Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 22, 1898, Image 14

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Theatrical matter * have not seemed to t
If prime Importance during the lust wee !
tompctlng M ( hey were obliged to do , wll
the war excitement and the Influence ot tt
rapidly approaching exposition , and being , i
l matter ot ( act , just a trifle out ot teaia
it this particular time. An a general thin
In May , tht theaters arc peacefully cloxln
their doon and preparing for a summi
ot rest and renovation. Here and now 1
Omaha , however , although one house Is Ir
deed temporarily dark , the other U con
llnuously furnished forth with sweetness an
light , and the one which Is closed for
time will teen reopen , with a new accci
of zeal In the cult of Thcsplii , and fully pn :
pared to do Its share In the greatest ea o
of Biimmcr amusements that Omaha ho
ever known.
Perhaps the event of the week which wo
fraught with the greatest significance t
local playgoers was the arrival on Wednet
day of Miss Kentmrk , who Is to appear todu
at the Crclghton for the first time at tli
head of the excellent company which I
already established there.
Those who have ever seen Miss Kennar
on the stage will not want to be told of he
manifold graces of peri-on and voice , of tli
unfailing charm of her finished style of ncl
Ing. Her versatility has already bee
demonstrated on our own stage , and she I
measurably certain to satisfy as fully I
"Camlllc , " which she helps to play till
. week , as In the name part of "Young Mn
> Wlnthrop , " the charming society play whlc
Is underlined. The scenes attending he
departure from Baltimore last Monday ar
graphically described In the News of tht
city , and would seem to have been In th
nature of an ovation to the vanishing fa
EicntM ,
"Cnmllle" will be the bill at the Crelghto
11 this week , beginning with an afternoa
and an evening performance today. MU
Jennie Kcnnark will enact the frail and cor
gnmtlve heroine , Mrs. Enos will be tt
Madame Prudence , Mr. Smith the Arman
and Mr. Kno3 the Varvllle. An claboral
production Is promised and with so stron
a cast the revival Is certain to be a mo :
ruccessful one. The specialties for the wee
Include Olgucrc and Boycr , the blograpl
with new war pictures , Grace Emmctt an
Ecrt dagnon.
The Omaha museum and theater continue
lo prove a great drawing card. The attorn :
ncc Is dally Increasing In volume.
The Woman's Sanitary Aid Society Is I
.have the use of the entire museum an
theater afternoon this week and
tnow laying plans to take possession. Tl :
'women will officiate as ticket sellers , le <
turcrs , ticket takers and floor managers an
ore now busy being Initiated Into the metl
ods of managing a museum.
Tim Murphy , with his "Old Innocence
and "Sir Henry Hypnotized , " Is booked i
appear at Boyd's for a week , beginning nc :
Sunday. The genial Timothy , who Is ui
questionably a clever actor and the bei
"imitator" now left to us , Is always we
come , but It Is to bo hoped that hla versatl
genius has era this suggested to him a ne
curtain speech , or at least a conslderab
variation upon the old.
The North Omaha Dramatic club will glv
an entertainment In Washington hall o
'Tuesday evening , May 24 , for the bcnef
of the Sacred Heart church , Kountze Plac <
The club will repeat the play. "Shamroc
and Rose , " which It produced nt Crelghto
theater n year ago. It Is a four-act hi !
torlcal and romantic drama , Illustrative <
English rule In Ireland at the time of tt
rebellion of 1798. Before the play there wl
be an International flag drill and chori
by sixty school children , In five companlc
of twelve each , representing five nations , (
.which Cuba Is the youngest. Between tt
acts will be Introduced musical contrlbi
Merely Player * .
- Clyde Fitch sailed for Europe last Thuri
Aubrey Boucicault has Joined a New Yor
lock company.
Charles Dlckson will star In "The Shai
Dattlu" next season.
W. T. Carleton Is Ringing In Eummt
opera In New York.
Taraagno will sing the title role In "Sam
ion" at Buenos Ayres.
Louise Elslng has Joined the New Yor
'Castle Square Opera company.
Blanche Walsh la said' to have Inhcrltc
, $10,000 by the death of her mother.
1 "The Continental Dragon" la the title c
R. N. Stephens' new play for E. H. Sothen
O. D. Woodward played the title role 1
-"My Uncle from India" In Denver last weel
The foreign tour of Sousa's band has bee
.indefinitely postponed on account of tb
Edward Harrlgan and his company hav
returned to New York , after a tour of th
Edward M. Bell , Sam Edwards and Robe :
O. Wilson have Joined the Frawley con
Ada Oilman will play her former role 1
' "My Friend from India" on the road no
Fanny Bloodgood played her first blac
face part recently , enacting Topsy In "Unc !
-Tom's Cabin. "
Ada Lewis , Eddlo Olrard and Ade !
Ritchie will appear In the new review i
Hosier & Dial's.
Emily Itlgl will succeed Minnie Scllgma
as leading woman of the Great Norther
'JBtock lu Chicago.
Wlllnrd Spencer , author of "The Llttl
Tycoon" and "Princess Bonnlc"will short !
.produce a new opera.
Henry T. Donnelly will manage n Ne
York theater next season , and Glrard wl
revive "Natural Gas. "
, John E. Hcnshaw and Richards and Car
field will bo seen In "About the Town , "
'Boston Bummer attraction.
r Comic opera , says Hillary Bell , has moi
[ dangers than any other branch of the drarc
'for a handsome young woman.
Viola Allen la to make her stellar debt
At the Lyric theater , New York , October
The play has not been determined upon.
Rlcardo Juan Jose , the counter-tenor ,
to marry one of the richest women In Cal
fornla. Jose used to be a blacksmith.
The latest rumor concerning Jeff <
Angelts Is that Delia Fox will Join him
a revival of "The Little Trooper" next sei
Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett has o !
lalncd a divorce from her husband , Dr. Flu
nctt of Washington , and will resume h
maiden name of Hodgson.
The season at Elltch's garden , Denv
opens Monday , May 30. Walter Edward
George It. Edison and Daisy Lovcrlng w
bo members of the company.
Melba did not faint during the panic
"Frisco. The collection of the opera cloak
hats , bonnets , opera glasses , etc. , left 1
the fleeing audience Invoiced nt $3,000.
Lavlnla Shannon , whose Infectious laui
In "Miss Francis of Yale" was the pleasati
> st feature of that play , has been dange
pusly 111 with pneumonia , but la now reco
It Is Btartlngly rumored that Nellie Be
en will marry D W lt Hopper a * soon
she can obtain a divorce. Why vex one
mind about marriage , divorce and trifles 11) )
them ?
Irving will produce "Cyrano de Bergerac
In Englarid , and Mansfield will present tt
play hero. Coquclln played the title rol
In Paris. Irvlng's production of "Th Mcdl
cine Man" failed.
Mr. and Mrs. Kcndal will return to th
country next year , It Is said , with "N <
Wisely , but Too Well , " written for them I
Walter Frith. It has been successfully pr <
duccd In England ,
Rice's "Monte Carlo" season closed t
abruptly In Philadelphia the other day thr
the theater's doors were not opened fc
the week. Joe Ott disbanded bis compau
to Join "Monte Carlo. "
Rose Goghlnn's vaudeville debut In Bostc
attracted 7,000 people to the two perforn
ances. Miss Coghlan receives $1,000 p <
week and will appear In vaudeville In tt
Keith theaters exclusively.
"War Bubbles , " recently produced r
Hammcrsteln's Olympla , Is described as "
light and frothy entertainment , liberal !
besprinkled with Jests and shapely women.
Arlcuc Crater Is In the cast.
Charles Jehllngcr , who has been for
number of years manager of a road con
pany presenting "The Girl I Left Behln
Me , " has been engaged as business managi
for the American Academy of the Dramat
The twin daughters , Ethel and Elsie , i
Mrs. Alice Shaw , who appeared here latel
with their mother , celebrated their 161
birthday May 10 , and are now regarded t
safe from the Interference of the Gen
James W. Collier , who died In New Yor
last week , was In his youth a member of a
amateur dramatic club with Maggie Mltchc
and Gcorgo Boniface , and later was tt
original Landry to Maggie Mitchell
George H. Primrose and Lew Dockstad <
will appear next year at the head of tt
"Great American Minstrels. " There wl
bo no white faces In the entertalnmcn
which will conclude with a big spectaculi
Elwyn A. Barren and William Barre
have almost completed a new play of tl
period of George III. , In which Mr. Barre
will appear as a distinguished courtli
greatly harrassed by the guardianship of tt
spendthrift hero.
Francis Wilson will revive "Ermlnle" c
an elaborate scale In New York tomorro
night , appearing himself , of course , i
Caddy. Pauline Hall Is to have her origin ;
role of Ermlnle , Lulu Glaser will be tl
Javotto and Henry E. Dlxey will play tt
Robert Macalre part of Ravenncs.
W. J. Ferguson of "The Tarytown Widow
cast , was on the stage of Ford's theati
the night when President Lincoln was ai
sasslnated , but still keeps youthful ni
humorous , notwithstanding the antiquity ar
tragedy of that memorable event. M
Ferguson has been on the stage for near
forty years.
That the leading New York theaters ai
not large Is shown by the following table t
seating capacities : Broadway , 1,600 ; Knlcl
crbocker , 1,349 ; Fifth Avenue , 1.269 ; Hera
Square , 1,200 ; Daly's , 1,170 ; Manhatta
1,100 ; Empire , 1,100 ; Wallock's , 1,081 ; Ga
den , 1,038 ; Bijou , 969 ; Garrlck , 910 , or
Lyceum , 757. This should bo borne In mlr
In reading "standing room only" stories.
Annie Russell has not been encouraged 1
her recent production In New York of "Tl
Scenario" to adopt that play as a vchlc
for her proposed starring toiir. 'Her ' ro
is an emotional one of a woman with a pat
and Is a decidedly new departure for i
actress so well and favorably known as i
exponent of Ingenue parts. Miss Russe
sailed last week for England , and wl
present "Dangerfleld , ' 95 , " In London.
While all the newspapers are discern ! :
"the beginning of the end" for MarU
Manola , and reporting that she Is so broke
down by the use of drugs that her mothi
has applied for a guardian for her , tl
sprightly singer herself bos appeared :
New York , clothed and In her .right mln
and eager for an engagement In com
opera. Bettlna Glrard , on the contrar
has Just returned to Bellevue hospital fi
the fourth time , suffering with neurasth'cnl
The efforts to explain and excuse tl
taking oft of "His Honor , the Mayor , " tl
last of this week at the Empire theater ai
amusing , says the Mirror. A failure nen
no explanation or excuse. It has bee
gravely stated by the press agent ( first ) thi
Mr. Crane would withdraw the piece I
splto of Its great success and In spite <
Charles Frohman's cabled prayers for 1' '
continuance , and ( second ) that Mr. Crat
would be unable to prolong his engagemen
owing to the fact that he is obliged to fu
nil a contract to go on tour with the Lamb
One cannot always tell by the size of
town the degree of Its culture. A know
edge of music Is generally In proportlc
to one's opportunities of hearing , but tt
final result Is embodied In the permanei
Impressions established. If one were'to hei
In a careless way ten fine performances , an
finally discover that they had left a blurrc
and Indistinct Image he would be but lltt :
better as a result of his experience. Or
performance vividly remembered , not as u
event prolific In good clothes and Idle cot
vcrsatlon , but as a succession of detal
which , all taken together , constitute a wcr
of art , will exert more power as a civllUi
than ten as described above. It Is not ho
much wo read , but what we remember I hi
constitutes our fund of Information. Tl
same law of accumulation applies In musl
It Is not at all unusual to hear the rumarl
"Oh , I have heard that opera once ; I don
care to hear It again. I had rather hei
something else. " It Is safe to say tin
there Is not a human being anywhors I
the world who can carry away anythlu
like a complete conception of any great woi
of musical art after- first hearing. Tl
leading critics do not pretend to be able i
pass a final Judgment upon such a wet
until after they have studied the score ni :
heard It Interpreted several times. Igm
ranco Is courageous. Opinions Hmt are \\oi (
nothing rest nothing and are scatten
around with a prodigality that would pu
duce poverty If anything real were bell :
given. Musical culture Is a sort of Intu :
susceptlon by which Information Is nccumi
lated and one's temperament developed.
Is not something which may be put on f (
the time and taken off when there Is no or
to see It. To the true musician good mita
Is a pleasure and bad music au offense. Ot
brought up to realize that "cleanliness
next to godliness" cannot endure squulo
When a love of music becomes a part <
one's Inner nature.Its effect upon him
quite as positive. Unless It has a messaj
It awakens no Interest. A succession i
sounds that were put together to tickle tl
ear rather than to commune with the hca
becomes tiresome as soon as the novelty i
being tickled has worn off.
"Him that hath ears to hear , let hli
hear , " contains an Idea pertinent to tl
hearing of music. A tboui
and persons listening to tl
earno symphony win all hear It dlfTci
ently Inasmuch as their experiences ha\
been different ana the resulting cultui
vni'ed. In each mind U will occasion
certain line of thought actordlog to the If
dividual' * peculiar Interest ! . Where all ai
inuilcnlly educated the lines will come tc
gethcr more frequently than where the
are not and differences of opinion will t
more decided , likenesses of opinion will I
more common. Ou a bright starry nlgl
the average person looks up Into the azui
and SCCB myriads of shining lights , appal
ently put there to dUpel the darkuce
The astronomer In his observatory gaz <
through his telescope and sees countlet
worlds telling the story of eternity an
God. The stars are the same for all , hi
what a difference In the vlslonl
Last week I visited the little town (
Tarklo In the state of Missouri , and too
part In a musical festival which couslstc
of three concerts. There IB a college i
Tarklo which had a unique origin , the ctor
of which Is as follows : Some years ag
Tarklo and another town were rivals fc
the honorable distinction of being tli
county scat and the former , being coufldcr
of securing the prize , began to build a coui
house. When It was about half complete
the. other town was selected and the would
have-been court house was without an oc
cupatlon. Local enterprise was equal to tli
new order of things , however , and tli
proposition was made to1 the church dcnorr
( nations represented In the town that ill
one that would complete the building for
college and endow It with $20,000 shoul
have It without other expense. The Unite
Presbyterian denomination fulfilled the n
qulremcnts , came Into the possession of tli
building , completed It , endowed It and no
controls a prosperous college with over 2 (
students in regular attendant
It was the musical dcparttnci
of this college that gave the festival la
week. The chorus numbered 100 voices or
the parts were fairly well balanced. /
the Wednesday evening performance th <
sang "Daybreak , " by Fanning , "The She ]
herd's Farewell , " by Smart , and the "Marc
Chorus , " from "Tannhauser , " by Wagne
On Thursday evening the "Messiah" wi
given and they sang twelve of those wonde :
ful choruses , Including the "Amen" wll
which the work closes , and which Is so dl
ficult that It Is frequently omitted. Tl
conductor Is Mr. Charles F. H. Mill
director of the musical , department of tl
college. Mr. Mills was educated at Oberl
and is so skilled a pianist that ho was ab
to play at the afternoon concert McDowell
D minor concerto. As a conductor Mr. Mil
Is energetic , strict , has the respect at
confidence of his singers and Is fortuna
In his choice of tempi. His chorus sat
with remarkable accuracy and was a eoi
slant source of wonder to us who had n
heard it before nnd were Inclined to Jud |
It by the size of the town In which It live
The soloists for the festival were Mi
Genevleve Clark Wilson , soprano ,
Chicago , the possessor of a beautiful vol <
which may be heard here at some of tl
exposition concerts ; Mrs. II. F. Staple , coi
tralto ; Mr. M. B. Griffith , tenor , of
Louis ; Mr. Alfred G. Ilobyn , who will be r
membcrcd by the readers of The Bee i
the director of the Apollo club of
Louis , but who Is a fine pianist and organls
and Mr. Walter Logan , violinist , of Clev
land , O. Mr. Logan was the prlnclp
violinist of the orchestra at Chautaqua , 1
Y. , last summer , and played so well
Tarklo as to secure , after one of his nur
bers , four enthusiastic recalls. He Intem
to go to Europe this fall .to spend three yea
In study. The accompanist for all the BO
and chorus work was a young man from
Joseph , Mo. , named F. F. Beale , and ne
to the chorus he was the greatest surprl
of the festival. His playing was remarkab
for Its artistic conception and he read mus
as most people read words. Being only !
years old , his prospects are bright Indeed.
The audience In attendance at these coi
certs numbered from 1,000 to 1,200 peopj
Tarklo claims 2,000 population , but. for ! tl
"Messiah" performance a special train yn
run and the" farmers from miles arout
drove In that they might be present. Tl
applause was discriminating and ever ;
body seemed not only pleased , but prou
That pride In their college and'consequei
Interest In all that It does is the bacl
bono of the enterprise and there will 1
other festivals as long as It continues.
The question naturally arises , If a to\v
.of 2,000 people can furnish the vocal mi
terlal for such a chorus and the public I :
tercst to support It , what might be proper
expected from a' city of the size of Omalu
There Is no chorus here at the present tin
that even pretends to be able to give tl
"Messiah , " nor has there been one slm
the decease of the Apollo club. To gh
such a work a body ot singers must 1
united with the purpose to persist In ardt
ous rehearsing until a complete work
mastered. The Omaha choruses of the la
two or three years have been ropes of sac
held together by the personality of the cot
ductors. There are voices enough hero i
make a chorus of 200 members that coul
sing any oratorio that was ever wrlttei
The fatal weakness is the lack .of appreclt
tlon and the consequent lack of Intores
This condition of affairs Is largely due I
the lethargy ot the public , which compe
the manager to make of himself a peddli
and canvass from house to house , office I
office , In order to even secure an attendant
large enough to pay expenses. The mus
of the exposition will afford a wonderfi
opportunity for the development of artist
appreciation and It Is to be hoped that afti
Its gates are finally closed a great chori
wll be organized , under the direction of
trained musician , that will command an
obtain the support of the music-loving pul
Note * .
On May 31st Mrs. Cotton's pupils wl
give a recital at the Congregational churc
The event Is an evening affair.
Richard Strauss , until recently director
the Uoyal opera In Munich , has been e
gaged for Berlin. He has been much talki
of ai the possible successor of Anton Set
In New York.
Mr. Emll Paucr. formally conductor
_ the Boston Symphony orchestra , has be <
elected conductor of the New York Phi
hurmonlc orchestra , succeeding Mr. Sel
In that position.
Alberto Randeggcr , a nephew of the w <
known conductor and vocal teacher , has r
cently produced a new concerto for viol
and orchestra at the Milan Conservator
where he has been studying.
Saint Sacns , the composer , has returm
to Paris , bringing with him an orchestr
composition In the shape ot a symphon
suite written after a poem by himself , re
resenting the rising of the sun.
Daniel Frohman , owing to the success ,
the Kelccy-Shannon company , at the L
ccum. In "Tho Moth and the Flame , " h
arranged with Herbert Kelcey for a regi
lar spring season of the company at tl
Lyceum , when at least one new play w
bo presented.
Despite the recent rupture between I
Wolf Hopper and his former manager , Bi
Stevens , the new opera , "The Charlatan
will be produced as contemplated. Hoppc
Nclln Bergen , Stanley , Klein and most
the members of the "El Capltan" cast w
be In the company ,
A new pleasure resort was opened recent
near London called "Alexandria Place
where over 42,000 people were gathered
one time. The performance of "Tho Me
stah" was given before an audience of 10OC
one of the soloists belug Mrs. Belle Col
the American singer.
Harrison J. Wolfe Is suing Henry J
Savage , the manager of the Castle Squa
Opera company , for breach of contract. M
Wolfe says he wan engaged to play tl
leading role In a production of "The Prl
oner of Zcnda , " but was discharged as li
competent after a week's rehearsals.
Next Wednesday evening at Patterson ha
a concert will bo given for the benefit of M
Fredrtch Psyches Rawcllffe , a joung vloll
1st of more than ordinary ability , who
trying industriously to forward himself
the musical world and deserves ncouraca
racnt He will to atiUted by Mme. Merge !
planlit. Mid Ella Qark. vocalist , Mine
Challlte , elocutionist : aid Miss Vcrglnnt
Merges. =
An Interesting conr rUtook place last Frl
day evening at the Young Men's ' Chrlstla
association auditorium , Aindcr the dlrectlo
of Mr. T. J. Kelly , ai'which the Madrlgfl
quartet , consisting of Mrs. Kelly , Mrs. El
and Messrs. Conklln * ( irnd Pickering , Mn
Martin Cnhn and Mrkj'Mathcson took par )
A good sized audlcnfccj'Wna ' present , In spit
of the Inclement wiilner. and numerou
encores testified to tl 'ilisteners' enjoymcni
The performance wa-.given for the bencf
of the First Christian ? church.
Philip Hale , the ftVllknown music crltl
ot Boston , In speaking ot Sullivan's dramatl
oratorio , "The Golden , Legend , " says that h
prefers the "Mlkodoli.ibr "The Trial b
Jury. " Sullivan has 'ulways ' been very muc
chagrined that ho should be Judged by tb
world at largo by his comic operas ratht
than by bis more ambitious composition
At a performance recently given of "Tli
Golden Legend" In Boston Mr. Max Heir
rich , the baritone , fainted. Mr. Hale saj
"tho most dramatic feature of the perforn
anco wag the fainting of Mr. Helnrlch. l (
he was mocking the pilgrims he fell Into
chair , Miss Edmunds fanned his knees an
a kindly young man , who evidently Is nc
acquainted with Mr. Helnrlch , brought hli
a Rlass of water. " The singer recovcrc
sufficiently to proceed with the work.
The program for the National Congrcn
of Musicians Is becoming more complet
and new names are being added to that gal
nxy which bids fair lo be one of the proud
cst ever arrayed nt one time In one plac
In the cause of musical art In this coun
try. Among those not heretofore announce
Is Mrs. Katherlno FUk. who will read a
essay on "The Voice as a Painter. " show
Ing the use of tone color In singing 1
musical Interpretation. Mrs. Flsk will sin
a number of selections showing the appll
cation of the principles promulgated In th
essay. Mr. William Armstrong has post
poned his trip to Europe till September on
will lecture at the congress on "The At
ttstlc Temperament. " His wide acqualnl
once with artists makes him cspcclall
qualified to tell how It Is that one singe
appeals to an audience and makes musl
falls lo do s (
means so much , while another
Mr. Alfred G. Ilobyn will contribute seven
organ solos to one "of the recitals. Mi
Sherwood's recital program has been re
celved and will be announced In due tlmi
The performance of the second half c
"Elijah , " announced for this aftcroon wl
be postponed till next Sunday. Two chorusc
not given heretofore will be prepared fc
this performance.
Iant of Jntimu'Hc to I.envc the Poi
mid ConntU'4 ? the TraiiN-
fer on Monday.
PEKIN , May 21. The arrangements .fc
the transfer of Wel-Hal-Wel have been core
pleted. The Chinese will occupy the poi
on Monday Immediately after the last c
the Japanese withdraw. On Tuesday
British force to occupy the place will Ian
from three war ships which are now In th
harbor , when the British and Chinese fla
will be hoisted side by side. So soon .1
the buildings , arsenals and forts are take
over by the British forces the Chinese fla
will bo lowered. mi
Omaha Museip ; and Ttieair
13I5-131f Tarnam St.
Wm. H. Trbost ; Manager.
OPEN UAIllY ljTO 10 P. M.
A Strong Bill for , Week of May 23
Settricli Eamily Band
Karlo Turo
Circassian Prince from Asia Minor.
In feats of contortion and dislocating
his neck.
Prof' Wm. Warden
Lightning Sketch Artist In Smoke.
Punch and Judy.
Artistic Tattooer.
The Two Kids ,
Cur bow & Darrell
Vocalists , Buck and Wing Dancers.
Mack & Ho ward
The Acrobatic Comedians.
Little Beth
The Child Dancer , In her Cuban-America !
, Dances.
Gordon Sisters
Ida Daley
Serpentine Dancer.
Views of the Maine In Havana Harbor.
Brewing Company's
Headquarters . .
Ladies' and Gents
Concert Hall.
1515 Chicago Street.
South Side Jefferson Square.
Grand Concer
EveryJE ening.
Admission toe.
Change of Program Every Week ,
A. NyHerg , Manager.
_ /nt g _
I. N Quill , i'rop. and Manager.
Soiitlicuht Cur. JflUi n a Davenpor'
Attractions for -wrrk commencing Ma
23d : America's premier favorites , Hall 81s
terfl , rng time singers and dancers. IJIIIo
& Oarland. Irish sketch artists. The HI
Four , Jesile. Kvn , Kennlson's , Flammt
Daisy , Gussle , "Scenes do Hallet. " Iv
Donncttn , refined serio-comic. Rydar i
Dayton , always pleasing6 dally mutlnee :
except Monday.
The Creighton ! %
O. li. Woodward , Amusement Director.
Toiliiv Si 13. To it I u lit HiO
Specialties Olguere & Boyer , Oracle Era
melt , Bloerapb.
AdvertUrtnrnti for thrie eolmntn
Trill l e taken until 13 n. for th
evening- mid nntll 8 p. m. for th
mornlnir nnit Sunday edition * .
AdrerMieri , by reqiieNtlnit a nnm
bcrnl check , ran have ammern nd
ArcKHFil to a numbered letter In ear
of The lire. Aim rer > u tldre e
will be Delivered on preiientatlou u
the check only.
Hate * , 1 1-So a rrord flr t Insertion
Ic a word thereafter. Kothlnic tnKe
for leim than St.1e for the Urn I ! n ei
tlon. Tbe e aUvcrtlnemcnlB tutiRt b
run conneentlvelr.
LICENSED engineer wants position an ei
glnccr or fireman ; state certificate , gou
reference : can operate light plant , Loc
box 184. HuthvcnT la. A-MBI5 21 *
ALL iirouiut baker wants Hltuatlon ; all
understands soda fountain and nil kln <
of cream ; lolls experience ; sober. Ai
dress 113 W. Locust street , DCS Molne
la. A MC93 22'
TWO young laillcB , with experience i
World's fair ; also Atlanta , desire chart
of exhibits at Omaha exposition ; hlghe
references furnl heil. 1' 4 , Bee.A734
A-734 22
WANTED , by stenographer and olllcenui
of long experience , position where he tn
devote part time to private matters. Ai
dresa I1 8 , Bee. A-783 B ! *
CANVASSERS to tuko orders ; new line <
work ; no heavy goads to curry ; salary (
commission. C. F. Adams Co. , 624 Soul
Sixteenth street. li 830
SALESMEN to sell toilet soul , to dt-ulen
{ 100 per month salary and expenses ; c :
perlcnco unnecessary. Louis Ernst Cc
Bt. Louis , Mo. B-S.37 .
"WANTED , men to learn barber trad ,
eight weeks complete ; positions positive !
guaranteed ; wages Saturdays ; tools nr
scntcd ; Illustrated catalogue mailed fre
Moler System Uarber colleges. Chlcag
St. Louis or Minneapolis. " B MC02 2
WANTED , solicitors of good address , eltln
sex , to sell California Howes ; rare , hart !
ornamentals , etc. ; town and cities -onl :
will pay salary weekly ; be quick ; sta' '
age. The Howland Nursery Company , L <
Angeles , Cnl. H-M631 31
MEN , women , boys and girls to sell tl
best portrait of Admiral Dewey , the hei
of Manila ; size 22x28 ; sample by mall
cents ; $3 per hundred by express ; onli
quick. A. Nlelen , Cincinnati , O.
I ) MC92 22 *
WANTED , foreman for a factory makhi
duck clothing , macklnaw goods an
leather clothing ; one who thoroughly ui
dcrstnnds material , who can make pa
terns and original styles ; must know tl
value of cotton ducks and linings and 1
able to assist In the purchasing ; of mi
terlal and the figuring of costs ; a thoi
oughly practical man can command
good , permanent position. Please addre.
with full references , the Jill ford She
Co. , Mllford , Mass. B-MCS9 2G
WANTED , branch wholesale house wanl
3 steady men for traveling salesmen o
salary ; (50 and expenses ; Missouri , low
and Kansas ; experience not absolute !
required ; must have good references an
smitll capital for bond. A. E. Cordary
Co. , Kansas City , Mo. B-MCS7 22"
WANTED , salesmen to sell perfumes an
toilet articles ; $100 per month and e :
pcnses ; experience unnecessary. Plumt
Perfumery Co. , St. Louis , Mo.
B-MGS5 J19
WANTED , first-class furniture salcsma
to handle our framed pictures as a sic !
line ; reliable house ; reliable and populr
goods ; quick sellers ; liberal commlsstot
references required ; write for particular
8. Franklin , Chicago. 13 MUS4 22
WANTED , two reliable canvassers ; salar
or commission ; permanent. Perry Nurser
Co. , Rochester , N. Y. B-M710 22 *
WANTED , man with means to secure so !
agency for variety of finest Exposltlc
badges manufactured , to sell to stre <
men , etc. Three samples , 2oc. M. Erns
Cleveland , O. U M708 23 *
BOOKKEEPER wanted , with 'experlent '
In wholesale fruit business ; references n
quired and wages wanted. Address P
Bee. B 733 23 *
A. SALESMEN to aell cigars to dealer ;
salary , JGO.OO to { 200.00 per month and ej
pcnses ; experience unnecessary ; pel
manent position. The Do Mora Cigar Co
Springfield , O. B
SALESMEN given exclusive territory wit
big commission for salable telephone al
tachmcnt ; liberal Inducements. Mor
mouth Mfg. Co. . 23 Duane St. , N. Y.
B 743 22 *
MAN or lady of good address , to travi
and appoint agents ; $40 per month and c >
penses. P. W. Ztegler & Co. , 320 Dearbor
St. , Chicago. B 742 22 *
OPIUM , Morphine , 'Whisky ; If Intcrestc
In the cure of these habits write for m
book ; mailed free. B. M. Woollcy , M. D
Atlanta , Ga. B 741 22 *
VOLUNTEERS For war take hundreds c
employes from the postotllce , custoi
house , railway mall , departmental an
other tranches of the government servlci
To lilt their places will greatly Incrcus
the usual 5,000 appointments for ne'x
year. Examinations soon. Particular
free. Nat'l Cor. Institute , Dept. C. , Wash
Ington , D. C. B 740 22
( GO to $75 a month and expenses for earner
worker to take care of our Interests 1 ;
resident and nearby towns. Enclos
stamp. Keeler & Klrkpatrlck , Phila. , Pa
B 739 22"
WANTED , Man that knows the drug bus
tness ; If you don't know It don't applj
Sherman & McConncl Drug Co. , 151
Dodge St. , Omaha. B 738 22
SALESMEN , wanted to sell our lines c
goods to the jobbing trade of O ma hi
Council Bluffs and the entire state of low
to the wholesale drug , fancy goods , hous
furnishing and hardware trade. Hcpl
stating full particulars as to cxperlenci
ability , etc. . to the Illinois Pure Alumlnur
Company , Lemont , Illinois , B 779 22
GOVERNMENT positions : The war make
a demand for men In the governmei :
civil service ; examinations soon ; full It :
formation free. Columbian Correspondence
once College , Washington , D. C.B .
B 757-22 *
SALESMEN , $100 weekly guaranteed an
exclusive territory assigned good men f < i
the sale of the genuine Arctic Refrlgorat
Ing Machine for cooling refrigerators
guaranteed 75 per cent cheaper than Ice
keeps perishable articles Indctlnltel }
guaranteed Inilpstructable ; every owner c
a refrigerator buys them , as the savin
of Ire In one month more than pays fo
machine ; have over 3.000 In use ; write tc
day and secure your territory ( beware c
worthless Imitations. ) For full pai
tlculurs and our list of 500 testlmonal
from leading merchants of U. 8. , addrcs
Arctic Refrigerating Co. , Cincinnati , o.
B-756-22 *
mill Cnjiltol Are.
Matinees Wed. , and Sat. 2:30. : Admission 1CK.
Corner Kltli mid llurney Street * .
Henry Lleven. Prop.
13th nnd Douglas Sts. , Omaha
J. E. JIAIIKEL , .t SON. Prupi ,
HATES ! . W A.\U IjUf.OO I'Ell DAY
Electric cars dlr.ct to fipoiltlon ground *
fHA.NK. UAllKUIl. Cashier
SAil UAUUAK Colct Clerk
. * "
( CVintlnuttl. )
BPECIAt.TY BnlcBinun wanted to cell first
clnnn line In h xortmetiln to dry Rood * nml
Benernl trade ; tinunual Inducement ! * nml
flbernl trrmnj entire tlinr required : hlpli
rommlxxlon : no riovlco need npply ,
Ulynlnn Mfg Co. , Detroit , Mich.B .
B 758-J2 *
I.AHGK clKnr IIrm wants Rood turn every-
whom to ell to dcalorn ; npeclnl Induce-
tnentii offered ; liberal pay to beginner *
Addrens Union ICaele Cigar Co. , ChlcaKO
B-751-22 *
WANTED , man with Inrge nciiualntuncc tt
Introduce new method of PclitiiR tileyelcn
dlnmondn nnd watches ; 13(1 ( a week to tin
rlKht person. K. J , Haas & Co. , Chicago
111. U-7 < 5-22
WANTED. Two Rood men to travel on tin
road. Apply Monday and Tuemlny aftei
6 p. in. to J. A. McMillan , Klondike Hotel
ICth nnd Wcb ti-r. B-S1B 22 *
ACTIVE solicitors wanted everywhere fo
"Amerlca'H Battle for Cutm'.H Freedom ; '
olltflal war book ; tcllH nil about Spain
Cuba , arnilex , imvlos , war nnd nil Kroa
commandcm ; graphic deHcrlptlon o
Dewoy'K fnmoiiH victory nnd hlfi complel
biography : blKRest book ; COO larse PIIKCS
mnKnllleently IIHiHtniU'il ; trctnendoUB de
mntid ; only $1.5o ; commission 50 per cent
bonanza for agcntx ; 30 days credit
freight paid ; oiltllt free ; write quick. Th
Dominion Co. , Dept. 32 , Chicago.B793
B-793 29 *
WANTED , dry Roodn Balenmnn , furnltur
man , Kroceryinnn , city Hnlosmun ; po l
tlonf ) tilled dally. Clerks' Association , 4 :
N. Y. Llfo bldn. B-7SS 23
SALESMAN visiting country trade to curr
line of war buttons nnd novelties an Bid
line ; blp money made. I . I' . Davis Co
Btn. L , Chicago. B-S04 22
100 Q1RL8 for all kinds of work ; (3 to $
week. Canadian Olllce. 1522 Douglas.
EMPLOYMENT Bureau , IG34 DodRo ; rclla
ble male or female help furnished. Tel. k"
C 137 J12
S. 18th. C C90
LADY agents wanted to take orders for th <
A. H. Johnston Skirt Co. , Perry , la. Writ
for samples. C M718 25 *
WANTED , Olrl for general housework
family of three. 2209 Spencer St.
FAT folks reduced 15 IbH. n month ; any OIK
can make remedy at home ; sample box
etc. , mailed free ; It costs you nothing tc
try It. Hall Chemical Co. , A 34 , St. LoulB
Mo. c
LADIES , boys and Blrls , earn 189S bicycle
Kold watch or camera taking orders foi
tea , coffee , extracts , toilet soaps , etc. Foi
particulars address National Consolidate !
Co. , ChlcuRo. c
LADIES can make ? 9 a week working foi
us at home ; no canvasslnR or art work
reply envelope for sample nnd particulars
International Co. , 25 Third avcnuo , Neu
York. C 744 2 > *
LADIES wanted to do needle work ; cat
devote all or part time ; easily make J4 U
$7 per week. Cull 33 Barker Blork.
C-M7CQ.23 *
WANTED , a Rood Rlrl for general house
work . 593So. 29th Ave. C 759-22 *
WANTED , one lady to mull or superintend
distribution of circulars In each town li
U. S. , or Canada ; Rood pay ; pcrmanen
employment. Address with stamp. Mrs
Summers , Notre Dame , liul. C 75S-22 *
WANTED , lady npents for n skirt an <
shirt waist supporter ; n splendid seller
Address L. Nltschelm , 312 Madison ave.
Peorla , 111. C 780 22 *
WANTED , Reneral servant ; plain cooking
small family : necond girl kept. Mrs. M. A
Hall , 118 N. 39th st. C 725 23 *
WANTED , Girl to do housework. 1838 N
20th St. C 810 22
SEE the Epperly corset. 1511 Douplas St.
C 798 J21
CHOICE houses atul cottages all over city
$5 to J75. Fidelity , 1st floor , N. Y. Life.
HOUSES. Bencwa & Co. . 10S N. 15th St.
D 840
HOUSES , stores. Bonus , Paxton block.
D 841
MOVING household goods nnd pianos
Om. Van & Storage Co. , 151114 Fnrnam
Tel. 1559. D 843
PROPOSITIONS for the place , 3424 N. 24th
Bt. , Including house , barn and three acres
of ground. Apply to W. K Holden , can
of Brennan-Love Co. , 219 S. ICth St.
FOR RENT , 9-room house , with barn , 22d
at. , near California ; all conveniences ; not
for exposition roomers ; to responsible
party. Inquire Room 606 N. Y. Llfo bldff ,
P MS39
FURNITURE And leasehold of a 7 and 13-
room modern flat for sale ; bargain ; good
location , rent low. Bemls , Paxton Blk.
12-ROOM modern house , 131 So. 23th St. , hoi
water , heat. J. N. Frwzer , opp. old P. O
HOUSES In demand. List with mo and
got prompt paying tenants. J. H. Par-
rotte. Douglas block. D 785 22
FOR RENT. New five-room cottage nt 1914
Castellar St.
Restaurant for rent , all furnished , only
$25.00 per month. R. C. Peters & Co. , U.
S. Nat. Bank Bldg. D 790 22
7-ROOM House , full lot , one block from
Hnnscotn park , $2,200.
10-room modern house , new fine library , re
ception hall , onk finish down stairs , In
every respect a very complete home.
8 lots In Saundern & Hlmebaugh's add. for
$ COO ; cost owner over $5,000.00.
Improved farms for sale In eastern Ne
braska and western Iowa.
For sale , meat market , coed location.
R. C. PETERS & CO. .
U. 8. Nat. Bank BldR.
D-7S9 22
FOR RENT , nice six-room cottace , ! ) th nnd
Pierre. G. L. Green , room 28. Barker
block. D 828 22 *
FOR RENT. 7-room modern house. $30.00
22il and California. 50C N. Y. Life Illdir.
INSTRUMENTS placed on record Sutur-
day , May 21 , 189S :
Warranty Di-eilx. *
Patrick McDonough to MagKlo Mc-
DonoURh , lot 8 , block I , Missouri
avenue . x 400
F. W. Curmlchael to New Enulaml
Loan and Trust company , lots 21 , 27 ,
28 , 34 , 33 , block 1 , lot ? 4 , 5. 20 , 21 ,
block 3. lots 14 , 15 , 1C , Mock 4 ,
BrlRRH Place . , 2
M. J , C. Ryan and husband to Mary
Donovan , lot 23 , block 7 , Corrlgan
Place . . . . . . ; . 3 < x )
J. W. Nicholson and wife to Willis
Land company , Mot 12 , block 7 , Lin
coln Place . 600
Unit Claim DorilM.
Willow Springs Distilling company to
P. E. Her , lots 2 to 7 , block 1 , Credit
Foncler addition , lots 1 to 4 nnd 16
to 20 , block 45C , Orandvlew addition ,
part lot 1 , block 207 , Omaha . 10
Sheriff to F. W. Carmlchael , lots , 21 ,
27 , 2S , 34 , 33 , block J. lots 4. 5. 20 and
21 , block 3 , lots 14 , 15 and 1C , block 4 ,
BrlKRM Place . 11
Same to L. P. Prentice , south half lot
3 , block SO , South Omaha . 2,600
Total amount of transfers . $3.723
FURNISHED rooms. t24 S. 20th ave.
E-M451 M29
MOST desirable , private family. 1819 Dodge.
E-M351 M21
rooms. Write to Exposition Rooming
Co. , Douglas block , ICth and Dodge.
E-M4S4J14 *
SOUTH front elegant furnished room for
two gentlemen employed at Exposition ;
desirable location. Address P 10 , lieu.
K 'M 22 *
ALL pervons desiring roomu or board call
BIO Brown block , ICth and Douglas streets.
Information frco. Special attention given
strunftra. Ji 78 21 *
nooMi * .
( Continued. )
HOOM9 for season at 2411 N. 19th.
K MC3S 24 *
BEAUTIFUL front room * . ISM Harney.
. *
FURNISHED rooms ; liollscktopltiK. 2G2I
St. Mnry'B. K-702-23 *
FURNISHED rooms near Exposition. 1921 J
R-M712 22 *
Locust Bt. -
3 FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping for
man and wife ; rent taken In board. 319 N.
Kill. E-721
FURNISHED room for rent : bath ; gni
nnd telephone ; N. K , cor. Pork nventltt
nnd Lcavcnwurth ; over drug store.
K-728 22 *
WANTED , nt once , the name , address an *
ratn of nil furnished rooms In the city.
Address O 67 , Bee. E 7CI-22 *
FURNISHED room , with or without
board. 529 South 27th Bt. i : 73.V22
FOR RENT , Two front rooms. 310 N. 22d.
E-F21 29
THE Fnrnam Terrace , now open.neur ;
brick bulldltiR ; pleasant , newly furnlxhrd.
2030-2012 Fnrnnm St. E-MC6I J1S
FOR RENT , newly furnlsnc. * . rooms , (
$7.00 and $10.00 ; Blnislp. ensultc or for light
housekeeping. 2220 Lcaveiiworth.
E--M1 *
- - 22
_ _
THE Merrlum , first-class family hotel.
25th and Dodge Sts. F-H7
NEW ALBANY , 2116 Ulnncy : elegnnt
rooms , rtrst-cliiss board ; terms tcuhon-
nble : transient trade solicited.
F M.1 > > J7
PLEASANT rooms , mouern , strictly first-
class board ; reasonable rates ; tranxlenta
taken. 622 N. Igth St. F MI2-J JI2
SUITE or single ; best board. 31G S. 2i. (
F 5S2 22
FURNISHED rooms with board ; tran I 1
sients accommodated. 2015 Douglas.
K M6S3 23'
PLEASANT rooms with board ; transients
accommodated. 1009 Capitol avemu v. - /
F ens : : V
EXPOSITION visitors : Tlic Information
Bureau Is under contract and bond with
the Exposition management to furnish re
liable Information concerning the exposi
tion , the city , hotel rates , rooms , bounl _ _
and other matters of Interest , to alt
strangers and Inquirers fret ) of charge.
Persons contemplating a visit to the ex
position and desiring particulars concern
ing It should address Olllce Information
Bureau. Omaha , Dnltnn Rlsley , President ; "
C. F. Harrison , Manager. F 720 ,
. . ' '
TWO large , beautifully furnlMied south ( i
front rooms , with board ; private home ; 1
desirable location ; highest rofcrenrps re-
quired. Address O C5 , Hue. F M7I ! ) 22
UTOPIA. 1721 Davenport St. ; rooms , first-
class board ; transients accommodated. H
_ F-MMO 28
THE ROSE. 2020 Hartley ; nice cool roams.
with board ; transients accommodated ;
rates reasonable. F 797 J21 * ,
PLEASANT , well furnished room ; till mod
ern conveniences , with or without board ;
private family ; near Hanscam purk. n
12 , Bee. F 792
VERY nicely furnished rooms : all modern )
conveniences ; for 2 or 4 gentlemen ; price ,
$30.00 each : without lunch , $25.00 each ; prl
vate family ; on car line , near llanscotnf
park. P 13 , Bee. F 793
HOMELIKE rooms , with bath , large ynrrt
with shade trees , near Farnatn car. 120
N. 32d nve. F MS11 2S
ROOMS and board , two gentlemen or man
and wife can find nice room and boanl
nt 1911 Davenport st. F 78tl 22 *
NICELY furnished room nnd board ; modern -
ern ; 5 minutes' walk from Exposition ,
2205 Sherman Ave. F S29 22
FOR Rent , nice south front unfurnished
rooms , with bath ; Wlthnell block. F. W.
Carmlchael , No. 6. Wlthnell block.GS4S
VERY Pleasant apartments ; six" rooms and
bath ; fronting park : most desirable ot
anything In the city for the price ID right
party. M. J. Kennard. & Son , 310 and 311
Brown block. G 729
. 1
FOR rent , tb 4-story brick building at
916 Farnam St. This building has it fire
proof cement basement , water on all
floors , gas , etc. Apply at the ofllco ot
The Bee. 1-910
exposition , with living rooms In rear nndf
cemented basement. S < ? Fidelity Trust ;
Co. at once , 1st floor , N. Y. Life. I M424
SPACE to rent , suitable for Job printing or
other small business. Telephone and di-sk.
Rent cheap. 1517 Burt. I-C81
FOR RENT Sulto of rooms suitable fd ?
doctor's office. J. A. Fuller & Co. . 1402
Douglas. 1-705-22
LARGE storeroom , 1402 N. 21th , cor. Ham
ilton ; basement under same , suitable foe
barber shop ; also 4-room Hat ; partly mod
ern ; same location. Apply 251K Caldwel ) .
I-M73C 23-2 -
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
AGENTS wanted for "Our Naval War wltK
Spain. " Splendidly Illustrated , only au
thentic book to be published. Freu Out *
fit now ready , act quick. National Pub.
Co. , Lakeside Bldg. , Chicago.JM.173
J-M.173 22 .
t .
AGENTS wanted. Murat Halstead's Great ,
War Book. "Our Country In Wr.r. " All
about Armies , Navies , Coast Defense * .
Maine Disaster , Cuba , War with Spain ,
nnd relations with Foreign Kntloni ,
Nearly COO patten. All written Blm-e Mulna
Disaster. Magnlnccnt colored Illustra
tions. Agents making $10 to f39 per day ,
No expetlcnce necessary. Most liberal
terms guaranteed , 20 days' credit , prlca
low. freight paid. Handsome outllt frea *
Send 9 two-cent stnmpn to pay postage.
Educational Union. 324 Dearborn St. , Chi-
cago. J-M185 Juno 5'
DEWEY at Manila , In ten colors ; just
out ; showing Olympla and U. S. ( lect do
stroylng the Spanish squadron ; matted for
framing ; size 15x20 ; Jl per dozen ; $6 per
100 ; nample , postpaid , 25 cents ; order to
day ; money in It now , Curralno ft Slleof
91S Filbert street , Philadelphia , Pa.
J-MCSG 22 *
A.OKNTS WANTED Wo want one shrewd ?
careful man In every town to maku a ftvn
thousand dollars for himself quietly at
home and not work hard ; private Instruc
tions and valuable outllt of new goods sent
free. Address Immediately , P. O. box K30S ?
Boston , Mass. J M714 22"
WANTED , general agent In each county to
appoint sub-agents for the Hygienic Vapor
Bath Cabinet , the fastest selling article ot
the age. Address D , C. Burson & Co. , Co
lumbus , Ohio. J-M71322 * '
\GKNT8 Quick men to visit Moron antf
sell machine for printing signs on fence * ,
bridges , rocks , etc. ; steady work all hum
mer. Arc Co. , 77 Arc St. , Racine , WU.
iVANTED now , agents to Hp'll sash lock *
and door holders ; sample sash lock freq
for 2e stamp ; Immense ; belter than
weights ; burglar proof ; $10 a , day ; write
quick. Address Brohurd & Co. , Dept. 6C/
Philadelphia , Pa. J
'IVE-WAY color machine. Now and Im
proved. Hprclnl largo size. Payj all la
coin. Madu In cheek machine also. Ele
gant design with hand carved ornamenta
tion. Agents or operators . Investigate.
Catalogue frco. Rex Machine \VorkaJ
Dept. A. K. . Chicago , III. J
kOENTS to handle tlm proatest line of
aluminum novelties ; send E < : for bO-paga <
catalogue ; prices reduced 60 tier cent ;
10. ) per cent commission ; "Maine" sou
venir spoons 90c ! dozen. Iteymoml 6s
Gottlob , 311 Broadway , New York. J
VANTED. agents , male and female , to
sell our remedies ; good workers earn Ma
pay. McGrnw Medical Co. , Geneva , N. Y ,
J-7g-22 |
lOENTS , $7 dally , soiling Specialty Soups ,
giving customers donbln vnluo In hand-
seine presents ; exclusive territory ; wimple
outllt free. Leuuu Bonn Co. . Cincinnati , a.
J-7C2-22 *
iGENTS. bonanza , patented Gas Governor
ami Filter : saves CO per cent ; complete * *
outllt CO cents ; state rlght for sale. Inter
national Gas & Electric Specialty Po
Clttson Building. New York. J-751.22 *
lOKNTS wanted , war portraits MrKlnley ,
hchluy. Samiison , EVIUIB. Miles. Le J
Dcwey ; retail at Be each ; send 20o fof
romplete set and prices. II. Stllwll. . 7U
Security CWK. , St. Lguls. J-7M-ir