Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 29, 1898, Editorial Sheet, Page 12, Image 12

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    - _ - -r---- . - . - - ----iT---MAiic : : DUL'BEESUNDAY , MAY 29,1898.
- Ti u SUNDM BEI ?
L . fltily flee ( Without ItIfl(1ay ) , Ono Year.0.OO
t. Daily Bee nnd Sutiilay , One 1e.r . .
; . Hix 7tonth9 4.O
Three Months . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00
Huflday 1Jen One Yenr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00
SttLirdiy flee. 0n' Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1A0
Week3 l3ee , One Year 65
Omalza The flc liIlkilng.
' Stith Omaha : Singer Iftock. Corner 2
nI 24th Btrects.
¶ Cauncli IIIulTg : 10 ! 'cnij Rtrcet.
Chicago Oflice : 60 Chamber of CoM-
New York : Tcmtilo Court.
. WnhIngtont 601 Foirteonth Street.
MI cnnimuntc'ttInng relating to newi antI
t edtorIiiI matter ihoUld be addrced To
the Editor.
All busineis letters and rcmtttnnoei
ihotild be ahldrt5cl to The lIce PtttIisIitn
Comtuiny , Ornoha. Drnfts check9. CXlrCPi
ailti postomcn money ortler to be rnadt
pftyfthli' to the order of tli Compafly.
State of Nebraska , DouglaR county , . :
Ocorgo U. Tzchuck , secretary of rho flee
Publihtng company , being duly eworn , w1
that the actual number of full and complete
coplo of The Daily , MornIng , Evening and
Sunday flee , printed during the month of
April , 1818 , was ne foliowo :
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( )
2..2 1,418
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : , 18. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . ; i . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : , ; 20. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . zt. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7..21orn : ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9..2 1,4)00 ) 21. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . - , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) , ( ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
33. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ,
14..i 1lIfl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) ,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ( ) 3G. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
L8s returns ituti unsold copies. . . . . . 17,42(1
Net total ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , (
Not. dn.Iiy average. . . . . . 2,639
Sworn to before mo and uburibetI in my
prcenco this 30th day of April. 18S.
( Seal. ) N. P. FElL. Notory Public.
Two American war correJon(1entJ
are lying In a Iliivtna prison anti ev-
oral are doing the t1)1 ) ( thing outsde
of Ilnvziiia.
Close ohser-ers llIslMt that It is not the
price oI whett : oboe , but or other
proluets ( us eIl , that is Intilclng the
fttrnlel-.s happy.
A Byron revival In literature is prom.
Ised. It ittlglit as vell 1)eglmm ) with a
reathitig o the story ot 1)otm .luan's
trawela In Spain.
Omaha is rapidly apiwoncltlmmg Expo.
aitlon day. the lIggei4t ) iliy : iii nil it Ifla-
tory , 1111(1 ( thou there viIi be nothing iut
big 1iyi : to follow in rapii succession.
Twenty harvard inca are going to
Cuba with Itoosevelt's rough i-liheis , lum(1
thus the credit of the educational lust ! .
tutlo'ns ' of the coumItry for 1)mttrlotlsm ) Is
kept Ititact.
It. the mneIuIers ) of the Universal Pnci
union want that organh'.utlon to have time
respect ot the ieiilc ) they vIil keel )
imantla ofI. 'J'he timmie for mitlvce : from
a pence mimilon has iatsetl.
Time soldiers vImo go to time Philippines
vihi do o1I to take immunmuocks muul
leLve : their Imlitlikets In San Francisco.
Ilitinmnocks are time roer timings for
bOis III tile tropical islands.
This year time old-fnsimioiud Fourth of
July cm'ieimttttloit will be In style as
tisual mmmiii there will he a great ( hisilay )
of hunting timid lireworks. lImit that k'.nI
of a celebration has : mlvays heemi fash-
Out in time short grass country a wet
srlI1g Is a blessing amid this year time
blessing has licen nmmisnaiiy strong.
Grass tutU nil sinai ! grain crois are said
to locic vehi , and there Is tmtme yet- for
time 1)lnnting of corn.
Accorthiiig to latest reports Kansas is
&mort of school teachers leCIttlse ) $1) ) immily
or thmeam Imave gone aim a Jotirimey to
Cuba to teach the Sintlilards a fev ies-
soils. Time smiimmnier scimool 'viiI soomm
ojmen at 'mimttniizmis ' oi I Itvatna. :
1ammsas City is gettimg remidy for tii
next cemmsts by amnnlgmtmmmatlimg Immure sub.
nrian towns. 'l'ime iimteimtioim immay he
good , but Oimmahma Is smmtislieti that Its
enunmeruttlon 'iii 14110\V up right it it lit-
chides only those who inJiIlmg 1m tutu city
' ) roper. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Fromim the fuss they are nmakimig
nbout it oitm vomi1mI timlimlc time Ieopin In
the ensterim tttittts consider It a great
novelty to (10 1)uIsiness with gold an
ellver coin as time mnetihmin of ( 'xellmuige.
Out vest time People are fuimmliimtr with
real moimey.
Tova hmamiki'rs I)101)tst to imave a fiunti
to pay for time aiTest. nih ! ecinvIctium , of
forgers anti defammiters. Iiammkets tnmtIer
about US immtmchm fioiim 01)0 ) us tioimi the
oIlier , anti no imutmest Iautmktmr ihi object
to a mnoveint'nt to tiecremusu time ; imILmtbeu
ot both cimusses of erinilimais.
Ill forimimitlon freshly gmuthm'm.t'l ( by time
tnte IiI1)01 COhimilIissmmtmr ! simovs that time
variouimi mmmii imumfacturimig mmmmii nilimimug 1mm.
( hIstres ( munmi nil In vhIcht large nuinhiirs
of 111dm lIre ( 'ImIpioyt'mi ha louvit iute ; u a
liourlshmhimg commihitlomi mmiii ! there Is mimimehi
less Idiemmess amid iizilt.timne timmmloyimmeitt
Sn Ioiymt thmamu Iii recemmt y'ar. $ , Slimmlinr
uhmeerfumi reIHrt immight be hittil frimu oUm.'r
western states.
Omaha vIil gIve it hmearty ve1coiiie lit
July to thin It'Jit1)iIetmS ) viio are tIt'ie.
gates to the imntliiltti ) imiet'tluig of the
Letigtio of lttbhlmIhicau ) ( ihimhs. It vIIi
1)0 ) 8 imotmiblo gittimerimig of mnt'iI , 1iio
coimgrmssloimni elect bus are tommmhiig on
! itxt ( fail mimimi repiihmliemtmnm Iii yjy state
UItm active itimmi earimest In tiithr mIttemmul
nation Unit I ho mmcx t ( ( ) lmgrtss ( shah Imo
0110 tlittt hii support time hIitstteiit 1111(1
h's ioileles. tt time eoimvemmtlomu Iii
Onmahmi Iii , Jtily lmreILrmItioI ) : ; uIii lie mmmdc
tot' t lie ctiimmiilgzm miiitl thmousnutis of
reIIilIIeaimm ) , 'hli rert'ivo trishm Imispira-
tiomt ( or their pollticah faith it that is
neeesamiry or possible.
At tlilm time. fl discussIon relating
In the immilitary iner of the go7erflmnent
Possesses imeculiar Interest. Time fact
that we sverc unpreparcI for time wmu
with SpaIn , havIng neither soidIer nor
nmtmnitlons of war for entering itt once
upon a vigorous prosectitloim of hmostIiI
ties , has raised thii' questIon wimether In
tntnre It vlhi not ho wise to nmnkd beta
ter provision tlmnn have hitherto
made for iminlntainlug a military estab
ilslimnent niniie In nih respects for any
elliergency liimit iflfl3' arIse. There nt-c
niIvocate at it larger standing mirumy ,
vhiIie the CIliIiolI is very gemierai mtimniiig
those who have givemi any attention to
the stihiject that there mumuist he a ( lea
cIled ( Improvement in time orgatmlzatlomi
of time amIhitla force of time country ,
whether time regular nrmiiy bn Increased
or lint. 't'Iiere will 1mrolmmtimiy be no mhis
sent to time iwoiosltinn that time goverit
iimeimt should never ngitlii be so lmnpre.
inireil iiriimtmiiltumms of vaa nmmd the 5111) .
plies for emulppliig nit nrnmy as it vam3
vheii exlsttiig hostilities vere declared.
lJmiiioiubtetily ( his Is a mitmestlomi thimtt
.hh1 coiumnmititti time serious consideration
of tue country vhmemt time siir is enmied
auth mnenimsvhiile every ittteihlgent discus.
sloim of it shmouimi receive attention , Ami
article by Captain Parker of time United
States mirimmy in time North Ammierlean Ito.
view PmcsumIts time matter from a mniiitnry
vlewpoimmt. lie argues thmmtt time Amner
icami lC0ili' ) are hecomnhag aggressive aimd
amixious to assert timemnseives amid their
prowess , to do vimIcim thieve immuist be a
Iwoirnr method of raising miami training
armies. At time close of time clvii var
this wns mu formidable iimliitary nation ,
with it mmmHIomm and a hmulf of amen trained
In the iirofessloim of armi. Thirty-tine
years of Ience has , In the ophmiiomi of
Cmmptmim I'arker , Inmintired the nuiiitary
talent of time imaton Iteferriiig to the
iminmis for mt permnnument emilargeiuiemit of
time regular arimmy aimd for the reorgout-
lzttlomi and increase of the national
giiii rd , Caltalmt l'n rker says they are
ihitmsory imeenumse inadequlmite. ltevhewlng
the Intricate systenm ly ) which time iiiulomi
nmiumhe were recruitemi durimig the clvii
\vmr-zt : very costiy symteitl-CtptillI :
l'arlwr suggests mu idan which Ite thimiks
WOU1l It41m1lthY ) ) provide , In tiimte of 'uvar ,
a ] amge armmmy at ommec mwnllmtble for active -
tive service. TJmls 1)111mm ) contentpiates
lluliiihiig up the regular arimmy by recruit-
imlemut lit each of the states.Vitimout
going into detflhls It is to be snid that
time suigestIotts of Captalim Parker ap-
iear to be geimeraiiy goo4l , but time limier-
( mmmcc comive'eil timat the Ummited States
mnuist be prepared a mnliitary estnb-
lhammmmeimt ] to rival the great lowers of
EtlriC111 ( not be favorably regarded
OIItsiIe of' immihitary circles.
lit reSIeCt to. this question of fnturo
iimiiitary Po\vem or course a greiLt demti
ivIii IieiC11I tti)0It the 1)O1ICY that. iimtii
be aloptetl when time presemit war li ,
emuded. If time Amerlcnm : leople should
decide to Iornmanentiy imohi commquered
territory It will be mmeeessary to mnaintmtln
IL large immihitnry estabiishmmiemtt , as uu-ehI
its it large Itmivy. Iii any event a vem-y
coitsimieraimle lncmemusu lii our sea vower
11 ; certain to be mantle. 'i'imere Is a demn-
oImstmatel ( imucesslty for that. Ihuit If
we do not adopt the poi1c of territorial
expltimsiomm thmere apimears to ie 111) good
reison : wi)3we ) should inatetlaily , if at
mmli , limcmetse : the ttuilltary esttbhisliimmeut ; ,
though this does not excitude the den
01' mnnkimmg j)10uISlOil ) tor rapidly mnohhliz-
Ing au arimmy 1mm tIme eveimt of uvar. In mu
conflict uvitim Europe t would be a big
imt\.3. : timid imot a big : trllIy tinit we simonid
' [ 'imeme is a strong ( hiSlosltioIm to resent
time symnlat.hly with Spain slmovrit l)3 :1. :
of time Freitelm ieoiIe ) ) by a co1mre
of retallatiomi. ? tiimh OIlOsitlOll ) has beii
sitowmi to time Im0Osed ) [ ) mml)1)r01)rIntIolt ) ) by
congress for aim AilleriCmtfl exhibit at time
I'a mis exiosition iii ilO. ) ( F'asitlommalmhe
woilmeil in some of time easteril cities hare
StilttCI 0. mnovemmmeiut for boycotting all
klimds of Fi-eimdm goods , Time tCImiC1l
Is Wi(1eSpread to treat Finimee as a. hio-
tile country , us'Itli uvimichi w-e should iutve
as little Inti.rcomnse as possilde.
Tiiere Is llimqiieStiolmthly ) 51)1)10 ) Warrant
for timis. Fr-im-it IiLuy5hflhI.r5 ) mulid
Preiiehnmeim of iroiiliitemiee ) Immure sithil
, euet-e timings aIotlt time united u-Hates.
4'tmiteriemtims lit Paris mave iieIm ( limsolently
treated. 'J'iieme have been ninny hid-
tieiits uvhlchi imlitlimly shovtt1 mu feeling of
hostility louvmtitl I his couhmtry. llimt immny
it not ham that the atmmtl.'iimumjj-k-aim senti-
iiit'iit lit France hits heemu sonmeuvima t cx-
imggerated ? 'i'lme StrhmiglldiI ( IteluIhidlmn ) )
2Ce11ti3 lmm itttni alt extract from mi lOt-
icr of a resldemmt of C'nimibi-Idge , 2tlass , ,
lzmtely iii i'mmmis , iii W'hIidhm time uniter
stmtttmtl t limit our itiiiiisiidut- F'raiice ,
ci iitmi I I 'nm-I i.i , Ii ad 511 lii t I mat lie urns
( ) I iiil a un I ii a fl'e rs fi-ommi hi'veim cii niH I-
tary inca whmum sviuiiied to ( 'liter time seru' .
lee of timO I Tiil ted Slates. I a regmtm-d to
t in ) pm : imlshi synmiathiizerim t lie iuiitijlssa. :
mlor salth timeV are of timrtt chmsses-time
simmali set of mmristocrattie boumm-loims ) uvimo
: mmc imihimmiciul to ther osu'ii repiuhil he , tinse
tVhi ( ) 1tit1 littItititLed 1' ieilgoit amni t lie
Ireimvim iliolders or Siiammlsh b3ntis , who
'tviii hose heavIly from time miefeat of
Shialim. limit ( uimermml I'oitt'r , uVilt ) It lutist
iit ) ' ( ' ( has taken somime cure to
limvestlgate , W'itm4 ( ouvimmdt(1 ( that imumoimie
gtim urn I ly s-ti-e on I lie sio o I. ' t lie tin I I ed
SIn tts ititti tiam go-eriiimaiit cei-tmmlimly
urns. I I : us-mis tising evei-y eIirt. to annum-
titlit sti-Ict itemitrailty. 'i'ime Ammierlcimu
) ( ) ) imnist Itdleilt sucim te.stliiiotmy ot
I lid r miiphoimma t Ic rupresi'iitnt iu'e its ( tim-
111010 trust urortimy thmtim timimt it
'ui li ( ) are him a IosItoiu to oIsel-vu only
time surface of timings.
LnmIUttstIomimiiiy ( , time ttttitutle it a vm-
tion of time Frt'imeii toni leoplo ) is
Ii.L itat lug , but we t-nim afford to take a
hmmtiituiiie vlt'uuat it as a nation. It
Our fltMiiulttlit ) uvoimmeim shmoulmi earnestly
t1t'Itie to stC)1) iLlyIii : . ' ' ! limmeiles.-
as ( ht > ' ate net likely to mb Iii immiy great
flu mnhitt-s ( ml' for a imy great iengt ii of t lute
-tim t is si tim LilY Ill ) I itihl 1ih ( nut I umimu t I em. ,
mulch mould IosibiY ) iistuit in SiflC (
hiiiimlit to Ammutm1uum Inmummuifat'tiuret-s fluiti
tiumerIcntu itIl)1' ) , lint to refimso an up.
propriatlout for mum tuxhmihi t of Aumicu-icait
ummaumufactumes [ lUll h'r ' ° duct at mum oxposi.
thoit uvhmero luretty much mmii time rest of
tue uvorhi ui-ill Ime 1tirISOiited ) uVotild ime
mlii Imet of mmmi tloumimi reseimtmimemit uiumuvorthy
or a geiiem'omis.iuuimutieti ileflide. Eoi-eo'em- ,
(101mm a practical Liuiumt of i-Ituiu ! t would
ho a umuistuke.Vu ivauit to exteuni our
trade niud ommo immeans of doing tiimut is to
acquaint the world more fully with ui'haat
- -
we ptotltmeo anti with our roourcea. AS
It iuiedlumn for supmlyIng such lnforunn
tlon there cnmm be no qnestloim that the
l'arls exposition will be iulgiuhy vaiuuatmie. timi not take so seriously time mill-
tIprIthl3 of a few elenments of time Freimeim
PeoPle as to not agulumat our own litter-
A Ilt7W ( ( T.t1'td.ifENT. '
, The contphlment bestowed uuirnum Iavld
If. Mercer by time reinlllcnmms of Nmmbrns-
kfl,1 ; metropolis and the counties co'ustl- '
tutiuig tue Second coimgresslommal district
bu soutmethulumg that nimy 1)111)110 iflft I ummigiit
V.'hi be vroumd Or.
lor time first tinmo in tIme history of
this stnte a fourth ommsectmtire imontitia-
tlon for a sent iii coimgrcss hmuu been given
nuni tImEs dlstluigimlslued honor Is cOim-
fetremi by time uutmamulimmouis vote of time
imomnimmatlag convemtthotm. Thus expression
of .lmlgim apprecimitioum umitust lie the muore
gratifying since it is eommcedctl to be
wiumivnhent to a re-ehectioum.
\Vhthlmt ) disparngliig time services of
ally of imis coileagnes or predecessors , It
can be trimly saul that Commgresmuumii :
Mercer has accoimmplisiued more for his
coimstittuemtts thmnmm aumy other mmmaum vhmo
ever represeimtel a. Nebraska district at
\Vaslmingtoii. It Is of imis use-
ftiiumcs.s ummmd grouvlmmg humhiumence as a mnemim-
her of time imcise ummmd hIs imoinularty
witit all classes of citizeims timiut imis seice-
thou lumis beeim tumatie wltimotmt oppostion
by 1mm 1)mlrt frommm nummomig nimummy imbie and
ncti'e reinmbhictmmms who wotmiti do credit
to thme ollice.
It goes wlthuout snylmmg tlmnt Mr. Meu-
cer is lit lOi4itlOlm to reumder imbue ehil.
cleat and valummbhe service Jim time ftituuie
thnum lie hmas rendered in time vast mumd
with the nssurammce of nmmothiem terimm lie
ui-ui be able to coimmnmnmmd stmppoi-t for nil
mmmettsult-es In' ivhmicim this district ammtl
state arc vitally commecrimed.
A ' 1'JI1Lfl'1'lA'l.3 LOJflIY. . "
Time repoi-t thmat a lobby imuts alm'eady
made its nppearnlmco In Waslmtmmgton ,
immuring for Its object Ume fosterimmg of
sentimnemmt in favor 4)1 tIme verluiamtemmt
retention of time .l'iiiiliilmmes ) ) by the
Uumlted States , is lint iimcredible. i'ime
Bosttlt Transcript says that 1)tolnoters
of hand commipammles , electric Ight coma-
imamiles ahm(1 ( varioums otimer coimipmimles : to
operate amid simeeumhtmte In time Phihiiiiplmues
lii the eveimt or timelr retcmmtloim by us as
"colonies" mire mmiremtly hmnuimtiimg ammd
imimntimmg commgmess aiim ! It wouhd mmot 1)0
passing strmtumge , timmmt remmmmirks , If
time Jlmugo seiutimmmermt 10t1'cte(1 ( In meceimt
tieiiitte recelvel Sumime of its St imiiiitis
ft-omit timis soumce. "i'ime argumiment that
time Pimill1)iIIies ) vroduce great miuamttitle
of lmemmmp , stmgar mmmlii tohncco amid w'omuld
Pm0Iluce ( so munich imtore timtiier Aummereami
mulmmmlitlstiiitloit mis to give ims , 1mm aliliia
thou uvltht Cuba , conmamamid or time i'otltis
immamicets for these eommmnmcdities , hms : mit-
ready b2coumme fmmmmmi.iar to us mt $ la-escut ( I
Imm behalf of a. ioiicy of cOlomiU : exteim-
si on. "
? tlueim effort hits heeti made sliuce
Deuuy's u'ictomy to learim sonmethiumg
nltoumt time resources of the Plmlllpplnes
amul such limforimmation mis immis beit oh.
taille(1 Is well calculated to to
time comnmnercial spm-it. Timtu-e I umo ( itimlt )
that tlu isiaumd mmut , iiclm hum i-esuree
miii. . ! that iuitdem' mum ndmmmimmlsti-atlomm of
allah rs timat w'ouid eimcourimge eutterprise
uimmml stiummui-ate their ( lereiopmmleut timey
iVOrtli ttttmuiit a mmmcii mnome iummportaimt
vlace him the uvom-Id's trmmle : tinuim they
lumive lucid. It s to le ) eximeclemi timid time
giemutest inhltience lit invom of time Ilimited
States hioidlmmg perimmnmmemmt ius.sessitum of
time Plmlihpphmes : uuiii be coummmnetehml , hut
this mumust imot be jmemimmltted to overcoumie
tIme uu'eighmtler imoltleaI ccnsldei-atioums
atgahmmst time ucrmumtlmeimt : oceuilmntlon of time
TIfI TO11N.1D ( ) IJELT.
Vluiie it still remnalims tii faslmion wltlm
mm lam-gd umuuimhei- persoims occasloumaiiv
to tus'it time resimleumts of this amtimat see.
toui of time eoummtty uvith itnlimg 1mm time
ttlumiilt ) belt , evideumee : tecui immumiates year
by year that 1)ttctiezilly : umo portioum of
the United States Is eumtiry ! . eumpt
foumm mlummger : of tornadoes , cycioumes , lair-
rlcaimes or iviimtmy blizzards. Time ciii.
immetmts aue inmpam'tInl. I a imolomtim ) to
time tXteuit of its territory tIme hlimited
States Is as fm-ce froimi ( lestructl'e storiims
itS tummy vmm-t : of time uvmril , hut mm imumumbem-
of timeum mmu.e sumre to li ) imemtil frommm eveu-y
yeam , : mimd uiou' . ' timat eu'citouu'imsil1u ] of
time couumitu' coittutimis iumhmmmbltammts theme I-u
slime to hAi ummom-e o1 less ies of life and
imi-01)emlY. )
Of time tornadoes him the'ssipil val.
Icy t ime omit' uvimleim struck St. I.oumhs tuvo
) eals ago units ummost mlisastr.itis , luumt
I mli isv ii I t , C ii I rmi go mm mm d o t imei ci ts have
felt time \uTat im ( Ii' tIme uvhmid uvltimimm meceimt
ytlrs. 'I'W ( ) 0j thiiee of time Worst 10i-
uiuimloes have stiuick lcau'tm , timose at Cain.
itmicile , ( im-hmmmmeul and l'oummeroy behimg
iiist kuiowii. One of time Worst. storumms
ever knowim HWLult ) ou'em time iouu' situimds
along time gulf coast hear Numus' Otietmums
11. ( cur years itg. , 1111(1 a cycloimo of gi.
gnimtie pnoportloims that ltlSSCd over time
flolltiiemtsterii' stlttemi a simrmm-t tinme laek
litOved JiiiSt ( hiistituCtiVt at Cimariestoim.
niime titoi-mmm ni.ti imot lit thittvaliey 1110)1(1 ) ,
muitimougim immc&mt flemitueuit there. Ouily Inst
uvttk Cripple Creek , Couo. , urns visIted
by mm geimulne torimnilo , thefylimg time mai'e
atiitOSlIielc ) of tue ummouimtitiii regoum. I-
I hmnuugim tiio tmrlmal ( ( ( ) bait Is ofteum m-e-
( erred to in jest , ii sjuidy of tlmd imistory
of ( ' 'dlU1tiC Ilstihiitiicc 501)11 commvimmceuu
mummy one thmmmt them-c Is In ) tom-undo belt lit
this country.
'I'lw team-s vem3 geimem-aiiy expressed
lreteilumg ) ( niml ( tohhouviimg the declurmtlomt :
of uv&tm that it yommItl cheek if not iOst- )
1)0110 Iimdetimuiteiy time mmdvmuicti of iit-o-
pemity hmnvo umut beeim justilleti l' eu-emmts.
At time omut.set it slimiri ) check lit time tmu.
(1(1mm ( ) of luivest immemits W'tts felt. 'i'li 11mm.
cem-tmtlimtles of so cmitlcai a sItuatIon vtm-y
imntuum-tmiiy caumsed z iraetleal susimemusioum
or Inislimess eumItmrgemmmemmts , excejutimig
t hose directly lmcimtiteti i' time ilemimtmimmls
of mar. 'flutt fcoilumg hits hmassed nwmy. :
iTimcem-timituty Is felt iio iommgetrimuml nil
Ilumes of busimmess Imiuvo adapted thetmt-
selves to 1)revmmiiiimg oimditIomms.
No better evldeumee of thIs fitet Is to
bt liutti thmamu time iVOsier)1i4 ) ( ( ililiti0um (
of buiiidlimg maul loumum associatIons. Thick
mmieImlhemstmi , is commiposeui of uvimge armm-
em-s to 11w i'xtemmt of Et ) imr ccitt. No
class of Peoimic flu ; ( humidkIY ft ( tha' lii
effects of 4lImmmhmmslmtd tmn1hIymuemtt ? itimmi
resti-icted ti-ale. itedrecit itiecimme uiusmmms
imot oumiy guiter : ecommomny bijt ( requmemmt
drafts on their savimmgs. If war had time
effect luredii31&Tit would certainly nmamii
fest itself in time humsitmess of tnmiiding
anti it'ttm asoijmtiona. Newsimapers do-
VOtCI tO tlli' Iherests of tlmese nsoeia
tions , as uv'3 $ the mmmnlrnger , unite itt
snyiimg thmut14m vnr lmns bail mme limjumrlotis
effect. Omksj1 contrary , time nasocia-
tiotus reiort im4trked { Increase him busi-
floss , time lil-u1stmbstaumtInh onideimcc of
pm-osperity viJmed ? by them in five years.
'rimls gm-ntF'mig commdltion is Imarticit-
iariy mmoticei4 : in time ummld-west. Prior
to Inst fall uyeJmu mussoclatlons s'ero aLa
stmummdstili. Osmitpnrat1vely few increased
timeir luisetstt1iWItimIhrnWalM uvere greater
1mm imummoumat ( litmu loauis , ntmd nmemmmbersimlp
decreased In ebmmseqimeimce. In less timmin
mmimme ummommtlm tlmn t eoimthitiomm has been me-
versed. Not tme , ] lemist sgimhflcaimt ! feature
of their pro1)erltY ) Is the fitet that lomtii
for mmciv lmommm s cotmt1ttite a goodiy 1d0
portion of time total.
' ' Itmstltutloims a
'i'lmeso senii-bammkimig are
fairly accurate baronmeter of the condi
tion of wage enrumers. lit routmd mmtumnbers
there are (3,000 ( associatloims , an
aggregate mimciumbersimhi ) of 2,000COfi. ' 1'imc3-
hmmte ummmdergoume extrmtorthlnmry : tm-mis
durlmmg tlme inst hi'e yetuts nimd are today
stronger tlmnum ever jim inmbllc commllduimce.
Piieir Iimmproved cotmdltloum is ommo of timu ,
iminimy gratifying enidemices of prosperty
ummelmeeked by mar.
1'1UJ lr.tXIXG 01' 1'ITLIJ fl'OIISIIIP.
In time evemitfuil lmiMtory of , Vestimminster
AllCV then hmmis beeum notlmlumg Immore 11mm.
1lmsslve timait time sceime of the 151st veek
uvhmemi thmotistimds : of ummen mimni us-onmeit of
hmighi nimd. iomv stuttioum drOImei [ tears of
nffectoim tmmmd m'egret out time bier of time
greatest statesumummim qf imis age. All time
world kimomu's Ummut dhmmdstoime immlght have
becim ahlilulttCtO ( tIme select circle of time
olul mmolmiilty , yet ime (11(1(1 ( ti commnommer.
It has beemm . sititi o' ' the 1)001)10 ) wimo
mnoimrui his Pas.i1mg that they "dearly
love a lord , " tumid yet im one doubts time
simmcerity of timi'ir mmmaimlfcslntlomms of gtief
or that tln'y would immure 1)00mm ) less moved
lint ! t1tmu amami wimo wmms greater thmntm mummy
lord flcceited ) for imimumseif any one of
time tit1n supposeti to ime coveted by
tIme mmmmuss of Fhau-glish people.
The cimse of Clnbutolme ( btmt comtflrnms
other testImony simouvmmg that title uvor-
siml [ ) is not mis cotmmmnoim US it Once urns.
Time vovuimum' lumen of Eumginmmd today arc
Imot of tIme mmobliity. Cimamuherinin , lImmi-
four , Ilancoum-t , .Ioimmm ? thomley , Cmmm-zoum1
itlid a scor' of ( ) tmers ] mmmlgimt be mmueumtioned
uvhmo Immune iimiiueumce on their mmmerlts nail
not because of titles commferm-ed. Any
One cii these iitmn1S Itosebery or Sails-
bumm3' In iouuet ammul stremmgtlm with time
1WmDhe. LomI :1OOflShiel(1 ( is best me-
umuenibered a + , hilianeii , aumd uve forget
thmut there was a 'lomd" commimocted mvitlu
time Imanme of Itammdolidi Ohurelmill.Vitim
his ailimmirers it Is slmmmpiy 'J'cntmyson amid
imot Lomd Temmimyson , ammul Tiord Kelvium is
ho uimore Ioveh1i tudcmts ) of scIence as
\ihiaimi 'l'imOIllstflm. For nit active , aggressive -
gressive , mmmmibitimsua yoummmg imman , hmavimmg
commtlileuice 1rIlmlmself mmmiii well ( ormued
jinfls , tIme : imaS Imo S1)CCIaI attrac-
Time iasimtg.o1 title 'worsbii ) Is one
sign of time 6grkss of denmocimutic scum-
timmicuit tlmrougimout time uyoild. Mcmi are
- . ( P'.mtW.h. ) tmuqq , time
ever beforeelbmss. ilstlmmctioums tume b&.img
imm-lmdml ) ilouvum tumid tltere Is equality 1mm
nmnmmy lIhiCes wlmere befome there was
immme. it is imossible maul ovum JrOlahle ) )
time next ceim hwy nmmuy witumess tIme aboli-
tloui lit mmli time AmlglGS1xoum couimtm-ies of
all titles not commfcimed leCmUsC ) : of himli.
u'Idunml mmmerL
Soiime of time mmnmtme ehmnmmglmmg due to
tIme mippearammee of a mmcmv pomnilat' hero
15 done mvitim jumigimiemit. For in-
stammee , In Sitmt Fi-mimclsco , time Imaumme of
Ibtilion i'Juhu'vlmrl has hmeeii chmaumgetl to
Dewey boumicvmtmmi , ngmuiumst time lrotest ) of
mmmmmimy vmoummiuuelmt itmemmmimem-s _ of time Society -
ciety of Native Soims. It Is tmue Jhmilt ) :
u\'lis of Sisimmlsim bimihi. nail omm discover.
lug time I'iu-Ihlc occult Ime took I)05S0510m1
of It lii time umnimme of time kiumg of Spalli.
But be mmmus imitci' a meumel imimmi imffereil
den tim for his ileulauiru' ci time tyuuimmmy : of
time Svamuislt erowmu. Bmthloa ) us-its time kiuid
of a Spmuiiam1 : umhm ( ) if alive urould np
vimmuud a itttt like that wuimicit mtma.he
Dewey famnolL4.
Now it Is lmropose(1 ( thiiit ii vam-ty of
sclemmtisls be Selit froimm the Smithsonian
Inst.tmmtlon muitim tlU' army to uiu.I : ha to
uuumke observat ioums amid gmtlmet :
ummeuts. A line etmileetlumm of smmmmis , u.
1)i1.nmmd ) vemuimhim oumglmt to be easily ( ii- )
tm ; hmed then' If all miccoumim ts : ite true.
A 'l'miu.-uy 'i'lm , fdI' 'l'ourists.
Jrnllantinolhti Journal.
Now that the professlommal tourists of the
east wIli not flmmcl IL pleasant to pcnd tue
summncr lii Eumope. they can svemmd a sea.
semi profitably in time to timenu ummkmiown por-
tloflB of their country west of time M1s31s.
sippi river. taking 1mm time Onmahmmi exposition ,
Ciii ii I ) ? ( jp tk-d in.
Strlngt1eli Itepuliicamm.
.Juat about three-fourths of the customs
rcceipts at Now York so far this month
have been raId in goid. flight mootlms ago
gohti constituted -less than 1 vor cent of
these vaynments. - This him time coin of time
realm today as never before since time civil
uvn , . .
ICnotiiiit for lliniliIiI-s.
1'imhivdtiihmha itecorti.
Time New Yqrk,1sourt of mmppeals has
knocked time vnIuo.imt of the patented voting
mr.uchlues. It declties Unit time use o time
maclilac IImitaj1choico of thu vemer by
ronfining luau bj noomlnecii , Either time
muincimineim will be immodifteil so as to
permit ummrcatrlcted choice of manes or go
to the scrap Imeap. This Is to be regretted ,
Time mmmaclmlmmes Immsumm'cd nmm homiest count ,
5JthveIgmtim.iiiiaiirnuil 'i'itlcs.
Springfield RcimUbiicmufl.
The C1mlcago , )3rflhmmgton & Qiliney rahi-
road corporatlon.jl I have Its nanmo clmmumgeth
to "fluriIngton'sImpiy , Its passenger carts
are now beiimilj-idcttcred , witim hmat ommu
word alone aftI-'ie ' .
, style of the I'onnsyi.
vaula railroad sYqt1. Whou cars bear time
title of " ' ' "
"I'eimmmsyiu'iimIm" Oreater brevity 1mm
railway imomnencj1rj I j order at all
times. It wlfl.hoam-tcu1orIy acceptable In
the vase of INiutorL ew haven &
Hartford road
Sitiitiij4 ( list ( hit Stitler ,
: New Yori Mull'utl Exjiress ,
Thu order Issud by 'limo'ar departnment
announcing thatno sutier viii be veramitteti
to mucconmpammy timourmny of imyaslon Into Cuba
is ultog tber comnemmtiubie. Time armimy emit.
icr , as tIme civil-iwar prdveml , is generally atm
extortionist. ortcm3 a roiue , and always mu
rmuisammce , To dispemmme uvltim him by emmlarg.
lug the variety of cojnintssary supplies amid
seUlug them to mdn and omcem-s at cost Iii
a thoroughly uviso arrangement , it will ho
a good thing ( or time govem-aimment as well as
for time soldiers.
nlts-I.s lltM 1t.3i'S IL0ILN.
Light and purIty never blush.
Pride Is the bloom of perdition ,
An aimless life insures a homeless even
Pigs do not squeal when they are feed.
The man above counsel is always in dan.
Oily tongues and mute dogs are danger-
If a man's words taint the air , lie has a
cesspool 1mm hts heart : Beware of infection.
Don't let your htmrrnhs for' your brother
in Cuba drown the viea of your brother at
home ,
Ono of the questions that will be ashed
at the Sudgimmcnt day is thIs : : 'llouy did
you vote ? "
Scientists lmau'o never explained why it ci-
ways raIns harder on' prayer mneotimmg night
titan at otimer times.
SECIJi.AIt ; Sil OTS AT ' 1'ILti 1'ULI'IT.
Chicago Chronicle : 'Preachers are encouraging -
couraging young men to go to war ; even
young married Inca , who mnmuyhnp have war
enough at Imonme. Do not the ministers
know that it is written thmat when mu man
hmath tnken a new wife hme shall not go omit
to war , neitimer shall ho be charged with
any business ?
Buffalo Express : Ilishop Jolmn P. Newman -
man of time Methodist Episcopal church assorts -
sorts emplmattenily timnt there Is no trutlm
In time report recently circulated to time
effect that Imo was about to retire from the
episcopate. tIe has been ium rather rcor ,
lmeaitlu lately , but umot seriously ill. During
time Inst. twelve montims ho has crossed time
continent five times In time perfornmammce of
hmis ecclesiastical duties.
St. Lotus Republic : The Southern Methodist -
odist clmurch Is Just now wreathing witim time
ovmungeiist question. There appears to be
a strong undorcumrretmt 1mm time commteromuce at
I3nitinmore in favor of strict rules for deal.
imig with evangelists. During the discums-
sion Satumrtlay , Sam Jones and soummo of the
regular ministers engaged in a warm debate.
Ills remmuarka gave decided offense to some ,
ono bishop declaring that imis language waa
"unfit for a conference floor. " Sonmo ratlmer
heated statements wore macdo. and It becamno
evident timat a strong sentiment for restriction -
tion existeiL The probaIltties arc , there.
fore , timat the Metimodist.body will Introduce
in the future a nmore searchIng supervision
of the irregular vreachers ,
indiammaimohis News : : The PresbyterIan
general assembly showed its good sense In
rofusimig to adopt a resolution urging l'rosi-
dent McKinley to see tlmat no battles were
begun on Sunday. It is said that mnany of
the comnmissiommers were in favor of the
resolution , but It. was filially laid on the
table. It is this sort of folly that die-
credits the wlmolo Idea of Sunday. The
theory that It is In time power of the vresl-
slent or any other imian to prevent a battle ,
or , indeed , to fight one , wimenever ho vleases
Is absurtL Our Presbyterian friends would ,
we stippose , have stayed Dewey's hammd , and
have made hini wait twenty-four hours before -
fore beglimnimmg his attack. Men can not
chmoose whemm they will fight. In war events
control immen even more than moon control
events. It Is to the credit of the assembly
that this curious rcoiution was tabled.
OMlLit'S iifl'l' ClttISAIE.
Chicago i'ost : We have given some
thought to the case of the Salvation Am-amy
girl wimo used an a with telling eltect on
time nude figures used to decorate one of time
great arches of the Omaha exposition , and
we are inclined to timink timat the spectacle
of a girl climbing a barbed wire fence and
scmiiImmg a great ni-cit must be quite as dig.
tressbmmg fm-oat the stammdpoiimt of strict lro-
priety as anything in time line of the nude
in art timat was iikely to he exhibited there.
Chicago Timmmes-Ilcraid : thmtll rubuic tastd
in Onmaima lmas boemi elevated above the ax
standard of art criticIsm we believe It would
be well for the exposition managers to
provide Apoilo witlm a pair of "Apollo $1
pantmm"-save the word-and ! give Venus a
batlmmobe at Icast. If time fragmncnts of
Cu1id cait be patcumeti imp umorimams the little
follow can ninmmago to escape ummimleasant
attermtiomi by donning knickerbockers.
Either do this or lock up the woodsimeds
during time expositloim season ,
Chicago Chroimlclo : No doubt time Saiva-
Lion ATIUY girl mvimo hacked time outdoor
Cuptds as an oticmmso against mnorals was
simmcore , but her act was none the less
vandalism of a vicious type. It was time
sanmo spirit that caumsed time Puritans to
burim lmunmamm creatures at time stake in aim
attempt to exorcise alleged evil spirits. The
Army lassie anti imer kind might Imavo
elmoppoti dowim nil time wealtim of statuary at
time 'Worhis fair , but It um'ould not stop time
missiomm of real arL There uvhil always ho
mom-o or less nudity In time beautiful , but
in Its expressIon we should follow Aristotle
and au'old extremes.
Clmicago Tribune : Timore umust be some-
timing radically wrong when a young womnaim
attacks Cupid vitlm an ax. The Immere fact
that time little fellow is ratimer ncgligemmt
abamit Imis wardrobe is not sufficient explana-
thou , Ito must Imave wrought 5011)0 special
havoc him time bosom of time pretty Salvation
Arnmy lieutenant with one of his sharp little
arrows. TIme depth of her rcselmtmneot is only
to 1)0 measured by time heIght of her mimI-
nigimt climb. Wlmen a young wonman unommimtim
a ladder nimil climmmbs on her hands and knees
to a vosition Svhmero time burly minions of time
law cami only vrammce aroumiti below lmor mmd
beg imer to caine dowmm and ho arrested iio
mmummt be lit denmily earimost. No Itloas of
drcs reforlmu could nerve her to such a
desperate ventuire , Time other young woman
wlmo waited at the foot of tIme ladder may
have bail some such mild motive , but the
anti who climbed had a wound to aveimge
Either time Omaha Cupids nmumst be unusually
flerco or the Ommmlma girls must be unusually
lmard-hmeartcd , In any ease It is not fair for
timouu to llgimt witlm aim ax.
'tIiC Vrld's Fossil Sn pply.
Minmiemipohis Journal.
The torttmnmute positicmmm wlmicim time UnIted
States has occumpled ( luring the itast year
with reference to time world's food supply
is elmown by some figures commmpiled by the
statIstical Ijurcaim at Waslmington , These
show tlmmmt the world's wheat Ci-Ol ) in 1P17
was emily 2,159,649,168 , agaInst a yield of
2tO,49T,00O in 1896. 2,516,4'JlOOO 1mm 1895 , and
2,676,651,000 in 1804it time same timime time
wimeat crop imi time Iimmitod States last year
was greater timmum 1mm emmy year since 1893.
Timis accoumimts for time pimenonmeimimi European
demand and lmlglm Prices , helter was fortunate -
nato ermoughm to take imdvantago of the Euro.
penn shortage.
'Vlicnt iitisl l'rosierity ,
Cienclaimd Leader.
Altogethmor , it may fairly be said that
time smmlentlil ( prospects for a big wheat crop ,
comimbismeml wltlm time strengtim of the grain
markets , both at home amid in Europe , go
far toward assurImmg prosperity iii this
coummtry all through time coining fail and
winter , as uveli as time suummmmmer now at lmammd.
If tumero cmlii be added the restoration of
1)00cc , with the help tlmat it would give to
sonmo great lmmtorests. such us time buildhlmg
trades , that now stuffer severofy from time
coimsorvatlon of capital , tIme times uvill surely
be better titan uuy the country has kmmown
tot' several years.
liflulti. , f ( i'lsih1psliies. .
Washington Star.
1mm a lively presidemmtlsl campaign time
Philippine Isiammda would ho mi good viaco
to which to simip nmemm wimo are too promni-
neat to ho ignored by theIr parties , hut
who are always In dammgor of making India-
erect remarks.
TIlE L'ltESmi Al ) 'SItE 1Xl'O5iT1ON ,
3lr. flnt'i'i-p' Spei , ni 11i' Annual
lhnitqnt of thu' . % ssoelnted Press.
Official stcnogrtmiihic report of the annual
banquet of time Associated Press held at
Chicago , May 18 :
'Zslr , flosowater was entimuslastirally received -
ceived as he rose in his place and spoke
as follows :
"Mr. Toastmaster and ( lentlemen of the
l'rcss : in projecting rime to the very front
of title eumtertaiumnment , I take it that time
toastmaster has been actuated by about
( ho same motive that prommmpteth ( lie irimlce
of AmerIcan simowmen , I' . T. Iharnum , al.
us-ays to scott his little elephant in tlmo front
whemm ho was going to cross a river , in or.
Ocr to test the ice. ( Laughter , ) And be'
tori , proceeding , I desire to register a most
solenmmm protest , in time presence of this num-
gust assembly , against the slight hUt upon
mmmyself by time "l'oet Lnrimmt"-tlmo poet of
this association-in omitting imimy reference
whatever to utter of rose or any otimer perfume -
fume , which time toastmaster imas referred
to , and I most sincerely regret that tim so
us-insonme , bewitchIng witches ( great laugim-
ter ) haic macdo not oven time faintest nhlu-
skm to flees anti honey ,
"Now passing from time u-idlcmmlous to the
sublime , I want to rivet your attentiomm
0mm timla victuro ( victuro of Onmaha hlxposi.
tton helml imp at lmis side ) , 011(1 then I ' . 'ant
also to rivet your ntteimtion omm a few salient
"it is us-itlmin time ummenmory of mammy mmmemm
still itt timoir primmie , wimemi Cimicago antI
St. Lotmis usoro outposts of Amnericamm fremm-
tier civIlization , At time Golden Jubilee ,
imeld him Stmmm Francisco 1mm Jammumiry last , there
wore macmm piusont uho haul hi-ni-ed time
perils and emmtitmrcd time hmam-dsimips of a six
ummommtlms' imassngo by mtaihimmg vessel frommm Now
York or Iloston to San Frammcisco by time wity
of Cape flora , Timero suns nlso macmm vrcs-
emmt uvhmo hail immmperhimid their lives him crossing -
ing time great imlaimms on a lmrnirio scimoommer ,
ui hmt'it ttmoso Plains uvore veopled witlm sam'-
ages , zmflti La chinmbing time granite-rlbbeti
Sierras anti leaving betwcemm themselves ammd
wlmito mimen amid civihizatiomm nmore thmamm a
tlmousammil mullets of alkali desert. Now , you
will remember , those of you wimo look back ,
and hot a very bug white back either. that
time most rapid conmmummication between Ciii-
ctmgo anti Smmmm Francisco
was by pommy express -
press Conpucting with the overland stage.
The building of time Pacific Telegraph was
regarded as a immorvelous achioveimmmmt. That
was only four years before Cyrus W. Field
Immud comnploteti comnmunication betweomm
America antI all Europe tlmrough time laying
of time Atlammtic cable. Whemi the goldemm
spike was tirlycu tim 1869 , mind the iromm band
was ivelded wlmich united mmli the states of
this ummion between the Atlantic and time
l'aciflc coast , this People witnessed the be.
ginnlmmg of the most mmmarvclous em-a of lmrog.
ress timat Imas ever tnkcmm viaco in time world's
history ,
"Fronu that progress has sprung an eta-
pure west of the Mississipimi river , Vm'lmoro
timere uu as not a immilo of railroad wheim I
cmossed time Missouri rim-cr 1mm
1863 , today we hare 3,0Od
miles of railways-we Imave six trtmmms-
commthmmcmmtai hitmcs-mu-e imavo a country timat
Imas a greater Popimlatlon than the mmatiomm
imad at time begimmtming of time civil 'var. It
is for the ltmrvoso of illustrating , by a
strlkimmg olmjcct lessorm , the great progress
that line been made by time western halt of
tIlls comitimment that the Tranemississippi arid
International Exposition was lmroiccted and
will be inaugurated on the 1st day of June ,
two irceks from tItle date ,
"Time Chicago World's fair was a marvel
in Itself. it had at its disposal sornetlmirmg
like 30,000,000 , $5,000,000 of which mmero
placed to its credit by time national govermm-
mneimt , ammtl $5,000,000 moro raised rigimt here
by loamm. We , of the city of Omaha , sta.rtomi
out in the face of time most depressing tinmes ,
1mm time face of two commsecutim-L. drontim years ,
amid organized arm association by private
capital tlmat 1mm been cnatdeml vitimin the
space of eiglmtccmm uimoimtlms to Produce at least
wimat I would call a amimmiature Chicago
World's fair , timat uiii not be second to ammy
fair that imas ever been held In timls comm.
try. ( Applnuso ) In tlmat expositiomm , tlmirty.
eight States amid timreo territories will ho of-
tidally m-emmresented amid mviii partIcipate.
Every state in the ti-aims'
flmlSSiSSippi regiorm , frammm 1.ouis-
inna anti Texas clear to Oregon ammd Wash-
immgton , mi-uI be tlmero by us represemmta'
tlm'es and by its products. And wlmilo at
Chicago American products were ovorehmad-
owed by time foreIgn exhibit , at Ormmnhmn the
Aimmerican Protltmcts will be time paramnourmt
and nmost attractive feature. It will illus-
ti-ate what can lie done and what time possi-
biiities of tlmat westermm country arc , wimen
you tnlo tire nmemr of pluck and brawn and
trairm tlmat lCOmlC time country west of time
Mtssissipimt. ( Applause. ) These people , of
course , represcmmt all classes , from Massa-
clmiisotts amid every state in New Ermgland ,
front Pennsyivnimla , 01mb nut ! Indiamma , yes ,
fronm every state In time ummion mmmcmi have
collIe across tIme Mississippi river and built
up villages and cities mmml itt that great cx-
positiomm their industry and tlmrlft mviii be
an object lesson to all wimo nmay conme.
" \Vhmilo It Is ti-lie that time war Is detracting -
tracting from tlmis expositIon more or less ,
ammd while it is true that time press at time
irescmmt timmme at least is monopolized ainmost
exclusively by war mmows , yet it Is to time
ircss that we are largely indebted for wimat
erogrees we imava mantle up to date , antI to
time jiress we nmimst look for whatever sire-
cogs we many achieve. As one of time olmuim-
agers of tlmat exposltiomm , I desire to ox-
lrcss amy guatefimi appreciation to every
mnemnber of time itress lmero for time recognitiomm
that they have given to tlmis great oimter-
imriso. it line bcomm of course not a uroiect
atlvortlsetl for nmonoy , but Just because time
mi-CBS commmprcimoads time mmmagmmituulo of time
tusk .iil , realizes that we are laborIng to
promote time developrimont and welfare of time
wlmolo United States.
it is not shzmmply an Oniaima affair , It is
an expositIon timat represents Amnericttmi tam.
torpriso and industry as broad as time land
we live In , ( Applauuso. ) rermit me to sa
in a very few words ( hat wo desire to cx.
tend to the Amerlcnmmss and pai-ticulnrl
to the members of time Associate-ti Press our
cordial Invitation to nttt'imui the opening of
time exposition two weeks tm-nm thmis day , anti
If they cannot individually or collectively
be on imanil oim that day , wo desire them to
he there some tium thu-lag the jirogress of
this fair to satisfy timemuselu-os that alt we
imiuve cain about it tolls short entirely of
the actual facts. Every one who has been
to Onmaha within the Inst sixty days hiss
conceded that we hmiyn not overdrawn the
picture , butt that we have 1mm every way
excelled every exposltiomm timat hums ever been
hiehil in timi country , excepting clone that
rut Chicago , At l'hiimudelpimia 1mm IS7I ; rout
.11th slot immuve timirty-thr-ee stntes repro.
Semiteil. The whole soumtlm was imrncticaliy
tmimreprcsenteut , We have today on those
groummils a larger aggregation of imealtim cmiii
immdumstry tlumn any tlmat lame ever been seen
tim this colimitry or any other country cx-
ccitt at Chicago. ( A voice : Ammd Atlanta , )
"Vehi , I want to say that the Atlanta cx-
position was a cretlitmible ommo , but it repro-
semmted only in part time section 1mm which it
was heiti , while ( lila exposition mv-vrescumts
the entire western half of the continent , ( A
voice : ibis' about the Mhths-inter ? )
"Yes , the Midwinter was an elegant affair ,
And let limo 557 0mb immoro word , At l'lmtl4t-----
dolplmia Formmey mica omme of time mumain npirits
tlmat carrIed tIme exhmibitiomm to success uu'itlt
tIme aid of time Ummiteti States govermmmmueumt ,
nrmd in every immstammce time vrcss lies been
time chief factor in imu-inglmmg aloumt timeso
colossal elmteritrises. At Atltumitmi time Inca
at time imead of time vrems were tIme chief
factors 1mm the cotton states expostttomm , At
Satm Frmurmciseo title mmmaim over timero ( lmmdi-
eating Mr. DeYoummg ) was time exposition
within lmiummseif , ( Ai'itlmuumse. ) lie carried
it elm imis ahmtnmldem-s At Nasimu-illo time Iwess
exertei a potential irmihumemmee. Ammil I mmmtms
say , of cotmrsi' , timat were mint assured mum
advance of time tricrmuhiy co-operation ut"time
APmericamu press , we cortaimmly simommid
Ioimg since abmmndormcd time enterprise , I
timaimk you for your attermtiomm mmd trust to
uimeet you itt Ommmhmmu after time uxpositiomm Imas
OIetmcl. ( " ( Aliplaumse , )
1)031 hiS'i'lC l'i.IIAS.i"l'it I us ,
Indianapolis Journal : "Wnltermm actumahly
thinks his u-ito Is imummdsomue. ' '
" 'alteri limits it very traimm'd tlmlnker , ito
its n , Christittim Sciemutist. "
_ Yomikermu Stutesmami : Shin-Julio amid Joe
nic ommgitgeti , but lucy Immure to keem ,
their ougugcimmemmt ii seem-ct ; Julio told mmmc
ilo-Yeg , I know it ; Joe told Inc.
Chicago flocorti : 'imliss Chap , wnumltl you
I vra for inc wlmilo I mm-mis engaged iii a miami'
I gorus , umndermikiimg7' (
"Yes , Mr Junitmits. "
" \S'cll , isray for me ii'hiilo I liroposti to
yotm. "
iotroit Jotmrnai : h3lmo uu'rus livId uu'itlm
ritzt' ,
' 'retchm1" she cried , "Omao you told
mao I wait 'uvortim may weigimt iii gold I"
I lie rage mvmms imim1ecmtm to behold.
' 'Pertltlitmms woman ! " imittiteil lme. "i'.am told
inn you uveiglicti oimly ill ) iiotmimuls ! "
Jewelers' W'eekly : her rather-I mimmm
aCm-mild , iiii' , that may .Imiumglmter cmiii Imevur
be immuppy u-him a mnmuim vlmo calm ho eugmmgeil
to her ii. rmontlm without givirmg lmi'r it. rimig ,
Thom .tspirnmmt-Sir , I semi mifrmuit , I maui imomer
be hiruppy with a girl whose engmlgemncrmt
to inc uvuli not induce jewelers to trust roe.
Somervilin Journal : Aimxioume Lover-Arim
YOLI u'illimmg , sir , tlmmut I simoumid rnmurry your
drtuglmter Nellie ?
Sterim i'arelmt-\Viiilng ? Young maim , I
shrill be Siifllly delighted to ytmim immurry
Cimmcinrmiuti Emiquirer : "I have my gosh
duirimetl tmnimbis , " said tIme Od , stoop-simouml.
Ocred mmmii , "whether this Imeer story mitmutmt
women riot krmomviimg hioum' to thmnw strmuigltt
is true or mitit. I icnuimmmimy ii'ifo alw-mtytt
misses ammytimimig alto throws at when alitus
rand , hot somnelmoimmmimo always imits limo
w-imcrm she misses. "
Detroit Free i'rtss : "My wife Is a great
bu si mmess mmnrimum ; , , ' ' m'ermmarlceil time ma a a iv Ito
1mm stutllously jocose.
"Tmtk's , cure to Preserve tlocuimmeimts amid
tluut sort of timing ? ' '
"You. \'im1' , ( limit munintmn sm'nim't em'eim curl
her lmmtir mmmmlcss situ imtts ; the eamiers It ) shmov
Ioi it. "
Chicago 't'rlhimire : i.Iililre,1-Diil yarm
Ic imtm' I I arol ( I ill mmgo limit ! Itroitosemi to'etmu
llnzzm > lrm ?
Itliulmel-No , Vm'imen I refused isbn lust
Saturday lie ttiI ( InC lie wits giilti I , ) III ,
Moim ) cOil rig dei4lIermt t C. htmm t I sum mimutsel ho
omen ii t itui It-isle , or ciii itt t i rig mmmi a sot mi icr , or
soruetlil rig I ike I hitu t , i'momtel , to iv 1 1 I our
lie rilust have trmkcmm it I , , heart !
Cincinnati ErmquirerVimtio : love , " said
t ho Ctr nm mi I isu'il in smuge , ' ' y immit ko t Ii o -
rout ng flirt mm ohili u'iotr mm ( I f t I I 0 II iglm t of t I mao
ii tin sig t ii C Ito rmeymmi no mm , I lie nmoimthmi y mm
till I it it irmil ly mestoro lmis italuim cc iii short
order. "
Phillmutleiiiliimt North ' ' ' "
American : 'i'a ,
5(1 I ml I ttt ey , ' ' uviiat is a Ilaimli mriavmirit-Ii t ' ' '
' 'it Iimummk mnovemnemmt , omy sort , ' ' mep1i'ti I lie
father' , uvimo is mm rav recimmit , "itt wimeii I
tremut i-u ti ) go cu I ii mmii suit ho a ii igli t o f It
amid your mother rmei'ureme itOS30t451u1i of tIlt )
latch key. ' '
imlusu-pi III , .
Cleveinmal Plain Denier ,
I ( cit rio much like iewey nit I crept nioimg $
thin linil :
I , Iiihim't dare to mitriko a nmruteii-I felt nlonj
timi ui-mull ;
lu liii then mis I in victory to elmuc-kie ui-mimi in.
I iii i-ti ,
A fIerce mtoprmirmo hailed rime timid I know that
I mi-mis ruirmemil
'i'll F lli'm' : sii J'Fi.t rr.
S. Ii FCIeer ImiCleveitrmitl Ltmumier ,
I suit trituim thin iiihii4ide yesterday
Arid saw limit ( eimtmuvsimmut tiimit mnoital limo
imoril ;
I I I t'imeii I U Ii bel i t ira t , fit r aura ) ' ,
Cmii it'd i-i li-i vi mmg mim cmi to Im car I lie smmm'i hr's
ui-ni-ti ,
Anti evt'iy I t uti I hero hurst I rm g mmli I siter etI
To every hittulo upon tile vertlmurmt itioute ,
I Jmitmrmieyeti back limb the noisy town ,
Anti mniriglt-ml with time thrommg thmat clinked
time um'tiy ;
I saw mcmi jtUHii their mveaker feiltiui's down ,
Anti erich mnmmii'tt wmmtchwmmrd there ui-mist
' , ' '
pill it miay7'
Tue lmt'aceftll bell that I itatl hmenrtl before
\\'mtS silent iii thetrmrgmmtmil iutmd time roar.
"Custom is almost
a second nattire0"
An important spring custom is to get a new hat just as soon
as the season is settled. Colored shirts too begin to be in demand
about the same time ,
When the pearls of perspiration begin to firni their way
down from under the so-called sweat-band of your spring derby ,
it is time to think of straw hats , We want you to think of ours.
We have a line of soft hats that will interest you. They
are of light weight and will save the straw on a showery day.
Hats of all kinds , in a word ; and bicycle caps as well ,
SI WI1 Cor. jtstli uzd Doug1ar p ,
- -