- - ' - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ j . 2 - ' 1'J I13 OMAhA iA1fiY BEE : SA'PURlAY , MAY 28 , 1898. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ g CENERALVOIU \ ( Unitcd Presbyterian De1egath Busy on Oonvcntion Matteii. PISCUSS UNIQU WITH A SOUTHERN CHURCH APiNIelnle fltIrnt Sysiud Ifui Uet Cu- ( ) t.ruI't nii.1 ( iiIItIuii I , , IIncd Por-Hot , I , u uf time SCN.Iutl I , . Intcr4stkIIg. The thr4 ( lay'M 8CSIIOfl of thO United I'rctbytcrlan aenerni iuscinbly began with a report through Chairman A. (11. Wallace of the coflilnittee on uujoii , with the Associated fleforined Synod of the S'outh , I According to tie report the question of organic tiiiloii hail given place to practical v.operfltlofl ( ih oiftc parts Of the inla. alon work and In the Young l'copl&a work. During the year there had becU Ito corrcs ) Otll'flCe ( ( , itlll the clitircfles acem to be 4rowing nearer , Utider thu clicurntancea the conitnittea thought It might be better to leave the atilject , of union without further - thor dIsoiaIon at the liresent time. and It advised a discontinuance of tim conimittee on iiiton. I L quoted from the minutea of the Aasoclate fleforrne(1 ( Synod of that year , giving its committee's recomnientlatioii : "We no gratifled to see that co-operation between the two c1iurc1ie in lionie mission work Is in ogressing antis- factortly , nut ! we think the effort for union should rogreBs along these lines for the present , ' ' liecatiso Ir.Tnllnce's committee ( leemeti it unwise to ninko further formal efforts to. ward union and advised a discontliiuance of the committee on correspoiidence , Dr.V. . T. M'lOy of Chicago said he disagreed with 1)0th ) ( lie logic 011(1 the conclusion of the report. lie would like to see the United l'reshyterian church be the lust to withhold efforts In the direction of organic union and ho wanted to atnenil the report so as to have the committee continued , , I1I : ut It..Iia 1lT.rs. 'Fliero was considerable discussion. of th' question over the point whether It would be wise to o on with the overtures to the Asociatu itoforined Synod or be content 'it1i simple co-operation. Rev , lanlel liar- us said ho had inoveil the adoption of the report beenuso ho thought some expense was attnehed to the continuance of the comrn itttee. but he expressed a devout hope thfl the tiiiie is hOt tar distant when the United l'resbyterians of the north and the Aaso- ciato Reform church of the south would be a tiiiitt1 church from Caunda to the tlt , lr , Vnliace eXilflhIIL'l ) that there had b".m no correspondence for two years and that the record of the synod's minutes contnin lit ) reference to any nIiOifltHleflt of a coot- litittee on muon. lie was of the opinion ( lint the volnt 1111(1 ( l > ecii reached It would ho wiser to jut iroceeI , niotig hut's of co-operation rather than irea I Iu. trot tel. . lint. Dr. Meloy was anxious to have 11w assembly records show that the United I'reshyterians liati not been . lacking In proper courtesy. lie had beard of a man who secured a wife after she had refused ltiin Ilvo times , The sixth tIme lie was sue- cesaful. To this Itov. J , W. Martin of tians. field , 0 , , observed lhllosophically that the Wooer woutld have got his wife sooner If lie liiiii quit toiinenting her , but Dr. Meloy caine back with the Parable of the unjust judge and the widow's importunity. The growth of frIenhiy sentiment in. poi4icai inatter bct.wedn the north and south was referred to by Rev. rt. T. M - , Crcn of Mansllcld , 0. , as pointlng to the auspielousuuoss of thu opportunity for unIon. Fiutnily Dr. Mehoy offered as a minute to follow the comunittee's report in the as pniliiy records to read thus : In view of the continued ( riendiy relations between the Associate Rofornie Synod of thu Eouth auth the United l'reobyterian ciuirch , wu dcciii It wire to c.ntInue the olforts to\ard tlflIOi ) therefore be it flesolvcl. That a coluntittet , on union b arroiliteil by this nsseunbly. This received several seconds and was adopted with only a fcw feeble noc ha opposition. The appointment of a new cent- uuultteti is necessitated by the fact that the 01(1 ( committee would retire In the natural order of things. % 'ltM utilil al1i11p4 ltej.tir * . The ways 11(1(1 means committee reported sonic figures. showIng increase3 over last year of contributions of the various boards as follows : Foreign boarti , an Increase of $9,4Oi ; home board , p84 ; Freedmen board , 7h46 ; church extouiston , 819 ituid oduen- tion , $1,447. There was a small ( hecrease in the receipts of the Ailuiisteriah Relief Spfl fl9 IBlliatlQhlflCCCS : Medicine phh10 COIhtUtiOhl of the bluoti after win- tui.s hearty foods , 1111(1 ( breathing viti. atctl air in 1101110 , office , schoolroom oh. SllOjViucn ) weak , thin or iniptlro , the blooil CallhhOt iiutirish the body aa it ShOtllL ( 'rl defluttlill for cleansing niitl iltv'hgoratlilg IS gl'ohlllly met by llootVii SurnlarIlin , w'liiciu gives the blooti just the quality utul vitality iue'd- ed to lflflhIhttl'lfl luonith , properly illgest fout , ittihl up and steady thu nervc and overcome tliu tired feeling. It hi thu Ideal Spring Medicine. Get only ! 4ood' Sarsapari I I a doe. C. I. 11001) & Co. , Lowa , , , JtIas3. \1rod' , , ; Pi1 ! cuirealll.Ivri lih nn' , SI , . . , . I. The Omaha Bee Map ol Cuh coupon , Prcsent this Coupon with e lOcfor I I AMapofCuba. A A Map ottho West Indies. a Anti a Mapotthe World , f IL ) ' MUll 11 cents , CIII OUT TillS COUPON. This Coupon with 25c W.LLSCURE Tilt Otlicial rhotooi'aphs Of the UnIted States Navy. Ad4reu , UAVY PHOTOGRAPH DEPT. OM4tIIA hER , A- board. The items ombraccil untler the head of general contributions are les * by the sum of $28,037 , while for congregational expenses $52,5f)7 ) The committee had requested the faculties of the theological seminaries to arrange for ft course of business methods of congrega- tlonB. Financial ahortcomingB the committee charged UI ) to "fault of the paBtors and elders , not tile p.opie. " I iii rcs I I uu g Qies tion ( ul1cs lIp. A htnotty point in church polity , which Is to be settled one way or another during this convention , Is the method of effecting pastoral settlements. During the assembly of laM year memorals had been received front the presbyteries of I3eaver Valley , New York , and Rock Island on this matter antI they were referred to a special committee - tee of seven. This committee has reported , but one of the meunliers , Rev. A. S. Biddic , olTereil what Is by some considered a minorIty - Ity report , In which he evidently suggests a method ( lint would be similar to that of the Methodist lpiscopal church , namely , the congregations to be supplied by direct as- signntent through a central body , such as a general committee of missions. Dr. W. S. Owens , one of tho.inenibcrs of the committee , ittade a state- niont which exhausted the subject pretty well , lie explained that the Itrosent plan was adopted in 1892. It tlots not provide , save In exceptional cases , for autlioriatlvo appointment of men ity thu general committee or the i3oaril of Houtie missIons. l'rncticaliy it covers merely the collection and coinmimnicatlouu , at Intervals , of tile names of mcii available for appoint- ncnts , leaving the selection auti all further flu roogeutienta to the presbyterles , and to the uitomi tliemnse1ve. 'rite committee has made the following recomnmnendatiotm It scouts to your committee that the prob- leuui will be best solved by a return to the general principles of our original method of distrIbuting ttnemnployed ministers and Ii. centlates. That system , however , utitist In one respect lie greatly modified in order to give hope of butter success. The general committee of home missions , admirably as It serves for action upon applications for flnan- cml aid , is too large a body anti has too flinch other business to attend properly to the distribution of uncut. nut it Is stiil more important and deelsivo to observe that It is quite Impossible to arrange appointments for a year in advance with any reasonable 1)01)3 that they will be fulfilled tnt prescribed. If a smaller hotly can be constituted , corn- posed of one member from each synod ( not represcuuting synods us such , but tile groups of presbyterics ) , anti meeting more fre- queuttly , we are persuaded that the sound general principles of our old system can be ntaiuitalneul anti rasooably satisfactory re- Stilts secured. A general committee on supplies would thins be chosen by the slctioui of a morn- her front each synod this committee to meet Iii June amid December and possibly also In September and March. Mr. flidillo had put his itame to this lilan. Ills aug. gestlon was really In the nature of a sup- plenientary recommendation. No action was taken because autotlier order of business had ltceii reached. What the as- soothly vihl try to do vihI ho to adopt a method of supplying vacant congregations which will give satisfaction all around. The presbyterial idea is to consult the vIshtes of both the congregation anti the pastor , when making an assignment , but , unlike the vogue of the Mcthodlst Episcopal church , a pastor may remain with a congregation in- definitely-as long as agreeable-and Is not shifted around at fixed periods front place to place. .triziiiliig for I'nstornl Sitleuneu * . Much of the afternoon session was devoted - voted to the consideration of the special cooimitteoa proposed plan for effecting itas- , toral settlement in the cases of supplying vacanCIes. Up to six years ago pastors for vacant congregations vcro distrIbuted by the general committee of home missions. The question of' pastoral settlement had two phases , but only one was covered by the committee's report , that of supplyIxg Va- caumeics. merely. As to time formation of pas- torah settlements generally the committee lund hot though it advisable to offer ammy suggestion. Dr. Andrew henry of the New York presbytery - bytery moved the reference of the whole mmmatter of pastoral settlement to a special committee to report at the uioxt assembly , but no such disposition found favor. Dr. Owens , explaining that ho was representing - resenting his conmrnittce upon time floor of the aseemhly by request , opposed any ret- orence of the printed report. although not objecting to amendments and matters ger- niane being so referred. It luaU been the intention of lila committee to have the plan of settlement proposed go into effect in the coming September. On the question of reference , the assembly decided on Dr. Owens' 51(10 and accordingly the whole subject - ject was taken up anti widohy disoused. the variouafeatures of the plan offered he- lug consldercd by the assembly one after another , Some of the delegates who took part In the discussion voiced the fcnr that there vas a growing sentlnment of disregard for authority. Rev. S. U , liuey of Wisconsin observed : Wo will soon ceaie to ho I'res- lytorians ontl will boconme Congregational- isbi. " lie hoped some unethoti could be found rhiclt would bring pastors and congregations - gregations together without nimy disregard of rccoumIzed l'resbyterian authority in such matters. .tuuuii'sIs of the iIseiuptsliu. . ir. Ovens took a comprehensive view of tile trend of time discussion anti analyzed it into : First. A ( iesiro to let the vacant congregation - gregation supply itself with little or no au- tltority of supervision ; second. an inclination to go to the other extreme. Ir. It. D. Wil- lionisout of Troy , N. Y , also noticed time two divergent tendencies , one toward "putting all the business of the church into the hauids of boards amid committees" antI the 'othor toward Congregationaiisom , " however - over , hitt ( ailed to see wherein the plan he- ilig coutsiiierctl was any immmprovcoment on the ohti method , The emily difierenco would ho that supplies woulil 1)0 dlctribimte'l thuoumth a body of ojeven moon , one from each synod , instead of through a coummmnlttco of Eixty odti , representing the presbyteries direct. lL was therefore 01)1)050(1 ( to time imluim , Indeed , it founti a great many antagonists because .uf its schenme to substitute a cont- mittco of synod representatives Instead of one to be coumatituteti by members direct front the lmreshytcries , anti this iotnt of difference - ferenco imrovetl a bone of contention no moat- ter from what direction the matter was vioweil or what feature was being dissected. TIme dreatl of somuie oncroachmmuemit by author- tty u on the rights of the presbyteries or of souoo umw galit of liberty by the congre- gattons would not down until , at least , the delegates grew weary of , the specter's grimn ireseumce. Fiuial'y time matter wus tabled with a general - oral sigh of relief , After the milan had been moors or less modified , save in its main feature - ture , lr. hart offered a motion to refer It I back to thu conimnittee for roviston , but Iitler .1. V. Tracey of Chicago immediately - - - - - . , , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cl'Vtil' ICIINlIYS. Vroiuir L'.td 1(1111 lINIIIIHRMI of Coffee the iI'u&li'lI3 , It the special iolnt of attack of the drug , cofcc , is at the kidney8 one' can keep stead- iiy on itt its use until flright's disease anti. denly ( levelelis , a short time utter which hero will ho small need for any remedy. All nonsense ? Let rcaEon rule antI not I vroitidico. for we all desire to keep life anti health. 'Veil days' tisa of i'ostumu Food Coffee vIli bring bright days to those with kidney trou- tiles. tiles.That That step means the introduction of Be- heeled and concentrated food in place of a I drug ( coffee ) which has cau8ed the trouble , followed up with a tablIng motion. The Vote to table was El to 72. % 'nri.t ( lcttItlu Hotter. A rather blue report came from tIme permanent - manent committee on reform. This reati : Wa have no reform to report. "We have not wrought any deliverance In the earth , neither have ( lie inhabitants of the , world fal lent Intemperance , Sabbath desectation , the abominations of the divorce tenet , the social cvii , the licentious press , ( lie haselvi- oils exhibitions of the theaters , the brutalities - ties of the prize ring antithe race c'urso anti the oath-bound conspiracies of secretism , nil of them rootetl in human depravity , stab- hished in popular custoumi and either tolerated or logalizeti by the makers anti xecutors of our laws , still defy God's authority and degrade - grade anti destroy his image In man. Advancing - vancing civilization , inatcati of curing these amoral evils , seems only to Intensify ( hoot. The artistic development anti embelllalumnont of our domestic vices and the 1nportation of foreign vices h our Imirgo Immigration threaten to deluge oilY society with aim overflow - flow of simm. It is a dark prospect. Notwitlmstnumdin the report also recog- nizeul a brIghter sitie In temperance and Sabbath reform work. I made the follow- lug recomimmendations : That members of tIme church ho ouncilcd to carry the petitions , 'ilnhiQwed be Thy 'fIt ' 'iIi be done namne Thy kiugtlom come , ) oil earth as it. is iii heaven , " to thu boils. That general encouragement be giveut to time tenmpernnce oath Sabbath reforimi nssocia- thins. Dlsapprovni of educntionai instlttiti9ns tolerating use of liquor anti warning liaremits to not send their children to such. flut time recommentintion which got closest attention was that referring to the present war. It was : That the assenibly approves of time cause on behalf of which our nation has entered Into the terrible conflicts of war , as thnt. of rigiiteotisumess and mercy , nmmd tssures time national governnieimt of the support anti vrayers of our people , while it continues to seek these ends. At the saute ( Into recognizing - nizing even a righteous war as an evil in , itself and a visitatiop of jutlgmnent from tIme hand of Gotl , we asic our miutloimal autlmori- ties to give iulllC recognition of time fact by calling upon the tucophe to confess their sins anti turn to righteousness anti with liemultouit ttnd prayerftul heart Iniploro a return of His favor anti : his imlessimig upon our efforts on the behalf of national righteousness. It was sigumeti by the coumimnittee , Dra. \v. J. Robinson , D. S. Ltttcil amid J. T. Mc- Crory anti Eltiers T. J. Gillespie anti Wit- 11am lull. Mitkluii : it Stroliger. Dr. W. :1. McFarlane of Cambridge , 0. , an old soldier , objected to the word "evil. " He moved to amend by substituting the ' " . To this word 'calnmity"-war a calamity. the assembly willingly assenteti. Rev. Samuel Collins of Allegheny , Pa. , thought the recommendation still not ndequato in its imfllhieti prayer amid ho would add a 1)eti tion for divine blessing upon time umation's efforts in behalf of civil anti religious hih- arty and for the success of American arms to these ends. This was also readily agreed to aumtl Incorporated iii the report , amid time assnmhIy then adopted the report as its owj declaration. The committee chosen to prepare a union metrical version of the Psalms reported tlmat no locating had been held during time year anti none has been called. Aim effort at a conference had been made , but fahieti ho- cause the committee of the Reformed Presbyterian - bytorian clmurch did not wish to take further part in the work aitti , with time exception of the Canada Presbyterian church and Re- formnetl General synod , noume of the churches seemed interested. Adoption followed un- mediately antI the committee was discharged. Just before time evening adjournment no invitation was read front the executive corn- mission ( western section ) of time "Alliance of Reformed Churches' 'Holding the Presby- tartan System. " asking the general assembly to he repiesented at. the coumvemmti n of the seventh general council ot the alliance to be helti at Washington , D. C. , from September 27 to October 6 , next year. Dr. W.V. . liarr of Philadelphia was given an opportunity to explain the object of time geumeral council and time scope of time allIance. lim 187G a movement was started to bring about an alliance of all the Presbyterian churches , hut no meeting was held until the miext year in Edinburgh. Since then there have been meetings in Philadelphia , London , Belfast , Toronto anti Glasgow , last year's having been at Glasgow. Outside alliances , said Ir. flarr. were favored by John Calvio , time Synod of Dort and the Westnminstor as- sombly. Ott motion the nominating commit- tee wa hmstucted to mianme twenty delegates to represent time general assembly. CiLesi'umiuir tie Nuilu lit Art , A resolution on time "nude in art" was sent up as soon as the busimmess part of tile evening sessloim began , by Dr. S. Collins and Rev , S. II. Graham of Alicgheay City , amid was sent to time special committee on reforimu. It alluded to time posltiomm takemm by Lieutenant Maurer of the Salvation arnmy respecting time statuary at time Tranamissis- Slpli Exposition , but made a sweepimmg protest - test to cover the country , as follows : Resolved , That while we do hot positively know time special character of time offensive statuary iii the Trammsmmmlaslsslppi Exlmositioil In this city attacked by Licutemmant Maurer of tim Salvation Amnmy , yet knowing time cx- tent to which title cvii prevaIled In the 'V'orld's fair at Chicago In 18l3 anti the growIng prevalence of the nude Iii art throughout time country , anti especIally lii our cities amid towns , we imerehy express our sympathy with 11cr ium her heroic efforts to abate thu evil referred to. and that we call tIme mmttemmtion of our People to tlmls evil amid affectionately nutil earnestly warn our Itco- 1110 nimtl others agaizmst encouraging it by lma'ing imnnmodcst iilctures or atatues or otut- uettes in thclr homes. liom tue simcial committee , lies's. Dra. 0. MacIii ! of the Xcnia seminary , Jolmn It. Wilson - son of the Allegheny seminary mmii C. H. Strong of the Cooper instltmto at Sterling , Knit. , all of tlmenm professors 1mm their respective - spective instItutions. came a series of resolutions - lutions covering admission to the ministry , 'I'hey tureui that presimyteries ito emmjolneti to exercise greater care in thu atirnission of students to time ministry as to ability and character ; timat theological seminaries have the rIght to determnino the status of tudcnts atlmnittt (1 ( to them ani assign them to time junior. lower or mnitidlo gratles. am. . time case ummight be ; that in case of thlamissat front the vcrninary for lumcomnpeteiico , immdolence or other cause , the preabyteries simoulti be o ativise.ti , anti floaiiy that time question ho submitted to time presbyteries for a yea and nay vote , the question , "Shall candidates for the immimmistry be required to preseqt _ to tue preabytery certificates of reconmmonda- tioll fromu the seminary faculties as a condition - tion of license ? " It mvont over as unfin- iiieti business. iIOli ) .1. uIlIUhIl.tl , iOiI'i'lilI lIl.tl ) , II.Ir uiuuiiigituuns i'rouuiuiuicid ( ill 'l'hioe I ) IItt , ' Hreui lt..snrilt'tI. At time Imour set , 10:30 : , time ummemorial serv- lees for time mInisters deceased during time year began , Dr. W , 0. W'acldie of Wheel- hug , Pa. , presitlimig. anti Rev. W. A. McCul- loch of Mommongahela leading time singing. lr. Wallace , the accood clerk , read the mortuary record. IIvo om'daImmcii ministers tfllti 0110 liccotiate had passed away during time year , mind since time record was made four ummore nanmes had been added to the roll of time departed , From the infornmation given by ir.Val. . lacu it nppears that time death rate for the whole church baa beeml yery how for the yr , only 1.3 pam' comit among time members and one.imalt of 1 per edIt among time ministry. A , brief obituary of each of the tieceilseti mirmisters shows : George V , hirademi of lodianola , Is. , born Ia 1839 ; a soldier during the civil war ; ordained because of his success as an evaumgeiist ; died July 20. 1S97. Samuel Brown , Willet , Pa. , a native of lrelammd ; graduate of Edinburgh seminary ; pastor of Samyrna and Plum Creek cburch - . - . - , - - - for twenty-five years ; dioti Juno 20 , in 1dB 70th year. James La. Fa mm native of lreiand anti student of Eti lgh ; iii active ministry thirty-eight years ; dieti in PIper City , Ill. , October 1. bury Gordon , D.D. of Celia , U. Y. ; also a native of Ireland ; in imastoral work forty yc s ; was chpIaIn of thm One Huntirc.1 anti Twonty-tlm ) , New York Volunteersi eminent tmS'jt 1PLJ1 orator ; died April 21 , 1897 , in liI74Lim4r. Wllitanm E , mm'ing gratltmate of fici. fast , ; 'for forty years In Cambridge , Enan of great ability antI' very POPtil.4 ? acoulmt of imis amiable disposition , :4i. Joseph Brian , a\llcentinto ; died at Wilde- mar , Cal. . in March , tIt year. Since this moli wna made time following daims have occurred , . Rev. Alexnnder Cmlhoun , D.D. of Oakland - land , Cal. : Ite. .TO1t' . Dick , D.D. of Grcensburg , l'a. ; Rovf'hi. S. hCennetiy , Di ) . of Chicago , and Re'.t ' . S. liortili of Liii- coin , Neb. t Two addresses were delivetetl in memo- orlaun , th& first by Dr. T. B , Ttmrnbull of Argyi , N , V. , on "Our Departed Brothers- A Vnithftml ' ' time secoimd Ministry , anti by Rev. Tllommuii i'nrlc. of the Delaware presbytery - tory on "The Minister's Special Emmcotmrago- mmients. " Dr. Trtmunbtmll sail , : have liStened to t1m roll call of our ceau. Iii lumitmiy respects It it , ft reunarhcablo oacremmmarkable In its brevity-only live or- tlairt'cI mumimmiaters thtmritmg thug year antI omme liceumtiato , Last year tlmcre were nineteen , tld y.'utr before timeme yere eighteen. The nominal acragt for thmo last decade has beemm tilirt"'n , Certainly wo have great reason to thiiii GotI for epnriumg our lives. TIme speaker bath been. personally ac- quailmteti with two of time departed ones , Dr. Gordon auth Mr. hienniumg , botlm of whom wOre of time Argyle liresbytory. lie re- callet ! many strlltimmg parallels in time lirts of these two workers. Iioth came froni time north of Ireland , botim were formerly ameinbors of time Associate branch , anti botlm Imati been in time mnlumistry for forty years. The speaker used thou ) careers to illustrate what a faithful ministry amid stewardship coumsiss in. Iuring his address Mr. Park referreti to time speedy death of hr. Jaimmes Lytle , after time Cedar Rapids assembly-so soon after his givimmg voice. to the sontimmmeumtVimeim : ' I was a youumg man time river between inc anti iumimcritaimce seemed broad and deep amid stormy , but sorrow and oxperleuco have led roe and schooled too and now at uppears iUt a rivulet , " lie was called upward and coronated five weeks later. The vartous eucourngeunents of the ruin- ister were enumerated. Among tlmenm is time certainty of the promtses of Goti , timely help fronm time heavenly base of supplies during timeir battle for Jehovah antl time assurance - suranco of success. Time real work of time minister Is to win souls for time kingdom. "lie that winneth souls is wise. " lie citeti time examples of Abraham , Moses , Joshua , David , I'aui and other scriptural characters to denmonstrate thg full measure of heavenly encouragement. . Lilttv ' 10 'i'IuE Gl ) 01' UAT'I'IIIS. Fe'rveuit ? : ' : ; ! ; ; ) ; for llvine iiit- port lii - hutil'rest'iit Vnr , The patriotic program in the eveimimmg cia- braceti adtIresses'by tJr. J. Q. A. McDowell of time iieaver Vaitrymresbytery , Elder 110gb A. Hart of thatdof Mansfield and Rev. D. Nicoll , a nortimm'Ostcrfl Iowa delegate. Roy. J. II. Logue of the ICeokuk , In. , presbytery presided. Mi ' , After the firtpsathm Ref. W. E. McCuI- ioch of the Monomigahela presbytery made the invocatIon. .Z his' prayer contained the following appotfis : , We are met tdthdr to discuss one of the great questions .tbatt coimcern our mmatlon- have come % oThUe 1eeaus Thou art' Lord of Lords and King of Kings. Through nh time years of the history of our nation Thou hast been our God and guide. When the foundations of our fair laud were shaken Tlmou didst upimoid us. We hiess Thee to- night for fathers who took up the 8worti. We bless Thee that we are now one-a ulmited nation. We pray Thee for blessing om : , our army and navy. We thaumk.Thee for the great victory Timou hast given us in time past. We beseech Thee that the coimihict be quick amid decisive and that soon will come : tIme hlessings of peace. And for our one- nmies we pray timat out of the wreck of Spanish - ish anarchy Spain unay arise a truly Curls- tian nation. LUcas those who have goimo forti to fight for human liberty. We believe tlmat'America has hut just begun her glori- ou3 career and that up time centuries site will be guided as were the hosts of Israel over time Jordan-upward to Christian progress to the honor of Almighty God. Psalm xlvi , "The Lord our strength , " was giveim out. In introducing the first speaker Mr. Logue iminiseif had some observations to mnako out war. lie justified war for self-defense and war for principle , but more titan all war for humanity. The wars of Amnerica. he said , had beemm for liberty anti progress. lie quoted from the speech Senator Thurston ummade after a visit to Cuba , Ia which the conatom' charged Spaimm with lianting ummore cro3scs and indulgiimg In more butcheries titan any other nation. sI.t the ' .Yar % VIh1 lirluig , The nrineipal imdtires of time evening was by Dr. McDowell. lie saul , prefacing it with soummo rc'unarks eu time cool aumd calmmi mmmanncr iii wlmicim the nation went into the var : Our people did mmot waumt war. It caine because it % saa humevltabltt that it simouid coimme in tIme mmmarch of events. Time destruc- tioum of I ime Maiume may' loire hastelmeti time conflict , but it WflS irrepressible , and I he- hove it holy war , lleumjammmin harrison and Grover Cleveland bad dealt with time qmmes- tiomi witim dipionmacy , but timero was no other left nmmd tlmere is only oimo outconmo-thme dual banislmnmeot of time Spaimisit standard ( room Aineriran simores , There Is a deep algmmiflcammce In tIlls COO- test ; great causes uumderly it. Prinmarily we took it up because women aimd cimildren. were imprisoimed amId starved , hut to mmmc there is a deeper sgniflcazmco than this 1mm it , Alex- antler time Great was as much a forerunner of Jesus Christ as was John time Baptist , preparing time way of the Lord. lie pavt'tl time way vitlm Greek civilization. So floumman civilizmmtioa furtlmer prepared time way for time progress of time race wlmlch Cimristummnity waste to bring ut good 'time , Anti imow the timne has conic for Anglo-Saxon tritmrnplm over the despotic absolutlas11o Latimm Spain and Eu- rope. lie charged Spaiu'aincompetency to her ri5 - - religion anti time character of her people , anti in this connection Ito also threw a ccii' trast betwc.eui America ammtl Europe , Allusion - lusion was matlo to Snlisbtmry ° s pretiiction of the inevitable striuggin lctween the powers anti the races for supremacy. lie n1o referred to the failure of the attempt of NaPoleon Hi to establisim in Mexico a Latin eimmpire to lmoltl back 1mm check thmo great Anglo-Saxon cimmiltro of tue north , The reason given for Anglo.Saxon iii- premmiacy lie found In time explanation of liomijanmln Ititid , time soiaiist , to-wit , the Amiglo-Saxon hove em fair play-a sonthmmient ( iUO to the altruistic influence of time m'c- higioum of Christ. lie continued : We have reaciteti a iiositiofl of supremacy on timis comitiumorit , Let mis aspire to time highest. national ideals , nut the NapoleonIc Idea of glory amid conquest , I believe ( lint ' , tl. stammtl for time rights of ummaum , for the sacredness of the imitiividtual. Dr , McDowell had a very optimistic omit- I look for time future of Ammierica. lie oh- served : I rejoice iii time intimation l'residcmmt tic- Kinity lmas giemm to 1Uttimamt nations ( hint timey ummtist keep tlmelr hammdM ott-this is our owmm affaIr , anti we will settle it. I believe that the uitniitlarul of Spaium etammtls for lila- tone icrtpotiaiui , blootisheti nntl govcummmnental Imicoumipcteuicy , anti mmli that Is cliposei to time Anglo-Saxomi idea of justIce anti iuuiivitltmai rIght. Let us lray for our boys 1mm blue simo have goume to Cuba anti the Phmilipplmmcs to tight. I rejoice iii time stuff tlmat time boys hi our neummy anti mmnvy are nmatie of. I rejoice - joice In tIme skIll , nntl ( no courage , anti time Vmctoi y of a 1)ewey. Eider Hart antl Dr. Nicoli conflumetl themselves - selves Immoro to appeals for syumipatimy for the soldier and seaman wimo have gene to war. Fiumaliy a fervent prayer for time boys In bloc was nmathe by 1 * . William J , itciti , time irimmcipal cleric of time assemimbly. nles of tilL' AMII'iIuIl % ' . A group photograph was taken ot'time tide- gates , vitim the Central clmurch in time back- groummtl , yesterday just after time afterumoon atijourlinment. Time Musicingumun college olumni mimet yes- tertlay evening anti am'raiiged a social duuiuier for hirobubly Tuestlal' nooum. The hiresidclmt of time college , Dr. Jesse Johusomi , has time mmmattcr iii cimargo. Alunmuil of Moumunouth college will lma'o a reummioum nmmd banquet out Moumday aftermmooum at o'clock at the Young Memm's Cimristiaum associatioim imali , All forimmer tudenta of time college mmow in Onmalma or in nttommdaumce on tIme assemmibly are requesteti to report to G. 0. Wallace by noon totluy. Tima report of tIme slmecini commimmmittee on tobacco using is expecteti today through Eltier J. 1' . Tracey of Chicago. It proposes to deprive toiacco misers in the mmministry of time beumefits of tlm Home Mission fimimuls , aumti time same rnlsfortmmume is to be thc'lot of Iionm Mission eimipioyes vimo caumnot quit time weed. Tab on offemmdera is also to be kept if time comnil ttee's resolution is adopteti witimout mmmodulicatiomm. It may Provoke BOiflO discus- sioum , Open air meetings are to be held by time delegates today nod tomorrow between 5 and a ii. m. at various places and with leaders assigned as follows : louglas anti Tenth , Rev. C. M. Ritchie of soutimern Ihliumois ; Web. ster mmd thirteentim , 11ev.V. . I. Wisimart of time Allegheny hiresbytery ; Ilowarti mmd Thulrteemmth , 11ev. David Anderson of Cab- dommkm , N. Y. ; Twenty-fourth and Cuiniimg , Rev. Paul Stewart of Iumdiana ; Jefferson park , at Sixteeumth and Capitol avemmue , Rev. David McCaw of Cimleago. Each will be assisted - sisted by a half dozen or more helpers. CHURCHMEN GET TO WORK 1te'bcw of tilt , Worl of Couigregn- tioumulists iuriuig CIte Your tim Sotitlm 1)nlcotn , ' HURON , S. D. , May 27.-Speciai.-The ( ) I General ' Association of Congregational .1 . churches In South Dakota got down to husi- ness Wednesday morning. Following do- I votlonal exercises Dr. E. M. Williams of Yankton was chosen moderator , and Rev. A. II. Robbirms of Iroquois and A. Loomis of Redfleld were matlo assistant moderators ; secretaries , Rev. H.V. . Webb of Gettysburg anti Rev. Menko of Centervihle. The rum- port of Rev. li. Hubbard , the association register , of Webster , was an interesting review - view ot the work of the past year of the Congregational denomiumation in South Da- kota. Tills was followed by a statemcmmt of what was being done by the Clmrlstinn Endeavor - deavor organization. A praise and prayer service was conducted by Hey. 11111 of Ar- mour. "Is Modern Science In Its Emphasis of ivolUtlon in Conflict witim the Religion of the Bible ? " was time subject of a talk by Dr. D. B. Scott of Sioux Falls , foiiowetl with discussion by Rev. i : . W. Webb of ( lOttys- burg. Rev. E. W. Jenumey of huron gave a review of Dr. Gordou'a book , "The Ministry - try of the Spirit. " Tile afternoon session was opened with devotional exercises conducted by Mrs. Katherine - erine Jennoy of Huron , Timamu followed a woman's meetIng , lmresieti ] over by Mrs. Clara M. Carry of Columbia. Among the sieakers were Rev. W. S. Ament of l'ein } , Clmina , who spolto of "Voman's Vork for \Vomon in China , " At 1 o'clock Rev. B. W. l3murieigh of Mitchell siioio of "Time Work of the Holy Spirit In Conversion. " Dr. A. R. Thain of Chicago , ctiior of tIme Advance , also made a brief addres3 , anti Mrs. Anita H. Patidock of Vermihilon illustrated primary - mary class work , I 1mm time evening Rev. George F. Evdns of Hudson spoke on the question , "Are time Motimods of tile Institutional Clmurclm Suited to time Country Parisimos of South Dakota ? " "Foreign Missions" were discussed by Rev. . % v. S. Anment of Pekin , China. anti Dr. Clmarios Ryder of Cimicago spoke of "The Religion pf time Negroes as Expressed In Their Soimgs. " Vu1t.rn1 Court iutt'M. ' Deputy United States Marsimal Allan has rcturmmed from Sioux City , where he was I subpoenaed to appear before ( ho federal granti jury. I TIme Phoenix Mutual Life Insurammeo coin- palm ) ' of hartford , Coon , , imas brought actIon umgaiost. Thomas Iieohmm and Margaret I hiomiauu , askimig that Ito lie allowed to soil I certain luropei'tIea in Lincoln which were mortgaged to iuinm for $6,000. , I Charles \ V.'aro of Chicago imas brought action in the United States district court ngainst II , U , Gammiunel of fliurt eoummty for possession of certain achnol land oartificates I wbmich Gamnnmcl deposited its secmirity for a loan of $6,000 , math , to hint by'are. . I ASKS I'1FFERT ' TO U1T Presbyterian Asomb1y Avoids Another Trial for .lleroiy , 0 DISPOSES OF A TROUBLESOME FACTOR l'roressor in iiuiui Seu.iiuinr' ito- tu'Mlcui Si ) ' , 'itiilrn'uv if lit' ( Iumui hUt it-t'omiei le Ills V ii'js s'itli Church Stnuuuhui ruls , WlNO LAKE , hid. , May 27.-fly a large umajority , voting vIva voce , tlme l'rcs- iyteriaum general assenmtmiy decitieth tlmis aft- er000um mmot to Iuunuguurate ammotimer heresy trial iii tIme case of Prof. McGIfTert , hut to ask liiumm to withdraw , if lie canumot rocoumciltm his 'iews Itim time churcim's stantiartis , i'rof. McGiffert was imractlcaliy tiirectetl to act as jtmthge , jury nmitl exectutioner tmpom him- self. self.Time Time actiomi taken was itt time ndoptiomm of time foilowlumg resolution , which as submuti- tuteti tomtlmc linal maragrnplm of time report of time commmuimittcc elm bills anti overtures , auiimmmltteti omm W'etinesilay : That the asacummiuly , imi a spirit of luimmdumess no less titan in devotIon to truth , counsels Prof. McGiftert to m'eeomusider time qimesttoim' able views set fortim ium Imis book , amid if ito cnumflot conform his views to thu stauitiards of our clmttrclm , thmemm to imacably vitiitlmztv fuoni the i'rcshyteriaum umtiumistry. Thu tlebate on time case ocemmimieti the after- imooll scssiotm. half aim lmoumm' each sums giveum to Dr. Sheltloim Jmtcksomm , ir. ) Plmmumimiicr llryamm amid Dr. Fraumcis Browum , time first sigimem s of time three reports before time asstmummbi ) ' . The tiiscussioum by time tmsseuimbiy was limmi- itetl to five nmimiuto 8lmecimes , silmiclm oct11- pied half aim imotmr in all. lr. .lohimi iixomm ; of Tmcmmtomm , N , J. , closed tIme tlebzite on be- u half of time uimnjority report. After a brief discussion ly caummummissioimeu's a vote was taken. Timat for ir. Browmm's report , recoimimmmeumtiiuug mum actioim , was comi- siticrablo in voiuimmc. Thitmt for a imeresy trial 1mm New York was nmueh smaller , wimile time mmmnjority report was atiolmteth by a large mmiii- jority auth the case mas at an eumtl. him tIme assembly totlay tievotiommal exercises anti mIscellaneous busiumeiss occupied the first lmotmr. Couitrol of tii& ' Chuiui'Ii iiiiuItm. Oimti item was time declaration of the muioption of aim nimmeimiimmmeumt to time con- stittition of the church imlacing time mmmusic of the cimurcim ummder time cOimtlmhete dircctioim of time clmuirclm session. The regular ortler of ( lie day wa time me- port of the Lornimmittee on time Board of Cimurcim erecton ( , preseumtcd by Dr. 13. W. Berry of Saul Leantlro , Cal. At tIme Presbyterian nssenmimly a report regardimmg time cimumrch erection fuumti was suit- omitted. It simOweti a slight immcrease ii : time total of coumributioims , the mmunmber of colt- tributors being larger , but the average coum- tributiomi smmmahiar thaum last year. The 1101mm- her of applications for aid lmas also heemm reduceti sonmewhmat , but a total of 213 chtmrclmes had Imeon aided 1mm soimme way to time aggregate of $126,421. The total value of cimurclmes anti munmises coimmuleteti witim this aid was $123,527. Time total aummouimts asked for aggregated $151,788 , from 196 apphicauits. Tue iumcome of time board hati been $ S1Il4 for time gemmeral fummd front all retirees , $46,711 haviumg beeui contributeti by the clmurcimes. 'rime Ilmanso ftiiid receiveti $16,771 , antI time loan fund $31,252 , a part of which consistcti of returmmcd loans. Time whole immcommme was l29,2l9. Dum'ing the twelve years simmce time manse fummd was started 43S houses have been erected by means of nid aggregating $161,322. Time operations of the boarti have resulted Ia securimmg reversionary rights lum prop 'ty. amounting to $2,000,000. Since the iumceplion of time board in 1845 the total of expondlturt's tins been $3,492,320 , securing to time clmimrclm property to the value of $14,000,000. After tIme presentation of time report tIme assembly was addressed by Dr. Perry mmii by Dr. Erakiume N. Wlmlte. aecetary of time board , licisses 'l'cnipernuuee , One hour was occupied witim time report of time committee eu temperance. Time usual recoummmendatioums were made , but the corn- mittee reconmimmended mio action on several overtUres regarding Princeton university. Timis thid not satisfy the whole committee , a part of wimooi introduced a supplementary resolutiomm. While diaclainming special reference - ence to Prlncetoum , it indicated the vositioum of time nssembiy anti was athopteti witim a hout. Its text was as follows : The asscnmhly calls upon imarents and teaclmers to exercise tiillgeuuce ammtl watchfulness - ness over tlmemnselvos amnd tlmoso committed to their care in respect to intemnimerance , iii order that our homes nuid schools may be imurged of the cvii of inteimmperammco aumti time drink tralilc he driven from our mmmd , amid timis without reflection upomm any collegiate Inuititumtiomm. Time evenhmmg session was devoted to comi- sideration of systenmatic bcmmevolemmcc. Addresses - dresses vore uumade by Ir. Soioim Cebit of I'ittsburg and ltev , SVliliaimt Ii. iluimbard of Auburn , N. Y. A impuine mimeetimig in time Interest of toun- peranco followed , Judge Henry Saylor of hum- diana lresiiing. Otimer addresses were made imy 1)r. Clmarles I. , . Work of Cincinnati , lioum. E. S.'ehls or Evanston mmii Dr. Joiuum A. Savage , a col- oreti coumiummissioner fronm North Carolina. TWO MORE HELD TO ANSWER , Ludat' L'nmter iiiuu.Iiu Ot't-r BIn mu mmmiii imuschuer of Soul It Ouuuuiiuii fur C.utuuuhuiiuig , County Jutigo Baxter has had nimotimom' round witim time ummen arrested Ium South Omtmima , charged wltlm gammibilmig. Bernard IlIum anti iavo Luscimer lmtmve been lucId tumitler boumds of $500 each to appear before thmn district court amid aumiuivor to tIme chuargu of setting up aumd keeplimg gammmlmiimig devIces. If. C. Sauter , vimo was chmargetl jointly with time two tlefendtmntmu , was released from custody , there imeiumg ito evidemico to show timat lie was an owner of any gambling fixtures - tures or that Ito particilmateul In aumy of time gaines played. Next Tuesday County Judge Baxter will coimciudo time gaunbllimg cases. Ott that day V. , . S. Rca and Oscar 11111 will lie giveum a prehiuumlnary hoam'ing. Tonmorrow Jorgnutseo , . . . . , , . - - - - - - - - - - " S 1 % ? PS flt In ? cr tPk 59 REV. J. A. SHEPHERD , AN OLD SOLDIER AND PREAcHER , SENDS HIS AFFIDAVIT. We Cured Him After 17 Doctors and a Score of Patent Medicines Had Failed , . 4 ' , . "ClnLnntti , Iow. % , AlrlI 23 , 18)ihonor ; to wimoni honor Is dume , ' . . - WIthommt any solicitation out tIme lm&l' of tlmo Dr. Ti. J. iny Medical Co. ou' ; . , , mmyono else , J hereby certify thitt time Pr , Kay's Remmoyatom' and ICldimoy ; . . , ' . . ' . ctmra , Iropai'el ) ( by the Di' . 13. J. Kay Medical Co. , have done for me wlmumt 17 doctors and a scom'o of patemmt medicines hma'c failed to do. il . ' , . , . DrM Kay's Renovator _ I can't' ' find words to toll the coinlition of my stomach , livci' and Iclilimys. c Constipation , imeadmwlmo uumd pains in every joint in my liody was arm evcu'y day ocourm'cmmeo1 and tt timmmes so snvnre that I could not walli oz' hardly see. Among the umuititudo of metUchmmes advertised In time naimera I mend of Dr. 13. 3' . Kay's anti sent for it , and I cmumm't eav enomugh In Its praise. If ou have mummy of tlmose olul com1)iicated allumummls , do its 1 Imavim doumo amid you lviii timamilt me tom' this mvviett ant ? fool under everlasting obligatiomis to time Tm' . hi. J. Kay Medical ( 'o , I am fifty'Lwo ynars old coil ' tmi''ed tinder SllOl'unan In the war ; slmmco time war 1 hmavo proacimeti thirty yoni's. I have no object In xnnklmmg this statement only to heimofit ummy m'ieimdtu anti brethm'cn aunong wimoin J have preached time gospel , and to hmclp Ilmemu to have ( lie heat system ronos'atot' In thmo world Intt'oduceul among the poopie. Youum' friend , JAiis A. S1iEPIuhtD. SubscrIbed and aworn to ity Her , J , Shop. It ctlres when averyumiemg else falls. Sold by dm'ugglats at cerit herd , Lefore me this ihe 0th day of A'mrii l'JS. ' ' domm'L take substitute but send don't have it . , . a v. Xtlc,1fl.uuu.mrJ , , an timoy , any , Sr - - . JustIce of the Peace in arm direct to ims and we wifl scud It by mall , Bond for oum' illustrated - , - - for noose Pleasant county , township lossa. , App I 14 page book. Dr. 13. J , Icay mledlcat Co. , Omaha , Nob. - - - - - _ . . - - - - - - = - - - - -.i. - - - - - - - Stray and "Rocky Mountain Pete" will bi tried. "I'ntPs3' lluli'nr" hlelul fur Trial , "Patsy IJohivam" hmna beet. reuuiaumtleui to Jail imuithing a trial in the district court. . Sue cixtracteti $20 from the rockets of a traveling oman-Elmer lngrnhammm-severai mmiglmts ago , and is unable to ttmriilaim a. bond of $800. Get a nmap or Cuint anti got time best and utmost coumiplote. The Ihee' caumibiumatlon map ( mf ( 'nba , the \'e5t Imiles and of tlmo wOrith. Witim a 11cc nmnp cotipoum , on iunge 2 , 10 comtts , at lire omcu' , Onmaha , South Omaha or Comumuril illumfis , fly utah , 11 cents. Address Cuhaim Map Dcpnrtmmmcumt. - Asthiiii. . Flow it is Treated and Cured by the New Method. - Astlimmmn ii ; muaitzmliy kmmowum mis hmamox'srn.i of uiiiik'tult lmmt'imtiming , iimstlumg ( roull a fey imotirs It ) mut'verutl slays. t'ouutiutg timi mit immtcr- \'mitu , , to bum ft'lltveti Imy icmimimuslumuitt , dtiriim 'imit'im I lie iimmtient breimtlues vithm coumiparit- ti't' ( 'use. Time nttau'k retimriis umgtilum at regular litter- \'it Is , tim' itt lmto\'uku'ui by cx imsmi re I o cold utit' ' eft'orti , , ' ' mmmeuttutl daummim , sc'ere , r 'vt'ui 'l * euuitmtltills , itiring ( lie umutiucic time remqmirit- ( bum is laluoucul , vi I im i'Itu'ezi imi , fu'eulmuumli t etilu ghi a mid t hmm't'a t cmii umg so ffut'a b ion. i'retmt inemmt . it mid ( . 'm ve-'i'imert' It ; lirtutmaimi V mum ti isea ito o i. 1 Ii e u'csl tI u'n I ury ou'gim mmmi mvuitch sultummits so umtliekl ) ' itt "I I VOul ni' ' ' aimtl tliti Austrnliiiui Dry Air 'i'retttmmmeut nit Amitlilulit , ' St fel % ' itmtillm ( 'lit 5' ilItO 0 i' ( Im um immlmiti gi 'iimg ' inmmmmt'tllitto m'elIu'f iii ( lie mmmnjt Mflei't ) ril'ues , , vimiio its daily misc Iumttriimbly vtir'tu. ' Ig _ . - ' cimromiie cnes it fe' til'ohis of "ii YiI'l" ; lilimccti mmi it t'ittmui Piece of llummuiei Uum'l imiumumed to tIme mmlglmt m'tuime ii'ili Prt''mm ( lull it t ( ii ek mu mmii I ulsu cc a gootl um ight 's muutt to tutu hitticimt , t'imriumg tilt' .ilscite viiilti Ito sleeps "HYOMEI" CURES BY INHALATION. itmiti iim 1411dm CUHOS flit Cuttnm'rim , ( 'ntmtrrlmai 1)e'ifnes4 until lil'tmlit'ii lBs i1l'imys gIvtiu miii- mmmcd In to ru'l Ia I n umtl a Permlmmtute'imt r'turo. ( 'oujimm4 numui Cuitii4 t'iuumtmnt exlt vimcro It iii ii etI , 'I'tm tiuk , . ' ' 1 i YO'ti it I ' ' i'ctlu lies umo skill on tlmL' hart of ( lit , pmutit'imt ; there is lit ) \'tt I Li imi. for htui rs I ii ammm oflict' , itt ) ear fit m't , to ho palti , or immummithul y lmmm yimicmm t ii to muinke'ouu ettit ( rent ) 'tmurmtdl ( 1mm yoUr Imoimme , at yomi work , 1mm vlmii'clt 01' itt ( lie thou icr. ic . 'i' Jl Is ( mini-niitee.i to re- ' lt"'o uu uu.ouier refiuui.l eul. ' 'hlytuuntmi' ' hutitaler Gilt lii , $1.00. Extra 1ot , tb's ' ' I I yommmt'i' ' 50c' , ' 'I i yommmt'i' ' liii I mum , mu vommt1erful hmL'nler , 2c' . lult me , ' tlrtmggImtt4 or i4eimt iV ummail. 'l'imt.m Story of ' ' [ lyoummei" mmiileth free. free.I. . . ' 1' , IiOO'I'li CI ) , , $ uulte .1t-2I .tiulIluui'ituuui limmihuiumg , ClIit'AI ) , mid. , - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ KUHN & CO. , RelIable Prescription B ruggists 1tlt ; utmuul ioughzms , St r'ects , BOOTU'S IIYOMU , 85c. 1iivSI1iInN'1'S. : : ci iitl' ( irand Opcliin g ) , uOu S [ xpositlon Weeks Tel. 1019 , ONlI % 'ltl1mC CiMl1N'i' ( SUNIAY , : iu.tn. . iu.vm'irmiIi VHlNI1SmAY. ltt'turum lluigngi'uuieuul of MR. TIM MURPHY in OLD INNOCNC [ and Sm hENRY IIVPNOTIZD. i'rices-Lower Floor , $1.00 , 75c. hal. 75c , be Matinee-Lower Floor , SOc. hiai. tOe , 25c. Thts I'nxlnIi & Iuturgess LLI S 5 Managers. Tel. 153L 0. \Vootiward , 4uiim'eullolmt , lirector. 'I'OL)4tY , 2mm. 'l'lNlhi'i' ) , HuQO , 'I'll \'OOli'.V.tltl ) S'L'OCl ( CO. i'htisL1N'l'uc- CAMILLE 4 Specialties-Gigiucre & Boycr , Gracie Em. mott. liiographm. SUiitla-YOUNU MItS.VIN'l'l I ilOr' . Specialties-GUS V1I.IlA1tIS tumid thmo Ulondeiim4. A Simecini Matinec will be given Tomuuity : , Mity 30 in s tenth of W'ctiumesday , J mm ima 1. OMAHA MUSEUM AND TIWATR , lain-lam I iriarumnuum St reet. ol'EN 1)Aii.i' F'lttlM I ' 14) 1(1 1' , M. 'Vnm , 11. Troomit , Muimtmger , Oitmimluit'iu i'o1iilui r F'uuuuil' Jte'sur * . SET'I'RiCli FAMiLY HAND. l'eojmle ; iiAItLO TUIIO , Clrcmimtsimtii Prince from Asia Minor ; ItCiIEltlO , lii F'i'ats of L'oti- ( ortioim i-umti DIslut'atiumg ills 'ecit : i'itOu' . \ vi.VA1t1MN , ijglitniiig Sltettli Artist iii Sotuitti ; U.tIlNUtI'S l'uumt'im ntmtl Jimtiy ; LONDiLlO , Art1sti 'l'attout'r ; 'l'ime 'l'a' . , i'itImu , CURI3O\V & lAltItFLi , Vimtttlittt , iluek numd'iumg 1)nmmcers ; tLClC & 110W- Alti ) . time Acrobatic Coimmceimans : I. i'i"l' jij ' " iii'l'i 1 , tIme Ciiiid Dtlncer , In iler Cuulitn. Aumuericutim Duimeemu ; GORDON SiSTEltS , - ' \'ecimhim4tmt ; IDA It iE ' , Sarhieumtimmti laumrem' ; MAGNISCCl'il , Views of thu Iaiumu ium I hutvaumit thurber. - itC.tiEiii'1'H i'O ALl-lOG , GUi LL'S CONCllEI' G4tR lEN m. N Quill. Prop. and Maminiter. Southeast Cur. I hilt nuid laye'uijeovt. Attractions fur weeic cnunrnc'uuciuig May 23d : Auumerlemt't hreummicr ( avttrittis , ( huh Slitters - ters , rtg ( bite singers itmiti ulttumt'erti , Dillon " & Ga ml itimul. I risli sit c I c.im , or I Is t it , 'Plun I ii Four , JCu44i0 Eva , Rt'miumlmtoim'mi F'iaunrne , ' Ditisy. Ommasici , "Scomies tit , Ilaulrt. ' ' Iva 1)0 Ii umt't ( it , it'll mm ti userio-eommm I e. I I ythmt r & Ditytoim , muit'nY $ deasiutg. S tinily mnutiuieemm , - except Moumtitty , BJJOU THEA'1'ER , .Iait ututul Cniultoi ivt' , .1 13 , I1ENI1Y , MANAGER. . HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE .iNI ) Nl'I'Clti'l'ihii I\'lRY NiCiii'l' AN ! ) SUNDAY. 8:30. : Matiumees Wed. anti Sat , 2Z0.Adnmittsion : l0. SCHLITZ ROOF GARDEN Corner 111th uu.l lI.uruuey Streimlu , henry Tievemi , Prop. mvu'3Ity ; ityl.i'ti : : , AND SATIJItIAY MitTINfliI. GRAND CONCL3RT Is , . It'ul.NZ .4Jl1u.tJ.tN' ( ) htCIil'IS PII4. . . - ' ' PhIJ1iIO'l' h1IiJ1VING COMI'.l . ' 1"S II iI.t 1)11 I1t ii'ih1t14. LADIES' OLNIS' CONCRT hAIL I air. ui. long. , g rru't. Ikmuthi Bithem Je'fferp4oum ikiunro. GlUNi ) CONCIR'l' IS'ERY NlhI'r ( AlUI8HION J'ltFIi , A. . " Yll13uIt , l'romu , I Euroimemin. ) The BamoraLdgiIhg : ( ) $ . 1510 ilarocy EL. , opp , Crcigimtomm Theater and Conveumtioim iiall. WM. ii. MOILAND , i'ropr , MU15R.i1Y iiOTiL , J4thm anti ilarney St. American I'iaum-3 to I ilohimirs per clay , Street ears frouum depotS unti from hotel l.a llxpositioum Guouinuhie 1mm ftftceuu minutes. H. l3iI.LOWAY , Manager , THEMILLARD 13(1 ( * umuid 1)omugln.q tmm , , Oiiinli . C1NVIALLY I4ATED. . _ tiiI1IIbtA't ANI ) ilUlIOi'l1A ( I'LAN.- . . JE,3gAlgltI , .c sex , 2'rel , . . -HOTEL BARKI3U- Con. 13TH AND JONES ST. , O3.XAIIA. lL.t'l'IIS lX.O Ali ; .oo i'ltlt DAY , Electric caru direct to ixpositioum grounds. EflANK flAilKicli , Cs.tmir. . . . . . . . "tIAM ciu.1sz CI4f j - .