- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIlE orur& DAILY BEE : WEDESDAY , J J 1 , 1898. 3 . : CO1NERCIAL ? AND F1NACIAL c1oc of the MOuth rua a Bexnakab1e Slump in Wheat. - , MAY DECUNES FIFTY CENTS A BUSHEL I ? Other wiet Optionju Are Lower luat coru nnil Oftt nntL AU LLnC of I'rnvlslnn , , Are Higher. cHICAGO , May 3t-Todys seRMon aw the coe ! of perhapa the greatest wheat deal In the annai of the grdn buMnes. The \ May opflon. which left ot Saturday at $1.75 , ranged today between $1.40 and $ L , cIoIng at the lower flure. a 1058 ot &Oc a ! bu. The slump In Maya coupled with bear. . 1311 5tAthtIc , enorinouo world'a iihtpment and bright crop propecti , CaU8ed a eevero ! decline of th deterred tutures tn wheat At the dose July howet a In of 6c and September 2s7Je. Corn wa 5-Sc and oath % c higher. Pork I up 2e , lard We and rIbB 7e. The demand tn the wheat pit today wa - . from hort5 , who took advantage of the break to buy In and secure profith. July had a iienatIonal dedilne. durIng which mome Iong sId out. It itarted at from : i.oi to Z1.02 and waa offered down from ; 1.Q14 , a cent at each trade , until It dropped to 34'4c. It. recovered a portion of the de- dine later with a little hIp from Letter , Iay. which cIocd Saturday at : i. : ; . opened at W.40 and ilutckly tiropped to flZ hi the flrat few inInute. Th evident Intention Waa to make a price for the heavy recept that were offered In the sample markeL The trade ua conflotMi to Lelter brnkcra whii Were both buyern and aellera made what price they choose. A well known 4 ' 1t1ttitIcinfl eatimated the wheat crop , of 'i : Texa , Oklahoma nod Kanit8 at 100.000.000 flu. . as aguinMt 83,000,000 bU. lftst year. The . . Crop news at home and abroad could hardly - have been move bearish. The world's shIp- menti 1nMt week were enormous , howln that wheat WitH beinR preaaed for sale the Worki over. The InIia movement wa a , aUrirIe , that country having shipped about : . ojoy Tin. , and RuMia put afloat more tI.uIn America. The visible 5upply incren3etl . - , - . nearly 6(0,1)00 bu. . where a mali decrea4e S expected. Chicaflo reculved Ci cars , S of which 404 cars wpre contract. while 3itn- neapolis and Duluth gut99 cars , Exports from Atlantic Ports In wheat and flour were S equal U ) 90,000 bu. July opened 4C lower at $1.0i102 , fell to 04 anti rallied to t7 54. at he close. September started 2 ½ c of at 81 5-S4'S2c. advanced to Ec. declined to SO 5-Sc and tirmed up to 81 1-8jS1c , the S last quotation. There wa a quick dip In corn at the start dn large receipts and wheat break. : It rallied onn on Od buying and wet weather reports. July started Wc lower at solti up steadily to 3l 5.Sc asked , the final quotation. ' ? Only a moderately large business was ; transacted In oats. Prices followed corn. 5 July opened : -sc lower at 23I3 7.Sc , sold up to :4c. declined to 23c. then rose to zt 3-8c at the c1oe. The firmness in provisions was largely ascribed to the signior of the reciprocity treaty with France. The treaty cuts the French meat tnrlfr in two and reduces the tax on lard a third. July pork opened 24 ' l7c lower at $11. tiujli.55 , sold up to $11.4 , declined to 1L42 , then rose to $11.00 at the close. July lard started TIc higher at ; c.20. up to t6.:7. : tluvn to and closed at tI'2. July ribs ranged from $ .00 to ; 5.97t and closeti at $ L94. S Estimated recipts for tomorrow : : Wheat , 215 cars ; corn , 900 cars ; oats. 85 cars ; hogs , 2S,000 head. Leading futures range as follows : rtlclea.I Open. I 111gb. Low. I Clo.e. Sot'y . May. . . I 40 1 40 1 25 1 25 1 7 .Ouig. . . I 01-02 1 02 044 97 I 04 % Sept. . . sIL.82 R2 ( 501 R1Hi 3Lg Dec. . Thh9 79 Com- May . . . 334 : $2 % 3:14 : 327 Jo ! : . . .a' a3' 324 3 % 3 S'pt. . . 33j ( 34 % 3 Jt 34 % 3a ; S Oats- . S May. . . 0 % 31 6 31 20 % July. . . 2a44lb 24 % 23 24 24a % Sept. . . 21i1 22 ! 21 221 21 % Park- _ .7ul. . . 11 45 11 (12 ( % 11 424 11 O 11 47 % : r'-- Sept. . . 11 70 11 77 % 11 57 % 11 65 11 60 Lard- July. . . 0 20 6 27 6 17 % 6 22 % 6 17 % sept a :7 : e 17 % 6 27 % 6 30 0 2U htitibs July. . . 6 00 5 07 % 5 90 5 02 % 5 S a oo o 07 95 6 02 % 5 95 - - - Ni ) . . Cash quotations were as follows : FLOUR-Steady ; e1nter patentS. $ G.O0 L25 ; stratahts , $ G.006.20 ; hard spring pat- snts , S7.01'7.40 ' ; bakers. * 4.900J5.15. WHEAT-No. 3 sprIng , 95cZj1JS ; No. 2 red. red.CORNNo. CORN-No. 2 , JI5e. OATS-No. 2 , 26 ½ c ; No , 2 white , c ; No. S I white , 2s1.4c. RYE-No. 2 , SOc. BARLEY-No. 2 , 3S5OC. S FLAXSEED-No. 1. $1.29. TIMOThY SEED-Prime , $2.SO42.SS. PROVISIONS-Pork.mess , per bbi. . $11.45 tt11.5O. ? Lard. per 100 lbs. , $6.2016.29. Bacon. Ihort ribs sides ( loose ) . $6.15ij6.20. Dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) . $5.0O5.25 ; short clear sides ( boxed ) $ tLSSi6.4J. WIIISKY-bistlliers' IThished goods. per gal. . $1.20. F - SUGARS-Cut loaf. $5.S ; granulated , $1.25. Articles. ' l _ : ? : r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 05.100 Wleat. bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131,000 37.fl0 Coni. bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4M.t)00 ) 41.U0 ( ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,004) ) fl3'ebu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21,500 . 4,100 1ar1ey.bur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504) ) On the Produce exchange today the butter - ter market was steady ; creameries. 1Jj16c ; dairies. lltulSc. Eggs , steady : fresh , 94c. Cheese. quiet at 7jli7c. Live poultry , L.- market fairly active ; spring chickens , S . - 1Ue ; ducks , 6j6c ; turkeys , GtjSc. ? EV YOith GLINELtAL 3IA1tlt'ET. , ( tiiotutioni , for tile 1)giy on Geiiirni ConizuuaLI t 1CM. NEW YORK , May 31.-FLOUR-Receipts , $1,900 bbls. ; exports , 15.290 bbla. ; weak and lower with wheat ; winter patents , $ * .lOij 6,65 ; winter straights , $6.1OG.25 ; Minnesota patents , 3.Gi'.10 ; winter extras , $4.S0fj5.25 ; Mlflfleota bakers , $5.ltIJLSS ) ; winter low grades , $2.50Q3.00. Rye hour. dull at $3.C53 4.00 4.00CORNMEALEasy CORNMEAL-Easy ; yellow , 7Cc. RYE-Weak ; No. 2 western , 63c. BAItLEY-Dull ; feeding , 42c. BARLEY' MALT-Quiet : western , G375c. \VIIEA.T-Receipts , .452 bu. ; exports. 500,212 bu. ; spot weak ; No. 2 red. nominal ; export grade. No , 2 red , 89c. f. o. b. alloat ; September. $1.00 to $1.15. Options opened tinner on foreign bUying' , but eoon turned 'weak for near months , which under a col. lapse of the May deal. broke very sharply. Bearish weekly statistics and crop news also had no effect. Late months. supported by covering and firm late Paris cables , closed 1t164c higher , against 2 l.tc decline In May ; May. fl.15441,12 ; July , $1O4@1.11 ; closed. $1.07. CORN-Receipts. 78.000 bu. ; exports , 414 , . $00 ho. ; Mltt ) firm ; No. 2. 39'c , Options had a tlrm day o covering , light country tic- ceptances , Closing 7-c ) net higher ; July , 57 64'j:9'4c : ; closed , 3Se. OATS-Itecellts. 342S00 bu. ; exports. 151- 000 bu. : spot tirm ; No. 2. tELe ; No , 2 white , 3Ic. Options moderately active and teuity. closing unchanged ; May , 32i4e. FEED-Quiet , bran , TOtjOOc ; middling , 90 QiISc ; rye. $ Oc. HAY-Quiet ; spring , 354j40c ; good to choice. 45115C. HOPS-Quiet ; state. common to choice , 1t crop 3t4c ; 3SI6 cro ) . 414470 ; 1S97 crop. 12t14e : I acflic coast , iSOS crop , 3fjlc ; 1S cr01) . &Ir7c ; 141 crop , ltjllc. hIDES-Firm ; Galveston. 1Cc ; Texaa dry. Be. California. . iSe. LEATl1EIt-tteady ; hemlock oIe , Buenos Ayrea. 194j70'5c. WOOL-Quiet ; fleece , 1G4j5c ; Texas , 1 140PI1OVISIONSBeef. PI1OVISIONS-Beef. steady ; family. $12.50 1300 : extra mess. $10.SO41IL00 : beef hams. il&504j14.0O ; packet , $21.500iI2.00. Cut meats , dull ; pickled bellies. ( ; pickled ghoUl- ders , 4'c ; pickled llama , 7SO. Laid , iteady ; western 5tt'am closed , $ C.35.fJ.40 ; relined - lined , steady Pork. quiet ; mess. $11.50 11.75 ; short clear. $12.501i14.5O : family. $13.50 1 ( i13.5O. Tallow. lirm ; city , 4 1-Sc bid ; coun- try. 3 7-St5j'i 1-c. as to quality. 01 t.S-t'ctrolt'um. dull. Rosin , steady ; strained , common to good. $ L42tjt.4& Tur. pentin. easier at 21tj2Jc. Cottonseed oil , steady and moderately active ; prime cruile , 11c ; prime cruile , f. o. b. , mills , 17J1Sc ; prime summer yellow. 2Cc ; oft summer yellow - low , 23ti25c ; butter oil , 29tJJOc ; prime win. tee yellow. $ ( tt32c. RICE-Firm ; fair to extra , 5 1-J7c ; Ja. W pan. 57441Cc. MOLSt4ES-Sttdy ; New Orleans , open kettle. good to choice. tj33c. FREIGHTS TO LIVERPOOL-Dull ; cot ton by steam. 29c gin by steam. 3d. METALS--The metal market starts the week with severel departments Inactive apd prices In some instances lower. At the lese today the metal exchange called ptjc iron warrttnts steady , with 15.75 bitt and $ &KS asked ; lake copper dull , with 311 90 bId nd $16.10 asketi , tin quiet. with $14.80 bid j.nd 14.O &sked spelter flew , ith $4.30 bid _ _ anti $4S40 asked ; lead lirm with * 150 bId and $3.5 nsked. The flrm tixitig the settling price for lendIng miners and emelters quotes lsnI at UCTTER-Recipt , ,331 pkgi. ; steady ; creamery , 124$16tc. Elgins , 1GC. factory , 1Ot412c. CIEISE-Rt.celpts. 4 1 pkg'i. ; market quiet ; light skims , 541Cc ; full skims. ItO1k' . EGCS-ltccelpts , 130 pkgs. ; western , 10 lie. St. I.onls General Market , . , . ST. LOUIS , May E.-FLOUR-DuIl , un- cettied nci lower ; patents $3.7O5.00 ; straights , $3.334G.S0 ; dear , $1.4jG.00 ; rne dium. * 4 OO 6.00. \VHEAT-Lower , closing with May , lie , July 3 5S'ptember 2c and December Vc lower than 8atuniay. spot lower : No. 2 red cash , elevator. ILCI ; track. $ L00lit.t ; May , $1.01 ; July , R 3-Sc ; September , 73 1-Mt 7814c ; December. 73c ; No I hard cash , $1.00. COItN-Future closed with buyers at the top an.l large fractions above Saturday. Spot fractionally lower ; No. 2 cash. 3l1c ; May , 3lYc bid , July , 31'43l S-8c ; Septem- her. 4C. OATS-Firm and fractionally higher , cc.m.ared ; with Saturday for futures , with spot lo up , No. 2 cash , 29c' track. c ; May c ; July. 29 5-64 : ; september , zic ; No. white. 314131'.4c. RYE-Nominal at SOC. SEEDS-Flaxaceti. nominally lower at $1.20 ; primP timothy seed , $2.CO512. . COItNMEAL.-Weaker at LS5itLDO. BRAN-Dull and lower' sacked. east track. S44iac ; sacked. thfs side. $1.60. hAY-Quiet and steady ; prairie , $7.5O 10.00 : timothy $ .0OtiIL00. IIUTTER.-theady ; creamery , l4j1c ; dairy , 104114c. EGGS-Steady at 9c. WIIISKY-fl.23. COTTON TO ES-70c. BAGGING-S 744 $ 34c. .1ETALS-Lead , strong at $360. Spetter , steady at $4.15. PROVISIONS-Pork. higher ; standard mess. Jobbing. fli.SOt1l.GO. Lard , higher ; prime steam. $5.95 : choice , $6.05 bid. Bacon , boxed shoulders. $1.S7 ; extra short clear , $1.75 : ribs , $ C.87. shorts. $7.00. Dry salt mCats , boxed shoulders , 35.37 % ; extrn short clear , $4.25 ; ribs. $0.374 : shorts $6.50. RECEIPTS-Flour , 10,000 bbs. : wheat , 56,000 be. ; corn , 42 * 000 hu. ; oats. 042,000 bu. SHIPMENTS-Flour. 3.000 bbls. : wheat 24,000 bu. ; corn. 53,000 bu. ; oats , 7,000 bu. Bnhtln.ore Market. BALTIMORE. May 31.-FLOUR-Easler western superflne. $ .1.75i11.0J : western extra , $4.OC.f4.4S ; western fnmlly , $3.GO6.OO ; winter whittt patents , $0.1O'iC.SO ; spring wheat pat. ents. $1.00114L90 spring straights , $6.400j'i.6.5 : reeCipta , 5,521 bbis. ; exports , 97 bbls. ; sales , none. \VHEAT-Unsettled and lower : No. 2 red , spot. $1.19i'O1.19 ' ; the month , $1.19ii1.t9 ; July , $1.01 asked ; steamer No , 2 red. $1.09 7-8 511.10 ; receIpts. 103.73 bu. ; exports. none ; southern , by samp00 , $ l.1MJI.20 ; southern , on grade , $ l.10'dL19. CORN-Steadier : mixed spot. month and June , 37(37c ; July , 374129c : steamer mixed. OdiiS.ic ; receipts , 216.623 bu. ; exports - ports , 293,264 bu. ; southern white corn , 36 t37c ; southern yellow corn. 377c. OATS-Dull and lower ; No. 2 whIte. SO tiSSc ; No. 2 mixed , Bc asked ; receipts , 27,095 bu. : exports , 1SO0O0 bu. RYE-Dull and lower : No. 2 nearby , Sl'c ; No. 2 western , 5O4c , nomInal ; receipts , 20,694 bu. : exports. none. HAY-Steady ; choice timothy , $12.SOfl13.OO. GRAIN FREIGhTS-Dull ; steam to Liverpool - erpool , per bushel. 4l. June ; Cork for orders - ders , per quarter , 3d , June. BUTTER-Steady ; fancy creamery , 17c ; fancy Imitation , lSc ; good ladle , tic ; store packeti. IStOISe. EGGS-Firm ; fresh. 115l1'-4c. CHEESE-Steady ; fancy 2ew York , COo : large , 9'c . ; medium , OiJlOc ; small , 10 Financial Xute4. OMAHA. May St-The clearings for the ( lily were $1,100.44S.22 ; balances. $125,3G&19. The elt'nrings for 1807 were $ SSO.402.66 , and the balances. $ SO,6.2S. } Oncreuse in clearings - ings , 6220.045.50. CHICAGO , May 31.-Clearings , $22,69CS00 ba1ance 32.957.500. Stocks were steady : Biscuit , .6 ; Biscuit preferred. SS' ; Dintnor..l Match , $18 : North Chicago , ; Strawboard , 27'est Chicago , 94 ! . CINCINNATI. May 31.-Money , 3410 per cent ; New York exchange , 25c premium ; clearings. 83.252.950. ST. LOUIS , May 31.-Clearings , $3.591.000 balances. 8513.950 ; money , MJS per cent ; Neii' York exchange , 25c premium bid , SOC premium - mium asked. PHILADELPHIA. May 31.-Clearings , $ , - 456.377 ; balances. 61.240,571. BALTIMORE. May 31.-Clearings , r-,774.- 713 : balances , 8343.254. NEW ORLEANS , May fl.-ClearIng , SI.- 013.5l2 New York exchange , bank , $1 per $1,000 premium ; commercial. 23c per $1,000 premium. MEMPHIS. day 31.-Clearings. 5333.593 : balances. 5134.467 ; New York exchange. 81.50. NEW YORK , May 31.-ClearIngs , $63,859.- 250 : balances , 54,623.065. BOSTON. May 31.-Clearings , $12,426S62 ; balances , $1,506,677. Nec Orleans Market. NEW ORLEANS. May L-BOs PROD- tCTS-4uiet and steady ; pork. standard mess , 33i112'4c. Lard. refined tierce , 4 3-Mu 4jc : pure lard. 6 5-Mu6c. Boxed meats dry salt shoulders , 6 5-MuGc : sides , 6 5-Sd 6 c. Bacon. clear rib ide. 7 Mu7c. hams. choice sugar sured , Mu10'lc. COFFEE-Easier ; Rio , ordinary to fair , RICE-Ordinary to good. 4 5-6305 3-Se. FLOUR-Extra fancy , 55.80415.90 ; patents , $ G.20i06.3O. CO1NMEAL-$1.9i1 1.95. BRAN-73c. HAY-Prime , $14.00'1j14.5O ; choice , $1G.OO1J 16.50. CORN-No. 2 sacked , mixed , 43g44c ; white and yellow , 444115c. OATS-No. 2 sacked , J041S6c. 1UflMaN City Grain anti l'rovisiona , K4\.NSAS CITY. May 31.-VHEAT-Mar- ket about ICe lower than Saturday ; otTer- logs large : demand limited : No. 1 hard , $1.UOill.02 : No. 2. OSc4J$1.05 ; No. 3 , % 1z97e ; No. 1 red , $1.01 : No. 2. $1.00111.02 ; No , 5 , 94c $1.01 : No. 2 spring , 974193c ; No. 3 , 94419Cc. CORN-Market lower ; demand light ; No. 2 mixed , IS415Oc ; No. 2 white , SO41JIc : No. J , 294130c , OATS-Market active and steady ; So. 2 white. 3O4zS0c. RYE-Market weak ; No , 2. SSc. HAY-Market dull and rather weak ; choice timothy. 510.25 ; choice prairie , $9.50. BUTTER-Market steady ; country scarce ; creamery , 124424c ; dairy l0i2c. EGGS-Market llnn and higher ; fresh , Do. Ci..einnnti Market. CINCINNATI , May 36.-FLOUR-Dull ; fancy , 53.10415.50 ; family , 54.60415.10. \VHE..T-DulI , nominal ; No. 2 red , $ I.OMu 1.10 1.10CORNEasier CORN-Easier ; No. 2 mixed , 354133c. OATS-Dull and lower ; No. 2 mixed , 294c. RYE-Easier : No. 2. 520. PROVISIONS-Lard. lirm at $6.00. Bulk meats , lirm at $0.25. Bacon. steady at $6.00. WHISKY-Firm at $1.29. BUTTER-Firm anti higher : Elgin cream- cry. ISo : Ohio , liilSe ; ilairy , lOc. SUGAR-Steady ; hard refined , 54.47416.10. EGGS-Steady at Do. CHEESE-Easy ; good to prime Ohio dat , 3417C. _ _ _ _ _ _ ( ivztiit Iteceijits at l'rInelal MiLrkets. MINNEAPOLIS , May 31. - Receipts : Wheat. 574 cars. ST. LOUIS , May 31.-Receipts : Wheat , 77 cars. ChICAGO. May 31-Receipts , three days : Wheat , 633 cars ; corn , 2,918 cars ; oats , 1063 cars. DULUTH , May 31.-Receipts : Wheat , 52.1 cars. KANSAS CITY , May 31.-Receipts , 24) cars. S.ttinr 3igirkep. , NEW ORLEANS. May 31.-SUGAR- Steady ; open kettle. 3414c : centriCur.tla , white. 44414 5.Sc ; yellow , 4'4J4c tconds , 2173 7-Sc. Molasses , steady ; centrifugal , 0411c. NEW YORK , May 3l-SUG'R-flaw. ' flrm : fair refining , 3c ; centrifugal , s6 test , I 5-iCe : refined , tirm : mould A. S 5.Do ; btan- ilarti A , 5Lc : confectioners' A , 5c ! ; cut loaf , 5 7-Sc ; crushed. 5 7-sc ; powder.I , S Sc ; granulated , 5 3-Sc ; cubc , 5 0-Sc. Califtirnin Brieti Fruits , NEW TOR1c May 31.-CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Apples , drm and other fruits steady ; evaporateti apples , common , 64So ; prime , wite tray. Dti9'c ; wood dried , prime , 9c ; choice , DfjlOc : fancy , Plc. l'runes , 4tiStjc. Apricots , Royal , MtlOc : Moor Park , lOlflSc. Peaches , unpeeled , Dc ; peeled , 33411Cc. Furrhrn Fiunnelal. LONDON , May 31.-The market ( or Amer- lean securities advainced at the opening anti remained steady all ilay with trading professional - fessional , Trading was drm and the demand generally light. Amount of builion taken into the Bank of England on balance today - day , 91,000. t'eoria Market. . PEORIA , May 31.-CORN-Irregular ; No. 2 ui32c. OATS-Dull ; No. 2 white , c. RYE-Quiet : Na. 3. 50c. WHiSKY-Firm , high proof spirits. S1.294. Visible Grain Supply. NEW YORK , May 30.-The statement of the visible 5U04)Iy of gTalfl. in store and aitoat. on Saturday. May 26 , as compiled by the New York Produce exchange , is as follows ; Vheut. .673.OOO bu. , increase , 50.1,000 bu. Corn. 20,115.000 ho. ; increase , cu.000 bu. Oats , 7,179,000 bit. ; decrease , 91700 ho Rye. 1.420000 bit. decrease. bu Barley. StX3 bu. increate. 24.000 bu. STOCKS A6D flO4D5. Western ! tnilrnni.Shov ( 'onsidera. ble strength en the Mnrkct. NEW YORK. May 31.-Today's stock ma-ket wa active antI strong , but tOre activity and strength were not by any means uniformly distributed. The gram- get-i exercised a powerful sustaining Info- ence anti Ilock Ixiand was the feature of the group. St. Paul closed the day with a net gain of over 2 points. the advance being encouraged by published reassurances - ances as to the permanent character of the improvement charetl to large operatIng - Ing expenses for April. The newly pub- lhed statement of the Butlingtons April earnings. with a similarly large proportion absorbed in operating expenses , was a drag on that stock early in the day. but its tone improved later and th rs was a net rise of 1 jer cent. People's Gas was the most conspicuous stock in the list and rose at one time 34 poInts , but lost nearly a point on realizing. Brooklyn Transit was also up nearly 2 poInts at olle time. The recent rise in the iron tnck5 'con- tinued today , Mlnnesoia iron and Illinois Steel rising respectively 34 points. Clii- cage & Eastern I1llnoI rose S points antI Northern Facifle preferred. union Pa- cHic preferred antI Sugar also developed strength. A rise of 35-8 per cent In Delaware - ware & Hudson should also be mentioned. London bought stocks in this market und a beneficial eftect generally' was felt from the detinite locating of Admiral Cervera's ileet in Santiago harbor But the benetit from this factor was due principally to its giving freer play to conlltion9 specially aitecting dillerent stocks. Manhattan anti Metropolitan Street railway gave some pos- hive evidence3 of depression and it waS with diiflculty that they rose at any time above last Saturday's level. A fair amount of commission house orders to buy had accumulated over the double holldtiy anti helped on the rise. Dealings In bonds were In fair volume and were well distributed , gains being general throughout the list. Total ale , S3.950.4) ) . United States old Is coupon , advanced L per cent in the bId price. There was a sale at 111 1-8 , it de- dine of 1-8 per cent from the last sale , Otherwise there were no changes The total sales , of stocks today were 506,500 shares. including : Atchison , 3,633 ; Atchison preferred. 24,750 : BaltImore Sc Ohio , 5,150 ; Ch.3npeake & Ohio , 3.43O lltlr- llngton , 20,143 ; LouIsville Sc Nashville , 15,220 ; Manhattan , 60.500 ; Metropolitan , S,950 Readinr , preferred , 4,430 : Missouri Pacilic , 10,153 ; New York Central , 7.020 : Northern Pacitte. 7.050' Northern l'aclilc preferred , 13,101 ; Rock Island , 41.ISS ; St. Louis Sc San Francisco second preferred , 3.715 ; SL Paul , 57,235 ; Southern preferred. 4.130 ; Union Pa- chic preferred. 25,044 ; Tobacco. 9,870 ; Clii- cage Great Western , 4,415 ; People's Gas , 81.275 ; Sugar , 33,691 ; Tennessee Coal and Iron. 3,165 ; Leather preferred , 4,125 ; West- era Union , 3,247. The following are the closing ouotatk'r.s. of the leading stocks on the New York market - ket today : .5 AtchiRom . . . . . . . . . . 12 % IlawatiC. C . . . . . . . . Ii" , doptd . . . . . . . . . . . % St.P..t Unu . . . . . . . . . 70 % lialttmorc.t Ohio. . 18 do pro . . . . . . . . . . . .Ilti CanadaPacifle. . . . 04 SLP.3L.tM..143's Canadasoutnera. . 52'4 So. Pacific . . . . . . . . . 17 % CentraiPacitic. . . . . . . 1 So. Iltiulwar. . . . . . . . 4)14 ) Cties.kOUuo. . . . . . 2114So. Itau1vayptti 31 % Chicago.t.Uton..l5t' Tex.t , . Pacitte , . . . Ill c..n.&Q..10iT4Uuion Pacitic. . . . . . . 01) % r.Fi. . . . . . . . . . IW'iU.P.D..tG. . . . . . . 7 % C.C.C.&SLL. . . . . : )4 Wabasli . . . . . . . . . . . dopid. . . . . . . . . . 75 Vabalip95. . . . . . . . . 101 % Dtl. iltatMon. . . . . I 1 % Wheel. .It 3. . 14. . . . . . Del. I.V. . . . . . . . 133 Wheel. J. L. 81. pfti 1218 Den.'i ItloG . . . . . . . 12 pAdams Ex. . . . . . . . . . 10) ) ) do ore. . . . . . . . . 4S4lAmertcna C . . . . . . . 123 Erte ( note ) . . . . . . . . 13tOnIted St.ites Ex. 14' ' ) KrteIstpOd. . . . . . . . . : til WeIi.Faro Ex..110 Ft. Warn. , . . . . . . . OutS Am. Cot. ( Ill. . . . . . . . 21 % f'reatNorthernpttl.17'4 .4. Cot.OiI pit ! . . . . . 74 % flocsinr Valley. . . . 10 % Art. Spirii' . . . . . . . 12 % tIlinuIHCentrat. 105 % .4.n. , Snirits pfd. . . . . . 34 % Lake Erie .k SV. . . . 1414 An , . Tooaeco . . . . . . 109 do n(0. . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 do pfd. . . . . . . . . . . . 617 LakeShore. . . . . . . . 191 People'S Gas. . . . . . . 10.3 % LouiwIlle.t Nash. 3ti' Con , . 4at. . . . . . . . . 191 lianliattan ti . . . . . 1051Co'n. Ca1eCo..0 Met. St. Ry . . 13lIt 001. F. .k Iron. . . . . 1iichiurau' Central. . 105 00 001. . . . . . . . . 90 . limo. .3t St. 3 . . . . . 284 Ger , . gi'ctnc.01 % dolstrdtt..S4I1ltnoiMStee1. . . . . . . . . 53 % lIo.Pacitic..35 % Laclede Gas. . . . . . . 40 llobile.tOtulo. . . . . 2SLt'ad. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 % Mo.K.t 'F. . . . . . . . 11 do pOt. . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Mo.K. .3. ' 1' ortI. . . . . 33 Nat. Lie. QtI. . . . . . . . 11 Cu. . i.i. , it 3. . . . . . . tfl5 Oreron Lint , . Co. . . . . 410 p01. . . . . . . . . . . . . 301t Psettic Usti. . . . . . . . . 234 . .1. Central . . . . . . 95i Pulman Pal. . . . . . . 133 % N. Y.Centrat..113Si1verCert1ticates. . 55 % N.Y.CbLStdI. L. . 13 Stand.Itopo JtT. . . . 43 % doi't p01. . . . . . . . 60 Sucar . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 % ,6o20p01. . . . . . . . . . 32 430 fd. . . . . . . . . . 115 o.orrolk. ¼ westera 14 P.C.kiron. . . . . . . . 2514 No. Am.r. Co. . . . . . . 514 IL. S. Leather..1 . Io.PmIdc. . . . . . . . . 27 do prd . . . . . . . . . . . . do ofO . . . . . . . . . . . 67 % U. 3. Itubber : . . . . . . 2044 Ooario,1 V. . . . . . 1541 do pttI. . . . . . . . . . . . . 714 OreconNav. . . . . . . . 51IWestern Union. . . . 92' ( Ore.ShortLlne. . . . . 30 % Northwestern . . . . .32914 Pittsburg . . . . . . . . . . .1434 do . . . . . . . . . . . . . lteathng . . _ . . . . . . . 1Sj St L. .3t S. W. . . . . . . . 4i Rock laland. . . . . . . . 6074 do. pItt. . . . . . . . . . . 1014 S.L.itS. } ' . . . . . . . . . 7R.G.W . . . . . . . . . 25 ciOlatprU. . . . . . . . . 624R.G.tW.P01. . . . . . 57 % St. i'auk . . . . . . . . . . .10(434 ( 'Clii. ' Gi. iVest. . . . . . . 14 % _ do oVd. . . . . . . . . . . 143Reatllng Iatpfd . . . .454I New Yorlc Money Market. NEW YORK. May 31.-MONEY ON CALL -Nominally , 114 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-3414M per cent , STERLING EXCHANGE - Dull and steady. with actual business in bankers' bills at $4.S6i for demand and 54.S41Si-4.S4i4 for sixty days ; 4)osted rates , $4.S&IJ4.S74 ; commercial bills. $4.S3344.S51. SILVER CERTIFICATES -57415Sc. BAR SILVER-OThlc. MEXICAN DOLLARS-4SMc. GOVERNMENT BONDS-FIrm ; new 4 , registered , anti coupon.121a1 ; ex-lnterest , 10714 ; coupon. 110 ; Ss , 110 ; Pacitic Cs of ' 99 , ex.lnterest. 103. Closing quotations on bonds were as follows - lows : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ U.S.new4s. rer..21344y. C. 115. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U. S.new 45 COIl . . . . . . C. . . . . . . . . . . . . 13. 3. 45.rer . . . . . . . 1)17 ) % . Pacitic ista .11(3 U.S.45.coap..111 % 0. Pacific 3' . . 61 % II , S. 25. mr. . . . . . . . . .45 o. Pacifla 4 * , . . . . . Ott 11.3. 5'4.re . . . . . . . . .11Ot 2. Y.C. &St Lt'u..104' ( ( IS 5. ii , . . , .fl , , , , . . . . . . lit4 N' . A. iV. ha. . . . . . . . 120 UttIet3.s.614 I.W.Consojs..I37 AOa..classA. . . . . . 110 N. W. Deb. Ss. . . . . . III Ala..czt.B. . . . . . . . 10Ore. Nav.ista. . . . . . . 113 Ala.1as9 C. . . . . . . . lit ) tire. Ncr. 45 . , 943 % . Ala.Currency . . 90 0.3. u..4i5.t.r..fl Atchttton4M. . . . . . . . O14O. 3.1. . 5H. 1. r. . . . . 10.3 % Ateluisonacit. Is. . . . (34 0. loin. isIs. 1. r. . . . lit ) Cana43aSc.2nds. . . 1oto. ; Imp. 5i. t. r. . . . . . Iti ) ChIcaoTcr'14s. . , 85 Paciltcbe ot'95. . . 100 % C..k 0. : : I P1 , Iteatitnr 4s . . . . . . . . 84 % C. 11. .it 0. 4'4s . . ,104 % it. G.West 1st. . . . . . . 843 LL&R. G. laos . . .IUIi'4.St. ' 1. it 0. B. Cea. I 94 % D..klt.G.4s. . . . . . . . 03:34 : St.L..33.FGsn.C. 113 % EastT.nn. lsLs..1t'7 ' St.P.ConMots. . . . . . . 144 EIIt'eII. 45. . . . . . . . 731 ( St. P. C..k P. isis. . I 1.4 % F.W &D.Is.t.r , 734St.I'.C. ¼ P.5s. . . . . liti , et , . klec. 5' . . . . . . . 10:3 : % Southern Re' . Si. . , . 93 % G.U. nS. A..l3 . . . . . 105 % 8. 16. .ttT. 435 . . . . . . 70 G.11..ts.t. 2d1..1O3I-4 , Tenn.newset3 , . . . 37 fl.aT.CantZs. . . . . 11014 Tex.Pac. L.G.LUa 103 % lI.&T.0.coa tIL.104 Tex.Pac. hr. 26i. . .31344 Iowa c. lets. . . . . . 101 U. P. D..O. 1s1 * . . 5814 Ls.NewCou.4s..1)0 ( Wab. 1.15 . . . . . . . . 104) L _ .k N. Unt , 41. . . . . $914 iVati. 2.1 . . . . . . . . . . 44:4 : % Missouri ( Os. . . . . . . 100 WesiShora4s , , . , 1(17 ( % M.K..tT.24s . . . . . 432 Va.Centuries . . . . . (37 ( % M.1L.T.4s 90 Va.lefurrt1. . . . . . . . 3 N. Y. C. tat.I is Colon Pacifle p01. . 6914 N. J. 0.5. . . . . . . . . 122 % UntonPacittc 4s. , . 944 flosou Stock Quotation. . . . BOSTON , May 31.-Call loans , 34131. per cent ; time loans , 3410 per cent. Closing prices for stocks , bonds and mining shares : T..ki . . . . . . t234Atcht8Ouhfd. . . . . . . . 3214 American 5ug3r. . llD.Iioston . L. . . . . . . . . . . Am.Sitgar oftl.114 % E. . I. . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 Bay State Gas. . . . IPi Gen. Elec. p14. . . . . . 843 Bell relotmen. . . . 270 AtOhlon 2tF 90 % I4ostcnit .tItav. 222 New Sogland 6. , . ,112 Doston4 Mains. . . 1132 Gen. I4Iec. Os. . . . . . 1014 C..D.Q. . . . . . . . . . 10314Wls.CentCs. ! . . . . . 123 Fitchoure. . . . . . . . 954 , Allotiez Miii. C . , 3 % General Electric. . 3134-4 AtlantIc. . . . . . . . . . . . 2(3 ( % Illinois Steel. . . . 54)4 , Boston 3i Montaa 2O74 Meztcaa Ceritrat. . 44 llutte.k Hoston. , . . 2 N. V. .k N. a. 944i Cslumel.k tiecla. . 53 01.2 Colony. . . . . . OHM Centennla3. . . . . . . . 160 % Ore. . Short Line , , , 34)4 Frantilia. . . . . . . . . . . 10 lIuooer. . . . . . . . . . 20 % Osceota. . . . . . . . . . . 49 Union Pacinc. . . . . 2314 Guthc3' . . . . . . . . . . . . 1141 % WestEnti . . . . . . . . . 83 ! ' . Tamarao . . . . . . . . . 137 iv. xie. . . . . . . . . . . . 21 % Wolverines. . . . . . . . . 22 w. EON , . p00. . . . . . 53 Old Dominion. . . . . . 27 % Wls.Cen. . . . . . . . . 2 % ) Snn Francisco 31ntu Quotution. . SAN FRANCISCO. May II-Otflcial doe. lng quotations on mining stocks today were as follows : Attn. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 hale At Norcrus.t . , 1110 AiptiaCon. . . . . . . . . 2 MexIcan. . . . . . . . . . . 19 Antics . , , . . . . . . , 8 OccIdental Con. , , 05 lielcfler. . . . . . . . . . . 10 Ophir . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 341 Best.k Beloher , 243 Overman. . . . . . . . . . . . 7 tiullion . . . . . . . . . . 5 POtoHI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ia Caledoata. . . . . . . . . 25 S.ivac . . . . . . . . . . . 10 ChallenreCon , 25 SterraNerada. . . . . 53 Chotlar. . . . . . . . . . . . 25 tlUon Con. . . . . . . . . 9 Cazifldencs . . . . . . . . 45 titahCou. . . . . . . . . . 4 Con.CCL.t VI. . 47 YeilowJackei 25 Crown Point 12 Standard . . . . . . . . . lea 4toutat3ume . 2(1 SlIver bars , SSc ; Mexican dollars , 46MQ 46c ; drafts , sight , 12c ; telegraph , iSo , New York MiuIn Quotations. NEW YORK. May 31.-The following are the closing mining quotations : Cizeilar. . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 OntarIo. . . . . . . . . . . 2O CrawnPolnt. . . . . . . 10 OoaIr. . . . . . . . . . . . 30 C.n.CaLJ Vs. , . 42 'l'lynoutD. . . . . . . 20 D.&Jwoou . . . . . . . . 50 'Quicksilver. . . . . . . . 109 Gouitlk Corn 15 Uuicstivcr sf4. . . 290 iIal.34orcro.u. . 94) Sterra2leraOL. , . 45 UoznesLae. . . 4000 Standard. . . . . . . , . 155 Zruu3ilvcr. . . , . , . . 54) tlaton Coa. . . . . . . . 10 Mr.xlcaa. . . . . . . . . . . 15 Yellowjacket . . . . 20 'asked. London Stock Quotations , LONDON , May 31. p. m.losing : Cg.uls , m'r.lll tilUi43t.Piiicotnxnoa..lO2T4 Con&ots , Sect. . . . . . . 112 1 T Centrsl..120 % Cau.l'aclric. . . . . . . 87 % PennsylvanIa. . . . . . . 69 % Erie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03 % ReadIng. . . . . . . . . . . . 0 % Zn. lii plul . . . . . 3744 Mex Can. new 4. , , tlU'4 ' ill , Central . . . . . . . . 109 AtchIson , . . . . . . . . . Ue.ttcanordinarl. 19 % L..kN 67 lIAR SILVER-Steady at 2417-3d per o. .MONISY-lit2 per cent. Thu rate at discount In the open market - ket for abort blUe is 412 1-8 per cent ; for three month itlits , ZtjR-8 per cents OiIAI1A LIYESTflfK 1ARKET Gnera1 Oonditiona o zine Sbow a Decided txnpiithent. CATTLE RULE AND STRONG Packers anal ill1tI1ela Both After the Ltmiti OtTering4ogs , Take Five-Cent Jump anal Sheep 1101,1 Sriialy. SOUTH OMAHA. May .11. Cattle. hogs. Sheep. Receipts . . . . . . . . . . - 9,429 3.206 OtilcInl yesterday. . . . . . ' 1,560 3.178 5.791 One week ago. . . . . . . . . . . . 4.096 1IS1S 1,066 Two weeks . 9,11)3 ) 869 A year ago. . . . . . . . . . . . . tc5i 9,502 50 , Receipts for the month of May with corn- parisons . S . . Cattle. llnce. Sheen. May , 1636 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' , 66.131 131,812 115,214 May4 1897 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .s. 65.804 . 109,971 75.314 May , ISO" ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .nsso 125,276 l.43O May , 1605 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33,763 115,678 5,415 May , l4D4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63,617 187,870 17.546 May , 3691 . . . . . . . . .tt..C 83.457 326.869 1934 May , 1892 . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . 63.192 149.571 12.013 May , 6391 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.576 120,991 8,450 Ma ) ' , 169(1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63.054 127,698 10,936 The otflcial number of cars of stock brought in today by each road wasI Cattle , llogs. Sheep. H'r's. C. , , f , & St. P. fly. . . . , . 2. . . O.&SLL.Ry. . . . . . . . 5 4 . . Missouri Pacillc Ry. . 11 10 . . Union Pacific System. 34 34 3 1 F. , B. Sc M. V. 36 R. . 63 1 50 . . S.C.&P.Ity. . . . . . . . 2 . . . . C.St. P. , M. Sc 0. fly. 8 2. . . B & 31. 36. 71 , $1. . . . 60 21 ; 4 . . K.C.&St.J. . . . . . . . 1 2. . . C. , $1. I & P. Ely , , B. , . . 1. . . C. , $1. I. Sc P. Ry. , W. I 3 1 . . . Total receipts . . . 165 131 8 1 The dIsposition of the day's receipts was as follows , each buyer purchasing the mum. her of head lndicated4 Buyers. t tIe. . iTnrq Sh..n. Omaha I'acking Co. . . . . . 363 1,112 256 G II. Hammond Co. . . . . 590 2,039 246 Swift anal Company. . . . . . 1,069 1,837 573 Cudahy Packing Co. . . . . . 1,210 4,077 946 P. D. Armour Chicago. . 129 II. Becker and Degan. . . . 110 Lobman Sc Rothsch1ld. . 24 Boston & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 liii ! Sc Iluntzinger . . . . . . 301 L. F.Hus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Livingston Sc Schaler . . 28 Nels Morris . . . . . . . . . . . . . , t 57 Cudahy P. Co. , K.'Ct.t ' 1401 425 Other buyers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 Left over . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,759 9,540 2,231 The figures given above will show that the receipti for the last month were the largest in cattle and hogs in the history of the yards for the month of May. except- lag only Mny , 1694. In the case of sheep no such exception Is necessary , as the arrivals were the heaviest for any month of May since the yards were opetied , but more than that they were the heaviest for any month previous to March of the present year. The weather today was dark and gloomy anti not well calculated to make stock show up advantageously , anal as a still further hindrance a nunlber of the trains were late in arriving. They kept-corning In all the morning , until the receipts tooted up fully as large as a week ago , wtth the exception of hoes only. CATTLE-There were plenty of cattle here today , buyers ligurJng that there were 150 loads of beef on sale , wIllie at the mine time there was quite a , sprinkling of stock cattle , butchers' stock ec. The market opened reasonably early in spite of the fact of its beia' a rainy morn- lag , antI , . as a whole ii wa4 in quite satisfactory - factory condition for h.e3cllers. Buyers , both packers and shippers appeared to want the cattle and ; pmovement was fairly active on handy native cattle at least. Some sellers compned that heavy westerns were slow , buVlhat is an old story. iind hardly worth , repeating. The prices patti were fully steifdy anti possibly a. little strong on the reallrdeeirable kinds. A bunch of choice heavy white faces sold at $4.50. the highest price paid and the best cattle seen here in a long time. Very few cattle that would be cpnsidered really prime in either the Kaheas City or Chicago markets come here butyhen they do they bring very satisfactory prices. Cows anti heifearwere in active demand and the ten or a dozen loads sold readily at jut about steadyprice. One two-load bunch of helfers sold atSI.40. Desirable helters are selling very high. as compared to other kinds of cattle. as will be apparent to any one who is keeping track of the mar- ket. Bulls , stags , etc. , sold at good prices. Veal calves bring great prices , but are very scarce , only two or three a day being re- ceived. Of all the cattle here there were few that could be classed as stockers or feeders and the trade conseqeuntly in that kind was limited and without feature of Importance. Representative salear S STEERS. No. Av. Pc. . No. Av. Pr. No. Av Pr. I. .11130 $3 25 G.lI26 54 4O 9. .1235 54 40 1 , 930 3 50 20.l062 30 17. .1168 4 40 1..1O30 3 73 50. .1104 50 20. .1251 4 40 1. . 6040 3 75 8. .104 ; 30 22..103O 4 40 :0..1254 : 3 60 23..11Gi * 30 17. .1431 1 40 1. . 930 4 (34) : o. .1245 : io . .1204 4 40 1. .1170 4 00 20. .1129 30 33. dlSG I 40 1. . 699 4 00 21. .1447 30 8. .1151 4 40 1. .1200 00 13. .1216 30 15. .1062 4 45 1. .1060 00 15. .1156 SO 9. .1222 4 40 1. .1150 (4) 8. .11146 4'33 2:1. : .uss I 45 1. . 780 4 (4t ) 51..1101 ' .4..55 99..1253 4 45 2. .1035 4 00 29. .1145. 33 18. .1208 4 45 1. .1200 4 00 23. .1002 4'25 13. .61ST 4 45 IS. . 826 10 18. .1044 . 4 35 22. .1134 4 45 15. . 0(12 10 22. .1077 4.35 58. .1235 4 45 1. .1500 4 10 59. .1126 4 33 52. .1159 4 45 7. . 9-IT 4 10 10. .1001 4 35 1. .1540 4 43 20. .1295 4 10 1. .1161 t25 10. .1143 4 45 22. .1337 4 15 20. .1233 4 33 60. .1225 4 4Th 19. .1221 20 1. .1140 4 33 21..I2l1 4 50 16. .1377 4 20 7. . 960 435 10. .1123 4 50 2. .1615 4 20 23. .1253 25 21. .1036 4 50 7. .1253 4 20 74. .1151 35 18 , .1258 4 50 45. .1094 4 20 17. .1255 15 21. .1126 4'io 20. .1330 * 4 20 22. . 944 33 21. .1110 4 50 16. .1143 4 20 20. .1360 4 35 14. .1163 4 50 22. .1262 4 25 14. .1264 4 35 11. .1233 4 50 1. .1160 25 51. .1134 4 05 25. .1347 4 55 1..1090 425 3..1270 440 13..114(3 457j 81. .074 25 6. .1163 4 40 13. .1213 4 65 41. .1212 4 :00 : i..oiso 4 40 22. .1167 4 671 49..106t 430 1..6SO 440 2O.,1478 495 42. .1128 : io i4. .I09'.0 4 40 12..12l6 430 25..1293 440 19..1565 30 21..llIO 4 40 COWS. - I. , Lu.1J : 3 . , , 1 , . 1104. ) C ) L. .1.tJ .1 NJ 1. . COO 2 73 3..12143 70 1. .1060 3 85 1. . 780 3 00 2..1040 70 1..1059 3 83 1. .1230 3 25 1..1000 70 2. . 965 3 83 9. . 642 3 25 7..1014 75 7. .1170 3 90 1..1050 3 25 1..1250 75 1. .1370 3 90 I. . 950 : i 25 1. .115 * ) 35 1. .1270 3 90 2. . 5943 3 25 3..1143 73 2. .1065 3 9 * ) 1. .1120 3 23 2..1ISO 75 1..1270 3 90 S. . S70 3 23 1..1070 75 1. .1410 3 95 1..1OSO 3 25 1. . 910 75 1..I25O 3 95 1..1U2O 3 25 2..1OSO 75 18. . 941 00 1..1lSO S 25 1. . 8310 73 lS..lI35 4 05 1. .1110 3 5' ) Il..112) SO 3.1026 4 10 1..1OBJ 3 50 2..l990 SO 2..13O6 4 10 L.1030 3 50 1. . 980 80 2..1030 4 1 * 1..1240 3 * 30 l.,1480 SO 1..1220 4 15 1. .1210 3 60 1. .1300 80 1..1290 4 15 1..1000 3'60 ' HEIFER. l. . 710 3 ' 75 1.1050 4 2.5 2. . 790 4 30 1. . 730 4 15 1..12$0 4 25 46..1120 4 40 23..793 420 . . I' . COWS AND HElPERS. 42..10S1 4 10 o 'ci BUL3.S. 1.1210 3 10 1. . 910 3 SG 6..1723 3 70 1..l500 3 25 1..I540 ,05 l.16243 370 1..I300 3 23 1..1440 3 S3 1..lStc ) 3 70 1..13.93 3 25 1..2060 11 60 3 1..1490. 3 70 1..1420 3 30 1.,1490 65 1..165O 3 70 1.1420 3 30 i..1360 " 65 2..12)5 3 70 1..16113 340 I..11SO 365" 1..1S3O 385 l..1270 : i so 1..1430 L3rit i.ioso s 1..1ts0 350 1.1S9O ; 4 CALVES.i. 1. . 170 6 50 1. . 210 O 4. . 127 6 75 STtGS. 1.4630 3 75 1..1420 I 7 1 Li250 3 85 STOCKERS ANIY'JIHEDERS. 1. . 730 3 50 7. .10330 1 IScu 23. . 745 4 30 4. . 742 3 73 2 , 815 4.I 20 , , 833 1 30 . .795375 3..8631'7. ) 1.,840425 1. . 700 4 00 2..1A ( ) 4'iO3' ' 5G..1056 4 29 1.,92O 400 19. 1016 4'.Z3L' 4..707 450 HOGS-Considering tjiat0ho market has had a downward tendncy for some days past the receipts this morning were tartly large and still they were small as corn- pared with a week agus when almost IZW ) head were received at this point. Omaha , however , was not alone In showing a decrease - crease in hog receipts. as there was a fall- tag oft at all principal market points. Chicago this morning reported only 13,000 head , as against 22,000 head a week ago. Moderate receipts had a natural stimulat- lag effect upon the market. which opened this morning a shuie to Sc higher than yesterdays close , though not much better than yesterday morning. There were some very good heavy hogs here , which sold at $4.20 with a $4.25 top , antI that made the niarket look a good deal higher as corn- pared with yesterday , when the beat on sale brought only $4.15. Mixed loads sold largely at 51.10414.15. The demand appeared to be of goodly proportions and the early market was active , half of the receipts changing bands in a very ahort time. The later trains kept selling u.s they arrived and practically everything was sold and weighed up in fair season , The close was not much dillerent from the opening except th&t the wire edge was o and the JOBBERS RND I4RNURCTURERS OF OMAHA. 5 AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Dirlin , Orendorff ' It Martin C Jobbcrs of Farm Machinery. . . VLfo * .n flug1rs - CoT. flit sod Sce ART GOODS f\.llosPe . - , P icture Moldings. Mirror * . Pame , , Backing and Artst % ' Mterialc. BOOTS-SHOES-RUBBERS , - merican Hand Sewed Shoe Co I'frs Jobbers of Fool Wew WZSTEUY AOtNtS TOll The J'oseph anigan Rubber Co. - Sprague & Co1 , Rubbers and McIdntoshes. I 107 IlOWtIt'tI St. , OMAHA P.KirkendaII & Co Boo ! : , S/toes and Rubberj Selisroonis IlO.llOf.110 RsmeT 8tri. \1V.v. \ erse Co. Bo&s , Shoes , Rubbers , AT WHOLESALE. . . Ollice and Saleeroom 1119.21.23 Howard St. BAGS Bems Omaha g Co lmportcr situ ! Maatfacturorp BAGS 642'rS Soul/i itt/i Sfree BAKING POWDER-EXTRACTS. F' arrdl &Oo. , SYHUPS , itciasse ! , Sorghum , etc. Pre5erves aad JellIes. Also tin cans and .Tapanneii ware. CHICORY The American ' Chicorj Co. arowers lund manufacturers of all totals of . Chicory Omaha.Frernont-O'NeiL CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE M H Bliss , A 'V S 1mp0v4. ? and Jo& .V Croc ery. China , Glassware , BUyer Plated Ware. Looking Glasses , Chandeliers - deliers , Lamps , Chimneyi , Cutlery , Etc. 14i0 PAIIHAM ST. CREAMERY SUPPLIES T Sharpks Company Creamery il'IacIzlzery and Supplies. Boilers , Engines , Feed Cookers , Wood Pu ) . leys , Shafting , Belting , Butter Pack- iiea of all hinds. 407.909 Jones St. - - - - - - DRY GOODS. I4. E Smith & Co tpoiters and Jobbers of Dry Goods , Furizisizing Goods AND NOTIONS. feeling in consequence a little easier. Representative - resentative sales : No. Av. Sb. Pr. No Av. Sh. Pr. 10..218 . . . $4 06 77..249 120 54 10 81..22.1 160 4 10 75..215 . . . 4 10 32..259 . . . 4 10 59..263 120 10 70..256 80 4 124 74..244 . . . 12's 64..2441 . , . B 69..257 . . . 12' 643..249 80 4 1214 543..26(3 80 12 % 423..248 80 12 % 73..298 200 4 12 % 18..245 . . . 12 % 59..241 40 4 12 % 76..265 120 4 12 % 61..264 . . . 12 % 71..277 . . . 4 13 55..230 . . . 4 15 62..261 40 13 69..253.415 71..20 . . . 4 15 65..270 , . . 4 15 61..270 12.0 15 41..255 . . . 15 10..240. . . 15 50..23 40415 58 , . . . , . 290120415 62..276160 15 64).259 . . . 15 57 . . . . .SOt , . . 15 61..277 40 15 73.:69 80 15 63..26280 15 58..223. . , 15 63.tii : 80 4 134 60..248 . . . 4 17 % 85..B5O42O 58..BIl 80420 81.:003 : . . . 4 u7 147 . . . . .195 80 4 07 % 24..197 . . . 4 10 76..218 . . . 4 10 ( B..246 12.0 4 10 62..225 80 4 10 25..314 80 4 10 (35..2541 160 4 10 67..225 210 10 13..212 . . . 4 10 55.:55 : 40 10 04..230 020 4 10 27 , . , . . . 316 , . . 12 % 64..247 80 12 % So..238 40 12 % 12..2843 , . . 4 12 % ri..s74 120 12 % 72..252 80 4 12 % 65 . , . . . . 259 SO 4 12 % ' 75 , , , . . . 251 40 4 12 % II.251 80 41.2 % 112..254 SO 4 12 % 161..243 560 4 1214 79..209 40 4 12 $ dl..2417 , . . 4 12 % 63..247 80 4 12 % 62..i49 SO 4 12 % 2.5 . . . . .238 40 4 12 % 35..315 80 4 12 % 38..26:3 : 543 4 12 % 77..2.41 349 4 1214 70..262 . . . 4 12 % 64..2.37 10 4 12 % 69..339 80 4 12 % 63..263 160 4 121 $ & . . . , . . 246 50 4 12 % 75..263 2Ct0 4 12 % 67..268 , . . 4 12'.j 66 , . , . , . 2(30 120 4 12 % 68..253 50 4 12 % 58 . . , . . . ZS't 40 4 12 % 31..275 80 4 15 60..274 120 4 15 39..257 . . . 4 15 59..3.38 320 4 15 11 . . . . , . 237 . . . I 15 64..2430 . . . 4 15 31..255 . . . Li 70..273 80 415 66..250 . . . 41.5 62..2441 2.40 415 55..290 . . . 15 34).293 200 4 15 53..377 240 15 78 . . , . , . 244 80 4 15 73..243 64) 15 59..2.16 50415 63. . . . . . 80 15 29..270 , . . 41.5 (36..246 . . . 15 64.110 ; . . , 415 67..287 330 15 76..228 2lr ) 4 15 57 . . . . .950 . . . 15 Co..0344 . . . 4 17 70..273 . . . 4 1P 66.:38 40 17 % 64..247 , . . 4 171 1.9..2.51. 40 17' 63..303 80 4 17 61..tl43 ; . . . 20 24..323 . . . 20 Cl..291 50 30 25..246 40 20 10..293 40 20 19..3(36 80 20 19..341 , . , 420 65..293 80 42.0 75..32.3 . . . 425 WAGON LOTS-THROW OUTS. 1..490 . . . 400 1..450 . . . . 400 7..190 . . , 4(6 3..f73 . . . 405 S..374 . . . 405 . . . . . . : : . . . 400 6 , . . . , , 2.33 . . . 405 5..2(30 . . . 400 4..162 . . . 4 05 5..052 SO 4 07 % 5. . . . . :90 . . . 4 07 % 4. . . . . 2.65 80 4 07 % 5 .346 tO 4 10 9..176 , . . 4 10 3..246 . . . 4 10 6..3.51 . . . 4 10 5..212 . . . 4 10 6. . . . . . , . . 4 10 6..201 . . . 4 19 5..23& . . 4 10 DRUGS. Jchardson Drug Co. 902.906 Jaekson SI , L C. ! UCHARI3SON , Pied. a. ' . WELLER , V. Preet. TI. Mercer & OhemisI C JI'fr. t.s4el Phnresceeulle Zr .er taad. 5p06448 I'ermutae Prepered to ur4tr. Sinai ftc Caiclogus. Lb.rctory , 11)3 howard SI. . Oza. C ' Bruce & Drug l.us cnd Stalioners , "Queen lIes" ! pecicltle. . Cigu's , Wint and llran4itl. DJre.r iOta sod Uamy fltr.st& ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. western Eectri ! al Company FJetiierl Sit bblz'a.r - - - - . - - - . - - - - - ---'r ElectrhiVlrinir Bells and Ga Lighting a. w3ot1NS'roN..Lrr. 1510 iloreard St. Wolf Electrical Supply Co WUOLz5ALE AND I6ITML LECTRCAL SUPPLIES IZI arnam St , S FRUIT-PRODUCE. R ranch & Co , S WUOLE3AL Commission Merchants. 5.C.rn.r 12th tad Howard Ste. lisnibere of the Iteticoal Las.ue of Comm % . 'ion Eercba0t. cC the tolled States. GROCERIES , cCordBrady Co 13th and Lcttveiits'orth St. 5Iaftle and Fancy Groceries1 t & 'lD COFFTL RUtSIUS , ( It. hit eyer & WIIOLESALB FINE GROCERIES S Teas , Opces. ( Tobacco toO. CIgars. I 1t034407 llsxxiey Birtil. axton and Gallagher Co IMPORTERS. GAR COFFEE ROASTERS .4.N13 JOBUhlIG GROCERS. T.Iephun. 252. HARNESS-SADDLE RY J H. Haney iCo. 0 .3f'f'r. H.4RJt35 , SADDLZ1S .4X1) CUlZA RD Jobber. of teethe. ' , .Saddlery Hardware , Efo. We solicIt your orders. 1315 howard St. HARDWARE. Pector & ! ilhelmy Co , Wholesale Hardwute , Otnaha. L ee-Olark Audreesen Hardware Co Wholesale Hardware. Blcjclto and portIn 4oods , 1319-23-23 Bce- acyltet. 3..2.53 SO 410 9..233 . . . 410 1..240 . . . 4 10 ' 5..3.13 . . . 4 15 6..263 . . . 415 5.:190 : . . . 415 S..2S4 , . , 4 15 i.3U2 ; . . . 4 13 4..297 . . . 415 6..560 . . . 415 I..0 . . . 2 50 1..510 . . . 2 75 5..2144 . . . 405 4..232 . . . 405 4.:127 : , . . 4 03 2..240 . , , 4 07 1..160 , . . 405 4..175 . . . 406 1..2130 . . . 406 2..ISO . . . 405 ; . . . . . . . . , 405 6..250 . . , 405 C..025 . . , 4 07 % 3..126 . , . 4 01 % 6..22:1 : , , , 4 0714 , 3..500 . . . 4 07 % 2..250 . . , 407 % 13..206 80 410 6..166 . . . 4 10 3..350 . . . 4 10 6..2(31 50 4 12 % 6..263 . . . 4 12 % 6..27 * ; . . , 4 12 % 7..324 , . . 4 12 % 4..230 . . . 4 15 4..2.50 , . . 4 15 SHEEP-There were a few loads of lambs here which sold readily at good strong prices. The buyers want everything that is coming or likely to come , Some good Colorado wooled lambs sold at $3.65 , the same price that was paid yesterday afternoon - noon , anal iDe higher than has been paid before this season , The prices paid at this point look very high in comparison to Buffalo and Chicago markets and shippers would do welt to 8tUtly the situation before running by tills market. Representative sales : No , y , Pr. 100ulIt3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 530) Cmixed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 4441 320 Utah yearlings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 4 60 t lewe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9. ) 425 165 lumbs , shorn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 4 65 3 3mtxetl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 500 S 3441 MexIcan lambs. wooled. . . . . . . . 76 5 85 ; 52.0 Mexican lambs , wooietl. . . . . . . 76 5 85 i 6 culls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 3513 1203 ewes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 40) :29 western ewes , shorn. . . . . . . . . . . SO 4 39 12 ewes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .97 4 35 l5lambta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 5410 CIIIC.tGO LIVE s'roci M.tItICET. I'rlees ( if Cattle .tdvnnco on Iteuluc- thin in niplles. CHICAGO. May 31.-Prices of cattle today were ZOo higher as a result of the greatly reduced supplies. Beef steers , 54.0)415.30 ; western steerS , 51.40411.60 ; stockers anti teed- ers , 54.25414.75 ; cows and helfers , $1.4064.00 ; canners , * 3.504)3.35 : Texas steers , 53.30414,10. As a result of the collapse in prices last week sUpplieS of hogs show a big falling off. There was an improvement of Stil0c ; fair to choice , 54.25414.1 ; packers , 83.9560' ' 4.22 % ; butchers , 54.05414.40 ; mIxed , $4.00tJt 4.35 ; lights. 53.75414.25 ; pIgs , 52.60413.90. Under the iniluence of an active demand and small receipts of sheen prices were stronger : native sheep , $ l.2544.Z * ; weeterq ted. 54.25414.60 ; shorn lambs. fl.4j5.50 : woJteti lambs. $6.10 ; spring lambs , $5.75 416.60 per 10' ' ) Ibis. ReceIpts : Cattle 15O'Il head ; hogs 13Q bead , sheep , 9,003 iead. St. Louis Live Stoclc. ST. LOUIS , May 31.-CATTLE--ReceIpts , 3,900 head , including 700 Texans ; shipments , LIQUORS. \//alter \ Moise & Co WllOt.ESALII LIQUORS. Prcprl.tors of ULKR1C.tR ( IGAIt AND GLtS WARE CO. Sit-Il , South 14th St. R.YBrothers ! ! , TVhosa1e Liquors and Cigsrs. lUll Sanians SIret. l.r'EageUin East India Billers OoId'a Sbeat Pure ue cut Boaroa WbtkIJ Willow Sriags DistilisrY. 11.r & Ce. , liii Stamir 9trtt. J . . . . I-- WIIOLESAL Wines , Liquors and Cars. 0416 I. 11th fltt.t. LUMBER 5 , lcao Lumber Oo. WHOLESALE iUMBEPt . . . 814 5out ) 14th $ t. S OILS-PAINTS Standard Oil Co. : . . . Morfet , lit Vic , Free. L. 3. Drake , Gen lice . . . . OILS. . . . Cnsone ( , Turpent.ne , .txle Grease. Etc. Omaha liranch an.l Agencies. John B. ituth 11cr. PAPER-WOODENWARE. ( arpener , Paper Co. Printing Paper , Wrab1oing Paper , Stationery. Corner 25th cad Howard streets. STEAM-WATER SUPLLtES. CranemChurchill Co. lou-tote Douglas Street. Mtnufacturtr , . .nS $ obbtrt of Steam. Gas * nI Water Supplies of All Kinds. 5. United States Suppiy Co . . tro8-rrro Harneo' St. Steam Pumps , Engines and Boilers. Pip. , Wind MilLs , Steam and Plumbing Material , Stiting , Hose , Etc. TYPEFOUNDRIES L reatWestern Type Foundry Scpeflor Cotr Mixed .I'yp. ii ths best s the znr.rket. ZLECTI6OTYPE 2'OUNDRL 111k flows.rd Street. ( Strangers in Omaha Ar invited To inspect The Bee Building. The most complete I Newspaper plant In the West , JA ESE. BOYD & CO. , 'L'ecplioiie ! Lo : ; . Omaha , Neb COMMISSION , GRAIN , PROVISIONS and STOCKS BOARD Oil TRADS. DIre.t wires to Chicago and New Toric. Corr.spondrntst John A , Warren .a Co. Removal II. $1. Pcuiiy .t Ca. ( .neer.sor. t Christie-Street Coal. C. , . ) have rewoy. ii to roan , 4 , New York Life 11uIiduztj . . :1 - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - : 200 heatl ; market sternly to strong : fair to fancy native shipping and export steers , 54.35416.10 ; bulk of nles , $4.507i4.90 ; dressed beef anti butcher steers , 54.13411.15 ; bulk at sales. 51.00414.60 ; steers under 1,003 pounais , 53.8341'4,40 ; bulk of sales , 54.15414.3O ; stockers anti feeders , 53.83414.75 ; bulk at saie , $4.lOffi 4.45 ; cows anti iIa'iterll , $2.2544,70 ; bulk of cows , 83.30413.53 ; Texas and Indian steers 53.40414.15 : bulk of sales , 53.53414.10 ; cows aml halters , 53.45413.83. HOGS-Receipts , 10,10) head : shipments , 3.360 head ; market S41lOc higher ; yorkers , 63.90414.10 ; PaCkers , 54.10414.341 ; butchers , $1.20 ShEEP-Receipts , 8,1483 head ; shipments , 200 head ; market steady to strong ; native rnuttons , 51.25414.65 ; lambs , 53.25416.00. lCn.iazs City Live Stitek , KANSAS CiTY , May 1.-CATTLIS-Re- ceipte , 8,260 natives , 451 Texans ; alrrsseaj beet doOrS of desirable weights steatly ; heavy cattle weak ; natives , 54.00414.85 ; west- em fed aUers , 5&00411.50 ; Texan , , $ I.004p 4.35 ; cows anal heifers active , natives sell. mit at 53.45411.70 and westerns at 53.8310 4.50 ; canners. 62.50413.40 ; stockcrs.anal feed- era , * 4.00415.73 , bulls , scarce at 53.154j4.40. hOGS-Receipts , 15.631 beau ; murket ruled So higher from start ; bulk of sales , $4.C431 ts4.30 ; heavy. 54,59414,35 : mixed , 54.00414.30 ; lights. fl754'j4.2.S , pigs. 52.50413.70 ; g.ackers , 53.90414.25 ; Yorkers , 54.00t4Ak3 , SIIEISI'-Rt'cripts. 41.351 head ; market ac- tlvt and steady : offerings were largely from $4.10 to 54.40 ; southwestern wool lambs. $5.40 ; clipped , $4.65 ; sthckeris cr4 ( eedera , * 2.60414.00. Sti.elc l.a Sl&cht. Record of receipts of iye block at the fcur principal markets for May 31 ; Cattle. hogs. Sheep. Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,9543 .3 423 2,303 Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,003 13.130) 8,000 Kansas City . . . . . . . . . . . kill 16,651 6,15) . St. Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,900 10,100 5,100 Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . Ei 43,16) l3I S . - - 'S.- rn.L'S. - - - _ - - - - ut : : : : 5