Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1898, Second Section, Image 14

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. ,
Try Moorc'g stock food.
- I'ny your bilL ! afld get E3tarL"
Cati at The lice offlee for Cubafl maps. 10c
'Mtornoy ( I. 'V. CiiItlcn of Ilnrlnn waa
I the city yBterc1ay ,
Dr. A. 0. Mudgo. the tientint , rciuuml
from 319 to 33S lItOadWOY.
A. A. M0r80. A. A. Morse , Jr. , atid J. C.
Norse of ILCl Oak were In the cRy yester
11cnrY tcYeson of Aflaley , Net 10 vli
fling his brother Stymest Stevenson at ( ho
'rho laundry I the leader In fine
'work 1)0th for color nntl finish. 2O Pearl
r nrect. ( Phone 290.
t lj. ? . Whihlunia flfll ( daughter Stella lutve
t rpn. to OaIeburg , ihi. , where Mr.V1t
: ltns lather Is seriously III.
& \Vanted-ExjerIencel help ha nil llne of
un Iaintlry busLnos. APIIIY at once. IJIuff
OiLy LaundrY. 31 North MaLts street.
' , Postmaster and Mrs. I. M. Treynor re-
c titneil yesterday form a two WCekB
* sIt to Clovelaud , O. and eastern points.
11ev. T. W.Vihhinmi of the Latter DaY
: ( nintn ° church leaves shortly for Los An-
g'tles1 ' Cal,1 having accepted a call to Preach
j I With a 11cc coupon and 2 cents 300 can
vcure the official photogralhs of the Unltod
I tntesJIaVy at the CouncIl Bluffs oFfice of
The lIce.
Iont you think it must be a pretty good
: 1puntlr that can please so many hundreds
1 .f customers ? \'elI-that's the ° Eagle , '
$ 2t roa1svny.
. . Mre. S. S. Stvcn9. who is on her way
mnno to California after n year's sojourn
, In the cast , in the guest of Dr. A. P. han-
chett and family.
t John lJruininond and Miss Joan Fi , flint , I
both of Omaha , were married in this city
' csterday at ( ha parlors of the Creston ho-
II tel by Justice Burke ,
. Tiio coinmitte on hotcls of the local Ma-
Conic lodges for the meeting of the grand
; Ipgo of the state , will meet tonight at the
' arand hotel at 8 o'clock.
r Cases of whooping cough were reported
to the hoard of health yesterday as exist-
lag in the families of U. A. Driggs , 2111
I Avnue U , and 0. 5 , lInker. 2115 AvenUe U.
I 'rho Chiase-Lister theater company will
I Open a sulnmer engageltient at the Dohany ,
commencing ziext Stintlay night , when they
% liJ present tiic four ttct comedy "Lyn-
4 'wood , "
- Attorney 0. U. Wheeler of thIs city loft
last evening for Iowa City , where he goes as
one of the committee apPointed by the so-
promo court to examine the law tudentB
of the State university ,
Rev. W , n. MeDonaugh of Valley June-
tion 11ev , F. P. MeManus of Denver , i'IEs
Gertrude Cooper of Maquoketa and Miss
Eleulloro Rogers of De Moines , are visit-
I 1I the family of Mr , J. F. Murpli3' .
The Detroit gas machine will light your
, , eshilence or store , coating 1 cent to run a
aixty-four candle irnwer lamp four hours.
J. C. IJixhy , heating , plumbing , lighting , 202
Idaho and 203 I'enri st. , Council I3luffs , In.
Stewart , the Infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
g M , Williams , 729 Mynster street , died
terday morning of Inilainmation of the
lope1s , aged 1 month. The funeral was
held In the afternoon , Interment being In
Fairviev cemetery.
I Alexander. IV. E. Van Pelt and
D. S. Perry , appointed referees to assess
the damages for one acre of land on the
farm of Mr. Frank of Iceg Creek , taken
for school purposes in district No. 2 , made
their report yesterday to Prof. Sawyer , fix-
tog the mnount at 60.
vacant one-story frame cdttago on
? 1nthi street between Avenues U and II.
was destroyed by fire , at 1:45 : yesterday
Inorlling. The cause of the ( Ire Is unknown.
; Th&cottaga was the property of 11ev. Ihas-
t n1wsen of Iflair , Nob. , 'and as far as is
ll1ow11 was not Insured.
. . Cadets wIll meet at the corner of Willow
ftvOnuo and Pearl street this morning at
7:45 : o'clock to attend the opening parade
of the exposition in Omaha. Those corn-
mit Into will have to take their chances of
4r1 gc'Ing. .3y order of E. A. licardsley , lieu-
t3aaut commanding cadets.
The sealed verdict rcurncd by the jury
- In the superior court Saturday night In the
case of Attorney 0. II. Scott against George
A. Gregory was opened yesterday morning
'I on the convening of court by Judge Ayles-
_ J 'worth. It vns for the plaintiff In the sum
of $183 , the ( till amount sued for.
t Prof. 11.V. . Sawyer , county superintend-
ant of schools , yesterday received word
from his son Borne. who is a member of
. the First regiment , Illinois volunteers ,
known as "Chicago's Own , " that the regi-
inent had beeii ordered to Cuba and would
leave camp at Chilekamauga this morning.
Orders for extra copies of the illustrated
cditioa of The lice for the opening ( lay of
the great exposItion can be filled at the
Council Bluffs olhice. It will contain half-
' toile engra'iiigs of the buildings , portraits
' of the iuen Who are tile leading factors in
the big tntorpriso. together with Its history ,
The iaper will Ilot oiihy be valuable as a.
souvenir , but whl , b Interesting to your
I friends at a dIstance. Five cents per 001)1 ,
C. 13. Viavi Co. , female remedy ; consultatiOn -
tiOn freo. .0111cc hours , 9 to 12 and h to , 1.
Health book furnished. 326-327-32S Mer-
rarn block. -
t to loan on city property. Klnne. -
N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250.
FOIl SALE-Good second-hand bicycle at
.bargoiu. Call at The flee oflle , Council
h3iuffs. -
'torn Precious line purchased a League
bicycle from Cole & Cole ,
Pay your hula and get "Stars. "
Dpii U. Morgan , has disposed , ot his Interest -
terest In the drug store nt 742 Uroadway
and will hereafter devote his entire time to
the store Ut :142 : Broalway , unlL'r the firm
annie of Dcii U. Morgan. ' Thh stola at 742
ijroalway will be upder ( lie. tlriii name of
F. 11. Morgan' & Co.
Storage , Wino & IConigmacher , 336 ] Jwy.
Corfiwood for sub cheap. Address W. 1. ,
Dee 0111cc. Cotlngil ilitiffs ,
I ? toN trOut the ( urN.
Jtidg iiiItb , eli 'returning yesterday at t -
ernoon from qlarlnda where he delivered a
Milmorinl day address , found 'there were
lip cases in the ilistrict court to engage
14s attention so he ordered court adjourned
iitii next Monday lnoriiing at 9:30 : o'clock. '
1o expects to go ta Avocat the latter part
' 4 tlio 'eck tQ try a gas ,
ITiie trial cit the dainugo suht of ' 3' , 0 ,
Jbnsen against 'I' , J , l'eterson , the janitor
cl the high school1 was collllnencetl before
a jury III ( lie superior court yesterday. Jon.
sn abkB for $1,000 tiniunges froni Peterson ,
alleging that ( lie latter , who is a Bpecial
oifleor , arrested him on March 1 of this
year without lirobablo cause and for spite
work. lie also alleges that at the time of
lijs arrest ho was maltreated , abused anti
stibjected to indignity anti disgrace. The
VpSe will Ii , Is exvected ho to thu jury some
3 tIme this afternoon ,
1 easIly received and readily retaiued by
any stomach , It restores and regulates.
Tue consensus of medical opinion , based
UPOfl actual observation anti careful ex-
porirnente , 5h0w5 that Malt-Nutrino pos.
1305808 intense iiourlshing strength 011(1
'wonderfully assists digestion and that It is
Invaluable for the strengthening and nour-
isbiu of convalescents , weak children. iliiii
blooded people and dyspeptics , Mait-Nu.
t lno Is prepared by' the famous Anheuser-
Ilusch Brewing Ass-n , which fact guarantees -
tees the purity. excellence an(1 sucrit claim'
I- I
Snpcrinttinclent Dimmock Arrtnges his
Bummer Schetlulo of Runs.
" ITJIN to Lfl1141 L'niseogers In Oiittiit
titl ( ) nod i1riia 'I'lieni iI.iiie
as Lnt II , I ( i'Cloek 1i
Cominehting today a now tiino card will
go Into effect. on nil the lines of the motor
company. In ( ho preparatIon of the now
schedule , \vbtch provides for an increased
service , Superintendent Diinrnoclc has , as fur
as practienfile , taken Into constdcratIontho
varied interests of tile different classe9 of
people who travel between Omaha and Coon-
cii fluffs and irns endeavored to so arrange
the train service as to meet the wants of
all. Under the new time card , provided ( lie
travel warrants it , persons 'orking in South
Omaha and living In this city will get a
train ( list whit enable them to reach the
city of packing houses in time to go to work
at 7 o'ciock in the morning , This under
the aid schedule was not possible. The fee-
quency of the morning trains will he such
that all people working in Omaha can oh-
tam trains in the morning that will land
them across the river and give them ample
time to reach their places of busIness by
5:30 : , 0 , 6:30 : , 7 , or 7:30 : o'clock. After 7:30 :
o'clock a regular ten , rninute service will b'
( be .schcdule until 11:30 : at night , when the
headway changes to fifteen minutes hotween
the cars , which s'ill , after midnight be in-
creasel to twenty-five minutes. The last
train will leave Fourteenth and Ihoward
streets In Omaha at 1 o'clock in the morn-
iilg , although on special occasIons provision
wIll be made to bring gack passengers at
1111 oven later hour than that.
Every train from the first car that leaves
the house in the morning until the Inst train
goes in at night will have a sure conncc-
I tion at I'earl Street anti Broadway for every
point In the city. Hitherto People living on
the Fairinount park line have had to ho
. content with a twenty-two minute service.
Under ( lie new time card they will now have
a regular ten-minute crvico until 1 o'clock
at night. All the trains 00 the Omaha hino
will as heretofore run alternately around
the loop at Oak and l'ierco streets and dOwn
South Main street to the hock Island depot.
A local train will connect at Pearl and
I Broadway with the Omaha car that goes
. around th loop. The cars on the Fifth
avenue line will be run direct between ( lie
I Union Pacific transfer and Fairmount park
without change at l'carl and Broadway.
Ilolfniayr's fancy patent flour maitre the
best and most bread. Ask your grocer for it.
Map of Cuba , West Indies and the World
at The IJee office , lOc each.
Au Orgaiii on Iie linilding.
Where the organ stands on the building ,
( hint is llouriclus' Music house , 325 Broadway -
way , right in the center of hustlers' Itow.
There you will find everything In- the music
line , from the French harp to tue finest
piano made In America. hlourlcius is an
old piano man , has been at it for twenty
years , lie has lived hero for thirteen years. I
His guarantee on a piano makes It good ,
lie has sold bumlredr of tiieii In this vicinity -
ity and eyery one has stood the test. 'Look
for tiio organ on top of the buildIng.
Pay your bills and get "Stars. "
Fort ) ' Youjig PeoPle Step Out Iiito tile
. Cold Vorld ,
The commencement exercises of the High
chol occurred last night he the Dohany
opera house. When the curtaIn rose Ols-
closing th nineteen young women and I
eighteen young men for whom the event was
the crowning one of theIr school days , coated
in four rows upon the stage with Principal
Hayden anti others of the faculty of the
1-high school to the left and right , i'ery seat
in the house was occupjed. The opera
house was beautifully decorated for the oc-
caion , the colors of the class of ' 9 , red ,
white and blue , being carried nut with a I
profusion of immense flags and the national
emhiein. in every shape and forirn hand-
501110 flags were draped over the stage , the
boxes and the orchestra , while festoons of
red , white add blue buntIng hung in grace-
ftil folds beneath the galleries and were
twined around tile chandeliers and pillars ,
Banked on either side of the at.igo were
handsome potted plants anti stately palms ,
while immense jardinleres laden with the
I choicest of roses graced the two small tables
at the corners of the stage. Suspemificti
across the center of the stage was ( lie class
motto , "Step by Step , " in Greolc letters
formed of evergreens on a background of
red , white and blue. Conspicuous in ( lie
boxes on the ground floor were the menI-
hers of the class of 'Op , distinguishable by
tlio ' 99 in hugo numerals of evergreen ( lint
J was hung over the box , while in tiii boxes
on the other side wore seated several morn-
bore of the junior class of this year.
The class this year was one of the emaIl-
est , that has been graduated for sovcrai years
and comprised about forty pupils , three of
whom , Herbert Pardy , Albert Flaniniant and
John Q. Anderson , were unable to he i'es
omit , they having responded to the call for
troops and being in camp at Des Moines.
Tielr diplomas will ho edit to ( hem ,
The Plait adopted last year of doing away
with the usual essays and orations by the
graduates was followed last night and in
their place tile graduates listened to an address -
dress by Prof , Benjamin Terry of the Uni-
vcndty of Chicago. The exercises were
opened by music by the Apollo club , fol-
lowed by the imiyo atiomi by Roy. W. S.
Ibirnes , liastor of the First Presbyterian
church , A teatro of thQ program was the
rendering of the class song , composed by
1(1185 ( Bcssie L. l'ryor nod rendereti by the
class , The Presentation of ( lie diplomas
was made by President W. U. Thomas of
( ho Board at Education , i'rof , Terry's address -
dress vus on the subject.'lint is an Edo-
cation ? " and was a scholarly effort that
vit3 well received by ( lie audience ,
Best lawn mowers in town , $3.00 antI up ,
I ) , C , Devol ,
hammocks , 75 cents to $1.75 , P. C , Dovol ,
Pay your bills anti get "Stars , "
heat Istiie Trstisfers.
The following transfers syoro tiled yesterday -
terday In thu title , abstract and loami dIce
of J , W. Squire , 101 l'earl street :
H. Ii. Nichols anti wife to William T.
hieshaw , hot I , nudutor's stibdiv so
wwii S.'r.39. and lot 1 , auditor's sub.
di % ' , lie ! as' t-1t.a9 w . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ ,
Louis ii. Fnutio , and wife to Einmnct
Tililey , lot 3 anti w S feet 2.8 inches
lot 2 , and o 8 feet 4 int'hies lot 4 ,
blork 4 , ] iigiilniid i'lnro add , w (1 . , , , , , 700
Etiward 1)unn itiiti wife to Henry A.
I3ruhin , w'4 2.77.42 , w (1 , , . . , , , . , . 2,400
Threotransfers , total , ,
I.ii Ixio..l4 hits Comim , nlssl.'ii , ,
lion , 8 , U , I'ackard of Marshalltown , 5 ,
It , Mallory of Charitan , 0 , W. McCoitl of
Logan , Owen Lovejoy 'of Jefferson , Ii , II.
Moore of Otturnwa anti J , B. IJ , Mackloy
of Ztiasou City , mombera of the Iowa Expo.
sttion commission , arrived in the city yes.
terday tor the purpose of attending the
opening ceremonies of the exposition todity
antI Incidentally to arrange the program
nod details of the dedication of the Iowa
tatn buildinir , to ho held on Vedncsdav.
Jine 22 , A session of the committee wn
held last night anti the program outlined
anil the preliminaries discussed , but noth-
leg definitely decided on. Messrs. Lovejoy
and Markicy are accompanied by their
'Z'enipornry halt In Itecrultitig.
Recruiting 'or the local company of in-
fatitry which had been started by Major
Louis I. Edson of thIs city the day following
the second call issued by President McKin-
Icy for more volunteers has been stopped ,
although those interested hope only tempo.
racily. Major Edson yesterday receIved an
answer from Governor Shaw , to whom ho
bad written , asking for authority to organIze
a local company , in which Governor Sbaw
saId as yet he had no Information as to the
arm of ( lie service tlirit would be required
from Iowa or how the quota would be made
up. At present he did not know whether ii
call would be motto for more infantry or not ,
but if there was he would hi ! pleased to no-
cept a company organized in Council
hulls. No further steps to recruit for the
compaiiy , which now numbers some fifty
young men , will be taken until something
1110CC definite is known as to whether it will
bo wanted or not ,
Pay your bills and get "Stars. "
Irving hotel , 2769 Ii'd'yl rates , $1.50.
Iron-clad potatoes , the best , 70 cents per
bushel. . Bartel & Miller.
POllee Court Notes ,
In police court yesterday morning L. J.
Lyons , charged with peddling without a
license , failed to put In an appearance when
his ease was called anti his cash bond of
$5 was declared forfeited. J. 0. Cunimings
another peddler without a license , was die.
charged on ho agreeing to provide himself
with. one. Signor Nicolini Ilarbatto , the
Italian organ grinder , who together with
his monkey were arrested for giving a
street exhibition without being provided
with a Iicoiiee , wore discharged by Judge
Ayleswortli , as ho considered ( ho arrest of
Ilarbatto was stretching the law a trifle too
much. Ilarbatto agreed to leave town and
seek sonic ether place where he could grind
out music without being molested.
Don't buy anything but the Insurance
gasoline stove. Always safe and reliable.
I. C. Devol.
Marringe ,
Licenses ( p wed vere issued to the fol.
lowing persons yesterday :
Name and Residence Age.
Wilton C. Burke , Council IIltiITs. . . . . . . . . . IS
Nora E. Field , Council BiuffM. . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
John Drummonil , Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Joan E. Flint , Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Wiillnni J. Morrisey , Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Vermilla Ford , Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
F.V. . Crane , Shenandoah. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Hattie 1"lohiarty , Council Bluffs. . . . . . . . . . . . 38
'l'lio North Star refrigerator eclipses all
others , P. C. Devol ,
Ice cream freezers-latest out. P. a
Postsii CIorl jtrreMted.
CEDAR RAPIDS , Ia. , May 31.-Spe- (
cml Tolegram.-L. ) P. Temple , a railway
postal clerk who has been Ia the
service about three years andwho
iiiitii lately has been on a run ho-
taeon here and Siouc Falls , was arrested
hero this afternoon on a charge of embezzlement -
mont , it being chargetithat he had been tak-
leg articles of merchandise he found loose
in the malls. Ho was held to the foderai
grand jury In tko sum of $500.
Jep Usher was today held eb khe grand
jury in the sum of $500 on' 'the dliarge 'Of
deserting his wife , whom he miirriod to
escape prosecution for seduction. Under the
now. law thIs is an indictable offense. it
is believed to be the first prosecution of the
kind commcnce.l in the state.
MI.niioiiury to Jsipaii.
TRAER , Ia. , May 31.-Special.---Mlss ( )
Nellie , daughter of Dr. IV. A. Daniel , and
at present a teacher in the Traer schools ,
has long had a desire to become a mIssionary -
ary in the oriental country. Two years ago
she offered her services and was accepted
as a missionary to Japan , but the society
was short of funds and could not send her
at tile time. A few days a'o she received
notice tt prepare at once to depart for her
distant poet of dutyThe date set is
June 11.
Colored Cominny Accepted.
DES MOINES , May 31.-Special ( Tele-
gram.-Captain ) II. T. Banks , a prominent
colored man who has been orgaizing a corn-
pany of colored infantry , today re-
celveci word from Congressman hull
that the secretary of war had
agreed to accept the services of the
company , independent of the state's quota.
The company will bo 100 men strong and
composed of men who are physical giants.
Plenil Gtiilt" .
SIOUX CITY , May 3I.-Special.-J. ( ) W. i
Miner anti Charles Wliipple of' Modale , Ia. ,
tbis afternoon appeared before Ju'Igo Car-
land in the federal court and pleaded guilty
to the crime of uttering spurious oins of
the' United States , Judgment will not be
PaSSOII In either of the cases until the October -
tober term of court and in the meantime the
men will be allowed their lIebrty ot their
present bonds ,
IIeii ' Storm nt DeN MoincN (
DES MOINES , ha. , May 31-Spccial (
Telegrarn.-A ) terrible rainstorm , amount-
leg almost to a cloudburst pqsscd over this
city betwca ! 8 and 0 o'clock this oven-
ing. It was one of the heaviest rainfalls -
falls ever recorded by the local weather
bureau , ,54 of an inch falling In thirteen
mInutes. Some hail accompanied the storm ,
but it did 110 damage.
5l'iiorIgIl Iii' ( it VIII iseit.
VILLISCA , In. , May 21.-Special--Ycster- ( )
day twenty-seven graves were decorateti by
the Grand Army of the Republic. There
were sixty members of the Grand Army of
( lie Republic , over 300 school children , ( ho
111gb school cadets and many others in ( lie
Procession , Mr. Beard of Malvorn delivered
a fine address in tim park.
CurtiN Gets flu. lelcgnllun ,
ATLANTIC , Ia , , May 31.-Special-- ( )
Major H. C. Curtis won in ( lie republIcan
iiriniqry In this county and will be the can-
ihidato of the Case county delegation for the
nonilnation for congress. Silas Wilson first
came out as a candidate , but was beaten by
Curtis ,
hurst. 'I'IIICf Arresdeil.
BOONE , Ia. , May 31-Speclal ( Telegram , )
-Martin Jay was arrested today by Sheriff
Garner for stealing a horse from the pasture -
ture of 'V. 1(1. Johnson of Yell township. lie
had previously served three years for the
same offense , The horse was recovered.
Ssrvt' ii , Hrnnei. l.ine ,
WEBSTER CITY , Is. , May 31.-Spechal (
Telegrani.-A ) corps of six surveyors for ( lie
Great W'eatorn railroad arrived here and began -
gan a preliminary survey for a branch of
that , road from this city to Hampton.
LIrrltiiiir Nirhiccs ii IcIlliig ,
VILLISOA , Ia. , May 31-Speoial.-Abaut ( )
730 ; a. m , lightning struck the house ef
Thomas ( iop&1Vin , setting iton fire , The
fire was soon put out and no oue Injured
or serious damage done.
'I'D CURII (4JLr ) l 0S16 DAY
Take lAxative Promo Quinine Tab1ets. Al )
druggists rotund the money if it tails to cure ,
25c , The genuIne has L. l3 Q. on each tablet.
Whitewash the TiahicJnst ta Show ft
10 5
ills UooI l'IteltiiiIrI'Wided ' I , , ' it J.tttle
l'oor Unse.ltniiIHdi , Makes the
lte'iersnt ( if ic Form n ,
StnrtlIiillnlil' ,
' 1 e
COLUMBUS , 0. , rIl3tSpcciai ( Tele-
gram-Thcro ) was tetet'crsal of form ( tile
afternoon , Columbus luvYng a pitcher in the
person of Ilumpus J ns , who thu to the
visItors just what Chauncey Fisher dlii to
the Senators Monday afternoon. Only seven
hits were made ofT Jones , and as Hager-
man was batted rather freely niitl two of
( ho errors proved costly , the home teani
scoreti nine times anti was never In dan-
gee of losing the game. Wotv rton'e base
on balls in the first inning was followed by
a sacrifice and two singles , one run scoring
aiid another man being retired at the plate.
In the fourth a single , two doubles , a sacri-
lice anti an Infield-out scored three. Knoll
was hit. by a pitched ball in the sixth , stele
second , went to third on McCauley's bad
throw and scored on Buckley's single. To-
beau singled in the eighth , . stole second
anti Lyons' muff of an infield fly of Buck-
Icy scored Tebcau. hilts by Jones , Wolvor-
ton and Butler and Tcbeai.t's two-bagger
scored three in ( lie niiith. In the second
float singled , but was caught trying to stefli
seconrI base. Eustace made a lilt and htol-
lingsworth beat a slow grounder to first ,
but McCauley flew out to ilulon and linger-
man forced Holly at second , In the fifth
the Oniahas again made three hits in an
Inning without scoring. McCauley , linger-
man and Preston opened with singles , Mc-
Caulcy being forced at the plate by Fleming ,
leaving three on bases , Score :
All. fl.lB.PO , A. H.
Wolverton , lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 2 0 0 0
lititler , If. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 0 1 1 0 0
Frank , rf..1. . 5 1 2 3 0 0
Tebeau , lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2 3 9 1 0
Genins , 2b. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 1 2 4 6 0
hltilen , 39. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1 1 3 3 0
Knoll , of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 1 4 0 0
Buckley , c..i. , 4 0 2 3 1 0
Jones , p. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1 1 0 2 0
Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 9152713 0
' All , R.1l3.PO. A. E.
Preston , If. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1 2 0 0
Pickering , Cf. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 0 1 0 0
Flcnilng rf. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 0 0 1- 0
Lyons , lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 0 11 0 1
Heat , 55. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1 2 4 0
Eustitce. lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 1 , 3 0
Hollingsworth , 2b. . . . . . . . . . 4 1 3 2 0
McCauley , c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1 7 2 2
Hagerman , I ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 0 1 0 5 1
Totals , - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 0 7 27 17 4
Columbus . . . . . . . . . . 100301013-9
Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Two-base hits : Genins , liulen , Tebcau.
Sacrifice Iiits Butler , Knoll. Stolen bases :
Knoll , Tebenu. First base on balil : Oft
Jones , 2 ; off Ilagerman. 2. Hit by niteher :
Knoll. First base oil errors : ColumbuS , 1.
Left Oil bases : Columbus , 5 ; Omaha , 8.
Struck out : By Juiles 2 ; by Hugerman ,
4. Double iday : hlUiei to Genins to 'I'e-
benu. Pitseed liahlst ° McCaUley , 1. 'rime :
One hour and fortyttiivq' minutes. Umpire :
St. t'aiil Slats Ont 1 j''ictory froi SIte
Ititiiiivii , Lenders.
INDTANAPOLlS,1hid , , May 31.-St. Paul
outbatted the IndIan , driving Philips froni
the box in the fourth Attendance , 1,000.
- iii
Score : .
.l1 ii Tt.H.E.
Indianapolis . . .3 0 2 0i0 0 0 0 0-5 11 4
St. I'aui . . . . . . . .0 3 , 0 0 0 0-9 13 3
Batteries : IndlanappUs , iliIllps Hawley
and Lynch ; St. .IauI FrikeP"ttnt Spies.
MIL\VAUKEE. "WiL , Mai 31.-The Brew-
era boat theMihlers ouhnithle tenth Inning
today , Bqttger' wpn.i1 own , game witha ,
two-bugger. assisted"b ) ' . a passed ball ilfl'l
' ' - ' '
' I
a siiigle. Scorb'
. Size ' B..H.E.
Mihs'aukee . . ,0 , 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1-2 8 1
Minneapolis .0 0 0 0' 0 0 0 0 1 0-1 S 1
Batteries : Milwaukee , Itettger and 'Speer ;
Minneapolis , Wright and Dixon.
DETROIT , May 31.-Jimmy Manning's
team had a walkover today , Detroit hiot
being able to hit consecutively. 'Score :
Detroit . . . . . . . . . -
Kansas CIty..4 1 1 2 , 0 3 0 0 0--il 12 2
Batteries : Detroit , Mullane and Twine-
ham ; Kansas City , Pardee and Wilson ,
Played. Won. Lost. Per C.
Indlapapolis . . . . . . . . . 32 24 8 75.0
St. Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 24 12 66.7
Columbus . , . . , . , . , . , 33 20 13 60.6
Kansas Cty ) . . . . . . . . . 3 Is is 54. &
MIlwaukee . . . . . . . . . . . 36 19 17 52.8
Detroit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B 14 21 40.0
Minneapolis . . . . . . . . . . St 11 23 32.4
Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 7 26 21.2
Gamd today : Omahnat' Columbus ; St.
Paul at Indianapolis ; -Ianeas City ut Dc-
troit MinneapoliS at MIlwaukee.
Cliieiniindt'M Gnu ( iii the Lenil Holds
Uishnlcen ,
NEW YORK , May 31.-It was through no
fault of Ralph Miller , ( lie Brooklyns'
pitcher. that the borne team lost again today -
day on the grounds in Brooklyn. Stupid
blunders by the men back of him did the
trick , Score :
R,1IO.A.i1. ' ft.h1.O.A.E.
'arimo ' , cf.O 1 2 uOC.atillerrtl 1001
Jones , rt..O 1 3 0 Ihiecitley , ib.l 21400
I Sheckard , It 0 0 0 1 0 I-.Sm1th , It. 1 0 2 0 0
' ta'ce , ss 0 1 2 2 e Ilolliday , cC 0 ( I I (1 ( (1
Tucker , ib.,0 0 8 2 OMcPhioe , 2b.0 0 4 30
ilbInthie , 3b , 0 1 3 3 0 CorcOran , ss I I 2 10 0
liiiilinan , 2b 1 1 3 2 1 SteInteld , 3b 0 0 2 3 1
Smith , C. , . . I 0 5 1 C l'ekz , c. . . . . 1 2 2 1 1
Miller , i' . . . 0 1 1 8 0 hlum'an , p 2 2 0 1 0
Totals . . , . 2 82716 2 Totals , . . , 7 521 iS 1
Brooklyn . . . . . . . . . . . . 000001100-I
Cincinnati . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1-7
Earned runs : Cincinnati , 3 ; Brooklyn , I.
Threo-baso hits : Daminann , LaCiiancc.
Double viny : Tucker to LaChiance , Bases
on balls : Off Miller , 5 ; off Daznmann , 1.
Struck out : By Miller , 3 ; by Dammann , 2.
Left on bases : Brooklyn , 7 ; CincinnatI , 5 ,
'rime : One hour and thirty-six minutes.
umpIres : Cushrnan and llcydier. Attend-
aiice , 1,500 ,
Colonels I.osi& Their Gs'I , ,
P1IILADIILPIIIA , May 31.-TIm Phullica
defeated the Colonels thii afternoon in an
uninteresting game. hiotli teams were weak
at thin bat and their work in the Ibid vaa
of an indifferent character , Attendance ,
2,191. Score :
Clsrke. if. , . 0 0 1 Cooicy , cC. , U 0 1 0
Ititehey. es. I 3 1 poti5i' , lb 0 0 U 1 U
lloy , cC 2 0 0 FlIck. rf. . . . 3 0 2 0 0
Dexti'r , rI , , I 0 0 ilch'ty , if. I 2 2 0 0
\'agaer , it , , 0 0 8.ItJOlP , hb. , 0 2 2 0 1
Stafford , 21i 0 0 1 , Iliert'd , 31 , 0 1 0 4 1
Cl'ginan , Mi 0 0 4 5 1T&larI'd , c 0 1 5 2 0
Snyder , c , . , Ii 0 1 0 Crc. , , . , ss , , , , 0 1 6 0 1
Cun'Iisrn , p. 0 0 4 .1.1flfyiotiue , j3. 0 0 1 6 0
'Sillith . . . . . . 0 1 0 V
- . , - . - - . VdTTotais , , , , 4 7 21 14 3
Totals , , . , 1 8 24 11
'Smith baited for Cunningham in the
ninth , 4' vJl
Louisville , , , . , . . , . . , tel'o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-i
l'huladelpliia . . . . . . . ,12 iO 1 0 1 0 0 0 -4
Stolen bases : Stnvd , Cllngmiili , Flick ,
McFarland. Two.iIl1. hits : Delehanty ,
Lnjoio , Tiireo-linso Ti ) ( . baJoio. First 'on
bails : Off Cunnlnghiltn' 1 ; oft Dm101100 , 5.
lilt by hitcher : By-eirnhiinliam , 2 ; by
Donoiiue , 1 , Rtruck"oiti ? fly Cunningham ,
I ; by Donohue. 5. Wltiil pitch : Cunning-
hum. Left ( iii baseal , ! puisvullo , Ii : Plum-
deIliuia , 7. 'I'ime : 'J'avq1 hours , Umpires :
Snyder atiti COrey , . , ,
EcriL 1111iItjViii IS.
PlT'I'HBUItG , MayitSiu-Aftcr it long but
exciting game' Pittshprg won out Iii ( lie
nhlitit , Taminehilhl sytta iunt to but In Hart's
pIece anti made a gqotl jiliictu lilt to left ,
scoring Ely , Attendance . , 1,800. , Scorer
. ,
h.1.r.ldnuflu. 1IAL.TMOllIl ,
ILI1.O.A.11 - R..ILCI.A.E.
Eagan , Iii. . 2 3 2 8 0 livUraw , 3b 2 4 0 4 0
Ionoven , rf I 2 2 1 0 Reeler , if. . , 1 0 1 0 0
they , 3t. . , . . 2 2 1 6 1 Jen'ings. 2b 1 1 5 4 0
, M'C'rlhy. It 2 2 3 2 Ci iCclley , If. . , 1 2 0 0 0
IaiIs , lb. . , 0 2 13 0 I stenzei , el , I ) 1 1 ( I U
Ilro4ie , cf , . 0 1 2 0 0 D't'vllie , , s 0 0 1 4 1
u'ly , s . . . . . . I 2 2 6 2 Mt'Gsnii , lb 1 1 15 0 1
Murphy , c. . 0 1 S ii 0 ltollnson , , C 2 2 1 0 0
lieu. p . . , . , , e 0 0 2 0 hotter , p. . . 1 8 1 3 0
'Tan'b'II ' . , 0 1 0 0 0
- - - - - Totsi . . , .8lt'Ihl.h I
Totals . , , . 9 16 21 20 4
"Tannehilt Luttted for hurt in ( hue ninthi.
Onu out when wiining run was scored.
Pittsburg , . , . , , . , . , , . 1 0 1 0 0 2 3 1 1"-9
Baltimore 2 0 0 1 1 2 1 1 0-8
Earned runs : Pittsburg , 3 : Baltimore. 2.
Two-base hilts : McCurtimy , Kelly. Hotter ,
Three-base hIts Ilagan , Cray , Ely , Mc-
( laTin. Snerifico liiti : llrodlt' , Ely , ? itt1l3lh ) ' ,
Iotiblo Idnys : Donnvriti to 1)nvis , MeUnnn ,
tlflflseistd. Z"iret Iuno on balls : Oft hart ,
3 ; tiff Hotter , 2. Iliruck.ntit : By Hart , I ;
tiy Hotter , I , 'Wild ; ittchi ; Iotfir , Tirnel
Two hours tind fifteen minutes. Umpires :
McDonald antI O'Day.
SeuintorP. Fix Snilling Peter ,
WASIIINUTON , May 31.-The Senators
fell on Ianlels in the sixth inning and
cinciid the game , Attendance , 600. Score :
lt.II.O.AB. ltlt.O.A.E ,
( lettmnn , ef I 2 3 0 0 flowi , ef , . . 0 1 4 0 0
ilelbeeb , If. . 0 2 1 0 0 hiolnuts , cC. I C I I 0
loIe , lb.o 1 ' 1 0 0 IIalcy , If. . 1 3 0 0 2
, Andern , ef , 0 2 5 0 0 Ciements , C 0 1 1 1 0
Pau-ii , a. . . I 1 7 1 o Cres. Sb. . , , 0 2 1 4 0
l'a5ner , lb I I 0 1 0 Decker , lb. , 0 0 0 1 0
Belts , Ib.,1 I I S OCrOoltS , 2b,1 I C 30
Wrigley , ci. C 0 i C 0 haIl , U . . , . , I I 2 2 1
\Veyhtng , p. 0 0 0 0 0 1)501515 , p. , 1 0 0 0 0
Difleen , p , , 1 1 0 0 0 stigieii , It , . , 0 0 6 1 0
- - - - - - . lIspOr , I , - ' . 0 0 0 1 0
Totals . , , . S 12 27 9 0
. Totals , . . , hiltlil 3
" .Vasluiiigton . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 2 5 0 1 - S
St , I.ouie . . . . . . . . . . .2 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0-f ,
Earned runs : Washington , 5 St. lMiliS ,
3. Stolen bases : Harley (2) ( ) , holmes. Two'
base hilts : Crooks , lhithI , Wagner. Three-
base hitel IIolrnes Farrell. 1)oublc PiflYt
Crooks to Cross. 1' irat base on butils : Oft
i'eyluing , i otT Dineen , 2 ; oft Bauble , 3
off Esper , 2. lilt by pitched ball : holmes.
Struck out : Dv Dineeui , 2 ; by lisper , 1.
I'nsseil balls : ( leinents , 2. Left on biui'Cs
W'aehington , 7 ; St. Louis , 10. Tinie : 'rw
hours and fifteen minutes , Umnpires Wood
anti Swnrtwoocl ,
Vlc'elauuI Vtns Aiiyity ,
NE\i' YORK , May 31.-It was a i'itchcrs'
battle. Dnhotiy had tiio better of it until
the Inst two innings , when the Clove-
lands hit hard enough to win. Score :
It.ll.O.A.E. . ILIO.A.1I.
V'llalt'n , ef 1 1 1 0 0 Uurkett , If , . I 1 1 0 0
Tiernan , lt , 0 2 0 0 0 MeKean , , e 0 1 1 2 0
Joyce , lb.,0 212 2 OChIIS , , hb..0 2200
1)avls , ss. . , 0 0 2 1 1 Wiuilnce , 3b0 1 0 5. 0
% 'limet , rI , . 0 (1 ( i 0 0 Iltahie , rI. , , 0 0 2 9 (1 (
Gleason , lb 0 0 3 0 0 Zimmcr , c , . I 0 S I 0
liattinan , lb 0 0 1 1 1 MeAleer , Cf 1 2 t 0 0
\Varner , c.,0 0 0 0 01Tebau , lb..0 I I I 0
Douienyp.,01 , , . , .
Totnhs , , . ,1 52713 2 Totals . . . ,3 827 70
NewYork . . . . . . . . 100000000-1
Cleveland . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 23
Enriied runs : Clerclniul. 1 , Stolen base :
Wallace. Two-base hilt : Burkett , Snc'ri-
lIen hilts : itnmer , Youuig.First ) base cii
bithisi Oft Dohucny , 3 , First base on er.
i-ore : Cleveland , 2. Struck out : Dy Do-
bony' , 4 ; by Yoiuiug , 4. Lull. on ba'es : New
York , 4 ; Cleveland , 8. 'I'lmne : One houu-
fliRt fifty mtiiutes. Unuluii'es : Enialie and
Audrews. Attenilance , 2,100.
) ! oslou Ililil to l'iny In Viiu _
BOSTON , Mass. , May 31.-After having
the gaiiio well in hand today tim Botuuuti
had to play ball to viii , Lewis was very
wild , giving every Chicagoan ii base on
balls with one exception , Attcndauice , 1,500 ,
Score :
lt.11.O.t.Il.i Ii , it.O.All.
Bamii'n. cf. 1 2 4 1 0 Dveritt , lb. 0 1 7 1 0
Tenney , lb. 1 1 ii 1 0 hinge , cf , , , 0 1 4 0 0
iiIg , 05 , , . . 1 2 2 5 1 Ialiten , es. , 1 0 3 4 0
fluffy , If. . . . 0 0 0 1 Itlan , It. . . . 0 1 3 0 0
Collins , 3b. , 1 1 1 3 1 Mert's , rt. . 2 1 1 0 0
Sttiiii , rf , . , . 0 0 0 0 0 IsL'li , II , . . . 0 2 2 3 2
l.owe , 21 , , . , 1 2 4 5 0 C'onnor , lb. . I 2 1 2 0
ulergen , c.0 0 5 1 01)onaliUe , c.0 1300
Lewis , p. . . 0 0 0 2 0 Kiiroy , . . 0 1 0 3 U
Tot1s . . . , S S H l 2 Totals , , . , 4 10 24 13 2
Boston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *
Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000001021-i
Two-bne hits : Teniiey. lionie run :
Lowe. First base on balls : By Lewis , 8 ;
by Kilroy , 1. Struck out : Dy Lewis , 2 : ly )
Kiiroy , 2. Time : One hour anti lifty
minutes. Umpires : Lynch and Cunnolly ,
Played. Won. Lost. Per C.
Cincinnati . . . . . . . . . . . 34 27 7 79.4
Cleveland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 12 66.7
Boston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 22 14 61.1
Ilaltiniore . . . . . . . . . . . 10 17 13 56.7
New York . . . . . . . . . . Ii It ) 15 55,9
Pittsburg . . . . . . . . . . . . lii 19 17 52.8
Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 17 ' 18 48.6
l'hitiatlchiuhla . . . . . . . . 31 . 14 17 45.2
Brooklyn . . . . . . . . . . . . 'It ' 12 19 38.7
Lcuisvihle . . . . . . . . . . . 06 12 24 33.3
St. Loui'u . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 10 21 30.3 I
\ na a
\Vnslilngton . . . . . . . .
( lames today : Chicago at Boston ; Cm-
cinnati at Brooklyn : Cleveland at New
York : Louisville at Philadelphia ; St. Louis
at Washington.
Western AI.sOeinhIOH.
ROCK ISLAND , Ill. , May 31.-Score :
V ( hl.E.
Ottumwa . . . . . . . . . . . 103000101-0 6 4
Rock Islanti . . . . . . 0 3 0 0 0 0 2 0 27 6 5
Batteries : Ott'umwa , Nonnemmtker and
Keote : Roric Island , Walsh 'anti Strauss.
DUJ3UQUE , Ia. , Iiay 31.-Score :
. . , . . 11.11.16.
Dubuque. . . , . . , 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 ' 1 0 0 13 6 L
Burlington 1'O'O 0 0 1 0 00 0 02 8 4
Batteries : Dubuque , McFarland and
hlodge ; Burlington. Dcviii antI Williams.
CEDAR RAPIDS , Ia , , May 31.-Score :
11. H. 16.
Cedar Rapids . . , . , 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 48 11 0
. - 6 1
flatteries : Cedar Rapids , Lothrop and
Schurecongost ; Quincy , Cooper , Price and
PEORIA , Iii. , May 31.-Score :
11. H. 16.
Peoria . . . . . . - 1
St.Joseph..200000000-2 43
Batteries : Peoria , Bhincoe and Quinn ;
St. Joseph , Itisicy and Collins.
InSersinle League.
YOUNGSTOWN , 0. , May 31.-Score :
Youngstown . . , ,2 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0-4 7 1
Mansfield . . . . . . . -
Batteries : Youngstown , Single and Patterson -
terson ; Mansfield , Ely , Belt and Law.
SPRINGFIELD , 0. , May 31.-Score :
Springfield . . . .4 5 0 1 0 1 3 0 1-15 18 5
0 , Rapids . . . . .0 4 5 0 0 1 2 0 0-12 12 8
Batteries : Springfield , Dolan anti Gratflue ;
Grand Ilapids , Altroek , Durrctt and Cote.
NEWCAS'LE , l'a. , May 31.-Score :
Newcastle . . . . . -
Fort Wayne . . ( I 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0-2 6 4
Batteries : Newcastle , C. Smith mind Bar-
cloy ; Fort Wayne , Alloway and Campbell.
DAYTON , 0. , May 31.-Score :
Dayton . . . . . . . . -
Toledo . . . . . . . . . -
Batteries Dayton , Brown and Byers ;
Toledo , GlUts and Arthiur.
16isern ( I.i'nixiie.
Syracuse , 3 ; Springfield , 6.
Toronto , 18 : Buffalo 14.
I'rovidence , 19 : Wi cesbarre , 11.
hlochister , 6 ; Montreal , 5.
oiiIa 'h'hiret' Favorites Vlui for this-
'I'itlciit ut OsiIcie' ' ,
CINCINNATI , May 31-Only three favor-
Itea won for the talent at Oakley. Virgie
' 15 to 1 eaiily beat IComuras&tki , the
tel ) choice in the fourth race. Maggie 5 ,
winner of the second race , is'as also 15 to
I in thin betting , The weather was fine and
the ( cache fast. Results :
First race , five furlongs : FIttVius won ,
Mayme 3d second , Press Kiniball third ,
'rime : 1:03 : ½ ,
Second met' sevOn furlongs , selling : Maw-
gin S won. 'Miss ' Ro second , Itny I ! third.
'I'ime : 1:2S : % ,
Third race , aelihiig , live furlongs : Peter
Starling ivonLola Murray second , Pie-
coila third. Tirno : 1O31 : ,
Furtii race , 0110 mile , selling : Virgie 0
won , lsomUrai3aui iSCCOflI , aimsa i' i-uocui
third , Timp ; 1:43i. :
Fifth 'race ' , clue mile and ilCS'Clity' yards :
Surnon \ ' won , Boanergea secoild , Skylark
thirl. 'i'imc : 1:15. :
Sixth race , sevemi furlongs , selling : llrigh-
ton won , Kitty It second , harry Gaines
third , 'l'iino l:21 : ½ .
CIIICAGO , May 31.-Harlem results :
First race , tis'o furlouige : Jlari'ahas won ,
Mizzoura second , Defender It third. Time :
1:0i : ½ .
Second race , six murlong4 * Skiliman won ,
Eiyo Bramble second , ( .2znrowitz tilled
Time : 1l7 : ½ .
'hued race , one mile : Bonito won. Flor-
onso second , Bounding tiuird , Tinie : 1:45. :
Fourthu l nce , Jour furlongs : Espionage
won , hiantollo second , ilavli thiril , 'rime :
0I98. :
Fifth race , ( me mile and seventy yards :
Sutton won , Ilanquo II second , Sunburst
thuirI. , Time ; 1:50 : ,
Sixth race , six furlongs : Monk Waynian
% voIiVulhiurn 1(1 second , Cherry Flanie
third , 'I'ime 1:16 : ½ .
5'l' , LOCI B , Mmii' 31.-Results :
First race , 3-year-old munitions , five furlongs -
longs : TeePee seen , Montesano second , Miss
Lizzie third. 'rime : 1:03. :
Second race , aching , 2.year.ohils , five furlongs -
longs : Doily Itegent wail , Br , Sam ccond ,
O'C'onnor thuiril , Time ; 1:03 : ,
Third race. ( intl mile and tweiity yards :
Imii , Skate woui , lId Fnrrehl aecoiiii , Judg
Stendinan third , Time : l:43 : ½ ,
Fourth race , seven furlongs : Found won ,
Crocket second , Golil Baud third , Time :
Fifth race , selling , five and one-half fur-
Pines ; Jesse won , Jim Lisle secontl , St.
Augustine third , Time ; 100 ; ½ '
Sixtbi race. selling , one nub : Oninoor
won , Monteddnlco second , Ilishiop React
third , Time ; 1:4iu/ : ,
Will Contest tue Will.
PIIILADI6I4PI1IA. May 31.-Tue will of
the late Thomas 'Ui. Evans , thin eminent
dentist ivhio died in Paris last October , will
be contetCd by his niece , Clara H , Davis ,
and other relatives.
dlleap imiiaiio'
Giiiierist ( inrein tins Ten Thiotisand
31ci * iii Slintie to Milsc ft
Vigorous t'iiiiiiiiIgii.
ICIlY V.'EST , FlaMa' $ t.-Ceurlcts from
Ctibi today brought highly encouraging ro'
ports from General alixto Garcia's army.
Gilrcia , alone , It is said , has 10,000 men
better equipped than ever before. except In
time matter of clothing , and they are Iii
excellent spirits. Five thinuearnl men , it 33
added , occupy territory along the northern
coast near Manntl , Tin. , paiilsh ti'oops
have withdrawn to aningo. Itoloquin anti
Manzaiilhlo , nntl Uieral GarcIa stilt holds
lila headquarters at hlayama ,
ffeiicrnl Marie Menocal has been obliged
to abandon his conteniplateti rittack on Ilolo-
qtuin , province of Santlao tie Cuba , Uca-
oral Lugtuo of the Spanish iu'lny having
thrown 10,000 men into ( lie city anti strouigly
fortified neighboring hills. Cencrat Menocal
has -been ordered to proceed to havana
Province anti take conitnanti there.
il-h10 Cubaui miLtary lOaders have been
discussing the stimnuer canipaign , They be-
hove 5,000 er 6,000 mcii can be spared from
Santiago province , where ( lie Siuaiiiarils are
eiitircly Oh the defensive , and sent to the
vestern part of the island ,
Tomas Uohinzo , Juan Migtiti I'ortuontlo
anti Captain Cardenas left Ihamues in a small
heat recently for Nassau , bearing dispatches
from General Garcia to the Uiiitcti States
authorities ,
Arnold's liromo Celery cures headaches.
hOc , ISo , SOc. All druggists.
Itei'eiscr for Ssiviitgs mnsti tuut mu ,
ST. LOUIS , May 31.-A sepctal to the
Post-Dispatch frouii Setialin , Mo , , says : 11.
L. Gray , state supervisor of building anti
loan associations , was today nppoiuitecl to-
ceiver of the Midlaumd Savings antI Loami
conipamiy of Setlalitu , on applicatlomi of ( lie
stockholders , byjudgo Lonergan of the cir-
cult court. The receiver's bond was fixed
it $50,000.
L ' 1 ' r'I4.- ' '
MY little. book , 'Thiree Classes o Men , "
sent to men oliy It tells of my 30 years' '
experleiioe nfl a specIalist iii nil nervouS , t'
( lisorders resulting from youthful indI'cre-
tions Lame hack , ete , and tells why
cures With ray invention , ( lie Dr Sauiden
Electric Belt , known amid used thin world
over , I restored last year 5,000 01001 , 3'OOli
alit ! oltt Ilewuuro of cheap InitiatIons Above
book explaiul3 all ; sent sentoti Write today ,
Dr. A. I. Situ dcii ,
No. 153 5. Clark St. , ChIcago. Ill.
Runs between Council ihituffs anti Ouiunhfl ,
Now in effect , For prcnip ( delivery , call on
1S'ni , W'olch , Ihitiffa 'phone 128 ; Omaha
'phone , 780 , RAT1'S Low. Ior carrIage or
express wagon , call at No. 8 North Maui
street-Or above telePhOnCS. -
DVa'Lt.lNGS , FflU1 , JAR3i cr4D GAIWIIN
landS for sale or rent. BaY & lisa. I'S l'eari ' '
stre.t , 1'
_ -
* * * * * * * *
: . . :
: ois , VARNISflS ,
; * . CRUSUS9 [ OUSS. * : J
J4 , , . Agents for . .
harrison 9
* -
I , ' " To T'lTll a ii ci E"
* ' ' . . , . ' .
, c:0uhitTY .
- ,
' * : '
" 1E The Paint , that Goes Farthest , E' '
. . '
.t. Wears Lonar and AlwaysLooks Wellm 'IJ
: . :
Good Paint the low- '
-If you want . at . -
* est prices , come and see us.'s' '
* . i
. . '
3C' We are the otily car-load buyers o s - .
Lead , Oil and Glass iii the city.
* :
c. MiiI Orders Promt1y Filled.
'gC Free Belivery in the City.
: 200BROADWAY , :
Ic Tel. 289. Council Bluffs. OjE
A Uedrty
4.c ' . ' I oxtoII(1e(1 to the thou-
I saiicls of : vis'ltoi'S who will
' - 1)0 hero today at the Ex- . ,
1)OSitiOIi oelhi1lg.
_ l1 _
\V1ii1b hero you should hOt JUSS tile OI)1)O1'tll' , . ,
nity Of calling at the finest retail cigar ttllI tobacco
stoi'o in the west-the place wltoi'o tile famous tenJ }
cent SULTANA 11IU five-cent "CORNR" Cigar IH sold ,
' OIAR STORE ' . -
Bztldss'iii Illock , SomItihciLst Coi'nev Pearl St , : iiid Jii'oiids'ny ,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Council Bluffs , lown.
Jobbers o
Selling Agents
tOo CIgaz-ss. . tb CIUulrM.
LI ( H UflUU ! ! ' ' ' - - ----a