' . - g' . . - - - - - ' - ' . - - - , - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - - . T H E 0 MAH DA I LY BEE . ' , ESTAMTISITEJ ) JUNB 19 , 1871. OMAUA , FRIDAY MOflN1NG , fl4tE 3 , 1898-TWELVE JAGES. . . SINGIiE COPY FIYB CENTS. * 1tESTAT TilE GROUNDS : Visthti ! to th Tmnmthsippi Exposition rina rru I'DELIGHTFUL SURCEASE FROM THE HEAT ' Oo1onnacs an Buildings Prov DcHghtful Ectreata from the Smi , WORKMEN HURRY FORWARD ON DETAILS . , - - Incomplete Portions of the Great Show Are iapid1y Being Finished , MIDWAY ATTRACTIONS LOOK ALIVE Iii ( crrINttIg Mhc , , iiici ' 1t , ; % vert SVnI t I : ? ( Fv In it JiuNla to ( set 3LvtiIy for 1&e I'tilil Ic' , Ln- tirtxil ii luent. i After tim nctlvlty of opening tlay It was cL to be CXIeCtCI thnt any considerable t 'iowd of visitors would visit tbexposItion to 13Cc what they could Just as well see later on 00(1 the attendance was comparatively light. Some of those who stayed away would . have been agreeably disappointed , however , . - - - - - if they had beemi on the grounds. In spite of the heat. Umat. fro- vailed outside , it was delightfully , cool in the shelter of the buildings and . $ colonnades. The fact Is aireamly evluent that this exposition offers more attracllons dur- 1 Ing time hot weather than have ever been available at enterprises of the sort. If a visitor is vet too ar.ibitiois in the direction of sightseeing there are innumerable - numerable shady retreats where the heat is not in evilence and the refreshing breeze ; that sweeps up from the bluff imparts a tie- . , , . . . gree of comfort that can scareely be found at lintne. The peopln were not long In discovering - covering this when the sun began to approach - preach Its zenith , and while the main court ' wat ; almost deserted , the long rows of seats , tititler time colonnades and the mmutmmerotms gar- i1eri vere fairly vcIi poinmiated. The state buildings on the bluft tract were especially attractive anil mnoro delightful jmlaces InlmiClm to s'cnr away a hot mnidday commit ! scarcely be Imagined. Hero time at- niospliore is so cool that the e,1erior heat Is forgotten and time visitors linger in tlic . easy chairs aitmi congratulate themselves thmat they are free from time hot vavemnonts and heat-radiating walls dovmitown , The Nebraska - , braska liulIching is easily the most popular resort. Time pretty fountain that pias continually in time central court emphasized time iinpresslomm of coniimes amid luxury amid time more privilege of emmjoying thcse Comm. - inlatiomis ; titiring the Iie.tt of thin day was zuupio comopensatton for time trip to the ' gromintis. k. I ) t'Mfl.NM aiiI Coiiifortnhle. .L During the nftrrnnomm time wind became so . . - brisk tlmat it was a sotmrca of Incoimvcmilctmce. hut there was less ilust on time exposition grouiimds timium in any other piare 1mm town. - The comimpl to system of brick and gravel wahl9i bounded by broad expanses or turf makes it Impossible for time miust to find a foothold and mme matter how large a crowd there mnay ho on time groutmils very little chis comfort from that source 'will be experi- cimeed. Tao comoparitivo trcedoni of the main . . - - bmiildlngs from time throngs of sightseers was immiproveth by the exlmibitors to continue their work mind time builmlings anti groummds , department hail several small gangs of maca at. work oim mnimmor details which the hurry of constm'uctiomm imad left unhlnisimeil. The contractor of time bridges over time lagoon is rapidly coniimletliig lii work. Time side- wmilks vilI be laid toimmorrow and in anotimer day the irnveimmcnt 'iviil be down and rc.uiy . . for misc. When this is accomplished , soIre slight additional Imnpio'emmicnts viii bc' iatte on time tslnmmil. the statuary will h. inst.litd and time central ioint of the coum to will be one of its Prettiest features. Time two fomititnimis tlmat stand halt way bc'- tween thu bridges and time Aichm of m3tates are also raImiiiiy npproaclmimmg conmlietlolm , anti when time staff is lulL on they will ulso nut ! treimmeiidoimsiy to the appearance of timms virt : or time grommmmds. The Arch of States i - practically comapiete mind thu w'orkmien time putting up time enmbleinatic scais of thu art- . - states that will occupy thmc vazmels ummiher the cormmtces. On the ? itimlways comistruction is stilt active nimtl time belated concessions mire rapidly get- tiimg into simmipe to assist in time cmmtertntn- maclit of time ilmilItitutle. Sommie of them imave letii ) belmimmijimaimml In their preparations on nccouimt of their experience at. otimer exlmo3t- tiomms hmoro their receipts vcrc insignUlcatit ihimming the first month , but the big business timat was dommo by their inure progressive conipetitormi yesterday has infused mmciv tmc tivity into time work amid in a ftw days this fcmittmro of time show wilt tmc comnplete. Time 501110 idea iimms been entertained by sommia of time litato coimmimmissioims. Time fact timat. otimer expositions iitivu not been completed until a muontit oi two after the gates Oidned has giveim time impression that there vai imo ime- cessity for hmnste. bitt since it is Umuherstood that tue mania coimsiruetion vas practienily comnpietim bforo the ojenhim Ocelirreil timero is aim incremiseti disposition on time iart of mill ntmxiiimmiies to gut into line as soomi an hossi- ble.Vork wiil be pushed milgiit mmliii tltm nail in a ieek or ti'o these auxiliary lea- ( Ores will be in tomich with timosmi that s'cre directly mmimdcr time control of time i'xposittomm wunngenieimt , .iIiSSiN ) $ ( IN 1'iII iittS'1' I ) . V , Ocr ' ' ' - , . ' , , , I't rM.ma , i'mmisI , , i.t Iiitg till ! ( iumuiIi. S Time nuimmbcr of hmaul ndmtssiomms to the grmmmmiis on time opeimimmg day 'as 21Q43. The total number of iiet soiis admitted on iasse ; lunt not beem ; tienumitely tlctt'iimmint.tl at imoon today , but was cstimnatel mis hieing betwecim 15,000 mumil 16,000. 'fiie gate meccitits were slightly In excess of $12,000 , iSs a biight guimie in immaking eoimipurinmis , itinmiy be stated tlmtmt limo igtmrs % at time Nashville cx- . itosition on the opcmmltmg tiny Verc as fcmilomil - - - Patti mi'lmmmissiois ; , 8,131 : free almimimisiomis , 11 , . S6 ; total , 2O,17 ; gate receipts , 3,372.5O. Time 'Iciny in announcing time flgmmres re- 'T . - garthltig the ntimnisstoims to the grotmuths was ihue to the utmiliitshed condition of the gates. There coimiparativcly little tlitiiculty in hieeplig ; track of time Path adimmissions , iii. though the inexpcieiiee of time emmiploycs him time ilurmnfli oL Ailmissiolts delayed the eomn. hilatton of these figures until mmccii. The fact that six or seven of time registering turnstiles at time pay gates hail not heemi lmIaei in imoition , re. .J lLuirIum time Ubil of ticket boxes , ' 'ns an- oflme cause of delay , Several of the pass gates were without turnstiles. iumd ; mo record ami kept of time iervons jossimmg : tbmougb. Mi of thcc little ihimcultics wiiI be adjusted wbthtu ( lie mmext few days mmmiii the athuisaton deimartmnemmt wilt be working smoothiy.'tmu time gates are tonhlihvtetl aiitt miii the turnstiles in Working urdcr there wilt be no dhthiculty iii tietcrnmiiitmmg time number of admuissions itt any time. Each yersons jmassin and a dliii in the top shows the number. fly rcatling these dials and computing the total the result can ho known within a very short time. The nuniber of fres ailmissions appears to bo enormnoua in the aggregate , but the num- her giyen includes the army of exhibitors and coimeessionaires and their emnployes , the liumerous workmen employed in various capacittes about the grounds anti the very large number of tiisttnguished guests and societies participattng in the parade. It is undoubtedly true that the number of free admissions was much larger then the tigure named , as large numbers of people with pluises were admitted at isss gates without army record being made. . 't' Tit il 'iIIltASiCA 1UlidIN ( . ConiiIisMItmer , , . Avrnmmg. fletalis or Its Ccii t ripi-StmInI I't'mtitr&'s. A regular meeting of the Nebraska state commission was hmelil in time commission rooms In the state buiimling on the exposi. tion grounds Tuesday evening , but upon motion - tion adjourned to nmeet Thursday , June 2 , at 8 a. rn , at the same PlaCe. The cialmn of $21tJ.83 ; for a ceramic exhibit was alioweci. The withdrawal of Jessie Onnily as assistant In the floricultural do- Imrtnmcnt wan accepted anti concluded with time appoiimtmnent ofV. . II. Mullen of O'Neill as assistant in the educational department. Time assistant secretary was requested to order a telephone imiaceth in the Nebraska btmtiding , The postoffice thepurtmnetmt will be provided with stamps antI postal cards , time assistant secretary liavimig been instructed to purcimaae the same. Miss Overton's duties were defined as those of beimig in charge of the woman's waiting rooms and not expected to be In any other imart oftimo building. For the nurpose of avoldtng confusion and conflicts among assistants in tlmo state build- tag , some member of the board Is to be vresent. all time time and have supreme control - trol of exhibits amid as.iistants and direct affairs in absence of the full board.S'hczm tiuu member is absent the assistant secretary - tary will have cimargo anmi act for the board. Harriet S. MacMurphy was allowed 1OO for a daily demonstration of time food uses of Nebraska cereals. This is to be used fo pmmrchasing cooking utensils for the flour cx- imlbtt in time Agricultural buildimig. The sum of OO was set aside for the pimrpo3o of carrying on this exhibit. Presidemit Ncilie is to keep house" at the stab building until next Tuesday , when 11. M. Boytiston wili have cimargo umitil the next meeting of the board on June 13. Miss lehleima Butterfield , hmostess , was assisted - sisted Vedmiesday in receiving visitors in tle gowermmors rooms by Mesdames W. J. Bryan umimi Silas A. liolcomb of Lincoln , lilacic of l3loomingtomi , Neb. . Chamberlain and Itobin- soim of Columbus , Hunter of York , Neb. , Stoutenborougim of I'lattsnmoutlm , besides a miumber of prominent Omaha womnen. 0mm yesterday Misses Nellie anti Flora hawk , Gwetmdoltn Larsh amid Nora Duff of Nebraska City assisted ihIss Butterfield and made mmii visiting feel that. they were perfectly at imommic. This feature of entertainment is to be carried on thmrougimotmt the entire exposition - tion by woman from all over the state. I , It 0 G It At 1' ( ) It N I II It A S ICA 1).tY. Ci ) , tmimmttee Cumiehimilt's tiii . 'trrxtimge- iiiint for time L'rmimmiI IxeieIts. Tuesday , Juno ii , is to be 'Nebraska Day" at the exposition , anti no pains are huimig svared by the stnte commission , with time assistance of tho.cxposition management , to make it Ofl of the mmio3t notable days of time entire five months. Time ex-governors of Nebraska , as well as mill state oiflcers , will be invited to be present , nimmi time event promtses to ho a gala one. Efforts will be mmiamle to have excursions run from all Parts of the state , anti it is believed that timon- sands will 1)0 present on that occasion. President - dent Nevilie anti i-Jon. hi. M. Boydton of the state commmmission , wimo have the programn in charge , haiti a meeting yesterday in the State buitdimmg nmmtl decided upon time following - ing progranm , with the exercises to conmmmmence at 10:30 : a. am. , Jumme 14 , in front of time Ne- brasha building : MimsIc-Banti. I mivocmmtiomm-Chmmtncehinr MacLean of time L'niverm4ity hf Netmrnskit. Formnml tlc'thicatiomi of the Nebraska build- big , Jmmilgo 'iViilimmrn hi. Neviite , rmresident of ntate commimnismiiomm. Ittsponso-Govermmor Silas A , hlolcomb , ihimtdc-Oieo club. ltc'nmarks-hlon. William Jennhimgs % irynmm. lmmsIc. m1drtss-1Ion. . F. Guricy , Omaha , \htmsic. Amiitremmmm-1ioh1. C' . J. Smytim. Banquet to immvitetl guests. Ladies' Cadets of North Platte will give a thrill both afternoon amid evening in the assembly roonm of the Nebraska btmiiding. They challenge the world , amid especially time Spaimtarcls. l'residemm t Wattles , Secretary Wakefield and tIme executive lmlemberB of the exposition have been invited to be present amid assist itt time success of time day. There wilt be no varade or public demon- stration. h1IIiioIi l'euiile I'Ieimsed , Time niemmmbers of time Illtmmois state coma- mission who were in Omaha attendamit upon time openimmg exercises of thte exposition returned - , turned to timeir respective homes last imight with the exception of E. C. Craig of Mattoomm , C , C.Vliliammms of hloopstown mmd W. Ii. Stead of Ottawa , who will reimmmmlim a ( ow days , The commmmmmtsslommem's expressed timermi- selves as more than Imicaseti with time ox- pommitiomm amid especially with time shmowimmg mantle by time state of liitnois. Tha building has excelled tlmeir expectations anti they mica glad to say that every lllimmoismim : will be Prommil of tt when it is visited. A large 1Iig : , as well as a huge strenimmer bearimig time word "hiiimiols , ' ' were stmspemmiled from time flag iOl ) on time building yesterday immornhmmg , beimig raised by Master harry Black of Carthage , Iii. , son of Commmmntssboner'Janmes A. Black. The pnlntt'rs have cormmpicted their work 0mm time \Iommtanms state butiilimmg , amid tltmrimmg the mmext tow ilays Chairimman Stmthmcriimi of tIme state commmmission will be a busy nmamm arranglmig time turnigimiimg of time . same. It is time intention of Mr. Suthmerliim to nrrnmmgo with the exposition nmnnagemeilt for a Momi- tamma tiny , but nothing has been 'c'cided upon yet as to time program or date , 'I'un limit lii lime Ifuimsi Simlimil. Time band stand aim time Graud Plaza proved to he too warm a loeatlomm for time Marimmo band yestcr.hay aftermiona anti the cotmeert sas given in front of time ( iovernnment buitil- tug , iimerc the mmmusicians icro protected ( roiti time sumi. A large portioim of time visitors - tors on time grounds vcro immobilized at timis end of the ingoomi ammd histemmemi to lime pro- rani with as much npmreciation as was iossibio emi a sweltering afternoon , As usual the program was largely comnpoe4 of hinvulr seiecioua viihch time mmusiclans rca' dcrtd with their custommmry irecijion amid goul taste , I1trn 'I'nVIIT itt . % rt Imimii.iIig. A mica' regulatlomm has been inaugurated at time Art inmilding anti the kick that it has raistd iii only limited by time number of vis. hors lii time building. It has been orminimieti that no ommo camm carry a cane or Umbreiia Into time imrecincts sacred to artistic concell- lions rmmmti a coimeessiomi has bccim lct for a eheckin dtammd at which these cami be left ( or 10 cents inch , It time visitor has a cane anti Pits wife a iarasol it costs them 20 cents to walk througii lime building and if he is endowed 'tth human lmroclivities imis wrath is imndlsgmmlseiliy aimimareut , It is suggett ! that caine Iitoiile are uncivilized enough ( Cogtinued on F'lthl'pge. ) INDIAN CONCRESS iS SAFE Oonference Committee Agrees on Appropriation - priation of $4OOO , SECRETARY flF INTERIOR PL.ANS DETAILS SclmnUjr Tiiursloim Wiil lnilenvor to Hrt'e' n 'C1ntmst' AiioitiI' Mnkiim tiic Atipruuirimit Ion htimutedi- uteir As'niinbie. WASI1INQTcYN ; June 2.-Specimml ( Tele- grnm.-The ) Indian congress appropriation measure is safe. At a conference between time representatives of the committees On Indian affairs of the house anti senate today - day that feature of the Indian appropriation - tion bill relative to an appropriation of * 45,000 for time purpose of holding a comiven- tion of the Intitan tribes of the country at Onmaha during the progress of the Tranamnis- sissilpl Exposition was considered. Alter discussing the education.ii character of time iroiosetl congress in Its bearing upomm time future of time Indian tn relation to thin gov- ernmcnt , it was unanimously decided by time passage of time semmate aniendnmemmt reductng the amount of the appropriation to 40.000 and cliimminating time mandatory feature of time amendmnent wimich 'directetI" time see- retmiry of time interior to make the exhibit liroposed , Time amendnmemit as adopted is as follows : "That the secretary of the Interior be anti Ime is imereby authorized to cause to be as- Bemmmblcd at time city of Omaha , State of Nebraska - braska , at. such tinie end for stmch perIod as ime may designate , between the first day of Jimmie and Novemmiber , representnttves of the hmmdtan tribes as part of time Tranamis- sissippi and Immternmmtional Exiiositlomm , to be imeld at the city of Omaha pursuant to an act of coimgresa entitled "An act to authorize ammd encourage the holding of a Transmis- sissippi and hmmtermmntional Exposition , etc. " "For time purpose of illustrating time past and presemmt conditions of time various Indian tribes of the Ummtted States aimmi progress mnatle by educatiomm and such other matters ammd timings as vili fully Iiiustrate-Indian mmd- vanccmmmcnt and edtmcnttomm , details of whicim shall be in time discretion of time secretory of time interior , anti for time purpose of carrying - ing immto effect timis provision thu sum of forty thousand tlohinrs ( $40,000) ) or so much thereof as may be mmecessary Is hereby imp- propriated out of the money in time treasury not otherwise appropriated , btmt time secretary - tary . of the interior is imereby prohibited ( rein immaking or causimmg to be muncie any expenditure or creating ammy ltabiiity 0mm behalf - half of time United Stntes in excess of time sum hereby appropriated. " % Vitimout finishing time Immdian bill the con- . ferecs decided to suspend fitmnl consideru- tiomm of the nleastmre until mmoxt week , there being still duffcremmces between time eon- ferees of the house timid senate that will m'c- quire another conference to adjust , In tlmc meantime an effort will be mnde by Sena- toe Timmirston to have incorporated in time nmnentiment a clause making time appropriation - tion inmmedintely available and also a clnuso covering any prelimiminary exlmemmditures timat may immmve been nmade in anticipation of the adoption of tue nmeimdnment. It is 'tmmmmoretl that the name of Leonard \v _ Colby of Beatrice ivili be sent to time senate by President McKinley for a bria- dier generalsimip of volunteers. For a time it looked as if Nebraska might be given time cold shoulder In the distribution of favors growing out of the war , but Senator Timurstomi has been persistently working for General Colby anti it now looks as if Me- braska would be recognized. A. 0. Swift of Nebraska City has been reinstated as inspector in time l'ostofllce tie- partmcmmt. A bill for time relief of Alden Ii. Timomp- son of Farnmvaie , Nob. , was reported favorably - bly today by the emmtmte conmmnltteo on pen- sloims. ilmmiik StittisticH. Time comptroiier of the currency today made public the report of the condition of the National banks of Soutim Dakota at the close of businss on May 5. Compared with the previous statement in February , it is shown that the banks Imave materially strengthened the loans and discounts , mdi- vidual deposits anti gold holdings. According - ing to current report , loans and dlscoummti are 3,384,972 , against $3,352,287 in Febru- nry , wliiic Individual deposits have increased frorm : $4,093,906 in February to $4,20S,711 , I'resemmt holdings of gold arnommnt to 32O- 2fi2 , an increase of more than 16,000 since February. Time average reserve held is 32.21 per cent , against 32.17 per cent in February. Time comptroller also made public the report - port of the condition of Wyomtng bamiks , and a comparison with the last statement in February shows healthy increases in loans amiti discounts amid individual deposits and a slight increase in time average reserve. The loans anti discounts in February aggregated $1P83,327 , whereas , according to the present statement , loans anti discounts are $2,060- 853 and individual tleposits increased from $2,465,802 to 2,485,202. Time average reserve has been strengthened from 29.74 per cent to 30.64 per cent. Williamu B. Conner was today appointed Janltom' In time postolfico at Ottumwa , ha , , at $600 per year. Charles Itoblimson was zmppolntctl iiostnmas- tor at Mimivaic , Brown. county , Neb. , vice S. C. Itobinsoim , deceased , To CENTER AT CHICKAMAUGA Itm' fl'Iiti rtiiieimt % 'Ii I Seiid All of g lie Seeoimti Cmiii Voiiii et'rs to thmmit l'uiimt fur iomIimmmeiil , NEW YORK , June 2.-A dispatch from \Vamihimigtomm to time Evening World says : "It was determined today to iiinco 75000 troops at Chickamnauga , witichm is to be made a lmermmmanemmt cammip. Secretary Alger tOda ) gave ortlers to prepare that camp for time accomnmrmotiatiomm of timat nunmber of mimen. Clmiclimmmnouga park being too small for a camp of Lime size denmandeil , the park corn- mniasiomm was autimorizeti to lease additional ground. "This will be the largest camp in the United States , Most if miot all time troops imiustered in under ( im second call wiii he scmmt timero for equipment , organization anti drill. The trooims will be divided into army corps. " Orelmrs 'I'roufis $0 Jiit'1isomm lilt' . WAShINGTON , June 2-There are ei- dences that time War tlepartment is masking arrangemmments ( or the concentration of a large mmunmber of troops mit Jacksoniiic' , where Major General Lee , commnammdimmg the Seventh mmrmny corps , has his headquarters , Two regimemmts which imad been assigneti omigiimaily to Clmlckmmmnauga will go inteatito time Florida city. These are ammo of time Vir- gimmia regimemmts and one of the New J m- soy regiments , Jacksonville imas been spokea of as likely to be a base of operations for time expedItion to h'orto Rico , Anti time ex- imectatlon is that other regiments wli ) be ordered there as sootm as they are read' . for active service , Climt'Iiimmiii 'it NorfuIl. NORFOLK , Vu. , Juno 2-Time Cincinnati arrived at hampton Roads this afternoon and canme up to Laumbert's Point , where it anchored at night. It will go to the navy yard tomorrow to have hOe boilers relubed , CRUISE AROUND1IkIE ISLAND flispneim ilot ts CnbR nail Seei No ttpin , V5'N5lN on Its ( Cop3'rigimt , 1S , liy PreJ Publishing Co. ) lCEVEST , Jurm 2-New ( York World Cablegram-Special Teleram.-The ) dis. patch boat Sommerd N. Smith has just tin- ished the first comIsto tour of time Cuban coast made by a ntspaper boat and has discoverh no Spanlshm-srar ships in a harbor or on the high seas , other than time minor vessels which have beca In port since the war began , One thousand five hundred anti eighty-six miles were covered. Tuesday noon , May 24 , the Sommers N , Smith teanmed from lCey'cst eastward. The next day the wind blew halt a imurri- cane. The dispatch boat was supplied with extra proisions nflti bore a heavy deckload of coal besides full bunkers. It mmmade very bad weather , but Ilnaily wallowed and pitched safely throub1 while the fine fruit atcanmer hhelvltlero was piling upon the rocks to time South of Cape Mayst , When two nights later we pascd the cape's lighthouse it was alit. Whether it , was in operation when the I3elvidere ran ashore we don't know. Wemlmmesday afternoon Admiral Sammip- son's flglmting ships In line fianketi by the light cruisers came foaming westward along toward Havana , They were about twenty miles north of Frances-Key and the Monitors were seas tinder half time time , Following the war simips was the Usual flock of newsPaper - Paper dispatcim boats. Leaving the fleet plunging westward we continumed bucking time sea toward Cape Maysi. Wednesday nigimt a big , flume lookIng craft sent a shot across our bow and ranging - ing up alongside PrOved to be the Now Orleans - leans , Its otitcers answered our query , " \\'hat ship is tlmat" witim a sardonic laugim , but meat any land lubber could mistake time new cruiser with its searchlight above its fighting tops for any other Ameticami ship afloat. Vcsel In l'ursnit. Shortly after daybreak Thursday morning , with Puerto Padre port deserted omm otmr starboarti beam , a pursuing smoke rapidly developeti into an American war ship. Time usual immandatory 'ivhito bow pumif of snmolco frommi the cimasem' was quickly fohiouved by the slmrielc of -poummder between time Smith's masts anti not fifteen feet above time deck. Then the Dolpbin Caine close past ums and the officer of time deck , Lietmtonaimt Coles , megapimoned quietly : " 110w near did we conme to you ? " For three miles' range timey came near enough. Thursday aftermmoomm tIme Nuevitas lighthouse ptrung signal flags as we passed. Altlmougim1somne steamimer smoke appeared to rise thereupon fronm time harbor mme Spammish gunboat camet out , They probably - bly haveim't recovered from their narrow escapes - capes the otlmer day from two Amnericamm crumisers. Nuevitas lighthouse has time word "Colonel" upon it. Tlmero is where Coluimmbus first touched America. Friday aftermioomm a nortlmbound tramp proved to be time Kong Frode of Norway , boumid froni Port Ammtommio , Jamaica , to Phil- adelphia. Immtcrestetl upon 'news of either fleet we signaled : "I wish to commanunicate witlm you , " amid the steamer chammged its course to approacim u8 Its decks were full of misc'eliammeeusly clad people. They were the simipwreckeui crew immmd passengers of time vrccked stemmnmer Belvidore , On board was the manager Of thewel , : American book store of havana , lie had escaped from its chief of detectives , Trujlio Mommago , six days before and bad reached Jnmnaica via Cienfuegos and a refugee ship. The Kong Frode refused to stop nni time 'oimly answer we hati time to receive as to how Havana is faring was : "Everything gone. " Saturday afternoon the Smitim was steamn- immg along the south coast. No war ship of citimer combatant hind bcemm seen in time east- ermm passage. Suddenly ( roam under the very base of the higim uountaimi "Cordillera" came very black smnok'e. Soon time hull of a ship came into vision as a black speck. That is Spanislm gimnboat color anti the place time pursuer came from was Santiago , where there are several srnaii Spammish cruisers. So the big engineer screwed iiowmi time safety valve and three stokers trebled the Smith's flrcrobm force and it ptmshed away toward Jamaica at full speed. Time pursmmimig ship began to grow as its fires took hold and in about half an imoimr had gaimmed fully ten miles on us. ht was the St. Paul , I'niers LiiiSlgsIiee. . We assuaged the disappointment of its crew by packages of late New York news- papers. Captain Sigsbce said he hail beemm chose under Santiago's guns , but hail imot becmm fired at. He does not. think time Span- iarmls have any motlern ordnamico there. Upon hearing that the Dolphin had told us timat official news placed the Spanish fleet in Cienfuegos , where Schley had It fast , Sigsbco smiled and naked how in time world they knew. Some wag answered : "The board of strategy put 'em timere , " and Sigs- bee snmied some more , Scbley's squadron ha'i ' only left Santiago time afternoon be- fore. The St. PauI'p crew were elated over their capture of th British collier htestor- mel just as it was entering Santiago. We came about Cape Samita Cruz and close to the simore toward Cleufuegos at dawn on Monday. Not a saii nor a smoke was in sight , Another Montserrat with thousnmmds of tomms of arnms , piercing' projectiles nail sus- taming food , or even the expected Alfonso XIII , might have easily entered and mm- loaded its cargo just twelve hours by rail fromim Ilavamma on the annie , line which sup- ilied Matanzas , Sapta C'iara , Cardenas , Sn- gua Ia Gramitle anik' all of Spain's principal bases , , Time St. Paul was distant over a twenty-four hours' ateanm , cyemm at tdp speed toward Ciemifuegos. A blockade runner - nor from Jamnaica would have had an easy trip. , Yesterday afternoon atsteamcr passed us imuhl dovn , apparently hound for Jamaica. Today as we started along the north 'coast opposite , Muriel an armed lighthouse leather 81101. close across our bows. Time six-poumiti shell was well timed ar.il burst even witim our riosition , Time SmUb's captain hati flog- lected to ily imis es4sJgnmmor was our yes- sd's signal flying. Neither diii lie change our course at once mmmiii us the little Smith kept on straight fortiletender. exactly as a Svammisim gunboat might have done , it was rather excJting F'Jmmaly theforo time temmder turned its baw gun'ieoho tigain to hit us the Smith's tardy bim limraw its bow around , It stopped anti iii imamids breathed Immoro freely. It bad bop edt of the world for elgimt days. Havana r even Key W'est might have been bombrded tom' oh we knew , \Ve naked wjmm4t had occurred and thu ammswer , "Nothing at all , " came floating oycr tue Quit streamim. SYLVESTER SCOVEL , Itmii'ii llImi.rj Are smt'rniim1 , , , , TAMI'A , June 2.-oiooei Leonard Woods' volunteer regiment of cavalry , better known as htooscyelt's rough riders , 060 macn all told , arrived at Tampa tonight and camped in the city. Tomorrow the regiment will go into camp west of the Tampa flay hotel , near where the Third and Sixth regular cavalry regiments are located. Ilotim Colonel Woods 'amid Lieutenant Colonel htoosevelt accomimpanicti time reginment , the former coma- lag in on time first section nd the latter on time second. A little over 800 of time amen mire fully armed sad equipped amid ready for service. This reglnmen has been officially designated as the First United States vol. Umiteer cavalry , READY TO BE CALLED OFF Spain Ordls ( 'or Some One to As'ist It in Letting Go , CONDITIONS RIPE FOR INTERVENTION tmmssiri 1mm Saul to ihe Willing to Tnke tIme InIintle in time Attemiiit to Hrimig About renec , ( Copyright , lSs , by Press Publishing Co. ) LONDON , June 2.-New ( York World Ca. biegrarn-Spcciai Tehegramn.-Timo ) Daily News' Vienna dispatch says : I have direct imiformnation fronm the foreign office that neither there imor in diplomatic circles immus any notification been received that time Simaaish amnbassamhor at Paris has been instructed - structed to negotiate for the immtervcntion of time European irnwers to induce Anmerica to grant hommorablo peace. Time imews is re- celveti witim doubt , as it holds ( limit if there vere any dulmlonmatic action goimmg on the frienthly court of Vienna would be the first apimiieti to. Count htnacon , Spanish ambassador at London , aimswering an immterviewer yesterday - day on time same question , said : "Without beimig able to state ammytimimig positive , I am hoping that a solution will be arrived at which will permit the United States to bring to an end time presemit grave dimcul. ties. Timis war spells ruin to Spain. Every one in our coummtry understands that anti time last speech of Semmor Moret points seriously to time fact that the current is setting in favorable to peace. " The laiiy Telegraph's Vienna dispatch says : It is not correct to say that Senor Castillo is ofTielally autimorized by the Mmmd- riti governmnemmt to suggest intcm'vemmtion , but it remains true that ommly a few cabimmets , those in Vienmma aimd I'imris mnoro particum- larly , imave recoi'etl immtimmmatiomm timat Spain is PrePared to accept time gooti omces of mien- tral irnwers in the ihirectiomi of peace. No emmdeavor viii be nmade to brimmg about an actmmai cessation of hostilities umntil a tie- cisivo emmgagcnment imns takemi place. The authorities at Washiugton now realize timat botim commmmnercially anti politically timero are reasons why they should welcomime ieace. Iii time first place It is becomnimmg clear tlmat , tie- spite Dewey's success in Mammlla , time fu- tura of the I'imillppiimes is fraught with far greater difficulties timamm the Ufitteul States at first BUpIosed ) , As far as can be ascer- taimmed hlumssia is ready to ummmdcrtake time of- flce of amedimmtor so as to save F'rammce , whose interests are far mnore directly affected , the necessity of becoming hrommimnemmt 1mm elTorts at interventtomm , LONDON , Jummie 3.-Time Viemmima corre- spommdent of time Daily Mail says : "Spain has mmthtlrcssed another appeal to time powers to intervene 1mm time war ammd Austria Is prepared to zmccctle , but only in comijummctlon vltlm otimermoa'c.rs , " WASHINGTON , Jumme 2. - It is reported - ported tue queen m'egemmt of Spalim has instructed Semmor Castillo to asIc time Powers to intervene for peace. That niove- mnent hma not Yet talcan any form in Wash- ingtomm , either at time Slate departmmmeut , or at any of time foreign enibassies. Ammiong diplo- mmmatic officials It is tiiougimt to be qumite pos- Bible that Spain th feelimmg its ay towarti securing peace , but it Is not believed thia will flmeot any active assistammcc frommm time great Powers. MORE TRANSPOITS SECURED . , , .tsslsttit Secrettim-'IelkleJolmim Chmiir- ters l'he l'esselM , , Assist iii Cnmrlii 'i'rio , to Cubit , WASIIINaTON , June2.-Assistnnt Secretary - tary Meikiojohim of time War departimieimt to- ( lay secured additional traimsports , of en- pacity of ahmproximately 5,000 macmm , for time Cmmban arimmy of Invasion , Timis swells time total number of available vessels to over thirty , iu'itim a carrying capacity of nearly 30,000 macmi , Time ships secured totlay will be sent to Florida ports , chiefly Tampa , as fast as practicable , and prepared for service. Time vessels are time Conmammchc of time Clyde hue , hOW at New York , copacity , 1,200 Immen ; the Louisiana and time Knickerbocker , of time Cromwell limme , one of wimicit is at New York , anti time other at Now Orleans , 600 men eacim ; time Specialist ammtl time Ummioumist , belonging to a foreign line. and which , before - fore the war , piled betweemi Mobile , iUa. , amid Porto Rico , estimated to carry 1,000 imien each. They are now at Mobile. The .hurter of the two last namned yes- ads is t'tmbject to time granting by commgrc'ss of an American register , which the secretary will ask of that body. Secretary Meiklejoimn expected that time Manten , a small vessel now at omme of the gulf ports , was ready for service , anti it would prooeeil to Tampa at once. Its en- pacity is 200 men. None of time troops of the regular arummy , whicim it was announced would sail this week , imas'o loft time liniteti States , anti timc oliicinls express their ignorance of time timmie when time embarkation is to take place. Thu latest information receivetl imero 1mm that General Miles is atili at Tammmpa , nail several telegrams reachming here frommm himmm bear the name of that plmtce , Assistant Secretary Imteilclejohn ammnoummcetl tdday witim considerable satisfaction that time troop ship Cemmtermmmiai would arrive at Samm Francisco probably tomorrow. It immmmm beemm at ono of time Pacific coast ports and is fully eqmmippcii amid ready for its woric. At time same timne lmo saId the Ohio , also to go with time secommil expedition , will reach San Fran- chico on Friday or Saturday , coaled for its long voyage , but not yet equipped , Meammwlmile arrangements for time second expedition are being imurriethiy rushed anti time oflhcials lucre hmojw timat it will mmot be loimg before the five vessels wiulcim are to compose it steam out of the Coithen Gate on their long voyage across time I'aciflc. Time tlepartniemmt was informeti today of the arrival at Sami Frammciso of the company of engineers from Wiliet's I'olimt , Now York. The company Js to be recruited to its full ammtimorized strengtim of 150 mnen iii time Pa- chic coast states mmd will form a valuable atijumtct to General Merritt's force , OREGON'S ' CREW PATRIOTIC ( 'iis In I mu CIa nc 5leui * in its Suuuuim Iii- Mtmiumet's ( if t lit , Nteriiimg Ju'mil I of II is Suilmttrtljgmmujew , W'ASIIINGTON , June 2-Time Navy the- partmiment today made public the following extract frrnmm a repert to time departmnent made by Captain Clark of time Oregon , on the extraordinary run of that slmip around two continents : "It is gratifying to call the departnmeumt's attention to time spirit oum ho'rd time ship , in both ofhicers antI soon. Timimi can best be described by referring to instances , such as timat of the cniirmeer officers in voluntarily doubling their wotchvs when high speed was to he made ; to the attempt of men to returmm to the fire room , after being carried out of it insensible , umumul to the fact that most of the crow , which was working by watches by day and night , at Sandy l'oint ireferred to leave their imamnmocke in the nettings uimtii they could get time almip coaled and ready to sail from Sandy I'oinL" THE BEE BULLETIN. Weather Y"orectmptt for Nebraska- Cloutly Cooler : North Windi. Page. 1 'Isitor at time lzhosition , lnihinn Comigrcss , i Ut , , Stmnin hteni , for lnterTentiomm , Unrel lICNieMeM Santiago. h Troop , . inGo to hlnwmuii. Shc' I.oentes time lint ( cries , Suuummpsmmmt Comes to Assist Sehuic , ii Xcbrnsk Neis , Itrynn All itcntlto tnrchm. More Pusioui in glutAir. . .1 lhhitorinl and ( 'ommimnemut , r Tlmomimns Comut'crts Are l'rcc , 1'lnmms for Ililimois fln' . ( I Commumc'il IIZSmITN ltcnl Matters , lou a Yea , , , mmmiii C.iimumuem , t , IliiSchmlc' ' ' ' Schmlc' 'l'ripcsl Cu'ra'era , ' Sportimmg ilvemmis of n ln' , Sioux lumlinuis Ar Pemueefmml , S Ioimmgs ( if time lrumumners. I ) Eiiinuu.i's l'Ien fur an Ally. I'iieiflc ) t.ress Cummumuumy Secrets. httehi lsimmmmt 1iiects ( Hhloers , l'ikitht'ts hIne ft limuremt , 11 Comimamereimmi nmmd Ptmimmmeliul NOSiS , 1'2 .mut'ritn's Hipericimet , i'ithu Simies. Cnr'er ( If Mrs. Sitthtiiortlu , Teummleriitmm re nt Omuuiiimn i hour , leg , Iltium' , Iheg. a a. iii . , . , . , t i mu. iii . . . . . . ( I a , in . . . . . . (1 B m. in , , . , , . $ I mm. mit , , . . . , (14 li lu , mu . . . . . . $9 H a. mum . . . , , 7.1 ' .1 p. mu . . . . . . Pit U a , iii . . . . . . j 1' . lu ' ' . - ' ' Si ) 1 I ) a. mit , . , , . . S I ( I p. iii . . . . . . I 1 a. mu , , , . , . sa ' ' m. mum . . . . . . . 1i mum , . . . . . . . . 80 8 p. mit. . . . . . . U i. mu , , , . , . St SPAIN CRITICISES CASTELAR Torrent of , ' , OIL Ills hienul for hli ltcecmmt littermnees. ( Copyrlgimt , iSIS , byl.'ress Pubhishmimig Co. ) MADItID , Jummie 1.-Via ( the Frontier.- ( New York World Cablegram-Special Tel- egrammm.-Cmmstelar ) bait drawn tmpomm imimmmeif a torrent of abuse from time mnonarcimlcal dynastic press , both ltberai ammd conserva- tie , because lie immade a parallel betweemi Mmmrie Aimtonette nmmd time liresent qtmeon re- geimt , wimmding up with time sumggcstiomm that Iommna Cimristina commtemmuimlatctl nbdieatimmg time regcmmcy imm favor of her sister-in-law , Immfammta Isabella , sooner timaum be a party to Peace at time cost of time sumrremmtler of Cuba or nay other Spammishi colony. Castelar is accused by time loyalists of a lack of tact anti good breeding tim a senile attempt to echo society amid court gossip against time regent iimen everybody kmmows how tmncimar- itabie , tliscourteoums nmmd mmmaiicioums time Spaum- islm aristocracy amid not a few Slmammimmrmis are \vimen criticialmmg time Austriamm foreigmm princess who rules them , lmem'imaPs haughmtily , bumt witim irreproacimable condtmct , self-respect and regarmi for her soim's interests. Time Cmtrlists , mepubhicammaVeyler anti hionmemo Itobleulo naturally mimade capital out of time Oastclnr article. All papers m'eproiucimmg it vill go before a court martial. Really time emily grievances Spaniards hmave agaimmat time regemit am'e Imer always courting time smipport of the generals , time am-may , the vatican , pro- hates , Jcsmmits , mmmoimks and anus , simmiply to try to lmrevemmt timeir Jolmming the pretender , Don Caries. Cvd inni Vuummialimumu's h.legmN. ( Copyright , 1528 , by I'ress Publishing Co. ) LONDON , June 2.-New ( York Worhmi Ca- blegranm - Siecini Telegramn. ) - Cardinal Vauglmtmn imas addressed a letter to W. T. Stead eu time Anglo-American relatiomm. lie rejoices in time prospect of a closer friend- shmip botwcemm those who arc one with Emmgiishmmnemm In blood , language and ideas. The letter concludes : " [ 'ersommally I tieplore time fact that time United States has chosen to go to war with a weak vower like Spaimm , instead of resorting to arbitratiomi , whmichm was time alternative , but I woultl not allow stmcim disapproval to stand in time way of the great benefits timnt may resuit ( roam an emmtente cortllale betweemm Emigiand anti Ammitim'ica. If the two peolmies conihimmo ammd encourage each otlmer to mnalco justice ammd moral law internationmml and universal so far as their influence shah extemmd tlmey will oath by reinstatiimg in time 'orld the standard whiclm time dechristinnizetl civilization of modern Europe has laid low. " : , : ii Slismilciomis of li.ghuuiI , ( Copyright , ISIS , by Press I'umblisimimmg Co. ) LONDON , Jimmie 2.-Mew ( York World Ca- blegm'ani-Special T iegramn.-Tlme ) Clmroni- do's Gibraltar special snymm Timere arc 11cr- sistemmt rimmnoms that time Spammiards are fortifying - fying Sierra Carbonero or time queeum of Spain's cimair , comnmanthing nn mmmicimoi'age here anti proposed docks at about 6,500 yartla range. I rode today over the Span- isim frommtier up to time top of time lmihl all around to see , but nobody was timere , or a trace of forts or broken grommntl. hut at San Itoquo village , two imiiie mmortimwest , I found a iarge line battaiiomm mlriillng , one di'ngoomm squadron , oume battery , time Fourtim field ar- tiliory anti an aamhmumiauice detachment. Sun- liar troops are scattered thmrougim the villages - lages amound time bay , mmnticipmttimmg Britlsim seizure of timid em' the other positiomm. Timeir suspicions are appam'entiy ummfeummded. Slt'sNumae fromim 5lsust , . ( Copyright , lSS , by I'm-otis I'ubiishmimmg Co , ) NASSAU , N. I' . , Jumme 2-New ( York World Cablegrammm-Spccial Telegrarn-I ) tie- rived hero from Cuba yesterday witim a nmis- sioum from I'resideumt Macso of the Cuboum ro- nubIle to time govemmmmmmcumt \Vnsimummgtomm. . i : simall sail for New York tonight 0mm time yacht hlauracouta , Time Spanish scimuoumer Vitienccmmtn is imere and two officers tire buy- iumg proviniomms for time troops at Numevitas. Time boat u'as trammsfcrm'ed to Captaiim l'mmuelmu Vargas , an Emmgiishm subject , who will attempt - tempt to m'UIm time blockade at Nuevitmia ummder time h3rltishm flag , Ftl Semi ret' itt Sit mm t I mm go , ( Coum'rlglmt , lS9 , by time Asuiociatt'l I'ress.'i CAII. : IIATTIEN , hinyti , June 2-'j:50 : P. nm.-No direct mmuws has been received hero today from Sammtimgo , dii Cuba , except a me- iteration of time reimolts of the tlreamlful tIes : titution of tIme inhabItants tlmcme. It is said that now evemi time otllcialmm are unable to procum.e a nornmul sumpimly of food , Cu , mmpuuigm , Citimlmiii fur Si.Itiiers , PhILADELPhIA , Juno 2.-A large con. uigmmmcnt of campaign limits , lierlin gloven mmmiii mtmnbuiancc guidons was ahuippeul todmty ( rena time Scimuyhimiii arsenal to tlm United Staten quartermaster at San Francisco , pro- sumabiy for the use of time Manila exUedi- tion , 31tyciicimts of ( leellut 'csseis , , Iuiitt , At New York-Arrheii-Islammti , tram Co. peumhmagt'n , Sailetl-ltotterdummmi , for Itotter- damn ; Vuerst hhisnmam'ck , for Ifalmiburg ; ICoerm- igemm Iuise , for hireimmeim. At Llverpool-Arrived-I'emmumlammti , froimi i'lmuiauieiplmium , h'ailed-lieigeniarmd , for l'lili- mutlelpiuia. At ( hlmmsgow-Arriveii-Ethmloplum , from New York , At Queemmstouvn-5ailed-uiajcstio , for New York. Arrived-Germanic. from New York , At Colmeumlmagon-Arrlveul-Norge , from NoW York. A t llamaburg-Arrlvcd-l'ulatla , from New York. At Napiomt-Saiied--Victorin , for New York , At London'-'Saiiet.l-Mamiltobuu , for New York , At ( Jummoa-Arrived-Aiier , from New York. aiied-Euns , for New l'osk , At htotterdaum-Arrlve'-Obdamu , fmum New York GARCIA CLOSING IN Oubiui Leader Begins Operations Against tht City of Sflfltiagu. SPANIARDS FEAR A COMBINED ATTACK American War Ships Still Lie In Front of' the Irarbor. RUMORS THAT FIGHTING IS RENEWED Mad 'ci Papers Claim That American Fleet is - . Again Re1nilscd. NO - MATION OF LATE REPORTS ( . 1' of ' Snumapsumu's Piect Arrives ' ' ! - mutimmno ii , lteimsftrt't' Sohiley ' : ! . .mumtornut ? i' % % II llm'CteL I mit Aim ) ' ' & 'imue , tghmt , 1SSS , by Press Pumblisimtmmg Co. ) SAN DOMLNUO , Jtumme 2-New ( York % 'orld Cmubiegrammm-Specimtl Tclegramn-Tlmo ) city of Sammtiago do Cuba is besieged by iii- sumrgemits ummmtler Gemmoral Garcia , Time Spmummisim are fearing a commmbimmcd attack by time Cumbamt forces amid time Aummerlcamu fleet , wlmicim has m'eappcam'etl in fm-omit of time imarbor , LONDON , Juno 2.-New ( York World Ca- blegrani-Specini Teiegrnnm-Time ) Daily Mail's Mudriui disimatclm says : Commslderabio comntneimt is mantle here omm time pcm'alstemmco witim which Sagasta coumtimmues to assort timat time Simanisim sqtmadromm is still at Samifingo. Time nssertlumm timmit Cervera was emi board time Cristobal Coloim was ommly cofitaimmetl 1mm a uiiivnte telegrammm , but timoumgim time mnimmlster of ummarimme also eumdoracs tlmimu stateummcmmt , pub- lie opimmion believes that , tutu stimumidron itself is mme longer imm tIme harbor. POitT AU PltlNCE , Jumimo 2.-ih:20 : p. mu.- No fresh mIens imas beemm received frommm Sami- tiago tIc Cuba thmis afternoon. 'rime report of mmmi attack on the city by time immsmmrgcmits Is mmot cotmflmmni'tl nmmil umpearn to be witimotmt foummmdatioum , 1L&-im't of .timotiie , llglm4 , NEYOitiC , Jtmume 2.-A simecimul to time \Vomitl tlatetl l'om't I'rimmce EtmmmimmgVomitl , aim , himmyti , says : Thmo UnIted States ilect reneweti time mmttaek upomu Santiago tie Cuba this mmmormm- ing. Time PCOlmlC of Snmmtiago , It is nihtleth , are umuommcumtnm'lly imi femtr of mm attmtcic fmoumm time imtmiil sIde , 'hemc timeme are said to be 3,000 imusummgcumtum. A lumtt'r dispatch says : It Is reported fmont Sammtlago timat time m'ebols have muttackeil time city 1mm timree columns mumtl that a bloody fight 1mm goiumg on , NF\7 YOltIC , June 2.-Time World's Port an l'rinco slociai reports that time Ammierl- ctmmm fleet immis ngumimm attacketi Santiago mmmid timmit 3,000 Imuourgents are attacking tIme city oum time lnmmtl sIde , LONDON , Jtmno 3.-The Mntlrlml corre- sPoumdent of time Staumdam'il says : "Time Madrid Pulpora are niuchm elated over anotimer repulse smmffcrcil by time Ammuerican fleets. Aceortlimmg to oiiicial advices time forta mmd batteries at Sammtiago do Cuba were undnmmmagcil anti imot a imimmgle Spamuiard was killed or woimmmdt'ti anti muot a single shell stm'umck time Cristobai Colomm. LI hleraldo megrets tiumit time Simammisit fleet aims net semmt to the Pimilippines immstcad of to Cumba. I.OOEING FOIL IMI'OIt'I'AX'I' IiVS , % 'xtslt lila I timi ( ) llIeIzi li iilt't't Vortl rI 1i Sum im I I mu g ii il t' Cim liii , WAShINGTON , June 2.-It was llfliflly ) umoticeablo at tIme Navy tiepartmmmemtt totiny timat time ofhicinis were expecting muews of the first imopomtmmnce , btmt timat tlmey did mmot look for it imummmmediately. The uirumness with wimicim tlmcy imave iumsistctl tlmzmt Selmicy could have imad no gemcrai emigmgcnmi'mmt witim Spami- isiu forces , simips mmd fouts at tntiago , as was reported , appeareul to ho based omm a fumil knowledge of time ldnmms under wimleim time comnummotloro is mictiumg , ummmd the gm'eatemit concession ( boy woulml mummmke toward ad- nutting timnt a flgimt hail ( alien place there 'ruesdmuy , was to say ( lint possibly h'chmloy imad detected bomne eummthmworkn golumg imp amid imad razed timeimu with imis simehis. They were confldemmt lie nmutle no ateummimt to enter time hmarho r. It is behievetl now , imowever , that witlm S'aumipson in fho field mind iim conmmmuammd oft Sammtlago , with aim nugnmemmted force , ( hunt in- temestimmg evemmts maimy be looketi for. Tlmeso are expected to occur , umotwithistanding time fact that no tlOOhms immivo yet started from 'Fammmpa , mmmi was estabhisimt'ii by inquiry at time \Vnr tlepartnieumt thus afternoon. Time insmmrgemmts imre kmmowum to be in force 1mm tIme mmigimiuoiimool of Santiago , anti thmrommgh Caimtaumm [ ) orst , time iVar departincmmt not emily imas been ium conmummummicatioum with themn , but. tins supplied timeni ftmily with good \veapoes , amid amm abu umilmunce of a rum nmu mm iti oum. Time headquarters of time best of time Cuban gi'mmerumis , Garcia , umu e mhimmtammt fiomn Sammtiago ommly scvemmy-flvc ummihes , so that it is pos- aiblo ( hat Stmmmmpsomm feels stromig exmoughm withu their support to begin the assault by sea 01)0mm ( lie doommieil Spanish fleet and forts vithmout uiwmmiting time mmmclviii of time Ummitemi 3tntes tmoopa from Tammipa. Timtm ( mcmiii of the news tlmat came to Wash- immgtoim ( roam ummohllcimii ' sources titmring time nftcmumoon mmli vemuL to support thmia belief , so there is Eonme grommnul ( or time expectation of time ofilcimmis timat iummportant informmmation many be expected shmomtly. Time Sliammlshm govermmimmcimt has ummatlo a protest - test to time Ilritishm autimorities agaimmat time simiimnicmmt of Cammamlian coal frouim British Mom-tim Ammmemlca to Sarm Francisco for time ro- hief of Admiral Iowey's ships at Manila amid milso against time * iiiipjiing of coal fromn Nova Scotia to Atlantic ports for muse by Ohio Urmitetl States war similms operating in the 'Vca ( Immdics. 1mm view of time ruling by time llritisim goy- crmmtmlt.'umt timmmt coal was contraband of uu'ar , timis protest by Spain aught have caumsemi coimsiilcmahhe eummhumiuassmnemmt : as time Canadiamm coumi is coumlilcummi by thu mmavai authorities to be ' ' ' am'ticie ( ' time a sUl'CI'lom' ci' use of our simis. It is only ii slmart shistamice ( rein time British Momtimmumericau coal fieldu to San Francisco , mmmiii tIme Mcvi' Scotia coal fields are eimsliy accessible to Atlantic ports. It Is un.lemstootl , however , hunt Spain's protest hits uiot in oveil of any avmmii , 'fhmim subject was referred to time Canmmdlamm au- timorilies , who , upomm investigation , icarumeth that time coal simipimmemits , beth ( remit flritisim Mom-thu America amid train Nova Scotia , were 1mm time ortlimmary course of ioirmmnerciimi : trans. mietluumut. They were made by private parties - ties in Cummiatia to private parties in the Ummited States , Wimether thu coal ubmuu- qtmemmtiy pamiseut into the hands 01 thu United States gorcrnmnemut ( or use by time Ainerlcamm navy wgs held to be outside of the proyirmco pf timu liritisim amid C'ammadiami autimorities. It is probabie that any direct sales to ( ho Navy iicpartmeti ( would imve been Etohmimed , mis timebe would have been ummnmmifcstiy a breach of time mmeumrai ( attitude nmaintained by ( be iim'itimhm goverumnmcnt numd its colouiai posses. aba's , Intludumug Canada.