Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1898, Image 4

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    - -
'I'IIE Oiii D1nw Biti.
z. ItOSEWATER , EtiUor.
- - - - - -
ptjflLilu1n ; 1vE1ty MORNING.
- - - - - _ . - -
r---- = : = = =
Dalty Ilee ( Without 8undrty ) , One Yeztr.LOC
Daily HfH and Sunday. Ono Year
1z funth 4.00
Thrc Inth 2.00
I3LIfiiL IJ&'e. On Year 2.00
bntUru.Ly ace. Ono Yftr . . . . . 1.0
VcekIy lice , OiioYiur
Omaha : The The 33ulIdIn.
Smith Omahit ifinger lflock. Corner N
t RliI 24th Htrets.
Council BItif 10 Pearl Street.
Clilcngo Oflice : & 02 Chamber ot Corn-
Now York ernii1 Court.
Washington : SQl Fourteenth Street.
All roiirnunteatlon , re1ntIn to fleW flfl (
PtIItolnI matter &iould bo n(1ressea ( : To
the 1dItor.
All bulnei letters tni rt.mlttftflCes
hould be ntdrru.I ! to The 1ee I'iiblLIilfl
Cnrnpnny , Omaha. Dratt checks. oxpres
nniI Iotomo rnrrney orIor3 Lu % ) O 1flt1LI
pa3fttIlr. to the nr1er ot the companY.
ate of Nehraka , IougIn Copnty , riM.
George Ii. TzRchuck ecrotary o ( 'ilie flee
PubliRhing company. Ielfl tlllI ) Hworfl.
ftYR that ( ho actual number t full nn
H complete eoplc of The Daily , ? 1ornlng ,
Evening and Sunday lice , printed turliig
thu month of Mny , 1SS , wa ; as follows :
1 . . 2 : ; , fll i 17
2 : t9t : : . 18 12
3 18,27I ( 1 : m , I I
4 t0,8 SO 20 : tflflM
6 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80,7.17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : , I
f ; . . . . . : . . . . . . . . 22. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : , . 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
S . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 8(1,0 ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : , : & . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : , )
10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . :11,474) : 2G : tfl,2M7
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : .1)1)7 ) )
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 23. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
13..1 1 , ID ) 29. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , )
35 , . , . . . . :111,111) : )
Let4 returns and unoIi1 cople. . .2,14) ) $
Not totnl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) , )
Net thtlly nvei ag . . . . . . . . . .3O727
Sworn to before mc and subscribed In
by IVOSCI1CO ) this 31St duy of May , 1S8.
( Sial.J .N. P. FFIL ,
Notnr.v PublIc ;
Tlic i e CaITI hie but one opening duy.
lrIiig (1:13' : CCr3 t1113 lii Oiinlia frolil
31os' OH.
'i'lie first eXlOSlthtl ) ( IllIlollIn sliotilt be
proIllltl3 ) aWn 1dl ( t lie VCat1le1 UlLU. :
I-f you llftV ( VOOIflS to let to ( ixposltlon
visitors utivert lo tlit iu in 'J'lie ike wniit
'fIn , eXlOt101l h to ttay ojen ) for live
ittoiitiit StIll It l 1t1V1l3t Well to go
early : in&l avoid thu Cr0VI. (
' .I'lie ve'atIier uianger : llcke4l ) out one
of the 1it1tSt of the rare ilays of June
,1or ExIusLion ) (11V. . 'i'Iitiil. :
'l'Ile giulwttliig : eIns of a westerli
Iligli 54,11001 , 11115 eliesen " 1tenL lnbr the
TI1tlIIe" us a class motto. 'l'hiis motto Is
( ( 'rl 0 In ly as 8j)1)10EIUtO ) [ ) as those usually
'l'hie Bee Invites expositIon visitors to
llISpCt its olhices lit rJlt' 1ee 1)ulidlng ,
1vl1re ( the IllOst eOflhiilte nevsln1)er
1ilntit III the yesIt4ii half of the cotuitry
is toie YL { Il. '
For extra COPIeS of 'i'lie Bee' beautiful
3hlUStrfltetl sutivcitlr CNIOitiOIl ) ( lay Ilti lII
1)Lr 1tllIy ) ) to 'i'tie lIi e lt1Sl11C ) $ otl1ce
.AIPIY ) early , for the edItIon is lIIlltetl
811(1 SlirU to be $ ( ) Ofl exlttustetl. :
GIulstoiie : uver , cileouraged the lilac-
lug of evell a ' Mr. " before his iniue
i101 flit "Fsii. ' after IL lie belIeved the
forlileL' added nothing to tt uRine ittid
the intler Is : courteous monstrosity.
The treaty of lauce vlicb marked the
CiOSO of the war 'between the UiiItd
Slutes * iuti MexIco was lgted just lifty
YCU.S flO IliSt Mll(1ZtV. ( it Is a. long
titHe lUt\VCCI1 ) the foreign wars of the
Vulteti States , but not too 1011g.
Now tiiitt the ( ? XlOi4iUOll is peii to IJIC
) Ub11C IL is tiiiiu for tile ealItlous critics
4VI ) ( ) 1Ii1e lwen q1yl1g all nloiig ti1it it
Is only IL local ntrailr Iii II1e1I OllIflhlil.
1111(1 Nt1.Jtltsk1t ICI)1e ) ( ) lire ciiletl , ' liiter
esteil to williilrnv to their holes.
The t'xpositioii 111H3 ititk it few finish-
IlIg touches , lUt every visitor conveisitut
withi the fitets ivIll Ittiflhlt that it Is
31et11 COuIiiCtIifl ) 1IIIILI hits been any
other great , luteriintioiLitI eX1)USitIOIi lit
this coUlltFY on Its opeiiiiig day.
'IIIe $ OIIVC1IiY eNlosltIOu ) liUflhleL ) of
' .l'ite flee requires 2 cents postage wheit
eitt through that iiiulis.Viiii iiinilIitg
( OICS [ tO trieiith4 make sui that tile
reiiiilslte ) ostiigu Is athixeti If you W1L1It
tbtiiii to teatcii their destination.
'I'lio ( IISCOVCIY 1110 ; I > CCII niiide tiiitt two
indlitits burned to death III tIle 111(111tH
TtiTitJI , by titi iiiftitItttetl Illob ofVil.tU
li5O1tH lust yeatt10 , lii fitet , Innocent
iot tile CillIlt- ' for which hwy suffered.
Let the nntl.hyIleilIllg crusade go Oil.
'Jito iioxt ex1)sition : ) 1)11 ) 11tiI 141l0U1l
iutve IL 11110 of march tilrough thu 1)1151- )
lR 4S et1ltLr of tilt city , 'l'lle ideat of
hndhiig U great illuriullo (1ovi1 ( back
i4treetS 1111(1 ( llllY5 114)111 1IO\'ilerU to 110.
rlwi t ) slIofild ugitilt lie toii'iiitetl ,
1\'Illtt 1)IISIIICSS 1111111VoIIili COlI1tt'OlUISO )
a valid cialul agaliist resilousIlie IartIes )
itt less tinuzi 10 tcllts Oil tilu dollar ? Yet
1 IhIt isVilflt. . tile ( illiltil P1PsCS to (10 (
iviitit It Sflhtt $ to 11cV4jt IOO , ( ) froiti
1110 htoilit I)0iIlsIlleit ( fur a trastl1y
1wrtLtgu exceedIng 1flOK ) ( ) .
'i'lue vhItflt ? ilarvcst hIlls coillIncIleod ftt
1't.xi1s ftlll fiuiI tills tII1l0oi1 tile ilttrVpst.
lq s 1II Lo , 11P111(1 Iii tile 11111(1 OVCIy 41II
UntIl the IlIluililo of the IllOUtit of itlgU5t.
' , Vlieitt i'lit 1)0 t0Wi1 In HIIIIOSL 0YU1 , ' ,
stitto ( If till ) 1IIIIIII lfll illolit , and nil
the iy floni ( htlvetoli to 1)tiliith tile
'vlititt lIIiIVket vIil tills yeZII 1R tlto ccii-
1ei of lttt1tCtIUU (01 all fiuriilcu.
ltuiiiOls Ll1'O rife at atiiitiiccs 111111 Intcr.
natlointi ltgreelIIt3lltS In . whIch tile
I'HItMI Stlte5 goverilitituit li a lfltrtY ,
itlt ) 811 sueii ViIilIOliI 11111V _ bet set 1lOV1l
'l'llO iiitlttd
115 % VItilOtlt ( OtIllUittIOll.
States cOiiliIIOllttJIl ti'e ' WIIV with Spalii
avitllout asklitg tile et1sttIt or advice of
* til ) other illitloll ililti s not 110W 1)1011(1'
lng for hitcrvtiutiou or assistauca.
ori ; : 7' ( TJfl lrOflI1D.
TIle frnnsnilsslssiipI nod llltcrnattonni
flxposlton 1 how 01)011 to tim world.
% It li Ililll'eiislre cxercIsc the luftugurni
ceremonies Iiae leen carried out and
the machinery iet In lilotlOil by which
g to be proIolled the most inart-ehious
enterprise of Its klld ever uiitlertaken
by : tiy peOPiO niiywiiere.
it Is the 1101)0 ) of one 1111(1 ( nil that the
ausplckrus oiii'iiIii ii but a prelude to
tinqtinhlfled success from every iolnt ot
view. Pram tbe standpoInt of nrciil-
teettire , landscape gardening , construc.
tloii flflli other work ot reparatlon ,
there is no ijuestloti of Success.
it reiiialiis sllnpiy fur the pcolio for
Wiloill tills magic city has ileen built to
appreciate what tins beci : done IiIIIl to
reward tile (2fi01tS of tile inaliagers and
Itrornoters with ( lInt liberal support
% IlIcit tue enterprise deserves. Tlle
IOOPie ) for Wi10111 It. has been trccted
lutist now take full utivautage of tue
OpIOittlllIty ) offered by the eposIt1on
for au Insight Into the resources , tIe-
velOiliiout 111)41 iossiblhities of the most
' 0fl41etfIl1 region of tile earth and to
learn tile ieSSOll taugilt 1)V ) ( lie prodigious
labor flfl(1 ( energy that has transformed
the great states vcst of the MiSSisSllhil
froni a vIideiiicss to a. Prodtictive gnr
den dotted Witil farms , iuitties , factores
ittid great coiiiniercial and industrial
cities. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ 4GG1ISfl'I IIRST1UN l'A Tn lOTISif.
Without ( liqaragciucllt of those who
hive in : Iliy otiler section of the country ,
1111(1 fully recogiiiziiig that intriotisin is
nilke iuiuil pm eticaily equal throughout
tile heiigtii and 'breadtll of the laud , the
l(0i)1e ) ) of tim V'Steri ( % states and terrl-
tories 111113 'c1i hike l)11d0 In the ready
1e51)OiISeS itindo to the cali for voluu-
teer in tIle triiiy of 1,110 Uiiited States
ant ! the reildilless to briiig the enlisted
rcgiiui'nts up to tile Inaxiillurn under
the second eiil : for oldirs.
Every state niid territory of tile west
has furnislicil tile lresiIelit ) ( all the men
asked for auth semite of theta olTered
Inure 11fl'1k 1111111 their quotas. The ciiv.
niry regiineiits have bee : : recrtiited
1lllliOSt wholly from tile wt'st , and loose-
velt , GrIgsly or Torrey s'ouh1 liiivo hind
a gielt : ilifl113 IHOFC niCil uintler tIlelu if
tiiey had lIfl(1 ( places fr them. 'Vhile
( ii'VC Is .5ifllO ( hjSHiiiUfltiilOiit lCCtuSe
ulmuler tue Secoild call the inca are to be
iistil largely to fill out the regiipeuits
HlEe1Il ( lii the cIJIils : , it is largely the
( IisiliiOlIltIuieiit ) of iersus vhio hittl : been
h)10illiSt'(1 ) ( coiiiiiiisslons , timid this vlIl not
kti ( ) 111011 V1l ( ) witnt to highIt for their
C)1i11t13 front eiillsting.
'llle governor of IOWa , iii 1eqOflSe ) to
the secoiiil call , said , "The state Is riu1y :
to ilicet nil ilenuuiuhs in any w'iiy. " Tue
goveiiior of Nebrashut declared that
"Nebraska uvihi p11)1HIthy ) furnish its
( Julotit iii ( lit' inniner : IWCSCVIIeh. ) ( " F'roni
the governor ofV3'Oflhilig caine the
FCS1)OllSC "Heady to furnish tile troops
requrctl , " flint so oii through the list.
¶ J'he C5l)0115C5 ) uloili tile various states
In regard to the second call Iiiillcnte tiia
hind it leOiI ) f)1 fuir or flu-c tinues as
_ iiiahIy mcii It would be filled. Froiti the
faiiits of the vul1evs : , froni the mining
caiiIJs , front the forests of the mnoun-
tmtins amid froiii tile ci ties amid towns time
111011 are ready to meet the demands of
their cuntry. 'i'lie patriotism of tile
\'cstermt heOllC ) i aggressIve.
'I'liis spoLittl1eOUS respoilse of the vest-
0111 jeOlhe ) is all tile lIloie noteworthy
) ( ' ( tlts : is one of their very busy
years. The ieolile are hot Idk nor are
tiley suffering from lmslitess delresSlOml. )
TiiereIs tIle greatest activity in niiniiig ,
ml grleuihture , raliroa(1 constructon anti
tOWil ititti city building nil over the
west , amid greater Inceiitives to tile
aiItiitious ) 1111111 to VeiliiLiml at s oik than
ever before. Yet work is had itsltie and
duty to country takes ineeedeuce
over all. It Is worth knowing that
1)atriotlsiii lreViti15 antong Our OWI1
1)001)10 ) : timtl in every 1)itvt ) of the Anion-
cati uiiiioui.
ll'Ihi 1' hAS B1.LN : 1lCOMI'LtIIlD.
it is only six weeks simice war \vLtS
Iheclated. 1Viitn that momentous fact
wits amii.uiiced to tile vonitl tIle Uiilted
States wIts umiprepancti for hostilities.
\\e hutil ii iiit' , but se did not lInve
tiit sIlilillieS nccesstry : for the
iiieitts of war. hind our 51111)5 howl ei1t
into action itt ( butt tIme against mu veil
et1iii1i1ietl iinvid ) Ower tile ) ' wouiitl il1tYe
$ titit'Vel ( defeat. W'e had an available
mllltni y force for uggressive operatloits
or only about 2iOXJ ( , vthicli w'ouhd have
iecI ) % utterly uselesS for tile iitviisoit : of
foreign territory. it imiust be perfectly
ttIl)111t91t to : tiihody vhlo 11115 tile slight-
est huNt of military flilti iiltVlth oWnlttiuils ]
that hind s'e gone to war with a first-
class iover w'e w ouitl ilave becit at an
OiIJiitlOlIS ( ( llsitlYltiltilg ( . Yet tiltre are
P(0ih ( ) Vil ( ) have tllougilt anil lelhliih)5 ) )
tIleru llV ( ) 501110 % VhlO Still tiiiiik tllmttV ( '
1(110111(1 hiilve ( hilVeil Silain out of ( JulIa
a iiiOfltht ago 1111(1 ( tillIt the \S'iLt siiouhtl
113' this time be Oilcloth. ' 1'hie numnlcr ) of
l4lichl , ilOV0VeL , i1 etreneiy fcW.
'L'hle moore intelilgemit jOoiiethlOSO ) vho
1110 utile to tnkc a rlttlullili yie' of the
sit tin tioit-uuitlerstmulitl t hat rtinitrkn Iip
( ) rogr.Ms ( liils lit cn 111:1(10 : ( in lIotIl iiavul
11 Ii (1 ( III i I I t a iy p repii mt : t an il Ill a t iei ) -
ilnhs ) 110 thiL r iiittllt of tilt ) surlt1 could
lIlt ' .O itceoilitlh Ishicul v lIlt t ha s ltemm ii ono
i ) ' tile 1'llitl States , uiiiler like comidi.
til)118 , ( lllViilg the lust thllrty days. Coti.
sliiei ViUl t hiuiS Icell ) ( hOBO. WhIcH war
1ts tleciitivd tile 11ltS VilI4 Iiisimtitcleiitly
SuIihhit'l ( viUl ililIIIlllllltiOli. I t vnm said
UhI)11 ) ) gooti nuthloiity tilat nile 51111)5 ) ( ' ) lIid
hot IlilVe kbiIt lii ) Ii tighlt for a siigho
eeic itiu1 t.lltrt ) dull be no ( lOlmit that
such vius tile fIlet. 110w 15 it 110w ?
'l'hit're is lIlt iiliuiimtlitiice of itillIllulIltIolt
to supply otir vessels of vnr ron mflomIthis ,
iIt ) % tvCi great ( lie deiiutnd and lit Uie
lilt'1tmiillhU ll1'OVisioIl hills ileell iiiiuhu for
lIr'pplying tlieiii for ycmtms of var , if
mie'cesl4tlry. io far us tilt ) 1lltY is Coil-
corned we itt.u llrcllmurel ton : tiiy coiltil. :
W' ihitt of 1110 ill'1i13' ? There was a regu-
iztr force , WIttli itostihities wire dedlareth ,
of less tililit 25,000 , 'FIlls force was veil
flililt'd and veii tilseiphlmied , but it voultl
hlll't ) ift'eIl ililtIhiless to stiltt it agaiuist
tilt ) Spiuiiisit il111) * ill Otllit , although
lilfliI _ % ' thotlgiit tllitt tills sliotmiui ilavo beeit
done. Thu prIlSideut culled for voiuu-
, . . - -
terrR and toulny more than 100,000 men )
nro enrohied hi the scrvlco of the Uniteil
itntes nhiul fully equipped for nctivo op.
orations , I'ew ? eahizo the task Involved
In fleCOhlllilshliflg ) tills. The general pub.
lie has little idea of the ohtnele that
iinvo stood in tile path of the iiillltnry
authorities in gettIng an army Into
shape. Not a few of the National guard
hiave iieeii S1'ilt to the several rendezvous
without even tile barest sort of equip-
11IenL Men have been sent to thin POlfltS
of mobilization without being fuily pvc-
pared iii any respect. For the most part
Uie stnto organizations had little of what
was requ irrnL
Tue duty of getting these sohders Into
proper condition devolved 111)011 tue Un-
tlonal nutllorities anti It has beeii tione
with reninr1able irOiflPtlleSS. ) it is t
strIkIng object lesson as to the energy
and resources of tllC mintion. Within sI ,
veoks ilfter the dechnrntioml of iiostiiitle
tile thilteth States Is on a suibstniitinl
vat foothiig ttnd we 'renture to say that
under like condItions iio oilier nation
could have done so well. W'eillngtomi
took six mouths to : get ready for thIn
Peninsular cainpaigti , says tlte Armiiy auth
Nitvy Jourmini , and Gellerai Scott took
uS long to get onh3' 0,000 macn into good
shimipe to invade Mexico. Iii view of
these precedemits the presemit war Ircv-
aratlons are phenomenal.
iriini ; : INGLiXD is INTEIWSTED.
lmigiish opiiiioii ftPPears to chug teuia-
ciousiy to tue view that notwitil.
stautlimig the French lWOteStittiOliS
or mlctitrallty hit tile present Coil-
test between this cotintly itiid Spain
thieve is after nil somethIng lit the
oft rejicateth story regardhng a secret -
cret understnhtdliig between 1railce
and SpaIn. For all of thiehr expressed
symmlpittiiy for tills country in the strug-
gb the real cause of EnglislI sohicituithe
regarding this alleged allIance is no
tue welfare of the United States but
tile ultimate result of time untlerstamidlng
on Eiighand Itself.
Tuimit France is not going to iiilx up
III tue present comutroversy through nmiy
lucre race sympathy is evident. The
cost would he too great. with no sub-
stantlal gain. Humor freely fixes as
tue uinlce Spain is to [ pay for French uts.
515(811Cc ( French l)0SSeSSIOI1 ) of tile Canary
isiamuis. This grou of islands In them.
selves are timiiiiipomtmtmit , having little in
the way of natural resources , lint niumeli
or a comililierce muuiti not capallie of amiy
great ( i'veholuuent in thIs direction.
'i'ili3' mire , IlOWC'Cr , Cillthe ) ] 'of ' being
stroiigly fortllied , Imave sovemtl fine lIar-
hors whIlchl WoUld afford a safe refuige
foi Shtlf)5 ) of war in case they were in
mIeCl of such and 1)y ) reason of their loon.
tioii would place ( lie rltlIlhy ) ( growIng
Coflhmlierce of Europe with west Africa
at tue IIIerCY of any strong power whIch
should be fortunate enough to hOSSCS5
\Vitii tile islands in the lltilils of Spain ,
vhose imimotency ; is gemierahiy reeogmih'.ed
in 1nrope , no alarm Is felt ly ) the great
commercIal iiiterests of England , hut
tue hint of their passing into thit' 1)05505-
siomi of a .stron power like France at
011CC excites those imiterested th tile
0CtMi1i carrying trade. W'hile the isiaiids
belomig to Spain , it Is safe to soy that
aiiy : lttelnpt to dlsiosc of them wouhd
bring out : in emllIhiatid hlOtest from
Grout Britain , whIch that country would
tlOiultlCSS miot hesitate to hack with force
if necessary to make its ilOtst ) effective.
The action of tile city couucll in agreeing -
ing to thieproposltiomm of the Bohin bonds-
itiemi to settle the treasury shortage of
nearly $115,060 by the jam11ent ) of $35-
000 calls for s'igdu'ous hrotest from thin
taxjayhmlg citize't ' ; of Omlinila. It' tlis :
iafnmiious sottleimment Is carried thirouigll
It s 1lh mcmiii nothing nmore mint' less t.hinmi
Sitldhillg ( umpOmi the property owimers of
the city a burlemi ( of over .75OOO wlilcie
iii law and jnstice should be bonmie by
the ziien s'hio voluntarily signet ! the
ilohhmi bond.
The flee mis frnmlkiy smtid that any
fair prolosItlou to settle the suits aaiust
tue lioiIn lOmldSiiIen out of court would
lHLVO the fllprovitl ) of the coinniumlity.
'Pime lVliOSltioli ) to settle at 10
cemits oil tli ( lolIlir , iiowevem , is miot
it fair luohositlou. The city 11115 a judg.
itient agamlst : ( lie sureties oil cue bonti
for moore thiaui $70,000 for money 0101)05- )
zled by iIohlii tlumimig 01113' one of ills two
teritis of olllen , amid if this Judgment is
good , as ( lie city attorney insists it Is ,
110 coimiicii tiliLt iuiiiis to prtect tIlt ? interests -
ests or time shc4lld think of
coitsitiermig favorably tile donatiomi of
ilalf that suiiii out of the treasury to tue
judginemit t14btors.
TilO 1301111 iolsmiiemi , secili to hne
% 'itilel ( 111)011 tile council to eiitlor thInly
Schil.ilio ? by pieltliilg ( tim Innocent vie-
thu tiodge mimi snttliig lii ) that sonie of
them would lIlt rUiiielh if coilihamhital to
live up to thiOll' obligations. hut the
great hod ) ' of tmixpiuyers llitVe first chit.iml
111)011 tile ittteiitlon of tIlO city olhlcinhs.
I t is lint trllQ tiliut thifl 131)1111 lOfltiSllmell )
1111) iuhi iiiiioceiit viet litis of illiI4flrtlill0 ,
II I I Inuiglu sui mile 01' t 11(911 do u hi less itre.
'I'llO h)0IllSillcli ) ( slgiied tile boinls vi tim
thtnim' eyes 01)011. ) 'Fiiey volu1ltetred to
stailti good for \tr. hlohiji ( S.eIl thioughl
Iil'y iiimiy Ililve bl'Oil ) COilhiinltt tiioy
WOUld ilO'0i' he called on to ) ay a doh-
liti for hlini. hmimiy of 111050 1)Ii1(1S1llt'Il ) (
wc iit sectirty for liohhii for selfish iiimtl
uPctliliil ) iy emuls , reiros'imtmlg ; bamilcs v1io
ilVOlitei ( by hIs ( ilYnrsiil ) of city fuiitls
or tilOIllhVOS i)0l'il'tci5 ) of pulbhie mUolm'
II ) ' hinhlli's ( nvoiit 'ill be reillolmi.
ieE'll ) , too , thoU as 140011 1114 llohiii eon-
(4uSSVII his guilt lie i'its forced to ( l'ei
all ills hIl'iI01t' ill ti'tist ft > i- tile ltiIdS-
ilInil , wItleit the hmtttnr PXiect ) to COltyelt
It ) tiltir dvil Iiilh'IlliIliylLtioml.
11lltr ( (11(1 ( eirriiiiistiinces , tiinrofoi'n ,
tile lWOi ) ( > sttl , $ Pttitmlit'mlt ! of it $115,004)
elailn for 35,4X)0 , ) 'otmiui ho lIlt outrage
lllItii tile ( siIliUflmllty 1111(1 ( 8110111(1 ( 1)1 ) ? III-
( PrclllOilIalsly ( rt'jeet eli , I iltij t1OOiC $
should rtfuse polmit blallk to biucoiu'i a
Party to aiiy suitihu COilIhIrOililse ltili in-
vita tile bolnisimleli to make a fair proio-
* 4ItiOit 0i l4tIIili tile CoilSejuleilCts ( of tile
city's jutigmiieiit iugiulimst tluui.
Thu spectahe of traveiers b0ycotting
eertluilm sleeplug cars ia tiley bear
Siitflisli nitnies alId in some cases ) eitlmmg
tise ltV5 s-iUt 1ltl(1 ( and stoiies to show
their Iillihlkti ( or everythiiug suggestiiig
i.paIu is uuwortlly of true AmlIerlelulls.
It is trua tilat Just now the Macrican
ittt.iomt is vllgltIetl in sonittiilmig of a
struggle vitb the Spanish killgdolli , and
every Amem'kan fo li hInt his ennntry Is
right and I1IC SlinnLinihs are wrong , but
there are good Antlcamis of Shiallisli de.
Eeeiit who lear * nitimies , tlmre are
Spanish names 111th % lavt 'tecohlie a part
or tile illstory nit literature of ( lie
vorhl , and ! gaimleti by trying
to 1)eiittle ) thiesomnes. ; If AnlerleanR
lInve wrath , ittlt'be eXIiem11ei1 where
It will do SOUlO gLO4U
It seems to be tejblic of our govern-
mneiit to occupy tJmc4lanI of I'orto RIco.
This is nbso1tltcj1tlpiltmry to tile orig-
limiti luau of ilOitiiIties agaInst Spain.
\Ve started out 'ut1ithttlie propositioll tiiitt
ve were to iiberati kuiiia from tile rule
of Spain and to h1ri1lIt tile 1)001)10 of that
island to establish a govirllmiuetIt of thleV
evil , nuder the illfluence of tile United
Stntes. It now seems that we are going
to ( hepart froni tilat ProPoslUon 511(1 ( hot
slniply free Cuba fi'oin Sptmuishi : doinina.
tiOil , but also time only other colonIal lrns-
session of Spain ill time West IndIes. in
otiler words , it is not slmiiily time fruedoimi
or Cubit we Seek-wIlicil is a ( musk we cami
mtlsolnteiy ) justIfy betorotlte world-hut
thifl eXlillSloii of Spnmiishi authority rromii
( lie western ileiiilphiere.
ilefore the ( leciarution of war there
\vas 110 thought of takilig Porto itlco
That Islainl , a tlloulsmtnd niiies from
Cubn , Wuls hot In time calculmitiotis , any
niol.e than (110 i'lll1I)1)hilCS ) , but circummi-
stitiices hiitve cilamigetl time situmation so
tlimit It hmluy ll3Y be lttSOltlteiy ) 110C0551113
for tills govemmimmlent to take lIossession
of Porto Rico , OIl the tbstrnct prollositloli
tiiiit it is miucessmlry to emiruble the Ulilted
States to mimlntluiml a naval base lit \VeHt
Indian waters.e do mint lelkn'e ) that
this is a soumid reason fur thin 1)eiiulnlemit ) !
hecupatlon if Porto ltiej , tiioughl 115 a.
( ItlestiOil of stratngy it iiimiy lC mlecesitry
tiiitt 'we ' .shiull for it time OCCtq)3' tilltt
island. So far as tue exigencies of war
arecomiccrmiel ( thin t3xlpedleflcy of occupyIng -
Ing l'orto Rico is tlIliUOStIOiifli)1ti ( ) , LUt
this does iiot necessarily Iniphy that ( lie
United States simoiltP rehtla permmuanemit
1)Ossessiomi of that Island.
Tdme thIrd of time Iowa regimnemits under
thin tlrst enhi for voluntcers is schmeduled
to start this week , but Wiler0 It will
go is not yet kiiown. Iowa has aiiotiier
regitlllimit In Ca.101) ready to go 1111(1ihl (
rosloiul ) quickly to tue call for a thou-
nmltl Illore privates to brimig thin four
regiments lii ) to time muaxinmumn. In 0110
105lCCt ) thin Iovn t1o01)S l'are better than
tllOSe frommi SUiiie other states , for they
lime 1)0.1(1 for tile tiiiie spout lit Citilil ) before -
fore tiley go out f tim sttte amid tveli
SUiii ) ) iei With ciotiiing before beimig
ilitisteted iii.
Tue Bee is tllouomiiy iieWsla1)er ) tllitt
pmm1ts : t collihiletp rejort ) Of thmt' open-
lug cxercics of l1ln ( ? ; XilositiOIl , hiicluthimtg
tlit' Silenelles lit nih-of time orntor of tile
( luly. 'L'iic measoi1I that 'l'iie Bee ! s thit
(11113' ( mleWSjilptJr ) u t.htls hItrt : of the country -
try that hIas til1. ' itiecimanical facilities
nut ! the relortorRti fdrce to llmuhihie ( prop-
erhy an evqmit of miihiIIlilortlum1ce. Rend-
ens vhio 1reserv thifl copy of ' ( 'lie Bee
comitalnhlIg . the iccimulirt of ohIt'miiiig ( lit
\s.ihi have : ui Imifalflnblj. historic rei'ord
for uuiture rnfereijc.j. .
St1 nmiiei . ; 1Lmfh1l1thjlt who am .robbed
or plundered hjttm gtng : of tilleVeS 8:1(1 (
cmooks 1Ierlutiiig' iieto vithaut limolestuj.
titii ly the 1)01100 ll1e 1ii'i1etI t ) lellOrt
their losses to 'tile 13e. As th police
ha's-c proved themselves utteriy nimble
to 1)IOtCCt ) tile city , this course iviii be
the tiiiy One thiat viil otTer muiy hope ol'
ilmuvlng the stoleit property rccovcrjl.
Pile bogus 1)01100 refojmntrs at the head
) f tile Omaha 1)01100 ) force anti lint 01113'
uimimtbln to I)1OlCet ) tile city mroimi thieves ,
but are detci-nilmieui not to let any one
else protect it. It is a 1)111111 ) nse of
stamidimig in with tile thievs. Thmt s
why the 1)011CC ioard 01-gait squeals.
. ! Vie llniilii IIii.
Ifltilaflpoll Journal.
A partIal adjustment at hong Kong of the
prize money ciaim3 growing out or Auhmiral
Dowoys destruction of the SpanIsh fleet
shows that each common saIlor in tile squad-
von v1li receive about 1800.
Voii'dn't Lo n
Cincinnati Tribune.
Supp3se , In Some unguarded monient , the
real cupid of the universe wore to take reVenge -
Venge upon her destruction of his ilkeness
by deftiy piaclng a dart in her own Innocent
heart and another in that of some manly
BCUlptor of cupids ! What would Miss
Dorothy Maur do then ?
'I'lie 1IuvnIIun Jol , .
PhiladelphIa Ledger.
Greedy and selfish motives inspire the
ilawallami Jobbery. Tile isiands are at pres-
cot In time custody of adienturers , who toio
thoni from theIr rightful ruiers , the natives ,
with the aid of the mammaclng guns of an
American man-of-war. The grchmt majority
of the population is opposed to annexation
with the United States. The Caucasians in
time isiumids zmrebut a handful in COnlilarIson
with tile residents of Asiatic blood. Annexa-
tlomi would ho sIleedIhy followed by tile or-
guiiizatlon of HawaIi Into an Anmerican
State , with two United States senators-mi-
other rotten pocket borough for the sugar
AM VieS4'l l Our Ni lghlur.
Mexican herald.
Bryan's sliver eurremmey poiicy Is no longer
a factor in Anierican affairs. Time Aimierican
eopie , wimotiler they are to repent or mint ,
, t. down lzltothic pool of tile haute
loiitlque , and aje now up to tilelr necks ,
They have got. to provide for a large stand-
iiig army and a great navy , and so nmodify
their tariff pohlc ii to permit the re-
mioWeti growth of tihfr mercantile marine.
McKlnleylsm. bosIIam I3ryaulsm , au the
petty internal political IHslies , arc being
SWClt out to sea by ft"mlglity tide , and It is
woii. Time great republIc ba emerged from
its semi-Chinese isolation , and it must fight
to maintalim its pieeimm the world ,
CIilt.i l3istis OiIilum , .
New YorlC Sun ,
Some clmotco imoegmys of oplmiton wore
exhibIted at tile 1reotitellglous coovontlon ,
or whatever you , In Boston the otiler
day. Rev. Moncuro Daniel Conway , for.
morly of Vlrglmmla1hnd Loodon , lB reported
to have emitted tW. . Patriotic historical dIe.
turn :
Tue revolutIonary war was one of the
worst over waged ,
Mr. Coliway i aio said to have compared
time freedaw of Nadrld with that of the
Umilted States , to the disadvaminige of the
latter. A Dr. Truebiood , whose muame ought
to be changed by act of the Massacilusetts
legislature , if lie belongs within it8 juils-
diction , niade the agreeable assertIon that
the UnIted States are rrong In their war
witit Spain. l'robabiy it Is at once the most
correct and , mmost e1taritble view to regard
these fellows as cranked justly conthaud In
iloston. Ilut they shouldn't be let out , for
there are vlacea where mnadrnemi of this sort
might get into trouble.
nPA : aT.IN ( A141.1CtS.
DetroIt Journal : ApollcT Ut empire seems
hOW to be tar from our destiny , but It in the
near future ( lie force of events prcses us
Into cxtendlmig our domaIn we shimull extend
it under the constitution withotit gcttin
into any "entanglIng alliances" with foreign
governments , Our now army and navy trill
be maintained as a safeguard , and not as a
menace to penCe.
Minneapolis Times : The American people
have a way of accommodating themselves
to new circumstances that is a part of the
general elasticity of tie natIon , Whatever
Un , fturo foreign policy of the cotliity , it
must be a national policy , We shall at
icast learn thIs much fm'oni Ptmropo , that the
way to lilt'O is to hold and the way to bold
Is to show amit-ugonlsts a united front.
. ChIcago Inter Ocean : Not a sutalner
tOlnea wIthout bringing acute complIcations
between Great hlritaln mind .ltusnln , Orent
flrltaln immiul France. Any Teteremice to the
flies of the London newspapers wilt show
( bitt not three months in successlomi have
Vnssed , since iS0 , wIthout disquietilig mu-
moors of war. ily niiying ourselves with
Great UrItain we would make not only her
'nrs but her rulnors of wars our own and
would fluld our nlarkctR coimstnntl ) ' agitated
mind our merchants incessantly disturbed bt
every dispute betwccmi the Uritish govern-
Inent amid the quarrelsome concert of time
European continent.
Chicago Tribuiie For instance , we have
no comninon interest with Great lIrItnIn call-
log upon us to light its battles in eIther
Africa or India. The partition of time Soul-
dan , oti the one hand , and the qtleStiOmi
whotimer Russia shall fliahiy absorb Comm.
sttumttnople , are totally foroIn to us amid
all out Interests both commnercini amId uoiltl-
cal. Of this fact the English people must
bo fully aware. lint while thiI Is so , If
there is to be an unwritten agreenient between -
twoen the American and Eiiglislm prophe on
lInes calculated to insure the preservatioll
of oace and order on this continent and
protection of equal commercial rights in the
iaelflc , the Aiii rlcan peopho will scarcely
have cause to complain.
Detroit Free Press : Visions of an Anglo-
Saxon UmliOii dominating time world are daz-
ziliig the imaginatIons of many Englishmen
and Americans at the present time , It
may be questioned , however , whether we
are yet rcady for such alt allIance , If the
prc3ont amicable feeling is deep and hasting
it wlil strengthen as tIme passes. We
believe that it SilOUi(1 ho fostered and en-
couraged. Sympathy of character and corn-
munity of interest arc urgimlg the two na-
tlons to work in harmommy. But we Amer.
icAmim. at least , are not ready to enter upon
'emitanghing" alliances. We arc ready to
meet our Enghish brethren half way on
proposItions to arbitrate and to mnake corn-
merctai agreements. But we are not pro-
rared to overstep time bounds of non-entan-
giement In the affairs of other nations. We
are glad to bury the old animosities out of
sight marever amid cater upon an era of good
wIll towards England , but not to go so
far as to lose sIght of our dIstInctively
American doctrine of isolation from foreign
The Dewey cocktniils an effective shot
It limit in the iiroper cavity.
You can't hose 'em. Admiral Sampson's
narents were horn in Ireland.
Captain Gemmeral Blanco is troubled with
visions of phantom ships. The real ones
are troublesome enough.
A low of the states are short in their
quotas of men. The demand for comnmls-
sion. however. exceeds the supply.
Ono hundred and ten degrees in the shade
at Santiago. The old town is a hot one
and time temperature is bound to rise.
The prospective increase in the tax on
beer has crowded glass factorIes with orders
for beer glasses built on the strawberry bo'c
plan. .
General Shatter received a portion of his
training on the farm in MIchigan. His
cxpcm'ience ivIhl come In handy in plowing
around flianco.
General lllanco is inclined to discredit
American reports. When American guns
report progress the blockaded general will
change his opimilon.
it is safe to discredit the report that one
Mr. Paltmmilo , M. P. , of Canada , favors an
Anglo-American union. Pat Tuhiy. forsooth -
sooth ! Not on rour life.
What iittio mmews escapes from the beleaguered -
leaguered city of Havana shows a desperate
comidition of affairs , But time unfortunate
residents have one consolation , Base ball
scores cannot break into the city.
Correspondents insist that Commodore
Schlcy's name is pronounced "Sly. " The
assertion is not conclusive. Much depends
on time manmicr In which he uronounees the
doom of Ccrvera.
Dent worry about Commodore Scbhey.
An omcer wllo has 1umnped overboard a
crate of empty beer bottles to satisfy tile
pleadIngs of temnperanco crusaders , wiii find
a suitable corkscrew when time occasion demands -
mands it.
There are uatrlots and patriots. That
which impeis a mall to volunteer and leave
Ills family so poorly provided for that one
of his children died of starvatiomi is a va-
ricty of patriotism that ought to be sup-
Pressed. Sucim an incident happened in
Chicago last week.
Philip Ii. Sheridan , only son of the late
Generni Sheridan , wimo ilas been spending a
short vacation with his mother at Washington -
ton , emiters the Ummited States military acad-
einy as a cadet today. General Siiemidan entered -
tered'est Point June 1 , 1848 , so that the
entrance of the young Phil , as hls tatllers
friends call him , will be In the nature of an
This happened in Dewey's state. One of
thin yorng Vermont vohunteers , who was
throwit out for the reason that the second
too of each of hits feet lapped over thin big
too , asked if he wouid be accelted it .lme
had tii offending members removed. On
being told that lie wouhul lie host mio time
in having both of his second toes amputated.
Ho is now at time front.
rlio swell Seventil regiment of New York
City has been vluciccd of its featilers by
ilostilu public opinion. It refused to vol-
tIlItoer In answer to the r > resldenVa first
cimil , but is now anxious to redeem Itself
by enhlstin without conditioiis. Tholccling
against time Seventh imas been so strong In
New York that thin park comuinissloimers re-
ceutly dechIllcd to award thin contract to
tue regimental band to give open air COil-
certs in Central park. on the ground that
the musicians would be offensive to time
- = - - - - - -
Time Soyci is the iiigle1 , erode bsidng powder
kuon. Atisiel 4etI.ow . it oeeon. .
tblrd further thai ony other breed.
Abo1IitCIY Pure
' ; ; YM. . SoilkO POWDU CO. , ) ECW YOSiC.
. - - _
- % II
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
= = = = _ - - - : : :
.1tliRI : wovf.n ii' PNl ) ?
strung unit llIglte u 1' tniiimit
* III I.U't ot llItmlre.
Neu- York ( 'imrltiU Advocate ,
'Fiie cry univ Is , "Anmiex hawaii as a
measumme , as made necessary by time capture
of Manila. " "Reassert our claims upon
Samoa ; we shall then have stepping atones
' " "Awake to the
tlmrough th'e whole l'aciflc ,
fact that together wIth the Philippines conic
time Marinna Islands , tile I'elt'i's nod ( ho
Carollncs. ' These stretch eastward from
( ho I'lllllppines about 46 degrees of latitude.
On ( hint basis time 'cry is raised "that a little
further mmcmlii and cOst ore the hiawaiians.
Shoulill the United States then buIld one of
the isthmmniami canals , she will not only eon-
ttoi tim oceniilc water passage , but in the
most strategic portion of time Pacific ocean
shcan , as it were , cross ( lint Vest expense
of ocean upon 11cr own stepptiig stones. "
Nor have the bumecaneer party forgotten
the Canaries and flaicarie isics. Time former
Ilmey will ( tim into mu large fortIfied saul-
thrium antI prospecting renter for our share
of Africa , The flniearic Isles vill lutronchi
us in time ilenut of lllrope. Tliy add that
"of course these nequlsltionH wIlt wilen ( thin
market for American capital antI prodtmcts
lund we must be rcatl to dig ship canals ,
lay ocean cables 011th enlarge ouI army aii'I
navy so 115 to equal those of nay other
nation. "
Judgtilg fromim what we have seeii as me-
spcct8 war and other mmienstmrcs , aimlh ( lie
efforts of time majority of the represemltnttves
iii congress and in the press , of each of ( lie
great parties , to oumtrtimi each other , it i
quite wIthin ( ho bouniis of possibthit3 that
( hero may be "a division of narties 0mm isstias
comnpnr&'d ; ilth wliiclm tariff antI finance mnay
seem small. "
It is calise for regret ( lint the presllemit
of time Umlited Stntes hmns conimnltted hiiniselt
so earnestly to the annexation of ilawnlt
as to make it nlmnost imecessnm'y , in time ostl-
mrmtiomi of many of his comigressiomial con-
stittiemits , to enter upon this course. It has
beemi a great stImulus to all other schemes
of terrItorial aggrnndizeiiment.
Omice entered upon , we amity be sure that
it will be carried to time last oxtemit. Omio of
the greatest evils resulting from one act of
folly , In individuals or in nations , Is the
iiecessity , under the coloi' of consistency
and under the irnpuhso of thin force developed -
oped , of an indefInite number of acts of
equal or greater folly. Rarely are muon or
natlomis willing to acknowledge in tile face
of tile world that their past actions were
When tilat great standing army and , that
inmnmense navy shall haye been gathered ,
and the United States 511011 be comnpetiiig
withm the monarchies and repmmbhlcs of time
old world , tIme idea that it can escape the
complications and time filial overthrow which
destroyed every large republic on tile face
of tue globe , prior to itself , is an illusion
born of covetousness mmiid vanIty ,
The worst of it is that those legislatore
who launch it upon such a career will
mmcitiior suffer upon the field of battle , in time
liresemit war , nor hia'e to enuhuro uiiy of the
final consequcilces vhichi their frenzy mili
entail upomm the gencratiomis tlmat. comae after
smNsm : or % 'A'Z'iOX.tb 1'o''Eht.
A , , it tpini s iii 4hi IvenIentN of
lii , Ariiiy amiul nvy.
Tanilmit Letter to ( 'lliengo Journal.
If I hind a mwoi'rictary iiiterost In a 'iUW
ing Aniorican boy , and if I wanted to fill
him with a rirofomlud and abidIng awe of his
govermmnieni , I would show him time 1mm-
cesscs by which the government calls its ar-
mles imito ( lie field. I i'ou1ml let him see for
what maimer of things time government is
pouring out 1,000,0O0 daily , and I vouiiI
try to 111111(0 hmimn undemstanih 'Itim what
superb prodigality amid at tile same tinio
s'lth Wlllit sagacity goverm1100lmt spends. 1
would take hint iast : those lilies of trans.
1)OrtS ifl which steam Is ahway up , almil on
which are crews ever waiting the word of
comummand , I would stand with imini mm tile
docks amid wait until one of them cast ott
her moorings and swiftly steamed toward
time open Sen. I would have him listen
\vliilo nmcmm whispered , 'Whcro is simo go-
big ? " and bid lmiin note that each one answers -
swers to tue otimer : I do not know , " but
is supremely confident and complacent ,
bccauso the power behind it all
is government's word , wimicim word is
law and life and death. I would have
him look iong at those inscrutable camimmon
which conic on the lInt cars , antI I would
show imini train loads of gun carriages ,
tlio bales of blankets , time tons of fodder ,
the thousands upon thousands of dollars'
wortim of equipments which government
has tummibied onto these docks and into
these freight houses. I would take him to
the great quartermasters' depots , whore the
floors sag under the ( veigilt of clotil , food ,
muedicines , oils , arms , tools , camidles , shoes ,
hmats , hiaversackim , cnmiteens , cartridges and
dishes. I would point lmini to the herds
of mules that are driven imi fromn all thlo
coumitry side , amid , lest in seeing all thmesn
evidences of governmemit's weaitli ime should
be miffed up witlm pride , I would gently tell
him that govcmnnlent just at tills tinie
sets a higher estimate on a somimid mule
than emi a good man and Buds the latter
amid easier to got thmami time former-
and wants time former more.
I w'ouli ( lead blmii anmommg thin tented cities
( imat have been pitched beneath tue pal.
motto tre s , anul I would tell ilium that mnnmmy
of the mcmi there dwelling imad coma a weck
before OlIt of lamids where still time winter -
ter hay , but ( lint wimether thiy were on the
west coast of Fiorida or in tIme mnomimmtaimis
of Wyamiiing , they were time governmnent's
nmoli , always and equally at home. I would
have my boy halt now and then to hear fib
throb of a thnusamid hoofs , an thin cavalry
races across timq country , and I would have
hiimmi listen for tile tinkle of time manic bells ,
time mumble of wheels , time irnarso imouts of
thio drivers , and all the mysterious clamor
that rises iViltn mmian and beast talk to each
otimer iii anger as ( i3cy drag time amamy
wagomis tlmrough thin aumd , I would have
him atchi tue batteries as they wind along
time liili siles , and I would have lilni see
how the black rmass of horses amid iiarimess
and cannon Is flcketl imy the nrlihltyni'i
erlmc'on end th , scarlet pnmpommi IIi * soi
at li horso's ears. I would 'nimt hini to
hear the bumgles snarling fromim cni , to
( 'Cmiii ) 511(1 ( I ' . oulih like to have ilhifl stanti
at ( lie edge of time hay and be very sllrat
wimlle the regimental bends play ( lIlting
ghmarul mnoUimt , and ( ho tropical Still nikes
( he mnovimig iayolmes ( flalm a silner light
against the hackgrotmnd of green.
fleet of all I wotild like ilim (0 ( See the
new south fluId tim new nortim mis. , iimiI
stnnml uncovered whemi ( ho ilaliti plays
"Star Spamigled Palmer" beneath thm gramnl
piazza at night , and I would walm ( hmini to
ulnulerstand how ninny years , imow mimammy
sacrifices anti how sweet a spirit of forglm'e'
11035 have been exacted before iiie \illo
listen u'ltli lmirn COtlId bring tliOliic1 : os to
listen to It all. To show your boy ( lie i1ets ,
the canmion , ( lie trooi)3 , time sinister almd gi'
gantic inmpcdimnonia of war may not be at
nil the proper way of incuhiatllmg Patrlat.
lent anti ( ruin reverence for thin ilatiflimsi
idea. A journey through ( ho eomlgrt'ssio15h
library mimighmt lift hlliii to greater beighIts of
cxlltatioii % ( balm rili ( ho sight of
regulars ready to sail away for tile storuii
ing of a city , lint thin boy Is liracucal 1111(1
inihul ) ' barbaric , 81111 ho will chinese immy way
of teaching patriotism. lie vlhl forever
bore cteeni governnicnt as sommlelody that
does timimigs , that owns horses , amid i'iays
with real elmlps 51111 lIne bronze giants with
scan cii faces to work for it. Even getuImi
ronihy for Is heroIc.
( Ali'1'Y 01" illil ' % VtlI.
( 'liicngo 'rrnIumne : "If thic' S1iaiiishi fleet
hiittieh ill ) in Salitingo bay , ' "olIst'rvi'ti
lie gemmtl ommimm mm from ? ( i I lui'n lmkei' , 'it imillit
ImilVe been bottled for Oxhiolt. "
letrolr Free i'rcss : hht-'Voum triemmi
thinks that idme would mimako a gOOl snltlit'r.
Slie-l'er.imips sli , ' % 'oIll(1. Slat's at rmis-
tomneth to ( lice powulor , you kmmow ,
( 'levchamul I'lnin Icnler : " 'rimey say ( lint
when cmi duty Ciimmmmmoloro ( ( Schihey iii as
austere its mm imi iili. "
, , ' 'I'rahlpiitt , 1 slliIlnSC , ' '
Vm'ttshingtnn Star : 'I hikes to see or moult
tnhe Interest iii do etiuntry , " Siiiih Umielo
iltcmi. ' 'bmit 1 knlmi't itmmii'ovn 00 'is lit'glet'till' . . .
'is oim'mi 'titter llatchm while lie vurries 'iwilt
wlmmmt we gwinter do sif tiomim Phllippino
islttnds. "
Chicago Jotmtminl "Charlie Flutter ennie
up to toll nm tile doctor said lie eoUhdh't
, ,
\ ' ' time nmmtttr with imini ? "
"I his heart is weak. "
"l'oolm , it's his kite'ei , "
Cllicngo iost : ° The way to free Cila ,
is mint to immvmtdo thin i3h0miim. said time ania-
tt'ur tneticiitmi. S
"No ? "
' 'Ohm , dear , tin. The way to fro' Cmmhma is
(0 illt'flio ( Slutimi 50 1111 to force flinmico to
comime to time relief oflnthrid. . Oh , ) 't'S. Iii-
ticeth , 'l'hese lililigs imme nil very 5Ilmimle
wimeim Olin gim'es thIeni ii. little thiutlgllt. '
Cleveland PimmIli Ienher : "George Rug-
ghes wits liomno for it IIIIV or two. I ) ( ) ytam
remmiemhwr 'imnt a weak dliii amiul lower
.jitw lie immid ? ' '
"Vt's" .
" \\'ohh , lie's iln'elped them to the limast
IliaSiliVe lroportloils , ' '
' 'Eitttmmg lmmurtl tmtilc thoes thmnt , "
C'hmicago Record.
Boyt will be lmoy , of coumrse-
'Tis w'Isdtmmn'a rule , , tmid ( lien
it follows omm fmoni logic's source ,
Timztt mcmi ili be miieii ,
Atlanta Journal : ' 'I'll jest tell ye , ft'licri.
thus yore var iiez heemi a nIgiity gotd
tliiiig. ' "how's that ? " " \V'y , hilts emIt
11001,10 to m4tlilyifl' ( flim learnln' Siltimimi' nboiit
g'ogmlfy nmi' time thiflciemiro 'twixt em bimtil'-
tthii1) an' or crtiiser.'hint in tin diiT'-
remmee , eiimmyiiow'V'y , on (1w' cruiser Ibm'
cajtimig hex ills shmoe siiiiicd twirl a tIny
nmm time hittleshiip : dnmtimig liez lmtss'n sliimied
timree tinmos. "
Si , . Sehile'
I 1ieiimmicmd : 'rimnL. .
If hm should miluilce a woiitlrous light
lii sonit' iitl men. nfmny.
Time pamagrapliers all would write
Amid eali Imirm ' [ r. SelliCY ,
Iitmt If ill-fate Ills flag attemids ,
Amid ho imo foe can Buy ,
thitin these very bimmmy ieiis - -
lviii dub hinm.\ir. Schltiy ;
JOiNil ) 'I'lId h3i.L1S. !
John Jerome flooncy.
( General "Joe" W'hmoeier , time famnomis confederate -
federate ca'uiry lender , took time oittli todaT
bIB major gomierni , United States urmny , foi
tilt ) Culman campaIgn. Ime is time lirst enil-
ftjdcrmtto oillcem to have taken tue oath of
Sel\'iCc in the army of thin United States.-
Vt1ushimmgtoll Telegram , )
Says Stonowahl Jackson to "Little PhIl'
"l'imii , iinve you heard tile newS ?
\Viiy , otlr \Viietiier-'Fighmtillg Joe'-
iiit gomme amid joindd thin hllucs !
" y , rio mistake-I saw himn come-I heard
the 011(11 lie took-
And you'll timid it dmily entered umim in yon
great Record Book.
"Yes , Phil , it is u'chnngo since then , ( wo
give tile Lord dime tillliks , )
, Vhmcmm Joti' came swooj > imig like a hawk
upon your Slmerrnnmi's lhammks !
" \Vil. ' , 'Pimil , ' yotm hcoew tim trick yourself
-hut 'Joe' imitti all tile poiimttm- S
Amid we've yet. to hear his huorimes dIed of
ath ! or rusty joints !
"But what of timt-tlie deed r saw today
In yonder town
Leads nil we dId amid all 'J00' did imm troop.
jugs up amid down ;
'For , 'Phil , ' timimt outim mmhmahi be tim iloal of
many a bleediimg wound ,
And many IL Soutlilamid solmg mmiiuhl yet to
that eanmu oath ho tuned !
"I'hio oath 'Joe' sworn uris .lomw tile work
of thrice a score of years-
y , mimomo thman oath-he sworn away mmmis-
trust ammO hate and tears ! "
"Yes , yes , " say "Pimii , " "Imo was , Indeed
( I. right good wortlly foe ,
Amid vo1i lie know , iii those fierce days , to
give us blow for biuwi
'Whiemi 'Jon' camno round to may a call-tile S
comnmimmsarics ttitl- S
Foil many a sveariiig , grumbling yumik'
Weilt smlp3)eriess to lied ;
"ITo etnied to have a pesky knack-so
Sliermnrtmm llHt5i to say-
Of coiling , wlit'mi lie iiouid by rights be
nillety miles ItwImyl
"Coint' , Stonowohi , lUt ytimir imilfll In imio-
'Joe's' swormi old Samuel's oath-
Iltvm'r North or 5011(11 again-lie
kissed thin hook for botim ! "
Our Daily Bulletin
AY1 Money
JUNE 2mLD , .
. stwO rs.
. ' Score a victory when they
i buy our nice soft , cool Underwear -
/ 1 , derwear , at 50 ; plain and
fancy baibriggan. Softboo'ii
W'ASIIINGTON. Jimno 2 , i8S.-'i'oIibmy tim
largest ttiimi' ever nssemiibleh iii this colmim-
try simice limo clvii vimm will be in active
sm'rvico ilgailist ilium tlois , It comnlirises 25- _
, II S
000 s'ohlmntet-rs , besides tile reguimr ! army or
, ,
mlggmegltc ( force exceeding . 350,000 mcmi fully
eiUimieil ( for victory.
With and without c1Iars , $1 , madras and percale , and then
STRAW HATS , such an assortment-all kinds , from
50c to $4.00
s , v. ' . Cor , 10th , and DougIa ts ,
_ J