- - - - . - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .jtj . 2 'VilE OMAItA. DAILY BNi : F1t1DV\ - , TUNE 3 , t898. - - - - - - - - - - - - I Omaha , June 3 , 1S. Don't Mind the Outside i Everything is in order within-and we offer I You again today the same sterling qualities as has been our custom these many years. Wash OOOIIS The iieat ? i a.iici pretty woveii and P1'iJItCtl - . . ttiff for i 11 l' 1 ; ) ivait , I , ( IresI3es I ( fill \Vrape1'3 fl1C told of he- low. - I 1.awn ; , c pr yard. 1)rn1te1 ba per yard. Organdk , 12 ½ c per ynrd. I Flue 13tttc , 1c ynrlL IinortetI IatIste. 25c yztril. ZeiItyr Ginghams at. I24c. 1tc , i8C,2Oc , 25c , 30c , : tc , be , GOc , per yard. xcIusivc The following rep. Novelties resent i few of tlP3 Io1)lIlar ) fthric. Real Irish 1)hnltles. 2c. Irish Lilicit Lnv1s , 2c and ZOe. 'reich Oraii1ks , 3c. cotton GrenncUne81 t00. caps and 'J'liese are the c1ay Sutihoiincts that bring the JIeti(1. for liglitcool afl(1 ( COfllfOl'thlle Iteadwear for chihlreii. Th now "May Queen' fills this need- cut Bhort. at the back and with frills to give It. that dressy appearance. Possibly you do not fancy this style. Then We can show you halt a dozen styles in simple French Caps and a variety of other styles which you must see to aPprecIate. 'SVe have Sun Uoiinet for littlu folks In white vlque at 2Lc each , and In col. ored chambray at 50c each. Corsets Triumph Suinnier Corset , Inlo ( of strong netting , extra long waist , high bust. two side strels , at LUe each. forni their share of the contract at short iiotIc as soon as definite orders are re- celvell. The Brutus , the collier recently bought by thu govcrnment. vIIl ho reiuly to go to 1ca next Saturday. lt alterations have been comiiletud , anti It Is now receiving atorts. A spare lroI'lIer for tile Brutus , iuiiil six spare blndc for the Montcrey' . twin scruvs wilt be Included In the freight. 'Fhu ? donterey Is taking on coal in eacks , 11011 its magazine Is well filled , The Monadnoek Is Ctlccted shortly from ruget iouiid. It Is believed the Monadnock 'will be kept Ill Honolulu. _ t vtl ilery for isII liii. ottr batteries of heavy artillery , now stutloued at tue I'residio , vIil go to Manila with the next oxpelItIoII , anti their llaces at the l'restdto will be titled by mcii from aood' . itIiiul.ito I 1 * u :4 14) 10 a c l ron n the li'r. ( 'flI'O bi Iloni- lid $ , ln'ailacl&e , ill , zIne , , sotar st.iinari ) , ( OflII 'stIon , sac. lrIe. 2 r.nt. $ o14 by an Tlis 0017 l'ilL. to t.ik whit Ud' . Sariaparil I : The Omaha flee ; Map of Cuba Coupon , Present this Coupon with t 4 lOcfor I I ANapofCuba. ' I ' A Map ottha West Indies. I I And a Mapoft.ho World , I By Muil ui. CeUts. CuT OUT TillS COUPON. This COupOn with 25o Y1LL5WWff Tt1l Ollicial Photographs of tim United States Navy. Addr.ei. Addr.ei.NAVY PIIOTO6FAII DEPT. LMtHt flEE. Hosiery Ladies' black drop ititc1i Lii1e Hose , with fancy tops , 5c paIr , reduced fIVm SOc. Ladles' black Cotton hose. with high spliced heeli and double soles , lSc-3 Pair , &Oc. Children's fine ribbed , fast black Hose , Ille thread , very good quality , 20c Pair-would be good value at 2v. Pocket Remember t li a t we Books have the finest Pocket Books all(1 Pui'ses to be found- at from 50c up to $6.CI each. The dollar ones are of seniskin anil lined with calfskin , made to hold the ninny trIFles. from handkerchiefs up , that a lady has no other viaco for. Colt. Purses at lOc , the , 20c , 25c anti &Oc each , Men's Fiiie WO1'ItC'l goB ftiriiislilngs I-lose. In very choice pattcrns , $1.00 a pair. Leather faced cloth back Clove at $1.00 a hair-Just the thing for blcytIsts- Is also a good glove br driving. Molt's NIgltt Shirts , 211c ench. Um1crw ar I THOMPSON , BELDUI & .CO EXPECT TO CO TO IIA\VA1I \ omo Soldiers at San Prancico Think They will Ba idotracked. - : - : . MONTEREY 'IS NEARLY READY TO SAIL , J ' , jI Sceui.d liiiciIL1ii (0 tiI ( I'IIIIIlIIneM t Dhii Nut Get AivLI ) for 'two Weeks , Ovl.s.r to Nui.ieruus Del.is. SAN FIUNCISCO , Juno 2.-The report from \Vashuiigtoii that the annexation of hawaii is about to ho consummated is given niucli crclence.y the olficurs at Camp Mel'- ritt , and they arc already figuring cii an order to senil troops to the islands to look after Uncle Sam's Interests , and some of thu voluntetirs , who fear that they will lint be sent to thin Philippines , arc counting upon being turned to hinwuit as a placu of second choice. aeneral Merritt is arranging the details of the second expedition to the I'huhIppines , but has hot Yet made Public the assignments of troops for thin CXlCdIttOfl , and lie will not make tile order public until the date of the sailing of the fleet has been determined. It is said in'sonie quarters the expedition cannot possibly sail for two weeks yet. and I Is veii seml-olhIclahly reported that the veseIs will not be ready for ten days yet. , Tust. who Is to blame for the delay is a niys- tely. The owners of the vessels eay they have , hot. received any "hurry lip" orders from Washilngtoii , and that they can ver- . _ : p , . . ? , % Ladies low iieck 1 , - ' - : : --r- and s1eeveles . iti 1)bed Vests- ' ) rows of openwork - work lace-fi'ont \ jfl iire whuite- I 25e eacil. Ladles' outsIze jersey ribbed Vests , high neck and long sleeves , shaped at , vaist-00 ! each. Misses' Jersey ribbed Vests. V front and short sleeves , in white and ecru , 15c each. Linen CoIore 1rom 50c to Shirts $3. 50. See them before you buy. McCall's Bazar lOc and 15e Patterns each. None higher and none batter. the ranks of the heavy artillery volunteer force now in camp at. the Presidio. The hresent formation of brigades at Camp Merritt Is only temporary and made only for administrative lfllrPoses. A reorganiza- tlon will be effected wicn the second expedition - tion reaches the Philippines. The scarcity of water on the l'residio reservation has thrown the mea now encamped - camped there into a serious predicament. The Supply in the reervatioa reservoir Is nbeut cxhauatei , and the pumps which sup.- ply it are not powerful enough to keep the reservoir filled. Stringent orders have been Issued cautioning tile men stationed at the Presidio against any unneceszary waste of water. Th ecullnary department has been ortlered to use only enough water for actual cooking purposes. and thin men have been , ordered to discontinue bathing until the situation can be remedied. General Merriam baa issued an th'der directing - recting troop E. United States cavalry. to proceed horc at 011cc from Vancouver to join the four troops now sationcd at tile Presidio. The troop Is expected to arrive lit this city within a week. Battery C , of the heavy artillery battalion of volunteers now stationed at the Presidio. have received orders to proceed to Fort Caniiy next Sunday. The Pennsylvania volunteers are In a serious - rious plight. They flee(1 81100 $ so badly that the regiment is seriously crippled for lack of them. Many of the men cannot drill on account of the dilapidated condition of their footgear , The work of coaling the transports China , Zcalandla and Colon is proceeding steadily. The Zealandla vihl be fully coaled within twenty-four hours , but the other two vessels % l'lll not receive their supply before Monday or Tuesday. D'BOSC'S PECULIAR METHODS 'l'iIat of 1)t-ct t lye Kclh'rt levt'lopH I l.it ( Iii Suit. . IzIr.lI. Itilve I'li r lIeiilij.iirt-rs itt ) Ioi.t n-ui. MONTREAL , Julie 2.-Tile continhlailce of the case of Detective Keliert. charged with purloining a letter belonging to LIeutenant Carranza , was mainly interesting because it threw SOnIC additional light upon the' doings of the Spaniards. Senor thu Bose was one of the witnesses and his testimony brought out the fact that from thin first Saturday after they arrived in Montreal. thin Slnniartls had virtually four headquarters : The Windsor hotel , where most of the party were staying ; the house at No. 12 Topper street , where iu UO8 ( was staying ; the consul general's house on Dorchester street ; and tile flank of Montreal , to which all of lu Bose's let. tore vere 8ilt , anile being addressed to his house. He could throw but hittlejiguit on the case itself auth the sister of the housekeeper who testified knew ab8olutoly fouling about the affair , It looks now as if the ease against ICeliert would tall through and no other arrests llave yet been hindu. ati.ernl ( hrrl-INDU Is 4tNMicned , CLEVJILANIO. , Juno 2.-General George A. Garretson of this city received unofficial notice from \Vnsblngton today stating that he would be vlaoei In COifliflZlfll of the .9cc. ohid corps , now being hllObtilsCl at } 'nIIs Church1 Va. General tiarretson expects his eomnlissloa and orders to orrive by inalh today. lItgllIl I III' $ % 'urc In % V1NIIIsHii , . VI'ST SUPI'itlOlLVis. . , Juno 2-A Sc- yore wind storm IlUSSCd over this city to- hligllt , and consdcrabIo damage resulted. The city ball was struck by highthling and l'ohieo Secretary ( arpentcr was badly hIurlIeti. 'I'bree horses were killed at the cast end and several lioues nod harits were unrooreti. Ono niaii as bathiy injured by a section of a roof falling on him.t Drain- erul , Mine. , a number of. houses were tie. stroycil or unroofed ntid file city lark was ruined. hlt'h ( rI.sM Vi ( i ut'e ( 'tfltlnhltt ( . . NE' YORJ. Juno 2-iecretary John P. Faure of the atioiiai Red Cross society an- I Ilounced today the appointment of a tiflahlce committee , comprising J , i'ierpont Merge. . . , chairman ; rtiieriek 3) . 'i'aPPan , President of 11w ( lallatin National balIk ; Migust flel- lIloOt , James Spoyci' , Gustave if. Schwab , I'.twhii Lnngdon1 Prsilehlt of the Central National lahIk , ; Ild ox.Uoyerllor Levi P. 'sI orton , ttttt'l l1seii.i.st ibnildii. Solti. CIIICAGO. Juiie 2-Tile estate of Cyrus Ii. McCorhllick , tIle reaper manufacturer , has I ipurellaseli from the l'CVh heIrs the Chicago I Stcck exchange building for 2,5OOOOQ , LOCATINC TIlE BkTTER1ES Schley Accomp1ishc fli Object in the Bombardmetit of a tiago. MASSAChUSETTS STARTS I1E EIRItG Opleni. Is ( Leti a l'roinineil ( Pnrt iii Sue i'i.ty IIIIII , , Itt.lr to lie n I2oosi F1ghcr liuiti 'hI . ' , * , . , . ( Coyright , 1ss. by the Associated I'ress. ) 1'0111' ANONTO , Jainatcn , . Julie 1.-On ( floard thin Associated Press Dispatch float Dandy.-Far ) an hour yesterday afternoon the Massachusetts , 1owa New Orleans and Vixen of Comnlodore Schley'a squadron cx- chiatigeti shots with the Simnish fleet under .Atlmiral Ccrvern and with the land hatter- les guarding the harbor of Santingo de Cuba bellind WlliCh the fleet Is hiddeft. Tue engagement was the first which has occurred bitween the tso navy forces nod was but a prelude to serious work in tIlC latter Part of tile week. No attempt was made by the American commander to bring on a general engagement , it being his desive to locate tile batteries on tIle hills above the harbor and to determine the nosithon of the Spanish forts. Shortly before 10 o'clock Commodore Schicy left tile Brooklyn for the Massachusetts , on board of which alfip he renialneil ( luring the fighting , At 1 o'cioclc thin signal to form column 'ns hoisted Oil the Massachuestts ahid the New Orleans , lana niid Vixen tell In , in the order 1181110(1 , The Massachttstts steamed slowly until about five flIlies west of the harbor entrance , wheti It turned in toward the shore and when about 6,000 yards oit turncd cast again and bore down on the harbor , the New Orlean'i being close up and the Iowa half a mile heiiiiitl , Thc Ilagahip gradually increascil its siteed and was soon running through the water at the rate of ten knots an hour. It drew closer nod closer to the hatterIs nod to the anxious watchers on the oilier silhhlS it seemed that it would never open lire.S'heii , hlovever , It had passed the harbor entrance by roe yards. a 'great cloud of white anti yellow smoke burst from the two thirteen-inch guns in its after turret and two shells rose over the hitlil , 0110 of them striking the Spanish flagship Cristobal Cohoii full and fair as it lay at its anchorage and the others fnlhing close alongside. ( ) rlt'nts flusVehi _ The two guns on the forward turret wore thou fired and the shells In exploding threw up great jets of spray close to the Colon. All tile shore batteries took up the chiil1engo and began a rapid fire on the Massachusetts. lUt. it was soon beyond tileir range anti thlft batteries thereupon turned their guns en the New Orleans. This cruiser had been directed to pay attention - tention to tile batteries , and to draw their fire as much as possible and it obeyed In- struethons to thin letter. Its first shot ho- rated a large battery on the hilt above the Morro. It flew straight. into the fort and must have caused much damage , as a great ciouti of dust and debris rose as the shell burst. Two more hiots sent part of the walls on Morro hying Into the air , and then the Now Orleans confined ttself to the batteries , Its fire being rapid and extremely accurate. 1very sh t it fired made trouble for Spain. The Iowa eanle next. and like tIle Massa- chuseits , devoted Its attention to the ships lying withiii the barber. Its twelve-Inch shells made the water Lu all around that hart of the hiarbor in which the Cristoba Colon lay. The latter ; however , was iiot. seriously damaged.and kept up its fire until long after the American ships steamed out of range. After the Iowa caine the little Vixen which apparently had no busiuesu In a fight where battleships svere engaged , but. it scudded along after the Iowa like a fox terlrcr tot- lowing a niastiff and when at the proper point it lot iiy with its one six pounder and glided away , proudly con.icious of haying - ing done its best. After the Vixen hati passed the forts the Masachusett ; turned again to the vest- rnrd , foilowed by the other ships in the same order with the exception of thin Vixen , which was ordered to kceh , out of trouble. The ironclads bore tiown on the harbor once more. The flagship kept in until less than 4,000 yards from the shore , and thea its shells agaIn began to heave up the waters of the Santiago harbor. ThIs time the shore batteries were better served and the SpanIards replied to the war ship's fire In energetic fashion , but nearly all the shots from the batteries fell short. Thea came the New Orheans once more , its long black guns doing fearful work and tearing up the ground all around thin Ahmiranto in a most savage manner. The Spaniards dropped shells close to the Iowa as she caine by for the second time. senditig a strealmi of shells ipto the harbor as it did so. iiig A't8y hllliidly. The Spanish ships , with the exception of the Cristobal Colon , were behiiij thte hills and could not see the enemny , who threw shells nioumid them with such rapidity that they knew he'as bomuewbera on the other side of thin lull aiid tiiell hopefully raised thin muzzles of their guns amid bammgetl away. The result was what might. iiavo been ex- peeLed , TIloIr fire tore the bozoni of the Caribbean sun , but it harmed ilotiling else. After the Massachusetts hind ilased tIme point whore it could fire into time harbom with advantage , it turned to the open sea , the oilier vessels following it. Thmat figlmt was over as tar as the Anmericans wore eon- corned , Siiamilsh honor , however. demanded that seine further destruction of gunpowder be muatle , and the ships boomed and thin batteries - tories roared long after the American yes- sel were entirehy out of range. Thin affair soon became ludicrous , as nearly all of the Spanish shells fell from two to three miles from the vessels at. which they were aimed.Vorse gunnery was never cccii. One lusty man with a basket of brlckbats would be capable of as much destruction as the Spaniards seemed ca2ablo of creating , Not an Anierican vo3sel was struck , and not a sailor Injured , though fully 300 ahat3 wore fired by the Spaniards. the Amen. calls firing not over one-fourth of that num. her in return. it is likely the latter part of the week wIll see more serious work , The dynamlto cnusier'esuvhus Is coining down and an attempt - tempt will be made by it tb explode the triple row of ailnes extending across the harbor mouth. With these out of tIme way Conimodoro Schicy wilt salt into the hiarbos- for a death grapple with the iieets and batteries. SiitpIy sin Itiltigmi ) Iuve , \VAShIINGTON , June 2.-It was stated authoritatIvely at the Navy departmout at 00011 today that not a word lied been re- eelved from Comnmnedore Schiey as to the engagement at Santiago , The ottlelaha express no surprise on this account. Jn the first place , It is said that a fleet commander must wait until an engagement is completed before lie makes a report. and that the press reports racy give .mhy the Initial features of tile action without eattIng for its comuple- flon , Timere are intimmmations that thu press reports cover only tile first features of Coma- umodore 13chley'a immuvemnedts and that untIl these mnovemncnts were developed o the point where the results in vIew were acm- ally achieved , reports ouhd hot be made on immcidentai phases of the general move macmit. Moreover , it Is volntod out that thin fleet commander must communicate with all tie comnmnanders of the ships making up his Ileet in order to bctrn as to casualties , damn- age and aU the circumustances of the cii- gagement , WbithI information Is re- calved hiS report is made deliberately anti must. in turn l translated to the naval cipher code , Whqa received hero there is another delay iniwphioning the code die- p.1tchi , Ahtogethqy3t is 551(1 thin time taken niakes them aboutveuty-tour hours behimid the press adviceij1.1 ; was thought , that the absence of exat.jiDcIal information might embarrass the ijl of the war , boned , but officials sity this has not occurreti. The ofilcial intn ton thlat the action of Tuesdity ha only tq11Inhtial phase of a more general mnvemets strengthened by the view that Commpro Schicy would hardly attempt to nttacFLuohes ho had some defi- alto object in vteye , . Thile object , it is be- ileved , Is to learn xacUy as to the number I of Spanish ships now within Santiago do Cuba harbor , and also to develop the of- fectivenes5 of the fire of the SpanIsh forts at the entrance of the harbor. With these two points establisiied.beyoad the slightest doubt , time campaign. , military and naval , could be executed egainat Santiago with much greater certainty as to results. I IIIIIrII ut i'hi , igi It , ltiiiis. ' . While the ( Iepartment has bcn satisfied for the last ten days that Admiral Cer- voras entire fleet is inside Santiago harbor , ( 'oinmodore Sebley has not yet beeli able to nicks an olhtcial reliort t'sttibhlsiilng this fact beyond time shadow of a dotlht Of course the location of tIlLS entire Sliamlish fleet , not exeeptitig a single vessel large or small , Is of essential importaiice to the complete anti intelligent formation of a strategic cain- paign. It WOihll remove the Inst elenlent of hazard in sending troops from Tampa or Jacksonville anti the danger of their being hialrassed lit the rear by some of this Spanish - ish ships. It Is of equal ImnporLnnco timat the Presemit streagthi of shore batteries , their location , number of gulls and general effectiveness should be established. These points mu be leantm d only by a feint , wimich \vll imave the outward appearance of an nssnimht upemi tilt' Spammish dcfense.'hemi comnpletcd , it is felt that it viih serve as a basis for more coniplete advices as to time actual situation of atTains at Santiago bar- her thami have heed available at the Navy ti&'pnrtment iii ) to this timmic. It is In this light that Commodore Schlcy's mnovemiieiit is megarded as iiiipOitmlt , ilot so mmdl from tile destructive results achieved as front the opportimmiities it affords for developing nil the resources at tile coiiiiiiaiid of the Spanish admiral. CAPOTE UEACHES NEW YORK lie Sitys flit' Iilsurg'itt Fureec Are IiCIIIl Strt'itgtitt'i.I h , 1)SLII ) ' Ar- rivilIM fo.im Ilti 'l'oyns , NEW YORK , June 2.-DomIngo Mendez Capote , the jresident of the Cuban republic , arrived in this city today. After gotmig to a hotel , where he met General Palms , thic head of the Cuban junta , lie visited Cuban headquarters , where ho met a iiunmber of newspaper reporters with whioin he talked quite freely. Hotio S. Itubens , the cotmusel for the junta , n i at Interpmetcr. Vhien asked ijat. _ _ his mission to this country was , SemmoraGapote replied that before - fore saying anything about that , he wished to thank time AmrtcntI press collectively for the stand it had 'akthl in behalf of tile Cu ban insurgents , siiting that time Cubamm peo- pie amid the govericWt were deeply gratvftml for the support ve tby tIme Amnemican pee- 1)10 and for time a i6n "of this nation In corn- immg to their suifior Continuing , he tltd : ' "My mission istiot It public one. All pub- lie acts relative he situation between time United Stat ' n'ntl the Cuban republic will COmltiflUo as libctbforo to be conducted by Genira1 Palr&t tjj has the thorough confidence of at&3collt who have a high appreclatiod' lie mas 'ilone. "I do mint ei ii'bt to miegotlate any loan. I comae to consult with General l'alnia , which does not concern intermial questions or pub- lie interest. I have n present imiteiltion of calling upon President McKinley , although I probably shall make a call Oil him before I return. How long I bahl remaimi here , I canmiot say at this time , but shall make may stay as short as posibiO. " Mr. Capote has time position of judge ad. vocate general in thid' ' insurgemit arimiy. Questioned - tioned as to tIle strodgthi of the army , he said : "Not counting those who have recently joined his forces , Garcia has about t2,000 muon ummder hilni in the eastern departimient at Santiago and Porto Pnineipe. About 3,500 of thleso inca were In the neighlborhood , of Santiago when L last received word. All " .Lme : fully armed mind equipped. and it was the intention to concentrate all of the force in time eastern portion to that loint. "I cannot tell definitely , said he , "how many macmi there are in the other provinces. Gomez hlas abput 5,000 men at Santa Clara. Probably 30,000 macn , all fully armed and equipped , are in the ranks of the Cuban army. A largo number , probably 20,000 , are armed with maciiotes , and there are thousands of otiicrs who.have recently left the towns to join the arnmy because they could no longer live In the towns. Fronm I'orto I'rineipo , ahonU10,000 mcmi anti womueii anti children have left becaimse of the scare- ity of provisions , prefernimig to take their chalices in time eodntry , and further in. Ituenced by time fear thma at the lust moment , the Spamiiards , thriven to despair , will out of revenge , resort to slaughter. " TROOPS ARE STILL AT TAMPA i'ttHl t IVI' Amu.ioii.i.'t'.ieiit titut Noun linve ie'ti 'I'it'rt' for Iivaitloui 0V CUIIII. TAMI'A , . Fla. , JulIo 2.-It can be Btatod positively that no United States troops have loft hero yet for Ctmlum , Ummtil definite anti oiflcial news is received froimi the lheot of Sampson atiti Schloy , It its time generally expressed opinion amnoiig tIme army oillcers that no umoveincilt of troops fromml here in the direction of Cuba will be ordered , The powerful lIed of Admiral Ccc. vera is still mmiucim of a factor , IL I stated there Is no immtention on the part of time authorities to assutac any more risks thiami absolutely. necessay in sending a big iteet of practically tmnllifil4 ; amid therefore nearly helpless transports into Cuban waters , For , this remmsomm until thio panlsli' Ilotiiha Is dis- I hosed of , or imnUt , jtautflcJomit number of United States war iibjis can be spared to insure irotecttou ( sir. the transports from Tampa to their 4tst1jmatiomi no move from here is expected. sIYbn this will be is un- certahhi and thougim inotbing olficlal can be learned on the Point , .tt is not believed any largs movement 1ake place in the immediate - mediate future. TEACH THEM' TO EAT CORN New Yoric ( hui.n.t-r of ( 'omnnlerve Vniitu. o lldnealle lJie Hi. roptiuit ( HI 'EPic Ilst.- . NEW YO1tc , Juno 2.-At the regular mnontbly meeting of- the Cbamber of Coma- inerce today the fohhowiug resolution wns adopted on motion o F 1) . Tlujrber , who saith if tills c tumtry ; vcqld market abroad 500,000,000 bushels oi Indian cormm ( one- fourth of our average annual crop ) our financial troubles would be settled : Itesolvid , That the high lInens ruhln for wheat flouT throughout tise world imivito thu attentiomi of couisUtnert o tile merits of American inaiad or Indian corn flour as a substitute , Equal nutritive properties at half the price ertaimily suggests a trial of this great food atapIe , which is extensively used by the inhabitants of the hatted State ; but which is ut little kulOwn th th i people of fonelgmm coUntras. llt'solved , That congress should provide tIle smell appropristiomi necessary to poralit tile 1)cpurtmnent ) of Agriculture to present time nierits of thin greet fund staple to the peoplti of foreign coLtnttIe at the most. pro. pittous iliac , SA1PSON RELIEVES SCIILEY Story to that Effect Wafte1 Westwara from Now York City. TAKES LiP STATION BEFORE SANTIAGO .iuii.tI cal , AreordIii& to th. . ' . llehort. ll.m Fifteen ' .Vnr Sltliu. With iIIiii Its l'reveut CcrverR fr.nm ijMCuihItuK. NP\V YORK , Juno 2-A dispatch to thin Herald from \Vnshington says : ' Athniiral Satmipsnmi has arrived off Sammtlao ; in Cuba , nnti accorthing to his imisirmicttonc ho at omico relieved Coinmnotloro ' 3c1.iey tmi coin. nmand of the entire force of vesselts operat- lug against Samittago tie Cuba ztm'd I lute 'ail- Ish fleet , assigmittig timat oih1cr to thin coma- iimmmnth of a divisiomi eomuiiristttg thin hlps fornieriy attacheti . to the Llyllig s'imlaslrou. Fifteen war ships are /sdmmitrnt &nimpsoim'a disposal to iiIt ngattmst the Sinmnisii. They tmiclutio the first class battleships Iowa , Oregon ammil Massaclittssetts , second elaas btmttlesllip Texas , armored cruisers New York amid hhronkiyn , Protectvtl cruisers New Orlcamis , Marblehead niid Mimmiieapohis , gumi. boat Nashville , torpedo boat destroyer Seer- hilon , dynaimilte cruiser Vesimviu s , torpedo boat. Porter , auxiliary cruisers hiarvarti aimti Yale nntl auxiliary gunboat Eagle. With such a force blockading Snmmtingo do Cmmba naval experts who have heretofore con- telideci that Adniiral Cervera Imad a ilgiitimig ciintmeu to escape 110W colIcede that lmis posi- tiomi is absolutely hopeless. Commcentratlomi of suchi a formidable force at Santiago is regarded In sonic circles as mmatimrmii ly presagillg importamit amid immiiiiethint action hty time Amnorictmmi fleet. Careful in- qmsiry , however , dovehopeti the fueL that hear Admimiral SnhhihitsOil. before lie left ioy \'est , was notified of the iirogramn adopted by tIme govermimilemlt to assist tIme naval yes- eels in the capture or destruetiomi of the ficot. himld comiiltlent that the armny will ar- nyc at its destimmatiomi iii due semutom : , there is ito reason to beiievo that tile oillcials imavo given Ilear Admiral Saniiison any further tllseretiomi than was accorded to Commodore Scimicy , Dy this It. is mint miiuant that time naval war board has mInt thirectcd Hear Adnilnal Sanipeomi to bombard the forts to opemm 1110 channel , but lie has been advIsed agatmist such action , and kmmow- imig the cautiousness of time iian it is lint believed lie will cast this advice aside umi- less lie imas reason to believe another rourso Is lireferabic. It is framlltly admitted by naval officers that tile collection of such a force off Sami- tiago and of the advice given to time miaval coniniamiders is their desire to prevent any of our ships , trom receiving irreparable 1mm- jury. General Shafter's troops cannot possibly - sibly Conic to the assistance of Rear AdmIral Samupsoml before the beginning of ( text neck , so that operations against the Spamihsh fleet may ( let be exPected before that time unlests Admiral Corvera should determine to at- inimipt to run the gauntlet of time AmerIcan arniorehads. tlttl'ohlove.l Orders , Ever since the adimilnistratlon got news that Cervera was well bottled and well corked at Saimtlago a large land and sea expedition to destroy or capture his hoot amid destroy Santiago hints boon planning. Sehley's orders were substantially these : Not to try to take Santiago or to rethmce the fortifications. Not to engage Cervera , it lie should try to escape , until he was clear of assIstance from the gumis of the forL Not to let hmimn escape or let supplies or reinforce. meats get in tO hilbi from time sea. Not to let time Spaniards make any repairs or addi. ttomis to the fortifications at the mouth of the harbor. Ever sInce the fiasco at San Juami-of which the last has Oat been heard by the way-thin adininistratiomi has been most anxious that there shall be no more half-baked bombardments to be herilded abroad as repulses and Spamlhsh victories. totleed , so auxiqus wac the admimlistration that it gave Schiloy a fleet only strong enough to control Cervera , and not strong enough to tempt hint to try to imitate Dewey. On Tuesday morning among Limo Spaniards at Santiago , wlmo have . been grow- bmmg mere alid more restless and miervous , as tile depressing facts of timeir iiosi- lion took effcct , began to repair alIt ! 'streiigtiion the forts at Morro polot at. the right of the mouth of the harbor. Schloy seoli discovereti what was going on , and he procectied to Stol ) them , When Morro ens. tIe was iii ruins and abandoned , when the last gmia was silenced , Scimley gave the sig- mibi to niovo off. Then , anti not until then. Ho had done exactly what he came for , lie paiti no attention to thin fire of the forts and batteries to the heft of time harbor , as no work was being done on them. While Schiey's squadron , as it stands , is hierllalis strong enough to force tue harbor nnd capture Cervera , stilt lie would not think of atteniiitimig it. 'rite administration expects to capture Santiago shortly , but thio sea assault will be macdo by all of our bat. tleships , imionitors and heavy cruisers , tIme idea being that it is folly to take chances of nartial failure , when , with chips that are available nitl are not 1mm the least imeeded elsewhere , thin sea attack can be made a triummiplmamit success. The ltmnd attack will be made at the same time1 TIme Aniericaiis will be aitied by the imisurgemits , sviio arsrgatlmenlng hum force near Sammthngo , and are in daily , or rather nightly , communication with Schicy. Ne'.ii it t hut. La uud i'l ) meN , NE\V YORK , June 2.-A special to thin Tribumie says : Conimnodore Schloy's recoii- aoissnnce before Santiago , as far as it Is fully known lucre , entirely confirms the urn. hircashomi of General Miles and other military oath naval men last week that from the moment. Corvera's stimiadromi entered the liar- hon thin co-operation of Americium land and sen forces woulti become imperatively minces- sary Ia the conduct of an active campaign against him , imniess"iio undortoolc to force his way out before ho was surrouimdetl amid overwholnied , It is true teat Comunotiore Sclmiey's exchange of shots with time eboro batteries lies demonstrated that they were weak affairs at best , but it was not be- hieved hue would attempt to sentl lila ships in single tile up the narrow , tortuous elian- ad , 'perhaps thoroughly mineth , to tleslroy the Spanish cruisers when that result may be readily accomplished with less hazard , It Is considered probable that he will block thto channel by sinking one or imiore worthless - less hulks at the entrance. From the tact that he did not 4ohiow up time tremendous advantage lie gained in the utter demoraiiza- tloii of time SpanIsh land forces it is taken that lie hiati this object- ultimately in view , for the naval umuthionities bad informed him that vesseis to be used in obstruction were on tile way to him and should arrive In a day or two at this latest , It is hardly thought possible that the Spaniards will venture on an aggressive niovement , but will rallier remain at anchmor in the upper harbor , trusting to the scatter- log of Commimodore Schiley's vessels by the terrific hurricanes which am to be outlet- paled on tile Cuban coast at this season of the year , Tile knowledge of this danger will probably hasten the placing of obstructions to navigation in time channel in order that the egress of the Spaniards will be prevented - vented should limo AamenlcaiH ho forced to seek shelter at Mole St. Nicolas , Tue iiear- ness of the tornado micazon and the iieces. sity of relievIng Commodore Sebley to assist in the military Invasion is evident , as It Is impossible to land at the most favorable point 1mm bad weather. MIt ) ' lie Eusroute Now. Whether the force has left Tampa or not the officials at % Vpsbingtou declare frankly they do not know , nntl wIth the rigid con. som-ship now exercised at southiera ports , which effectually ciiecis hue tiissemIntIon of the ( ieslreth information , it Is impossible to speak with certainty , Secretary Alger has atinittted to th members who control appropriations that an invasion has been ordereti , nail that. o.crstions In Porte Rico wiii follow , The orders teiegraphoul to ( ienerl Shatter last Sunday have been di- vuigeti by the President to no one except SecretarIes Alger anti Long anti Generals Miles and Cothin , anti it is tlnhlkeiy that these officers would abuse the comifitienco reposed In thorn. hi is not mmecessary that any oilier government officials shoulti he In. fornied at soch nffatrs , as they are charged only with ! eiidlilg supplies forward to Tampa , when their jurisdictIon amid interest are stipposeti to oath. It is known that most of the pioneer forces , incluthing the siege gmmn trains , thin engineer detachmnient. anti a good force of cavalry anti nrtlllery , could have passeti beyond Key \'est without any one belmig the wiser. The guns and Irnpleuiients have boon loatletl oh tramisports , and the iiiemi to unload - load thiemn havt not been in the gemioral camnhi. The tralisports wore reatly for do- hiarturo last I"ridny , amni it these Vessel have not slippeti cony it is tiiihietilt to cx- tilahu why they wea loatied so ago. 'Flue Panther , with nearly S00 marInes aboard , has iiad steam up for three weeks at Key \'eCt , niid thIs with Garcia's force could prevemit. amiy nggresslvo niovemnent of tli little hotly of Spamilartis at Saiithago. It is intiiiiatetl that the first Important newt. of the iiivasiing armny wIll not come froai Tampa , but from Santiago itself. Time army , n.e well as the navy. has suddenly host interest in liavauma nail Philippine at- faIrs , and evemi the alleged moveiiieiits of the Cndlz lied have ceased to cause any sup- hireliemision , imiterest at this ttmno is centered - tered exelimsively In the Samitiago camnpalgii and coufldcmice is gomicral that on its hiroiiipt amid suecesfiii comiciusion depends moore tliami anytiilng else the future course amid himita. tiomia of the war. APPORTIONMENT OF ! MMUNES l'ovr It , ' . ' * ' CtiittNt't1 ( If Cotri.d 'l'roi.ps , nni ( ) Oiem's 1)1- iIlCI _ tlmL4uI S..utlmeru Stitles. WASHINGTON , June 2.-Adjutant General - oral Corbln today made inmblic aim order np- portioning time territory 1mm whIch are to be raised time voimmntee regIments of infantry ( popularly called itmmmuue reginmemits ) , for which thin colonels have been appointed. It was at ftrst nmimloimnCed that five of time regiments were to be recruited from colored leOPlO , but it is muon' said that this number hums been reduced to four. Time territory apportionL'tl is as follows : For the ThIrd regiment , Cionel Say , the states of Georgia , South Onrolimia amid Florida , with headquarters at Macon , Ga. For the Fourth regiment , Colonel Pettit , the states of Marylamd , Virginia , W'cst VIr- glum alit ! the DIstrict of Columbia , with hieadqimarters to be deshgmiated hereafter. For tile Fifth m-eginment , Colonel Sargetit , tllO states of Alabama and MissIssippi , with hicadqumtntcrs at Coltimubus , Miss. For the Sixth regiment , Colomiel Tyson , the states of Kentucky anti Tennessee , with lieadqimarters at Knoxville , Tenn. , For the Seventh regimnemit , Colonel Godwin - win , limo states of Missouri amiti Arkansas , anl so immuclm of Tennessee as lies cuist of a duo north and somithi line running through the city of Cincinmiati , with headquarters at Memphis , Tenn. For time Eighth reglmiicnt , Colonel Hug- gins , time state of Kentucky , nil of Tennessee - nessee aol otherwise allotted , and the Ohio valley , with headquarters at LouIsville. Ky. For time Nintii reghiiiemmt , Colonel Craiie , the state of Louisville , with headquarters at New Orleans , La. For the Tenth regiment , Colommci Lee , the states of Virginia awl Nortlm Carolina , with headqmiarters at Raleigh , N. C. Each mustering officer is also to act as quartermiiaster amid commissary for tim purPose - Pose of subsistlmig time volunteers from the tiumie of enrollment to time time of rendezvous , and for their trausportatiomi froma tile place of enrollment to time place of rendezvous. F4) filL ltidLMiN'lS S'l'Alt'l' SOUTI I. tm Iii CuiditIouu to Go Suit , , Active Service mit Oiie. CHATTANOOGA , Tenn. , Juno 2.-The Third Penmimsylvanha , First Illinois , Fifth Maryland armd Slxty.nimithm New York mg- minnie of intamitry left Chhckamauga today for Tampa. The First Pennsylvanha amid First Jhiimmois marched live umiles to Ross- yule. The Third I'enrmsylvammia has been here since May 17. Colonel Robert Ross is in command. Tim First Illinois has been home sluice May 19. Iii thIs reginmont there are no raw recruits. All the amen are thiqrough soidiers anti are In commdltion to move upon time eneniy at once if necessary , Colonel Ilemiry L. Tormier is lii comniand. The SIxty-ninth New 'orlc has been hero since May 27. TIme Fifth Maryland has been here since May 21. Private Ii. L. Thompson , 50mm of Captain Thompson of company C , was drowmietl last miigimt , 'rime excellent band of tins Third Illinois regiment is out with now anti costly instruments today , the gift of a Chicago newspaper. Immiiiitsnso anioumits of stmpphies commtlmmime Itt conic in. but the work of hiamidhing them has been timomoughmhy systematized mmid there itt lie confushomi. Colonel Sliurpo of tIme qmmar- termastor's department estimates that tile cost of feeding the armimy is $7,000 per tiny. Three deaths were reported froni time canip iiospitahs today. Corporal Clarence It , Stewart - art , cornlitmliy M , flighithi Masmtacimiisetts , of Sonmervihle , ( lied this morning at 2 o'iock of inemmnionitm ; John A. Riley , private , coin- tinny M , First DIstrict of Coluniiila , 1111011. nmonia ; W , C , Spofford of the First Von- moat O Burlington , last nIght of pneumnomiia. Time remmininti of each mean were sent houiie for interment. Colonel J , S. Culver of the Fifth Illinois was today appointed provisiomini eomnmaiider of the First brigade , First dIvision , First carps , vice Colonel hunt of the First Ohio , wise heft today for Tumnipa. Brigadier General Frederick I ) . Grant today - day assumed charge , lirovislonally , of tue First diviaioim of time Third arimmy corps. lie conupleted armaugemnents today for a review antI lnslCCtiOht of this division , whiichm will take hilaee tomorrow , begimiuilog at 8 o'clock. Time Inspection will be made by General flreckinritfgn amiti staff. The now goveruinient bakery at Lytle lies beemi completed. It consists of a dozen ovns mind three shIfts , anti employs about sixty persons. Time capacity of tIiee ovens is 40,000 loaves per tiay , and it wIll be oiler- ated to its full capacity. Captain flockwell , chief of the Ordnance department , says that there ham. been a delay - lay In shipping equipments due to the rush of troops to Tampa. Ten carloads of gun carriages sad other artillery equipmeiits have arrived at the park. REINFORCEMENTS FOR SCHLEY hhi % * tlt"tiuli , Ort'gon'ruilser N.'sv York umnsi .tnttli'r SIiit Ntt Xuismcul to Joist Ilium. , KINGSTON , Jamaica , June 2-Iutlviccs me- ceived here from I'ort Antonio today city that Commodore Schuloy has been notified by the Navy department that time battleship Oregon , tIm first-class armored cruiser New York , another cruIser anti two colliers have been sent to Santiago do Cuba. 4iiw17.Jyuf4iw Is thin greatest of flash bmilltlern. Its use means tIle gain of train I to ? pounds of heaithy flesh every week , Malt-Nutrine is preparett by the famous Anhouser.liuseh lirewlug Ass'n , which fact guarantees the purity , excellence end ierIt claimed for It. DRAWING ON PRIZE MON'Y 11111 ttitrhmt'ctl ut.ltitmuIty I. tile % 'ItiO ( ( 4) t lilt .tuiterlpntt ( 'It Izen Muii-derci 1. ' Sinninrls. - r WAShINGTON , Juno 2.-Represemitntlro Cummings totiit' Introtlmtcctl a bill for the relief of the wlttow of lr , hilcattlo Ilmils. It direeth the paynieuit of $76,000 to her otht , of any nmomicy inuiul into the treasury as th share of tilt ? United States in the proceedS fmouim th sale of any prizes of war takcmt by any Americami ships from Spain , or coit- quest of Spanish poseessions or vropertr. The money is to haiti to Mrs. lulls , who Is residing In this city , as intleimiiiity for the illegal imiiprlsonmcnt nnd killing of lr. ilmtiz , who was an Amnerlcamm citizen. by the authorItIes of time Spnmiistm govern- hmient. Tiio itutz case has figured conspicimomishy lb ( lie torrespommdoiieo of ( ho State depart- hiieimt. Secr , ' liii II Siturn. , ChIAMi3lhtiAhN , S. I ) . , Juno 2-Speciat ( Teiegram.-A ) Severn bath storm struck tile central part of this county tills evening mmisd swehit eastward ovum quite a wide extent of country. At i'ukwamia nearly every iic or glass lit ( owim was brokeui , " ' 'l'Vt't ) S'I'IM.tCilS , 'ihii' Vpun-r It' III' l'm'nt.'tls multi hun iiL'r fom' I itt' tit'ui I en l'til , ( I f t I. t' It Is' mmmi Iiitercstimig stuily to oiiservo iiow ( lie thlgestlomi of t ott Is iiccoiiipiisiied. The greatci' van of vegetable food Is starch 1111(1 ( Ii is is iiever ti igested in tiso sttimimneit lihoPer , her is It effected by the pIistii of tlse upper stomach , Starch ( a ( .anlo'hytlrato ) is iinssctl omit of tue siomiinchi Immto ( lie sluotheuuuii om secoiitt stoiiiacii niisi ( here treated by time pasicre . imtle juIces , iviicmm in tilimo at nmicroscopin fimmigt Is grown froum a Ilart of tile grain , It that has benit catch , amid thioso e.lemmieuits uilm nmoisture , heat nmitl tinmo tmansfortmi hue starch limb grmipe.stigar , vliit'li Is thin first , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . act Of tligestlon. These processes are tlmiphicatetl in an imttt flelal or immcclimmmiient ) ' In thin iiiatnifucturo of Grape-Ntits , the how breakfast food mmiatto hiy thin i'ostuma Cereal Co. , Liun. , of Battle Creek. Michi. 1mm this food one flails time delIcmmte , sweet taste of grape-sugar atmml when catch it will ho fomintl to quickly digest nint fatten aimmi str.aimgthemm time etitiro body. its especial mnhsmtion Is to imourisli anti no-- build ( lie brain iimmd iierve cemitenms. A CCI laIn tloflnite fct'limmg at stremmgthi anti \ stnmiliua conies to tile Iiitiiyitiuai after a few days' tlsa of Grape Nuts at breakfast. Doing a condeimsed food one dot's not me- quinn nmore thamm a to 5 toaslionmifulS at a mneal , WItlell is worth coimsiderablo from aim economnical stammthpoimit. DUFFY'S PURE MT W11ISKY ALL. DRUCCISTSI - - IiUSiosI il'm'S. OMAHA MUSEUM AND TIIATI1 [ , iii-imiv : : iriiruuustmt Street. , 4 OI'HN hA ILY iItOM 1 'i' ( ) 10 1' . M , Wni. Ii. 'I'roost , Mnntmgor. Great 11111 for &iIt.iItIuii Vt'ek f - ' - - - 3imt 8th , Great SutttricIc Family Ilamiti , eight peO _ lile , direct fronm limrtpu ; l'rtuico FCarit ) ' 1 ole Circasttiaii lrhiio from Asia Mintr ; \'IrgiE Graves , smlottetl boy : 1'.llic. ' Oliivetto , hiumran gums .ini ; Klnist l3rttIier , cle'trie : liiek art. lim tile 'l'lientoriuni-Llttle llethi , thu child ii'onder , In her Culnmn-Anii'nltu a tiammees : Mitch ttiiti Iluwttrl , , conit'diimnt4 ; Prof. 11cr- nell , juggler ; Clayton and Diction , thu ( 'elf tiiith tile snubretto ; h1icctro illminmhmmatotl vo- enlist. Ion Aduuuits II ) All. Seats fit , multi Ion. " 1' Grand Opening U , uOu S [ xpositlon Week , Tel. 1919. 'I'ONlGhL'1 , Smir , tlA'l'INlii ! S.t'i'Uhtl.tY. ltcturn Iiiguigcuumcuit of MR. TIM MURPHY ill OLD INNOCENCI and SIR IINEW IIYPNOTIZD. l'rlces-Lon'ir Floor , $1.00 , The. hal. 7&c' , 5Oc. Matinee-Lowem' Floor , ibe. Hal. lOe , 25e , mhLl i'n.tlen .t lIurgcis , L AL & 5 Ui. Mautagers. 'l'st. ltll. 0. \Voodward , Aiitim.oiiitiiit Director , 'i'ONltsi'l' ' Smut ) , 'i'liI ! ' .VOI.VA Iii ) STOC1C CO. Yontig Mrs. Prcsemmtimig Winthrop 4 Sl'F'I.tI1'1 FS-'I'Ite Ihlttuudeil uizuil Gui. VilIizu.ns. SiTXIL % 'v.J mM , "I'll a : I'IN5m tN. " SpceIalties-IeiltY & Cla'toi , , lirynmm ( & Sayllit' , Crlmnhtns & Gttm'e. Parties living otmt of the city who tiestra to Visit tIm theatre tsluuiihl order seats b } mmmii or teht'grmtphi as seats anti sold two vuek Iii utl'mt lieu ; itt tile p)4 I I I vel y svhit : t pt'rformtimitt multI date , Address 0. 1) . \'oodwattl , GUILL'S CONCEfl'l' ( ; AuIEN Stitil hit'n.t Cur , I shim nuiti hnvchiipomt , I , N Gull ) , I'rop and Mnnager. A I trtme I ttiiitt ( sl wee It Ii my tIll : tl hi ( ' 71 yd a indanr-i'rentior Iul.lt soisgttm.'s'sI Ottrrt > hl & U it rt I I ItO- ' ' I % Vlit ilti r ivitat' I hi o in attur a I ( ii hitim ; ' ' 'i'iiti , Joiuittoti-Vtty UI ) hung itliti ditiuct III titL'I ; Nuts IllItlilt & MorrohI-iitihimiitd Iutitcim mm rtitt : ( I I I I i Imitli & I Ic loinro-Thu fit von tu cml 101- ISIS I kemit ; Frt'd SI umson.omiLtttiii ii s gnu thy - hy , N. hi-.ion't fail 10 500 slUr great Vlrsb i1itrt--Cnkn 'nik-FInaie. Ihmiiy uumistinoes ( IxL'tht Moiitbtyts at 2:30 : n. iii. ciiimrp. I .BIJOU THEA'1'ER I rstJ. miu.i Cttjuiol Ave. S. 13. hENRY , MANAO1R. IIIOH CLASS VAUDEVILLE Ai ) Sl'JtCLti/l'iIS iiviitY : : NIOU'l' AND fIIJNDAY , so. : Atiiimissioii be. BASE BALL 3:30 P. M. Today. : . . OMAHA vs. DETROIT LADIES' ' DAY. JIEyrFiIM. T h e B a I m n , r a I LdglhigS , b1o hlannoy St. , opp. Creighton Theater " and Convention lieU , WM , It , MQIIANp , Propr. THE MILLA1D lath Dliii Ioiihms * Sts , , ( ) mmllltlti , CiNThtM4.Y WC/7ED. , _ .t3icliitt tn iuItoi'titN l'h.tS J ii , 3I.thiIV1Ji SON , I'ropu. - -HOTI3L BARKER- cart , 13TH AND JONF.S ST. , OItIAI1A. it.ti'i.c i.tft ) AdU i.O ( ) I'IIi HAY , lfiti.tnic ear. direct to expositIon groun1. . iILANK. fl.htKgit , Caihier. . . . . . AL1 JJAUUAN Cnief derk. JIURJitY u1OTJJL , 1th and lianminy lit. American l'lan-3 to 4 dollars per slay , i3treet cars from depots and from hotel I. EsliosItiolt ( mounds In ftfteou itmiumuttus. 11 , SILL.OWAY , bdauca' .