Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 27, 1898, Image 6

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: Try Moores ! tock
, Attorncy Jacob SImS I In MttEon City , hi.
r Call aL The ike offlco for Cuban maps , lOc
County Attorney aundcr8 In lied Oak
on. legal busncss ,
Dr. it. 0 , Murlge , the dcntlgt1 removal
: from 319 to 338 Uroa4way.
City Clerk l'hulllpa has rccclvetl three bids
. fx the repairs to the bridge on North Main
The Evans laundry Is ( tin leader in flno
1 work both for color and flnleh. 2O Pearl
' mtreet. I'hono 290.
The stock of liquors arni Fixtures In the
saloon nt. 101 East Broadway have been at.
tached ljy creditors.
Louis Jnchson commercial agent of the
Chicago , Mllwnukce & St. 1'aii railroad was
In the city yesterday.
C. I. . ( atnpbel1 , the ex.achoot teacher
khargcd with serluctioli , secured ball yesterday -
day In the sutn of $500.
Mrs. 1reeinati Knowles and ilnughter of
fleadwood , S. I ) . , are the guests of Mrs.
Fulmer of Ninth avenue.
CatnIn Thatcher. a veteran Missiaslpni
rtenmboat captain is in tim city ( Ito guest
at Dr. George llroin and rantily.
A tiiarrlnge license was lsstkd yesterday
a to Joseph holler. aged 26 and Lenora \VOwl-
, with , aged 22 , itoth of Now York City.
Pound tuastor Dobson drowned forty. two
.Untnggct dogs ) CStVtlfly ( , making about 150
in nil that Ito has destroyed sitio the season
I With a flee coupon flfld 25 cents you can
secure the omtial jhotograIis of the United
States navy at the Council Bluffs omce of
Tue 13cc.
Don't you think it must be a ratty good
laundry that cnn Ilcnso ) so many hundreds
of customers ? Well-thats the "Eagle. "
724 Broadway.
Ucorgo A. McNtitt district passenger
agent of the Missouri , Knnsas & Tcxns rail-
ivay , with iteaciqitarters In Kansas City was
In town yesterilay.
George V. ilayes Iius appealed to tito die-
( net court tlid case In Justice \'icn's court
In whicit ho was lined $5 antI costs for using
. obscene and Illofane latigliage.
Chief of Police ilixhy yesterday gave or-
dora to the vatroimen to ace that the city
I ortlinanco itrohibititig the. riding of bicycles
on the SiIewnIks ( was enforced.
Lr. IJoit Macrae , Jr. , who has been corn-
missioned surgeon of the Third regintetit ,
Iowa National Guard , arrived front Dee
- Moines yesterday to visit his fatally.
foitiotroW ivill be Flower day at 11ev.
DpLong's fllrls Industrial school , and
ci eryboIy Is invited to assist them In
gathering flowers for DecoratIon day.
itI t3leighter. the restaurant cook , ycstcr-
day returned the watch to the young woman
i from whom he had secured it. and vas re-
- leased. 'the case ngttl1bt him will be tilS-
s mlssc.I.
The candy stock and store fixtures of John
Meriatt , at 811 South Main street have been
. seized unIer ( a laritliortVs writ of attachment
aectired by C. L. Neunas , the owner of the
building , to Secure his claim for rent.
, U , C. Carter , lIving at 27Ul Third. avonu ,
xoathe complaint before Justice Burke yesterday -
? day afternoon that a 'J-year-oiI ' ( boy named
Mel Beliltiger bad drawn a knife anti attempted -
tempted to elashi his little 6-year-old daugh-
1 ter nitti a companion while returning from
; 1 'riteVornans Christian Temperance union
: reception announced for title afternoon at
the home of Mrs. hiallenacr , has beeti indefinitely -
; definitely POBtPOIICd us Mis. Plumb , in
whose honor it was to have been held cant -
' t ntt reach hero owing to change of plans bye
o sttto qmtnittee
I lA1bert Binese and Frank Cartwrlght , the
' : two Omaha mcii arrested for disturbIng the
pence on complaint of two women , vito
themselves were arrested for being dlsor-
deny characters are still in custody anti
yesterday the charge of burglary was placed
against their names.
l'1h3 btcycl belottgng to Carl Johnson ,
which was stelen f&oni & In front of the city
Jail Wednesday night , was found yesterday
by i email boy of the Christian Home
lying in the road at tue foot of the cia-
baiikxuont on 3cott street. Appearances
indicated that the wheel had been thrown
down the embankment.
tt Ttic members of time Women's Sanitary
iteltef commission met yesterday arternoon
' at the arniory in time Masonic building and
is packeti a box , which was sent to the boys at
Conip McKinley. The secretary reported
that. the lrocecI5 of thu entertainment given
t \'ednesday night at Itando's hail amounted
II to ttImttit SIt3.
John and Frank Small and \Viil Cohlacott ,
three young fellows , were arrested yester-
( lay and will have a hearing before Justice
l3urko tomorrow on a charge of malicious
mischIef lreferrcd against them by C. P.
Reed of 810 South TwentIeth street. Steed
t charges that the boys tied a rope around
the top of his chimney and thou pulled the
chImney down.
Titcie will ho a meeting of the Council
. flitmn'a Grape Growere Shipping association
I t its 0111cc , 131 East Broadway , Saturday
afternoon , June 4 , at 2 o'clock , to elect a
ticasurer anti tranact other business that
may comae before the nmeitting. At this
meeting It is expected that the association
t viit take some definite action tie to make an
I exhibit at the TransnmIsslssiitl lSXIOSItiOfl
l also as to providing a supply of grapes for
free distribution cit "Grape Day" at the
Thu following order iins written with a
ilow of semithing it to Ailmiral Dewey : Coon-
cii fluffs , in. Totdnmiral Dewey , Stinimilla
Slay , Phil ipiiiiio I sianti s : Si r-Congratuin-
tione oh glylog Alplmonso's soldiers the
worst licking they tier got , It possible
wouhi like you to s imtl too several thousand
pountls of fresh lish fromit Manila by time first
boat. 'rho Ainericaims arc not averse to cat-
log fittim trout those ivatere mmciv so iommg as
Uncle Sam rules over that domain , J. Sulli-
inn , the iroeer , 343 Broadway.
C. B. Viavi Co. , female reined ) ' ; consultation -
tion free. 0111cc hours , 0 to 12 timid 2 to iS ,
I teal tim hook furnisimetl , 32'-327.328 ) Mer-
rlani block.
Money to loan emi city itroiei ty , Kinno ,
N. 'V. Pluinimimig conmpany , Tel. 250.
\'ill Slodetmtopt bus lurcimasetl a League
bicycle from Cole & Cole.
- Tlmi its the time of year that lmnrclivarQ Is
in. t1lnaitIi. : There Is one idaco in tOivfl
't'hero you aresurn to be suhtetl in minytlmiig
you want in that line. Thntplaco is Peterson -
son & Scitoening's , in the Merriam block ,
Furniture is a staple article for time lmonw ,
\Vlmeii buying anything in that hue careful
attention slioulti be given so that you can
secure ( lie bc'bt gf'(1 ' for your mooney. Your
attemitiott 1i eiilkd to time large stock of
furniture iiow on hand at time big store or
l'ctersoim & icltoeiitng , in the Merriam
block. The gootis arc itew , up to data and
tlmcir irices tire tuarhed to thu lowest tour-
gin , ( live tlteii : a cell ,
lti'iil Estiitt' 'VrniisCer.
Tue following transfers were flied yesterday -
day In the title , abstract and loan ottico of
3.v , Squire , 101 Pearl street ; ,
iIary iIrkwootl ittiti litmiband to
David W. Kennetly , siv se 36-
76-44 , 'w ii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,000
Joimnminti C. Fretlerickson and iitmsbat ad
to Aittma Maria Nelson1 mt nel,5 1-76-
43 , anti immirL niv'4 ' imis 33-77-43 , ( I C , , 300
1rtink F , 11(301 anti wife to Jnn3es
'it , 1 liii , 2' acres In sc'4 tmvi. 24-
73-11 , ci C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , I
Jaunts It , hlili to Belle lloyd , 2,4
acres in ec' iic 24-75-11 , iv ii . . . . . . 1,250
1)111(3 Ihyii mind liushnimd to Janice B.
liii , , iv 31 ( oct lot 3 , block 4 , GrImes'
ttdtl. iv ii. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,250
lTheritt to Leonard Bverctt , executor ,
% r ne'4 23.77.1 ? . ii ( i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 609
jufus 1' . Joimneton anti wife to Mitt-
ctry Jormul , tlimtl1 f ill lots In
hughes & Ioniplman'H rnitl , q e. . . . 525O0
1ittartl J. Kueclilo tutu wife et iii to
it , i. . J'urmmer , untl of 123 lots In
iImiciies & 1)onlphan'll admi , q e. . , 4,200
71Inetry .Ionemi ummt wife to H. 10. Tur-
tier , Utmtlj $ of 1i2 lots in hughes &
Ionlphnfl N atltI1 1 0 , , . . . . . . . , , . , - . ,
1no transfers , total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S,3tO
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Judge Smith Decides Three Disputed Real
Thtatc Transfers ,
! eI,1eiiIoi.f 1utitP Iitoleii iii 0mb nimil
t rirotliers' JI4PIICMICIL(1 itt ( ito
oUter - 5itnr of the
'rrn it e 0 (3 t I ii ii s.
In the district court yesterday Judge Smith
hmandeth down Imis decision in two casts 1n
rolvimig time title to a coimsiderablo portion
of the property formerly comprising the es-
tale of the late William F. Seitlentopt. The
titles of the cases wore J. 'tV , hlannan
against \V. F' . Seldentopt and others anti C.
It. hlanntmn , receiver of the Kimball-Champ
Investment company against the same de-
fentlants and the same qimestions were in-
volvcd In each ,
The iroperty in controversy hail been purchased -
chased by the pisintiffs at elmeriff's sale on
foreclosure stilts brought against Seidon-
topf. Under the law the plaintiffs were entitled -
titled to deeds In one year after the sale ,
tIle statue also providing that time sale constituted -
stituted notice to the public for sixty days
after the maturIng of tho.right to take a
dccii , This sixty days expired and ( ho
iiialntifts tttiicd to take a ( iced. Seideimtopt
and his sister after ( lie expiration of the
sIxty days npltl the vroperty to a party who
iii turim , it is alleged , sold It to Thomas Ma-
loncy. Tile question involved Is whether ( lie
sale amid purchase were bona fide transactions -
tions , but from the evidence it appeared ( limit
Maloney hntl pimrchnsed time imropcrty without -
out , oven iooklimg at It , anti had paid , or Is
alleged to hare paid , but $400 $ for it , whcreO.s
time rent value of it is at least $3,000. Judge
Smnitim decided in time negative anti Yield fertile
tile plaintiffs making time temporary injunction -
tion restraining time defendants from interfering -
fering with the ; dalntlffs in possessiomi of
limo property , granted February 3 , 1897 , per-
In time case of T. J. Caflthers against Slob-
ert Willard and Ezra Knapp Judge Smith
handed ( IOWa his decision dismIssing ( ho
case as to Knapp and as to lot 4 , block 2 ,
McMaion , , Cooper & JotSries addition , but
granting a decree as prayed as to the bni-
ance of the property. The cult arose out of
a real estate deal in which the plaintiff ni-
leged lie was Induced to convey certain property -
erty through fraud and false representations.
Cnrotimers owned the lot above mentioned
amid one in Sheer's addition 013 which was his
home , they being valued at about $2,600. In
June , 1S95 , he listed time property with the
real estate firm of Nicholson & Morse and
was Induced to trade It for 160 acres of land
in Rook county , Kansas. The Kansas land
did not turn out to be as represented and
Carotimers brought suit to have the conveyance -
anco set aside anti his title in his property
quieted. By the decision be regains poe-
scssiomm of his homestead.
Irving hotel , 2759 13'd'y ; rates , $1.50.
Storage , Wino & IConigmacher , 336 Bwy.
I'L.t'S TO AiVIIItl'ISFS 1'hlFi CiTY.
Comlimeil UhmfT H'cpoititioim % NNoelnt Ion
iIseiIptHcs ( lie Mnter at Length.
The regular weciclynmeeting of time vxecd-
tire committee of the Coummcii Bluffs E-
position association last night was devoted
in the main to the disCussion of plans for
advertising 'the city during time exposition.
Prof. II. W. Sawyer , chairman of the literature -
ture committee , reported a plaum which his
committee favored , which is'as the dlstrlbu-
( ion front time 1'ottawattanio Wigwam and
elsewhere of ft pamphlet or ieaflet contaIning -
ing on time front page a map showing all
time railroads rafiiatin from Coumicii Bhimffs
anti on time inside , in addition to a brieZ but
descriptive writetmp of the city and its many
attractions , such as time parks , Lake Manawa
and other points of interest , a collective
view of the principal places of immtTer st in
and about the city. This was deemed to
be time cheapest method that could be
adopted , anti the literature comimmittee was
instructed to solicit bids for time vrlnting
of frommi 60,000 to 75,000 such pamphlets nutS
to report at mmcxl week's mcetiumg of time
exoctmtivc conunittee.
In accordance with the request contained
in a letter from President Wattles of the
exposition for time assocIatIon to name
day for time dedication of time Wigwam so
timat it could be included in the olflclai
program it was unanimously decided to hold
the tiedication cerenmonies on tile Sarnis day
as timoso of time Iowa State building , which
xviii bu somewhere between June 22 and
Pmeeldemmt Graham reported ( hint the Wig-
warn ivaa rimitlly nearing completIon. The
plans imad been altered somnewimat so as to
aliow fo a fourth story , which will comm-
tam a imunmbor of windows and will be imseti
as aim observatory , front which a view of time
entIre exposition grounds caim bo imad , The
timirti floor ivili be devoted to waiting rooms
for visitors and the first amid second floors
for exhibits anti concessions.
A number of bills , Including time pay roll
for time imreccding week aummounting to
$143.05 , were allowed anti ordered paid ,
Cimairnman Walters of the finance corn-
mittec gave an approximate estiimmnto of the
cost of maauimtainlng ( lie Wigivaun durIng the
live ummontims of time exposition , which showed
( list about $500 amore would have to be
Tue maatter of tiecoratimmg time grounds
outsitle time \Vigwaimm was taken up and dis-
etisseti aumti time Vigwammm commmmmmittco was in-
structctl to confer witim the local florists
and secure somimo proposition ( roam timemu. The
matter 'of interior decoration was , iiftor
conmuitlerablo discussion , laiti over to tile
next ummectIng.
i"om furmmituro ammtl imartlwmmre there Is no
place where yen can gut nit uflUcit for your
immoney as i'etersomm & tielmoeniuig'n big store
lit the Merriam ijiock. - Tlmey arc immaking ii
record en ltariimg time best goods on the unar-
kot ammil scllInj at low prices.
FOIl SALE-Good sccoumd.imenti bicycle at
a bargain. Call at 'rime flee otlle , Council
liirl ) CIosIiue Mo'eutient.
All ( ito retail furniture anti hardware
firms in the city agreed yesterday to close
their Imlacea of business at 7 o'clock in time
evetming during time mmiontims of Juno , July
and August , except on Mondays anti Sat-
urdays. For some ( line past time clerks of
time retail stores have imeen ngitatiumg ( lie
early closing of stores In order that they
alight have an opportunity to visIt time cx-
POsitlOim durIng time suummmer cvcnimmgs , us
they would be unable to do so during time
tisy , Time dry goods and clothing linus at
once fell in line anti decttied to cioso their
stores every evening at 6 oelock , except
on Mondays aimfi Saturdays. Time grocers
followed mmext ammd then the butchers , but
the shoe dealers intl with an obstacle from
the fact that one dealer could not be prevailed - I
vailed upon to join ( him compact. Time clerks
in the different shoe stores have been
ivorking hard to get this one dealer to
acquiesce , but so far have not succeeded ,
The othcre do not feel like closing so ion5
' u- : ; ! .
us this one dealer refutes to do so and the
shoe clerks at present see little hope of
getting tlmeir evenings off as the employee
of other retail stores.
A committee imas been appolateti to wait
on the dealer standing outnnd if it fails
the shoe clerks throughout the entire city
will probably form a union and call on all
otlmer labor organizatIons to help them in
the tight for early closing.
Map of Cuba , Vest lathes and the World
at The 53cc omce , SOc each.
Iron-clad potatoes , the best , 70 cents per
bushel. ilartel & Miller.
heath of Auutirev Oisen
Andrew Olsen , who was brought from
Maca to time Woman's Christian Associa-
lion imoepitah about four weeks ago for
treatment , ( lied yesterday morning. The
funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at
2 o'clock fiomn the residence of his sister ,
Mrs. henry Stoinkopr , 509 Washington
avenue , iumtl will be undOr time directioa of
Council Bluffs lodge No. 49 , immdepcademmt
Order of Odti Feliom's , of which order the-
ceased was a menmber ,
Cortlivood for simle cheap. Address W. F. ,
lieu omee , Council Bluffs.
htoffnmnyr's fancy patent floor makes time
best and mostbreati. Ask your grocer for it.
Sherry Boxes. Younkerman & Co. , 162 flwy.
\'O MAN 'i'i I I it STI 0 VOlt C. 0 II Li.
Mrs. Alert Vurtseiucrgcr Goes Guilt-
iii ug fur Omue iertlI utunuil tluiui ,
SiOUX CITY , May 26.-Speeini.-Mrs. ( )
Albert Wurtzeberger of Dakota county , Nebraska -
braska , Is lodged in time city jail of SIoux
City for sate keepitmg. Timis woman , who
is well educated and has a imumaband living
in Denver , thIrsts for time life blood of For-
( linand Moon , , a resident of time Nebraska
county. They lived togetimer for somne time ,
tttiti all during that perIod sime was in fear
of time man. She matie up her mind to emmd
his career , anti that as soomi as possible.
One morning she put lauulanum Ia lmis
coffee , but Moon notIced time peculiar taste
and did not drink it. Later , the woimmaum
procured a revolver and shot at him , but
her nini was poor and lme escaped once more.
The authorities then took charge of Mrs.
Wurtzeberger , amid she was fitmally sent to
the lmospital for the insane at Norfolk.
Lately sime was discharged from Gmat institution -
tution and at once came back to Dakota
Once more she secured a revolver , amid
hired a team and driver to search for time
object of imer dislike. He was found at work
with a lenin of horses , but. wlmen time woman
Imove in sigimt ime got behind lmis team , ime
nmado time driver drive arountl in a circle ,
anti she bombarded Moon's position , but ho
escaped uninjured. The wouultibe murderess
timen came to Sioux City , ammul , refusing to
leave , was iOekCl up. She declares her intention -
tention to kill time moan , anti atids she will
be quite wiilhumg to take the consequences
of her act. It is expecteti timat slmc will be
once more placed in time care of the Dakota
county nutimoritleum penthlimg a disposition of
her ease. She owmms a farnm near South
Sioux City , anti has nmeans to pay for her
Cn'emre' .i tluk'te .Amsi-iniie.
DES MOINES , Ia. , May 26.-Speciai ( Tele-
gram.-College ) enthusiasts arc pouring into
the city tonight from all over the state to
attend the annual state intercoliegiate field
meet hero tornorrouv. Grinneli , the University -
sity of Iowa , State college , Cormmeil , Drake
and Upper Iowa are all represented by fumhl
entries and the contests will e hard fought.
Fourteen men will start In time 100-yarti
dash , time track hnving been , vIilened sum- ,
ciently to let them all start abreast. Judging -
ing from the records made by time colleges
at their home meets this spring the Univer-
slty of Iowa is most likely to win time chant-
pionshmip. It is raining hard toumight and time
chances are that the records nmade will be
very slow.
hitl for ( Ito ENmuosi tiomi ,
DAVEINI'ORT , In. , May 26.-Special.- ( )
The Davenport ilusiimess Men's association
has decided to place the large anti lately
published map now hanging in time rooms of
time association iii time Iowa bulitling at the
Transmississippi Exposition anti string the
borders of it with views of the princIpal
buildings of the timreo cities. Time map will
be placed on time wall of the second floor
at the head of the stair in the Iowa build-
lag. Time map is largely a ( iupllcatc of the
large map exhibited in the state building at
the Chicago exposition , but will be better
1mm that it will contain time location of the
new bridge and all time into improvements
in this vicinity.
1PWa L'iuieritl lireetorn.
MARSIIALLTOWN , In. , May 26.-Speclal (
Teiegram.-Tho ) eiglmteermth anntmai convention -
tion of the Iowa Funeral Directors' associa-
( Ion came to a close In this city this after-
noon. Tt'esoi'utlons endorsing the now rules
of time State Board of STealth regarding the
shiippimmg of the dead were adopted. Des
Moines was chosemm as time place of holding
the next convention , delegates to the mia-
tionnl convention to be hclti in Omaha In
October were named ammti time following ohii-
cers elected : i'rcsitlent , J. Id. Shunner ,
Motmtmt l'iensant ; vice president , F. L. Unter-
kirchor , Iitirlington ; secretary-treasurer ,
George 1' . fleck , Waterloo.
ltot'l. . ltgiiIiIs Amismmt'rs ( Ito Cmiii.
StOCK ltAPliS , Ia. , May 26.-Speeial.- ( )
The comnmurmication from Governor Simaw
calling for ten men from title town was
promptly answered amitl time mcmi have been
examined ammO imtantl ready to go as soon as
tratmeportution arrives.
itnu-lu i'reee Coin puient.
Charles City X hays : Time cyclone was
probably a gentle hunch to Iowa to get her
tlocps ( Iowa to Chickamnauga as soon as
Creston Gazette : Consul Brice's congressional -
sional boom has ietereti out , as time fusiomm
brethren aio fearful timat lie iii not sutih-
ctcntly insane on time silver questioum ,
Des Moines News : Anmltl all time nepotisni
which line bctim rumnpatmt the oxanmple of
Wilhianm Lurrabee , time soim of ex-Goverimor
Lmtrrmmbce , enlisting as a private is refresh-
Creston Advertiser : WIuIio time storm time
torepart of time week executed consitleraliie
damage to fruit tiurouglmout time state , Iowa
wilt come to ( ho front with a gooti yield ,
Iowa is remourceful , evea in overcommmiumg
cyclones ,
Cedar Rapids Repumbhican : We insist that
the wholesale distribution of armny comnmmmis-
sions ammmong clmeap poiiticlamis ammti hmammgermu-
on Is a ditgracc to Iowa anti to the nation.
It is an outrage on time 4,000 immen who have
i'esn iii Camp McKinley , Every comniis-
sloim awardeti to an Iowa man shmouitl Imave
gone to mu maim itientiiletl with ichat it'us time
Iowa Nmutloxmal Guard and is now the 'volun-
teer aruty of tlmis state ,
iuvii ItulNiitcsu. Ntes ,
'rho contracts for the foundations of time
SeCoitti large brewery in Dubuque arc mibout
to be let ,
The Zularstmahltown city council has let
coatracts for a large amount of paving at
$1.29 anti $1.30 mu yard.
A co'mmmnittee is canvassing Waterloo to get
$5,000 to add to the $10,000 subscribed last
year for a new Youlmg Men's ChrIstian asso-
ciutioit building ,
A farmer of Lincoln townsimip , Mont-
gonicry county , spent all of one day In Sled
Oak trying to find a place wbmcro ito could
lend $1,000 , but nobody wanted it ,
A petition for time establishment of mulct
saloons Is being circulated in Winnebaco
county and is receivimig maimy signatures ,
Thu Buffalo Center Tribune says that without -
out a doubt It wii receive the needful 65 per
cent of miamnes ,
- - _ _ _ . - _ . . . - . - .
iii t
Henry Reigelman is' JipeI1ed to Step Down
Two Cases of i'filh niurc Ilecitlesi 113
tilL' ititttt SuipuIIi'o Conrt-l.Luucolmi
CiuuluuiMsinu1 to Lenul a
2'tt. itt'iiiuuciut
DES MOINES , May 26.-Specinl ( Tele-
gram.-Timo ) district court has removed
henry htoigeiman as receiver for the hleIgei-
man Millinery house , a big establishmnent
which went to time wall with $100,000 ha-
biiities last week. Eastcrmm wholesale
imouses holding claims against time company
to the amount of about $75,000 asked for
his reimioval on time grounti that ime , as manager -
ager of the commcermm , was responsible for its
baui flmmmuumcial condition , anti thmerefore not fit
for a receiver. Time court graimteti tIme Ite-
tition , but as yet has appointed no rc-
Time supreme cotmrt itandeti down an
opiniomm in time case of the State of Iowa
against Frank Darlanti trout Fayette county ,
tIme first of its kiumd tinder time mmciv lai' .
1)au-lanti was commvicted of manslaughter amid
docketed to the stmpreme court. here the
judgment was reversed ammmi time case re-
nmantlcd , Defcmmtlant then filed a mumotioum
tlmat time case be rctiocketed ammO tlmnt he
recover fronm Fayette county the , anmoummt
paid for priimting abstracts , briefs and ar-
guments. The printing was nIl done prior
to time time the imow code went immto effect ,
btmt the opinion was not flied until October
12 , 1897. The stmpremc court sustains the
motion to tax time costs to the county.
Anotlmer 01)10100 of importance i'as in time
case of time Chicago , hock Isiaumd & Pacific
itaiiroati against Ii. C. Murphy as treasurer
of I'oik county , appellant. Titi was an
action to restrain the collection of a road
tax levied on the property of the defendamit.
The nsscssetl value of the defendant's prop-
crty witlmiti time city and town limits of time
county as fixed by time state executive coon-
cli is $231,152. In 1S95 time Board of Supervisors -
visors levied a tax of 1 mill on timis prop-
erty , incluthing all time otimer property of
time company in the county. Time tax agninet
a lot of land witlmin time city of Des Moines
is time one in controversy. Time roati dis-
Iutes time power of time board to levy such
a tax , anti it was that poInt whicim was to
be determined. The suprenmo coumm't holds
timat time demurrer filed iii time lower court
simould imave been sustained , anti tlme jutig-
nment of the district court is reversed.
Every county in time state was immtercsted in
the case and each 'ontributed toward time
expenses of flgimtiim it. Time decision means
a gain to the varioum coutmtlcs of the state
of thousands of dollars 'in taxes.
Governor Shaw lam c'ommissioned ' Jiumies
Itusim Lincoln as coioncF of one of the imew
Iowa regiments to c raised on the second
call. Geumerai LinoIfm , who served in the
confetlerate army awl von a great record 'he
an ofhlcer , ts now mhIei the Lee of Iowa.
He Is a man of enl'mi'I'nt. ability and is comm-
sidered arm authorit.cn4uihtary $ tactics anti .
strategy , He was 0. andidate for brigadier-
general and it was.heied that he could heati
an Iowa brigade odqr reginmem'mts to time
front , but whOa the 'overnmdnt scattered
the four reglmemmts khtt-lami was given up.
The mystery surrounding the death of A.
F. " deti , iii a vacant
rooOi over a ia1oomi , the'east' side a few
days ago , increases. Dr. W. W. McCarthy ,
one of time pimysiclans appointed to make the
autopsy , states timat traces of poison were
found in his stomachi'but3ust what poison
it ii'as they have not yet deterniined. As
the autopsy was ant , ordered until two days
after the man was found dead the physicians
state thmat the true cause of ( ho death may
never he known ,
Sin-a ! ? anier.
MASON CITY , Ia. , May 26.-Spcclai ( Teic-
grani.-Thme ) State Bankers' association coat-
pheted a profitable seslon and adjourned to
meet at Burhiagtoim. Ia. , next sumnnier. TIme
association elected tIme followIng officers for
time ensuing year : C. H , McNider , First
National bank , Mason City , president ; C.
H. Martin , I'eopl&s Svtngs bank , Des
Moines , vice president ; C. B. Mills , Security
bamik , Sioux flapitis , treasurcr ; S. M. Din-
wlthlie , Cedar Rapids Savings bank , secre-
i6miuergeiue' Uuiutui.
SIOUX CITY , Ta. , May 26.-Speciai ( Teie-
grnm-Siodx ) City today sent $1,397 to thmo
surgeons of the Fifty-second Iowa yolun-
teers for the use of time men iii companies
H and L of Sioux City. This is an emer-
gency antI imospital fund , to be used in case
of need by the muon and at time discretion
of tue Btmrgcons. Time money has been raised
by popular subscription among the business
muon of time city.
I , armi Storuut in lone ,
ATLANTIC , Ia. , May 26.-Special ( Teho-
gram.-Itainfmuii ) numti high winuis timis afternoon -
noon caused considerable damage. Numerous
county bridges are wasimeti out and train
sefvico crippled ,
Late to both anti early to rIsc prepares a
nman for his home in time skies. Earyl to
bed antI a Little Early Riser , the imili that
rsmakcs life longer anti bolter and wiser.
Cot a map of Cuba and get the best and
most complete. Time Bee's comnblmmation imiap
of Cuba , the \Vest IlmiieB and of the worui ,
\Vitii a 1ieo unap coupon , emu image 2 , 10
cents , itt flqg office , Omaha , South Omaha em'
Council Bluffs. Shy mnail , 14 cents. Address
Cuban Map Department.
i'HNSiNS I'Oht S'iOWi'IIit N % 'i3'I'FIIIANm4 ,
Simm'It'irs of Luitti " , 'nr itouuuemuilueremi
P.r Geit'riii ( Jui't'rit meet ,
WAShINGTON , May 26SpecialPemm ( ) -
sion bare been iest1m as follows :
Issue of May 14 :
I''ehrnskit : Origt Alfred Dtiesbnck ,
Stoekimarmi , $6. Iimcqqj-11asii Fry , Onmihia ,
$6 to $10. Iteissuc-Gearge ilaner , hampton ,
$16. Origlumni Wiild'4/iftc-Tbitha Miller ,
i'imiiiiits S. 1tcItflht- Mary A. l'ooie ,
ichitmyher , $12.
Iowa ; OrIginai'il , , Tiffammy , Cherokee ,
$6 ; itobert ii , Vcqlyn , Unionvihle , $6 ;
Joseph ii. Davis , 1p.5'cmmport , $6 ; Jsmac J ,
tIogaim Bonaparteim1 , Stmppiomcntal-
Timounas' A. Leiim , KMiW villo , $6. Hestora-
tioxm aumtl m'oissuio-Ioweii Gofitlarti , Co-
mnancho , $10. Iimcr4adj-1)anicI W' . Green ,
North Lilmerty , * 11) ) ttt 812 : Nathan S. Apple-
gite , Ottumitwa , $ iteissue-Erla J ,
l'vtembumm , Story City , $4 , Original whhnws ,
otc-'Lucinda A , I.cttT , Lovilin , $8 ; Jaime
heath , Newell , $8. IC IL
Colorado ; Om'iglnal-Chtester W. Douilas ,
L.ongnmont , $8. OridJmq witlouvi , .etc-iiary
iittlies , Denver , LL ; 'Imlarguret ' Simlilvan ,
Denver , $8.
North 1)akota : 1ntremmsc-.c1b'im'Ies V.
Cu'ary , Monamigo , t3 to $8.
\ yoining : Orijimmal-Johim C , Pcttz ,
Laramnie , $8.
Ciuuivi'il ituit ltvt'uiuiumeimule iteforitis ,
ATLANTA , Ga. , May 26.-The third annual -
nual conference of tIme series iimstituteti Icr
( ho scienttlc invest.IUatioa of Jimo pcgro
prohiemmm , attemmded by many prominent colored -
ored educators front various parts of the
country , adopted rceolutiomms looking to reforms -
forms 1mm conductng $ churches , negro secret
societies , enmall beneficial societies , death
benefit societies and suggesting ( bat cooperative -
operative business efforts among negroes be
encouraged. The conference states its opium-
Ibn ( limit the excess of the negro over the
white death rate is gradually diminishing ,
Cnmutliulnlcs n Little Sinn' iii hc'elnrluig
Tlieiuiiuci'es-l1cpim1i1 lenius hin'e
n ( Itititi ihhutiii' SI ) ' ' % .
PIERRE , S. 1) . , May 26.-Speeial.-TwO ( )
years ago at this time It was safe to pre
ihict who ( lie republican nominees would be
in all but one or two cases , anti those wimo
dealt iii predictions mmnrnctl the ticket scv-
cml months before the convention , Timla
year it is different , Even time avowed camm-
didates are yet scarce , btmt they will conic
to the front more rapidly since time state
comnmittco nmeetimmg at Mitchmehl , Wlmile time
candidates arc slow in coming into time open
those who are mentioned as seeking con-
gressionni honors are time most numerous.
Edwin VatmCleo of Lawremmce lmas conic out
as an open cantildate , wlmtle C. Ii. Burke of
llugimes , ilobert Dohiarti of lion ilommmme , It.
3. ( iambIc of I'ankton , John A. I'ickier of
Faulk , anti one or two others are classed
in this hiit ,
For governor , Kirk ( I , Phmillips of Law-
remice has been favorably mentioned , html
it is miot yet certain timat Ito will be a can-
John Schmamhcr of ittmtchinson has bcemm
mnentioneti as treaatmrer.
For conummissiener of selmool and public
hands , Daviti Enatmuami of floberts seemmis
to be receiving time macst favorable rncmmtlomm
front Palmers all over hmis sectiomi of time
state ,
Id , A. Lange of McCoolc is a likely camm-
ditlato for superintemitieat of iubiic instruction -
tion ,
Time man vimo has so far received the most
favorable mnetmtlon for tIme position of at-
torumey general Is Joimmi L. l'yie of huron ,
htcpmmblicnn success can be sectmrcti iii
Soutlm Inkota this year , anti it can be no-
commmph ishmcd by m'eptmbhicnmms being republicans
anti hot by dividing themselves humto hostile
cnmmmps. The prescmmt burstiimg of the ' 'link"
which was alleged to umnite wimeat nmmd silver
imas been onougim of no object lessomu to a
large mmtmmimbor wimo vcnt out omm time free eli-
mr tithe of two years mmgo to tlmrow thin hal-
once to time m-cpubhicnmm sitle In the coimming
cammmpaign , and thmrouv it there with a strong
Time legislative question Ia one which will
be harder for the republicaums 'to dciii witim
this year thamm will the state ticket. Time
populist gem'ryniantler of time last eessioim wIll
give thmeni a strong leverage in time election
of their legislative ticket , as they could
hose ott their state ticket by several thou-
pand and yet carry tIme legislature.
Time trI-imeatlei commvention at Aberdeen on
time 22d of June will do a great deal to elm-
piify time situatIomm. It timeso timree elements
can get together nmmti noinimmate a satisfactory
ticket , they will be a stromig force , but there
are rtmmbles of dissemision timere , and two
tickets instead of omme is not an imimpossi-
bility as the result of their work , imm wimicim
case time republicans will have their work
made easy.
tIuutrs Go tit Stu'ike.
DEADVOOIJ , S. D , , May 26.-Speciai (
Teiegramn.-Alh ) time miners anti laborers
iii time 13010) ' mImics 1mm the Blacktail mining
district struck for uimiomm wages totla' , to be
paid by June 1. Time advance was refumseti
by tIme mnitme operators , wimo proccethed to turn
out all tim men. Aboumt seventy-five mmmcmi
are affected at time mImics. All time ore used
in time foley cyanide piammt of Deadwood
canto front time mines. Time imlarmt will be teimi-
porariiy closed tomorrow.
Coum'i'iee'ut of Gemummul Liurceuuy ,
I'IlORitE , S. D. , May 26.-Speciah ( Tehe-
' gram.-Thmo ) jury in the McNutt case re-
turned a 'verdict hate this evemming of guilty
of grand larceny. McNutt was accused of
beIng one of time lenders of time gang who
did a great deal of horse anti cattle rustiimmg
cli through timis scctiomm of the state about
two years ago.
Yneltingtouu ' , Vnmls ilimum ,
LAR4IMIl0 , Wyo , May 26.-Special ( Teic-
gram.Prcsident ) C raves of the University
of Wyoming has been ummanimously ( cmi-
dcrcd the presidency of the University of
Washington state.
CZI,1It lit lime Set'omitl Story of 'I'hmelr
Iloummo tumid Uumntpie to Esentue
tue Finmumes.
IRON MOUNTAIN , Micim. , May 26.-The
residence of A. Richter , on West ii street ,
was destroyed by fire last nigimt. Two cliii-
dien , a boy aged 0 and a gii , aged 11 , were
burned to a crisp , and two others , aged 4
anti 6 , a girl and a boy , were so badly burred
tlmat thmoy cannot hive. It is not known how
the fire originated , but time flreimmen suspect
that it was caused by time explosion of a
lanmp in an incubator. lticimter ammd hmis wife
and nine smimail children occupied sleeping
apartments on time second floor. The clmii-
drcn were first aroused before an alarm
had been given. Seven mammaged to escape ,
and five of thmenm uninjured , but two of timcmn
were fatally burned. Richter and ivifo escaped -
caped by jumping timmough a window , the
forummer having his arun so badly cut by glass
that be caine near bleeding to death ,
' % ' 1uie oil a ! izmidcnr 'i'I.ey Meet mm
'I'animm on it 'l'rt'sthe itiutl ieei
Safety iii Jutitimilmiw ,
CRIPPLE CREEK , Cob , , May 2G.-A passenger -
senger train on time MItliasmd 'rermlnal raIlroad -
road ran immto a hmandcnr on a higim trestle
mmenr Gillette today amid four men , whmo
jumnpeti frommm the imaimficar , were killed , Tue
dead are :
There were twelve section men on time
hammdcnr anti all but time four wimo jumped
escaped uninjured.
Got a amap of Ctmbi ; antI get time best and
most commmphcte. 'Ilium lice's combination map
of Cuba , the West Inthies anti of time world ,
With a Ben mop coupon , on page 2 , 10
cents , at Bee oIihce , Onmalma , South Omtmima or
Council Bluffs , By tmmauh , Ii cents Address
Ctubamm Mali Dcpartmiment.
The Ladies' Department of the
15 flOW open for business , and fully
equipped with two now apparatus ( or giving
time most hmealtimfimi , plcasimmg baths kimown
to the world.
Time INSTITUTE has among its patroums ,
the best known ladies in Omaha. We asIc
you to give it a trial of two baths at least ,
and it it is not foummd as roimrcsented , wo will
refund your money ,
Rooms , New Quarters ,
216-218-220 Bee Building
New Hygiene Inst.I I
Ittiii lIren1 titelIrst 'humus' , limit the
lii fuirInei Cron't i'rlt's it
Iii ,
SALISBURY , Mth.Mny 2G-Grfltltl iCing ,
a negro , aged about iS , was tnen ftoimm ( hit ,
jaIl at this Place early tlml morning , Imamiged
to a tree and almost elmot to imicces , lie wits
awaiting trial on thiti cimarge of hiavimmg ile-
hiberatehy eliot iiermamm Kenney , a isliito
boy , about the sante age as ( lie negro. Time
shooting was tiemme Oh Saturday mmlgltt last
and lfcnncy tiled yesterday. This imiorimlng
about 2 a. m a mmunmber of amen front time
tmeiglmberitooti iim wimiclm Kcnne"s Imareimis live
retie lute towmm anti ienmnridctl ( ito keys to
tue Jail , wimlehm Simeriff liamulmiel roftised to
surremmtler , TIme lymmcimers thmert broke lImo Jail
doors down , forced open time cell in which
ICing was coimfimmeti , anti drzmggeui imimn out ,
time mmegro nil time while figlmting desperately
and imlcatling for nmcrcy , A light cletlmesliiuo
was tied about lila ncchc , tiirowmm over a limmib
aumd time tmnfortummate boy was attrtmmmg up ,
Thmo rope broke anti hue fell scerniumghy umimeon-
scious. After lying itt this condition for a
few inlimutes lie regained his feet numui mmmmuuio
arm effort to escape. ills captors shot imiam
tlmrougim tue body antI beat ammth kiclteti hInt
without mmmeey , thmcmm ilaccd time roimu arounti
imi imeck nuuui strummg imim imp a second timmie.
As Imo dnnghetl in thme air at least fifty' imlstoi
bullets were fireti into hils body , whmichu was
left danglimmg 1mm the air , is bile ( lie iymmcliom's
I't'otitiNiti It ) l'itst' it. Nort It ( 'ml ml iimmu _
ItAI4lIGiI , N. C. , May 26-Tue dctmmocratic
state convention loot lucre ( ella ) ' . Time at-
temmdanco was large and represeimtativo , Tue
popuilsts have oltered a proposition hookImmg
to fusioim.
1'O ClltI ! CU.lJ 1X ON ( li.tY
Take Loxutivo liromno Quinimie Tablets , AU
druggists refund fte immommey It it falis to cure
25c , The genumino has L. ii. C. on each tablet.
ilmi'veuiueuits r tt'itii ) l't'ssi'ls , llmt' 1.1(1 ( ,
At Lolmtioum-Arrlved-Mnumltobmi , fromim New
York , Saihed-Massncimtmsets ( , for New York ,
At Queemmstowmm-Sailed - itimymmlammd , for
At Liverpooi-Arm'ivcti-Behgemminmmil , front
l'imiladclphmia ; Majestic , frotim New Yom'hc.
At Smlarseihies-Am'rivcd-AiesIim , 'from New
At itotterdammm-Saild-Maasdammm , for Now
York. -
At Naimics-Sailed-Vlctorla , for New
York ; Eumme , for New York.
Li I New Yorh-Arrived-Patria , from
Ilamnburg. Saiieti-Ammrnnia , for Liverpool ;
Southmwark , for Antiverp.
At Genoa-Saihed-Fuhtimm , for Now York.
At Queemmstowmm-Salieui - IlrItnnmmic , for
Now York.
At PhIladeiphia-SaIhed-Netimerhande , for
At llronien-Arrivcti-Lahmm , trout New
York , via Southiammipton.
At hamburg - Arrived - Pcnnsyivania ,
from New York ,
Serene comfort amid imnppincss In ad-
'canoed years nrc realized by comnpara-
tivciy few wommmcmm.
Their hard lives , their ] Iab'ml'mty to sc-
riotms troubles on account of their peon-
liar organism amid their profound igno-
rtmncc conecriming timomnsclvcs , all comn-
binc to simortemm time period of uscfmmlness
and fill their later years with sum ifering.
Imfrs. Piumlcimnmn imasdomme munch to maulco
women strong. Slmo has given advice
to many that huts shown timemn how to
guard against disease and retain vigor-
ens imealtit iii old ngc. From every cor-
sLier of time eartI there iscoustantiy corn-
lug time most. commvinciug statemnents
from women , nlmo'mving time efficacy of
Lydia E. Pimmicimam's Vegetable Corn-
pound in overcoming female ills. . flora
isa icttcrfrorn 3Ir. J. C. Orms of 220
Homer St. , Joimnstown , Pa , , which Is
cnriiest and straight to the point :
" DEAn Mite. PINKIIAM-1 : feel It my
duty to tell nil suffering women timat I
timinic your remedies arc wonderful. I
had trouble with my head , dizzy speiis
and hot flashes. Feet and hands were
cold , was very nervous , could not sleep
well , had Icidney trouble , pain In
ovaries and congestion of time womb ,
Since taking your remedies I am better
every way My head trouble is all
gone , Imave no pain in ovaries , amid am
cured of womb trouble. I can eat and
sleep ivell and am gaining in flesh. I
consider your medicine the best to be
had for female troubles. "
TIme present Mrs. I'inlchnm's experience -
ence In treating female ills is unparal-
Idled , for years simo worked side by
aide witim Mrs. Lydia E. I'iniclmamn , amid
for nonietimo past line laid sole charge
of time correspondence department of
her great busimmcss , treating by letter
as many as a imundred thousand ailing
vomcn during a single year.
- -
A powder to tii htnken hun timui shots ,
At this season your feet feel swohiemi , nerv-
oils , hint , anti get tired easily If you have
sunartimig feet em' tiglmt shines try Ahien'ut
l-'tt'iitse It cools the feet minti makes
utalking easy. ( 'tiremi swollen amid sweat-
hug feet , blisters nnti timhlotia pimots. lie-
litres cents tumd imumimlons of nil pain amid
girt's test ntti , romnfort. Try it today ,
$ ul't lmr nil tirtiggists numI shoe stores f0
21,0. ' 1 rid imackuig. , Pillili Addre AlIer
14. Ohmnated , I.e ioy , N. Y.
' : n
" ° 11WEAK MEN.
M hittlo book , "Three Classes of Men"
sent to men only It tells of muy 30 yemmra'
experiemmee as ; a sPecialIst ium all umem''otm. .
disortiers resulting frommm youthifmml immthiscre.
lions Laune Umuck , etc. mmd tells why
etireit W'ithm may invention , time hr. S.inden
Licetric Bolt , hcnowii aunt utteul tim siorid
over , I restored hnt year mmmcmi , ) 'ouimg
fluid old Iheuvare of cheap itnitatlons Above
book oxphauimim mhi ; semmt saled W'riue today.
Dr. A R. Saudeii ,
No. 1S3 S. Clark St. . Chicaro , Ill.
- -
- KL- .
- KLGas
Gas and -
) Gasoline
IJ Engines.
1 to 100
Ciii or. us or write for prIcci anti ( icecrIption $
IAYih ) BhIli.h7Y & CO. ,
Couumcil Bluff , , , iowa.
' (
' /1j ) I
' ) /
G.w. M.D.
. . Pangle , . .
cacIcr of DImsCCHCN of ucis asn
voiiiiutl. . -
World's Herbal Dhiqmemmamry of Mcdlcln'i.
I CURE-Cumtimrm-hi of hired Timroat mini
Lunge , 1)istascs ( if Eye amid tmmr , Fits immud
Amoplcxy , Ilemurt , liver auth hIuhimey liseutees ,
iittbctc'e , imrighmt's ilemmse , St. Vitums Iauuce
ltimeimmmuatlstmm , crofumha , tropsy cui''tl tu'itItntm
tttpplmmg , 'f aio Wormmis romnoveii , all ciirommiO "
Nervomme mmmmti Private 1)lst'itbeS.
_ yommimg anti
LOST Ifi AOd1mn .
Oumly I'htym'icimun who can
'Yitlimit , ( testro3'Imig teeth antI botmes. No mner-
envY or httiSOfl imuluteriti mmst'tI.
tflmo oumly I'hiyllclatm who can toil wlmnt mtill
3'Oti without asking mu questloim.
Tiutso at a ( histunco stud for question
blank. No. I for mmmcmm ; No. it for woummc'il.
All correspondence strIctly coimlidential ,
MedIcine emmt lty express.
, Atltiucss miii letters to
G. W. PANGLE , M. D. ,
053 lironulwuty , COUNCIl. iml.1JFIfS , IA.
" 8end 2-cemmt smitmmmm ) for repir. '
iand for sale or rent. Day & IIe. ii I'eari
itm'e.t ,
- ' '
- - - A' I' '
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
! wurMS
t.y uurfuiI trstnnt : of Turkish C'.iome ! 5 nru tionj curcd by Tumrmi.m , S
forUOO. yittht Loots , i)5TLOe' , , , ' , IiPtve ' . Cur. Jewcr 1.1 ! . 1b
oriirnlimtroub Citieci amerfce as you ' uli tratmiieit Stilt gUJ'aI )
. over were. Wo , nike , our own . iii ticte tee , at1 Single lioiet , (2.1)0. )
( gettueH. W1nuo
. anyotlcan flnm$1 OSby : : : ; : itnN' wlthfuail i'IUiXACY. cure. utiagme 15th HAHU'8 ii.I F'amra PHAHMACY. , , , . OCAIIL. Nitul
Everythilig is Going
( U order to make room for Now Goods amid for rearramignient of ( ho Interior of
entire stock of tIme late
001' store Wa are offering tIme
Council Bluffs prices quits
UflhlCtU'l 0 f ttinOii
carlet : :2o. : buyel'H 0 1 ( ial'Ieth ,
Rugs , Matting and
all other gootls carried iii stocic ly the c'olilpiLlly , % Vo have
oinO very special luu'gains in Oi1c1ot1i , Mtttiiig.Vih1dOW ,
Shades , 1ugs and Poi'tioi'os , aIl(1 pLl'ticlIlfllly : in
, '
; Carpets0
'TYOR & RI '
Succesttoi'm ; to Council fluffs Carpet Coin puny.
_ . -
- - - -
- - -
. , .
- - - - - - - - - -
a--- - - - - - -
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
johbcis of
Seiflaig Agents
.Io , CIfmIrH. ro CIgirs ,
. .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' -
- - - - - - - - - - - -