Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 27, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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I 8 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TUE OMAIIA DAILY iUE : P1UDAY , MAY 7 , 1898.
One 01' the Scriou Problems Now Oon fronting
Expoaition Managers.
Chicago nn Sccnre nfl OfInn on
All dlic Itoh lou Mloc1 Of ( lie
. . Lhery Sa1Icu for the
( ) Ie1tInR fln , .
Actlng In ltccorInnce wRh the oh adage , I
'Tho early bird catchea the worm , " Thomas
Cassky Of Chicago has hail the foresight
to hire nil the cnrrlagcs In the city which
are avatiahie for the opening day parade
anti the many friends , whom he told the
Ilverymon ho Is nnxous to provide for on
that ilay , will he sure of a ride. If the
exposition directors desire to ride and to
furnish carriages for their distinguished
guests who will ho present on that day
they will have to secure a place among
Cassidy's friends.
All the liverynien in the city were asked
to make a hid on furnishing conveyances
for the exposition dIrectors on Juno 1 and
many of them sent in hlila and heard no
more from them. While the committee was
considering the ( lUeStIOfl Cassldy was making -
ing hay and offered tim various stables a
good vrice for nil the conveyances they cnn
supply on that day. Not having heard from
the exposition people the itveryinen did not
know what tlio committee would do anti
grasped the opportunity to let their rigs
for tue day. Cassidy explained to all of
them that ho had a number of Chicago
friends , vlio are to ho here on that. day ,
and that. ho was interested In a firm in
CliIcao which has an exhibit at the expo-
The only accomrnQdatlons which it. cnn
ho found that the directors have provIded
for the day are three tallyho coaches. Can-
nitly has been In the city about two months
anti has quarters tt the Karbach hotel. The
liverymen say , however , that Cassidy engaged -
gaged their conveyances only a few days
Manger Babcock states that when ho
commenced investigation to ascertain the
ability of the liveryinen to furnish tim carriages -
riages required ho discovered that options
had been secured on about all of the do-
f slrablo carrIages. lie then issued a request
D to Itrivato cItIzens to loan their carriages for
a couple of hours on the opening tiny and
thIs request has been complied with in a
_ \ manner vltIcli leaves no doubt about there
being an abundance of room for all guests.
Cstipetittyi'n of
Ic Mr. Babcock says that soon after his request -
: quest for Itrirato carriages rnn mntio public
t4 through the ancrs he was called upon by
Liveryman Carpenter of South Omaha , whet
t informed him that he could furnish all the
carriages tiat were likely to be required
] for the opening day.
vI Mr. Babcock wan greatly rejoiced to learn
. . this nail opened negotiations wftli Mr. Car-
' itenter. The negotiations did not proceed
: l very far , however , as about tue lirat ques-
y tion was that of price. Mr. Babcock says
ho asked Mr. Carpenter what he would
P charge for carriages during the short tinie in
the morning they would ho required. Mr.
Carpenter replied that the price would be
, $ $15 each and the negotiations ended right
I , . there.
; L. J. Carpenter of South Omaha last even-
lug said that ho had offered to supply as
many carriages as needed for the opening of
the exposition. lie could , ie said , turn out
100 if necessary. His proposition was to
g ] furnish fIfty carriages at $10 apiece , anti if
desircil assume charge of the ioatiing of the
1 vehicles , etc. lie was offered 3.5O apiece ,
t but dccllncti to have anything to do with
the matter at this price.
One minute is not long. yet relief is ob-
4l tninetl in halt that time by the use of One
Idinute Cough Cure. It prevents consumption -
tion anti quickly cures colds , eroup , bron.
chitis , puctimotila , Ia grippe and all throat
. and lung troubles.
'i .A Con gresNililin's 5) ii I ii mu.
' 4 "it was my good fortune to take passage I
, on No. t ; from Lincoln to Chicago on the
, ittli inst. , anti I desire to compliment the
. ilurlington nianageinent on furnishing the
finest and rastest train I ever lint ! any cx-
pLrieneo with. The tuning ear service is
. especially commentiablo and I have no doubt
, that tue train will be very popular. Nebraska -
braska is certainly at the front iii train
service us well as in many other things. "
\v. L. STARK. it. C.
\Vanuiington , D. C. , May 20 , 1898.
. No , 6-the Chicago Special-leaves Omaha
at i:05 : midnight and roaches Chicago at
215 p. in. 'Fickets and berths at the Ilur-
! lington ticket office , 1502 F'arnnm Street.
riLl ) ! Ic
I The NorUtwestern Line nayiight Special
I now leaves tile U. P. depot at 6:10 : a .in , ;
arrives Chicao 8:45 : same evening , No
cliango in the other traiits. The Overland
Lltnitcii 4:4i : P. in. and the Omaha Chicago
Siccial at 6:45 : p. ni , arrive gL Chicago 7:4 :
J and 9:30 : respectively , next 'morning , The
most advanced vestihulod sleepers , diners
qud free parlor chair cars-of course-what
t else would the ' 'Northwcstern' have.
City 'i'lckct Otiio 1401 Farnam st.
flr. Stotie Seleetsthe Men Who Are
to .AI.Iress the Children on
31tnorinl Ja.
hr. it. itt , Stone , an the committee to
furnish Orand Army of the Republic speak-
era for the schools of the city on Friday ,
May 27 , the la-st school day prior to Memor-
let day , has made the following assignments
for the occasion. Since this work has been
introduced by the Grand Army of the Republic -
public ten of the men who began the work
have tiled , so that it is now very difficult
to find enough men to go around. Dr. Stone
has been able to find but fifty men and has
sixty-two schools on the list :
I'ubiic Schools-High school , .7. 0. Fisher ,
George It. liens , Judge Benson ; It. E.
Palmer Abbler , J. L. Weishans : Ilancroft ,
3. I. i'Ierson Cans , Dr. 'tV , II. Christie :
Castellar , Major 3. II. Furny ; Central , Major
T. S. Ciarkson ; Clifton 11111 , Ceorge C. lion-
ncr ; Columblan , Judge S. I. Cordon ; Comen-
ius , It. l. I'atrick Davenport , T. L. Hull ;
Dodge , Captain \V. J. liroatch ; Druid 11111 ,
Dr. It , M. Stone ; Dupont , J. W , Thompson ;
Farnhm , Judge Jacob Fawcett ; Forest , Wt
w. Eastman ; Franklin , 'F. 11. Leslie ; GibSon -
Son , 1. Ii. Jolinson Kellom , rror. J. A.
Gillespie ; Lake. Judge Leo stelle ; Leaven-
worth , 11ev. T. J. Mackay ; Lincoln , Her , L.
F. flritt Long , James S. France ; Long
Annex , Simeon Illoom ; Lothrnu , Judge L.
II. Bradley ; Mason , D. M. Ilaverly : Omaha
View , Li , A. harmon ; Pacific , Colonel C.
F. Weller ; Park , li. U. Dali ; Saratoga , J. H.
Pierce Sherman , Dr. A. Swartzlander ;
Train , J. W. Nichols ; Vlnton , Jonathan Edwards -
wards ; Wnln'it 11111 , Dr. James H. Peabody -
body ; Webster , John Joffcoat ; West. Side ,
H , H. Durbin and J. W. Penny ; Windsor ,
Colonel C. S. Chase ; Bobson , A. 0. MeAns-
land ; Dundee , Dr. II. C. Van Oleson ; Deaf
and Dumb Institute , Dr. A. J. Cook.
Catholic ncliools Academy of Sacred
Heart , Burt street , John Jefcont ( ; Acadrrny
of Sncret heart. Twenty-seventh and St.
Mary's avenue. Rev. T. J. Mackay ; Crcigli-
ton college , Jiulgo W. S. Strawn ; Hoiy Fan-
ily , C. k Burmestr Immaculate Concep-
tton , Judge lienson ; Mt. St. Mary's Seminary -
nary , Major 3. 13. Furay ; St. Catharina's
academy , Dr. It. M , Stone ; St. James' or-
phaiiago , . .1.V. . Simpson ; St. John's , Dr. Jo.
sepli NcvllIo St. Joseph's , J. A. Cuncaden ;
St. Mary Magdalen , 13. It. Ball ; St. Pat-
rich's , Major J. 13. Furay ; St. Peter's , D. M.
Ilaverly St. Philomena's. Dr. S. D , Mercer -
cer ; St. Wenceslaus , II. S. Gillespie.
Mee ( lug lii tcndciifor Yesterlln ) ut
South ( ) , iinlizt Iict , iOt
A meeting of the Live Stock Shippers' association -
sociation of Nebraska was to have been holti
yesterday afternoon at the Exchange build-
log anti though it had been extensively ad-
vortisetl , the shippers of the state failed to
respond in sufficient numbers to make the
holding of a meeting any object. W. It.
Thurber anti A. M. Daniels , who have been
at the yards for the last two tlays making
arrangements for the meeting , were naturally -
rally somewhat disappointed at the turn of
affairs , but they did their part , and diti it
ve1l , anti all that ircvcnted the meeting
from being a great success was the lack of
attuntlance. The commission inca were also
tlisappointeti. as they had arrangeti a ! : dab-
orate banquet for a huntired or more ship-
porn who did Hot materialize. The only
Inn ! ! in any way connected with the enterprise -
prise who appeared entirely satisfied was thu
general manager of the Union Stock Yards
company. lie had agreed to furnish a banquet -
quet In the company's dining hail , to which
shippers were to be admitted without charge.
while each commission man was to pay for
his own plate. The commission men caine
to the front to the extent of $78 , while the
dcadheds did not show up to any extent.
.JiiJao iIsINle'r it Petinily on a
Stitt ! Oiitilin 31ait , 1'Iio hut !
Gnuuulfluig FixtureM.
Another of the South Omaha gambling
cases has been disposed of Ia the county
court , August Paiiez having bee : : fined 5O
am ! costs on the charge of setting up gao-
Iding devices and held untler bonds to answer
in the district court to the charge of keeping
gambling rooms. Frank Swanson , charged
jointly with Papez , has been released , and
the cases again3t lila : dismissed. it having
becu : proved to the satisfaction of the court
that lie 'van not one of the guilty parties.
The gambling cases on trial before County
Judge Baxter grew out of a rjiid made by the
sheriff on the night of April 18 last , at which :
time a number of the houses were visited
anti a number of arrests made ,
I.tus1'zire to % 'ttsI , I uugtnui , U , C. ,
July 3t1 , 4th , 5th anti 6th excursion tickets
\Vashuingtoui will be sold via l'cnnsylvania
Linen from Chicago account the National
Jlucatloutl ! atsociatiou : meeting. The how
rate will be open to nil. For special tutor-
mnation apply to II. It. Lering , A , 0. P. Agt , ,
248 South Clark St. . Chicago ,
San : ' ! Burns Is selling a hotel toilet set
and jar , $1.98.
, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
. .
IhiItIt1 T'ii 1P1u t 29. .1S9.
r1'J'1 '
u . AliCt a Good Otie
: : .UAND. .
. Leaves Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:10 : P. M.
, Arrives St. Joseph. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:45. : P. M.
$ Arrives St. j..ouis. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:19 : A. . lvi.
, 0
I Ticket Office- Depot-
I $502 $ Farilafli St. torn and Mason Sts ,
L t % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
( (
Today a Grand Lot of Now Silk and
Dress Goods Bemnant ,
Neer liefore Were We In Snail a For-
tomato 1'OsttiOfl 50 Offer Mmmcli liar-
gnlns in hmniuorters' Snuiphe
Huids , ltejnnuintu , Mill Eumih ,
Silk mnousselin do soles In beautiful corn-
binations of colors , light and ( lark grountis ,
small and large floral designs , for dress
fronts , chultlren's dresses and mtliinery
purpo'u's , actually worth 75c yard , on nalQ
in remnants at 11c yard.
Waist patterns of moussehin do oio silk ;
these are matched up remnants , each pattern -
tern containing four yards , worth $3.dO , en
abhing a lady to make an entire waist , On
nle , the entire p'tttern at 59c.
A fresh lot just receIved from the ctmtoin
Strictly all wool , silk and wool , checketi ,
plaid , striped nod plain colored dress goods
in bright shatlea of red , blue , creapi , includ-
lug black , plwayn four pieces to match and
worth : $2.00 a yard , go In two lots at lc
and 28c Per remnant.
$ i.oo ; SILK REMNANTS AT 390 , 230 , bC ,
tic AND C.
lhIgh3st class silks ever placed on sale on
cur remnant counters , value $5.00 3d. , go in
remnants , according to size of ulcer , itt 39c ,
25c , lOc , 5c and 2o tntiro remnant. This
lot includes large elaborate brocatles in three
and four toned shadings , gold. silver anti
tinsel woven brocaden , plakic , checks and
rancy stripes.
ltemnnnts of black silk in large brocades ,
small woven designs , plain icau do nok ,
gros grains , etc. , for fancy work , trimmings ,
shopping bags , nil sizes , at 5c , be and 25c
per reironot.
An immense collection of cotton goods
remnants on sale today for the first time.
One bargain counter of all kinds of white
goot1 , lawns , India linens , long cloth , etc. .
worth up to 12c , go at 24c yard.
One immense counter of all kinds of
standard tlrcss prints , 3/ac yard.
One immense counter of nil kintis of corn-
forter prints , 2 ½ e yard.
One big table of fancy drapery denim
remnants , 8 ½ c yard ,
One inimnenso lot of' heavy alain colored
denim , the 25c kind , in remnants , at 1c
One big lot of all kinds silkalino rem-
liants , 3'c yard.
: ic inch : wide light colored percale remnants -
nants , tic yard.
One big counter French percale remnants ,
light and dark cclors , at 8,4c , worth 12 ½ c.
One large lot of fancy corded ginghams ,
the 20c kind , In remnants at 6i4e yard.
One large lot dotted swiss and fancy plaid
white goods rennants , go mt 8c yard ,
One lot of fruit of the loom muslin , on
sale in the afternoon only , 5c yartl ,
One inmmneimse lot of good standard 7e
bleached muslin , on sale all day long , at
:3 : ½ c yard.
On big bargain square of remnants of all
kinds of lawn , dinilty , organdy , in long
lengths , worth up to 25c. go at be yard.
All the balnnce of the remnants of damaged -
aged carpet , long mind short lengths , ma-
quetto , wjlton , nxrninster. brussels , etc. ,
etc. , all go at lOc for entire piece.
lGlt and Douglas.
LtLv'ers l'resentinur Their 'Views ci'
( lie lc'ldi'uuee OITevet to
the Jury.
When the criminal section of tIme district
court convened yesterday morning it waa
expected that the Kastner case would lie
subnitted to the jury before the evening
adjournment , but when that hour arrived
there was one moore speech to be made. An-
sistant County Attorney Jeftries opened for
tIme state and was followed by Attorneys
Kiikenncy and Ititchie for the defense , the
latter occupying the time from the middle
of the afternoon until the adjournment.
This morning County Attorney llaldrige will
close for the state.
The first and only witness calleti yesterday
was Joseph Kastner , who vcnt upon the
stand In his own behalf , for further cros-
exaainntion , amid was asked concerning his
resit1ence in this nnd other s'eatorn states.
lIe said that ho had lived in both Nebraska
and Wyoming. I1 nIna admitted that he
had been arrested on the charge of stabbing
with intent to kill , but upon the trial had
beemi convicted of assault and battery , anti
had paid a floe of $ O and the costs of pros-
An attenipt was made to offer evidence on
a passport , found at tje Kasctner house , but
Ute offer was ruleti out , though : Knstner ad-
mnltted that time paper in question was found
in the pocket of am : old coat that lie secured
huhe out gathering rags. The passport re-
terred to describctl a man whose tlescription
compared with that of the elder Kastnei'
anti was issued by German authorities a
number of years ago , In offering this docu-
macnt , the county attorney sought to show
that in Germany the lrisoner was known
by a annie other than Kastner anti that Ue
changed his name after reaching America ,
On the conclusion of the introduction of
tIm evidence Attorney Ilitcljie for tim do-
fenulants stateti to the court that ho was
willIng to suhmit the case without argu-
ment. Time attorneys for the prosecution ,
however , objected , contentiing that it was
better for time interests of both sides to lma'je
a full discussion of time evidence anti tIme
facts simrrountiing the killing. Time court
took the name view of the matter and or-
tleretl time attorneys to proceed ,
II , is tim opinion of many who have (01-
loweil time testimony that time state nade a
nuchm stronger case tItan upon the trial of
August Kastnor , wimo was convicted of the
commission of tIme crime , During the trial
of Joseph anti Louis Knstner , no attempt
was made to explain the presence of guns
in the Kastoer lmono , nor was there an
attempt to show tint mum failing through
the root of the barn wet the clothing that
was Irnmnd hanging upon Pcijlum time structure -
turo time next 'hay after the murder ,
Itmiid 4cuutt Vmnts Jsiuumng's ,
Mauti Scott has brought suit against
Charles Schulank anti John Merritt in an
action wherein bile demands damages at tile
l'mtte of $333,33 i-i : pr hour. She says that
0 ! ! 0 ! ! information issued at time instance of
time defendants slme was arrested and chargeti
with disturbing the peace , After being am'-
rested she says that she was carted to the
police station in the patrol wagon and for
thmrcc lmours was detained there. In addl-
tion to thmts she says that the defendants
failed to prove a case against tier , whmereforo
she asks damages in thin sum ot $1,000 , oh-
heging tiat her reputation lmas been injured
in this simm.
$1 rein Gets ii Ycruiiv ,
In the case of'lhllan : Storm against A.
Rosenberry , tbf jury In Judge ICeysor's
court has found ( or the plaintiff and has
returned a verdIct for $325 antI costs. , 'rho
imlalntiFt was In the. employ of tto defend.
ant while tIme latter was constructing the
addition to the Boston Store , While so cia.
1)1010(1 be fell over some material on one
of thmo doors and bdrt hds foot , lie sued
for damages , coimtending that his Injuries
were due to Ilme negligence of the defendant -
ant in not keeping the floor clear of oh-
Crn'nor.l's Cnu. Got'N Over ,
'Iho Case of Frank Crawford against he
City of Omaha , called before Judge Scott.
hmtS gone over ( or the time being , with a
ProSPect that there will be no Haal action
during bo pro5ont term of court ,
'rho city aQub-1t to tear dcwn the feilco
. ,
* - ; - ' -
that surrounds thO UmiIversity park , whereupon -
upon , Crawford ecmuetl a temporary restraining -
straining order. The ease was to have been
heard on the appikatton to make the order
permanent , but lt'wnj pnscd and the restraining -
straining order is continued , In force.
Ethel Eddy seeks a divorce from her
husband , MartIn Eddr , alleging failure to
support , She avern that he Is a strong and
healthy man , but-w1l not rok and earn
funds sufficient for - time support of the
family ,
l'urley Evans would divorce himself from
his wife , Addle Rvzmmm $ . For a cause of
action , he aiiegcdilthat simo has deserted
his bed and board aqti refuses to return.
% nteN ( If the Court.
k , Rachman has brought suit against F , ,
F. , L'rInu , alleging time wrongful detention
of a small brewery out on Sovonteentlm
street , lIe asks for damages in the summi of
Alexander MacDonald , the city garbage
contractor , has filed a showing In which ho
denIes timat ho has violated any rules of the
court in the liomiry Combs case , who secured -
cured an injunction restraining Maclonnld
fron : interfering with him in the conduct of
liii bunlnesi' .
in tlme case of time State of Nebraska
against the Omaha National flank the tie.
fendant imas fileti a motion askimig that time
terms of time Petition be made moore cer-
tam. Time suit grows out of ( lie defalcation
of exStnto Trcasurcr Hartley , who drew a
check on thin bank , it being alleged timat time
lirocceds of time check represem'ited state
moumey and that the same was lZtitl to hart.
hills of l'nre In PNlioumnhIe lies.
Time question has been mooted over and
over again vhether the engrattiumg of French
anti German dishes upon time bills of fare of
the better class of American restaurants is or
Is not aim inmprovemncut , Many lmretenti timat
before their introduction our cooking was
coarse , barbaric. Timls Is aim open question ,
but. no bill of fare presents attractions to the
dyspeptic , but they , like the bilious , inn-
inrious atmtl versons with weak kidimeys , can
be curetl by Ilostetter's Stonmaci : flitters.
lI.tYllN lilies ,
Sei' I'rIeesfi l'riIn ) ' .
Mcii's balbriggan simlrts anti drawers , in
plain and fancy colors , 25c eaclm ; the finest
assortnment of colored shirts , wortlm up to
$2.00 , at 90c ; nen's fine percale shirts with
laundered collars anti cufis , worth : 75c , at
2cc ; inca's working slirts , ii : nil colors , at
SIc anti tOe : men's 25c suspenders.12m.c ;
mdl's tine seamless sox , torth ltc , at 3
pairs for 25c ; ladies' fine rests in all colors ,
worth 25c , at 12'c.
Saturday at Ilayden's ; see them in the wIn-
Tlmrtia one-peund loaves of home-made
bread for lOc : 10 liars Diamond C soap ( or
25c ; 3-pouuil cans solid packed tonatocs ,
Tm,4e. new sugar corn , ier caim , only Oc ; cauly
Jumme pens , string bcnmmn. wnx beamn or limit
beans , large camms , for ac ; condensed milk ,
per caim , only Sc ; Java and Moiitt coffee ,
worth 30c Pound , 20c ,
New grass butter , iOe , lie and 12m/c ;
fancy dairy butter , 13c anti 14c ; extra
fancy separator crenqicry , 14c and 15c ;
best cleamnery butter , 1Cc.
Transniisshasippl headquarters ,
'l'uIltIML hubs
via the Union Patific to the famous sunrner
resorts In Colorado , Utah , California ,
Idaho , Montana anti Oregon.
For rates and advertising matter call at
cIty tchtct office. No. 1302 Farnam st.
1T Tl1I UOThS.
J , V. Oliver of Huron , S. D. , superin.
tendont of time iakota division at the North-
westei'im , am'rived ii : Omaha last night after
having traveled over a large part of South
Dakota. Mr. Oliver says that time state
never was in as tiourishing a condition as
it Is at the presemit tlune. Crops of all kinds
are im : the best possible shape. Wheat is
ilanted more extensively that : formerly , 'amiti
59 far the seasou : has been all that couli ,
be ticciroti to vroducc a big yield. With
wheat at a fair price , eveui if it does not
stay at time present pbenanenally high : figure ,
Mr. Oliver thinks that time Dakotas will
cumjoy the nest prosperous year in their Imis-
tory. Corn is also raised extensively in
time southern part of Soimthm Dakota , anti time
vrospect for a good yield is very iiattcring.
South Iakota was formerly a summall graim :
state , anti confined itself to that class of
products almost entirely. Of late years the
farumers have emigaged in stock raising to a
considerable extent , autl as a result the
crops of the state have become more warietl
to provitle stock food , In Mr. Oliver's
opinion this change hits been of great advantage -
vantage to time state in timat a failure of
crop in a state which : is given over to one
product alone is more disastrous timam : where
the products are varied ,
! 'er'euui l'vruuim'ruuihs ,
Senator Murphy of Gage county is in time
H , P. Stithi of Chicago is stopping at the
Herman Kountzo left yesterday on an east-
era trip.
A. H , ICrauss of Wymore is a guest at
the Barker.
Eugemme Speyer of Pittsburg , Pa. , can be
ftlId , at the hiui'hcr.
D. B. Zimmerimman of Dickenson , S. D , ,
is stOiiiflg ) at the Barker ,
Mrs. Freticrick P. Rutherford of Lincoln
sIlent Timurstlay in Ommalua ,
B. S. Weheim and I ) . 5 , Lake of Simnam-
doaiu. ha. . are at the h3arker ,
C , C , Bucknell , a merchant and formeriy
pcstmaster at Alvo , Neb , , Is making a short
visit in the cIty.
Cimiqulta , the Cuban atom , who is to he
one of time attractions in ilagenback's simow
0mm time Midway , is rcgistercti at time Murray.
\v , 0. Temple , one of time owners of time
Holy Terror nilmuti at icadwood , togotier
: i iOu hum fanmlly , is sterding a few days in
William Matimiesen of Auburn , L. N. Le-
Valley of Wakefield. G. W. hCctciuen of llast-
logs. J , I' . 1)nicy of Sciiuyler are state guests
at limo Barker.
v. 11. licetl , div.ilioq superintendent ; Vt' .
I , Midler , general tlbkqt agent ; II , M. l'Ilng-
Icr , chief mneclmtmuicnl iqspt'ctor , arc Pullnman
officials in Omaha.
Vt' . It. Dummmu and wife of Plmiladelphia arc
visiting i'ostmnaster Euclid Martimm , Mr ,
Dunn is aim old iwrsomil and political frieumd
of tie postmaster ,
Jolmmi Canmeron ot'Tekpnnlm has been spend-
log a few days 1mm ttiuq city anti made use of
the opportunity t caji upon a few of his
olul ummirersity , ( rientiui.
Colils P. hiuntipgo1 ; , president of the
Southmcrn Pacific i titay , and a party of
friends vemit through Onalma yesterday in
the private car Oocomma.
it is reported tiitt Mrs. B. S. linker is con-
sitier.ulmlt' hmettor auuiithmimt tie chmaimces for her
rcvovery nrc gremmtcr t4.mam : at any time during - '
ing time Inst few ( lz6 , however , she is still
very sick ammtl mis a result of her critical con-
dillon Iutlgc Baker hiss adjourned his court
until next Tuesday morning ,
Nebraskans at hotels ; C , C. Bayes. Seward -
ard ; J , A. W'atland , ilarvartl : F' . W , Barber ,
hastings ; A , U. lCeim , 'tV. ' 6 , flourne. H , C.
\Vchcb Beatrice ; F , A , Plait , Grand Islamud ;
II. luger , St , Paul ; 0. D. hiagerimman , Boil
DooliumVymore ; ii. I , Converse , Simickley ;
William : : Ehiright , North Platte : D. H. Crnnm ,
Lexington ; J. A. Ohm , ur. , J , A. CIlia. Jr. ,
Ord ; George if. Smith. Peimder ; II , C , Vat-
son. Kearney ; A. I ) . Soars , Fremout ; Wil-
lard Kimball and wife. Lincoln ,
makes strong the weak and the strong
stronger , The pure nutrinmeat of malt and
hops , Mait-Nutrinu is ireiarcd by the ( a-
mnous Anlmeuser.h3UsCh Brewing Ass'n. which
fact guarantees the purIty , excellence and
uerlt c1mmmued for It.
. .
- ' -
hIoNtOfl hibore mimmys lit Cn..c.s J.Immen
lIrct't Prom tuil Stun.
One of our firm , together ith otir New
York representative and an abundance of
spot cash. Cotisulmnnmated a uleiti of the greatest -
est mngnltmmde , 21 canes of linen selzd by
the ammthoritle , , for non'payment of dutics ,
was sold at vublic tuuction , sight mmnscen , to
time highest bidtler , and we captured the cm : .
tire lot , the biggest bargain that It lies
been our good fortune to secure.
'rho lot consists of 12 cases of cli klntls
of dnimtusk , buck , hemmed and fringed
3 cases of bleached ammul tmnbleached nap-
klns , ( ron : time cheapest to time fluent quality.
4 cases of all kinds of table damask , tin-
blemiched , German , Scotch , double satin
damask , and mmmany of the finest grades of
bleneheui damask produced ,
2 cases of all kinds of crash toweling.
, To give you a slight Insight to the bargains -
gains which 901 ! flmIt expect , look at the
towels now ( llsplnyed in our front show
window , they are the regular 21c , 35c anti
&Oc towels. i'romptiy at U o'clock Sattu-day
flaming they will be placcil Oil sale , at
150 each.
16th anti Douglas.
llO % ' A , VAht IS FOIJGII'l' .
'l'lie Chuutmig's Iii * hieMflhl ( ? ( if Vmurfnre
hlI.istrn tu.d Ii ) ' Pictures.
_ If you wish to properly understand tIme
tai' news , If ) 'oi wish to have a definIte
knowiedge of naval nflnirs and time events
that are occurring in the East amid West
Indies you can secure no better , no more
reliable source of imiformumation them : tlmo
official plmotograplms of time United States
mmnvy , just isuetl by tle : Omaha lice , Time
irlce is only 26 cents , 011(1 iflOm'O valuable
anti timely Informathoum is-us never offered
far the immone3' , It is on smile at The Omaha
lice eoummting.roouns , or Iii be sent to ammy
atitlress om : receipt of price.
The hook consists at nearly 200 images of
'ica's mantle by E. hi , ilart , naval lhioto-
grapimer , anti time list of subjects embraces
everything of interest pertnimmimmg to our
mmav9' , of Which every Ammericam : is justly
lmroutl. First t'itimin tIle covers of this imiter-
osting work commmes a macp sixteemm tinmes as
large as the book itself , simowluig on ammo
side the SiumnIsh Possessions , anti all ntl-
jacent territory , while on the other sitlo
the East limtllnuu Possessions are sImilarly
treated. Steammmshiiu lines , vithm time ( his-
tances intervemming between different Imoints ,
are shown , and a chose study of these imummims
vihl give one a thorough ummtlerstanthimmg of
this territory , in regard to which time interest -
terest of the American public is now at
fever bent.
Themi follow more than 200 rare pictures
of the navy , its officers and equipument. Time
views ore all aumthentlc. and are the Intent
official photogrnplms o ( our torpetlo boats ,
torpedo boat destroyers , cruisers , battle-
ships. gunboats , monitors , rams , dynammulte
cruisers , dispatch vessels , anti otimer war
craft , time whole eunboilying aim nuthentic
nortrnyal of time Americami navy an it exists
today. A conipleto descriptioum of the construction -
struction , displacement , size , speed , batteries -
teries , armor , crew and cost of each boat.
will enitbie time reaicm to forim : an mu-curate
estimate of our Ilghmtlmg strength. Included
witl : these uro imitotograpims of time leatlimmg
Spanish omen-of-war , also fully described.
By far time most interesting nortions of tie
book arc views of time Maine. taken before
thmc disaster in Havana harbor , simowing time
imfe nimU diselphirc aboard a battleship , to-
getimer with : portraits of time officers anti
crc : ' ; , supilemmenteti by plotogrupims takem :
after time explosIon , depicting time ( livers at
work , and other ircidemmts in connection
with : 0mm sati nnd memorable event ,
Timis work cam : he obtained by cutting a
coupon froun page two , anti brimmgimmg it to
Time Bee office , Ormmahn , 'flie lice bimlitling ;
South Omaha , Twenty-fourth and N streets ;
Limmcohmm , 102J 0 street ; Council Bluffs , 10
I'earl street. By mail 4 ccmmts extra for
lostage , Atidress Navy Pluotograph Depart-
macnt , Ommiahma lire.
liotli ItOutlIttil b ) ' Vouiteii.
A , S. Anabie , a traveling nan , was stroi-
hog through tile city early yesterday mnorum-
immg with a friemmd. At 3 a. mm. timey passeti
through time alley bt'ttveCu : L"arnanl and
Jouias streets on Fiftecntl : nnd met two
would : midway of time block. Time ncn
separated , each with an acquaintance , anti
Anablo eondtmcted his companion to a saioon
emi Douglas street for refrealmunents. After
lie had parted company : rithm tie wonamm he
observed that $60 , just received to cover his
. lie coin-
expense account , was missing.
rilained to the police , hut mme arrests have as
yet been mantle.
Robert Canp , a waiter , met vith a sinmilar
experience last night at the house of Nainie
Potts , 2i2 Nortim Nintim street. lie was invited -
vited into her parlor and listened to pleasant
mimmmsie. On his departure him nccommntn We'C
shmort $10 amid thm wonun was arrested to
mtuswcr to time clmmmrge of theft.
: j' culti coLt ) I : ' . oAJ DAY
Take L/LIXQt1VC Lmromo Quinine Tablet. : . All
drugglitta retummmi tie mnoiei' if it tabs to cure.
21c. The genuine has L. B. Q. en each tablet ,
hlUIliiNi'L' ( ) hLOU'Vl1.
191t.O ( ) tim leumver timial htttu.rii.
June 5 antI 6. TIckets good 30 thays.
l3urhitgton trains for Iemmver leave Omnalma
-1:35 : p. in. anti 11:95 : p , mm.
Special train for Ioa and Nebraska doe-
torn attending annual meeting Amuericamm
Mctiicai nssoeiatioim at Denver June 7-12.
leat'e' Omaha 3:10 p. in. Jtmmme 5 , connect-
tag at Lincoln with the "Journal" train.
lmnving on board time pripeipal physicians at
Chicago amid time eastern states , Sleeping
car reser'atiomis cam : be mantle now. Call or
write J. B. Reynolds , City l'assengcr Agent ,
Burlington Route , 1502 Farnaim : St. , Omaha ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
Cli It'mmgo , St. i'nuil , ll , smicupoiiu .t
OiimuIiii mtuuil-n , ' .
Account opening ( lay TransmisshssiPPt Exposition -
position at Omaha Juno 1St time above rail-
wny will run special trains leaving Bloom-
tielti 5 a. a : . ; llartlngten 5:45 : a , mm : . ; Nets'
Castle C a. ma. ; Norfolk 6:15 : a. n : , mind Sioux
City 6:55 : a. m. , arriving Onmalma 11:00 : a. in.
Hate t'thl ho on ijtii ; at one coot per mile
in each direction. Returning leave Onmtima
1:30 : p. m , Jimmie 20 , On Juno 1st timere will
1)0 run another special train henvimmg Wayne
0:05 : a , mu. ; Emerson 605 a. n : . , mmmakiimg
' , , , " . . , ' + , .1I etnt1on between Emnornoli nnti
Ii ; . :30 : a. m. Bate on
this train will be one cent per mimile in ench
tilrectloml , ltettmrfling timis train will leave
Omaha 11:16 : p. a : . Juurme 1st. stopping at all
stationt anti arrive Wmmync 3:45 : mm , ni , These
ciut'np excursion tickets wIll be good only
on special trains nit advertist'ti ,
'rhic' lihlIitrmI list ! ! ruuiil ItIuih's Very' unit's for time OncuiiIiW lti' .
'lime TrammsnlisslsSiPPi and Iimterumattomiiil
Exposition will open ii : mmli its granticur cmi
Juno 1st. Timi' Fremnont. Eikiormm & MIs-
noun VnileY IL. It. lmmive msnnoutmceil very
low rate , for this opening tiny. itntl will run
special trains freumi ioints within 150 mIles
of Qrnaiut. Sec the mearent cmgom:1 of time
rtbovo naimmeti road for further particularS ,
J. It. Iliehmanan. General Passenger Agcn.
SI , Imur"N Ave. Comigi't'ituit iumi'i Cliii reim
Friday , the 27th , from 3 to 10 o'clock , p.
mn. Musical prograni afternoon anti oven-
log ; Misa Terry itiiii others.
Atiimhssion 25 centS ,
meats ,
. , . , . . , . . .
I _ _ _ - - - Mmost
a i Sampson
' Strike
I _ _
. .
. ' itt
- . mind ien't'
, ioiILtlm
t ! .L.r-
- ' - sti'Iku fore
, our store and buy tintt watch : ? We
t carry a gooi tine-all mnnkes and
priecs-and you kumow our relmulttttlumm
for rehittbuiitl' . Now-before vuation
I -would be a good time to hmnvo your
watch put in order. No Lmctt'r work.
men in Omaha.
I The Jewolar , 1516 UoiigIa4
.4.e . . . . . . . . .
. 33cc , May 25 , 'N.
537/r1 im. .
Sonic peole eliow tlicr 1)atriotLSlll in 0110 way and
501110 in another , niid salirn keel ) theirs locked p iii
their 1)050111 BohliewlIere-it iii't for liow. About
teti ( lays ago a patriotic clothing maker of New York
Offel'Cl 115 ft large quantity of sei'ge suits "Inado up
to retail for tell ( lOllal's , " at the inal1 SHill of three
(1OlLIll'3 1111(1 75 cents a suit' ' . lie was a patriotic cuss.
1-Ii excuse for ofreriiig them at this low price was ,
' 'at tills time when sacrifices of all kiiid are 1U order -
der nild Q\Villg to the great dullness ill buslitess
9..L ! itccouiit of the \var , etc. , etc. We ( licIil't ' take
the suits.'e could'tmuster up patr'iotisin eiiouglt
to 1)l'Otit by our country's plight , and besides we hap.
lCllC(1 ) to know that these sanie shills wore IflaTC up
for a large castoi'ii 1101150 ful(1 were rejected for iiot
being able to shuid the iieid. test which all roIutablo
Jioues ellIplOy. 1-lu 501(1 ( the suits just the same ,
' .I'hei'e u'e plelity of houses iii the couutty t1iat (1Ou't ;
Cale tell COlits for tests anti that are just 1)atrioti
eiiough to take advtiitage : of Silido ofreriugs so as to
be alle to advertise ' tten ahll twelve doflar suits , in
1oya I)1UC serges , for stlo ; tOihlOrrO\V at $0. ) E. ' 11io
Nebraska sei'ge are sti'aiglit ; goods , fully tested. 1111(1 (
warranted , iUhl we have theni in several diltertiiit
gl'alcs from 13. SO ( howli to 0. 50 , and sonic even low-
CI'Ve have 1)leIitY of ' ( Jill , too. 'tVliat we are af-
tel' 110W 15 Pe01)lO to ' 'iiielt" 'Clfl away.
I "
Yc ? cci ilways Ji'ud the new in .Lzcc Cur-
cziiis here-b ; ' one of our serong j5oiius is
ZL' ( ) kCeJ5ie new-anoier is the low j5'i'ccs
we make on
Sonic new Litce Ctmi'talns-Louis
xi V-real imamitl flmamO limttteumhnmrg
( ( h jc-tmm : en ii ro Iy mm ew I I umu mtmmtl
vt 3' ( hesirablt ) as jut-
lt.ur cmmrtalims- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- Other pnttet'ms w'itim i'ctl Bat-
tcuuimirg , lmmtertiouis itt 14.O0
mtmmti it , , low as. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
'I'Itc miess' 'firirt ; Lace CurtaIns
-So time I h i I 1mg ( icchtledl y no w mummil mioveh ,
Iiems' I ly 'L'ui mumbotmmcorilc'dium w Ii I Iii
( 'Cmli tutu Ivory. itt I1.OO ,
* 5.50 ttmmd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
In Iim'tissclis Lace Ctirtains-WTc
show time mmew elIcctc 1mm hiococo amid
corded tleshgims , .mt HD.OO ,
$12.00 anti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
These stu'Ucing novelties can be
seen no s'hero else ii : Omaha ,
Needle Cases Saturday
\Vishing to emmcourngo time int1utrial spirit
which lit muoss' reu rife-we hmitil mmext Sttimr- :
h'ATICON vhtl : nub
( lit ) ' lmresent each LADY
of timose PrettY imoetlie CllSCm44Sh'FOlt IT.
IIILTC i'ltlC'ES SA'i'Litl.t V.
Regular Price Our iu-ICC.
25c Vermomit Root fleer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lie
$1.00 ileef , Iron mnd WImic . . . . . . . . . . . . 4tte
& ( Ic Iiorsfoii'b Acid Phosplmate . . . . . . . . 340
25c Thonpsolm4 Cimerry l'imospimattu . . . . He
Easter Violet Perfume , per box. . . . . . . . 25e
file Laxative h3rono-Qmminine we sell. , . . 14c
25c Wright's Myrrh Tootit Soap . . . . . . . He
25a I'ackern' Tar Soap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14c
25c hiahiemitino's iiemeiies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . He
25c ( 'umimpimor Ice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lie
25c Pierce's Purgative PiII' . . . . . . . . . . . . . lie
\VootibUry'B Fecial Soap . . . . . . . . . . . . lie
25c Borax Tar Soap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14c
20 Farimma Cologne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lie
500 l'yranld : l'iio Cure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . He
10c Stuart's iymupepsia Toilets . . . . . . . . 32c
i0c Syrup of Figs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . He
$1.00 Pinkimamms Comnpoumd : , . , . . , . . . . . . 69c
Sherman&McConnell Drug Oo
( loittlun , web , iiiii : hiihIO.
Time Middle of the Block Druggists ,
_ . _ _
- -
Vjthi Net-li : a v.trlety of pat-
I drum" , bO Imulie.t , syitie. by thu
yarti-'J5e ' 2Cc omit ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
IIni'miess Ntt-
fly time yard-flOe. 43e 35
mmtl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Elflhm'OidCl'Cd Sw'iss Muslim-
No iv I mc nor itt ! ltmlm4-t mLlmmhotm m- ethgewitio
C iii bmoidttry-i ut ( lilt S ilil ii Ilgmmte'i.
by thin ymtr.l , at l2"uc' , amd
Ito , lOe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tip
1)ottcd S'Ls Mtishiii-
3d immehmes -42 lumcll's
wide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . witie . . . . . . . . .
FrIhlcd i'ilumsil mm Cni'tains-
S ymirtls iummg-chiolcu huti-
torus itt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S
Huiffled Fish Net Curtains-
: hong- 1.50
& WHi1EI1
ORCHARD l4I4-I4I6-l48
CARPET Co. , . Douglas St.
FLAGS. . . . . .
, -FOh SALi.
hluive Voum' hiulidlugs
lt'eirutt'd Sm y t lie .
J : uil : linnrti. 't'houie 21(11 (
- _
. . . MANITh'ACTIJRED BY . . .
illYi'i 'l'ilfi X&M } .
E'hiltY FOOT Ott'
Lawn Hose
We sell is guaranteed-thu oriccs range from
7c to 20c per foot.
1:111 it'AliAM S'l' .
, . [ est PeOl)10 in these wal' tilfleE4 thud tlC1I1SO1VC3 )
a trifle weak iii tileir geogi'itplIy 'l'lie old geograjh-
4. ies and atlases are not cohilpietO enough , 'J.'o supply
this deInand there lizts beeii issued
, - A isi of Cuba.
A Map orilaveinn.
A 1'Iup of the lVost Indies.
aDd .i % . ; NInp of t1i 1Vor1d
'rime Map of Cubti ammi time Map of hue \Vcst Indies are each 1lx1 "
Inches ; the Map vi time World Is 21x29 incites , imrlntcd In colors from
the latest maps of hand , McNally & Company. They arc accurate
and complete. _ _
% -
The Bee COilfiOll The Omaha Bee
. ' I i Map of Cuba Coupon.
miti 10 cents wIll get It. Sent
by mall In tube , 14 ceiils. Imti' i
Map of the Wcst Iiidles ,
Address , . MUIOt Polio Rico and c
Map ot the World.
tt C-- ,