8 . TIlE O\1TA DAILY BEE : iWEDNESDAY , TTNE 1 , 1898. . CITY COUNCIL PROCEED1CS . Oompromtso with the BoUxi Bonamen Ia Finally Agreed Upon. CITY TO GET TIIIR1Y-FIVE TII USAtW Finnnee Contittte's Itcimrt flccom- L ziiptiiIIn& the Accriilziiice of the Offer Mnde 1 , ) the Ilnsulsnien Is AdoteiI b ) the Council. 1 , At it regular meeting lnt uight the cRy I- . council determined to Bottle with the bond8mcn on the proposition prccnted by ' the latter-a payment o ( $3.OO0 in full Fet- tiement ot nil claims aga1nt them criB- ing out of the enlbezzlcment ot the ex clty treauuurer , including the Jugrnent. The flnanco committee reporte(1 In favor o the flcceptancc ot the propoBltion and in pursu. f anco with thIs report ( ho following resolution - tion was pflBBCd by eight votes , Uurkley be. t trig absent : fleolved by the city council of Omaha. tliO mayor concurring , That settlement be anti hereby Is ntntlo with the first anti eec- . ontt term bontlemen of Henry Ilolin for the Bum of $35,000 and the payment ot all costs in the action heretofore pending in tim district - trict court of Douiae county against tite . first term bontismen In which Julgnient has been ontoreti , anti 1.11)00 ) payment of saul costs nni tim sum of $35,000 to the cIty treasurer within sixty days frotn data tito city attorney is hereby nuthorizeti anti dl- rctetl on behalf of the city ot Oninlia to enter full satisfaction of said jtidgtuent In the records or said district court. The committee on fire anti police reported In favor of tb9 rejection of the bids re- celveti fnr the erection of a barn at the new CII ) jail anti ordered that the apeelfi- cationa nnutplans bo revised so on to keep . the cost of tite structure within 2,000. The I report WLB adopted. - : A Proposition from pItzcr & Co. lo take : the unsold $15,000 of the $25.000 4 per coot Intersection bonds bearing date of April 1 , 2898 , at par and interest to date with a ' preinittin of $16 to cover cost ot delivery , was rejected. I'nr for L'nrnntn Street i'ttvluuir. u A flual estimate of 12,198.16 out of the flistrict funds and $3,2l3.O froin the intersection - . section fund for paving Farnain from Twen- Lieth to Thirtietii-cightb street was allowed. The estimate was approved by the Board of Public Works. - George It. Crandall , city sidewalk con- trictor , was allowed an estimate of $ i,1O for newly built sidewalks , City Electrician hurlg was allowed an athlltional inspector for two weeks at a sal- cry of $70 a month. The mayor vetoed several resolutiona to place electric and gas lights on certain atret intersections on the grounds that thcro are no available funds for the purpose. Otto or two other 'vetoes of minor resolutions vcro also sustained. . Recent washouts on private property by rains of the Past week brought. in a batch of , claims. The biggest was that of JUlia Fiannagan of Boyd addition , who wauted 3OOG damages because she alleged that her damage was the result of a faulty cent - t aructIon of a inaIi sewer. A number of street and aidewalic wasliouts were ordered repaired. Tue request of the Women's club that re- teptacles be ilaced in each block of the tiown town .liCrIct for the depositing of refuse matter In ordcr to keep. fh streets clean was referred to the Board of Public t Works. t A petition requesting the council to pass all ordinance licensing the runners for cloth- log houses Was rcceive'i and referred. t Tue city attorney was instructed to tLke , Steps to enforce a iccent ordr of the coun- cii to remove a grader& camp from Eleventh ; t D.Ud l'Icrce streets. rerinits were granted for the erection of several tonpoyary structures in various . iarts of the city. Another number of reaclutions ordering the laying of permanent sidowalke were t lIaSsed. A water hydrant was orderQd constructed near Tveii1y-thIrd and Maton streets. I 'rho ordinance widening Tweuty-nlnth tfect at the intersection of Yate8 was ' 1 passed. The propascil anleuidment to the ordinance regulating the licensing of hicks and other .chtcIc was ordered placed on file. - Cl I huh : .Ii4N. A permit htts beeti issued to C. C. initli to build a frame dil1itig at Eleventh and tiartha streets. l'1uera will be a meeting of the city ofil. dais in the mayor's office at 9 oclock tot ' morrow mornitig in connection with llret- nr.ttlOLls for the entertainment of the visit- t lag otflciaie vluo ate coming to see the open- tag of the expositioti. ; Mr. Cccii ltIi.ds 'I'stlvs " .Vutter. I During his flilceell to the shitrehoititirs of the Thnrtoretl CO1nPIIIIY , Mr. Rhodes' voice was fltfeCte'l ' by his cold. One of his brother dlrectors handed liliti a glass of water. "Is It AiollinnrisV' ) inquired the speaker , and on receiving an ttlflrniative reitly. took a draught. saItl emphatically. Geol ! nntl re- suuuted his 1eech.-'Loudon , Daily Mali , Aprii 22. 1SitS. - Sec the eleplttitit-Lo Angeles county cx : isiblt. C 'rite JutluuiuleNe 'l'sn ( uirileui. I Title ili be one of the nttractiotis on I tlio Miday , being a reprotluction of the fa- I IZIOUS ten garden at the \Voritla fair. Gettu- Itto Japanese tea will be served with Jaita- Ilean cakO , by JfllLlflCSO itt native costutno , licautiful souvenirs niuti a cool place coin- imtntliug an attractive view front the Bluff tract. I'ort Artluir Ilibuite I ' Vor Icausas City and soutil , 13t. Louis and . tmttthcast. liest line ; try it. City otilco I 1411i Farnutu itt. Sco the elephantLosttigclea cniitty cx- lilbit. . Itiihlt'il 5litVt ( Sutt'sts. C A. Ili'Itlgtis , a young man who has held positions at tueveral of the irontinent clowli tulIp hotels. is tilltier arrest charged with ( ho larceny of a niiscellaneous lot of goods Irant the rooms of several hotels , lie also ] ir.tt Ill his POSSCSalOfl a bicycle that the ito- lies believe Ito stole. The Millard. I'axton , Mt reer nail Deltona hotels sulfured through tilt ) ) rung 1t111115 thefts , _ _ _ _ _ Iont fail to call and see the phenotnnnal healer ; ho cures all chronic ailincuits without - out niedleine or surgery. Itatilgo Ithtig. , room 42G. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Samuel Buttis is selling a real "liavi. ) nntl" dinner set , 18.75 , I The elephant is receivitig visitors in Los Aitgcles county ehibit. , vIli IIILl.'l'Y M.hilB'i' . ! NFTRUMENTS lihitced On record 'ruesthty , May SI , & 9t ; % 'ui rrn U t V Iei.ds. Ilensoli band Co. to , ! oiH antI Mary lot ti block UI Itcnaon. 4UQ Mayer , , . . . . . . Ernest I'eyu'lu to Julius l'eycke , loUt 6. G , 25 utnil 27 , hlethiek Urovo. . . . . . . . 4 Jacob Ocknnder itliti wife to Victoria Itaslund , lots 7 , it. 10 to 13 , block I , ( ' . E. ? liL'flCi 1st itthil. to'uliey. . . 400 fiouth Omaha Litui.1 ( 'a , to Antic Corn. gun , lot 10. block 33 , IouIh Omaha , . 73 L. Ball flflhI wife , to l. C i'nice. lots 3 ; uuitl 4 , block 31 , llatutesita I lutco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,004) AItIII hrejel auth wifti to Anion Jleftvsli. a CO feet lot C , Iharker's , . &lottuent . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & 00 3) eetls. I ] ' l , MeCtigue. receiver. to Albert 7iskouky. lot 10. liaseall , 8's sub. fhcritf to J. It. 'rIglit , sl lots 7 and a. block 4. Credit FOfleitli' CIII ) strip adjoining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . isle fl Uuilled Slalts to aeore Cluys , nw4 ' . su3 , N $ O l-l&-l ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ttItQ to same , flC' ' ei 1.15-12. . . . . . . . . . . I Total umuUnt of ( musters . . . . . . ,9,0it RECORD OF JUNE WEATHER Tvcnt.5e'n ' ' ; ; ; ; sIiow the ( if hoses to lie Very Decent in 'rhieso Z'nrts. For twenty-seven years ft careful record of Omaha weather haa ben kept by the weather bureau and a table of June 'weather compiled by Local Forecaster \Yclsh shows in a very compact form the conditions 'which have prevailed in years past and which may be expected to reoccur. The mean or nornial temperature of June for twenty-seven years is 72 and the lowest average temperature for June waa in 1878 , when 67 was the average , the highest being 76 in 1871 , The warmest June day since observations have been taken in Omaha was Juno 28 , 1841 , wIth a temperature of 98 , and the toltiest was 42 on June ii , 1877. The nyejago precipitation for June is P.37 inches and the average number of days on which more than .01 gfan inch tell Is eleven. The greatest amount of lirecipitation during the month was 12.7 inchea in 1883 and the least amount of precipitation was 1.43 inches In 1897k The greatest amount of precipitation in twenty-four consecutive hours was 5.02 inches on Juno 17 , l85. The average num- ben of absolutely clear days for Juno is nine ; partly cloudy days , fifteen , and entirely - tirely cloudy days , six. During the month the prevailing winds have been from the south and the highest velocity of wind was sixty miles on June 16 , 1875 , and on Juno 5 , 1880. To CLJItl COlds 1i UE BAY Take Laxative flromo Quinine Tablet.s. All druggiats refund the money if it tails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L , B. Q , on each tablet , TO CAI"FtJltid CUBA. Various l'lflhiN Adnnced ly Great Mcii. Edison thinks it possible to kill nil the Spaniards . in Cuba with electricity ; itol- land thinks ho can capture havana with his submarine boat : Nicola Tesla advises tIm ute of electric bombs. Another novel idea that hilLs been suggestcd is to form an army of all the lions , elephants , leopards , wildcats - cats , panthers , hyenas. bears nod wolves of the Ilagenback's Wild Animal Show , now on tim exposition grounds. It is certain that such an army WoUld mean a saving of much money , 011(1. if tuniied loose , in Cuba , with Wallace , the untameablo lion , at the head , would certainly cause a scattering anti thinning out of the Spanish. Mr. ilagen- back has expressed his willingness to turn this army over to tim governor of Nebraska - braska if lie will only get some capable oflicer to take command. As yet no one has volunteered. Wanted. salesmen nhltI collectors. Expenses - pensos advanced , Call in the afternoon at Arcadia Hotel. (1 , S. Kitchen , Prof. Cantlon. the mngnctie healer , cures any case of rheumatism. asthma. constipation - tion without medicine. ltamgc bldg. , room 426. Sco the elephant-Los Angeles county cx- itibit. Xc Cotiitiztrtiiietit Curs to Clulehi ittill. Now Pullman Compartment Sleeping'Cara of upto-date design and finish have just becti placed in service on the Pennsylvania Short Line from Chicago to Ciucinuati , They cinitody alt tim modern features and con- venlences of private rooms. For details np- ply t' H , it. 1)enlng. A. C. P. Agt. , 2iS South Clank at. , chicago. Tue tti hen , Eiiiitiiiient anti quick time of the Union Pacifle makes it the popul4r line to Itli principal western resorts , City tttkot office , No. 1302 Far- nam st. New line to Katisas City. Port Arthur Itoute. laiI3 front Union station. City of- ti"ii 1415 Fainnin. Pleasant hotel hitohing and fccdln'g sta- bics , 21111 antI Spenc r. One block from cx- IositlOfl grounds. Good acominodation , low rates. Drive out to the Expoaltio and leave .our conveyance at the . Manderson Street sttttilei' or wagon yard , ncar Sixteenth rtret. Tim popular watch house is T. .L. Combs & Co. . 'Tho Busy Jew'elcrs , " 1520 Douglas. Leave your watch for repairs now. Wedding - ding rings and gifts , Oct a mnp of Cuba amlgertho best and most complete. The Bee's combination map of Cuba. tlioVest lm.hies and of the world. Vith a Bee map CoupOn , . On page 2 , 14) ceIts , at lIce otilco , Omaha. South Omaha or Council Bluffs. By mall , 14 cents. Address Cuban Map Department. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. If. Goddard of tfiEdgemont , S. D. , Express - press is in OmRhia to attend the opening of the exposition. William H. Santelmaun , director , and fifty members of the United States Marine band , arc registered at the llar1er. Mrs. C. J. Miller of helena. Mont. , Is the ghost of her cousIn , Mrs. J. lv. McCune , at 1410 North Twenty-fifth street. J. D. Long , a lromillent Grand Army of thu Republic lana from South Ilentl , Nob. , is in the city , the guest of his son. Dr. Joseph hlobbius and Miss Julia D. Itobbins of Qulney , Ill. , were in tim city yesterday - terday and vcre thu guests of George \V. Lininger. lInus Klineworth and .4aunily of Yutan , Nob. . passed through Omaha yesterday On their return from a seven months' visit to Denmark. Judge Favcett departed for the east last night and viil be absclbt until June 13. The judge Is practically through with the work of the term , hut if upon his return there should be any matters for hearing he will take them UI ) . I ) . C , Kelp , publisher of the Iowa Park Texan , Texas , with his wife , son and daugh- ton , arrived in the city last evening to take iii the opening exercises of the exposition. They are hospitably entertained at tue resi- deuce of 0. II. Clivier , 1817 South Forty- first street. Nebraskans at the hotels : J. 11. Alger , B. J , Sinclair , Forest Milier , II. C. Itoutitree , John t , Fitch , if. S. Crnney , It. V , ' . Fisk , J. C.S'hlte. ' . ii. C. Itathburn. L , S' . Oaroutte. Lincoln ; J. F , llerggrcii , Wahoo ; C. J fibrous and vito , J. . H. } his4'r Ansley ; Ocorge A. Merrill , Minden ; 11. II. 'Owc , Norfolk ; Dan Landeti , FV. . Ilusley , G. 9. Kuontling , yraeuso ; 11 , L. lirnytoui , Mrs. J , B. ilnayton , Ilsssett ; W. II. Edgar , C , Id. Tobbilt , It , C , Welch. Beatrice ; \V. Id. Pee- bios , l'onder ; Jerry flowen , M. Brett. J. II. Cunningham.ood River ; C. A. Wilson , Marquette ; B. J. Gates , George Pettitoii . Albion ; 51. 1' . Ilannon , 11. .7 , Ralston antI wife , Shelton ; \V , J , l'arkert , Ilooper ; John T. Brady , Atkinson ; Mis , W. ltoynolds , B. V. StePitetis , it. U. SchlIeidcr , W. 11. Mutt. ger. F'romont ; W , F. Vincent , Sterling ; F. A. Iluston , Ewing ; S. V. Pitcher , ltushvlllo ; II. C. Smith , George Vi' . hiollanil , .Falls City ; John F. Nesbit , C. W. Conthing. 're. luininlt ; George Berry , hattie Creek : It. C. Myers , Schnyler ; Mrs. I' . B. ( liven , Wallace ; II. M. Mattley. Ord ; J. C. Alexander , J. 11 , hilenkeltu , T , Ii , hutchins , Winnebago ; Mrs. B , itt , Iouthett , Overton ; II. M. thrown , 11ev. 0 , J , Owens. Cozad ; Jains liulloway. Gib- bait , N , 0. Cbiiburg , J , F. Mallalieu , Ifear- lucy ; George W. Porter , Grand Island ; T. M. llublti' , I3roki'n how : .1. II'est ttn&l wife , hlobron ; ( I , W. Fox. Id. A. Cook , Lexiugtou ; 1' . Sonnenachein , West Point. BENNETT'S ' CLOSE ALL DAY Weanoiay , Juno 1 , Our Store Will Do Olosca In Honor of the Exposition.Oponing. . ONE GRAND GALA DAY The Grandest Dny in flue hlletnrT at the West-What the Veet fins VorkvuI For IN New Vpon Vs-Let 100,000 People lie Thcrc. In honor of the opening of the Trans- Mississippi and International Expositiott , Wethiesdey. June 1 , 1898 , our store will be cloet all day. l"or ycara the people of the west. the business niei of Omaha , and all patriotic citizens west of the Mississippi , have been wolking to establish an exposition that would show to the world th vast resources of the west. end place. th west' in its proper light among' the' large load .iedlthy regions of the world-thns to ivea stiihulU to 'nOr indt'rtnies. ' and inaugurate a reIgn of pros. i'crity among us. After years of work , of vast undertak- lags and suet accomplishments , of heavy investments and enormous reParationB , the day has come to enjoy the fruits of all thIs labor-to Invite the world to visit our exposition and see what we have antI what \l.o are , The success of the Industries of the west. the success of Omaha In the future - ture , nuil the success of each individual bUsiness' tuna ant ) citlzn , depentis largeiy Upon the CUOC'Stt of tltis most' gigantic Un- dci'tnkuuig-tho Trans-Missibsippi anti International - national Exposition , To make it success wn must let the world know that we have an ohibition that is worth it'nvcling tliousantts of 111111'S tO lice. Anti thro Is tie more forcible way of teliing this thait to be able to tell them that on the opening day there were 100,000 IleOple here to see our exposition. Todothis let every business house be closed , and let everybody turn out en masse , not only from Omaha , butahI over th" west. The railroad rates have been irndo iow enough to enable any person In this or any adjoining state to comb to thic cietilng. w. it. BENNETT CO. Flftcc.nth nnd Capitol avenue. Omaha. Ilaytlen l3ros , have an ad on tbo5thpage that will interest ytu. Extra copies of this souvenir exposition number of The Bee can oc bad at The lIce business ofilce at S cents per copy. ! ! OW A Wtlt iii r'oUGitT. Tile Changes In theMode of Wnrfare IlitistrILted Ipy i'tctnrcs. If you wish to properly understand the war news , it you wish to have a definite knowledge of naval affairs and the events that are occurring in the Easi nad West Indies you can secure no better , no more reliable source of information than thin official photographs ot tile United States navy , just issued by thu Omaha lIne. The price is only 25 cents. and more valuable and timely information was never olTered for the money. It Is on sale at The Omaha flee countiiig-rootns , or will be sent to any address on receipt of Price. The book consists of nearly 200 pages of views made by Id. H. Hart , naval photographer - grapher , and the list of subjects embraces everything of interest pertaining to our navy , of which every American is justly proud. First within the covers of this interesting - esting work comes a map sixteen times as large as the irnole itself. showing on one side the Sijanishi possessions , 011(1 nIl adjacent - jacent territory , 'while on the other aide the East Indian possessions are similarly treated. Steamship lines , with the dis- tntices intervening between different points , are shown. and a close study of these maps will give one a thorough understanding of this tcrnitory , in . regard to which the interest - terest of the nierican public is now at fever heat. Then ohlow'tnlore than 200 rare pictures of the navy , its tflccraand equipment. Tue views are. ahlauthienUc. and are the latest official photographs of our torpedo boats , torpedo boat destroyers , cruisers , battleships - ships , gunboats , monitora , rams , dynamite cruisers , dispatch vessels , and other war craft , the whole embodying an authentic portrayal of the American navy as It exists todzty. A complete description of tlto construction - struction , displacement , size , speed , batteries - tories , armor , crew and cost of each boat will enable the lender to forni an accurate estimate of our fighting strength. Included with these are lhotograplls of the leading Spanish men-of-war , also fully described , By far tile most interesting portions of the book are views of the Mattie , taken before the disaster in havana harbor , showing tile life and discipline aboard a battleship , to- gotlier with vortralts of the officers and crew , supplemented by phiotoraphis ta1on after the explosion , depicting the divers at work , and other incidents in connection vitht this sad and memorable event. This work can be obtained by cutting a coupon frond page two , and bringing It to The Bee ollice. Omaha , The lice building ; South Omaha , Twenty-fourth and N streets ; LlflCOlIl , , 1026 0 street ; Council Bluffs , 10 Pearl street. fly mail 4 cents extra for postage. Address Navy l'hotographt Depart- inent , Omaha flee. . On pageS Hayden Bros. have an ad that's full of Interest. . OMAhA j' ( ) 'l'hiE GUbP , 't Itt I'ort Arthur floiile. Commencing Juno 1st' the Port Arthur' Route wihi run sohltl trains tinily from Urion station , Oninhia. The new Kansas City auiil the South. Quickest to. ' St. Louis anti Southeast , Sleeping car spno and all information at Port Arthur Route 0111cc , 1 115 Fui'nam ( [ 'axton hotel blk. ) , or write Harry Id. Moores , C. P. & P. A , , Omaha. - The beach merry-go-round , with rings , 01)011 tIny and evening , 15th and Capitol avc A iiip ( Jf Cubti for Tc Ceziti. . TIle flee is giving its subncniberit a chance to keep posted ots the movements of troops and cruisers by means of its combination map. The iiiap of Cuba shows ll the towns , raiiroatls tittil divisions , while frotn tile map of tue West Indies anti Illfl of tIn' world you can locate just where the warships arc at any time ChIli 110W far they arc from different - ferent ports. Cut out a thee coupon , page 2 , and bring it to The flee oitce , Omaha , Sotith Otettita or Council Bluffs , By mail , enclose a counon ittid 14 cents and adtlreas Cubail Map Depart mont. 'J'ouii'ist ltut.'s Via the Union i'acifle to the famous summer resorts In Colorado , Utah , California , Idaho , Montana nntl Oregon , For rates anti advertising matter call at Ecity ticket olhice , No , i202 Farnam st. The elephant iii the Los Angeles county exhibit Is rec.iyln visitors today. ltYl.IG I I't'T It A IN 'i'O CIIMILAIO 'iiI ltot'iclHhuind Itouitt' , Leaves Omaha 5:20 : a. in. . arrives Denver ant ) Colorado Springs 8 p. m. Take this train and save sleeping car rate of p.50 , Ticket office 1323 Farnam street. Ore for liii- Smelter , Very little ore has been received at the smeitci' 'sithiiui tbo last few weeks because of the condition of the roads In British Co. lutnbia , where most of the lead receivoti here coitics fiom , Spring is just opening up in ( hint northern country , anti it will ho Bottle time before the roads are passable , Eighteen cars of ore were siiiliiicd yesterday to France via Now York. , The fragrant aroma from first-class . malt and hops.so pronounced in ° Blatz' , ' convInces you of its purity and high _ _ _ _ _ quaiityrThe moroyou drlnkttui moro you , ; arc convinced. VAL.BLATZ BREWINQC0. MILWAUItl. U.S.A. Foley I3ros. , Wholesale Dealers of- flag Dclionc Hotel , 24 N. Four- LL1 _ ! _ * _ : 1 _ f _ ± i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tccnth Street , Omaha , Net' ' . . - ' - - t1o.oo TO DISNEEIt AN ! ) fltdTVflN . .vim ltnckILu.lnn1 ilonte. Tickets on sale Jnvtn5th and 6th , good to return for 30 days , Trains leave Omaha & 20 ft. m. , 1:30 : p. m and 7 p. rn ; only line running 3 traIns a * y.from Omaha to Den- s'er. For sleeping" cstr reservations and tickets call at ls2sIFarnam street. rnbllo .7ottce The Northwestern Line Daylight Special now leaves the V.iP. depot at G40 a .m. ; arrives Chicago R5 same evening. No change in the other trains. 'rho Overland Limited 4:45 : p. in. mad ! the Omaha Chicago Special at 6:45 : p mt atrive at Chicago 7:45 : and 9:80 : respectIvely , next morning. The most advanced veitlbtsled sleepers , diners and free parlor chair cal-s-of course-what else would the "Northwestern" have. City Ticket Office 1401 Farnam at. Anieticnn Mtdlcni Associntion , Deli- er June 7tl-1Oth , Dr. Montgomery of Chicago will run a speclaltrnin over the Itock Island route to Denver nccount of above , This train will Omaha Monday , June the 6th. at 1:35 : p. m. For sleeping car reservations , etc,4 call at Itock Island city ticket office , 1323 Fnrnntii i. : The clcphtaiit receiving vIsitors in Los Angeles cOtlUtI' exhibit. Everybody woiconto at hayden liros , today - day , Itend their ati on page 5. Dull ) . flARIdil-hlenry 'IL , ago 12 years 3 months nilti 12 days. Fimneriti IVeilneunhtty after. 11(1011 , JUl10 let , at 2:30 : p. in. , from family residence , 3t11 I Jniis St. , to lIt. I'etcr's church , I ntnrnient I icily Sepulchre Cenletr'niP. Frletida invited , O'HllAUGl INESSY-Mrs , Catherine aged 83 , Mid ) ' 31 , 5iS : a. n. at the resiilence of her daughter , Mrs. Catherine hl&twley & 1311 Davenport , Funeral at 4) o'clock 'i'hurs- dity niortilng , June 2 , freni St. l'hiilomena Catln'drnl. SYMONDS-Idhia F. , aged 40 years. Funeral from reslilence 2043 llnrncy street , at 3 I ) . ill. , Wednesday , Juno 1st. Friends in. vited. ALLISON-Daniel J. , ageti 73 years , at the residence of hits daughter , Mrs. Jatnes It , Young , 3S20 I'nrkcr street. Funeral Juno ii ttt 2 ii. ni. Interment in Forest Lawn. Diugs at Out Prices. Our Prices arc for SPot cash only anti will nls'ays be fotititi the lowest of any drug house vest of the Mississippi river. Orders from out of town should ho accom- lnflietl by cash , and if cnt per express will be boxed anti shipperl free of further charge , but If sent by freight , 25 cents must be added for box and cartage. When articles are to be sent by mall as may be done with aiiy nrtide not a hiqud-weighilng less than four ounds-nn ailtiwance of one Cent ror Clicil ounce must no inane , wittt 50mb extra allowance for weight of pack- lag. l'ATIdNP MEIICINE PRICES : Regular Our Price Price. 25c Alicock's Porous Plasters . . . . . . . . 110 25c Allen's Foot Ease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lIe 25c Brown's Camphorated. TOtth Powder - der . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 35c Bitter Water ( imported ) . . . . . . . . . . 15c lIe Brown's Bronchial Troches. . . . . . . . IDe 25c liallentlne's Remedies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lIe 25c I3ucklcn's Arnlca Salve . . . . . . . . . . . lIe SOc IIecf Extract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SIC 2Sc ] ieecbtim's P11k . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iDa 25C flrantireth'it Pills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iDe $1.00 lirailhield's Mothers' Friend . . . . . . . . ? 4c 25c Itx (3 ( etikes ) Ilttttermlllt Soap . . lIe 75e Boshee's German Syrup . . . . . . . . . . 590 Sc Cough Drops ( Menthol ) 2 for , Sc SOc Crane's Furniture l'oilshi . . . . . . . . . . . 23c Dc Carter's LIttle LIver Pill's. . . . . . . . . . . 32c ! 25. , Cutlcura Soap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ISe 21c Calder's Tooth Powder . . . . . . . . . . . . . i9a SOc Campbell's Arsenic Wafers , . . , . . , 40c 2:10 : Cnscanc'ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IDe 85c Castoria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22c $1.00 Carnrit'k'S Soluble Food . . . . . . . . . . . 'ilc 25c Carbolic Salvo tSherman & Mc- CoattaIl's ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19c SOc Cuticura Salve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.04) Cutleura flesolvent , , . . . . . . ? Ic SOc Cudah3"SlSXtract fleet . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3lc lIe Camphor ice . . . . . . . 2.c 1.a't'is' I leatincile 1'os'dt'rs . . . . . . . . IDa 15c illectro-Silicon , for' cleaning . . . . . . Do 2Ic Espey'ie Fragrahit Cream , . . . - SOc Ely's Cream .Dalrn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SIc $1.00 Fairchilds Peptogenic Milk Powder - dor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iSo $1.00 Fleming's Malt Whiskey . . . . . . . . . . . SOc 25e Frtitilla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I'JC 25c Grave's Tooth Powtler . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 2tc Garglluig Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19c 25c Garfield Tea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390 : Sc ; Gesslcr'i headache Wafers . . . . . . 2lc lIe Grand l'ii Wonder Soap . . . . . . . . . . Sc iSc Green's August Flower. . . . . . . . . . . . . SOc \S'IIITE FOR CATALOGUE. Sherman&McOonneU Drug Co Onitilin , Neb. Ei18 iol&to ( Middle of Block. ) FLAGS. . . . . . BUNTI SALE. . ilisse Your BuildIngs lecorzLtei lu' Clue . PIIll.ADU3HIA DECORATING CO. , iiit : : howard. 'phiue 21(11. lIVERY P00'S' 01' Lawn Hose We sell is guaranteed-tile prIces range from 7 ½ 1 : to SOc per foot , OMAHA TENT AND RUBBER , CO. , 1311 L"AiLNt5i 5,1' . . _ _ _ _ Ladies' Suils and Skirts Tliekind yOU iuid everybody else will like-Plaid back ma- tinal - deep facing , being heavily stitched prevents skirt ' ' " P1'iceB from 'blowing up"P1'iceB reasonable- New Silk and Shirt Waists just received- fl.SCOflELD U I CLllAV&SUITCO. 1510 Douglas Street. ] 3LtISS Millin ery Pattelil Hats , . u $2.48 $ Very swell. . . . . . LEG HORNS JUST OPENED 5I2 Douglas Stroet. CHICKERING'- . STEINWAY- FI3CHER- PIANOS ARE SOLI ) IN OMAhA BY . HAYDEN BROTHERS. .Ahi(1 ( 211 itiore UitTei'eiit iiumiIi'S-itll at stt'ictly 1)olnhlar ) in'iceS. GIVEN AW&'Y , FREE. 1OOOO ( l'itlntus , uiiiiuiiifaetut'etl auth soul by any one itinkei'liilulI'attes vi tli vhittt. OlulIiiOll tlttit pillilt ) iii. iiehul lty t ito uirtists , iIltht4lc teaeilerH timid znushe-Ioi'ltlg .hionies , .1. & C , Fiie'hti elijoY the distiltet'olt : oi beilig the 01113' iiiiiitifttc- : tiirermi svlio have i'L'hiehIt'l ( the 1OOP ) ( intirk , 'l'ltu lisehiet' Piiiio : lI'Lttitlg time itiuiuihit't' 1(10,000 ( is univ on cXililithh1 ) ( lii out' hutllt4iC 1001115 1111(1 ( lit ( IQIlltIt4 ) 011(4 of the itttiidumiiest Iii. stt'IiItiolltS ci'ei' ILCCOhIllihillt iii ltt11t ltiiiiulliig. Vtiii mit'e 'erditdl vehconie to our ititisle poiiIs , ss'iici'e ve sviil tule gre'tit lIlcliili'tm III itlios'itig ytti thilm't btitutlful pittno tutu n'ecntit1g 3'otl , free of clcti'ge a copy of the tltit''li of Prog- rtss , e4)ttipOed by F' . ltiticinhii , director of' the Ililited States Jtuiii'itio Iiaiid , multi tltdicttted to J. & ti. Fisa'hiei' 'opoil tIle L'OiIlpl'tiOII ( 01' thivii 100,0Y ( ) l'illllO. HAYDEN ± I .U 4. , I I I Ii ' . 1) , ronzeS , 1' IlaInolB 1 , .iIy T. N O1I U " 'Oo1oru in Oil , J'1t1)afl Or DisteInper , Staiiis ari1iSllCS , l1ItiXC(1 ( l'uti zits1 Plate Glass , I\TI ii. utica as welias ullstnplcs itt ( ho pmiiutliic , can be bought Ut gl 7 l3viiul 'u ti _ 4.O\v I ' 1 bestadvautagoof 4 J. A. FULLER , & CO , , 14th and Iotiglas. ; . ; . . ! . : ot ? ( ? : ' . ' ' . 4 . . , , ' ' . . : : : . , . : t , ' , , . . - - . A(1g1'Ctlt t7ajJoi' OsaiaIaa. It : . is great ( Ifty for Ncb.wt7a , . . . thccntii'O iccst. ' . . , .4 ga'cat dayfor - ' . 'I.- ' VIc simply tt'iEtll. to 'lull 1Olay'I. ' 111(11 of ( ill the zsfores iM the , ' : . . ' S p grcIt TransliuiRIHSIJPi i'cglon ' , ' . ! ' can- . : . thcl'C uiofonctvaea'cUou ' : ' ' jet aauyfaircu' t'cataieiit rziti ' ' , I. lioncstci' UoOlR , alit ! louver pI'iCCH , ol wlica'o your naoncy 1 will gofui'tlu'r ha purchasing , straight , 'lieiblC _ ! ilc1i.c1aaha(71HC t&a1a It ivIIt right lun'c. I - . . , . S. . : S - . - . _ _ SS.SS-- _ _ - - - _ - - - _ - - - - - - indIelflhIdoflgoi.1jd 198 ' . S , : 5zc and black 4 248 . 'I $125 j . . . . . , 4 tan and black shioes-izes 8 to ii. c3 - , - * \ ' ' 13 S , . ' . J'/i / : t3f S - ' \ S. f' I ' 4 " : : ! . ' - r. Slim's tan goat $22 : ' , , r . . " t , Men's fine tan and black $ t'5O . a/ / : . . . ; / ' 5 i. . . . : 4f lace * J oO 4 ' Misses fine tiongoha button QI 25 black . . 1 $ amd lace $ i.7r.shocs-mtircs Ladies fine vici kid t'98 $300 .iir . ) vesting toil lace 4.0O $ Slices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .tIl bhocs , tan and black . . . Misses fine tan vesting j 45 Dt' $350 ? ; ! $4OO ' 1 Tan and black , all . : I j ic . ; ; . ? Se I I i hg 14 A T 1V fl D 1) M a i I 0 rclers 4c New Shoes. .L1.r-k : .1. . .J. I .L.-PJJ' Filled. - , I WEAK fEU CURED LISO9 g ANDBgOUGUTTOPEHFECT I BLOODS ° ' our tutt 1rt4.ment of Turitilti C.suic. 11 es forS.OO. rileM Losie.Iayl..ouea , erve _ Kyflltits : , cured by 'l'urkl.l , itrata treubt. . . . , Cure , iever gull. I or Cured & pctftcb .1 700 . , , , . uI treatment sitit gu.tsn overwero. WO .aake ia.eiIclnt' . our own . an'lyoucunreI7onettInweII ' , Wluuuo Ioe&OOOlHlngI'lJoxc.O.OU.I I writ enguarante. with full cure. Single HAHN'S PHARMAOV , U . . . - ' 1'oiiurrti' , is lii. ) ulit' , _ 'l'Iie tvzutes of t lie grett ( 'I'rn.isusm luslit. % 1'z,1cc.pi ] ] 0 , , . , i E.jiosItiomi Iii be tIir.i'ui oju..is , . l'r'uiihi'uit Mt1C1IIII' ) ' s iii * , iui'lt tilt ) ' ' % TiSitO1'.s. iuuitoi iIuit'li iii uhf jitinid of yaui.Iers Iii tim mmliii Il , , . , _ L.iIl : : ci tis 'Viier. ' will In' lift ) ' timnuisiiiil , ibrouid hi.'ii ris to mrre't nimul mipplnmul I Ii e great . a c10 ss 1z0 iTt iitimit'v.iiieiifu of our girlous vcsE- oi.n Nlgst4'u. It is fully deuer'Iuig of tli 0 IOS to j laurels , for its sirelitlt'vi oral gittiiuiuuir Is litiitiirjmnsu..I tui.I I itt 4's- 11 oi'tli hi Iii u uiiieiiiiii'tl since the .1tis itt the rent lYorid's Fair , c : - 7)1 tn 7 ( % T , ritmigors 'ihl II iid t iii. ci I Ist'imu at ( luimlilmi ; . 'ziger to thu i.t their . 'ommiti.rt , I 1 t:1 : t. Ii 1 ( . Coi.ie Jici' , ' timid si.rt'u.i 'om ru.lt us 'u.mi Pii'iutH' , Oumi' , uuI.jisIuumuoui ii. large 13 tli u ; _ o i'uiouigii , iiotiii'r us iiii ) IIIl It'll lie , Vi , sIhi tithe cml ro of ) utuir pu rt'elu , ( Ill Otl 1rLTtIlt Ziict' * ) 'uur trleiiiis , ui'hiiig to iii- Iii , iii uimnuliilt , ) 'OIi , $ haui itt oust .iui aim y- to-you tire thiuiii ; ejgiit'r , If 'tiu ilit'0 Slim ) trauliiiI4 to il , , , Jiuij 1 i CflLti13 silit'rt' ou jiieuue , You nra uiiilt'r no , ' uibilgat Inns ( a 1 mutt her. ' , t'mug imuight ' 's.rc2ltJi-I'-1 : ( : - 1,11) ' lucre , vJieli yetI iotuI mis I ilrougJu , 1ir si , guru , bt'omiiI a uiouiht ' 2".is OLIL' ( IUtjT safest amid chIilicst eloihuitig Slriii lit Dailiuligs. ' (1 S 01 tiz C i S Sit test , htecli use ( lilt prIi'c , tic tilt.- Ilutuili is , ito ii i lnuimIlu'cs , ho thirolillg ' " to (1 icL" 3 ? ' ( ) ( .1 ' lii , .io iiiium'i'ireui'uisutiiiu , in liii ) ' SU7 , ' liii iiriiIiiouIs , irtuulti gel ( iiiw , to oui ( . 'Iui'tui.rut hieeliilMiJ our utore cx- l,4'Iues gin , so south , lairge ( 'a iit'mis'it I .ileasurQs.llI'Z1104 . large Iuiolutu. Volt 1umov Ike _ . - - - - - - - - - - - - ---w------------ - - / cneapiniiiuiwn iii ueiiuiii "vv' . ± - - - - - -