: T = . _ = = : - - - - - - - . , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; . : ( . , THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. t.L ( . . ! : : : , . . . . . , : . . . . . . . - - : - ' ESTA13LIS1TJD - JTJE 19 , 1871. - OMAIIA , 'rUJSDAY 3OBmcG , MAY 31 , 1898. SLNGLE CO1Y FIVE CENS. . THE F1ELD OP ELEGTRICITY 1OTIQw . f the Development of Electric ΒΆ Traction in Ton Ycar , DIFFUSION OF URBAN POPULATION I 31gnn1Ing on War S1iIpi-1cri'tttflC nt1 Jflvetliig by EirctrIcU- 1IciiIntlon of IiinII- I 4iCCCItt Llut. - - - . . . - - ) A writer In Ilarpcr' Magazine Fum- ZnarIzcR tim development of e1ectIc traction In thIs country durini the last. ten yearM , citing Machusctts In particular as flu Illustration of Urn whole. In thnt tate the IIne opcratc4 by here power declined from f3 ; miles In 1888 to lesa than thirty miles In 1Sl7 About 1&OO miles of electric road have been equipfed In that time and tlio total mfleago has increased In the ten years snore than 1,000 miles. The change in the relations existing between the railways and the municinalties nnd the raitwoys and the \.p/ public liasbeen equally rapid and equally 'I remarkable. Formerly the street car was a small affair , drawn by one or two horses , Thov1ng at a speed not to exceed citit to ten inIls an hour ; now cars run at high rates of speed , even in city streets , and often excecdtwenty-Ilvo miles an hour when away from the crowded districts. This Increase - . crease of speed has had most potent ro- - suIts , as giving a great Increase 1n the area served within a given time. The aver- ngo city worker cannot spare more than . one hour for the Journey from his house to y his work ; and this limit determines the availability of the suburban districts as a ; place of. residence. A street car drawn by horses moving at tim rate of eight miles an hour caulti servo an area of 200 square miles , within which ieoplo might reach the ccn1oi oC r district by one hour's travel. With electric power and the speed of the ' cars rcathing nn average of fifteen miles an , hour0 the area which can be serve within fLfl hour's journey from the central point reaches 700 square miles , or three and one- half times na grcat as was the case when horses vero employed. Naturally , popula. tion has spread , and instead of being $ obliged to reside within limited areas , where land is expensive and rents consequently high , the P001110 are distributed into districts where IaIUI is of less value. and where each house may stand detached from its neigh- bore. . This spread of population Irns reacted again on the street railways ; for when : rteonlo had not so far to go. they would vaIIc to and fro from their work ; but now the railways are steadily supported by the patronage of those 'who live beyond walk- lug distance from the heart of the city. and must therefore use the railway cars at. least twice In ouch day. Another class which benefits greatly by rapid street car service Is the land owner , who finds his fields bring. ing prices far above what he could obtain . for them for agricultural purposes. There is one notable point of difference from Euro. penn practice. In Europe street railway fares are based on the theory of the steam r roads. and the rate is governed by the this- tanco traveled. In this country , it may in ' general ho said of street railways that their rates of fare provide for a long ride for a sinaI ! cost and a short ride at a relattveiy bigh cost. It is undoubtedly trim that any passenger carried the full distance allowed by a street railway for a 5-cent fare oh- tains his transportation at less than the actual cost to the road , the profit coining . - - - - from those pascugers who use the street cars as a luxury for a short ride , or from those to whom the saying in time in a short ' ride na compared with walking amounts to more titan the sum paid , 'rho transportation of merchandise is a feature of the long-di3tanco trolley lines to which little attention yet been paid , )1lt ) Which has great possIbilities , in the , . - . opinion of the writer. These lines offer rc- inarkabie opportunities ( or the development , f convenient express and larcols-dehtvery service between cities tuiti their suburb3 , and oven far out , into the country. Freight could also be cheaply carried in this way from town to tows , and a large business might be built up in the transportation of market iirothiio nud of milk from the coun- iry into the city. Platform cars might be arranged so that heavily loaded vagons . . ennui bq taken bodily for long distances at - - a material saving in time and expense. The _ _ relief of the highways from heavy traffic I. _ might thus be very great ; it would also save the community large expenses for repairs - pairs and renewal of roadt. for there would be a corresponding reduction In the wear nut ! tear of the way front heavy teaming and the destructive chopping action of steel horseshoes. l. Curinus 4teei4leut. As a demonstration of the fact that an accidental coutact with a high voltage cir- cult iieed not necessarily provo fatal , and an equal demonstration of the fact that a powerful electric shock properly directed seas as to irnsa through vital portions of the body is undoubtedly fataf , a case rerenthy reported 'In the New York Medical Journal is con- elusive. n electrician employed in the electric plant of the town of Little flbany , hiitl. , which furnishes power to the street railways and electric iights of that town , accidentally brought his bnclc into contact with ( lie po5tti'o nnd negative terminals on a switchboard of au electric are circuit carrying - rying ninety-six are lumps , antI consotuontly having a ircssttro of 4UOQ volts. Obeying the laws of physics electric current took tim ahi rtest path between the two Points of contact , and leWCefl ) tlieso the tissue was Instantly destroyed , two Pits being burned In the man's back about three inches In diameter , and down to the bony structure , Thu burn was preUy high up on the back , just below the shoulder blades. Medical at- tentlanco was ummoncd and treatment for the burn began , and , although the entire iuastl of tissue bet\veen the two points was dohd'ftncl had to be removed , the man eventually - tually recovered. It the same current bad passed between his two hands across the body and thus through the heart and lungs their 4ctivlt1wouid have been instantly In- i , torrupted and death would have followed. Idorcover , wheii the contacts are properly r made , as in "I' electrocutIon , there Is no burning of the flesh. SIgitilhitII ; fin % 'nr Ships , : Great interest attahcs to the announcement - mont tijtt tlo ! government has under coli- * sideration plans for testing the iractieai merit of wireless telegraphy as a system of transmitting messages between battle. ships or between the different vessels of the . , squadron and the shore. If this system J could be inado practicable. it could be used through thu thickest cinoko of battle , and , , Ut very consitlerablo thIstalICe8. One of its present drawbacks is that Its messages would be recorded on any number of ru- ceivers , even If these receivers were on the ships of the enemy , slid , although this obcctIon would be soutes'hiat diminished by ; tue employment of a sypber code. IL Is radical , It Is not at all improbable that be. fore long some method of concentrating those messages1 anti enabhIu tiim to be prjected , Iko U shot croiu u iuu , along a definite path , and to a sitecitlo ) Ctnt , instead % - of brcadIng themselves out Into space , i' _ _ - may be discovered. Long-range ether dis patches wili then become as much a matter of fact as long-range practice of heavy guns now Is. It is understood that the 4avy department Is keeping its investiga- tion5 carefully to Itself , as it desires to have whatever evolutions are reached for the exclusive use of American battleships. Attention Is also being paid to the other possibility of wireless electric impulses , of which much has lately been written , the exploding of an enemy's magaxines by sympathetic vibration , There seems reason to believe that if certain dlmcultles on which electricians are now workingcan be overcome , it will be possible to Wow up the ships of a hostile fleet while they are still many miles away by creating by means of ether disturbance a spark In their maga- zines. When this possibility was mentioned - tioned in connection with the early r.- nouncements of Marconi's work in Enghi.d much doubt was thrown on it. but Amen- can electricians who have taken up the work and built improved apparatus for carrying it out , peak with confidence of the probable outcome of their experiments , and are straining every nerve to bring ( ho system into such shape as to be utilired In the Present war , Eiectrlcztliy Driven 1xcnvnorn , It Is well known that ( lie Greathicath sys- ( cia for the boring of underground tunnels line met with inor favor In London than in New York , \ some years ago , It was suggested for t1 skying of rapid transit lines. This piano ? bbning through the underground - derground strata w 'used successfully in the building of the i1 underground dcc- trio railroad in Lodn , nin it is being adopted on the seveiI ljncs now in progress of construction in th'4 lty. A now depart- are , hIo'over , has b cn made In employIng - Ing electricity iiistcthl of hand labor for preparing the way for the iron shields which are carried ahongwith , the excavators , and whose casings eventually form part of the tunnel itself. Machines previously built for this purpose with rotary cutters worked voiI enough in rock or earth of equal hard- ness throughout , but in the London excavations - tions , the matetial encountered consisti usually of clay interspersed with bowitlers , and the cutters often gave comparatively poor work. Furthermore , such machines , hnvo tIme disadvantage of interfering with the erection of tIme casing of the tunnel , and made It diiflcult to preserve the proper alignment - mont of the shields. An electrically driven excavating machine is' now used , and the difference In the quality as the quantity of work done is remarkable. It cuts into hard clay readily , anti delivers in cars behind it all kinds of materials , including bowiders up to four feet in diameter. It saves a great number of laborers , and wihi be adopted for all future work of the kind. ItIve lii'i- ' Electricity. Many ahip building yards and bridge building establishments are now considering the question of Introducing electric power Into their works for the driving of each tool by' a separate motor. Some of the me- , tories have hydraulic installations for rivet- lag purposes which it would ho Impossible to comivert to a new system. Not only hydraulic but pneumatic riveting will soon bo superseded by a system employIng ekc- tricity , and an electric riveting mCclilnc has niroady been brought out. In works pos- cessing a central station and a system of wires for the transmission at power , for punching , shearing or boring machines , it is a simple matter to vlace the riveting machine - chine vhero it Is needed , conmiect two wires from the mains to the riveter and begin time operation forthwith. Everyone who works a hydraulic or pneumatic outflt knows what a heavy item is the keep-up in the total working charges. With the doe- tnical system this becomes only a fraction of the expenditure. The new method gives no better work , hut a great deal more of it , and thio machine by which it is carried out vihl close 1.200'nivcts In a day of twelve hours , requim1ng the attendance of only three inch and a' boy. It can be moved from 1)10cc to place with ease. A special type mafia for ship building closes rivets up to one anti ono-oighitb-Inch diameter. With this increased speed of riveting , a dimcuity was found in providing hot rivets quickly enough , a reasonable number of the ordinary portable forges not being equal to the task. Now a small fan is used , driven by an dee- tnie motor , to supply air to a number of small furnaces. The plan enabies any quantity of hot rivets to ho turned out , besides - sides considerably reducing the aumber of boys required for heating the metal , 'l' ( ) 'l'urlL Ioun hiicziiide'ntment LzmmnpN. Electric lights for' household use have heretofore been open to the objection that they could not be turned down without putting - ting theta out. Where they were used in bedrooms nersons who neetleti a dimmer light were forced to resort to gas , candies or kerosene. Itcceiily this objection has been overcome , awt sockets for imicandes- cents lamps whiichitmablo 'a vcrsoii to regu- late the amount , o7 , higlit produced within wide limits can lTh be obtained. These sockets can be ptitn Place of the ordinary ones with little troi4bhe or expense , and the light given out py" the humps which they carry can be giiJtted as readily as cami a gas jet. , ' is obtained by ( lie introduction - troduction iniq lmo EoclcL of coiis of fine viro which act 'as resistance coils , In one typo of these sockets there arc live of those coils , and the light of tue slxteomi-canilie power lamp can lie reduced by wo ar three candle nowcr jumps down to two candle power. TIme work of a resistance coil is to absorb sonic part of the electrical current which seeks to pass through it , allowing only the remaining force to act upon the carbon filament of the lamp to protluco heat and consequent light. In the new sockets a button which turns time ( nh current into ( ho carbon filament Is so arrangotl that it turns on the current at the fIrst movement , but Instead of directing it through time car- boa mit once , it nassea It through time whole five of time resistance coils. These coils mib. serb so much of time electrical energy that ( lie carbon is heated only to a red color and Its glow is dim , fly a further tunilng of the button cue of the reiatancc coils is left out of time circuit and the carbon gets more energy mind raises Its temperature amid light- giving qualities. Another movement cuts out another coil and gives more light. and so on until all tIme cells are cut out and the carbon gets the full strength of the current. These flow sockets do not make any saving in time cost of the dimumuer lights , as Is done when one turns down a gas jot or a lamp- wick , for the full current is always in use for each grade of lighting , but they are convenient - venient , In Emigluuid , ( hero Is a lamp Iii use which has the same purposes as those described and It is ingcnous. TIme ginEs bulb is provided with two carbon Illanients , each connected to Its own separate jlatlnum wires. flesides time. ordinary button which turns the electric current on and of ! these 101113)5 have a second button , liVhien this button is in rosition the electric current Is all sent through one carbon filamnemit and the iamp gives Its mnaximnumn of light. In a second nosltton this button turps the current into both filamentS , ai4tl It being thus dtyided the light glows dimly' , Corcsi Ohmei5 'l'liree l'orts , YOKOhAMA , May 30.-The Corona goy- eminent has dcidei1 to open three more 'ports and also to uako h1ing 'Van an open market- REIE1BER SOLDIER DEAD GraTes Ifl Afl the Cemeteries Strewn with EarthtB Choicest Tlowors , OLD GLORY EVERYWhERE IN EVIDENCE Puhihic Unuldings , IiisImies houses aimil ilesimlemices Eery-lmere icc- ornte.l-Vorntnl Exereiscs at Ilftfl.COUL l'ark. Memorial day dawned yesterday under a sky as bright as the blue of the flags that fluttered from every staff and swept iTt graceful folds along tIme fronts of the tall buildings. Time slight rain of the preceding night bad laid the dust and the fresh breeze wafted a physical Inspiration that made the long journey to the cemeteries a pleasure. Not for years has so much red , white anti blue hunting signified the celebration of the tIny was anparent all over the city yesterday - day morning. The exciting International incidents - cidents of the previous weeks hati aroused the patriotism of the people to a point at which it was expressed In a practically universal decoration. Flags were everywhere - where : they waved from innumerable flag staffs ; they hung pendant across the principal streets and in ( ho residence districts the porches and windows were lavishly arrayed with the national colors. The usual celebrations of the day were made more than ordinarily impressive by the military spirit of the time and there was a very general turning out of the members of the various vctem'anC' argantzations and their friends to visit and decorate the graves of their comrades in the various cemeteries. The motor hines leadIng to the cemeteries were well patronized during the early forenoon - noon anti the numerous clusters and baskets of llowvrs that were carried told of the errand of the passengers. 1)ecorntllg the GraveS , The actual exercises of the day were begun - gun at Forest Lawn cemetery at 10 o'clock when the national salute was fired by a the- tall consisting of Comrades Allison , pnrhin , Wiidcraian and Doherty. From thnt hour until noon the members of the various posts and relief corps were actively ; engaged in strewing their burden of flowers on the graves anti by noon not a sleeping soldier or sailor had been forgotten. The graves in tim Forest Lawn and Jewish cemeteries were decorated by the members of trant corps , these In Prospect Hill and Mount Itopo by Crook corps anti those in the Holy Sepulcher and the Bohemian cemetery by Custer corps. The members of the regular organizations were assisted by hundreds of individuals who signified their patriotism by sacrificing the product of their flower gardens and conservatories to beaUtify the sepulchers of the nation's dead. "i" In the afternoon the usual 'extireises were held at Hanscomn Park and fully fi,000 people - plo stood for three hours fltleting on the sidahiihhs of the narlc while the tribute of music and oratory was rendered. The pro- bram was preceded by a parade of the mill- tary escort which formed at Seventeenth and Farnhnm streets at. 1:30 : o'clock , under the comiunlid of Marshal R. S. Wilcox and As- sistamit Marshal Stone. A platoon of 'police marched first and then the drum corps of Custer post , closely followed by the Seventh Ward Military band , the Omaha high echool cadets , Lieutenant W. A. Campbell , U. S. A. , commanding , the Webster Zounves , Captain 0. W. Sues , and George Cook camp , Sons of Veterans , Captain 0 , L. Salisbury , being the organizations in line , Tlth escort was Joined near the park by the Grand Army of the Republic organizatIons whom1 they es- coned to the single shaft of marble near time center of the park which commemorates the dead of the republic , The escort formed in a hollow square around the monument amid the veterans wheeled into line in front of them , The woolen of the relief corps occu- plod the post of honor at the foot of the mound and half a hundred children from time public schools formed a crescent around the monument , Time. chiidren contributed a very pretty effect to what was already an impressive scene. They were arranged lit qouples , the girls dressed all in white. Each boy carried a flag over his shoultieranti each little girl a huge cluster of flowers anti flags mind flowers were deposited at' the foot of the shaft as childhood's offering to the memory - ory of the dead. - A selcetion by the band and another by the Kountze Memorial Glee club wan followed by reading the' roster of the year's dead by Comrade S. T. Josselyn. The solemn ru- unl of the Women's Relief corps was ron- tiered by hlough , Jefcoat , Jiuhi , Ogden , Potter - ter , henderson , Drake , Eastman , Walker anti Snyder and thus was followed by the equally impressive ritual of time Grand Army of time Republic whIch was read by Comnman- thor .1. 13. Funny anti Chnphatn T. J , Mackey. The children decorated the mound with their flowers and those , the bugle sountled taps mind time molts were broken to form agaumi around the baud stand where the more elaborate exercises were to occur. Address hisMr. . Mahmommey , After a couple of selection by the band Comrade Lafayette Anderson briefly cx- pressed the sentiment of time day amid In- troiltmeeth T. J. Mahoney as the , orator of time occasion , Mr. Mahoney poke at some length and his more stirrimig utterances were received with hearty applause. in he- gimmning Mr. Mahoney said that one senti- mneflt that was universally recognized In this country was that of honor and veimera- tioii for time boys of ' 61 , who bath made it possIble that our flag should be hommored by every nation on the earth. There were no longer two im1ca to the question for which they fough. It hind boon proposed to draw an arbitrary line from east to vcst to divide a great pation anti to separate that which God hail joined together , And this for the purpose of mnaintamiing in at least ii , portion of that territory time immeti- tution of hmumnan slavery , yhmichm , up to that time , hind been the emily . stain ul'on thd fair banner of our coumltry. Continuimig time senker mimI ( lint en such an occasion its this when time bands were playing natrlotic melodies and the military organlzatfomis In their bright. i.lniforiiis vero marching to their Inspiratton , , oqq 1ght be tempted to thlmmk that soldiery was seine- timing of a holiday , ' Ilut men hike these veterans anti their comrades whose macin- cries they met to sanctify knew that war was no hmohhtlay enjoyment. Mr , Mahoney emphasized one Impression iionmm of the scone lie saw around him. Ho said that when lie saw the radets'immrciming with military alignment amid even the cliii- tiremi not old enough to know vimat. war 1mm wearing cadet caps and carrying tiaga on theIr shoulders as they marched to time imiusic of time bammcl it indicated that this country could never stiffer from time cx- haustion of its greatest resource , its living muon. It would never hack neither living nor patrIotic itmemi , Referring to the military spectacle of time prcsent the speaker said that thm thay was celebrated under new anti peculiar circumu. stances. For time first time since the veterans - erans had been mustered out of service we are again at war , This ( line our banner bad been raised not omly over our own soil but in the tar Pacific. But no matter where it went , it bath uoyer been carried as the em- blem of a selfish contee' it was to set a mark before the world that any people who thirst for liberty might i their eyes on the Stars anti Stripes and.tlmi the Inspiration that. would lead them tdM1ceess. , The flag had been planted itt , i.nttn. not as the i'm. blent of contest , but tbtra greater number of people might be fro. Uncle Sam had added the Monroe docttihe to international law and now ho had witen a now chapter which made it known tq all men that no government. great or anall should have the right to maIntain in Lo tiose proxImity to his dwelling anythint ' thIt gives out an odor offensive to Llberf # This chapter might have to be written it b6OLI , but when tt had once been tmpprotM : .and recognized Uncle Sam would furnihthe trIbunals and omcers of the court to1si 1bat it. was en- forced. I In conclusion Mr. M4htmney paid an eloquent - quent tribute to the volbtt'eera who bad just marched away to flgbtunder the flag theIr fathers saved. They r 'worthy sons of worthy sires , and it the hour ever came In a future generation wheij lmo nation needed defenders they would find other worthy eons to go as cheerfully as time ; hati done. I iii , ress 0 iii Cr ( ire turs. There was only one ptntion on time pro- gram , but after time band had played "March- ing Through Georgia" he crowd discerned General Manderson amoig the veterans emi time platform anti In response to repeated calls he added a brief but stirring atidress to what hind preceded. He declared that ho was one of those who believed that those who had passed to the Other side still had the keenness of vision tO look down anti see what occurred after they had loft the earth. Ho believed that time comrades whose memory they nmet to honor were looking down On this occasion nd ( lint they were glad with us that time stare and bars had mergemi into the stars and stripes and that the blue and grey were 'inarchtng together today under time proud banner of a united nation , Nothing like this had transpired in any other country on earth. After the most stubbornly contested civil war ofhjistory are agaimm a united nation and Fitznugn Lee and Wheeler marched by the side of Miles and lirooke. Mayor Moores was mtlsb called out by the crowd and answered 'i1th a few remarks In which lie eulogized thiq , rcmory of time dead amid bespoke the unfaltering iatriotism of the people in the present crisis , BOARDERS AT 'A DISCOUNT Hotels l'tat Up the hhattes to lie Snmmie Figures Clmnrg&'iii 'VrmtlmNdidiitM for 4tccoiitiimnihittitiits Time hotel boarder Is on the street and the people who hiayO rooms to rent arc the consequent gainers. , Every hotel in the city has practically nbphlshed uts rcgulat rates , and the boardere arc confronted with time option of paying transient rates or handing - ing in the 1eys to their rooms. In nearly every case they have chosen the latter alternative - tornativo , and men who hmivo been prominent figures in the corridors of sonic of the leading - ing hotels since time flrs , meal wns served have packed their trunks anti sought less expensive habitations. Time action of the hotel keepers is for the purpose of clearing their houses as far as popmlblo for time expo : sition business. , Tlmeyexpcct. tt be able to secure nil time bustcss toy eau accommo' tiate at transtent rntcs , And they Imava con- , scquentiy frozen out .thet'r regular boarders , who enjoyed specIal concessions. The same policy line been folIod to a considerable extent by time larger hoarding houces. A number of t1I , proprietors imave notified their borders baf they must get out by June 1 or pay a 'largely advanced rate and great is time indIgiiation of time star boarders. The bulk of the people who mire thus evicted arc renthmit rooms and tnking their meals at restauim ts , and tlmey swear with miptv ernnhnsig IIi their erstwhile hosts will piay to cm4'riy' houses after the exposition is over as fam as they arc con- cerned. - Ofilelni Cntziingiie is Out. The official guide of' the Trammsmnississippi and 'Intermiational Exfbiiltion imas just been issued from the press of ICiopp , Bartlett & Co. of this city. It is i conipiete referemice work to the exhibits nt ; time exposition , con- talmittig a full list of time officers , superb- temidents and others responsible for the conduct - duct of the expositIoii- roster of the van- o'ej state commissioners. etc. An accurate mnaui of time grounds , pictures of mill tIme van- oils iitmildiiige timid iletmihled plans of time annie shuwing iti" division of space among eximib- itom'm , are given. These last are numbered , 80 that a reference to the list of exhibitors wi'i funimish at a glancq information nceiletl. 1mm a word , it is a cothplete compcnmliumn of the exposition condensed , so that its bulk is not burdensome , and neatiy printed and well Illustrated. Ctrtmiisnmeii on the " , Vrong Tack , Three canvasmnen from the John Robinson circus , whIch passed through Omaha Sun- tiny , left the train during its wait at time depot and wandered to time micarest saloon , where they became very much bmmtoxieatetl. They then ran amuck through he streets , defyimmg everybody tQ flght them , Several officers npproacimed tilcin when one of theni yelled , "hey , Ilube ! " time circusmnamm'a war cry , and time three of 'hmcmn charged upon time officers , but were : SOOfl iiropglmt Into submission anti taken t time central station. Time men were Cimaries Carroll , I'atniclc Tracy and Eu Wiiliams telCeim tin Stigit * 'I'rommble. James MclCenna entered Metz' hail Sunday night with a brick ii ? his hand for Time flV'j'VCii iunumosc of cleaning out time jiluco. A sintmngcr full of Iiglt sprammg at .lc- Eennmt cmi him. invitatl9p to whip ammyhmoily iii time room mind landed tin tmnper emit emi time pugibblit MelCemmna's , chiii , The latter re- ( abated by liuniimig ttm.i brick at lila Ativer- ammry , but Instead of' striking imlni It cimrnaimed through one qf the big wlnmlows of time room , MeiCenna. who had been bamhly handled , vaa taken to the statiomm , He no- ceiveil a thirty-days' sqmitenco in time work- house. . A Mmmm of Cubic tor Test , Ceimt , ' , Time Ileo is giving Itesubscnibcrs a chance to keep posted on the muovemnents of troops arid cruisers by mneanmf of Its combination maim. Time map of Cuba shows nIl time ( owns , railroads anti t1Ivis1on , while tm'ommi the munum of tIme \Vcst ladles zui1 immap of th world you can locate just vhiqre time wan ships arc at ammy time anti how fr they are fronm dif- fcremmt ports. Cut out mm 'ice ' coupon , mage 2 , smith brlmmg it to The flce"bfllro , Omaha , South Omnaimmi or Council flhtil4m. fly mall , enclose a coupomi and it cents laud address Cuban Map Lepaniment. Mrs. llurkett hlumrmmeil , Mi t4. harry flmmrkrtmimmrnowly escaped son- bus injury by th preqmature igniting of a gasoline stove at her opnms , 1322 Webster Street , at imoon Sunday , She was emmgaged in preparing dinner 'over ' tIme stove at time time whoim flanmea itlrdt fronm it. Her clothiny caught fire , iut , fime blaze was cx- timmguishmed before mntme damage was done lie : . 'rime funmmIshiiqs of the room were mmmmmigti : to the extent Q ! _ ' Sammi'r 1'lfltmrIshi'm(4 Ills Ifiiie' , John Sparn , a stranger in the city , tempted time Omnimhma criminal class to rob l1timm Sunday - day by displayimmg a r6ii'of bills amtountin to $ lbtk45 , but , strange to say , lie was not molested , n oflcer , took charge of him , At the station heiefused' (0 tell who lie was or explain his actions , H' ' tore up letters and papers 'timat would semi'i (0 ( identIfy him. Ho will be heid until ho 'becomes sohr. ( 'oak of tlm ifmmyk fleserts. ICEYVEST , May O-The cook of the Upited States auxiliary guaboat hawk , a na. lIve of Manhia , deserted imis post three dayi ao and waa &rrcted uhm a today. IUc11VORI \ ( FOR SLEUTHS Small Anny lhisy Xcepint Wathh of spanish Buspecta the World Over. SYSTEM OF ESPIONAGE IS COMPLETE lileimfity of Most of time Men CollectIng - Ing Informmmntimmii for tIme Gus'- erutiment Icimown Only to Dime Mamt. NEV : YORK , May 30.-A special to time World front Vnslmmmgton says one of time most important branches of the government war service , about which , for obvious reasons - sons , little immformaion ( Is to be obtained , is the Bureau of the Secret Service , The ondi- nary capacity of the service has been douimled since the declaration of wan against Spain ammtl to no branch of the government is entrusted - trusted such immmpontmmnt and delicate under- tnkimmgs , The number of men actually ciii- ployed in securing information for the use of time government in this country anti abroad cannot be accurately stated , but there mire enotigim of them to make up a fuii umlil- tary regiment of the most intelligent anti highly trained servants of time nation , Their movements are naturally guarded witim time utmost caution , but It can be stated that in addition to the ordinary functiomms of the service , such as the detection of counter- felting , the agents of the secret service are at work at every place in the worjtt where lnforamatiomm is to be secured , or where per- semis who may injure the govenimment may be-In havana , in Madrid itseif-wimere it is not anfo for aim American to discleso his sin- tionahity on give evidence of his patriotism. It is through this mysterious source timat the govermiiiicnt gains much of the information which inspires its plans for the prosecution nf tim war noimiast Snain. btmt Is mzencrailY regarded as having come through other sources. The reports of the operations of time scrv- ice are trammsmitted to the chief of time bureau - reau thmrotigit'many and dqvious channels , anti in a cipher more Intricate anti difficult than timat employed by the most skilled of diplomatic agents , -The identity of time men cngagett in the service is as carefully guartied na time secrets of time hiritisim for- eigmi efficc. Only one man In the whole country can really tell how ninny of time secret agents of lime country nrc at work , anti the nature of their undertaking , lie is Johmi it. Willcio , chief of the bureau , and while lie is anmnzungly frank about ordinary matters , the spimynx was a gossipy old wonman , mis compared 'with hium , when the work of his subordinates is mentlommed. A request for information elicits a skeptical smile and time emplmmmtlc assurance tlmat the worl of lila d pnrtnment is time business of nobody except' 'Ihje ' officials wimo supervise it. The assurammee' 'scouched , In much more polite langtimtgo , but it comes to that mean- ing. About time only lmmformntionMr. , Wilkie cnn ho inmiuceti to Impart is thmitthe service is as nearly conmpletc and satisfactory as could be desired. The ordinary offenders with which the servIce imas to deal iii time of peace ' are being pjmrefuhly looked after 9n , , if any enterprIsIng counterfeiter , or "mooimshmtmmer" thinka time government has I1 hands too full of war business to Ionic after himmi he is mistaken and wiil undoubtedly find it out , flommimles tlmq Work , Tlmd war with Spain has just about doubled the Work of time ecret serviCe , but none of it is being nglected The war service is made a legitimate part of its funetloima. ' It keeps the government posted , and by watcimung the spies of the enemy Is of vital assistance to the War department. Assistant - ant Secretary Meiklejoimn of time Wan tie- pum'tm'ent has beem entrusted with impart- big to Mr. Wilkie all tips reaching tile tie- partnient and of receiving time reports of the officers from Chief 'Wilkie "whmichm may beef of service to his department , but Mr. Wilkie imimsolf directs time work , and 'It is doubtful if tim assistant secretany of war is aimy better acquainted with the details thamm the ordinary citiza. Time operations of the service cover a wide range of territory amid there are no doubt dozens of trained experts who mire worklmig In a characterIstIcally mnysteriomma way iii Europe , Asia. South America and in Cuba. The service performed enibraces a wide range from "spotting" , time immovenments of Spanish ambassadom's to following persons suspected of being iii time employ of Spain. Wherever persons suspected of aiding Spain are supposed to be operating , there or nut far away will be found also a traimmed "ob server" 'of the United States. Every nmovc- meat , for imistance , of Senor I'olo , time former minister to this country , has been most carefully noted since he left Washing- ton a month ago anti crossed tIme frontier into Canada , amid tin American agent will not be far away from him until hmo line crossed the boundary line that separates hue own country fromim France , Every detail of imis movement , time nanmo of every jersomm lie consulted In Canada and those hmo.-.will confer witim in Emmgland and eu time conti- flout is or will bc known to time chief of tIme secret service amid to such officials as may be' concerned. 1mm thIs war time greater part of time duties of the secret agents is In watching persons suspected of plotting against time Ummiteti States. l'robably 200 or 300 persons arc under constant espionage and will ho watched so bug as their conduct requires. Time most striking example of the efficiency of the service in connectlomm with tim war was furnished by time detection anti arrest of Dowimtng , a former Amenicami sailor , emn- ployed by time Spanish minister to secure unfonnintiomi about the defenses mind equip- merit of time coast forts and our war simlhms. Downimig was arrested within two days of time date lie enteremi ( lie emimploy of Spain , Ulion his person was founti evimlenco that seenmingly hmroved his guilt. lie was arrested here in Washington mind confined lii tIme military prison at ( ho marine hmarracims , wlmere , after aim imprisoimment of three days , lie committed suicide by hmaumging , Downing % 'as watched from the moment he reached Montreal to confer with the Slmanishl mm- lster and a secret servIce officer was near until he was arrested lmero. A number of other imersomis suspected of being spies have been examined with the utmost secrecy , but have been able to clear timenmselvcs. Several women are employed to secure information - formation in quarters where it would be 'Impossible for a mnan to 1o so anti they have renmiered an exceilemit service , time most In- portant feature of which bas'becn their ability to conquer the weakmmess of their sex for gossip , The reconmls of time govcrnament since time war began contain mimany intcrestimmg facts and romances. Most of timeni concern per- Ions who wouid not like to have them published. Chief Wilkie , who was a good newspaper reporter before he was made chIef of the government sleuths a month ego , may write some of them after time war is settlemi , but it is moro than probable most of time good storks time secret agents haye tie. veiopQth wIll never come out of time archives of the bureau which works night and day amid 1mm runny coumitnles for tIme lrotectio'm of the people of the United States. BIDS FOR NEW BATTLESHIPS l'insms ( if time Illinois , VIsonsIn nnti ) .inbnnmst to lie Closely 1'ol- inweti Itt time New hunts. NEW YORK , May 30.-The Navy tiepart- mont will call on ship builders to prepare to build the three battleships authorized by time present congress with a limIt of cost for armor , etc. , of 3,000,000 , says the corre- sponmient of the Tribune. Heretofore the c03t was a little larger , as It included the armor , time navy always building its own guns. The bids will be in two classes , the first on the departmental phnmms amid peciflcntion , and the secommti on designs to be furnished by ( ho bidtiers , which must fully cover certain limitations haiti down by time hJard of Con- struction. This board lies decided that the three new ships simall be almost idemitical witim time Illinois , Wisconsin and Alabama , now building at Newport News , San Francisco - cisco anti I'hhlamielphlmm , respectively , amid time probabilities are the new vessels will ho built at those hmlaces , they already possess- log all thmo patterns , which will onnble timent to do time work more expetiitieusiy anti at less expense than other establishments. Time circular , whIch will be Issued totiny , provides for vessels of hlOO tons displacement - ment , with a coal capacity of 1,200 tons , of a mean draught of twenty-three feet , a length of 368 feet itimil seventy-two , fevt beam. The hull will be of steel , with , otlblo bottoms anti close watertight sub-miivisi na' , with ample free board and berthing aecomumetlations Oh decks above water , Timero will ho mme sails , hut two nmiiitnry masts with Ilghttmmg tops. Two life boats will be cni'rietl so as to be rapidly lowered in all conditions of weather. The aide armor belt will ho 7 feet broad anti lG incites thick tlrommgh engine and holier space , tarenimmg to a timickmmess of four immeimes at bow and stern , and ( hero will be transverse armor forwarmi antI aft twelve inches thick , Barbettes for tIme thirteen-inch guima will be fifteen imiches thIck , except In the rear , which will be ton inches. Time aides of the covered deck are to bc protected - tected with five and one-half inches of steel , Timey will have a protected tieck throughout. Time conning tower will be ten inciies thick and there will be aim adtiitioual armmmored stim- tiomm aft six Inches thick. All six-inch gums vihi be protected by five amid one-halt Inch armor anti by one anti emma-half immchi sphirm- ( or bulkimeatla between the gums , Time smaller guns vilI have shielti protection anti extra side plating. Time ycssl will be driven with twin scresvs , with two vertical , triple expansion foumr-cylintler engines , one on each aimnit amid in vatcrtIgimt coimmpartmmmcntmi. There will be eight cylindrical end boilers , with a working pressure of 210 pounds In four separate watertight coimmpartmmmemmts. Time 'mveigimt of the mmmachmhncry is linmited to 1,130 tons. Timese shilims nrc to be bompieted nuder heavy pommalty under two and one-halt years. After timey arc delivered to time govormimmmeiit their guns nmmti other cqulpmmment will ho iii- stalled , Their main battery wIll bo coniposetl of four 13-inch gumma , in two ham-bette turrets , one forvartl and the other aft , anti ten 6-Imicit rapid-fire guns in broadside aim tIme ummnin deck anti four slnmiiar weapons on time upper tleck with the superstruettmro. 'rwo submerged torpedo tubes vihi ho con- nctet1 with eighteen-inch torpedo tubes. The complement vili be 1100 officers antI nen. , Time ammmniummitlon imoista mine 'to ' be vorkcd by electricity , A speci of sixteen knots Is required , with imeavy penalties for deficiency , anti if etther vessel fails to mmma'kc ' fifteen knots it may be rejected altogether. ChI.tNGIG LOCATION OF TItOOl'S. SCV'imtii Corps to Sic Cutaeeitrgtted on Emist Cusmst ( if I'liiriilm. TAMI'A , Flu. , May 30.-Plans have been outlined by Major Geimeral Lee for the pine- lag of time entire Sevemmthm array corps at JacksonvIlle amid along thmo east comst of Florida. It is comutemplated to establish eth hmcmmdquarters of the corps at Jaektoim- yule , where time main body of troops will be located , but regimemits will ha placed at St. Augustine , MiamI and probably other points , Lakeiand , as a rendezvous point , will jirob. ably be abanthoned for time present. The four regiments at that lmOihmt , nil of which are embraced in time Fiftim army corps , Gm- eral Shatter's command , wIll be moved to [ Tampa. Time Second Mzmssocimusetts is already - ready nailer orders to move , while time Soventy-firet New York and time First and Tenth Ohio cavalry will be brought here as soon as possible , Within time next week a general changing about of time troops in - thiti Fifth anti Scvemmth animmy corps may take I place. Brigadier General Young , corn- I minding time cavalry brigade at Atlanta , I came to Tampa today anti conferred with I Generals Simafter anti \Vhmeeler relative to time removal of his comnnmand to Tampa , Upon the report of Lieutenant Miiey of General Shatter's staff , 'who Is inspecting prospective camp grounds at Miami anti other east coast Points will doimend In a great measure the need of the troops to ye vlaced along time coat coast' . Should 1mb no- port be favorable , it is probable that the five regiments of troops , at Tampa In time Seventh anny corps wIl be scat to time east coast. All drills were suspoamidd' , thdny In oh- servatlon of Decoratioum day , 4Memorial servIces - Ices were held itt time mfternoon at the Tmmmmmpa ileigimtmi talmc'numacIc under tIme mmus- pices of time local Grnmmd Army of time Ito- public post. Time quurternmaster's arid commissary tic- partnmemmts are having great difficulty in car- big for time tons of supplies of all icimmds ( lint arc iicing shipped hero , The railroaml tracks are ahmimcmst ilockaddcl with cars nimil In consequence of time difhiculty of swItching many cars of comamntabary supplies are mmlii to be spoiling on time tracks. Fifteen care of bacon have already Ehmoiled , It Is saId , Time mutter line become so serious ( lint time army mturgcouis have issued peremptory or- tiers to have tIme stuff remmioveti at once. 5ev- oral tons of spoiled meat hmave been pitcimed iimto the bay. Major Gcnenmml Lee mind imis entire staff will leave for Jacksonville temnorrow morn- lag , Iieadmiuartcrs of time Seventh army corps will be estabilslmed at Jacksonville. A lhim.ml inspection of time camps of time vol- tmnteera In time Seventh corps wits made by General Leo today. IL was pacticalhy the. citled to move time volunteer troops to Jack- sonvhlie anti otimer points on time east coast as soon as the canmpimmg grounds anti time gemieral juan for time distribution of the troops of time Seventh army corps has beomi decided upomm , which viil be In a day or two. Limo isiiuummm ltm'WIuamchit $ ( mmrts fur Ilile , NEW ORLEANS , May 30.-Time Secomtl regiment of Louisiana volunteers , unmler time command of Colonel Wood , broke cimmup at uioon today and marched to time Louisville & Nashville depot , where they took the train for Mobile. This Is time first Louisiana regi- mneimt to leave the slate anti time troops.ro - celved a great ovation on their march to the train , \\'omnen chmeercd ( beam anti threw flowers In their ; ) atb , while ciilitlrt'n sang patriotic sommga. Time First reglnmemmt will leave time city for Mobile cmi Wedmmesday , Teddy htooseveit's Rough Elders are cx- pected 1mm the city this afternoon on their way to Tampa , Carried in the poaket anti useti on every occasion-S. & II , "VIOLETS"-thmu anlmmto. crittic perfume Zur the breath , . RECIPROCITY \V1TII \ FRAL _ _ _ it" ' . : Gommorolid Treaty with United StAt.e * Agreed Upon. 'T' ' Is TO BECOME EFFECTIVE JUNE FIRST NegntinInmmps Cotmelnile4 Sntnrtimuy hletayeemm hit , Cnmmtlmomm , ii'rcumuh.t . .tmnbnssnilur , ammuil Mr. , hnssomm , , . - " WAShINGTON , May 30.-it is stated oa good authority that time tm-ado discussiomi with l"rance , which began directly cmi time appoimmtnment of Mr. Kasson 4o take charge of the reciprocity negotiatiomma , have come to a successful commclmmsion. Time mmegotia' . tiomms have been contiuctemi mmrnier timc thIrd clauo of time tariff act of 1897. it is understood - derstood that ( be comnnmerciai arrangcmemmt thoreumidem' was signed last Satmmrtlay by M. Cambon , time Fremmchm nimmbassador , on the part of France , anti by Mm' . icnsson , special ploimlimotentinry omm time part of time Unttcij States , The agreenment is to take effect. 'iVetlmmesday , Juno 1 , when time Fremmeim mmmliii- mummm rates upon products of time United , States exported to Frammco will take effect. Thmo proclaimmation or limo prcsitlemmt ammnouumc- lag this fact vili be issued today or to. flmorrow. TIme agreement inches the following tari ! rtrrammgemnemmt : 1mm favor of the Unitctt States : Mammutacturetl anti prepared pork mneats are reduced froni 100 frammcs to I francs per 100 kilos ( npimroximmmntely 20G poummds ) ; lard auth its compommcmmts are re- duceti from 40 francs to 25 frammcs per ib kilos : table fruit , cammimoti mmmeats , drtetl or imressod fruits , comumnoim woods , logs , pay- lag blocks , staves , hops , apples anti pcars crushed , cult or dried , at thin mnimmimmmumin Frcimch rate of duty. Time retluetiomms iii be- imnif of Frammce are as follows : Argol shall may a duty of 5 per cent ad valorcnm ; other spirits , $1.tO per gahlomi ; worka of art , 15 per cent ad valoremim ; wines , 35 cents per allomm. No remimmctiomi , Is mimade Oti champagnes , which will remnaim dumtiabie as fixed in time DIn-'ley tariff law , HARRIS' ' NERVE TOO GREAT 'i'liief Vlmo " .Vzus ntlnrce , Iiu's i TrflI for Ilimimseif mummil is Cmmuglmt , If Waiter Harris had not timid time con- suinmmmate effrontery to semiti a iuesscimgcr boy to time Neimraska Ciotlming commipnmmy'a store to get hIs olti coat after imo bath surreptitiously cxchammgcti it for a imcw one lie would not miow beitt _ a cell at the iohiCG stnttoim , It vamt on Saturday night timat harris entered the clothing tiepartmnemmt Of' the store. No clerk was about , amid , select- imig a coat that stilteti imls fammey , lie donned it anti after cxammmining ltimmmself 1mm the. mirror coolly walked out of time store , bay- lug his raggeti gnrniemmt elm a hmilo of cltmtimlng. Alnmost atmmmultnmmcoLmsly with tIme discovery of' the theft there arrIved a boy with a note from I'iarris In wimichm lie asked that time ragged coat ho , delivered to time niessenger. itim officer was suimmunommetl and lie nccotmm- biamiled the boy to where Harris' was awaIt- lug imlnm and placed imini untler arrest. Timia morning harris wore time new coat wimon lie faced I'ollco Judge Gortlomm. ho was bound over to time grand jury in default of bonds ot $200. PRISONERS PLANTO GET OUT l'oiice Imvr'eptstJ.etter CommclcJ lit it ! 'Ist'iilt Gis'immjmtime Selmemime Ami'n' . By time discovery of a ictttr wimichm was. coimccaled iii a biscuit whmich was semmt bite. time city jail as part of time breakfast of' 0. I' . Stiihlvaim and Simermaum Lewis , charged wlthm being impilcateti in time robbery of' $720 from-mm Leonard Mchivoy , a stranger , tIme- johico have imipped Iii time bud a bold scheme- for tIme forcible release of time prisoners. The letter was a mimlacrable scrawl , hardly- 'tlecipimmirablo anti was signed "Kate Bmitier , ' In It time macmm were ntlnmommlslmeml to keep quIet , ammti to await time opportunity that woultl ho given them to get out. Time wi'iter said simo. hind plenty of money to aid timemim. ' A close. watch will be kept on time men amid their' visitors. Belle Pillow , time woman who aided time. men to secure the money , was arrested In. Council Bluffs and vlli be turned over to , time Omnaha officers. M'SHANE ' BUYS THE STOCK 'lztkes lip the Shares imm time OmmmgthL JlimiiI ! I iir sit Cimleimr.p to I'i'o- dect Ibis iliiti'tgiige. , KANSAS ' CITY , Mo. , May 3O.-Wimon thm Missouri 'NatIonal bank failed it hind 2,1100 of tlmo 3,000 miliarea of stock of time Onmalma imuiidlng lit Cimiemmgo. The taco value of time stock was $100 a share , but it vas worthless to the bank because of a niorigago for l00- 000 , tumid excessive groumiml remmtals anti cx- imciises. T , II , Wallace , receiver of time iiammlc line sold the stock for $ iOO to John A. Me-h Shianc of Onmaima , who held time mmmortgago. Oi'nmiilgi smitti its Niiimgesgti.e. OLYM1'IAVaslm , , May 20.-To the Edi. ton of 'I'imo lice : Iii your issue , of May IC brief enmnmflemit Is mimade upon the mmeglcet or time citizens of Olympia and ( lie state of' \Vammimlmigion ( cm make a liroper present to tIm flagship Olymmmpimt mis a tokoim of regard ( or. time imemmor conferred ulomm ) us in aaimmlimg tIme cruIser after our city , Iii our dfcno mu. low me to state thmat itt time tlimmo ( ho ship , was nmmmned thIs subject was Irouglmt up ammd discussed thoroughly , it being time uni. versai sentiment of time people ( lint fitting tribute ahoultl be iaid time ship , Time tie- lay 1mm doing so WItS owing to time financial InabIlIty of our citizens at that tIme to mimalco a fitting present , and aetiomm wits do- . ( erred until we could sumccesmmfumhly do so. however , immediately upoim reciipt of thu miews of Admimiral Dewey'a great victory the itruiect wime at once revived ammtl commuitteeg were nppoimmteti , anti work iii now being ( lone toward securing the most impproprlato souvenir , The people of Olymimpimi arc not only imroud of thor $ namnesnke , but are too patrlotio to allow any iurtiier delay , anti it is hoped that the mtimlp may live through limo remmmaimmder of time war safely mind whacn it. Jim over steam Imito our harbor , where our citIzens many enjoy the privilege of making a fittIng presemmtmmtion to omme of the finest simipmm Iii our mmavy amid also of paying proper tribute to our greatest mmaval hero , AdmiraL Iewey , Yours truly , II. A , I'JIiLCIVAL. esli4i'Site 'I'imi.if lielil , After stealing a pair of simoes from Cart- wright's store , Sixteemmtii amid Iouglas ) streets Saturday night , Walter Mciregom- ( well Itnowa thief , defcmmmletl liiimmscif from his pursuers - suers with mmii umbrella lie carrieml , J , E , Roil and II , iii. hilts , two mmmcmi who saw himn steal time slices and who pursued him , wcro poked In the ( mice by McGregor with time imhmnrp end of lila weapon. Time poInt of the umbrella entered floit'i1 mouth , badly lacerating It amid l'flits no- ceivetl a minor wounti beneath time right oyo. McGregor's succczmtful assault of lila pur- umbra muvaileml him little , for an officer ar- nived anti took 1dm into custody , McGregor , was reimmammtit'd to time county jail Iii defauI of bonds. : m - - - . - . . , . , , . , d' = : r- _ _ - , ' , . -