DAILY BEE. HE OMAHA. . . 'dk ' I JUNE 19 , 1871. OMAII1i , SATURDAY MOENLYG , ILLY 28 , 1598. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. NEVER BEFORE HAVE OUR BARGAIN $ ATTRACTED SO MUCH ATTENTION . ; . r . - The constantly increasing patronage o our great establishment speaks volumes of its vaues. Never has our trade r increase . Thousands who never traded with l us before-do so eagerly o- They are convinced that our accomo atlons an facilities for making trading easy-pleasant aand profitable ale u 1 haADroa a le an that our prices a re at al tImes t he owest. Our time honored PolIY to g lye values that make customers c me again an again-to give values that make and hot trade-was never Push e with such ores as now nor with as muslh success. Our prices show it-The crows Prove it. 16th ' d Douglas All sales open be Try and came in Omahaa tween 8 and 9 in morning as BOSTON di L88AHDEIS&SUNS STORE the morning early as possible _ _ PROPRIETORS. _ CO1Vi _ EARLY Y VERY STYLISH , t UP-TO-DATE ' 4 Y1. . : 000 short back \ Trimmed Hats at $3.50 . stylishly trimmed-with chiffon , ai- ° ; - , bereth. flowers and ornaments , in chip , Berutia and fancy braids , 50 other styles included in this ht , all new and nobby , at L $ e $10 TRIIVA'iiIED HATS AT $4,98 Shepardess , short back sailor and other trim , coed bats , trimmed with all the newest and $498 $ most fashionable ntid summer millinery ma terials , for Saturday we will include 100 beautiful trimmed white letrhorn chnicc at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S AP 400 sample sailor hats in all the new styles , ribbon trimmed. go at lOc , 50c. 9Se and Q1i5. These are all new shapes and at less than 12 regular price. TS 10c 50c , 98c , $1.75. A NEW LOT OP PLOWERS. An endless variety of ramplo flowers , civet and crushed including bluettes" sweet peas , gerani- ruses in the new shades i urns , daisies American beauties and all of mode , tan and gray. 5 othr varieties ' gen o at j qualit . , fOc on sale at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and 25c per bunch r .7 OLARNG , .150 suits , broken sizes , in the most popular styles , blouse , fiy front and fancy tight fit- ling costumes , made of serges , broadcloths , coverts and cheviots all this springs newest shades , silk lined jackets , none worth less than y15 , on sale at , ' 4 so.3s i1 Bicycle Suits An tional excep bargain - , gain in a tire piece bicycle suit , in fine mixed - ed materials , a 5 snit , r at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Crash suits in alt endless variety , blazer linen suits , skirt and blazer at 9Se , entire suit. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . Pique , duck , linen and crash suits , $4 9 atSl.50 , X9.50 and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 500 .brocaded Bros grain all silk dress skirts , all $ 4 9 choice de : ignsworth up to 512.50 , on sale at BARtUINS IN SHIRT WAISTS SILK SKIRT WAISTS at S498 or French percale shirt waists , Great sale of costly , high class silk shirt 4 0 in checks , stripec and floral waists-formerly sold up to 112.50-will sigasr he sold on second door at e-I.OS-these are all sample waists in plain colors , for French gingham . shirt checks and stripes , full blouse fronts , all at watsta , blas stripe ; and eteck. . also T 5 C finest qualitysaall floral delgns , In I dlmlty. $ 4 c 8 for French madras cloth shirt 9 8 c waists in bayaderceffects. WASH SKIRTS. Excellent washable skirts-elegantly for Ehll't waists piq ues-d - i.50 and $ . , ahd - and braid tuck rfm- 1.98 lase tr'ilnmedr ) pe11 11lk med and tucked at75c $ t.:5-r'3 and up to . 4.JS $ + EXTRAORDINARY SACRIFICE 1 t ; b efl s an ' 1- Boys'SUITS' . -Boys' I The entire spring and summer-stock of Benedict , .C Co. , \ LF Milwaukee , bought for , 40c 0 N--T1fDOLLA ) _ makes u s masters of the cothing situation. Ere ' style , - every cloth , every pattern-the newest and best to be had. , t . It's wasting time and labor to ; attempt to duplicate or approach - „ preach these extraordinary bargains. ALL TO D 5 AC IF ICEl SAT U DAY IN 4 LOTS : SI 0 Men's ' Suits S4,98 $15 $ Men's ' Suits $6.98 511,50 Men's ' Suits S9,98 $20 $ Men's ' Suits 512,50 Bentdlct's elegant serge , cheviot , Benedlcl's : o styles of BeneditCs Benedict's choice worted , casslmere STRICTLY ALL WOOL Cheviot 3ltse + l , Ttviced , unflnished Scotch CUSTOM TAILOR and checked and plaid Chcct : . , uitl 1'Indx and mtxture SUITS Ca xinere Sult. + , SUITS SUITS In plain and fancy . Also - day worsted suits , lined I 150 u.n a rent styles , elegantly Of the finest imported worsteds , all the most desirable styles , and trimmed as well as any Ala lined , perfect flt + ; ag , rmPnts , Scotch cheviots and silk lined well made garments , at sult , go today at rt perfect tailor work , go at $4M90 saJa q Boys' nits or ' t , BOYS' ' LONG PANTS SUITS $25O I All the boys' fine . 'r - All the boys' and young (3 ( to 5 Vestee Suits , R ° 1men's black Aand blue ° cheft an d fancy casslmre Stilts , Elegantly trimmed and ages , , to 19 ye rs-from the - Benedict purchase , ' g BOYS' Double Breasted . Suits , Knee Pants-S to 15)-made ) . . . . BOYS. LONG PASTS SUITS- , go to retail at . . . at . . . . $3.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Your choice of all the ' r very finest Long Pants $398 $ Boys' Suits or Suits , in sizes 1 to 13 All the very highest e y e a r s , in cassimeres , grade nobby and cheviots and worsteds , a and stylishly trimmed dozen different styles to 2 Suits for 1if11e Fellows , / - . select from-made to re- $ 4 And Double Breasted Suits for ( tall for ll p to ten dollars , retail from at 15.00 S to , go 16 at years . . . . , . made . , . . . . . . to . . . g0 at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000 , Dozen STRAW 200 Dozen Men's HATS Boys' ' and Child's ' Straw , Lhusn an Crash From Wilmerding Morris S Mitch- ell's auction-every new style and shape-on sale today at , At 1055 than halt what they would cost you 15c tOe 15c elsewhere. , , 9 25c and 35c i 25c For Sec Hats. 5O $1.00 For Hats. : 51,25 Laundered Men's C Men ' s Underwear C 4 An g line of men's plain - , A manuftletufer s entire stock and balbriggan , of colored laundered and summer me- gauze Summer Negligee 5J riuo underwear , all ' Shirts , all , 40 sizes : sizes shirts and drawers of the - latest of patterns thq tot to . . . . select . . . . . . ,50 Men's ' laundered Shirts 75c , 25 Underwear for Some of the highest ' Men's fine French bal _ glade meu s summer 7f' briggan Underwear , } fancypereale laundered silk fronts and silk " S111Tt5 , all Slzel. . . . . . . . drawers. tin ned cuffs all , double sizes . seated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " LINENS , FROM TE UNITED STATES CUSTOM HOUSE Ne bus from the Ullited States Government o _ 1 cases of Linen-thu biggest purchase of linens ever made in the west-the biggest bar , gains in linens over offored.any whore. The goals tvero sold sight unseen to the highest bidder for spot cash-fro captured the whole lot and offer Saturday the biggest bargains in all kinds of table damask , the finest grades that were ever placed on sale. 50c Towels at 15c 3,000 dozen towels , damask , huck , knotted fringe and hamstltcbed , worth from a-Sc to 50c each , all in one big lot on sale Saturday morning at 0 o'clock at laic each. This is an opportunity - nity that occurs but once in a very long time and no one should fail to take advantage of this offering. 15c and 19c Towals at IOc each , 1,000 dozen 15c and 19c damask towels , knotted fring d..hemstiteh- ed and Huck towels , go atiOceach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5OC and lbc Towels 25c each One immense lot of t1lL fiTlest towels ever brougllttO this country , 'there are voile worth less than 50c , and from that pt fco up to the finest - est qualityof satin damask , knotted , " hemstitched and oroshaw bordered , go on Sale promptly at O o'clock at .5t . . . . 1,50 Napkins at lbc dozen One solid case of full size German Linen Napkins - kins , that are the regular $1.50 kind , go at 75c dozen. . . . 2,60 Napkins at 1,50 One immense lot of A very fine quality Scotch , bleached 5 -atin damask Napkins - kins , the , ° _ .50 kind go at$1.50 dozen . . , Napkills 2,60 dozen Satin damask Napkins. all now patterns , finest $2.50 $ quality possible , go at _ .50 dozen . . . . . . . . . . . . 65c Table Damask 35c yard 3 cases of assorted l kinds of all linen cream , able damask , up to : 35c yards trite , none worth les : than 05c yard , on sale at 35c yard _ f f 1,25 Table Damask 65c yard 2 yard wide , extra fine quality , German - 6-5c man silver bleached damask - ask , would be cheap at X1.:5 , go at Ole yard. . . . . 1,50 Table Damask 75c and , One immense lot of the finest quality 75c double satin damask , beautiful - tiful new pattoras , none linnr at any price , o at yd There are hundreds of other linen bargains - % gains , such as toweling , scarfs , doylies , crash , etc. , etc. All In this Immense purchase - chase at prices one-fourth less than the regular special sale price. This is the greatest opportunity for Housekeepers , Hotels , Boarding Houses , Restaurants , etc. , etc. , to lay in a supply of linens at nearly one-fourth the regular I special sale price. bkPErs PROM THE AUCTION $11 , the carpets from the W. & J. Sloane auction sale are now In. we are offering - ing the biggest bargains in new and handsome high class carpets ever fa Omaha. - Wilton carpets that Moquettes , Axtnin alwa3 s sell at $1.50 3 5 C ster and velvet 5 C go at S5c. . . . . . . . carpets , S5c yarcl . . . . rI 'Ipestry carpets , Strl''LtLy all wool I all glade. , 49 Hartford Ingrain 5 0 C 40c yard _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ U carpet , 50c yard . . . . SPECIAL RUG BARGAINS- 1 All the high class Ne Plus Ultra large size I Rugs , that gene ° ull' bell at 61.50-a small lot only , on sale i59O promptly at 0 o'clocc , at 15.03 each. The finest and highest class rugs made in America-to see them is to buy. . . . . . . . , . II iH w7 , , - ° ' s ' : i , . . . , . : 7i : 7 , . . lid , , , . . . - r r K + - . . _ ,000 pair ladle black , tan , 1Een , purple and f " . t t --S-- ' ' " wine colored oxford ties , all hand turner , in plain top ane fancy vesting tops , made by tire best hour. in Itochester and New On bargain ohditter on the mair < floor and In the shelving - 3 5 t Shoes I,98 and 2,0 . 4I esTn Top , , , I ' , York City , to rutatl at,3 .I and g. , all t widths , all sizes , all the MEN'S SHOES 500 pair ladies' black , tau and fancy silk vest-1 very latest styles of roes , go at made to retail at 5..0,1,3.60 and x 5.00 , find , style and color Piles & Wolfrs sample shoes and oxiard ills tot ) shoes , made to retail for $3 , $4 , 5 , go at 0.044 pair Infant's and children's shoes , all . every ' , worth $3,50 to $ i 00 a pair , a , that is worn. all now t0e3 , all 51ZC5 , g0 at ties from $ i ° ? ) haa : turned from 1 to 5 and 5 to ti , go row tvldths , all the highest grades of epee at 3e , LOc , 65c and 15c. lot making choice put gp the to of on finest if eamDles of sale , in go the shoes .1merka at your entire North . . ever . . . , . - - I 9 4t t 4 $ , I 111a and $ 2 . 5 O 1 I 2 25 Y 25t 3 39C ! 65c 50es , 75c sr9 S198 S2O S300 , Shoes LADIES ? $5.00 1,000 pair of the finest Rochester glade shoes , in the extreln 1,00 pair ladies' black , tar l " ,003 rar [ o1 mtssc5' and children's lad esi Shoes $125 ' In aisle On Jfaln floor , Shoe , black and tan , plain and fancy vesting p ID' ) parrs women's Fine , i t I ) air , go at $ , $3.50 and 53.75. These include all t he new retail for $ 0 . , go goat top shoes , oxford ties and strap sandals , 1,000 pairs wonlen's Boys' and Youths 1 $ hol Bicycle Shoes , all different J I sik ) + lald tuba , t ik vesting lops and scroll pattern tops. in basement at . button all d lace Extra fine bargain ilyk i. atl wtdlhs , colon 98 $ 3 $ 3 5 $ 3 7' 5 I 95e widths , all , sizes . . . , 21 all to 8 , J c 59c ? 5 08c SI 25 r ii blast and tan shoes , ' and sizes , xolalt up to , worthupto si1 2 5 SI1 3 5 SI1 50 1 1 and s o at . . . . . . . . . . 1 . t 1 goat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a 8oat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 1 rat 1