Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1898, Second Section, Page 2, Image 10

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IiT - ' I- - PIIIE ( ) MATTA DAILY 1311I WE1)NES1)AY ,1tTNI 1 , 198. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- - - - - -
c - p-I--- 1 ,
¼ All Exposition Visitors Know
i : : . . .
. that a good bargain is good for both sIdes-We believe that evcry costurnrt our store
feels . a 'sense of . thorough satisfaction for the dollars worth of quality andostyle that goes
: with every article we sell. fttll
: Black I Corscts1)r.Tarners AAA
Ill / . . 1 6ootls- J Corset is liglltalIl coin
F' fortablo to the wearer aiid
? ) Are more gives a iry triin , graceful
, . .f1isoicd
; figure.
. tia ever ,
' contaluR a bust
. Over
' , -I --1 measurejilent thaii the average pattern
tveiiy- and I fll9ptC(1 to mules of medium
fis'e height anti form.
Black , white or gray at 1.OO each.
\ 14Lyes ] ol : 1)lacl grelladhicH
$1.00 to $2.00 a yar(1. ( Laces aliLl
: Embrokicrics-
: Over twenty-flvo st1cs of crepons-$1.OO .
to $3.&O a ynr3
' ,
eaeonabe fabrica far 1)010W real value . ' laces ; tiid
-inaka Inviting to purchase strong.
: :
42 styles at 12 ½ c. eiiibroideries
:11 : Iyles at. lOc. fr for svcet
4 ; styles at 25c. . ' ' '
; : graduates'
Children's % VIiItc Dresses-ui- '
. There arc white ailk 1tces and Insertings
tong s1iI ) .
. valenclences laca itint iisert1ngs. on-
Einbroklery edging on neck cml neeres ental laces , and the PrettY 110W Meclin
-at 3c each. edglngs nn Insertings ,
Infanta' long slips-prettily mnde-nt \lIto ) tucked Mousclliio do Solo for Cu-
GOc , 63e. The antI $1.00 each. tire .
waist fronts.
I Infant& long dresses , daintily tnlmtuod
All-over goods , made of fine Swiss and
with lace or enibroldory , froii $1.00
: to $6.00 each. valenclenIles Inserting.
Children's short dresses-six mouths to Make your selections early to insure
three ycars-froin 60c to 4.10 each. choice styles.
IlanIkcrcliigfs - For mea and
women. Concerfflnq
"Crcsco. "
The handkerchiefs we sell are pure '
llnuii , Never any cotton admixture , 'T1ie makers
except one number for school children
-at lie each.
For znen-1'Ian hcnistltclicd linen
- puno
-lIe , 18c or 8 for bc ; 25c , 15c , or 3 Corsets have
for $1.00 ; lOc and up. done what
For 'aomen-l'iaIn henstitcIiod pure un-
en 5c , S 1-Ic , lOr , 15c , 20c , 21c and up. ' . other corset
: Shirt Waist Stiilfs itkei's ; have
been vainly
' ' 3 ; ) .
New , clean , eJleL\'o1'iIg ; to do for years.
q ( : washal)1o (18111- ( ' 111y have 1)rod11ce ( a corset
tiiiess that cannot break at the waist
. . : ,
. . line.
. .
, oul. Needless to tell you how much such a
couiiters. corset Is npprecIatd. We are fortunate -
nato enough to have th exclusive sale
Fine Ginghams , 12'c. I of tim "Cresco" Corset for this section.
American Madras , lIe. I and you are invited to call and have
I ItS merits exPlained to You.
American Oxfords , 25c.
- - - - - -
bCOLCU z.eluIirs , ; : tc , aic ami .me per 11150 a vcry goou IO'S uicycio nose.
yard. I r- with double toe , sole and heel In all
Zephyr Novelty with borders , GOc per I Ize , lIe iair.
I , _ _ _ I Infants' tan fine nlbb3d hose with dou-
: New Arni Muslin , lIe per yard. ' Ole knee tsolc and heel , 2ic pair.
- . - , SI , . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Omaha's Grcatxpoition is Thrown Open to
; the World.
YeisLllt of I'rlrlt' , i'oreNt unil Mliits ,
with 'l'reaMllv.'s Or Art sind fl.ssu-
ties of Arel.Hct'tiire
l'lcatMe * 110 1)C.
t - ( Continued from First Page. )
present In ordering the ehipment of cx-
liibits. Owing t the delay in the completion -
: tion of the building no dairy Products bare
, been shipped , but as everything is now In
t readiness they will commence to arrive in a
fev days. And these will be replenished
c each moiiifi by fresui material on the order
of Mr. IInsmore. The appearances are that
Nebraska will no be alone in this exhIbit
by any means , Letters received by Mr.
Diosmore from the ICausas , Minnesota and
Iowa commissions state that they will have
some large exhibits on hand shortly. Do-
sIdci , these there will lie another of other-
tislug exhibits ,
Ilonit' of th. llusy lJeis.
I "The bee Industry of Nebraska am ! the
west is no small factor anti this vill be
evidenced by the illsplay In the /qilary build-
ins , " Bays Superintendent Vhitcomb. "We
have lcen delayed considerable , but everything -
thing commences to Ionic clear before us am !
ore many days we wIll have such a display
us lo seldom seeji. " Nchrasba is on hanti
with a gran(1 ( exhibit , which will be In
charge of L. 1) , Stilson of York , a beekeeper
of many yours' practical experience , lie is
the aecretury of the Nebrasia fleokoepers
association , Mr. Stilson says that owing to
the ct.cnt of hIs dIspay ! he ili be corn-
lCllell to esk for more floor space , which
\vII bQ occontleti him. The stotes of 'Foxas ,
Minnesota , a urn ! Missouri 'ilI have
t 501110 extensive displays , which will cause
Nebraska to "hump" itself. lzs.'liit -
comb. wife of the supeniutexitlont , Is an art-
1st in beeswax statuary and will show soiio
sPecimens In this line. which 'iil be used
' for deco atlvo Purposes.
unIiii S.'li.oI hihit ltIsi'd.
Some delay has becii caused In the coma
! otlon of the exhibit of the Omaha schools
it the exposition by a shortage in the sup.
4y of card boards Cor iiountIng speciments.
, n additional supply has been repeatedly
eIegrai1ed ) for , but It has not arrived , and
, . . * ' . . . . . *
; The Omaha Bee
: Map 01 Cuba Coupon
, Present this Coupon with
' A Map ortha West Indes. ! I
I And a Mapoftho World ,
2 8 iInIl 14cint. t
. . * .
( ; UT ( fliT TillS COUPON.
ThJs Coupon with 25o
Will , tCURF lilt
t Official Photogi'aphs
Ii , th4 UflIOd Stabs Navy.
( lI I4t JlEI.
. - - . . - - : .
It will now be impoilblo to have the ox-
biblt complete at the opening. The space
elll a11 be filled , ! iowever , as there lx an
abundance of material ant ! during the next
few days such changes will he made as are
necessary to make the exhibit conform to
the original plan.
UlIVA oi'rivs : l's's $ lAMOS.
ieuisesis of Ilte l'lenstire Resorts Pitt
un a Stout Viii itt 'I'liiit .
There was a hot time on the Midway last
night and no verson who was there vill
deny the statement. Things commenced jo
'nrm up during the early evening and kept
right on until midnight , when the fun became -
came fast and furious , The first people on
the ground were those from 'down town.
They strolled uround. for a COUIle of hours
and then the delegation from the don of
the Knights of Ak-Stir-Den put In an ap-
learance. In this delegation , aside from
the regular knights , numbering something
like 300 , there were cloae onto 1,000 menu-
hers of the Travelers' Protective association -
tion , nil of whom were Invited guests upon
this particular occasion. Many of them were
warm boys and their jresence had much
to do with the temperature that prevailed
on the Midway.
The procession from the den of the
JCnlghts of Ak-Sar-Ilen was made up of
the resident members of the order , the
traveling men who had just crossed over
the burning sands , a caravan from the for-
cign section of the Midway fluid a few cages
of trained animals front Ilagenback's.
\\'hlle there were others , the star features
on the Midway were the Streets of Cairo
and tIm Streets of All , Nations. In the for-
titer , Manager O'brien and his assistant ,
Icllio Ninci , gave those who vero present
a touch of high life in igylt. There wdro
muscle dances and dances that have not
been scotu In this city before. The male
members of the party ClIJOycd the perfor-
inances hugely and wanted more. After this
there were the dances that ore peculiar to
oUter Afnicait cities , all of which was followed -
lowed by a theatrical lertorlnanco that was
something new In this section , but there Is
a promise that It will be seen many times
during the coming sutniner.
In the Streets of All Nations , Manager
Akoun treated the guests of the evening tea
a full dress rehearsal , consisting of camel
riding , svord dunces and a contest between
Assyniatu gladiators. Following this , a
young girl from some Island in the Pacific
ocean stooti with her back against a board
and allowed a swarthy islander to hurl dirk
knives in the direction of her head , Ileing
an expert in this line , he planted thorn all
I around her , to the great delight of the
audience. Then there was the Soudan
wrestling match , a combination of the grape-
SI 4
Says :
Medicine. '
, ltwlIl
. Sharpen
YourAppetfle ,
Purify and
Vitalize Your Cod , Overcome That
Tired Feeling , Get a bottle of
Hood's Sarsaparlila and begin to
take It TODAYI and realize the great
good It Is sure to do you.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
1. Arnenic's areatest Medicine. All druggists.
UndcrwarLadies' ' lo neck
and sleeveless ribbed
silk vests ,
-faticy edges-in cream , pink anti
blnck-flOc each.
'ery fine quality pure silk vests in pink ,
blue , cream and black-The and 41.00
each ,
Ladies' fine ribbed lisle vests In both
long anti short sleeves-white &ind
ecru-lOc each.
Children's fine Swiss ribbed vests-in
white or cern-high iteck and long
sleeves-sizes 1-2 , 20c ; a-4 , 21c0 ; ,
30e ; 7.8 , 3c ,
Ttirec Bargains-Every house.
keeler who findi ;
that SU1)1)11e5 ate needed in
liuck towels this spring is interested -
terested in the doings of the
liiieii store sale tliltt begins
\Yediiesdty ; morning.
100 dozeit heavy liuck Towels with Item-
lited ends , lBxOI3 inches-Monday's
Price $1.10 a dozen ,
200 dozen large size htuck Towels , with
hemmed ends , 19x39 inches-Monday's
Price $1.10 a dozen.
300 dozen extra heavy huck Towels , 22x
42 Incites , with hemmed ends-Monday
price $1.75 a dozen ,
LIU1IIUS-Suhtana Cloth.
'hue ' now Plait1 skirt lining-fast colors-
36 incItes wide-at 25c Iter yard.
- ' Curtain Swiss-
.ie3 ' . ' curtain
; % ! ' ' : material ,
tji : : ; 1ideaea
- * -7 wide.
At lOc , 12 ½ c. lSc per yard ; 30-inch wide
at 25c , 27c per yard.
Dotted net embroidered edges-b-inch
wide at 40c , and 60c PUt yard.
I'iain .tud dotted Saxony Net , 48-incbos
wide-at bOc Per yard.
2 yards long , plain at $1.00 per pair.
2 yards long figured , at $1.25 per pair.
vine , the catch-as-catclf-can and the , hip
lock. This was something new in the
wrcstiinghine mud was loudly' applauded.
fleing the night prior to the opening of
the big show , about cverythiiig on the Midway -
way vt1s on dress parade an everything in
the theatrical line was putting on the last
dress rehearsal , and as all of these affairs
were free each and every building was
filled to overflowing. In the Illusion palace -
ace a few and a few only were permitted to
gaze upon the girls in their illusion dance ,
and fewer yet were allowed to see Hag-
gard's She and her transformation from a
mummy into a beautiful maiden and the
transformation back into a mummy.
In the Moorish palace a private party was
given to the newspaper men and some of
the visiting traveling men. These were
lernuitted to gaze upon time features of kings
and queens who have boon dead and burled
many centuries.
In the Dcvii's Den his satanic majesty
bad a high old time with three maidens
whom he caught wandering about the edges
of his realm 'and finally contented himself
'with throwing thorn into a lake of fire and
then prodding them with a red-hot pltch-
Tom Hector's dogs caught the spirit of
the occasion and aroused about everything
io the neighborhood , but their howls and
the roar of the lions in hlumgonbjucl'a were
drowned by the revelry that prevailed at
Pabsts , iumost of which was brought on by
the dancing girls , who occupied the stage
durIng a greater portion of the evening.
The Old Piantatian and the Chinese Vii-
loge , together with some of the other attractions -
tractions , were closed to the public , the
managers explaining that their artists % s'ere
not yet acclimated and that it would not
do to risk their tender planis out at night
in this salubrious atmosphere. Time restaurants -
taurants did a rushIng business amid Count
Van never made enough to pay him a good
profit on his investment it he does not
serve another mumeal during the exposition.
Taking everything Into consideration it
"as a great night on the Midway , yet it is
salt ! that It was nothing to what some of
the mmlghts will be after all of time attrac-
tiotis are lii full operation ,
liHAlLU.jJt'V1ltS FOIL i'ltH4i4 GANG ,
Pstt'e ' % VIit're Newsinier' Will lie
Tnl.i ( 'turt' ( if ,
Headquarters for tim visiting newspaper
10011 have beomi opejieci in connection with
the Department of Publicity at the Millai'ih
hotel , For several days past noyspaper
soon from north , south , east and west have I
been flocking into the city , large numbers
of whom have stopped over for Oleniog day ,
Yesterday there was an especially large influx -
flux and during the late hours of the afternoon -
noon , after the down town room opened ,
about a score of the visitors registered at
the headquarters.
The following are among yesterday's call.
era : Joseph C. McAtee , SI , Louis itepub.
lic ; Ed 0. WIld , Journal of Commerce , St.
Joseph , , Mo , C. C , Cnlvert , Daily News , St.
Joseph ; A , C , Cantley , St. L uis Globe.
flernocrat : Willis L. Clanahman , Sunday Post.
Dispatch , St. Louis ; \V , ii , Edgar , Express ,
theatric. , ; Elliott Marshall , Herald , St. Jo.
SCph Fred It , McKity. MIrror , St. Joseph ;
lv. a. Murrell , St. LoUis Star ; A. T. Davidson -
son and wife , New York Financial Times ;
John ( lolobie , State Capital , Guthnio , 0 , T. ;
0V. . Miller , Westlicha 'Post and Anzciger ,
St. Louis ; J. C , Lewis , herald , Ohio. Iii. ;
Stephen A. Martin , Chronicle , St. Louis ;
Joimmm A. Lee , interstate Grocer , St. 'Louis ;
John S. Ilarwood , ilspatcb , St , Louis ; A.
11 , hush , tile Ilimberdashmer , Chicago ; Will
H. bass , Arkansas Democrat. Little hock ,
Ark. ; J , M. Sjodahl , Desert News , Salt
Lake City ; I ) , C. Freeman , Oregonian ,
Portland , Ore ,
Auy newspaper muon who desire courtesies
from time exposition managers for todays
cerenuommles should call at the press bead-
quarters at the Millard hotel between 8:3Q :
and 0:30 : this morning , where they will be
courteously treated ,
1'nIt-e City lion , ! .
The Pawnee City Military band arrived In
the city last night to take part iq the open-
log exercises of the exposItion to1ay , The
band has bcoa assigned to a position in
the fourth diyision of the parade this warn-
. , % ashabic
. , Skirts-
) Alargo
, . .asortiuent
: washable
'L , .skirts
2 iiici'ash ,
All our separte skirts are well made-
a choice collection of crash skirts
plain-nt flOe , $1.23.
Fine grass cloth skirts-at $1.33 anti
31.50 each.
White pique skirts-at $1.50 , $1.03 , $2.25 ,
$1.00 , $3.10 , $3.75 ,
Sill lIT W'AISTS-fleautlful shirt waists
-500 and 73h etic1. !
Notions-Waist sets amid belts.
A convenient main aisle counter holds
these tmggnstlvo nocdfuts ,
I'eanl shirt waist Sets-at 20c , 25c and
Velvct Belts with clasps and slides-at
$2.00 , $2.25 , $3.00 , 3.50 anti $4.00 each , .
Metal I3elts at from $1.00 to $4.50 each , ,
Leather Belts at 25c , bbc , SOc , 75c and
$1.00 Cachi ,
Men's ' Furnishings-Fancy striped -
ed balbriggaii
shirts and th'awers ,
lOc each ,
Jersey nibhed.undcrwoar for inca at SSc
and 10c a garment.
U. V. D , Jean drawers , in sizes from 30
to 00-at SOc a hair.
Men's ecru baibriggan shirts and draw-
ore-extra large slzcs-50c each.
wile (
1I ribbed
" 1)lItCk hose ,
tw 1W3t.vhry good
) p "qiality ( ,
c : ; ' : : . .2ciaii' . .
k . I
ing , The.n1tmbt numbering about fifty ,
are quartered at a local hotel. where they
gave an"imour'sgomrt lest night from 9:15'
to 10:15 : olock. The. , band is under the-
leat1ershui of' ' 1'ulton , who is well
known in musical circles. The players are
in good trIm nimd iromtso to delight the
Omaha people , as usual , with their good
music. F.
UNCLE SAM ( ) i'ldNS 1118 DOORS.
Gs'ent Governiicnt.hiu lh,1iiii ltt'clves
alum.- Early E5ositft Visitors.
The Government building was thrown open'
to time public at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon
and a large number of people passed through
the building during the succeeding two
hours , inspecting the multitude of exhibits
which had been 'prepared to illustrate the
functionsof the government in time of peace
and its resources as a war power.
Time scores of cases and huge boxes wbich
encumbered time aisles dumfing the course of
time propnratiorms hind all been consigned to
the spacious storeroom beneath the floor anti
nil the exhibits were arranged in order.
Time preparatians were complete and a most
Interesting and conuprohensive exhibit was
presented for the examination of those who
had the entree.
The zncmbers of the board of management
acted as hosts and mmumerous assistants were
full of informnntion regarding time various
exhibits. The displays of the War and Agricultural -
cultural departments at the south end vied
with the Navy departm'nent and time fish corn-
inissiomi at tito north end , whmiie'the nuagnifi-
cent exhibit of the Smithsonian Institution
amid National museum and that of the Trees-
ury dopartmmment vnged a contest in the
minds of the visitors with a desire to spend
several houm's over time showing of the immany
bureaus of the Interior dcimartment , while'
the i'ostoflice deparinuent fliPealcd strongly
to time symupathies of time people.
The compietoness of time exhibit in each
deimartimment was the cause of many very
complimentary remumarks and it was concedel (
that the Government building wIll be one
of time most attractive of the many interest-
log features of the exposition ,
"I'IIEY COAl Id l'Itiai Ilhlsioulu. "
Ne'uNlsmmer Ieu ' % 'Iii Are in Oiimthigm to
lit' ShlYti ,
A party of nine newspaper correspondents ,
represontimmg St. ' Louis and Si , Josepim
PaPers , arrived in the city at noomi yesterday
on time hew fast train of time Burhingtoim
road , Time mnenubers of the party were the
guests of the road aimd were chaperoned
by L. IV. Wakoley , general passenger and
ticket agent , nmtsistetl by Elliott Marshall ,
division passeng F"gont , nnd F. Ii , Mo-
Vittle , city pass iigml' agent of tile road at
St. Joseph.
Time party wuiJiit at the depot by Il.
\v , Richardson , 1ftiresmmtIng the Department
of Publicity and' prdmotiomm of the exposi-
tiomu , and escorted"otho Millard hotel , The
visitors have colime attend the opening
of thu exposition ii time interest of their
papers anti wilrr , , 1nain until thursday
morning. The 'tolj&wing lh time personnel
of the party : Fr9mn St. Louis-A , C. Cant-
ley , tJIobe-Ienuoniat ; J. C , McAtee , flepub-
lie ; W , It. Murreh' Star ; 0 , A. Martin ,
Chronicle ; OscartWCMillor Westliche Post ;
Willis L. Clanabtun , i'ost-flispacim. From
St. Joseph-C. C 'iert. ' News ; G , L. H.
Muoho , Voiksblatt' h ! , 0. WIlde , Journal
of Commerce , ' "
ESii.itioii Clrns'L'rle'i. Its Music
VttJsIn the hli liuildlig ,
The Expoaitioa cimorus hold its first re-
lmcarsai in the Auditorium on th eexposition
grounds last nigimt , Therq was a delay of
over an hour caused by a misunderstanding
oa the part of somebody as to the turning
on of the lights , and the chorus sat In the
growing darkness while messengers were
sent chasing In every direction to gather
up the missing iinc ) in the chain of red
tape , Time long wait detracted from the
effect of the reimearsal , and the chorus did
not mnake as good a showing as aim prevl-
005 occasion. The "Song of Welcome" was
taken up first and disposed of in good form
and attention was turned to the "Star
Spangled Banner" and "Fair Ellen. "
Conductor Kelly announced that a rehear.
i&i will be belt ! at 10 o'clock timis morning
In the Auditorium. Time chonums vill be nug-
mooted by fifty voices trorn the chorus of
the musical department of the University
of Nebraska. Those who were not present
at the rehearsal Inst night may obtain
vasscs to the grounds and Audltoniuam by
calling at Mr. Kelly's studio between 9 anti
' 3:45 : o'clock this morning.
Not es hf Ihie
The members of the Nebraska commie-
aba have arrived to take part in the open-
log exercises.
Time state poultry building Is a new ittitli-
tion on Twentieth street just soumth of the
Apiary building.
Time Armour Packing company unloaded a
car of its material yesterday for its eximibit
in the Manufactures building.
Time 'Western Editorial association imas
fixed the dates ton its annual meeting in
Omaha , July 12 , 13 antI 14 being the dates
Two carloads of V.'estinghouse electric
light machinery arrived yesterday , time contents -
tents of wimici , were soon unloaded into the
Machinery anti Electricity buiiuiimmg ,
( hoverimor hioiconmb 111mB notIfied time cx-
Posltiomm nmanagcnment that he nmmd his staff
will leave Litmcoimi at 8 a. mu. . amud arrive
1mm Onmaha at 9:35 : Wetlnesday morning , The
staff wIll be in full umifom'mmm , ,
Time big century iant vhichm wilt occupy
time iost of imotmor 1mm time vomiter of the tiotumh
of time horticulture lumiltling has arrived
from I'lnttanmauth ' and huts been placed on
time ledestal arruugetl for it. Time plant is
about tuveimty feet imigim and about tweimty-
four feet iii dinaicter ,
'l'imo equipment of time mniimiaturo railway
has arrived oimd the piaimt is being Immatniled
along time vest side of time avenue commmmect-
itug time mmmfliiu court ammtl the north tract , 'rime
railway 'iIl b about 1,000 feet in length
anti viii be equipped with stations. and mthl
tue outer appliances of a regulation railway.
Time two-horse imook amid ladder truck for
tue fire lIghting force 0mm the OXltOsitiOm ,
groumnuis has arrived and time detachment tie-
tailed to time groummls huts in its time drill-
lug with the extension ladders. These lad-
tiers are of time truss type ammO all are ox-
teilslomm ladders , The loimgest. ladder is
sixty feet in leimgtlm.
Thu engine , house recently removed from
the main court has been statiommed on Kant
Ztllway ! , just south of time Streets of Cairo.
After a few inmimrovemuemits itrihl be occu-
piedby elmo of tue imose wagons Irommu Twen-
tietit street. A chmenmica ) eimglmme froimi tile
city will supply tlma idaco of the imose wagon.
Mr. Wlihelmmm A. ilana lisa arrived frommm
Now Yerk hi charge of time four. pianos
sent especially for artistic use dunimmg the
exposition , Mr. Hans is Imot only at , expert
in lookimig after all the practical luarts of
the lilammos , but a brilliant plammist as veil.
i-Ic It , originally frozn Odessa , Russia , mmd
time last time lme visited America was during
time tour of the fnmnous Rubenstein ma 1872 ,
when ho accompamiled hulum to the various
cities where Imis coimcerts were given. Mr.
Villarti Kimball wili have Mr. ilnas' march
lmiayed during the season , it being one of
several tmxoeiient compositiomms by this gen-
tiemimaut ,
Otto of time first "openings" to occur eu
the Midway was that of the i'arlsian cafe on
time \Vcst Midway. lii honor of the corn-
mnc'nccmcimt of active busimmess a banquet
was served Monday eveumiumg iii the neat ammd
cozy buildiimg in whelm this concession is
qumartered. The guests were all newspaper
lumen and time repast served up was of time
highest order of mumerit. The dimming roonu
vas decorated wIth time red. green mind yei-
low of time Knights of Ak-Sar-l3cn , 'uvimicim
have come to be recognized as the civic
colors of Onmahia , and the red , white and
blue , which are common to bath the United
States mmd France.
1.05 As.mreles C4)uuity KxilIit.
The Los Angeles county , California , fruit
exhibit , occupyiumg the entire east end of
time Horticurtural building , Is probably one
of time finest .exhibits ever displayed at atmy
fair or exposition outside of the World's
fair , mmd 1mm fact , equals its own efforts at
the hatter. Mr. Frank SVigjtms. represent-
lug time Chamber of Commerce of Los An-
'gobs. under 'which nupIcs time exii. ' _ , . Is
made , is aim expert in his line. He has
adopteti new lucas in its construction and
built up on different lines entirely from that
which , he had at other expositions. About
time only feature recognizable at other places
is that of the immaunmouth English walnut
elephant -which represents the full life size
of "Jumbo. " He has done away with the
stereotyped pyrammiid and instead has constructed -
structed arches or facades of fruit running
all through anti around the entire exhibit.
It lit certaimily a handsome and ver creditable -
table representntion of California and os-
pecinily southern California's products. Mr.
\Viggimis has displayed great taste as 'uvell
as credit to his board and state for the maim-
ncr in wimicim lie has built It up. This Is
the first exhibit to be campleteul in time liar-
ticultural building and it is now and will
renmalim time handsomest of its kind at this
exposition. .
Czivter at the lcxpositioii ,
'rho Carter White Lead compaimy of Chi-
cngo and Omaha , the largest white lend
works in time world. with an investment of
over a million anti a halt dollars , have
erectetl one of the finest exlmibits in the
Manuttactures building. The outside woodwork -
work upon the Grecian order of architecture
covers over 400 feet between the two main
aisles on the north side of the building at
out , of the main entrances. It Is uniquely
arraulged with four pyramIds of all sizes of
kegs and original packages of timeir goods
together with a beautiful mninlaturo mnotor
and piaumt showing time most Improved
nmetimod of the Carter urocess of muanufac-
turing white lead. Tiw eximlblt is under time
personal supervision of J. H. Montgonwry.
eupcriuuteumdcnt Omalma factory , and George
P. Moore , sales mammager transmississippl
Cuitimulty itt ( lit' Exposliloil ,
'rite exhibit of time Cudahy Packing conm-
pany on the center aisle mmear time east end
of time Manufactures bmmilding bus sprung UI )
as If from mmumture's OWl ) realms. It is
UfliqUe 1mm design amid of great artistic
beauty , representing. as it does , in a prac-
heal way the product of that great conmpany
in time exact nmanner in wlmlch It is put UiOfl
the market of the world , and in the perfect
form imi which time consummier receives it ,
The ximlbit is constructetl ium its every par-
tide of original packages. Cans of oil kinds ,
sizes amid dimemusiotms , already used mmd Ia-
beled as used by the company for siiimping
purposes aimtl dispositioum to time trade. Wheum
time exhibit is lighted by electricity , which
is thmarougitly well done , it is one ' of the
handsomest eximibits in the exposition ,
Ni.i.mnsla 1'rit Exltllit ,
Time Nebraska state fruit exitibit under
the direct xnanagement of l'eter Younger ,
state superintendent of imorticulturo , of tie-
mmcm , anti George Marshall of Arlington , in
the ilorticultural building lit undoubtedly
one of time flumest displays of frpit at the ox-
position. It covers 2.000 feet of space , The
fruit displayed In this exhibit was gathenoti
last fail and placed in cold storage at Swift
and Companys packing house and Is in a
most excellent state of ; reaervation. It
consists principally of apples , a good proportion -
portion of pears and quince , besides a iargo
quantity of strawberries soon to arrive fronm
the southermm part of time state.
'rJae lYititi' Is Hing.
The White Sewing Macitino coumpany cx-
iiilmit on main center aisle of Manufactures
building is time only sewing nmaeimino exhibit
hOW in position. Their booth and display
is time most attractive IA the building , Timey
show a number of their wonid-reumowned
% 'imittm Sewing machines , also their high
grade bicycles.
i4iAvEcll1cIiAIAUcA : TO1)AY )
Pour Bcgimcnt5 of' I f'antry Start for
Tampa , rk.
Colnumel hula is Aimolntsl ! 'rovlslotiiti
% h'lnnlicr General of time 'i'imiri
lIylsio.m of lime First
Co rg ,
May bi.-Mncli to the dIaampoltmtnmcumt of a
imtmnmber of volunteer rc'giumuelits here , who
timink they are reatiy to go to the froimt , mme
ortlers were rcceiveti for time mmmovenment of
ammy commands additional to those mnc'ntloned
Time Southern cmiii time Westerim & Atiaimtic
railroads 'u'ero immstructetl today to move four
m'eglmmmemits-two i'aclm-tommmorrow morning.
In accordance with this artier , time foilowiumg
regimmuenta have beemi designated to imiovo
tomorrow : First1 District of Columbia , One
liundremit h and tim Imid latin ,
Seventlm New York and tue First Ohio in-
fatmtry , The Fifth Maryland , Slxty-mmitith
Nosu' York , Tlmirti I'cmmtmsylvnimia amid Third
Illinois vi1i leave Timursdny mmmornlimg.
Orders have been issued ammil are exImecled
totmuorrow from Washington that all regi-
mmmemmts of volunteers must be recruited to time
full strength of 1,307 oiilcera anti men , anti
rccruitiimg officers are to be detailed at once
to secure tlmcse recruits. These recruIts will
absorb micanly 40,000 of time iresideiit's see-
mmd call for volututeers.
Inspector Genrai flrccklminitlgo this morning -
ing reviewed the 'mmmd lirisiotm of time First
corps nut ! tue afterumoomu was tlovoted to regi-
nmemital omit ! brigade inspectIon of the same
uiivisloum , 'rite divisiomm presented at review a
muore satisfactory nppcarniico tlmami either
time First qr Secommd. innsniucim as time rcgi-
mumeimta in time Thiril division lmrtve been Immoro
gemmerniiy equipped and uniformed than time
A simigle , liumo was formed , extending for
nearly a nub , just southeast of tite ReliC ) '
field. The coiutmmns 'u'ere timeum formed by
foumrs , thcim folioweul quickly regimmmemital
Platoons In use by conmimanies. time division
mmdvanciimg tlitus , 11,000 mcmi witim flags fly-
itmg and bammds ) iaying , to time reviewlmmg
stand , It was a siglmt timnt warimied up tim
martial spirit of old warriors wlmo 'uvltuiessed
it anti otto officer , 1mm the eimtimusinsln of time
nmoumment , said that 'umo imatlon on eartim
coulti mmmako such a simowing 0mm thirty days'
home. "
II , . : . , , Ilei'eIe 'l'helr l'zm.
TIme Second Nebraska , the i'cumnwlvr.imla
antI time Ohio reginments today received timeir
ay from timeir respectIve states for tue time
they vere in camp , prior to being mustered
into the govenumnmemmt service. The aumiount
Paul time i'enuisylvanla troops is about $90 , .
000 , time pay mdl of tIme Ohio troops nmnomiumt-
ing to about $150,000 , wimllo the Nebraskans
only received $5,960. Time 'West Virginia mmml
one regiment of Ililumois troops ate to be
paid this week , the total imay rolls amounting -
ing to about $300,000.
Colonel Bills of time Second Nebraska was
todgy appointed provlsiolmal brigadier of time
Tiiirtl divisioim of the First corps.
Major McKee , Nlmmtlm i'cmmnsylvania. was
timrowmm by his luorse today immd received aeri-
ous injuries. Two ribs 'uvere brokeut , and
he suffered other painful bruises anti con-
George Schwnrtz , private of company I ) .
Fourtim I'ennsylvaumia , of Ailentown , died at
the division hospital today. uuso pr doaim
was pneumonia. Schwartz's brothtr was
vltim lminm , mmd the remaimms will be taken
honme tonight for internment.
The First Missiesippi infantry. coummpnis-
ing 1,000 omcers mmd men. in commummmtl of
Colonel George Govan , arrived today. An
Inciuiemmt of time arrival of the MiSSiSSiImii
created considerable enthuslasnm. Wimemi
their trains arrived at time Cemmtral depot ,
tlmcre werosovoral huntlred of time nortimermm
and western volunteers timere waiting for
time I'ark trains. TiIO southerners got outer
or the train and gave their nortimern corn-
rates the "rebel yell , " by way of assuring
tlmemmm timat they were ready to figimt whim
them to time last ditch.
The First Ohio cavalry today received its
full complemmment of uniforms , bridles , sad-
dies , etc. It has received only a part of its
imorses. It was ammmmounccd today that by
Monday it will be fully equipped , iumcludhmig
horses and arumms.
' The First cavalry. Illinois volunteers. arrived -
rived toimlgimt at Chattanooga and will no-
maui 1mm tIme cars over nigimt on time barracks
siding. Colonel K. C , Young Is in corn-
mnntl. The arrival of time First Illinois
completes time cavalry brigade here , the
ether two being time First 01mb and Colonel
Gi'igsby's cowboy reginment. The . brigadier
to command bits not yet been assigned.
FlGlI't' 'IYI'i'tJ 'l'IVO 'l'Olti'KD ( ) IIOA'i'S.
'rt'xns timid llr.ol&isi lie it llriusia
, Ith , time i'ess.
( Copyright , 1138 , by l'resm I'ublisiming Ct , . )
ON BOARD TIlE TRITON , off Santiago ,
May 31.-New ( York World Cablegraumu-
Special Telegranm.-The ) first engageumment
between Sciuley amid the Sianislm fleet oc-
curneti last umlgimt about nmidmmigimt. Two
torpedo boats silpimed out of time imarbor beumt
on uniscimief , Tlmey crept along the slmatlow
of old Castle Morro mmii time mtmtmntaimi for
two unties to the westward before they 'uvere
discovered by the lookout on the Texas. Time
nmca slept at timeir guns anti so the latter
were quickly mammned ammO , the alarumm was
given arm instmmnt later , while a stream from
ii,0 Tovn' , oarplIIpit flnsimtI amonir 1mm time
shadow , revealing tIme Spaniards. Tim tar.
pedo boats darteti toward the Texas auuti
ilrooklyum. whicim were lying close together
near shore , Time Texas opened lire
from its port forward batteries
mmd time crack of its six-pound-
ers amid armor-piercing shells startietl
time fleet , The flooklyn came immto action ,
firing several times , but the built or the
shooting was done by the Texas. The entire
fleet went 40 general quarters amid search-
ilgimts played around time tiarrow cntrauuco
of the harbor in expectation that Ceu'vera'a
whole fleet woulti emerge and flglmt it out.
Time torpedo boats immatlo a plucky dash
tlmroughm the rain of shells. but ( oiled in time
attempt at a surprise mind turned mmd ran
Extra copies of this souvenir exposition
number of The lice can be had at Time lice
busIness ollice at 5 cents per copy.
Miss.miiri's liortleulturul JIximibli ,
The Missouri horticultural exhibit has an-
nived and is being placed in position 1mm time
hortIculture buildimmg. Chairman 0 , A , At-
wooti of the horticulture cornmnitteu of the
Missouri comunission and N , F , Murray of
Apoiin a ne
Bottled only at the Spring , near Neuenahr , Rhenish
Prussia ,
A Philadelphia party who refilled Apollinaris bottles
bearing the genuine labels , and also used counterfeits of the
Apollinaris labels , was recently Imprisoned In Moyarnensing
Jail , Philadelphia ,
unenp imi , ai.wu w jiiuiiic
Oregon , preattlent of time Stab itortleultura )
society , two overseeing the Installation of
time eImibIt , anti a novel feature of the uictm , .
ration for time opening tIny will hi. green
fruit. Small boughs latleim with tlm green
fruit am-c beimmg tacketi about in all the available - ,
able nooks nummi corners , showing time Stage
of grovtli reached in the various Rectl'uas '
of the state.
lln'Iiig Pliini' for Kmgijsl , .triiy.
( Copyright , 1091 , by tim Astuocimutemi l'ress. )
KINGSTON , Janmaica , Mny 31.-Time lint.
Luit govermmmmmemmt has luurciiumsed 1mm the Unitemi
States for delivery hero 120.000 barrels of
flour for time army and navy stores , Tin ,
order was jmiaceul with a milling conmpany
of Miuimmonpolis. Time transaction is algimlfl.
cant , as simowing hinitish preparatioum for an
enicrgemmcy. , _
: LI1l1j12 ery
Pattelhil Hats. . . $2.48 $
\Tei'y swell. . . , .
1512 Douglas Street '
AMtblDiKN'i'S ,
Trained Wilil Animal Show
IS 'P11K S'I'Alt A'l"l'"l'lON ( IF' 'l'iliO
KN I ' 0 S I 'Vt I ) N.
Time only recognized show of ummerit of Itn
Ititid-ino strommg for lnmitatormm-too great
for rivalry.
titindreds ol Trained aiitl Untrained
Au I mals.
l'roui iivi'ry I'rent , .J mimigli' mmumml
Desert lIiiit'm' titi' Suit ,
'J:1j : :
To time mneimnmgerle luemorrnaulce :
Alits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , n'o
CIil'd "i'lL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 1mm'
To time Are'mia l'crforrnntncc :
jtmimts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5tu
CliItlm'eim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lila
lh.x Seats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
iiia-iti'r : : Fsurnumu Street.
Oi'iN lh4.1L % ' FIIOM 1 'L' ( ) 10 1' . H.
Wmn. hi. 'rroost , Manuger.
Great 11111 for ldxmoshliom Vet'lc of
miti , . :11) .
Great Settericlc Fnuniiy Dtntl : , eight pen-
ll direct froni Eurole ; I'riimco Kanlo ' 1 imP , .
(2ircassimtti imrimlco fromn .Aalit . " . .hiimor'irgil ;
Graves , spotted boy : Mile. Ohhivette , hmuirmtut
gin ; jet ; Klcimmt lirothiers , ele'trie black art ,
I a tue 't'imentoritimmi-I.ittie iletim , the cililtI
uvoimtier. imi her Cuian-Amncrican ulammees ;
mlmtck and I-lownrd , comediutmms ; Prof. liar-
mmcii. jtmggler : Clayton and Dishon , the ( 'nIt
alum ! the mmoubrctte ; Eleetro iliutninmated vu-
itiu ) Alitmis to All. Souls Do ititil iDe.
n , Grand
, i Opening ,
DOu Ixpositlon Week.
Tel , 1910.
'l'ONlGut'l' , 8,15. ,
IA'l'lNLiii SA'I'IltmAY. ?
ltetmmiii J5imgiigeiimemm I of
I'riees-l.ower Floor , $1.00 , iSo. ilai. 75e , SOc.
Matimmee-Lower Floor , SUe. hal. fiOc. 25c.
nil , otairrhtnyi I'iutiisi & IIurgei. . , ,
, aue a siimums maiagcrs. Tel. 1531.
0. \S'ootlwird : , Ai'miucnmtmmt Dli't'tor.
' ' ' ' ,
'l'tNIGut'l' Smill )
'l'lIIl WOOhVAlti . ) S'l'OClC CO.
Youiig Mrs. Winthrop
sm''l IS-'l'lie Iiiomt,1eil a miii tin , .
SViP.IIu ins.
l'artiemi living out of time city wlmo miosiro
I , , visit time theatre pimouitl order HemmtH Imy
mnaii or telegnimpli atm Heauts mmre sold two
wet'kH in ttdVmtimtO. tnte lositivuly what
) ertmrmmmutImee and title. Addm'ess 0 , 1) ,
\'nodwi.r.i. .
Intl. , CmiItoI .t'e ,
3. 13. hENRY. MANAGEII ,
.iNI ) Sl'ICl. I/Il iis :
Admission bc.
G Ui LL'S CONClft'1' ( ; % U lEN
Soithiestst Car. I Iltim aiim !
I. N (3ulhl , Prop. and Munaer.
i\ttrtctitmmis , for uscok May SO : bliss ( Ilytin
lfotmmnts-i'nmnmmior ! Irish mmo'mg'mtni'm.i ' Girroli &
I ; ml ni ii or- ' ' I uvimmitior wim at's limo iii ii tIe r w i tim
lm or : ' ' 'I'll ti .1 nit rm'.omis-\Vay u p so nmg a mm ml ml 5,11:11 :
II nh t ; Ntmm , iii tmmiil & imlorrohi11mm II mm cmi skm mu
artists : ( iihiiliam & iulinore-'l'lo ( avorito
OSILU. witlkors ; i'rou1 8lmuiouu'.tum-Latmglm , , genii-
lv , N. hi.-Ion't fail to sea our great i'lrst
i'ant--Cttkn-Vnlk-IlniIo. ; ft.miiy mimmtimmumm
OXCtmlmt ? .luiidmtys at. 2:30 : p. mim. shamrim.
June3 , 4 , 5and6
i.iidles Dayes-'I'tucsday i ud Friday
JlO'l'IiLS ,
13th uiiid Jouglns Stm'i. , Oinnlitt ,
. .A3IibhIlti.t' . ,4j EVIIO1'FIN i'L.iN , . . .
J II , M.thtlCldL , SX , l'rops.
- .
ut.vl'its in ( ) .ttI ) iuoo ; l'Elt lLt' ' .
illuctnia car. direct to exposition grounds.
FILANK .itlClht , Cs.tier. . . . . .
. . . , , . SAIl IJAUMAN tIni , ! Clerk.
1i URJA Y 110 TJL ,
14th and ifarney St.
Macrican l'laum-'J to 4 dollars per day. e
Street care ( rosa depots and ( noun imotol to
ExImosition Grounds in fifteen minutes ,
ii , SILLOVAY , Manager ,
T h 0 B U I in UI n r U I Itonins Lodlngs. UhLtI
1510 hfarnuy lit , , app , Creigtmtoa Tbetey
and Convention hall.
WM , 11. HOllAND , Prop ; ,