-ii" NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. I COUNCIL BLUFFS- MINUIt fry Moorc'a stock food. Dr. Orccn. office C12 Fourth street. 'Call at The Dec Office for Cuban maps , lOc each. S W. Page of Wctton was In the city yesterday. Emll LcfTcrts of the county treasurer's office la on the sick list. Dr. A. 0. MuJgc , the dentist , reuiortd from 319 to 338 Ilroadway. J. II. OregK , a prominent former of Hazel Dell , was a city , visitor yesterday. Miss Margarct'to Kyan has gone to Kansas City on an extended visit to friends and relatives. The Evans laundry Is the leader In flno work both for color and finish. C20 Pearl street. Phone 200. Miss Maggie Leonard , bookkeeper at the Grand , has returned from a week's visit with relatives at Ncola. Mrs. r. W. Wcsncr of Mynstcr street , who ha ? been seriously 111 , was reported yester day to be slightly better. Our boys want a few comforts. A flno program at the Monday Musical club at 2 o'clock Monday. Admission 25c. Dan Farrell of Lake City , Colo. , Is In the city for n few days on business. Mr. Far rell was formerly sheriff of Mills county. A marriage license was granted yesterday to F. A. Ynrger , aged 21 , of MolVern , Iu. , nnd Minnie 11. Arnold , aged 20 , of Fremont , Neb. Neb.X. X. 3. Hiss and family leave this week for Denver , Colo. , where It Is hoped the clliritttc will prove beneficial to Mrs. Illss1 health. With a Hee coupon nnd 25 cents you can secure the olllclal photographs of the United States navy nt the Council UlulTs oluce of The Ucc. The Equal Suffrage club has discontinued Its meetings for the summer months and will resume work the first Monday evening in September. Don't you think It must be a pretty good laundry that can please so many hundreds of customers ? Well that's the "Eagle , " 724 Hroadway. Fred Harris , , a small boy for whom Chief Blxby linn been trying to secure a home , will probably be sent to Uooue , la. , where ho has nn aunt living. The police received word yesterday from Ottumwa to look out for and detain two runaway boys named Matt Iloylnn , aged 9 years , and Fred Wallace , aged II. Mrs. W. Madsen of Mlndcn , la. , called on the police yesterday evening to assist her In locating her son Willie , aged 1C , who bad run away from home and was thought to bo In the city. Christian Science Service will be held at 10:4 : ? a. m. In room 402 , Sapp building. readings from the bible and science and hfMiltlu Experience meeting Friday even ing at 7:45 : o'clock. Word has been received hero that J. F.- O'Connell , formerly a detective on the po lice force under Wade Gary when chief and later In the employ of the Milwaukee road , died recently In Minneapolis. < Harry Hoist , against whom an Indictment on the charge of seduction had been re turned by the grand Jury , was arrested yes terday afternoon. He gave ball In the sum of $1,000 for his appearance In court. The spiritualists will hold meetings In Union hall , 14C Broadway , today at 2:30 : and 8 o'clock. At the evening meeting W. E. Bonney will lecture , taking as his subject ' 'The Past , Present nnd Future Religions. " - The Detroit gas machine will light your residence or store , costing I cent to run a Ixty-four candle power lamp four hours. J. iC. Dlxby , heating , plumbing , lighting. 202 Main und 2.Q3 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , laThe , „ -The case against the two boys , Isaac .plllnskl and Philip. , Saltzman , who stole garden tools from the basement , of J. D. Crockwell's' store , was dismissed yesterday In Justice Burke's court on account of the $ outu of the offenders. " Jotcph Waldman , charged with assault And battery by Mrs. Peter Donnelly , the trouble arising over a cow that the Don- nellys impounded , had a hearing before Justice Burke yesterday afternoon. The court took the case under advisement. Canton Pottawattamte , No. 6 , Independent Order of Odd Fellows , will meet at army headquarters In Independent Order of Odd Fellows' temple this evening at 6:30 : o'clock In full uniform to attend service at St. Paul's Episcopal church at 7:30 : o'clock. The members of the several lodges and encampment of the Odd Fellows In the city will attend the evening services at St. Paul's Episcopal church today In a body. They will meet at Odd Fellows' temple on Dioadway nt 7 o'clock and march from there to the church , The arguments In the suit of Andrew Kastncr against C. A. Fox and E. A. Wick- . hfira In the district court were completed fisterdny afternoon and the case given to Ihe jury shortly before 6 o'clock. Up to a 'Into hour last night the jury had failed to reach a verdict - William Ross , an employe of the City Roller mills , left for Chicago last night to enlist In the United States navy. Ho < W i In the navy for several years before -coming here nnd recently received a letter from his former captain notifying him that If be wished to re-enlist a place would t > i ! found for him. Hon. John N. Baldwin of this city , In addition to being on the program of the opening day ceremonies of the Transmls- blsslppl Exposition for an address has been selected to deliver the address at the dedi cation of the Iowa state building. Monday , ( May 30 , Mr , Baldwin will deliver the Me morial day address at DCS Molncs. , , n. A. Murphy died yesterday morning nt the rcsldence.of his mother , Mrs. M. A. Murphy , 1426 Avenue A , from consumption , Ogrd 26 years. The remains will bo sent to Llnwood , Neb. , tomorrow morning. Services will be held at the residence at 9 o'clock , Rev. 0. P. Fry , pastor of the Fifth Avenue Methodist church , of which deceased was a jnember , oftlclatlng. Mrs. Plumb , national Women's Christian Temperance union evangelist , will arrive in , the city on Friday , May 27 , and the women , of the local union desiring that their friends shall meet her have arranged for an In formal icceptlon at 3 o'clock Friday after noon at the homo of Mrs. II. A. Ballenger , 721 Willow avenue. All women Interested In the work are cordially Invited to bo pres ent. i C. B. Vlavi Co. , female remedy ; consulta tion free. Ofllco hours , 9 to 12 and 2 to C , Health book furnished. 320-327-328 Mor- rlam block. ' Money to loan on city property. Klnne. N. V. Plumbing company. Tel. 250. Iron-clad potatoes , the best , 70 cents per bushel. Ilartcl & Miller. Storage , Wlnn & Konlgraacher , 33C Bwy. IteortiltN from tlu > Illtiff * . Frank M. Comptnn , adlutant of the Fifty- Brat Iowa Vqluntecr Infantry , will return to DCS Molnes this evening with eleven re cruits from this city to fill vacancies exist ing In the regiment. Those selected by Ad jutant Compton are : II. C. Pardey , Wood Sllverthorn , W. E. Hesse. Joseph Boync , Clyde Qnnt. Carl M. Gardiner , W. II. Moore , Guy Pettlt , Erlck G. Boyluud , N. P. Danlold < son nnd R. M. Danleldson. Pardey Is cap tain of the High school cadets and the cadets will , It Is expected , turn out In a body this evening to see him nnd the other re cruits off. Moore is also a member of the cadets. Adjutant Compton and the men will leavoihcro over the Rock IiUud at 5:20 : thU evening. They will be Jointed t Avoca b > two recruits from Oakland. The Monday Musical club will tell the boys at Camp McKlnley how many hearts they can count on In Council Bluffs. FOR SALE Good second-hand bicycle l baricln. 011 at To * B office. Council Bluff * COMING COUNTY INSTITUTE Superintendent Sawyer Prepares a Treat for Teachers' Who Attend , SECURES TWO PROMINENT EDUCATORS Corp * at IiinirnctnrN to He Headed br JIcii \ntlnnnl Ilettate In < ho Matter of Teaching Teacher * * County Superintendent Sawyer Has about completed all the preliminary arrangements for the Pottawattamlc County Institute , which will bo held In this city Juao 27 to July 9. Among the Instructors secured Is Dr. Emerson E. White of Columbus , O. , who will have "Methods and Principles of Teach ings. ' ; Dr. C. C. Rounds of New York City will have "Language and Literature. " Dr. Hounds was for many years president of the New Hampshire State Normal school , and had charge of the American Educational exhibit at Paris In 1889. It Is confidently expected that the op portunity to hear two such renowned educators caters ai ? Drs. White and Rounds will at- Lrnct many teachers from abroad to attend Ihe Institute. Other Instructors secured for the Institute are : Prof. J. S. Shoup , arith metic ; J , Pcasley , grammar ; J. W. W. Laird , history ; O. J. McManus , civics ; D. Fred Grass , economics ; M. IS. Crosier and W. J. McDonald , geography ; Mrs. E. D. Burke , music ; Harriet Blood , drawing ; II. W. Saw yer , psychology. The dally sessions will begin at 8 a. m. and close at 12:30 : p. m. , thus affording teachers attending an opportunity to visit the Transmlsslsslppt Exposition half the time. All schools throughout the county will be clpsed during the holding of the Institute. The piano with which Dr. Thomas B. Lacey surprised his son Tom was purchased at Bourlclus * Music House , 325 Broadway , where tlfo organ stands on the building. It Is one of those fine "Crown" pianos , with the orchestral attachment , which were so much admired by everybody who saw them or heard them played upon at Bourlclus' May opening a few days ago. The case is of select burl walnut and a duplicate of the "Crown" piano which adorned the ladles' parlor of the Iowa building at the Colum bian exposition In Chicago and which was afterward purchased by the then Governor Jackson of Iowa. The person who can catch fish Is consid ered lucky. Then there Is no excuse for any one being unlucky , for you can catch all the fish you want at Sulllvanls , the grocer , 343 Broadway. Council IllufTH Society. In honor of her guest , Miss Peale of Lock Haven , Pa. , Miss Ellen Dodge issued Invi tations for an Informal picnic supper at the Boat club at Lake Manawa last Thursday. The weather , however , was unpropltlous and In place of the trip to Manawa supper was served In the ordinary nt the Grand , fol lowed by a dance In the League room. The guests were : Mr. and Mrs. John N. Bald win , Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Montgomery , Miss Dodge , Miss Pcale , Miss Moore and Miss Montgomery , . .Messrs. George S. Wright , G. H. Mnync , Dr. H. A. Woodbury , Stockton Heth nnd E. H. Scott-of-Omaha. Friday evening Mrs. J. N. Baldwin enter tained at dinner In honor of Miss Peale Mrs. R. E. Montgomery , Miss Dodge , Miss Ellen Dodge , ' Miss Montgomery and Miss Pcale. On Thursday evening Mr. C. C. McChesney and Miss Stella Patterson were married at the home of the bride's father , W. L. Pat terson , at 504 South Sixth street , Rev. W. S. Barnes of the First Presbyterian church officiating. Only the relatives and a few of the Intimate friends of the groom and bride were present. Among the out of town guests present were : Mrs. Champion ol Sterling , 111. ; Mrs. Neally of Manila , la. , and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McChesney of Iowa City. The groom was attended by his brother as best man and the bride by her sister , Miss Belle Patterson. The members of the First Congregational church held a very pleasant social last Tues day evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wallace on Bluff street. A musical program , In which Miss Jessie Wal lace and Mr. C. S. Havcrstock took part , helped round out a most enjoyable evening. Refreshments were served. A reception will be tendered next Thurs day evening at the residence of Mr. W. W. Wallace to the nurses who recently gradu ated from the Woman's Christian Associa tion hospital. Mrs. F. T. Ellis of Galesburg , III. , If visiting her parents , Mr. and Mrs. G. H Jackson , on South First street. Miss Peale of Lock Haven , Penn. , is the guest of Miss Ellen Dodge at the Crane hotel. Mrs. H. L. Foster and son of 347 Avenue I have returned from a two weeks' visit Ir Carroll. Miss Mamie DeVol Is visiting friends It Des Mollies. Mrs. Frank P. Bradley chaperoned a part ] consisting of Miss' Sue Badollet , Mis Thomas , Miss Edyth Thomas and Miss Mauc Besley last Sunday to Des Molnes to vlsl the soldier boys In camp. Mr. Ira F. Hendrlcks , . receiver of the Firs National bank of Grlswold , is in town t < spend Sunday with relatives. Itenl Entitle Traiinfer * . The following transfers have been filed Ir the title , abstract nnd loan office of J. W , Squire , 101 Pearl street : J. W. Sciulre nnd wife to Wilson D. Klllln , lots 13 , 14 nnd 15. block 59 , Itullrond add to Council Bluffs , w d. . $ 12 Saruh A. Brunson nnd husband to L. M. Bunker , lots 4 nnd 6 , block 1 , Lodge's nilil to Walnut , w il 32i Julius C. Hnsler. trustee , to Joseph a. Ludunr , lot 9. block 10 , Mlnden. w d. . 71 Julius C. Ilusler , trustee , to town of Mlnden , lot 11 , block 2 , Mlnden , w d. . Si Mrs. Anna C. Larson nnd husband to W. W. Hefner , lot 3 , block 8 , Park ndd , w il , go County treasurer to Farmers' Loan and Trust company , w % lot 61 , John son's ndd. tax d 3 : Caroline W. Ojiltz to J. It. Snydcr , part eU block C , Mill ndd , w d 28 Thomas S. Iloblnson to M. W. Wormer , lot 10 , block 3 , Cnsudy's add to Coun cil HlufTH. w d 1,201 J. W , Biiulre nnd wlfo to S. C , Good , lot 4 , block 18. Cochrnn's udd , w d. . . . 1,00 ( S. C. Good nnd wife to J. W. Squire , lot 4 , block 4 , Stutsnmn's tlrst udd to Council muffs , w d 2,50 * Frank E. Wright nnd wife to Allen E. Chonte , lots S and 10 , block 2 : lots 17 nnd 18 , block 4 ; lota 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 7 and 8 , block 5 ; lot 21. block 3 , Oaktleld udd to Council UlulTs. w d : Fanny M. Wright to Benjamin Morris , lot 4 , block 4 , Huff's add to Oakland , w d 23 Catlmrlno Christian et nl. to German Lutheran church , part neVi nwVi 21- 77-43 , w d li Thirteen transfers , total J0.64 : I'onulUt Convention Culled. L. Klnneban , chairman of the county cen tral committee , has Issued a call for a dele gate convention of the people's party of Pot- tawattamle county to be held at the count ) court house In this city Saturday , May 28 at 11 o'clock , to elect six delegates to th < state convention of the people's party to b < held In Dei Molnei Thursday , June 2 , foi | the purpose X nominating candidate * foi statZ officers. The apportionment ot town * ships will be aa follows : Boomer , 3 ; Belk- nnp , 4 ; Carson , 3 ; Center , 2 ; Crescent , 4 ; Jarner , 3 ; Grove , 3 ; Harding , 6 ; Hazel Jell , 3 ; James , 2 ; Keg Creek , 3 ; JOiox , 3 ; Dayton , 3 ; Lewis , 3 ; Lincoln , 2 ; Macedonia , 2 ; Mlnden , 3 ; Ncola , 7 ; Norwalk , 4 ; Pleas ant , 1 ; Rockford , 3 ; Silver Creek , 3 ; Val- cy , 2 ; Washington , 4 ; Wright , 3 ; Wave- and , 3 ; York , 3. Council Bluffs First ward , 6 ; Second ward , 5 ; Third ward , 4 ; Fourth ward , 6 ; Fifth ward , 8 ; Sixth ward , 6 ; Kane ( outside city ) , 2. The township and city caucuses will be held Wednesday , May 26 , at 8 o'clock p. m. : niMI.\ALS IN THE DISTRICT COURT. Men rrvnentcd by the Gritml Jarr Co nil n ir on for Trial. Yesterday the grand Jury made Ita report , handing In a few more indictments. One f the indictments returned Friday but not made public because the defendant was not n custody was against John Krlgger , a csldcnt of Cut-Off , charged with the malici ous destruction of ten rods of fence , the iroperty of J. 0. Terry of Courtlnnd beach. Krlgger was arrested yesterday morning nnd gave bond for his appearance In court. All of the defendants against whom Indict ments bad been returned were arraigned 'enterdny afternoon , and those who had not .ho means to employ counsel were assigned attorneys to look after their Interests by he court nt the county's expense. John Ryan , the tramp who broke into a > arn and stole a set of double harness , en- ered a plea of guilty and was sentenced to one year at hard labor In the penitentiary at Fort Madison. The trial of Fred Wroth , Indicted on the charge of robbing McDaneld's hide store and stealing sixteen hides , will be taken up on the convening of court tomorrow morn- ng. Thd next case to be tried will be that of Richard Burns , the bicycle thief. The cases of the State against Edward Troutman and G. Q. Bell have been con- Inucd until the August term. Charles Cooney , convicted at the present erm on the charge of seduction , filed a mo tion for a new trial yesterday. The Grc-nU-nt of All. One advertiser In the city says he buys In carlots. We buy several carloads at a time and It consists of paint , oils and glass. This does not Include a lot of goods with a little paint as a side lino. We handle paint , oils , glass and. painters' supplies and make It an exclusive business. By purchasing In largo quantities we can buy the best goods manufactured and sell them for less than any house that handles an Inferior article merely as a 'side line. The goods we sell are warranted to give satisfaction and has given us a reputation that Is lasting. This Is the Council Bluffs Paint. Oil and Glass company. Masonic temple , the only exclu sive paint house In Council Bluffs and west ern Iowa. Hoffmayr's fancy patent flour makes the best and most bread. Ask ypur grocer for It. Clinreh Service * . Services will bs held In the different churches of the city today as follows : Fifth Avenue Methodist Church , Rev. G. P. Fry , Pastor Subject of morning ser mon , 10:30 : , "The Christian Temple. " In the evening at 8 the Grand Army of the Republic post will hold Its annual memorial services ; Sunday school at noon ; Junior league at 3 p. m. ; Epworth league at 7 p. m. St. John's English Lutheran Church , Southeast Corner Willow Avenue and Sev enth Street , Rev. " G. W. Snyder , Pastor- Services at 10:30 : a. m. and 8 p. m. ; sermons by the pastor ; Sunday school at noon. St. Paul's Church , Rev. L. P. McDonald , Rector Holy communion , 8 a. in. ; Sunday school , 10 a. m. ; morning service and ser mon , 11 a. m.-Sunday ; school at'Alt { Saints * chapel , 3 p. m. ; evening service and ser mon , 7:30 : p. m. The Odd Fellows of Coun cil Bluffs will attend the evening service In a body , and the rector will preach a special sermon for them. Everyone wel come at all services. Christian Tabernacle , Corner Scott and Mynster Streets , S. M. Perkins , Pastor Miss Gertrude B. Kennedy , musical director ; regular services at 10:45 : a. m. and 8 p. m. ; morning subject , "The New Command ment ; " evening subject , "Regeneration ; " special music at both services ; everybody Invited. First Baptist Church , Corner First Ave nue and Sixth Street , Rev. R. Venting , Pas tor Morning service , 10:30 : ; subject ot ser mon , "Selling Sunshine ; " Sunday school at noon ; Baptist Young People's union meetIng - Ing at 7 p. m. ; evening service , 8 ; subject of sermon , "A Natural Phonograph. " Second Presbyterian Church , Frank and Harmony Streets , Alex Lltherland , Pastor- Sermons by the pastor ; "A Judgment Day for Individuals" will be the subject In the morning. In the evening a patriotic service will be held , the subject being "The Judg ment of Nations and Society. " A welcome for all. Central Christian Church , Hughes Hall , Corner of Broadway and Polk Avenue , A. R. Crandle , Pastor Bible school at 10 a. m. ; social meeting at 11 a. m. , led by J. L. Mable ; preaching at 8 p. m. by the pastor ; Young People's Society of Christian En deavor at 7 p. m. Everybody invited. Broadway Methodist Episcopal Church , J. II. Scnseney , Pastor Preaching at 10:30 : a. m. ; subject , "The Christian's Hope ; " class meeting at noon ; Sunday school at noon ; Junior league at 4 p. m. ; Epworth league at 7 p. m. ; preaching at 8 p. m. A cordial Invitation is extended to all to attend these services. Congregational Church , Corner of Sixth Street and Seventh Avenue Morning wor ship and preaching by the pastor at 10:30 : ) a. m. , subject , "Jesus of Nazareth Wbc > Was He ? " Sunday school at noon ; Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor at t 7:15 : p. m. ; gospel praise service at 8 p. m. , with short sermon on "What to Do with Our Doubts. " Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ ol Latter Day Saints I. M. Smith , the newly appointed minister to the Pottawattamle district , will speak morning and evening ; Z. R. L. society at 6 o'clock. Another Illit Victory. Sampson Is still looking for the Spanish squadron and will certainly demolish II when he finds the dons. That will score an- ether big victory. A big victory has beec won right here In Council Bluffs. It was not with monster guns , but legitimate busi ness and superior goods. The victory was easily won by Harrison's paints o\er all competitors In the market. The fact Is that more of Harrison's paint has been sold In Council Bluffs nnd vicinity than all othei brands combined , side line houses and pic ture store talk to the contrary notwithstand ing. Geo. S. Davis , 200 Broadway. Berry Boxes. Yaunkerman & Co. , 1C2 Bwy , Wanted , a good girl for general house work. Inquire 41 Main street. Family of 5 1 Nearly everybody Is fixing up their homes expecting to entertain some of their friend ! 0 during the exposition. Wo want to drop c gentle hint to you If you need anything Ir the way of furniture to call at our store Ir the Mcrrlam block and see what we car do for you. If we can't suit you both * In prices and goods It la useless to look else where. For Illifh School Commencement. It Is now definitely arranged that Prof , Benjamin S. Terry of the department ol mediaeval and modern history In the Uni versity ot Chicago will deliver the com mencement address to the graduating clasi of the High school on the occaiilon of the commencement exercises to be held Tucsdaj evening , May 31 , at the Dohanjr opera house , I ! : f Prof. Terry comes wllh. the highest of recommendations as a4)faslng , ) and Instruc tive speaker , and Principal lUydcn Is greatly pleased at having succeeded In secur ing him. The subjcft of his address will bo "What Is an Educe bn ? " In addition to the ajwteM musical pro gram will be carried out , In which a number ot selections by thtfiXApolIo club will be rendered and piano Ifol6n by Misses Fay Travis and Nora Mcqjgbe' ' , The class song , composed by Miss Bewld Pryor and set to the music ot America''will ' ' be rendered by the graduating Classen , .chorus. The pre sentation of diplomas will be made by Chalr- / man Thomas of the Board of Education. Milk poisoning Is the cause of many fatal ities among children. Poor refrigerators cause It. Get n Herrlck Hygeanlc used by School for Deaf. Sec them at Cole & Cole's. Memorial Service * . Abe Lincoln post , No. 29 , Grand Army of the Republic , and Woman's Relief Corps , No. 180 , will hold memorial services this evening at the Fifth Avenue Methodist church. The members ot the post and re lief corps will meet at Grand Army of the Republic hall on Pearl street at 7 o'clock sharp to take the car placed at the service of the veterans by the motor company for the church. Commander Samuel Johnson of encampment No. 8 , Union Veteran Legion , has Issued a call for all members ot the legion and the Women's Auxiliary to be at the Grand Army of the Republic hall at 7 o'clock to attend the services with the Grand Army at the church. All old soldiers and visiting comrades are Invited by the local committee to attend the services. The pastor , Rev. G. P. Fry , will preach a special sermon for the old soldiers and a special program ot patriotic music will be rendered by the church choir. To Thonc Who Love the Horn. Tomorrow will be the lost chance to patronize the Monday Musical club for this year. Admission 25c to nonmcmbers. The proceeds to go to our soldier boys. Nothing makes n nicer dinner than a fine mess of fresh fish and there Is but one place In the city where you can make a se lection of any kind ot fish you want. That place Is Sullivan's , 343 Broadway. Cordwood for sale cheap. Address W. F. , Bee office , Council Bluffs. Lawn mowers sharpened at Cole & Cole's. Kiinernl of Kittle Clark. The funeral of Miss Kittle Clark , daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Clark , was held yesterday afternoon from the family resi dence on Sixth avenue and was largely at tended. The services were conducted by Rev. J. H. Scnseney , pastor of the Broadway Methodist church. The esteem In which the young woman was held was evidenced by the many beautiful floral offerings that com pletely covered the casket. The members of the senior class of the High school sent a handsome floral tribute In the form of an open book with the' ' date 1898 worked In flowers. The remaln 'Were laid to rest In Falrvlew cemetery , > eipg followed to the grave by a long cortege. The father of Miss Clark Is court reported and Judge Smith ad journed district court"frdm 11:30 : to 3 o'clock out ot respect and to enable the court offi cers to attend the funferfll. mi i A big scarcity lnrfish , , ! Is reported In all the lakes nnd rlver Jthroughout the coun try. An investigation revealed the fact that the cause Is duo tothe , enormous shipments sent to Sullivan durlngKhe last few weeks. Work in it ! th Public. Some agents representing a foreign con cern , with headquarters in a city several hundred miles distant are , .working the city and BurroundUg country t 'soiling ' cooking ranges at fabulous prices. The hardware merchants of this city have taken steps to protect Innocent victims from being gulled end paying extortionate sums for something that can be had at home at reasonable prices by advertising this fact In The Bee this morning and warning the people to been on their guard. Big fish , little fish , fresh fish , scale fish , lake fish , salt fish and fish of all kinds/ Sullivan's , 343 Broadway. Charlie Still has purchased a League bicycle from Cole & Cole. Locked U for the Summer. W. H. Harris , the crook arrested with a "flash roll" In his possession , had a hearing before United States Commissioner Wright yesterday morning and was bound over to the federal grand jury ! In default of bail , which was fixed In the sum of $1,000 , Harris was committed to the county jail. The fed eral grand jury does not meet here until next September , so Harris will be kept out of mischief while the exposition Is open. Michigan Jet Cone Burner gasoline stove. Largest burner , no clogging and safety tank at Cole & Cole's. If you need a bedstead call and see the fine line at the furniture store of Peterson & Rchocnlng's In the Merrlam block. Most any kind you want and at a moderate cost. Irving hotel , 27M > B'd'y ; rates , $1.50. Mr * . Rohrcr Anneal * . Notice was served yesterday on Mayor Jennings and the city council by Mrs. Sarah * B. Rohrer that she had appealed to thedis trict court from the award ot the sheriff's jury empaneled to assess the damages In the condemnation proceedings brought by the city to open Sixteenth avenue and Third street through her property. Mrs. Rohrcr demands $3,300 , while the jury awarded hei but $2,000. Dlvorre Suit HIiinilMKcd. The divorce suit commenced In the dls- trlct court by Mrs. Fulvla Kcegan against H her husband , Patrick Kcegan , was dismissed j yesterday , the differences existing between them having been amicably settled. The at tachment Issued by order of the court against Keegan's 120-acre farm to secure the wife's claim for alimony was released. Lawn mowers $3.00 up at Cole & Cole's. Map of Cuba. Wcst < Indies and the World at The Bee office , IQ eoch. Just because the flsL'tn the stream do not bite good Is no rca ohiiWhy you should do without fish. 8ulllvfthpan | put up an-order for fresh fish to perfection. On llren < lnfid Water. George Mueller , sbnt'eticed to thirty days In the city Jail for v.rAjicy , refused to obey the orders of Jallir jDobblns yesterday morning nnd was looketf.up In the steel cell. As long as he proveSj refractory his diet will consist of bread anduMtesourl water. Ilcmcutuer Monday Musical cil'JE ! | ' o'clock , fine pro gram ; only 25c. , ' , j0 < t- Iluyluir Warrant * Airaln. The embargo placydndn city warrants by local Investors has ljeo'n withdrawn and yesterday city employes were able to dispose of their last month's i warrants at 95 cents 1 on the dollar. Mothers , friends and sweethearts , come to the English Lutheran church at 2 o'clock and let the Monday Musical club see your patriotism and your Ipve for the boys. Store your stoves at Cole & Cole's. Northern loiva Murder Cane. WAVERLY , la. . May 21. ( Special. ) Thl * place and the little town of Horton , near here , are greatly stirred over what Is be ' lieved to be a murder mystery , and Sheriff Parrot and deputies are now engaged In working on meager clews In hopes of un raveling it. Last March an old man known IB "Old Charley" disappeared mysteriously , j laving when last tttn a largo Burn of money . n his , poueislon , This morning J. E. C l- andcr , with whom the old man formerly j Ivcd , reported to the sheriff that he had acts lit his possession which tended to' tear the mystery , and search was ImmedlI I itely begun upon the old Pierce farm near lorton , where It Is alleged that the body t the old German was burled by his mur derers. Thus far nothing has been dlscov- red , though it Is believed the officers have lews In their possession which they are not giving out to the public nnd which will soon lead to a clearing of the mystery. Hid * 111 * Son Ooodliye. ATLANTIC , la. , May 21. ( Special. ) N. hi. Baker , Cass county's representative In he last Iowa legislature , has returned to his city from Des Molncs , where he wont to bid gpodbye to his son , * Charles , who en isled in the Fiftieth Iowa Infantry that started this morning for Tampa. Charles was attending college at Grlnncll nnd joined the Iowa National Guard nt that plane , lie Is the first volunteer from Cass county that has gone to the front. The Iowa Telephone company has a gang of men In this city making extensive Im provements. They will , before leaving , nove the exchange from Its present quarters to now quarters over Fred Alexander's book store , which will be more central and more convenient for Its patrons. Over three Inches of rain fell In this vicin ity within the last three weeks and the farmers arc wishing It would let up raining so corn will have a chance to sprout. iii'H Men Shoot 'Well. MARSHALLTOWN , In. , May. 21. ( Spe cial. ) Ex-State Representative J. 0. Brown of this city has just returned from Florida , where he spent the winter. Prior to return ing north Mr. Brown spent several weeks In Key West. While there he had nn op portunity of witnessing some ot the gun practice Indulged In by the gunners on the [ owa , New York , Marblehead nnd other ves sels In Sampson's fleet and was at once surprised and delighted at the accuracy at tained. He said ho saw many shots inailo by the big guns that , had he not been an cyo witness , he would not have believed such perfection could have been attained. One gunner on the Marblehead , hr said , Is probably the best In the navy. His aim Is absoultely perfect at cither long or short range. Mr. Brown was much Impressed by the loyalty of Cubans to Cuba and the caLse of Cuba llbrc. Chnrch Convention In lotva. ONAWA , la. , May 21. ( Special. ) The eleventh annual convention of the Christian churches of northwest Iowa was held In this city this week , nnd was attended by about eighty ministers and elders from the various counties In this part ot the state. The report of Secretary Marshall showed that the district has 100 churches with a membership of 7,419. The fifty-four bible schools reporting have an enrollment ol 5,504 , and forty-five Senior Endeavor so cieties have an enrollment ot 1,872 mem bers. There are about half as many Junior societies as Seniors In the district and about half the enrollment. Officers of the associa tion were elected as follows : President , W. A. Moore , Webster City ; vice presidents , F. H. Lcmmon , Lake City , and H. H. Kendall , Storm Lake ; secretary , A. J. Marshall. Five Unyn on Ice. ATLANTIC , la. , May 21. ( Special Tele gram. ) A colored Individual giving his name as George Alexander Lincoln , a stow away In the Ice box of a car of California oranges , was released from his prison today , while the train stood In the Chicago , Rock Island & Pacific yards at this place. It was by accident his groaning was heard , he hav ing been confined there for ten days. He gave a brakeman $3 to ride from Ogdun , Utah , where the car was sealed , to Denver , Colo. When released he was surprised lo find himself In Iowa. He had had nothing [ to cat for tbo : last five days except chlppoO , lce. ' ' Ak for Receiver' * Ilemovnl. DES MOINES , May 21. ( Special Tele gram. ) New York and Chicago creditors holding claims to the amount ot $77,000 to- Jday filed on application in the district court 'asking ' for the removal of Henry Rlegelman as receiver for the Rlegelmnn wholesale mll- Inery house , which failed a few da > s ago , with liabilities of $100,000 and assets said to be worth $200,000. Fifty-nine wholesale firms are represented In the application. iThey say that the receiver , as a member of the firm , Is responsible for the present financial condition of the concern and they therefore pray for his removal. Fiftieth Iowa Leave * . DES MOINES , May 21. ( Special Tele gram. ) The Fiftieth Iowa volunteers , SO ? strong , left for Tampa , Fla. , this morning , the Northwestern and Rock Island taking out the Second and Third battalions , re spectively , at 4 o'clock , and the Wabttsh taking Colonel Jackson and staff and the First battalion at 11 o'clock. The special trains were backed out to the camp grounds and the troops embarked directly from the camp , there being no parade or demonstra tion. The regiment goes Into service thor oughly armed and equipped. Ieet Suurnr Indnntry. RED OAK , la. , May 21. ( Special. ) A call has been published for a meeting of the farmers of Montgomery county In this city next Friday afternoon to organize an association to develop the beet sugar In dustry here. One farmer has already dis tributed more than two bushels of seed among the farmers ot the county with which ta make tests , and arrangements have been made for sending the beets to Grand Island for a practical test In the fall. It Is the Intention of the farmers to make the tesl this year thorough and satisfactory. ! tn l Storm nt I'uclflc Junction. PACIFIC JUNCTION. la. , May 21. ( Spe cial. ) This town was 'struck last night about 12 o'clock by a storm , causing con siderable fright among the people and some damage to buildings. The awning at the postofiico building was twisted off and two large plate glass windows destroyed. The postoffico has moved temporarily Into the F. W. Miller building. The Burlington railroad has the founda tion about completed for Its new depot , to take the place of the one burned a few weeks ago. OrKnnUen Ilnttery of Arllllcry. ELDORA , la , , May 21. ( Special. ) Ed ward O. Soule of Iowa Falls , In this , Hardln county , has just completed the organization of a battery of light artillery for the Span ish-American war and will be ready to go at the second call for volunteers. He secured seventy-four names on his muster roll In a very short space of time. Mr. Soulo Is a prominent railroad man. Ho was the eminent grand commander of the Knights Templars of Iowa two years ago. MlHNlon Work In lotra. IOWA CITY , la. . May 21. ( Special. ) A. M. Haggard , secretary of the Mission board of the Christian church In Iowa , will to morrow dedicate at Lone Tree , this county , his fifty-fifth church. A few days ago lie made an appeal for mission funds In Zcar- Ing and Julius Stebblns took him homo to dinner and gave him $450. Ex-Governor Drake Is chairman of the board having dlc- posal of the funds nnd In charge of the church extension work In Iowa. Rolnur < o Chill. ORANGE CITY. Iu. . May 21. ( Special. ) Henry J. Lenderlnk of this city , who was recently appointed United States consul at Santiago , will leave on Monday for his new I post. He will go to San Francisco and take a steamer down the coast. Heavy Ntorm Near Ncola. NEOLA , la. , May 21. ( Special Telegram. ) A heavy storm closely approaching a tor nado , accompanied by heavy rain , passed over this section of the country about Z o'clock this morning. It came from the southwest , nnd did considerable damage south of this place. Several outbuildings were unroofed nnd considerable damage done to fruit. A very large acreage of corn IBB been almost entirely washed out. Henry Itnln nt Fort Hoifke. FORT DODGE , la. , May 21. ( Special Tel egram. ) The heaviest rain In several years deluged this section during the last twenty- four hours. It effectively removes nil fear of another dry season nnd gives a great boom o the crops just starting. Conditions so far mvo been Ideal for plentiful crops. Inwn Nevnnper Mention * . The Corydon Democrat Is now Issued twice a week. Leon Brown has been made city editor of the Des Molnes Register. The Afton Star-Enterprise Is supplying war news by means ot n dally. The Perry Chief has been changed from a morning dolly to an evening dally. L. H. Mayne of the Emmctsburg Reporter Is a eotdler In one ot the Iowa companies. Will L. Clark of the Woodbine Twiner was married last week to Mrs. Mary Matter. The Ottumwn Courier Is to have n new press to meet the demand for Increased business. The editor of nn Adams county weekly tells his readers that "tho entire war is on our Inside thin week. " There Is talk of another dally paper In Davenport , which city already has more dally papers than any other In Iowa. The Guthrlo Center Guthrlnn was twenty- five years" old last week. Of that time Charles Ashton has been its editor for eigh teen years. The Gleaner Is the name of a paper at Potncroy to run one month or until the close of the war. Pomeroy Is a northern Iowa town that was completely wiped off the map a couple of years ago by n cyclone. Colorado New * Note * . The Colorado Land and Water company has sold n largo tract of land under the Bob Creek ditch In the Arkansas valley to the Buffalo Loan , Trust nnd Safety De posit company for $17,700. Mrs. M. A. Shute , chairman of the horticultural ticultural commission , Is visiting various parti cf Colorado In the Intercut ot lh Colorado horticultural exhibit nt the Trans- tnlRsUslppI Exposition , The Fort Colling city council disagreed about the location of n new depot for the railroad and the old one will be repaired nnd used until the council nun-en on some thing. The Women's Prcus club of Denver will publish ns a souvenir n now guldf to folcMda which will contain dtr rlr-tlons of the famous scenic routes of the stale , writ ten In a style more lltm.ry lmn visual In ruth publications. Dr. Sebastian Joseph , fornurly of St. Louis , was arrested at Colorado Springs In response to directions Issued from pollco headquarters In Denver. He kns tnkwt Into custody as ho was about to leave for the east. A fortnight ago Dr. Joseph , with his two children , quietly left Denver nnd hast ened to Colorado Springs , where ho re mained until the moment of his arrest. Ills wlfo alleges that the doctor also took with him a purse containing $200 , leaving her almost pcnullcsf. CIIOICi : IMIOPKIITV FOR SAM2. Three residence Intu on Oakland nve. Thin la the most bcnlitlful residence property In the city. Ono lot on Fourth street , nearly oppoMto the CurrlKK llatft. . . . Throe choice business lots on Hroudwny , In Slreetvllle. . . . . , , One entire block In Ilnllrond addition , be low U. I' , transfer ynrdH. . . . . A llvc-ncre tract of line garden land thrco miles cast of city on Gnrner rond. All Ihu nbove property will bo sold very chenp nnd on onsy UTmj. * f t/ 1 11IA 14 > ll * SCHEDULE EXPRESS Runs between Council Dluffa nnd Omaha. Now In effect. For prompt dellvory , cull on Wm WeJoh Bluff * 'phone , 123 ; Omaha 'phone. 780. UATE8 LOW. For carriage or express wagon , call nt No. 8 North Main street or above telephones. DWELLINGS. FnUI'i. 'ARK ANO GARDEN Undi for Ml * or nnt. Day * tUt * . Pearl ttt- WARNING ! Patronize Home Dealers and Save We , the undersigned Stove Dealers of Council Bluffs , wish to warn everybody against paying two prices for the goods they buy. We will give you a BETTER RANGE for from SIS to $20 Less Money. We are only in combination in this effort to protect - * # tect our citizens from paying from $15 to § 20 more than they can purchase reliable goods of us for. Our Guarantees Are Good. Vf $ LIKE THE CIRCUS , your peddlers /are heie ; itqday , there tomorrow. : J3uch guarantees , are. worthless ? " * - * ' * * - ? ? - - --T ' - JS - fr its We will DUPLICATE the peddler's goods in size , weight and the kitchen utensils , and GUAR ANTEE TO SAVE YOU OVER $15,0.0 on every purchase , and give you a more durable and bet ter working Kange. Iff COLE & COLE , Agents Buck Steel Ranges , - I P , C , BE VOL , Agent Majestic Steel Ranges , CHAS , SIAINE , Agent Superior .Steel Ranges , ' PtTERSEI & MHOENIHG.-Agenls . IX L Steel Ranges , Everything in Going In order to make room ( or Now Goods and for rearrangment of the interior ol our store wo nro offering the entire stock of the late BlllffS - * P es quite uijheard of ± * among CO. y of Carpets , Huge , Matting and all other goods parried in stock by the company. We have some very special bargains in Oilcloths , Mattings , . Window Shades , Rugs and Portieres , and particularly in Carpets. TREVNOR & GORHAM Successors to Council Bluffs Curpot Company. ODD FELLOWS' BUILDING. I Pretty as a Picture- \ and easy and comfortable "na a snus bug In n rug" Is our easy riding , light runabouts. Kor speedy drlvlrig they are the only vehicle outside of a sulky \\hcro ueight Is reduced to n minimum. Look at our superb stock of handsome buggies , phaetons , traps , surreys nnd buckboards for summer driving. DEERE , WELLS & CO. Broadway and Pearl Streets , COUNCIL BLUEFS , IA. JOHN G. WOODWARD & CO , , Council Bluffs , Iowa. WHOLESALE CANDY MANUFACTURERS Jobbers of CRACKtRS , NUTS , CIGARS and FIRE WORKS. Selling Agents JCATJ3 FIELD C/J.AS. tOo Olgarm. Do