Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - TIlE OMAIIA DAILY BED : : T1rU1SDAY , JUNE , 1898.
h Extra Meeting of the Delegaths Last Might to
raci1Itu Butuca.
k -
LIcIy VIgh ( I , on for iit
iIIi tIii ClinflerPi In Fnor
vf the I'reent
When the progrstm for the convention
t the Travcer Protective assocIatIon wn5
mate out It. wn not lntenled that a meeting -
ing Bliould be behi on Iaet night , but at the
3nt moment it was decided to hold a pro-
1Iminary buIneNs meeting In order that the
cUiOfl today could bo devoted entirely to
mntters of ImpottaLCe. 'ftc meeting was
dcyoted entirely to organization anti reports
of comnhttLeeM. Joseph \Vnhler8tein , na-
( loud president of the association , called
the meeting to order and the report on
credentiala was read and accepted. The
commttteo on rules offered a report. which
was adopted , anil the convention wna do-
clnrqd to be organIzed and ready to trans-
set business.
Florida , Missouri , Indiana , Georgia , Cola-
raiki , Texas , Iowa and Virginia offered rc-
ports through their respectlvo presidents
and the reports howcd the organizations
In these states to be In a flourishing con-
Chairman Cohen of the legislative corn-
mittee offered a report regarding legislation -
tion which the committee was trying to
secure that would be of great advantage
to commercial travelers In the matter of
rates. Chairman Gray of the Board of Dl-
rectors reported on the condition of the
order and offered some suggestions as to
the investment of the funds beiouglng to
the association.
It. F. liodgin of the local arrangement
committee announceil that an error wns
made In ( ho printed program of ( ho convention -
vention nnl ( that the visiting women would
be taken to visit Lliiiiigcrs art gallery at
9:30 : 0. Il. today Instead of 9:30 : p. in. . as
stated In tim program. Mr. Hoilgin also cx-
tended an invitation to the convention to
laY ) a visit to the South Omaha packing
houses as guests of the local travelers and
tim oitventlofl accented the Invitation nut !
flgreclthat the visit could be made some
time ( luring Friday niternoon.
The meeting adjourned to meet at i ocoelc !
this morning.
The big light of the meeting is ached-
ilcd for today , when the annual election
of otilcers takes place. Thu contest centers
chiefly about the election ot president , butte
of I'resi-
to nil aPpearanccs the re-election
dent Wolierstein is assured. The Virginia
( Itdcgation is making his carnnign for him
and he has a number of other delegations ,
like lova , Texas and Minnesota , instructed
for him. Ills antagonist is Mr. Iuflln of
Indiana , who was defeated by President
Wnllerstein a year ago.
Thu inlitor olllccS will nest of them have
iteverni cntididntes for cach. The only coin-
lilication in the election arises from the
inimeroui bidders for the next convention ,
a ( jucStion also to be decided today.
Itttt.kIelL'N .trii Icti SnI e.
The best salvo In the world for cuts ,
bruises , sores , ulcers. salt rhcum , fever
sores , teLLer , chapited hands , chilblains ,
corns , and nh akin eruptions , and positively
cures , lilieS , or no pay requireil. It Is guar-
iintet'it to give perfect wttisraction or money
refutuleti. Price 25 cents per box. For sale
by Kuhn & Co.
' ' 'l'rntle III
I'iIkIitteI.etN VI ) 'I'IttIr
Ci.tvtleil Curs iiiit tIoiig the
:4IdevnhI.H. :
TIm criminal element that has been
&piietly gathering In Omaha for several
weeks past in aiiticiiuitioil of beginning their
harvest on the opening of the exposition
showed its limul yesterday. The thieves
j began reaping their harvest with a success
that atigUr well for n long continued and
season unless sonic method is
adopted to call a ball on them. Eight COlU-
plainta vere lodged with the police by lCo
PlO who lint ! lost valuables through the efforts -
forts of 1)iclpoclets. ) ( One stranger showed
Police Captain Haze a gaping hole in his
shirt front that otico contained a big din-
incinti valued at $125. From the other vie-
j thus sums ranging from 2O to $50 were
taken. Many other hike thefts were corn-
initted , but were not reported to the police.
; The favorite field yesterday was tile
crowded street cars to and froni the c-
nosltlon grounds.
Several iiicii were arrested on suspicion
of being pickpockets , but the victims of the
velvet-handed touchers could not identify
Another class of criminals whose vork
has been very much in evidence during the
last week is the 'graftcr" who inycighes his
unsophisticated and unsuspecting victim
into soifle ditmr'eputable resort or into some
game and relieves hilimi of lila money. P0-
Bee court records hiow that imearly $3,500
wits secured by these people during the last
ten days. Oiie tuna niono lost $700 in bills
and another $120 In gold inside of twenty-
, . four hours , A great ninny have been robbed
In this manner who never report their loss
to tIme police , preforrimig to stand the loss
of the money to the notoriety attending the
report of its loss.
N. J. htoundy. an exiiositloii visitor from
Paiiania , In. , was robbed of $100 and Va ! .
tiabie iniper on the grounds some tinie dur-
lug yesterday afternoon. Thu money was
ctiitaitietl in a IIUr8 iii his trousers pocket , which ho bin ! purloseI ! to keep lmrtie-
liiar glmaril , In the crowd gathered about
tIme Ad iiii nistration build I mig , liovever , a
thief extracted the lmcketbook almost from
betvvcn Itoundy's fingers. 1lcsido time
nioney the hlockotbook contained a draft for
$1,200 on the First National banlc of Council
ifluffs , lit , , timid other papers connected with
its owner's live stock business.
4' , 1) . l3akei of Blue 11111 , Neb , , had his
pOL'ktittOOk taken wbiio in tlio Government
building yesterday. There was no money
Another victim of oveiconhidenco in the
t stranger'u , . safety In Omaha yesterday was
" . Ii , $ eIf of Audubon , In. Ills ioekut-
hoolc taken froiim an timer vest itocket
during lila itresemice en the grounds in a
nianner ( or which lie iii unable to account.
'limo wallet eontaini'ml $65 , a note for $500
emit ! transportation ove'r the Rock isiamul
railroad , with 'liIcli ho 1mm connected ,
I Ii. VI'Ite'il % tary t'tileumiiii , ,
j. C ) . Iverson arrived yesterday front Blair
Nob. , and Included time house of Mary ( ole.
snail , Oil Capitol avenue. In hIs tour of itiglit.
seeing. On his departure a pocketbook con-
taming $0 % vaa iiitsillg amid time 'vomnrum
lies 1)0011 arrested en the charge of lalceny
from the Iersoml.
'fImmei % ii'im lIeiil fur .tnmtmmnl t ,
Julius Jones , John W'elIs and F'rank
Kimig Inveigled 16-year-old hattie Vhlte of
Twuty-fourb and Hickory streets into a
vacant roommi on the tourth floor of the Wire
huiimllug Tuesdn night , and after partially
drugging her attempted to criminally as-
mmcii her , 11cr scmcamns attracted the aLien.
tion of occupants of the building anti they
went to hem' nssistmiCe. Time pollee vere no-
tiflem ! anmi ihe three immun were arrtsted. Mi
of thrum are eniiii'Cd ) ) in the building.
Vells and King arc elevator conductors and
Joues. who Is colored , is porter for a lodge
of IlkB , The latter Is time emma who ad-
sninisteremi ( lie drug to time girl lit a glass
cit wine. lie claimnim ho was proniPte to do
it. by his IWO coinpauions. who , when the
4 Eirl was stupefled , carried her iuto the iiluc6
ehero she Was ound.
AeconmsnoilntionsforTrft'rci flrtween
Ommlis % mmii lCanNns Cia' Are
Grenllr Imiorenscd.
Harry C. Orr , general passenger agent
of the Port Arthur Itouto , perBonaily Sc-
companled the first through train from
l < ansas City , 'which arrived In Omaha yesterday -
terday morning. The crowd of newspaper
men who accompanied him deciare the
new train anti the route to , be all right.
General I'as5enger Agent Orr iaid that the
now line was doing a good innount of
business. Regarding the interruption of
export trade from I'ort Arthur by the war
ho said that while the transatlantic trade
bad been somewhat Interrupted the corn-
vany'n steamships to Mexico were continuing -
ing to do a heavy amount of business.
licpeml ( litcm ( lie J)0NttIOfl.
Among the visiting railroaders to Omaha
for the opening of the exposition may be
mentioned : As8lstnnt General Passenger
Agent Ferguson of the Northwestern , Assistant -
sistant General Freight Agent Snyder anti
Superintendents Stilwell , } Celo and Des
Moines l3urlolgh of the Iock Island , Assistant -
ant General Superintendent Goodnow and
Commercial Agent James I. Preston. both
of the Mllwaukeo General i'assenger Agent
Orr of the I'ort Arthur Route , Traveling
Passenger Agent Drill of the Illinois Central -
tral , ruxbtmry of the Baltimore & Ohio ,
Cundoy of the Denver & ltio Grande , and
Western , I'asscnger Agent Monetto of the
Ontario & Western. All of these joined time
numerous local railroad family and occupied
idaces of honor In time procession to the cx-
position grounds , Imeadeti by those two POP-
uinr marshals , John Augustus Kuhn of the
Northwestern and Allen 13. Smith of the
Union I0Irmitmr C..immimtmii'm Elect Ion.
The annual meeting of time Union Elevator
company was held in Council Bluffs yesterday -
day morning and was attended by a number
of promInent railroad men of Omaha and
Chicago. The followIng omcors were reelected -
elected for the ensuing year : President ,
Edward IIcklnson , general manager of the
Union Paclflc ; vice president , C. A. Good-
hOW , assistant superintendent of the Chicago -
cage , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway. and
secretary and treasurer , Ilmirvey A. Snyder ,
nsslstant general freight agent of the Ciii-
cmmgo , Rock Island & l'acille railway. All of
the ollicers were in attendance at time meet-
Ito Ilrnmtil 4)tt',4 , amid. l'er$011fl1J4.
James J. Clair , boiler inspector at the
Unloim Pacific shops , was today appointed
boss boiler maker to succeed W. J. hayes ,
General i'ttssenger Agent Teasdalo of time
Omaha line arrived yesterday at the Webster -
ster Street depot in special car Grosvenor ,
together with a large mnrty of St. Paul
Knights Temmiplar. Timc party will return to
St. Paul today.
Time special trains of ( ho Missouri Pacific
did an inmmncnso business yesterday. They
brought a few over 1,400 PeOPle to Ornulma
unl time exposition grounds. Of this mitimu-
her 1,100 passemmgers caine from iiointm , iii
Nebraska north of Falls City ,
Arnold's Broimio Celery cures headaches.
lOc. 25c , hOc , All druggists.
hemimoevnN mijid I'ree SI her lteii1J-
llenmis ii , Ilolil SOSNItPIIM In
OiiiItii 'I'Iils EeiiIii ,
The Nelmraska democratic state conmmltteo
will meet in Omaha this evening for the
transaction of some routine business. None
of time members of time committee who were
in the city last evening were willing to say
the ) ' knew exactly what would be tione , but
they say something in the line of fixing
the Limo for the holding of the state convention -
tion will be attended to. It is thought the
comnniittec will make time call. leaving the
day and Imlaco vacant , to be filled in by the
chairman aim soon as the popuilsts have set-
tictl on their date timid place. This is in
order to repeat time three-ring performnaimco
oh : last year.
Time silver republican state ommittce will
also have a meeting mint ! its program is
flhOUt time smmio as the demnoemats. It was
originally intended that the popuiists should
libeL lucre today , but that meeting was Iost-
poncd until the national committee meets.
There Ia not a imeatlache lii a dozem of
Cook's Imperial Champagne. It's extra dry ,
bouquet flume. Record , imaif a century.
t1U.OO 'I'O IIOSVIflL .t.Nl ) ItIdTUI1N
VIn hook Ltdnhid Itomite.
Tickets oim sale June 5th amid 6th , good to
rettmrn for 30 days. Trains leave Omaha
5:20 : a. iii. , i : h0 it. UI. anti 7 p. in. : only line
runimimig : i trauma a day fronm Omaha to Den-
ver. For sleeping car reservations and
tickets 'call at. 1323 Farnani street.
robile Votice.
The Northwestern Line Daylight Special
now leaves the U. 1' , depot at 6:40 : a .m , ;
arrives Chicago 8:45 : same evening. No
change in the other trains. Time C'verland '
Limited 4:45 : p. am , and time Omaha Chicago
SPecial at. 0:45 : p. in. arrive at Chicago 7:45 :
and 9:30 : respectiveiy , next morning. The
moat advanced vestibuled sieepers. diners
and free parlor chair eels-of course-what
cisc would the "Northwesturn' have.
City Ticket omco 140t Farnani at.
AmuierIt.nn IsIlemmI AriNneynslon , Icii-
ycr1 June 'i'thi-ltli.
Dr. Montgomery of ChIcago wili run a
special train over the Itock Island route to
Demiver account ofabove. _ This train viii
leave Onmalma Monday , Juno the 0th. at 1:35 :
p. in. For sleeping car reservations , etc. ,
call at Rock Island city ticket olilce , 1323
Furnnnt c. : .
We , the members of Elkhorn lodge
No. 268. Brotherhood of Locomotive -
tivo Emigiiiocrs. desire to otter our
timanks to the otiicinltm of the Fmcmnont , Elkhorn -
horn & Missouri Vailey Hallway conmpammy
for timeir kimmmimmoss in mteimdIng simeciai train
from Norfolk to Missouri Valley so friends
coulti atteummi fmmmmeral of i3rotimcrs Cook and
Owens , Ily order of Lodge.
l'Ol4lte ( lii Sommvt'ilr live.
For time immtornmation of the public , it is
stated that time postage required on time
souvenir lieu is 2 cents , This immust ho lire-
paid or time paper will mint be sent through
time mucus , htmL. Immateati will be held dent ! at
the Omaha olhhce , Put 2 edits 011 eimcii single
i'hc Simimerli lillimI tniit'it
anti quick tlimme of time tilihomi i'mtcitlc niakes
it time pojmuiai' line to mmli principal restcrmi
resorts. Cily ticket chico , No , 1302 Far-
naimi at.
Pleasant hotel imitchmlmmg nut ! ( ceiling eta-
hilts. 24th amid SimeImcer , Olie block froni cx-
iositiorm grounds. ( loot ! necomimniodmitiomi , how
laIcim ,
Time lienrim nmerry.go.rotimmd , with rings ,
01)011 day mmcd evening. 15th antI Caltltoh ave.
Persoims ciemuirlumg toeniist in Conmpany 0.
'l'imird rcgiincmmt Nc'brasluu yoiuumtcers , wi Ii
report at 411 Snuijim Tmmiim street all ) aft-
erimnoim or svcimilmg this wick.
A i'art' of fifty-three Chilmirimmicu arriveti
iu Ommmaba yesterday ( ma time tiniomu l'aciile.
They caine frommi Salt Framuelitro eat ! vcro
in charge of T. Ii. Walker , a ( JmlitL'ui States
deputy collector.
O'SiIAt1CiINl:55yM , . Ctmttuerimmu ngeui Si ,
Itilk ) ' Ii , 5,15 a. lim. , lit time rt.aitleimce of her
tiiiugimter _ t1rmm , Catimerlmmu I hawley , 13
Davenport , Fuimermil at hI o'clock 'l'imumrmm-
tiny umoriming , Juno 2. frommi 151. PimilolImelIlt
Cathedral ,
IIUNT-Johum IL , May Ii , 1151 , aged 3 $ years.
Fummerni 'l'htim'mmuimty aftcrnbon , Jumm , lit 2
o'iovk from ti ) rcsl.lemii'c of Robert Nd.
soil , 14J Sututim Sixth imtu't'et. Interuiciut
rospett 11111 cemetery.
- -
The excavations for the now postofflcc
building were completed yesterday anti City
Engineer lien ! finished thu work of running
the lines for the walls anti setting the
stakes for the foundatloni. The flrst course
In the construction of this buiiding wlii be
a layer of concrete one foot In thickness anti
from four to six feet In width. Walls of
solid brick will be built which will be faced
with brick of buff coior These walls will
be two feet in thickness in the rear anti two
and one-half feet. thick in front ,
Nothing has been done yet by the contractors -
tractors about haying a sidewalk niong the
outside of the fence on lii street , but it is
understood that the matter will be taken
up by SuperIntendent Fainam the first 'of
time week ,
fl.nlit of Mr. . , htummt.
Mrs. Charlotte hunt , mother of Colonel
C. ? tt. hunt anti Mrs. Peter Cockeehl , diet !
yesterday at Peter Cockreil'e residence ,
Twenty.fifth anti S streets. At the time of
her death Mrs. iltmnt hacked less than a
month of being h9 years of age , having been
bornin Green county , Pennsylvania , in 1809.
For ( ho iast five years time deceased has
lived in this city with her son and daught r ,
although her home was at Coiumbus 0. On
Monday last Mrs. hunt contracted a slight
cold and pneumonia set iii , which is given
as the cause of death.
After brief services at Captain , Cockrell'u
resiulenco yesterday afternoon time remains
were taken to Columbus , 0. , for interment ,
Kay W , hunt , son of CohoneiIunt , accorn-
panied the body east.
Arrnuits' flu Armimour Celvirntloii.
Friday afternoon the committee appointed
by Mayor Ensor to consider the advisability
of ceiebrating the opening of time Armour
hacking imouso will hold a maccLing at Exchange -
change imahl. The idea seems to be growing
in favor and it is thought that a creditable
celebration can be arranged. As yet no details -
tails for the iroposed celebration have been
worked out , but it is thought that there
should be a monster parade with a barbecue
or somimething of that sort on the aide , A
trip through the Armour lmuihdings will be
one worth taking , as the plant will be as
near Imerfection as possible.
111mM tli(5M SuMociutied ,
flumsiness was generally suspended here
yesterday afternoon and time city voro a
deserted look. The banks and most of time
business houses closed at noon , while the
majority of time offices at the exchange
closet ! shortly after that hour. Witim time cx-
ception of Swift's , time hmackimig houses shut
down at noon or a little after iii order that
time emmiploycs might imavo a half holiday.
The street car service to Omaha was much
better than has been seen hero for a long
time aiim ! time patromms of the line were well
taken care of.
% Yorl flit lime EiiMor fluildimigs.
Work emi MCyor Ensor's new buildings at
Twenty-fourth antI K streets comnmenccd
yesterday. Tuesday nftermmoon time city cmi-
gineer staked out the lots amid workmen
commenced diggimmg for time foundations
bright and early yesterday mnornimmg. TIme
buildings vihi be of frame , otto story high ,
witim a frontage emi Twcnty-fotmrtim street of
sixty feet and a depth of sixty feet. It is
the intentiomi to divide the block into three
store rooms , one portion being reserved by
the mayor for an olilco amid labratory.
Ctslmg Seluiol l.ert'lses ,
The closing exercises of time eighth grade
schools will be held at the First Methodist
Episcopal church this evening. Aim interest-
immg program has been prepared for. thme oc-
cmtsion. About fifty pupils of this grade will
imass into the High scimool.
On Friday evening at the annie place the
graduatimig exercises of the Iligim school vIi1
take Place. The class this year consists of
soveim pupils , two boys and five girls.
Magic City GossIp ,
Upchurch lodge , Icbree of Honor , s'ihi
elect ofilccra tonight.
I. H. Carey of Ponder spent a portion of
yesterday 1mm the city.
Several dangerous holes in the drIveway
on the L street viadtmct are reported.
Evangelist B. F. Taylor is hero ammul cx-
pects to open a camp mneeting shortly.
A daughter has been bormi to Mr. and Mrs.
\V. H. Qucenan , 1022 North Tweimty-tiilrd
Nellie anti May Pierce of Blair spent yesterday -
terday in the city time guest of Miss Rifle
CaptalimV. . 13. Hatcher of St. Louis. Mo. ,
is hero time guest of imis brotimer , Colonel
' 1' . B. Hatcher.
The fummeral of Mrs. Fred Nelson will he
held at the family resitience , Elnhteentim
anti V streets. this afternoon.
Time aiumnni of time High school line corn-
pleted arrangements for time bamiquuit to be
given in honor of the graduating class ,
A. II.Viiite of Valparaiso reported to
the police yesterday afternoon that lila
pocket book , containing $10 , was stolen from
imini while on a crowded car Just after the
The exposition number of Tue thee re-
colve'I praise from all quarters yesterday ,
The paper was delivered to subscribers
without rohiimmg , ainS this action was greatly
A IteniimrlitbIc itesemie ,
Mrs. Michael Curtaiu , Plainfield , iii. , makes
time statement that she caught colt ! , which
settled on her lungs ; she was treated tota
month by imer family physician , but grow
worse. Ho told tier imo was ii hiopeleso via-
tinm of consumption and that no muedicimmo
cotmld cure her. liar deuggiet mitmggcated 1)r ,
King's New Iiscovcry for Consmmmnptioii ; sue
bought a bottle aiim ! to her deiiglit found liar-
self benelitted from first mIoe , Sime continued
its use and otte'r taickig six Sottica foutid
herself sound end welt ; new does tier own
housework and is as ivehi as ehe ever was ,
Free trial. battleo of thmia Gceat Ilscovery at
Kuimmi & Co.'tt drug store. birge bothe % SQ
ccnt alit ! $100.
J-t''IJGlL'l' 'l'It.tlN 'V ( ) COl.OlI.iDO
Vtn hook Isluitit Ilnimfe ,
Leaves Omaha 5:20 : a. . am. . arrives Denver
ant ! Cole tdo Springs S p. mu , Tnko thus
train and save slepimmg car rate of $3.50.
Tckct 0111cc 1323 Farimam street ,
'FaunaS ItmuteN
via time Union Pacific to time famous summimer
resorts In Colorado , Utah , Calitormila ,
Idnimo , Montana and Oregon ,
For rates amid advertising matter call at
cIty ticket othire , No , 1502 Farnamn at ,
Csiiipe'rs GmuIile lclet't lye Smmwtmgi' him
'I'hmclr l.IthIe ( inlet Gsmmie on
I'mmmrit'elmii 5 * reel ,
- -
Several gamblers mimistook Detective Say-
ago for ommo of timeir ilk timis niornimig , antI
ho keeping up time deception , wami conducted
to thidr hmemudqtmarters , In time rear of the
hlijou saloon on Fifteenth street anti Cap-
itoh avenue. Here ime fount ! wheis of for-
tummtu , roulette gmmd chuck-a-luck ganies iii
full operatiomi , with crowds of Cager players
betting theIr money ,
Excusing himself for a niomnent , Savage
sent for time patrol yngoll , amid wimen it or-
m'ivcmi , loaded time parapiiermmalia of tue ganm-
biera aimd the latter themselves into time
wagon tumid took time load to police hicatiquar-
tcra. Several men , known to be interested
In time garuies , made their escape when the
r'atrol Wagomi chiuttereti up (0 time door. Time
prliiclpas ! , however , Thomas Connors and
Juimmmcs MeMaurict' , were captured. Connors
Is time one who immistook Savage for the gam-
bier imo expected , lie was not acqumuimiteti
with hits oxleccd ( visitor , cmiii only lint ! lila
description to guide Iminm , Sa'age answered
the descriptiou.
Made to cimarimi time taste ol real imeo1mlo
S. & ; H. "V1OLETI3'-the aristocratIc perfume -
fume for the bteoth. Five cents.
Jant ist lhiie.tss fliv hlIIun.t items
the linstbr 01 TheIr Lives
1(555 * Time.
Trains loaded 'csitb excursioniste pullet !
into the union iepot yesterday so
fast fl-nt ! furiously that it wM
impossible to skevp any sort. of
a Count On the i1itors 'who arrived. All
time regular trainswste run In aevoral ace-
tiona amid speciahttraimis were run fronu all
Important pointsataading room being at a
premium on everrmliur. More than COO pee-
ide were broughtoin on the Kansas City
branch of the Iiurhtmigtoa aloime , but the
largest crowds came from the west , Bur-
iington train No. 4 was run in two sections.
Union Pacific train No , 4 ne In twosuctiofls
and excursibmt trains were In from Sclmuyior ,
Wymore , Superior , Beatrice , Columbus anti
other points west ,
Burlington train No. 5 , from the cast , was
run in three sections , each section having
fiftecim cars , the Milwaukee ran a specisi in
froni time east , in addition to its rcguiar
trains , and the Northwestcrmi had two big
specials in from the east.
TueVebster Street depot was equally
busy. Excursions on the Omaha , Eikhorn
and Missouri Pacific poured in in rapid sue-
cesaleim , and all trains were loaded to fail
capacity. fly it o'clock more than fifty
coach loads of visitors had been landed at
that station , anti mere were coining all time
imuformimal 1)11 * her mtt V1uii'1i liii' ( tv-
eitmmueiitM of ! 4esernl Cities Emijoy
Etit'h Other's l'rcsenve.
Yesterday afterneon an informal ulimimior
was given at time Millard by time local city
omclals , the mayors and city oflicials of
Council Bluffs anti South Onmaima and time
following members of the city council of
Kansas City : James Pendergast , Jesse L.
Jeweih , Jamneti 0. ileroth , Lewis B. Sawyer ,
William 11. Otto anti A. D. Burrows. There
wore also present Charles Malion of the
Kansas City World amid Dick Shater of time
Kansas CitY Times. At the conchumsiomi of the
repast a number of those nbommt time board
were called upon by Mayor Moorcs to rum-
shont to toasts ,
1.W '
r Tll 1
lion. Josepim Oberfehder of Sidney lim in
time city , tired aiim ! weary , but mighity well
pleased witim i'imnt ho saw at time groumids
yesterday , lie says flint there was never a
better outlook for crops in time western part
of the state. There has beemi an unusual
rainfall this spring aiim ! time groummd iii in
fine commtiition. Rye is waist high anti very
heavy In growth and is mmow in bloomim.
\Vimcat , both spring amid winter , mmml oats and
hay are evincing promnimme of splemmdid crops.
Ummless hail should interfere the graimi yield
of western Nebraska for 1698 vihl exceed
that. of 1897 , whiich has been heretofore time
banner year of time state's imistory.
I'ersmnnl l'gm'mimcrllmlhil4.
II. S. Muddcn and wife of St. Lotus , Mo. ,
are at the Barker.
P. S. Jumukin and wife cut Orange City , Ia. ,
are guests at tIme Barker.
Ben B , Hopkins anti wife of Llimcolmi arc
registered at time Barker.
S. D. Cook of the owa cornimmiasiomm , together -
gether with his wife , Is in time city.
George B. Pickett of time Greenwood Bee-
ord took iii time opemming of time exposition
F. K. Itoblnsomi band. 'wife. Misses Emummma
and A. Duhtu df Avoca , la. , are stopphmmg at
time Barker.
Miss Dodge of Council Bluffs occujmied a
place of honor on the grammdstnnd at time
expositiomi opemming yesterday.
D. F. Shmarpe , Spenifish , S. B. ; J. F. Red-
Icy , Denver , tolo , ; J. T. llmignmm , Denver ,
Colt , , ; 0. E.Vilkimis , Philadoipimia , l'n. , arc
stopming at the Barker.
Miss Deumer of Missouri Valley , who is
pleasantly reimienthercd as one of time guests
of imommor at the Ice CartmIvnl last wlmmter.
was in tIme city yesterday.
harry Limmderhmolmmm , a former resident of
Omimimhia , is visitimmg friemmuls iii this city. Mr.
Llmmderlioim is now cummimected with tIme
Tcaa amid Southern Irrigation eomnpauy at
llomjstoum , Tox.
Mm. amid' Mrs. James B , Preston , fornmemly
of Ommmnima , arc iii time city from Demmvcr.
Tbey attended the opening of the eximosi-
tiomt , 'tutU expect to return later iu time sea-
semi to spend a fortnight.
Mrs. 11. C. Ward , vito of Major \'nrd ,
time representative of the War departnmcmit
on the bc'FiT of mnammageineut of time floe-
ernmnemmt building , is'lhh arrive iii Omnaimn today -
day from NaslmviiIe. Mrs.'mmrd Is a mmmciii-
ber of the Tcmmmmessee Exposition eommnmuis-
siomi , amiui vlil be time omciai representative
or time state at the expositiomm. Sue will be
at borne at 2020 W'ebster street.
Nebraskans at hotels-N. L. Squier , J. J.
Wonke. Sliver Creek ; i. L. Wliiteommmb alit !
ivife , J. C. Clc'lammd , Fremnommt ; Ed O'Shea ,
Madison : J. Hull , Fred \Vietzer , 'tv. G.
Baker , B. 0. Bullock , Norfolk ; C. II. Gie-
soker , Agmmew ; lila Carmiehius , Keam'ney ; A.
V. Penn antI son , Men Ilaiton , Idles Irna
howell , Miss helen I-lowell , Siminey : Iryimm
Scott , J , A. Carlean. S. N. Nordstronm ,
Stronmsburg ; Charles Hohtierman , ilurcimamul ;
M. B. Haiglit. Crete : W. B. Thiompe , T. W.
.1)ay. David City ; Fl. C. Jackson omit ! iifc ,
Miss Itia Jackson , Mrs. B , F. Hailer , Blair ;
M , D. Camni'ron , C. 11. Wells , Scimumyler ; F.
A. Ilownnh , H. iii , Imiarkle.Vyrnore ; J. A.
Dovore , Frank B. Gihlemi , Ii. Ii. Ilewoy , 11.
IL. Frairn , Mrs. J. .1. Rogers , Ralph Barnes ,
Miss Birdie Schmohes , Mrs. J , Ii , Marsimahi.
Fred Whltumamn anti wife. II , Bruce Coifratim
and wife , P. D.Srnitlm. Lincoln ; W , G. Whit-
more , Valley ; Lee B. Coomi , F. M. Davis ,
Beatrice ; V. B. Braineril and ivlfo , C. if.
Terimlmm mind vife , Oakdale ; Mrs. Nettle
Leach , Loretto ; 'I' , Fl. Edwards. limnerson ;
11. II. Gillespie , Lakeside ; 11 , F. W'ilsomm ,
John T , DressIer , Wmtymmo ; W. 0. Swan , It.
a. Work and wife , I. . . M. Dames , Tccummisclm ;
\V. \Vmmmlsworth , John 1' . Rester. Italian-
Oltil II. Schimmack , Ii , F. Seidel , Scribimer ;
Ii , F. Lelir , ltlbion 1Villlammi 1 Moore. Hcmm-
doreen ; \V. 11. Stuart , IeWitt : Slil lielcimer ,
A. J. Wilkimms , York ; D , C , Wist. L , C. I'ol-
lard , Clmaries hirmmndt , Nclmawka ; B. J.
Wheeler , \V. C. McCool , Salem ; I' . I. Zim-
mmiormuan , \ ' . ii. Hoover. Fred Beechmier , 11.
Ibmrnemt , Otto H , Mobs , Battle Creek ; F. P.
Comimimtolm , Seward ; t 10. . L. Vammce , l'awncu
City ; T. C. Gayiotd. Central City ; II. W.
PiiIihiisVest l'olimt ; Aibert Able , James S.
Timoimmas , Lexington ; B. B. Sherwood ; Northm
Benmi ; A. ikmrmmett and wife. McCook ; John
Sinclair , Burr ; J. " % V. : Lee ii , B. Lee. W. T ,
Pattygrove , Ahfrtii Pettygrovo. Robert
Smiths , Oxford ; Dr. 'Fitzgerald , Grafton ; J ,
J. liomiekempor , 'Suittomm ; B , 0. Smmyde'r ,
O'Neill ; Mrs. U. A , Ldikimart , A. M. Joiitmsomi ,
Curtis ; J , II. i'Ieper , Wlillanm Mackentltedt ,
Leigh ; hay huh , l'lainviow ,
Highest honors , Vor1d'fi Fair
Cold Medal , Midwinter Fair
110W A. tA1t I POUIIIIT.
The Chastises in thmeMotle of ' . 'nrfnre
hhhuadrateul Ipy I'ictnrcs ,
It yomm wisim to properly unticratamid ( him
war news. if 3'oum wish to imayji a tieflnito
knowledge of naval afinirs anti the events
that are occurring iii time EaI anti Vcst
Indies you can secure no better , no more
reliable soumce of lmmfornu.tion than the
official photographs ot the Uhited States
iusvy , just issued by tiiu Omaha Iht'e. The
price is only 25 cents , anti more Valuable
nntl timely information was never offered
fer the mnomiey. It is on sale at Time Onmaba
thee coummting rooms , or will be sent to mummy
address on receipt of price.
The book consists of micarhy 200 pages of
views made by E , 11. hart , naval photo-
gm'npimer , anti time lIst of subjects embraces
everything of interest pertainlmmg to our
flavyt of which every American is justly
prouth First within the covers of this inter-
, qstimmg woik conmes a map sixteen times as
large as time book itself , showing on one
she the Sianlsim possessions , alma au ad-
jacetmt territory , while on the other side
the East Indian possessions arc similarly
treated , themmmshmlp lices , with the die.
tances intervening between different polnts
are showmm , amid a close study of these mmmap
wilL give one a thorough understanding of
limbs territory , 1mm regard to 'which the in-
tercet of thu Anmerican public is now at
fever heat.
, Timemm follow more than 200 rare pictures
of time navy , its olficers anti equipnmemst. Time
views are all authentlt' , alit ! arc the latest
oflicial pimotogrtupha of our torpedo boats ,
torpedo boat destroyers , cruisers , battleships -
ships , gunboats , amonitors , rams , dymmarnite
cruisers , t'ttspatclm vessris. anti oilier ivar
craft , time wimole embodying an autlmemmtic
portrayal of time Amnerlcamm nary as it exists
today. A complete descriptIon of tim con-
struetion , dlspiacemnemmt , size , specl , batteries -
tories , nt'nmor , crew amid cost of eacim boat
will enable the render to form an accurate
ostinmate of our fightIng stretmgth , Included
vithi these are photographs of time lcamhimmg
Spammisim nmen.of-war , nlo fully describctl ,
fly far time nmost lmmterestimmg portiomms of the
hook are views of the Maimme , takemm before
time disaster in ilmmvnmma imarhior , shmowlm'.g time
hifo alit ! discipline aboard a battlem'liip , to-
gethmer with portiaits of the officers amid
crow , supplenmented by lmhotograiiims tnki'ii
after the explosion , depicting time divers at
work , amid oilier incidents 1mm commnection
witim timis sat ! alit ! mimemmmormmblo event.
This work cami be obtaimmed by cutting a
cotiimon frommi page two , nmmd bringing it to
The flee oiflce , Omimaha , Time lice building ;
South Ommmahmn , Twcmmty-fourth and N streets :
iAncoim , , 10211 0 street ; Coummcil Bluffs , 10
I'enrt street , By mail 4 cents extra for
postage , Address Nary Pimotograph Depart-
mmment , Omaha Bee.
New hino to Kansas City. Port Arthur
Iioimtu. 111111) ' from Ummion station. City of-
II , . , . .4 15 I"am nnnm.
tltssnmmrliuI lt' Pollee Get Amiotlier
of time itei 't'iio ttiiiIteii
L. Mimilvity.
Wihliamim Cooper , the third man of the trio
wlmo robbed L. Mcllvoy of Iakota City of
$700 a low mmlgimts since , was captured yesterday -
terday mnornimmg at Missouri Valley by time
Imolice of thmat city.
S An Ommimiha ollicer svihi be semmt to Missommri
Valley tItle aternoomm ! for Cooper. All of
the peOlle coimmmectetl with the robbery arc
now in ctmsttdy , Belle Pilhomv , time wommmamm
in time case , being iii jail at Council Blumhfe.
None of tim mommoy has as yet been recov-
Cooper imati a letter on imle persomm from
tIme 11110w womuamm , him which she speaks of
time robbery mmii immakes stntemumcnts mm'hmiclm
voUitl temiti to show timat Cooper last imatitihed
time stolcmm niommc'y.
Coolmer is saul to have the robbery of a
qumamitity of choth from J. Kervan's store
charged to hlnm.
l'tti t A rtltur itoiite
I'or Kamisas City arid south , St. Louis amid
southmeast. Best hue ; try it. City oflico
IlIb Farnani at.
( )3I.iII.t 'l'O 'vine GULF ,
I'Iu l'ort Artlium r flotite.
Commencing Jimmie 1st the Port Arthur
Route will run solid traimms tIiiy from
Lrion station. Omnaima. The mmcmv iino
Kansas City mmmiii time h3otmtim. Quickest for
S. Lommis nmmti Southeast. Siceplng car space
amid nil imiforimmation at I'ort Arthur Route
0111cc. 1 115 Fmmrmmnmmi ( i'axton hotel hilt. ) , or
write harry B. 2Ioorcs , C. I' . & T. A. ,
Makes Lowest Pries
Shirt WaisIs-75c , $1 , $1.25 ,
Uneti Skirts-S , $1.25 , $1.50
aiid $1.75.
tieck Ties-25e afl(1 50c.
Ladies' SuitsSb and better.
Largest assortinehit in Omaha.
All are luvited to look.
1510 Douglas Street.
. . . . . . a . .q e . S
: S
S You may have a course of medical S
. treatment for S
of all kinds at the
; Sliepard MoUlcal Institute :
S New York Life Bldg. , Omaha , Neb , :
S ( 'Dl'rlIAi TiCQ. Catarrh. Deaf.s
I , ; F LIill ! L i I Lt ) ness amiti all
I DIssec8 of time Lungs , Stomach , ,
Kitlmmeys , Nerves and Blood. Itefer-
S once , by uiermiesion , to 5,1,0) cured
S patients , Time largest medical olhicea
and practice in time west , The Omnaha
I lice' , leadutmg dully , says ; "The Shep.
S mirth Medical llietitUte Is emitirt'ly relia.
. hut in it itrufcssionai and itusiness
way , Dr. I3hmepartl tint ! hue associates
S iimtvo gaitmed anti fully mnitlritimined a e
S icatilng reputation in the treatment
. of chronic disc'ltseS. The public may
sorely trust them. " S
0 ! AI P I T i ; For testimonials from S
S TV II I I l ministers , teachers , bual-
S ness macn , tarnmermm , etc. , toiling how
they were cured at home through the
S Mail System ,
. r : V"The New Treatment ; .
U IS 110w It Cures , " is semmt fra
S to all who write , It is a clean mediemmi
S work ( or the whole family to readS
and Is of great value to all who eepk
S hotter health , Book and Consultation
I Illanks sent free to all Inquirers. S
S Medicines sent overywimere , State
your case tnt ! send for opirmiomi and
S lowest terms. ( 'imarges how. ConS -
S tatlon ( ccc , iiorsonally or by letter.
S V1iiI.i 71 , ( , 1apcr , ,
ihv. 0 0 D S S S S S I S S
lIce Juno 2,1i $ . ,
z ; men of
V1io are in Omaha , today-to the Aiiiericans-tlio
EligliBli , the French , the Scotch , the Irish , the Turks ,
the Russiaiis , thu Skaiidinavans1 the others-for
thei'o are ot1iers-ve want to say a few plain matter-
of-fact words. This is a peculiar store. 'l'liere is not
a Store anywhere , that is Iiiore anxious for your iiioii-
ey , but no store in existence will.givo you more for
it aiic'I : 110 store iii exhtehlce will (10 RB' hiiicli to Pro-
teet its custoiiiers as this store.VO are iot the oiiIy
honest store III Omaha , but we go to extreiiie lengLlis
with our Ilollesty aiicl. we do so simply and soieiy
becauseit pays. i\e have no stuart eier1c , no sililill
tricks , no 1)otty nisrepresentatioii or Iimiibugi1 mid
Out' coiislaiit study is to sell only good reliable geode
afll to sell them as near the actual cost of pro-
diiction as it is IoSsiblO to do. Vie ( lOiI't want yonI'
Iflolley until you are satisfied you are gettilhg more
for it than Ol ctii get aiywiiei'o else alll you cmiii ' - ' . . -
have it back anytime that you call font. You doii't
ovijil have to tell us why you want it back. li is
enough for us to know that you do ,
If you watit to (10 busiiiess with that kin(1 of a
store ( irOp ill today and get acquainted. A good thing
to fasten the acquaintance is the uiiie WorSteI. serge
suits we are selling this week at 6. 50 a suit.
flu .15 U L U I a. 1) . , , . 1 . . , 1 i'm
cmtii .mlOhu/.135 , , m..thlclhlU3i5 , .IJI
rud u1 IAU CoIors in Oil , , Ja1)ahi or
'listem 1)01' , SI al \Tiriijslies , : i\IiXCl \ Pal iii P18.1 0 GIRSSVii l
C 'I O u. P ' _ . . L , Bvim c.i s. C i'l m ItS bestamivmmmitmtgc mccli mis mmli stmmimles of imm time Ptitmt : himme , calm lt itumightt to
J. A. FULLER , & CO , ,
14th ruid Douglas.
. iltitliersi lothmersh ! MotIim'rstt !
mlrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup Juts been
ut.ed for tvcr 50 years by nmhilitmn8 of mactIm-
cr5 ( or their children while teotimimmg s'Itlm
iterfect success. It ituotimes time cliii , ] , 5tft
ens the gummmm4 , allays all iambi , cures wlnti
cohl mumid iii the bct. remnetly for Diarrhoea.
Sold by druggists in every hart of the
world. Lie sure amid asic for "Aira. W'imishow's
Sootlmimmg Syrup' ' and take mme other kind.
25 cents a bottle.
[ xposito Notke
'Vu desire to mthnoilmicc to our regular jat-
romma its veil mIs visitors to the city-that
nmtwitimitammtllmmg tIme greatly imicrensed traf-
tic 1mm thrmmgs mind muedicimmes , lncidemit to time
Exposition--we shah imohd ouirselvcs in
remttiimme $ to execute all ortler-mmmd coin-
Pummntl nil irescriPttamis 'with ommr itcemis-
to mmmcd lirorn imtimt'ts-\'e iimvc ; micarly ti o mm-
blot ! our clerical force silmco Jimmi. I , ISOS
and shall bctwec'mm time hours of 7 a. m. nmmti
11 P. rn rmimm ml lRUO S'I'OltE THAT IS
Otmr PatrmiH vImo wlslm goods delivered
sviii CONFER A FAVOR by getting in
their orders mis early 1mm time tiny zig mtossl-
iie-bmmt ivtt simli nlways resimlid 'mvhtim
nromltt deliverIes for enmergemicleti.
NOTR-I'art leti tiesi rimig I , rest'rl n t
REF1LLHD muimouid luring time original eon-
tuimmermt ( iattties or imtxe-mmmmtl ) not expect
ID ; to "renmemniter" ivimat their ltreseriltiomi
Sherman&M000llneII Oru Oo
OtumnImn , Net ) . isit : Dmige
( Middle of Block. )
FLAGS. . . . . .
Jia e Yommr lImmildImugs
Iceornte.1 1 , , Cite.
imti : : lmtwmird. 'I'hoiue flifil.
To Alaska T
Coed Fields
by . . mmci , J5lPlJti I.1N1 11,61)0 ) tOn steamltcm'A
' ' " . , , " . ' ' ' ' . ' '
, . Ohio. lenit. irmumilit I ii I ibis. I otimim an.
L'timemnugli. ' SmteImmllY lmtmetm st Itli bteammm itemut ,
electric lights a muti all nuolermi mnm.ruvcuitenms.
nmmtob mtteI to still about .J timme i5. 22. Pm .1 uiiy 13. 2(1. 't
'rmtesu large occahm , .temmmuers. 50 well I. utttwmm I ii m iii ,
m rtmticatlaimtt In tusi , Tlt't.S. I ti coitmteetloi , w It ii itti r unit
ticet of I tt t'cic'Ia ftr m Ia' ' 5' eliot , II ii cr
trmt imic , fiirttlsti by far m ltd lt'st route mc J&ISI&J ,
city almO nil other Yuiuli itiVet' Points.
imFMml3mimmciu : that this line t'mmattictt pnsa'mmgeru to
read , m mu trait of titu 4i.I 0 FIclil. , i'ltltott t r-
I hg t Ito liimrtistiittt. , cx mosti re. stmvc'ro tul I iuitl , itauIg3r
to lire amiC mrouerty emmaumimlered on time Ovethmmmd
routes , Apply to
007 l'l..t Ave. , flI.i'l"l'I.l' . % V.iMII. , "ste
14:5 ii Stills' Mlrc'i. ° ( mSIiU.tUO , iLl. . .
Orthelr agents In Cbs United SIste , or Canada.
4'YLMA '
] it'EILY 1.'O'I' ote
Lawn Hose
We sell is guaranteed-the prices rammgc from
7iAe to 20c lid' foot.
181 1 FAILNAM 5' ! ' .
- - - - - _ ' _ _ . _
- - - - -
- - . .
- - -
. Co.
Si m'n i.crtVlint Iti l l.'r tic yomi e % -
C1OSS jicel I liii , m ii , , iii I mmciii still fur , , ' , ( )
A 4t * id syliero cml t'iii'l ii cii ii ti.i I , , . y
F RO11 aim mill i'ool black dill mm tissled stilt
for tfl.7gS
Yomi s'ili ililil s 1ta hirgmuimss ln'vs' ,
p OSTOFF ICEnstl , ut' msiist cnsjsitis I Icnliy rt'petul
tNi.Y I 'I'll IS f4'l'hil ii ,
N OR'l"H END. S'misit lii iistusy liiireimwsl mmli ) '
Sitisuli store rs-stl-smsisiI expi'iisi's mat -
, t ' qmilme sssusll iroli ( , 111mg shires mmlii ,
IL Itcimi. of miii sorts of vs iit'mmses iimist
N EXPOSIf1ON 34t't big iiruIll' ho live.
Ac _ ' ' ' ' ' lsii'd I Immut Pi''ii' . ' , itsgli t
0 F P1J3'11'1' ,
% t , mmmc' iot'mitt'l issit iii tutu ( mirtule of .
is isi'miri'si l's iisiilmt mirl mii's' of I lie Ii. iiil.
N 1) j ) P LJ L A I
loril is iid mm mm per of I Istisi , I Iii. I f.'t'iI
' 1,1551 , % % c mire lssetmt.'si ii t'osijltu of' , . . . . . -
; ioi'i-i i
htiieIs miorhli of II , , . iiumilii lull rl.s'l , it
51151 tiils lii. , lris.lit . , to icci. , mis , im' ,
F 0 R J1 13 N
, . . , mmlii liii rsjrally replii for )
I I ti ' .
io 5i t'
IItsutIt' , ma it glittrmlus tt'i' . 'm.'ryl Iii
' , . ,5i lmim' lien' . II iiisjsl lie g.isiil isisul
tiN ii , ' lirleeti SIN , issIltlt or 3 slur
lillIlli' , ' ItisimiC , ii I is is 5' I hue. i'ii'i'r'
PkCIAL I iiuismmeitmi iii lmsuiurul.lui iuisst litisi-
est gs ii iscu-litirmi liliit' .
P1IAIftkNGEDllml'sPiie , jirici's , . ' % o sii'vlimlloiss hi
llml'sPiie , its ) ii liit'iiiil Is ; ISO tlim'in i smut lit
R 6.UNS tIlimtgs lit , ciummis I rlclcry or jn's'.iI.
ciusrmmsuu'eim tt'iiissi ,
j -.liit's-htimhs liii di
- - -