ST , Jimno 3. 2Slt-Tode ) ' thai
tjnitei State Court tviil t'oanplettt lie ad-
jimdlcatioit of tue PCflliflg Vriz eases ,
These decisions will settle the Qtl-stion -
. whether our gallant marines viil receive
the anoneto which tiie' consider ihcnt-
selves entitle-ti , it is a ( Ia ) of cape-elation ,
And a Day
In which you ought to select some cool garments whether you
do the : Expo or not. We have a very choice assortment of
soft cool shirts-neat patterns-shirts that fit and are so corn-
fortable these hot days. And then there is light , gauzy under-
vear to help that depressed , languid feeling. Shirts are from
45c to $3.50. Underwear from SOc to $5.00 , '
, s , w. Coz'13th and Dougtha. St