Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 03, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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TIlE OMjU1A DAiLY flEE 1i1111h1)AY JTJNE 189S. I I
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : , ,
- - - -
Whcit Make a Break at the Start , but it
O1oes Firm.
.T,113 Ii Unetins&ri1 nnd Set.teinbrr . ,
' Illgbrr , Ith Cnri * atul I'ork
Jletltr , ItIIi Lwer ,
hull JdLriI UntJiziigeil.
ChICAGO , Jutui 2.-Attr a ienatInnftl
break ot IC at the tnrt to.Iiy . wheat cIoei
flrin , duty to free buying by shorti' ' on ioCt
. flOtR. July c1o. . tinciiinge1 ; F3eptember
3.W.4c htgier. ) Corn wn 3-Sc better ftfld
onti ; unchnngc. Pork 1i i higher , rIla
&c losvtr nn4 1rd unchntiged ,
IverythIng In tim way of news In whent
Beern. lenrh todny nt the tRrt and the
Rentlinent W R Ifl full accord with the nev.
Liverpool cahte irnweti tec1Ine for
July Rn(1 ( 24d In } eIt'tnber. In ndUtItfl )
them wo ft report from Nnw York that
foreIgnrH Wert , eIIIng at the 'nbcarl ,
the continued promlin of a hg wheat YItId
gina r an early Iutrvest in the
p iouth and outhw'5t. AU this cronted a
weak ent1rnunt , r sultlng In active Uqul.
drLtlon , stiott soiling and iakH on HLop loMa
wtilch led to pnrtIa d.moratIzatIon. July ,
which doMed at 9l'12c yetcrdny , ioltl
( lOWfl to SW , nfll tomber dedflnctl l'he.
I however , there were slinrti gnlore ; tud
ev.ry on. : ot ttim hfll vroflt In their pro-
V10U3 aleH nn.l saw fit to tnke It. liuylng
of that Hurt nail against weekly puts turned
tlI market firm. 1.ltor lroker gave c -
cI4DnnI PIuIort ) tO July when It nceled It.
Thehort Iii Soliteinher gnv thut the iup-
p rt It 8tood In need of every tuna it got
Ufllcr 7Sc. Clikzigo rec'Ive1l 75 can' , agnInt
' ; 8 eir XL year ago. 1t1flflCZL1)ilIa L'It % Do-
miii rt cttvel , 210 cart. , ogaltist 3tS cnr8 Itut
- , - yetr. : The export cloiirttiie from J. tiantic
, . 4eaboarcl Ports were eIUaI in wheat nnd
hour to 15oO : ; ) tiu , July opened
I1 lower at E7 $ c. otl up to 90c , down to
r S7e , riillled to 92c , then eascl of to tl3v
92c : tt the clusi. Set.lnber .tartcd
4 1 1-Sc iowa at 77 sold up to
. , down to , i 1-Se.
- - V'RkfleS4 in corn , which eIited at the
tnrt , wru clut' tO the ) IezLvIncM of wheat.
Th.'ro wrt ( itiet genera I buying later anti
tIle market cventualiy heenino itrohig. 'rho
v''ttther ' , nt * elear and warm throtigliotit
tiit. ( t.rn Ialt. July oienc. . li- Sjc lower
. at i24i32 5-Se. nilvanecil to i3e. off
- to :12 : t.Se , then up to 33i nnd cIoe.1 at
33 :1-Sc. :
. Alter a weak opening oatt gittlu'r..l .
strength OH the nHsIoII ntvancc.l. , . Thu
buying of July atal twillng at ( he S.pteinher
optIon was thp feature. July tl)011t.l ) .
i-8 lower at 2kV , tull , dowit to 23 7-St2le ,
then up ti ) 21s' : , the eiuMln. ilguro.
It iuoke.l . at tint it&irt n. If every broker
I n Lii t' itrovl loti lit itati oril ers to iu'li io rk.
. .t , . _ J'i'lct Htlffert'I it severe doelliw. Iuli .r
titi. Weitkflesi4 WIIM owing to the Increase In
Chicago of 11UIWOO4) lbs. In stocks of rltat
8i0e0 May 1. Lard ittoeks cre irnailor and
I In'iict : . , Itrites vro llrin. July Itt k
opened 27'4i ' 121,4c Iriwer at $1l.75iO ) 95 , ( cii
e oi ( to $ iO2'4lirincil up tO 11O.'J2 and , lt-
F dined to $1O.S74 at. the ( , itSP. .luiy lard
tttrtei1 7t4t Ilk lower at Gotqg sold up
to $ , .12'4 ' tititl cuited off to $ fLlO , tue c1.u4lng
prlcc . .IUl , ' IIbM oicnv,1 , lOc jff itt
II i6:7r. . zLd'Itn ( ( ( l to $5.SO , then \veakuned to
7I t nt tlii
% It4tlIntteIl reeelptH ( or tomorrow : \Vhent ,
. si : citr4 ; coin , 1U cars ; oath , 335 cars ; hugH ,
T IS 000 head.
LeadIng futures range 1U4 foliows :
AtiC1eM..IOPtIliIUII.I iow. ICI0HO.
% V1iriit-
Jttnt . . I a : ; 1 01) ) 1 01 I 09 1 tb
Job . . t7ttt ; ) Do 87 S7'14-trn il. ' ) !
SI-itt. . . 77 70 . 77 . 70 7i414r
Dc.7Gfft 77 . . . .
tui ii-- . .
JIIit , . . il :12' : :41,4 : : t
. July. . : % 4 :1:1 : : * . , : $21.j $ : ; ; tt :
sIt ( , . . : ; . ; ML 34i ( : i:1 : z14.1 :11 :
, 'Oat.-
.ltib . . . _ ' 4 2 2t : : ! 1 .
SeI ) . . . 2it4. 213t 2iti i1
' .tiiy . 10 10 10 . 72t4 10 t3I ! 11 III
4c4t. . . it ) S5 1 1 07'4 ' 10 lit 02 % 11 SO
ii.t-.9 tI 00 0 12 0(11) ( 10 U
. ! IJC _ .1 . 10 ii . 'O ' ii 10 U 'IJ U
) ftlttb. .
,4.r July . 5 tz SO t 77ti 5
Suit 5 S tt1 ; Sit .5 b75 5
'N. ) 2.
Cn$11 qutlntIons vere as follows :
1.'L.Q9-Stcntiy ; winter PiltelitH. $ G.OO
6.2 ; .r.IgiitH. ! st.otxJG.2o ; ; liar. ! spring IOU-
eiit. . $7.204j7.4O ; bakers , $ I.9f5.15.
\VTTEAT-No. 2 sprIng , ; No. S
sPring , 1cil.O ; No. 2 reel , $1.J7. (
( OltN--No. 2 , X1 ½ c.
OA'I'S-No. 2 , 25c ; No. 2 whIte , 29c ; No.
3 white. 2.Sf2'Jc.
RYE-No. 2 , Bc.
IIAItLEY-No. 2. ii45e.
SEFDS-No. 1. Flaxsectl 1.22 ; prime
timothy Heed. $2.8S.
l'ItOVISIONS-l'ork , iness per hhl. , $1O.SO
ci1O.S5. Lard. inr 100 11tH. , $ G.O.O.O7. Short
iii > s 81d0s ( looHe ) , $5.SjOO. Dry ittltod
si.tilt1ers . ( bxed ) , $5.OOj6.25 ; short clear
lt1cs ( boxed ) . 6.2O1G.O.
_ .
.xiii-.i. . 1teettp * . Shiptiiein. . .
Flour. bblt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I 1,411 ( ) r.IlI )
V1.eU. bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . gt.Oot ) ) 2110.CtIO
Corti. Ott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 9t1tO ) ( ) t102.7.It . )
Oat. . . , bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74g.tiOO itP.1oo
Byebu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,2I ) ( ) . . . .
tri..y.btt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41tHO ( ) _ _ _ 1OU
On the Produce xclungu , today 'the hitter -
ter market was Hteiuly ; creamerIes , 131 iflc ;
dairies , 11j1ic. : Egg. , lirm at 9'c. Cheese ,
unchangial , Live poultry , good dcinantl ;
s.rIng . chick.ns , 94rt nc ; ( luckS , 6lJ6e ;
turkeys , 67c.
Ni : % ( ) RiC . ( liNill.iI , MAItKII'l'S.
( I taul IPitN for tlieln (
Ciii , . iiin.l I ( I ON.
NEYoiti . .ti no 2.-1LOUfl-fleeeipt. ,
2ISG : bids. ; expert , 1,4C3 hbis. ;
lowcr with wheat ; winter patents , IIJj
6.65 ; winter ttraIglits , $ r,1O11t3 ; Minneaota
Ilatents , tLr.OIj7.1O ; winter oxtris ; , 4.SO5.S.3 ;
Minncsota bakers , $5.lOqj.S3 ; winter low
grades , $2.Xt3.OO. Ityo flour was dull at
( 'tIINME.'t J.-Jasy yellow. 75c
ltYI-W'cnk ; No. 2 western , 63i.
itLiY-Jtiit fectliIig 42c.
lt . ItLEY MA1T-QtiIet , vcstern , Gj75c.
\ \ , I I FA'1'-ltVL'iltttI , 3 10 , 40(1 ( ba ; oxiorts ,
tLStO litI shot stcidy , : 'o. 2 roil. S7'6c
( , 0. b. nlioat ; ' . , 1t to 15c 'lilghej.
OlitloliS oP'Xid vury veak and expori.'nced
t lit' lriIiUtI need .1 tel I a a o a Jo I y ii a
ilqiIt1ittion uiiilVcOk cables ; netlvo cover-
1ii : later tnsticd with a Ili.l . i'lattp lodge ,
rlueit left July only 2o net lower tinil
other months unchanged to .te net higher ;
No 2 ieti. July , 9iil& : cloHed ,
( 'SO ltN-1tcceipts , IS8Th bii. ; t'xpots , 2G7-
l1S 1)11. ; spot Ibm No. 2 , SSJ4Ie ) ( , Options
niened easy and % VCEt itiin alt day on i.r.s. . .
PC. live lighter ) l'CQllts ) ititti ttIllIMIl cro )
news end closed % v net higher ; July , 37
t4Se ; losctI , .1e.
O.'I'S-IteeeIpts , U13,10t ) ho. ; exports , ICT-
22.i ho. ; plot ( itdet ; No. 2 , 32e ; No. 2 Wlllt ( ' ,
S.j1e. Olitioliti iit'glL'tte.I . anti nominal ,
closing unciiiitmge.l . May closeti , 30c.
i'lEl-iiiet ; brim , , 70ti9)c ) ; mldtlilmmg , tQ
j9k . myc , ttc. )
I IA ( ) tmlct ; prlng , 34I4Oc ; good to
'liolc. , 4t1c ,
I I Oi'S-- Quiet : .tate , eanunon to choice ,
1S ) . crop : iii Ic ; 1t9I ) crop. IiTo ; 1S97 cr01) ,
12ililo ; ; .eIflc . roast. 1S93 crop , 3j4c ; 1S'J
crop. Gi7c ! : 1S1 crop , I21I1c.
r I I I DlH. I'irmn ; ( lulvestuim , 16c ; Texas dry ,
3e ; ( 'a I I form ) lit , iSe.
il.\Tlii1t-Stt'atly ; hemlock itoh' , lluo-
Ti , ) . ; yrCs. 1i2O.e.
WOOL-Quiet ; tiecce , i6 22c ; 'l'exas , 121
I'RO'1S1ONS-1Ieef , steady ; famIly , i2i.O
fIl3.O' ' ) : extra moss , $ iO.11Ull,00 ; ticef hams ,
$ fl.Akj14.OO : lachet , $ il.50'im12.Oi ) . Cut ni.itIs.
hull : idckle.l . liellies. $ $ L504t7,25 ; Vieklt'Il
shoul.iers. . $4T5 ; idcicle.t hnmu 7.
- Laid , Htcady : weHtern steam close.t lit $6.31
tTi1.-10 reflni'd , steady. Pork. titliet ; . ,
i1.&tiL.T& ; short clear , $ l2.Oi14Js family
$13..04113.5O , Iitllow , ilrm ; city 4 1-So bIds
country , 3 7.Sfll 1-Sc , its to quality ,
01 1 , S-.Petroh'tim. iluil. Itosin steady ;
K _ mctritinvtl , C'Ofllmflt tO good , $1.42t4f'1.45 , Tur
1)OflttIie , easier at 2 , ' , ' SJ29e. Cottoitseed oil.
stea.Iy and tnoderately activ. ' ; itrinto erotIc.
215i22t' ; Prilno ertitle. t , 0 , I ) . mills , 1753lSc :
PrI.nO stimmnci' ) oII0W. 25fi2GC Oft .uniinor
yellow , 25i54c ; Iutter oil , 2kt3Ou ; Prime
winter yClI.W 3Oi32o.
1tlh-Ftrm : fair to extra , 5 1-SSj73c ;
Japiin , 5 7sGtt.
aaiIASS1S-Stea.b' ; New Orleans , open
ithtlgoo.l to eltotco. sSsie. -
FIIEIGIITH TO ilVflltPOOL.-Dull : cot-
tome by stto.mfl. . 23c ; grnin by steam , 3d ,
Ml'ALS-Tiie mtrket ; fur metals devel.
01,0(1 , on t'tislur t'mno iii several departments
today , more t-spocinliy Ji'ad atitl tili. which
rt'euflti ) have ihiow'fl . tile clost.
pIg iron warrants were uncIntliiet1 at $6Th
, * 1 hut a mid askoti : In io cull'r Unchanged ,
itli $11.90 itlil nim.i . $12.10 LSN1IC4 ; tin easter ,
with i4.8O biti and $1I. uskeil ; spoiler Un-
clitingod. with $ i4.3) bid nti.l . 314.40 asked
mtitt ICtid a .suitIo . easier ot $1.T1'J bitt anti
$ , su : , nskc.d. TIm tirin tlxing the uettiiiig
ii'i" ( or ntiiters itud smelters .1uotod . lead
zit $3.60.
FUJS-Ilecelpts ( , IZGII 1mkti , ; market trtn ;
rii. l0'.t. ' lDc
1fl'T'1'1It-1leeoipts , 5,600 kgs. : itmarket
firm ; western emonmem7 , 13S.J1Gc % ; Elgtns ,
2Ge : factory , IO:4i2e.
C111lt3t'-Rceeipts , 6TU pks , ; nuirket
light Rkims , &l4l5c ; CulL skims ,
C)3i.tJit (2iNiltAIj MAitLC1TS.
( niii1Itiiti of Trnil ( ' and flti.ilntlonmu
nfl Si simile n4ll I'stsiey l'r.,1nc ,
lCO8-Oood : stqck , * ! 4e.
l3UPTFJt-Comtnrn to fair , D1211c sop'
atator , ISe ; gathered creamery , 13lic.
ViA1-Chotc'e fat , SO to 120 lbs. , qtiotd at
Sfi9t' : lingo anti e'uirse , 6U7c.
l.lV } I'OUTltY-llens , c : old roost
ers , 4jCc : .mring chicken. , 16.'i1Sc.
1'IOlOt'S-Live. ! $1.IYIII.23 : deird plge'ns
not wanted. , $7.60 ; midland , $ ti.60 ; low-
Ian , ) , $ . , .S0 ; r e ttnw , * l.C0 ; color makes the
price on liar : light bales soil the best ; only
tot ) grades bring top prices.
ONIOr'S-New southern , ier lb. , 3c.
lllCi.S-llnntl.hIrlwt , navy , I'er bts. , $ i.tS.
POTATOES-home grown , S5c new potatoes -
tatoes , , , per ho , , $1.0.
J , ) ' .tAt' ( , I.-.4't. r crab' . * 3.ooSjS.25.
flETS-Nw ! , tier ho , box , $1.00.
IlA1)lHlIlS-1'er , lu , , hunches , 24130e.
L1TTtJc-per doz. lunches , 2Oj25O.
O1tI'Tr' ONIONS-l'er .ini. , lIe.
CUCUMlllfl-.1'cr 3 ho , box , The.
WAX li1AN8-1-3 ho. box , 5C ; per hu. ,
1-3 bu. , GouiGc'c ' ; larger bOXCS ,
ST1tAWflFflflh1S-ItIIssourIs , $ .02.25 ,
A1't'bl'i3-Ofletfl. , $3.75.
000SESIFItRILS-j'er 21-nt. case. $2.0GJ
2 ,
T11OPiCA , j'1tIT1T.
0 hLNGTS.-Seedlinp , $2.50 ; Medttcrra-
neat ) RWet'tmt , $2.&O'tii.Si .
T1MoNR.-.c , iifr7tia , $3.2MJ3.50 : fancy
ltlesslna , $ I.&OiiX ) ,
IlANAN.'S-'Itolc , large stock. per
liii nyu , $2. ® 2.2 ; nielIum , sIzed bttnclies ,
$1 .7&J . 2.00.
NtJTI3-Almomtis , imr lb. , large size , l2fi
13e ; immill , 110 ; 1irrtzll. , per lb. , 9tUOc : Etig.
listi walnuta , ier lb. , ralicy soft shell , 1111
lie : sititmilards , : illbCrtb. per lb. , ICc'
Pecan. , l.ollshetl , medium , iiij'7c ' ; extrU
large , 8jic : large hickory nuts , $ t.0Ofl.1t ,
lOr ha. ; small , $1.23if1. Per him. cocoanuts ,
I- , . 100 , $1 ; ieaIititS , ras' . 55'Azc ; roasteti ,
r1u'rE SYflUT'-Pive-gal. can , each ,
2.Th : gal. cans. our. ' . nor .1n. . S12 : half-mu.
can ; . $ i,2t , ; Otitirt callS. $3.60.
1'l GS-lmImrtCd , fancy. 3-crown , , .
lxPH , hOc : 5-crown , 41-lb. lmxes , Dc ; 2-lb.
lixt. , . , 22'b23c vcr box ; California , 10-lb.
box , Ii.
IIONEY-Chijice white , 12c ; Colorado am-
her , h0fh1c.
lItAIJTPer html. . $3.4) ; xer half bbl. ,
I\'i'FS-h1allopej,60 to 70-lb. boxes.
- ½ c ; Sitir , 6c ; Pam-ti , .lb. boxes , Sc.
ClIEfl-I'er loUt' bId , , $3 ; bbi. , $3.
H1DES-N. I grenmi hiitle , Cc ; No. 2 green
liilcs , So ; No. I salted hides. Sc ; No. 2 green
ialtel ; , hides , 'c ; No. 1 'eitl calf , 8 to 12 lbs. ,
Sc : No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 lbs. , 7c.
rALow , GItEASE , ETC.-Tallow , No.
1 , Se ; tallow , No. 2. 24c ; rough tallow , I'C :
White grease , % ; yellow and brown
g. ease , h4j.ic.
ShEEP PEITS-Green salted. each , 1311'
; green salted shearing. . ( short woolcel
early skins ) , each , 15c ; tiry shearings. ( short
Wc'oiel , early kimis ) , No. 1 , each. 13c ; they
flint , Kitmisas and Nebraska butcher wool
iwlts , Per lb. , actual weight , 4ij5c ;
dry flint , Knniis and Nebraska murraiti
ivool pelts , per lb. , net'tal weight. S7tlc ; dry
[ hi at. Colorado btitcliei wool Itelts. Per lb. ,
actual weight , 43c ; dry flint , Colorado mur-
mitt wool lCltS , per lb. . actual weight , :1 :
d 4e. ,
ltT RS--flear ( black or brown ) , $3.00j20.00 ;
otter , $1.5&IIS.Oi ) ; mink , 15iGfle ; hearer , $1.00
I.O0 ; sknnhc. 13c , 2o' , &Oc ; muskrat. 3c , 5c ,
7c ; raccoon , 1ijtOc : roth ( ox , 25c1il.23 ; gray
fox , 251150 waIU' ( timber ) . 23ect2.50 ; wolf
( lriimie , coyote ) , ij0P lOt. ' ; wildcat , hOij25c ;
badger , riJ-Ie' ; sihi'z : ( ox. $3.0Oj73.00.
. -h--- -
1 , . , . . Is. ( , ) llti'kt't ,
ST. LOUIS , Jtmre 2.-FLOUIt-Quiet antI
lower : llnttOt $ . ; I0Ij5.r0 ; straightt , 5.00ij
3.23 ; t'lear , I.Iti. ) 1.75 : medium , $ l.O0' 1.25 ,
\vi IEA'h'-Umiacttlt'd and strong , though
( loslmig 1-.p for Septcmlwr below yesterday -
day , with Decemh'r 'c hlghe'r : spot ,
lov.'r . ; No. 2 red , ca.lm , elevator , SSc ; track ,
05t7c ; lOne , Ole : .TuIy , Sic hi , ! ; September.
7. . ; 1-Sc ; December , 76c bitt ; No. 2 hard , csli ,
CO1tN-Stronger and fractionally hotter
than yesterday ; spot. firm anti higher ; Ni.
2 , 'iisii. 32c ; Jtiite , : ; 1'e ; July , I14'c bid ; Sop-
teinber 82 5-1. . ' asked.
oA'rs-Dull arki irregular for futures.
with spot higher ; No , 2 cash , 27lAc ; track ,
27c ; Juno , ' 7o ; July , 2k .bi.l . ; Seltemler ,
22c ztskih ; No. 2 whIte , SIc.
RYE-Dull ; 4c asked.
SEED-Fiaxseed , nominaL i $1.15 ; prime
timothy seed , 2.60112.l5. ;
COItNSIEAI-.Stea.hy at. S1.SSrjjl.9O.
DI1AN-Jull but hotter : sacked. east
tr.tek , 55'iII6e ; this sIde , J57'.c.
11 _ ' . -lti'lttIgetl : ; Itrairfe , * 5,01)il0.00 ;
titnottw. $ ' .Ottl2.5J. )
DU'I'Tflfl-Stendy ; creamery , 111116 ½ e ;
daIry , hOitl4e.
EGtS-W'eak at Sc.
WI I I S l' Y-x.2l : ,
MF'1'ALS-Lead. strong at $3.65 bid ; spel-
ter , firm at $1.15.
P1tOV1SIONS-Pork , lower ; standard
mess , jobbing , $10.SG3IO.90. Lard , lower ;
prime steam , $5.83 ; choice , $5.33. Bacon ,
boxed shoulders , $3.S7 ; extra short clear ,
$ . .E2'ribs ; , $6.73 ; shorts. $7.00. Dry salt
moats , boxed shoj.fltlerf , 3.I7 % ; extra short
clear , $6.124 ; 'rib.jS.25 ; shorts , $0.50.
IlECEII"1'S-FktU. 3.000 bbis. : eheat , 21-
00. ) bit. ; corn , 9,0thh2bu. ; oats , 62,00. ) bu ,
S11il'MJNTS-IIour. 2,000 bbls. ; wheat ,
25,600 bu , corn , ' .9,000 bu. ; oats , 20.000 bu.
Ilattinore inrk&'l.
nALTIMo1u ; MI. , Juno 2.-FLOUR-
Weak and lower ; western superfIne , $3.60fj
3.75 ; western extra. $4.00lJ4.75 ; western fitmn-
ily , $3.0060 ; winter wheat , $6.OOijtL7S ;
spring wheat , . s'.2sjo.5o ' ; ; sIrlpg wheat
striiiglmts , 6.U0fr0.25 ; receipts , 3,114 bids , ;
( 'xlerts , 15,471' bbli4. '
WhEAT-Unsettled and lower ; spot , $1.10
asked ; month , $1.0 asked ; July , S07j90c ;
steamer No. 2 red , $ I.00'ijl.0O'4 ; receipts ,
86,276 bu. ; exports , 18.500 bu. ; southern
wheat , by sample , $1.O5111.10 ; southern
wheat. on grade. . $ h.OVol.10.
CORN-Fasy ; spot and month. 04S33Gc ;
July , rj3. . ; 7-Se : steniner mtxel , ThP
: } ; receipts , 19S,6U3 bu. : oxlorts , 170,781
liLt. ; sOUtheri ) white corn , 37c asked ; south-
era yellow , : ; 7ljI7c.
OA'l'S-Duli and lower ; No. 2 whtto syost-
cr1) , Sl'iiISc : No. 2 mixed western , : l2jI2c ;
rec.'ihti4 ) , 10,747 ho. : t'xlorts , 103.617 be , ,
ItYE-Duhl anti lower ; No. 2 imeam by , 6i3c ;
No. 2 western , 56 ½ e , nominal.
hAY-Steady ; choice timothy , $ h2.5011d3.00.
GltAN F1tNIG1LTS-Dull stetim to Ll'-
( 'rItool , ncr ttdthelitl , Juno ; Cork for or-
tiers. er quarter J0 , June ,
flttTTJflSteal3' , famicy ereemvy. lTc ;
fancy imitation , lIe ; good ladle , 14e ; atoro
hacked. 12ih3t' .
EGGS-Firm ; fresh , 1lSj1h'c.
( ' 1 I FESE-Stcathy ; ( imney New Ytirk. 60c ;
large.9titI0 ½ c ; medium , SZilOc ; small , h0
1 lO ½ e.
Ne'YurL Whit'nt Mqrlcet.
Nh7\V YORK , Juno 2-Both sides of the
sPecUlatiVe wheat account were favored by
tlil3"H ( Iiiit'ttiations. For half tltt' l'essitn
lirtecs were weak to the verge of thomoral-
izatlon in .Itily , tieclimming Te to Ole , with
lmol.rtiormatu losseH In till ) later deliveries.
Afternoon t lag , however , revealed ri
sharp reaction which brought Jtmly within
2'4c of last night auth Sept.'mler . e over
tile closing figure. News , however , was
0)05th ) ' till 0110 Vli' , thmc. Iltiril tiliturn heimig
mtttritnitetl to no o'ersold condition of thu
scalping element. Cr01) nOvices uontiflUo
favorable. Foi.4stn market. . today shioweth
excessive weakness , and time Euroiean visl-
blo supply Increased :1,192,000 : htm. for the
week. flio mnos nmportant of bull eonI.h-
orations were sin. II northwc.tern receipts ,
suggesting ii iroslective careity of cashi
wheat In the markets of tlii country and
further export buying , which anioujited In
all to alOtit lIft ) ' loads here anti at Out
Ports. The market wound UI ) 'ery firm ,
with July at 97o , eelling on thu curb at
Niw Orieass llarlcet.
UCTS-Duht und lower. Pork , standard
mtss. 111.501111.73. Lard , reihimed tierce
3 7.Si3c ; 1)UCO harti , 6Gi0 5-Sc.
meats. tlry salt shoulders. 5 3-S55c ; sides ,
C'4t16 3-Sc. Bacon , clear ribs sides. 7 1-Se
74c. Ilams , choice miugar cured , 9U10c'
, , COFF'FIFI-Quiet ; Rio , ordinary to fair ,
; I4Si Sc.
ItICE-Steatty ; ordinary to good , 4 5-SJ
& 114e.FLOURExtra
FLOUR-Extra fancy , $3.655.6Q ; patents ,
$ $ .65115.85 ,
COltNIdBAL$1.S0J1.S5 ,
I IAY-Prinme. I 1S3144c ! ; choice , 1GJ1G ½ c ,
COHN-No , 2 sacke& 42c ,
OATS-No , 2 , I1j34c.
Cr.ttii IteceiltIN Ut i'riitijitti ; Marlcels ,
CIIIC'AGO. June 2.-Receipts today :
Wheat , 543 cars ; corn. % 6 cars ; oats , 214
ears , Estinmated t'itrlpts for tomorrow :
Wheat. 83 : torn , 1O1 , oats , 33j.
MINNEAPOLiS , \tjune . - Receipts :
' '
'heat. 110 cars.e
I)1TLU'rH , Jummoflecelpta Wheat , 70
cars ,
KANSAS CITY , Juno 2.-Receipts : Wheat ,
41 cars ,
htnna. City Grain usmd Prey lilon. ,
] ANSAS CITY , June 2.-WhEAT-Ac-
ttvo , cary sales lower , closing V112c higher ;
No. 1 hard , 5293c ; No. 2 60JS3c I'o. 3 ,
871104.i No. 1 red Sic ; No. red tOiIo' 3To.
3. 86-n92c ; No. spring , &SWfjS44u ; o. 3 ,
CORN-Active but steady ; No. . . 2 mIxed ,
251'S20',4c ; No. 3 white , 30i31'.4e ' ; No , 3 ,
30'u3O4e ,
OATS-h1lhor ; No , 2 white , 31i32c.
RYi'--'eak ; No. 2. 421(4W.
IIAY-lood prairie scarce and prices
tznchanpl ,
ihUT'I'ER-CrenmQry , stonily at 1ij tOe ;
dairy 101112e.
EflhS-Stc'ailyt froth. S6C ,
hlEC'ETPTS.-\Vhnt , 20,100 ltm , corn , 56,200
bu , : outS 3,1 1u.
Sh1Zl'MiNTS-Wheat , G0,000 bu $ corn ,
78,000 1w. ; oats , 2,00) bu.
CItiulmtitn II ) lmirlp * .
( iC1NNATt , Jtino 2.-FLOUR-Dull ;
fancy , * 5.10115.50 : fanully , $ l.tO'iIO.hO.
Wll IIAT-Stendy : No. 2 reti , $1. .
CORN-Easy : o. S mixed , 3.'s.
OATS-iasy rind lower ; No. 2 mixed , 2e. '
ltYl-Nomina1 ; No , 2 , tOe.
PltOVSIONS-Lard ? , easy at $5.53. Btmlk
merits , easier at 6lO. Bacon , easy at $7.
WIIIRKY-Vlrm at $ I.2.
IJUTTEIt-Firm and higher ; Elgin cream-
Cr ) ' , 1W ; Ohio , h2l5c ; dairy , lOc.
SUQA fl-Steady ; hiartl reilnoil , $ l.17f36.10.
EOOS-Stetuly at Sc.
ChEESE-Easy ; good to lirlme Ohio flat.
I.lserni ilnrket.
rivrrtpooI , June 2.-PItOVISIONS-
hams , short cut , dull at II. . Bacon , dull
at 31s : clear bchlie , 32s ; shoulders , square ,
dull at 24. .
COltN-June , nominal : July. quiet at
33. 3d : September , thiliCt at 30t 64.
WIIEAT-Fptiires closcil dull ; July ,
951 1 ½ . ! ; eptembcr , Cs 1l1 : December ,
6s 7 d.
, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
'I'it.ih , , ' 1trbct.
'rornDo , June 2-1iPAT-\ctlvo nod
firm : No , 2 , cash , $ h.O' ; June , $1.06.
CORN-Dull and steady ; No. 2 mixed ,
OATS-Dull an.1 . lower ; No 2 mixed , 234c.
ItYE-Dul ! anil lower ; No. 2. cash , 40 ,
CLOVII11SEED-Duli and steady ; prime
cash , $3.25.
: l itiiicnlnl iii l.'l emi r tlnrkeE ,
1'tt1NNFAI'OTT , Mina. , June 2.-F1OUR
-First natents , $6.555.75 : second patents ,
$5.401(5.60 : ilrst clears , $4.S0tj5.OO ; second
clears , $3.SG14.OO.
BihAN-$9.00S.23 , In bulk.
' , ) , Iarl'fs.
I'EORIA , June 2.-CORN-Quiet ; No. 2 ,
OATS-Slow. l1r : No. 3 white , 27c.
WhISKY-FIrm : $ i.224.
! 4imn i'i tiiti' 'Iiitt Marked.
Stronger : Dec'emnbor. $1.42 3-S.
IhAhtL.EY-Firm ; December , $1.174.
l' % htnt llnrl'1.
DULUTh ! , Minn. , June 2.-W'IIEAT-No.
I northern cash , $1.21 ; July , $1.21 ; Septem-
her , SO 5-Sc.
tTiiilertnmie of dl , . lli rket is Firmit gtii,1
S t ru ii , .r.
NE\V YOfli. June 2.-The tendencies in
the stock market today were much mixed
nulti at times so cotiillcting as to make , any
general view confusing amid dhthleult. It Is
fair to state , however. that in pito of the
reactionary course or 30t1)O stocks the Un-
dertoti of the' market svrts I1tm nail even
strong. In a general way it may be stated
thoU the high-priced leaders of the market ,
with time single exct'ltlon of Sug.u' . . tttnitt
to a hOlt itiul even recedeti while tiit. lo'er
lrlced stocks , toth in the railroad tenth in-
itustrial lists , were lifted to a level mole
COflifl'IISUI'at ( ' wIth the high level attained
by thit' lc'atlers. The grttn , , es , e.ct'itt liur-
llngton , oil t losed lower than last night.
llurilnttoa was stm4titlned by rCmnors of ill-
lroaciiiug ll'thfl toward refumuilog sonic
of Its , high Interest learimig lait1s. 'l'hie
\'ery cheap rate for mno.ey has Ititil the
effect of i'eawakcnlng interest In a num-
her of refunding on,1 rt'trganhlmig Itrojects
} ieh evero aban.loned upon the u.tbrcnit
o ( the var. l'eople's Gas was also clearly
uniler pressure 01 : realizing. Tlmtt losies In
thih class of securities are in no case of
much consequeuit.c' . 'Flie low-piled sec'urt-
ties. espvt'ially those of reorganied railroad
COlfll)1tiiCS , were taken up fit a vigorous
\.tly IIIII generally advanced. lJmmIoit 1'-
chic preferred led In this class and
J ieavliy lnuglit all day , closing at .i net
gain of 1 6-5 per ccitt. New York Air Biake
mode a JtlllI ) of nearly I. , "r COOt , but thu
not hold tl I tim e go I n. 'I'Iie ho ternatlonal
stoclat suffered ( ruin selling by London ,
tile' ter being favorably linpresseti with
the nhihi roliorts of the naval engage-
nwiit at Santiago. The local traction stocks
rauhluttech some degre' of .lepresston. Sugar
oCCtiIftOh a leading idace both in Point of
LtlVit ! . ' and strength. . activity
In liotitis Was not fully nuiimm tlncd. but
prices advanced more generally thnmi in
tIme stock market. Total sales , $7SSQ,000.
United States So ; idvinceil ; 1-S per cent , the
nei' 4s , registered , per cent , and , ic'
1i. coupon , I per cent In Chic blul price.
There svas a sate of new 4s , coupon , at
121 14 , a rise of 5-S per cent over the last
The Evening Posts London financial en-
blegrani snys : "Stocks were less active
today. but of a firm tone. The reduction
of ier cent in the discount rate of the
Ilank of England had little effect on the
general markets. The limited operation.
hero in Americans was evidenced by a
small rush to realize this morning' simply
because Nosy York prices were a little
t.asler. New York , however , absorbed all
the stock offered , anl prices closed strong
tit the best , The New York huylmmg of
bolids was again lhmdnomenally hare , the
run being chticihy on Atchison , Union l'a-
cliic and Northern l'ucilic lreferred. 'rhere
was a. further i3hiflrp rho In Brazlls , cx-
change being at 7hld. Spanish 4 were
butter. Thu Spanish gold vrcmiunt is 87 ,
and the position of the Bank of Spain is
believed to ho desperate. Spanish orders
for silver are heavy. It is believed that
the operations nrc financed by Paris hank-
cr5. Money is cheap tind more titan 2,000-
001 in Japanese money it O ho released to-
morrow. Gold Is in donianil at 71s 10i/.l
for Russia ,
'rho foiiowlng are the closing quotations
of the leading stocks on the New York market -
ket today :
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
.ktchi'toa . . . . . . . . . . h2'l1iii1tC. C. . . . . . . . . 21
do i.d . . . . . . . . St. P. k UItI . . . . . . . . . 70
tialtinmore . Ohio. , I do pd . . . . . . . . . . . . I it )
CauuadaP.tcitie . . . . . 83 St. I' . M. & 1.1. . . . . . . .
Canada Soutuiurn 62'O ' So , l'aciile . . . . . . . . . 18
CentralP4ciitc. . . . . . . 141 * So , ] .atlwziy. . . . . . . . . ii
Cites. & 0010. . . . . . . 22 So'.ittilwiy : pfh h2
Citlcto&Ahton..16li ; TeXas I'aeittc. , . , 12
'I' . . 11. & Q..1.i . ; : ) Uiitoii laetf1 . . . . . . .
c.k 1' ' : . 1. . . . . . . . . . .Iaj . U. 1' . II. .u . . . . . . . .
c. 0. C , .i ' 31. . . . . . SVabuht . . . . . . . . . . .
itoptO . . . . . . . . . . 91 VaiiqI1 : ptI . . . . . . . . .
1)-Jl. ) .t lItit'toui . . . . . I 10 % Vhceh. & L. F. . . . . .
Ut.l. L. .t W . . . . . . . 153 Wbeel. & L. } . pM 12'4
lion. .tt itioG . . . . . . . 1lt'Ftdant } ix. . . . . . . . . . lOt )
do prO . . . . . . . . . 4MitiAIneriealI iix. . . . . . . . .
1mio lnvl . . . . . . . . . ut'.juiit..l : ' . Stto. , : Eu. , lii
Erl I sut of. ) . . . . . . . II.t31 CV.-il. . 1c. . . . I tO
. .
It \ tve 1,18 , Aiui Cot Oil
Great Norili rn 00.1.1 75 I 1. Cot. 011 prl . . . . .
floe5iitr Vthine' , , . . i'Atut ' , SpirIt' . . . . . . . . . , 1Oi Aiim , ; ilrits pith. . . . . .
Lab" it. : ' . . . , I 5 Alit. 'rooaco. . . . . . I ( IfflI
elo ; iful . . . . . . . . . . . 7t' : I do ntii . . . . . . . . . . . . I I
L'ukaSIior , . . . . . . . . Iii ) ) jP'opl.t' , Gtl . . . . . . .
1.ctii.uvihiu& Nelh. SfM : Cuit't , ' .ti' . . . . . . . . .
Maumitattaut 1 , . . . . . . 1 i Co'n . Ca ' , lo Co. . . . . I IjI )
lulot. St. lty . . . . 158 Cot. V. . ' iron. . . . .
it , hchtrtn ! : . . 1 (1 ( , io tlC . . . . . . . . . 1)0 )
Minim. .i St. 1. . . . . . . 20 tGt'ti. sIt'etrtu . . . . . . atI %
.10 1 . . % ititi . . . . . . . . . 894 lillnoi. 'Sleet.3 . * C'
! tlo.I'aeiiio . . . . . . . . . :354 : La Cieti Ca. . . . . . . . .
ltlobiiu.i Ohio . . . . 2tl. Load. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mo. IC. . ' 1' . . . . . . . . hit5 tiC'.ittt. . . . . . . . . . . . . hOThh
Mo.IC. . % 'V pro. . . . . at .Nni , Iin..Oil . . . . . . . . 2lb
Ci , ) , . limit. , , L. . . . . . 10 Oretion flap. C. . . . . . . . 21) )
tIe lilul. . . . . . . . . . . . . ; ti l'iiclr.cJ"atl. . . . . . . . . 99
N. J. Central . . . . . . 'JO i'tihiimn l'ii : . . . . . . . I 874
Ir. Y.Cumtr&l. . . . . . 117 SitverCHrtltlateq : , . 119) ) . ,
N. Y. Ciii. St. I. . . . 13 Stand. 1101)0 , t T. . . .
doltt pY1. . . . . . . . .10 Sugar . . . . . . . . . . . . . i42
do2ti pit ! . . . . . . . . . . : t : do ptl ) , . . . , . . , , . I 14
Sortolk.t SVtatterii 1414 T. C. . ¼ iron. . . . . . . . 20
No. Miter. Co. . . . . . . II U. S. 1eatimor. . . . . . . K
No , 1'teHtc. . . . . . . . . 28 tIe tilt1 . . . . . . . . . . . ' 174
do uOi . . . . . . . . . . . 1181.5 11. . ltubbu'r. . . . . . . 20
OflUtriO . ) % V . . . . . , l11 . % . tb IiItI. . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 %
Oruot . . . . . . . . . . . ' thniou , , , ,
Ore. Short . . . . . ' ) Nortlict'slern . . , , .h'2'J
l'itiourg . . . . . . . . . . . ills thu ird. . . . . . . . . . . . . 17:1 :
Reading. . . . . . . . . . . I.i , Ii. (1 , W . . . . . . . . . 211 %
itocic i"tand. . . . . . . . I 117 % . IC. IL & W. telit. . . . . 044
S. 1. . .1 ; 5 , 1' . . . . . . . . . 4.1 Ciii. 01. W'st. . . . . . . 14 %
Uohntptd. . . . . . . . . (134 ( St L.'iS.W. . . . . . . . 3 ;
Si. l'aui . . . . . . . . . . . 1u1541 do. afd. . . . . . . . . . 100'
do etc. . . . . . . . . . . 145llteariItr 1st I.t.t . . . , 40 %
'l'hio total sales of stocks today were 431-
20) shares , including 11,000 Atchison pro-
termed , 2.530 Chesapeake & Ohio , 23,069 Ciii-
cogo , lhtrhlngtolm & Quiney , 8,602 Chicago
& Eastern Illinois , 7,117 Erie preferred , d-
865 Louisville & Nashville. 9.760 Manhiattttn ,
2a,40 Reading preferred , 3.530 MissourI Pa-
elIte , 2,50 New York Central , 21,730 North-
00'ii I'aeiihc' 21,860 Northern Pueblo vro-
( erred , 8.0Ci ) Reading , 20,300 Rock Island ,
3,660 St , Louis & San Francisco second pre-
( erred , 28,730 St. I'atil , 4.547 Southern , h1,8i5
Southern preferred. 63,315 Union Pacific pro-
( erred. 13,130 Tcihttcco , 0,025 Chicago Great
\'estern , 17,682 l'eopho's Gas , 3,513 Laclede
Uris , 9,915 Loath , 4,050 l'aciile Mail , 32,75
Sugar , 3.hhO 1entlter hireforred ,
flats Frut tii'Io ) lhi , lilit'Ciutfljimp ,
SAN FItANCISCO , June 2.-UiIeial : clot.-
ing quotations on mining stocks today were
Rb follows : . . .
Tii- . . . . . . . . . . . S .lu.tico. . . . . . . . . .
AlphaCou , , , . . . , , , 2 Mexican. . . . . . . . . . . 19
Aeflea. . . . . . . . . . . S Occluleittal Cu. , . , 07
Imeleber. . . . . . . . . . , 10 Ophir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3
Pest. floleher , . . , 20 Ovci'mnat. , . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Uulllon. . . . . . . . . . . 4 l'oioI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Cahedottia. . . . . . . . . 23 SaVage. . . . . . . . . . . . 0
Challenge Con. . . . . 23 Sierra Ne.yada. . . . .
Clieltar. . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Union Coo , , , , , . . . , U
Coe.Cat.. ¼ Va , . . , 47 IJbiIi Con. . . . . . . . . . 5
CrowaPoitfl . 1'J Yellow .Iackel . . . . 23
fluuid&Curri. , 19 Standard . . . . . . . . . . 15
Silver bars , 67 3-Sc ; Mexican dollars , 46W
46c ; drafts , sight , 15otelegraph ; 17c ,
hunk of ISiigIautI Sltttcineitt.
LONDON Juno 2-The voekiy statement
of the Ihanic of England shows the follow-
log chanKes as compared with the iirevtous
account ; Total reserve , decrease , IDS,000 ;
circulation. increase , 3.'l0,000 lUllIofl , do.
Clease. 165,681' other t.ectrltiet. , decrease ,
562,000 : other tieltosit. , , heerostso , 1,017,000 ;
politic deposit. , decrease 262(5)iH ( notes re.
serve , decrease , 3T9.006 government securities -
curities , inorensr' 1OO' . The vroliortion
of the flank of hnglnnul's reserve to habit-
it ) ' is 47.7 vrr cent , aR compared with 47.74
last week. The flank of 1'.ngland has re-
dileed Its rate of discoun.t from 34 to 3 per
: 'e..v i..rk 3tone 3inrkct.
-Nomithalty , 14's het' cent ,
PIth 2.1 . Fl iet t5htCANTI LE PAPFIIt-37Jl her
1)055 in bahikers bihi itt $ l.SiaI1s4.S ( or the-
mrind and nial $1 53'4FI.SI for Ixty da's ;
hiOHtL'l ( rates , SI.S4'4(411 ri ad $ t.S6 ½ t4. ? ' ;
eunnterciitl bills , S4.SIWI.S3 ½ .
' CEI1T1 FCL'rES-0 1-Sc bid
SI I\'llTt - - ,
HAlt SI LVEI1-8 7.8ti
GOVI'3I1NMENT flONlS-Strong ; new 4. ,
rc'g. nail etitipon , 122' ; ii. , rt'g , , los ; C)1iIOii ,
lit ; 2s 5 : Out , reg , + . .n.leotmlon , III ; I'aciilo
6t of 9 , 103'4. t'i
Closing quotations on bonds were as fol.
lows : - -
tJS.tfw.t. mr . . . . . . .4'4 g. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
U. Snow , . . , IO. ) 4s. . . . . . . . . . . . hO'3
U. 8. 45 , rer. . . . . . . . 1i ( ) " No. l'ciflc . , hifl
tl.S.4seouip..Ill . , . , l'acifle 5 , . . 014
Ii. 3. 9i , . . . . . . . . . . ) . l'acifla 4 . , . , , COSt
tJ.s. tu3.rr. . . . . . . . . Ill' . , Y.C. .iSt ( . ,4i..hi)3 )
i7S.tM.cOlil. . . . . . .lhl &W. its . . . . . . . . 1St )
Listrict.tt3 , . . . . h14' N , WCon'iol'i. . . . . . l3tt )
Ala..cla.ti . . . . . . . It ) ) ' ) N'W. Bt.ri. Si . . . . . . . 1154
AIa.ciS't.lS. . . . . . . 10114 iraNrlt . . . . . . . 1111
Ah8..ltttj' . . . . . . . Cliii ) ) ' . Nay. 4 , . . . 0.5)4 )
Aiii.Curreiici . . . 0. S. t. , i3. I.
Atchinon is. . . . . . . 9:134 u. s. L .5g. t. r. . . . . Ii ) 134
Atchisonaql , 4'i . . . ,1.5'i , ( , ilnmi. . t..tst. r..1iI
CanaoaSo.Sni . . . I Itt ) ) (1 , mmli. L. r. . . . . . 00
CllcagoTer't , 4. . ' 1' h'helflo bs or ' 33. , . 11)1114
l1Y1 Itbaihler 4q. . . . . . . .
14 , . . .lO4Y le.u.wet . . . . 87)4
I ) . . p. . o , i..t . . . 1')04 ' ) SI. T k I. tt. C.lI. 'I 1)5
) . . ! It. 0 , 4 , . . . . . . . . tI I" 81. I , . . S. It' , ( I ) . i. I IS
F.a.4tI'nn. . 1st. . . . )1t7 ) SI , I' . ( lotinI5 . . . . . 143
EricOen. .1s . . . . . . 74 St. P. C. . ' P. lsts. . . I 1' )
P. SY. & P. it. . t. r. 73 St. I' . C. . ' I' . . . . . . . I III
! , tei , , kl't. 11. . , . . . . . . jfl. ) % S.'ithiern iCy. Sr. , . . . 9134
r..iT. .s. .t. 41' . . . . .10 % S. it. &T. Cl. . . . . . . 7) ) )
(1. It..tS A. 2 ii. . . 10 $ , 'rettit.nev tt8. . . . 874
1) ) , & 'P.Cemt. ; , . . . . . Ill : ) To. . I'ia , L. U. 1 itt 101
II. , 'r. ti. cia it ; , 104 Tofl. lie. 2'hi stl
lewt C. ists. . . . . II ) ) ) U 1' . P. . 't U. 11')4 )
LaNnvtisl.45 . . .lOt ) tvab , P.1 11i. . . . . . . . ltO'4 )
1. . : N. Ciii 4i. . . . . 1)0 ) LW.O. 9) ) s . . . . . . . . . . .
SiitlMotiri 01 . . . . . . . 10. ) iVOit SI , 0 ' 0 45 lii )
? .i. IC. & ' .1' . ti.i . . . . . . 1 lit Va. CtulIturIrt. . . . . . 0 ! )
7.1. 15 , atT.4i 8714 Vt. ; uleFrr'i. . . . . . . . a
N. Y. C. 1..t . . . . . . . .1 h7)illJitioi ) I'.tclft p1.1 624
N. .7. U. 5 . . . . . . . . . I I 4 I Union Picttt _ Is. . .
1)nton Stock Qt1.i itdi on.
BOSTON , June 2.--C'ithl loans , 2ijU4 per
cent : time loans , 35 per cent. Closing
Prices for stocks , bonds ittid Inhilillg shares :
AT. .ti 3. i' . . . . . . . )9i w . Eiec. arc. . . . . . 0.4.0 .
Americail S.mr1r , 141) ) AteiuIoti ptth. . . . . . . . : tSSf
Am. ) . S.iar . uC.i . I 1 I Il qton 1 . . . . . . . . . . . 05 %
iiaV Stuta na 1 % hI i' . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Fell relennene. . 274 flea. Sl.'e. hItti. . . . . . 8.1
I1ot.ton.'Albtmv. 22. AtelitueSul .1. . . . . . . . 1)2
ilotOoti , Maititi. . . hiu' : 0. ' , . . : i.a. lis. . . . . . liii 14
c. . is. & Q . . . . . . . . ll)11'I ) Wiq. Ciut Ii . . . . . . 124'4
Fiteliotir ? ill't ) Aiiol.pz . .51111. C , 04
General Seetri. . : O4 % . iluitic. : . . . . . . . . . . .
Moxicail Count. . 4) , , liostoti Majt0a t 210 %
N. Y . ) t N. I' . . . . . . ItO htttttei ihotcn , . , , 9211
010 ColoaY. . . . . . 188 lCaltmiu1et ilOCil. . 574
Ore. Short Lin ' .3 Ceutoiumltt : . . . . . . . . I 514
Ititutier . . . . . . . . 90 Fr.iuta&tit. . . . . . . . . . . I4tj
flidon Pacific. . . . . P2-P. O..eeoia. . . . . . . . . . .
Cs t i.l Eittt . . . . . . . . K ; ) 14 Quincv . . . . . . . . . . . . I I 7 %
SVe'iL Ecu 0)0. . . . . It ) 14 . . . . . . . . . I 12
5v. Elu . . . . . . . . . . 22Velr&'rine , . . . . . . . . .
Ni' ; " 'nrl. . 5l in I It ) ; ( lii otadlons ,
NflVOfll' . Jiiiiu' 2.-The following are
the closing mining qttotatiom.s :
Citohtat' . . . . . . . . . . . I : ( ) fltI'tO. . . . . . . . . . .
Cm'own t'otiit. . . . . . . 12 ( lithIr. . . . . . . . . . . . :311 :
Con. (1t1. , Va 4 4 t i'tvtn CIII Ii . . . . . . . . I 2
leadw000 . . . . . . . . . 111) ) QulleasitYc" . . . . . . . . lot )
GtuOh : Curry I I iyaic i.tlver o.1 9) ) ) , )
iii. ) . , & Nor'resi. ! i ) li'rr.I , Neeti.a : 65
IloiitestSite . . . . 40.11) . ) SIallOtri . . . . . . . . . 135
lroii Si irer . . . . . . . . .2 II , Ccii . . . . . . . . . I ) )
3iCXiC'ltut. . . . . . . . . . . 1.1 Y'ilo. , ' Jeael 23) )
lnn ,1..i St .o.1 t ii 1)1)1 ( Inns ,
LONDON , Jumie 2.-4 p. m.-Closlng :
Conso1' .'v. , . 1 1 1 7-1O ' Y , Ceutr.i , . . . . . . . 12) ) )
Consols. aid. . . . . . . . I 1 1 ' I'ezuvl , vttii.t. : . . . . . . C ) )
Ca it. Pacific. . . . . . . 8 . , fl , 'eI I ii z . . . . . . . . . . 1314
iri. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . ) S' 11's 110w 4 ( ' 7
Erie I st pat . . . . . :17 : 4 f .teiiSoit ! . . . . . . . . . . . I :4'i : '
Ill. Cu' : . . . . . . . . . . iiJ8f & N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Me.L'all ortlinary hi ) ) Grant1 Trunk . . . . . . . .
SI. i atll COfliOtutli . . . I ii I ) i , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ISAII SIIXEfl-F'irni at 27 1-Sd Iter ounce.
MONEYl14 , 1 % Iter c'ei.t.
'rho rate of discount in the open market
for short bills , 1 7-8 per cent ; three nIotitlIs'
bills , 1 7-S per cent.
l't'eiLIi I'iiiz. flOifli.
LONDON. Juime 2The market for nicr-
team. securities .SiLs firmit after the opening ,
but dechitied toward the close. 'rrade vtis
1)rofessluiItSi. 'l'lic clo.slng tol.e was steady
and the , lenla iid gent'raIly light. Amount
ot bUllion gone IlittO thit ilutik of .Ehngliumitl
on balOtite today , Gold is quoted
at 13mmetui' , 'eyres a ) , . 112.20.
PARIS. Jumie 2.-Pt'iecs on the bourse today -
day were firm Inihuenceit Ijy the decrt.:14e : of
the Bank of England's rate of discount
from 3Y to 3 Per cciii. Itentes were dull ,
being tlntavoraily 1kmiiltmenced by the 01cc-
tion scenes in the 1"linmber of Deputies
today. Spanish 4s _ and Italian securities
vet't. firma. Three 11cr rriit rentes , 102C 23mc
( or the account : el.-ylangc oil London , 2f
2Sc for the account.
IhFllthlN , JulIe L-Internattonal securi-
tiea were tittlIt in the bourse today , ciosttig
with a small geiat , decline. American
securities were tlrm , 'then irregular and
rallied toward the ihsti of the market.
Iron shares were tu'tive , stimulated iy the
Rhilneland anti \Vetjliahia trade reports.
Exchange On Lqtdn , im l3pi'g ( or
cheeks. . .
CALCUTTA , JunO 2-Thie Banic of Bemi-
gal hues reduced tt.3'rOfle of discount ( toni
11 to 10 ocr cent.
MADI1II ) , Juno 2-Spanish Is closed today -
day at. 61.20. Gout W3 quoted at 82.50.
Fl iittitelmtt's.
OMAHA , June 2.-The clearings for the.
tiny were $868,755.16 : balances. $161,415.18.
The clearings for 1897 were $ S6,0O2.50 and
tile balances $ G,492.'J3. Increase in clear-
tags , $2,751.16.
t.'lil'AGO ( , Juno 2-Clearings , $26,161,205 ;
lalttnces , $2,367,712. Stoning exchange ,
PoSted rates. $ l.S1'i4.S7 ; actual rates ,
$ I.Si'451'4.S6 ; New York exchange , 25c prc-
mitmm. Stocks active : J3tscui , 27' ' : Ills-
cult preferred 85 1-8 ; Dianiond ? , ttLtc'h ,
13D3 ; North chicago , 201 ; Strawboard , 27 ;
\'est C'hicao , 91 1-S.
CINCiNNATI , Jtmrto 2.-Money , easy mit
56 er cent : Nosy , York exchange , 25J35C
iromltmm. Clearings , $2,177,760.
P1 IILADELPI ! IA , June 2.-Clearings ,
$16,911,192 ; lathitnces , $2,893,172.
BAL'l'iMORE. Julie 2.-Clearing3 , $1l ii-
5110 : bmiiaimccs , 565:1,811. :
ST. LoUiS. Jimmie 2.-Clearings , $ S,551 , ° 27 :
ireiances , $357,163 ; money , 551S per cent ;
New York exchange , ! 5c discount bitt , ISe
NtYtRI Juno .
, 2.-Clearings , $175-
124,571 : balances , $3,911,285.
I1OSTON , Juno 2.-Cleam'ings , $19,872,741 ;
balamicts , $2,075,122.
NEOI1bEANS. . Juno 2.-Clearing. ,
$1,12)IlO ) : New York exchange , bank , $1
l't'r ' $1,000 lrenhiurn ; commercial , 25e per
81,000 iremtum.
r.iii of l'riuiet' Stittenit' , , t.
PAIIIS , J3i110 2.-The weekly iltatemnent of
lImo Bank of Framice shows tim following
changes as comparetl with previous account -
count : Notes In circulation , increase. 63-
025.000 ( mimes ; trensury necou nt , iticrerise ,
7,155,000 frntics ; gold In hammi , , decrease , 2-
800.000 francs ; bills , hlseounteil , increase.
38,450,000 francs ; silver , increase , 5,127,00' )
Ni's."nrZ ! Iry (7oos ! 3tnrked ,
NEYOllil. . June 2.-The most Interest-
tug feature of time thry goods market is the
weakening price cit soinu ) tflllo cottons ,
The reduction In blacks anti wimiti's and in
grays hays been followed by generally
lower jrices iii other lines of tIme same
grnie. These f"ntimros. with .the continued
strength iii print cloths. comprise the in-
terestlimg pujints in a slow market which
drags along from day to day withotmt developments -
velopments of a startling nature , SeIier
are beginning to think of stock taking ,
Jobbers aru redoubhinir efforts to clean Ut
steeks , Buyers are not numerous or veii-
turesome. In staple cottonS there Is no
change In the position of brown goods. The
market is ( ltllet for imtlm domestic anti cx-
port goods , Print cloths continue iirm.
l'riuitu are generally weak and unsatisfactory -
tory ,
Nigir 3lsirIets ,
NIl\ ' ORLEANS , June 2.-SIJCAR-
Steady ; open kettle , Id centrifugal , . ,
white , 4ij4 5-8e ; ycjow , 4hjic ; sccontls ,
244013 7-Sc , Molasses steady ; centrifugal ,
NEYORF. . Juno 2.-SUGAR-Russ' ,
firm ; fair refining , 8c ; centrifugal , 06 test ,
4 5-hOc ; reilned , firmU7 mould A , 5 5-Sc ; stun-
tiard A , 5c : confecttoirm ? A. 54e : cut loaf ,
S 7-Sc ; crushed , 5 i-Sc ; iowtlereti , 5 7-Se ;
grunulated , 5 3-Se ; cubes , 5 5-Se.
( oI1ee Markets.
NEW YOR1 , Juno 2.-COFFEE-Options
opened steady , with Prires 51:80 1)0111(8 (
higher on reporte.i damage to Santos crop
by kost Ltmiti btmllIshm .EUt'OlelIl cables ; ro.
acted later unhetreihlziiig amid some short
selling ; closed 8tea ) nod tmnchange,1 to 10
loints net higher : sals , 7,750 1)ags , inehtmth.
ing June at $6.10 ; $11.85. Spot coffee ,
Itlo , quiet ; No. 7. imivoice , 6 3-Se ; No. 7 , job.
bing , 6 7-Sc. Mild , quiet ; Cordova , S'SJ
Cnl Iforniii Irie.i I'rm , its ,
DRIED FIWITS-Steady ; evaporated tip-
Ides common , t4Sc prime wlrtt tray , 9i
9'c , wood dried , riinc. 9'4e : click' , , 9 ½
ffrt0c ; fancy. hOc ; prunes , 4'jSlo ; npricots ,
ihuhi ; Moor Park , lOUh2c ; peaches , unhceIecl ,
t1jhc ; reeled. 12jlGc ,
. .
- - -
- -z---
Receipts Not Ovory Largo , but , Enough for
Oondition of the Trado.
Ileef I'rlee. Go Off is ' 0ieIe1 mitisi PurL
a iime , Clositig Fish at the
Loti- ' * ( -
Viicerjnimt ,
SOUTH OMAHA , Jimmie 2.
Cattle. 110g. . sheep.
Receipts tottny. . . . . . . . . . . . 1,700 7,5.3 619
Oiilcini yesterulrty . . . . . . . . 2,120 5,551 1,1.94
One ireck agO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,79.1 b,9S3 9,217
Two weeks ago. . . . . . 1,456 3,1)34 1hZ.i
One month tigo. . . . . . . . . . . 783 4,39)3 ) 1,479
One year ago . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,200 6,916 3tPJl
Two years ago . . . . . . . . . . . 541. 5,091 13
'rite olllcini number of cars of stock
brought in totlaby each road was :
Cattle. hogs. Sheep. 1I'r's.
C. lit. & St. P. fly , . . t 1 . . . .
Ilssoumri ( Pneitlc It ) ' . . 1 1 3
Union l'ac. System , , , 7 20 , . 2
1" . , E. & M , 'V. It. it. 31 31 , ,
8 , C. & 1' , fly. . . . . . . . . . 1 , .
C , . St.1'M. & 0. fly. 5 8 . .
11 , & 2.1. . It , It , It. . . . . . 22 30 . ,
K C. & St. .1. . . . . . . . . . 1 , . . .
C , , It. 1 , & 1' . ity. , Fi. 3 2 .
C. , It. 1. & P. Ity. , W' . 2 3 , . . .
Total receipts . . . . 73 109 3 2
Thti disposition of the day's recellts was
as follows , emtth buyer lurchlasilig thu
number of head indicated :
Buyers. Cattle. hogs. Sheep.
Omaha l'acking Co . . . , , 71) ) 1,427 . . .
G. I I. Ilamnimiend Co. . . 227 1,141 . . .
Swift nmld Company , . , , OSO 1,562 . . . .
CUthaii' l'msekhmlg Ct ) . . . . . . 208 2,46 518
Il. Becker nail Dogaim. 1111
Lohnnami & Rothschiids. 724
hiuston st Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
1.ivingsttin & tlclialer. . I' )
Swift ittitI Co. , ctotmmtry 61
Utmulahy P. Co. , IC. C. . 22
Ciii. 1' . & 1' . Co. Nob. C 607 . . . .
Othtir btt ers El
Left over . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104) ) 200
Te3tnl'i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,687 7,556 718
'rotitiys receipts footed U ) ) JUN' , .oottt 200
' 189 20a me svet'k
cat's , as against yestertiny ,
ago , 191 two weeks ago. 1 'tmr a Thtimsdny it
55155 it larger rumi than usual of both cattiu
mimiti ilOi $ ,
CAT'l iA-Recelpts of cattle today svere
somewhat aboVe tile uverrigo ( or it l'httr3-
day ,'rs has'lmig npparcntiy forgotten
Clint Thurs.iay , which outside bti'ers are
hot expected to tperate to any exteimt , 18
it luot' ) day to send Itt many cattle. 'I'he
fact of its being a Thursday , however.
. clitirel ' [ the colt-
% s.itH net ) rCslOIlSlblO or
ditiomi of time market. Chicago advicemt
Indicated a weak mind dull marleot , nail it
55its imni'diy to be expected that this mar-
ket. Wotilti develop maucli tite under Cite cir-
Handy little steers , such as are in good
deinanti all tii timno of late , and which ito
omte huts amty number of , svcre fully stetuly
amid thq t'es' Ii ) be had sold etti'i ) ' met \'ot'y
satisfactory itrIce , ,
heavy t.'attle svero slow tend ss'emti ( rein
start to iinisli , anti I t miot sniooth mimi wt'li
linished , Sc ioss'er , itilul In eXtretmiu Clt:4e5 :
StmflO wottld say 1Cc lower. Buyers were
adimiitting hieas'y cattle to be So lusver on
an aver.ige. 'rite lnnrllt't was considerable
of a drag all Cite muoritilig , but still hiy 10
ociock Cite most of tile ieceipt8 had
ciman9ed hands.
Butchers' stock was as usual at this
POllilit in active ilemmind , antI the offerings ,
ivitichi Svere not Very large , e'iiang'ot itttndm
imi good setisoIm. The prices 1)01(1 ) ( WCre mOt )
mnuteltali3' thu erent ( ruin those which ire-
s'ttlietl yesterday. hulls , stags , cii' . , SVCI'C
.tls ( ) lit moderate supply mile ! 1110 market
not materially citungeil.
Stock eattlo ss'eru In light stipitly , ilut
there were sotito Pulled AmigUs hollers
wiiichm sqlti at $ I.S5 amid seine steers of the
Santo bmektl , which brought $5.25. The market -
ket was unLilumigeti as regards values.
Quite me number of nttio slili > ied in for
beef sold to the feeders to go back into
the coontry , the feeders being better buy-
cr5 tItan the killers. llepi'esentutis'C sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Ae. 'r. N.j. Ar. Pr.
1. . 870 $2 75 22..1li3 $4 8) ) ) 20. .1132 $4 40
1. .1190 2 75 8. . SSO 1 30 IS. .123.1 4 40
1..l0'20 I SI 2..llIO 4 3' ' ) 12..IUTI 42 ½
1. . S20 4 00 14 , .1803 4 It ) 2. .1140 4 45
l..12s0 40' ' ) 613. . 975 450 20..1210 445
1. .12O 4 05 hl..ll'Jl 4 30 21..1078 4 45
1 _ . Lr ) ) 4 ( iS & 4..1123 4 85 ! l..lait ; 'I
1. . SiC 4 10 16. .1335 4 33 21. .1115 4 45
1. .119' ' ) 4 10 7. , li&1 4 35 19. .lhtl ; 4 15
2..1210 4 15 18. .1272 4 33 1l.1037 4 43
5. .1178 4 20 5.,1372 4 33 21.1211 4 45
21..1I943 4 25 7..1012 4 35 25..1230 4 43
21. .1059 4 23 21..llOl 4 33 1. . 950 ' 1 50
1..Il9l ) 4 25 13..1t52 4 40 17..1204 4 50
75. . 97) 4 25 1. .1700 4 4) ) ) 5..1168 53)
166.1150 ' 1 25 19. .1323 4 40 G..120S 4 50
I. .103)4) 4 10 40.l0t'J ) 4 40 3l..h1S0 56
2.1. .1217 4 80 18. .1540 . 40 20. .1239 55
CttV ! $ .
1..1000 2 75 3. . 956 3 35 l..1270 1.5
1 , . 780 2 90 1..hlSU .8 45 I..135) ) ) 85
1. . itS ) ) 2 15) ) 1..hl30 3 50 1.1i30 SI
1. .1020 3 00 1. .1240 3 50 15. . 937 1.5
1. . 60) ) ) 3 00 3. . 916 3 50 6. .1135 85
3. . 873 3 (8) ( ) 1. .1054) ) 50 1. .1250 85
6. 818 3 04) 1..l1S ) 60 21. . 976 1.5
3. . 916 3 15 1. .1100 60 1. .1220 00
7. , 911 3 20 1. .1060 60 2. .1060 3 05
2. .1010 3 20 1. 1.30 611 1,13.IO 4 00
1.1140 3 23 1..10S0 65 2..100 ( ) 4 00
1. . 870 23 1 , . 740 70 10. .1115 4 05
Vt. . 530 25 2.hlOS 75 2. .1120 4 03
1. , 750 25 1 , . 60) 75 7..1261. 4 10
1..11)0 25 1.l010 3 75 1..1440 4 25
1.120 35 1. . 900 3 75 1. . 860 4 25
1. . .9S0 .1 00 6. . S4 4 15 2. 690 4 25
2. . 6'.5 4 04) ) 25. . 734 4 20 1. . 400 1 23
2. , ) Jt5 .1 60 12. . 914 4 20 23. . 655 4 30
2. . 955 1 15
19.83 485
1. . 570 3 00 1..I5IJU 3 110 1.1620 375
1.1080 3 01) 1.16 ! ' ) 5 5) ) ) 1..1S00 S 75
1.1i10 S 25 1. .118' ' ) 3 50 1.1(31U ( S lt )
l..1000 3 2.5 I..1Ol0 3 50 l.l.1l0 350
1. .137' ' ) 8 25 1. .1600 3 6) ) ) 1. .1490 3 95
I. .1510 3 30 1. .1550 3 60 2. , WJ3 4 (10 (
3..142) ) ) 53' ' ) 1..1080 : ice 1. . 1.70 400
1..liSO 8 .10 : l..1571) ) 3 65 1.1300 4 (0) ( )
ll.490 :150 : 1. . 900 275
1..320 460
1..1010 4 03
1. . : iO'i ' : i 00 19. . 825 4 31 25. , lU.b i15 i
1. . :110 : 1 00 1)1. ) . 915 4 :13 : 1. . 420 4 50
2. . StO : i So ( . . 915 4 35 9. . est ; 4 53)
1. . SIC S 75 13. . 8321 65 59. . 7lS 4 65
4. . , lSS 4 01) 20. , 1.91I 40 1. . 500 4 75
1. . 75) ) ) 3 15 27. . 5)01 ) 4 40 1. , 150 11 (0)
I. . 970 4 27 6. . 736 'I 10 9. , 69i 5 23
I. . (21) 4 25 .5. . 916 4 4) ) )
18. . 11701 1' ' ) 7. . ( iTS 413
hOGS-Following tite bretlc : In thio provision -
sion moaricet yesterday ChIcago reported a
thrtmp in the lriOO ) (11 hogs this mtiorning of -
lU@lSc. That ( itc't , together wittt tIme lib-
cciii receipts which ssreru considerably
rtlxS'O time average ( or ii Fm iday , coiistituteul
the ss'eak feature In today's market tenth
brougltt aboUt lo'er lrlces.
Omi the opening market. or rather , before
the mnark.'t . openetl , It few choice lonth of
liens' ) ' hogs sold at $1.25'i4,33) , witicli was
fully steady with yester.lay. 'rh.'n titere
was some trutliltg right at the opening itt
lrices that were 5111Cc loss'er , 'rho gemmeral
market , however , SViIH lint lOc lower , atid
it ) s'4t)4 Oil tlmttt basis that the most of time
hogs sold. A. large proportion of time hogs
sold at $1.IOFI.lS , as against $ i.24fl4'1.25 yes-
terday. in aChier words , they took off just
about what they Put on ye34terthlt ) ' . time
Itogs sehilug today in about tIn , same
notches as on Tuesday.
'I'he trade wns not especially active at
ti ) uheciitie. RH sellers svero a little slow
, tl)0ilt taking their medicine. Still the hogs
kept selling imel buyers were not long in
gathering In at iciest half of the receipts.
'I'hen tlte tratle .ltckel ) UI ) and syams still
lower nail finally wlteii iirovisions ollellitt
lower an'I ndvlces from other maikots caitlt
still more unfavorable , it iiitttomietl nut.
'File close Wns fully ISe lower. the last
sales being t $ I.054.10. Itepresemitativo
tles :
No. Av , 511 , Pr. No , y. Sb. Pr.
63..27 1.0 $4 OS 78..170 80 $4 05
61..218 1.0 4 03 43..248 , . , 4 (36 (
1.0..211 200 4 05 154..77 . . . 4 07 %
72..279 160 4 (17 ( 83..231 80 4 07' ,
1.1).214 ) . . . . 4 (37 ( 79..208 320 4 07 %
. . . . . . 210 4 10 67..231 16) ) ) 4 10
64..267 80 4 10 Cl..269 1.0 4 10
79..219 320 4 10 66..21) 1.0 4 10
70..211 20 4 10 . . . . . . 40 4 10
10..1011 . , . . 4 10 79..2.'i ) , . . 4 10
. . . . . . . . . . . 4 10 70..211 . . . 4 10
41 . . . . . .316 560 4 10 . . . . . . 200 4 10
67..271 120 4 10 60..261 80 4 10
62..235 120 4 10 CO..294 160 - 10
1.8..209 , . . 4 10 1.11..292 504) 10
611..247 1.0 4 10 71..226 40 10
. . . . . . . 200 4 10 5) ) ) , , . . , , 283 , . . 4 10
62..295 160 4 10 71..25' ' ) , . . 12V
CS..262 . . . 121C. 33. . . . . . . . , ) + j SO I2I
59 272 200 4 12'f ' 62..273 40 12'/ '
: : : . . : . . . 4 121/ ' 10..262 16' ' ) 4 12t/
14.265 120 4 l2mJ 61..234) 1. ' ) J2t
65..261 120 l2 6.5..26.1 160 4 321.3
0).264 ) . . . 15 78..213 40 I IS
65. , . 249 , . . 15 52..2) ) lIt ) 15
I , ) ; 300 . 15 74..2i2 160 15
72. : : : :2i . . : 15 1,4..267 160 15 40 15 72..257 1.0 15
C'.276 ' ) 1.0 15 71 . . . . . .261 120 15
73..252 , , 11 ; 69..262 820 4 15
69 . , . . . , 261 . . . 4 15 65..275 , . . 15
42 . , . . . 256 . . 4 16 el. . . 2i2 . . . 4 20
44 . , , - . 290 1.0 4 20 03..207 1.0 ' 20
1.0. i , . , . 240 120 4 05 71 . . . . .247 820 4 05
64).266 bO 4 05 59..237 , , . 4 013
'at..207 , . . 4 tYfl4 71 . . . , , , 260 , , . 4 10
71 257 . . . 4 07',4 33 , . . , i7 . . , 4 10
61..244 120 10 12 . . . . . . 224 ! . . 4 10
( i2..250) ) 1. ) 10 73.213 410
00 .239 240 4 10 ( AS..273 120 4 10
65..2u5 1. ) ) 10 68. , . , . . 2D't . . . 4 12,4
71..2711 40 lIt4 'Th..244 SO 4 12 %
73..2)1) ) . 120 hS4 ' 4 ' 71..212 % I0 I 12
. . . . . . . R ) 1214 ' 64..247 , , . 4 12
SI..323 200 l2 ( ' r . . . . . .288 SO I 12
70..261 . . , l2,4 61..213 , . . 4 15
69..255 . . . IS 40..293 80 4 15
5 % . . . . . .I't3 . . . 15 67 . , _ . . 266 80 4 22 %
64..2'7h If' 4 25 S9..310 , . . 4 30
4..250 , . , 4 07 6..270 . , 4
; ) . . . 4 1)5 1.:104 : . . , ot
S..206 . , 4 f1 % 6..112) ) ) . . .
3..1 % . , , 4 10 . . . . . . , 10
2 216 . . 4 10 4..237 . 10
3..166 . , . 4 10 1.12) . . , 10
6..211 . . . 4 12 % 6..2511 12 %
C.1111 . . . 4 12 % Ii , . . . , 22' ' ; 4 12 %
S..2.3 . . , . 4 12 % . . . . . . . . , 4 12 %
l . . . . . .2118 . . . 4 15 6 . . . , 2136 , , , 4 15
11..2.18 . . . I IS I..272 . 4 15
S..27t1 . . . 4 15 6..253 1.0 4 15
4..205 . . . 4 16 4..1111 . . , 4 15
6..283 . . . 4 15 7..221 . . . 4 15
4..245 , . . 4 15 8..212 . , 4 17 %
ShEEP-Them wore only two loads on
Snie till. nioriiitlg , which SYILS not omiotigi ) tt )
make a real test of the mnmitket , The offer-
ingu' consisted of a single mnol a. tiouble .tf .
shorn iamb. , mint good , which .ol.1 rcaIiiy
at a stonily Price. The ulemnamid for sheep
and hmimb. at this point. 1st large nnti as
tue sea..on when liberal Tocelpts are to be
expected is prncticauly.nver wltii there Is
no tirtttgcr of shippers Ilnthlng men ovorloatieii
market. itclresemltatlve 8111081
No. , Ar. Pr.
511 lambs , shorn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . El $4 43
( IltiC.tUO i.1'l'h S'I'OClC MAIIKE'I' .
Hloav Iemnnnut ( ot-l1.1g.niti , ( lie I'rlto s
Are 1.wt1r.
CHICAGO. Jimmie 2.-Tue trade in cattle
was slower today titan for sotne time itmitl
Price. were no' more thami stently for lIght
antI mnetlititn steers. henry c'ttttio were
hard to st'hl , even at reiltlettons of OlilOc.
trcsiiu'4 beef steOrs , $ t.00714,00 ; lhlillCrt. ,
$5,0)Of'.53 ) ; western foul steers , $1..t5i i.75 :
toCker8 and fee.ler. $ l,00ti5.00 ; cuss's atd )
heifer , , $2.SOIII.r.o ; calves , $ , ,261f7.28 ; Texas
steers , $3.I ( ' ( ITO.
There % Vii , a show demunnil ( roam ( . 'liicago
) ) tLCkt'rO nn.I cuistormi shippers for hugs ,
Prices were loll ISo lower : fair to clmol.
$ l.127i I.Ls : ; Iaetc'rS , $ .1.9fil.hll btitciter ,
$ i.00i'm 4.30 ; liilxeul , $3.95W1.23 ; hightt , $1.7O8J'
4.20 ; pigs , $2.GOttl.55. ;
'l'rnutc was iit'tl'ti iii SitCell ut tite recOnt
-tilrarmce Nmitisiteep , $3.2561 1.65 ; 'I'exalts.
$3.05t1l.G ) ; ClillOt1 itilitlit ; , $ .I.73Si6. & ) ) : w.iel . ,
inimihis , $11. 231 6. 80 ; spring iittnbs , $0 .83 6 . 3' , ) ) .
Receipts : ( 'utile , 11,5(30 lionel ; hogs , 2ti,0t )
head ; slteen , 15(0)0 ltatl. City il ye St'lc.
KANSA S C l'l' ' , Jtmmio 2.-A'rThE-Rc.
ceiltit , 3.700 heal ; light weight tiresseut beef
steers , nil gi'athcs of buteliers , took me strong
feeling to lIe higher ; course steers .htnv'
prime heavy steers $1.G.34f4.S0 : nteuhiumtl ,
Sl.65(4.C5 ; light , $1.001(1.05 ; stockers mind
f'eders. 84.00135.75 : buitcimer cosvs no.1 . heif-
cr14 , $3.35fl.711 ; emiuner , , 1.3.001(3.35 ; bulls , $3.00
6(4.00 : vi ai calves , 85.503(6.50 ( ; 'roxas steers ,
$ I.O.4i'4.50 ; cows , $2.50iih.55.
1IOGS-Ileceipts , 15,010 htettl. : As a result
of the decline in provisions the last few
day's , hogs ss'ere iow , prices uneven mtti.l
fi'omn Sc to ISe losvcr ; henvy , $1.121Il.20 :
mixed , $3.90'b4.15 ; iiglitt. . 3113(1 oackers , $3.75@
4.10 ; pigs , 52.1101) 3.75 ; yorkers , $39311 4.00.
SIIEFJ1'-iteceipts. 1,400 heal. lTmidi'r influence -
fluenco 1)1 an active .lemnamt.1 . and small re-
CeIItS , prices score stronger : smuritig Iaitllai.
$50056.50 ; natls'o mn1itton , $ l.256i.75 ) ; Utait
Clilped ialflbS , $ l.75ii5.00 ; 'Fexas m-.itt-ep . , $4.25
84.50 ; tockcrs and fectiem , $2.50834.00.
St. L.ii Is lis'p Slock.
ST. LOUIS , Jut10 2.-lt'l'TLE-fleceipts ,
1.)3 ) iienl , including 725 ' ) 'eSll as : shlipmtlellt. .
100 head ; market ivemik amid slow ; fair to
fmt mtcy un t sli lopi hg miih 'lix3)rt ) . steers.
$ I.358 15.10 : hulk of sale4. t1.50'i5.O ( ) ; dresst'tl
beef anil butchers , $ l.15i4.SO ; bulk of'$81c $ .
34.10114.75 : steers under 1,000 11)8. ) . $3.S3it
4.65 : bulk of sales , $4.25f11.45 : stockers 1111.1
feeiler , $ : i.00p4.75 : milk of stiles , $5.10IJ
4,43 ; cosvs auth heifer , , $2.25114.T0 ; bulk of
cows. $ l.0OS'i.90 : ; Texas and lndinn steerS ,
$3.25514.8. ; 1)111k Of sales , $3.70'0'4.0O ; cows
amId Iteifers , 52.401.1.55. .
I IOGS-.fleecipts , 5.800 hen.1 ; sltlpmnemits ,
1,50' ' ) hme'al , ; ntarkct 51110e loss'er ; york'ri.
$3.S51) 3.00 ; 1)mtClcerS , $4.00fr4.25 ; lutcim'rs ,
Sit FiflI'-Tteceipts , 1.300 head ; shipments ,
1,60) iieu.l ; market actIve , iii,1 stemuly ; mizt
tivu tnuttun , $4.004i'4.4'.5 ; lambs , 1.5O1i5.50.
N.-s' S'trk lIre Stoek.
NE\\ ? YORK , June 2.-BEEVES-Re-
Cc'ipts. 115 head : no trading ; cables svero
stronger ; live cattle , Sil0c , dressed
weight : live 511001) , 9't1'1Oe , .lressed
weight : no shipments toilny or tomorrow.
CALI'ES-llecelpts. 317 heat ) ; -eveick ; reals ,
$40056.60 ; cimoicc' , $6.75 ; bottormilk calves ,
no m I nifi.
51116111' AND LAMBS-Rectlits 2,869
heath : lirm for all grades : sheep , $3AOB.76 ;
export grades , $5.0' ) : yearlings , common to
( imir. $3.60 : inmi ) , , $7.09.
IIOGS-Receints , 441 head ; firm ; mmomimtal
thilotatiolts. 51.25011.75 ; southern and west-
era Iigs , $325114.15.
CiieIi.nat I 1ls'e Stuck.
CINCINNATI , June 2.-HOGS-Dull at
CA'l'TLE-Steady at $2.75'W4 ' .50.
SIIEE1'-Strong at $2.5tC114,00.
LAMBS-Strong mit $351f 1.75.
Stck In SIght.
Record of receipts of live stock at tue
four principal markeis , for June 2 :
Cattle hogs. Sheep.
Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1,703) 7.653 619
Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,600 26,000 15,000
Kansas City . . . . . . . . . . 3,700 15,600 1,400
St. Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1,800 . . . . . . . ,
Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,700 61,455 18,219
CO'i'TOX 1IIAILK 1l'i' .
, Nest's Is (7ei.ermiiIlIejirIsh mtii.I i'rlces
' re Ioit ! r ii t I Ii e (71 use.
NEW YORK , June 2.-The scop& of flue-
tuations In speculation is chiieily restricted
to batting shnre. The tendency of the
market at the start was downward and
liqultation ss'as followed by bearish news
anti immsatisfactory reports front the En-
gush cotton market. Later , 1owee'er ; , the
loss semis recovered oim light local everlmg. , ,
shorts beimig , li-ivemi in by r.'ports that rain
.ls lts lailly neetheth ill Aitintmmi : itmttl Georgimu
nut planting iii North Ca roliiiu % % 115 stiffer-
lug from too much inoistut' , ' . Another ( cii-
turo sshich made bears catltiotm was timu
I , i I llefl mit ) . . ' , , umitit t 0)11 , ) I t lie lmi ! I 1 tivet lull ii t
cloth market , Time market ss'ns duli with
lriees titill nfltl tmnciititgctl ; to I point net
lower. Total smiles , futures , 62,700 1)1111'S.
Siot very .lemil ; niIddhing , 6c ; not receipts ,
120 1)111(15 ; groi's receipts , 274 iales ; exports ,
to tIme CumttiltC'lt ) , 3,053 lathes ; silt's. : 622 hales ;
spinmic'rs , 22 i.itles ; stoc'lc , 116,2.7 , . bales , 'l'o.
tiil totny : Net vec'elpt.i , 1.531 bales ; exPerts -
Ports to Grr'a t lInt am , 0,100 tei los ; to the
comitinemit , 1,055 lathes ; stecir , lhi.2l0 hales ,
Coimsoiltlntc'd : Net rec.'ipls. I ) ) Si' ' ) bales ;
exports to Gt'emit Ihi'itiilm. 31.211 h.iles . ; ; to
i'm'ttii cI10.21 0 , len : I o I ho . 'o ii I I lt ( 'II I IS-
9j9 hamlet' . T.tiil , muinre Seilteauipr I ; Net
rOcolItis , 8,371,821 iiiiem. ; Oxp'rtt. to Oremtt
llritnin. 3:321,077 : bales ; to 1"rtic'e ; , 79S,205
bales ; to tlo , continent. 2.117.768 biIes. ;
Ni'\V YfhlF , Juilo -CtJT'i'ON-Ftm. .
( ores , quiet : June .15.83 1)1(1 ; July , 8.3
5.97 ; August , $6.'J3'15D43 ; llept'imniwi' ' , $5.3S1
5.99 ; October , $6.i'75i5.SS : Novciilior. $5.891
6.ti ) ; 1)t'cemmiia.'r , $ , ' ! . ' ) ; January , 55.95Sf
5.96 ; F'eirmiary. 55.9'0. . 5.00. Spot. 'iuiet ;
sales , 1,830 halos : ortlit)5ry , 4 S'S. . ; Irooui or-
d I ito ry , Sc ; It ) iV miuid I ing. S 7-IS" : in kId I lug ,
6 11-I6c ; good moiddlilig . , fle , ; mnitltlllmg , fair.
Ge ; receipts , 1O-5. . , h1ol& ; stock , 169,719
bait's. .
LIVEIIPOOL , June .L-CLY1"1'ON-1lpot ,
I iiimiitiol .ltlniltnl ) : iwlces fhvornble to inmyors
I Amiiorhan rnidthttng , : i i9-32t1 ; sales of the
.1:1) svetu 7.00' ' ) bait's , pt WllI'll ) 3) iveril for
sIcCtliatiou iiit'l ' eShtJt't , iL.nd iltCltidi'd 6,3,00
Ainorit'an ; receipts , l'10911 biieH. including
I 1ItOQ Americami. tuture3pei1r1 ( 'as ) ' , wiIh
ml modIll'nto themanul nn'l ' , 'ioswut dull : Anteri-
rail nuilldiiilir , L. ZtI , C , . .11,110. .1 3l-IVh 3264.l
vaiua Jtinc and July 3 .
; ' , .11-C4i5-6ltl vahimu :
.1 ull' itnil August , 3 I.-4li svllers ;
aitel September , 3 'JiG1i 32-tlti btmycrmt'
Septeiiiier alitl October , 3 30-64'bS 12-Old it15'-
ers ; October itmid November , .3 29.1,4133 10-Cl. . ]
seii'rs ; November anti 1)eccmmibcr , I 211.Gl5'
3 23-61.1 . selii'rs ; 1)eci'mnhor timid Janiizti' ' ,
3 2S-0i13 29'Gltl sellers ; Jautmar' ) anti 1"
: ery , S 2-Glij 3 29-64c1 seilt'r4 ; 1' ebruitry ii
Simtchm , , 3 29-01.1 . sellers ; March ) and April ,
3 20.tid buyers ,
% 'uul 5Istrlels.
I1OSTON , June 2.-'Fiitu Itrices for lcitding
d'xeri I lt ions n ro .iuOt . tuti II H ( oh iO'V S
Ohio zinul Penhisyivania fleeces , X auth
above , 24 26e ; XX nail above , 201320c ; de-
irtint' and No. 3 combIng , SOc ; No , 2 comb-
iig , , 29c. ? . .iichilgni'iseonsin , , ci c.-Zth itii
igan , 22e ; No , I 1'.iiciligaii nipI lilinoi comb.
log , 21o ; No. 2 I'ii'hgaii [ and Illinois comb-
lug , 2e ; X Nosy York , New 1lamisiiire and
Vol mont , 23fj24c delnino anti IicIiigmin. 28.e
' t'nwrtiieuI Inethitlimi , tcentuciry and lilIhiUfla
, tlilarterblootl , also three-eIghths-blood
conibing , 221j23c ; h3lsstiurl ( iuartcr.1)i)0t1
) umitI thirce.e'igliths.blatid comnltimig , 2l4j22c ;
, Lake and ( leorgia , Wg23)c , Texas ss'ools ,
HIring medium ( twelve mnontitit ) , 1&l1h' ;
mt'OimrL'tl , 30(1420 ; svrlni.r line ( tweivo
XfloIltlmt4) , lCu(17c ; Scoured , 4311'lSc. 'rerritors'
SVIltt , 2'lontumia line tnethitii fll ) tin" , 15P
11.a ; scoured , 45c : Hiulilo , i8o ; tHai ) , tS'yonl-
In : : , etc. , ( Ilto , li11lSe ; scoured , 43t15c ( , eta-
I'le , 45e. Australlam , , scoured itasIs , combing -
ing semperfine , 7072o ; good , 631165e ; average ,
C20G5o ; Quec'nsiaztticorulIngG5 , ,
cli 3litrkeut.
011. CITY. Pa. June .
. , 2.-'CrtOhIt balances ,
SGc ; certiikutes , no bids . ( or cash ; closed at
$ .70 ; t.hlliiiiiiit , 73,78) ) hbhs. , runs , S3,73
bbls ,
SAVANNAh , ( Ia. , -2.-dllS.--Spiritu
ttlIlielitI'C , firni at 26 I-Se. floKImi , unit itliti
imtl1'hlPCul ,
\V1tMlNChTON , 4' , C' , , June -011.5- -
SPirits turpetitltie stetuly at 24i8428c' .
Rosin , firm at 95ei1l.0O. Crtmt1 tUl'ht'fltitle ,
quiet at 11.00 , $1.64) ) atiti $1.70. Tar , firm met
14UI1'ii' FOIl lt4l' llte ? 'ii l'ii0Ii.
ie..hgnei to 1 < eci , Cattle 0(2 ( 8 I.e 1 ii-
.1 inn llrser.'ut hut.
CI1AMBEI1IAIN , S. 1) . , Juno 2.-Speclmsl. ( )
-A government surveying party is at su'orh (
locating the hue for time sixty-mile feud
whIch wIll separate the I'Inn Ridge reserva-
( ion from the ceuied Sioux iaitths lying north
of'iiito riser , which forms the nortimorme
botmnuinry hue of ( tic reservation. Sitico tile
opening to settlement of me hiatt of the Sioa *
reservation , in ISIO , the Intilans has-c been
greatly annoyed by cattle belonging to white
stoekmemi crossing the tine of the reservation -
tion , Cattle have usually drifteti to tla
reservation during storms , antI in soveraiL
instances Indians have gathered timens together -
gether and taken them to I'ine flhtig
agency , where they were lic'itl ( or a ransoma
of $1 per heatl. Only by the energetic sctiort
of the northwestern liteflibera of congress
iuivo the cattle 1)0(01 relemu.eul withiotit tim
necessity of pnyltmg tlio amnollmits dniiiantlutl
by ( Ito indians , which sggregiitsti thotisaiid
of dollars. TIte long felice will be coil-
structed of both wire , ss'ith Iroit l)04tt. , thiti
preventing it being thestroyetl by liralrio
fires , The construction of the fetico will ,
It it ; expected , remove nil tinmiger of serious
trolmble 1)otsveen the stoekiliemi auth Indians
by reason of cattin straylmig across the ihue.
Sitt-puile ( ' 4 , , , rt 1)t' ' IsIii. ) ,
ChhIi'llNNlI'yo. . , June 2.-Speciai ( ) -
Tito'y0hil log stiirenlti court liantheti tIown
evernl imnlortamit ) .leisiens thIs morning.
In time case of John Owens , sheriff of Weston
County , tigaImmst Meyer Frank a Clrott4 )
qtcstioii ) s\'as raist'tI. It was v1uetiier or tint
a conversation huetween a party to the cause
nntl one who ss'as called as a witutess in
5 % itich tue cotiiniunicatlons were miiiitie in
eonfi.lcnco as me mmietmibcr of the Masonic ( ra-
ternity in relation to matters iti time cam
store Ilrts'ilCgctl and s'hot1ier tue witness
v0)ilth ) bo obliged to discioo tixu'ia , The this-
( net court hOltI tiizit ( Ito conversatIons worn'
cottildt'mitInl and time witness would tint b&
obliged to disclose tltenl , The tnmlmtente court
reversed time decision , holding ( lint the colt-
versatiotis tnittlo thither plethge of 2.tasonia
secrecy swore tmot prIvileged.
Iii The flank of Chmulron against Martin
C , Amtdersoti the juilginent of the district
court \\'eston couitty was aiflrttted.
The judgmneiit of the district court of
Johnson collmty seas aillrunetl in the case of
Ii. J. lalzehi ngaiimst The State of Wyoming. .
Iahzelt semis eottvictt'tl of cattle stealing.
The simprenie court holds that tlit evitlence
svitg tuisemilicient to sustain ( Ito coitvictloa
auitl that no errors occurred in the trial.
In the case of the Laramnie National Batik
against Stelitlioff , time juilgimient of the Al-
balmy coulity district court was reversed. lii
tills CflSO Steinhoff Was enjoined by a decree
of tue court ( rout entering upon lands belongIng -
longIng to tue liiztltttiff. lie tiisebeycd thu
decree , but wmis auhjutiged not in colmtclmmltt
as it was hi'htl he huteil a claIm of right to
the lantls lii question. Time sUhtrelflO court
rtiicti Clint the question of intent ss'as not
mimaterlal s'hiere ii. wilful vIolation of tito
tertns of an ilujulictioli occurs itad thircctctl
tIle district court to requii'o tIle dcfeninnt to
niake immediate retltution of the protert7
to ( lie injureul lrnrty.
' . , , , ( ultgressiltil ( 'iihl.I , liisii.
DiiAlVOOl ) , S. D. . Juno 2.-Special.--- ( ) '
Freentami Knowles , one of tile South iakota
niembers of congress , recently ltmlhiShe.1 ) In
hIs paper here au article tienouncing Senator
Lodge of Masracitusets , a copy of svhleit was
Sent to the * eutator lmy 11. J. Nissemi of 11111
CIty. who received this reply :
Jlvt'rythiing in Cite mtrticle rciatlmtg to hum
is absoltmteiy and tmitqumailficdjy false. I
never utteretl Chic worth. attributed to mu
mitt mtever for a motmiemit iiad sneli _ tiiougiit.
Time seltelo thing Is a pure Invention of tlto
writer. I have received one or two other
letters caiiliig may attention to this urtieie ,
but toy attittmtle In regard to Cuba has been
so ss'eli knowli for years that I did mini suppose -
pose any one would give attention to suci
sIlly and baseless lies.
1ore Cat tie for Vynmnl ng.
CIIIIYENNE , Wyo. , Juno 2.-Special.- ( )
Frank Ilentoa of this city has just returmied
from southern Utah , bringing with him 1,150
cattle , which will be pastured at the Cnnp
Stool ranch , in this county. lie has 800
more on the way. He reports time cattio
situation as being very promising. Momley
is ititich easier than a mnontlm ago amid many
sales of southern cattle for nortitermt has-
ttmrage are being made. The nbtmndamtt rains
have placed the ramiges and hastures in
Sil.'fltlId cotidition and stock hover looked
better at this season in arty prevIous year.
Mte : . ' m'li'ttl liii I it Vyoinl iig ,
CIIIIYI6NNII , Wyo. , June 2.-Spocial.--- ( )
State Uaumk Examiner H. 13. Ucpderson hints
just completed a comnparatis'e statezneimt of
the resources , .lcposits , reserves and general
condition of the banks of the state. lie
finds all of them iii perfect condition. ho
says there never was as much money in the
state as there is today.
A , , , 0 , se.ii's ( uirIt.t.N.
CIII LLOCOTIIII , Mo. , June 2.-Speclal.- ( )
Eduia Wimitmtey-Lamte , erstwhile labor queen ,
hilts ngaimt left imc'r husband altO enterc'ti uuliOlt
a new role. She Is now travelimig for a SL
Louis vinegar ( arnm.
1onsmus ; 'eSi'H iVoti's.
Sntlth comitity is overrun by rats. Thu
rodeitts eve , ] attack amitl ltili young pigs.
A thousantl at'res of wheat In Wehilimgton
county was recently destroyed by hail.
Old tilmics collie again. There Is it urairie
dog town lii Neniaba cottnty , mieai' Centrlliii.
A 1)50k Imi McPherson cuullty ofer ( home
itl000y tot' investment , and nit Atchison rout
estate denier ativurtises that ha has * 50,000
; 'hieb be lit "afixIolls" to invest ,
FIshlimg is gooti at llluu lt8li'l' ' In ahdl- (
I ion to F.ulplylng tittt 110100 mnarlcet , time
lishoriitei : ( lucre shill 500 htouuds a day to
t other Central branch towns.
The ntmiscot of the Twenty-second reiii-
macnt is an owl , tlto projerty of a eitptmdmi.
It has been jihiotogrnpuieil unit ita picture
will nciot'it cii of time elivehopes time boys use
in writing hiomue.
Time tuto 1)icycho meetto be Iteld at
Sahimia July 4.5 , sviii 1)0 a novel alfuir. 'rho
races wIll nil he run at iiight under clectriu
lights , except the qualilyimig heats , syhiiah
ssIhl be run hate in the afternoon , htidura.
of national reputatiomi will b-a entered ,
Tue ittato of lattsas lit 1801 raised 60,000-
000 bushels of s1teat , sol.I. tilcordimig to us.-
timmintes , ( oi' $11,000,000 , In 1892 the crag
55'llS 70,000,000 , thu largest over known in
tile state , but sold at low Prices for ohily
about 3S,600,000 , Front ( hint timne to 1897
was a period of lmort crops an' low prices ,
The 1897 cr01) was over 60,000,000 busitula ,
and sold for at least 70 ceuts a bushel , or
3500O,0O0 , This year's crop , on me conscrvn-
tire estimate , will be 65,000,000 bUshels itlul
should sell for 75 cents a htmsiiel , or a total
of $18,000,000 , If tito condiLI lls contiimuo as
favorable as they are now thio CtOl ) JuRy be
far larger , runmilmmg Up to 80,000,009 , no.1 .
80010 CYCU imrodict 100,000,03)0 btsimuh8.
H , It. l'etui' Cu , ( successors Is
Clii'l..ll.-Str.'et Ciii , Cu. ) hit'n venues' .
s'l to ro.uii 'I , Xe'ty York II Ic hIiul i'll ms ,
'I'521L1lIlOlhC I 0:19 : , Oinrmlia , Nt2b
GRtIN , l'ROVISONS ! : tittl S'J'OCIS
UOM4I ) 4W Tll.hhi.
fllre'I wii to Ciiieiti anti New York ,
Corrsbpuadnls4 Johiu * Wsrrsn 6i
- - - -