Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 29, 1898, Editorial Sheet, Page 13, Image 13

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_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TI OMA1TADAiLYJENDAY , MAY 29 , 1898. 13
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
OvktioiGr thgthaLPorto1UcoitBc
- _ _
S Wonli1 Cn on Thie ir SnppIIe for
SvstiIi Jrr nod ( Ir TImr to
I'iit iInntrr In Iinpe
for Cu1ftfl CflnpDijII.
NFW ronx. Mny 28.-A i1ec1aI to the
TImc3 tron Vah1ngthn ays Moug
today' ha.s bten devokl of detnlt de1op-
rnentz ot a : I1Itai'y ? utur. It has beeti
marked by a rengtheaIxig o the convlc.ion
tbtt Porto Rico mod not Cuba is to be the
flrit object o Inaz1on by the eomblned land
' aIRI flIb& torceL Tbe ain1strMlon ii
riot making fli 4an knon , lior h the Var
board taldog the pibIIc Into it conflience.
but there are other ways In hlvh coming
eTcnth make themselvci known crcn In
tIme5. A ttlIflCrtht Indication of Ihe attitude -
titude of the military ann towara Porto
Rico ii signified by the wa members of the
- _ _ _ S _ _ _ , Ltata urge the movement. The eammand-
lug general of the army is Ect talking for
puhllcaUon but it is understo3J that the
members of his taft who declare unreservedly -
servodly In favor of taking Porto Rico without -
out delay reflect hlz views on that subject.
The announcement that trnerai Miles may
1cae Washington in a Jay or two on a tour
of lnapectlon of the army tramp , In the
south is regarded as cooflrmator of the
understanding that ( hero La to be no in-
Yaslon of Cuba at once. It ba been taken
for 13T ted that Gceral dtIea will go to
Cuba with the army. If the Invasion La to
'r be put off and Porto Itico taken instead. Ms
present tour of inspection Is easily cx-
- plalned. The strongest nrgurnent used in
fa'ror of an attack on Porte Rico is that It
Is the easiest thing the army cnn do just at.
present , and in fact about the only thin ;
It can do. The decision wai reachd long
ago that not less than preferably
S. . 75,000 men. will be needed for th' lint army
sent to Cuba. Not more than men
are in shape now for a fore1 campaign.
These are the regulars and the equip-1
- olunteerz at Tampa. The rest of the volunteer -
unteer atin Is untrained anI unequipped.
and it may be accepted unce for all that it
is not gotng to be sent to Cuba until It Is
equipped and to some extent luatructeti in
and inured to the practices of war. With
the 5.OOO men already at Tampa it Is urged
Porto Itico could be talcn and subdutd.
while the rest of the army is being put In
. shape at Chickamauga and other camps.
w When all has been made ready for the move
on Cuba all the regulars could he withdrawn -
drawn from Porto Rico and used to lead the
army against flianco. The fact that while
gh-thg needed training to the regulirs hern-
selves , and delivering them from the debit-
' itating Inaction atTampa. this move would
strike a deadly blow at Spain In a vital part
of its colonial structure and rob the reserve
Spanish fleet of its only base of suppIIe on
this side of the Atianttc. are urged as
reasons In its favor. are believed to be
determining the powers that be In its faror.
Trii ILCIII ) 10 ) Iiisr.
There does not seem to be anything to
prerent the success of the plan , since the
troops and the trnnsport.s are alt at Tampa ,
and all , according to reports received here ,
are ready to move on short notice. The
fact that Cenoral Shalter has been author-
ied to send a portion of his command at
Tampa to Jacksonvilie. so as to make them
xnoro comfortable In camp , is taken here to
indicate that there is no intention to send
theta to Cuba at once. If General Shatter
knew his wholc ioree would be called on to
go to Cuba next week It is urged that he
would not go to the trouble of having them
break camp tnd move over to Jack.onrIlIe.
The plan. ns It Is construed here , Is for
General Shatter to send the least araltabte
at his volunteers to Jacksonville. while bold-
log the reulars and the pick of the new
troops to the number of 1SOCO or 20.000
ready for the eapeditlon to Porto Rico.
Private letters received here say all the
Indications at Tampa point to n early departure -
parture of the military force z.uqssed at
that point. with much uncertainty as to
whither the expedition Is bound. Th' z -
pect.ation hero will be disappointed If Porto
Rico is not Its destination. Assuming the
correctness of the report that the Spanish
fleet is shut up in Santiago. it is concluded
there would be no dimculty in MlmIral
' .5 Sampson supplying enough ships to con-
vol the transports to Porto Rico without
weakening the blockade off Havana and
tearing reserves to attend to the Cadlz
squadron. should it appear suddenly In
these waters.
One suggestion made to account for Ad-
mimi SampsOn's last appearance in the
aetghborhood of the Old Bahama channel Is
that be is ncuaIntIng himself with the
route about to be taken by the ships that
- -4. ire to carry the expedition to Porto Rico-
not necessarily to San Juan. for it is more
: han guessed that the landing In Porto Rico
will be at some point where Infantry and
irtillery and Perhaps carairy can be put
) n shore to attack the defensea of San
tuan in the rear. So much attention Is
elng given to the I'orto Rico occupation by
the military authorities that It is assumed
) y ofticers that the army and navy plans
zave gone along together. When the mo-
Eent of attack arrires it may be expected
I take rleum in letting you know how
touch CL'TIVVILA 8 tvu bsedoue for me.
my father and two trother , . In the fail of
aai tcgantobeaflhicteI with an itching rash
under idy chin. It kept ipreading until it
" 3. ' all ocr my body , I could not sleep but
was cotnpeird to lie awake am ! scratch all
the time , 'ly father and two brothers were
amictet ) with the same thingat thesama time.
5- , . WeatI su1TcredterriblyIoracarani a tif ,
- , .trying In the meantime au the remedies wu
could Cod , but reesised no tcneflt , I h5l-
to see Ct7TICt'RL ltF5JIO15 R.dTcZ1it4
&nd bow they bad cured others i7utu itehizg
1km diseases , and we thought we wocid tr
theta. I lought three cakes of'CLicvici.
-S _ . _ , _ _ , 5' , h..nt'tTTTt'tR4 ( uIntnnt
, _ . a. , . . . . . . . . . . . - ' . - - band -
and they csrril Os bar tf oiepZcftJy.
.Any person doubling the trutbo ! this irate-
meat can 'artte ins. IIICIIAIII ) AcIflr5so. :
S Feb. Genera , Box } .lder Co. Utah.
I bitt an attack of Eczvma seerst ears ago
and ( ouud toyseilin ihectutchesof amoaster
wbosebu1lfle5SitW3. to torture ineand make
life miserable. Ccuecitt ltczsmst were
recommande't to we by zuy dtugtst , lr. T.
P. Van VIuLleof llasiford City , lad. I used
"S altogether three bottles . ) ! CrrlCWU. flssos.-
' ' wth frr4ucnI baths with CurwtRtA
'SI. _ 'eaxr4
aud the use of the CiTccs.aOiotZnCnt ,
and In fourmoaths found myself cured.
Ech. 23 , lJt 1)AVII ) cott ; 1ou. lad.
8IZIbTiI Tzigvrr eiToITritTa flgirto.
, . . euh Ceiwsg
% L,4 k1CLI.w.
jelt. LaI.I'I vtUi 4XTw& & ( wIa.tL4I. P' 4
q.LI..ot 5tb I4 ui14 4. of tItlCJ5 ft5.
Sa IT , gT.Zt. ; SI bk44ts _ .54 ta * ct
gd.i.h.ettatw-t& FunisDire 4iI5L.
Cuiet'r ; - . n'.l'a
.7-lLQ5 19 I Tflsdsg W * Dtauau , ' gsss ,
that Sampson will be outside of the harbor
prepared to attack the batterita be has
tested bi1e the land forces are trying the
ability of Spanish trools to defend Isal
pea itiona.
Gcncrr.i * * ; ; ; Lnnsax of
the Union i'r.elfle lnatrneting
His Assl'tnnts.
General Vasengcr Agent Lcmax of the
Union Pacic Is preparing to hold a class in
expeiiUon education of all the trareling psi-
senger agents. district passenger agents and
other attaches of the "Orerland Route' 'who
solicit paasezgcr bus.iueu. Object lessons
are to be taught to the members of the class.
They are to be brought to Omaha from all
parts of the United States and arriving bre
on the morning of Saturday , June 4 , will be
entertained here a couple of day3 and afforded -
forded evxy opportunity to familiarize
themselTes with the exposition sod its at-
The visitors will Include all the eastern
. representaUves of the Union racthca passenger -
senger departmeit , agents coming from
i Boston. New York. Philadoiphis , flaltimoro
\Vazhlngton , as well as from the leadIng -
Ing clUes between here and there. There
will be about twenty in the party and they
will occupy a special car attached to the
'Orerland Limited" train. After thoroughly
acquainting themselres with the exposition.
In order to properly direct travel this way ,
the passenger men will be given a trip over
the line they represent.
TilUlli.1S ltOtIt AT PltfltCNT.
VrCaI1etIt Ut nntpl'ellvuiea turclinae
of Halt iziiorc .t Oh to.
TOPEKA , May S.-iust before starting on
the trip over the Southern Kansas. President -
dent E. P. Ripley of the Santa Fe. said :
"Owing to the disastrous tunnel flre in
Arizona , the management of the Santa Fe
'wili turn every energy toward the business
of the lines now In hand. There Is no truth
in the rumor that the Santa Fe contemplates
the purchase of the Baltimore & Ohio. "
Asked if such a snore would be made
within a year. Mr. Ripley evaded the qucs-
tion , but said , "Time 'will answer that ques-
tion. "
Specinl Trnln. for WedfleIlflT.
The Union Pacific has arranged to run
four special trains from Nebraska points
into Omaha for the opening of the exposition
on Wednesday. These. In addition to the
regular trains , will , it is believed , afford
excellent service to and from the city for
the opening day. The special trains will be
run from Grand Island , from Stromzburg ,
from Manhattan and from the branch north
of Columbus. All four specials will arrive
here between 1030 and 11:0 o'clock on
Wedneeday mornuing , and returning will
leave here in the evening.
Free Ittile for StoeIioIleri.
CHICAGO. May Z.-Tho Illinois Central
Railroad company in order to secure a large
attendance at the next annual meeting of
the stockholders has tent to each living along
the line of its road a ticket 'which will enable
the holder to travel to and from Chicago
p n itirny ote" nd l't"TflfllM.
General Charles E. Manderson has returned -
turned from Chicago.
.1. A. Kuhn of the Northwestern is in
Chicago on a railway mission.
Fred A. Nash. general 'western agent of
the Mllwaukeo railroad. has returned from
a fortnight's trip to New York and Boston.
Manager Clark of the Evans hotel at Hot
Springs , S. Ii , is in the city securing the
necessary supplies to opan the resort on
Juno L
J. B. Davenport. district passenger agent
of the Clover Leaf at St. .Louts,5 spent Fri-
dny In Omaha and expressed himself as
highly pleased with the exposition.
One of the big locomotives of the Union
Pacific got mixed up with a wagon that was
ti-yiag to cross the track ahead of the engine -
gine in Ogden on Friday. The wagon was
knocked into kindling wood and two men
ho were in It 'were badly injured.
\'icc President Warner of the Missouri
Pacific came up to the city from St. Louis
yesterday afternoon. Ho took a run out to
the exposition grounds and inspected the
new quarters of the Missouri Paciftes at
Fourteenth and Douglas streots.
At a meeting of the board of directors of
the Union l'aciflc Railroad company held in
New York this. week a H. Harriman was
elected chairman of the executive commit-
tee. The other members of the committee
are : Winnow S. Pierce. chairman of the
board and general counsel , ex-otUclo. Marvin
flughitt. Otto H. Kahn and James Still-
Omaha is to have another train on no-
count of the Increased amout of travel expected -
pected from the exposition. The Burlington
has announced that tcain No. 10. known as
the Creston local , which now runs only to
Council Bluffs , will on and after Sunday be
run Into Omaha. Its arriving time at Coun-
cii Bluffs Is 3:45 p. in. daily. It will reach
Omaha at 4 p. rn. daily. Train o. t.
which now leaves Council Bluffs at 10:45 a.
m for Creston , will leave Omaha at 11 a. m.
on and after Sunday next.
There wili be another movement of troops
through Nebraska en route for San Fran-
deco nod the Philippine Islands on Sunday.
Three special trains will carry a regiment
of volunteer infantry from South Dakota to
the I'aciic coast. The start will be made
from Sioux Falls , S. Ti. . on Supday morning
at &clock over the Chicago , St. Paul , Mm-
neapolls & Omaha road. There will be
thirty-five cars in all and they will be bandied -
died in three trains. At Norfolk. Neb. , the
trains will be deliyered to the Union Pacific
for transportation to the coast
isoacci lccldea to Girt- nfl Couiidy Urn-
ilo'ea ft l1liIIay 1111
Wed ucid ay.
The county wilt fall In line and observe
Wednesday , the opening day of the exposi-
tlon , as a holiday. At the meeting of the
, county commissioners yesterday it was
decided to give all the employcs a vacation
on that day. This was the most important
piece of business at the very brief nieeUn
held ,
A proposition was received from the
Omaha Real Estate cxchaage , which agreed
to furnish shade trees to be planted along
count7 roadsif the county will stand the
expanse of planting and caring for them.
The trees will be placed along the roads ,
commencing from the city limits , and will
be about fifty or sixty feet apart. The
planting will commence next fall.
harry II. Taylor as nppointed temporary
jaultor at the court house at $4 a month.
The regular monthly salary appropriation
sheet was passed.
CIileugu Slur.Ierer ( oiug home.
Ietcctlve J3urk of the Chicago detective
bureau passed through the city , having in
custody James Crawford. wanted in Cbi-
cage ( or complicity In the murder of
Thomas liaroes of South ChIcago.
The murder was committed April 5 last.
After its rocnmiasioa Crawford disappeared
and was located in Deviver a week ago ,
Barnes , Crawford and a number of others
were driekiug In a tow saloon on the night
of the murder , and ound up their debauch
with a free fight. After the fight Barnes
was found unconscious outside the saloon ,
with a fractured skull. and died a short
time later. AU o the men who were im-
piieated In the fight. were taken into cus.
tod' Aortly after , but Crawford , who could
not be found. Sirn"t. rUh tprczcou'i. hlet-ormi ,
SAN FRANCISCO , May . -lrvIn w.
Scott of the Uaiou Iron orks ha gone to
St. Pttersburg. to consult with the czar's
government regarding the building of Bus-
elan war ahipa in this city. On Tuesday last
be yeceived word irons St. Petersburg , con-
gratulatiug him on the performance of the
Oregon , and asking him to go to that
rather and E1&itt Son .Are ra tot
Guilty of MththT.
Jo1rrnl Reunion of fh Family In Ihie
Court htoom .Vhien that 'cr-
diet Ii Annonnccil
by the Clerk.
Joseph and Louis Ksstner , father and son ,
accused of the murder of Offlcer Dan Tiede-
man anti the wounding of Oerr At Clover
itt 2elson's saloon. Thirtieth and Spaulding
streets , on the early morning of June .
l.97. are free men , the jury having returned
a verdict of not guilty.
Some time miuring the night of June 8 ,
1S97 , burglars broke Into the saloon at Thir-
Urth and Spanidlog streets. The patrol
wagon was sent to the scene , and on the
way out stopped to take in Omeer Clover ,
who 'was on the orth Twenty.fourth street
beat. The omcers reached the place about
3 o'clock on the morning of June 9. Driver
Osborne was left in charge of the wagon
and the two offleers , Tiedeman and Clover.
commenced an investigation. At this jute-
ture the men in the saloon-three in number
-Jumped through a window and fled. As
they ran they fired at the omeers. all of
their shots apparently taking effect , as
Tiedeman received wounds from the effect
of which he died during the next day.
Clover was shot in the face , the hip and the
leg , and while he has recovered and is at
work , he is anything but a well man , his
wounds still causing him much pain.
The morning following the shooting a num-
bee of oflicers were put upoa the case , and
during the day the three } taatners , Joseph ,
the father , and August and Louis , his eons ,
who resided a few blocks from the saloon.
were arrested. They 'were lodged in jail
and then the police commenced a hunt for
other parties. 'who , according to their theory ,
might have had some connection with the
commission of the crime. For several days
this line of work was pursued , and then the
entire attention of the pollee force was con-
centrntcd in an effort to secure evidence
against the Kastners.
Younger One Convicted.
In due course of time the Kasthers were
given a preliminary hearing in the police
court and were held without bonds to appear -
pear before the district court. At the Sep-
tetnber term they were called and demande'.l
separate trials. The younger Knstner , Au-
gust. was placed upon trial and after a
hard fought battle that consumed the greater
part of a month he was found guilty of
murder , the jury recommending life Im-
prisonment. This sentence was imposed and
the young man is now in the penitentiary.
The case against Joseph and Louis Kast-
ner was called before Judge Slabaugh on
May 10 and submitted yesterday. All of
the evidence was of a circumstantial nature ,
though the county attorney and his assistant
considered It stronger than that adduced
on the trial of August Kasther. The only
defense of the defendants was an alibi , they
and all of the members of the family swear-
log that they were in their home during
all of the night of the commission of the
The jury that had the case under ronald-
oration reached a conclusion shortly after I
o'clock yesterday morning and retired. At
7 o'clok this morning Judge Slabaugh was
notified that the jury had agreed. and on
reaching the court houme a few moments
after S o'clock be found the jurors in their
seats awaiting his coming. The prisoners
were ordered up from the county jail and
the clerk was sent for. On his arrival he
was handed the verdict , which he read.
During the reading both of the Kastners
seemed deeply interested , and as be pronounced -
nounced the words , "not guilty. " their tea-
tures lighted up and an expression of satisfaction -
faction overspread their features.
Joyful i'nmily Reunion.
The aged mother. 'who had been in attendance -
ance upon the trial , grasped her husband
about the neck and gave him a strong hug ,
Imprinting a kiss upon'hts lips. Then turn-
leg to her son , she bugged him and wept
in his arms. Miss Kasther , a young woman ,
the daughter and sister. showed more emo
tion than any of the others. She cried and
at the same time hugged her father
and brother and showered kisses on them.
After the completion of the reunion in the
court room the lltTJe family group proceeded
to the jail , where the men visited the cell
which they bad occupied for almost a year
and gathered up their clothes and
belongings , after hicb they left for their
Just bow the jury stood Is not. known , and
probably will not be , as all of the menibers
of the panel said that they entered into an
agreement not to give out anythin ; connected -
nected with their deliberations. They refused -
fused to state bow many ballots were iaku
or how the vote stood on any of the ballots.
Judge Scott UiboIiI the Contract for
hinuIIns , Gmomiii S'ItiiIn time
C ro U ii IN.
Judge Scott has passed upon the case of
I3erkins and Gordon , who sought an injunction -
tion to restrain the Merchants' Express corn-
rany from interfering wIth them in the hsul.
inc of exhibits to the buildings on the erno-
sitlon grounds.
In thecase before the court the plaintiffs
contended that the exposition asso.iatien had
been Instrumental in building up a monopoly
by awarding the hauling contract to the
Merchants' Express company , After listen'
lug to tebUmony for three days , Judge Scott
found that the defendant had a contract
with the exposition and bad given a bond ( or
the faithful performance of the condtions of
the contract. He further held that all goods
shipped to the axpositlon association and
switched within the grounds could be irons-
( erred to the spaces within the buildings by
the defendant and not by any other per-
Regarding goods and exhibits consigned to
the owners the court held that if they were
received at the local depots any and all
drayxnen could haul them to the buildings
on the ground. , providing wagons that conform -
form to the rules adopted by the exposition
association were used , but in the event of
such goods and exhibits being consigned to
the exposition then the managers bad authority -
thority to select their own carriers for the
purpose of placing the praperty upon the
spaces in the buildings.
By the terms of the decision the Mar-
clants' Express company secures all of the
exhibits shipped into the grenada In cars , all
of the exhibits consigned to the exposition
and such other business as it can get by
rustling , The court suggested , and to fact
ordered , that the defendant remove from its
'wagons the signs , "official carriers for the
exposition. "
Judge Baxter Hilmih , Over ) lorri.on
and Strock , Alleged South
Omaha Ganibleri ,
Some more of the South Omaha gamblIng
house cases were on before County Juige
Baxter and still thert are others to follow.
In the cases recently disposed of , the court
has bald "Rocky Mountain Pete , " all-ta
Samuel P. Morrison and Fred Sleuth , to
appear at the next term of the district court
and answer to the charge of setting up and
keeping gambling flxtures. The bonds in
each case are flied at $00. J , Jorgensen ,
J. ) -
Tomorrow wili e Deorat3on day-but
why shouldn't ' of 1ndIe shoes
todny-Drcx L. 'ibooman rns made a
special study ot'ttdies' foot wear-and
flow'offers to ) 6 1frlendii and recommends -
mends the use o ? nietilum weight weu-
soleti shoe in eIther tan or Lilaek-lilgh
or oxford cut-tte make such it good
shoe for sumii4l'cr , it-ear-being heavy
okMl they keep The ient from the foot
-111115 ; eiinilnntlhit" that tired , stcollen
feclIn-tho.e cqnii' in the new inetlinin
and dollar tnea out2i common sono Inst
nuti are sure to prove the most ; lmhtr
shoe made If they are not already so.
Drexel Shoe Co. ,
Ornnh'a Up-to-dntc Shoe hoUse.
1419 FARAM sTREEr.
It doesn't 1ay to "get along" with
bare floors-they look bare and cheerless -
less arid it costs niore to keen thetis
scrubbetl than a carpet costi-It doesn't
iiIY to buy ioor carpets either-the kind
that lok cheap and wear out quickly-
buy good carpets-right in material and
correct in Iattern and fabrle-timt is to
sny-buy your carpets here-where the
quality Is guaranteed and where the
assortment to choose from Is the larg-
Omah aCarpetCo
Omaha's Exclusive Carpet house ,
1515 Dodge St.
Iternember the Maine-remember the
boys in blue-W'e close Monday at iloon
-Tuesday you can come to the store
and see the greatest display of pianos
ever brought to Omaha-We have at-
wah 'carried reliable goods-whIle not
the cheapest as far as goes-yet
the best for the money ever offered any-
where-special aliowlng now of exposition -
tion stock that will IroO very interest-
lug to nil lovers of inusc-Yon shoud !
not fail to rend our advertisement on
Page eight of this paper-Store will be
open all day W'ednttIay , June 1.
MllIG Ufl All , 1513 Douglas
, -
who was joinUy charged with the other defendants -
fendants , was reieazedIit being proven that
ho was not a participaat in setting up the
gambling appliancs apd in keeping them
in operation.
Called flfore touity Judge Baiter.
anti CoutIsmucil Uu'tll Scat TIIUCM-
dn ; % Slorninj.
The case of the State against William F.
l3echel , wherein the defendant is charged
with embezzlement and conversion of funds
belonging to the Pacific Express company , ,
was called Ia county court and continued
until June 2 at 10 o'clock a. m. The case
against T. K. Sudhorough having been
formerly set for hearing on the same day ,
the court announced that the hatter case
would be continued when the return day
One Lift , tomThree. .
ATLANTA , Ga. , May 28.-The Jury in the !
case of Edward C. Flanagan today returned
a verdict of guilty and the murderer was
sentenced to be banged June 24. Flanagan
is over 40 years old and was in lore with
the 11-year-old daughter of P. C. Allen and
possessed of the idea that the family was
persecuting him he oFened fire on them
while they were at supper , December 31 ,
1S6 , killing old Mr. Allen , the grandmother
and Miss Ruth Slack. a visitor. Two other
members of the family were wounded. This
was the third trial of the case.
Ante Room Echoes
During the past sceek the Inforniatinn
bureau whIch the Odd Feliows have con-
atmucted bet'sen the Odd Fellows' ball
and the Odmi Fellows' temple on Fourteenth
Street , near fledge , was completed an 5cc-
retary Nichols has taken up quarters In
the new building and Is ready to answer all
the inquiries which visltin. Odd Fellows
desire to make. The bureau will open At
7:30 : In the mornIng during the exposition
and will close at II p. m. A list of approved -
proved rooms v.111 be kept at all times and
information concerning the city and exposition -
sition will be gladly furnished to Odd Fellows -
lows and their families. This is not a I
public bureau of information , and as th.
number of visiting Odd Fcllos who will
1)0 here this summer will be so large , the
bureau will be compe1led to exclude out-
In addition to the temporary building the
halis and parlors in the Odd Fellows' tern-
plet will be at the disposal of guests.
A movement is now' on foot to hold a
cantonment of Odd Fciiow8 In Omaha at
some time during tbe.axpoaition , More than
25.000 Odd Fellows are' members of the
military branch of the order in the United
States , and a cantonment would attract cantons -
tons from all over the country and bring a
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large number of well drilled and handsomely -
somely uniformed men to Omaha.
Foresters ,
The states of Missouri and Kansas will
bold their annual log rolling and conven-
lion at Fort Scott , Kan. , on June 9. All
camps of the two states will be represented
by one delegate for each fifty members in
good standing. Officers are to be elected
and a place sIdeted for the next annual
The high court session of the Foresters
of Nebraska will be held in Onutha , commencing -
mencing July 19 , and the local Foresters
are making eloquent preparations for the
entertainment of visitors who will be here
at that time.
Colonel B. W. Jewell , chairman of the
sovereign finance committee of Manchester ,
In. , was in the city this week adjusting and
approving death claims.
Sons of 1'elernmm , .
The memorial services held on Thursday
night in memory of George I. Yocier were
well attended and very impressive.
On Sunday morning all the Sons of
Veterans in Omaha , together with the
women of the Woman's Relief corps , will
meet for the purpose of marching to the
Grace Baptist church , where Rev. 3. 0.
Staples 'will deliver a Memorial day sermon.
General George Crook camp has been considering -
sidering for some time the abuses which
are icing heaped upon the American flag
by thoughtless and careless people and it is
the intention of the camp to undertake a
movement which shall influence congress to
pass a measure prohibiting the use of the
flag for cushions and foot stools. In the
opinion of members of the lodge it is an
insult to the stars and stripes to degrade
it as is being done at present in many ways.
hIIdepenil.'Imt lVorksi-n of .tnierlcn.
The Omaha Workmen bare been planning
a boat ride and picnic at Cut Off lake for
some time , and it has been decided to bold
it on June 8. The party will leave the city
late in the afternoon and have supper at the
For several years Wilber lodge , No. 7. has
bad charge of 'the Memorial day exercises
at Wilber. Neb. , and has made a great sue-
cees of the undertaking. The lodge will
have charge of the ceremonies again this
year and Is preparing an excellent program.
3. A. Iioapodsky will be the chief speaker of
the dy and F. J. Kobes will be master of
The bicycie chub of Omaha ledge , Xo.
1 , will make a run to Calhoun today. The
start will be at 8:30 : , dinner 'will be had
in Calhoun , and the return will be made in
the afternoon ,
A large lodge was instituted at Dunlap ,
Is. , during the past week.
Kniahts ( if l'ythiniu.
On Thursday afternoon a meeting was
held in Myrtle ball for the purpose of or-
ganising a lodge of Rathbone Sisters. A.
temporary org'anisaUon was perfected , and
Trans-Mississippi and international [ xposition.
s ' - - . -
4 _ _ . ! _ _ _ _
t u ! _ : ; _ 4 t , J .iS.
Yois can't ot o't'r facts anti i.mi ( tlne *
waMed to go 'rOund them-WImtn we
M tt'O are In the , tica1 wools bnstnes
te mean that w , lust-c eYryUmtng In
the way of spectacles , incsee , knses
and frames you are likely to require or
your iiysiclan to prescrb3- When It
collies lo t1ttIn you with the glasses
suitable to your needs you rcoolve corn-
petent attetitkn nbd the best geode to
be had In town at anywhere near tlm
ir1co-Put or your glasses anti look at
the facts-Eye examinations free.
The Aloe & Penfold Co
Leading Seientlfl. Optietsa. ,
IIOS Tarn. Etreet
Dco.lI. Paxio Uotet. 14.
This Is a free eonntry-nntl Monday
ttii5 ; little COlOh'el ' uiI
( boy 'trIll show tip-
predation of J.ils freedom by cloeing tip
the storu at noon-tp to that timime we
will be selling the best refrigerator ever
rnnde.-"the iewei"-the greatest ice
.q.'tvr-tlie easiest to keep clean-the
best food kceper-W'e have tlti-se in all
the PoPular slzes-prit-etl at i.PS. from
that tmi-tiie , it-wel lawn mower is xi
gootl running niato-o easy to Push-
cults tue grass so month-l2 inch size ,
2.rO-a little more for each size larger-
24-in. tomorrow T.OO-A complete line
of builders' lmardvnre.
1514 Fariiarn St
Honor and prnise to those that honor
and praise are due-Wlieit we hook back
ten years over our business in Onutha
and nil of that time In this same place-
cannot but know that our work has
been satisfaetory-elc why has our busi-
Hess grown from day to tiny-Naturally
you consider It a more reliable place to
go-than to some ninkeshift or tempo-
rar3' exposition uleutni parlors-here
today to catch the rush-gone tonsorrow
-If our work by any inlitbap liotild
prove unsatisfactory we will be right
lien ? ten years from now to make it right
-Not much risk in that for you.
in Tear. 3d Floor Paxton flUe.
Cxpe-rlesmrr. 10th and
Say did you fellers tink I wux dud'- ?
well I uvtiz'nt-I jist went over to der
lilipenes wid Docy an cut do knb& fur
him-say but them fellers srn.jke-o do
do boys at Friseo-wiiun I kumu tro tkr
I got orders from nil do Omaha boys
fur tie best five cent cigar ever made
-you remember 'iiat dat i-core yer
do honey It-s do five cent Stc.eker an yer
han bet all tie money you've saved since
I've been gone dut Its de best ever.
1404 Douglas St.
a letter was read from the supreme occrs
detailing the manner of organizing , nod
stating they would be in attendance at the
proper time to institute the lodge and itt-
stall Its officers. After appointing a coin-
mittee on membership. an adjournment was
taken until Monday evening at S o'clock in
Myrtle Annex , at which time It Is desired
that all members be present Following
this meeting a social session will be held
in the parlors of the Nebraska lodge , and
all knights of the city and ladies are requested -
quested to be present.
A mass meeting of Knights of l'ytbias
was held during the past week for the purpose -
pose of discussing the organization of a
uniformed rank of Knights of Pythmas. Much
interest was displayed in the matter , and
another meeting of knights wIll be held at
Myrtle hall on Monday night for the purpose -
pose of carrying the Idea Into execution.
Fraternal Union of .iiirirn.
Banner lodge gave an enjoyable entertainment -
ment on Thuradny evening.
Beatrice. Neb. , lodge is making arrange-
meets for a large public meeting. to be
held on June 6.
Mondainin lodge , No. 111. wIll hold a box
social at Patterson hail on the night of
June 13.
Dewey is becoming so popular that several
lodges of the Fraternal Union bare been
named after him.
Secret Sot-icty cott-s ,
Fraternal Commissioner F. F. Rose returned -
turned from Colorado on Friday.
During the past week the following camps ,
Woodinen of the Worid , have been organ-
lied In Nebraska : No , 12I , Nickereon ; No ,
131 , West Point ; No , 132 , Wood River.
B. and M. camp of the Modern Woodmen
of AmerIcan gave a very pleasant entortain-
meat \'oodman ball on Friday night. A
short musical program was rendered and
John T. Yates delivered an adress on
"Fraternal Insurance. "
The first anniversary of B. & M. camp
2722 , Modern Woodmen of America ,
fittingly celebrated last Friday night ith
S grand musical and literary entertainment
in the camp's hail , to which the members
and friends were invited. The camp organized -
ganized a year ago with thirty.six mem
hers , anj now counts a membership of 175.
In the grand parade on the opening day
of the exposition the secret societies of
Omaha will play no small part. Various
organizations will be represented In the
parade and the rich uniforms of many
of the military branches of differ-
cut orders will add much to the
fine appearance which Omaha hopes
.to make and 'will make on that day.
Clan Gordon No. Cl. Orderof Scottisb'Ciana
will be reperesented in the parade by about
seventy Scotchmen in their native bonnet
and plaid. The Woodmen of the World will
contribute a drill team of twenty-eight well
trained men and a band of twenty-one
pieces and ninny other orders will be repre-
Roseland castle of Lady ) ilgbiandors 'was
organized at O'Neill , Neb. , on May 25 with a
membership of more than fifty , The foliow.
tag officers were elected : Past Illustrious
protector , Mrs. Fannie Morris ; illustrious
protector , Mrs. Frank Campbell ; wise coun-
seiior , Mrs. Clara Jenoess ; lair evangel.
Mrs. Susan McCoie , lair secretary , Ms-s. Ab.
Igail Sullivan , fair treasurer , Mrs. J. I' , Gil.
ligan trusty guide , Miss Kate Cain , lair
warder , Miss Marion Hatfield , gentle sentry ,
4ias Mary Imictaughilin ; first maid of honor ,
Mr-s. Martha Smith. second maid of honor ,
Miss Annie Kerwin. first prudential maria-
ger , Mrs. Z. Trueblood. second prudenUsi
manager , Mrs.S'Uhie Selah ; third pruden-
tia.1 manager , Mrs. Laura Cress. .
& A
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The following Diseases
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Constipation ,
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Whatever Your Aliliction
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timonlals In curing E'E1tY CIIAI1ACTER
mt disease , wheTher CIIIION1C OR OTHER-
VISE. Dr. C. Gee Wo guarantees a cure
In ever ) ' Case or the monej will b relund
tid. Consultation free. nettd a two.cent
stamp for book and question biar.s.
Or , C. Gee Wo , 5l N. 16th St. , leb
.tsisverrii time I.n.'t Jtthi ( 'nil.
George Crook Post , Grand Army of the
Republic , Is in mourning. having
lost two comrades Friday night ;
Frank E. Weir ( colored ) at 7 10 p. m. , aged
& 3 , and ilerekiab l'erklns at 1O40 p. in , ,
aged t5. Comrade i'rkins I. believed to be
the oldest comrade in Nebraska. lie served
in the Florida and Mexican wars and in the
'sar of the rebellion , and in the ia-st war
had five eons bo served with him. Thu
funeral of Comrade 'eir will take place
from Burket & Doder's , undertakers.
Twenty-third and Cuming streets , and of
Comrade I'erkina Irons his residence. 2'JZ
Grant street , at the same hour , under thu
auspices of time C , A. K. All comradz m
respectfully requested to attend , as a doutlo
funeral Is a most unsual occurrence.
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