Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 28, 1898, Image 4

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    I nr O ruit I7 , tiY BCG
Iv , It09i/1VAT1.11t / , IShctor
{ 1'Ui1LiStirU 1v1:1tY MORNING ,
'f1ItMS : UI' PbiISCR1I'TION ,
Unfy Ilea ( V thnut Sunday ) , Ona YenntROt
Daily Ilen and Sunday , Ono Yenr. , , , . . . . 8.01
Stx li0nths too
, Three Mnnlha 201
Run la y ' Itre , One Year ,2 ,
Santrilay Ilse , Ono Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.60
\ % ikly Bee , One Year 6 ; ,
$ , ' OI'I'ICIS ,
Omnhn : The Bcn BuflJlnc
South Omnls a Singer mock , Corner N
and 211h Sheets ,
Cuuncll Illurfs : 10 l'cnrl street.
Cldcnto Ounce : 602 Chamber of Com
Nrw York : Temldo Court.
Wasldngton : fill Fuurleentli Street.
All rnntmunlcntlnnS relating to nnws and
edllorlnl matter should ho addressed : To
thu rdilnr.
All buslneas lettorM and retnltlnhcns
should ho nddressnd tb The ilco Publlahing
Compnny , Omnhn. Draft checks , express
and ioslnmce tnuhey onlerS to be tnudr
pnynld „ to Iltn order of the company.
State of Nebraska , Douglas county , ss , :
George 11. Tzschuck , secretary of The Bee
Publlahing conny ! , being duly sworn , soya
that the actual number of full and complete
copies of The Dally , Morning , Fvning and
Sunday itee , printed during the month of
April , 1805 , was as foulowo :
1. . . . . . . . . . . 2/M 16 , , . , . . . , . .a".11U
2. . . . . , . . . , &I , IIX 17 .
3. . . . . . . . . " .8ItlM ) IS , . . . . . . . . . .24,7 I7
6. . . . . . . . . . , . 28.7L ; 20 , , , . . . . . .
0. . . . . . . . . . . Slt,2 2l . , . . . . . x:711
7 . . . . . . = I.ill ( : 22 , . . . . . . . . . . : ; ,1t
8. . . . . . . . : aM7a
0. . , . . , , . . . . . .21,01)0 2L . . . . . ,
10. . . . . . . . . . -1no7 26 . . . . . . . . . . . 1ia03
11. . . , . . . . . .a0L0 20 , , . . . . . . . . . . . - ! : Ira
12 . . . . . , . . . 2NMOD 27 , . . . . . . , , no17
L1. . . . . . . . . . . . .4417 2S , . , . . . . . . S1/rr/1
11. . . . . . . . . . . . -.hall ) 29
16. . . . . . . . .i : ; : o. , . , . . . . . . , /naa
Total 7Narna
1'.c8S . rottlrns anti unsold copies. , . , . . 17L"a
Net total
{ Not daily avurago. . . . . 25,638
S n to before me snd eubwrfbed In my
prnui J this 30th day of Apra , 1808
( Scat ) N. I' , FOIL. Notary Public.
All qulet once more lu CoIlIpany A ,
TLird Ncbt'asktt utilitla.
Jl'Ite expositor postage Skunps will
stick vv'lten they get. here.
l r Comlplete and mrcltrate news of
the expOMitlbu The Bee tins mo CoIU
p'titOI .
Nov k't the svenhcr ( teat lay lu a
a supply of good e : tther for the opcnhug
days of the t 1)0Slthomi ) '
Likv thu Onuil t gandil'rs , the South
Omaha gtinblcrs se'n to have gone to
the w 1'oug parties for prutec5'ot ! .
l'mhrmizc the ssuit cnlnums of The
flee ' ) 'hey 1)rt0g ) lie advertiser returns
worlli several times the nwitc : ; llVeSed
fwhlg to tln , uutlccnuutnble crossng ;
of the w'it's it is not certuiu whether
Adnilral ( 'ervera ' is a profouu(1 strtegb t
01' sluqly short of coal.
Talons all slguis fail the Seeoud dlsh'id
COUgressiglttl : tipinitti ing cfli Veut'omi
v'ulled for Saturday will 1)e not ally
hltrmimIilOUS bat uunuinlous.
Ihiiii or shine the exposlIb it gates x111
1)O Open'd .Mule l--aud even If it Is both
raln and shin ( the' exposition will bu a
ling of beatlly either svay.
Only nteu uvith lively llnhghtntlousare
dist ttssing the great svar itt vv'lli'clt ' the
1lilled States anu Great Britulu are
pitted against every other nation.
Some people right lmi Ou tha will only
wake tip to the uogultude of the expnsl-
tlun about lime lime its close i In sh hl.
I orhuminely there ace hot aauy of ills
kind ,
't'he necessity for nu htlh'pemd'nt
comptroller for the expOSltIOU utlll exb is
it' btlsiitt' Inelhtolls tlt'o to be pursued
lit hnndliug the uu nizits of the great
It is needless to say that the men
3'Iii it le pbumlmig to Stele tq ) MIIIisiIIito
lull keep it for future use are Clot 1111) ) )
by the eoal combine to exercise their
Ingetulty ,
The credit of the Utlled Stales is
: i'Pllout , but 113 credit vilhI be even
1)11 ter II' ilia war call be eondueled to a
suNt'cssfiIl bsuo vs'rhout borrowing
money on 1 > O1111S to pay exp'mises.
1Gereater nil iii vspiper : enrreslOnd
its are entith'd to be nddresscd as
'COleuiel ; ' site In the exehargo of pris-
oilers a Spa111S11 1'OlOllel b4 given to ox.
cluutge for Olin of thu newsgathorers.
Great honor nttaches to those vvho
eami11' 1'Orss'ard on the first call for expo.
sitlou cantrhbutiOns Iltd oven thou vvho
COIlll' to the frill ) 011 the lltat l'itil 1:111 : :
yet share lit the glory of the uotw'prlse.
1Vheeo will the troops that respond to
the $ eceuil cull he nmiHt retl lit ? At
Omahmi Or IInudtt7 Inasman'lt as i In
Coil CnptUri d tIle first nmtstii h g en in )
Oil It it iil , Oton ha on glit l0 Coble III tIi itt
The prospect Is that Jlenldrinl dug ex
el'cises will ho tutprotentious lhls year ,
lint that does not mean that th0 heroes
of the last great svar era to be erewded
out of utlntoey by the heroes of the
pending war.
'J'timt popoeeatie Cn11grossunit from Ne.
hrasktt svhio ; t testlmuulal Is belug
peluted to mdV'etit O the nets' tral11
sib rwlt't of rue of the ( 'Ilea ' go Ities neg.
) arts to state w5elh'rlie rode on a pre.
pall llehet or a free pass.
The ei'ouker w'ho tried to excuse hlnt
sell' ( rain ionh'Ibmthmg to the 'xpos Ilan
by nss'etlug that the great show' would
no'el' op'n his gates to the publle has
long ago eravvIt'd Into Itij halo and
pulled the i'lu In after hitu
11'iu'n Ilisntlt 'cc dt + awed tut his
own v'lolv'a'fit 'regard 1o vvnr are well
understood 111111 Iliut he 01ad "always
hfid that w a' is defeushhle only after
ail other remedies lluy'o Glllc11 ; ' flu
, sullu ( of those faudltu ; v'Itli hib u'ar
record encircled the whole world.
s + tra ngaetsao.m rW rarawrr ; u
UU1t4N CO.01'E1lATlINo (
Tvo of the omcers of Gcuernl Gnr
cln's shift nro In Wgstdngton to nrrnngc
a plan of co-operation between 1110
Imisurgenh and our military forces ,
'These ollicers esthnnto the nunuiler of
Cuban soldiers nehidly lu the field at
trout :0,000 to l'-1,000 , which Is n eonsld
erable teductiott front the figures that
have been glveu out by oiliclals of the
Junta In this country tutu It would
doubtless ho safe to cut down solnevs'hat
the lower llgures of tlts ; intent estlunatp ,
for the tendeney to exaggerate seems to
be ehi'oilC tv'ithl the Ciillait9 , I t Is so111e
svhnt r'marknbie , if the insurgent forces
are subjected to orlllnary nlllitnpy regu
lotions , that staff clileers , sent ml a
nmst inq > nrtnnt mission , have to guess at
tlfelr nunIl'rS Olin svottld supl)4)se that
tinder Mueii chclunstnuces they would
have been given exnct hlforuuttilnl , so
that cur mllltary nutlhorites could know
Just what the vault of the insurgent Co.
operation will be so far as the number
of teen Is concerned , The fact that
these staff officers of Garcia could give
only esthntltes uvarralhts distrust of their
Iigtlt es.
llowever , it is apparent that our tutu.
authorities are not eoumiting upon
ttm htsurgeuts to be of very great us.
slstanee 111 the Ilghtlug that vv'lll ho done
hl Cuba. Tlt'ht' hnovv'ledge of the cottn
try w'Ill be of value std they nuty be
found useful in certalu tullltary opera.
tions , bat there is no reason for any
treat cunlidence In their soldierly quint.
( ties. J'ho fact is now party clearly Cs.
hublished that the insurrection could not
hove been prolonged a great wltlle , , for
tnldubtedl5' the Insurgent forces are as
strong now as whet vvnr was declared
auiti are quite as well off in all other ro-
sheets. 'lh0 ' lOIICY of the government
should be to lmivule Cuba with nit army
sh'nng etlongb to drive out the Spaniards
without regard to the co-opt ration of the
The supreme court of the United
States lmi it decision recently rendered on
a land title case front Arizona took into
consideration some 1lexleaa historical
Incidents of a half century ago and approved -
proved the regularity of one large hi.
tw'nathnnl laud deal. 'Fie laud In eou-
trovetsy was granted by the state of
Sonora to certain petsous about the
time of the tuitions I fudsdeu purchase In
whielt It wit h1C1)tded. After years of
IltigatIon the stlpreute court bus decided
thtut this grant front Sonora w'as Illegal
l c + cmiusu the build lu fact belomiged to
the republic of Jiexico mad the shoe
( ' 1)111(1 .not have heeu considered as act.
lug for the nation , because it wits at
111th s ry time dtt a Slate of rebellion
agalust the federal tutthorily. It will
thus be seen that the questions htvolved
were of touch inure huportauee than the
bind ehaluted.
In this case the court of claims httd
deCidcd lit favor of the elaimiiants of
the grant , but the supreute court seems
to have got down to the bottom and
Uueovercd the bash prbtchples , from
v1idch position settlenient of mammy other
rontt'overstts in regard to these old
) lexicon In ltl grants will be easy. 1Vhile
the lauud deal which Mr. Gadsden fathered -
ered ss tts decidedly uupoltular h1 afexleo'
and not plensiug to all .tmerheans It Is
Ito , plain lint llexico thereby unloaded -
loaded upon the United States a lot of
laud grit coutflicati01us which have
been dragging Umromgh our courts these
mutiny years. 'ane Mexican system of
dlsposhmig of lath ) to favorites us rev
n'trds : and not providing for getting time
land boo time Iluuuls of actual settlers
bas beelu a great obstmV le to time progress
of time territories cn've d out of foruler
Mexican territory ,
Nov that these old load claimms arc
being disposed of and there is a dis-
ltsitlun on ( lie part of congress to grant
to the territories the Laud vvitii t their
borders , Its , vhosvlt by time passage of time
1)111 this week giving New' Mexico a nlil-
liomi acres of laii , the work of trans-
formlmig time sotthwesteru deserts lute
garden spots On which tlmusands nmay
miullw their homes sv111 proceed touch
faster tllnit In the past ,
'rime report of negotatlmus between
Framtce mind Spoil for the h nnnfu of
the Phihhh plaes 10 France appears 1o 1)t (
btkemi u.erlously in ( iernuuty , w'hero it
is stid : to Create aueli moss ime s. It
is 1n11uuted that thin Gerinnum govern.
uncut would resist such transfer ss'th ; all
the diiilonlatie meats mit Its dlspnsal
and undoubtedly ha this it vv'ould Lave
the support of ( hreat Ilrtaln ,
'ghat Spahr any be negntialhng for
the transfer of some one Of Its eastern
colonial possesslomis to h'rauee for a p0
cnnlnm ' to iislderaIIon Is not luilprobabl ( ,
halt it Is hnrdly to bo supposed that
I enuCO wonll under existing ciremn
stances seriously- consider a pmvpnstt'ou '
to taham the Pllllpplues , even ms a gift.
him the Ilrst place it h ; a question whether
Spuht aeuv lids tiny right to dispose of
lbes ( lslamtds it Is h'ue tint. IImo United
States is not in ( till oceupatlnn , but we
111 0 hi 1 > OSSI sslnn of and limo elect ilvely
bloelcaiing the prhleipnl port of the
I'1:1111)plow : mud w' ( ate prac'OIllli its
rapidly as 15)551)10 ) to ( anqIy ) with the
legnir'nh'uts of Iiitetvatmutt ha vv ht
nrler to rotnplejo teapnfny tillo to the
Isl11nds , Ilse nuvnl forte at lhimh it Is
lu unllispnled (201111)1 of the wat'rs
there and troops are bulug forsvurded
wall all possible h msto for the expels'.ou '
of the Spatsh ; forces emi land. Il is
hllova to mho vi rid to he the Intention
Of this government to drive Spa lu Out
of the I'hlllppiues mud take full Poses.
minor of those Islands willlo t.ho vvnr
lasts. .toy imitirereneo vvIth this perm
i ) ' ' by m ieutrul mntou would be a
dhtlnct act of hostlllty.
Iteferring to thin runtort'd negotht
finite , the Nov Yorlc .1ournul of Cau
tu'rce says if such a pareilase were attempted -
tempted it a'Onld lie vvlthouit precedent
Im'lulermnllnua ( Imsv. " 'There Is 110 case
Icuovvn to its , " says that Japeru svimieh
a neutral natlomi ) has altengded to pur
obtuse cool take aver ( ruin ono 1)elliger-
eat territory netually blockaded or be
si'geil by to a other bolllgerent timid
about to ( mill Into ILs hoods. 'Phe aual
ogles are nil against thin van dity of sucit
a transfer" SVe do not think t Is to
Ixm serloesly apprehended ttut. I"rance
sv'hll attempt to utake a precedent in
this caller , lauruvhlg that the ntl'ngt
would b0 resisted by the United States ,
with he certainty of having the support
. a.-
of Gront lirltnln anti ( lt'rntntty , )0111 ) of l
tvidcll powers would greatly prefer tlret
the control oflhe Ph'itpptnes should rt.
11101n pernlnnently with this
rnlher than pass Into the hands of
I rimes l'erhmimi even ltnssht could he
counted ujmn to stile s Um limo
States In reslstiug such a transfer. If
France desired to create it eouditiott tiuut'
would nlntost hhevltably embroil Iar0po
in war it could nceompllsh the object in
no surer way than by an attempt at this
time to take possession of the 1'IIlip !
glues , but there is ao reason to believe
that l ranee has any such desire. It is
quite 85 anxious , there is no doubt , for
the preservation of the pence of F tn'ope
as any other nation and it Is earnestly
disposed to ulniutaln frlettd'ly ' relatlmis
svtit : the United Stites , ] mwever strongly
Motile of her people synqnthize wIth1
Spahr , it Is safe to say that we are tit
no danger of iosing the results of vie-
toy 111 the l'ttilipplnes through any
action on the part of l'raace.
Time general usseaibly of time UnItcil
Presbyterian ehureim , lit session to
Outaha this week , deserves a cordial
sveheonte from all elasses of our citizens ,
Time potency of the ehureh its nu Icpor
hilt factor , not only for good utoritis ,
but for good govei 1mItent , is everywhere
reeogulzed and the ldgh posltlou u'lleh
the hulled I'resbyteriaims hold among
the plelesltutt deuoutiuutlolts places
tlient among the most inllul'tttial church
organizatlous. As , a city of chureht
going , law respecthlg pcople , Outaha
bas reason to feel honored by the prlv-
il'go of entertahtiug such it noteworthy
gntlteriig of ehureluiuu.
Wile the United Presbyterian general
asseulbly is a week lui advance of time
'l'rnnsmisslssippi Exposition , every del.
egate will of course nuke a tour of iii.
spectiOU of the grounds and bulldlugs
and those vvho are 111)10 should retitaimt
over to partlcipnte ht the opening exer-
cises. The value of the exposition its a
great educational agency should be tip-
predated and time fact empimasized that
its object mid that of the various church
orgnnizatlons lit in with one anotlmi.r.
By br Inging time moral aspects of the
great enterprise to the fore just asr It is
on the point of formal hutuguratiou , the
delegates to the asseulbly canmiet fail to
necmupllsll good not olmly for their own
clnu'clm , but for time whole cotnutuaity
that is Interested in the exposition.
The house republlcatts have deferred
the proposed caucus on the question of
IIirvwailan : utue atlon until next week
and it is tint eertniu that it will be dteld
then. The attitude of Speaker ) teed is
sonu'wltat diseoucerting to the lutnexa-
tiouists , 'T'here luus been no recent ox-
pressiou frmm Iminu on the subJeet , but
it is lot doubted tlint he hi still opposed
to lutuexatomi and Its advocates fear
that he will again thwart theh efforts.
limey clalut that they have a large
jorlly for the joint resolution to lumtw
Ilauvaii , but they ure 'doubtful 'abort
heing able to get it before the hottse , a
antler w hieh the speal er hits iurgcly ht
his control.
Firmness In adheiltig , tq' his comi1fe.
tions is oue gf thestrpuu cburaeteelit
tics'of'J'l'foinas II. iteehl ( It is to be
hoped. that .ho will show it in this case
and exert till the power amid luhluence at
his comnmtnd to prevent the carry1)tg
out of a sctieome for which the titue mud
the conditions are peeuliarly tncutspie-
lons. The success of time tttiiiexatiommist
note would be especially damitgtllg to
our position before the world. It would
be used , as we ] lave imerc'Jofore pointed
ant , by our eneales abroad to justify
their assumption dint the real motive of
the Uulted States In going to wn is
ritorht extensiomi. There is not a sitgle
mew' tu'guutent for IIawallnu atmnexa-
tiou. Ne have no utore need of that
territory today than we dad a year ago ,
1Vhatever we want that cam be had
there w0 caul obtuln laid we could d0
Ito ntmr if time Islands were outs , The
Ilawallan : tunexutlou scheme is as
reimeimsiile now' as it hits ever been ,
Speaker Reed will have the cmnmenda-
lion of the best jud , uteut of the country
If lto shall prevent its consnmmatiou.
A test case is to be mode of ant effort
to snpplamit a deputy revenue collector
ht northu'n Iowa by another without
obierving the forums oh' lmu ' as required
ualer time civil service ettles 't'he deputy
collector for titm northwestern part of
the state was sum nuuarily removed vvitim
out eiimugcs amid another nppohited on
recouunendatIon of the congress11iut ,
mtlhrely Ignoring time 'civil servlee la v.
If it can be douo there ft can ha done
ht limy district of the nittiomi , timid if the
civil service Insv cant h ( Ignored in the
molter of deputy collectors of htlerntl
revenue it emu ho igtorell niiuost say
place. The deposed collector promises
to test the nuttier at once. i
1Vmshlmigton dispatches report that
sotto nonibors of 'Congress ' are ehathtg
muder the restraint put upmt eollgr'ss
by rcns0n of the vvnr , and members Of I
Ihm lover house especaiy are muixlous
to get avvimy from the nutlmntl capital.
But timey ought to hear Tvlth an enforced
stay 'hl ' 11'ashingtmt quite ms cheerfully t
as the hays of the array of volumiteees
look formvard to a sulnuler In Cuba or
the Philipphles. It is Just as es , + euiul (
Hutt can"r'as doOM 115 duty its that the
111011 tmder arms stood thrum ( or tIlO
'Piero has hems uuu'Led progress ht
surgical seheluo snre ; thin close of the
last war , and the Auterlcau soldiers vvho
turd wounded ht 1)attle will ho better
cared foe and stand a butter clait'e of
recovery than their father's vvho fell a
ththl'/l of a eelmltn'y ago.
'Julie dh'imtg corps hits Bono to Iicy
1Vest to hOtc ) for bnttnnrlas dolt urc
hlnderhlg the progress of the war The
tynieal dtiz01l nnttmrally suggests that
that divers ought to have been sent to
' 1'ouohlmir s'l'ender Spot.
Ituffolu hxpress.
The Loudon editor who first called it "the
Yauko Spanko war" is too bright to be an
Englishman ,
Ruud Ianmtiin for Detrey.
New York Sun.
General Merritt's gallant resolve that his
return ( rota Manila shall be celebrated by
his readventuro into matrimony is an ex
anuplo well worthy of duplication by Roar
Admiral Dewey , But 1f the admiral should
nt nay time Intlmnto that such wtu his Inv
teution Amerlcn le must not all speak
at outae ,
\Vntl n ton Star
England and tiiG led States mlgiml cont-
pllmto matters by signing any formal doctt i
monte , but. there is nothing to prevent their
shaking hands.
t'InrhlnaItte ) $ Uov 'rumenL
Cudspg q Trlbumo.
If , ns alleged , 11io 1'ncifc steamsldp companies -
panies have been trying to bold up the
government by 1 emnndhng extortionate
compensation tor trrying soldiers to the
Phlllpplnes , the ould be sample Justltl '
cation for Impress ) g their vessels Into the
service and nflerwartls fixing time compensation -
tion on a fair butts. The Indlvhlual or cor-
porallon which , Ju nn emergency like the
present , seeks to exact extortionate profits
for any service is deserving of a severe
'I'kea' Are All it iLhl.
I'hilndeluhla Record ,
tVltatever may be the feeling of the German -
man government and of mho people of Ger-
litany with regard to the war between the i
United States and Spain , there is no question -
tion as to the attitude of the German.
Americans. There are no more palrlollc
chtlzens In the United States than these.
Not a few of then are exiles from their
native land because of their love for free
institutlons , and , vhiIIo they do not forget
mho fatherland , they do not fall to renmemn-
her the welcome extended to thorn and the
liberty nssured them In time land of their
' ( 'he Secoud'MIncut. .
Mfinea > ells Journnl
Time Second Nebraska at Chlckmualga is
enjoying what time boys of that reglmunt
regard as a good joke on William J. Bryan.
Mr. Bryan secured a flute specimen of an
American eagle and caused it to bo proo
seated to him regiment. By some queer
accident it fell to line lot of Company 11
to take charge of the bird , Now Company
B happens to be composed almost altogether
of republicans and the boys hnmedlntely
named their mascot 11111 McKinley , and as
11111 McKinley ho wlli bo known as ho goes
to the trout with the boys from the "Boy
Orator's" state ,
American Armor I'Ltte.
Ioudon : Mail.
It le not altogether satisfactory to find
that the all-conquering American is not
only producing as good armor as England ,
but producing 1t cheaper , Yet , according tea
a German naval periodical , the British frets
of Vickers and Brown were underbldden by
the American firma of Carnegie and Beth-
letiem and by the German firm of Krupp itt
a tender for the armor of two mew Russian
battleships. Botln Atuerican firms were & 5
Per ton below the lowest British tender ,
There Is an unpleasant monotony about
these failures of Englishmen to hold their
own in foreign contracts.
Ilrynu'M M11itnry AMpirnllnnM
Springlleld ( Moss , ) Ilepublican ,
Mr. Bryan's etctirston into the military
field is not helping burn politically , ! n the
judgmot of many' ' of his party friends 1n
Nebraska. Although commissioned by the
governor of Nebraska to raise a roglntent ,
ho was to be electea to the coloneicy by
the vote of the regiment , and as a prelhm
inary step lie sought ; the captaincy of Conn-
pnny A. But oppo4itlan becanne so pro-
nouwed that he has withdrawn. Iris elect
tion to tine imlghc o ; would be even moro
preposterous-as 1 cL ns'these presidential
appoluttuents ntrrrtIned and lnexperi-
enccd youths wltlr . ull" to high military
station ) . Bryant , Ad snnsc appeas for
once tO have dejg1tpl hiui. The'sttuatlan
1 a rather trying no doubt , for
itihatdly as 'lronii ld eto his'amblllons
as [ t Seas some intbnths ago. -
h'ighting ItualltlcM oC 1'/ltllllteerH.
U Iinnsas Citl ( Star „
Lord V'olsley thinks tli'tit It vvouid be a
risky business to send untrained Qmerlcan
volunteers against trained Spanish soldiers ,
and possibly his opinion would be shared by
a majority of our own regular olilcers. It
would scent that oven all the memorable
demonstrations of his efficiency have not yet
convinced the authorities of the capacity
of the American volunteer for acquiring
the art of war in a short time , in fact , nl-
most lntuitlveiy. It was an army of raw
volunteers who nearly annlldlated in a few
minutes the army of General Pakenhatn
at New Orleans , than whom braver or better -
ter soldiers never marched. It was Amer.
lean volunteers , union and confederate ,
marching directly from their camps of muster -
ter and instruction to the battlefield , who
fought each other with the most obstinate
determination. There Is mo disposition to
unidervalue drill , discipline and experience ,
and yet there is probably no American volunteer -
unteor , even though he joined his command
yesterday , who , with a good gun in his
hands , does not consider hhnself more than
a match for any Spanish soldier alive.
General Merritt , at least , has an inducement -
ment to make the-Phillppino business "short ,
sharp and decisive"
Congressinam Sprague has made himself
popular among the Massachusetts soldiers
at Camp Alger by sending then 300 gallons
of filtered water.
Slnco trouble with Spain arose the fact has
come to public notice that Horatio J.
Sprague has been United States consul at
Gibraltar for fifty years.
Any unpleasantness betwecit the United
States and France should ho confined to the.
yellow journals of both countries , which are
responsible for all there Is of it.
Correspondents at the various seals of war
freely admit that the sword is mightier than
time pen. A blue pencil in the hands of a
cursor ruthlessly penetrntes reams of fancy.
Time cornerstone of time monument in
Frederick. MU. , to Fratcls Scott Key wilt
be laid on flag day , Juno 14 , by Thomas J.
Sityrock , grand muster of Masons of the
state of Maryland.
Tim chewing gum manufacturers have do.
cided to make no protest against the prn
posed govermnomit lax on their product. But
they have got something to thaw on as well
113 their custmnersh
A trade journal , ? kyt/the / demand for bugs
gics has mtaturlally-.fallen off through the
west , and the gtrjs ffo wondering if time
substitutes left bolitnd ' fiY time volunteers lack
limo courage to takd tlnImn buggy riding.
General Henry IJpotgs Jackson , who died
in Savannah the olllerjlny , was a colonel in
the Mexican ivar ani. a-major general ! n am
confederate army. He was minister to Austria -
tria under Presblelyls pierce amid Iltlchanan ,
and to Mexico under Glovcland ,
Lord Salisbury recolvod a magnificent Persian -
sian rug during the jubilee festivities front
Prince Amlr Khan + , otli'crala. Experts svho
have recently examined the present
nopuce it to be off the finest wurhman-
ship , and value it at about $4,000.
In anticipation of fuluro and In recognl-
llon of past pcrformarces , a baby in Now
York bas been named Walter Sampson
Schley Dewey Cullen , while Chicago , not to
Ito outdone , declares the existence of a firm
in that city named Sampson & Dewey ,
John Nicholas Brown , who gave $200,000
for a public library building iii the city of
Provldenco , a little more than a year ago ,
has recently increased this amount to nearly
$250,000 , in order that the building may ho
placed in proper surroundings. Tim
tlonal awn for the library la $45,000 , and It
will enable time trustees to place a porch ,
entrance steps , a terrace and balustrade
with unclosing wall and other needed details
around the library building proper ,
tTluift f.,1N1)5 't'II 1N 01 Its ,
The secondary elections in hrnncein a
french district n cendidatn must gel a mn
jorily over mull and a second eieettomt with
only two men running was needed in 181
scats-completed the choler of n now Chnur
her of Deputies for four years , unIe s its
term was extended by its own act , its that
of the chnmbor just closing tine eighteen
mouths ago. The last chamber had 681
members nail the present has about the
Sarno , Of these sixteen are elected by the
colonies mud early returns are always deficient -
ficient to the extent of several seats. The
solid muss of mho French chamber since
Gnmbolla , nineteen years ago , led 363 item-
hers in his attack on President MacMahoa
has consisted of republicans. The aggregate
of republicans has Bever since thou beets
less than 400 , anti it has often exceeded this
figure anti reached 460 to 470. The organized -
ized center of this mass of republicans , divided -
vided on various Issues , consists of nmoder-
mutes or liberals. These men believe that the
best politics is that which least disturbs
hastness. The number of American voters
who believe the sautd here wound astonish
time politlclana if they over voted together ;
but they are foolish enough to vote apart.
Next to these nnotierates arc the radicals ,
the radical socialists and the socialist , each
in the order named desiring more and ntoro
changes lit the established order , Lastly
there arc thosa who do not believe tin , the
republic. These in Franco arc divided in
two wings , ( hose who , whllo limey do not nc-
cept the republic , yet believe in it , anti
those who are still agitating for a motm-
archlcal restoration ,
Time reply of the South African Itepublic
to Mr. Chnmherlnin's dispatch is in effect
a dmdnl of the suzerainty of England. By
a convention of October , 1681 , lute Volks-
rand explicitly recognized the Queen's com
trol of the Transvnnl's external reiatlmts.
By a subsequent convention , in 1881 , jhe
relation of the Transvaal was left sunmewhat
more 'lndefnite , but the British control of
line Transvnnl's relations was not , in the
British view , at all abandoned. In 1654 , a
radical government was In power in Rag-
land , no interest was taken in the empire
anti there was n great deal of talk of
"sloughing off the colonies. " The high tare
Ifs levied on British goods 1n some cola-
ales hind created disgust in the rnothter country -
try , and imperial sentiment was in one of
its "cold fits , " Tito Tranavaal government
assorts that it has a letter front Lord Derby ,
colonial secretary in Mr. Gladstone's mht-
rstry in 1854 , showing the intention of time
government to abandon the suzerainty. As
respects the Jameson raid , the republic's
dispatch reiterates the charge that nritish
authorities countenanced it. Claims are
urnde for an indemnity and an assertion is
made of the right gt the Traisvaal , as an
Indepotdent slate , to have time claim arbi-
trated. This is a slap in the face for Eng-
lahtl. President Kruger's speech at his
recent inaugural was equally as positive and
offensive , Brltlslm rights , as asserted by the
British government , are ignored , or , rather ,
flatly denied. Englislunea residing in the
Transvaal are subjected to irritating dis-
abilities. All this is very annoying to spirited -
rited Englishmen , and Lord Salisbury's
supporters are becoming disgusted. When ,
they ask , will England cease nmaking concessions -
cessions to the Transvaal , France and Rus-
ala ?
An effort is to be made to suppress the
vendetta. In Corsica by enlisting the schools
in the civilizing cause. Formal instructions -
tions have been given to the teachers in
Corsica to enlighten the pupils him the
schools and in classes of adults on the sub-
ject. The director of the Noriuai school
at Ajnccio , M. Fabre , bias begun , ht allocutions -
tions to time student teachers , to explain time
gravity of 'time question. 'In the , popular
mind the'thurderer frequently assumes the
character of a lmero ; the bandits receive
more sympathy amid pity than their vlcthmis
-recently , in a student's composition , they
were spoken of as "examples of generosity
and loyalty. " Under these circumstances ,
lf. Fabre's first , and perhaps most difficult ,
task is to otlighlen time minds mmd consciences -
sciences to the point of conceiving the vendetta -
detta to ime an evil. Happily , his experience
and his knowledge of the infuenco actually
exerted in certain villages by brave and
generous teachers have established Ih M.
Fabre's own mind a firm belief iii time practicability -
ticability and ulllmalo effect of this new
effort to uplift the Corsican character.
. . .
Macedonia has been for sonic years the
theater of a stramige political propaganda
carried on by Greece and the Balkan elates
by means of schools. A correspondent of
time London Tinmes , writing from that coum-
try , says that , while the Greek schools still
outumulnber those of all other nationalities
combined , they are losing ground , Tlie Bul-
gariaaa , on time other band , ore working
gtmietly , surely and successfully , every year
showing a notable accession to their schools.
Within the last two years the Serv'fans have
nnade a sadden advance altogether dispro-
portlomto to their previous progress. lvcu
thu turbulent Albanian chlefs , for the utmost
part at feud with ono another , have united
in a demand for time estabiishutent of
schools in which their own language slmall
be taught-a request , lmowever , pcrsistemmtly
refused by time Porte , The Mimssubnan peasant -
sant alone remains uninfluenced by the
presence of the schoolmaster , in a state , of
pristine ignorance. The results of these
schools and gymnasia , upon which Bulgaria ,
Servia , Rumania anti Greece expend about
$1,000,000 nunuaily , are that "the Christian
raya' of the past-Ignorant , helpless , sub.
missive-is disappearing , and a young gett-
eratlon , confldmit and hopeful , is springing
up , which iooks for help and sympathy be-
ymtd the bounds of Turkey , and has learned
the fatal secret of time decadence of time Ottoman -
toman power , " The contrast between the
two sections of the popnintiou , the Christian
and limo Mussulman , is daily growbmg wider ,
"and In n brief space of time lima malmile
nauco of Turkish rule him Mucedottia will be-
cant impossible ,
A letter to a London newspaper nays that
lima Trans-Slberla > ) railroad is complete as
far as the 265th l iiomctre beyond Tcluelia-
hinsk , and there remain only 351 more kilo-
metres to the terminus of the cenlrtil Slbo-
rlan section , limo town of Irkutsk. On time
western Siberian section all lie worlca are
actuahiy completed , The lengtlm of this section -
tion Is 1,324 kilonmetres , and it has been open
to lraflic since October , 1896 , The first ace-
lion of time corral Siberian portion , from
the Obi to Kransnolarak , a distance of 711
The fioysl is the highest erndo betine powder
known. Mtual testeehow hl goes one-
third furthcrthea say other brand.
Absolutely Pure
IIttOYAI. I.xMO * rowPts CO. , Mtw r.MK.
kllnmetres , la almost completed On the
next section , from Krnsnolnrak to Oho left
bank of the Angara , 1,001 klintnctres , thn
road Is finlahed roughly for 342 kilometres ,
anti trnmetlers nre convlyed by It I'urlimer
on , the rails are mold down for 305 kllontolrrs 1
to Tnulouna , but the baltaeting will not be
finished before next year , liotween Toulonna t
and time river Angara the embnukmcnts and
all the bridges of wood are constructed , and
It is hoped that nboul the end of August the
railway w111 ho rannlug as far as lrkiilsk ,
although prim engers will Imave to chaise
trains at the Yenisei and Old. owing to the
bridges over those rivers not being ready.
Il le hoped that before the end of next year
the Listvkmltclmnn branch will bo finished ,
together with the ueceaanry landing stages
aml ferry boats nn Lake nniknl , Finally ,
02 per cent of time enrlhwotlcs out limo trans-
ilnikni section have peen executed , and the
rails to complete lime sectlml as far as Stun-
tensk are ready , amt cat be placed in poli-
tion for the opening of mavlgntlun on the
sums. In 1000 , vvheum there will he unbroken -
broken eonunttnlcalimm willm 1'lndh'ostok ,
The railway in its present state la hmcapahlo
o' ' carrying trauma at a memo mould rate than
.u kilometres an hour , whereas to nnect the
deninnds on limn line n speed of 40 or 60 1111
ontetres nn hour is necessary. For this ,
heavlsr rails will have to be substituted for
those in use , and stone bridges unmet be
eoistructed in place of the existing woodcut
structures ,
1'1)i.l'l'ICAI , 1)1111"1' ,
Loulslnna's new comsliUltlon conahis 4-
000 words , Igsuriug n prolonged job for time
lawyers ,
Sauatar Justin liorrlll , it is said , is now
the oldest living English-speaking atnteq
man , aluce time deatlm of Gladstone.
Time Louisville Courier-Journnl uoulmmnted
this ticket for 1000 : For presldnul , George
i Dewey of Vermont ; far vice president , l'Itz-
hugh Lee of Virginia ,
'Fite town of Henipatead , part of which Is
ltt and part of vvhtclm is not iii the city of
New York , Is limo only town in the state to
enjoy that singtdar disthmtiun
A postmaster in Ireland who recently celebrated -
brated his 11411m birthday tnuiversnry has
held oillcc for lilt a cmmtury. A fortune
avenits Ida heirs if they mmnrket time secret
of his 'pull ; '
Governor Hastings of I'ennsyivnnln Is suf-
ferlmig fromin a fracture of his political spine.
After promising his home eouuty delegntion
to a certain aspirant for time republican i
nomination for governor time cowry turned
omit and elected a solid oppositlort delegation.
Robert 1V. Fielding , the first of a group
of city officials who milked thin treasury of
lirooklyu , has been convicted amid sentenced
to tlmreu years in the petmtlentlary , fielding
was a depmmty comnmiisloncr of public works
mid his crime was time auditing of bogus ac-
Up to January 1 , 1808 , the totmlh cost of the
comstruction of the New York canals ( runt
time date of opening was $68,400,000 , of whiclm
$60,000,000 , npproximintely , suns expended
upon the Erie canal. Thin Chesapeake amd
Ohio coal has cost $12,000,000 , and the
Delaware and IIudson over $0,000,000 ,
There will be on electiom for stale lrens-
ttrer , and for that omco only , on time state
ticket in Illinois this year , the tenure of time
Incumbent being two years , whereas the
outer state omcers in Illinois are elected
for a term of four years. The preset treasurer -
urer lord , wimen chosen in 1896 , a plurality
of 116,000.
The sheriff of Allen count } Kentucky ,
besides attending to his official duties , buys
and ships stock , operates a flour mile , is
interested in and devotes a portion of his
time to one of the largest mercantile house
ht Scottville , conducts a farm stmccessftmlly ,
and is time power behind time throne in other
ludustries of minor importance.
Admiral Dewey , it is said , lmas never voted
him n political electron him his life , holding ,
as so nmauy of the eider men him the nraty
and navy do , that an oflcer ought not to
dabble in politics , "but serve his comtulry ,
no smatter wimo is in power , " simply uphold-
hug the existing administration without coun-
meat or question ,
'r'ime suprenmo court of Mnssacimusetts do-
dined to rgeognize free silver mss the chef
pillar of democracy. Johim H. Sherldam was
opponted to represent the democratic party
as registrar of voters at Wellesiey. The
sih errles culled attention to time fact that
Shnridan was a gold democrat and objected
to his apponttnent. The court says that
all time members of either the democratic or
repuhlican party have never ntimered to all
of time same principles or supported nil of
the party candidates , mud asserts that "the
only lest given in the particular statute
now under consideration is that the registrar
shall act with that one of time two leading
political parties which imps appolimlcd to
represent. It is not required that he shall
be recognized as iii regular standing by , o
shall ohm all lhuimgs act with time predondnant
facllmm or dlvisiom of that treading polllicnl
party' , "
Nadi ! CoiIislun Im 'I'rnnesaee.
CHATTAVOOGA , May 27-A special from
Oakdale , Tetm. , says an engine coiiided with
the Oakdale acconunodatrom today at ( irnyS-
rille , northm of Chattmmooga on the Citmcln-
natl Southern railroad , The crew ml the
unglue , composed of Conductor Sinpsnu , Rn-
g/veer / Ii ) deon , Flronan Edward and two
brakemen , Matthews hnd Swanson , ivero all
instantly killed , except Simpson , who is miot
expected to live , All reside at Somerset ,
Ky , Firem to Day and Bnggagmnaster Dres-
bnck of time acconcamodatlon train were Berl-
ously hurt ,
lilled by time Curs ,
BUTTE , Mnnt „ May 27-W , F. Bowen ,
whimo attempting to hid his brother goodbye -
bye on time departure of the troops for San
iraaciaco , fell beneath the military train
and was killed ,
CON97'ITtITi0N,11. AIIi3NUM19NTl ,
'l'iner PropnMltlnns , lpprnved lip' ( ins
of time 'Ihno II rnnt'Iut'N or Connrrst
Now York Bun ,
Many joint resolutions proposing lids em
that ntnendtumit of time conslitttimm are
Intrnduced at every aessinn of congress ,
Barely ono gets boynnd time committee to
which it had been referred , Few go so tat ( .
as pnssnge by the lemso or the situate. Tlio
latest nnmemhnenl of thin constit tlon to be
ntinpled and become law was ratified by time
last slate voting thereon morn than twenty-
eight years age
It is a somewhat curlotmt circumimstanco
that at the present limo two importan
amendments affecting time tnnchluery of
cur goveranenl have each nccouplished
time first stage nt progress in cue of the
) mouses of congress and have ctossetl cacti
other's path in guhmg to the other lmouso for
concurrent actinu , ,
TVilhln t vcnty' dotir hottra the proposed
auh'ntimeul chnnging inatmgumratiemm tiny
( ran March 4 to May 1 , thus prolotuglng
by two nmonths the term of the lmresrnt mutt- "
mnlmielrallon and tim life of the next congress -
gress , passed time senate and went to the
itemise ; amid time proposed nnmeudment for
time election of United Stale senators by
direct vote of lime pcople passed time house
and went to time senate , Time first was {
adoIled by mho ammla mm slay 10 , and on
May 11 It was referred tq time house couu
tnittce on the judiciary , The second was - -
adoplcd by the hottse on May 11 , and of
May 12 It wemil to time seimato cutnnmittee ou h
privileges mad elections ,
Ualh proposilloms have been fully and
ably discussed him the irglmulntive bodies la
which lluey respecliveiy origimnnted , 1Vhen
reported to the houses wlmereln cmicurrent
netlomi ! s requled before going to tlw
states for rdllfcalomm ! they will be debated
further. Yet public altemition ouside ( _ of
congress huts been dtnwmi ! tn a veryllunileti
degree to these most hnporlnnt proposed
changes tin the orgade law. There could /
ho no better Illustrnllomn of the axteumt to
which time Interest of thin pcoplo of tlu
United Stales is mow couccntrated upuTj.T-/
iulernationnl affairs and foreign , relatloua ,
particularly withm Spain.
Resides limtse two proposed atttendnments
a third has reached thin second stage of
progress. The senate passed on luny 6 tIm
resolution proposing n couslitutionnl provision -
vision devolving the duties of president
upon time person elected as v'Ico president
bm case thm president-elect dies between
election tiny and innuguratlon dnY. This
mattes mo radical chmugo in our syaton and
is no departure from existing nmethods It
merely provides for a contingency which
has never yet occurred.
Thin probnbilities nre tint mho Inst-nmen
tronud auu'ndmiion will become hurt of time
comstitullon , figuring there as time sixteenth -
teenth annomdumeut ; tint the senate resol0
tton in regard to the date of luaugurutlom
will full in the house , at least him its present
forum , amid timat time house nmendtuemt
chaiglug thin nmelhod of electing sunntora
ss III be rejected by time body which it
especially conccrus ,
Mlit'l'll IN Itlil'Mii.
Detroit Journnl.
Time world calls lice a thoughtless girl-
Aim , could the world but svnil
'l'III she. , puue Ilull ti thlug , iutd gut
Ilcr thinking cap on slrmtght ,
w'nshUngluu Star ,
"Olt ' , is it Inspiratlou , pray ,
l'hfa stn mtnge ccatntie thrill ?
Or mum 1 geltimig older ivay
Tu have another chill ?
InJhumaolls Jorrnni ,
lie loudly shouted , "On to Spain ! "
\Vlth vigor nut vvlth viol ;
Ho only gave time public pale ,
For It vvmts on to htnm , ,
Detroit leree Press ,
Out un thin grmss ( upom time glade
Some little lanmhs you meet ,
lt'imiie others on the board of trade
- Muktr nterr- lit the wmeat" ' "
Detroit Journal.
the wrote it , "Rammubm' the Mel"
In thin tlrst line of every quartre.
Il was party comecit ,
T'imii9 to lihi out hls feet ,
And partly a hatred of Spe ,
TVaahihmgton Star ,
"hissing is dtuigeruus , " quoth he ,
Slto nnclty mtatiell : ' Ihow' soon ,
With duo reaution , might one be
as Immune ? " '
IIUGl m CAid.S ,
St. Louis Globe-Democrat ,
I can't git'em up !
I can't git'em up !
I cami't gll 'cm up in the morning.
I can't git'em up !
I can't glt'em ups
I Can't git'em up al plll
Time prlvato's worse than limo Corporal ,
The Corporal's ivorae than the Sergeant ,
'rho Sergcaul's ivurso than Lleutotait ,
And time Cnpndn's the worst of null
. . . . s
( Ie to time Mnible ,
All ye tint mire aide , h
And give your hnracs anme corn.
Fot' if you dom't tic , 1t ,
Thin Cmtplaimi will hcnow it ,
And give you the devil I'
As sure as you're bnrni
. .
Oh , where has that cook gone ,
Cook gamma , p.-
Cook gone ,
w'ht're knmi Hutt rook gone ?
where time aitch IM ho-eve ? . 4i
Twenty yearn till dimmer tine , . '
IImner limne ,
Dinner tinmo ,
T'vventy yearn till dinner time ,
So it seems to me-n-c !
. . . .
Comae amid gil your quinlne ,
Quinine , qulnimu' , gminhum !
Como and gil your quhcine ,
And your 1)111x !
Soupy , soupy , seup-
\vitlion t uny henna !
Au' coffee , cuffce , coffee-
Tlme meanest over seen !
Best clothing is'that that bears the name of
Browaiintom ! Kin & Co.
and Browning , King & Co , are selling that clothing now at spa-
cial prices , to see how quickly they can close out their immense
spring assortment. The time is limited and we are placing some
very ow bargains on our garments , Never in our history of
over 30 years have we ever offered such a rare opportunity.
Just think , $5. $7m $6.50 , $10 , for suits that you can't
begin to duplicate for double. They are warranted also in , every - - +
particular. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. And our
child's department , as well , is loaded with choice and dainty suits.
$2,00 , $2.50 and $3.00
and they alt bear that stamp of high excellency.
. r BROWNINGKING&Co. vi + r
SI w. COrt ZBth and Doug1a + rr 'tat'
Come early Conic early
Anti avoid the rush. And avoid the rust
l _
+ s