- - - - - . - _ - - - - - - - - - - r---- : : ; : : : OtATtAi ) & TII 1U N 1) qq V _ 'F = - - - = = - - - 1-r- I Ashes oi [ mpire 'L ' , By ROBERT % V. CIIMIBERS. ( C pyrlght , 1S , by flobert " .V. Chrimber , ) GIJtVVFlL X. 1'h4 I'roJIIe. The flue ttYpres was a iiurglng turmoil. fwarm of eager , anxious people thronged the itreet and ( ho ramnrtt , where an Irregular - regular cloud of white moko hung , half concealing the "Prophet. " A company of line aolIlera ( were driving the crowd hack to the sidewalk , a mounted gendarme ihouted orders and wheeled hI here right nnd loft , white gloved hand ralacd , the grenade on lila baidrick glittering like a live coal , From everywhere came a murmur. growing louder. deeper , more VcrsIstcnt. 'The l'ruRsianal The VrussInn ! The VruIafls1' until the monotonous chant SWCft from thu Vorto flougo to the Prince Murat barracks like the thrill of a tense : herd , deep atrung trembling. vibrating In the arched sky. The Uhians were signalied near lllay. " trIed a boy , raising himself on the point DI his wooden aloes to catch a giliupso of the ' 1'rophet. ' ' Can one see the Prusslans out thcro ? ' asked a wonlan , looking up anxiously nt Elude. who icaned from the window. fit see nothing , madame. " replied Judo , J faintly. 'They're there , " Insisted a man in a blue blouse. 'Thu Prusslans are in Meudon woods , madame. " " \'lo saw them ? " asked a dozen voices st once. " 110w (10 1 know ? Everybody stys they're there. " "They're over by that spire-one could see them with a glass , " said an Olii man , slio IinmelIate1y became the center of at- tentlon. "Vhat spiru ? " demanded the man In the blue blouse. "Can you see them ? Are there many ? " asked another , "The Uhiansi The Uhlansl' shouted the crowd. IllIde , leafing from the shattered window , Iookc'l ' ( lovn at the surging throngs below , and then out. across the valley of the iliorro , parkilng with dimmed brilliancy tinder it veil of haze. She saw nothing except patches of woods , white spires and checkered tIeId flecked with misty sunshine , Yolctte spoke calmly besldo her , \\o must 1111 all the s'inlow frames with panes or oiled paper. If they fire again there will be no use having glass PUt in. ' ' j the street below an officer with gold lace on Iii crimson cap rode slowly through the center of the crowd , repeating : 'Go baclc , messieurs ; there Is nothing to see. The l'russians have not been signalled ; the marines are only practicing to get the range. " "No I'russlans" exclaimed the man In the blue blouse. d disgusted laugh rait through the "Fichtre ! Jo m'en vats , niors , " said a young butcher , tying his apron tighter ; "we'll have plenty of time to see M , 131s- mnrck inter. " The crowd slowly dissolved , melting away little by little , leaving a group of hopelessly curious gamins at the Pprto Itouge , the barr racks and as near to the "I'ropliet" as the cannoneer3 would permit. So , nfter , all , the Prussians were not in sight. The crowd appeared to be geniI humored , hut a little disappointed , for they had como to see something , and now were obliged to retire unsatisfleil. Curiosity pro- 'valleil In spite of dreaclthat Insatiable curiosity of theParisinns , so easily satisfIed. so soon changed to ennui , Tho-bot from the bastions had uroUcd the whole city ; even burke and flarowood , lounging on the terrace above the palace : of St. Cloud , heard the distant report and saw the white smoke curling up along the battlements behind Issy. "That conies from our quatcr , " said : liarewood. "Do you see the smoke. Cecil ? " "It's noting , " replied llofltke. "They're ' pacticing somewhere on our sectour , prob : ably to 110(1 the range. It may bo th Phophet' that has spolcon. " They sat oii ft bench , lazily diacussln . cold chicken anti light Bordeaux , looking : off over the valley where the vanorama ol the Seille valley spread out. At their feet . lay Paris , white , fair as a jewel set Ic : green velvet , circled by the limpid neck. . lace of the river. The late sin1ig1it burned I on the glided dome of the invalides , thc I twin towers of Notre Dame giimcneretl be. yonti. Nearer tlio majestic demo of th I Pantheon anti the strange towers of SL Sulpico detacbed themselves front the level mass of green-the gartlenB of tim Luxein. bourg , anti further beyond the observator glistelletl , its inosque.iike domes flflOW3 white , To the boutltcast , lookIng acres the Iteninsula where illilaticourt lay sinoth tired in vertiure , the six forts of the zouti stretched away in a singio rank to tin river Manic ; in ( lie iioi'th ( ho vast inas of Mont-\'aicrlen cut the sky IIne-aiway mysterious , always menacing , wrapped Ii giooniy niajcuty. Cioo to St. Cloud tin JIontretout redoubt la ) , still unflcilsiled , bu ahiiitrenti3' , tormitlable enough , liaruwooti could SCO the tcrrnssior : awzlrmlng over ( ho glacis , troop3 mnrcliinj and countercuarching , gun squads drililni CU the parapets. At their feet , IR ) cioe tim liourku could have tossed a liebblu onto tb root , the beautiful iminco of St. Cloud nes tied multi its amielent forest , stIff m'uiikmm o heilges imnd quaint Iuarblc.terracod pools A squadron of cuiraslcrs lint ! dlsiiiouutei at ( ho foot of the terrace steps. Iluntired of olflcors , nuinicipal magnates , huissiers genclarmneu and holiday strollers Passe RHEUMATISM. IISIJiI V .iNI ) ' ' ' ' ' 'I'Oit'i'iijii : S'1'I'IIOL" F PAII.t I.J.EI. SN IIItH1 I.Y Vonitii \'Iti , Jlelie'ye'is ( isiiituI her to AMsTlrDur. . Y. ( Pri'.mte Correspon. : enee ) . irs. 1' . I'crohn of this city ha been cured of an unusually severe ea ( rht'tirUttttnt I ) ) ' limo I1w remedy. Gloria Tonic. In convers.UIon with tile writer she ui's "F'ot 1tm iiat ten ) 'I'ars I hail been OJtiiCtetl vJIli rheumatism to such an extent that I thought my misery would never end. flurixij ( hi' Imast three years it grt so much % 'oro that the 1ains nearly maths me Insane and I never thought any- tmln ) In titis orl.i would cure me of such a dreadful dlsenm'e , I believe It was the hand t i'rr'videnee that directed mu to that 4ommderful remuNly Gioria Tonic , anti after taking . ; bxes bf It I was COnltieteiy ) cured and would tiUA not take the wealth of earth for what Gloria 'l'oimiu has done for inc. ilhou d any suffering reader wish to write .10 yciti about ii. eil heiu I will simeerfuliy answer their letters. " 'fkiQUintI cC 'lthcrs have been success. fully cured by CUorlm Tonic. among them a 7nati who i'as bedfast for 13 year. , . Its ito- lieu on the blood nhvreby it erpeis the IOisOflOUH acids ( the c.cuse of rheutnatism ) , lit something wonderful , ( iiorfi Tonlo is mmmdc by John A. Smith. 213 Huuimcrtleid Church Iilutding , MIiwau' k'e. WIlL , and is for sale by all druggists in Omaha. A bo.k Pt teMtn'flta7s awl a sample of lbs remedy are zn.flp ) to thmoiie' who iwish to give lbs remedy a trlai before buying a full ize tex * t flu' 4w store. through the pnlnco grounds , staring up at the exquisite gray facade with unnccu- totncti enmotion of curiosity anti apprehen- slon , A group of mounted omccrs. returning from an inspection of the hams carrefour , passed slowly beneath the tcrace , , spurs and hcirneta jingling. brcastplates glittering like mirrors. One of ( hem , a slim young fellow , splendidly inminted , turned his head to look again , laughed and waved a gloved hand , "Viioa that ? " asked l3ourke , "General Ilehlemare , commanding at St. ienis , " saul Ilarowood. "Iio' going to let me know when anything is up In that direction - tion , " It fta sunset before they rose to go , with a lost giatico at tile distant splendid city , v1mcre the Arc tie Triomphe had turned to an arch of itearl , the obelisk to a flaming torch-battlements , spires , bridges , impulpa- tile as structures of opaitsccnt nmist , failed as the enchantment waned , fainter , dimmer , until iii the rosebank haze a star broke out ; another glimmered in the zenith. Then , as the shadows foil oil forest anti unlace anil somber silent pools , tar through the velvet twilight , between time avcnucs of trees , the moon , blood red , rose bovo time edges of the plain. - ' 'Come on , " saul flounce , stI'aping his binocular amid starting down time terrace atolls , Ifarewood followed him , cnterlimg time hedged avemmimo just as time cuirasslers rode out of the court. In time twilight Olin of the passing cavaliers stopped , calling to flare- wood in English , tinged with nfl accent : "It Is you , immy friend ? Ma fol , you arc not amiable-no , scarcely amiable. I am glad to see you again. " ltarcwood shook lmammds with him as time horse passed , saying : "Good evening , Gen. cml fleilemuare , I alit coming to see ou at St. Denis soon. " . , i shell expect yOU , " said General folio- mare , turning in lila saddle. "Don't forget' -ltuc tl'AtIii-au revoir , molt elmer , " and passed oti with the cavalry Into the dusk , saluting them both with easy grace. The two Amnericaims pursued their way toward - ward the river , saying little to each other until they were standing on the deck of a bateau inouclIe , speeding through tle twIlight - light under the high viaduct of the Point du Jour , lied and green lights emi the fleet of river gunboats sparkled nailer the shadowy arche3 ot time viatluct. On time castcrmm bastions aim electric light sputtered blue anti blinding , casting luminous shadows over quay and dock nut ? bug rows of POilSIled siege guns , lying 0mm cartrucks below the ramparts. Other boats jlasetl them , clustered lights on how atitl stern , rows of tllunmitmated windows anti Iiol'ts staining time ( lark waters with golden beanms as they Passed. 'fho little waves daticed along the wake , criss-crosseti with green and crimson streaks , distorting the lantern reflections until the black water surged under a polished surface , shot to its deptim with jagged , trembling shafts of coi- orcil light. "l'lmat'a the gunboat Farcy , " saitl flourko , as a shadowy shape loomed up in amid- stream. "She's got a big gun aboard , but , trO flu thinking , time recoil must raise time mistiiicf with her plates , ' ' Already the dark. ndless facade of the Louvre appeared on the left , bridge after bridge spanned the , river , bright with fes- toOmla of gas lanmIs , until a black bulk surged tip before them , crowned with clustered pInnacles - nacles , lighted only by time stars. It was time Cite. Their voyage had come to its end. As they climbed the steps of the quay below tIme I'aials do JustIce , away in time south a bail of fire sped up Into the sky and burst , spraying the night with vermilion stars. "What's that signal ? " muttered liourke. Time distant report of a cannoim confirmed time answer that the newsboys were shouting - ing along the boulevard : "Extra ! The Orleans - leans railway blown up between Ablon and Athis ! The Prussians have reacimeti the forest - est of Senart ! Jinrewood bought a paper and stood read- lag It under a gas Jet , whiie on every side an increasing tumult arose from the crowded sidewalks as rocket after rocket whirred up into the night and limo dull ( hun- tier muttered from the forts of the west. In the glare of the lighted shop windows black masses of people gathered , gesticulating - lating , blocking the street , lingering in knots under the gas lamps , where some boulevard orator alternately read front a newspaper amid imaranguoil his neighbors. 1-loarso voices with the sinister intonation FLOUIUJNS FOLLOWFrn , SPEAKING WITh FRIGhTFUL IMI'ETEIOSIPY. of alarm bells dominated the deeper bum of ( ho multItude-insistent Juices , cimunor. lag disaster. "Extra ! extrai"-overy dis. cordant. cry rang out harsh and tense , vi- bratiug with the malice of prophesy , "It's true , " said ilarewood , soberly , "Time Prusatana have cut the Orleans raliroad hear Athis , " lie banded the journal to Ilourke , adding : 1'There'll be the devil to pay in the streets tonigbt. "I've a. mind to stay here and dine at the Cafe Rouge.'bat do you say ? " "L told Yolette not to expect us , " replied liourhe , "so its all righL Come on , " I They threaded their way through ( ho I crowd , crossed the street anti traversed the I I'iaco St. liiichei , where a Jam of omnibusc I and calms , hopelessly mixed , blocked the I assagu of a battery at artillery , In tb black mass silhouettes of riders , tower1n in their high saddies , crossed and recrosseil I time gasilt bridge ; here a horse's head tossed1 silaniy outlined ; there the slime shape of a cannon detached Itself from the shadowy chaos. As they' pressed on up the hiii of the St. , ? .lichel and eater-ed the brightiy lighted ter' , race of the Cafe Rouge cuirassiers were passing through the I3outeyard St. Germain sabree , casques and polished armor shining I criwsoned with mirrored resection. from tb darning torcho borne by single cavaliers , . k _ trumpeter roile by , a tenoper carrying a' guidon , staff in stirrup , followed , thou , alt alone , came a genertd , sonmiro taco , hatiowed , gilded sash , chopesu anti epan- lettes g1itter1tff with woven gold. Under his cocked hat his dreamy oyc's looietl out into the glare undazzled. lIe saw neither torch nor shadow , nor tIme steel bimmiles of swords-he , the mystic , the oracle of vague- fleas , the apostle of mystery-this Breton governor of Pgrls , General Trochu. So ho passed with hIs nrmorqd troop , a remnant of ancient pageantry , a lireton of emblazoned chronicles , silent , vague-eyed , dreaming dreams of chivalry and paradise , and the blessed eninte whose filmy volt was a hieltI of God for the innocent. When time inst squadron hail trampled past a nd was blottctt out in time darkness ilourko f ollowed by I1arewoo1 , entered tite Cafe Rouge nail found seats at a table between a s oldier of the Nalional Guard anti one of I ranchettI'a Scouts , . The latter wes taunting the National G uardsman with time lndiselpline-of' bat- t ahoe ; the guardsman answered suiklii , and s awed away at his steak , wasliin huge mouthfuls down with goblets of reI wine , "You and your major , elm ? ' sneered the s cout. "Tell the , my friend , since hen has a battalion of tue National Guard boasted a n iajor ? I leave It to these two gentlntdn"- h ere lie turned anti imoddc'tI at liourko and I larewootlieavC it to thae gentlemen i f it is possible for a National Guatd bat- 1 i'IIirt ' IH WI Lai3.Jr jq ' k' ' " ) ( I . I * 1 : 1 . - . . , - . : : - D.ZED HE STRUGGLED TO RISLI t allen to have a majom' unless it's a comnpatmy of fantochesi" "Fantoche yourself ! " shouted time guards- maim , stung to fury by time taunt ; "let me tell you that Major Finurens Is major because l ie's accepted time command of timr e Belie- 'ilie battaliomms. If you t'on't like it go up t o tIme undertaker's tonight and say so to Buckhurst-and see what happens. " " \\'lmo is .fluckimurst ? " inquired time scout sarcastically. Thu guardsman &walIowcd a mouthful of bread , emptied his goblet , smacked lila lips and said : "None of your business. " Bourke looked at liarewood. "I3uckburst ! " be repeated under hi breath. . ' .It wouldn't surprise me , " muttered hare- wood , "it that rimman Is in Paris ; the 'Undertaker's' is Just time place for him , " They ate in silence for awhile , preoccu- 1)10(1 ) with thIs bit of news , miews which they knew was well worth cabling to America. Forger , murderer and Incendiary , Jack Iiucklmurst had at last been caught during time draft riots in Now York , und , after being clubbed into insensibility , bad been locked in the Tombs prison to be dealt with later. The next day the wardeim reported him dying ; the next day after lie was gone , but not to hail. Where he had gone the authorities tried for awhile to find out , until at Inst the fame of his exploits - ploits tailed into legendry and nothing was left of his memory except an ocasionai line hi a nemvspapcr and a faded photograph In the Rogues' gallery. Time scout began again to tease time National - tional Guardsman , asking sneering qucs- tiomis about I3eiioviilo and the battalions quartereil there , until the guardsman Jumped Up in a rage , cursing inmpartiaiiy time whole LaUn qttarter. "If you tiiitmk Ilelievllie is so funny come up and see : conic up and tell us how funny \o are ! " be shouted. "Henri Itocbcfort will answer you-Major Floureus will reply to yoti-M. Duclehurat may have a word to say ! What is the Latin quarter , anyway , but. a gutter full of cocottes and students and Immmbccile professors ! Don't tell mc' And just valt a bit. Time dance is beginning , amy friemmd , atmd tito roil flag is a better flag than BadInguet' tricolored horse blanket ! " Time cafe was in an uproar by this time. The scout dashed a glass of red wino Into time guardsman's facosomebody in the room threw a cbalr at somebody else , howls and curses imiingletl with time crash of crockery until sotimebotly shrieked , "I'm stabbed ! " amid there s'aa a rush for the door , Ilourko found himself out on time sidewalk , warding off the cults nnil kicks of several cmi- thusinstic citizens , who kept shommting : "lie's a I'russian spy ! iciii imilim ! " until the hazard of battle brought tinrewootl to his aid. Together - gether they managed to back out of the crusim In good order until darlumess enabled timem to prudently efface themselves in the hue tIe Mcdecine. And it was well they did , for time cry of "Spy" In Paris at that period meant rougij Usage first amid Inquiry later- sonmetinmes too late. "Damnation ! " said Ilarowood , furIously , holding up a tattered sleeve , "I've a mind to use my revolver next time , and I'll to it , too ! Itllotal I'll show thtetmi who's a spy- yea , I will , Cecill" "You'd better not , " said Dourke , grimly , regarding his own disheveled attIre. "There's no telling what your I'arisians may do in this crisis. Jim , you heard what that rat- faced o1dior said about Iluckburat ? Of course , we'll cable it-but-what Mould you think of arresting time fellow and getting the government to hold him for' oxtradi- tlon ? " 'Goverament ? What government ? Net this crazy aggregation in l'arisy What's the I use ? They won't do It ; they won't tiara I toucim him if tie's band in glove with the I llehlcviiio gang , Iidmm't you hear time soidiem . couple his imame with Itochefort's anti i Flourens' ? Probably lie's one of the aiiinin : iigimts of their cut.tbroat club , time Uzmder' . taktfl'Si" ilourke looked up suddenly. "Jim , that's what we'ii do ; re'hl go tc I hlciieviiie tonight , and attend a aanco of tb I Ilurewooti nodded uncertainly , "You renienmber I have a friend at cour L there , the Mouse , " lie said , "and , as yo I suggested , it's vosslbie that be may attcmpl t to cut our throats as an expression of gooc i it flourko hesitated , lie looked sharply a t Ilarowood , undecided , a little curious h ) know how his comrade would act. "Do you care to go ? " be asked after i m * - . .i'5 . pauso. "Y c4n't on my account" L "yes , if ) ; cu e going , ' repiied iItmrewoo' ' pleasantly. jii ; ) ' "Come alijdhen ! , " said flourko , wonder- lag whethe'Uar.wootl had accepted the risk through reeiiketmeess , a reporter's instinct of rivalry , or hffnwifiingness to let him take the risk aloqo , . 'I , tfl ( lIA I'Trn : vI-Tl. Vtitlcrf niacrs , Tue inoculated l'aris with a virus , thofli&t , symptom of which wits an eruption of'iUlis. . " A hundred years later tIme city i'r miin violently Infected , The Third Enmiiru mifined Paris , and a fresh outbreak of "citibs" followed , aggravated by time deciarnII"qt war in July , 1S70. Now that the ( lernman armies were closing in on the city , ( ho Irresponsible mania for organis- ing clubs increased to such an extent that in certain quarters of i'aris every street had its climb. And , of all tim clubs organized to discus , loiitics or to combat volttical parties , time grimmest , the most sinister , time most thoroughly revolutionary , was the so- called "Uniierakers climb" of hlehiovllie. In the begiining this club had been cx- trcmeiy radical , but. perfectly sane. It flickered intoilfu with the birth of the Third Empire , blazed like a comet during time fusillades of time b mtilevartl ammd streets , and finally went omit iji a greasy candle , leav- lag a doubtfui stench in time city , Time flame , however , . wAS religimtcd when Nai'o- Icon Ill , leclared war against lila "good . brother , " icIg % yilhelm of Prussia , anti L whemi that mimild-antured anti sentimental old I monarch left' ' lii becabbaged estates tc I chastise 1mls'iipi1 "brother , " Napoleon , the Undertakers stirred in their slunmber3. The rcsuriiectto * of the Undertakers was accomplished ; thrbmiglm three circunmstances , the Fraimco-PrusIan war , time will of God and Jack fltikhtii'st. \\'Imcra BuiItmtt came from , hov he eanme. why hocamue , no one know , hut in a vcek he haihtAl ) l3blieville aflrmnme , clamoring. for whattwei" ie told it to clamor for , lie. valkccl into the Undertakers' one eemi- ing , demanded an election , got. It ; do- nianded the privilege of the tribune , got it ; demanded a revIsion of time constItution , a ballot for now officers , a new watchword , a new policy , and got everything lie demanded. Thou , with terriblovlndlctiveness , ho turned on ( lie semi-sane minority , crushed it , anti drove it from the quarter , and when denounced - nounced and accused by Carl Marx from his exile ho defied the International , amid was overwhelmingly elected president of ( be Undertakers. If the Undertakers had once been radical -even revolutiommary-now it was of the "Reds" reddest. , Alt thu worst elements of i3ehloviilo entered iimto its conmposition , its walls rang with furious denunciations of all existing sbciai order , its ipotto was "dis- order , destruction , deatb. " If fluckhurst Imad not been the dcvii's owa prophet , if ho matt not foreseen wimat was to be , if ho had dot known as surely as the sun rises that , the Commune was coining , coining inexorably after time brief war cloud Imad blown clear of a humiliated nation , the Undertakers would never have lifted a finger to equip a battalion for the defense of Paris. But' Bucichurst saw furtber , lie knew that every new marching battalioim from IThleviilo ! nmcammt for luau antI his a veteran reserve in time of need , Ills need would come when time Commune caine. So when two organized battalions of time National Guard elected Flourens their conm- mandammt , flucichmurat rose In time tribune and called for volunteers to form a third bat- tmmiion. lie kmmhv what lie was doitmg , lie crushed oliOititiofl , and won imis point , and the Undcrtaker fixed a night for time imiustering in of their battalion amid a reception - ception to "Major" Flourene. All this , of course , was contrary to law , military and clvii. timere was no such title as major in the National Guard , but the governmneimt dared not antagoniao hlclhevlllo at such a tnonment. When Ilourke aim' ' ! Jinrewood entereil the halt nobody apparently paid them time sligimtest atteimtion. They s1ippd quietly upstairs to time wootlen gallery , foummd a seat on the steps ietween two aisles , and looked down at the tumult below. A thick fog of tobmmcco'smoke hung over everything - thing , through which gas jets burned with pale. attenuated , spear-IWo flames. High oh the three..seatirof the tribune , behind the pulpit shmipbd ileks , sat three men ; on time right Flit1rorFs , young. flushed , handsome - some , blue eyes dilated anti nostrils fairly quivering wltW'1npatience ; on the left sat Mortier , nil hqit'd bandy legs , with the m eyes of a luntt.cbdeep Bet under a high , bald , donmeiik. . orebead , In the middle I llmmckiitirst sati : . ' Ilarewood t1t1d ! Iourke leaned forward , eyes fixed on thta4nconiprehemmsiblo interima. tioaai crImnlni , le sat there , pale eyes et I in a paler facvauan of 40 , lithe of move- macnt , well prtloped , dainty of imand and foot , Thsxernna a imamdness about his smoothly , yet oacb feature was I well night imeiLect4-cxcept his O'e5. These ' were so paleai Uior that iii the gems flare timey looked Pearly , Time hall with the Undertakers and their frn sitting cheek by jovI around hundreds of little iroim tmmbies , loppy with beer dregs anti the blue-black lees o ( cheap Wines. 1verybody was smoking , cbeering , screeching , hanmmnerfng beer mmmugs on the round iron tbie.Vomen vaved wine glasses in the anmoko-choimed glare ; soldiers of the National Guard baugeti on the floor with bayonets end sword sheaths , Red flags were draped around the half mu- ternatiug with hideous decorations , immosily emblems of death anti the undertakers pro- fession. In time midst of the uproar , the foul smoke , reckipg atmosphere , anti stemich of stale beer , half a dozcn well-toil reporters sat writing at a long table which stood directly in front of the base of the tribune. Their sleek , ruddy faces , their weii.grooiimed persons , silk hats , jvory-bamidled walking sticks , fat. cigars tucked under waxed : mius- taches , presented a picture at once ineon- gruous and reassuring , Oblivious to the _ _ _ _ : _ - - crowd , the stench , t1i furious fulminations from militant sitrirchists , tienotmncing every- timing , including thtm Maker of everything , these reporters scribbled away at tieir pails , sharpened pencils , or flicked time ashes fronm good cigars under the very noses-in the very faces-of the most irresponsible crowd of rumans that ever gathered to encourage each other's criminal instincts. Mortier began to speak , rising on his crooked legs , his long throat swathed In a red handkcr- chief , Under time grotesque dome of hi , bald forehead his villainous face contracted till time scrubby beard bristled. When ho opened time black cavern of his nmoutim a I single tooth broke the monotony of his grin- nim ; gums. lie spoke for a long time , lmis piercing voice splitting the choked atmosphere till $ the crowd howled again anti the dreadful tunmnlt broke back from the echoing rafters itmto a very hell of sound , F'loimrena foliowed , speaking first ear- neatly , then with a frightful Impetuosity. Ito leaped to time platforrmi before hii desk and stretcimet'i out his arm , Every umovement set time gaslight glitterin'g and shimmering over the gilded arabeaques on his ummiformn. The crowd roared , mad with exultation. Then lltmckhurst arose. At ( ho first Quiet word a itusli felt over ( ho baI , IIis voice was placid , passionless , cool , anil grathful as summer showers. "Cltizthis , " he snlil , "you have organized your battalion , you hnve added your voices to the voices of time other two battalions ; a legion has bon formed , Major Fiourens is otir lender. "The government says that he is aoL We differ fronm time government-we expect to differ more seriously still-when the time conies. At present we can afford to wait. But. a ( line Is very near wheim orders that conic from time l'alais Bourbon will be coun- termantied by orders issued froni time Hotel do'ihle. . Time ummilertakera need a larger hall-the Hotel do Ville is not too larc. " Time frammtic cheering checked him for a imminent. Theim lie resumed : "For a time It is best ( lint we go to the ranmparts , that we fight time I'russians under time tricolor. This is policy-for time momnemmt. But-policies change , so do flags , so does what is now called patriotism. "Citizeim Mortier has reminded you that universal brotherhood is not conipatible with patriotism , that the red flag of revolt is the universal banner of imuman brotherhmooil , that there is nobler gnome for your rifle bullets than time hearts of battle.drtven peasants , wlo : , although Prussians , are your brothers nnd your comrades in arms agatmmst the wealth f all time world. It is well to bear this in iiiind-and wait. "And how. US you have elected Major t1ouremms chief of the new legion , and as you have elcctcl , mime conlmnanhiamit of your bat- tahion , I ask you for time privilege of naming to you two of amy fellow countrynmen for dcc- (10mm 05 captains iii the Third battalion. " "Namimo titetim ! Name themi" shouted ( be cro mvd. Liourke leaned over the balcony , clutciming hardm\'ood's arm. "By heaven ! " lie whispered , "do you see who he's going to namno ? " Ilarewood , mimuto witim astonishment , stared tlown at time platform , where two men hail mnountetl fronm the crowded floor and now I stood faclimg lluchlmursL Time two mimemi were Speyor amid Stauffer. Aimiil . whirlwind of their ( a. applause namea I were presented amid accepted. hiuckhurst nil- ! miministered ( he oath , Fiourens dramatically rctmmrned. their salutes. Mortier , his ape-like face stnitmc'd a dull reti vlth excitement , sat behind his desk , on whicim lay a pile of roil cocardes. His little lnsano eyes snapped as Speycr anti Stouffer marched up to be invested - vested with the badge of ammarclmy. The crowd howled , drums and bugles crashed out , ( lie meetimmg was at an end. Suddenly. in the niidst of time tumult , hare- wood felt 'that somebody on the swanning floor below vas looking straight. at him. lie turned his head uneasily. Buckhurst's colorless - less eyes met his own. For a full minute they gazed silently at each other across that smoke-reeking chaos. The bugle's car- splitting racket , time crashing of brazen drums , time echoing howl died away in hare- wood's ears. lie only heard a clear , pond- trating voice repeating. "Silence , silence , if you please. gentlemen. " imail iiuckhtmrst , with his eyes still fixed on hmlnm , touched Speyer on the elbow. Stauffer , too , was looking up how. Speyer hind turned livid when he saw Harewood. "Conic. " muttered lloimrke , "we might as well got out of this , " and be moved toward the stairway , Harewood following. As they reached ( ho last step and started to push through tbe crowded doors a head fell lightly on hinrewood's shoulder. liuck- hurst stood besIde him. The immvolnntary start that Harowopd gave communicated Itself to liourico. lie also turimeil to confront Spayer and StautTer. "Gentleimmen , " said t3uckhurst , speaking in English , "your faces arc familiar to me. Cnptntn Spcyer tells me that you are New York ri-porters. Do you kaow me ? " "Yes , " sold 1-inrowood , sullenly. liuck- hurst's pale eyes etole areumid to Bourke , then returned directly to Ilorewood , "Of course , " be said placidly , "if you cable anything ummplcasant about mime I'll have your throat emit , " liarewood atneteti on agaitm toward time door. but Snever Jerked him hack. sayimig savagely : "Listen. Do you hear ? " and I3mmcklmmmrst added quietly : ° You'd better listemi. " It hiourko had mint gripped hiarowood's aram iii timime Speyer's face would have suf- ( tired.'fthm cleitelmed fists ilarewoomi imusimeti tosvarti hmini. fluckburst flung iiiimm bacie , elmowing lila tetim slightly , his taco distorted 'wIth that ghastly similie that imono wile hail ever seen It could forget , ' 'I t you cable ( or mny extradition , " lie said , ' 'I'll cut your timfoat tB a aim ) ' . " "Spy ? " stammmincrei Ilarewood furiously. ' 'Yes , aim immiperiul siu mho imitled ( lie cnmprcss to escape from the Tuileries. Yomm fool , don't you think I kmmow ? You aiiil your conirimilem nncl two women imnnmeii Chmalnls-you imitleti the empress , " hlarewood was dunmb ; Botmrkc stared it Spoyer , tiio sneered iii lila fnce , "You want a witness ? I am the witness , " aiil Speyor. liucklumrat turned fiercely on hlotmrke : "Look out ! " he " ' whispered ; "don't try any of your d-d newspaper triehca on me , Time government Inst night decreed time es- pulsion of every dissolute woman from l'aria during time siege , and If you give me : mny troimble I'll sot ( lie police on your charming little Chmalais girls ! ' ' Ilart.'wood struggled to strike ham ; Buck. burst immecti bim , one band in his coat pocket. "I've got a pistol iii my pocket , " lie said , "It covers you , If it wasn't that I don't want a row that might lena to aim investiga- tiomi I'd shoot you now. Stand imacki Get out of here anti keep your mouth shut or I'll let the whole hail trample your ( ace into ( ho floor ! " Ilarewood , white to the lips , jostled by the crowd pourimmg through the doors , strove ' to keep his position in front of flucklimmrst Ito loOked imito the 'pale , mncrclleu eyes , imo saw the outlines of flat and leveled pistol in the black aide pocket of Iiuckimurst's coat. lie saw , too , suspicious faces peering at hini from the jiassing crowd-dark , sullen eyes , burning with time smouidering fire of frenzy , Speytr , sneered at him , Staufler's weak blond face relaxed into an imisuling ( smile. "Come , " muttered flourke , "there is nothing - ing to do. " anti ho laid his hand on hare- wood's arm. "No , " said hlarewooti aloud , "there is nothing to tie-now , " Bucichurat heard. Ills thin lips receded again , showing an edge of snow-white teeth , "Neither flow nor later , " lie said softly. 1.eavo this hail' ' " Spcycr cut in : "If yell give mis any trouble the governor of Paris shall know how the I enipress escapedi And you can take yourself - : self out of the line d'Yptes , too-bag anti baggage-and women" hlourko lied dragged llarewood back to the door , repeating in a whisper : "For God's sake , . Jim , let. them aionot Let timeni alone ! " Iluckliurat followed alovly , Speyer at lila elbow , Stnutfer in the rear , hiebinti theta the lights were being turned out In the Cmnhity hail ; in time dark street outside the fotml sidewalks , wet with an autumn shower , reflected the flickering flamimo of a single lamp host. hiourko , urging Ilarewood , backed out into the street. Time night was appalling in its fnthonmless biaclcmmvss , 'rime leaves on an Unseen tree stirred sonmewlmero above them , "They've followed mis , " whispered liourke , straining his eyes back to time black gaping door of the hall. "Listen , Jim ! " Time silence was nbsoiue , Down time street time single gas jet burned uncertntmmiy , now flaring up into a yellow latch of light , now sinking to a blue spark , Suddenly Harewood felt time iiauntimig umrea- ence of somuctbiiig that lie neither saw nor imearil , It was close to him , there iii the shadow , mimo'ing nearer. Then ( lie darkness seemmmel tO part before his eyes , a shaft of flanme singed lila brow , and tue narrow mitreet resounded with the racket of a pistol shot. Immstnimtly lie struck out , and sruck again. solidly , knowing ( lint It. was Uuckhurst whmo had received ( be blow full in the face. Somebody slid time shmmtter from a lantern. lie caught a glimpse of Ilourke knocking Stauft'cr into ( lie gutter , of liuckliiirst , lila white face soiled with blood , groping on ( ho sidewalk for his revolver , of Speycr swinging his arimi for a blow. Time blow va3 for liarewooti imimmiselt. It caught imini fairly on ( ho neck , amid sent him flat. Dazed , lie struggled to rise. A kmmce pressed lminm back , a hcnlfe glimmered in the lamitermi light , falling swiftly toward him , ommly to be caught by another knife ammtl semit. whirling. Aiitl now lie was on his feet agaimm , and ngalmi the blinding iiash of a pistoi dazzled imimm. halt revealitmg a swami of tiamk , hurrying figures ciosltmg in arotilid ( bout , It revealed somnething else , too-time imaril lace of tbu I Mouse starting froni the shadows at his oh bow. "This Wa ) ' , immonsleur , " immuttered ( imt Mouse. "I lohil to iii > ' arm. ' ' A lanterim fell violently to time sidewalk , rolled nrntmntl anti wemmt out , leaving mm stench of petroleum 1mm the nlr. There was a sudden rush , a cohhisloim , angry , panting voices , the dull sound of blows a shrill cry : "The police ! " linrewood , running thmrotmgh time , larkimcss , one mmmiii on the Mouso's arm , ( urimetl sharply with hits guide Into a broader street , lighted by a dozen lamps. At the smimnu instant Ifourke rounded ( he opposite corner amid imiet tljeimi face to face. Fom' a. rnumumte they stooti there breath- les. , listesimig to ( be distant shouting amid trampling that gradually grew tiuller , as though time affray lmad alimiost subsltlcl , , "Mince ! ' ' said time ? , lotmse , thrusting hits tommgue into ( he eurtier of his chicek amid holdIng ill ) it broad.blamicd kuule. "I was just iii timimo , eh , mxmousleur ? " lIe simuilleil his feet reflectively , glanced obliquely i't fourke , shrugged his shoulders atmd haugimed , nodding half patronizitigly whmeit ilarewood began to thank Imini. "Bah-thimt is imotimimmg immy friend. There are immiracles In Ilelieville when the Mouse patters timrough the dark. Besides time four m'intIs blow for nothing , but it costs ilioney to live. " ° Comao to time Rue d'Yimrc3 tomorrow , " said Harewood , soberly , "and time four winnie will blow you something besIdes air , " "At your servIce , " said the Mouse with impudcimt coImtlcscczioii ! , "amid , messieurs , I have time homier- " lie bowed with oxaggeratd poiiteness , turned on imis ragged heel , amid slouched off Into the night. ( To be Continued , ) A. YviCEi aI.tii's I.OVll POEM. ( The follow'immg pretty littio poemn was nmauied to us front Ilnitg ICong , China , on April 2 last. 'limo signature at its foot Is that of a. urivntu iii ( lie United States mnam'ino corps , serving iii Admiiirii bcwiy's fleet , Edward Armstrong i'latt , who wrote it on board time United States ship Itoleigh , nail wile , a month Inter , s as omme of time gallamit force that fought mmii destroyed the Sinimmshm ilcet in Imluumiia bay.-.Ed. ) \'lmnt liift'r'eiics , I am gazing through enstarmm starsimimie , lown ( lie vista of iIclcc'm'imm ! At mm face thuit I loved iii timut , Ircnmniantl , 'J'lmtmt I see through time mist of ( lie tears. Ii. 0 , tIme Iningimorutis , tropical mitnrllgimt , Jirlngimig back immy sweet rose-timiteti ( lrcmlmn ! how I sigit 'cross thmo imifinite distance , For a world amid a Ufc Intervetmo ! III. Froum tIme math of time luihlil I gaze vcs- ward , Where time galiletirod blooms , you look east ; Anti wo sigh w'imomm myc timlale or ilri'gs h'imig in the glasses wo dialmitid at 3.ovmti , Feast. lv. 'lmoii I'm hoimely mit night on time ocean , AntI thu s'mmahi on I lie billow rumis green , I reach iut for your imnmmd in time dimrkimess , Jiut a sea and a soul Iimem''emie. V. Yet , I kmmow that somnotinme in the shailows 'iVo are gropttig despairingly thmrouglm Ti'.mit time distance vlli tuitneimuw ihlirminimmlm , t And our dreammi viIi again become true. VI , I And again your cold world wiil be tropic , , , As them ioveiigimt In radiance strelmmns lJTi time luttim of the roso.tinted futmmre , \'bmern there's nothing bmmt love imiter- S'OtiCS , ] DW'AJtD AflJtIS'FRONG Pi.ATT , iljittI Stutes Simiti ititleigh. 110mm , , ' } Coiig , China , Aprli 2 , II , 'I'Iie tiaed OutloniC Iii iCriifmiei' , Time speaker was one of Louisville's lead- lag citizens who lives on a feral a ( ow mile's from this city amid keeps mvcll posted in agriculture anti horticulture , relates time Couritu'.Jommnmoi , "Time aunt crop was never helter , " ho said , us be snmacktil imis lips in total aimlici- patiomi , "but good old whisky Is hard to get and goimig up in hirice. " Jh'o1ds1twith r VABL4TEEIJWJN ! Co. I : . : ' Iccnth Shut , Omnha , Neb. MUNYON'S ' PROOF. y1ileome. so ConvincIng thtot 1ye * Skeiltici hielloyc , ! 1& ' ) & Mr. H. Varkmnn , rm1irhn ; , 1nn. , sayst "hail tilniiiier trouble for three years. I"our doctorS fnilet to help fli ( ' , Mmmmt3'ofl cmiretl mae , nimil also cured may wife of fmmalo , trouble. " Owen Sntiler , Sifi 10(1 ( * strct , 1)ener , Cdl , , says : " 1Vn a martyr to rheumatism far twelu years. Could scarcely walk. Two lottirq of ? ttunyon's Rhemimmitisin Cure ctirt'd air , " Mr. mliii Johnson , $2. ; l fitli street , Lois .Aiigele , , Cal. , says : "Mutmytimi's Itcmneilles emireil me of cntnrrli , rbemitnatlsmmm auth eIti. " Mrs. Atm Prlshmie , iSi lIwnrl street , lichens , ? tlnnt. , says : ' 1 vnimt lhm , whom mmcciii to lmmiw , that ? 'iminyan ' emireil mime Of femmmslo trouble otter I hail suffered fltten years. " im's. Louts Tverett , Owego , N. I ) , , says : "Mitnynim emirel inc of stomach troimblt' , city hiuimamiii of rhicunmatlatim amId amy dough. ter.in.lan' of ( climb trouble. " CubIc to Ilrnlthm niml mneshlcni ntlvlen ahiso. iutely fre'e. Prof. Muuyomm , 1503 Arch at. , l'himailclIiila , To Alask& U Cold Fields fly . , iiow EMl'IfCr I.INF II floO tot , tcnmcr * Club. " " I'eiitisf'ivittiiti. ' ' iim1iioia , ' ' I mitmisus , ' ' " Ctmne'taaitctt , ' tIt'elallr tIh"t % tutu stUrtiji ttcutt. , electric ligmfls on. ! oil modern imulrovCniemits. - SEATTLE TO ST. E'1IC-IAEL , OVmioliitod to sail abOUt. , ltiime i& V.i' : : : July 13,3.i.r ' 'theme iaru occaul Mt'aumers , so wcii kimoan in thu , , , , , , , , , tnmliatiamiti tiinitsq. Iii etiieetln ti 1111 olIn ott ii fleet of 1 M 'i'.ei , for timt Tuko , , lit' , cr teethe , fsirIsmi , , by mr mite b.t ionic I , . lusmi.itm city and all oilier Y umimnu hirer Polmits. "ALL WATER ROUTE. " ilmtli'Ilmmim : : that tiil'i iltio PfluIhi'l m'asengor' , to reaCi , thu lti'aittmf the emnnI iieId' . wimimotmt t'nimr- 11mg 11,0 , tiarui'iiiips. csIotirc. bet'ru loll mlii , datmge to mile anti lrui"rty encotintt'retl on iii , , Overland routes , A'Ily : to EMPIna TAflSPOflTATIOH CO. 607 rhm'.t .txt' . , MIA'm"z'J.r. .S'AflI. , " .to INTERNATIONAL t1AVIOATIOU COMPANY , lilt ln Misile Strrrh , ( 'illttG ( ) , I i.IM arthur aguits inths UnIted Smates or Canada. o , rNEW * LA , COLLAR Patroiize 1-loine lildustrios % U , . l'tirt'lising GoiIs 3Jzile mis the I'oI- it ) Imifla NuIrnslmm i1'ietsriesm \yQg NU TFNTS. 031A11. ' , 'i'EN'I' .tNI ) IUhlIIImt CO. ( Successors Omaha Tent anl Awning Co. ) Mniiutactuers tent , , awmmtimgs , jet ii-5 ladles' 3ni Cemits' Mackimitonitea. 'rents or real. 1311 F'aranm St. . Otminha. flnEwnni Es. Om.tIl.t mlilEVlNG ASS001.t'l'IOS Cariand ziitpnieiits nmaue in our own nerrig' . erator cars. illue ltibbii , Illte lxIort'Ienna Cxiort anti l'aniliy Bx'urt deilvere'i to cii part. of time city. flOILEili , 1ttilBlt 1'OltlS , JtImN It. LO'ItEY , I'rnl , . liMier. . Tanks and fhe't rmui Work. tteclaI facitttle ror doing reitatm's. 'tc. Tel. t35 COnNICIi wouii ; . G. F' . Ei'ENF'rIIIm , fl.tGJli ( 'OitNlCmI % ( ) fl .Tanufacturer oC aIvnnlzed iron Corni es ( Ia' . vanliel Iron Skyhtnhts 'fin , Iron aiii , 51st. itOnfini. , % gcnt for Iclmtnc'ar , Steel Ceiilng , ifl-iOi2 nrtn lmCv'i'Ili street. - - = = - - - - - - - - - - - - - cnt"1gn ic-rongs. .4MEitlC.tN ltgscl'I'm'.tI ) lll.t ; . CO. \'holerss , Celter , , Manufacturers , OMAhA , icitl. nrr. wouis. scmioins.tric'S 'i''m ci'I'v iYIi ' ( ) ml Ics , I n.ii Fztriimt ma St. Dying an'l elentiming of garments iinl g't. ci emery' , iecrhlution , Cleaning of tine garnment a upeclalty. VLOIJR MIL.LS. f. I. ( flII.tX. Flour , Sl al. Fpel , hirami , 1013.11-17 'ortl ) 11b Street , Onialis , Nc'j. Ci. 1. Pluck , itiangcr , Teephane .9 ? . iRON wormms. itVIS limos U'OItlCS , i ri , itimil ilrm.pu , Filera , , , Manufnemtmrers and Jailers of Mmvhlnery ( len. eral rethirIng a sectaimy uiom , 1i03 "ad IfO5 Jacksan itret't , Omaha , etm , , - - - --5----- lTN8Ili ) oir i WtOiMtNl.INSBIfl ) Oil' flojtlcs , ? 'tanuactiiier. otiS mroCee , 11tW itneet cii , Itot- I IC moiied itnieed oti , c,1i , mroCeo. gro'jil ' , lmnmeed rakea , ground end acicened hiaxoepi ( or , Iriig. ii5 , Ol.tlIA. ili. lTTgllsir.l. - OU.tli. ( llEiIING CU , 3 l'fanuraeturers of high grade hiatireuc , , liii Iinrn.vSIrPt'I Urnaha. ovgnAii. AND HmIIIITICACTQIIIIP3 , ' lc.'i9-1f'ENg COMI'.t'4Y. Mr , Clothing , i'ants , glimrts. Ol'enilm , OMAhA5 xlIi. - _ _ iimimit'r FAC't'OihImBl , .1. Ii , II.tiS , ' ( ElhII.tiiC.t Shllli'r' COUI'.tNV. 1xclusiVe custom shirt tailors. 1517 Fsmrnama = - - - - - - - - - - . - vmiIGAlt : ANtI PliCi.i'.ii. lI..timI.tNS 1'INILtJl ( O , iaaufnctnrpr. oC S'inegor , l'icki.s , Catsupi , Mu.tar.Ip , ( 'ilr > ' anti % Vor' eteralimne iaure vMlos : Arn CttitIAOl5. 'lJ.II.tM I'ViIJi'Bii. m'or a good. aubntantt4l vctiicie of any desarip. tlon , far repainting or ruti"r tires ott new or cml ; yheli.-ttie tsl place is 27th and i.eaytnwQith Streets. - - lnol.uttEVII ( f3.tlIlti.ill CU , .Ctie'sp ' , taqdiut , , priced amid tony immirlges , Amly thing you want. secoflil itarni or new Ifrod. qurter , , ( r rtmI.ler tires. wanrmsmmt,4 ittI and 11.15Cr. ( ipt1OitIt Court Imnu , . . CllAit iJANIJFAtrrtYhltfl5 , _ IiIfII & CO. i..arieat ( artery in the west , i.eadintm Jolte. , of Omaha , Kansas City , I.incin amid t , Joaap hindu our g.o4s. lO5 Fartmomn 5lr..t. ' /4' -5"-