'riii OMAhA DAILY ME1-TIITBSDAY , .Tt1N1 2. 1898. ' 7 I EVEN BREAK AT COLUNBUS Benator8 and Babea Divide the Bones and Past Ftiendly. MORE CHANGES IN TIlE FISHER FAMILY - 1ngrrrnnu and IIsrnrtt 1tIiaMei flnsl . ( rrt.tn.y 4Iii 1k nuil % 'tt.1vrtIa .l ( ) II , 1IP Tenit-flcfflhI.i of liii. Lnst , Guuir. COLfltflUS. 0. , Jurm 1.-Spcclal ( Tcle ram.-I3oth ) tem had a bad jnnng tn to1ay& game , which wsu finally by the Senators. Urn tentni brckng eyen on tie ierlos. Colunibua nppiiiently heW ( he ntne are Up to the fourth Inning. when to cleati hits ; . two oUts and two errors on thu Infh1d were foIIo % by Prestons ngIn ani PIcker1ng hbme run. giving the Omnhai a IcaI ( of thro , CbThmbu man. ageil te get two iren trosa the plate in the auth nn In the aeventb the Oninhas - . . lin'I a sLm1lai experience ' 10 thi\t. Of Colum- lius n the fourth , 4 base on bnlI , three two.baggers. a aingie and three errors were mixed Up in ono Inning end when It was flnii&hed up by a dOUIh3 ) play. Columbus bad six runs aiu % ft hn(1 ( of live thnt they hehi to the on4 of the game. Daub was WIi(1 ( in the second , giving two bases on balls and hitting a bat- it slugin acoring two. A single and a triple athici ) one In the tourth. Iaub's error. a sacrifice nini two singics adiel two In the sixth. Then caine the awful seventh anl that. aettled it. as Walters tendtcd down and s , aIiocd lint two hits after ( ho fourth. ' : Lyons atngtcd in the fourth and Itoat folW ItWCI stilt. Iutaco and IIlly went out ' flies to tbuotitfleIdcr5 , and Wo1ters fum- I)1U ) gave A1Cituioy , a lifo. ( lenins booted one that Iiaub hit to him nud Preston aingled. Pickering hit a Iinrd one to center fluid , the iaii taking it bad bound and going over } Cnoli's head. fur a iotiic run , I Germany Smith viii Jnn thu Omaha team r In Chicago tomorrow ami viii play shortt sto' , itoat going to Ccond bne. linger- main was relenseil along with IlurneLt and Wadsworth. the former Eastern league . iitciier , , joins the ( Cain tonight. Ncgotla- tiolis are a156 eiiding with henry Clarke of Omaha , who siil probably join the team when It arrives home. Score : COL.UMBIJS. All. fl.113.1'O. A. E. E.I W'niverton , flb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 2 1 2 1 I ] utIer , i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 0 0 3 0 3 . : i. . Vrtnk , rt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ° 3 'l'ebeaU , it ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2 2 10 1 ) .n1ns , 2b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2 2 5 1 1Iiil.ti , SM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 1 i ] nnii , cC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2 2 3 0 I lbui kle ) , C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1 2 3 0 ' , VulterM , i..j 1 O 3 1 - _ _ . Totai . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 11 12 27 1i I A OMAHA. Afl. it.u.ro. A. , Pre.tun. it : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1 2 3 0 I I'ickerlng. ( f . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1 3 2 1 0 Ilenling. rt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 0 0 0 0 ] .ynns. lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1 1 10 3 Jtnt ( , tu4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -I 1 1 2 1 1tn4tttce , h. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 0 1 2 1 2 1lJiIingsvorth , lb. . . . . . . . . . 4 . 0 1 2 6 I ? .lcUUl'y , C..1 I 0 4 1 0 1)uub.p. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1 0 ii - Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38 6 9 27 18 6 Coiumbu . . . . . . . . . . 0 2 0 1 0 2 6 0 0-I Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - I ; Twn-bwu hits : Iluckley TebeauVolvc - toll. ( lenins. Threebiui. hits : I'iioi1 , Eui - tilci : ' , I Inme run : l'ickertng. Sacrilicu hits : Ilulen , ilhicicley. First ImSe Un illhilS 01 i : flfltII ) , I. lit 1)3 iitchr ) : lnIt. 1icCati1ey First base on errors : Columbus. I ; Omaha 3. i.eft. on lases : Coitunbus , 9 : 0naiu , I : - Struck out : lJy'ultcrs. . i ; by Daub , 1 Double plays : liulen to 'I'ebenu toWolver ' tun , l1oiiIngvortli to McCaUtey. Umpire IlltMkeii. AttnInee. ( .300.i O1IiIIR ' % 'IlSTIHtN I.i.tGIE ? SCO1tIi . I'Iiik 1fILivI4 ( itriitis the In b I SIiutfliitr Out St. 1iti1. INDIANAJ'OLIS , Juno 1.-lIasYley shu t thu Saltits nut today. Gutr iuiin , 01 Glnscocks single on wideli Glennivin va : B thrown out at third III the lliflth , gave bin it tIii credit. lie mowed the Saints down Ilk 0 1ttnb. Scoru : - ItILE : . . - llltliflflOPOiIH . .1 0 0 0 0 2 4 2 -9 13 0 St.I'.ttli . . . . . . . .0000000000 4 I llntterhs : Indianapolis. I1avIey nn Cl Lyneb : St. Paul. l'hyle and. Spies. , Mt1'AU1EE , Wis. , Juno 1.-The Brew - cr. i)1tteLI out a victory in the vontli nil ( I eighth ilinilig today. itftur ho MiiIer nild tli game WOIt III hand. ScOre : B.1i.I i. NiiW1LtlkP ( ) . . . .0 1 0 1 0 0 3 510 32 3 lliflflCltP0hIS .0 0 0 2 3 0 2 0 07 13 3 IlatterioM Milwaukee antI . - : Taylor Spoor idirineapoils. bleniy. r4orton and Dixon. - IETH0I'r. Juire I.-Detrott io it tin ) IlIst of the sorit with the Blues In hal low style. hahn being bit very hard. Tb 0 bonro tortli : irtnrtH on its first western tn 1' tomorrow. Score : It.1I.1 . Ritisns Clty..0 0 3 0 3 4 1 0 2-13 14 Detroit . . . . . . . .0tO1OO2O0-3 S - Batteries : I11l1l41t5 City , Suilvan and \VIl I- soil ; Detnit , .1 itliri and Twinohani. S'I'ANIING OF Tl1l 'l'i1AiS. Played.Vun. . Lost. Per C . Indianapolis . . . . . . . . . 31 2 S 75 .8 LSt. . Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 21 13 75.O Coiurnbui . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 21 13 61 .8 1' ; itnsits City . . . . . . . . . 3 $ 19 35 55 .9 . . Mllvrtukoo . . . . . . . . . . 37 . 20 17 51 .1 - 1)otrolt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 23 31 .9 Mlnnoaiolis . . . . . . . . . 55 11 21 31 .4. Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ii T 27 2f .1 , (3.tM 135 01' Tl1ii NATION.iI. I.13. GUI 1' . Iiruolci'n IIi.udpOlY tlii ILunnsii .5 fruiii CI itci ii un II. HV YOItF , June 1-Clrleinnati mad le only four scattered hits oft Dunt taLIa , which , with Steinfeldts vvo errors in Ui IC lIrst , accoUpts for Urookiylts victory c It HraokIln. Score : I1itOOi.Y. CZCINtTX. ( Irilfin. cf.,2 0 3 0 0 Miller , rf..U 0 1 0 i A. Hillitil , n.j I I 0 0 ll.ckle ) . Ib.O 0 9 0 U Sii.cki.ri , 11,1 1 2 0 0 IL Surilil. it.1 0 1 0 U Lathanc. . , , pO 0 0 3 1Iohilay. cf.0 0 I 0 O runker. lt.0 , I II U 0 Mnl'b. , ' . lb,1 2 4 3 0uiln.iI , 31i.,0 0 tt 3 0 Conicren. I 2 2 Ilnilinan , : b.0 I 1 1 0 , t nIIt1t. 81i,0 I 0 3 . ( mini , e..0 0 2 1 Oieii , . . . . . . junn , . . . . . , . . . . . . . 0 Totuli . . . . .4521181 'Folali . . . . .3 4 1 3 Brooklyn . . . . . . . . . . . . S 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 . -1 Cincinnati . . . . . . . . . . 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 TV0iHO hits : Stein fold t. sic the C. 3)uulrio i'ius : I'eItz II ) Ileckley , lull to 3l(1'Il'O 10 lirtki'y. MePhen o Corcorri LII to Itocktey. First bast on balls t Ott 1)un It , :1 : ; off liii. 4. hit by iItihot1 baii Ilni 1. 2111111. 1 liii. A. South. Struck i > tiL Ily Dun . f 1)3 11111 I. Loft oil birses : Brooklyn. : CIncinnati. 4. 'flint , : Orro hour pind ( inn t ) . , nidriutes. Urnpiros : Ilcidler upn1 II. . Attennlanco : 1JA ) . VhIliIcs MuktIt Iour. Pill I.AIii.I'i I IA , June 1.-Thu Pirilli PS this afternoon rlorenttI i.oiIsvIilc fur II lit fourth coit'rtltiv $ time. Orth's Iltehll t was the only feature of the game. tten ! alIce , 1,751. Score : . I/uISli.I _ ) : . ; I'll lbJ'.t)3f.li I IA. 1t.il.O.A.1.I 1t.II.O.A I. : . . ( larke. ir..t 0 4 0 0 ( 'ouley cf.I 0 2 U 1lllcby. . s.U 1 0 1 0 1)uisss. lbt I 1 2 ii , , ) . ct..0 1 3 1 0 1Uck. rf..2 I S U 0 Irxter. rr..0 0 1 U 0 Ultlnty. it.0 I S 0 3 \Vunor. rt..0 1 5 U 0 bijole. lb.0 I 2 2 0 tmth , b..0 0 2 1 1 WFari'.i , c,0 0 7 0 0 t'iIlnli. 31)0 0 4 0 1 liberr.i. ZIJ.0 I I 3 Witon , C.,0 0 4 8 1 Cros. . ml.,0 I 0 I 0 } irvi , p..0 ( 0 I 0 trtii. ) p..U I 1 3 0 r' Totals . . . . . . . . . .3 0 1 TotIs . . . . .7 - 0 ilberfleid hit by batted bali. 1.ouinrviilo. . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 1 U U U U U - , I'lnlladolplnia . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 -4 k-- Iarnerl run : l'hilunlelphia. I. Stol en bases : Clark (2) ( ) . Flick Doleinanty , Tn ' 0. torso hit 1 I'iberilel.t. Ituno run : Ilic k. Snttnlilctl tilt : ltitche. 1)oulilo Ilu ; ii O ) antt Vagnvr. First base on bailni : ) i'f Iihret , 5 ; off Orth , 2. Struck nut : Ii ) ' 1111r01 3 : by Orti , 2. Loft on bares : I.onr Is- vilio. ; 1'1iIInnIeIiia. 20. Tune : Two hou rs. Ululnireni : Snyder ittId Curry , Iirovnts lImp a (4ugIle More. k W.Sl1INtITON , June l-Ttro Scrnutc Ins 11 both gannes casliy. Score , first arn e. 1 i VASIt13TOr. ST. lilt O.Al1. I.JLO.A F Gettrnsn , rtI 1 1 C. I iowJ. Cf. . . .0 0 0 0 ; tlbh. 10.0 0 6 0 1 Ilolinon. rf..0 0 3 C 1 )4efluire , ib.2 2 II I 0 IIini , If. . . 0 2 5 0 0 Anclrr'n , ct ! 2 I I 0 Cknvnti. c,0 0 2 1 : U F&rreiI. c..t 2 3 0 0 Cross , lb. . . .1 2 ' 1 1 0 Wmjner , Sb. .0 I 0 4 1 8unln , ib. . 2 11 0 hell. . lb..0 0 4 , 0 ( 'arsey lb..O 0 1 S 1 Wrigley. u.S I 1 2 0 IlsIl , vs . 0 2 2 1 I ) Vetnln. P.O 1 1 0 Ilughy , p.0 Q 0 1 U Totals , , . . , $ 10 T 14 Totila . . . . , J $ 2' ' II 4 Washington , . . . . . . . I 1 3 0 U 1 1 U 8t. Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 - 3 ir3 Jarned zUrna : Washington. 5 5t. Lou iI * . L' _ 1.W Stolen bases : Anderson , Parcel (2) ( ) , W Agner. Three-base hit Meondre. home ru n : An.ierson. Inuble piny SVnigisy to hIs itz to Mccluire. First baSS Ofl 1a11s Oft H ughoy , I. Struck out : By Weylning , 4 b Ilt igney. 2. Wild 1)iteri : htughoy. Left On bs sri : Ws"hington , 4 : St. Louis , 1. Time On e hour and forty-five minutes. Umpires : SwS artwood and Wood. S core , seconti game ; WASlh1NlTO. ST. LOUN. Tt.SLOA. } . 11.11 OA.1I. f31.I ttmsn , rt.0 0 2 I 1 1)owI , ct.,0 I 2 0 3 1.I bsch. If. . . , S 2 2 0 SfoIm.n' . rf..O 0 3 0 0 Mnn flulr , , hb.2 3 11 0 0 lisrky , 1C. . .0 0 0 1 0 n ii.n.n. cf.2 2 1 0 0 ( ism.nt. c.t 2 6 0 0 iV i rriI , e. . .2 4 I 0 3 Crou , lb. . . .2 1 4 0 1 V .gner. Sb,0 2 1 I 0 SUg1cn , Ib..1 1 6 0 0 htp Ilz. Zb , . . .1 1 1 II 0 CaFsy , lb. . .0 2 2 1 1 1S tiiIy ; , ir.0 I 4 2 OhlaIl. . . . . .0 1 1 1 1 Sy sas. p..0 0 0 Z I Sudi.oft , p..0 0081 T otatn . . . . .9237131 Totals . . . . .4 71113 4 \V ashington . . . . . . . . 0 1 0 0 3 0 4 1 - 8t .14UIt . . . . . . . . . . . . 020002000-4 Enraril runs : Wah1ngton , * 1. Stolen 1)11 500 : Selbach. Wagner , 1.'nrrehl. Two- 1)0 00 lilt : Seibach. Three-base hit : Cros ; . I ) ouble ilnys , : Wrigley to Mcatnire. Sd. ma ch to leGuire. First base on lrnli Of f lvntns , 3 : oft SudholT. ! . lilt bc vitched Ipa li f Farrell. Struck out B Su1Iiolt , I ; I ) : , Evninii , I. Left on bases : Washington , 5 ; bt. 1.oui5. 5. Tlmet Two hours. Urnse mi res : $ wartwooI and 'nVood. , . Sninthters lint , iII,1erM. Nli\V YItIC , June l.-TIIO Giants had no Ii iIkuIty after gaining two runs in tile fi rst Irnaing Iii shutting tito Cievehtndnt 0111. . i'd VCkIlI i'Rehetl ' iluInertIly , iitii tie support I , Inind him faist. McAllister wint al so effective. Score : N1.W YOI1Ic. t Ci.lVF.I.ANI ) . It.hI.o..t.i 1t.hIOA.I. V 18'it'n , cf.0 1 1 0 0 llurkett. If. .0 0 0 0 Ti ernan. it.1 0 I 0 0 MrKc.n , ss.0 0 2 2 .Jo Ice. Zb..t 0 11 0 0 Chl11 , lb. . .0 3 r. 1 Ia iei. ps.O 2 5 \Ynitacd , b.0 I 2 0 Wfli ilmot. rt..0 0 0 0 Ifiake , rt..O 1 0 0 fli Ewon. 2b.0 I 2 0tn , iger , C..0 0 4 1 0 ) i srtm'n. 31.0 0 1 0 McMerr , cf.0 2 0 0 W srner , O..ll 0 2 0 'rbeau , lb..l ) 12 1 0 i.i eektu , p..0 0 0 3 0M.\ttrr. lb.o I 1 0 ' 3ocknlesJ .0 0 0 0 0 Totai . . . . .I I 7 13 0 Totals . . . . .0 42412 3 lhatted for McAllister in ninth. N ew York . . . . . . . . . . 2 (1 U 0 0 U 0 U ' -2 C leveland . . . . . . . . . . . 000000000- ' ) Stolen base : IVilmot. Ioublu playi : W urner to Uieaon , DavIs to J'CC. First b ase on errors : Now York , 1. FIrst base o n balli : Off Mekiri , & : cit MeAllister , : i. 1 l it by In1ttIneti ball : Joyce. Struck out : lhb y Meekin , 2 ; by McAllIster , I. Left on b ases : Nev York , 7 : ClevnIrund , 4. 'I line : u miners nod liftoen inirniltes. Utnpirca : li nlslie and A rndrews. A ( ( endunec : 3,20' ) . L'Irii I es IN- I it I lii' 4vcin lit. I'IT'I'SlItJ R3 , Jtine I.-l'Ittsburg lost the g uIle in the c 'Vt'Iltll by a combination of t wo hits , a wild throw .tt InaMe oil balls and a batter hit. Ui ) to tiI littling ( lie game w as ve1t ploycfi , brilliant iIehIlng being the r ule urn both sideS. Attermilamnee : 2,100. S core : 1'1Tr4l1UItO. UAI.TlMOnn. It.I.O..I. fl.iLO.A. . I : taan. ? , , . , 0 3 3 1 McGraw. 3b.0 0 2 0 1 lG arnovan , rf.1 2 II 0 0 1Cpeter , rt..0 o I 0 0 G ray , 3k..0 0 0 6 0 Jenningt. 2b.t 2 1 4 1 1 1'Crtiy. ) 11.0 0 1 0 1 Ie1Iey , It. . .0 0 3 .L 0 II I ) aVis. lb..0 2 II 0 0 $ .tt.nzl. cC..1 0 2 1 0 I lra.lie , lii. . .0 0 3 (1 ( 0 1)eiont , sR , .1 1 2 6 1 } iln' , ss..0 0 2 6 OMcOann , lb.t 21 ! 1 0 M urphy , c..0 0 0 3 1 , ltoliitt'n. c.0 U 3 1 0 I tiililf'S. p.0 . , 0 3 1 llug1cs , a..U I I 3 01 petal , . . . . .1 4 27 21 1 Totals . . . . .4 6 ! 17 3 P ittntlurg . . . . . . . . . . . . I U U U U U U U 0-I h l.LttttflrC ) . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 0-1 liiarnetl run : Baltimore , 1. Sacrifice init flOIifliOfl. 5(01st ; buttes : Donovan (2) ( ) , Mc- : Graw. Neeler. Stenzei. Double plays : Mc- . C , iotit to Dernont to McUann , Kelly to Rob- I nsult. First base on balls : Oft Ithines , 2 o ft lItigines. 3. lIlt by pitched ball : Ston- : z ei. i4truclc out : fly hughes , 1. I'assed I mnihl : ltebiimon. Time : One hour anti firt i flintiteti. tjmnpires : O'Duy aitl lIleDonald , , Clilemigo . , tIirnst BOSTON , Jumne 1.-The Chicagos were I nearly shut out today in to featurelcs I game. their only run being Itracticaily e L present. Score : IiOSTO. r CILICAGO. ) Ll1.O.A.F. ) lt.i1.O.A.1 . I lamfl'a. Cf. 2 1 2 0 0 iver1lt. Ii ) . . 0 10 0 I Tenney lb. 2 3 13 2 0 I.an3e. ef. . . 0 0 0 1 1.ong. . .s..0 o 3 5 ODahkn.ss..0 571 InItry. In. . . . 2 2 2 0 0 Ryan. if. . . 0 1 0 I Collins , lii. . 1 1. 0 4 1 M.'rtes , rf. . 0 1 0 I StRini , rf. . . . I 4 1 0 0 IbelI. 3b&p 0 0 3 1 . "we. : b. . . . 0 0 2 2 0 Connor. lb. . 1 3 2 I I Ilprgcn. C. . . 0 0 2 0 1 Donohue. c. 0. 1 2 I Will's , p..0 0 2 5 1 I.aChmflee , cO I I I I - - - - Voois , j-bO 1 1 2 Totals . . . . S It 27 18 3 - - - - - Totals . . . . 1 7 24 16 Boston. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 I 0 1 1 0 0 ' - S chleago . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000000001- 1 Two-base hits : 'l'enney , Culiirn'i. horn , ) rota : Stahl. .Stolen bases. . hamIlton (2) ( ) flurry. Chance Doubleplays : Donohue tt ) Dahien , Conner to Dahien to I3verltt First base on bails : OttViiiis. . 3 ; of \ootls , 3 : ott Isbeil , 4. Struck out : U , . Wiiiis , 1 ; byVdlj. . 1 ; by Isbell , 1. I'assec 1 btil : : Ilergen. Time : One hour and forty four minutes. Attendance : 1,000. Urn pirt's : Lynch and Connally. STANDING OF TIlE TEAMS. Played. Won. Lost. P.C Cincinnati . . . . . . . . . . . . :21 : 27 8 77. I Cleveland . . . . . . . . . . . .l7 24 13 U4 S Boston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 23 11 62. : 2 Baltimore . . . . . . . . . . . : : t IS 13 58. New York . . . . . . . . . . 3. . 20 15 51. I Plttshurg . . . . . . . . . . . . , 37 19 12 . . 4 Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . SI ; 17 19 47. : 2 l'hilnuleiplnia . . . . . . . . 12 15 17 411. Brooklyn . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 13 19 40. 1.oulsville . . . . . . . . . . . Z 12 25 32. 4 St. Louis . . . . . . . . . . . 1 : . , iu 20 28. I ; \Vashtitgton . . . . . . . . 37 10 27 27. Games tnday St. Louis at Baltimore Cleveland Ut l1oston Chicago itt llrooklyn I Cincilinati at New York : l'tttsburg mit l'lnil . : adeiphia ; Louisville at Washington. VeMtermi .tsoeintlcmi. DUIIUQUE , In. , Jtirne 3.-Score : R.ILE . Dubuque . . . . . . - 4-il 15 3 3luriitgton . . .t 0 2 4 1 1 0 0 09 13 ; Batteries : Dubmique , Carney anti . ] llruwp ; Burlington , hedge , I'yler mind IVII : hams. CIi1DAII RAPIDS , In. , June L-lleore : ILiI.1 Ceilar Raplils.,0 0 1 3 0 0 2 1 0-7 10 i Qulncy . . . . . . . . .002000021-S 8 fltLtterieg : Cedar Rapids , Norcome an : ; Schrecongost ; Quincy , Cooper and Lohmui ItOCK ISLAND . , Juno 1.-Score : It.ll.F . Rock lsland..0 I 4 2 0 4 0 0 0-11 9 .i Ottunwt . . . . . .0 0 1 2 1 0 2 0 4-10 10 5 liatterles : Rock Island. Young an d Strauss ; OttumwaVcinier. . MeCrear ) r , iCeefe and Doolin. 130ltlA , 111. , Juno 1.-Score . : Jt.1I.1 7. Peoria . . . . . . . . . .2 0 1 0 0 1 9 0 0-11 o 4 St. Jonneimb . . . . .U 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 05 3 Itatto'rit.s : Peoria. Talbot. McGinity an ( Qinirnim : lIt : JOSCIlI , Goodel , Rothermell an d ( , tlliil $ . TILerMtltte Irisnnmic. SPRINGFIELD , 0. , June 1.-Score : 12.11.1 Springfield . . . . 0 3 2 0 0 1 1 0 0-7 11 : , Toledo . . . . . . . . . 500100000.-t)6 Ilatteries : Springfield , I'ooio and Grafilu : 1 ; TOleill ) . l' ' eI'InLmI RIttI Arthur. YOUNGSTOWN , 0. , Juno 1.-Score : 12.H.1 Yotingstovn . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 0-S 7 Ii Fort IVityile. . . 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0-3 6 2 Batteries : Youngstown. Knepper ar nil Patterson ; Fort Wayne , Reinson and Curni 1)- bell. bell.N1VCASTTH N1\VCASTTH , Pa. , June 1.-Score : 1.li.1 3. Newcastle . . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0-2 7 1 Manslleld . . . . . . 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 -4 ( I 2 Dntteries Newcastle , Geese and Iturc1rj y ; Maiislheld. Miller nun lIeu. SVK01'S OX ' 11135 ( % ( ( 'l'hI.tCl ( ' 3. I.nmiic horse ( 'reates it Slirlirit. . , on ghi IL , tikiey lomrse. CINCINNATI. Juno 1.SamVaguer. . ( I IC Dayton pitlnger , hunt IJaclo Simon ready i , r a kllhlini t Oakley , lUt bsorn going to ( I 'a 11051. the horse )10Wt'tl ) signs of being 11111 me' itind the Irainor. Soutorm. trIed to have hii In excUseil , but the judges refused , 'J'a ) 'it ' UndO Slinoi1 prim went from 7 to I to 2 to 1. To everybody's surprilo Umn'io Slnt in thitt third race galiopsil 111)1110 BIt tnjn : winner Iiy three lengths. 'l'lto track wi is ( inst. Itostlits : First ntro. IIYII furlongs : Donna won , C . lint .1 second , l'ekus third , TUne : 1:01. : Second race , six furlongs. soiling ; Be 'I- aura tvoim. Violet Parsons inecond , Iianne r- mann third. 'l'inne : 1:111. : Third race1 six furlongs , soiling ; tine 10 Siritoin wont , 'Fhnnt l'iano ( second , Terrain Ic third. 'lime : 1I65 : , Fourth rac'o. six furlongs ; Lagrange we Time tItan of Ilethiohern imecorul , Flon 1"h ; third. TIBIa ; l:2. : Fifth race. one mile and seventI yarl . sc'hlIiig ; Filibuster won , Rising secorm ii ; , } Cntliit , 3in ) third. Time : 1 :47. : Sixth rni'e. 0110 mile itinti seventy yard is , stilling : Clianina won. Krisms 1ninglo secon in ) , 1'r4t'uir third. Tintu : 1:47. : ST. I.Oi'lS. Juno 1.-Results : First race. selling. six furlongs : Silt. er Set wait. Nighit Gown second. Minnie Wn ti. don third. 1'Inio ; 1:15. Second race , 2-year-aids , five turlon a : 11'atmsturn worm , Sort Hrarnbiu second , ( Ic Id I'Iue ( third. Tirno : 1:02'4. Third race. one inilo : Ed Farrell we Our CitamIce second , I.ibatlon third , TIi I 1li. : Fourth race. selling , OflO and tune-si teenh ( miles : Forbush won. 1iuckvldc sec'ointi. David third. Tinne ; I 148'4. Fifth race , handicap , aiz furlongs : Ni ck Carter wun. Garland Barr second , For' or third. Time : 1l5. Sixth ruco , soiling. one mile and twen ty ya rtltl ) 'inidgeton won , Mitmle a second , lir ireni third Time : 1:1I : , Ni.V YO1tl , June l.-lesults ; First tact' , five furlongs : Typhoon 11 won , Oc tagon second , Sensational third. Time : 1.1 t Second race. Olta mile : l'revious won , D ecanter second , IIoy Orator third. Time ; 1:4 : 3. Third mccc. May qtake , six furlongs , tell- la g : George Keen won , Flax Spinner sec on ti , General Macco thiril , Time : 1:15. : Fourth race , fIve furlongs : Ethelbert won , flt nsher s0Ofli ( , Jack Pot tlnird. Time ; 1:0.1. : i Fifth i-lice , mIle nntl a funion , sellIng : 13 cc Ronald won. Ielmman second , Doggett th ird. Time : 15ti4. I Sixth race , five furlongs , selling , Autumn w on , Lapida second , Kiikwood third. Time : 1 : 03. CHICAGO , Juno 1.-Harlem results : First race , one mile : Valto won , Cutter se cond. Miii Ilaymen third. Time : 1:1S. : Secorti race , six funinngs Low flopper w on. hiarniro 11 second , Carrie F third. Ti me : 1l5',4. : ' Third race. one mile and seventy yards : 1 irk won , Monte Fonmrn second , lonrntnrin th ird. Time : 1l7. : Fourth race , 2-year-old fillet. tour and o mi-lialt furlongs : Illack Venus wotn , Amin' I ia s second. Miss Mark third. Time : O'J.S % . Fifthrnco. one * nIIo : Forte won , Aifresco se connl , Nathanson ( birth. Timel 1:43. : Sixth race , six furlongs : 1'ltiIc Coat 1) nvoVnl.lo second , 1)onna Ititu. third. I T ime : 3 :14. : I Cli ( $ M 1'it rim lichen I I ) lei s. I VIRNNA , June 1.-Tile international chess to urnanment Oltened at the Vienna Chess d olt in tlmls city today , when tite lirat ro und of tine tournament wrts played in tire fo llowing order : Marco against Maroezy , S ehiecitter against I laiprin , Sliowaiter a gainst Sclivnrz. Blackburn against I.ipkt' , l' illtbory zgaiitst , Care. Janoweki against Il nirdSchifters rigainet Trenclnnrd , 'I'nrrrtscli a gainst ltHrn , 1inpln rigainot Vnibrtult , am i1 Steinitz against Techigorin. I'iay was a djourned at I o'1ock , the results being as fo llows 1 l'illsbury bent Care. Jaitoweki l ) entt Baird , Tarrnsch and Burn drew anti S telnitz heat Tsclnigonin. ' 1'Ie results this afternoon were as fol. lo ws : Marco and Maroczy drew ; Schiechtcr un til to nckiiowietiire dtfoat , at the Iitr1ds of I f aiprirt : Showalter defeated Schwttrz. Il iackhurn nn.l I.ipke rlivl.led honors : S hifol f ers and Trencliard drew , and AinItin vail- q uisiuidValbrodt. . Nz I lommal CIiittipluisIi lii Scores. IIALTIMOI1E , Juito 1.-Chairman ! toI& ! & at t he League of American Wheeliflen racing 1 , oard has issued this luhletin : The follows h ag is the score lb the national championI md iii , : ( inrchlner. 27 : 0. Stevens , 9 : Cooper , 9I : Flatin. 8 Torn Ilutler , 8 ; Mertens , 6 ; I towlor , 5 : McFctrinlri , 4 ; Major Tayloni 4 : D r. Brown. 4 ; Ii. it. Freeman , 4 : Nat Hut- I cr , 3 : Booker , 2 ; Ilourotte , 2 ; 11. B. hills , J r. , 1. 7iiiiiint.riini St.rIirmsly SIck. N11 % ' YORK. June 1.-Arthur A. SUm- m emma , the renowned bicycle racer , is d : ingr'rnusly sick at his Itorne in Freehold w hit Mexican fever. C ASTELAR CREATES A STIR flcpullicnun , Lcndi-r Urltlcipies tine ttIiett htigeuit rim , ! lie May lie I'sot'eutett II3 I Inc C.overin rinent. MADILID , June 1.-8 p. ii-An article s igned by Senor Einhhio Castelar , the oils- t inguisheol republican statesman. which re- c entiy appeared in tlno I'etito Itevue Inter- n acionalo and liich has been reproduced i n Spanish hInDers , that are being prose- c uted for their inroduction , has caused a g reat sensation. Senor Castehar attacks the q ueen regent. reproaching her with being a f oreigner and unpopular and with interfer- i ng unjustiilably in political affairs. He c ompares her present uosltlon with that oi Queen Marie Antoinette eu the eve of the French revolution. The matter came before the senate today , Duke do Roca demanding the prosecution of Castelar. and other senators expressIng i n violent terms their IndignatIon at Seno : : Castelar's conduct. Senor Capdepon , the minister of the in- tenor , announced that the matter had al- ready been placed before the law ofl'Ic rB. Marshal Martinez de Campos described I Senor Castelar's conduct as idtotic" and I called upon the government to act ener . gutkaliy , declaring that parliamentary im- munity must not boahlowed to generate into I i mpunity. Ho said he feared the Chamber . of Deputies might refuse to authorize c L prooutlon The duke of Tetuan , minister of for. . elgin affairs In the cabinet 01 r the hate Canos'as dcl Castillo. and the president of the senate , Scent lUos , endorsed the utterances of Marshal - shal do Campos , while senators generall ) ; extolled the qceen regent anti itrotested I against tine obnoxious article. El Imparclal , which represents the repub. ltcans. handles Senor Castelar roughly for his "unpatriotic conduct" and reproache ; r bin : for accepting the post of counsellor to I an English company at Algeolrns and ton "working entirely in favor of foreigners. ' : El Imparcial hints that senillty threateni n to deprive Senor Castolar of the reputatior 1 of a great dareer.1 Castolar's article Inns hail all the greaten r effect because it seems to show that be ban 3 modifIed his decision to retire front poiitica I hlfo in deference to the wishes of thoto do - siring to put him forward as a possibl oresident of a republic. ICIIYS'J'0N13 it ' , ' . ili'IJiiIIC.tcS TOiA1' . Con test for ( I ( : ; ; ; ( ) NiintiiijitIti x Is GetlIn M'jtrii. 1IAR11ISI1UIIG , l's. , Juno 1.-Tile contes 1. for first ilace on the republican state ticko t is as warm as the weather. lViillam 11 . Stone of Allegheny Is still tIne favorite with Charles W. Stone of Warren a closi second. John ' ' 'Wananniioer of l'lnilanlelpbin 1 is making a strong fight and will get a largi vote , 'William ConneD of Scranton ann cx - Congressman John Leisenning of Ilazelton have withdrawn and their delegates wli be ( IlvidetI between tine two Stones. Con . nell's tori delegates anti six of Leisenring' , B will vote for Colonel Stone and the balanc C for C.V. . Stone. There has been little or no contest to r tine other IIaces on tine ticket. Genera 1 J. S. Gobin of Lebanon will be nominated to r lieutenant governor , Vi. J. Latta for secre - trnry of internal affairs. Galusba it. Groi Y and Samuel A. Davenport for congressmen - at-large and Judge William renter of l'btl - adrlpbia for superior court judge. United States Senator Boles l'onroso c Philadelphia nIlI ho temporary chairma antI Major Alexander McDowell of Mercen clerk of the national house of represeute , : fives , Iermaneut chairman. This has been one of ( ho busiest day ' 5 of Senator Quay's life , lie ha5 'been ho I- sieged by friends of the two Stones , impor . - tuning for his supporL To all lie said h C hail taken no vart In the contst anti woOl d not. The senator will return to Washlugto a in the morning before the convention I La called to order. Chiengri , . % ; Great Westt.rs& Divldrsii 1 . ChICAGO , Julie 1.-At tine annual meet _ tag of the Chicago & Eastern Illinois Ball - roan ! company , held here today , a quarteri dividend of 11/4 11cr cent on the hireferre stock , payable July 1 , was declared , also a nILt'itlend of 24 per cent on the cornmo a stock. The following directors were elected : I I. j , I'ortcr. 1.1. J. Carpenter , 0 , 2 , Lyford , % i , . . lIilhard of Chicago ; A. It. Flower , 12. 1 I ) . Flower , Henry Seibert , 12. 55. Hoe , Oeorf :0 : S. Brewster of New York City ; George I I. hall of liostori and .1. 0 , English of Bar I- yule , III. The directors elected as oflhcen ra for the ensuing year : Il II. Porter , chain man of the board ; it ! . j , Carpenter , pres : dent ; 0. S. Lyford , vice Inresident ; C. I I. Ilihlard , senond 'vice president and trean 1- liner ; Ii , A. Rubinlge , secretary. Ii. II. P0 r- ter , iii. J. Carpenter , R. 1' , Flower , C. I I lhlliard and Henry Seibert will constLtu t the executive committee. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ itlonninduocle ( lore to hionimluhu. CHICAGO , June 1-A special to tine Nei we from Washington says the Monadnock , tI be I'aciflc coast defense vessel , was today o r- tiered to Honolulu. This is said to be a preliminary step taken at ( ho president 1s direction towonrd what may be the seizu reef of the Hawaiian islands. T o DISTINGU1I1 CHAPLANS1Bl 'T ) iii. . ; ; tiq .rnty Are in hienr it SrceLiLMnrk of Their Scrlcc on Their Unifortm , , , , TAMPA , Fla. , - of the chap. lai ns the will accompany the troops of the Un ited States Into Cnbn , or wherever cIte I th e soldiers may be s.rqwiii wea uniforms wi th a dtsttnctIo ba1t'of their calling on th e collars of their -coats. heretofore , ch nzpiatns have not dnniforms , ; by which th ey could be distingunined. Ia 1893 at a moetint o the army chaplains in Chicago , Father , l'tnrd J , Vattmo , ' ch aplain with the F u'Vtt United States In. fa ntry , recently stationed at Fort Sheridan , Ill . , was given jower to decide on a chapno la ins' , uniforms and to secure them. There w aI a strong feeling , howeer , against em- ph asizing the military character of chap. ha los and for this reason the matter until th is time has been allowed to rest. Hut opinion on this subject has recently un dergone a change and the chaplains now be lieve there are many reasons why they sh ould have a dIstinctive mark by which th ey may be easily recognized , thus enare hU ng them to be of better service to the tol'c di ers in the field. I , aneeting of all the ch aplains present at Tampa was held today an d the matter laid before General Miles. Tine commanding ' general promptly au thorized the chaplains to wear the color of ( ho new itlnarka cloth uniforms now be. in tl tiittributed to the troops for summer w ear , a light brown. On the collars of the co ats the chaplains wIll wear tln letters , . S. and a Roman cross in gold. These uni- fo rms vhli he furnished at once. On orders of Adjutant General Corbin , G eneral Shatter issued the following formal n otice today , ii htch will be of interest to alt ol licers \'olunteers troops. Tine secr.tnry of wnr Inns declared the nd- a tive rank inetwecmn offleers of the same g rade conimnissioned by governors of states gis is to be oleterrniind 4tccornhiilg to date of m uster into the United States service , When s uch oflicers are cominnissioned and mustered I n on tine same date tIre relative rank is d etermined by previous length of nervico in t ine United States , regular or voluinteer , or i t ( lie marine corps tinder connmnission , and I n tire absence of sufli service by loL This order will ettlc a great many vex- b ig questions rising over' mustering in of t he volunteers. F RED GRANT TAKES THE OATH l iii i. Sn'orrm in its a un gnu icr ( Iemner'iil I- a .Jtri'ije Finrriieniy in Coin- etc riti ( I A rnn' , CIIICICAMAUGA NATIONAL PA 12K , Ga. , Jo une 1.-General Fred Grant today took the o ath nit brIgadier general and the ceremony w as one of intense interest. Tire oath wam , a dmInistered by Judge George A. Harris 01 : R ome. Ga. , an ex-cortederate , and the cer- c ranny was witnessed by a large concourse o f lCOPlc , in which were ox-confederates I a nd ox-federal soldiers. General Grant expried great satisfac- t ion that ho should inVc the privIlege 01 a ssuming the obIigatonmi of his ofilco froul s o distinguIshed a conteYerato and vInen the I c eremony was overa reflt shout went up t ine first man to shake Iiands with and corn- g ratulato the d1sttipiied ( otucer beini : Major General Giilc5pt ? of this city , wlnc I WInS with General IeO when he surrendered a t Appomnattox. Lieutenant Colone1jJrtsuut , chief sur- g eon on General flqoe's staff , and Lieu. t enant Colonel Nicliha0Senn , assistant sur. . g eon general of the5voluuteer army , tonight c onfirmed tine statement that Mrs. Loiter h ad bought the Cln61tmunpga Panic hote i p roperty , mad tendcrnM it to the government L f or hospital intrrpOSt , and the tender had i b een accepted. Colonel flartsuft said tlit1 t he work 'of 'trahforni tEc bulidfng ini.c I hospital wards \voulnl b'd begun at once. Th * 1 p roperty includes tine 'hotel and tour acre , I o r ground , the price paid being $10,000. Colonel Gnlgsby was today appointed to I c ommand the First brigade qf cavalry of thu i iI v olunteer army , being the ranking colone I i n the brigade. OTIS ANNOUNCES HIS STAFF : ' Formnznlly Organizes hit' Pin ihippiril r Iriyailliig .Arnn , ii i'd AsiOlnts Conmrmnnrr.hers of SAN FRANCISCOJune 1.-Major Genera I O tin tints afternoon announced his stat ! an I f ollows : Captain John 1. . Seiton , assistant L a djutant general and aide , adjutant gen . c ml ; First Lieutenant F. W. Sladomn. Fourti I i nfantry , aide ; Captain George Rulnicu . q uartermaster ; Captain Charles McClure q uartermaster's department , acting chic : r Eighteenth infantry , acting judge advocate : : Captain 3. S. Mallory , Second infantry , act - i ng inspector general ; First Lieutenant F . Bell , Seventh cavalry , acting engineer am I o rdnance ofticer. Temporary commanders of the brigaden 0 are announced as foflows : First brigade c onsisting of regular troops , Colonel Sam uei Overahitne. Twenty-third infantry ; Sec - e nd brigade , consisting of Minnesota , ICan - s at , Jdaho and North Dakota troops , Colone C. Mcl'teeve , Thirteenth Mtnnecota infantry Tlnlrd brigade , consisting of tine Pennsylva : ala , Colorado and Utah troops , Colonel Ir - ving Hale , First Colorado iptantry Fourth brigade , consisting of California , Montana South Dakota and Wyoming troops , Colonc I Harry C. ICessier. First Montana infantry . Temirirari , , is Nnt ( Capyrigint , 1SH , by tine Associated ltrcss. ) I1URNOS AYRES. June 1.-The govern mnent of Paraguay has informed (1:0 : Unite States consul at Asuncion , J. N. Ituffin , wh 0 had protested against tine continued presenc C of the Spanish torpedo gunboat Temarani 0 in Paraayan waters , tint permission ma 0ii been granted the Temaranio , which is oils . abled , to remain at Asunclon under the pro - tection of Paraguay's neutrality until th C close of the war between tine United State 2 and Spain. Motttt.rcy Will Sail Snlir.1ny. MARB ISLAN1) NAVAl. . YARD , Cal June t.-\Vork on the collier Brittu : ho .5 boon completed and it is now taking o n stores , A star Propeler for the Brutus an ti six spar blades for the Montereys twi a screws will be inciide in the freight , Tb 0 Mntnterey istaking n1 oai in sacks , while b Is being stored on 1deck , Its magazine I i5 being IDled with ammunition and it will Li no ready to sail with the Urutus on Saturda r. Npsininrtls Amrnault'3.dungII.hi Officer , LONIiON. June i.-X mob of Spaniard according to a thispacfrom Gibraltar. , am anuited and toned Major General .1. 1 Richardson , comnnatld1 'of the Royal anti lery at Gibraltar , and iflnother Enghishmai wlniie they vere vhiikirg ; at an Roqu seven antics northwdst'csf Gibraltar. 'II ' , Atcr Ncrtlii MAin , Musiry. WAShiNGTON , Junol.-Thne secretary war today sent to congenis estimates for in 1. niltionni appropniatitins imouiiting to ' 107,000. The items were given as foliowi 5. : ( Jun and mortar battaries , $2,562,000 ; expi ditionrtry forces to Cuba , P50,000 ; sIgn : service , flOS,000. Aini.ricstri Siegister for tire Chliiii , WAShINGTON , June L-htepresentati' Payne of New York has introduced a hi to provide an American register for ti I'acifto mail steamer China to be used as government transporL 1'7iirbiin the Soldiern , to Vote. \S'ASIIINGTON , June 1.-ltepreseatatl ye Laceyof Iowa baa inrotluctd ( a biil to e : U. able volunteer soldiers In the field to ye t0 in congressional elecUons during the pro S. eat war , . - 8101111 Inkotn's 131n1tai Foil , DCADW000 , S. B. , June L-Speci ( a I , Telegrarn.-A ) telegram was received toili 51 fr om ientor Pettlgrow stating that the Bl ack 11111 * cotmntles would not be called tnp en for troops for the aecotm4 call. since th ey contributed more than their quota tine fir st call. Company A , organized last week , w ill not disband , but will be ready for the th ird call. N EBRASKANS READY1O SAIL C nlnnt flrntt tutorma Ills Sniteriors the Secotnit heal titetat is in Cottihitiort tt (10. SAN FIIANCISCOJuno 1.-Colonel Uratt of the Second Nebraska regiment lisa nom po rted to General Otis that hI. fllefl are in co ndition to go to the front at a moment's no tice. Ills men , howeyct. lack light duck u niforms sultribie for use itt the tropics. The Utah artillery and cavalry have noa ce ived $1,600 from citleons of Salt Lake Ci ty for the benefit of the men from tlnat ci ty. ThIs sum is to be added to at the rate of $1 a nnonlh tromn each man and will se rvo for the purchase of articles of corn- fo rt not issued lty the governtinent. Colonel Jones ot the Idaho battalion has re ceived frenl tine eltitens of Blnckfoot a 'c ry inanolsome saber , which ho greatly ap' p redates , Major Foote of the Wyoming battalion . h as been advised that ordutanro for hit co mmand tins been shipped and will rencI h ere in a few days. Tlte Kansas nnti Colorado regiments are ( h o only two which hrought regulation fleltl st eves front the east , Fresh beef is issued to the Kansas men twice a day anti tile ) re sent tie epors that they nrc not tveil fe d. \Vasliingtotn volunteers have received ti neir uniforms. tintlerwear , tints and shoes a nd about bait of the requIred nutiibcr of t c anvas stilts. They expect to receive time b alance of their clothing anti rifles anti a mmunition today. 1'rInte Stevens of Co:11- : p atny A itt the only culprit yet brought b - f ore \Vnshlligtomn court-martIni. He is c lnargeil with abusive language to an omeer. It is not thought tlmat the Secoind Manila e xpedition will sail before June 0. I ' 'i'Iilh ' ' ' ' 'Ithll A lthNI A I'i'OItTIOS3h1IN'S' . 'nr ienriflCintIUI'l itii'uI it , Fill 13s' . isting htcglumit'tits to tlnialrnittttt. W.\SIIINGTON , June 1.-Adjutant Germl o ral Corbin Is engngcd un ranking up tlm oa a pportionhient of ttOoIS which each state I s to ho asked to furnish under l'rcsiulenmt M cKinley's second call for 75,000 men. lIe- Mc c ause of ant excess over their quota trmnnier t he last call sonic of the states will not be a sked fur nay additional then at this timnti. S o far as is possible the existing regiments vill be recruited to their maxIrntrfln s trength. Some of tine state governors inn t heir communications with the W'ar depart- meat have manifested a decinloul opposition t o filling tnp time existing regiments , imrcfer- r ing to recruit entirely new organizations a nti In some of these cases it is believed l ikely t3te department may yield , although no one will make any omciai statement tc , t hat effect. There Is a dIsposition on ( lie part of tile War ticpnrtmemit to avoid a ny uuserniy wrangle over the matter , but I nstead to yield a point for the sake of ap- p earances. Maple authority , It is said , e xists under the voitnnteer act for the Win d epartment to proceed on its owmn respomnsi- bulLy with the work of recruItIng wIthout any call on the governors to assist in that work. An order was issued by the War depart . m nent today 'lnichn provides that the organ i zatlons ncCcitcni and mustered into tite United States atirvlce under the president's c all for troops would he expannled from tIre 7 5,000 inca asked for tinder the second call. 5 0 that each regiment would consist of t weivo companies ( troops , batteries ) and e ach battalionsquadron ( ) of four companies a nd of the maximum enlisted strengtln mmro- videol for by thno volunteer army act. Regimental - mental arid Independent battalion corn- m nanders are to select a recruiting party to o btain recruits in tIne locality where the organization was raised. Additional corn- panics necessary ( or the completIon of regiments - ments and battalions are to be mustered by t lte same rules that obtained under the President's first proclamation. Ilgiiymiiinims Renily Ii , I reet Sni.hipr. FRANCISCO , June 1.-Tine steann- sinlp Moana arrived hero this morning from Australian ports by way of lionoltnlu. At t he latter place everything was in readiness f or the reception of the troops on their way to Manila and the most elaborate prepara- tiorns bad been made. The cruiser Charles. ton bad not arrived at Honolulu when the Moanni left and none of tire transports were alginted on the trip to ( hint city. Consider Caiwle Safe. KINGSTON , Jamaica , June 1.-There Is no probability of truth in the report that Vice President Capote of the Cuban republIc. who was a passenger on the wreckeil steamer Helvidere , has been captured by the Spanitin. There arc no Spanish gnu - nisuns In that part of Cuba , and the Spanish - ish gunboats that were formerly patrolling off Capu Maysi are no'a' shut in blockaded inaibors or Btaylag close for fear of capture. Rousiutr Vt'Ivomie to W'eIer. LONDON , June 1.-TIne Madrid corre- s jnondent of tine Daily Telegraph says : "Lieutenant General Weyier has arrived at Snntander , on the flay of flispay , where I nc has bocin received witln arm ovatiomn. Tlnou- sands greeted him at every railroad station , but tine demonstration was particularly strong at Santainder , where vhi'as' were shouted In honor of the modest general. " I'rihiiltitiofl 'l'lekei its hhilmrtiiut , PEO1UA , Juno 1-Tite prohibition state converntinn at its sessiomn here today declared for proinibitiori and ornarn suffrage , arid on- dorsoti the war with Spain. The followirng candidates were nominated , all on the first ballot ; For state treasurer. IV. II. Dolles. president of the Alma Industrial college ; for state superlntendernt of public iristrue- tiomn , A. B. Turner , president of Lincoln university ; for trustee State university , C. C. Gnillith of lCnnsas. Mrs. Mary C. Metzger of 5501mb and Mrs. Mary L. Ilarnea of Lacon. V. iii. C. A. Secretaries In Session , WAI1SA\V , hid , , June 1.-Tine twenty- eighth annual conference of general secretaries - taries of the Young Men's Cirristinrn associations - ciations of North America was called to or- tier today by C. B. Willis , secretary of the Milwaukee , \Vls. , association. The session was opened with doyotionah exercises , A discussion anti study of Young Men's Chris- Lion association work iii small towns occmr- pied the afternoon session. Two hundred and fifty delegates are present. 111" CHEATYOUN ° W RCovernmentSLampc r. tifyintothe A'e and Purity isoneverybolUeof the ( OLD CROW IERIITTAGC WHIsKirS ni : SURE ThE ISTEIINAL RtVEUU STMIP OVER ThE CORK AHO CAPSULE IS HOT SlOtDl AND THAT IT BEARS THE NAME - - W.A.GAINES & Co. .1-fris i GOYRM8I4VT GtI.OA4MTZI war eo1s It/fl'H UIIS , sOrrUN , , Far Sais Evelywitlie. I - - P itl.it.It ( 'IJAMURII ttIltMli'tiflt.Rt. (1 nyrmininf Flnduhttslf rltii ( tnl One tIijority * ni 3Iflr Pohtu- , , I'AlhlS , June i.-Tht' Chamber of ikitl- ; ti es was reopened today with a big attenul- a nne of new minembers anti the galleries wel ere filled. The hotise proet'edeuh to the el ectIon of a president. The eandudnt were 1d M. 1)en'chnncl and hirlason , tlm latter hag - la g the former lureeldent. 1.1. Deaclianel , a fo rmer vice president of the. Chamber , was th e governnient'ni canuhirlate' , The bnhlotig reaulteul in a majority ott on e for hot. Detuchnunol , the vote staruling 27 7 to 276 for id. ilntsson , The narrow m ajority caused an uproar , the radicals lo udly claiming that a bare majority of o ne did not invest M. Ieschianet with nile- q uato authority. An angry clamour , accem- at1led by time banging of ( lOCkS , ensued a nd the temporary president was obliged to suspend the sitting a'itlnout tine matter b eing settled , The Clnannbcr unrbsequcntly decIded on a re ballot for lresitlermt or the innnie. lt I3ClI9tO'll'l' is 84) % ' l3Fi'it'l'lVI1. . It. 1 I'ilCdi ( ; , , t err , nuenth'rnt'l , , Inrm l tin i. 1111 0 % "l'nrl IT nit .tiitt'rlt'ri in ( lumumalpi , I'ARIS , June 1.-A decree was hnibhlthred to day tmrovislontalhy extenithing tire 'euefls of the mnimnlnnum tariff to various Amnenicina pr oducts. I Ii iitbr4 Ci. imipliuitis Itu tint' l'into' , 1.ONION. ) June 1.-The Denim correspond- e at of the laiIy News says : It "A ithenish Itaner lUbll5ile5 a doultfnll p ort tinnt ICing lltrrnbcmt iecerutly vrotc the p ope conidriirnlitg of the ntttitttd of tint' nor- I ic ai luarty during tine reeernt riots ammul re mn irmuhing his inolinmess that it is time Italian rn ormarchy ihmleln really protects tine vatican. ' 'The ' vopc , it is said , reiilinh l'eput'tinitltig I t he attttntle ! of sonic of tine clerical organs I a rid expressing the hope that etmein tnnlnaplty o ccurrences would not be repented. " ( 'nnni' i't S i'nnpt' front t' . mn I I en I hRA\'RN\'OltTh I , Rain. . Juno 1.-At tine U nited States pernitemttlnr' at Fort Leaven- w orth , this niorining , tntntimty broke out wt ; t inong the conricts , ilfteen of ( Item t'scait- i ng. After a lively chase nine of thcnn , I J antes Musgrove , a territory otrtiaw , was s hot tlivn. The others esctped. : Mtnsgrove l ed the outbreak. , Ed ) Some soaps do bitt little harm. Some do much harm. There is I 0110 soap that does no harm. It jf' er- . . ; wool-won't , , S . harm fine , laces-won't A t irijtire the - skim. Make I any test you will. There . is absolute- " 5 ly no harm- ' MY MAN ? . IWISH MiNt fulniess In usen HAD S ITSWIMn. jJPor , ' ' k ! ' I TIlE EXCELLENC1 O SYRUP OF FIGS Is duo Hot 01117 to the origInally and tn1IpiIoIt.y of Llto coinlmliint'.oii , but also to tin care nuul sloth vith which It. Is IilafltlfntL'ttrred 113' scIentific ilvocesses knowit ti tine CAIhrouNl.t. I'm SYllur Co. only , itniol tt'ti Isit to Ilmnpress tipoti all the trnptnrtituee of imrehnistnmg tine true niti. originniti remedy. tmt the geimitlitit Syrupof Figs Is nmimimttifaeturetl by tine CAI.it'OlUilA Fin Svitui' Co. emily , a lmlt1tvetige ; of that. fitet will niusint one III avoiding tine wortlnless Imitations inanufactureol bs' o4 her l1t'- tics. Tine hIgh stamnlltng of t1e CAI.i. Via Syitui' Cu , 'Ith the macill. cal profession. tittul tlmct satisfaction " hid : tine geinutino Syi'up of Figs has given to inhIbits of funnilhies. innhce tine imiunne un the Cortnptny : a gintralIty ot time e.'cccilotiei' of Its renniedy. It Is far in ittlt''uee of nil oilier laanttivcs , tt'jtt. . Itets Oil titni kititteys , ilvet' mind bowels vititotiL tr'ritmntlnmg or vetla'n- lug their , , rtIl it tiocs not. gripe nor itnusenti' , I ii artier 14) get I ts bcrtticirtl effects , liIemnaa reinieinL'er the tittinte of tire Company- CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. sx l'g4.1Ci5C , . Vat. n.'ievm ; "tjn' 'uultg , VADE TiBL13TS EA 1'OS1T1VIlY CUhl 1 ; P-1 .4 ir. 'V.riuu. Jii"taFciIlnit Sisal- : I ' Altuso e ot1ir rush csuti : ; l.nt. . ceiiont. : raei , quIrI aiI tiulut - . . tttoin LoitVi&.iitr fit ed crour.'ul fit m ntan rer .tut. tuuclunc or cunrr1ss. " . " . ' , . ' . 1t1d.od" j'rc'osi 1e.nuity aol ( 'onmtnnmltl.mLl ne nn ina Tboirtnc .itn imme.tiatn xrnnlnnl ern.ets a cumob inaro eli n.thcr fail Iii. list UPOC 1uLsft ISo enumtns Ajx 'lb1tts , Tbet 11)50 CQOtI thou.nn4. nnd tililcimni Toti. lye sir. . ii . ' . ' itt iti.wnittcarruar4mmteetoo5octnt'.mJo ffl 'Q cacheiwoor nftm.t the menoy. l'rteo pac5ars ; or pIt n'kC' ( fall trratuontt frr $2.51 , 117 malt. In nisi , , wm .ouur. IthOr , i'i'c'tn.t of trUe. t ftrI fzv. AJAX RLL'IIDY CO. . ' ' ! tA' bi. . ra. . . ; Sri. For solo in Utnuatta. 'eIt. , bn .1. . I"omst'th , 2'1 N. 16th. Rulunt & Co. . ittit mind lJ.'trgij : LIII tin Council urafe , by Q. 1 ! tiroan. flnttittS. OR. 1 cCREVJ 28 7)15 ) OSLY S P E 0 1 A L I S woo rnloA'rs ALL , I Private tHssasos ' . ; , iYeiD , &U I Ui..rd.r . MEN 20 Year. Expu'rlenca ii ) Yenis in . - - . , h1..suk Vteti Cm-n'unltft. , , - titnVtF'O. lloxltdo I , I' 14th usa Fanoara Ste. tiTtit. . filCh. M AH DOD RESTE : 'tCJPIOENE' Tiilq great Vegetettlts , . MV1iUIz'rtlneprvsentp. : hum of a lamnu. . French ; 'ityslelamr , tvIll quickly cure you ut all nIr. dt.'u'es of the , , . , Lei veils or geunrtttnvo trgaIig stncb u.s hlanuh'oi , I himsommnla , I'airm in the itzucltlctnhntttl .idnntssltnm , . X'i rvoum&Dctirinty l'lmples , Unilt.aezs to Marry , IxbatnsUuu $ irnlnts ) , VuIoe iuu IIO.L . Conitinattoim. listoi'.l all 1osse bvtav or putglit. I'ueo'u'ni quick- floss of dlscbarg' , which if nmotctmudcei , ieai1 to 8p4ZmbitrnilP.t autul 0 EFO R E aND A FTE R all the tiorrormof Impotency. ( 'U P1 JErUE cknunmes thu liver , ( Ito kict'mcys arid time Inrrnuary omans of all lmpurlUe& CUrIDEN1 .trengthcnaand rcltoressnlait weak on-ani. ¶ l'lnO reason .tllrc'r r's are net CIllOt by luot'tors ts ttcuo , , ninety Itor nant arc trouble , ! with Proataf If Ia. CU1'1itN1 is ten onny knowtm iemu'iy to cure wiiluout out cup'r.ttioim. &ont ) tntrmn.trmi. al. A wrIitdO gurutafliPogiVPn aum.l nlueioy returned ii tix bu'u"u uio , ' not enloci a pcrmuueuicuro. 1,00a box , sIx fr10i. by nmnlt. tend for yanu : clrctnictr until teslimoratala. .ntddrcs3 DAVOL SIEDXCINE CO. , 1' , 0. Box 0170 , fInes Frrtnmchco , Cal , lb. ' &ae 51 ' . . _ . . . . . . . M1'EltS-Dhi.l.U DRUG CO. 5. II. Cot 10111 anti Fm.runrtrm' Ormimuhia. _ _ _ _ - T . . . $ .PQ. . . . . ' .H. $ , . , . . - . - . . . - & Whefl you oo home you will - - vant to i'tiatl all fI1)Ollt tiltI COhlVehht 1011. i ii have 110 t'llflt3 to l'LhRL 110W. but. you vi11 want $ The ' Comete Reports tilO c'oiivemitioii , it )1'Oc'eedih1gH ) : tnd : tll $ about the opelillig ol' tie ] ( Ix1)oitiom1. f'i way to gut it is to have ' ALL COPIES OF 7'ilB ' mailed fo your address $ ( lui'ing the COllVOlItiOIi , ihitiIliliIig lllo _ i1Iii- ti'ated OIelhih1 (1ty (1lIt'iOil , the I'epol'tHol' liii ) $ $ C01i\C11t1011 , j'0i'ti'tits of : its 11ieei' , ttiitl tile full atcouiit of LIIII dxposit'loli. I Soiid. tlmoimi to fllS(1llt ) imiumiilui' oj' I'rjCIlls ( , too , - - - $ $ Soiit Anyiliore . ifoi' 25 ceilts. . -xS- $ 1e1LV(3 ( OT'IOi'S itt Circn1t1.iomi : lu ; ti'l : ioiit , 1' . I3iiildiiig , 01. , Oimialia 1)ai ly I ti" ) i'i't , hi. foi'tnat'ion Bureau , Oreightoll 111th > bby. % % % % % % % * * % % % % % % % v