Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 28, 1898, Image 6

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    - - - - - - - - - - - - XJ1L4 . . . & , JtI 0 I O7 .
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: flIOI : IcNTRoi ,
* ' Try Moores Btock foo(1. (
CR11 flt The flee office for Cuban maps , lOc
flianil ltlphton of 2100 West Broadway Is
nfl the SIck list.
Dr. A. 0. Mutge. ( the dentist , rcmov. %
from 310 to 338 flroiulwoy.
Clinitnian I3chmldt has caIIe ft peeiaI
meeting of tlH t'ark board for thl8 itfterfloofl.
The IvanR Iatnu1ry Is 1)io ) lca1er in line
vork both for color and flnlnh. 2G I'earl
stroet. I'hono 2O. ,
E. 11. O1'1I has bCOU elected ft member of
the execfttlvo committee of the Council
-4 agsoclritlofl.
- flltilts FX1)OSitlofl )
County Attorney Snuntleri lcftVeR this
evening for Now York on legal business and
expects to be gone aboUt ten days ,
With a flee coupolt nd 23 cents you can
secure tlu'j olTiclal photographs of the Unlt'd
lftntes navy at the Council lilulls ofliLu of
The lice.
Don't you think it. must be a pretty good
laundry that can rlense so many hundreds
of customers ? Vell-that's the Eaglo. "
724 Iiroadvay.
J , T. Ityan of spokane , Wash. , was in the
city yesleiday on his ay home from St.
Louis. Mit. , , where he was a delegate to the
clIglflccrf conentimi.
Colonel 3. J. Steaihnan , neconipanled by
11a wife , leaves today for lint Sprlng8 , Ark. ,
whvi'o he will deliver the Meflirlai ( ) day 0(1-
( lrfIH 0e3t dondy.
The rush for onts for the commonc < ' -
ment oxerclses of the hUgh school at the
Dohuny opera house has commenced. The
roatH were ilflced on iiale yesterday after-
The pO1)UllstS of Pottnwnttnmk will hold
a county eonent1on today at Ii o'clock
In the county court house to select delegates -
gates to the state convention , to be held
In Des Moines next vek.
ltev. S. Id. Perkins and wife will spend
the iit'Xt tw 0 or three weeks visiting In tim
11'lgliloring ) towns. During Mr. l'erkius'
nletico the PulPit of the Christian taber-
nneit'llt hO filed by Rev. D. II. hays ,
All girls who expect to go on the indus-
trkl ( school oxctiiiIon to tiio Transmlssls-
4 siiiil Exposition must report at the session
of the sliool this afternoon so that or-
rangements can be made for tickets and
Joe iCooliler and John Sodel , two more
of the gang 5tiSlCCtel of t5iIIg implicated
in several recent burglaries. wore brought
- over from Omaha last night and lodged
in the city jail. Tile police bel1ev they
' : imw have the entire gang in custody.
The iublic school children are requested
to gather Ilowers and bring thcin to the
i Itore at 405 Broadway today and Monday
inorniiig early. All patriotic women are
invited to assist in preparing the ( lecora-
; tloris at the same place tUiUy and Monday.
\ \ , , 1) . Sitril1aii , (1 iflPr hanger resldliig
at 144 VIne strPt. relited ) to the police
'i'iiursday night ( ttOUt ) 11 o'clock that he had
been hell , tili Oil South Main street near the
litilliling of the Union Transfer compaiiy by
z , tiii'ee men an,1 , robbed ot at gold watch auth
: tchaiuu , valued at $ ro ,
4uurgcon Don Macrae of the Fifty-first
Iowa regiment retturned to Des Moines last
4 ecning. having been tunalule to get his
forty-eight hour furlough extended. lie says
tlij rcgiunent e'cpectA to lease Camp McUn-
Icy iioXt Ttueday and believes the l'hliip-
pluuca will be its destination.
Ned \Virt. one of Tue I3e rrier boys
living at 716 Willow avenue , met with a
serious accident yesterday evening. While
'walking alouug First avenie on the parking
he failed to nbttce a wtrQ stretched be.
tween two p'ostS and tripped over. In falling -
ing lie struck his head against the curbtng
and was rendered unconsciou5.
. - . * Thomas Gray , Indicted by the grand jury
onth clngo , f robbip 1. flelknnp's' repair -
pair shop on Pearl street , swaB brought buck
f , oun Omaha ycsterd4y , where lie lies been
iin custody for over a week , on requisition
Ptiiers. Unless Gray pleads guilty lie can-
anoh be tried before the next term of district
cnurt , as the ittit JUry for this term huts
bccui dismissed ,
George Post aulil Ike Polivosky , two runaway -
away boys from Lincoln. Nob. , were arrested -
* rested about 3 o'clock yesterday morning.
Word was sent to their parents , who Instructed -
structed the police to turn them loose and
1e them find their way back as best they
' could. One of the lads had 11 cents In cash
and the other a pocket full of poker chips.
t They promised to go straight home when
Frank Girnes , a 14-year-old boy , supposed
to be Implicated with Albert I3lacso and
Frank Cartwulght. the two .Dmaha men at
present in custody here , in several recent
robberies. is under arrest at the city jail.
lie was brought back from Omaha. Fred
iCaiser , another boy who gave the intorma-
lion to the iollce , Is also under arrest. All
rcuur vill have a hearing before Judge Ayics-
worth tills nwruulng ,
C. 13. Viavi Co. , female remedy ; consultation -
tion free. 0111cc hours. 9 to 12 and 2 to 5.
4lleaith book furnished. 323-327-328 Merriam -
riam block.
. Money to loaui on cIty propeity. Kinne.
I N. Y. Plumbing COIflj3AluY. Tel. 250.
This is the time of year that hardware is
In ileinand. There is one iace in toWfl
where you are sure to be suited in anything
iyou want in that line. That place is Peterson -
son & Schoeniuig'ut , in the Merriam block.
Pollee Curt Nclun.
In police court yesterday morning 11cr-
man Giderbauglu , an aged farmer , was fined
il0 flfl(1 costs for gettiuug drunk and mule-
cent. exposure. Joseph Wiseman , who when
, Iuut9xlcated Thursday , got into a row with
uomo strangers anti had his face badly
bruised , was assessed $5 011(1 costs for his
experience , C. \Vllliniuis , who was or-
I rested for selliuug pawn tickets under sue-
I piciouu circumstances , was released , i. Jes.
Blip , the itinerant vontiol' of stove polish , or-
rested for peuldiing without a license , was
' ditucluargeul with orders to leave town within
. two hours.
I3erry flexes , Youuukornnui & Co. . 162 l3wy.
Irving hotel , 2759 h1'd'y ; rates , $1.50.
, . - Frv'-'eiter Csise ,
p 'flue case agaluist M , II. Frey , tue florist ,
and Mrs. Luina'cnuuer , charged with
1evdness , is Bet for hearing berore Justice
9en tOIily , Word was received front Mrs.
Frey yesterday that she would be lucre today
tfroni. Lincoln nuud would vrefer charges
against her huabaiud. Mrs. Frey writes iint
iIuer huusbauid loft her at tlii beginning of
the year auth that if ho has obtained a di-
"varee from her in the nzeauitlnio It hits been
without , her Itnowleulge and by fraud.
Ilobert Clark luau nurciuneeti a League bicycle -
cycle from Cole & Cole.
l"Or ruruuituroanui hardware there Is no
lmnet' where you con got as unticlu for your
-ui1ouiey aa , i'etcrson & l3choeiulng's big store
' . In thu Merriuuuut block , 'they are uuunkiuug a
rc'cord on having the bet goods on the uuuur-
1 ket and selling at iiW prices. I
1t'il IstIiII' 'i'ruusfvrN. I I
Tim following transfers have beeui filed in
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ tue title , abstract auuui loan olilce of J. W ,
Squire. 101 l'carl triet ;
ldnry Anna Morris et al tn Edward Td.
Ilmart , port otitiot 4 tuntl eubdiv ev4
ii % ' l24-4O , v. ul. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
E. A. I Inward atul wife to Onuaha Na-
tiouial bank , lot 10 , idol ISI , auud w 2
feet lot 10 plot IbS , ( .ouncii Bluffs , q.
C. tl , , . . . . , . , .o. , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1
Omaha Se urlty compauuy to 0. L.
Idnrtln , lot U , block 34 , Ferry add ,
\v , ti. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Iiherlft to Natiuu. P. Dodge , lots 15. 15 ,
:17 : niuu )8. ) block 10 Vlerce'a usubdiv ,
Council Bluffs. e. t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
3 , II , Ca'8tmug1i to Kate M. Cava.
naugh , lot 5 , block 27 , Neola , w , ui. , , , 150
: Totai ivt transfers . . . . . . . . . , , , , , . . , $1,151
. , Map of Cuba.Vest Indies and the \VorN
, At Thu lIce'offlco lOc each.
Children Remember the Dead Who Died for
Their' Oountry.
Aflcrlunn C' Iveui Orr I , ) Snugs nitil
ltCOttfltlllllN lllNl'uti of the Ileutti
1t4)ltutl of iluo1 anti
Ittt III hint litius.
Memorial ( lay exercises were held yester-
ulay afternoon In the different schools
throughout the city. All ( tie rooms iii the
several school buildings were tastefully
decorated with the national colors , the
decorations at the Washington avenue anti
Illoniner schools being articulariy elabo-
rate. Tim programs , which were the work
of the pupils , are deserving of special mention -
tion , on the covers being designs in men
and ink work , most of them of a patriotic
character , each tied with a little bow of
red , white and blue ribbon. At the Illoomer
and Vu'nsiuhngton avenue schools the usual
comuuienceuneuut exercises of the pupils of
the eighitlu grade , who advance to the Iliglu
school , were foregone on accoutit of the
Memorial day exercises. These will go
from the Bloomer and Washington avenue
schools into the 111gb school this year :
Bloonuer-Kenneth Barnes. Guy Coiver ,
Willie Cornelius , Mark Do Great , Roy Do
Vol. Floyd Flickhuger , Earl Fuliner , Gene
1t'nry { , Earl hooker , Itoy Mitchell , Dwight
Odell , harry Ogden , Louis Pattcrs n ,
Thomas Precious , Willie Riley , Clarence
Itoyer , Erwin Spetman , George Van Brunt ,
harry Van Brunt , Ned Wirt , Birney Yauicey ,
Dora Spare , Mabel Bates , Marion lleuuton ,
Josle l3lxby , Daisy lIlian , Fannie 1)avenport ,
l'auhhne Erb , Helen Foley , Maude hart ,
Katrina hiedin , Carrie 11111 , Margarotte Jar-
din , Mabel Johnson , Aitluea Levi , Alleuu
Lindsay , Inoz l'arsouus , Bertha Reed , Grace
Itiloy , Edna Schroeder , helen Spies , \Vinonn
Telfer , Myrtle Tlptouu , May Wise.
WaBhIngton Avenue-Jensen Christensen ,
Grover DeBar , harry Estep , 1-howard Ibis-
her , Frank McLecs , Jesse Otto , Roy Smith ,
Albert Zerkowsky , Horace Askwith , Sam
Friedman , Norman Fuller , Sam Gihlineki ,
Itclhin Grasca , Bruce Ilesse , Robert halt ,
E : rI howard , Janice Johnson , Edward ICing ,
Joseph Leonard , John Lutz , Waidron Mor-
gall , John Newton , Carl Pryot , John Plot-
her , 1. 13. Rohrer , Joe Itoseiutcld , Robert
Swaine , Ross Williams , Anna Boliinger ,
Anna liolinhng , Nellie Barrett , Jessie Candle ,
Frcderlca Dorlauud , Jessie Fostcr , Grace
Ferguson , Myra hlutchinson , lichen hlohlen-
beck , Irlna hunt , lioulahu Leech , Clara Ml- !
iei , Kate Mittluachut , Eicnora Olson , Verne
Shedd , Margaret Wright , Helen Wallace ,
Cherrie Wells , Susan Wilson , May Board-
lana , Jenuuiu Benson , Ada Davis , Minnie
Foster , Dorothy Green , Jobephine Jennings ,
Manila Matheson , Nellie Merriam , Lotta
McConnell , MatIdo Schicketanz , Lottie
Schurz , Ettit Schwenger , Halcyon Tahhuot ,
Mantle Turner. Minnie Utterback. Vera Wil-
hunts. Ena ! Wilkins.
Furniture is a staple article for the home.
When buying anything in that line careful
attention should be given so that you cnn
secure tile best gnds for your money. Your
attention is called to the large stock of
furniture now ouu hauud at the big store of
Peterson & Schoening , In the Merriam
block , The goods are new , up to date and
their' ! ) rlce are marked to the lowest mar-
gin. Give them a call.
Slilt1flV aitil Mll'dfly ' % VlhI Ilotli Be
Oliserved 1 , ' I'nrlotlc Orders.
Abe Lincoln post , No. 29 , Grand Army of
the Republic , will observe Memorial day at
Fairview cemetery next Monday afternoon.
The program , while it is not yet complete ,
will be about as follows : The post will meet
at Grand Army of the Republic hail on
Pearl street at 1:30 : o'clock. The column wihi
form promptly at 2 o'clock in the following
order : Wal McFaddea's Drum corps , High
School cadets , Abe Lincoln Woman's Relief
corps , No. 180 , in carriages ; Union Veteran
legion , Abe Lincoln post. The line of march
will be north on Pearl street to Broadway ,
east. on Broadway to 407 , where there will
be a halt long enough for the old soldiers
to receive the bouquets of flowers. From
there the march will be continued east on
Broadway to Bryant street , north on Bryant
street to Washington avenue , east on Wash-
ingtoli avenue to Oakland avenue anti north
on Oakland avenue direct to the cemetery.
On reaching the cemetery the old soldiers
will break ranks and deeorato the graves.
After this duty Is performed tile line will
be reformed at the top of the bill and the
march resumed to the Soldiers' burying
ground , where the usual exercises will be
held. The oration will be delivered by John
Galvin and B. L. Shugart will act as mae-
br of cerenionies. At the chose of the eerv-
ices a salute will be fired over the graves
by the High School cadets ,
Colonel B. H. Fonda , chairman of the
committee on arrangements , invites tIme pub-
lie and the children especially to donate
I flowers for decorating thin graves of the fal-
1 leo heroes , anl any society or orgauutzation
wishing to take part in time parade will bo
gladly given a place in time line by reporting
on Pearl street near time Grand hotel at 2
Encampment No. 8 , Union Veteran Le-
gina , in order that time members may participate -
ticipate in the Grand Army of the Republic
exercises Monday , will observe Memorial
day on Sunday , with exercises at Walnut
11111 cemetery in thuo afternoon and services
in the evening at the flroadway Methodist
church. All meunbero of time oncaunplmuont ,
ladies' auxiliary , Abe Lincoln post ani
Woinaui's Relief corps amid all old soldiers
participating will meet at Woodmen of time
Worki ball on Broathu'ay at 1 p , m. All
cmvtc societies Joining In the Parade will report -
port at 1:80 : o'clock , when time line will be
formed for time unarchm to the cemetery. W.
\v , Wallace will act as master of ceremonies
amid Colonel W , 5 , Paulson as marshal , At
time cemetery a programum of considerable
leuugth will be carried .out.
FOR SALE-Good eecontj-hutnd ofyclo at
Lu bargtilo , Cafl at Time lieu ufhle , Council
Bluffs ,
iron-clad potatoes , the best , 70 cents per
bushel , Jiartel& Miller ,
ltt'u nI I 4 I lIg Is I il l'rogr&'Nw ,
In alitiChiuatiofl that Iowa vili be called
upon under Preeldemut McKinley's second
cali for troops to furnish another quota of
volunteers , Major L. I. idson of this city ,
inspector of smimall arms practice of the
First brigade , Iowa National Guard , Is ac-
tively recruiting a compauuy of infantry ,
Airendy soumie fIfty young uuueuu of this city
muimul vicillity have enrolled and it is expected
that by noon today the full sixty-eight will
have been secured , Many of those enroll-
lug their mummunes are OX-iluhlitial000 and cx-
lilgim school cadets anti most of them have
had sumac military training ,
Outwit l'uiiils.
An old-tUne cusoni at the high school
ha order to obtain a half holiday on ( hue
last day of time BChOOl week has been for
some of ( lie boys to get imuto the building
the muighmt before anti Pile up all the text
books In a promiscuous heap in the class
rooms. This was done Thursday night , but
the plan failed. Janitor I'etersou bappemmed
at the school yesterday at a very early hour
and as soon as be iaw the confusion iuaat-
cued to time residence of Prof , hayden close
by anti notified him. Principal Hayden at
once sent word to all the teachers In time
high ichool and by the time the pupils arrived -
rived at 0 o'clock all the books were back
on the desks anti averything reatiy for time
studies as if nothing unusual lund happened.
Time pupils were taken by surprise but kept
discreetly silent.
Cordwood for sub cheap. Address V , F. ,
lIeu omce , Council hiltulTs.
1telln hit' itoaI Filliti ,
fly a decision of time state supreme court ,
handed ( toWn Thursday in time case of the
Rock Island Railway company against the
county treasurer of l'olk county , the road
( mInd of this county will be enriched by ev-
cml hundred dollars , For two or three years
past time rahiroatis In this state have re-
fnsetl to pay the 1-mill tax iovieti on city
property for road fundp basing their refusal
on the theory that they were already taxei
for the purpose of mnimmtainimug streets and
alleys. Time Rock Island brought suit against.
time treaBurer of l'oik county , winning time
case In the district court. It wns appealed
and now the supreme court has reversed
the lower court , holding that time tax is
constitutional , The railroatls entering Cotta.
cii Bluffs yiii by the decisIon be now
comnimelied to pay tluh tax , which they have
refused to do for the last two or three
In the district court yesterday Jutigo
Smith made an order directing 'tV. ' 13. Lulcas
of Itockford township , guardian of the
Cuppy minors , to file a full end complete
report within twenty days tunler penaity of
removal from omce if hue fails to do so.
In time case of J , C. Dollaven against the
International Building Loan anti Invest-
meat Union , the plaintiff yesterday flied a
motion for cost bond on the grounds that
the defendant was a nonresident of the
In the superior cotmrt yesterday ( lie trial
of time suit. of Attorney 0. 11. Scott against
George A. Gregory had to be continued
until this morning on account o he sickness -
ness of the ulefentlant.
The undersigned shoe nierchmants have
agreed to close their stores at 13 o'clock p.
m. on every day of the week except Monday
anti Saturday from June 1 to October 1.
TI , M. Sargent , Boston Shoe Co. , Duncan
Shoe Co. , Knowles Shoe Co. , Bankrupt
Mtiso. Co. , ? uI , Solomon , S. Weinberg and
S. A. Pierce ,
Iloffnmayr's fancy patent flour makes the
best and most bread. Ask your grocer for it.
PnIr'mnnn Silt'M Ilte 1)rRer.
John Benson , who drives a milk vagon
for J. L. Elisworth , while making the afternoon -
noon delivery Thursday , attemnpted to cross
the Union Pacific tracks at Seventeenth
street anti Fourteenth avenue In front of a
freight train ( lint was backing down. The
cars crashed into the wagon , completely demolishing -
molishing it , but Benson and a little dough-
ter of Elisworth's , who was in the wagon ,
escaped without injury. Yesterday Elis-
worth brought suit in the superior court
against Benson for $60 damages , alleging
that the accident to time wagoii was the
result of Benson's carelessness and neghi-
gence. To protect his claim he had an attachment -
tachment issued against some pr&perty of
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Boehmn of Keg Creek
township wore in the city yesterday to buy
an organ , They purchased one at Bouricius'
mnumslc house , 325 Broadway , where the or-
gao stands ott the building. It is a fine
oak case , with fancy top , and will please
I their children Immensely.
Vnnl , . to Fight tlleSlnuiiarilH.
John H. Tummor , a painter living at 615
Fifteenth avenue , was arresC d last night
on the charge of being drunk anti breaking
the peace. The complaint was flied by a
neighbor against whom It was alleged Tur-
ncr had made threats of violence earlier in
the evening , The officers took Turner into
custody at a saloon where they found him
flourishing an old muzzle-loading rifle , He
said be was going to Cuba to fight the Span-
. Storage , Wian & Konigmacher , 336 Bwy.
Fgtitlii Derrick ICilis One Convict
ittiti IlllIlr'l't 'I'Ilree Oilier , , .
ANAMOSA , ha. , May 27.-At the state penitentiary -
itentiary at Anamosa this afternoon , just
after a heavy rainstorm , a big derrick , used
In lifting stone , slipped off Its foundation ,
catching four macn in time fall. A convict
named Reynolds had his skull and breast
crushed and died in an hour , Another convict -
vict , name not learned , hind his skull crushed
and will probably die. Convict W. B. Paul
had his left leg cut off below the knee.
Convict Winslow had a toot crushed.
iTuiu'lerer G l'e' , II iulMelf I , ,
SIOUX RAPIDS , Ta. , May 26-Special.- ( )
John H. Lutter , who resides on section 11 ,
Lincoln township , went to Storm Lake Tues-
dn afternoon anti gave himself up to Sheriff
Ol3amuion , reporting that lie had lmot and
ltihlei his brother , Fred Luttor. Ills brother
Anton , a resident of Oregon , accompaniel
him anti corroborated ( lie story of his
brother , which is as follows : There had
been , ili.feeling between the two brothers ,
John and Freti , for sonic time , and on Toes-
, day morning , when Anton went over to
Fred's place to bid him goodbye preparatory
to returning to his home in Oregon , Fred
Lutters wrath burst out and ho accused
his brother of liking John more titan himn ,
at the same time drawing a weapon and announcing -
nouncing hum intention of getting even , Anton -
ton ran back to John's house amid in a few
mniuuutcs Freti came over , Johma anti Apton ,
taking a shotgun , started ( or the flolti to get
behind some stacks , whereupon Fred Lutter
thureateneui to shoot ( hue women in the house.
At this John started back , anti as Fred came
running at. imimn ho fired , the charge taking
efect ill his hrothuer's breast about the heart ,
Killing nun ummetaululy , lie 00(11 remnaumucu
in the hot sun eight hours until the coroner
arrived. Time verdict of limo inquest hits not
yet been received ,
Stihti lers Vlo S'er Not l'u Id ,
DES MOINES , May 27-Special-The ( )
ditflculty ( bitt , arose in Camp McKinley over
the pay of the volunteers front the time
they yero calletl out to time time they were
mustered lute time government service as
United States vohumuteers recallssoine similar
difficulties timat arose at time time of time civil
war , On ( ito vrceent occasion the controversy -
troversy was over whether or not the
soldiers sbouitl ho jaid at tIme rae of pay
for National Guard service tInder time ainto
government , or at. time regular array rate ,
between tile time ( lie guard was called out
anti the time the guard became the volunteer
army by inusterimlg , It as settled by the
payment to the macmm for the entire time they
were ilu caumup at time regular army pay ,
Sonic of the volunteers for tIle civii Will'
in this state. did riot fare this well oven ,
Captain J. A. Lyons of Outline Center vas
in time city recently anti ha called : , tter.tion
to time fact ( hunt 164 unenubere of this First
Iowa cavalry have never yet been paid a
cent for their state sor4cu. In 15 thuc
legislature appropriated money to PtY these
men , hut in 1878 the law was repealed ,
Case Carrieti tIcr ,
SIOUX CITY , May 27-Special ( Tele-
gram.-The ) case of time United States
against Augustus C. Satterlee , charged with
taumuporing with the mails , will not be taken
up at ( huts ( cram of the federal court In
Sioux City , The reason of this Is , Charles
A. Walsh , chairman of the democraUc state
central committee , the principal wItnca , ba
- :
gone to } Chondike , at7criee is a newspaper
man at Alvord , aiiM it is alleged that ho
took letters atldres1t'by N. 0. McMihian ,
chairman of the rcphiitcnn state committee ,
to lb. Perkins , from the mails and dlposeti I I
of them to the p4ts.lThc letters were of
ft political nature their publication
caused a sensation3tt fail. It culminated
In the arrest of Satteri , The case will be
called up again ncxt1 October under the
present nrrangemer (
It Landed.
ChEROKEE , ia ; ' May 27.-Speciai.-- ( )
Last. Sunday mornit there occurred a shoot-
lag affair in Tililep township , Cherokee
county , that proved fatal , John Mangle , a
farmer , had been out in the field shooting
sqtuirreis , upon hIs return to time house Mrs.
Mangle nsked how many hue haurkilieti , when
he replied , 'Thmrce , and you make time
foUrtil , " at the same time placing the
of the rifle against tier heft side and 1101100
thin trigger. lie ditluu't know it was iontled ,
The bullet , a 22-caliber , passed through time
spleen , Inflicting a fatal wound. Mrtl.
Mangle lived tuntil Tuestlay morning anti
before site died , made a statement tiiat it
was an accitlent and nm blame should at-
tacit to her husband ,
Confesses it ) 1CiilLtil ,
SIOUX CiTY , May 27.-Speciai ( Tele-
" " of the three men
gram.-"Dan" ) Boone , one
who were held by Sheriff Nohii at Water.
town , S. D. , as suspects , line cotufessed to time
crime of killing Aicx Smith of Siotux city.
Iioono's confession tune somewhat Upset time
sheriff's limo to convict time three Inca. Tlmc
nnmcs of time other two fellows are George
Smith and William Miller. Boone , in his
confessiomi , in no way implicates the other
men , but tnkes the responsibility for the
crime to hllnself , Sheriff Neill , imowovcr ,
hopes to send time other two nuen to time
penitentiary to keep Boone conipany. 1300110 ,
Slnith and Miller were known in this city.
Ilniilrs Ilerlf.
CLARINDA , ha. , May 27-Spechal ( Tele-
gram.-Mrs. ) G. W. Morton , a patient of tIme
hospital for tbe , Insane at Clarinda , conm-
omitted suici(1O by hanging at that institution -
tion last night. She broke out wintiov
lights almd thus secured a place to fasten
beti clothing which she employed in self-
destruction , 11cr age was 45 years. Her
home was at Coin , I'age county , where her
husband took her remains today.
Itewnrlel iii Lust ,
SI1ENADOA1I , In. , May 27.-Specini.- ( )
This morning a telegram was received from
Congrcssmami Hepburn stating that time ape-
elal pension bill in favor of John X. Griffith.
an old resident of this place , but ho is now
located at Omaha , had been passed and that
the deserving old soldier would receive $50
Per month , with two years' back pay.
"i Ml'il lielti t'u.
ChEROKEE , Ia , , May 27.-Special.- ( )
This morning at about S o'clock , within hailing -
ing distance of Cherokee , on time main line
of the Iowa Central 'railroad , occurred a
"hold , tip" of two yotmn men from Madison ,
Wis. , by two negroes. The highwaymen secured -
cured $2 from one anti $1.75 and a watcim
of the value of $15 froth the other.
Sulelile's lindE itecovereti ,
MUSCATINE , Ia. , May 27.-Special ( Tele-
gramn.-The ) body of Mrs. Nngle , 'who corn-
mUted suicide by drowning in the Mississippi -
sippi river , letting herself down through
the icc at Sabula , was recovered today. Sa-
bum is 125 miles north of here , and time
body has traveled that far since the suicide
last March.
ArraImiuel lit 1liurloiu.
CEDAR RAPI9S. May 27.-Speclal Tel-
egram.-errickuafld ) 1'bulko womo arraigned
before Justice I3arnhili at Marion today.
Both waived examination and were held to
the grand jury. Marion has quieted down
and it is now believed there will be no attempt -
tempt to lynch them.
ICIIed lii nil Elevator.
SHENANDOAH , ha. . May 27.-Special.- ( )
Yesterday evening while playing in the grain
elevator owned by George M. Gwyumm , at
Essex , 14-year-old Carl Swanson was sucked
into the bin with the shelled corn nnd before -
fore lie could be rescued was smothered to
iuses ilotit Legs.
INDEPENDENCE , Ia , , May 27.-Spechal (
Telegram.-Pat ) Smith , a section man on the
lhiinois Central , was run over today anti
both legs were cut off. Ho cannot live.
GI'es I'Irth to Triplets.
WEBSTER CITY , La. , May 27.-Speclal (
Telegram.-Mrs. ) Charles Hammitt , living
south of this city a few miles , gave birth to
triplets last nigimt , nIl girls.
' lug 1'ier limufnetnrer.
CLEVELAND , 0. , May 27.-Newton W.
Taylor , president of ( be Chevelamid Paper
comnpaiiy , and for many years an importaumt
factor in time 'paper intiustry of time tJnitetl
States , is dead at lila home , 512 Prospect
street , this city. Death resulted from a
Columphication of diseases , augmented by old
age anti a refusal to retire from active bush-
aces life. lie was .75 years of age. For
many years Mr. Taylor was time ruling spirit
of time paper industry In Ohio and western
Pen mm sylvan ia
It'11i1114 ttf Old Settlers.
ShENANDOAh , Ia. , May 27-Special- ( )
Wedmuesday evening Jonas Tyner , ono of time
. best known 01(1 settlers in this part of the
I state , died at hula home just vest of this city
after an illness of ahuout ten ( lays. Mr ,
Tyncr settled on his jresent farm as a renter
I in 1873 and since then by careful economy
, line acquired several hmumudred acres of splen-
julio Iowa hand.
t At almost the same time occurred tile
death of W. II. Wagoner at hula farmn aotmtiu
nf tnttn tr Wnrnnor gnttlI horn In 1Si !
and has heijmcui to uumake I'ngo county imietory.
iI i's. _ Eatii.
FREMONT , Z'eb. , ulny 27.-Speeial- ( )
Word was receivei11) rc this morning of
time death at a hmolttdttml itt Otnalta of Ml's ,
Eaton , wife of Proci 1Immton of the Normuiuul
school , Mis , EatolmJitI boemi a resident of
title city about twoy.qnrs. She wmms yt'ry
unutch respoceti amm4 ltmpuiar with all con.
umected Withl time 'lqlji scimooi aimd others
of her acquaimmtammce.
tIss Snpiullmy.iiui ; ,
GRAND ISLA'Nt ) " Ieb. , May 27.-Spo- (
ciah-Miss ) Sarah 1hTji'Tmman ( lied tills morn-
IlIg from injuries reeu1ved at time recent fire
at time home , of time family in West Lawn ,
si , , t'
CoIlIlst.llt.u.JulAui'ln , j liiiryviIIe.
MARYVILLE , M'd Iay 27.-Specral- ( )
Time annual commemeeIument dxercises of time
Maryvillo 111gb michool took place at time
'tinifl trcet Methotlt tuEpiscoimai church last
ngllt. 'flmoro sere cigimleen graduates , as
fellows : Maggie lI attie , Florence hiovard ,
Joimn Brewer , harry Iavis , George Robb El-
hison , Venue Feier ( , Maud McMIlan. ! Eugene -
gene Smuflhu , Joinu Cox , hiarry hbosmer , Frank
\Vaits , Agatha Ilantz , Georie Custer ,
Ceorgie Iavis , Gruny Fisher , Ora Melvin ,
hate Anderson , Jerome Bentley and Arcim
_ _
zw ' - - -
Horsford'sAckl Phosphate
taken betororotirifla quiets the nerves
end causes refresting sheep ,
l'isaanl ( U ( be tutu. fthua $ ubititute , ,
1Tr- .
- ' - -
- '
II sou iii OiAIIA NEWS.
. - - , , - .
Ma3or Ensor is working omt a scheme by
which ho hopes to ahab the smoke nuisance ,
As it Is now great solunics. of black snuoke
constantly rise front time stacks at the pmtek-
lag houses anti with ( hue addition of the four
big stacks at Armnotmr's ' the nuisamico will ho
grehter than ever.
Frequently in the nmornings a dense ciotuti
of smoke hangs over the city , completely
obscuring time stock yards anti paekimug
houses. The plan iuroposei by ( lie nmayor is
not the lnstnhlimmg of smoke consumers , but
the enmpioyment of mechanical stoiccrs ,
Fhmis device shoves the freshi coal beneath
the flre amid it becomes thuorollglmiy coaki'tl
before it ignites , It is stated by Mayor
Ensor ( hint time system lue is iii favor of is
used largely ill time east , not so much to
prevent ( ho Issuing of snioke froni stacks as
in the interest of economy. While time
mayor says that time council has time power
to compel time packers to use sauoke colt-
sunmers of some kind he ( limits a frlentiiy
settlement can be arrived at without time
umecessity for passing ordinances tiecluirilig
( ito smoke a nuisance amid cmrtierhng time
nuisance abated , It is ummderstoomi that time
matter Is to be informally talked over by
the city officials and time packers will ho requested -
quested to take sonme steps townrd Imbuttimig
time nmuisaflco , In case time big estnbiishmmimelits
take no action the council will ( lien go almead
and pass the miccessary ordumluunces ,
Snot-eu Caiteert iii Si , Agle' ,
Great preparations have been made for
tIme sacred concert to ho given Sunday evt'um-
ilig at St. Agmles' church , Twenty-thir'i ' anti
Q streets. Aim exceptionally fine programmi
bout been Ireimarcd anti it is expeetetl timttt
the attendance will tax the capacity of the
cimtmrcli , Time mneinbers of the cborus arc :
Misses 0. Ittush , A. flush , M. l3ronnnmm , Allen ,
Casey , McAtuliff , Banmmer , Gerimart , Meyers ,
Graham , M , Rush ; Mesulnines Moriarty ,
Cahun , Rogers , Yocum ; Messrs. Barton ,
Iiusimnman , Lumbard , Brennan , Gernlmam'dt ,
Neilson , Ihtlsim anti Gutting. Miss M.
O'llourko will act as directress anti Mt's.
Martin Cahn as accompanist.
AMt'Y'uorM ( 'omitniete Vnrk ,
The assessors have about completed their
work and it viil not be louu now until the
total valuation of the city is known. It is
expected ( lint the valuation will comae pretty
close to $2,000,000. There has been somume
difficulty abotmt assessing the Armour p'op-
crty here. It is lucid by rcprescntntlves of
the Armoumr comppaimy that as the plant was
not in working order on April 1 tIme remit
estate could not be coflsiuereti imuprovemi to
any extent. Deputy Assessor Tagg of the
Folmrtlm ivarti has taken.advice on time matter
amid will nmaka the assessment in accordance
with irecetiemmts established in Omaha.
holiday Oil OpeliluIg hiLLY.
There seems to be consitierable tiissatls-
faction over the actiomi of the Live Stock
excimangu ) in refusing to observe Jumuo 1 as
a holiday. It is time intention of the banks
to close on thmat day and niost of time mimer-
chants will close at noon. Time scimool chiltl-
rca wihi be given a holiday and the city
offices will close. With time scales at time
yards open a great mammy men will be kept
Oti duty who otherwise would ( nice advantage -
age of the opportunity of visiting the ox-
ct.ruiilg Fire Alzirin Ilniteries ,
It is the intentIon of the city to make ap.
piication to time mnammagers of the Onmahma
Street Railway company for permission to
charge the fire alarm storage batteries from
time trolley'wires. . These batteries are
cimarged every night by the local ehectric
hhgbt comnpany at a very small cost to time
city , but City Electrician hlohlamid deems it
advisable to have the batteries charged titIr-
tug the day as well , as he fears an accident
might happen and the current stored would
oot _ be. , sumLent to ring in an alarm.
Sutrmie's Troille 'itlt Ills " Vife.
Thomas Sugrue takes exceptions to an
item in The Bee of Thursday , wherein mention -
tion was made of the fact that he had been
arrested for beatimmg his wife. Sugrue assorts -
sorts that he did not send for his wife to
come from Chicago and denies beating her
after 11cr arrival here. He was , however ,
arrested on the charge sworn to by the
woman , but the case was dismnissed for want
of prosecution. It was stated last night
that Mrs. Sugrue had returned to Chicago.
2Iugic City GosHIp.
H. A. Cudnhy left last night for Chicago.
A new sidewalk is being laid on time east
sIti of Twenty-fourth $ ttcet , between .1 anti
K stretis ,
Mrs. Grace Mobley went to Giand Islnnui
yesterday to visit rclatlvs.
Mr. .ueui Mrs. .iamnes V. Chizek huaro Ic-
turned from their wedding trip.
l'ntsy Murray iun hmturllast'i'niter lm-
mon's burber shop On homier N street.
A session of the public sehmoois will be
iielti today in artier to make tip for the
holiday on Julio 1.
Time High school graduating exercises will
be held at time First Methodist church on
L.'ritlny evening , Jtmne2 ,
ir. W. I , . ( tirtls has rettlrned traIn Chmt-
cage , viuero ho went to attemmul ( lie nlutmmni
of the ittlshm Medical college.
'I'he Ommmahmlu ( hula conmhmnny Itmith nitins yes.
temdn' iti time nIle ) ' betleelm 1'su'elit'thirti
iimtl Twelmty-fourtlt streets autO itt 11110 N
at meets ,
ltcprese'mmtntives of the brewerIes doing
hiisineps imt'i'e \ Ill mmmt'et ( edo ) ' for the vur-
Pose of taking 501110 actIon out time refunding
of thin salooum occupation tax.
A son uvmma born yesterday to Mr. and Mrs.
Ifenl'y Lyle , Twunty.elgtluthm fluid F stt'cets ,
numtl a datmghuter to Mr. anti Mrs. Daniel
O'leary , Tventy.sev'nh and Q streets.
Mike hart's condition is reported to be
about time suumme. lie is in mu lwecumm'ioums
tittioum anti yet Ills friendt still hope for his
recovery , The prelhmmuinai'y lmeariumg of Maui-
tlox alud Loftus is set for mmu'xt Tuestiny , but
vili likely be ltOstPOmmed again ,
Almomit sixty lIiEimbers of time Grand .trummy
( If the Republic visited the iitlblic schools
yes . m'tlay nItcrmiooim ammO delivt'reui simort ad-
dress's out iu'voratiomm tiny toiuic. Patriotic
aomms.1 1 % Pro stung nlmtl time afternoon was oh-
moot ePtirely ( let'Oted to exercises of thIs
Jollies Condon , lions .5 , Pctcrs'um mind Wil-
hiam Kehiohicr visited lit. Agnes' school 305-
tertlay nfterlmooli Its a delegation frolmi the
UVtlilul Ai'nm3' . 'l'he PtlimilK rcluiumreh a Patti-
otic progrimmmm , t'huielm Colmlimieteiy ettittl'Llti"t )
( ho ell , 'cternmus ammO tla'y dem4irC to thank
Rtuv. Moriarty , time sisters mind time Puiulis
for tit. etatertainmnen ( .
i'etem' Cockrcll ins arrestetl 3'eatertiny
afteruttiomi elm mm tarruilt sworn out , by Fraluk
l'ivoimkn , who alleges thmtt Cockrell sectired
his sigtmattlre to a notu by lmmnkilmg false
rc'presemitatiommg. Cockrelh was at ommee cc-
leased Oil bommds furmuishmed by friendui. lie
pulys that tile hole itas aigiued four years
ago anti that lm is beimig lieraccuted ,
New's for ill , ' Aria , ,
WAShINGTON , May 27.-Speeial ( Tele-
gramn.-Ariny ) ortlers are issued mis fohiowsl
First Llcmmteiiant Will I' , Ilichuartleon ,
Eighth intammtry , upon arrival at St. Micim-
ael , Alaska , will report to time comlnnuutliflg
officer , Acting Assistant Surgeon Walter
Wimitiiey , U. S. A. , wIll proceed fronm Clii-
cage to Fort Sheridan , Ill. , anti report to
comanmantling officer.
Leaa of absence from April 20 to May
31 is granted First Lieutenant Wihhianm hI.
Allaire , Tweumty-third ilmfamtr3' . Major Ruts-
sell B. harrison , immspector general of volunteers -
unteers , now at Terre hlatlte , Ind , , ivihl hro-
coed to Tampa , Fha. , amid report to Major
Gemieral Fltzimugim Lee.
First Lieutenant George McIC. Williamson ,
Eigimtlm cavalry , is relieved fl'omn ftmrthcr dully
In cOlmmmectiolm with the Nebraska volunteers
at Limmcohmm , Nob. , and svlii return to his
proper station ,
Caimtailt Framuk E. Wasima , company B , See-
onti infantry , Illinois voiummteers , having
tendered his resignation eu accoummit of pimys-
ical disability , is mustered out of time serv-
ice. Second Lietmtenant Bryant II.Velis ,
Second infantry , is rpliuvcd front duty with
the National Guard of Utah and wIll proceed -
coed to joium his regiment. Secolud Liemmten-
ant G. C. fluggins , Irourthm Missouri volun-
leers , havimig temmdered imia reslgmmation , is
nmustered out of the service of tue Utmited
First Lieutenant Frank U. hlawkins , corn-
pony H , Tentim I'ennsylvania volunteers , ten-
tiers his resigmmation to enable imiimm to accent
iromotion as captain of compammy D sanm'e
The leave of absemmce for seven days heretofore -
tofore granted Captain O'Brien , company A ,
Fiftim Missouri volunteers , is extended
twenty days. ,
LleutenantrCoion1 , Johu ' 1) . hiitldle , clmiet
engineer of United States volunteers , wiii
proceed to Cimickamauga and report to Major
General John H. Brooke. Lieutenant Colonel -
onel Biddlo will trammsfer to Major Dan C.
Kingman , Corps of Engineers , works in
charge , together with property , records and
funtle pertaining thereto before proceeding
to obey this order. Captain Frederick "N.
Cole , assIstant quartermaster United States
volunteers , will proceed at once from Mobile ,
Alit , and report to General .Toimll J. Coppin-
ger , United States voluuteers , for duty as
quartermaster in Fourth Arnmy corps. Major
George H. Ternoy , surgeon , is assigned to
command United States hospital ship re-
hief ,
TIlE TEA LAND That's Japan , the parent land of the
rysanthmcmum and time cherry bloom ,
In Japan sun and soU and science combine to make
Japan Tea ' 7
best tea-purest , most wholesome.
The World's Best Beverage.
The Japan Governmcnt Inspects every ounce of it.
"It IflVfQOt'tiIAS lit time lflOrfltUt7 refreshes at nfqht , "
-UoQtZ at uU times.
b aU "Goo4"
1moi atm'ro to Omaha at tito
- -
RESTORED Tlul great Vegetable
VIlnHz'rthe presertp.
nch ltul'ClCiUtiWili qiulcidycuro otm of all nor.
'i , 4U or dknues of the geuwrmtttvo , .m'gmu , , , such ci atfnithoo ,
I niomitia l'siiis him ( lie itcn , tclumitisl Climisslorlut , Iett'Otl5 Ieblmit'
1'mapmes , 'tJrmlitmes't , tu Marry , txiueuutiig iirmuiuui'ttrierelo
- . it atolls all lce'ses bla or iulglut , i'rteltmi quick.
n(5'to discharge , wiulcilltnotclPe , 'el eauI ( otpernuuitorrtutoaatut1
all ( Ito iiorror uf Impotevcr. ClIPS lENE cIeanmc Itmu liver , limo
0 E FO R C aNo A FTER kidneys anti flu , , , rtnury orgolus ci im.1j ImpuritieS.
cV1ZDF'k' strengthens aflul restoreS small weak ( urntli.
' Ilt'ctorH l bi'ctUSo ninety ier cent sro trouhtd with
'i'lsa reason stlffi'reri are ( tot cure'i by '
I . CUI'i lFNif is tile only known remc'ly to clro , a it unit 1411 ( 'lutrailomi , Uost lutimuuruI'
tilL A. ' written gUarftllt'tt given uul mney retulcued I ttx t.nxeu , tint , , hot cUed a 1errnuimu cure ,
41.00 a box , lX fur &UO. by mail , ttend for rmuecircubsr tumti tu'stmnmoalals.
4ddre8 JIAVOL SIEDICI'i Ii ( jO. , I' 0. flux JO , Hum 1raciaco , , Cal , rurite in ,
1tm'tilLS-UhI.1.ON 1)11116 CO. , 5 , II. Cil lCtlt pud Furimiuill , Olllltimtt ,
- - - - - - -
- - - - -
- - -
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
juhbttrs ot
Selling Agents
.IOo Ciira. thm Curs.
- - - -
- - -
( pUPoF fl
Is dte imut otmly to the orighmatity and
slimtiiLc'ity [ of tue comnbitmltttolmt but also
to the care nuid shill wRit w'Imleht It , Is ' '
Imluulmufnctum'ed by tcientitlo processes
kimovii to time CAI.iroltNIA Fie SYilli ?
Co. only , nutui s'u s'1mJm to impress tmpon
all the iutipdt'tmttlce of turelunlmug the
true amid original rOtflCl' , As time
gu'imuiume Syrup of Fign Is mumaimufacttmred
by tIme CALIPOIuNIA Fin Svitui' Co.
oIml , % ' , a icmovle0go of thunt fiuct viil
assist omme In avohhimug tb worthless
iltiltttt.iQhitt nmiuiufitctureui by other Pttl'
ties. Tue 1tIlm stammuhhmmg of time CALl- , . . , , _ , . . . . -
l'0mlNIA ' FIn S'itut' Co. 'Rlm time uncuhl-
cal professloim , mumud time sittistaction
ivlmiehm tlm gemitminc Sym'up of Figs baa
giveIm to milliumms of fammuihles , makes
tlte munumme of tlto Commiptmny a gtmarammty
of time excellemmee of its m'emimedy. It i
fume lit mulrmmnce of all otimer laxatives ,
its It , muds out time kiuhmmeys , liver and
bos'els without. ' '
irm'itmttiuig cm' weaken-
big thmemmi , and it uloen Iwut gm'ipe nor
mmammseate , lit order to get Its bommeficimmi
effects , illense rcmnoinbem' tim imamne of
time Coummlummmy.- _ .
. , , , , xln' vong , N.Y
- _
I -
.ql4 GREAI' R1'ORA'flV.
It's hot S "patent" medicine , but itt prepared
direct tram time f.rmuia of H. B. Barton , Iii. B. ,
Cleveland's limostoininemmt t.ieciall"l by I bjamnor !
0. hIonion , Ph.D. , Ii. S. ItA h-IhNls thtegreuut-
e knowmm restorative immuut invigorator. It etc.-
ate soliui lieBlu , mImulicbo itmiti strengi h , clears
tim brain , mnakemu time lloofi ,
) ¼ I tire ( mliii rich mummi catmsem4 a
. gttmcrmmi fcehiimg of health ,
' . \ . ttrcmmgtii amid renewed vital.
ity , while time gemmerutivo or.
galma tire ileiped toregalmi their
I rmnmil l3om ers ttmuti tIme stm !
I ; , fcrcr is quickly mantle comm-
' ' . 'm : iclous of direct benciit. O'e
' , L'ut box will work ivomutii'rs , six
u mhmouid Perfect a ctmro. Full
_ ' . , tiirecttons 1mm every box , or liii
out time tittugmmosuu ! hhcet you
fimmd cmiclo'cd , and we It ill gIve
your case specIal attentIon Itiuommt extra
charge. itAil-ImEN is for sale a all t1rnu
stores , a 00-dose lnx for do c'mut" , or We wIlt
mail it securely emmIeti elm receipt of price.
91 lIar-lou Block , Cleveland , 0.
For sale by Ktmlmn & Co. , ihtiu and Douglas -
las ; J. A. Fmmiler & Co. , 1402 Douglas St. ,
and Grahmtni Drug Co. , 15th mtmmti Fmirnmiifl
iCIng Pimnrlnac3' , 27th anti Lmt'eit\'Ol'tii
I'eyton's Pimmmrmncy , 24th antI Leutvoimivortim
E. J , Se3'kora , Sotuthm Olnumhimi , anti all otlmet'
druggists 1mm Omnaita , Sotmth Omnalmut , CouitCil
thu ifs.
The Ladies' Department of tite
Ta now open for business , mmd fully
equipped with two new apparatus for giving
time nmost hmenlthful , pleasimlg baths known
to the world ,
The INSTITUTE has among its patrons ,
the best known ladies in Omaha. We ask
you to give it a trial of two baths at least ,
anmi if it is hot fotlmmd as represeumted , we viil
refund your money.
Rooms , New Quarters ,
216-218-220 Bee Building
New Hygiene Inst.
The Bee
Leads all competitors
In live Sporting 1'Tews. - >
For all
The Sports of the Day
Read. The Bee.
. .
- ' - - - -
( 4L1N'rrou , JLra.u'a-1'alIIn Morn'
- 0:1 , Irnotoncy , iumoerIeoano , etc. cout"l
- lij Abusu or othar Jxceone anti mutt'
ctettont Thcu qukk1g U.tZ aurci
, - rntoro LoutyttIity , In oil or young. na
. Clii inanfortudm' , Iuoiruu'ieor mcurriug. .
I'tiwaot intatulty anul Contumptioa It
It 'lm - lit t ins. TheIr , uo , hnwo Imniodiato uinproys.
Local anti citecte it ( tJ1tC nbcro nil ether fall In.
flit upon havIng tlto grnulne Alex 'l'rublets , Tboy
hive oimrtd thousuinds runt will our. you. t.o glee a mar.
ittv , , written guuralutOO , to ffcct a rmro in
oaclca.oor refund th' nlona7 , i'ric. ,
i'nckno ; or ts i'kct' tull treatment ) for t2JO. JI ,
10011 , ma lain wry'rer , , , 'or , r.weii't of ike. ( ireouar
( roi.AJAX RI311thDY co. ,
1"car stile tn Oitmutlia , Neti. , by. Jo. ForlylIl , 201
N. ICIhmu Ifutma & Co. , tUtu emmul U'uugmus : ao4
In Coumleil UIutftt by 0. ii Brown BrmgIsta. ,
tThirheater' . Enghith tlmond hlrsn&
( ) , Igtaol .Dd ttiiy GenuIne ,
A' Oc , &twiyi nllt.l. . LDI(5 isk
, ' Itrtott for ( % tIu.i.r. Thupm.F , Jul. , .
- I iioJlIr.lli . hr4 iI ( ; llutllm ,
, . , . . . . '
- ton. .to.l plOt Out lbtei. 'Feto
, , , , , . & , .
njother JlfuflLunQro.Su&mutu.
. - ( mans , , n.S nttgtu. Jul truultt. ) 4 , .
I , , ,'I 04 l'nt' ' maim. , , . ttimoolit , itS
. "Ifllr hull. III l'or 000 TrlitIel , , . , r.o. L , return J'pef ,
h..m4 by alt Loam P1t05t41. I'Imhi.AIU. , 1' % .
' -a.- . . ctyrninsni
"l5 Uao high for unuaura
w54e I dlscti&rgss , tod.ummutlou ,
iiUiitse3 lorlIttloal or ulcer.tlool
.1 itftlti'S. St * 0 0 ti 055 WOLXIttfIDSS.
, , . $ , .uI&li P4at..a , sni not utrta.
CnctLCo ' ° "r olsonoui.
t 0 $ '
A.Jd bj ZtruXgltW ,
OmltINstfiO. 'P'
U , 5. 5 . in photo
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be ( ' S $ Sm asue
fluIfle between Council JIlutTe antI Omnnblo ,
Now iii effect , For hirornIlt duuilycry , call
WmVttlcll. . Bluffs 'pilonc , h28 Omaha
'phone , 1(0 , RATES LOV , For carriage or
express wagon , call at No. ortil Main
street-or above telephones.
UiVLI4U(1S , FittIt'a' , "AIU jUD OAhlmifl
land. for .itls or r.oi. P57 1 Uu , I'd l'isrt