- - _ - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - I- 1 . _ _ Tfl1 OMAhA DAII1' BEE : ' TUESIAY , MAY 81 , 1898. TRAVELING IEN ARE hERE Delegates to the Ninth Annual Oonvcntion : Bcach the Oitya . : PLEASED WITh OMAIIIt AND SURROUNDINGS AU Si'cnk In OIoing Trm ( if the JZJSttIOIt niad I'retllct * ltnt It . .win lie it Greet S * * CCCMN. WhUe the ninth annual contentIon of the National Traveler& I'rotecttve association does not convene until 11 oclock this morning the city is aircaily overrun with Knights ot the Grip from about every state ttnl territory in the union. Many of them arrived Sunday and more caine yesterday. Their headquarters are at the Millard hotel - tel , but the rank nndfllo divides between this hostelry and the Murray. The largest delegation came nt 11 oclock in the morn- Ing. the members of which were met at the depot and escorted to their hotels by the local committee. After arriving and after attending to the wants of the outer and the Inner man , the delegates spent the balance of the day in visiting the exposition - tion grounds , points of interest about the city and getting better acquainted. The members of the National Travelers Protective association who will take pnrt r In the convention will aggregate about 250 , but with them1 most of those who are mar- rlcd will have their wives. In addition to Nc 4I. . nt ii , , . . 'onttnr pr there will be in tlo neighborhood of 1.000 camp followers , representing heads of wholesale houses , friends of the traveling men and people who have special lines of goods that they want to place upon the market. i While the traveling men are not high . rollers , they are the jolliest lot of men who have visited the city for a long tune antI in a mild way , while not attending to ' business , they propose to give the city a carmine hue. Special decorations have been i hung In the hotels and upon tim streets to show the men that their visit is appreciated. ; In the hotels where they are stopping the best is at their command and flags and k bunting hang in great profusion about the rotundas , in the corridors and from the windows. On the urlucipal streets flags made for the occasion are hung from doorways - ways and windows. These flags have the I I3tars and Stripes , while intcrmigled are the words of welcome. . OIILCIILI L'rogrniii. The omclai program for today , the first day of the convention , at Boyd's theater , follows : 10 a. in.-Omaha's greeting to the T. P. A. of Amcrlca . . . . . . . .At Boyd's theater 4 Prayer . . . . . . . . . . . .Rev. T. J. Mackay. D. D. 1 Weicomo to Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . flon. Frank E. Moore , Mayor of I Omaha. The 'Jttvelers 'Protective Association of Aricrica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t JOsejh Walierstein , National l'resident , i Nebraska's Greeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f lion. films A. liolcomb , Governor of I Nebraska. 1 flCpflSe ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : lion. Jerry M. Porter , a drummer I froni l'ennyroyal district , Kentucky. 'TI iI1nercial Tourists of the , , ' 'Ut , " S.'riglit Butler , D. D. , represent- lug the 'tlouso of the Lord. " "As Cold W'ater to a Thirsty soul. So is Good News from a Far Country" . . . fle' . Homer T. Wilson of Texas , notional - tional chaplain TrLLveler' Protective Association of America. "America" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ju1e8 Lumbard , the original siiger of the "Battle Cry of F'reedom. " 2 p. m.-ltegulnr business iession. 3 p. m.-'rroliey ride for the ladles of the memlcrs of the Travelers' Protective As- sociutlon ot America. 8 j1teception to the visiting dde- gates by the Knights of Ak-Stir-Den , at their "den , " North Twentieth street. S ii. m.-'l'ho ladies of the members of the TriLveIcrs Protective Association of Arner- Ica will visit Liiizp'cr's , Art gallery , escorted - corted by the ladies' reception committee. One of the first men to arrive , and a man who Is one of the hustlers. was Joseph Walierstein , the national president of the order. lie Is from Richmond , Va. , and 'liiIe he is not saying much about It himself - self , he is a candidate for re-election and already he has enilstett an army of workers who propose to stay by him until he sue- cecls. Mr. Wahiersteln's trienils soy that ho will have a clean walk away and that there will be hardly If any opposition to giving him another term. Speaking of the asocIatlon of which ho Is the presitlezit , Mr. 'aIierstein said : : have accomplished a great deal for our order anti the boys who make their home on the road. Our asociation has accomplished more for the traveling inca thait any like association in the country and we propose to keep right on doing good along the same lines. These lines are out and we do not propose to pull them in until we have. every traveling man in the country enrolled. Last year we added 2,000 names to our membership - ship and this year everything indicates that we will do much better. We have brought the association up to a point where it is recognized as one of the great factors In the country , from both a moral and a business POiflt of view. Wo have In- iltiecil three of the lareest railwaY systems in flio United States to adopt. the Interchangeable - changeable mileage ticket , and we have other roads that are getting ready to fall in line , so well has the plan worked. Our Idea Is to cultivate friendly relations be- tweda our association and the railroads and impress the principle that our interests are mutual. So far we have been able to do this , and our work seems to bavo been a - _ _ _ _ predated , Pleeseil avil Ii Oiiinltt. "Our association is far-reaching In its scope. afld Is not organized simply for the purpose of allowing the members to get together - gether oiico a year anti have a good tUne. We take up unit urge legislation , secure employment - ployment for our members who are without - out positions and 1)10cc ) fraternal Insurance In a company over which we have absolute control. Last year our insurance company paid out about 90,000 to Its members and this year we ciIi pay out much more on no- count of the fact that the membership has Increased. " \'bat do I think nout anti of Omaha ? I think that it is one of the coming cities of tbo United States. I havq been here beforeand consequently I am not a stranger within the gates. The people here are hustlers , TIm exposition indicates this and so does everything - thing that I see. Situated In the geograph- lcah center of the United States , Omaha must and will retain its Place as the great commercial center between Chicago an the PacifIc coast. "Not having studied the exposition , I am not prepared to speak of Its greatness , but , knowing the energy , push and ability of the people of Omaha and the west , I feel safe In saying that It will be a show that has been eclipsed by only the World's fair , " Colonel John S. l1arood of Richinoud. \'a. , Is another of tb early arrivals , and , although a stranger In this vicinity , ho is making a host of friends. The colonel is a sure enough cohoreI , occupying the position of colonel of Ui'j'Irginla cavalry , lie Is a military man 'with a Iaot enviable record antI ror two years was chief of stnff under ex-Governor Charles T , OTerrahl , . Thu colonel is a pohiticiau and Is popular In ida home atate , as well as wherever he iii known , lie represented lila district in the Virginia legislature for tour aucLcaaive ) ear $ and would have been elected again , had he not declined te honor. lie is one of President VaIler- steln'a airongeat advocatea for the position I : the PISlddUCY , and has already corn- - meneed organizing the campaign , conducting It in a most vigorous manner. Colonel lltrwood ta a great admirer of General rltzhugh Lee and never tires of telling anecdotes In connection with the sea- eral's life. lie and the general live but a block apart in the city of Richmond , and are the warmest kind of friends. One Country nnd One Plnr. Regarding the war with Spain , Colonel Ziarwood said , ° It In only a question of a abort time when the United States will win and will fly the stars and stripes from Morro castle. The unpleasantness with Spain ha united the nation , and It has resulted In moving the Mason-Dixon line up to seine part near the north pole. It has made us feel that we are all members of one family , whose purpose is' ' to have one nation , one peOlIO and one flag. 'This Is my first visit as tar north and , west , but I want. to say right hero that this Is a grand country : It is a revelation and I don't blame people for liking to live hero. If it was not for the fact that I am wedded to the south , I think that I would come here nail live. I like the people , who are so tree- hearted , pu3hing and hirosperous ; I like the broad , fertile acres that seem capable of producing everything in abundance and above all , I like the fresh and Invigorating atmosphere. " 1 have not yet visited the oxpo3itlon. but I Intend to do so several times before I return - turn home , In fact , I am a committee to visIt this exposition and report. DurIng the summer many Virginians will be here and I Intend to do all in my power na an advertis. lag agency to spread the Information of the importance of the affair. " Living as ho does , so near Washington , Colanel liarwood has had much to do with the work of promoting legislation for the order of whIch lie is a member. Speaking of such legislation , lie said : "There are several measures that wo hope to get through congress , much of which would have been accomplished at the present session of congress It the war had not monopolized the attention of the country and the country's representatives. We want a law passed creating the omen of secretary of commerce. We want the official to be a member of the cabinet. Such a bill has been introduced and Is already on the calendar for passage. There Is a secretary of ngrl- culture nod there Is no reason why there should not be a secretary of commerce to look after our trade relations with foreign countries. In addition' to this we want a legation building in the City of Mexico. Other countries have their buildings there and there Is no reason why we should ho behind the foreIgners in this matter. The location nod erection of such a building would do much to advance our trade relations - tions with the republic of Mexico and would help us in many oilier ways. A bill for the erection of such a building has been Introduced - duced and Ia on the calendar for passage. " % 'eV OrIennN lii the Field. New Orleans has shied Its castor into the ring anti has entered the race for the na- tionai convention of 1899. While no other piaco is seeking the focatiea at this time , Louts Ocha , who represents the Crescent City , is working Just as hard as though there were a dozen other Places in the fight. Ho cothes armed wIth invitations from the mayor. the cIty council and all of the trade organizations. In addition to this he has brought along 200 live alligators that he proposes to give to the members who sup- port the city of his choice. Mr. Ochs has opened his headquarters at the Millard , and is making it pleasant for all who call. Although the smallest state in the union and the one that Is about the most distant from Omnha , itbode Island has' two delegates already on the ground , both of whom are boomers. They are George H ; GrantandI 13. Lawton. These two men are thdch sought after , as they are the dispensers of badges that the delegates say take the cake. Tim badges In question are small AmerIcan flags , beautifully enameled. In addition to these badges , Mr. Lawton has a special one for "Horse Shoe Jake , " of Denver. The man wIth this alias Is the oldest western travel- tog man on the road , and is one of the oldest members of the association. Several years ago Mr. Lawton was desig- noted as the proper party to secure and present - sent to "Horse Shoo Jake" a badge upon the convening of each convention , Each year he has done this very same thing , and now he is on hand again. The badge Is an enameled llng , from which Is suspended a small rubber bag , shaped like a Rhode Island clam , upon each side of which is the word , "Jake. " The interesting thing about the clam Is that when ilbced in water and squeezed , It fills itself , anti when squeezed again , the water is ejected In a small stream. The taco of the button that holds the badge on the lapel of the coat is in the form of a four-leaf clover , around the gold rIm of which Is engraved - graved in gold , the words , "Good Luck , " set in the shape of a horseshoe. IIA'flflX 13110 $ . 'Vitshinlle IressUoinls $1)eclahl , 200 pieces real Irish Lawn , 40 Inches wide , nbaolutely fast color. Sc yard. lt.t ) pieces Iniported laptto cloth. lco mull , fancy Grenadine ii plain , fIgured , light and dark colors , value 15 to 25c , at Be , 25 pieces Genuine French printed Or- gandieti in light and black ground , sale price 20c , 40 pieces checked duck suiting In light or dark effects , one of the best fabrics made fur wash skirts at 1Cc. LADIES AND MEN'S FURNISiIf'GS. lien's line Iialbrlggan shirts and drawers In plaIn and fancy colors worth 5Cc , at 25c. lien's fine laundered percale shirts , worth TSr , at 35e. iien's extra tine colored shirts In nil the nccst patterns , ortli at : ( ' , Men's extra fine suspenders , eli the best makes , worth COo and 75c , at 2c. Men's black and brown socks , worth 15c , at three pairs for 25c. All the newest styles in neckwcar at 25c. Ladies' flue black and biown seamless hose. worth 25c at three pairs ( or 25c. Children's bicycle hose in black and brown , with double heel and toe , worth 25c , at 12 1-2c. Ladlos' fine vests in assorted colors , worth 23c at 12 1-2c , IIiS..YDEN IIROS , 'Plie IDklrai ltnIlionil Mnke 'ery Lou flnes * ( iii' the tueIiiir In ' 'ilie Trausmississippi and Internatiotial EcpoaItIon will open In all its grandeur on June hat. The Fremont. Eihhorn & Mis- saud Valley ft. 11. have announced very low ratct for this opening day , antI vill run specIal trains train points within 150 miles of Omaha , See the nearest agent of the above named road for further partIculars. J , 11 , Ujcuianan , General Passenger Agent. Irlvo out to the Expositina nnd leave our conveyaiice at the Manderson street stables or wagon yard. near $ ixteenth rtrctt. Tuiiii1 Ilntt'a la the Union I'aitlc to the famous summer resorts in Colorado , Utah , California , Idaho , Montaua and Oregon. lor rates anti advertising matter call at city ticket oflice , No , 1Z02 Furnam at. Public' qttce , The Northwestern LIne Daylight Special now leaves th U , I' . depot at 0:40 : a .m. ; arrives Chicago B45 same evening. No change In the other trains. The Overland Limited 4:45 p. in. and the Omaha Chicago Special at 6:45 i' . u. arrive at Chicago 7:45 : and 9:30 : respectively , next morning. The moat advanced vestlbuled sleepers , diners antI tree parlor chair cars-of course-what else would the " ' "Norbwestern' ( have , City TIcket 0111cc 1401 Farnarn at. Aiierients 3tethhi'ul .t.ii'iiiIIun , lIen- ver , June 7thi1Oli , Dr. Montgomery of Cbicag will run - a special train over the fork island rQute to Denver account of atove. This traIn will have Omaha ttonday , Juno the 6th. at 1:35 p. in. For sleeplur car reservations , etc. . call at Itock island city ticket otilce , 1323 Furnafu at , . - BOSTON STORE'S GREAT SALES Lken Oralli nit3 , Separate Skirte , Bilk Oap0 , Wrappra , Ladice' liata & riowe. CARPETS , MATTING , DRAPERY AND liNENS Mcii's nti.l hey , , ' Sni Cs , Unts , Cnn. anti Furnishing Gnnd-2 IlnnLtrntt Stoekit of Shoes-All Itenierkis- bIn Ilnrgiiltts 'l'odny , AT IIOSTON STOR ! . OMAhA , N. W. COI1NRIt SIXTRENTII AND DOUGLAS - LAS STR1iET3. Linen , crash blazer suits , made In ( ho hat- cat style , worth $2.50 , On suk at 138c. Ladies' figured Capes , plette.l : back , lined threughout. Worth $3.00 , cm stile at $1.49. Calico wralpcrs ) , in light eoborl:17a : , worth $1.00 , on sale at Sic. Second floor. 14 tilcs' ribbon trimineil sailor bath. SOc quality , in mllinery department , lOc. Thousands of French flowers. nil varieties. worth up to $1.00 , on sale at Cc , 1Cc , nod 25c. Ladies' separate linen , ern.hi aitil duck skirts at 49c , 75c and PBc , worth doublo. CAIII'ET AN ! ) MATTING SALE. $ l.r'J Wilton velvet and extra velvet car- pc't. 83c. 7Sc Brussels carpet i9c. 11.25 MoqUette and Aninster carpet wither or without border , SSc. Strictly all wool Iiarttortl ingrain carpet , worth up to DOe a yard , go at lOc , 12 1-2c , 1c , P'c , 250 antI 39c yard. IIAILOAINS IN h)1tAIIRIlB. An immense lot of Itiio portlerca , $1.93 ; .air. .air.An An Immense lot of od 1 lace curtaing , SOc e.u Ii. $5.00 Nottinaham and imitation I3russeits. $2.50 a pair. 1310 IIARGAINS IN LINENI. SOc damask towels lOc. lSc arid lie dainaslc towels 25c , SOc and 7Sc satin damask towels 25c $1.50 German linen napkins 75c t dorn. $2.50 Scotch bleached napkins $1.50 a dozeit. 33.00 satin damask napkins , $2.50 a dozen. Cc ; tanlr' damask SSc. $1.2 ; ; table damask Gc. MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS AT 40C ON TIlE 1.0O , This Is the great sale of Benedict & Co.'s entire Summer stock of Clothing. Everything the very best and latest styles. All tim Men's $10.00 all wool suits go at $4.98. $4.98.Men's Men's $15.00 Cheviot and Cassintere Suits and Clay Worsted Suits go at $6.98. Men's ltSO Serge , Cheviot , Cassitnere and Worsted Suits go at $9.98. All Benedict's $20.00 Custom and Tailor Suits , Imlorted ) Suits , silk and satin lined , go at $12.10. Boys' $3.10 Suits go for $1.50. Boy's all wool $3.50 Knee Pant Suits go at $1.98. Boyn' $5.00 Fancy SuIte go at $2.48. Boyn' $5.00 Knee Pant Suits , Black and Colors , go at $2. Your choice of 100 Boys' Knee Pant Suits In Cassitnere , Cheviot and Worsted , worth up to $10.00 , go at $3.98 and $4.00. BANKRUPT SHOE SALE. Your choice of two entire Cbicago flank- rupt Shoe Stocks , including all the very best and newest styles in Men's , Women's , Boys' , Misses' and Children's Shoes , Slippers - pers and Oxford Ties. AT NEARLY HALF PRICE. All tile Men's Shoes sold up to $5.00 go at $1.59 , $1.98 , $2.50 and $3.00. All of tha Ladies' Fine Kid and Fancy Vetting 'rop Shoes that solti up to $6.00. at $1.10 , $1.98 , $2.25 , $2.50 and $3.75. All the Infants' . Children's and Misses' Shoes that sold tip to $2.50 go at 39c , SOc. 7Sc , SOc. the , $1.25 and $1.50. BOSTON STORE. J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS , PROPRIETORS. The largest retail establishment in the - - West. 500 clerks to wait on you. N. WI. CORNER 16Th AND DOUGLAS STS. . OMAHA. Sniitson'w Edict. To make glorious and memorable the opening of the Transmississippl and International - national Exposition , I call on all members of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Bon to put forth their best efforts and to participate in the parade on Wednesday , June 1. Every metn- her is commanded to report to Sir Knight i3cecher Higbee or Sir Knight C. II. Klopp on or before Tuesday , May 31 , that their names may be placed on the scroll of participants - ticipants , which will go to the king for his comn3ntiation. Knights will assemble mounted at 0 o'clock a. m. at 1313 Howard Street and procure their cost'Imes. SAMSON. DAYLIGhT 'l'ILAIN To COL ( ) ! tAl)0 Viti I1OCIC mmii. ! Ilotile. Leaves Omaha 5:20 : n. m. . arrives Denver and Colorado Springs 8 p. m. Take this train anti save sleeping car rate of $3.50. Ticket office 1323 Farnani street. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Herman Kountzo has returned from Chi- cago. Allen B. South left yesterday for a short eastern trip. T. B. Saunders of New York is a guest at the Barker. E. S. Jenkins of St. Joseph , Mo. , is registered - tered at the Darker. \v. Fnrnnm Smith is spending a few days In Chicago on business. lliss Gertrude Kountze came In from the west yesterday morning , C , 10. Iltunbleton , secretary of the Illinois commission , is in the city. J. II. Carinody and MIle. Lonita. are registered - tered from Sioux City at the Barker , Net. . lie Puis is at htonie with Mrs. Cbnrlc'a A hutberford , 206 South 'rhirty-firnt are- flue. flue.Miss Miss Cornelia Neltno'r of Chicago is visiting - ing the family of John 0. Owens of South Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Marchant , 2329 Mere- thith avenue , arc parents of a boy born last Friday , Dr. E. I' . Swift cIt Norway. Mich. , who is en route to Denver and Colorado Springs , Is in Omaha , a gtiest of A. M. I'lnto. ii , D. Fisher. commissioner from Wisconsin - sin for the Transniississippi Expositioti , Is spending a few days In the city. Miss Ruth Weller of thIs city has gene to Lincoln to act as bridesmad ; at the marriage of Miss Ailco Slaughter to Mr. John Lott- ritge. Chnrles II , McKee of St. i1aul. busIness manager for Lemon Brothers' circus , and \v. K. Peck of Now York. business manager for the Adam Forepaugh circus , can lo found at the Barker , F. L. Langley of Des Moines , W. SiIarlcer of Dayton , 11. I' , Stlth of Chicago , F , 1' . Bodinson and A. Borsemothi of Chicago , 14. M. Irwin of Chicago and F , Ii , Edwards of Denver are commercial men stopping at the Barker. John Wahiersten. John S. liarwood. C. Walter Saunders. It. Ii. Wahtlahl : , II. Ellis , Jr. , and George Critchfiehel , all of Richmond , Va. . and the VIrginia delegation to the con- veution of the Travelers' l'rotcctiro association - tion , are at the Millard , A party of Black hills knights bound ( or the South Dakota l'ythian encampment stopped over for an hour en route yesterday. Among the number were I. Kubler of Custer City. Charles Caton , George Casslor and Charles Rose of hhlli City. Lieutenant Buchanan of the navy passed through Omaha Sunday afternoon on his way to San Francisco , where he has been ordered on board the Monte'oy , which , according to newspaper reports , will rail in the near ( U- turo for Manila. The lieutenant's brother , A. G. Buchanan. and a few friends who wore fortunate enough to learn of the movement Ic tJe were at the depot to wish him boa voyage. Nebraskans at hotels : Martin Conner , OretaV. ; . I' , McCreery , C. F. McGrew , hastings : \V. Bodle , York ; Cl. B , Thooip5on 3ig Eptig8 14. ' . , , ' ctile. : .5.bra ; A. Moore flmokon'tlow , , & &Ion ii. Noble. Gib- boa ; 'erry Moss , Fremnont : F. 31. Layton , Odell , F , A. Patterson. Stockbam ; J. Ccx. hampton ; Herbert. E. Bunting , David Ciy Otto F. Tappert. Norfolk ; D. A. abehi , J. H , Ager , Lincoln ; Juan Doyle Itearney ; William N , Lamed , Ilaigler BENNETT'S ' CROSE ALL DAY Wcdnc&1y Juno 1 , OurZtoro Will 13o Olosed In Honor of the Fisltion Opening. 'ONE GRAND GALA DAY 'rite Grandest 1)ai In the Itistur ) ' of ( lie West-WIit the West lins Vorkcl I'or Is 'IVOw Unti lJs-Let 100,000 l'eopiu lie There , In honor of the opening of the Trans' ZltisStSsi9pl and International ExpositiOn , Wednesday , Juno 1 , 1898 , our store will be clowtt all day. I"or yeara the people of the west , the btiain.ss men of Omaha , and all patriotic citizens west of the Mississippi. have been elhtIiig to establish an eXlOSItIOfl that votild show to the world time vast resources of the west , end place the west in its proper hmht among the large and wealthy regions of the world-thus to give a stimulus to our inditetrles , antI inaugurate a reign of pros- j'erlt' among us. After years of work , of vast undcrtak- inga antI ' .ttst. accomplishments , of heavy investments and enormous preparations , the day hn come to enjoy tIme fruits of all this labor-to invite the world to visit our exposition and see what we have anti what we arc. The success of the industries of the west , the success of Omaha in the tu- ture , and the success of each individual business loan and citizen , depends largely UPOlI the attecees of this most gigantIc un- dei'taking-tho Trans-Mississippi aud International - national Exposition , To make It a success wo roust let the world know that we have an exhibition ( hint itt vorh traveling thousands of miles to oen , Amid there is no more forcible way of telling this ( hail to be able to tell them that on the opening day there ure 100,000 people hero to see our exposition. Todothis let every business house be closed , aud let everybody turn out en masse , not only ( rein Omaha , but all over lb. ' west. TIme railroad rates have been itnle low enough to enable any person in this or any adjoining state to coiiie to this cpening. \v. It. BENNETT CO. Fiftccnth and Capitol avenue. Omaha. The beach merry-go-round , with rings , open day and evening , 15th antI Capitol ave. UNCLE SAM TAKES ALLISON Alleged Su'l.dler Faces en Accuser lie Cittaitot lnke n Coin- trotiilse % 'lthi. When Police Captainilaze was informed yesterday of the Plans of Thomas Allison's dupes to refuse to prosecute bini upon his returning to them their money ho was very indignant. Allison Is the man who conducted a fake employment agency known as the Clerks' Co-operative association and by his alleged peculiar fraudulent methods secured nearly $1,000 from several hundred people before the police discovered the fraud. Cap- tab haze consulted Assistant Baited States A1torney Rush to see what could be done in the matter when he found that justice wdIll be defeated in the polIce court , and ( lie hatter - ter decided that Allison could be held by the United States' authorIties on a chiargo of using the mails for the purpose of fraud. ComplaInt was sworn out to this charge by Captain lInac and Allison was taken before United States Commissioner Anderson , and Ills bond was fixed at $1,000. Not being able to furnish the bond he was taken to the county jail. Ho will have an arraignment this afternoon before Commissioner Antler- son. ito1hetl the Gi-ave. 1A startlingdnctdtat2 of. which Mr. John Oh- ver of Phuhndelphiia was the' ' subject , is oar- rated by him as follows : " 1 was in a moat dreadful condition. My skin wea almost yeh- low , eyes sunken , tongue coated , pain con- tinuahly in back and sides , no appetite- gradually growing rcaker day by day. Three physielana had given toe up. Fortunately , a friend advised trying flleetrlc flitters , ' and to my great joy end surprIse tue first bottle made a decided improvement. I continued their use for tiree weeks and am now a well man. I know they saved my life , and robbed the grave of another victim. " No one should Sill to try them. Only 50 centa per bottle at Kuhn & Co.'s drug store. She SlilneM for Chant ) ' . Mrs. Edna Maxwell of Kansas City , who shines shoes for charity , is In Omaha in the interest of her peculiar line of work. Mrs. Maxwell has visited nian of the promni- nent cities in the south and southwest , where She has raised considerable sums of money. She devotes her collections to the support of free wards for working kirls in hospitals. Her accounts show she has secured - cured $1,900 in the last seven months. Her method is to secure the bootblack stand in sonie prominent hotel and sell tickets for the ' 'shine. " Today she will address the traveling men , and tomorrow she goes to Denver , wiiire she will work for some time , otter which she expects to visit Colorado Springs , returning - turning to Omaha In September. . % tCcimtloii 1 George Crook post , Grand Army of the Republic - public , stand up for Omaha by reporting at Sixteenth and Faraam at 9:45 : a. rn. Wednesday - day , June 1 , to participate in the Parade of the exposition opening. We owe this to our cIty , state and ourselves. It Is desired that George Crook post shall get together just once. I expect not less than 250 mem- hers in line and every one of ( lie "old boys" is ordered to be there , You hear my gentle voice. J. B. FURAY , Commander. TrnnsiiNsINliiiii 'ri-ottiters ! The Transmlssissippi Troopers will assemble - semblo Wednesday , June 1 , 1898 , on Sevemi- teentli street between Farnam and liarney at 9:30 : a. ni. Bharp. The troop will have the right of line and this prompt attendance of every member is insisted upon. By ordbr commanding officer. HIJILLISGTON ItOU'ITI. $1OO ( ) to Ijemiver auth fletunli. June 1 and 6 , Tickets good 50 days. Burlington trains ( or Denver leave Omaha 4:35 : p. mu. and 11:55 p. , am. Special train for Iowa and Nebraska doe- tors attending annual meeting Anmerlean Medical association at Denver June 7-12. leaves Omaha 3:10 : p. in. June 5. connect- in at Lincoln with j ( lie "Journal" train. having on board the princIpal physicians of Chicago anti the eastern states. Iilee'ping car reservations can be made now. Call or write J , 13 , hteynoldai City Passenger Agent , Burlington Route , 1O2 Farmmam St. . Omaha , Neb. 0IeiIi ,11 lniy 'l'rausmnlsslit'tiiIibl ' Expi- slihiii , For the above the ltoek Island Route will sell tickets to Onialib at a very low rate. For rates , time of traIn , etc , call on nearest Rock Island ticket agent , A PURE 'iFtAPC CILtM Cr TARTAR pOwerS 1ICE ' CREAM . BAKI$6 Awarded Highest UoiiorsVorld's Ialr Cold MedziI Midwinter Fair SAISON'S EDICT. To Knighta Ak-Sar-Ben-Uroat AttracUon at the lkn. TUESDAY , MAY 31ST 1898 Special 1titlnti ti of the 'I' . 1. A- Startling ExhiihItinit by hugest- bnclt'ps % 'ih.t Aitintal Shio'v-l2le- lihamits , Iluiii , 'I'Igers , Idle. WORK BEGINS 7 P. Id , SHAItl' . I have arranged foe the greatest initiation for next Tuesday night , May 31 , that has over been held at our den , The occasion will ho the SPecial Initiation of the T. I' . A. , in other words tim traveling men , jobbers and manufacturers , who will attend in large numbers. I have also arranged , through ( lie ox- ( rome courtesy and liberality of Sir Xniglmt Id. U. Sprtiguo and Sir Knight A. J. Love , for a startling feature from the world re- nowneti ilagunback wild animal show train the Midway of the Tranamississippi Idxposi- ( ion , which will be participated In by any quantity of elephants , lions , tigers , etc. , etc. , all of which vlll ho tamed and performed with in full view of the knights. All acceptable prospective knights may joiii on this occasion whether they are mnembers of the T. P. A , or not and should do so in order to witness ( lila wonderful performance. The work will begin at 7 o'clock sharp. After It is completed we will all adjourn to the "Streets of All Nations" on the exposition - position grounds and witness free their first full dress rehearsal , to which all the Initiated knights and ladies are invited. lie on hand sure. Be there at 7 o'clock sharp. BrIng your friends. Remember the dote , Tuesday , May 31 , 1898. Itesidemits of Omaha should join our ranks at once. SAMSON. 110W A % 'AIt 115 FOUGHT. The Chicago , . in thteMode nf " , Yarfnro Jllnstrnted hip' 1'lettirc , If you wish to properly understand time war news , it you wish to have a definite knowledge of naval affairs and the events that are occurring in the Rash and West Indies you can secure no better. no more reliable source of Informnr.tion than the official photographs ot' the United States navy , just issued by the Omaha Bee. The price is only 25 cents , and more valuable and timely information was never offered fcr the money. It is on sale at The Omaha flee counting-rooms , or will be sent to any address on receipt of price. The book consists of nearly 200 pages of views made by B. 11. hart , mmml photographer - graphor , and the list of subjects embraces everything of interest pertaining to our navy , of which every American is justly proud. FIrst within the covers of this interesting - esting 'work comes a map sixteen tinmes as large as the hook itself , showing on one side the Spanish. possessions , and all adjacent - jacent territory , while on the oilier side the East Indian possessions are similarly treated. Steamship lines , with the dls- tances intervening between different points , are shown , and a dose study of these maps will give one a thorough understanding of this territory , in regard to which the in- terest of the American publIc Is now at fever heat. Then follow more than 200 rare pictures of the navy , It ofllcers and equipment , The views are all authentic. and are the latest official photographs of our torpedo boats , torpedo boat destroyers , cruisers , battleships - ships , gunboats , monitors , rains , dynamite cruisers , dispatch vessels , and other c'ar craft , the whole embodying an authentic portrayal of the American navy as it exists today. A complete description of the con- structron , displacement , size , speed , batteries - tories , , acmor , crew and cost of each boat will enable the reader to form an accurate estimate of our fighting strength. Included with these are photographs of the leading Spanish men-of-war , also fully descrIbed. By tar the most interesting portions of the book are views of the Maine , taken before tile disaster in Havana harbor , showing the life and discipline aboard a battleship , together - gether with portraits of the officers anti crew , supplemented by photographs taken after the explosion , depicting the divers at work , and other incidents in connection with this sad and memorable event. This work can be obtained by cutting a coupon ( rain page two , anti bringing it to Th Bee office , Omaha , The lice building ; South Omaha , Twenty-fourth and N streets : Lincoln , 1026 0 street ; Council Bluffs , 10 Pearl street. By mail 4 cents extra for postage. Address Navy Photograph Depart- muent , Omaha Bee. The SuienJ Etmi Iimiiei , t and quick time of the Union Pacific makes it the popular line to all principal western resorts. City ticket office , No. 1302 Far- oem St. 3519.00 TO 1)ENYIIIL AND ILISTIJILN Yin , HoekLsintiid Route , Tickets on sale Jone 5th and 6th , good to return ( or 30 days. Trains leave Omaha 1:20 a. m. , 1:30 : p. m. antI 7 p. m. ; only line running 3 trains a day from Omaha to Deli- ver. For sleeping car reservations and tickets call at 1323 Farnam street. . . . 0 S . . . . . . ALIJ. PEOPLE W.ANT GOOD HEALTH. I You may have a course of medical . treatment for 0 DISEASES . of all kinds at tile Shopar Medical Institute : . New York Life Bldg. , Omaha , Neb , . cor : iMT1IQ. CatarrhDeat- . ,3l l _ I(1LI ILJ miesi anti all. I Diseases of the Lungs. Stomach , Kidntys , Nerves and lImed. Refer- . euce , by permission , to cured . patients. This largest mnetliciti officeS and practice in the west. The Omaha 1 I flee , leading daily , sa"s : ' "ITho i3imep- . artl Medical Institute Is entirely rella- blo in a professional and business I way , Dr. Sheparn and his associates I have gained and fully maintained a S leading reputation In the treatment , . of chronic diseases. The public may safely trust them. " I I , T 1' For testimonials from S . TV II I I L ministers , teachers , busi. . midas men , farmers , etc. , telling how they were cured at home through thu . Mail System. . W'iflV"The New Treatment ; lJutJI 110w It Cures , " is sent free I all who write. It Is a clean medical I work for the whole famnil ) ' to read anti is of great value to ail'who ek I better health , 1300k and Consultation . Blanka sent free 30 all Inquirers. Medicines sent everywhere , State S your case anti send ( or opinion and S lowest terms. Charges low , ConS - S tation fre'e , personaliy or by letter. . MentIon 'j'ls I'aim'r , . , v. . . . . . I I S S S I I I /NEW DMA , coLLAR , lIce , May 3l 18 * , 7 ( le//er , , . , ' eCornvilie , Wyo. May 30 , 1894. Dear Friend Nebrnsky : I sea by tim papers that you fakes is going to give an Exposition - tion In Omaha this year and I get several surkle'rs from stores what wants me to make my heil quarters I a their stores. Now I wuti like to make you my hidd ( ilmarters too , I It cv always find you squar antI oflest antI I wiitl like to let you know thin t I will Prefer to make you my lieu . I'iez let if ' hey ledmu 2 in 'em quarters. me no ) 'Oti so can sleep or woa mirsoti at a time , Also If you servo coffee and rolls wIth betis , " , S'hert I wuz at the Worltl's Fair I made lieti quarters vhere they guy unly ham anti eggs , but I wtid prefer coffee numil rollm4. i'leno let inc know about this so I con ilesido whiu're I can make my lied quarters to be Io ) 'Otl pey railroad ( ares It I make icy had quarters at your store. Please let me know. 'Vours truly , JOhN FOOTS. THE ANSWER. ' Dear JoIinWe : shall be ( leBglltcd if you decide to Illake u your llCtI(1(1ll81'ters ( 111 c'aio you COIHO to tile Expositioii. lYe vil1 try and lake good care o ! YOU ( Ilaytilnes , 11111 , a for bedH , John , you will have to nmko arl'angolnoiIts okowliere. Our beds were all oiigngecl for the SORSOR by our relatives six months ago , ahld we 1111(1 we have a gi'eat many relatives tllhtt We never knew or liezu'cI of before.Vo regret tiliLt. we cannot furitisli you vit1i a bed. Neither can wo P1'0l11iC coffee and , ro11i , No , Jolt11 , the only induce- ' 4 rilClitI3 We ever 1iod out to our fi'ioiid are the iiithiee- 4 liGhts of price 1111(1 square dealing. Ai to railroal fares we ( lO1i't pay them. Thu nearest we COillO to that is to save you a iieat bit of nilleago in everything - thing you buy. \Vo remain youri very ti'ulv , ' Soofiold \VilI 01)011 this 111OFfl'iflg with many nev Attractive Biu'is The litew Vassar Waists itt $1.25. Nc' Iineii 1)ress Skirts , OSe , NEV TIES , for ladies , 25e , 50c NE\s7 PIQUE DRESS sKIRTS , $2.i amid icttcr. NE'V BELl'S , best iii Onnahmit , 50c. NE\\ ' TAILORED sui'rs , $10 nd 1 bcttci' . SILK WAIS'S , Ircssinig Sacqucs , 'SVrappcrs ' , . OLIr motto'Good goods at low prlcs. " rllscaflELU r:1JJ : CLllA&SUhTCO , 1510 Douglas Street. GREEN PfU1T- This Is the color of paint that is most difficult to obtain of I'ItIME QUALITY. 'I lie shade is apt to be too light or too dark -In the SherwIn-Williams' Paints OU can fInd beautiful clark and light shntlcs of gi eon-seine especially intended for interior Use-others for exterior-some made cmi pur- 1)050 for WIRE SCREENS. I'rlces fronn 20c per can UI ) . We sell drugs at cut prices every day. Regular price Our price. ISo Vermont Root Beer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lie 25c 'rhompson's Cherry Phosphate. . . . . . 14e SOc Iloraford's Acid Phosphate . . . . . . . . . . lie SOC Pond's Extract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lc lIe Alien's Footease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lrc SOc Stuart'g Dyspepsia Tablets . . . . . . . . . . 22c SOc I'yramli I'tle Ctire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sic ISo Aiicoek's Porous Plasters. . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c Carter's Liver Pills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l2c lSc Castotia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22c be Uncle Sam's Tar Soap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 Beef , Iron anti \S'ine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13c lOc Pierce's Purgative l'ellets . . . . . . . . . . . . Ic 25c Ruby Pearl Tooth Soap. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lie $1.00 Yale's Fruitcura . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COo SOc Beef Extract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sic Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. lnlI loIge St. , Ontiniltit , Nth. The Middle of the Block Druggists. AUCTION I wIll offer at auction in Omaha at the Bushman Storage House , 1015 Leavenworth St. , at 9 in the morning , on May 30th , all the supplies of the Union Pacific Railroad Hospitals , including beds and bedding , mIres- sers , stands , chairs , china and glassware , carpets , ranges , stoves anti hardware , sur- glcal instruments , hooks , operating tables. stretchers , splints and many other articles too numerous to mention. sT. J. Gaibraitli , Chief Surgeon Union Pacific. ReceIvers Railroads and hospital Trust Fund. .Q + O + o + o + o + C03'3c1 + o + c + c t-O + O ! OEt TII [ % VOMN . . show you tine hmantIsoniest lilto of- SIIRT , ; WMSJ sis ever displayed In this city-silver , roll lilate amid gold lhlhc'tl-pinln , set muitl jewelcul-lrice3 ranige ( rum ISo to 35.00. Our hue of- 2 Armyand Navy Belt Buckles , and Army and Navy Buttons ore the tnlk of thin tnwn. hells from $1.00 to (5.00 , 'l'lie newest out- 2 Silver Filigree Belt Buckles. \V&d like you to see them. 6eo.W.Ryan&Co. . . . , 'i'Ilhi J1IVFiIId1tS liii ) S. 1t1'l'It 5' ! ' . 04040 + 0 + 0 + 040404 O'4 0404 040 + First Steamer to the Kloiidike On or about Jumme 10 tlmu steanmor "Iloan- eke , ' ' formnerl9' of the Olil Dumninimi line , viii leave Seattle anti go direct to this mouth of the Yukon river , where river boats will promptly meet Iasseimgers for Dnwson , Flrst-cluss ( ore $3fjO and tmi ; eec- and-class fare $250 , including meals and berth. , Wa Su'id 21l ( ) at Otice * 0 reserve iintstuz'ge. We will also deliver lI'Jo ) otmnds of ag- ' sorted prviiions ( estimated to be a year's SUlIli' ) at any of our Imats ( or 1520 extra to a limIted number taking lasSage ott our iir'mt mmteamer. You will experience no lmardlmips by ( lila all-water route and you have ( lie benefit of long experiemice , % ' 1i Altil ' 11515 l'IiOl'LId To take you to Alaska. We have been there for six years. Write for further Particuinra , Nalifi fflerIcon TFGSOIUD aii Troa Co ( Ii 1 $ FinsI , % y , f1) ) ( ) 0 ! . ! ( 'olomiy llidg _ SIt I it' , " .VnsI , . :1(1 : ! i'rnduee Idxeltige Sefl' York City , :12 : Cliii tither uf Units linerec , 311ii ueuio us. 1 N.'v Voric Li fi' flu I I ci I ii g , (1 tan Pin. .1II3 , 1oiii , , nnl 'l'rust 1ilil. , 1)01 311,1 ties. S ( 'nlifuri , In st. . Sitmi Frititelseu , . Idi H.'enr , ' , I'rts. , iitvsun , ' . ' % V. P. Cuttt. , lulii .1. SleePy , ' . -J' . . ' 0. M. , , Dii'sni , ? . V. 'I' . - Idl'IIItY roo'r o1 Lawn Hose We sell Is guaranteed-the prices range franz 7c to 20c per foot. OMAHA TENT AND RUBBER CO , , 1811 EAII.i3i 5' ! ' . I FLAGS. . . . . . BUNTINGS , -FOR SALi. ilit'4 , Your hImiIiiiigs , lecorntcii by lli , , I PIIILAILP1IIA ) DECORATINO CO , , 1:11:1 : : Ilivard , 'i'iion.i 111(11 ( , U - - - - - . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sox Cs0 / ; 'J'oiiorroi' iN Cite , hu' , 1lIi. gittes of I lsu greit I 'i'ris its 1 T'c,1.c.i-ii , o , id jiosit 'iii ii 1)4' 1 ItriFivil u'31c11 , l'i'i'sIiu'i I .UmiCtiiiu w'i I I losielt I hits 1.1S1 tot's. button i'liit'l * miIl tut it 'norll of se , ) Si ii i' rs I ii I o in at i , , , , .JtinI us 'l'Jie're i'iil lie lilt , ' I Jios.sgtiid jroiii hiemi na to gr.'et , ii'tl ijjln uitl I In' grout a cio ss fz"o iii i- , 'iiii s at mum gh'ritss ist- era states , It Is tiiiJ dei'riiiig Et tliG3 JOS toiFico its limurels , for Its , irellii'ciiirtui griitsleiir Is uiisi rpitssu.d iiii.l I is ox- iio.t'tli hsibi Is iici miisle.l suit' . , hits ilst's tif I ii mm gre , . t XVi , rP d's i'sui r. flJital ( IO $ IruiItgu'rs viIl Iliiii lIar 'IIzeiis of Oniuhiu . 'ugu'r it , nii.h to I 1si1 r eufort , , ahl ( 11 i.li ; S t. Cuilil , here itittI siirt'tI ' .iurseI C us 'uu : ) 1.itqtsm' . Our cslutlIsliiit , I' , large .2. . otller us eiimighi , ItotJiur us all yui 'i'uit. ' % % 'm , si iii luiu' cure mit 'uimir inrt'ulM , ( Ill yO U 'irflfl t zi.e''t sour friejitis , un'tIsIim.r to no- Cu ) , , , iuiIule Sluini I ( 'iNt ) oil Jill - to-you are , 'ItJicr , It 5(11) have usity trailing In tin , Puny I i OL1"t113 ? ' vIiu'rc you plu-tssr , lout arut niniler iso oIllgut Jonas to I miii' Ii.'ru' . lull ought srelcom 0- i , , , V here , ivliris 3.iu louk its I Isrotigh , Per ve a rum Pcoiiui ii dtuuilt S 'J:11s : O1.lI : ( ILl t3T tine sutfest stud nmluensjut'it citulluiuig urns In Oujuuuis , , , - tls oitizens surest , leogtJNe orb jurivesuo diu.- cmiii ii is , mu I , St I suet's , ii a I h'uvi is g tc. lid ° LI ' . , ' ' In ' ' ' . ( : ii. , nsuisr'iurcsuu'uuttutIouts unu' i'm1) , II. ) jueriuieit'uis I riiu got I I mug , to 3T0 LiL' ( 'hiu'nprut hu'egtuse , our stern mx- iueliN are Ml , mitsui. lusrgu , cpeisrs iuuu'uuw iurge iuu'ulils , i'ou huinu' the plensuros. rest. - -