. CONDITION OF OMAHA'S ' TRADE Too Much Bain to Please the General EeUil Trade. x f MONEY ON GOOD SECURITY RATHER CASY V Jobber * fUM > rt Active Hanlnp W ! I'ractleallr All UennrtmenU- Condition * In the State nt Most Promising. Traveling men who have followed the road for year * , nnd who naturally give close attention to crop prospects ns being In dicative of the future of trade , say that thtre never waa a time when the country was In bctttr condition nt this reason of the year. Copious rainfalls nnd n fulr amount of cloudy weather during the. last month have been most favorable for the growth of small grain. At the same time sufficient moisture has been stored In the ground to Insure corn getting a good start. Grass and all forage crops have made rank growth , which cannot fall to be of great advantage to the beef producing nnd dairy Interests of the state. While the condition of the crops has to - do with the future there Is much In the present to be thankful for. During the last two weeks hogs , which constitute no In significant proportion of the farmers' Im mediate Income , have gained rapidly in value. The ndvance since April amounts to 40ft59e per 100 pounds , which carries the market to the highest point touched since IK'S , and renders the growing of hogs for market a highly remunerative Industry. At the same time cattle are bringing prices that are netting the farmers fair returns lorthe _ corn used as feed. With the present situation In the country otcldedly favorable and the future pros- w'Kcts unuxuully bright , trade In general 1 er uld hatdly help being good. Farmers In u" sections of trlbutnry territory nre In JSIRfiarutlvely easy circumstances financl- 'tilly and are able to satisfy their require ments In the way of merchandise. The good business doing at country stores Is re- Jlocted In nn active and entirely satis 1 factory city jobbing trade. The Jobbers of Omaha without exception are doing a good business nnd every one consulted speaks In the most encouraging terms of the general business xltuutlon. The local retail trade has been to some extent Influenced by the weather condi tions. All manner of merchandise suitable for wet weather has been In active de mand , but wurm weather goods have not moved quite no freely. Money has become comparatively easy end large bank clearings reflect the pros perity of general business operations. 1'rlccn Still Temllnsr Upward. Wholesale grorcrs report business as be ing In a very satisfactory condition. In fact they say they nre obliged to work night and day to keep up with orders. . This exceptionally heavy trade Is thought to be due In a large measure to the flourish ing condition of crops , which gives country merchants the confidence to lay In heavy stocks. The upward tendency of the market which has been noted for several weeks past still prevails In a great many lines. This Is especially true of nearly all kinds of canned poods , ns present quotations are higher than they have been any time before this y nr , and the Indications nre for a still higher market In the near future. Corn nnd tomatoes advanced last week from 5 to 10 cents per dozen , owing to "the In creased consumption this year over last , end to the heavy ordurs placed by the gov ernment for these lines. Spot stocks are reported as being pretty well cleaned up and they -will doubtless be entirely ex hausted before the new pack arrives on the market. Dried fruits nre still on the up grade as Is shown by the fact that evaporated apples advanced 1 cent per pound lust week and nprlcots , peaches , prunes and raisins nre all quoted higher than avvek ago. This ndvance Is due to several ruisons. To be- Kln with , there Is an exceptionally heavy foreign demand , which Is coming Just when the market Is pretty well cleaned up. Then too the drouth In California has caused a rise In the market. But the advance It probably very largely caused by the fact that the stock Is being concentrated Into strong hands. This week's quotations on fruits Jars also show an advance over those of a week ago of from 60 cents to Jl per gross. The In dications are for a still higher market , ow ing to the very favorable prospect for n large fruit crop , together with the fact that n large manufacturing establishment of jars burned down the early part of the week destroying a great quantity of fin ished stock. The Hour market Is about the same as it was n week'ago. . If anything a trifle easier and nervous , owing to the unsettled condi tion of the wheat market. Effects of Dewer * " Vlctorr. In hardware prices as a general thing are ruling firm with the exception of rope , which Is still advancing. It went up I cent per pound last week , nnd during the last twenty days quotations show an advance of 1V4 cents , and In the last sixty days 3 cents. This 1s duo almost entirely to the closing of our commercial relations with the Philip pines , where the large bulk of the hemp la obtained. There In , of course , some pro duced In this country , but not enough to effect the market. There will doubtless be a. steady advance In the market until the close of the war. There Is. however , scarcely liny speculating being done , and dealers are buying only as they have need for It. The market Is now being quoted at I cents , which is only about normal , as shown by the fact that about three years ago , during the existence of the Cordage Trust rope was quoted at from ICkfilOVi cents per pound , and It has been as low s 6 cents. In oilier lines no quotable change Is reported - . ported , but the market Is active and pur chasers are prepared to pay for what they Brr buy , as Is shown by the good condition ol collections. The dry goods market Is being more 01 less effected by the weather. Dry goodi merchants prefer to see stork before mak ing purchases , and when the weather li cold and stormy , they like to stay at home , and besides the temporary falling off Ir their * trade makes them timid about plac ing new orders. The heavy trade on pleas ant days , however , about makes up foi the falling off In stormy weather. Local dealers have had a demand for all the bunt ing nnd flags they could obtain. The dis plays for flag day caused another heavj run on this line Just after the supply hai been pretty well exhausted by those deco rating by reason of the war. The prlc < of flags and bunting has advanced and th < factories are running In full force and stll orders are piling up on them. In most othei lines prices remain about stationary am all things considered Jobbers are pretty wel pleased with premium ; conditions. Orders for winter stocks of boots nm' shoes are beginning to appear in Koodlj numbers. Boot and shoe jobbers have tt KO after their business In order to get II nnd that Is the reason that orders an taken NO for In advance. No new features have developed In the last week , but Job bers report a good , steady business. Rubber men are also doing a good , llvelj business. There is the usual amount 01 competition which keeps them awake nm perhaps n little more than the cu.stoman amount of cutting-of prices going on. whlcf makes conditions still more Interesting. A : a general thins the volume of business being transacted compares very fuvorublj with provlous y irs and very little com plaint Is heard. Lumber men report no material chungi for last week In their line of business Trade In the country remains quiet , bu the local demand Is unusually good. Thi rush tp finish up the exposition building Is slvlng the lumber merchants a good trade to say nothing of the demand for ordlnurj building purposes. This Is the dull t < ensot of the year f < far as the country tradu li concerned and usually lusts until about thi 1st of August , but thl year an Improve ment Is expected about July 1. This li because of the good condition of the whca crop , which when harvested gives thi farmer a ready supply of cash at un earl ; date. Frnlt ami Produce. From n. commission man's point of vlev tills hr.s been un unsatisfactory week owlne to the fact that there was either i dearth of the kinds of fruit and vegetable they wanted or else the market wai flooded. This was especially true of straw berries. The early part of the week the : were so plentiful that good shipping stocl was quoted ut J2 and peddlers' stock u form DOc to J1.60. I.ater In the week , owlni to the scarcity , they went un to J3.50 , whlel Is the same as the quotation for two week aco. Thui fur the berries received huvi not been good , but Missouri stock Is ex pqcted In a week or ten days and It wll doubtless be of better quality and wll brine better prices. The trade in orunees and lemons Is in creasing its the weather grows warmer am an advance In lemons Is looted for befor long. Gooseberries nre now on the mnrke from southern Missouri nnd are quott- from Ji.0fti2.25 | per twenty-four quart case Efrgs advanced He last week , owing ti light receipts and a heavy demand. Butte fell OH cent , owing to the large receipt of fresh grann butter , which Is now of oxtrn. nn quality. OMAHA GIMUAIMAntcim * , Condition of Trnde find Quotations on 5 < ni le unit I'n tier Produce. EGGS--Good mock , * Hc. HOTTER Common to fulr. ttllc ; sep- nrutor , ICc , gathered creamery , 13fJ14c. VKAlj Cliolco fat , SO to 120 Ibs. . quoted at S&9o ; Inifc-c unJ course. Gfric. r.IVE'POl'LTRY-Chlrkens. 7ftTH : old roosters. SkfiSVic : young roasters , W/Cttc ; spring chickens , 20fc22c. PIGEONS-Llvo. Jl.150t.23 ; dead pigeons not wanted. HAY Upland , 17.00 ; midland , JC.OO : low- Innd , JVMl ; rye straw , J4.CO ; eoUir makes the ptlcc on huy ; light bales sell the best ; only too grades brine top prlcrs. VEGETABLES. ONIONS New southern , per lb. , 2fec. . BKANB Hand-pinked navy. per bu. , Jt.23. CABlJAGE-MI. slsi > lppl. per crute , J2.00U 2.25 ; Tcxns. J2.00. ' POTATOESIlime grown , COflKc : Colo- rndo slock. 7Dc : northern fancy nrly Ohio Ri'td ' potatoes , Kf\ \ new potatoes , per bbl. , jrSO ; bushel boxes , J1.2S. TOMA'WRS- crate. J3.00fi 3.25. BEUTS New , per bu. box , Jl.OO. RADISHES Per doz. bunches. ZT.ifiSOc. LETTTCE-ppr doz. buiicties. 20 < i25c. GREEN ONIONS Per doz. , lOc Ct'CUMHERS-Per dnz. , 75o. WAX BEANS-1-3 bu. box , Toe. PEAS Per 1-3 bu. , Clij75c. SPINAOH pMImsket. . II. PIEPLANT Home grown , per lb. , Ic. FttUITS. * STRAWBERRIES Arkansas. 24-qt. case , good shipping stock , $3.50. APPLES-Gcnetons. J3.75. GOOSEBERRIES Per 24-qt. case , J2.00igr 2.25. i TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES-Seedllngs , J2.50 ; Mediterra nean sweets , T2.50fi2.75. I LEMONS-Culfornia , J3.00&3.25 ; fancy Messina , J3.00 i3.50. i DA NANAS Choice , large stock. p < ; r bunch. J2.00fi2.25 ; medium sized bunches , Jl.7502.00. MISCK LLAN EOUS. NUTS Almonds , per ) b. . large size , 121 ? 13c ; small , lie ; Brazils , per lb. , 9Q10c ; Eng lish walnuts , per lb. , fancy soft shell , llff ? lie ; standards , MiSc ; filbert * , per lb. , lOc' pecans , polished , medium , RS7c : extra large , Sfrye : large hickory nuts , Jl.OObl.lu per bu. ; small. J1.25 < gi.Cj per bu. ; cocoanuls , per 100 , J4 ; peanuts , raw , 6ti5ic ! ; rousted , MAPLE SYRUP Five-gal , can , each , J2.75 ; pal. cans pure , per doz. , J12 ; half-gal. ! cam , J6.25 ; quart cans , J3.50. FIGS Imported , fancy , 3-crown , H-Ib. > oxes. lOc ; 5-crown , 44-lb. boxes , 13c ; 2-lb. joxes. 22ifi23c per box ; California , 10-lb. box. Jl. HONEY Choice white , 12c ; Colorado am ber , ID'S lie. KRAUT Per bbl. , J3.50 ; per half bbl. , 12.25. 12.25.DATES DATES Hallo.vee. 60 to 70-lb. boxes , 5V4c : Salr , 5c ; Fard , 9-lb. boxes , 9c. CIDER Per half bbl. , J3 ; bbl. , J5. HIDES , TALLOW , ETC. HIDES No. 1 green hides , Cc ; No. 2 green ildes. 5c : No. 1 salted hides , Sc ; No. 2 green Milted hides , 7c : No. 1 veal calf , S to 12 Ibs. , 9o ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 Ibs. , 7c. TALLOW. GREASE , ETC. Tallow. No. , 3c ; tallow. No. 2 , 2Hc ; rough tallow , I'/fcc ; white grease , 24 ! j2 ic ; yellow and brown grease , lifeQSUc. SHEEP PELTS Green salted , each. 155 5c : green salted shearings ( short wooled early skins ) , each , 15c ; dry shearings , ( short wooled early skins ) . No. 1 , each , 5e ; dry lint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts. per lb. , actual weight , 45c ; dry flint , Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight. 3Ii4c ; dry flint , Colorado bntchei wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight. 4ig5c ; dry flint , Colorado mur rain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 3 "He. "He.Fl'RS Fl'RS Bear ( black or brown ) , J5.OCKi20.00 : otter. J1.50 iS.OO : mink. 15CiGOc ; beaver. Jl.OO 076.00 ; skunk. 15c. 25c. 50c ; muskrat , 3c , 5c , "c ; raccoon , 15fiiv > c : red fox , 25cffiJ1.23 ; gray fox. 2.VS50CI wolf ( timber ) , 25cfiJ2.50 : wolf prairie coyote ) , lOfaoOc ; wildcat. 1025c ; badger , 5fj40c : silver fox. J3.OtK875.00. FRESH MEATS. DRESSED BEEF-Good native steers. 7Hc : good forequarters steers. Gc ; good hindquarters steers , 9c ; western steers. 7c ; native heifers , Gic ; good forequarters heif ers. 5 ic ; good hindquarters heifers , ! sic ; native cows , Gc ; western cows , G&c ; cow forequarters , & .4c ; cow hindquarters , S' c ; backhnlves , cow , Gc ; steer , 7c ; triangles , cow. 4 > ic : steer , S\ic. \ BEEF CUTS-Tenderlolns. fresh. ISc ; frozen , IGc ; boneless strips , fresh , lie ; strip loins , fresh , 9c : frozen. 7V4c ; rolls , boneless , fresh , lie ; rolls. Spencer cuts , fresh , lie ; sirloin butts , boneless , fresh , lie ; shoulder clods , boneless. GHc ; rump butts , boneless , Gc ; No. 1 chucks , 6 c ; No. 2 chucks. 5V4c ; No. 3 chucks , 5c ; boneless chucks , frozen. 5c : fresh , 5V4c : cow plates , 4Vjc : steer plates , 4 ; c ; flank steak , Sc ; loins. No. 1 , frozen , 12c : frerh 14'4c ; loins. No. 2 , frozen , lOc ; fresh , 12'ic ! loins. No. 3 , frozen , Sc ; fresh , lOVJc ; short loins , market style , 2c above loins ; hotel style , 4c above loins ; cow .loin endw , fcjjc ; steer loin ends , 9Hc ; hanging tenderloins , 4ic ; ribs. No. 1 , frozen , lOc ; fresh , 12Uc ; ribs , No. 2 , frozen. Sc : fresh , lOUc ; ribs , No. 3 , frozen , Gc ; fresh , Stfc ; No. 1 rounds , 7c ; No. 2 rounds , TVlc ; No. 3 rounds , 7c ; beef rounds , shank on * . &c addi tional ; beef rounds , shank and rump off , IHc additional ; trimmings. 4c ; beef shanks , 3c ; brains , per doz. . 35c : sweetbreads , per lb. , frozen , lOc ; fresh , 12V4c ; sweetbreads ( calves ) , per lb. , 40c ; kidneys , per doz. , 35c ; ox tails , each , 3c ; livers , per lb. , 3c : hearts , per lb. , 3c : tongues , per lb. , 12c ; calf livers , each , 35c ; calves , whole carcass or sides , 10&c ; calf head and feet , scalded , per set , TSc. MUTTON Spring lambs , lOc ; regular lambs , 9c ; sheep , 8c : market racks ( long ) , 9c ; hotel racks ( short ) , lie ; loins , 9Uc ; sad dles. lOc ; legs , lOVic ; lamb legs , 12c : breasts and stews. 3c ; tongues , each , Jo ; forequar ters. Gc. PORK Dressed pigs , S c : dressed hogs , , c ; tenderloins , 12c ; loins , small , 7&c ; large , TUc : spare ribs , 4'/4c : ham sausage butts. 6c : Boston Butts. S c : shoulders , rough , 6 ic : shoulders , skinned , 5ic ; trim mings , 4V4c ; leaf lard , not rendered , 6c ; heads , cleaned , 3c ; snouts and ears , Sc : fresh hams. 1G to 18 Ibs. , THc ; fresh short clears. 5Jc : cheek meat , 4c ; neckbones , 2c ; pigs' tails , 3c ; plucks , each , 6c ; chitterlings , 5c ; hocks. 4c ; hearts , per doz. , 25c ; sto machs , each , 3c : tongues , each , "c ; kidneys , per doz. , lOc ; brains , per doz. , 15c ; pigs feet , per doz. , 30c ; livers , each , 3c ; hog rinds , Sc ; blade bones , 5c. Liverpool Market. LIVERPOOL , May 21. WHEAT S | > ot , No. 1 red northern , spring , steady , 11s. CORN Spot American mixed , new , steady , 3s 2d ; futures , quiet. May , nominal ; July , 3s SUd ; September. 2s S&d. FLOUR St. Louis fancy winter , dull , 13s 9d. HOPS At London ( Pacific coast ) , dull , 2H4. PROVISIONS Beef , steady ; extra India mess , 55s : prime mess , GSs. Pork , prime mess , medium western. 53s Gd. Hams , short cut , 14 to 16 Ibs. . dull. 3Gs. Bacon , dull , 35s ; short ribs , 34s Gd ; long clear mid dles , light , 35s ; longclear mid dles , heavy , 54s Gd : short clear backs , 31s Gd : clear bellies , 35s. Shoulders , square , dull , 2Cs Gd. Lard , prime western , dull , 33s. Tallow , prime city , firm. CHEESE Dull : American finest white , 40s ; finest colored , 42s. OILS Cottonseed oil , Liverpool refined , steady , IGs 9d. Turpentine spirits , steady , 2Cs 9d. Rosin , common , firm , 5s " ' .id. llnttliiiorr Mnrket. BALTIMORE , Md. . May 21. FLOUR Firm , unchanged ; receipts , 14.G33 bbls. ; ex ports. 1,107 bbls. WHEAT No. 2 red , strong : spot , n.SCU asked ; July , $1.12 7-S asked ; eteamar No. 2 red , J1.29U ; receipts , 3S.970 bu , : exports , 1S4- 000 bu. ; * outhern , by sample. J1.33f1.37 ; southern , on grade. Jl.324(1 l.SCi. CORN Steady : spot. 40ii40 1-hc ; steamer mixed , 39i33 1-Sc ; receipts , 221,577 bu. ; ex ports. 417,714 bu. ; southern white corn. 41c. OATS Quiet : No. 2. nominal ; receipts , 27,952 bu. : exports , jione. RYK Dull ; No. 2 nearby. He * . No. 2 west ern. GGc ; recelnts , 2,202 bu. ; exports , 00,000 bu. bu.HAY Steady-at decline ; choicer 'timothy , J12.50 < ii 13.00. GRAIN FREIGHTS-Dull ; scarcely any demand : tinelmneed. RUTTER-Steady , unchanged. EGGS Weak , unchanced. CHEESE Ste'idy. unchanged. Knimrm Oily Grain nnil Provision * . KANSAS CITY. May 21 WHEAT Hard , active. 3ft > e hlcher : soft , hlcher and dull ; No. 1 hard. J1.25 ; No. 2. Jl.21Hfil.25 ; No. 3. J1.19ffl.2m ; No. 1 red. Jl.SJ ; No. 2. Jl.isyi.22 ; No. 3. J1.1SU1.21 ; No. 2 spring. J1.1S. CORN Steady to lower , closing weak ; No. 2 mixed. 33 ? 4j3ic ; No. 2 white , 35633',4c ; No. 3 , 34 33c. OATS Active : No. t white , ! li40321-Sc RYE-Weak ; No. 2. 4GJJ47C , HAY Active and steady. Bl'TTER-Steady ; creamery. 12'i014c ; dairy , 10ft 12c. EGGS Firm : fresh. Sc. RECElPTS-Wheat , 53,000 bu. ; corn , C3.70C bu. . oat * . 12.000 bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat. 42.COO bu. ; corn , G3- 000 bu. ; oats , COuO bu. - I'eorlo Mnrket. PEORIA , May 21-CORN-SIow , but steady : No , 2 , 3Cc. OATS Slow nnd nominal ; No. 2 white , " WHISKY Firm ; high proof spirits , I'hllailrlnliln Produce. PHIUrVDEI4 > HIA. May 21.-BUTTER- fiteady : fancy western creamery , 15'ul5ic. ! ECUS Firsa. s AS Lciter is Allowed to Bun the Market to Suit Himself. FINAL PRESSURE IN MAY IS APPLIED AM U'lirnt O tlon Are Higher , but Corn In IxMvrr , Ontu tlnrhanicril , 'White Kncli Line In Provl- loni Atlvoiieeii. CHICAGO. May 21. Leltcr's Influence In the wheat market today was apparently exerted to make n strong Impression on foreigners who might need cash wheat. It looked ns If the final May pressure was be ing applied to the shorts everywhere. July wheat Is up 2 5-Sc , September 13-SfU S-Sc nnd May 15c , Corn closed 1-Sc lower , oats unchanged , pork gained "Vic , lard 5c nnd ribs "He. The wheat speculators today appeared disposed to leave the entire market heie to Its chief manipulator , and business was small , except for about forty minutes after the opening , nnd a gain during the last hour of the session. September absorbed the bulk of the trading. Liverpool worked the Improvement here by cabling advances of from l'4d to 2Ud , nnd It was generally believed on the floor that Lciter worked Liverpool. The excessive rains of the last few days had raised some misgivings about the possible effect on the wheat crop , es pecially In sections where the plant is approaching preaching maturity. A report from Kan sas claimed heavy damages already In three counties from rust. Local refelnts were 23 $ cars , of which 159 were contract. A year ago Chicago got 19 cars , Minne apolis and Dultith receipts were 4 t > curs today , against k54 cars Inst year. For the week the last named cities received 3Gri6 cars , compared with 2,792 the week pre vious and 3,313 the similar week of 1S97. Ex port clearances of wheat and flour for the week from both coasts were 4,054S..G bushels , against 2G55,000 bushels a year ngo. For the day Atlantic ports cleared 427,000 bushels. Primary western market receipts were 700,000 bushels , against 54G.CMO bushels last year. Bcrbohm's reported liberal ship ments from all exporting countries this week. Continental markets were quoted easier Antwerp down the equivalent of l\ic a bushel , Paris lower by Ic a bushel for May and He for September. Letter was evidently neglecting to support the con tinental markets , but he was attending closely to those at home. His brokers bid from 11.40 to J1.45 for June , and from J1.50 to 51.00 for May. and incidentally whipped up September when It needed an application of the gad. July opened 5-Rfill-Sc higher at Jl.09VjGl.10. sold up to J1.10V4 , declined to 51.10 again , rallied to J1.12 < 4 and reacted to Jl.llVfc bid at the close. September started at an advance of } ifl 1-Sc at S3 7-Sfi90yc , rose to 91V4c. fell back to 5 > 9 7-k : and ad vanced to ! WH5J905-8c , the final quotation. May ranged from Jl.47 to Jl.CO , the latter figure being the closing price. Corn acted today jis It did Friday , In clined to bull , but not able to advance very far. Wet weather Inclined the west to do some buying. Receipts were 511 cars. July opened l-S5ilJc higher at 33 7-&G3G 1-M % de clined to 35 5-Sc , sold up to 3G 4c and eased off to 355-Mfi334C at the close. Oats were entirely neglected and prices kept near to the figures current nt the cln * < > yesterday. Receipts were 139 cars. .Tub- opened 1-Sc lower at 201-Sc , advanced t 263-Sc. then down to 2u'j2u i-Sc HUU v.j u at 2G l-Sfi2C > 4c bid. Provisions were barely steady without much activity , as If the liquidation by weak people had been pretty thorough. July pork opened 7l4lTHc. higher nt J12.27Hfil2.37b. declined to J12.25 , firmed up to J12.37Vs and sold down nt the close to J12.27H. July lard started 5c stronger nt Jfi.47'A to J6.50 , sagged off to JG.47 , then up to JG.52S and weakened to JG.47'4 ut the close. July ribs started 74c. ! higher atJ6.20 , declined to JG.17H. rose to JG.22Uf5C.25 and sold oft to JC.221-4 at the close. Estimated receipts for Monday : Wheat , 2G5 cars ; corn , 450 cars ; oats , 2S5 cars ; hogs , 25,000 head. Leading futures range as follows : Article * . . I Opan. | HUh. I Loir. | Clo e. j Yeefy Wh at Mm. . . 1 47 i oo 147 1 60 1 45 July. . . 1 10 1 ivU 1 U9H 1 11 . Sept. . 90 * ai ' < B043H Dec. . < \ffa \ MM 84 > t Corn- May. . . 35M S5W S5t July. . . i ' tan S5U Sept. . . 3 37H acttttN SCH Oat * WT. . . 30 SOU 29H SOM S9H July. . . 2 i ' Srpt. . . 23H 23K as'si lerk July. . . 12 27W 12 S7 12 23 12 27H 12 20 Sept. . . 12 45 12 SOC IS 4(1 lit SO Lara- July. . . C 47 > t C MH 6 45 6 47U 3 42 Sept 0 55 6 GO C 5'JH U t.5 6 6'JH ibtRib * July. . . e 20 25 6 17H 6 22H A 15 Sept I U 27 > * 0 SO 6 S5 ! 0 30 G22tf No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows : FLOUU-Steady ; special brands , $7.40 ; winter patents , M.GO@6.90 ; winter straights , JG.2SiJJ6.50 : winter clears. W.OOfC.20 | ; spring patentsJC.755i7.00 ; bakers' , JJ.OOG5.25. WHEAT-NO. 2 spring. .2orii.25 ; NO. 3 spring. Jl.151fl.40 ; No. 2 red , 11.61. CORN-No. 2 , 36 l-SgSCVic ; No. 3 yellow , 3Cc. OATS No. 2. 2Si030c : No. 2 white , 32 * 7 32 ic ; No. 3 white. 31 4Q32c. UYE No. 2. C4HQfi5c. BARLEY No. 2. 424Sc. FLAXSEED No. 1 , J1.34. TIMOTHY SEED Prime. J2.60@2.92'.i. PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. , J12.15 { J12.20. Lard , per 100 Ibs. . JC.47V466.50. Short ribs , sides ( loose ) , JC.MiC.40. Dry salted sholders ( boxed ) , J5.00S5.25. Short clear Sides ( boxed ) . JG.COQC.SO. WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal. . J1.22. SUGARS-Cut loaf , J5.8S ; granulated , $5.25 ; standard A , $5.25. Quotation ! for the DMT on Grnertxl Commoilltlp > . NEW YORK , May 21.-FLOUR-Recelpts , 24,285 bbls. ; exports , 10,193 bbls. : strong and higher with wheat ; winter patents , JC-Cog" 7.00 ; winter straights , J6.25QC.50 ; Minnesota patents , JC.90fl7.35 : winter extras , J4,75li5.50 ; Minnesota bakers , J5.50ii5.KO ; winter low giades , J2.90S3.00. Rye Hour , quiet , J3.C5O 4.20. 4.20.CORNMEAL CORNMEAL Steady ; yellow western , EOc. EOc.RYE RYE Dull ; No. 2 western , CCJIC7C. UARLEY Nominal : feeding , 42c R BARLEY MALT Nominal ; western , 629 75c. \VHEAT-Recelpts , 355,200 bu. ; exports , C3.764 bu. Spot market firm ; No. 2 red , J1.C5. f. o , b. , afloat , export trade. Options opened strong and advanced on less favorable orop news , | icare of July shorts and higher cables. Near the close local realizing pro duced a slight setback. Final prices were lUeiOUc higher , latter on May : May. Jl.tiCH f 11.07 : closed , J1.CCVJ ; July , Jl.lCfQl.19 ; closed , CORN Receipts , 105.250 bu. : exports , 2C9- 51 bu. Snot , firm ; No. 2 , 41Hc. Options , firmer , influenced by higher cables and con tinued bullish crop reports ; "closed , l-fis net higher ; May closed , 401ScJuly ; , ft 1-Sc ; closed. 41c. , . OATS Receipts , 2fi , bu. : exports , 2S3 , . 252 bu. Spot , quiet ; No. 2 , 34Hc ; No , : white , 37H-C. Options , dull , waa steadily held and closed unchanged ; May cloced , 34V.C. HAY Lower ; shipping , SSg Oc ; good tc choice , 4ofi73c. HOI'S Quiet ; state , common to choice , 1H 3 crop. 3/4c ; IS. % crop , 7o'li3S crop , Gj 7c : Pacific coast. 1S95 crop , 3Hc ; 1 96 crop. Ofrtc : 1S97 crop. 12Q14c. HIUES Steady ; Galveston , 20 to 25 Ibs. . IGc ; Texas drr , 24 to 30 Ibs. J c ; California , 21 to 25 Ibs. , lie. LEATHER Firm ; hemlock sole , Buenoi Ayres , 1902iH4c. WOOL Quiet ; neece , l&322c ; Texas , 12 1 14c. PROVISIONS Beef , firm ; family , J12.50fl 1S.OO ; extra mess. J10.50ftll.00 : beef hams t23.50a24.00 ; packet. J11.5O& 12.00 ; city extra India mess. JlS.OO'ff ' 19.00. Cut meats , quiet pickled bellies , GtjiiTUc ; pickled shoulders 4V4f5c ; pickled hams. 7 ? < iSc. Lard , steady western steamed , JG.75 ; refined , quiet. Pork steady ; mess , J11.75S 12.25 ; short clear. J12.5 ( O14.50 ; family. JlX50ljl4.(0. ( Tallow , sttady ; city. 4c ; countrj' . 54C4 1-Sc , as to quality. OILS Petroleum , steady. Rosin , steady ; strained , common to good , J1.42 > - < il.45. Tur pentine , steady , 2)i2 ) Hc- Cottonseed oil Inactive ; prime crude , 20SO21c , nominal prime crude , f. o. b. mills , IcalTVic'jirlmc ; summer yellov25Vif IGc : off summer > ! low , 24 > .tfi25f. Butter oil. dull , 27Hr'tf2SHc prime yellow winter. SOiic. RICE Firm ; fair to extra , 51-S07Uc Japan , 57-MiCc. MOLASSES Steady ; New Orleans , oper kettle , good to choice , 2S612C. METALS llg Iron , quiet ; southern , 19.21 ' ( T1J.X : northern , tlO.OOflll.70. Coprx-r. quiet ; brokers , 11 7-fc , Ix-ad. dull , I'ic. Tin pmtci , market nulct. llt'TTiR-Hecelpii.Htpl ! : nkrn. ( : western creamery , llHC'l&c ; ElKUvLlic ; factory , lltf * ( ? HEESE Recelpm. . 73. pkgn.S mnrket easy , light sklmf , C06 > c : jiart cklms. SQc ; full skims , 2ff3c. ( S AT EGGS Receipts. fUCtYkicK. : market firm ; western , lOSic ; souther , joVlc. ST. LOt'lS. May 5tAiruoVR-DuII ( and easy ; patents. J6.2MiC.4 < ' ; MStralghts. tS.TM * 6.00 ; clear , J5.OtfiS.50 ; mixed. J4.25Q4.75. WHEAT-Hlgher. clo flg 6c for May , J ic for July , 1 5-Sc for 8et > * nh < 'r and Ic for De cember iibove yesterdaJV .Btxit. . steady : No. 2 red. tash. elevator , fl.2o ; track , tl.2f.fr 1.27 : May. J1.31 asked ; Juy. | Jl.OOH hid ; Sep tember , KSUc asked ; D > cmber , S4'ic ; No. 2 hard , each , 11.25. i t CORN Futures firm , | Ond fractionally higher than yesterday. Spot , higher ; No. 2. cash , 3l5ic : May , 35cc risked ; July , 34 1-S@ 34Wc : September , 35Vic. i B OATS Futures stronger In sympathy with wheat and corn and fractionally higher. Siiot , lower : No. 2 , cash , 31 > Jc ; track , 31 > ic ; May. S2c asked ; July , 25\ic \ ; September , 2.B-Kc ! : No. 2 white , 33'ic. RYE Nominal at 63c. SEEDS Flaxseed , nominal at 12.32 , Prime timothy seed. J2.fiOfi2.C3. CORNMEAIv-tl.W2.00. ! BRAN Quiet ; sacked , east track , C2c. HAY Firm for choice grades , others easy ; prairie. J9 ; timothy , J9.00fil2.2S. BUTTER Weak ; creamery , 14Q16c ; dairy , . EGGS-Steady at J-Uc. WHISKY J1.23. COTTONTI ES 70c. BAGGING 5 7-5-1I6 3-Rc , METALS Lead , dull at J3.47'4. Spelter , lower at J4.10. PROVISIONS Pork higher : standard mess , jobbing , J12.25. Lard , higher ; prime steam. J6.22 > i : choice. JC.32V4. Bacon , boxed shoulders. J5.S71 ? ; extra short clear , J7 : ribs. J7.12H ! shorts. J7.23. Dry salt meats , boxed shoulders. J5.37H : extra short clear , JG.W : ribs. J6.C2H : shorts , JC.75. RECEIPTS Flour , 7,000 hbls. : wheat , 2C- ( KX ) bu. : corn. M.OTO bu. ; nnts. 34,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour , 3,000 bbls. : wheat , 42,000 bu. ; corn , SS.OOO bu. ; oats , 17,000 bu. CofUc.Market. . NEW YORK , May 21. COFFEE-Optlons opened steady at unchanged prices : showed weak undertone In absence of Rio and Santos catles and under disappointing European cables and local cash demand ; absolutely no speculative Interest ; clo.'ed dull and unchanged to 5 points net lower ; sales , 3,250 bags , Including June and July nt Jo.KO : spot coffee , Rio , dull ; No. 7 In voice , C 3-lvc ; No. 7 Jobbing , C 6-Sc ; mild , quiet ; Cordova , fcHfilK'ic. Total warehouse deliveries from Vnlted States , 14,490 bugs , Including 12,430 baps American. New York stock todav. 20.2C9" bae = . United States stock , M4..V.O bagn ; cleared for the United States. 145,000 bags ; total vislbln for the 1'nlted States , l,02tlO.T3 bags , against 742,543 bags last year and 351.392 bass In 1SP6. SANTOS , May 21. COFFEE Holiday ; re ceipts. 12.0 > 0 bars. HAMBURG , May 21.-COFFEE Opened unchanged ; nt 2.0 : p.m. . . net unchanged to 14 pfg. higher : sales , 20,000 bags. HAVRE , May 21. COFFEE Opened quiet , Uf'Hf higher ; at noon dull and un changed : sales. C.OOO bags. RIO DE JANEIRO , May 21. COFFEE Holiday ; receipts , 9,000 bags. Cincinnati Mnrkft. CINCINNATI , May 21. FLOUR-FIrm and higher ; fancy , J5.50irG.25. WHEAT Firm : No.2 red , $1.50. CORN Easy ; No. 2 mixed , 37ic. OATS Quiet : No. 2 mixed , 32c. RYE Firm : No. 2 , C2ci PROVISIONS Lard , firm , J6.30. Bulk meats , quiet , ffi.50. Bacon , firm , J7.25. WHISKY Steady , $1.21. BUTTER Dull ; fancy Elgin creamery , 17c : Ohio , 1215c ; dairy , .I0&10i&c. . SUGAR Easy : hard refined , $4.47(36.10. ( EGGS Quiet at 9c. , f CHEESE Dull ; "good to prime Ohio fiat , Toledo TOLEDO. O. . May -21. WHEAT Higher , steady : No. 2 cash and May , $1.5.1. CORN Dull , steady ; f\u. 2 mixed , S7 ic. OATS tjulet : No,2tmled. Sic. RYE Dull : No. 2cishF Hc. CLOVERSPED Irrfcgular ; prime cash. $3.30. _ j ' -lriiltStnfLet. ; . DETROIT , May 21.VHEAT * No. 1 white. J1.2S ; No. 2 red'r Vli.and May , $1.48. CORN-No. 2 mlxedrpgc. OATS No. 2 white , * 35v RYE No. 2 , C4c. STOCKS AMI nO > 'DS. IJcnllncm Are Innrtl r Penillnic Some Drflnlte M'nr , Xew * . NEWYORK. . May-21. Dealings were not large nor Important on Th4 Stock exchange today. Operators almost without exception maintained their attitude of waiting for the situation In West Indian waters to clear It self. The report that the Spanish fleet had come Into Santiago and had succeeded In getting away again was not generally cred ited , coming as It did from Spanish sources. But It exercised some depressing effect , nevertheless. It was probably the cause of the decline In price * , after the rise. The rise In Spanish 4s In London and Paris showed that It was not without its effect also in foreign markets. There was selling for London which kept up a depressed tone In some of the International * , New York Central and Louisville being conspicuous sufferers. Rock Island also showed the ab sence of Inside support , but was bid up quickly to a level above last night's close. The rally In the market was due to the stiong bank statement. Prices rose a frac tion above last night's close , In some cases a point or more. A feature of the trading again was the Isolated movement of ob scure and dormant stocks. Pullman and Great Northern preferred , each with a handsome surplus to be some time divided among stockholders , moved upward. The AMieellng & Lake" Erie and Rio Grande Western stocks were conspicuously active , and all moved strongly upward. Tobacco , Sugar and Leather preferred , among the In dustrials , were all in demand. The closing was strong at top prices. Plttsburg , Cincin nati , Chicago & St. Louis was conspicuous for a break of nearly 2 points on light trans actions. The stock market has not moved widely during the week , and it has become evident that operators regard the present level of prices as fixing a fair equilibrium between the conflicting factors In the out look , On the one side is the chance of n naval reverse. This Is considered remote , but It must be conceded that in Wall street more weight attaches to this possibility than was the case a week ago. As it Is , prices are substantially higher , the grang ers naturally leading , owing' to the extraor dinary movement of grain. There were nu merous Indications of a strong industrial and financial outlook , which are coming to have more and more Influence In spite of the Incubus of the war. Railroad earnings show striking Increases , not only over last vear , but over previous years , and In some cases all records are broken for this season of the year. There Is an Increase also In the bank clearings of the country , which showed a notable contraction after the sinkIng - Ing of the Maine In Havana harbor , but which have again risen well over the aver age of 1SS2. the previous high level. The wholly unprecedented showing of our for eign trade balance has also received re newed attention , the more FO as the heavy exports still continue , although this Is the season when the balance generally runs against us. With a favorable trade bal ance of $514,000,000 for ten months for the fiscal year against the best previous record of less than J300.000.000 for a full year there Is no room left for timid apprehension about the country's future money resources. The recent withholding of Hwommodatlons In the money market has t iven place com pletely to extreme llUtri lty in making ol loans and there Is something like a plethora of money offering. T e low rates foi money are encouraglmras Indicating a ces sation of stringency. jBut ja little more ac tive demand for money. > vould be satisfac tory as Indicating resumption of many projects which were interrupted by the rise of money after war became Inevitable. The weekly bank stateiaepf..dpes not Indicate that money Is being litrffiPly diverted into active channels of Usefulness. Deposits have been piled $14.2C.OpO-.in spite of large withdrawals from the market for govern ment account , while loans have only beer expanded a little more ttian half as much A large allowance mufiti ba made for loans made on sterling exchange s collateral , which represents In tffe > loans made ir foreign markets. Thlt'bpVrutlon has beer carried on to a larfieextent during th < week. Notwithstanding JJ ) Increase In re serve requirements dr over J3,5C < 0.000 , thi surplus Is Increased b > J3SJ8,025. Increasec activity early In the week In the bond mar ket resulted from the large release ol money seeking employment. The demanc was largely confined to the more speculative issues. Prices are quite generally hlghei and have held steady , even through the reactions - ! actions which occurred In the stock market United States 4s declined i per cent , the oK 4s , registered , % per cent and the 5s U pei I cent In the bid price" . ! The Evening Post's London financial ca- ! blegrom says : "The stock markets hen I were Idle today , but firm. Spanish 4s hav < I risen 1 point. Argentines were good nnc Kaffirs were better. Americans were life' le.ss. Grand Trunk was strong. Brazil ! have risen hhnrply here. I learn from at undoubted source that the Brazilian presl dent-elect Is In this countrj' , and Is nego tlatlng with the Rothschilds 41 scheme foi reconstructing Brazilian finances. I havi reason .to believe that this scheme provide ! for a funding loan based upon custom cou pons. thr existing debt to be pnld In bonds for three ycni-s. similar to the method em ployed byircentlnc. . These plans , when known , are likely to cause n sharp rise In Urn-ill exchanges. " The following nre the closing quotations of the leading stocks on the New York mar ket today : " lr. on IB 1st. P. * i mi 70 HUH do pra Ufl i Ohio. . ' " ' 5U P. M. A M 1S4 Canada Pacific . . . H7H So. Pacific 15 Gamut * Sontnern. . MV ) So. lUllw.ir 8 Centralraelno.t So. Ritllwnr pfd UI > H Chrd. AOnio Vl iTrxat A 1'nflBc. . . . 11 ChlrftroA Alton..IMi Union Pacific H C. . 11. A.Q. . . . . 10014.1 U.l > . I ) . 4 U. . . . . . . . " > 4 CK.I . . . .Ml hValiAKh 7 > t C.C.C.A 81. L . . . . st : < iVnbi ; h pM IP do pfd 75 Wheel. , ' L. K - - , Hrl * HndKon 10-4 L. E.pM 1SH Del. U& W 154 Adam * Ex 1OO Den , AltloO 11 Anifrtran Kx 125 do pfd. 46 United Stltfs Ex. . . 40 Krlelnewl 12 , WellFarro Ex. . . . 117 Ericlttpfa 34 Am. Cot. Oil 22 Ft. Wame 1 K I A. Cot. Oil | itd 11 nrrMNorthern ot.l. 1115 'Am. Spirit * 12H noc in ? Valle.r. . . . it Am.Splrltinfil , sm IlllnolfCjntr.il. , , lOl'H'Ani. ' Tooacco LakeKrlcA : W. . . . 1.1 ( So pfd ilo pfd 72 'People' * Rat l'77i ' LnkeShore 1CU ( Con * , tin * ,11'S" ' ' LeuikV lle.V Nati SS't Coin. Ca" > leCo 100 Manhattan L. . . . 104't Col. P. A Iron . . . . V" Met. St. Kv . . . l.VI rte etc W Mlrlilran i > ntr.il. 10:1 : Ccn Elr tno sn1 Minn. .V 51. L vAt < IlllnoloSircl * * ' ilolsttitrt yr , LaOleile < Ja 40 Ko.I'iiclfle 3. < S Iad S'2 Mclllo.VCMo . . . 2 . un ptd 100 Jlo K A. T 10V Nnt. Un. Oil VO Mo.K. Jk T pfd S4'4 ' Oreron lino. Co 2f > . ( do'prd. " . . . . . . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . ' . V8 ll'tiUninn ! ! ; ! . ' ! ' 87 I K. J. Central P4 7H N..t > ntral 114 . 'st.iud.Uope . 4.T. . . . fc * .Y.CtiL API t . ! i 135H duUt iifcl f-S " , rin pfd. . . . . . . . . . 11 Vi ! do'Jd pM 2 T. C. A iron 26 Norfolk A Wciter j 13 I U. S. Leather > -lt No. Anirr. Co 5S I do pfd f.Cii , Ko.Pacinc 20 U. iilnhber : VMJt do ofd ( i.lW do pfd Ontario \ W lt > .Western . Union. . . . ( K > H On-con Nav 40 iNorlhwrnterii . . . Ore. Short Line 2S j do pfd ' ' " " * " ' " ICG ! * . St. U& S. W l > -Vt do. pfd ! lcx.'k Island 1011 ? R. R. A. W 24U S. L..AS. F 74 U. G. A.W. pfrt U1. dolntpfd UfcVi'Chl. Gl. H't-Bt 14 St. 1'atil 9it-tlfa\rillC. | C , IK Pfd 145 4 lUe.idlng IMufd. . Total sales of stocks today , 109,400 shares , ncludlng 3.G20 Burlington. 4.225 Louisville & Nashville. 4.SS3 Manhattan. 4.111 Metro- > olltatl , 10,720 Hock Island , G,2sO St. Paul 'referred. S.910 Wheeling .V : U ke Erie pre- 'erred , 6,521 American Spirit * . 8,750 To bacco , G,155 Sugar , 7,540 Leather preferred. X < MV York Muiier Market. NEW YORK , May 21. MONEY On call , nominal at l i per cent. Mil ME MERCANTILE PAPER-4H5'i per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady , with actual business In bankers' bills at J.M'ir 4.SCH for demand , and J4.MWi4.S3H for sixty days ; posted rates , J4.S4fi < .b7 ; commercial bills. J4.S2JJ4.MU. SILVER CERTIFICATES 57 3-SJJ5SC. BAR SILVER-57HC. MEXICAN DOLLARS-45MC. BONDS State bonds , dull ; railroad bonds , steady ; government bonds , steady ; new 4s , ugtstered and coupon , 121i ; 4s , registered , 10S ; coupon , 103V4 ; 2s , registered , S5 ; 5s , regis tered and coupon , 110V- ; Pacific Gs of 'M , 103. Closing quotations on bonds were as fol- ows : BAR SILVER Steady , 2 Ud per ounce. MONEY 2uifi2i per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills , 2SftS 1-S per cent : the rate of discount In the open market for three montlu' bills , 2 7-SQ3 1-S per cent. Omaha Ilnitk OMAHA. May 21. The clearings for the day were JS11.C32.07 ; balances , $54,401.92. The clearings for H97 were J75S.92S.71 , and the balances , J142.7S.G.S7. . Increase In clearings , J52.703.nC. The clearing for the last six clays , with comparisons , are as follows : 1S9S. 1S37. Inc. May 1C. . J1.229.S71 44 J 870,602 42 $ 359.2U9 0 : May 17. . 973.G57 90 GC0.2C4 44 313.393 4 Weekly Hank Statement. NEW YORK , May 21. The weekly bank statement shows the following changes ; Surplus reserve. Increase , J3.71S.025 ; loans , increase. J7.S57.SOO ; specie. Increase , $ T > , ! 3 , . 500 ; legal tenders. Increase , $1,221,500 ; depos its. Increase , J14,2C7)00 ! ; circulation. Increase , J51.000. The banks now hold J30.253.115 In ex cess of the requirements of the 25 per cenl rule. - I-'orrlcrii Financial. LONDON , May 21. The market for Amer ican securities , after a weak opening ; wai steadier and closed strong : operators wen inactive. Spanish 4s closed at 33 > 4 , a nel gain of 1 per cent. The amount of bulllor gene Into the Bank of England on balnnc * today , 101.000. PARIS. May 21. Prices were firm , bul business was not brisk on the bourse to day. The feature of the day's transaction ) was the rally in Spanish 4s , growing out ol the Idea that negotiations are on foot foi nn Intervention between the United State ; and Spain. International securities Im proved moderately , chiefly on the rumoi that the Anglo-French differences hav < bt-en satisfactorily settled. BERLIN. May 21-iPrIcea are firm .nnt ! business satisfactory on the bourse todaj on easy money. Coal. Iron and America ! securities were firm , and Canadian I'aclfU securities were higher on the rumor thai the previous tariff rates will be Introduce ! June 1. Spanish 4s rallied. MADRID. May 21. Spanish 4s cloced to day at C0.10. Gold wus quoted at tl. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Week Winds Up with a Black Ron nml Indifferent Business. FEELING IN CATTLE IS UNSETTLED Trnrilnv fur the Dnr nn n Ilanti of Weak null Lower llocn Show Some SlreiiKtli "heep About Stondy. Receipts for the week with comparisons ! Cattle. HiK . Sheep. Week ending May 21..iV. : 42 42.WO 51.W3 Week ending May 14..15.010 42,29s 31.505 Week ending May 7 16.S5S 40.HM 2GfJy Week ending April JO..12,700 41.G3U 32.2J7 Same week 189. 13.73S 42.339 23.541 Same week ISM 6,314 53.17R 17,112 Average price paid for hogs on the day's Indicated : 1S.9S. 1S97. 1K > 6. 1S1C. ISM. 1S93 1S32. May 1G. . . Jl 25 J3 19 J4 27 J4 86 J7 DO J4 33 May 17. . . 4 48 3 to * 4 36 4 7G 7 35 4 33 May 18. . . 4 29 3 52 3 11 4 3S 4 G7 7 1G 4 3S May 19. . . 4 35 3 51 3 12 4 G9 7 23 4 46 May 20. . . 4 26 3 52 3 07 4 46 4 GS 7 17 4 45 May 21. . . 4 26 3 56 3 U ! 4 45 4 54 Indicates Sunday. The ollldal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. O. & St. U Ry 1 Missouri Pacific Ry 2 1 Union Pacific System 9 13 3 C. & N. W. Ry 1 K. , E. & M. V. R. R 13 14 C. , St. P. , M. & O. Ry 14 2 H. A : M. R. R. R 22 18 C. , U. & Q. Ry 2 C. , R. 1. fc P. Ry. , W 1 Total receipts C3 52 3 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows , each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated : Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 819 2 G. H. Hammond Co 14S W6 . . . . Swift and Company 3bl 1,357 Cudahy Packing Co 344 1,315 2C2 J. L > . Carey 33 Huston & Co 3 Swift , from country ISO . . . . MO Other buyers 150 . . . . 49 Total 1,200 4.4S7 823 All told only 104 cars were reported In the yards today as against 182 a week ago , 229 two weeks ago , 103 three weeks ago and 223 a year ago. Rains which must have rendered country roads very soft may be charged in part ut least with the very light run today , while the break In hog values may be held accountable for the few hogs here. The weather was dcrk and rainy and probably It was Just as well that the receipts were light. CATTI-iE Omaha had only sixty-three cars of cattle but that was more than either Chicago or Kansas City had , so that the day's otlerlngs of cattle were not enough to effect prices one way or the other. The controlling factor in the mar ket , however , was not the present but the prospective run. The reduction of railroad rates. It was figured , would carry a great many cattle through to Chicago Monday and flood that market , which would be very apt to break prices considerably. 1 he feeling that vulues would drop in the east on Monday , the fact of its belni ; a Satur day , and the withdrawal of shippers who were afraid to buy on account of prospec tive lower prices next week , all combined to render the ) market at this point slow and dull. There were some pretty good cattle among the offerings , but buyers and sellers were slow about coming to the same way of thinking and It took a lone time for them to get down to biiKlncsa. At the best values were barely steady , nnd on common kinds sellers In some Instances were re porting It lower. Butchers' stock nnd feed ers did not show any material change. Handy little cattle during this week have shown some Improvement and the same might be said of the best grades of heavy cattle , but rough , heavy stuff Is no better than it WHS last week. Cows and heifers have been good sellers all tne week and the same Is true of stock cattle , the supply of both being very light. Representative sale * : STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1. . 570 J3 75" 3. . 896 J4 30 40..1197 J4 60 1. . 810 375 4..1167 430 4G..1050 460 7..1075 4 15 21..1045 4 33 21..1446 4 50 46.tl200 4 15 40..1191 4 35 20..1115 4 50 1. . 970 4 15 12..1157 4 35 G1..1205 4 55 5..1358 4 15 5S..1261 4 40 2..1545 4 55 10..10G5 4 15 37..1200 4 40 34..1291 4 45 2..1100 4 20 22..1182 4 40 21..1203 4 55 43. . 900 4 25 1G..1025 4 40 17..1452 4 GO 13..1012 4 30 3..1020 4 40 36..1203 4 60 COWS. 1. . "GO 200 1..1140 350 43..1057 375 1. . 870 250 18..1000 350 3..1200 380 1. . S10 250 1. . 900 SCO 3..1133 3 M ) 5. . 834 275 1..1090 350 1..1070 390 1. . 490 300 S..1120 3 G5 2..1090 410 1. . 8GO 3 00 2. . 890 3 Go 1..1340 4 10 1..1150 3 25 1..1070 3 65 11. .1203 4 15 7. . 9S5 3 40 2. . 900 3 75 HEIFERS. 1. . 540 3 50 17. . 818 4 05 3. . 590 4 35 3. . $70 4 00 7. . 774 4 23 1. . 9SO 4 40 1. . 770 4 00 1. . 680 4 25 1. . 290 5 00 ! * " > BULLS. 3..1070 345 1..19SO SCO 1..I3SO 375 1..1460 3 GO 3..1763T3GO 1..1770 3 S5 CAL.VES. 1. . 230 B 60 1. . 130 6 60 STAGS. 2..1435 4 00 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1. . S30 , 4 25 2. . 770 4 30 SS. . 928 4 33 11. . 903 4 20 3. . 9GO 4 30 2. . G254 50 7. . 942 4 30 Z , . 895 4 30 1. . MO 4 50 HOGS There were only fifty-two fresh and fifteen stale loads on the market today , but It was'enough considering the fact that It was the last day of the week and that the market yesterday was In bad shape. The market opened this morning a little higher than yesterday's close but not quite up to yesterday's opening market. The strength was the most marked on the mixed loads , which sold at J4.25fc4.30 , but It was hard work to get any more for the best heavy or butcher wcichts. A considerable proportion of the hogs sold early but still the mnrket was far from active owing to the difference of opinion between buyers and sellers. Still they kepi selling and the pens were cleared In pretty coed seoj-on. The hogs sold at J4.20ff4.3S , but largely at the three prices , J4.25. J4.274 ! and J4.30. Speculators , have been doing for provi sions recently- what they did for wheat some time ago. The large purchases ol proNlslons by th government and the feel ing that large additional quantities will IK required to support the volunteer army Ir the field has attracted tne attention ol speculators toward that commodity. Tin result has Ift-en that the bulls have giver prices big lifts , but the bears have beer strong enough to bring about just as nota ble reactions. Live hogs have had to follow the lead of provisions and for that reason the mar ket all the week has been n came ol bee-saw , up one day and down the next. The week opened at an advance of close tc 5c over the close of the- previous week , made u big spurt on Tuesday , touching th < highest point reached since 1893 , dropped with a dull thud on Wednesday , recovered somewhat on Thursday only to Hunk or Friday , the market on that day bleng prac tically back to where It was on Monday Tl M M 4 .Tl M . 34 240 4 M M . Wl 4(1 ( 4 30 * & , , .119 . SO 4 SO HIIKlil'-Therc wore thicc lends reported In today , but of that number two wtni con Hlrncd direct to packers. The market tins been very poorly FUP piled nil this week , Mntiduy nnd U'cdnendn ? bettiK the only t o ilnys when there wn < mouth here to really make n test of th mnrket. The crncrnl tendency of values hns been upward on nil rmittun grade * of both nhoep nnd lamb ? . The mntkct on des'rnblc mutton sheep nnd yearlings was strong on every day of the week nnd there nre those who are free to predict that It will be still stronger the coming week , owing to re- irartcd light supplies remaining In hands of feeders. The prices pnld for wethers during * the week ranged from J4.00 to $4.2i , whllo some ewes sold at J3.SO. Colorado wt > oled lambs sulil the first of the week nt J5.00 , but on Wednesday lambs that were n little heavier and hence not quite PO deslrabla In the eyes of buyers sold nt J5.25 , Know ing an advance of fully 25c or possibly more considering quality. In other words the lamb market for the week can safely be quoted 25830c higher. Representatives cales : CHICAGO MVP. STUCK MAHKKT. Henry Stiiil > - of U KH. l' t the Prices Itu'.r Hlulier. CHICAGO. May 21.-\Vhlle prices for dressed beef nnd spring grades of cattle averaged rather low Fi-llers have re.nllxctl fair profits In numerous Instances , owing to the cut In railroad rates from western points , The week's cattle rei-eliils were 41- POO head less than for the third week of May Inst year. Western steers , J4.45 ; beef steers , J4.00JJS.OO : Texas steers , J3.T04i4.ra : ows and heifers , JS.G5'/4.W ( / ; calves. JS.fJOi ? * * i The supplies of hogs for the week foot p to the enormous total of 242.MX1 head. Today's supply was nl > out 32,000 head , as a arge number remained over last night , hut here was such n Rood demand that prices uled 5c higher : common to choice , Jl.l5il .45 : putkerx. J4.20Q4.40 ; butchers , J4.204J .40 ; pigs , J2.53i 4.00. The total receipts of sheep and lambs for he week were C2.000 head. Not many lots fTered on the market Unlay , the bulk of he receipts being consigned direct to resFiil ment concerns. Clipped sheep , J3.2S (4.40 ; shorn lambs. J3.7at5.tX ) ; wooled lambs , 3.0 6.fij ; spring lambs. JC.405T7.CO. Receipts : Hogs , 19WO head ; cattle , Ml lead ; sheep , 500 head. KntiHrm Pity I.lvo Stock. KANSAS CITY , Mo. . May 21. CATTLE Receipts. 2.00U head ; general demand good md prices fully U"c " higher than u week ago ; ate sales were , prime dressed beef steers , 4.755J5.VO : good to choice. JI.45Si4.75 : light- velght steers. J4.20Ii4.G5 ; heifers , J4.0iKl | 4.G5 ; eul calves , JC.CKiliC.50 ; stockert * and feed ers. J4.OOfiS.ri3 ; Texas steers , JJ.Wi4.45. HOGS Receipts , 4,500 head ; demand still continues strong enough to absorb liberal receipts and maintain the prices , which verc nominally the same as a week ago. Sales today : lleuvy. J4.25174.40 ; mixed , J4.10 64.23 : lights. J3.i > 5i4.20 : pigs , J2.7MI375. SH HEP Receipts. 1,500 head. While tha week's supply of sheep was liberal the de- rumd was correspondingly good and prices lave advanced about 20c. Colorado wool ambs sold from J5.2. > fi5.45 ; clipped , J4.50jd .73 ; native lambs , J4.50J3.23 ; muttons , J4.20JJ 1.75. St. I.oul 1,1 ic Stock. ST. LOUIS , May 21. CATTLK-Recelpts , 00 head ; shipments , 300 head ; market nom- nal for natives ; Texans steady , fair to 'uncy native shipping and export steer ? , Ji.40fiS.20 ; bulk of sales. J4.50fi4.91 ; drc.mtil > eef and butcher steers , J4.30ii4.lK ) ; bulk of sales , J4.45Ti4.73 ; steers under 1,0 * ) Ibs. , J3.9J H4.50 ; bulk of sales. J4.lSfi4.Xi : stockfrs nml feeders , J3.50H4.CT ; bulk of sales. J1.0og4t.O : . ; eow and heifers , J2.2uii4.fi5 ; bulk of cows. 2.75fi3.5j ; Texas and Indian steers , J3.75i , G5 ; bulk of sales , J4.00i4. 5 ; cows and heifers. J2.2304.iO. ! HOGS Receipts , 2,700 head ; shipments , l.fiOO head ; market steady to firm ; yorkcrs , J1.15fi4.30 ; packers , J4.00S4.40 ; butchers , JS.U 4.45. SHEEP Receipts , SOU head ; shipments , none ; market dull , steady ; native muttons , J3.15ti4.50 ; luinbd , JI.TO1iC.50 ; Texas muttons , 4.10. Sfow York Mv - Stook. NEW YORK. May 21. UBEVES Re ceipts , 1,200 head : no trading ; exports , 1,091 "lead tattle and 56 quarters of beef. CALVKS Receipts , 57 head ; steady at J5.75fi5.W. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts , 549 head ; rood to prime yearlings , J5.10i(5.3j ( ; southern ambs. J6.33fC.76. ( HOGS Receipts , 3.7K9 head ; weak. JI.KX3 4. 5 ; western pigs , J4.15JJ-4.30. KiiMt IliilTnlo t.lvc Stoek. EAST BUFFALO , N. Y. . May 21. HOGS- Yorkers , good to choice , J4.20i'4.25 ; roughs , common to choice , J3.E5ij4.00 ; pigs , fulr to choice. J3.C5TJ3.70. LAMBS Choice to extra , J3.25QB.35 ; com mon. J4.2&S4.75. SHEEP-Cholce to selected wethers , J4.21 ff4.SO ; common , J3.25fi3.50. Clnelniintl Live Stock. CINCINNATI , May 21. HOGS Dull at J3.50S4.40. CATTLE-Steady at J2.75fi4.65. SHEEP Steady at J2.755i4.00. LAMBS Steady at J3.75ij4.75. Stock In Slulit. Record of receipts of live stock at the four principal markets for May 21 : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha 1,341 3.61D 721 Chicago 300 19,000 60fl Kansas City 2,0-jO 4,500 1,500 St. Louis 700 2,700 500 Totals .4,341 29,719 3,221 Wool MnrketH. BOSTON. May 21. WOOIThe following are the prices for leading descriptions : Ohio and Pennsylvania fleeces , X and above , 2Cc ; XX and XX above and delalno No. 1 and No. 2 combing , 29-U30O. Michigan , Wisconsin , etc. : X Michigan. 2223c ; No. 2 Michigan nnd Illinois combing , 27(2Sc ; X New York , New Hampshire and Ver mont , 22@23c ; delaine Michigan , 2Sc : un washed medium Kentucky and Indiana quarter blood combing and three-eighths blood combing , 22 < ? i23c ; Missouri quarter blood combing , 22S23c ; braid comblnn , 20c ; lake and Georgia , 19fif20c. Texas wools : Spring medium (12 ( months ) . IGJjlSc ; scoured , 40i42c ; spring fine (12 ( months ) . ICfilic ; scoured , 43iJ45c. Territory wools : Montana fine medium and fine. 154lCc ; scoured , 45c ; staple , 4Sc ; Utah , Wyoming etc. , fine me dium and fine , 14fM5c ; scoured , 43fl45c : staple , 4Sc. Australian wools : Scoured basis , combing superfine , 70j72c ; combine , good , CS-fiCic ; combing , average , C2SC5c ; Queensland combing , C5c. New York Ury Oooilx Mnrket. NEW YORK , May 21. The dry goods market is quiet at the week's close. There are some Inquiries for fall goods , but these on the whole have not been as extended as sellers demanded. Sales for woolen slow , particularly In men's fabrics. Export goods In cotton drills and sheetings have been subject to a continued fair Inquiry. There have also been some sales of magnitude In cotton dress goods and similar lines of fab rics , but In such eases the prices were re ceded from by the sellers. Print cloths have shown slightly more strength. The sellers of extras made offers of goods at 2c less 1 per cent , but buyers refused to pur chase at this price. The best bids for regu lar goods are 115-lCc , and these bids have been steadily refused by sellers. Odd goods have shown a better market , however , and are generally on a more liberal basis. Oil Market. OIL CITY , May 21. Credit balances. SCc ; certificates opened nt SMic ; highest , bS > % c ; lowest and closing. SCc ; Bales , two bbls. cosh , S He ; nix bbls. ut fc'c ; one bbl. at fcC' e : total. 9.000 bbls. No pales regular oil. SAVANNAH , Ga. , May 21. OILS Spirits of turpentine , firm at 27c. Rosin , firm : A , R , C. Jl : D. J1.05 ; E. J1.10 ; F. 11.20 ; G. J1.25 ; H. I. 11.15 ; K , M. J1.50 ; N , J1.70 ; W , G , J1.75 ; W. W. J1.K5. WILMINGTON. N. C. , May 21.-OILS- Splrlts of turpentine , steady at 2G82ic. < . Resin , dull nt 93c nnd J1.05. Crude turpen tine , quiet at J1.20 , J1.70 and J1.60. Tar , steady at J1.10. Sncnr Mnrket. NEW ORLEANS , May 21.-SUOAR-Open kettle , strong , 3f(4c ; white. 4' ifi4 5-i > c ; yel lows. 4'ii < 4'.ic ; seconds. 2'.fe3 { 1-fec. Mplasses , steady ; centrifugal , DfilSc. NEW YORK , May 21.-SUGAR-RaW , strong , tending upward : fair reflnlnpr. 3 > 4c ; centrifugal , W test. 4',4f < I 6-lCc ; refined , firm : mould A , D5-Sc ; standard A , 5'ic ; con fectioners' A , cut loaf. 5 7-Sc ; cruShe-d , 5 7-Sc ; powdered6Sc ; granulated , 5 3-fce ; cubes , 5 5-Sc. JAMES E BOYD & GO , , Telephone 1039. Omaha , Neb COMMISSION , GRAIN , PROVISIONS and STOCKS BOARD OP TRAUB. Dlrt't wire * to Cblcaco and New Tort CorrMpondrnU ! Jcitm A. Wrrtn A Co. Removal II. R. Prniijr & Co. ( nccrssora t ChrUtir-Strrrt Com. Co. ) linvc remov ed to room 4 , . York I.He