NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. 31 I COUNCIL BLUFFS. IINOR MENTION. Try Moore's stock food. | Dr. Green , office C12 Fourth street. Call at The Bee office for Cuban maps , lOc each. R. E. Mlckel of Walnut was In the city yesterday on business. Dr. A. O. Mudgc. the dentist , removal from 319 to 338 Broadway. , Rcv. It. Venting went to Dentson yester day on a short visit to friends. Rev. D. C , Franklin , presiding elder of the Methodist church , Is visiting In Colorado rado , Mrs. H. M. Gardiner of Boomer township was In the city yesterday visiting friends and relatives. B. G. Atild of Grlswold. member of the Board of County Supervisors , was In the city yesterday. The Evans laundry Is the leader In fine work both for color and finish. 520 Pearl street. Phone 290. Attorney C. M. Harl went to DCS Molnes yesterday evening on business connected with the hay rule cases before the supreme court. Frank Morris and Ella Dougherty , both of Omaha , were married In this city yester day , Justice Uurke performing the cere mony. All members' the Loyal Temperance nnny will meet this afternoon at 4 o'clock nt the residence of Mrs. Esancey , 351 Scott etrcct. With a Dec coupon and 25 cents you can Fecure the offlclul photographs of the United States navy at the Council Bluffa office of The Bee. Don't you think It must be a pretty good laundry that can please so many hundreds of customers ? Well that's the "Eagle , " 724 Broadway. H. .1. Rlfcnbcrlck , formerly ticket agent of the Rock Island road In Council Bluffs , now a resident of Portland. Ore. . Is In the city visiting friends. The case against A. F. Klpfingcr , charged with assault and battery by Charles Hlntz , was dismissed yesterday In Justice Burkc's court for want of prosecution. P. E. Ccruttl of Mason City , In. . Is ar ranging with Secretary Chase of the Iowa Exposition commission to place a big pipe organ In the Iowa state building. Mr. C. C. Chcsncy and Miss Stella Pat terson were married yesterday afternoon nt the residence of the bride's parents , cor ner of Sixth street and Fifth avenue. A. Furham , hailing from Schuyler , Neb. , was arrested yesterday afternoon for violating lating the city ordinance by peddling Jew elry without first obtaining a license. The will of the late Mrs. Annlo E. Camp bell was admitted to profcata In tha district court yesterday. The husband , W. H. Camp bell , Is made solo executor without bonrl. Clarence E. Howe win granted a decree of foreclosure yesterday In the district court against James A Rice ftnd othcrc of a $1,000 mortgage on fifty acres In this county. Attorney A. S. Hazclton and City Solicitor S. B. Wadsworth went to Des Molnes yes terday evening and this morning will sub mit the city warrant mandamus case to the supreme court. E. J. Mally , assistant general superin tendent , and Colonel C. M. Baker , chief of construction of the Postal Telegraph com pany , with headquarters In Chicago , were in the city yesterday. Unity guild will hold Its regular meeting this afternoon at the residence of Mrs. A. B Cookc on Vine btreot A full attendance Is desired , as there Is business of in.port- ance to be transacted. The Detroit gas machine will light your residence or store , costing 1 cent to run a sixty-four candle power lamp four hours. J. C. Blxby. heating , plumbing , lighting , 202 Main and 203 1' . Council Bluffs. la. Superintendent H. W. Rothert'of the State Institution for the Deaf received notifica tion yesterday of the appointment of H. SJikkervecr of Orange City , Sioux county , as trustee to succeed the latu John Bcatty of Ncbada. la. . 'Mrs. ' R. C. Baylesa died yesterday at the home of her son , James Baylcss , at 2715 Third avenue , of softening of the brain , aged 73 years. The remains were taken yesterday afternoon to Knoxvllle , la. , where the funeral will be held today. The fire department was called out twice yesterday. First in the afternoon by a fasc alarm to Bluff street and Willow ave nue and In the evening to the store of Met- calf Bros , on Pearl street , where the wires of the electric light had started an Incipient blaze. The wires were cut and no damage was done. Elmer Green and Tom Batshaw. two of the lads arrested at the Union Pacific trans fer Tuesday evening , were taken back to Lincoln , Neb. , last night by young Green's * father. The other four boys , two of whose homes are In Memphis. Tenn. , and two In Colorado , wore released yesterday morning on their promise to return home at once. C. B. Vlavi Co. , female remedy ; consulta tion free. Office hours. 9 to 12 and 2 to 6. Health book furnished. 326-327-328 Mcr- tyam block. Money to loan on city property. Klnne. N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250. f . Iron-clad potatoes , the best. 70 cents per Bushel. Dartel & Miller. . Federal Authorltle * IntercMted. | The federal authorities will take a hand } n the prosecution of W. H. Harris , ono of the two crooks arrested Wednesday Bight nt the Scott house. The "Hash roll" Carried by Harris was examined yesterday by Officer Donnella of the government se cret service and found to contain a number Cf old Tennessee state warrants so folded hnd arranged as to give the 'appearance of feenulne greenbacks. United States Com- jnlssloner George F. Wright Is out of thu City , so Mr. Donnella telegraphed to Deputy United States Marshal Richards at Des Molnes and Harris will probably be taken before Commissioner Porter at Creston to day. Hcitl Eiilnte TrnnHfern. The following transfers have been filed In the title , abstract and loan office of J. W. Bqulrc , 101 Pearl street : County treasurer to Ernest E. Hart , a 40. feet on Avenuu a of nJ4 : block 3. Mil ) add. Council Bluffs , t.'il . 'S CO County treasurer to F. C. nnd E. II. , Lougee , lot I , block H. and lot 2 , block 48 , Uldillc'H subdlv , and lot 9 , block 7 , Turlcy's udd , t. d t Hi kowls Ev Wilson nnd wife to George ' W. Jones , lot 11 ( .block 1 , town of 'Cnrsun. w. 1 cue Susan K. Hart nnd husband to ' Thnmu * Otllcer. lots 5 nnd C , block 10 , Mullln's stlbdlv , q. c. il ] E. M. Wilson and wife to Samuel Alexander , lot 4 , nudltor'n subdlv , ne\i \ ne ,4 31-75-43 , w. d 4.50C Mary E. Muthcson nnd husband to Lon Thomas , part nw'4 sw > , i -7G-43 , w. d. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ' " l3 ( ] J. M. I'ullen'nnV wHe 'EYiinia'A. , Yo Anna McElwaln , lot S , block 3 , Dig Grove. In Oakland , w. d 300 Total , seven transfers ? 5.S23 Storage , Wlnn & Kanlgrcacher , 336 Bwy. Hohrrr Will Appeal. It Is very doubtful If the award of the Jury In the condemnation proceedings brought by the city to open Sixteenth ave nue nt Its Intersection with Third street will be. accepted. Mr. Rohrer had placed the value ot his property at $2,900 and Interest for two years , which amounted to JIOC more , making In all J3.300. He la not'sat isfied with the award of the Jury and In structed his attorney to appeal to the dis trict court. MnrrlHKO Meriine * . Licenses to wed wore Issued to the follow ing pervops yeaterdny : Name and Address. Age. O. . C. McChoiney , Council Bluffs SO Htcllu I'atternon , Council Bluffs 26 Frank Morrln. Ornuha 21 Dougherty , Omaha u HERWEC GETS HIS VERDICT Bccurea Damages from His Landlady in a Suit in the District Court. NOVEL CASE GOES ALMOST BY DEFAULT Dofendnnt Ilefa e to Appear and Her Attarnem Withdraw from the Cane , AllowliiK the I'lnlntllt to Prove Up Alone. In the district court yesterday afternoon the jury empanelled In the damage suit of Heman Herweg against Mrs. Amelia Berney returned a verdict for the plaintiff In the sum of $3,349.03. Hcrwcg sued for $10,000. A peculiar and almost exceptional feature of the trial was that the defend ant was not present , neither was she rep resented by counsel , her attorneys with drawing from the case when It was called and they learned that she was not In at tendance. As an answer had been filed , judgment could not bo taken by default and It was necessary for the plaintiff to prove up his case before the Jury. Mrs. Dcrncy , who Is n resident of Omaha , owns a large tract of farming land In Lewis township near Manawa , Herwcg being one of her tenants. He got behind In his rent and then trouble ensued between him and Mrs. Berney ; several rounds of which were fought out In the local justice courts. Each had the other arrested for assault and bat tery and the suit tried yesterday was brought by Hcrwcg after Mrs. Herman had tried to dispossess htm by force from the farm. According to Herweg'u evidence yester day , when ho got In arrears with his rent , Mrs. Derncy seized all his crops and farming Implements , and threatened to have him sent to the penitentiary If ho attempted to regain possession of them. The day fol lowing the confinement of Mrs. Herwcg , Mrs. Berney appeared at the house , broke down the front door with an axe , and car ried It off. She took out the heating stove and all the windows from the house , al though the weather was bitterly cold at the time and Mrs. Hcrwcg and her Infant babe were lying In bed. Ilerweg brought suit for $10,000 damages , alleging malicious trespass , Illegal conver sion of his property by the defendant to her own use and false representations by the defendant as to the quality and nature of the farm which he had leased from , her. Mrs. Berney employed several differ ent lawyers to look after the case for her , but for some reason or other they each lu turn declined to act. Finally she secured J the services of Saundera & Stewart of this city and they notified her that the case would bo tried this term. Somehow she be came Impressed with the Idea that the case ' , had been disposed of and refused to be lieve even the court's statement that It had not. When the case was called yesterday she was not In court and her attorneys de clined to act further for her. At the time Mrs. Berney seized Herwcg's property she took three horses belonging to Henry Miller that were grazing on , the farm. She refused to return them and finally sold them. Miller brought suit and a judgment yesterday was rendered in' his favor , for $200 by Judge Smith. Hoffniayr'8 fancy' patent flour makes the best and most bread. Ask your grocer for it. FOR SALE Good second-hand bicycle at ft bargain. Call at The Bee office. Council Bluffs. Cordwood for sale cheap. Address W. F. , Bee office , Council Bluffs. TALK OP EXPOSITION MATTERS. Executive Committee Meeta and Con sider * St-vernl SnbJectM. At the regular weekly meeting of the ex ecutive committee of the Council Bluffs Ex position association last night It was sug gested that a concerted effort be made to induce all business men In this city to close on June 1 , the opening day , and make it a general holiday. It was also suggested an effort be made to have all banks , railroad offices and the wholesale houses throughout the city close at 1 o'clock on Saturday after noons during the holding of the exposition so as to give the employes time to visit the great show. No action was taken . Prof. Sawyer , chairman of the committee on literature , called attention to the matter of securing and circulating literature of some sort descriptive of Council Bluffs and its attractfons. Several plans were dis cussed , among them being that of securing a number of copies of a special Issue of the Transmlsslsslpplan to be published contain ing cuts of the parks and points of Interest In and around the city , but the /whole mat ter was finally left with the literature com mittee to formulate a plan and submit it at the next meeting. President Graham reported that the struc ture of the wigwam had reached as far as another seven foot of the top and the pay roll for the week , amounting to $161.05 , was allowed and ordered paid. If you need a bedstead call and see the fine line at the furnlturo store of Peterson & Schoenlng's In the Merrlam block. Most any kind you want and at a moderate cost. I'UMI.H 'FOR SANITAIIY AIU WOltK. Women Will CJIve nil Entertainment to llnlHe Money. The members of the Council Bluffs Women's Sanitary Ilellef commission have come to that point where they need funds to carry on the war for the soldier boys. At the regular meeting yesterday afternoon It was decided to give an entertainment next Wednesday evening In Hondo's hall In the Odd Fellows' temple. The entertainment will bo of a mualcal nature , the arrangement of the program being In the hands of Mrs. Don Macrae , jr. The entertainment will bo followed by a dance. Mrs. F. M. Coinpton , appointed a commit tee to secure a hall , reported that Mr. K. L. Shugart had granted the use of the armory for the meetings of the commission free of rent. rent.A" " A" box well filled with packages of all kinds was sent to Camp McKlnlcy. The followjng were added to the mem bership roll : Mcsdamcs W. H. Mather , Ad dle Urooks , C. W. Watts , n. L. Edson. H. I. Forsyth. H. Coffeen , Misses Lille Halllday and Bessie Pryor. A special meeting will bo held Wednesday afternoon next at the armory. Irving hotcl.2750 _ D'd'y ; rates. $1.50. Slap of Cuba. West Indies and the World at The Bee office , lOc each. Ilelkniui I.ueiitca III * GooilM. When Edward Bclkuap , who conducts a dye and repair shop at 110 Pearl stret , went to his place of business yesterday morning ho discovered that It had been visited by thieves during the night. A suit of clothes and a number of odd garments were found to bo missing. He at once reported the rob bery to the police and on officer was de tailed on the case. A man giving the name of Thomas Oray was arrested In Omaha while trying to dls- pose of the stolen goods. When taken into custody he was found to bo wearing the suit. Gray U evidently a tramp thief and secured entrance to Belknnp'g shop , It Is thought , by a skeleton key. Ho refused to return with out requisition papers and steps to procure them were taken yesterday afternoon. Nearly everybody Is fixing up their homes expecting to entertain some of their friends during the exposition. We want to drop a gentle hint to you If you need anything in the way of furniture to call at our store In the Merrlam block and see what we can do for you. If we can't suit you both In prices and goods It Is useless to look else where. Itrenk In n Shoe Shop Window. Another attempt was made some time dur ing Wednesday night \p \ rob Chris John son's shoe shop at 913 South Main street , but the thieves were evidently frightened away before they succeeded In securing sn entrance. The store has been robbed two or three times within the last few months and Johnson has taken extra precautions In hav ing the doors and windows firmly secured. Falling to force either of the doors or windows dews , the thieves smashed In the glass of the front window. The sound of the breakIng - Ing glass was heard by neighbors and made so much noise that It probably scared the thieves themselves. Wanted , a good girl for general house work. Inquire 41 Main street. Family of G. Lcn Ogden has purchased a League bicy cle from Cole & Cole. Don't forget the Interesting lecture on electricity , Illustrated with apparatus , to be given by Prof. A. W. Brett of the High school tonight at the Congregational church. Admission 15 cents. Where the organ stands on the building , that's Bourlclus , where they sell good pi anos cheap. No. 325 Broadway. Ilouiiilary Declxloii. KEOKUK , la. , May 19. ( Special. ) Judge Bank has rendered a decision In the dis trict court In favor of the plaintiff In a case Involving hundreds of acres of land along the boundary lines of Missouri and Iowa. Prior to the year 1870 the Des Molnes river ran south to Bucna Vista and then southeast to Alexandria , Mo. , five miles distant. There was an Island lying north and east of that town of several acres of land , known as the Nassau Island. Between the years 1S70 and 1873 an ice gorge came and the Des Molnes river cut through a part of Nassau Island and out Into the Mississippi river. This changed the course of the river from southeast to Alexandria and it cut across Nassau Island and ran out two miles above Into the Mis sissippi. So the Des Molnes emptied two or three miles above where It formerly did. Another cut came and opened another mouth , so the DCS Molnes now has three mouths , one being part of the old Nassau slough. Kcrr , the plaintiff , contended that the river , having abandoned Its bed of n sudden , the old bed of the DCS Molnes river continued being the dividing line between the two said tracts of land , and the court found that , notwithstanding the fact that this land was on the Missouri side of the Des Molnes river , by reason of the sudden change of the stream the old bed and not the new bed of the channel was the dividing line between the parties , and found Ken- to bo entitled to possession of the land. Commencement Week at Clnrlndu. CLAHINDA. la. . May 19. ( Special. ) This Is commencement week of the Clarlnda High school. The graduating class numbers five , as follows : Florence Alverda Young , Grctchen Nevlus Kelley , Lena Hazel Woods , Mary Ellen Nash and George Hamilton Beal. The baccalaureate sermon was delivered Sunday evening by Rev. J. , M. McArthur , pastor of .the .United Presbyterian jihurch. The .annual ! debate of * the societies of the school took * place Monday , 'nlgh't ? The class exercises were Tuesday night at Hnwley's opera house , and also the same evening oc curred the annual meeting of the High school alumni , the latter being held at the residence of Hon. T. E. Clark , and being a social event. The commencement address will be delivered Friday night by President Jenkins of Parsons college , Falrfleld. Political Fight IN On. CHEROKEE , la. , May 19. ( Special. ) The Fourth judicial and Eleventh congressional conventions have been called and the po litical fight is fairly on. Judge Oliver of Onawa is making the rounds shaking hands here and there driving a staple into his barbed wire fence. Ed Helscr of Sioux City , G. D. Perkins' right hand man , has been over the territory and says It Is "all right" for Perkins. Judge Lot Thomas of Storm Lake disputes this and thinks there Is some show for him and is making a very active canvass , backed by some able politicians of the big Eleventh. Ed Brown of Sheldon he says he would like to have something to say In this matter and It begins to look as though he might have a great deal to say. Wo limn on WASHINGTON , la. . May 19. ( Special Tel egram. ) The Iowa state conference of the Woman's Missionary board began here to day. Delegates were present from all over the state. The address of welcome was by Miss Alice Wilson of Washington , la. , and was responded to by Mrs. Corley of Grln- nell. Papers were read by Mrs. Ichereau of Washington on "Our Industrial Homes , " Mrs. W. F. Cowles of Burlington on "Im migrant Homes" and Mrs. Ida Corley of ' Grlnncll on "Alaska. " Miss Elizabeth Humphrey , superintendent of the Bldwell Deaconess home at Des Molnes , and Mrs. Nellie Brush of Ottumwa , state president of the society , delivered addresses. Medical Society OlllcerN. DES MOINES , May 19. ( Special Tole- gram. ) The State Medical society elected the following officers today : President , II. B. Young , Burlington ; vice president , J. T. Priestly , Des Molnes , and D. C. Brockman , Ottumwa ; treasurer , G. R. Skinner , Cedar Rapids ; secretary , J. W. Cokenower , Des Molncs. There was a contest over the presi dency between H. L. Gctz of Marshalltown and Young of Burlington. Although the committee recommended Sioux City for the next annual mectlug , the convention de cided to hold the next meeting at Cedar Rapids. I'liototrrniilierH CliooHe Olllcerx. DES MOINES , May 19. ( Special Tele gram. ) At today's meeting of tve State Photographers' association Dis Molncs was selected for the next annual meeting. The following officers were elected : President , E. S. Frcy , Odebolt ; first vice president , J. C. Wilson , Cherokee ; second vlco presi dent , S. E. Waters , Eldora ; secretary , M. O. Reed , Missouri Valley ; trasurer , F. W. Medlar , Spencer. South llnkoln Ueluufil. HAWARDEN , la. . May .19. ( Special. ) A regular deluge Is occurring throughout the state of South Dakota , covering all west of the Missouri river. The lakes are all filling ns full as ever known. While some grain Is being drowned out , the farmers throughout the state arc greatly elated , claiming an assurance , of the best grain yield ever known. Lundneeker Kxciirnlon. HAWARDEN , la. , May 19. ( Special. ) A lamlseekers' excursion left hero today for Sterling and other points in Colorado. W. D. Mlxter , traveling agent , and W. E. West , local agent , of the Colorado Colony com pany , chaperoned the company , Good Snle of Mourn. MARSHALLTOWN. la. . May 19. ( Spe. clal. ) Last Saturday Brlttaln & Co. , the pork packers of this city , paid out $25,000 for hogs purchased yftliKng one day. This was a record brenker. ' far exceeding any previous record in the history of the con cern. Thirty-seven carloads , equal to two freight trains of hogs fpere taken In be tween noon and 4:30.o'clock : p. m. Tlcsc averaged about $700'Wrccar ' , the top price paid being $4.20 per hundred , at which figure most of the stock was purchased. Knit * Heir to Money. MAnSHALLTOWNr Ia. , May 19. ( Spe cial. ) Mrs. C , M. Cari/.wlfe of a prominent business man of thlatelly , has just been notified that by the tAeath of two uncles named Moon of Brown , county , III. , she has fallen heir to $25,000. The relatives died several months ago , leaving an estate valued at $100,000 , and Mrs. Carr and her three brothers arc the sold heirs. lovrn Men Go to Tampa. DES MOINES , 'a. , Jtl.iy 19. In response to a telegram front Adjutant General Cor- bln , Colonel D. V. Jackson of the Fiftieth towa volunteers to lay wired his regiment to move to Tampa Saturday morning and he would report to the < | iiart > > rmastcr nt Chicago for Instruction : ) , routing and equip ment. ' To Move 4t Once. DES MOINES , May J19. ( Special Tele gram. ) Colonel Jackson today received or ders from Washington to move the Fiftieth lown , his regiment , to Washington at once. As ho Interprets the order to mean to move Just as soon ns equipped the regiment Will not leave here until daylight Saturday morn- Ing. lown 1'roNM Comment. Des Molnes News : With over $8.000,000 of deposits In the banks of the city Des Moincs people arc In no danger of the starvation which confronts the people of Manila and Havana. Sac City Democrat : Every American citi zen should rise In protest against the acquisition of foreign territory , no mat ter where located. The perpetuity of the great American republic depends upon her compact territory. DCS Molnes Leader : Although the Iowa guard was the first in the nation to get Into camp , It promises to be about the last to got to the front. No one can say , how ever , that It Is the fault of the men. For .three weeks they have been on the tiptoe of anxiety to depart. Des Molncs Register : ' This promises to be the banner small fruit year In Iowa If we are not to have the usual May frosts In June. There Is considerable complaint of raspberry canes being killed during the winter , but other small fruits promise abundant crops at present. The straw berry harvest Is just beginning In Mis souri , on a crop lighter than last year , but finer In quality. The Iowa strawberry crop Is promising , but will be much later than usual ; cherries and pears will beat all the records If they cscapo later frosts. lowii I'emonnl Xotex. Robert F. Newell , aged 80 years , died at the home of his daughter , Mrs. L. A. Relley in Wapello. He was an old resi dent , j. , Chancellor McDowell of Denver uni versity will dellverr.ithq clns * address to the students of Pann i college , Oskaloosa , June 16. next. 'it 1 Grant Jordan , the. nbvH clerk of the Iowa Board of Control , wjas born In Scott county. His brother Is clcrk'ofr ; the United States appellate court for , thc : Eighth district. Prof. F. B. CootfeY ; 'superintendent ' of schools. In the West DCS Molnes district , and one of the best known lown electors , has accepted a similar-position In Indian apolis at an advanced aary. A. B. Cummins 'of ( , pea Molncs has re- ti'incd ' from Washington , nhcro he went for the purpose of' tyi.rli.icln * the War de partment to keep the 'four Iowa regiments together under General [ Lincoln. Martin Anderson , Whose parents live in Des Moines , has been ordered to leport for duty , on the NeW.irk nt week. He has recently been employed in the hhop yard at Bristol. R , I. , and has been with the navy several years. Late to bed and early to rise prepares a man for his home in the skies. Earyl to bed and a Little Early Riser- the pill that makes life longer and better and wiser. CONFIRMED BY THE SENATE Another Batch of Presidential Ap- i > olntcen to the Military Service Arc Secure In Their Pagjltlon * . WASHINGTON. May 19. The senate to day confirmed these nominations : David S. Hooper , .receiver public moneys at Pierre , S. D. Postmasters : Missouri E. S. Low , Hamil ton.- Kansas J. A. Schmltt , Ellsworth ; W. B. Greason , Paola ; M. M. Beck , Holton. William 'Kesslnger to be surveyor of cus toms at Kansas City. The following army nominations were also confirmed : To be assistant adjutant general , with rank of major : Captain Walter S. Schuyler , Louis V. Caselarle , William R. McCammon , James Pettlt , Alfred C. Sharp , Hugh L. Scott , Edward Davis ; First Lieutenants Frederick S. Strong , Herbert H. Sargent , Clarence R. Edwards , Samuel D. Sturgls , Samuel Rcber and Messrs. Campbell E. McMlchael of Pennsylvania , George H. Hop kins of Michigan and John A. Logan , Jr. , of Ohio. To bo assistant adjutant generals , with rank of captain : First Lieutenants Erasmus M. Weaver , Jr. , Francis P. Fremont , DeRosy C. Cabel , Charles M. Trultt , Edward Saint J. Grebje , John H. Beacora , Harvey C. Car- baugh , John B. McDonald , Albert L. Mills , Charles G. Great , William F. Hancock. Wil liam H. Smith , John F. Morrison , Benjamin Alvord , Henry C. Cabcll , Godfrey H. Mc Donald , William H. Johnston , John L. Sehon , Groto Hutcbeson , James K. Thomp son , Carl Relchman , Cornelius Dew Wllcox , William A. Holbrook , Daniel B. Devoo , Lurlen C. Berry , John C. McMahon , T. Bentley Mott , Samuel Seay , Jr. , Robert G. Paxton , Robert L. Howsc , George B. Dun can , Walter A. Bethel , Edmund L. Butts , Charles W. Fenton and Louis C. Scherer ; Second Lieutenants Douglas C. Settle , Henry H. Whitney , Edward B. Cassat , John C. Gllmore , jr. , and Messrs. Jacob E. Bloom of New York , William II. Orton of District of Columbia , Willlam'MjpKlttrlch ! of Cali fornia , Joseph Bn. oraker , Jr. , of Ohio , James A. Colvlu of , Ne\v York , Edward Murphy of New York. Joseph B , Morton of Illinois , Charles -fMeGIll of Minnesota , Larso Anderson -District of Columbia , Augustus P. Gnrdndjv'p'r ' Massachusetts , Gor don Voorhees of Kentucky , Samuel W. Belford - ford of Colorado. ' .jj J * To bo Inspectors general , with rank of captain : First Lieutenant J. S. Leo. Earl D. Thomas , Alex Rogers. , John M. M. Davis , Philip Read , Thomas M. Woodruff , Benja min H. Chever. Stephen W. Seyburn , Stephen G. Mills , Hbfbdrt J. Slodum , Harry C , Benson , William 'JY'Duvall ' and Messrs. O. Crclghton Webb pf.Jfew York and Russell B. Harrison of Indlnrtai. To be quarlermasiiFs , with rank of major : Captains Charles G.I Denny. John W. Sumner - ner Hayes , Samuel R. Jones , M. Martin , O. F. Long , Guy Howard , Frederick Von Schraeder , J. Sawyer , Frederick G. Hodg son. James B , Alcshlre , Thomas Cruze , First Lieutenant Eugene F , Ladd and William Wadsworth of New York. To bo assistant quartermasters , with rank of captain : First Lieutenants Ch'aunccy Walcutt , jr. , Charles A. Penu , U. G. Alex ander and Messrs. Hiram A. Mitchell of Oregon , John B. Jeffrey of Illinois , William D. Jenkins of Texas , Benjamin J. Johnson of California. James R. Hosmer of New York , William A. Harper of New York. Thomas H. Cavanaugh of Michigan , A. E. Parsons of Utah , Edward C. McDowell of Tennessee , Francis M. Schrelncr of District of Columbia , Arthur Thompson of New Hampshire , Charles M. Augur of Colorado , William K. Alexander of Virginia , William O. Ball of Ohio , George Bailey of New York , Edwin R. Barrett of Minnesota , Briton R. Davis of Texas , Ambrose E. Consoles of South Carolina , Lloyd G. Grlscom of Penn sylvania , and Abraham S. Peckhnm of Ohio. To bo commissaries of subsistence , with the rank of captain : First Lieutenants D. Hoyt , Parker West , Omar Bundy , Elmort F. Tagge , Alex R. Hoomcr ; Second Lieu tenant Harold E. Clokc , and Messrs. Rich ard W. Thompson , jr. , of Indiana , Daniel Van Voorhls of Ohio , Samuel B. Boots of Ohio , Leo Linn of Indiana , William A. Tucker of Tennessee , Theodore O. Hacker of Tennessee , Frank H. Lord of New York , John Earl of South Carolina , J. C. Cook of Pennsylvania , Thomas C. Catchlngs , jr. , of Mississippi and Joseph A. Cox of Pennsyl vania. AMERICA'S TUADB WITH JAPAN. Qrowlnir More Hnpldty Than that of Any Other Nation. WASHINGTON , May 19. The commerce of' ' the United States with Japan has grown moro rapidly during the last year than that of any other nation. The annual returns of the foreign trade of the empire of Japan , just received by the Bureau of Statistics , shows that the Imports Into Japan from the United States Increased from 16,373,419 yen In 1896 to 27,030C37 yen in 1897 , while Its exports to the United States Increased from 31,532,341 yen In 1896 to 52,436,404 yen In 1897. Only thrco countries , viz. : Great Britain , China and British India made as large sales to Japan as did the United States In 1S97 , and In no case was the In crease In Imports as large ns that from the United States. The gain which the United States has made over other parts of the world In supplying Japan with Its Imports Is shown by the fact that the Imports from the United States Increased 65 per cent In 1897 over 1896 , while In total Imports from all parts of the world the Increase of 1897 over 1896 was only 28 per cent. The gain of Great Britain , our chief competitor , was only about 10 per cent. The rapid develop ment of Japan's foreign commerce Is shown by the fact that Its exports In 1897 Increased 28 per cent. Appointment * liy the I'reMldent. WASHINGTON , May 19. The president today sent these nominations to the senate : War First Regiment Volunteer Engineers Colonel Eugene Griffin of Now York ; first lieutenants , Algernon Sartorts of District of Columbia , FItzhugh Leo , jr. , of Virginia. Carlos Carbonet of Troy , N. Y. , Thomas J. Sullivan of Colorado , Kurl Fisher Hanscn of New York. To bo Commissary of Subsistence with Rank of Major W. Abnernalhy of Missouri. To bo Engineer Officer with Rank of Major Charles Lincoln Woodbury of Vermont ; captains , William D. Beach , Third cavalry ; George H. Sands , Sixth cavalry , and Wil liam A. Shunk. Eighth cavalry. To bo Assistant Quartermaster with Rank of Captain First Lieutenant George S. Cartwrlght , Twenty-fourth Infantry. To bo Assistant Adjutant General with Rank of Captain Beadle A. Strong of New York. To bo Commissary of Subsistence with Rank of Captain Fred W. Hyde of New York , William H. Anderson of Ohio , G. B. McCullom of Tennessee. To bo Additional Paymaster William B. Schoficld of San Francisco. PENSIONS FOR WESTEIIN VETEUANS Survivor * of Litte Wnr Itemeinlicred ) . > r the General Government. WASHINGTON. May 19.r-Speclal. ( ) Pensions have been Issued as follows : Issue of May 7 : Nebraska : Original Walter F. Hill , St. Paul , $6. Restoration and Reissue James P. Mallon , Fremont , $4. Original widows , etc. Frances I. Kellogg , Bellwood , $8 ; Pheby As Drawbaugh , 'Sidney$8. Iowa : Original Robert Shaffer , Shelby , $6. Additional Special , 'May' ' 9 , Samuel P. Adams , Sioux City , $6 to $12. Restoration and reissue Relnhart Dickie , dead , Pu- laskl , $17. iDcrer.v. John H. French. Ot tumwa , $12 to $14. RMssue Special , May 9 , Nathan Moore , Hamburg. $10. Original widows , etc. Caroline Cullum. Bonaparte , $8 ; Sarah A. NIghtllnger , Nora Springs , $3 ; Anna Dickie. Pulaskl. $8. South Dakota : Original William A. Brooks , Buffalo Gap , $8. Reissue Louis Grewing , South Shore , $14. Montana : Reissue Daniel A. Snydcr , Co lumbia Falls. $10. Wyoming : Original Wlnfleld S. Marlatt , Gillette , $8. Colorado : Original widow Sarah J. Stew art , Minneapolis , $8. Dnlly Tren ury Statement. WASHINGTON , May 19. Today's state ment of the condition of the treasury shows : Available cash balance , $205,778,830 ; gold re serve , $175,275,309. Ttnnkn Advance the State Money. PIERRE , S. D. , May 19. ( Special Tele gram. ) The banks of this city today ad vanced to the state $3,000 with which to meet the expenses of the state troops up to the time they are to be taken In charge by the general government. This amount SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES , Allen'a Foot-Ease , n powderfor the feet. It cure's painful , swollen , smarting , nervous feet and Instantly takes the sting out of corns and bunions. It's the greatest com fort discovery of the apce. Allen's Foot- Ease makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It Is n certain cure for sweating , callous and hot , tired , aching feet. Try It today. Sold by all druggists and shoo stores , liy mall for 23c In stamps. Trial package FREE. Address Alen 8. Olmsted , Lo Itoy , N. Y. Y.WMB WMB * OTRBftM DOCTORS Bearlea & Searles . . . , IB * V&KKiJftV BHSVOBV SPECIALISTS Guarantee to our * pcedllr nd radi cally all KERVOUS , CHRONIC AS& PRIVATE dlieasea of lien and. T iesw WEflK MN SYPHILIS SEXUALLY. cured for life. Kls-ht Emissions. Lost Manhood. Hr Irocole , Verlcocele. Oonorrhoa , OI et , Bypn. 111 * . Stricture. Piles. Fistula and Rectal Uloirs , Diabetes. Brlght's Dlseas * cured. Consultation Free * Stricture and by new method without pain ° euttlnf. Gallon or addrtw with stamp. Tr atra nt ky Ball. W. SUflUS 8 StAHLii SCHEDULE EXPRESS Runs between Council Bluffs and Omnha , Now In effect. For prompt delivery , call on Wm. Welch. Bluffs 'phone. 12S ; Omaha 'phone. 7SO. RATES LOW. For carriage or express wagnn , call at No. 8 North Main street or above telephones. . SPECIAL NOTICES BLUFIFli WANT * DtVb'UUNOS. KllUn..rAUt AND OAHUKN l nd tor Milt or not. Uljr * U , U Ftarl ut will probably be sufficient for all the do- rannds which will bo rondo upon the state , s the troops are now all mustered In nnd a government charge. In cone the troops are not taken out of Bloux Falls before Bundnjr , an excursion will go to the camp from this' city. LONG TRIP WITHTOG SLEDS Two Mrn Drurrnd the Yukon from the Uuld PIHiU In HIP Ilrnrt of Winter. SEATTLE. May 19. B. M. Carr and K. L. Hnwlcy of this city arrived hero yesterday after one ot the longest recorded trips by dog sled and small boat In the history ot Alaskan travel. The trip extended over n period of 105 days and was attended by much hardship. Carr nnd Haw ley left Ham- part City , ocvcral hundred miles up the Yukon , January 11 with an outfit ot two sleds and seven dogs , and several Indian guides. They traveled down the Yukon to the.const and thence to Kodlak Island , where they caught a steamer from Sltka. They encountered many blizzards nnd for ono period of eight days their food was the few fish they caught. W. Mutch , who arrived hero yesterday from Dawsoa City , confirmed the reported drowning of Thomas Unrnes of Axtell , Kan. , and Louts Dishorn of Montana In Lake Bennett on May 10. Mr. Mutch cays that the spring clean-up begins In the Klondike April 19. CniinillniiH Muvr CiiMtom Ofllcr. SEATTLE , May 19. The steamer City of Seattle arrived here at 1 o'clock this morn ing with the largest passenger list yet brought by a returning steamer since the rush to Alaska began. It had 2C3 persona on board who took advantage of the rate war now on to return to civilization. The most Important news brought dowu was that the Canadian custom house has been moved to a new station on Middle lake , ten miles further Inland. The reason given for the removal Is that the old post Is not fitted for summer use and that the trail now being used docs not pass the old station. VOTE DOWN READJUSTMENT Illlnnln Operator * unit Miner * Hold- In It n Joint Conference Over the Sonic. SI'IIINGKIELD , III. , May 19. The coal fy miners and operators of Illinois are hereto to attend the Joint conference tomorrow. The operators met at the Lcland this mornIng - J Ing nnd voted down a resolution to adjust the entire Illinois scale , 23 to 17. Other propositions tending to the same end wcro voted down. The miners met nt the stata house and effected organization. About 100 delegates are present at a conference to settle differences for. machine mining anil hear the complaints of a number of operators that the Chicago scale , In effect In llllnoU , Is too high. The miners contend that a differential of T cents Is a fair com petitive price between machine nnd pick mining. The operators want to pay three- fourths of the pick rate for machine mining. Six Men Drowned. PITTSHUUO , May 19. Ten men at tempted to cross the Allegheny river on n raft , near Sprlngdalo , Pa. , this afternoon , and when In the center of thu stream tbo raft was swamped by the rough current nnd the men were precipitated Into the water. Four men succeeded In reaching the shore , but tbo others were drowned , The names are : William Anderson , John Qulnn , John Hcarsh , Frank Stepp , Newton Neal nnd Ewln Omen. NoliTt Chief IlnrrlRiin'M SncceNMor. ST. LOt'IS , May 19. Captain Jack Campbell , In charge of the sixth police dis trict In this city , was today selected to succeed Chief of I'ollco Lawrence Hnrrlgan , who resigned yesterday. The successful officer has been a member of the force for more than ten years , and once before was chief. He has n brilliant record and hU selection for this position meets with gen eral approval. _ -THIN TONIC TTTfquld malt food of extraordinary nourishing and building qualities. Grows solid flesh , fills out thin sunken cheeks and gives to bony. s angular bodies the much desired beauty curves Should be taken dally with meals and at bed time. A NON-INTOXICANT. MIMVOOHTI. VAL.BLATZ BREWING cd MILWAUKEE. US. A. Foley Bros. , Wholesale Dealers , Office , D l lone Hotel , 124 N. Mth St. , Omaha , N b. A MAP Of PORTO RICO Where is San Juan ? Where is Sampson ? Where did Dewey whip the Spaniards ? What do you know about the location of the places where the fighting is going on ? WHAT YOU WANT IS THE BEST WAR MAP , m BEE'S COMBINATION MAP , Special Map of Porto Kico. A IMap of Cuba. -A Map of the West Indies. and vl Map of the World. The Map of Cuba and the Map of the West Indies arc each x Inches ; the Map of the World is 21x21) ) inches , printed in colors from the latest maps of Hand , McNally & Company. They are accurate and complete. The Bee Coupon The Omaha Bee , Map of Cuba Coupon. and 10 cents will get It. Sent Present this coupon with lOo ( by mail 14c ) for by mail in tube , 14 cents. Map of Cuba. of the West Indies. Address , Map of Porto Rico nnd < Mnp of the World. i * * * * * CUBAN MAP DEPARTMENT , The lice Publishing Co. , Omnhn , GREAT CLEARANCE SALE. ' I Preparatory to making extensive alterations in our fU tures we offer our entire stock of Carpets , Curtains , Rugs , Mattings , Oil Cloths , Window Shades , Etc. , at unheard of prices For Cash , this Week Only. TRE YNOR s GORH AM Successors to Council Bluffs Carpet Co. Pretty as a Picture- and easy and comfortable "as a snug l > ug in a rug" la our cnsy riding , light runabouts. ' For speedy driving they are the only vehlclu outsldo of n sulky where weight Is reduced to a minimum. Look nt our superb stock of handsome buggies , phaetons , traps , surroya and buckhoards for summer driving. DEERE , WELLS & CO , Broadway and Pearl Streets , COUNCIL BLlffS , IA. JOHN G. WOODWARD & CO , , Council Bluffs , Iowa. WHOLESALE CANDY MANUFACTURERS Jobbers of -CRACKtftS , MTS , CIGARS and TIRE WORKS. Selling Agents FIELD C/TAS. 10a Cigar * . 60 CI ( turn.